Measurement Unit

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STAGE 1: a) Big Ideas, Rationale & Essential Questions

Big Ideas (from Draft Curricula)
Rationale / Relevance
Identify a Big Idea from at least 3 WHY is this unit of importance to
different curricular areas.
your students learning?
We can describe, measure,
and compare spatial
relationships: Objects have
The motion of objects
depends on their
Arts Education:
People connect to others
and share ideas through
the arts.

It is important to teach
measurement skills in a nonstandard form because it will form
the building blocks for learning
how to successfully measure
length, height, weight, etc. in
standard form. This is an
essential life skill that all people
need. This unit will also provide
students with an opportunity to
practice their observation,
problem solving, and
communication skills.
It is also important that students
learn about the motion of objects
because knowing how things
move and why is part of everyday
life. If we did not know how things
move we would be living in an
unsafe and chaotic world.

Essential Questions
Open-ended and thoughtprovoking questions that link the
curricular areas and engage
Why is measuring important?
What are different ways of
What are real life situations
where we use our measuring
How does gravity affect the
motion of certain objects?
How does force affect the motion
of certain objects?

Knowing how things move with

certain amounts of force will help
students work, play and complete
everyday tasks safely.
STAGE 1: b) What students will be learning goals for the unit
CORE Competencies
Curricular Competencies
Choose from at least one of the
Students will be able to:
three CORE competencies.
At least one from each curricular
Create an I statement that links area.
to a facet of your chosen
Social Responsibility
1. I contribute to group
activities that make my
classroom, school,
community, or natural
world a better place.
2. I can solve some problems
myself and can identify
when to ask for help.
3. I am kind to others, can
work or play cooperatively, and can build
relationships with people of
my choosing.

Communicate in many
Elaborations: concretely,
pictorially, symbolically,
and by using spoken or
written language to
express, describe, explain,
and apply mathematical
Connect mathematical
concepts to each other and
make mathematical
connections to the real
Elaborations: in daily

Students will know and
(state in your own words)

Students will be able to:
Direct comparative
Use appropriate
measurement language:
length, width, longer than,
shorter than, wider than,
mass, heavier than, lighter
than, height, capacity,
holds more, holds less.
Students will be able to:
Describe how things move
(rolling, bouncing, sliding)

activities, local and

traditional practices, the
environment, popular
media and news events,
cross-curricular integration
Use multiple
strategies to engage in
problem solving
Elaborations: visual, oral,
role-play, experimental,
written, symbolic
Questioning and
Safely manipulate materials
Make simple measurements
using non-standard units
Discuss observations
Represent observations and
ideas by drawing
Share observations and
ideas orally
Arts Education:

Experience, document,
perform, and share creative

Measure how things move

Arts Education:
Students will be able to:
Use materials, movements,
tools, and techniques to
show their learning.

works in a variety of ways

STAGE 2: Assessment Evidence

achievement of learning goals

Elaborations: activities
that help students reflect
on their learning and make
their learning visible

- Acceptable, authentic evidence demonstrating

What evidence will I gather, reflect on and record?

How will I guide the self-assessment, goal setting and reflection?

Rich Culminating Task:

Other Evidence:
Description of authentic activities or products
Through what other evidence will students
that allow students to demonstrate the desired
demonstrate achievement of the desired results as
understandings that culminate in rich evidence of they move towards the culminating task (s)?
( draft products, observations, conversations
( ie poster, showcase, presentation, video, skit,
essay, project)
How will students reflect upon and self assess their
Class discussions (say)
Measurement Stations (do/say)
Small group conversations (say)
Individual conversations (say)
Observational Booklet to be completed by
Whole group observations (do)
me throughout (write) I will be looking for
Small group observations (do)
use of vocabulary and use of manipulatives

correctly. I will collect photos for


STAGE 3: Learning Plan

What learning experiences will you design to allow students to engage with the content and develop
their skills in the competencies? What sequence will best develop the learning?
Describe appropriate learning that helps ALL learners
acquire knowledge and skills
make meaning
transfer learning
Learning Intentions
Concept 1 (length, width, height):
Whole Group:
Small Group:
(I will teaching the
I can measure the length of different objects
Intro to
math station
in the classroom
I can measure the length of different objects
during small group)
what is
in nature
Game: Taller or
I can measure the height of my friend
why we measure.
I can measure the length and width of my
Shorter, longer,
Game: Longer or

friends foot

Concept 2 (mass)
I can compare the weight of my backpack
and my friends backpack
I can compare the weight of different objects
in the classroom

Concept 3 (Capacity)
I can explain which containers hold more
water and which hold less

equal length
activity. To be
done in the forest
as well.
I can measure the
height of my
friend activity,
using string.
The Foot Book
activity read
aloud of the
Dr.Suess book
with partner
Introduction to
weight we will
compare the
weight of 2
Discuss why 2 of
the same objects
have different
Intro to capacity
discuss what
capacity is, why
containers, cups,
bowls hold

shorter Straw

Small group work

using a scale
practicing weighing
different classroom
Game: which is

Estimate activity
with 3 different
containers and
cubes how many
cubes can fit inside

How Things Move (roll / slide)

I can describe how certain objects roll or slide
I can measure how far certain objects can roll
or slide
Things to consider:
- gravity
- force

different amounts
of water.
Activity around
predicting what
container can
hold the most.

Circle Time
students will
guess how the
object will roll or
slide down a
Circle Time
activity #2
students will
measure how far
objects have
rolled or slid
using string.
Partner Work
students will
choose an object
from a bin and
investigate how
these objects
move (pushed,

each of the
Station Sort the
pompoms into
different containers
ex: how many
big pompoms fit
inside the smallest
In small group we will
investigate how things
move and how far
things move.
Using wind to move
a feather (students
will use a straw to
blow a feather we
will measure how
far the feather
whether the
surface changes
how the object
moves (tile, carpet,
Does an object roll
in a straight line?

How Things Move (bounce)

I can describe how different object bounce
I can measure how high different objects can

Circle Time
students will
guess how high
certain objects
can bounce we
will measure
together with
some string 2
students at a
Partner work
partners will
choose an object
to investigate
how it bounces.
(How high does it
bounce? Why
does it or doesnt
it bounce? Etc.)


Math Stations/Centres

Why do some
objects bounce and
others dont?
Learning Game:
using different
objects and a
cookie sheet
guess which object
may move the
quickest, guess
which object may
roll or slide, try
making the ramp
less or more steep.
Learning Game:
marble maze, using
a cardboard box
tape lines inside of
box and use a
marble to navigate
thru the maze.

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