Stages of Evolution of Entrepreneurship

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The evolutionary process of entrepreneurship activities may be divided into

the following broad stages:
1. Hunting Stage: - The primary stage of the evolution of the economic life
of man was hunting stage. Wants were limited and very few in numbers. The
family members themselves satisfied problems of food, clothing and shelter.
Producers were the consumers also. Robinson Crusoe, living in the deserted
island, satisfying his own requirements had no knowledge of business.
People in some parts of Africa and India still lead this type of life. In this
stage problems of production and distribution were not complexed since
wants were simple and limited.
2. Pastoral Stage: - With the progress of mankind gradually mental
understanding developed and people started realizing that instead of killing
animals, they should breed and rear them. Thus cattle breeding encouraged
the use of milk, and they had to think in terms of grazing areas for their
cattle. The surplus milk, meat and other related products were spared of
exchange. This stage can be termed as the first stage of economic
development and the beginning of commerce.
3. Agricultural Stage: - In search of grazing areas, they further realized that
they should grow plants as food for animals. They started testing some grain
products and slowly developed a taste in plants and the land was used for
cultivation. Groups of persons started living together on their agricultural
fields, which were subsequently converted into small villages with their
farms. Free exchange of goods was started and the activities were also
divided to the extent of division of labor at the village level to complement
the needs of each other. Initially each village was selfsufficient, but later
they began small trading activities on barter basis.
4. Handicraft Stage: - In the agricultural stage, people started learning the
use of cloth made of cotton products, and they developed the segments of
the workers for different activities. Cottage scale setup was developed at the
village level to nearby villages, and in exchange they brought requirements
either to consume themselves or for their village friends. Since the demand
for gold coins, silver coins, skin and hide etc increased the activities of
cobblers, gold smiths, and blacksmiths, laborers also rapidly increased, and
caste system was also formed on the basis of activities they did. Everybody
selected their job according to their own choice and taste.
5. Present Industrial Stage: - The use of mechanical devices and the
commonly acceptable form of monetary system accelerated the growth of
entrepreneurship activities. The progress of science and the increase in the
means of transportation and communication enabled to travel widely and the
markets were developed in the country and abroad.

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