2010 PSPM Kedah Physics 123 W Ans

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SMKDarulaman j*k

SMKDarulaman j*k
SMKDarulaman j*k
SMKDarulaman j*k
SMKDarulaman j*k
SMKDarulaman j*k
SMKDarulaman j*k
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1 SMKDarulaman j*k






Peraturan pemarkahan ini mengandungi 14 halaman bercetak

2 SMKDarulaman j*k





Paper 1 50
Paper 2 100
Paper 3 40
Total 190

Jumlah markah diskalakan kepada 100%

Paper 1
1 B 26 B
2 D 27 C
3 A 28 C
4 C 29 C
5 D 30 B
6 C 31 B
7 D 32 A
8 D 33 A
9 A 34 B
10 A 35 A
11 A 36 C
12 C 37 B
13 B 38 B
14 A 39 A
15 A 40 C
16 C 41 B
17 D 42 D
18 D 43 D
19 B 44 C
20 A 45 A
21 D 46 D
22 D 47 C
23 D 48 B
24 C 49 C
25 B 50 B
3 SMKDarulaman j*k

Paper 2

1(a) Underline the word correctly 1
- transverse

(b) (i) Complete the rays diagram correctly 1

- any two rays to show the convergence of light rays

(ii) Marks the wavelength correctly 1

- distance between two dark lines

(c) Name the instrument correctly 1 4

- stroboscope

2(a) Name the mirror correctly 1

- convex mirror

(b) State the focal length correctly 1

- f = 10 cm

(c) Ray diagram draw correctly 1

- ray parallel to the principal axis is reflected and pass through the
principal focus

Marks the image correctly 1

- intersection of the ray with the given ray

(d) State one characteristic of the image correctly 1 5

- virtual / smaller (diminished) / upright

3(a) State the type of current correctly 1

- a.c. / alternating current

(b) State the meaning correctly 1

- time taken between two consecutive dots

(c) Draw the tape chart correctly 2

- 1st strip: 2 cm
- 2nd strip: 6 cm
- 3rd strip: 9 cm
- 4th strip: 11 cm
- 5th strip: 12 cm
All five strips correctly drawn : 2 marks
Any three or four strips correctly drawn: 1 mark

(d) Describe the motion correctly 2 6

- Motion with decreasing acceleration : 2 marks
Motion with acceleration : 1 mark
4 SMKDarulaman j*k

4(a) Name the transistor correctly 1
- npn transistor

(b) Underline the word correctly

- heat 1

(c) Correct substitution 1

- 1= ×6
1 + RT

Correct answer and correct unit 1

- RT = 5 k Ω

(d) State the change in Vb correctly 1

- increases

State the explanation correctly 1

- Resistance of the thermistor decreases /
p.d. across thermistor decreases

(e) State the use of transistor correctly 1 7

- as a current amplifier

5(a) State the explanation correctly 1

- α ray can penetrate through the mica window

(b) (i) State the similarity correctly 1

- ratemeter reading decreases with distance

(ii) Compare the distance traveled by the radiation correctly 1

- The distance travelled by the radiation from source B is further

(iii) Compare the ratemeter reading correctly 1

- The final ratemeter reading for source A and B is the same

(c) Name the radiation correctly 1

- background radiation

(d) Name the type of radiation correctly 1

- α ray / α particle

State the explanation correctly 1

- range of α ray in air is about 8 cm

(e) State any one precaution correctly 1 8

- robotic arm / mechanical tongs operated by remote-control
equipment / protective clothing / any acceptable answers
5 SMKDarulaman j*k

6(a) State the meaning correctly 1
- force per unit area

(b) (i) Compare the depth of the holes correctly 1

- h2 > h1 / h2 is more

(ii) Compare the horizontal distance correctly 1

- x2 > x1 / x2 is more

(iii) State the relationship correctly 1

- The bigger the pressure at the hole, the further the horizontal
(iv) State the relationship correctly 1
- If the depth of water increases, then the pressure of water will
increase // pressure is directly proportional to the depth

(c) Give two other factors correctly 2

- density of liquid
- gravitational field strengh, g

(d) Give the explanation correctly 1 8

- pressure increases with depth /
- pressure pressing on the body of the diver is high

7(a) State the meaning correctly 1

- degree of hotness
(b) (i) State the reason correctly 1
- heat is used to break the bonds between molecule
(ii) Correct formula or substitution 1
- E = Pt // E = 1000 x 5 x 60
Correct answer and correct unit 1
- 3 x 105 J // 3 x 105 W s
(iii) State the mass of water changes to steam 1
- 50 g
State the substitution correctly 1
- 0.05 x l = 3 x 105
Correct answer with correct unit 1
- l = 6 x 106 J kg-1

(c) (i) State the explanation correctly 1

- heat loss to the surroundings

(ii) Two suggestions correctly 2 10

- insulate the beaker
- Electric heater must be completely immersed in water
6 SMKDarulaman j*k

8(a) State the phenomenon correctly 1
- Electromagnetic induction

(b) State the terminals correctly 1

- W and Z
- X and Z

(c) (i) State the terminals correctly 1

- W and Z

(ii) Give the reason correctly 2

- Highest ratio of number of turns of secondary coil to number of
turns of primary coil // highest

(d) (i) Complete the values of Pin correctly 1

- A : 60 W
B : 60 W
C : 72 W
D : 72 W
All values of Pin calculated correctly
Complete the values of e correctly 2
- A : 0.80
B : 0.90
C : 0.80
D : 0.90
All values of e calculated correctly, 2 marks
2 or 3 calculated correctly, 1 mark

(ii) Give the choice correctly 1

- A and B (accept e.c.f.)

(iii) Give the choice correctly 1

- B and D (accept e.c.f.)

(iv) Give the reason correctly 1

- Highest efficiency

(v) Give the choose of the most suitable bulb correctly 1 12

- Transformer B
7 SMKDarulaman j*k


9(a) (i) State the meaning correctly 1 1
- Energy due to height
(ii) Compare the initial position correctly 1
- Initial position of the student in Diagram 9.1 is higher
Compare the speed correctly 1
- The speed of the student on reaching the final position in
Diagram 9.1 is higher
Relate the speed with energy correctly 1
- The higher the speed of the student, the higher the energy
Relate the position with energy gained correctly 1 4
- The higher the position , the higher the energy gained
(iii) Name the physics principle correctly 1 1
- Principle of Conservation of Energy
(b) (i) State the changes in energy from P to O correctly 1
- elastic potential energy to kinetic energy and gravitational
potential energy
State the changes in energy from O to Q correctly 1
- elastic potential energy and kinetic energy to gravitational
potential energy
(ii) Give the process correctly 1
- due to damping
Give the explanation correctly 1 4
- work done against air resistance //
- loss of energy due to the extension and compression of the
molecules in the system
(c) State aspect of strength of the cord correctly 1
- strong // high strength
State reason for aspect of strength of the cord correctly 1
- it won’t break easily
State aspect of force constant of the bow correctly 1
- high force constant
State reason for aspect of force constant of the bow correctly 1
- store higher elastic potential energy
State aspect of material for the bow correctly 1
- strong // high strength // any suitable material
State reason for material for the bow correctly 1
- it won’t break easily
State aspect of the design of the arrow correctly 1
- thin // aerodynamic // streamline
State reason for aspect of the arrow correctly 1
- less air resistance
State aspect of way the arrow is aimed correctly 1
- slightly above the target
State reason for way the arrow is aimed correctly 1 10
- the path is parabolic / curved/downward // due to free fall motion
8 SMKDarulaman j*k

10(a) (i) State the reason correctly 1 1
- To ensure constant velocity of water wave / ripple.

(ii) Name the water wave phenomenon correctly 1 1

- Interference

(iii) State the amplitude of wave correctly 1 1

- Zero or minimum
(iv) Diagram showing superposition of a crest and a trough 1
Diagram showing the resultant amplitude 1 2
- zero // minimum // smaller than the original amplitude

(b) (i) Compare the distance between vibrators correctly 1

- The distance in Diagram 10.1 is higher
(ii) Compare the distance between the adjacent nodal line correctly 1
- The distance in Diagram 10.1 is smaller
(iii) Compare the wavelength correctly 1
- Same
(iv) State the relationship between a and x correctly 1 5
- The higher the a, the smaller the x // a inversely proportional to x
// a α
Reject Equation λ =

(c) (i) Suggest the number of loudspeakers correctly 1

- Increase the number of loudspeakers // use more loudspeakers
Give the reason correctly 1
- To produce louder sound // Sound transmitted covers a bigger
(ii) Suggest position of the loudspeaker correctly 1
- Placed at all corners // different locations
Give the reason correctly 1
- Cover a bigger area // the spectators around the area can hear
(iii) Suggest the amplification correctly 1
- High amplification
Give the reason correctly 1 6
- to produce louder sound // sound can travel further

(d) Give the choice of D correctly 1

- Large/big
Give the reason correctly 1
- Less diffraction // spreading // sound travels straight
Give the choice of L correctly 1
- Large/big
Give the reason correctly 1 4
- Vibrates more air // produces louder sound
9 SMKDarulaman j*k


11(a) State the meaning correctly 1 1
- angle of incidence when the angle of refraction is 90o
(b) (i) Write the equation correctly 1
- n=
sin c

(ii) Determine the critical angle for glass correctly // Compare the 1
refractive index correctly
- 41.8o // refractive index for glass is smaller
Determine the critical angle for diamond correctly // Compare 1
the critical angle correctly
- 24.6o // critical angle for diamond is smaller
Relate the critical angle and occurrence of total internal 1 4
reflection correctly
- The smaller the critical angle, the easier total internal reflection
can occur
(c) (i) Give the correct value of i and r in the substitution 1+1
sin 42 o
sin 30 o
Correct answer without unit 1
n = 1.34

(ii) Correct substitution

1 1
1.34 = , accept e.c.f. (c)(i)
apparent depth
State the answer with unit correctly 1 5
0.75 m
(d) State the choice and reason of refractive index correctly 1+1
1 high refractive index
2 total internal reflection easier to occur // smaller critical angle
State the choice and reason of thickness correctly 1+1
3 thick
4 keep cool / cut off more light
State the choice and reason of thermal conductivity correctly 1+1
5 low
6 cut off more heat // reduce transmission of heat
State the choice and reason of angle θ correctly 1+1
7 small
8 critical angle can be easily exceeded // total internal reflection
easier to occur
State most suitable design and justification correctly 1+1 10
9 Q
10 High refractive index, thick, low thermal conductivity and small
angle θ
10 SMKDarulaman j*k

12(a) State the two properties and explanations correctly
- High melting point 1
- Can withstand high temperature / heat // does not melt easily 1
- Not easily oxidized 1
- Can last longer 1 4
(b) (i) State the meaning correctly 1
- Maximum current flowing through the fuse is 0.5 A
(ii) State the suitable melting point and reason correctly 1+1
1 Low melting point
2 Can melt easily
State the suitable specific heat capacity and reason correctly 1+1
3 Low specific heat capacity
4 Can heat up easily
State the suitable diameter and reason correctly 1+1
5 Small
6 High resistance // more heat released // easy to break
State the suitable resistivity and reason correctly 1+1
7 High
8 High resistance // more heat released
State most suitable choice of generator and justification 1+1 10
9 Z
10 Low melting point, low specific heat capacity, small diameter
and high resistivity

(c) (i) Correct substitution 1

Correct answer and unit 1
- 2.08 A
(ii) State correctly 1
- Not suitable
(iii) Correct substitution 1
- 500 x (10x60)
Correct answer with unit 1 5
- 300 000 J
11 SMKDarulaman j*k

Paper 3

1(a) (i) Able to state the manipulated variable
- Length / L 1 1
(ii) Able to state the responding variable
- Current / I 1 1
(iii) Able to state a constant variable
- Cross sectional area / A // material of wire// temperature 1 1
(b) (i) Able to state the value of I
All 5 readings of I correct: 1.8, 1.2, 0.9, 0.7, 0.6 2
3 or 4 correct 1
Consistency to 1 or 2 decimal places 1 3

(ii) Able to calculate the value of 1/L

4 or 5 correct: 5.00, 3.33, 2.50, 2.00, 1.67 1
Consistency in 1, 2, 3 or 4 decimal places 1 2
(c) Able to tabulate L, 1/L and I
) based on the following aspects:
Tick (
A  Quantities L, 1/L and I shown in heading 
B  Units m,m-1 and A shown in heading 
L/m 1/L / m-1 I/A 2
0.20 5.00 1.8
0.30 3.33 1.2
0.40 2.50 0.9
0.50 2.00 0.7
0.60 1.67 0.6

(d) Able to draw a complete graph of I against 1/L

Tick  based on the following aspects:
A  Show I on Y-axis and 1/L on the X-axis 
B  State the units of the variables correctly 
C  Both axes are marked with uniform scale 
D  All five points are plotted correctly 
[Note : 3 to 4 points plotted correctly : ]
E  Best straight line is drawn 
F  Show the minimum size of graph at least 5 x 4 
( 2 cm x 2 cm) square
(counted from the origin until furthest point)
Score :
Number of  Score
7 5
5-6  4
3-4  3
2 2 5
1 1
(e) Able to state the correct relationship between I and 1/L
I is directly proportional to 1/L // I α 1/L 1 1
12 SMKDarulaman j*k

2(a) (i) Able to state the relationship between T 2 and m
T 2 increases linearly with m // T 2 increases, m increases 1 1

(ii) Able to show the method to read value of T

- Draw the extrapolation line and show the vertical line
corresponding to m = 0.30 kg 1
- State the value of T 2 (within range 1.45 – 1.50) 1
- Determine the value of T (within range 1.20 – 1.22) 1 3

(iii) Able to calculate the gradient of the graph, T2 against m

- Draw a sufficiently large triangle / 3 x 3 1
- Correct substitution (Follow candidate’s triangle)

1.25 − 0.20 1
Sample answer : // corresponding values

Answer without unit

1 3
4.2 (within range 4.1 to 4.3)

(b) Able to calculate the value of k and state the value correctly
- Correct substitution 1
4 × 3.14
4 .2
- Accept error carried forward (e.c.f.) (a)(iii)
- Answer with correct unit 1 2
2.99 kg s-2 (within range 2.92 – 3.06)

(c) Able to calculate the value of energy, E and state the value
- Correct substitution 1
E = × 2.99 × 0.12
- Accept e.c.f. (b)
1 2
- Answer with correct unit
0.015 J

(d) Able to state one correct precaution

Sample answers

- Do not exceed the elastic limit of the spring 1 1

- Position of the eyes must be aligned with the scale on the
- Repeat the experiment and take the average reading
13 SMKDarulaman j*k

3 (a) Able to state a suitable inference
Sample answers
The thickness of the lens affects the distance from the lens to the 1 1
table / focal length
(b) Able to state a relevant hypothesis
Sample answer
The greater the thickness of the lens, the smaller the distance from 1 1
the lens to the screen / focal length
(c) Able to describe a complete and suitable experimental
Sample answer
(i) State the aim of experiment
To investigate the relationship between the thickness of the lens and 1
the distance from the lens to the screen / focal length
(ii) State the manipulated variable and the responding variable
Manipulated variable : Thickness of the lens 1
Responding variable : distance from the lens to the screen / 1
focal length / f
(Note: Constant variable can be ignored)
(iii) State the complete list of apparatus and materials
Convex lenses, screen, metre rule, lens holder 1
(iv) State a functionable arrangement of the apparatus 1
Convex lens Screen
Metre rule

(v) State the method to control the manipulated variable

A convex lens with thickness 0.4 cm is placed in front of a screen 1
State the method to measure the responding variable
The screen is adjusted until a sharp image of a distant object is
obtained and the distance between the lens and the screen is 1
Repeat the experiment at least four times
The previous steps are repeated using convex lenses of thickness 0.6 1
cm, 0.8 cm, 1.0 cm and 1.2 cm
(vi) State how the data is tabulated
Thickness / cm Focal length / cm
1.2 1
(vii) State how the data is analysed
Plot a graph of focal length against thickness of the lens. 1 10
14 SMKDarulaman j*k

4 (a) Able to state a suitable inference
Sample answer
The loudness of the sound depends on the distance (between the 1 1
source and the observer)
(b) Able to state a relevant hypothesis
Sample answer
The smaller the distance (between the source and the observer), the 1 1
louder the sound
(c) Able to describe a complete and suitable experimental
Sample answer
(i) State the aim of experiment
To investigate the relationship between the loudness of a sound and 1
the distance (between the source and the observer)
(ii) State the manipulated variable and the responding variable
Manipulated variable : distance, d 1
Responding variable : loudness of sound (amplitude, a) 1
(Note: Constant variable can be ignored)
(iii) State the complete list of apparatus and materials
Audio signal generator, loudspeaker, cathode ray oscilloscope 1
(CRO), microphone, meter rule / measuring tape
(iv) State a functionable arrangement of the apparatus 1
Audio signal Loudspeaker Microphone CRO

(v) State the method of controlling the manipulated variable

The microphone is placed at a distance, d = 20.0 cm from the 1
State the method of measuring the responding variable
The amplitude, a, of the trace on the screen of the is measured. 1
Repeat the experiment at least four times
The procedure was repeated for the values of distance, d = 30.0 cm, 1
40.0 cm, 50.0 cm and 60.0 cm
(vii) Tabulate the data
Distance, d / cm Amplitude, a
60.0 1
(vii) State how data is analysed
A graph of a against d is drawn 1 10


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