Pa Tho Physiology of Gangrenous Left Foot
Pa Tho Physiology of Gangrenous Left Foot
Pa Tho Physiology of Gangrenous Left Foot
Precipitating factors:
Cold and clammy foot
Attempted self hot compress
Accidentally burnt skin in the tissues
Tissue damage on left foot
Aggravating tissue damage that goes not heal
Functiolyza of affected part ← Necrosis → Liberation of hemoglobin from hemolyzed red blood cells by hydrogen
sulfide (H2S) produced by the bacteria
↓ ↓
↓ Ability to do ADLs ↓
Formation of black iron sulfide that remains in the tissues
Black foul smelling tissue of client’s left foot reaching below
↓ ↓
↓ Activities and exercise Stimulation of PNS Scheduled AKA operation →Anxiety r/t
↓ ↓ ↓ disturbed body image
Muscle atrophy Activation of nociceptors Anxiety r/t fear of surgical
procedure and outcome