Pa Tho Physiology of Gangrenous Left Foot

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Predisposing Factors: Contributing factors:

Age -80 years old -Previous untended tissue impairment
Gender -Female -Poor wound management
-Sedentary lifestyle
-Environmental factors

Precipitating factors:
Cold and clammy foot

Attempted self hot compress

Accidentally burnt skin in the tissues

Tissue damage on left foot

Aggravating tissue damage that goes not heal

Decreased Hgb-100g/L ← Infection → Increase WBC (13.6x 109/L)

Increase hemoconcentration

Increase viscosity of blood

Slower blood and 02 distributions to peripheral tissue/organs

Decrease O2 to nourish peripheral tissues


Tissue/cell mitochondria of affected part start to swell

Membranes rupture

Lysosomal enzymes released to tissues

Functiolyza of affected part ← Necrosis → Liberation of hemoglobin from hemolyzed red blood cells by hydrogen
sulfide (H2S) produced by the bacteria
↓ ↓
↓ Ability to do ADLs ↓
Formation of black iron sulfide that remains in the tissues

Black foul smelling tissue of client’s left foot reaching below
↓ ↓

↓ Activities and exercise Stimulation of PNS Scheduled AKA operation →Anxiety r/t
↓ ↓ ↓ disturbed body image
Muscle atrophy Activation of nociceptors Anxiety r/t fear of surgical
procedure and outcome

Pain impulse travel to horn of spinal cord through A-delta fibers

Connects with secondary neurons mostly on laminae I, III, V

Releases P and Calcitonin gene-related peptide

Pain message across the synapse of afferent neurons

Ascends to spinal cord through the pathway of the spinothalamic tract and spinoreticulo tract to brain stem and thalamus

Transmitted to somatic sensory cortex

Pain perception

Pain scale 9 (where 0-painless, and 10- most painful)

Sleep Disturbances

1-2h of intermittent sleep during hospital stay

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