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Health problem Family Nursing Goals of care Objectives of Nursing Interventions Method of Resources Nursing

Diagnosis Care nurse-family required Evaluation


Unhealthy Inability make After 15-30 1. Educate the Home visit Human: time After 15-30
lifestyle decisions with minutes of family and effort of the minutes of
respect to taking rendering regarding the student nurses rendering
appropriate effective disadvantages and the effective nursing
health action nursing of smoking, cooperation of interventions,
due to inability interventions, lifestyle or diet the family. the family is
to decide which the family will and about the now able to
be able to action of appreciate the
action to take
appreciate the maintenance benefits of
from among a
benefits of medicines. taking in
list with taking in maintenance
alternatives as maintenance medicines and of
Rationale: widen the
manifested by medicines and family’s awareness having a healthy
not taking in of having a about the presence of lifestyle, as
maintenance healthy the problem. manifested by
medicines for lifestyle, as taking in
hypertension as would be 2. Encourage maintenance
well as not manifested by family medicines and
observing a taking in members who by smoking a
healthy maintenance are smoking, lesser number of
lifestyle/diet as medicines and especially Jose cigarette sticks a
manifested by by smoking a and Jomar, to day.
continuous lesser number lessen the
smoking of of cigarette number of
sticks a day. cigarette sticks
they smoke per


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