IC Operational Amplifiers: EN1092: Laboratory Practice Electronic Laboratory Experiment: 3

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EN1092: Laboratory Practice

Electronic Laboratory Experiment: 3

IC Operational Amplifiers
Post-Laboratory Exercise

Group: EE02 Name: Bandara A.G.N

Group Members: Ariyasinghe W.M.S.L Admission No: 090041G

Balasooriya B.M.A.N Date of Experiment: 28/08/2010

Bandara A.G.N Date of Submission: 2/12/2010

1. Small Signal Amplification with the Use of IC Operational Amplifiers
1.1. Gain of the inverting amplifier

−R 2 −10 K Ω
Gain= = =−10
R1 1K Ω

−V out ( p− p) −7.64 V
Gain= = =−7.64
V ¿(p− p ) 1V

1.2. Gain of the inverting amplifier


R2 10 K Ω
Gain= 1+( R1 )
1K Ω


V out (p − p) 7.83 V
Gain= = =7.83
V ¿( p− p) 1V

1.3. Gain
Frequency(Hz) Voltage Gain(Av)
Inverting Amp Non inverting Amp
100 0.729 0.721
1K 4.98 5.87
10K 9.11 10.00
100K 8.40 8.52
200K 9.66 9.63
500K 3.10 5.07
1M 2.80 2.77

1.5. Cutoff frequency of non-inverting amplifier

Lower: - 1527.56Hz Upper: - 387852.56Hz

Cutoff frequency of inverting amplifier

Lower: - 1983.04Hz Upper: - 232630.51Hz

2. Op amp Buffer with High current Output Capability
2.1. Voltage gain of the buffer circuit

Neglecting BE voltage drop

R2 4.7 K Ω
Gain= 1+( R3
=1+) 1KΩ

V out (p − p) 5.3 V
Gain= = =5.3
V ¿( p− p) 1V

2.2. Input current when the sampling resister is included

Using V=IR
(1−0.5 ) V
I= 3
=5× 10−6 A=5 μA
100× 10 Ω
2.3. Input resistance of the amplifier
1V 1
input voltage∈rms= × =0.353 V
2 √2
input voltage 0.353V
input resistance= = =70600 Ω=70.6 K Ω
input current 5 ×10−6 A
2.4. Peak Current through the load

Current is peak when the output is maximum (i.e. input is maximum)

maximum outpt =maximum input × gain=0.5 V ×5.3 V =2.65 V

max .out−(−15 V ) 2.65+15

peak current = = =1.765 mA
10 ×10 3 Ω 10 ×103

2.5. Input current is very small but output current is very large .This can be used for control a large
current by a small current. In other words this is a current amplifier.


max .Current ×max . Voltage 1.765 mA × 2.65

RMS Voltage= = =2.33 mW
2 2
3. Simple regulated DC power source using op-amp control system .

3.1. Output voltage is constant when the system is slightly changed. V out not decreases due to
changing current from the output.

R1 and R2 acts as a voltage divider which feeds back a portion from output to input which
is equal toV out × .And this is proportional to V out also this should be smaller than
R1+ R 2
voltage of the zener diode(Z1) .So the output is positive and proportional to
Z 1−V out × .When V out decreases input increases then output increases and the
R 1+ R 2
base voltage of the transistor increases and it causes V out to be increased to prior
value .also when the V out increases input decreases then output decreases and the base
voltage of the transistor decreases the transistor conducts less heavily and V out
decreased to prior value. It is realized that this gives a constant output voltage and the
regulated output voltage is equal to 1+
R2 )
Z 1 when the voltage drop of the transistor BE


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