Copy Reading Exercises

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The passage discusses common obstacles and rejections faced by famous figures early in their careers.

Editing marks like insert, delete, transpose, and align were used in the passage.

Fred Astaire was told after a screen test that he couldn't act, was slightly bald, and could only dance a little.

Edit the news sentences using your own symbols.

Make sure to check the punctuation, sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, pronoun-antecedent agreement, and other rules.

During the 1990s, a nine year old girl in Ruston Louisiana won a trophy, 5000 dollars, and a trip to the United States Capital Bl;dg. Thomas Shriver Junior an employee of the Roess Company in Fairbanks Alaska has a Ph.D. in economics and will be here Mon, Tues., & Wed. Prof. Rebecca Malone of Forty-two Fifth Avenue works in the History Department and shares an office in Rm. 247 of the Humanities Bldg. Afterwards, 7 persons, all United States citizens, testified that the US navy payed the Westinghouse Corporation $14,200,000 dollars. The Washington Post reported Tue. That the suspect is White, in her 30s, about 5 ft., 2 inches tall, and weighs about one hundred pds. Only one media reported that the President of the National Rifle Assn. met with sixteen members of the US Congress on August 23, 2008. During the 1960s, a committee of the United States Congress estimated that the program would cost $7 to $8.4 billion dollars. The boy, age 7, had 42 cents and said his mother, the Mayor, will attend the P.T.A meeting Nov. 28 if the temperature remains above 0. It was an unusual phenomena. During the twentieth century, the odds were 9 to 1 that 80 % of the Mayors would be reelected to a 2nd term.
Moving backwards, the 14 yr old babysitter in martin Tn. Said goodbye, then picked up the bible and ran towards her home on Roe St.


Exercise I.

Copyreading Signs and Symbols

Direction: Illustrate through signs and symbols the following copy fixers actions/remarks.

Copy fixers Actions/Remarks

To Be Edited

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Delete; take out Insert space Insert letter(s) or word(s) Transpose letters or words Close up; no space Align with left margin Align with right margin Center Start new paragraph Do not start new paragraph

Always mark all proofse Always markproofs properly. Always mak profs properly. Always proofs makr properly. Always m ark proofs prop erly. Always mark proof Always mark proof Mark Proofs Always mark proofs properly. Always mark proofs. Mark them properly. Always mark proofs properly. Always mark proofs properly. Always mark proof Never mark proofs properly Proofs if properly marked Always mark proof properly The proofs in the proof mark. He said, Mark proofs properly. The writer editor marks proofs. Always not sometimes marks. Proofing is a no. 1 priority. Alw ys mark oofs properly. a pr

11. Do not start new line 12. Do not make correction; Let stand as written 13. This is wrong; see copy 14. This is questionable; Check or query author 15. Insert comma 16. Insert period 17. Insert apostrophe 18. Insert quotation marks 19. Insert hyphen 20. Insert dash 21. Spell out 22. Align

Exercise II. Editing a Copy Direction: Edit the feature article using the copyreaders editing marks. When Obstacles Get You Down

Do obstacles get you down when trying to get something doone? Consider the following After Fred Astaires first screen test, a 1933 memo from the mgm testing director said: Cant act. Slightly bald. Can dance a little. Astaire kept that memo over the fire place in his Beverly Hills home An expert said of famous football coach VinceLombardi: He possesses minimal football knowledge. Lacks motivashun. Louisa May Alcott, the author of Little Women, was advised by her family to find work as a Servant or seamstress. Beethoven handled the voilin awkwardly and prefered playing his own personal compositions instead of improving his technique. His teacher called him utterly hopeless as a composer. The teacher of famous opera singer Enrico Caruso said Caruso had no voice at all and could not sing? Walt Disney was fired by a news paper for lacking ideas. He also goed backrupt several times before he build Disneyland. Eighteen publishers turned down Richard Bachs 10000 word story about a soaring seagull before Macmillan finally published it in 1970. By 1975, Jonathan Livingston Seagull had sold more than 7 million copies in the U.S. alone.

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