Rr311402 Digital Electronics
Rr311402 Digital Electronics
Rr311402 Digital Electronics
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, November 2007
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) Explain the response of low pass RC circuit for square wave input. [8]
(b) Explain the Operation of Zener diode clippers with relevant circuit diagrams.
2. (a) Explain the Operation of an Astable multivibrator and Derive expressions for
period of oscillation. [8]
(b) Find the pulse width and period of output of an Astable multivibrator where
R1 =R2 =30KΩ, C1 =C2 =0.2 µF and take necessary assumptions. [8]
3. (a) Explain how transistor will act as a switch and explain the switching charac-
teristics of a transistor. [8]
(b) Draw the characteristics of CE configuration and explain how VCE(sat) varies
with respect to different load resistances. [8]
4. Draw the AND-OR gate implementation of given functions after simplifying in both
SOP and POS forms. [16]
(a) F(A,B,C,D)=Σ(0,2,5,6,7,8,10)
(b) F(A,B,C,D)=Π (1,3,5,7,11,14)
5. (a) Implement a Full Subtractor with NOR gates only. Give the expressions for
Difference and Borrow with the help of truth table? [8]
(b) Design a combinational circuit that gives sum of two 2-bit numbers x1x0 and
y1y0 whose outputs are Carry,Sum1,Sum0 by using two Full Adders .Also
derive expressions for outputs from truth table? [8]
6. (a) Why preset and clear inputs are required by a FF. Explain the operation of a
clocked RS-FF with preset and clear inputs with the help of complete truth
table and output waveforms? [8]
(b) What is the basic sequential circuit that stores 1-bit of memory. Draw its
diagram and truth table. mention some applications of it? [8]
7. (a) Explain in detail a 4-bit up/down counter with timing diagrams? [8]
(b) What are the four different possible configurations of shift registers? Draw a
general 4-bit shift register and its timing diagrams? [8]
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Code No: RR311402 Set No. 1
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Code No: RR311402 Set No. 2
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, November 2007
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Explain the response of RC high pass circuit to a symmetrical square wave input
and derive the expression for the % tilt. [16]
2. (a) For the fixed bias Germanium transistor npn type, the junction voltages at
saturation cutoff and in active region may be assumed to be zero. This circuit
operates properly over the temperature range -50o C to +75o C and it just
starts mal functioning at these extremes. The various circuit specifications
are VCC = 4.5 V, VBB = 3.0 V, hf e = 40 at -50o C, hf e = 60 at 75o C, ICBO =
4µA at 25o C and doubles for every 10 o C. Collector current is 10mA. Design
the values of RC1 , R1 and R2 . [8]
(b) Explain the Operation of Bistable multivibrator and derive the stable state
currents and voltage expressions. [8]
4. Explain the properties of EX-OR gates and prove the following [16]
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Code No: RR311402 Set No. 2
7. (a) Explain in detail about the operations involved in an universal shift register
with timing diagrams? [8]
(b) What is modulus related to counters. Draw and explain the operation of a
MOD-8 counter with the help of timing diagrams? [8]
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Code No: RR311402 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, November 2007
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Explain the response of RC high pass circuit to a symmetrical square wave input
and derive the expression for the % tilt. [16]
2. (a) Explain the Operation of an Astable multivibrator and Derive expressions for
period of oscillation. [8]
(b) Find the pulse width and period of output of an Astable multivibrator where
R1 =R2 =30KΩ, C1 =C2 =0.2 µF and take necessary assumptions. [8]
3. (a) Derive the expressions for UTP and LTP in Schmitt trigger by taking necessary
assumptions. [8]
(b) Design a Schmitt trigger circuit using npn transistors having hF E(min) = 60,
VBE cut−of f =0V, VCE(sat) = 0.2V, VBE(sat) = 0.7V. Given VCC = 18 V and
output swing 6V. UTP = 3.5V, LTP = 1.5V, R1 = 10 KΩ, R2 = 2 KΩ. Deter-
mine RC1 , RC2 and Re . [8]
4. (a) Explain different types of representations used to represent negative numbers
in binary system with examples. How negative zero is represented in above.
(b) Perform (+42) + (-13) , (-42)+ (-13) and (-42)- (-13) using signed-2’s com-
plement. [8]
5. (a) Implement the following function with an 8x1 MUX [8]
(b) Implement a Full Adder with NAND gates only. Derive expressions for Sum
and Carry from the truth table? [8]
6. (a) What is the difference between a combinational circuit and a sequential cir-
cuit? Give some examples and applications of both? [8]
(b) Draw and explain a clocked RS-FF with the help of truth table and output
waveforms? [8]
7. (a) Explain in detail about the operations involved in an universal shift register
with timing diagrams? [8]
(b) What is modulus related to counters. Draw and explain the operation of a
MOD-8 counter with the help of timing diagrams? [8]
8. (a) Why LCDs are preferred to LEDs. Explain the importance of LCD displays
in calculators. [8]
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Code No: RR311402 Set No. 3
(b) Explain the BCD to 7 segment decoder driver. [8]
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Code No: RR311402 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations, November 2007
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. Draw the circuit diagram of Emitter coupled clipping circuit and draw its transfer
characteristics. Explain the operation of circuit and derive the expression for total
output voltage swing. [16]
2. (a) For the fixed bias Germanium transistor npn type, the junction voltages at
saturation cutoff and in active region may be assumed to be zero. This circuit
operates properly over the temperature range -50o C to +75o C and it just
starts mal functioning at these extremes. The various circuit specifications
are VCC = 4.5 V, VBB = 3.0 V, hf e = 40 at -50o C, hf e = 60 at 75o C, ICBO =
4µA at 25o C and doubles for every 10 o C. Collector current is 10mA. Design
the values of RC1 , R1 and R2 . [8]
(b) Explain the Operation of Bistable multivibrator and derive the stable state
currents and voltage expressions. [8]
3. (a) Derive the expressions for UTP and LTP in Schmitt trigger by taking necessary
assumptions. [8]
(b) Design a Schmitt trigger circuit using npn transistors having hF E(min) = 60,
VBE cut−of f =0V, VCE(sat) = 0.2V, VBE(sat) = 0.7V. Given VCC = 18 V and
output swing 6V. UTP = 3.5V, LTP = 1.5V, R1 = 10 KΩ, R2 = 2 KΩ. Deter-
mine RC1 , RC2 and Re . [8]
4. Add and multiply the following numbers without converting to decimal [16]
6. (a) What is the difference between a combinational circuit and a sequential cir-
cuit? Give some examples and applications of both? [8]
(b) Draw and explain a clocked RS-FF with the help of truth table and output
waveforms? [8]
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Code No: RR311402 Set No. 4
7. (a) Draw and explain 4-bit left shift and right shift registers with timing diagrams?
(b) What is a counter? Give some applications. What is the difference between
synchronous and asynchronous counters? Draw and explain the operation of
a 4-bit synchronous counter with its truth table and waveforms? [8]
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