Modul 6,7,8

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Exercise on Comparison of Adjectives

Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative). 1. My house is(big)

than yours. than that one. book I have ever read. than smokers. animal in the world? than a holiday in the mountains. than a beer.

2. This flower is(beautiful) 3. This is the(interesting) 4. Non-smokers usually live(long) 5. Which is the(dangerous) 6. A holiday by the sea is(good)

7. It is strange but often a coke is(expensive) 8. Who is the(rich) woman on earth?

9. The weather this summer is even(bad) 10. He was the(clever) thief of all.

than last summer.

Choose the correct form of the adjective (comparative or superlative): 1) My English teacher is .......... (friendly) than my history teacher. 2) This medicine works .......... (good) than the one I took last week. 3) Who is the .......... (good) soccer player in the world? 4) She always gets good grades; she must be the .......... (intelligent) girl in the class. 5) Moscow is .......... (far) than London. 6) Which country is .......... (big): Mexico or Costa Rica? 7) Aconcagua is the .......... (high) mountain in South America. 8) A Ferrari is .......... (fast) than a Maserati. 9) Mick Jagger is .......... (famous) than Steven Tyler. 10)This exercise was .......... (easy) than the previous one.

Put in the adjective in bold from the first sentence into the second sentence in its correct form (comparative or superlative). Example: I have a fast car, but my friend has a ______ car. Answer: I have a fast car, but my friend has a faster car.

1) This is a nice cat. It's much

than my friend's cat. . exercise

2) Here is Emily. She's six years old. Her brother is nine, so he is 3) This is a difficult exercise. But the exercise with an asterisk (*) is the on the worksheet. 4) He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the 5) In the last holidays I read a good book, but father gave me an even weekend. 6) School is boring, but homework is than school.

hobby in the world. one last

7) Skateboarding is a dangerous hobby. Bungee jumping is 8) This magazine is cheap, but that one is .

than skateboarding.

9) We live in a small house, but my grandparents' house is even 10) Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This joke was the

than ours. joke I've ever heard.

Active//Passive Voice In active voice sentences the subject does the action. Example: Liz played the piano. In passive voice sentences the subject receives the action. Example: The piano was played by Liz. - The sentence that uses the active voice is stronger, uses fewer words, and clearly shows who performs the action. - The sentence that uses the passive voice is weaker and less direct. It is, however, not incorrect to use the passive voice. Sometimes the doer of the action is omitted in passive voice sentences. Example: The piano was played. Directions:: Decide whether the following sentences are written in the active or passive voice. Then write the doer of the action on the line to the right. If the doer is unknown, write a question mark (?). 1) Thomas feeds his dog. active / passive ____________ 2) The dog is fed by Thomas. active / passive ____________

3) The family went to the beach. active / passive ____________ 4) The letter was written by Marshall. active / passive ____________ 5) The game had been won by the blue team. active / passive ___________ _ 6) The problem was solved. active / passive ____________ 7) The stunt man risked his life. active / passive ____________ 8) The fire was extinguished. active / passive ____________ 9) The car was being cleaned by its owner. active / passive ____________ 10) It gets cold here during the winter. active / passive ____________ Directions:: Rewrite the passive voice sentences as active voice sentences. Passive: The dog was hit by the car. Active: _________________________________________________________________________ Pasive: The house will be built by the construction crew in five months. Active: _________________________________________________________________________ Directions:: Rewrite the active voice sentences as passive voice sentences. Active: Julie answered the question. Passive: ________________________________________________________________________ Active: The dolphins have learned many tricks. Passiive: ________________________________________________________________________
[Active to Passive] Make the following active sentences passive. Change the verbs in these sentences into their passive equivalents, and make whatever other changes are necessary. Example: They answered my question at once. Answer: My question was answered at once (by them). 1. A wave of strikes followed these events. 2. The court convicted him of murder. 3. Someone stole my wallet. 4. Well choose the route tomorrow. 5. Our teacher is explaining a rule. 6. I have received a parcel today. 7. They have cut a cake into twelve parts. 8. Hell have received the parcel by the end of the day. 9. We sent him for the doctor. 10. Our teachers often refer to this article. 11. They often laughed at him. 12. The manager offered Mr. Dean a new job. 13. They have given the Nobel Prize in Literature to Mario Vargas Llosa. Answers: 1. These events were followed by a wave of strikes. 2. was convicted of murder. 3. My wallet was stolen. 4. The route will be chosen tomorrow. 5. The rule is being explained by the teacher. 6. The parcel has been received by me today. 7. The cake has been cut into twelve parts.

8. The parcel will have been received by the end of the day. 9. He was sent for the doctor (by us). (or) The doctor was sent for (by us). 10. This article is often referred to. 11. He was often laughed at. 12. Mr. Dean was offered a new job. (or) A new job was offered to Mr. Dean. 13. The Nobel Prize has been given to Mario Vargas Llosa. (or) Mario Vargas Llosa has been given the Nobel Prize. Excercises Here are some sentences with verbs in the passive voice. Making whatever other changes are necessary, convert the following passive sentences to their active forms. Example: The proposal was supported by everybody. Answer: Everybody supported the proposal. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Chopsticks are used by the Chinese for eating. Ann was brought up by her aunt. Penicillin was discovered by Fleming. The books were published by McGraw-Hill. The question is being discussed by them now. My papers have been stolen by someone. The problem had been solved by him. The parcel will have been sent by the 1st of November by our service.

Answers: 1. The Chinese use chopsticks for eating. 2. Her aunt brought her up. 3. Fleming discovered penicillin. 4. McGraw-Hill published the books. 5. They are discussing the question now. 6. Someone has stolen my papers. 7. He had solved the problem. 8. Our service will have sent a parcel by the 1st of November.

Exercise VI. 1. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Present Indefinite, Passive Voice. a. This text (to write) in pencil. b. This question (to discuss) everywhere. c. The table (to cover) with a red cloth. d. Most New York skyscrapers (to make) of steel and glass. 2. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Past Indefinite, Passive Voice. a. No echo (to hear) for three seconds. b. All the details (to know) to the scientists. c. A new island (to find). d. Our ship (to send) to explore that area. e. The laboratory (to equip) for this kind of scientific studies. f. A fish (to catch).

g. I (to tell) about it only yesterday. 3. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Future Indefinite, Passive Voice. a. The criminal (to detain) by the police. Answers: 1. a. This text is written in pencil. b. This question is discussed everywhere. c. The table is covered with a red cloth. d. Most New York skyscrapers is made of steel and glass. 2. a. No echo was heard for three seconds. b. All the details were known to the scientists. c. A new island was found. d. Our ship was sent to explore that area. e. The laboratory was equipped for this kind of scientific studies. f. A fish was caught. g. I was told about it only yesterday. 3. a. The criminal was detained by the police.

Exercise VII. 1. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Present Perfect, Passive Voice. a. His novel just (to publish). b. The thief (to detain) by the police today. 2. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Past Perfect, Passive Voice. a. I was told yesterday that their plan (not to accept). (I was told yesterday that their plan hadnt been accepted.) b. He told us that his leg (to break). c. We were glad to hear that our invitation (to accept). 3. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Future Perfect, Passive Voice. a. The work (to do) by the end of the month. Answers: 1. a. His novel has just been published. b. The thief has been detained by the police today. 2. a. I was told yesterday that their plan hadnt been accepted. b. He told us that his leg had been broken. c. We were glad to hear that our invitation had been accepted. 3. a. The work will have been done by the end of the month.

Exercise VIII. 1. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Present Continuous, Passive Voice.

a. I know that the new book (to wite) by him now. b. I think the film (to show) on TV now. (I think the film is being shown on TV now.) c. Some new employees (to hire). 2. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Past Continuous, Passive Voice. a. Wine (to pour) into the glasses. b. We watched how the stewed meat (to cut) by Father. c. An ice hockey game (to show) on TV when we returned home. Answers: 1. a. I know that the new book is being written by him now. b. I suppose the film is being shown on TV now. c. Some new employees are being hired. 2. a. Wine was being poured into the glasses. b. We watched how the stewed meat was being cut by Father. c. An ice hockey game was being shown on TV when we returned home. Changethesentencestopassivevoice. 1.ManypeoplebeginnewprojectsinJanuary NewprojectsarebeguninJanuary. 2.Youmustwashthatshirtfortonightsparty. Thatshirtmustbewashedfortonightsparty. 3.Mumisgoingtopreparethefood. Thefoodisgoingtobepreparedbymum. 4.Theymakeshoesinthatfactory. Shoesaremadeinthatfactory. 5.Wewillhavetoexamineyouagain. Youwillhavetobeexaminedagain. 6.Theyhadfinishedpreparationsbythetimetheguestsarrived. Preparationshadbeenfinishedbythetimetheguestsarrived. 7.Thedelegationwillmeetthevisitorsattheairport. Thevisitorswillbemetattheairportbythedelegation 8.Wehaveproducedskisheresince1964. Skishavebeenproducedheresince1964. 9.Allworkerswillreadthememo. Thememowillbereadbyallworkers. 10.NobodycanbeatTigerWoodsatgolf. TigerWoodscannotbebeatenatgolf. 11.TheyalsospeakGermanatEUmeetings.

GermanisalsospokenatEUmeetings. 12.Wemustlookintothequestion. Thequestionmustbelookedinto. 13.Someonereadsthenewspapertohimeveryday. Thenewspaperisreadtohimeveryday. 14.TheChinesediscoveredacupuncturethousandsofyearsago. AcupuncturewasdiscoveredbytheChinesethousandsofyearsago. 15.Hashegivenyoubackthebookyet? Hasthebookbeengivenbacktoyouyet? Haveyoubeengivenbackthebookyet? 16.Thepolicelockedupthecriminals. Thecriminalswerelockedupbythepolice. 17.Theymusthaveleftthekeysbehind. Thekeysmusthavebeenleftbehind. 18.Therobbersmadeupthestory. Thestorywasmadeupbytherobbers. 19.Theboyiseatingthecake. Thecakeisbeingeatenbytheboy 20.Dadpromisedbyaboxofchocolates. Iwaspromisedaboxofchocolates. 21.Thespiderscaredher. Shewasscaredbythespider. 22.TheguidewillshowustheNaturalHistoryMuseumintheafternoon. WewillbeshowntheNaturalHistoryMuseumbytheguideintheafternoon TheNaturalHistoryMuseumwillbeshowntousintheafternoon. 23.Thedentistiscleaningthewomansteeth. Thewomansteetharebeingcleanedbythedentist. 24.Sheshowedherrelativesthenewhouse.

Her relatives were shown the new house.


2.Ajellyfishstungherwhileshewasswimming. 3.Theygaveheranicepresent. 4.Janeissingingthenewsong. 5.Thestormdestroyedthehouse. 6.PeoplespentalotofMondayonthefirstshoppingSaturday. 7.Howdoyouwritethatword? 8.Shewateredtheflowerseveryday. 9.Theheadmastercalledhisparentstotheoffice. 10.Benwilldirecttheshow. 11.Thedoghasbrokenthewindowpane. 12.Youmustpaythebillfirst. 13.Theywereinterviewingherforthejob. 14.Theprofessortoldhimnottotalkinclass. 15.Youshouldntspeaktoyourneighbor. 16.Donotleaveyourbicycleinthehall. 17.CanyoulearnFrencheasily? 18.Yourimpolitetonesurprisesme. 19.Jameswillrepairthecar. 20.Anunknownauthorwrotethebook. 21.Theyforcedhimtostealthemoneyoutofhisdadsroom. 22.Ourneighborshaveinvitedustodinner. 23.Whyaretheytearingdowntheoldtheatre? 24.Iwillpresentmyideasattheconferencetonight. 25.Shewouldhavetoldyou.

1.ThelargehousehasbeenbuiltbytheBrowns. 2.Shewasstungbyajellyfishwhileshewasswimming. 3.Shewasgivenanicepresent. 4.ThenewsongisbeingsungbyJane. 5.Thehousewasdestroyedbythestorm. 6.AlotofmoneywasspentonthefirstshoppingSaturday. 7.Howisthatwordwritten? 8.Theflowerswerewateredeveryday. 9.Hisparentswerecalledtotheofficebytheheadmaster. 10.TheshowwillbedirectedbyBen. 11.Thewindowpanehasbeenbrokenbythedog. 12.Thebillmustbepaidfirst. 13.Shewasbeinginterviewedforthejob. 14.Hewastoldnottotalkinclassbytheprofessor. 15.Yourneighborshouldntbespokento. 16.Bicyclesmustnotbeleftinthehall. 17.CanFrenchbelearnedeasily? 18.Iamsurprisedbyyourimpolitetone. 19.ThecarwillberepairedbyJames. 20.Thebookwaswrittenbyanunknownauthor. 21.Hewasforcedtostealthemoneyoutofhisdadsroom. 22.Wehavebeeninvitedtodinner. 23.Whyistheoldtheatrebeingtorndown? 24.Myideaswillbepresentedattheconferencetonight. 25.Youwouldhavebeentold.

Changethesentencestopassivevoice. 1.Theyintroducedmytoherhusband

Iwasintroducedtoherhusband. 2.Someonesoldthisoldhattomywife.Thisoldhadwassoldtomywife 3.Theyarepushingthecar.Thecarisbeingpushed. 4.Someonebrokeintomyoffice.Myofficewasbrokeninto. 5.Theyweretalkingaboutyou.Youwerebeingtalkedabout. 6.Yououghttocleanthedesk.Thedeskoughttobecleaned. 7.Theheadmasterwillcontactyou.Youwillbecontactedbytheheadmaster. 8.Nobodyhasgivenoutthenewsyet.Thenewshasnotbeengivenoutyet. 9.Didntshetellyouthetruth?Werentyoutoldthetruth? 10.Thethieveshadstolenallthegold.Allthegoldhadbeenstolenbythethieves. 11.Thestudentsareusingthecomputersrightnow.Thecomputersarebeingusedrightnowbythe students. 12.Theyoftenmistreatthepatientshere.Patientsareoftenmistreatedhere. 13.Edisoninventedthegramophone.ThegramophonewasinventedbyEdison. 14.Everybodyadmiredyourlastbook.Yourlastbookwasadmired. 15.Someoneisknockingatthedoor.Thedoorisbeingknockedat. 16.Theymighttaketheoldmantothehospital.Theoldmanmightbetakentothehospital. 17.Theycouldhavekickedheroutoftherestaurant.Shecouldhavebeenkickedoutofthe restaurant 18.Wewillhavetogivethemmoreattention.Theywillhavetobegivenmoreattention. 19.Thecatatethesandwich.Thesandwichwaseatenbythecat. 20.Theytoldusthatthewaterisclean.Weweretoldthatthewaterisclean. 21.Millionsoffanswillseethefinalgametomorrow.Thefinalgamewillbeseenbymillionsoffans tomorrow. 22.Theytoldustoleavetheroom.Weweretoldtoleavetheroom 23.Youshouldreviewthelessonsbeforethetest.Thelessonsshouldbereviewedbeforethetest. 24.Thedoctorshavemadetheannouncementsovertheloudspeakers.Theannouncementshave beenmadebythedoctorsovertheloudspeakers. 25.Thepublishersarereadingthebook.Thebookisbeingreadbythepublishers.

1.Oneofthecleanershasfoundmypurse. 2.Therobberhithimontheheadwithahammer. 3.Thegovernmenthasbuiltanewroadinthisarea. 4.Theassistanthandedmeanote. 5.WeelectedJohnclassrepresentative. 6.Someonehastakenmywallet. 7.Manypeopleusebicyclesasameansoftransport. 8.Theyadvisedmetogetavisa. 9.TheywererebuildingtheoldroadwhenIdroveby.

10.Thelocalcouncilopenedanewshoppingcentre. 11.Theyhaventdecidedanythingyet. 12.Thecrowdwasslowlyfillingthenewstadium. 13.Someonehassuggestedthattheshopshouldclose. 14.Dadusedaknifetoopenthewindow. 15.Thewaitresswillbringyouyourdrinksinaminute 16.NobodyeverheardanythingofJohnagain. 17.Peopleaskedmethewaythreetimes 18.Lotsofpeoplehadparkedtheircarsonthepavement. 19.Thehelpershavenotpackedtheboxesyet. 20.Theyarestillpreparingthefood. 21.Theywilllaunchthenewshipnextweek. 22.ChristopherWrenbuiltthechurchinthe17thcentury. 23.Beckhamscoredthegoalinthe35thminute. 24.Weserveallmaincourseswithvegetablesandsalad. 25.SomeonepushedHarryovertherailing. PASSIVEVOICEPV7

Changethesentencestopassivevoice. 1.Mypursehasbeenfoundbyoneofthecleaners.
2.Hewashitontheheadwithahammer(bytherobber). 3.Anewroadhasbeenbuiltinthisarea(bythegovernment). 4.Iwashandedanote(bytheassistant). 5.Johnwaselectedclassrepresentative. 6.Mywallethasbeentaken. 7.Bicyclesare(often,widely)usedasameansoftransport. 8.Iwasadvisedtogetavisa. 9.TheoldroadwasbeingrebuiltwhenIdroveby. 10.Anewshoppingcentrewasopenedbythelocalcouncil. 11.Nothinghasbeendecidedyet. 12.Thenewstadiumwasslowlybeingfilledbythecrowd. 13.Ithasbeensuggestedthattheshopshouldclose. 14.Aknifewasusedtoopenthewindow. 15.Yourdrinkswillbebroughtinaminute. 16.NothingwaseverheardofJohnagain. 17.Iwasaskedthewaythreetimes. 18.Manycarshadbeenparkedonthepavement. 19.Theboxeshavenotyetbeenpackedyet. 20.Thefoodisstillbeingprepared. 21.Thenewshipwillbelaunchednextweek. 22.ThechurchwasbuiltbyChristopherWreninthe17thcentury. 23.ThegoalwasscoredbyBeckhaminthe35thminute. 24.Allmaincoursesareservedwithvegetablesandsalad.


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