18 Kinematic System and Operations of Drilling Machines

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The document discusses the purposes, classification, and applications of drilling machines.

Drilling machines are mainly used to create straight cylindrical holes of varying diameters and depths in solid materials, or enlarge existing holes.

Drilling machines can be classified based on their size, power capacity, type of movement etc. Some common types discussed are table top, pillar, column and radial drilling machines.


General Purpose
Machine Tools

Version 2 ME, IIT Kharagpur

Kinematic system and
operations of drilling

Version 2 ME, IIT Kharagpur

Instructional Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to :
(i) State the basic purposes of use of drilling machines
(ii) Classify the types of drilling machines
(iii) Illustrate the general kinematic system of drilling machine and
explain its working principle
(iv) State and visualise the various common and other possible
applications of drilling machines

(i) Basic purposes of use of drilling machines

Drilling machines are generally or mainly used to originate through or blind
straight cylindrical holes in solid rigid bodies and/or enlarge (coaxially) existing
(premachined) holes :
• of different diameter ranging from about 1 mm to 40 mm
• of varying length depending upon the requirement and the diameter
of the drill
• in different materials excepting very hard or very soft materials like
rubber, polythene etc.

(ii) Classification of drilling machines.

(a) General purpose drilling machines of common use
• Table top small sensitive drilling machine
These small capacity (≤ 0.5 kW) upright (vertical) single spindle drilling
machines are mounted (bolted) on rigid table and manually operated
using usually small size (φ≤ 10 mm) drills. Fig. 4.2.1 typically shows one
such machine.

Fig. 4.2.1 Table top sensitive drilling machine

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• Pillar drilling machine
These drilling machines, usually called pillar drills, are quite similar to the
table top drilling machines but of little larger size and higher capacity
(0.55 ~ 1.1 kW) and are grouted on the floor (foundation). Here also, the
drill-feed and the work table movement are done manually. Fig. 4.2.2
typically shows a pillar drill. These low cost drilling machines have tall
tubular columns and are generally used for small jobs and light drilling.

Fig. 4.2.2 Pillar Drilling machine

• Column drilling machine

These box shaped column type drilling machines as shown in Fig. 4.2.3
are much more strong, rigid and powerful than the pillar drills. In column
drills the feed gear box enables automatic and power feed of the rotating
drill at different feed rates as desired. Blanks of various size and shape
are rigidly clamped on the bed or table or in the vice fitted on that. Such
drilling machines are most widely used and over wide range ( light to
heavy) work.

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Fig. 4.2.3 Column drilling machine

• Radial drilling machine

This usually large drilling machine possesses a radial arm which along
with the drilling head can swing and move vertically up and down as can
be seen in Fig. 4.2.4. The radial, vertical and swing movement of the
drilling head enables locating the drill spindle at any point within a very
large space required by large and odd shaped jobs. There are some
more versatile radial drilling machines where the drill spindle can be
additionally swivelled and / or tilted.

Fig. 4.2.4 Radial drilling machine

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• CNC column drilling machine
In these versatile and flexibly automatic drilling machine having box-
column type rigid structure the work table movements and spindle
rotation are programmed and accomplished by Computer Numerical
Control (CNC). These modern sophisticated drilling machines are
suitable for piece or batch production of precision jobs.

(b) General purpose drilling machines with more specific use.

• Hand drills
Unlike the grouted stationary drilling machines, the hand drill is a
portable drilling device which is mostly held in hand and used at the
locations where holes have to be drilled as shown in Fig. 4.2.5. The
small and reasonably light hand drills are run by a high speed electric
motor. In fire hazardous areas the drill is often rotated by compressed

Fig. 4.2.5 Hand drill in operation

• Gang drilling machine

In this almost single purpose and more productive machine a number (2
to 6) of spindles with drills (of same or different size) in a row are made
to produce number of holes progressively or simultaneously through the
jig. Fig. 4.2.6 schematically shows a typical gang drilling machine.

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Fig. 4.2.6 Schematic view of a gang drilling machine

• Turret (type) drilling machine

Turret drilling machines are structurally rigid column type but are more
productive like gang drill by having a pentagon or hexagon turret as
shown in Fig. 4.2.7. The turret bearing a number of drills and similar
tools is indexed and moved up and down to perform quickly the desired
series of operations progressively. These drilling machines are available
with varying degree of automation both fixed and flexible type.

Fig. 4.2.7 Schematic view of turret type drilling machine

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• Multispindle drilling machine
In these high production machine tools a large number of drills work
simultaneously on a blank through a jig specially made for the particular
job. The entire drilling head works repeatedly using the same jig for
batch or lot production of a particular job. Fig. 4.2.8 shows a typical
multispindle drilling machine. The rotation of the drills are derived from
the main spindle and the central gear through a number of planetary
gears in mesh with the central gear) and the corresponding flexible
shafts. The positions of those parallel shafts holding the drills are
adjusted depending upon the locations of the holes to be made on the
job. Each shaft possesses a telescopic part and two universal joints at its
ends to allow its change in length and orientation respectively for
adjustment of location of the drills of varying size and length. In some
heavy duty multispindle drilling machines, the work-table is raised to give
feed motion instead of moving the heavy drilling head.

Fig. 4.2.8 A typical multi spindle drilling machine

• Micro (or mini) drilling machine

This type of tiny drilling machine of height within around 200 mm is
placed or clamped on a table, as shown in Fig. 4.2.9 and operated
manually for drilling small holes of around 1 to 3 mm diameter in small

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Fig. 4.2.9 Photographic view of a micro (or mini) drilling machine

• Deep hole drilling machine

Very deep holes of L/D ratio 6 to even 30, required for rifle barrels, long
spindles, oil holes in shafts, bearings, connecting rods etc, are very
difficult to make for slenderness of the drills and difficulties in cutting fluid
application and chip removal. Such drilling cannot be done in ordinary
drilling machines and b ordinary drills. It needs machines like deep hole
drilling machine such as gun drilling machines with horizontal axis which
are provided with
⎯ high spindle speed
⎯ high rigidity
⎯ tool guide
⎯ pressurised cutting oil for effective cooling, chip removal and
lubrication at the drill tip.
Deep hole drilling machines are available with both hard automation
and CNC system.

(iii) Kinematic System of general purpose drilling machine

and their principle of working
Kinematic system in any machine tool is comprised of chain(s) of several
mechanisms to enable transform and transmit motion(s) from the power
source(s) to the cutting tool and the workpiece for the desired machining
action. The kinematic structure varies from machine tool to machine tool
requiring different type and number of tool-work motions. Even for the same
type of machine tool, say column drilling machine, the designer may take
different kinematic structure depending upon productivity, process capability,
durability, compactness, overall cost etc targeted. Fig. 4.2.10 schematically
shows a typical kinematic system of a very general purpose drilling machine,
i.e., a column drilling machine having 12 spindle speeds and 6 feeds.
The kinematic system enables the drilling machine the following essential

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• Cutting motion:

The cutting motion in drilling machines is attained by rotating the drill

at different speeds (r.p.m.). Like centre lathes, milling machines etc,
drilling machines also need to have a reasonably large number of
spindle speeds to cover the useful ranges of work material, tool
material, drill diameter, machining and machine tool conditions. It is
shown in Fig. 4.2.10 that the drill gets its rotary motion from the
motor through the speed gear box (SGB) and a pair of bevel gears.
For the same motor speed, the drill speed can be changed to any of
the 12 speeds by shifting the cluster gears in the SGB. The direction
of rotation of the drill can be changed, if needed, by operating the
clutch in the speed reversal mechanism, RM-s shown in the figure.

• Feed motion

In drilling machines, generally both the cutting motion and feed

motion are imparted to the drill. Like cutting velocity or speed, the
feed (rate) also needs varying (within a range) depending upon the
tool-work materials and other conditions and requirements.
Fig. 4.2.10 visualises that the drill receives its feed motion from the
output shaft of the SGB through the feed gear box (FGA), and the
clutch. The feed rate can be changed to any of the 6 rates by shifting
the gears in the FGB. And the automatic feed direction can be
reversed, when required, by operating the speed reversal
mechanism, RM-s as shown. The slow rotation of the pinion causes
the axial motion of the drill by moving the rack provided on the quil.

The upper position of the spindle is reduced in diameter and splined

to allow its passing through the gear without hampering transmission
of its rotation.

• Tool work mounting

The taper shank drills are fitted into the taper hole of the spindle
either directly or through taper socket(s). Small straight shank drills
are fitted through a drill chuck having taper shank. The workpiece is
kept rigidly fixed on the bed (of the table). Small jobs are generally
held in vice and large or odd shaped jobs are directly mounted on
the bed by clamping tools using the T-slots made in the top and side
surfaces of the bed as indicated in Fig. 4.2.10.

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RM -s

Speed Gear Box

RM -f

Quill Feed Gear Box

spindle clutch
Cutting motion
Feed motion

bed column


Foundation / floor space

Fig. 4.2.10 Schematic view of the drives of a drilling machine

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(iv) Application of drilling machines
Drilling machines of different capacity and configuration are basically used for
originating cylindrical holes and occasionally for enlarging the existing holes to
full or partial depth. But different types of drills are suitably used for various
applications depending upon work material, tool material, depth and diameter
of the holes.

General purpose drills may be classified as;

• According to material :
Δ High speed steel – most common
Δ Cemented carbides
- Without or with coating
- In the form of brazed, clamped or solid
• According to size
Δ Large twist drills of diameter around 40 mm
Δ Microdrills of diameter 25 to 500 μm
Δ Medium range (most widely used) diameter ranges
between 3 mm to 25 mm.

• According to number of flutes

Δ Two fluted – most common
Δ Single flute – e.g., gun drill (robust)
Δ Three or four flutes – called slot drill

• According to helix angle of the flutes

Δ Usual – 200 to 350 – most common
Δ Large helix : 45o to 60o suitable for deep holes and softer
work materials
Δ Small helix : for harder / stronger materials
Δ Zero helix : spade drills for high production drilling micro-
drilling and hard work materials.

• According to length – to – diameter ratio

Δ Deep hole drill; e.g. crank shaft drill, gun drill etc.
Δ General type : L/φ ≅ 6 to 10
Δ Small length : e.g. centre drill

• According to shank
Δ Straight shank – small size drill being held in drill chuck
Δ Taper shank – medium to large size drills being fitted into
the spindle nose directly or through taper sockets

• According to specific applications

Δ Centre drills (Fig. 4.2.11) : for small axial hole with 60o
taper end to accommodate lathe centre for support

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Δ Step drill and subland drill (Fig. 4.2.12) : for small holes
with two or three steps

Fig. 4.2.11 Centre Drill

(a) (b)

Fig. 4.2.12 (a) Stepped drill and (b) subland drill

Δ Half round drill, gun drill and crank shaft drill (for making
oil holes) – shown in Fig. 4.2.13
Δ Ejector drill for high speed drilling of large diameter holes
Δ Taper drill for batch production
Δ Trepanning tool (Fig. 4.2.14) : for large holes in soft

Besides making holes, drilling machines may be used for various other
functions using suitable cutting tools.

The wide range of applications of drilling machines include :

• Origination and / or enlargement of existing straight through or
stepped holes of different diameter and depth in wide range of work
materials – this is the general or common use of drilling machines

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• Making rectangular section slots by using slot drills having 3 or four
flutes and 1800 cone angle
• Boring, after drilling, for accuracy and finish or prior to reaming
• Counterboring, countersinking, chamfering or combination using
suitable tools as shown in Fig. 4.2.15


Fig. 4.2.13 Schematic views of (a) half round drill, (b) gun drill and
(c) crank shaft drill

Fig. 4.2.14 Schematic view of a trepanning tool.

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(a) (b)

Fig. 4.2.15 Schematic view of (a) counter boring and (b) countersinking

• Spot facing by flat end tools (Fig. 4.2.16)

• Trepanning for making large through holes and or getting cylindrical
solid core.
• Reaming is done, if necessary, after drilling or drilling and boring
holes for accuracy and good surface finish. Different types of
reamers of standard sizes are available as shown in Fig. 4.2.17 for
different applications.

Fig. 4.2.16 Schematic view of spot facing

Straight fluted rose reamer

Straight fluted chucking reamer
Straight fluted taper reamer

Straight fluted hand reamer

Expansion reamer

Shell reamer

Adjustable insert-blade

Fig. 4.2.17 Different types of reamers.

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• Cutting internal screw threads mounting a tapping attachment in the

Several other operations can also be done, if desired, in drilling

machines by using special tools and attachments.

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