The World of Beauty

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FREE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF MOLDOVA Faculty of Foreign Languages and Sciences of Communication Applied Foreign Languages Department

Inga Stoyanova



Chiinu 2009

Elaborarea metodic este recomandat spre publicare de Senatul ULIM (edina nr. 8 din 24 iunie 2009) CZU 811.111:687.55 (075.8) S 87

Recenzeni Zinaida Camenev, doctor n filologie, conf. univ., ULIM Liuba Mocanu, doctor n pedagogie, conf. univ., CNAA

Descrierea CIP a Camerei Naionale a Crii Stoyanova, Inga The World of Beauty: English for Estheticians: [ pentru uzul studenilor]/ Inga Stoyanova; Free Intern. Univ. of Moldova, Fac. of Foreign Languages and Sciences of Communication, Applied Foreign Languages Dep. - Ch.: ULIM, 2009. -120 p. Bibliogr.: -p. 120 50 ex. ISBN 978-9975-101-14-1

ISBN 978-9975-101-14-1 ULIM, 2009 Inga Stoyanova, 2009


INTRODUCTION Lesson 1. Cosmetology careers ... Lesson 2. Skin: its types and hygiene... Lesson 3. Acne and its treatment . Lesson 4. Natural skin care. Lesson 5. Understanding product labels.. Lesson 6. Breaking down the human hair Lesson 7. Nail cosmetics. Lesson 8. Tools used in facial treatment. Lesson 9. Facial massage. Lesson 10. Cosmetic surgery: Botox. Lesson 11. Make-up: Cosmeceuticals Lesson 12. How to select a fragrance Lesson 13. Sunbed cancer risk for teens Lesson 14. The concept of beauty.. SUPPLEMENTARY READING 1. Beauty and make up in the corporate world... 2. Make-up etiquette ...... 3. Bronzer or blush? ... 4. Colour and how to make it work for you 5. Vitamins your hair will love.. 6. Bar soap: to use or not to use? .. 7. Body washes and body scrubs. . 8. Vitamins and minerals for healthy skin. 9. Coconut beauty secrets.. 10. The therapeutic effects of tea 11. What is gommage?............................................................. 12. The wine mud body treatment 13. How stress affects our skin. 14. Acne and stress.. A BRIEF GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN ESTHETOLOGY GRAMMAR CORNER . BIBLIOGRAPHY ... 4 5 9 12 16 21 25 32 38 44 48 55 64 64 73 81 82 83 84 85 86 97 88 89 90 91 91 92 93 95 108 120

This book is meant to help students (and all those interested) in Esthetology to get a good command of the specialized English language and to develop their general knowledge in such areas of Esthetology as dermatology, skin care, make up, natural care etc. The book is designed to be used at the lessons of English at the Faculty of Medicine, ULIM. While compiling the book, the author had as a key idea the linguistic and socio-linguistic, as well as communicative and future professional competency of the students. Thus, a particular stress is made on the acquisition of specialized terminology in the field of Esthetology. The book consists of four sections. The first (the basic) one comprises 14 lessons, having specialized topical texts about human skin, hair, nails and their care, make up and perfumes, cosmetic surgery and tanning. All lessons are structured in a similar way: a specialized topical text followed by a number of lexical exercises, exercises for speech development, additional texts. Supplementary Reading includes 15 texts and can be used as a home reading activity or topics for conversation as well as the means for written skills development (essays, analysis, and translation). The third section comprises a brief glossary of terms used in Esthetology. Grammar Corner comprises a set of exercises, dealing with different aspects of English Grammar. Many centuries ago Confucius wrote: Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it. Thus, this book tries to help future specialists understand the essence of their profession, namely, to find and to preserve external beauty of women and men.

LESSON 1. Text: COSMETOLOGY CAREERS It is known that cosmetologists help their clients improve on or acquire a certain look with the right hairstyle and hair coloring, manicured nails, and either a properly trimmed beard or carefully chosen makeup, depending on your testosterone and estrogen levels. Cosmetologists also shampoo, cut, color, and style hair and advise clients on proper hair care between appointments. They add permanent waves or straighten hair in addition to giving manicures, facials, and scalp treatments and caring for and styling wigs. This is a profession that requires considerable tact and diplomacy in dealing with patrons. Cosmetologists are people-oriented and must be able to inspire the confidence of those they serve. With an emphasis on personalized care and services, cosmetologists must understand the individual characteristics of their clients to be able to choose the hairstyles and makeup colors and tones that are uniquely suited to them. Cosmetologists are often the initiators of style and change. The move toward more personalized care and services means that cosmetologists with charm, good communication skills, and the ability to inspire trust in their clients will be very successful. For cosmetologists who work in teams where each member has her own specialty interpersonal skills are crucial for success. The different types of special cosmetologists include hair stylists, shampooers, manicurists, aestheticians and electrologists. Many cosmetologists specialize in at least one of these categories. A hair stylist specializes in the styling of hair, including cutting, chemical perms and color treatments. Hair stylists can also apply hair extensions and weaves. Hair stylists can also shampoo and condition client's hair, though this is not always necessary. Some hair stylists also give recommendations and perform work on wigs and hairpieces. The shampoo technician is a sub-category of the hair stylist. A shampoo tech shampoos and conditions a client's hair to create a balanced hair care finish for the hair stylist. Shampoo techs are normally only employed by corporate or concept salons and large-volume beauty salons that are operated simultaneously. A manicurist specializes in nail care, including manicures, pedicures, and nail extensions. An aesthetician, or esthetician, specializes in the study of skin care, including facial treatments, body wraps, salt glows, waxing as a form of hair removal, and cosmetic make-up services. Some aestheticians work with dermatologists to offer more services, including laser hair removal, laser skin resurfacing, and many types of chemical peels. An electrologist offers removal of unwanted hair via an electrolysis machine. As opposed to the hair removal via waxing offered by an esthetician, hair removal via electrolysis is permanent. It has recently been argued that barbers are also

cosmetologists who extend the hair stylist specialty with services especially for men, such as shaving. Cosmetologists must keep on top of the latest styles and trends in hair fashion and beauty techniques. The hours in the field are flexible, with some professionals working nine to five, others working nights, and some working only weekends. Whats not flexible is the considerable amount of time cosmetologists spend on their feet. Professionals are also exposed to hair and nail chemicals that could possibly negatively affect their health. EXERCISES Ex.1. Answer the questions: 1. How do cosmetologists help their clients? 2. What kind of procedures do the cosmetologists do with hair? 3. What kind of relationship does the cosmetologist have with patrons and clients? 4. What does the concept of a personalized care service mean? 5. What are the main types of cosmetologists? 6. What is the specialization of a hair stylist? 7. What does a shampoo technician do? 8. How can you define the work of a manicurist? 9. What does an esthetologist do? 10.How can you describe the working hours of a cosmetologist? 11.What are the disadvantages of being a cosmetologist? 12.What are the advantages of being a cosmetologist? Ex. 2. State if these statements are true or false: 1. A manicurist specializes in hair treatment. 2. All hair-cuts are done according to standard models, not taking into consideration individual characteristics of a person. 3. The working day of a cosmetologist lasts 8 hours. 4. Chemical peels are the object of an electrologist. 5. Some estheticians collaborate with doctors in skin problems. 6. Shampoo techniques are done in every beauty salon. Ex. 3. Find synonyms to the following words: To colour, to suit, emphasis, unique, to expose, to affect, initiator, to perform. Ex. 4. Find antonyms to the following words: To straighten, unique, possible, proper, to improve, trust. Ex. 5. Form derivatives from the following words: Beauty, recommendation, to specialize, characteristics, to inspire, including.

Ex. 6. Explain the terms: Hair colouring, hair stylist, shampooer, manicurist, aesthetician, electrologist, nail extension, pedicure, wig, scalp treatment. Ex. 7. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions: 1. to help clients to improve 2. diplomacy . dealing patrons 3. an emphasis personalized care 4. to choose colour that are suited them 5. the ability inspire their clients 6. to specialize one the categories 7. to perform work wigs 8. removal unwanted hair 9. cosmetologist must keep top the latest styles spend time feet 11.trends hair fashion be exposed nail chemicals Ex. 8. Translate into English: Aplicaia unghiilor artificiale; splarea prului; ondulri permanente; vopsirea i decolorarea prului; un cosmetolog este competent n toate formele de ngrijire a frumuseii; tratamentul pielii; lucrul pe peruc; balsam pentru pr; pedichiura; tratament facial; nvluiri ale corpului; epilare cu laser; epilare cu cear; berbierit; a ndeprta ceva; a spla i a da prul cu balsam; period considerabil de lung petrecut n picioare; a fi expus la substane chimice; afect negativ sntatea; a necesita tact i diplomaie n relaiile cu clienii i patronii. () ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; -; ; ; ; ; . Ex.9. Make summary of the text. Ex.10. Discuss the following quotation: "I have an appreciation for each individual. Everyone has their own beauty...there's something to be said about working with what you have." (Elisa Brill) Ex.11. Read the following text and do the exercises:

HAIRDRESSERS TOP JOB SATISFACTION POLL Have you noticed that every time you go for a perm or a trim that hairdresser is always very chatty? The reason they are so happy is that most of them love their jobs. This is according to a survey conducted by the City & Guilds of London Institute, which asked 1,200 workers about their job satisfaction Forty per cent of hairdressers are very happy in their jobs, while civil servants, social workers and architects are the unhappiest workers. None of the top ten positions in the Happiness Index included office jobs. The happiest workers were those who used their hands. In second place were religious ministers, followed by chefs, beauticians and plumbers. The survey showed that people who can run their own business and be self-employed are happiest. Desk workers came very low on the happiness scale. Teachers didnt seem to be too happy either only 8% said they enjoyed their work. There wasnt a figure for English teachers, although their job satisfaction is probably very high. English teachers also smile a lot and generally love their jobs. City and Guilds advised workers to start every day positively, chat to colleagues, and brighten the workplace with personal photographs and flowers. a) Say whether these sentences are true or false: 1. Hairdressers are always very chatty. 2. All hairdressers are very happy in their jobs. 3. Architects are the unhappiest workers. 4. Three out of the ten happiest jobs involved some kind of deskwork. 5. The happiest workers were those who used their heads. 6. Teachers are very happy. 7. English teachers smile a lot and generally love their jobs. 8. To be happy in your job you must brighten the workplace with personal photographs and flowers. b) Match the following synonyms from the article: (a) trim carried out (b) chatty position (c) conducted number (d) satisfaction decorate (e) civil servants ranking (f) index haircut (g) place contentedness (h) run talkative (i) figure operate (j) brighten government workers c) Match the following phrases based on the article:

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j)

Have you very most of them love a survey None of the top those who used run their selfstart every day brighten the

conducted by the City & Guilds own business chatty workplace employed noticed positively ten positions their hands their jobs

d) What are the good things and bad things about the following jobs? Which would you like / hate to do? (The money is the same for all of them). - NASA astronaut - US president - BBC TV sports reporter (international) - Games software developer - Chanel fashion model - Teacher of English to speakers of other languages - Tsunami relief director - Department store Santa Claus

LESSON 2. Text: SKIN AND ITS TYPES Skin is the largest organ of the integumentary system made up of multiple layers of epithelial tissues that guard underlying muscles and organs. As the interface with the surroundings, skin plays the most important role in protecting the body against pathogens. Skin performs the functions of protection (it is an anatomical barrier between the internal and external environment in bodily defense), sensation, heat regulation, control of evaporation, aesthetics and communication, storage and synthesis, excretion and absorption. Our skin is divided into four types according to its texture. Every person should be aware of the type of skin he/she has in order to look after and treat it properly. There are the following types of skin: normal, dry, oily, sensitive, combination ones. Normal skin has a fine even tone, soft and smooth texture. It is clear with no spots, pores, blemishes, greasy patches or flaky areas. This type of skin has a clear, fine-textured, supple and smooth surface, which is neither greasy nor dry. It glows with an inner health which stems from excellent care and good blood circulation. There may be occasional pimples in women just before there critical days due to increased hormonal activity, which makes the sebaceous glands overactive. It is

beautiful, but needs care if it is to last. Neglect can lead to signs of aging and wrinkling. A dry skin is unable to retain the required amount of moisture that is why it flakes off easily and is more prone to wrinkles and lines. In this type of skin the sebaceous glands produce insufficient amount of sebum giving rise to tightness and dryness. Sometimes this dryness is a result of not drinking enough water, genetics, excessive heating and wind, poor diet, extreme temperature, under active thyroids, harsh soap, use of certain drugs etc. Dryness symptoms like chapping and cracking, especially on the cheeks and around the eyes, usually occur after washing the face and do not go away unless some type of moisturizer or skin cream is applied. But one can improve his/her skin, using moisturizing, bathing less and avoiding harsh, drying soaps. Oily skin is greasy, hard and dull colored. It is caused by overactive glands, which produce a substance called Sebum, a naturally healthy skin lubricant. When the skin produces too much sebum, it becomes thick and heavy in texture. Oily skin is characterized by shininess, pimples and other signs of aging than other skin types. This is the result of oil helping to keep precious moisture locked in the epidermis, or outermost layer of the skin. The negative aspects of this skin type are that oily complexions are especially susceptible to clogged pores, blackheads and building up of dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. Oily skin has a roughing texture and tends to have large, clearly visible pores. Combination skin is a very common type of skin, which is a mixture of both dry and oily skin. The areas, which are oily on the face, are forehead, nose and chin, where as the cheeks and the area around the eyes is either normal or dry. The oily areas are termed as "T-zone". Combination skin has double characteristics. Combination skin type has medium pores, a smooth and even texture, good circulation, healthy color. The sebaceous activity does not spread to the cheeks and this kind of oily skin can have areas of dehydrated patches on cheeks and forehead. Combination skin needs special attention because the dry parts of the face need to be considered, where as the oily parts need to be kept clean to avoid breakouts. Sensitive skin reacts extremely and internally to changes in life. It can be both oily and dry, and it can be easily disturbed by skin-care products and cosmetics. Sensitive skin tends to be blotchy and have broken veins at the same time, it might show flushed or reddened look or might itch.

EXERCISES Ex. 1. Answer the questions: What are the main types of skin? What are the features of normal skin? What are the advantages of having normal skin? What are the causes of dry skin?

What do the symptoms of dry skin depend on? Why does our skin become oily? What is the negative aspect of oily skin? What does a combination skin type suppose? What are the signs of combination skin? How can you characterize sensitive skin? Ex. 2. Find synonyms to the following words: Greasy, patch, to increase, enough, symptom, thick, precious, complexion, layer, smooth. Ex. 3. Find antonyms to the following words: Visible, smooth, to increase, control, thick, heavy, dry, healthy. Ex. 4. Form derivatives from the following words: Circulation, exposure, result, tend, characteristics, mixture, activity, to react. Ex. 5. Explain the terms: Blemish, acne, sebaceous gland, pimples, complexion, blackhead, pore, skincare product, epidermis. Ex. 6. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions: type skin to react change life to break frequently to be oily T-zones dehydrated patches cheeks to be thick texture to be characterized shininess cold weather low humidity levels to stem blood circulation pimples women to be problem people normal skin Ex. 7. Translate into English: Ten normal; ten uscat; ten gras; ten sensibil; mncrime; a strluci de sntate intern; activitatea hormonal intens; straturile multiple a esutului epitelial; funcie de protecie; controlul cldurii; senzaie; controlul evaporrii; a ngriji corect; o textur neted i moale; a avea couri; piele n straturi; pori dilatai; incapabil de a reine cantitatea necesar de lichid; a avea tendina de a produce riduri; crpturi ale pielii n jurul ochilor; a evita spunuri dure; unguent natural al pielii; strlucirea ielii; pori vizibili; o textur aspr; a avea proprieti duble; pori medii; circulaie sangvin bun; a evita extensiuni; piele n pete roii; vene dilatate.

; ; ; /; ; ; ; ; ; ; / ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; . Ex. 8. Make summary of the text. Ex. 9. Make reports on the following topics: Normal skin-care products. Oily skin-care products. Dry skin-care products. Combination skin-care products. Sensitive skin-care products. LESSON 3. Text: ACNE AND ITS TREATMENT Acne vulgaris is a skin disease, caused by changes in the pilosebaceous units. Severe acne is inflammatory, but it can also be manifested in noninflammatory form. Acne lesions are commonly referred to as pimples, spots, or zits. Acne is most common during adolescence, affecting more than 85% of teenagers, and frequently continues into adulthood. For most people acne diminishes over time and tends to disappear, or at least decrease, after one reaches his or her early twenties. The term acne comes from a corruption of the Greek (acme in the sense of a skin eruption). The most commonly affected parts of the body are the

face, upper neck, chest, back and shoulders. The typical acne lesions are comedones and inflammatory papules, pustules, and nodules. Aside from scarring, its main effects are psychological, such as reduced self-esteem and depression or suicide. Acne usually appears during adolescence, when people already tend to be most socially insecure. Nowadays several factors are linked to acne. Here they are.

The tendency to develop acne runs in some families. For example, school-age boys with acne have other members of their family with this disease. A family history of acne is associated with an earlier occurrence of acne and an increased number of retentional acne lesions. Hormonal activity is another cause of the disease. During puberty, an increase in male sex hormones called androgens causes the glands to get larger and make more sebum. Stress, by an increased output of hormones from the adrenal (stress) glands, considerably contributes to the development of this skin disorder. Hyperactive sebaceous glands, accumulation of dead skin cells, bacteria in the pores, skin irritation or scratching of any sort will activate inflammation, use of anabolic steroids, any medication containing halogens, lithium, barbiturates, or androgens can also be a cause of this skin disease. The exposure to certain drugs and chemical compounds, including narcotics, especially when taken intravenously represents one of acnes causes. There are many products sold for the treatment of acne, many of them without any scientifically-proven effects. Generally speaking successful treatments give little improvement within the first week or two; and then the acne decreases over approximately 3 months, after which the improvement starts to flatten out. Many treatments that promise big improvements within 2 weeks are likely to be largely disappointing. However short bursts of cortisone can give very quick results and other treatments can rapidly improve some active spots, but not usually all active spots. A combination of treatments can greatly reduce the amount and severity of acne in many cases. Those treatments that are most effective tend to have greater potential for side effects and need a greater degree of monitoring, so a step-wise approach is often taken. Many people consult with doctors when deciding which treatments to use, especially when considering using any treatments in combination. EXERCISES Ex. 1. Answer the questions: What is acne? What do you understand by the term severe acne? When does acne usually appear? When does it tend to disappear? What is the origin of the term? What are the most affected parts of the body? Name the main factors that cause acne emerge. How does family history contribute to acne appearance? What is the influence of stress in acne appearance? How can you describe the relationship between acne and hormonal activity? What kind of cane treatment do you know?

Ex. 2. State if these statements are true or false: Acne vulgaris is a mental disease. Acne lesions are manifested as pimples, spots or zigots. Acne is most commonly met at the old age. The most commonly affected parts of the body are hands and legs. Several factors of acne are: traditional, stress, and decreased hormonal activity. Inflammation appear after accumulation of dead skin cells and bacteria in pores. Ex. 3. Find synonyms to the following words: Disease, lesion, treatment, change, term, to disappear, activity, combination, to consult, to use, pimple. Ex. 4. Find antonyms to the following words: Severe, common, frequently, decrease, to reduce, to appear, to develop, earlier, larger, active, large. Ex. 5. Match the words in the left column with those in the right column to make collocations: 1. skin a. history 2. acne b. activity 3. family c. steroids 4. chemical d. effects 5. anabolic e. disease 6. side f. compounds 7. hormonal g. vulgaris Ex. 6. Explain the terms: Acne, inflammatory, lesion, pimple, nodule, self-esteem, depression, hyperactive, treatment, side effect, stress, hormone. Ex. 7. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions: 1. to be caused changes 2. to be manifested noninflammatory form 3. to continue adulthood 4. aside scaring 5. to have members family acne 6. to be associated an earlier occurrence acne 7. a potential side effects 8. a cause skin disease 9. an increase male hormones diminish time 11.consult doctors Ex. 8. Translate into English:

Forma agravat a acneei; mai mult rspndit n adolescen; prile cel mai frecvent afectate; cicatrice; cteva cauze ale acneei; apariia timpurie; activitatea hormonal; stresul contribuie la apariia bolii; acumularea celulelor moarte; bacterii n pori; utilizarea medicamentelor; expunerea la substane chimice; un tratament mixt; a avea efecte secundare; a avea nevoie de supraveghere. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; . Ex. 9. Make summary of the text. Ex. 10. Read the following statements-myths and express your opinion on their reliability: 7 Acne Myths There are many myths about the causes of acne and how to treat it, so the first step to successfully treating your acne is by educating yourself! 1. There is nothing I can do about my acne. I'll just "grow out of it". 2. Acne is a sign of poor hygiene. 3. Foods like chocolate, pizza, and French fries cause acne. 4. Acne is for teenagers. I can't get acne if I'm an adult. 5. Picking or squeezing a pimple safely is the best way to get rid of it quickly. 6. Sunlight will help improve my acne. 7. Acne is not important enough to go to a doctor for help. LESSON 4. Text: NATURAL SKIN CARE

Natural skin care is the care of the skin using naturally-derived ingredients (such as herbs, roots, essential oils and flowers) combined with naturally occurring

carrier agents, preservatives, surfactants, humectants and emulsifiers. The classic definition of natural skin care is based on using botanically sourced ingredients currently existing in or formed by nature. Many people, who use natural skin care products, generally make their own products at home. Natural skin care has its roots in the 4th millennium BC in China and the Middle East. It is believed that the Egyptians developed many natural skin care treatments for a variety of skin conditions. One such treatment consists of whipped ostrich eggs, olive oil, dough and resin mixed with milk. In the modern age many people with unique skin types and needs have turned to natural skin care solutions. Natural skin care goes beyond the application of products on one's skin. It also pertains to a holistic philosophy surrounding the holistic care of one's body. This includes the belief that what is ingested will affects all aspects of health, including the health of skin. People who use natural skin care products are less concerned with artificial beauty enhancements, as they feel that natural beauty is healthy beauty. Some examples of natural skin care ingredients include jojoba, rose hip seed oil, shea butter, beeswax, witch hazel, Aloe Vera, tea tree oil, and chamomile. Many of these natural ingredient combinations can be tailored specific to the individual's skin type or skin condition. Many consumers see natural ingredients and variants as safer and healthier for their skin, as well as more effective. For this reason alone, natural skincare products that offer superior, long-lasting hydration to the skin are very popular. For example, Aloe Vera improves hydration, soothes all skin types, speeds up wound healing, and encourages normal skin cell growth. Avocado oil is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, D, E, fatty acids, lecithin and protein; thus it provides natural nourishment and nutrients to dry skin types, those with eczema, and even offers natural UV ray protection. Grape seed extract fights free radicals, contains potent antioxidants and absorbs easily into the skin. Shea butter is rich in fatty acids, it slows cellular degeneration and protects against the effects of the sun and works as a great moisturizing emollient. Chamomile has demonstrated healing and anti-inflammatory properties when it is topically applied. Honeys natural antioxidant and anti-microbial properties and ability to absorb and retain moisture have been recognized and used extensively in skin care treatments as they help to protect the skin from the damage of the sun's rays and rejuvenate depleted skin. Ayurvedic skin care is derived from medicinal practices that began over 5,000 years ago. Ayurvedic medicine and healing practices are based on Indian philosophical, psychological, conventional, and medicinal understandings. Ayurvedic approach to skin care is holistic and considers the mind, body, and spirit together. Ayurveda advises to modify one's diet, exercise, lifestyle and supplements according to one's constitution of these three humors. Most of the skin care products contain the following herbs - almond, avocado, carrot, clay, cocoa, coconut oil, cucumber, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, ground almond and walnut shell, horse chestnut and witch hazel.

EXERCISES Ex. 1. Answer the questions: 1. What is natural skin care? 2. Are all natural skincare products home-made or are they manufactured? 3. What is the history of natural skin care? 4. Can you give some examples of natural skin care products? What are they? 5. How does holistic philosophy deal with skin care? 6. What are the properties of avocado oil? 7. What are the properties of honey? 8. What properties of Aloe Vera are valued in cosmetics? 9. How is shea butter used in cosmetics? 10.What is the concept of Ayurvedic medicine towards skin care? 11.What kind of plants do the Ayurvedic skin remedies contain? 12.What are the ways of jojoba application in skin care? Ex. 2. State if these statements are true or false: 1. Natural skin care has its roots in the 5th millennium BC in China. 2. Aloe Vera should not be used in wounds treatment. 3. Honey is not an antioxidant; it has only anti-microbial properties. 4. Most of the skin care products contain rubber. 5. Jojoba is a natural moisturizer for the skin. 6. Ayurvedic medicine is newly born. 7. People, who use natural skin care products, also use a lot of make up. Ex. 3. Find synonyms to the following words: Trial, remedy, enhancement, to deplete, to derive, ingredient, to heal, to tailor, extensively, ability. Ex. 4. Find antonyms to the following words: Belief, to pertain, artificial, effective, soft, potent, artificial, unique, to absorb, to protect. Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps with necessary words: moisturize, anti-inflammatory, remedies, rejuvenate, depleted 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Aloe Vera has properties. Every woman of 40 wants to her skin. Peter his forces after hard physical exercises. My skin is so dry, that I need to it. Helen uses only natural for body care.

Ex. 6. Explain the terms:


Benefits, topically, ingredient, tailor, artificial, surfactant, humectant, emulsifier, to moisturize, anti-oxidant property, anti-microbial property. Ex. 7. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions: 1. to be tailored specific skin 2. to have roots China 3. skin care treatments a variety skin conditions 4. to be used skin care 5. according ones constitution 6. a natural moisturizer the skin 7. to be similar the natural sebum whale 8. examples natural skin care 9. people unique types be based Indian philosophy Ex. 8. Translate into English: Ingrdiente de origine naturist; rdcin; floare; conservani; emulsificator; benificiile unor ingrediente; mueel; proprieti curative i antiinflamatore; ou de tru; aluat i smoal amestecat cu lapte; ulei de mcie; nuc; uleiul arborelui de ceai; a se mbina conform tipului de ten; intensificarea frumuseii artificiale; miere; proprietai anti-microbiale; abilitatea de a menine umiditatea; a nteneri pielea; uleiul arborelui uleios; rezultate terapeutice efective; practici medicinale; conceptii filosofice i psihologice din India; a modifica dieta i modul de via; migdal; morcov; argil; uleiul smburilor viei-de-vie; coaj de nuc; castan porcesc; uleiul de avocado este bogat n vitamine; lecitin i proteine. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; . Ex.9. Make summary of the text. Ex.10. Render the following sentences in English: a. Ceaiul alb este o plant cu beneficii multiple, fiind cultivat numai n China. Este un adevrat miracol cnd este folosit ca ingredient n produsele cosmetice, deoarece are proprieti antioxidante, ncetinete procesul de maturizare a tenului, revitalizeaz i reface tenul obosit.

b. Uleiul din masline este cunoscut din antichitate pentru faptul c ngrijete i

rsfa pielea. El conine vitamine, minerale i acizi grai, hidrateaz i catifileaz pielea, acionnd mporiva radicalilor liberi. c. Zonele toride ale Arizonei adpostesc o plant miraculoas, o specie de cactus gigantic cu flori albe. Chiar i n mijlocull deertului, acest cactus reuete s-i menin prospeimea i vitalitatea. Extractul de cactus are efct de calmare, fortificare i catifelare a pielii. d. Soia o plant plin de proteine bogat n vitamine ce intineresc tenul, reduc aspectul liniilor fine i confer fermitate pielii. Soia este secretul pe care il folosesc femeile din Orientul ndeprtat. e. Populaia btina care a descoperit proprietile eucaliptului cu mult timp n urm l-a numit arborele vieii. i au avut dreptate: extractele din frunzele de eucalipt accelereaz procesul de regenerare al pilelii i i confer fermitate.
a. ,

. , , , , . b. , . , , , . c. , . . , . d. , , . , . e. , - , . : . Ex.11. Read the following text and discuss the possibility to use the recipes given in it. SOME HOME TREATMENTS FROM THE KITCHEN
Sugar scrub - Take several cups of sugar add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to make

a wonderful body scrub. Since sugar doesnt melt in oil, the grains are perfect to exfoliate, de-flake, and soften your skin. Add some essential oils if you have some on hand for a scented scrub. Make it in a pint jar so that it will be readily available. It works wonders on rough feet and heels!

Cucumber Eye Refresher Tired, puffy eyes? Weve all had them. Lie down

and place a few slices of cucumber on your eyes. Relax. In about 15 minutes your eyes should look and feel much better. Milk and honey bath Add one cup of whole milk and 2 teaspoons of honey to running water for a bath that will refresh your skin as well as moisturize it. Add some essential oils if you want a scented bath. Tea bags Instead of throwing away those tea bags after steeping your tea, strain them and place them in a jar in the refrigerator. You can use cold green or black bags on eyes to take the puffiness away. Tea bags are also good for your complexion. Rub the tea bag on your face for a mild skin exfoliant. Many cosmetics companies are making products with green tea for use on very sensitive skin. Avocado can be used for your face or your hair. Avocadoes are rich in natural oils, and they are good for dry skin. If you have dry hair, after a shampoo, mash some avocado in a bowl and then rub it on your hair. Use either a plastic wrap or an old towel to cover your head. Leave the avocado on for about a half an hour. Then wash your hair thoroughly to remove all of the paste. Mayonnaise hair conditioner can add a shine to that dry head of hair. Follow the same directions as with the avocado conditioner. Yogurt is another product that makes an excellent face mask. Smooth it over your skin and wait for about fifteen minutes for the results. Not only will your skin feel refreshed, it will also keep your skin smooth and healthy.

Ex.12. Look at the picture and say what kind of plants are shown here. What are their properties?


Jojoba, Aloe Vera, Shea, Chamomile, Dandelion, Milfoil, Nettle Ex. 13. Find information about the use of certain botanicals in skin care products. LESSON 5. Text: UNDERSTANDING PRODUCT LABELS Product labels have been a fixture on the cosmetics counter for a very long time. Scientific jargon are plastered all over the counters jars and containers, from the words hypoallergenic to unscented to the all-too-popular natural. Do the words expressed on the bottles really have meaning behind them? Many cosmetics and fragrances hail their products as being hypoallergenic. Hypoallergenic products claim to cause little to no allergenic reactions than their counterparts. These are geared towards consumers who have sensitive skin who wish to have something gentle applied to them. Many cosmetic companies even tout the hypoallergenic word towards normal skinned people in an attempt to market. The problem with hypoallergenic products is that there is no federal body that governs the use of the word and conducts tests for its validity. Dermatologists have said that the word means little and does not provide enough incentive to buy. Product labels across the cosmetic spectrum also include the words fragrance free and unscented. To most consumers, this means the product omits no particular odor. To see if there is fragrance means to examine the products label. Most often, product labels list their ingredients according to importance. By checking the ingredient list, a person can safeguard against unwanted ingredients that may oversensitize your skin. Another popular claim on product labels, cruelty free, is also misleading. The phrase not tested on animal may only apply to the cosmetic company. Their raw material suppliers might conduct animal tests to determine their product safety. Any cruelty-free claim might also mean that the animal testing is not being done now, but could have been before. Another attractive word on product labels is antiaging. Thousands of skincare products make promises about removing wrinkles or preventing the skin from aging. They contain a hodgepodge of ingredients and formulations. There is no consistent pattern among any of them. Yet they all claim to stop aging and still no one stops getting wrinkles or sheds a wrinkle. Hearing about visible lift with proven results", everyone is caught up. The study doesn't say what the improvement was based on. It also doesn't comment on who made the assessment about the improvement. If it was the company's own appraisal, they clearly had reason to notice that the skin looked better. Claims like these are meaningless, but sound great.

Have you heard about nighttime repair? The suggestion here is that somehow a cream can help increase cell reproduction and undo skin damage. You can do some impressive things with a moisturizer and create smoother, healthierlooking skin, but it is all temporary. Stop using it and things will go back to the way they were. What about deep cleansing? This term has always baffled people. If a product could clean deeply, a person would be bleeding, and no one would ever have blackheads because they would be eliminated. In this case, "deep cleansing" probably means "thorough cleansing". But cosmetics companies encourage the belief that deep-cleansing products can get into a pore and eject a blackhead. There are ways to dissolve the stuff that is inside a blackhead, but "deep cleansing" won't do it. A person has always to make an attempt to read products labels. Sometimes, whats visible on the surface might not be the case, as the governmental regulations and the FDA do not have any control over what manufacturers claim on products, like recent studies that have proven anti-bacterial soap is nothing more than regular soap. EXERCISES Ex. 1. Answer the questions: 1. Where can a person find scientific jargon? 2. What are hypoallergenic products? 3. What is the problem with hypoallergenic products? 4. How do you understand fragrance free? 5. How can you see if the product really contains some fragrance? 6. How is the concept of cruelty free treated? 7. Are all so called antiaging product really helpful? Why? 8. If a person hears the expression proven results, should he believe it or not? Why? 9. What is the concept of nighttime cream based on? 10.Is it possible to perform a deep cleansing of the skin as ads state? Ex. 2. State if these statements are true or false: 1. Scientific jargon is present everywhere. 2. All the words written on the bottles really have meaning behind them. 3. Hypoallergenic products cause little reactions. 4. Fragrance free products do have no perfumes in their composition. 5. The phrase cruelty free means that products are not tested on animals. 6. If you read about visible lift with proven evidences, you can really use this product. 7. Deep cleansing means thorough cleansing. 8. All creams applied at night help increase cell reproduction. 9. Anti-bacterial soap helps to fight against bacteria.

Ex. 3. Find synonyms to the following words: Attempt, claim, damage, stuff, to omit, to prevent, manufacturers, to create, safeguard. Ex. 4. Find antonyms to the following words: Long, hypoallergenic, to include, improvement, meaningless, healthy, to encourage, attractive. Ex. 5. Form derivatives from the following words: Fixture, to encourage, supplier, formulation, reproduction, regulation. impressive, product,

Ex. 6. Explain the terms: Hypoallergenic, label, FDA, appraisal, blackhead, cruelty free, nighttime repair, cleansing, wrinkle, anti-bacterial. Ex. 7. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions: 1. a fixture cosmetic counter 2. to do impressive things a moisturizer 3. to conduct test its vitality 4. according importance 5. to safeguard unwanted ingredients 6. attractive words product label 7. to go back the way they were 8. to be visible the surface 9. to be the problem hypoallergenic products get a pore 11.comment who made the assessment the improvement Ex. 8. Translate into English: A determina sigurana produsului; a fi destinat pentru consumatori cu pielea sensibil; netestat pe animale; a elimina ridurile; a combate mbtrnirea pielii; o persoan se poate proteja de ingrediente nedorite; furnizatori a materiei prime; ntro msur crema poate intensifica regenerarea celulelor; curaare profund; a stimula/ a ncuraja credina; a elimina puncte negre; produse hipoalergenice puin sau deloc nu cauzeaz reacii alergice; a verifica lista de ingediente; produse de curaare profund; un amestec de ingrediente i formule; a meniona/ a plasa ingredientele dup importan; a sensibiliza excesiv pielea; hemoragie; a dizolva coninutul punctelor negre; pielea arat mai bine. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; / ; ; ; ();

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; . Ex. 9. Make summary of the text. Ex. 10. Choose any cosmetic product you like (cream, lipstick, gel, shampoo, balm, etc). Look through the list of ingredients mentioned on it and analyze the components (allergenic, harmful, etc). Ex. 11. Make reports on the following topics: a. Cosmetics and allergy. b. Types of allergies caused by the use of cosmetic products.

c. Cosmetic products raw materials.

LESSON 6. Text: BREAKING DOWN THE HUMAN HAIR When it comes to our hair, everyone is unique. That`s what makes choosing a hair style, a new color, or certain treatment, such an individual undertaking. Human hair is made up of proteins called keratin. It is said that the average human head contains 100,000 hair follicles. It is from these follicles that the human hair is able to grow and develop. The follicles are found within the skin on top of our heads, known as the scalp. Just below the skins surface is the hair root. The hair that extends beyond the head/scalp is the hairs shaft/stream. At the end of each hair root is the hair bulb, which is responsible for receiving the nutrients needed for new cells to be formed. The dermal papilla is a part of the hair that is located inside of the base of the hair follicle and works to feed blood and nutrients to the hair bulb. Like our skin, the hair uses sebaceous glands (oil glands), which lubricates and keeps the human hair shiny and healthy. The erector pili are small muscles that are attached to each

hair follicle. These muscles react to any stimulus, which causes the hair to stand up straight. The actual human hair itself is made up of three layers: the cuticle, cortex, and medulla. The cuticle is located on the outside of the hair shaft and is covered with overlapping layers of keratin scales. The cortex layer is the second part of the hair shaft that is made up of keratinized protein fibers, and the inner most core of the hair shaft is where the round cells of the medulla can be found. The state of your hair dictates the hair type you have. The most common hair types are normal/balanced, oily and dry. Normal human hair is by far the most desirable because it has the perfect blend of shine, moisture and health. This hair type is encouraged by a good, well balanced daily diet and proper hair care that avoids too much heat and chemicals. Oily human hair types are often associated with oily skin types. With oily hair, the scalp produces too much oil, which can attract dirt, resulting in a greasy and hard to manage appearance. Oily hair usually needs to be washed often. Those with oily hair should avoid eating too many oily foods and load up on green fruits and vegetables. Dry hair lacks the oil needed to keep the hair shaft and scalp properly moisturized. The inactive oil glands of dry hair types may be caused by a number of factors such as over exposure to the sun, chemical treatments, using shampoo that irritates the scalp, or blocked pores that keep the sebaceous glands from producing oil naturally. Dry hair types need plenty of nourishment in order to function properly. People with dry hair should try massaging the scalp with herbal oil twice a week and each a diet rich in zinc, as well as to use mild shampoos made for dry hair types and avoid electronic curlers and hair dryers as much as possible. EXERCISES Ex. 1. Answer the questions: 1. Why is it so difficult to make a standard in hair style? 2. What is human hair made up of? 3. What are hair follicles and what is their number? 4. What is a hair composed of? 5. What is the dermal papilla? 6. How does our hair use sebaceous glands? 7. What are the main hair layers? 8. Where is the cuticle located? 9. What is the cortex layer? 10.What do you know about the medulla? 11.What are the main hair types? 12.How can normal hair be characterized? 13.What are the features of oily hair? 14.Name the peculiarities of dry hair. 15.How should dry hair be treated?

Ex. 2. Find synonyms to the following words: Undertaking, manage, to attach, bulb, moisture, to shine, to keep, mild, treatment. Ex. 3. Find antonyms to the following words: Proper, normal, inner, responsible, within, second, dry. Ex. 4. Form derivatives from the following words: To choose, to extend, to irritate, nourishment, treatment. Ex. 5. Explain the terms: Cortex, lubricate, to encourage, dry hair, oily hair, balanced hair, sebaceous gland. Ex. 6. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions: 1. to come smth 2. hair is made proteins 3. to be located the outsider the hair 4. to be far the most desirable 5. a blend shine 6. to be encouraged a daily diet 7. to be caused a number factors 8. to be associated oily skin 9. to keep the glands producing oil load green fruits 11.massaging the scalp herbal oil 12.a diet rich zinc Ex. 7. Translate into English: Abordare individual; rdcina prului; tulpina prului; bulbul prului este responsabil pentru acumularea substanelor nutritive; muchii mici ce se ataeaz de fiecare scule de pr; cuticula, cortexul i mduva prului; pr normal/gras/uscat; un amestec perfect de strlucire; hidaratare i sntate; o diet echilibrat; ngrijirea adecvat a prului; scalpul produe prea mult sebum; prului uscat i lipsesc substane uleioase; a mnca mult fructe i legume; expunere la soare; tratament chimic; utilizarea amponului ce irit pielea scalpului; hrnirea intens; masajul pielii scalpului cu ulei; prul gras este greu de aranjat, glande sebacee. ; ; ; ; , ; , ; / / ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

; ; ; , ; ; ; , . Ex. 8. Make summary of the text. Ex. 9. Make reports on the following topics: Normal hair-care products. Oily hair-care products. Dry hair-care products. Ex. 10. Study the names of products we use while taking care of our hair. Translate them into your native language. Tell how often you use them. Mousse, shampoo, anti-dandruff shampoo, shine spray, body building shampoo/balsam, hydrating shampoo/balsam, hair mask, color reviving shampoo, brush, comb. Ex. 11. a) Look at the words from ex. 10 as well as some from the text. Match the words from the columns to make collocations (some variants are possible) Translate them into your Mother tongue. Make sentences with them. mousse shampoo hair dandruff spray mask balsam brush shine body building hydrating mask colour reviving massage intensive repair restorative mask taming volumising

b) Fill in the blanks with the collocations: 1. is used to give volume to your hair. 2. needs to be often washed. 3. If you have white particles on your hair, wash it with . 4. Your hair is very weak, use . . 5. Overdried hair should be hydrated by means of . 6. Massage your scalp daily with . 7. . are applied before or after shampooing. 8. You have a curly hair and you want it to be straight, so you have to use . 9. On going to the party, a lady can give a little touch of ... to make her hair sparkle. 10. type of hair is the most desirable. 11.A month after dying my hair, its color faded. So I had to use .

Ex. 12. Read the text and do the following exercises: DANDRUFF LINKED TO GLOBAL WARMING Next time you brush away some dandruff from your shoulder, stop and think: you may be contributing to global warming. This is a conclusion reached by German researchers, who report that unexpectedly large amounts of dandruff, skin flakes and fur are causing air pollution. Ruprecht Jaenicke and his team, from Mainz University, conducted an extensive fifteen-year study of air samples from all over the world. He found that biological materials make up twenty-five per cent of air pollutants, known as aerosols. Other biological pollutants, also called bioaerosols, include bacteria, fungi, pollen and particles from plants and trees. Mr. Jaenicke says these bio-aerosols play an important role in regulating the earths climate and have been underestimated in analyzing weather patterns and global warming. He says scientists should consider bio-aerosols more when predicting climate change. Bio-aerosols can absorb heat from the sun to warm the air and reflect sunlight to cool it; they also affect how rain and snow are formed. He does not tell us which shampoos to use to reduce dandruff and global warming. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. a) Say whether these sentences are true or false: Global warming has increased the number of dandruff sufferers. Dandruff increases global warming. Flakes of skin and strands of fur are air pollutants. Biological materials make up two point five per cent of all air pollutants. Biological materials have an insignificant role in regulating the earths climate. Scientists who study climate change should think more about dandruff. Dandruff can affect how rain and snow are formed. A scientist advises us which shampoo is best for dandruff. b) Match the following synonyms from the article: (a) brush the heavens (b) contributing flick (c) extensive part (d) make up forecasting (e) particles hold (f) role constitute (g) regulating pieces (h) predicting controlling (i) absorb large-scale (j) the atmosphere adding c) Match the following phrases from the article: (a) brush fifteen-year study (b This is a conclusion an important role

) (c) (d ) (e) (f) (g ) (h ) (i) (j)

unexpectedly large conducted an extensive air play regulating the earths absorb reflect this months issue of

the journal Science heat amounts pollutants sunlight away some dandruff climate reached by German researchers

d) Look at this list of hair problems and talk about which ones you would be worried about. What advice would you give to someone with these problems? - dandruff - split ends - receding hairline - baldness (alopecia) - gray hair - greasy hair - itchy scalp e) Answer the questions: 1. Were you surprised by anything in this article? 2. What do you think when you see dandruff on someones shoulder? 3. Would you worry if you had dandruff? 4. Do you think governments should act to control levels of dandruff in the air? 5. How much time do you spend each day on your hair? 6. Are you always happy with your hair? 7. Is your hair easy to manage? 7. What problems do you have with your hair? 8. When you breathe, you are probably breathing in other peoples dandruff. What do you think about this? 9. Should we think more about bio-aerosols and their effect on earths climate? 11. Which shampoo is best? Ex.13. Shampoo ads: a) What is your favourite shampoo? Why and how often do you use it/them? Make its ad(s). b) You are a representative of a cosmetic firm which produces shampoos. Make an ad of your products. Ex. 14. Read the following text and do the exercises: HAIR LOSS TO BE A THING OF THE PAST A biotechnology company in the UK says it is working on a new technology

to help cure an age-old problem hair loss. Intercytex has developed a robot that will be able to implant cells in areas of the scalp where hair loss has taken place. It seems the fight to treat baldness may at last be won. The company has already tested a procedure whereby hair follicles are taken from the back of the neck, multiplied a thousand-fold under clinical conditions and then re-implanted onto the head. The revolutionary technique is set to bring relief to millions of men and women around the world who are embarrassed, sometimes to the point of suicide, by their hair loss. Gone may be the days of wearing wigs or of brushing hair across the head to hide bald patches. Intercytex has been awarded a $3.6 million grant from Britains government to bring the technology to fruition. Initial tests were conducted on seven men, five of whom are now growing new and healthy hair. Another 20 men are on standby to be guinea pigs. Jonathon Malvern, a balding 26-year-old, says he cannot wait to try the new wonder cure: I started thinning on top when I was just 19, he said. He said having a receding hairline has affected his confidence: I always worry about looking older than I really am and of not finding a partner in life. He said he had tried several hair replacement treatments but complained they were a waste of time and money: Its not just the cost, he explained, its also the trauma of the surgery being unsuccessful. Having a full head of hair is my dream. a) Say whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F): a. Jonathon Malvern starting balding when he was just 19. b. Gone are the days of wearing wigs or brushing hair across the head c. A biotechnology firm has a $3 million grant to help fight baldness. d. Initial tests were carried out on nine men. e. Hair follicles from the backs of legs are transplanted on the head. f. The British government will bring the technology to fruition. g. Twenty men are on standby to be guinea pigs. h. The new wonder cure will be free. b) Match the following synonyms from the article: a. implant thin on top b. revolutionary operation c. wig process d. guinea pigs hope e. bald able bodied f. worry toupe g. surgery volunteers h. dream concern i. healthy insert j. procedure innovative


c) Match the following phrases from the article: a. The revolutionary technique thinning on top b. Another 20 men to hide bald patches c. I started from the back of the neck d. Brushing hair across the head awarded a $3.6 million grant e. Hair follicles are taken developed a robot f. Gone may be the days has affected his confidence g. Its also the trauma is set to bring relief h. Intercytex has been are on standby to be guinea pigs i. A receding hairline of the surgery being unsuccessful j. Intercytex has of wearing wigs d) Look at the words below, try to recall exactly how these were used in the text: suicide money wigs thinning technology partner confidence grant robot treatments patches guinea pigs e) Discuss the following questions: 1. Do you think men worry too much about baldness? 2. What would you think if your hair started falling out? Would you wear a wig? 3. Do you know anyone who wears a wig/hairpiece/toupe? 4. Do you think baldness is attractive in men and women? 5. What advantages do you think there are of being bald? 6. Do you think therell ever be a cure for baldness? 7. What do you think of celebrities like Elton John spending millions of dollars on hair replacement treatments? 8. Does baldness make people look older or younger? 9. Do people of different races / nationalities look better bald? 10. How would the world / life be different if everyone was totally bald? 11. What do you think of your hair / hairstyle f) Finish these sentence starters: a) Bald men should ____________________ b) Bald women should _______________ c) Finding a partner ________________ d) I started thinning on top _____________ e) A receding hairline __________________ f) The trauma ________ __________ g) Hair replacement treatments ___________ h) Bald patches _________________


LESSON 7. Text: NAIL COSMETICS Nail cosmetics represents a form of self-adornment allowing personal expression dictated by current fashion trends. Their popularity is greatest among females; however, the market for male manicures is rapidly growing. Forms of adornment for the fingernails and the toenails include nail polish, artificial nails, nail elongators, and nail treatment products. In both males and females, professional grooming of the fingernails and the toenails is known as a manicure and a pedicure, respectively. The grooming includes cutting the nails according to current fashion standards, while improving their cosmetic appearance. The procedure for a manicure (grooming of the fingernails) and a pedicure (grooming of the toenails) is essentially the same. The nails are first soaked in a soapy solution to remove any debris and to soften the nail plate prior to cutting. Softening the nail is important to prevent cracking, splitting, and horizontal layering, which may occur when trying to cut a brittle nail plate. Current fashion dictates that the nails should be trimmed to a delicate arc at the middle of the fingertip and filed to remove any corners at the medial and lateral parts of the nail. Although this shape is esthetically pleasing and serves to create the illusion of long, slender fingers, it predisposes to nail plate fracture, hang nails, and ingrown nails. Ideally, the nail should be trimmed with as slight a curve as possible and the corners of the nail left untouched. This technique is particularly important when trimming the toenails because they frequently in grow because of pressure from ill-fitting shoes. Recurrent ingrown toenails are best prevented by leaving the nail corners longer than the center of the toenail to create a concave shape. The nail plate should not be cut, but it should be frequently filed to prevent cracking through shearing forces generated by scissors or clippers. However, if cutting is necessary, the nails should be trimmed with sharp scissors or a nail clipper after softening. The cutting implement should be held perfectly perpendicular to the nail surface to avoid layering the nail plate, which predisposes to onychoschizia. Any remaining sharp edges should be filed with a diamond dust file. Under no circumstances should the cuticle be removed or traumatized because this action may precipitate the formation of paronychia or onychomycosis. Unfortunately, the cuticle is considered to be unattractive by most manicure artists because it complicates the even application of nail polish. Most of the problems that arise from a professional manicure are related to manipulation of the cuticle.

The last step in the manicure is grooming of the surface of the nail plate. Sometimes, this step is as simple as buffing the nail plate to a shine with creams containing finely ground pumice, talc, kaolin, or precipitated chalk as abrasives, with wax added to increase nail shine. A white pencil, also known as nail white, is sometimes stroked beneath the free edge of the nail plate to brighten the nail. Females may prefer to use nail polish or other nail decoration. EXERCISES Ex. 1. Answer the questions: 1. What does nail cosmetics represent? 2. What forms of nails adornment do you know? 3. What is a manicure? 4. What is a pedicure? 5. What does nail grooming include? 6. Is there any difference between a manicure and a pedicure? 7. Describe the first stage in manicure/pedicure. Why is it so important? 8. Specify the modern fashion in nails trimming. 9. Determine the disadvantages of nails oval shape. 10.What is the ideal form of the toenails? Why? 11.Should nails be cut? If yes, how? 12.How can you define the relationship between a professional manicure and cuticle? 13.How can you describe the last step in manicure? Ex. 2. State if these statements are true or false: 1. Nail cosmetics represents a form of self-esteem. 2. Popularity of nail cosmetics is the greatest only among females. 3. Grooming of the fingernails is known as manicure, and grooming of the toenails is known as pedicure. 4. The procedure for a manicure and a pedicure is essentially different. 5. The first step in manicure is grooming of the surface of the nail plate. 6. Ingrown nails are avoided by cutting the toenail horizontally. 7. Cuticle doesnt cause problems in manicure. 8. Nails should be trimmed without being soaked. Ex. 3. Find synonyms to the following words: To improve, to encounter, layer, trauma, to precipitate, adornment, trend, shear, slender, implement. Ex. 4. Find antonyms to the following words: Pleasing, illusion, long, frequently, to precipitate, free, to brighten, to prefer. Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps with necessary words:

Current, nail, buffing, nail, procedure, slender, concave 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. .. for a manicure/pedicure .. the nail plate .. fashion .. shape ... fingers polish onychomycosis, pedicure, paronychia,

Ex. 6. Explain the terms: Adornment, polish, fingertips, manicure, cuticle, to brittle, cuticle.

Ex. 7. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions: 1. to be dictated fashion trends 2. popularity females 3. forms adornments the fingernails 4. to be soaked a soapy solution 5. to be trimmed a delicate arc the middle the fingertip 6. application nail polish 7. to be trimmed sharp scissors 8. buffing the nail plate a shine creams 9. the procedure a manicure remove corners the medial parts the nails be filed diamond dust file Ex. 8. What kind of nails shapes were mentioned in the text? Draw them in your copybooks and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each shape. Express your likes and dislikes. Ex. 9. Translate into English: a) O form de nfrumuseare, exprimarea personal, lac pentru unghii, crem tratament pentru mini i unghii, tratament pentru cuticul, unghii artificiale, tierea unghiilor, tendinele curente ale modei, a mbunti aparenele cosmetice, a fi nmuiat n soluii cu spun, exfolierea unghiilor, a lsa colurile (marginile) unghiilor mai lungi, a tia cu foarfece ascuit, n nici un caz, cuticula nu trebuie eliminat, o manichur profesionist presupune operarea corect cu cuticula, a ngriji suprafaa unghiei, substane abrazive, ceara intensific strlucirea unghilor, femeile prefer aplicarea lacului de unghii. , , , , , , , , , , , () , ,

, , , ( ), () , , . b) Minile frumos ngrijite sunt un atribut important al fiecrei femei. tim cu toi ct de greu se ntrein minile frumoase din cauz muncii zilnice, a detergenilor i a diferenelor de temperatur. Alegei atent cremele de mini ca s v bucurai de o ngrijire complet. . , , . , . Ex. 10. Make summary of the text. Ex. 11. Read the statements and share your opinion to your group mates. Work in groups or pairs. a. There are a lot of people in this world who spend so much time watching their appearance that they dont have time to enjoy it. b. A good man is the man who looks after his nails. Ex. 12. Study the words we use while talking about our hands. Translate them into your native language. Tell how often you use them. Nailwear, solver, nail enamel remover, manicure, hand cream, balm, cuticle, base coat. Ex. 11. a) Look at the words from ex. 12 as well as some from the text. Match the words from the columns to make collocations (some variants are possible) Translate them into your Mother tongue. Make sentences with them. nail solver manicure cream balm cuticle coat hand peeling brittleness care enamel remover glycerine builder gel

Ex. 13. Look at the pictures and choose the manicure you like best of all. Why?






Ex.14. Read the text and do the following exercises: a) Read the text and translate it if necessary. NAIL POLISH REMOVERS Nail polish removers are liquids designed to strip the nail polish from the nail plate. They may contain strong solvents such as acetone, alcohol, ethyl acetate etc. conditioning nail enamel removers are available containing fatty materials, such as lanolin, castor oil or other synthetic oils. These oily substances are thought to act as occlusive nail moisturizers retarding water evaporation. Nevertheless, their effectiveness is minimal compared with the dehydrating effect of the strong solvents required to dissolve the nail enamel. Nail enamel remover is applied to a tissue or a cotton ball and wiped across the nail plate to remove old or wanted nail polish. Several applications and rubbing may be required to remove the polish if several coats have been applied. However, nail polish remover can irritate and dry the nail plate and surrounding skin. It can also contribute to nail dryness and brittleness. These problems can be avoided by using the product once a week or less. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. b) Discuss these questions: Why is it necessary for people to use nail polish removers? How often do you come to use it? What information does this text give you about the nail polish removers? Can nail polish removers provide allergy? How much time do you spend on your nails? Is it important for you? Why? Should there be a limit to use nail polish remover? Why? c) Are these statements true or false? 1. Nail polish removers are designed to strip the nail polish. 2. Nail polish removers contain soft solvents. 3. Nail polish removers cant irritate and dry the nail plate. 4. Nail enamel remover is applied to a tissue or a cotton ball. 5. Nail enamel removers does not contain any fatty substances. 6. The problems with irritation can be minimized by using nail polish remover once a year. d) Find synonyms to these words:

Nail enamel remover, solution, to assist, to move off, exhalation, fragile. e) Give antonyms to the words: Wet, strong, maximum, soft, permeability. f) Discuss the following items: It is a good thing to use nail polish! Nail polish must be prohibited! We can replace nail polish by . g) Make an ad for products of nail trimming (nail polish, nail polish removers etc). a. b. c. d. Ex.15. Make reports on the following topics: Main trends in manicure. Main trends in pedicure. Types of artificial nails. Artificial nails: to use or not to use. LESSON 8. Text: TOOLS USED IN FACIAL TREATMENT

A cleanser is a facial care product that is used to remove make-up, dead skin cells, oil, dirt and other types of pollutants from the skin of the face. This helps to unclog pores and prevent skin conditions such as acne. Many people use a cleanser once or more times a day as part of their skin care regimen together with a toner and moisturizer. Using a cleanser to remove dirt is considered to be a better alternative to bar soap or another form of skin cleanser not specifically formulated for the face for the following reasons: - Bar soap has a high pH (in the area of 9 to 10), and skin's natural pH is 5.5. This means that soap can change the balance present in the skin to favor the overgrowth of some types of bacteria, exacerbating acne.


- Bar cleansers in general, soap or not, have thickeners that allow them to

assume that a bar shape can clog pores, once again leading to acne. - Using bar soap on the face can remove natural oils from the skin that form a barrier against water loss. This causes the sebaceous glands subsequently to overproduce oil, which also will lead to clogged pores. Conversely, in order to prevent drying out the skin, many cleansers incorporate moisturizers. It is important to remember always to wash the face in luke warm water, use a milky cleanser and a hydrating toner which should be applied before moisturizing, try not to leave the skin un-moisturized for too long after cleansing. It is imperative not to dehydrate the skin. It should be cleansed, toned and moisturized twice a day, once at night and once in the morning.

Facial mask is a creamy mask applied to the face for hygiene effects to clean or smooth the face. It often contains minerals, vitamins and fruit extracts, such as cactus and cucumber, to give the nutrition to the skin of the face. There are different kinds of masks for different purposes; some are deep cleansing for cleaning the pores. The effect of the mask can be revitalizing, rejuvenating or refreshing. Facial masks are most commonly used by women but also used by men. Some masks are washed off with tepid water; others are peeled off by hand. The duration for wearing a mask depends on type of mask, but can be 3 minutes to 30 minutes, and sometimes including the whole night. Honey is a very popular mask because it smoothes the skin and cleans pores. A popular home remedy includes a slice of cucumber on the eyes. Moisturizers are complex mixtures of chemical agents specially designed to make the external layers of the skin softer and more pliable, by increasing its hydration. Naturally occurring skin lipids and sterols as well as artificial or natural oils, humectants, emollients, lubricants, etc. may be part of commercial skin moisturizers composition. They are usually available as commercial products for cosmetic and therapeutic uses, but can also be thrown together at home using common pharmacy ingredients. Despite overwhelming promotion of moisturizers for skin care, little proof exists that they provide any health benefits at all.

EXERCISES Ex.1. Answer the questions: 1. What are the main tools for facial treatment? 2. What does a cleanser represent? 3. Is it good to use a bar soap for cleansing the skin? Why? 4. What is a facial mask applied for? 5. What does a facial mask often contain? 6. How many types of masks are there? 7. Who uses facial masks? 8. Why is honey considered to be a popular mask? 9. What is a moisturizer? 10.How many types of moisturizers do you know? 11.Why and how is cucumber used in cosmetics? Ex. 2. Give synonyms to the words: Luke warm, subsequently, whole, to clog, dehydrated, to remove, proof, to allow, imperative. Ex. 3. Give antonyms to the following words: Night, to apply, natural, always, clean, balance, favor, overgrowth, artificial, women, hydration. Ex. 4. Explain the following words: Cleanser, facial mask, moisturizer, bar soap, pH, clogged pore, toner, acne. Ex. 5. Translate the following words/expressions into your native language: 1) to incorporate 2) to revitalize 3) to smooth the face 4) to peel off 5) bar soap 6) sterol Ex. 6. Fill in the gaps using the following words: Revitalize, tepid water, refreshing, cleanser, honey, rejuvenating, cucumber. 1) _________ is a green vegetable often used when making homemade facial masks. 2) _________ is a popular mask because it smoothes the skin and it is 100% natural. 3) Some masks are washed off with ____________. 4) Many people use a ________ once or more times a day.

5) Facial masks effect can be ________, _______ or ________. Ex. 7. Choose the odd word: 1) Milk, water, cake, oil, lemon juice. 2) Plant, butter, flower, fruit, vegetable. 3) To clean, to wash, to cleanse, to jump, to remove. 4) Soup, mask, moisturizer, crme, lotion. 5) Soft, pliable, dry, warm, wrinkle. Ex. 8. Find the spelling mistakes and correct them: Faice, bar sope, to alow, skeen, worm woter, arteficeal, overgrouth, cucomber, cleening, to unclogg, hight, to contein, naturale, helth, comercial, to hidrate. Ex. 9. Insert necessary prepositions: 1. to remove make 2. a part skin regimen 3. the balance present the skin favour smth. 4. order prevent 5. a barrier water loss 6. to apply the face hygiene effects 7. nutrition the skin the face 8. kinds masks different purposes 9. commercial products cosmetics 10.promotion moisturizers skin care Ex. 10. Render the following into English: Gel demachiant; a ndeprta machiajul; celule moarte; sebum; murdrie de pe suparfaa tenului feei; loiune hidrntant; spun; pori acoperii; gel de curare cremos; ap cldu; a cura cu mina; ntinerire i mprosptare; efect de revitalizare; o felie de castrave la ochi; mbinare complex a agenilor chimici; a intensifica hidrantarea; substane emoliente; coninutul loiunilor hidratante; diferite mti faciale; a preveni dehidratarea/uscarea pielii; a cura tenul de 2 ori pe zi. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; / ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; . Ex. 11. Match the words from the columns on order to make collocations. Write all possible variants. Translate them in your Mothertongue. Make sentences with them.

cream cleanser moisturizer mask foam toner polisher scrub

energizing mud smoothing face/facial hydrating purifying exfoliating invigorating matifying cleansing alcohol free night day intensive

Ex.12. Make summary of the text. Ex. 13. These are the main tools for facial treatment. Which ones would you choose for your skin? If you already use some, say in several words how and when you use them. leansers

Facial masks



Ex. 14. Read and study the information given below and say if you follow it. 1. How should a person cleanse his/her face?

2. Golden rules to follow when applying face masks:


Pull back hair, pin it up, tie it, just make sure they are out of the way. Clean you face before applying the mask Always apply with fingertips. Apply it over the forehead, cheek, nose, chip and neck. Never apply the mask around the eye area. The eye area is really sensitive, so leave gaps underneath Try to relax when you have put the mask on, try not to talk, and lie down. The best time to apply a mask is when you are soaking in a bathtub. Leave on the mask for the recommended period of time, and not longer. All masks come with instructions of application and removal of masks, try to follow them LESSON 9. Text: FACIAL MASSAGE

Facial massage is a very popular Western beauty treatment to slow down the aging process and achieve younger looking and healthier skin. It may involve a whole massage session, a portion of a whole-body massage or a part of a facial treatment. In Eastern therapies, facial massage is part of a full-body treatment in which pressure points on the face and neck are stimulated in order to release blockages in the flow of vital energy. Lotions or oils are not used on the face in acupressure, shiatsu, or yoga techniques of facial massage. Massage has been used for pain relief, healing and cosmetic improvement by people of all cultures since ancient times. The first written record of massage therapy is a Chinese medical text dating from the third century B.C. The ancient Greeks, Persians, Japanese, and Indians also recorded the use of massage treatment in great detail in their early medical literature. The Western version of facial massage as a cosmetic treatment is a relatively recent twentieth-century innovation. It has become especially popular in Europe. This form of facial massage has generally been regarded as belonging more to estheticians and makeup artists than to massage therapists. In Western massage, a facial massage as part of a full-body treatment is different from a full facial

treatment, which includes masks, steaming, and similar techniques. A regular massage simply includes massage of the face, usually at the beginning or the end of the massage session. Western-style facial massage may offer the following potential benefits as improvement of facial skin and muscle tone, relaxation of facial and eye muscles, relief from tension headaches and facial pain, alleviation of stress and anxiety, overall physical and mental relaxation. In shiatsu, acupressure, and similar Eastern therapies, pressure is applied to points on the face in order to stimulate or unblock the flow of vital energy in specific meridians. Facial massage as part of Eastern therapies may offer the

following potential benefits as stimulation of meridian points on the face, relief from eyestrain, relief of neck tension, alleviation of nervous disorders. Facial massage may be administered in a salon by an esthetician, as well as by a certified massage therapist, although facial massage may be learned and selfadministered by anyone seeking to reap its benefits. The patient will lie comfortably face-up and a towel may be draped over the shoulders. The skin is first cleansed and a light moisturizer or an essential oil or herb may be applied. Techniques include using symmetrical circles, light-pressure strokes to relieve tension, application of pressure in the hollows of the eyes, circling of the cheek muscles, circling motions to relieve tension in the chin and neck, as well as the scalp. The moisturizer or oil is then removed a special lotion is usually applied to the skin. The facial massage may indeed be the most enjoyable anti-aging method on the market today. EXERCISES Ex. 1. Answer the questions: 1. What is a facial massage? 2. What are the main types of massage? 3. By whom is the facial massage done? 4. How is massage of the face done? 5. What is applied in massage? Why? 6. What does facial massage in Eastern therapies suppose? 7. When are lotions and oils not used on the face? 8. What is the first written record of massage therapy? 9. What kind of cultures uses facial massages?

10. Where is the Western version of massage popular?

11.What are the benefits of the Western massage. 12.Describe the benefits of the Eastern style of facial massage. Ex. 2. Find synonyms to the following words: Popular, to involve, portion, amount, movement, pain, to regard, to slow down, alleviation, light. Ex. 3. Find antonyms to the following words: Beauty, simple, popular, usually, improvement, light, relaxation, physical, symmetrical. Ex. 4. Form derivatives from the following words: Treatment, to apply, blockages, pain, to record, pressure. Ex. 5. Explain the terms: Massage, skin, stress, acupressure, shiatsu, eyestrain, self-administration, pressure points. Ex. 6. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions: 1. to be used relieve stress 2. a part facial treatment 3. the use massage 4. cosmetic improvement people cultures 5. to date the 3rd century BC 6. great detail 7. to be popular Europe 8. the beginning massage session 9. stimulation meridian point the face 10.relief eyestrain 11.application pressure the hollows eyes 12. motion relieve tension .. the chin Ex. 7. Translate into English: Un tratament de frumusee, prevenirea procesului de mbtrnire, ameliorarea stresului, dureri de cap, masajul feei este fcut cu minile, o cantitate mic de loiune sau ulei, o parte a ntregului tratament al corpului, puncte de presiune, ameliorarea durerii, prima meniune scris, tratament cosmetic, a mbunti tenul i tonusul muchilor, dureri faciale, ameliorarea tensiunii cervicale, a sta culcat comfortabil, pielea este curat, a utiliza cercuri simetrice, lovituri uoare, uleiul este nlturat, cel mai plcut tratamant mpotriva mbtrnirii, variant oriental a masajului facial, variant occidental a masajului facial, relaxarea muchilor feei i a ochilor, o relaxare fizic general. , , , , ,

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Ex.8. Make summary of the text. Ex.9. Make reports on the following topics: - Some procedures of facial massage. - Western type of facial massage. - Eastern type of facial massage. - Massage service in Moldova. Ex.10. Read the text and render its content into English. MASAJ FACIAL O edin de masaj facial are o serie de efecte benefice care vor tonifica tenul, dndu-i un aspect sanatos. Dar pentru a obine toate aceste efecte, masajul nu trebuie fcut la ntamplare. Regula de aur este efectuarea unor micri uoare, fara ncercarea de a ntinde pielea de jos n sus. n acest fel, micrile menin supleea pielii, stimuleaz funciile glandelor sebacee, tonific muschii feei i ndeprteaz stratul de celule moarte de pe suprafaa pielii. Masajul mngietor - se executa cu pulpele degetelor. Mngiem usor pielea obrazului, fr a o intinde. Masajul de acest fel acioneaz asupra glandelor pielii si a nervilor, nviornd circulaia sngelui. Masajul ciupit - micari de scurt durat care const n "apucarea" pielii ntre degetul mare i artator. Masajul pianotat - cu micri asemnatoare celor executate la pian cu toate degetele, se foloseste pentru stimularea pielii ridate. nainte de a practica masajul facial, trebuie de respecat unele reguli: faa trebuie curatata foarte bine i hidratata. Durata masajului nu va depasi 10-15 minute, iar minile trebuie s fie perfect curate i cu unghiile scurte. Tenul uscat poate beneficia de masajul mngietor, ciupit, pianotat i tapotat, iar pentru tenul gras se va folosi masajul framantat, fricionat i tapat. Obrazul care prezint couri nu trebuie masat. , , . , , .

. , , . . , . , . , . , . : . 10-15 , , . , - . , , . LESSON 10. Text: COSMETIC SURGERY City of London financiers have discovered the perfect way to splurge their annual bonuses. They are opting for cosmetic surgery to maintain a youthful appearance in a fierce competitive job market. Business is booming in nose surgery, wrinkle fillers, liposuction, and Botox relaxants as means to repair or slow the ravages of time. Botox is the brand name of a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. In large amounts, this toxin can cause botulism. Small, diluted amounts can be directly injected into specific muscles causing controlled weakening of the muscles. Cosmetic physicians have been using Botox for years to successfully treat wrinkles and facial creases. Botox blocks signals from the nerves to the muscles. The injected muscle can no longer contract, which causes the wrinkles to relax and soften. It is most often used on forehead lines, lines around the eye and frown lines. Wrinkles caused by sun damage and gravity will not respond to Botox. The procedure takes only a few minutes and no anesthesia is required. Botox is injected with a fine needle into specific muscles with only minor discomfort. It generally takes three to seven days to take full effect. The effects from Botox will last four to six months. As muscle action gradually returns, the lines and wrinkles

begin to re-appear and wrinkles need to be re-treated. The lines and wrinkles often appear less severe with time because the muscles are being trained to relax. Botoxs operations rose by third to over 22.000 and it is not just women who are electing for cosmetic surgery. Eleven percent of this total comes from men, and the number has been rising steadily. There is a greater overall awareness that men have as much rights as women to look as good as possible. A man who is approaching 50, but looks more like 60, feels concern over his job stability. He does not want to be ousted in favor of younger blood, and so cosmetic surgery would give him another 10 years in his chair. Even better is to start treatments early rather than late, to give oneself the best chance of looking good. As they say: It is better to attack the blemish first. Although the most requested surgeries include nose reshaping and the removal of love handles, next on the horizon is an effective remedy for baldness. It would give the already thriving industry an enormous boost. Trials are already underway in Britain for hair regeneration treatment, the challenge of which is to make sure the hair grows quickly enough and thick enough to be cosmetically acceptable. EXERCISES Ex. 1. Answer the questions: 1. What are the financiers doing in the City of London? 2. Why is the number of men who get cosmetic surgery rising? 3. Why is it better to begin cosmetic surgery still being young? 4. What are some of the most common types of surgery mentioned in the text? 5. What is Botox? 6. What kind of effect do large and small amounts of Botox have? 7. How do cosmetic physician use Botox? 8. How is the procedure done? 9. How long does Botox act? Why? 10.What reason does the text give for a future boost to the cosmetic surgery? Ex. 2. State if these statements are true or false: 1. City of London financiers are opting for cosmetic surgery because they are worried about job stability. 2. 11% of men had cosmetic surgery last, year which is less than the year before. 3. According to the text, cosmetic surgery would give an older man 10 more years of job security. 4. If hair regeneration treatments become available, the number of men opting cosmetic surgery would likely grow beyond the current 11%. 5. Botox can treat any type of wrinkles. 6. The effects of Botox are permanent. 7. The full effect of Botox treatment is immediate.

8. Any amounts of Botox are safe. Ex. 3. Match the words in column A with the best choice in column B: financier to splurge fierce ravage to elect overall to oust blemish thrive to regenerate general banker intense mark to remove to destroy to revive to flourish to opt to spend

Ex. 4. Find antonyms to the following words: To discover, fierce, longer, damage, start, best, severe, discomfort, first, enormous. Ex. 5. Fill in the gaps with necessary words: electing, blemish, regeneration, fiercely, overall, thriving, financiers, ravages, ousted, splurge 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. City of London have discovered how to spend their bonuses. They have discovered the perfect way to . . They want cosmetic surgery to look young in a competitive job market. Nose jobs, liposuction and Botox relaxants repair or slow the . of time. It isnt just women who are for cosmetic surgery. There is a greater awareness that men have as much right as women to look as good as possible. 7. An older man does not want to be in favour of younger blood. 8. Start treatments early rather than late, and attack the small first. 9. A remedy for baldness would give the already industry an enormous boost. 10.Trials are already underway in Britain for a hair treatment. Ex. 6. Explain the terms: Financier, fierce, to elect, Botox, outs, thrive, splurge, nose correction, blemish, to regenerate, baldness, wrinkle fillers, liposuction, frown, forehead. Ex. 7. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions: 1. City London 2. a youthful appearance a fierce competition 3. business is blooming nose surgery

4. a brand name a toxin produced the bacterium 5. not to respond Botox 6. to be injected a needle 7. to appear less severe time 8. to rise third over 22.000 9. to elect . surgery 10.a chance looking good feel concern job stability be underway Britain hair regeneration be ousted favor young blood Ex.8. Remember how the fragments were used, and complete the sentences: Business is booming in nose surgery, wrinkle fillers 11% of this total comes from men, and A man who is approaching 50, but looks more like 60, feels Although the most requested surgeries include nose reshaping, next on .. Trials are already .. Ex. 9. Translate into English: Piaa muncii, chirurgia plastic, corectarea formei nasului, a repara urmele timpului/ mbtrnirii, denumirea comercial, cantiti mici, relaxarea controlat a muchiului, a bloca/ a stopa signalele transmise de la nervi la muchi, muchiul injectat nu se mai contract, a fi injectat cu ac subire n anumii muchi, ridurile reapar, a pleda /a apela la chirurgie plastic, a fi nlocuit de cineva mai tnr, a ncepe tratamentul mai devreme, a avea o ans de a arta bine, urmeaz remdiul efectiv mpotriva cheliei, deja se fac investigaii, tratament de regenerare al prului, a crete suficient de repede, liposacie. , , , / / , , , , , , , , , , - , , , , , , . Ex. 10. Make summary of the text. Ex. 11. Discuss the following questions: a. What are your feelings about cosmetic surgery? b. What re your feelings about a job that would force you to consider cosmetic surgery?

c. Would you ever elect to have cosmetic surgery? Why/not? d. For what reasons would you consider having cosmetic surgery? e. Do you know anyone who has ever had cosmetic surgery? If yes, what was your opinion about the decision? f. Michael Jackson has had a lot of cosmetics surgery over the years. Do you think it has helped or harmed his career? Why? g. Why do more and more people are so concerned with cosmetic surgery in general? Ex. 12. Do you agree or disagree? Why? a. I am very concerned with my appearance. I dont want to grow old! b. I would consider cosmetic surgery to make myself more attractive to the opposite sex. c. Research shows that beautiful people have better-paid, more stable jobs. I would consider somatic surgery if I could get paid more. d. Cosmetic surgery is a waste of money. e. Only someone who is shallow and vain would consider cosmetic surgery. Ex. 13. Lets have cosmetic surgery! You are a family of three. Each one wants to have some form of cosmetic surgery. But there is enough money in the bank only for one of you. Assume the roles and discuss who should have the surgery. Dad: You are almost 50, and are very worried about the young go-getters in the company. Youve noticed that they have begun to exclude you from e-mails and meetings, and you even heard one of them referring to you as grandpa. A face-lift and liposuction would make you look 10 years younger, and might save your job. Mom: You feel old! In fact, the other day at a restaurant with friends, the waiter told you about the senior discounts special! Many of your friends have had cosmetic surgery, and they look great. Furthermore, their husbands have taken a new interest in them something you wish your husband would do. Daughter: You definitely need a nose job, and breast enhancement surgery is not a bad idea either. You cant get any boyfriends, and the spring dance is coming soon! Ex. 14. Write a report on one of the topics: e. Artificial beauty is en vogue today. f. Types of cosmetic surgery procedures (nose jobs, liposuction, etc). Ex. 15. Read the following text and do the exercises: WOMAN HAS FIRST FACE TRANSPLANT Pioneering surgeons in France have carried out the worlds first partial face transplant. In the groundbreaking operation, doctors replaced the nose, lips and

chin of a 38-year-old woman who was savaged and disfigured by a dog in May. Doctors say the woman is in excellent condition and that the transplanted organs look normal. The procedure was headed by Dr. Jean-Michel Dubernard, the surgeon who carried out the worlds first hand transplant in 1998. He remained tight-lipped about the details and success of the operation and refused to give details to journalists eager for news of the womans condition and the chances of success. He did say that his patient wishes to remain anonymous. The organs were taken from a brain-dead woman, with her familys consent. Experts in facial reconstruction said the mouth and nose are the most difficult parts of the face to transplant. In the past, surgeons have successfully performed scalp and ear transplants, but facial injuries, such as those the woman suffered, have up until now been impossible to repair. If this surgery proves successful, it will be a major breakthrough in reconstructive surgery for the actual face. The operation entails removing skin and facial muscles from the donor and attaching them to the recipients face by reconnecting the tissue. The appearance of the newly reconstructed face will be somewhere between the original face and that of the organ donors. The woman will have to wait to see if her bodys immune system will accept or reject the new organs. a) Say whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F): a. Surgeons have transplanted the whole of a womans face. b. The woman broke her nose and skull on the ground. c. The same surgeon performed a hand transplant a while back. d. The organ donors family tried to stop the operation. e. Experts say eyes are the most difficult facial features to transplant. f. Doctors have successfully transplanted ears and scalps in the past. g. The new face will be almost identical to the donors face. h. The womans immune system may reject the new organs. b) Match the following synonyms from the article: a. groundbreaking mauled b. savaged spurn c. tight-lipped specialists d. eager look e. consent revolutionary f. experts deformations g. injuries silent h. entails blessing i. appearance necessitates j. reject hankering c) Match the following phrases from the article: a. surgeons in France have carried out to remain anonymous


b. a 38-year-old woman who was c. Doctors say the woman is d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

about the details the worlds first partial face transplant He remained tight-lipped in reconstructive surgery his patient wishes scalp and ear transplants surgeons have successfully removing skin and facial muscles performed a major breakthrough in excellent condition The operation entails accept or reject the new organs attaching them to savaged and disfigured by a dog if her bodys immune system will the recipients face

d) Look at the words below and try to recall exactly how these were used in the text: partial savaged normal hand eager consent experts scalp e) MY FACE: Talk about your face. How happy are you with it? Which parts do you like? Which parts would you like to change? What kinds of changes would you like to make? Whose nose, lips, chin, etc. would you like? f) Conversation questions: 1. Are you happy for the woman in the article? 2. Would you have tried a face transplant in the same circumstances? 3. What are the dangers if the transplant doesnt work? 4. Even if it is successful, the woman will be on drugs forever and will be at an increased risk of getting cancer. Is the operation worth it? 5. What are ethical considerations of face transplants? 6. Do you think someone who has a face transplant is a different person after? 7. How do you think colleagues, family, friends, neighbors, etc. might react to seeing someone they know with a completely different face? 8. What would you say to someone you love if they told you they were going to have a face transplant? 9. In the future, there might be things like order-made faces. What do you think of this? 10. Do you think this operation is just cosmetic surgery taken a step further? 11. How do you think the family of the donor will feel when they see their daughters nose, lips and chin on someone else? 12. What kind of counseling do you think people need to receive before they have a face transplant? 13. How do you think it would feel to look in the mirror after a face transplant and see a different person? 14. Do you think face transplants can make people look better or do you think there might be unknown problems? 15. Do you think criminals will find a

way of using transplants in the future? 16. Would you have a face transplant if you could have the face of a beautiful or handsome actor? g) FACE TRANSPLANT COUNSELOR: You are an expert face transplant counselor. You must make a guidebook for other counselors. With the other expert face counselors, think of the potential problems of face transplants for the people in the table below. Think of some suggested solutions to these problems. POTENTIAL PROBLEMS The person having the transplant The donors family The partner of the patient The children of the patient The parents of the patient The colleagues of the patient h) Youve just had a face transplant. Three days ago you took the bandages off your face and looked in the mirror for the first time. What did you see? Who did you see? Write a diary / journal entry explaining your feelings before and after the bandages came off. What are your feelings now? Ex.16. You have been offered the chance to have free cosmetic surgery. Talk to your partner(s) about your opinion on various parts of your face and body and give them a score from 1 to 10. What would you like to change? Why? BODY PART Hair Wrinkles Eyes Nose Ears Mouth Chest Legs Other LESSON 11. Text: COSMECEUTICALS




Cosmetic products are substances used to enhance or protect the appearance or odor of the human body. They include skin-care creams, lotions, powders, perfumes, lipsticks, fingernail and toenail polishes, eye and facial makeup, permanent waves, hair colors, hair sprays and gels, deodorants, baby products, bath oils, bubble baths, bath salts, butters and many other types of products. Their use is widespread, especially among women in Western countries. The first archaeological evidence of cosmetics usage is found in Ancient Egypt around 4000 BC. The Romans and Ancient Egyptians used cosmetics containing mercury and often lead. The Biblical book of Esther describes various beauty treatments. In the western world, the advent of cosmetics was in the Middle Ages, although typically restricted to use within the upper classes. Cosmetic use was frowned upon at some points in history. For example, in the 1800s, make-up was used primarily by prostitutes, and Queen Victoria publicly declared makeup improper, vulgar, and acceptable for use by actors, only. Hitler told women that face painting was for clowns and not for the women of the Master Race. By the middle of the 20th century, cosmetics were in widespread use in nearly all societies around the world. The popularity of cosmetics in the 20th century has increased rapidly. Especially in the United States, cosmetics are being used by girls at a younger and younger age. Many companies have catered to this expanding market by introducing more flavored lipsticks and glosses, cosmetics packaged in glittery, sparkly packaging and marketing and advertising using young models. Criticism of cosmetics has come from a variety of sources, including feminists, animal rights activists, books, and public interest groups. There is a growing awareness and preference for cosmetics that are without any toxic ingredients, especially those derived from petroleum and parabens. Numerous published reports have raised concern over the safety of surfactants. Some of them cause a number of skin issues including dermatitis. Parabens can cause skin irritation and contact dermatitis. Synthetic fragrances, widely used in consumers products, are made of many allergic reaction ingredients. The various forms of makeup include: lipstick, lip gloss, lip liner, lip plumper, lip balm, lip luster, lip conditioner and lip boosters. Foundation is used to color the face and conceal flaws to produce an impression of health and youth. Powder or face illuminator is used to set the foundation, giving a matte finish. Rouge, blush or blusher, cheek stain is used to color the cheeks and emphasize the cheekbones. This comes in powder, cream and gel forms. Bronzer is used to create a more tanned or sun-kissed looks. Mascara and lash extender, lash conditioner are known to be used to enhance the eyelashes. Eye liner and eye shadow, eye shimmer and glitter eye pencils as well as different color pencils are considered to be used to color and emphasize the eyelids (larger eyes are a sign of youth). Eyebrow pencils, creams, waxes, gels and powders are used to

fill in and define the brows. Concealer is a type of thick opaque makeup used to cover pimples, various spots and inconsistencies in the skin. Skin care products are also included in the general category of cosmetics. These embrace creams and lotions to moisturize the face and body, sunscreens to protect the skin from damaging ultraviolet radiation, and treatment products to repair or hide skin imperfections. Cosmetics can also be described by the form of the product, as well as the area for application. EXERCISES Ex.1. Answer the questions: 1. What are cosmetic products? 2. What kind of cosmetic products do you know? 3. How were cosmetics used in the Ancient Times? 4. How did Queen Victoria consider cosmetics? 5. What was the attitude to cosmetics during World War II? 6. Who are the main users of cosmetics in the USA? 7. How did it influence the cosmetics marketing and management? 8. Who are the main opponents of cosmetic products use? Why? Give examples. 9. What are the forms of make-up? 10.How do you use foundation? 11. What is powder? 12.How do ladies use blushes? 13.What is a concealer? 14.What eye products of make-up do you know? 15.What kind of skin care products do you know? Ex. 2. State if these statements are true or false: 1. Everybody likes using make-up. 2. Cosmetics include products for body treatment. 3. Lipsticks were very popular in different historical periods. 4. Synthetic fragrances are safe. 5. The popularity of cosmetics use does not affect its management. 6. Eye products are meant for lips. Ex. 3. Find synonyms to the following words: Odour, perfume, to restrict, glitter, to colour, to emphasize, to consider. Ex. 4. Find antonyms to the following words:

Permanent, first, young, to include, thick, health. Ex. 5. Form derivatives from the following words: Interest, examining, to cover, package, grow, to expand. Ex. 6. Explain the terms: Feminists, lipstick, concealer, pimple, public interest group, make-up, paraben, foundation, bronzer, blush. Ex. 7. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions: 1. odour human body 2. to be spread women Western countries 3. the popularity cosmetics the XXth century 4. to describe form product and the area application 5. to be used girls a young age 6. sign youth 7. to raise concern the safety 8. eye brow products are used fill the brows 9. to cover inconsistencies the skin 10. to protect the skin damaging Ex. 8. Look through the text and pick out names of cosmetic products. Write them in the following columns: Skin care products Facial make-up Body care products Hair products

Ex. 9. Translate into English: Produse cosmetice; ngrijirea pielii cu creme, loiuni; ondularea permanent a prului; vopsirea prului; uleiuri pentru baie; sare de baie; a descrie diferite variante de nfrumuseare; aplicarea cosmeticii a fost criticat pe parcursul istoriei; grupuri sociale cu un interes determinat; parabenele pot cauza iritaia pielii; reacii alergice la ingrediente; ruj pentru mrirea vizual a buzelor; luciu de buze; fond de ten; a oferi un ten mat; fond de obraz; rimel; creion-contur pentru ochi; creme anti-ultraviolete; loiuni pentru hidratarea feei; modul de ambalare a produsului cosmetic; consistena produsului cosmetic; produse pentru ngrijirea corpului; balsam pentru buze; creion pentru sprncene; fard de ochi; aceste apar n form de praf, crem i gel; a mri pleoapele; creion corector; cear. ; , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; ; ; . Ex. 10. Make summary of the text. Ex. 11. Make reports on the following topics: a. Modern cosmetic products for lips. b. Modern eye cosmetic products. c. Trends in skin cosmetics. d. History and cosmetics. e. Famous people and the way they make-up. Ex.12. Read the following text and discuss its message. CONFESSIONS OF A COSMETIC JUNKIE All right, Ill confess. I have about a thousand jars of lotions and creams stuffed into to my cosmetic drawer. If youre looking for lipstick, youve come to the right spot. From browns to dusty pinks, I have them all. There isnt a major brand name that wont be found if you shuffle around my make-up case. Yes, I am a cosmetic junkie. You might wonder why Im making a confession like this. Its easy. The first step to finding a cure is admitting your problem. I hang out at the cosmetic counters of department stores. There isnt a sample that I wont accept. I look for the bargains and the give-aways. I even long for the promotions, where you get samples of the make-up in beautiful travel bags. How did I get this way? Vanity you might think. But it isnt that at all. I truly enjoy taking care of my skin and trying to look my absolute best. Im one of those rare creatures that think the car wont start if I dont have on lipstick. Sure, it takes a little bit of effort, but as all the ads say, Im worth it. In reality I can put my make-up on and do my hair in about fifteen minutes. My nighttime ritual takes about ten minutes if Im in a hurry. These twenty-five minutes each day are mine and mine alone. The rest of the time I am at the mercy of a busy telephone, running my home office, cleaning the house, and most important of all, caring for my family. I use my time to rejuvenate my spirit as well as my looks. I spend these minutes to plan my day or review it. Its surprising how the anxiety and stress seem to melt away. With hectic lives, we can all use that personal attention. I enjoy

playing with different products. Its surprising how a simple thing as using a new lip or eye color can give me a boost. Now that Ive given my addiction some thought, I think Ill continue to be a cosmetic junkie. Im not spending money I dont have; Im not taking time away from family or work; Im really not doing any harm. As a matter of fact, Im doing some good. Im taking care of myself, not only for me, but for those who look at me. Ex. 13. Do you always believe cosmetics adverts you read or see? Talk about these ads. What goes through your mind when you see/hear them? Change the ads so they are truer. This make-up will make you look 60 percent more beautiful. This food will help you lose a kilogram a month. Smoke a cigarette and look really cool. This Mac-Burger is extremely healthy. Use this cream and youll look younger. Ex. 14. Talk about how good these cosmetics are. Rank them in order of which make people look most beautiful. mascara foundation false eyelashes eyeliner lipstick nail polish anti-wrinkle cream other _______ Ex. 15. Read the text and do the following exercises: PENELOPE CRUZ MAKE-UP AD FAKED A leading beauty company is in trouble after deceiving potential consumers about the merits of its new mascara. The French make-up manufacturer LOreal decided the natural Latin looks of actress Penelope Cruz needed enhancing to make her eyes look sexier. A TV ad featuring Cruz boasted that the product could give women "out of this world eyelashes". Unfortunately, the ad forgot to mention that as well as the mascara, Cruzs eyes were also fitted with false lashes to make her eyes look more seductive. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) decided that this was deceptive and that the advert misled viewers. L'Oral has promised to be more honest in its advertising from now on. Two years ago, its misleading ads for a wrinkle cream promoted by Claudia Schiffer were banned by the ASA. The ASAs ruling pointed out that Cruz's sultry looks are of overly exaggerated nature. Advertising experts say actresses usually wear lashes to make their eyes look more dramatic in ads. The Cruz ad promised the mascara would make eyelashes look up to 60 per cent longer". A TV viewer suspected Cruzs eyelashes were false and complained to the ASA. LOreal quickly admitted its ad did not give the public the full picture. Although the ads suggested the mascara

could make eyelashes look 60 per cent longer, independent tests showed there was no difference to the length of lashes. The ASA said: "While Penelope Cruz may not have been wearing a full set of eyelashes, the images of her wearing individual false eyelashesexaggerated the effect that could be achieved." a) Say if these sentences are true (T) or false (F): a. Penelope Cruz is advertising her own line of make-up. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. T/ F A cosmetics company tried to deceive women who want T/ nicer eyes. F An advertising watchdog said there was no problem with the T / ads. F Ads for a wrinkle cream were banned for misleading people. T / F Actresses in ads often wear hidden extras to enhance T/ products. F An executive from a rival company complained the ads lied. T / F The cosmetics company admitted it had not given the full T/ picture. F Penelope Cruz wore a full set of false eyelashes in a TV T/ advert. F

b) Match the following synonyms from the article: 1. leading a. sexy 2 potential b got . 3. enhancing c. the truth 4. seductive d possible . 5. promoted e. dazzling 6. ruling f. pushed 7. dramatic g top . 8. the full picture h overstated . 9. exaggerated i. decision 10 achieved j. improving . c) Match the following phrases from the article: 1. deceiving potential consumers about a. look 60 per cent longer 2 out of this b exaggerated nature . 3. false lashes to make her eyes look c. viewers

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 .

the advert mis-led misleading ads Cruz's sultry looks overly A TV viewer suspected Cruzs eyelashes its ad did not give the public the mascara could make eyelashes false eyelashesexaggerated the effect

d were false . e. more seductive f. the merits of its new mascara g that could be achieved . h for a wrinkle cream . i. world eyelashes j. the full picture

d) Look at the words below. Try to recall exactly how these were used in the text: leading overly enhancing dramatic boasted suspected mention suggested honest set wrinkle achieved e) Discuss the following questions: a) What do you think of beauty companies? b) Do you think make-up is important? c) Do you think men and women spend too much money on beauty products? d) Is it misleading to use beautiful people to advertise cosmetics? e) Do you think the claims cosmetics companies make about their products are all true? f) What do you think of adverts for cosmetics? g) What wonder-cosmetics would you like to see produced? h) Are you convinced there are anti-wrinkling creams that can make people look younger? i) Do you think people use too much make-up? j) Would you like 60 per cent longer eyelashes? k) Do you think LOreal intentionally mis-led consumers? l) Do you think LOreal should pay for additional adverts to tell consumers they lied? m) Are there any downsides of using cosmetics? n) Do you think cosmetics are a waste of money? o) How much money would you spend on making yourself look more attractive?


Ex. 17. Cosmetics Survey. Write five good questions about cosmetics in the table. Do this in pairs. Make mini-presentations to other groups on your findings. Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Q.1. Q.2. Ex. 18. Cosmetic poster. Make a poster about the different kinds of cosmetics people use around the world. Ex. 19. Magazine article: Write a magazine article about the truth behind the claims made by cosmetic companies. Include imaginary interviews with a cosmetic company boss and a consumer trying to look more attractive. Ex. 20. Look at the picture and say what cosmetic products do you see. How often do you use them?

Ex. 21. Read the following text and comment on its idea: LIP BALMS AND GLOSSES MAY BOOST SKIN CANCER RISKS Shiny lip balms and glosses may attract ultraviolet rays and increase the risk of skin cancer. The dermatologists noted that protecting your lips from harmful sun rays is as important as using sunscreen to protect your skin. But a recent study found that less than 25 percent of Americans use some form of lip protection. Lips are more susceptible than skin to aging from chronic sun damage and also more prone to developing serious cancers. When skin cancer occurs on the lower lip, it has the potential to be much more aggressive and metastasize to surrounding lymph nodes. Shiny balms and glosses don't offer protection. Instead, they attract the sun's rays to the lips. What most people don't realize is they're actually increasing light penetration through the lip surface by applying something clear and shiny to them.

Dermatologists advise that women should only wear glossy lipsticks in the sun when they have a layer of sun protection on underneath. Anyone who's planning on being outdoors for more than 20 minutes at a time should use a lip sun block with an SPF of 30. Women should apply it in the morning under any lipsticks or lip glosses and then reapply the sun block throughout the day. LESSON 12. Text: HOW TO SELECT A FRAGRANCE Selecting a new fragrance can be a complicated task with so many options on the market today. All fragrances are created with a mixture of essential oils and alcohol. When the scent is applied to your body, the alcohol will burn off into the air, while the essential oils will be absorbed into your skin. The difference between an eau de parfum and an eau de toilette will be in the concentration of essential oils. This means that those fragrances with a higher concentration of the oils will smell stronger, last longer, and generally come with a higher price tag. These are often the fragrances of choice for special occasions and evening wear. On the other hand, lower concentrations of the essential oils will result in a more affordable product that might be preferable for daily wear. Before choosing ones identifiable fragrance, a person has to think about the message he/she wants to convey. There are six main categories of scents. Which ever she/she chooses, will be one or a combination of these six scents: floral, fruity, oceanic, greens, Orientals, woody. Each of these is suitable for different occasions as well as different age groups. A soft floral is great for younger women, while the strong scent of an Oriental is suited to more sophisticated women. The fresh fragrance of greens is perfect for daytime wear. Once a lady has determined which type of scent best represents her persona, the next step is deciding whether she buys a perfume for everyday wear or for a special occasion. Something a woman would wear for an evening occasion might not be right for the office. It should be noted that scents change over time relative to our body chemistry. What smells good on your friend may not smell as nice on you. And something that smells good on you now may not smell good two hours later. This is because perfumes have three layers: - Top note. It is the smell immediate after application. It represents the first impression, but is also very volatile and its fades quickly.


Middle note. For several minutes to an hour after applying perfume, a person can smell the middle note. The smell of the perfume mellows. - Base note. After thirty minutes, a person can smell the base note. It blends with the middle note to provide the main theme of the perfume. The base note is the richer smell. No matter what type of fragrance a lady chooses to wear, there are some tips in applying the scent that will help it to last longer and smell sweeter. First, a fragrance that matches the womans personality and mood should be found. The woman has to be also sure that the scent will blend well with her own body chemistry. Finally, the fragrance always must be dabbed or sprayed on, since rubbing it into skin will crush the scent. Fragrance is a part of a womans style just like clothing and jewelry.

EXERCISES Ex. 1. Answer the questions: 1. Why is it difficult to choose a fragrance? 2. How are fragrances created? 3. What is the difference between eau de parfum and eau de toilette? 4. What should a person think about before choosing a fragrance? 5. What are the main categories of scent? 6. What is the difference among them? 7. Are all fragrances suitable for all occasions? 8. How many layers does a perfume have? What are they? 9. Describe the top note. 10.What is the middle note? 11.How can you characterize the base note? 12.What are the tips for correct wearing of a perfume? Ex. 2. State if these statements are true or false: 1. The same perfume can be worn by everybody. 2. Middle note of a perfume is smelt immediately after application. 3. Strong and oriented scents are suited for young girls. 4. You can wear the same perfume both at the party and at the office. 5. If you want to know the right smell of a perfume, rub it into the skin. Ex. 3. Find synonyms to the following words: Option, preferable, fragrance, suitable, layer, to blend, to crush, to change. Ex. 4. Find antonyms to the following words:

Complicated, difference, lower, nice, first, rich, strong. Ex. 5. Form derivatives from the following words: To apply, to determine, relative, to represent, special. Ex. 6. Explain the terms: Eau de parfum, eau de toilette, top note, middle note, base note. Ex. 7. Fill in the gaps with necessary prepositions: 1. mixture oils and alcohol 2. the other hand 3. suitable occasions 4. to be perfect daytime wearing 5. to smell nice you 6. change time 7. tips applying the scent 8. to rub the scent skin 9. to spray the perfume blend body chemistry Ex. 8. Translate into English: Alegerea unui parfum; amestec de ulei i alcohol; ap de parfum; ap de toalet; parfum; concentraii mici de ulei; a trimite un mesaj; arom de flori; arom de fructe; arom de prospeime; arom oriental; arom marin; perfect pentru utilizare (purtare); a fi potrivit pentru serviciu; mirosul de parfum se schimb pe parcursul zilei; trei straturi (nivele) de sesizare a unui parfum; nuan de suprafa; nuana esenial (de baz); reguli de alegere a unui parfum; a se potrivi cu personalitatea i dispoziia; parfumul se pulverizeaz sau se aplic; a fi o parte a stilului femeii; miros/nuan suav; mirosul dispare. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; () ; ; ; ; ; ; ; /; . Ex. 9. Make summary of the text. Ex. 10. Read and discuss: FACTS ABOUT PERFUMES


The word perfume is of Latin descent, and comes from the phrase per fumum, which means through smoke. Perfumes are a mixture of water, alcohol, and scents. The alcohol is a necessary ingredient, because without it, the scent would not emanate from the skin. Perfumes can be graded according to strength. From strongest to weakest: Perfume, Eau De Parfum, Eau De Toilette and Eau De Cologne, Aftershave. You should never test more than three different perfumes at once. If you do, the smells will become so complex, that it will be impossible for your nose to properly evaluate each scent. Because perfume evaporates from the skin quickly, it may be necessary to reapply your scent every four hours. Perfume that is applied to places like the wrist, the neck, behind the ears, and crooks of arms will smell the strongest. Perfume should be stored in a cool, dry place. If possible, keep open perfume stored within a box to lengthen the shelf life. Most perfume manufacturers recommend disposing of perfume after one year, but perfume may last as long as two to five years when stored under the right conditions. Ex. 11. Describe your favorite perfume(s). Ex. 12. You are the representative of a cosmetic company (e.g. Avon, Oriflame, Mary Kay, etc). Make advertisement of perfumes sold by your company. Specify the possible age, job, and personality of the woman/men who will wear the perfumes. Ex. 13. Make report on one of the topics: People and perfumes (famous people and fragrances they wear). Perfumes in history. Ex. 14. You are a perfume maker and a new fragrance is on its way to appear. Look at the pictures and choose the bottle you like the best for your new fragrance.


LESSON 13. Text: SUNBED CANCER RISK FOR TEENS A World Health Organization (WHO) press release has warned against the use of sunbeds, highlighting the risks they pose of developing deadly skin cancers. They particularly recommend teenagers avoid sunbed use. It is known that young people who get burnt from exposure to ultraviolet will have a greater risk of developing melanoma (the most dangerous form of skin cancer) later in life. The research proves there is a direct link between the use of sunbeds and cancer. The press release warns that some sunbeds have the capacity to emit levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation many times stronger than the mid-day summer sun. Despite this little-known fact, sunbeds remain very popular with young people, especially women. Teenagers have become obsessed with getting or maintaining a sun tan, which has become a very powerful fashion statement. Girls as young as thirteen go to tanning top-up salons in the misguided belief that a tan is healthy. The WHO offers some scary statistics for sun and sunbed worshippers. It estimates there to be 132 000 cases of malignant melanoma annually, and an estimated 66 000 deaths from malignant melanoma and other skin cancers. It says fairest-skinned people, where the sun tanning culture is strongest, are most at risk: Australians, New Zealanders, North Americans and northern Europeans. Other very real dangers include eye damage, premature skin ageing (wrinkles), and a reduction in the effectiveness of the immune system, which can lead to a greater risk of infectious diseases. The dangers are in fact so great that the WHO officials responsible for environmental health have urged governments to adopt stricter controls on the usage of sunbeds. They recommend sunbeds use only in very rare

and specific cases under qualified medical supervision in an approved medical clinic. EXERCISES: Ex. 1. Answer the questions: 1. What is the press release about? 2. Is there a direct link between sunburning and cancer? 3. Why are sunbeds so dangerous? 4. Who is so obsessed with getting a tan? 5. What kind of statistical data on tanning are mentioned in the text? 6. What re the other side effects of sunbeds? 7. What kind of warning do the WHO officials urge? Ex. 2. Say if the statements are true or false: 1. Sunbeds can be deadly. T / F 2. There is no direct link between the use of sunbeds and cancer. T / F 3. The ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun are stronger than those from sunbeds. T/F 4. Sunbeds are more popular with men than with women. T / F 5. An estimated 66 000 people die each year from skin cancers. T / F 6. Fairest-skinned people, where the sun tanning culture is strongest, are most at risk. T / F 7. A benefit of UV light is that it makes your eyesight better. T / F 8. Sunbeds should only be used under qualified medical supervision. T / F Ex. 3. Match the following synonyms: (a) warned type (b) pose early (c) form fearful (d) emit present (verb) (e) obsessed lightest (f) scary authorized (g) fairest pressed (h) premature consumed (i) urged cautioned (j) approved release Ex. 4. Match the following phrases (sometimes more than one combination is possible): (a) warned against form of skin cancer (b the risks they skin ageing ) (c) exposure to supervision (d the most dangerous between the use of sunbeds and ) cancer

(e) (f) (g ) (h ) (i) (j)

there is a direct link scary most premature greater risk of infectious under qualified medical

the use of sunbeds at risk pose diseases statistics ultraviolet

Ex. 5. Insert necessary prepositions: 1. to warn the use sunbeds 2. to get burnt exposure ultraviolet 3. risk developing cancer 4. popular young people 5. scary statistics sun worshippers 6. reduction the effectiveness the immune system 7. control the usage sunbeds 8. medical supervision 9. obsessed getting a tan Ex. 6. Explain the terms: Melanoma, sunbed, WHO, wrinkles, immune system, malignant. Ex. 7. Translate into English: Organizaia mondial a sntii; a accentua riscul; dezvoltarea melanomei; cuet de soare; a avea capacitatea de a mri nivelul undelor ultraviolete; o concepie greit; bronzul este sntos; iubitorii de bronz; sistemul imun; locuitorii Australiei, Americii de Sud i Noii Zelandei sunt n grupul de risc; a adopta un control mai riguros; sub supravegherea medical; riscul mrit de boli infecioase. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; ; ; . Ex. 8. Discuss the following questions: 1. Were you surprised by anything in this article? 2. Are you a sun worshipper? 3. Do you love sunbathing? 4. Do you love the sun? 5. Are you interested in suntans? 6. Do sun tans on other people look healthy? 7. Do you protect yourself against UV rays? Are you aware of the dangers of UV rays? 8. What other unhealthy things do people do to follow fashion? 9. Would you like to change your skin color? 10. What do you think is the most beautiful skin color? 11. Are you worried about getting wrinkles? 12. Do you worry about cancer? 13. Should governments ban the use of sun beds?

Ex. 9. Discuss whether you agree or disagree with the following opinions: a. A sun tan looks supercool and healthy. b. What a waste of time and money for something that fades in a week. c. Governments are irresponsible in not regulating sun tan salons. d. There are risks, but its a personal choice. e. White westerners are strange to want to change their skin colour. f. The fashion and cosmetics industry is to blame for advertising tanned skin as being healthy. g. There is enough public information for people to know the dangers. h. Parents should never allow their 13-year-old daughters to go to tanning salons. i. There are plenty of tan-in-a-bottle cosmetics that give you a tanned look. j. Sun worshippers are crazy. Ex. 10. Give summary of the text. Ex. 11. Imagine you are an advertising executive of any sun products manufacturer. Write an advertisement linking suntans to a sexier image. Ex. 12. Imagine you are a sun bed user and have just been told you have a melanoma. Write a letter to the manufacturer. Ask questions and demand compensation. Ex.13. Look at the picture and spot the danger signs.


Ex.14. Read the following text, make its plan, and comment on its message. MOST SUNSCREENS AREN'T UP TO THE TASK A new study contends that most sunscreens don't live up to their promise of protecting against harmful ultraviolet rays. They offer some protection, but people need to take additional steps to avoid skin cancer. Sunscreens just aren't as good as people think they are. They aren't perfect, but they are the best tool we have. There's no such thing as a safe tan. The culprits in sunshine are the ultraviolet rays, particularly UVA and UVB. Sunscreens were designed initially to block out UVBs, because scientists thought these rays were to blame for sunburns and skin cancer. More recent studies suggest that UVA rays are also dangerous. But most current sunscreen labels don't offer a measure of UVA protection. While there's agreement on how to measure UVB rays, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has spent almost three decades trying to determine how best to measure UVA rays. There are at least six different ways to do it, and the health agency hasn't settled on the best one. Meanwhile, unless you're a chemist or a dermatologist, it's tough to make sense of labeling on sunscreen lotions. For one thing, many products claim "broad-spectrum" protection, meaning they block both UVA and UVB rays, and that means absolutely nothing. Consumers should look for chemicals like oxybenzone, avobenzone and parsol 1789 that block both UVA and UVB rays. European manufacturers use another powerful UV blocker called mexoryl. L'Oreal just introduced a product, called Anthelios SX, with this newly approved ultraviolet ray blocker. One of the biggest problems with sunscreens is the stability of the chemicals used - some break down faster than others when exposed to sunlight and lose their potency to block UVA and UVB rays. For example, Neutrogena's Helioplex is one product that maintains stability over time. More than a million new skin cancers are diagnosed each year in the United States, and rates are climbing. The most aggressive and deadly is melanoma, diagnosed in 60,000 people a year. Unchecked, melanoma thickens and spreads and is responsible for about 8,000 deaths a year, according to federal statistics. The two other types of skin cancer -- basal cell and squamous cell -- are slow-growing and can generally be caught in time for successful treatment. Still, squamous cell carcinoma claims about 2,200 lives a year. The development of cancer is not a single event. Unlike some other cancers, the cause of skin cancer is not confusing. One thing causes it -- overexposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun.It's a short-term cosmetic benefit with long- term damage. The Environmental Working Group, a consumer advocacy organization, recently set out to analyze hundreds of scientific studies on sunscreens to develop a list of the best and the worst sun products. The group analyzed 400 scientific studies (on 780 name-brand sunscreens) to see how many are actually safe and effective. One in every eight did not protect against UVA rays, the study found. And only 16 percent of the products studied were both safe and effective. This can

include anything from harmful chemicals used in the products to false labeling that states that it can offer all-day protection. No one had ever looked at the safety or efficacy of sunscreens.The FDA has approved 17 chemicals for use in sunscreens, and only four of them provide UVA protection.The working group found that 84 percent of the sunscreens studied did not offer adequate protection from the harmful effects of the sun. They did identify 128 products that passed the rigors of testing. The best on the list include products with zinc oxide or titanium oxide that provide broad-spectrum effectiveness. What's more, they don't easily break down in the sun, which means they remain active longer. The group only studied products with SPF 15 or higher. While dermatologists agree that sunscreens should be used to protect against harmful ultraviolet rays, there are other things people can do short of staying in the shade. Wear protective clothing and stay out of the sun between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., when the UV rays are the strongest and most damaging. And, Rigel said, sunscreens should be reapplied every two hours in the sun. Many dermatologists promote sensible sun exposure. After all, sun is a powerful source of vitamin D, and a few minutes a day several times a week is all the body needs to maintain its store of the vitamin. Vitamin D promotes bone formation and mineralization, and there is growing evidence that it powers the immune system's ability to fight cancer cells. LESSON 14. Text: THE CONCEPT OF BEAUTY Beauty is a quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind. In its most profound sense, beauty may engender a salient experience of positive reflection about the meaning of one's own existence. An "object of beauty" is anything that reveals or resonates with personal meaning. The characterization of a person as beautiful is often based on some combination of inner beauty, which includes psychological factors such as personality, intelligence, grace, and elegance, and outer beauty, which includes physical factors, such as health, youthfulness, symmetry, averageness, and complexion. A common way to measure outer beauty, as based on community consensus, or general opinion, is to stage a beauty pageant, such as Miss Universe. Inner beauty, however, is more difficult to quantify, though beauty pageants often claim to take this into consideration as well. Many people will agree that Mother Teresa, for example, was a beautiful person, but such general measures are hard to define. Outer physical appearance does not necessarily predetermine the measure of a persons perceptual beauty, which may perceptually change, in peoples minds, based on inner personal qualities.

A strong indicator of physical beauty is "averageness". When images of human faces are averaged together to form a composite image, they become progressively closer to the "ideal" image and are perceived as more attractive. This was first noticed in 1883, when F.Galton overlaid photographic composite images of the faces of vegetarians and criminals to see if there was a typical facial appearance for each. When doing this, he noticed that the composite images were more attractive, than as compared to any of the individual images. Researchers have replicated the result under more controlled conditions and found that the computer generated, mathematical average of a series of faces is rated more favorably than individual faces. Another feature of beautiful women that has been explored by researchers is a waist-to-hip ratio of approximately 0.70 for women. Physiologists have shown that this ratio accurately indicates womens fertility. Traditionally, in premodern ages when food was scarcer, fat people were judged more attractive than slender. Beauty presents a standard of comparison, and it can cause resentment and dissatisfaction when not achieved. Beauty has inspired humans throughout history, but the quest for beauty has also led to plastic surgery and eating disorders. Too much emphasis on superficial beauty can undermine the importance of the inner person. It can become an arbitrary value that leads to social inequity. When a person is seen as attractive or unattractive, a whole set of assumptions are brought into play. Across cultures, what is beautiful is assumed to be good. Attractive people are assumed to be more extroverted, popular, and happy. There is truth in this - attractive people do tend to have these characteristics. However, this is probably due to self-fulfilling prophecy. From a young age attractive people receive more attention that helps them develop positive characteristics. Many have asserted that certain advantages tend to come to those that are perceived as being more attractive, including the ability to get better jobs and promotions, receiving better treatment from authorities and the legal system, having more choices in romantic partners and, therefore, more power in relationships, and marrying into families with more money. Some argue that the possession of a certain level of attractiveness should be considered a form of privilege. In a different context, the term "beautiful people" is used to refer to those who closely follow trends in fashion, physical appearance, food, wine, automobiles, and real estate, often at a considerable financial cost. Such people often mirror in appearance and consumer choices the characteristics and purchases of wealthy actors and actresses, models, or other celebrities. Beautiful people usually enjoy an image-based and/or financially-based prestige which enhances their aura of success, power, and beauty.

EXERCISES Ex. 1. Answer the questions: 1. What is beauty?


2. How can beauty be defined in its profound sense? 3. What is an object of beauty? 4. What is the characterization of person based on? 5. Define inner beauty. 6. Define outer beauty. 7. Is it possible to quantify outer beauty? If yes, how? 8. Is it possible to measure outer beauty? 9. What is the indicator of physical beauty? 10.How is the concept of averageness applied in psychology? 11.What did F.Galton discover in 1883? 12.What is the relation of waist-to-hip ration in women and beauty? 13.How does the concept of beauty contribute to social inequity? 14.What are the ideas of the society about beautiful people? 15.What are the advantages of being beautiful? 16. The notion beautiful people also has another meaning. What is it? Give examples. Ex. 2. Give synonyms to the following words from the text: Pleasure, to reveal, consensus, complexion, pageant, to predetermine, indicator, composite, conditions, to replicate, to receive, akin. Ex. 3. Give antonyms to the following words from the text: Present, beauty, different, intense, strong, slender, symmetry, closer, attractive, dissatisfaction, advantage, extrovert. Ex. 4. Form derivative s from the following words: Reflection, existence, health, complexion, appearance, different, quality, authority. Ex. 5. Insert necessary prepositions: 1. arising sensory manifestations 2. experience reflection the meaning ones existence 3. it is based combination 4. emphasis superficial beauty 5. a set assumptions are brought play 6. to be hard define 7. to replicate the result condition 8. premodern age 9. there is truth this 10. a young age have a better treatment authorities 12.marrying families more money 13.possession level attractiveness 14. a different context

Ex. 6. Match the following words according to their meanings: 1. satisfaction a) a intellect; understanding 2. to engender b) ingeniously simple 3. salient c) natural colour, appearance of the skin, esp. of the face 4. intelligence d) a correct proportion of parts 5. grace e) satisfying or being satisfied 6. elegance f) indignant or bitter feelings 7. youthfullness g) importance attached to a thing 8. symmetry h) thing assumed 9. complexion i) prediction of future events 10. ratio j) give rise to; produce (a feeling etc.) 11. resentment k) current popular custom or style, esp. in dress 12.emphasis l) quantitative relation between two similar magnitudes expressed as the number of times one contains the other 13. assumption m) young or still having the characteristics of youth 14. prophecy n) right, advantage, or immunity, belonging to a person, class, 15. prestige o) prominent, conspicuous. 16. fashion p) respect or reputation derived from achievements, power 17. privelege q) attractiveness, esp. in elegance of proportion or manner or movement Ex. 7. Translate into English: A provoca o plcere intens i o satisfacie profund, manifestri senzoriale, frumuseea intern, frumuseea extern, acordul comunitii, inteligen, graie, elegan, culoarea pielii, tinere, aproximaie, concurs de frumusee, frumuseea intern este greu de msurat, perceperea frumuseii externe difer la fiecare persoan, un indicator solid, a impune o imagine complex, imaginile complexe erau mai atrgtoare, o alt trstur a frumuseii feminine, coeficientul de corelaie ntre olduri i talie, acest coeficient indic fertilitatea femeii, a fi un etalon de comparaie, a cauza resentimente i dezamgiri, chirurgia plastic, intervin un set de afirmaii, frumosul presupune a fi i bun, persoanele atrgtoare obin mai mult atenie, a avea unele avantaje, posibilitatea de a obine un serviciu mai bun, a avea mai multe anse n dragoste, a se cstori cu membrul unei familii bogate, un anumit nivel de frumuse este o form de privilegiu, tendinele modei, actori i actrie bogate, a mri aura succesului i a puterii. , , , , , (), , , , , , , , , , ,

, , , , , , , , , , , , / , , , , . Ex. 8. Make summary of the text. Ex. 9. Do you know that . the term "beautiful people" originally referred to the musicians, actors and celebrities of the California "Flower Power" generation of the 1960s. The Beatles referred the original "beautiful people" in their 1967 song "Baby You're a Rich Man" on the Magical Mystery Tour album. With the close of the 1960s, the concept of beautiful people gradually came to encompass fashionists and the "hip" people of New York City, expanding to its modern definition. Ex. 10. A quick debate: Student A thinks beauty and looks are not important to be successful in life. Student B thinks being beautiful or handsome is essential to have a successful life. Find evidences. Ex. 11. Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word beautiful. Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the words into different categories. Ex. 12. Write down questions about beauty and beautiful people. Ask other classmates your questions and note down their answers. Go back to your original partner / group and compare your findings. Make mini-presentations to other groups on your findings. Ex. 13. Answer the questions: 1. Who is the most attractive in your family? 2. Does beauty affect one's success in life? 3. Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent? 4. Is it better to be physically attractive or wealthy? 5. Is beauty related to power? Can you think of anyone who is in a position of power that is not physically attractive? 6. How much time should be spent on making you look better each day? 7. Do you think people should have cosmetic surgery to enhance their looks? If so, what is the minimum age when someone should have plastic surgery? 8. Do you think selfesteem affects beauty or beauty affects self-esteem? 9. How important is beauty in your daily life? 10. What do you think of the proverb, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder?" 11. What are some beauty tips that you could share? 12. Do you think

people with many piercings or tattoo can be beautiful? What kind of body piercing, if any, do you feel are acceptable/ unacceptable? 13. What personality trait is the most important for inner beauty? 14. Would you ever date someone who was not conventionally attractive? 15. What are some of the negatives about being beautiful? 16. What are some examples of social pressures to improve on natural beauty (e.g. lipstick, haircutting, shaving...)? Ex. 14. Read the following text and do the exercises: SITE FOR BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE ONLY Dear Guest, Welcome to the most beautiful and coveted network in the U.S. This is the greeting you receive at a new, elite and exclusive Internet site that has just been launched in the U.S. follows similar, successful ventures in Denmark, Sweden and the U.K. Membership requirements are deliberately blunt you must be very beautiful or handsome. If you dont have the curves in the right places or your face isnt quite Hollywood, you are rejected. The sites introductory spiel says it: introduces beautiful people to truly beautiful people. It is a meeting place which is reserved for people who, because of their attractive appearance and personal qualities, stand out from the majority. In essence, it is a social networking site where new members are accepted or given the boot by existing members based on the scores assigned to the online photos they submit. The site recommends the photos ooze sexiness without being pornographic. Aspiring, beautiful applicants can post their photo and details up to 50 times, giving wannabe beauties and hunks more than enough time to improve their looks. If accepted, you get the photo rating controls. Members also interact offline for friendship and dating. Greg Hodge, managing director in the U.S., said: We unashamedly exist so that people who are sick of wasting time and money meeting unattractive people on the Net can meet others they deem aesthetically pleasing. A) Say whether these sentences are true (T) or false (F): a. An Internet site has started that only accepts beautiful people. b. The site started last year in Japan and is now in the U.S. c. Anyone who has an address in Hollywood can join the site. d. The site is a place where ordinary people can date beautiful people. e. Membership is based on scores your photo gets from members. f. Pornographic photos will make your entry into the elite site easier. g. You can try to join as many as 50 times before being barred. h. The site is for people fed up with meeting ugly people on the Net. B) Match the following synonyms from the article: a. coveted basically b ventures straightforward

. c. d . e. f. g . h . i. j.

blunt spiel stand out In essence given the boot ooze unashamedly deem

regard attract attention rejected desired blatantly sales pitch exude undertakings

C) Match the following phrases from the article (sometimes more than one combination is possible): a. the most beautiful and sexiness b the greeting deliberately blunt . c. Membership requirements enough time are d the curves the majority . e. stand out from of wasting time and money f. given the coveted network in the US g ooze aesthetically pleasing . h more than in the right places . i. sick you receive j. can meet others they deem boot D) Look at the words below. Try to recall exactly how these were used in the text: coveted essence launched scores blunt ooze curves wannabe spiel offline majority deem E) Write a letter to the head of Tell him/her what you think of the site. Next lesson read your letter to your classmates. Ex. 15. Comment on the following quotations and statements: 1. Every time you see a beautiful woman, just remember, somebody got tired of her.

2. People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun

is out, but when the darkness sets in; their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. (E.Kubler-Ross) 3. The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched; they must be felt with the heart. (H. Keller) 4. It sometimes happens that a woman is handsomer at twenty-nine than she was ten years before. (J. Austen) 5. Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart (K. Gibran) 6. Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical. ( S.Loren) 7. The difference between pretty and beautiful is - pretty is temporal, whereas beautiful is eternal. (Bideingmytime) 8. A beauty is a woman you notice; a charmer is one who notices you.(A. E. Stevenson) 9. Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams. (A.Smith) 10. No object is so beautiful that, under certain conditions, it will not look ugly. (O. Wilde)

BEAUTY AND MAKEUP IN THE CORPORATE WORLD The majority of the workforce spends their passing hours during the week in an office environment, cooped up in cubicles. But you dont have to look dull and boring. Learn to liven up your days at work by looking and feeling fabulous with makeup tips that will bring more life to your office and your next meeting. The thing to remember when it comes to wearing makeup to work is that not all colors and shades work well with an office environment. How you present yourself on the job is very different from how you would present yourself going out to dinner, to the clubs with your friends or on a romantic date with your sweetheart. Wear colors that complement your skin tone and be sure to avoid loud colors. Theres nothing wrong with attracting attention but you want to make sure its favorable and not off-putting - or the source of talk at the water cooler. Some safe colors you can include in your makeup palette are brown or black mascara, brown or black eyeliner, warm tone base, rose or apricot blush, gloss or peach lipstick and eye shadow in warm tones. For those who can pull it off, skip out on the foundation. At most dab concealer where needed. If you choose to wear foundation, be aware of how the

color may appear with your offices fluorescent lighting. Try to use a base that has warm, gold tones to offset the greenish tones of the lights. Pink-based tones can make your complexion look muddy or orange. In keeping with a warm complexion, opt for rose or apricot shades of blush. Blend well to avoid sharp, defining edges. Using pink or red shades of blush can appear too harsh for office lighting. When it comes to eye makeup you want to keep it simple and natural. Office lighting tends to not only make things look harsh but can also bring out details you normally wouldnt notice so keep that in mind when choosing the right colors to wear. Your best bet is to stay with lighter eye makeup colors, such as rose, gold and peach. Avoid blues and grays since they can make your face look dull and drab. To keep your look natural, try brown mascara and eyeliner instead of black. Or you can choose a mix of brown/black mascara and liner for a happy medium. Its helpful to play up your eye makeup and keep your lips natural when it comes to office makeup. Opt for peach shade of lipstick colors or simple gloss. Sheer or shimmery lipstick shades also look flattering for office makeup. Be sure to avoid taupe, beige and other earth tones that can appear muddy and dirty under fluorescent office lighting. Because of the professional atmosphere, you want to aim for a makeup look that is soft, light and natural. Skincare-wise, youll want to stick to a clean and fresh look. In the mornings be sure to thoroughly cleanse, tone and moisturize. Because the air and heat in office buildings can wreak havoc on the skin, keep a bottle of water handy on your desk to keep yourself hydrated. Carrying a bottle of hand moisturizing lotion in your purse, on your desk or in your car can also help keep your hands from getting dry and cracked. MAKE-UP ETIQUETTE: How and Where Politely Put on Make-up The rules for etiquette are never set in stone. Just like asking your mother about which style of make-up would be best, her answer for make-up etiquette may no longer be applicable to your generation. Maybe it`s not so bad to put some lip gloss on at the train station nowadays. The ancient Greeks actually had a custom of writing down a code of expected behavior for any controllable circumstance, which they called protkollon . This helped to make crystal clear exactly what could and could not be done, and was overall an ideal way of running things... until they began mixing with other cultures with different opinions. Hence, written rules could never really apply to something as universal, yet personal, as make-up. Things change.

The general rule for when and where to apply or remove makeup is, "Never in public." This would reasonably rule out touching-up around a restaurant table, in church, on a crowded street, in a movie theater, in the class room, and at almost any kind of social gathering. These guidelines sound simple, right? How, then, do we determine what is "public"? With pressed schedules and roomier public scenes that allow more privacy out of home, social lines begin to blur. If I never see them again . . . does it still count? The anonymity of a crowded street affords some kind of privacy in itself. If a woman pauses at an empty deli window to wipe some flaking mascara from her lower lid, will she really care if a stranger passing by disapproves? Many people from any background would agree that it would be offensive for her to squint at her reflection in a spoon and do the same thing at the dinner table in front of her date. The difference is, she cares about her date`s opinion. Considering that, the general rule about make-up application can be modified to say, "Never in front of anyone important, in public." If I apply make-up in a public place, and nobody sees it . . . is it still rude? When people are squeezed for time, they often need to make do with improvising for privacy. If you can duck beneath the booth at the cafe and escape being seen while you pencil your lips, it`s up to your own discretion whether or not it`s worth the risk of being caught. Foremostly, the person who has to deal with the consequences of impolite make-up application is the person applying it. However, if you fear you might make the group you`re with look bad, it`s better to have topnotch manners; any personal grooming should go to the restroom. To modify the rule further, then, it goes something like, "Never in front of anyone important, in public - and never when it conflicts with your own set of morals." If you think it`s wrong to put make-up on in public (period), then don`t do it. Just keep in mind that the one thing more offensive than putting make-up on at a bad time is telling another grown-up, whom you don`t know, that it`s impolite. But what about in the car, while I`m driving? Yes, absolutely, it`s 100% rude to put on make-up while driving a car. It doesn`t matter if the whole town sees a girl putting mascara on in her rear-view mirror; the problem is that a driver`s attention is being divided between touchingup and controlling a few thousand pounds worth of moving vehicle, all while sharing the road with other people. Be polite. Wait until you pull over. BRONZER OR BLUSH? Bronzer and blush are popular items when it comes to makeup, but for some, knowing which one to use can be confusing. The two arent exactly the same but both are meant to enhance your natural beauty. By being smart about your skin and knowing what products work best, you wont be the victim of a makeup mishap.

In order to find out whether you should use bronzer or blush, you need to think about your natural skin tone and the effect bronzer or blush will have once it is applied to your skin. Blush is reserved for the apples of the cheeks and can be played up to create the appearance of chiseled cheekbones or simply dabbed on for a rosy glow. Bronzer creates a sun kissed complexion and unlike blush, it isnt restricted to just the cheeks. Bronzer can be applied to the forehead, nose, chin, and cheeks. Blush Blush is ideal for brightening up pale/fair skin. Try cream or powder blush and practice blending techniques so youre not left with noticeable lines or streaks. Porcelain beauties should be wary of using bronzer, since this can create a very unnatural appearance. Unless you plan to get tanned, stick to blush and play up your features that way. To find the right shade of blush, choose a shade that matches the color your cheeks are when flushed after being exposed to cold temperatures or after doing physical activities. When using blush, its important to apply it to the right area of your face to avoid looking like a Raggedy Ann doll. Blush is supposed to be applied to the apples of the cheeks. To find the apples of your cheeks, look in a mirror and smile. After dabbing your brush or applicator with some color, use gentle, sweeping motions starting at the center of your apple, and move up and outwards towards the corner of your eye and up to the temple. Bronzer. Skin that is naturally tanned or olive tends to get better results with bronzer. Bronzer comes in all forms: sticks, gels, powders and creams. Choose the form that works best for your skin type in a shade that isnt more than two shades darker than your natural skin tone. While it can be fun to use bronzer with glitter or shimmer, dont overdo it or else youll look like a bronze statue. Bronzer should enhance your natural beauty, not dominate your complexion. One of the best ways to apply bronzer without getting carried away is by using a wide, fluffy brush. Start off with a little at a time and continue to add more until you get the look you want. Some people use both bronzer and blush, which is perfectly fine as long as it complements your skin tone. Darker complexions work well with bronzer to highlight features, but if you want to use blush, make sure to choose a pigment that wont get lost in your complexion. Deep roses and apricot shades look great on darker skin. COLOR AND HOW TO MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU We all have our favorites - mines purple, by the way. That doesnt always mean that I look best in the purple sweater versus the red sweater, or that Id look my best in purple lipstick. There is a better way for choosing colors that youll look and feel good in, and just because you like the look of a color, doesnt always mean its a good fashion or makeup

choice - a fact we may all remember from the notorious blue eye-shadow-days of the 1980s. The World of Color So weve al heard about the different qualities of color - the meanings, the moods, the uses. Well, most of it is true, although it cant apply to both fashion and cosmetics. Colors have very different uses in the fashion world than they do in the world of cosmetics. Here, well talk about both and how use can use color to your advantage in putting your best face forward and dressing to impress. Color: Its In the Way That You Wear It For many of us, there are just some colors that we cant wear and still look presentable. For me, its yellow. For a lot of people, its orange. Still, there are colors that we can choose that will accentuate our positives and add life to our appearance. The right colors can bring a glow to our skin and complexion, highlight the color of our eyes, and largely influence our mood. Likewise, the wrong color choice can wash the color out of our skin, cause a sallow look, and negatively impact our mood. In the world of cosmetics, the right color is even more tricky to pin down. Mainly categorized into the warms and cools, its rare that one is able to cross over out of their assigned color section. If youre not sure what your designated colors are, there are mainly resources available for finding the right choice for your skin tone, eye color, and hair color. I recommend beginning your search online where youll find personalized tips for finding your skin tone and choosing matching colors to accentuate it. Also, many department stores offer free consultations to help determine what colors are best for you. You may want to invest some time here, because going with the right colors can do wonders for how you look in your cosmetics. It All Depends On What Your Going For As I mentioned, color greatly affects mood. When choosing what to wear, often times it all depends on what youre going for. Blue, for example, is a color that is a great fit for almost anyone. Fashion choices in blue bring a calmness, are shown to reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation. Green can also be soothing and healing, while purple is considered mysterious and erotic. Red is considered stimulating and exciting, yellow promotes a happy feeling, white represents serenity and peace, and last but not least, black, which can represent sexuality, mourning, mystery, fear, or even elegance. VITAMINS YOUR HAIR WILL LOVE Its a fact that bad hair days dont do much to improve our outlook on life overall. On the other hand, when our hair looks good, we feel good, which is why our crowning glory deserves the very best care that we can give it. What if I told you that shampoos and

conditioners were not enough to keep your hair in mint condition? To give your tresses that extra boost, a vitamin regimen can do wonders. And while there are plenty of shampoos available that offer vitamin supplements built right into their formulas, the best way to give your hair the vitamins it needs is through an oral supplement. But which vitamins will your hair love the most? Read on for the best nutrients for your locks. Antioxidants Antioxidants are the substances that can fight the free radicals in your body that promote the aging process and even up your risk for some types of diseases. Where do these antioxidants come from? Many are found in the environment, and are caused by pollution, the sun and cigarette smoke. Since your hair is out there every day for the environment to find, it is important to protect your hair from these substances. Antioxidants, like vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, are the first line of defense. While you can get these vitamins through diet choices like fruits and vegetables, dairy products and nuts, you can ensure that you receive the proper amount through a daily supplement as well. Along with fighting off the effects of free radicals, these nutrients will build healthy hair strands and stimulate better scalp circulation. For best results, make sure that you are getting 5000 IU daily of vitamin A, 60 mg. of vitamin C and up to 400 IU of vitamin E. Biotin is an important nutrient for healthy hair because it produces keratin, which is the protein found in nails, hair and skin. Along with strengthening hair through the production of keratin, biotin may also be responsible for the prevention of graying and hair loss. Biotin can be found in a number of foods, including whole grains, milk and eggs. The recommended daily dose of this nutrient is 150300 mcg. Another important nutrient that works in preventing these hair problems is vitamin B5, which can be found in many of the same foods as biotin. Besides biotin, there are plenty of other B-vitamins that will give your locks a healthy boost. Inositol will keep hair follicles nourished, and niacin is another nutrient that is very good for scalp circulation. Pantothenic acid can assist biotin in preventing graying and hair loss, along with vitamins B6 and B12. Get your Bs every day and your hair will thank you with a healthy shine! One multi-vitamin supplement every day combined with a healthy diet should be enough to whip your hair back into shape, but there are also vitamin blends that have been specially formulated for maximum hair health. If an apple each day will keep the doctor away, just think what all those yummy nutrients can do for your hair. BAR SOAP: TO USE OR NOT TO USE? Bar soap - friend or foe? It seems like a pretty basic part of any cleansing regime, but bar soap really isn`t the best way to keep your skin clean. Ideally, you`ll want to

avoid using bar soap at all, but especially for the areas around your face and neck. Your skin is most sensitive from the neck up and the ingredients typical bar soaps contain are far too harsh to maintain healthy skin. The main problem with bar soap is its high alkaline content (i.e. high pH). While the skin`s normal pH is somewhere around 5.5, most bar soaps have a pH of about 9 which throws your skin`s balance all out of whack. You may hear how particular soaps claim to neutralize your skin`s pH, but if the soap`s high alkaline content didn`t mess with the pH in the first place, there would be no need to restore it. All they do is basically fix what they screwed up to begin with. So, what does your skin actually experience when using bar soap? Those high pH levels will translate to increased bacteria, possible breakouts and general irritation. There are some specialty soaps that are available in bar cleansers that contain a much lower pH level, making them far less irritating to the skin. Still, these are really just the lesser of two evils. The ingredients that make it possible for bar cleansers to exist in a bar form can clog pores and cause problems for you skin. So, even though a bar soap may claim to be extremely gentle, the mere fact that it is in bar form means it contains the ingredients that will no doubt clog your pores. As an alternative to the bar soap, it is suggested by experts that you use liquid soaps that are specifically formulated for your skin type. If you don`t know what type of skin your have, speak with sales person at a cosmetics counter and they can help you determine this. When you are looking for face cleansers, also make sure they are free of fragrances - fragrances are also notorious for causing irritation of the skin. And as always, make sure you are ending your skin care regime with a moisturizer to keep skin healthy and hydrated. BODY WASHES AND BODY SCRUBS Long gone are the days of using bar soap to clean every inch of our skin. Body washes, cleansers, shampoos, and scrubs hit the market several years ago and are now available in every type and fragrance imaginable. But, before hitting the shower or bath with just any old product, its a good idea to learn as much as you can. Body washes, also known as body shampoos and body cleansers, are aptly named, as they are essentially detergents for the body. These solutions are good for any skin type and are much better than bar soaps, which can be irritating to the skin. Body washes are just as effective, but are much less drying, because they actually have moisturizing properties. In fact, most body washes contain oils that stay on your skin, providing an emollient benefit. Other ingredients, such as vitamins, amino acids, and proteins may also be incorporated into these cleansers. Though these ingredients often get washed down the drain before they have a chance to work on your skin, they dont hurt. However, many people do not like the moisturizing film that these products leave behind. If you are one of those people, you can use a regular body wash and follow-up with a gentle moisturizer.

Body Scrubs. Exfoliating the skin on your body unclogs pores, helps the skin to absorb moisture, and removes dead skin cells, allowing healthier skin cells to emerge. When exfoliating your skin, you can use various methods, such as loofahs and specially formulated AHA or BHA products. Before using loofahs, however, you should be aware of the dangers they pose. Because they hang in the shower or bath without being cleaned, they provide the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Scrubbing a blemish or another skin injury with a loofah could be dangerous to your health. To avoid loofahs, you can use a clean, soft washcloth and a body scrub. Washcloths are gentle and can be washed after every use. There are also many different body scrubs on the market to choose from. Most contain oils and other water-binding agents to help moisture the skin while removing dead cells. When choosing a body scrub, look for these ingredients. Most importantly, be gentle while you are exfoliating. Though the skin on the body is can handle an occasional scouring, you can damage your skin by being too rough. VITAMINS AND MINERALS FOR HEALTHY SKIN Vitamins and minerals are essential for proper function of every organ in the body, especially your skin as it is the largest organ in your body. Experts agree that the best way to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals is to maintain a healthy diet but supplements are available as well. There are many vitamins and minerals that contribute something specific to healthy skin, but we will focus on some of the most important ones. Vitamin A is absolutely essential for normal life cycle of skin cells. It has an antioxidant that neutralizes harmful elements in out skin aiding in prevention of wrinkles, resisting infection and keeping skin looking youthful. Vitamin A can be used topically or as a supplement to help prevent dry, flaky skin and reduces lines and wrinkles. A number of scientists believe Selenium plays a key role in skin cancer prevention due to the fact that, taken in supplement form or used in a cream, this mineral helps protect skin from sun damage. Selenium can be taken orally in daily supplements of 50 to 200 micrograms to preserve tissue elasticity, slow down the aging and hardening of tissues through oxidation and offer protection from the damaging rays of the sun. Vitamin E is the most important antioxidant in the body that protects cell membranes and prevents damage to membrane-associated enzymes. Vitamin E helps to re-hydrate the skin; prevent inflammation; protect from sun damage; reduce dry, rough skin; and greatly increases the healing rate. Supplementation with natural Vitamin E in 400 mg per day has been noted to reduce photodamage, wrinkles and improve skin texture.

Of all the antioxidants, Vitamin C is the most abundant one found naturally in the skin. It repairs free radicals and prevents them from turning into cancers and quickening aging. Used in topical form, vitamin C can prevent the results of extended sun exposure which can lead to skin cancer. Vitamin B is responsible for maintaining great skin tone. Its presence reduces stress, which is often the main cause of acne and breakouts. There are a number of B vitamins that all do a job in creating healthy skin as well as improve your overall health. B vitamin supplements should always be taken together. There are a couple more minerals you want to avoid being deficient in. Zinc helps to avoid acne as it reduces maintains normal activity of your oil glands. Chromium also helps with acne by reducing infections of the skin. Both are available in supplemental form. COCONUT BEAUTY SECRETS A coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm tree, and grows in tropical climates. The versatile coconut has been used as a staple in African and Caribbean health and beauty treatments to condition hair clean the body and detoxify the skin. Genuine coconut derived products contain the natural benefits of the coconut plant, that is popular with people who have oily and combination skin. The coconut is known for being a light moisturizer that also decreases excessive oil on the skin, which could make it beneficial for smoothing out combination skin as well. There are many ways to integrate coconut into an everyday beauty regimen. Using coconut water, coconut pulp, coconut oil and coconut cream are all ways to easily utilize coconut for beauty purposes. Coconut water is the water found inside of a fresh coconut. To retrieve the water, bore two holes in the dark brown spots on either end called eyes with an ice pick or a sharp knife. Add this water to a bath, or mix it with liquid shower gel. It could also be added to lotion as well as hair conditioner or shampoo for oily hair. Coconut Pulp . After draining the coconut of its water, shred the flesh into a pulp. Use the pulp for a cooling and oil reducing face mask. Sit back, and apply the pulp to the entire face. Cover the eyes with cucumbers, and remove the pulp and rinse after 20 30 minutes. Coconut Oil. Some say coconut oil can have a drying effect on the skin, so people with oily skin and scalps may best utilize it. Coconut oil is routinely used in soap because of its incredible ability to lather in even salt water. The oil is helpful as a light moisturizer on the skin and hair. To use it as a treatment for oily hair and scalp, warm the oil and apply it to the hair, especially the tips. Let it set for several minutes, and shampoo hair thoroughly after a coconut oil treatment. Coconut cream is a popular beauty preparation made by the women of Togo in Africa. It can be used on the hair and skin in the same way coconut oil is

used, but it is refined differently. It can be used as a treatment for dry combination skin, and can also be used to help moisturize and nourish brittle nails. THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF TEA A cup of tea can do more than just help relax the mind and quiet the soul with its soothing warmth and variety of flavors. Many teas actually contain therapeutic effects for many common health and beauty complaints, and tea can be utilized in a variety of different ways to help relieve symptoms. Skin. Tea can be both ingested and used on the skin for natural benefits. You can make simple natural products for your skin with a variety of teas. Yarrow tea and chamomile tea can be used as astringent toners if they are put into a spray bottle and misted on the face. Sunburn. Non-herbal black tea can be used to help relieve sunburn. You can steep 6 tea bags in 4 cups of hot water until the tea cools. Apply it the affected area with a soaked cotton cloth repeatedly until the burn feels better. Oily Skin. To help control oily skin, try drinking a few cups of strong yarrow tea. Steep 2 teaspoons of yarrow in a cup of just boiled water for 10 minutes and drink. Drink a cup a day for skin maintenance, and a cup in the morning and one at night for problem skin. Yarrow astringent properties help reduce the skin`s oil. Body Odor. Drink a glass of strong sage tea daily to decrease and get rid of body odors. Steep 2 tea bags in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes, and enjoy. Eye Complaints. Tea bags can be used in a variety of different ways to help make the eyes look and feel better. Irritated Eyes. Use wet chamomile tea bags to relieve puffy eyes. Moistened black tea bags are thought to reduce redness and itching of the eyes, and a rosemary tea bag can be used to help your eyes from feeling strained and tired. Sties. To help get rid of a sty in your eye, moisten a non-herbal tea bag and place it on your closed eye for as long as possible. Use a bandage to help keep it in place. If you commonly get sties in your eyes, drink burdock seed tea every morning and every night to help prevent them. Bancha leaf tea is also a remedy for removing sties. Hair Therapy. Make a rosemary and sage tea to help boost the shine of your dark hair. Use two tea bags of each and steep in hot water until cool. Strain, and apply this rinse to your hair after you shampoo. You can use rosemary and sage by themselves for the same effect. If you have light hair and want to get an herbal boost, use chamomile or yarrow tea or try the combination. WHAT IS GOMMAGE?


The term `gommage` comes from a French term that means "to erase". It is a cream or paste that is applied to the skin with massage in order to remove dead skin cells and leave smoother, more radiant skin underneath. Gommage is a treatment that spas offered a number of years ago, but it went by the wayside in many locations when other options in exfoliants like alpha hydroxy acids came along. Although gommage was originally used primarily for facials, it eventually became a popular method of body treatments, and is still used in this manner in many spas. They are more labor intensive than body scrubs, but can be a good option in spas that don`t have the option of showering off since gommage is not designed to be washed off after treatment like other body scrubs are. It is a highly effective means of exfoliation and deep cleansing. Gommage consists of a cream that is applied to the body in a thin layer and left to sit and dry for a few minutes. It is then slowly and gently removed through the process of massage. As the skin is rubbed, the gommage will roll off of the body, picking up the dead skin cells on the outer layer of the skin in the process. Gommage will contain ingredients like xanthan gum to help remove the dead skin cells, and an enzyme to dissolve them. No shower is necessary after gommage, but a moisturizer is usually applied to keep skin feeling soft and smooth after treatment. Often the moisturizer is massaged in as well, for a thorough cleansing and a thoroughly relaxing experience. THE WINE MUD BODY TREATMENT What is your favorite wine? Perhaps a refreshing glass of chilled Chardonnay? Or maybe your tastes run more to the woody Shiraz or the dryness of the merlot. Whatever wine you like to drink, you may be interested to find that vino has become a staple in many spas today not as a beverage, but as a full body treatment in the form of a wrap. There are many types of wrap treatments available in spas today, and the most common ingredients in these treatments have included seaweed, lotions, creams and a variety of types of mud and clay. These are not the same treatments as the wraps of the past, where the primary purpose was to promote weight loss. Todays wraps have numerous benefits for the skin, and the wine mud body treatment is no exception. Benefits of Wine. Recent studies have shown that there are properties found in wine, specifically in the red wines, that are good for our bodies. Some of those same features are the reason that wine on the body can be beneficial as well. The antioxidants that are found in the grapes can have a wonderful healing effect on the skin by countering the damage that free radicals found in our environment can cause. Some wraps will also use parts of the grape for exfoliating the skin to

rid the body of the top layer of dead cells, leaving softer, smoother skin underneath. This can be the perfect choice for those who are looking for a way to overcome sun damage, the aging process or to provide additional moisturizing treatment for dry skin. It can improve the elasticity of the skin and the overall skin tone. The treatment can even effectively fade brown spots that have been left as a result of sun exposure or aging. Then there are the aromatherapy benefits, as you bask in the earthy fragrances of the grape skins while your wrap does its work on your body. A wine mud body wrap works in the same basic way as similar types of treatments. Once you have undressed, the mud mixture is applied to your skin and wrapped for about 20 minutes as you enjoy the warmth and relaxation of a steam table. You may have the option of a facial treatment from a spa technician as the mud wrap works, and the entire process is exceedingly relaxing and so indulgent and decadent. At the end of your wrap, you will probably finish with a shower to cleanse all of the mud off, and you will be left with skin that is refreshed, radiant and silky smooth. Although this treatment is still fairly new, the popularity has led many spas to offer their own wine mud treatments. In fact, a trip to Napa valley or other wine producing regions may often include a visit to a spa offering this treatment with grapes from the neighboring vineyards. HOW STRESS AFFECTS OUR SKIN During times of emotional distress, the flow of blood is directed to areas of the body that are considered vital for responding to the stress that we are under. At the same time, blood is withdrawn from areas that are considered non-essential, such as the skin. Unfortunately, the skin is the largest organ and one of the most sensitive areas of the body. During times of stress, the skin is constantly being starved of both blood and oxygen, which causes the skin to take on a dull and lifeless appearance. In addition to changing the skins natural appearance, continuous stress can increase cortisone secretion, which suppresses the bodys immune system. Once the skins defense is lowered, it becomes extremely susceptible to irritation from outside pollutants. Stress can also affect more than just our immune system. It may impact the bodys ability to properly digest food, which can impact the health of the skin, as well as the health of the body. When food is not properly digested, the nutrients are not absorbed as they should be, allowing undigested impurities to remain and accumulate in the body. Though stress has been known to trigger or aggravate skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, warts, cold sores, and blisters, it most commonly causes three specific skin reactions: hives, itching, and acne.

Allergies are the most common cause of hives, but stress has been known to make hives appear as well. During times of stress, histamines are released into the bloodstream, which can cause hives or small bumps to appear on the skin. In some cases, the hives will not be noticeable, but the skin will be very itchy. Usually, an antihistamine or a soothing lotion will help. Though these reactions are common, most people who are under stress will find themselves afflicted with acne. Stress can unleash chemicals within the body that stimulate sebaceous (oil) glands. The excess sebum tends to clog pores and irritate skin, causing acne to form. As irritating as these skin problems can be, they are usually only temporary. There are many different products that are available to help soothe the skin and help us relax in the process. ACNE AND STRESS Everyone knows that stress can be very damaging to the bodys health and well being. However, most people dont realize how damaging it can be to the bodys largest organ, the skin. Stress can cause skin to appear pale, dull, and lifeless. Hormones produced by stress can also stimulate sebaceous glands and cause them to produce excess oil. This extra oil tends to clog pores/hair follicles and produces bacteria and inflammation. Blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples then form on the skin as a result. A recent study proved that increases in acne severity were directly related to increases in stress. Performed by the Department of Dermatology at Stanford Universitys School of Medicine, the study focused on 22 students who suffered from varying degrees of acne. It was found that during test times, the severity of the students acne increased. The findings were very interesting, because they proved that emotional stress does influence acne. The researchers who conducted the study determined that adrenal androgens and glucocorticoids are released into the body during times of emotional stress. These two hormones are both known to cause and worsen acne, by stimulating sebaceous glands. By proving the connection between acne and stress, researchers helped to establish yet another way to treat acne besides topical medication: stress reduction. Stress comes in many different forms and can be caused by a miserable situation or simply by lifes little demands. Fortunately, there are many different ways to treat and reduce the stress in our lives. For example, a change in the environment can produce a relaxing experience that will help to calm the acne-producing hormones caused by stress. A good way to change everyday environment is through the use of candles or ambient lighting, aromatherapy, soothing music, and tranquil dcor. A relaxing soak in a tub that contains a favorite bath oil or scent can also bring temporary relief. Daily exercise and fresh air are other stress combatants that can be easily incorporated into almost anyones life. Meditation, yoga, and long walks can help

free the mind and relax the body. Another helpful technique is massage, which stimulates the skin and revitalizes muscles. Though stress is caused by many different factors, there are universal treatments, such as those shown above, which can help. If you experience an increase in acne due to stress, treat your skin, but also make sure that you get to the heart of the problem and treat that as well.

A BRIEF GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN ESTHETOLOGY Acetone Colorless, flammable liquid. Used in nail polish, nail polish removers. It is excessively toxic. Acid A chemical compound that dissociates in solution, releasing hydrogen ions and lowering the solution pH. acetic ~ Acid found in vinegar, some fruits, and human sweat. Used in hair dyes and hand lotions, and in lotions for bleaching freckles. Skin irritant and toxic to lungs. amino ~ Every living cell in the body contains protein and cannot function properly without it. Approximately 80 amino acids are found in nature; only 20 are necessary for human metabolism. Some must be supplied by food and are called "essential". Amino acids are rapidly absorbed in the blood stream, and in combination with vitamins, provide essential nutrients to a wound area to promote healing. ascorbic Acid occurring naturally in many fruits. Also known as vitamin ~ C. Used as a preservative in food and cosmetics. Nontoxic and not a skin irritant. citric ~ Used in skincare products as an astringent and an antioxidant. fatty ~ Organic oils found in vegetable and animal fats. Excellent skin emollients and an important part of the diet. fruit ~ Found in various fruits and herbs. They are used in masks and moisturizers for their ability to moisturize and exfoliate the skin. Fruit acids are used in concentrations as low as .25% and as high as 8%. The higher concentrations increase the "heat" of the

product and the peeling action. It can also cause skin irritation in some people. glycolic ~ Used as a skin care treatment in exfoliation creams and masks. It may irritate mucous membranes and cause allergic reactions. kojic ~ Acid used to lighten the color of the skin. kactic ~ A natural ingredient in the body that moisturizes the skin. linoleic ~ Essential fatty acid, found in cold pressed oils, used as an emulsifier in cosmetics. malic ~ Acid that comes from raw fruit, like apples, cherries and tomatoes, and is used as a glycolic agent. oleic ~ Fatty acid that is a common constituent of many animals and vegetables. It is a common cosmetic ingredient. palmitic Fatty acid from palm oil. ~ retinoic ~ A prescription drug for the treatment of acne. Is also believed to help repair sun damage. salicylic Acid, that dissolves layers of the skin and is used in the treatment ~ of eczema. tartaric ~ An acid that comes from apples and is used to promote the texture and tone of the skin. alpha Group of acids that appear naturally in fruit. Used in toners, hydroxy creams, and masks to exfoliate and moisturize the skin. Can be a ~ skin irritant causing redness and rashes. Acid rinse Extremely useful for eliminating soap films from the hair after shampooing. A mixture of vinegar or lemon juice and water is a common one. Acne An inflammatory skin disease thats made evident by pimples that can appear on almost any part of the body, but are usually on the face. Acrylic Something thats acrylic has the property of being able to repel water or moisture. After shave A perfumed liquid usually containing alcohol used to soothe the skin after shaving. May contain menthol to cool irritated skin. After Shave After shave with a thicker consistency containing lotion for balm increased moisturizing capabilities. Allergen An allergen is something that produces an allergic reaction. Allantoin Extracted from a plant, is used in creams and skin preparations to heal and soothe. Aloe vera A plant that has wonderful healing and softening properties. Many people have an Aloe Vera houseplant, because you can break off a piece and use the extract from inside to soothe and heal cuts, burns and abrasions. Its a very common ingredient in cosmetics because of its softening properties. Aloe vera gel A compound expressed from the leaf of the aloe plant, which is a South African lilylike plant. A moisture storehouse for enzymes,


Aroma Astringent Base notes Bath gels Bath powder Bath salts Beeswax Benzoyl peroxide Bergamot Biotin Blackhead Blend Body lotion Botanicals Botox Bronzers Buffer Butchers broom

vitamins, proteins, and minerals that support skin functions, Aloe Vera helps maintain the skin's moisture balance and stimulates blood circulation. Tightens and rejuvenates skin leaving it silky feeling. Substances that slow the breakdown of nutrients and counteract the destructive effect of free radicals (chemically reactive compounds) in the body. There are several types which include vitamins A, E, C complex, and B complex, the minerals selenium and zinc, and the synthetic compounds BHT and BHA. Vitamins A, C, and E as well as BHA and BHT are used as preserving agents in cosmetics. The pleasing odor, many times recognizable, given off by a substance. As part of the facial cleansing system, it is commonly known as toner, and it controls oily skin and lowers the pH of the face after cleansing. Basically, it draws tissues together. The infusion of fragrance with your personal body chemistry. A perfumed foaming product used in the bath for its soothing, cleansing and emollient qualities. Scented loose powder applied to the body with a powder puff after bathing. Rock salts used in the bath to color, scent and, or chemically treat the water. It has been used in cosmetics for centuries, mostly for its emulsifying properties. A common ingredient found in acne treatments, used for its antibacterial properties. The Bergamot tree is grown predominantly in southern Italy. The Italians make an oil from the rind of the bergamot trees citrus fruit, which is good as an antiseptic, a cleanser, and a deodorizer. One of the B vitamins that assists in dermatitis and hair loss. A type of pimple that forms when the pores of the skin get clogged with oils and impurities. A thorough mixture of two or more substances so that neither is distinguishable from the other. A non-oily product applied to the skin to moisturize, soothe and scent. Can be stored in a tube or bottle. Products that are made from plants. A trade name for botulinum toxin A. Its a product thats becoming increasingly popular for getting rid of wrinkles in the face, which is performed by injections. Products that darken the skin to make it look naturally tanned. A pH-balanced cleanser that makes the skin shinier and softer. A plant extract thats used to sweep away redness in the face.

Calendula extract Callus

Marigolds are the source for this wonderful emollient oil which has a soothing effect on skin. A buildup of tough layers of skin is referred to as calluses. They can be removed with a pumice stone, or you can get them professionally removed by an esthetician. Candela wax It is combined with oil to give more body to lipsticks. Cellulite The word used to refer to the fatty deposits that cause a dimpled or uneven appearance of the skin, usually around the thighs and buttocks. Ceramides A substance that protects the skin against moisture loss. Its also synthetically-reproduced in skin care products. Chamomile A plant with anti-inflammatory characteristics, it is used in lotions. Clarifying The toner part of a cleansing system that balances the pH of the skin after cleansing. Collagen 70% of the body's connective tissue in the dermis is made of collagen. Gerontologists have discovered that is where the aging process of the skin takes place. Young connective tissue is made up of soluble collagen whose molecules are disordered in relation to each other. As the skin ages, and is exposed to sunlight, chemicals (like makeup, coal tar dyes, etc., and various foods), the soluble collagen becomes "cross-linked," so the molecules are no longer displaced in relation to each other. Cross-linking makes the collagen insoluble and inflexible. As this happens, the connective tissues become strained, dry, wrinkled, and worn. Cologne Fragrance applied to the skin, usually with a floral or citrus base. Originally named after a town in Germany, it usually contains alcohol content higher than that of perfume. Fragrance concentration of 2-5%. Cologne The most concentrated form of fragrance for men. A blend of (men) ingredients which can include alcohol, essential oils and natural or man-made scents combined for a unique fragrance experience. Cornflower Known for its ability to soften skin, leaving it more supple. A natural antiseptic. Cyclomethico Emollient skin conditioning agent derived from silica. Water ne repellent, skin-adherent and stable over a wide range of temperatures. Cucumber Has soothing effects on the skin and improves moisture retention. Dandruff A chronic non-inflammatory scaling of the scalp. The absence of inflammation sets dandruff apart from other scaling conditions of the scalp, namely, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. Dandruff can be confused with dry scalp. Dry scalp is caused by drying conditions. Wind, indoor heat, sap moisture from the scalp, causing flaking. Dandruff is the result of accelerated cell turnover and people with oily scalps tend to suffer most from dandruff. The dandruff test: brush or shake hair over dark paper.


A product that reduces perspiration odor. There are natural deodorants containing herbs like marigold and vitamin E. Deodorants do not stop perspiration. Dehydration Loss of water/moisture from the body or skin. Depilatories Destroy hair by breaking the chemical bonds that hold it together. After using any hair removal method, a moisturizer should be applied to soothe the skin. Depilation The process of removing hair from the skin. Dermatitis Inflammation of the skin covering a wide variety of skin disorders and evidenced by itching, redness and various skin lesions. Can be due to one of several causes - systemic disease, skin irritants such as poison ivy, corrosives, acids and alkalies or hypersensitivity. Dermis The second or middle layer of skin. contains the blood vessels, elastin and collagen, etc. Detergent These artificial soaps may be made with a variety of chemicals and are frequently not biodegradable. Dihydroxyace A cosmetic product that bronzes the skin to resemble a tan. tone (DHA) Eau de Womens fragrance with a lighter scent concentration than parfum perfume (8 to 15%). Can be used in a spray application. Emollients Prevent water loss and have a softening and soothing effect on the skin. They can be natural, like almond oil, or manufactured, like mineral oil. Echinacea A natural product thats most commonly used to reduce flu or cold symptoms. Its also used in some skin care products to stop itching and soothe the skin. Eczema An inflammatory condition that causes the skin to become red, scaly and itchy. Elastin A substance used in cosmetics to protect the skin from getting dry. Electrolysis A process where an electric current is applied to hair roots to kill them. Emollient A substance that soothes and softens the skin. Emulsifier A substance added to a product to thicken it. Emulsion A stable combination of oil and water phases accomplished with the use of surfactants. Epidermis The outer layer of skin. Epilation The process of removing hair from beneath the surface of the skin Esthetician A professional trained to give beauty treatments like facials, manicures, and pedicures. Ethanol (or Colorless, vaporizable liquid. Has a burning taste. Well-known to ethyl alcohol) most of us as the active ingredient in alcoholic beverages. Commonly called simply "alcohol," although there are many other kinds of alcohols. Ethanol is widely used in cosmetics as a solvent and as an antibacterial agent. As a preservative, it's effective at concentrations of 15% to 20%. It's an antitoxin in concentrations

Ethyl acetate Evening primrose Eucalyptus extract Exfoliate Exfoliant Fats FDA Flacon Fragrance Fragrancefree Free radicals

of 60% to 70%, with a bactericidal effect within 45 seconds. It's also used in acne treatments and in rinses for oily hair. Ethanol absorbs water and thus can be very drying in fast-drying skin lotions (at concentrations of 15%); the lotions need to include glycerols and vegetable oils to minimize the drying effect. Provokes a late allergic reaction in some people when used topically. Taken orally, ethanol is toxic in doses above 80g. Ethanol is often purposely made poisonous by the addition of methanol and it is then known as SDA (especially denatured alcohol). Compound made from acetic acid and ethyl alcohol used as a solvent and in nail polish and nail polish removers. May irritate skin. A natural substance used as a toner or moisturizer. A stimulating and antiseptic oil. Aids in the formation of healthy skin tissue. To remove layers or scales from the skin. A product used to remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells with a scrub or cleanser. Acquired from animal fat, oil seeds, or fruit pulp. They are used as lotion or salve in cosmetics. They can be solid, semisolid, or liquid. The Food and Drug Administration. The federal agency responsible for managing the safety and strength of all foods and drugs, and cosmetics sold in the US. A small bottle with a stopper used to hold perfume, usually a decorative or collectible item. Sweet pleasing odor used to enhance products of all kinds, especially in the beauty industry. May be used in differing concentrations for various products. No added fragrances; just the natural aroma of the ingredients. Unstable or chemically incomplete molecules which can be formed within skin as a result of sun, pollution and stress. These molecules may "steal" particles from other molecules thus creating more unstable compounds and setting off a chain reaction that can damage cells. Anti-oxidants such as Vitamins C and E fight free radical action that can weaken epidermal support, resulting in wrinkling of skin, dryness, loss of skin elasticity and premature aging. A rich-scented fragrance.

Full bodied


Glycerin, Glycerine, glycerol

Sweet, syrupy alcohol that can be produced artificially from propylene alcohol or naturally derived from vegetable oils. Used in cosmetics for thousands of years as a solvent, plasticizer, humectant, emollient, and lubricant. Glycolic peel A method used to exfoliate or remove dead layers of skin Health The state of physical and mental well-being, free from disease. Herbal The fragrance blend from the herbaceous family of plant life. This is a fresh scent that can be used successfully in shampoos and body products. Humectant A substance that helps to retain moisture. Hydrate As a noun, this means a compound formed by the union of water with another substance. As a verb, it means to supply water to something that absorbs it. Hydroquinon A white crystalline compound used in skincare products as a e bleaching agent. Hyperpigmen A skin condition caused by ultraviolet light from the sun, which tation darkens the skin. Jojoba A multi-purpose substance, used as a moisturizer, as well as to reduce wrinkles and stretch marks. Juniper Extract obtained from the sweet pulp of the juniper berry. Works extract as a natural skin and hair freshener, and has anti-itching qualities. Karite A natural ingredient that keeps the skin healthy Keratin A natural substance that gives nails and hair their resiliency. Labeling The Cosmetic Labeling Act (Fair packaging and labeling act) marked a major step in helping consumers become aware of what they put into their hair and rub onto their faces. Passed April 14, 1977, it requires that ingredients be listed, in descending order of concentration, on the labels of most cosmetics. Soap, however, excluded, and flavors, fragrances and trade secrets don't have to be listed specifically. Lake colors These solid forms of dyes are made by mixing liquid dye with an insoluble powder like aluminum oxide. They may be natural, but they're usually manufactured and are made from coal tar. Lanolin A fatty substance made from wool, that moisturizes and emulsifies, as well as absorbs water. Layering The ability of a person to wear different forms of the same fragrance at the same time. For example, bath gel, bath powder and cologne all used at the same time, it surrounds the user with a fragrance experience. Lecithin Used as an emulsifier and surfactant. High in the B vitamins choline and inositol. It's found in egg yolk and manufactured from soy oil. Licorice In its natural form is good for treating acne and soothing skin irritated by allergies. Linden From the flowers of the Linden tree. The flowers contain essential


oils which are celebrated for their brightening and soothing qualities. Mallow A softening agent made from plants that help reduce inflammation, age lines, and eye swelling. Melanin The dark pigment in hair and skin. Melon extract Melon has natural cleansing properties as well as the ability to soften and soothe the skin. Menthol Derived from peppermint. Has soothing properties if used in concentrations of 1% or less. Methyl Ethyl Flammable, colorless liquid. Primarily used as a solvent. Skin Ketone irritant. (MEK) Mica Somewhat shiny silicate minerals split into very thin sheets. Used in eye cosmetics to provide sparkle. Middle note The second stage of fragrance development on the skin. Individuals react to different chemicals causing variations in scent. Milk bath A bath preparation made with milk products as the base. A natural product, it is soothing to the skin. Milk protein Obtained from a whole cow's milk. For centuries, milk has been used as a natural, soothing skin cleanser and softener. Moisturizer A cream that hydrates the skin. Nail polish Highly flammable. Can dissolve many plastics. It can be fatal if remover swallowed. The conditioning ingredients do little to mitigate acetone's strongly drying and degreasing effects. Natural spray A spray in pump form, using no aerosol or chemical additives. NonWill not clog oil glands to produce a break-out on people prone to acnegenic acne NonCosmetic products that are non-comedogenic (or they may be comedogenic referred to as non-occlusive) dont plug the pores, so dont cause skin irritation or pimples. Oatmeal Ground oat kernels (after husks have been removed). A natural, mild exfoliant. Soothing to the skin. Found in Oatmeal-Lavender Cleanser and Oatmeal-Mint Cleanser. Oil An unctuous, combustible substance that is liquid or easily liquefiable on warming and is soluble in ether but not in water.


almond ~ anise ~ bath ~ camphor ~ essential ~

fragrance ~ geranium ~ ginger ~ gingko biloba ~ grapefruit ~ jasmine ~ jojoba ~

juniper ~ lavender ~

lemon ~ lime ~ mineral ~

A vegetable oil made with almonds. Its used in cosmetic products that soften the skin. Known for its warm, spicy liquorice-like scent; an antiseptic and stimulant. A perfumed liquid, usually containing mineral or vegetable oil, designed to moisturize the skin in the bath, can be foaming or non-foaming. Distilled from the wood, roots and branches of an evergreen tree native to China and Japan. Used to treat acne, inflammation, oily conditions, spots. Oily liquids obtained from plants. Complex mixtures of alcohols, ketones, phenols, acids, ethers, aldehydes, esters, oxides, and sulfur compounds (among others). They're also called volatile oils, ethereal oils, essences, or absolutes. A concentrated product used in the creation of perfume, cologne or toilet water. An effective anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent derived from the aromatic plant. For use on acne and oily skin. Revered in Asia since the earliest of times, ginger acts as an antiseptic and stimulant. Ginko, thought to be the oldest tree on the planet, has long been used in Chinese medicine. Used for its antiinflammatory and antiallergenic properties. A natural bactericide, preserver and stabilizer. Both a tonic and astringent. Often used as a source of perfume. The oil is considered antidepressant and relaxing, and is used externally to soothe dry or sensitive skin. Extracted from the edible seeds of the desert shrub Simondsia californica. Used as a lubricant and hair conditioner. Often used in shampoos, moisturizers, and sunscreens. May cause allergic reactions. Has a slightly warming effect on the skin and is thought to promote removal of waste products from underlying tissues. Effectively tones skin. Known for its sweet, floral-herbaceous scent. Lavender has significant antiseptic and antibacterial actions which help promote healing. Used in baths to relax, revive and soothe. For use on all skin types. From the fruit of the citrus lemon. Known for its astringent and anti-irritant qualities. Olive oil shares many qualities with lemon oil and has many antiseptic and restorative properties. A liquid mixture of hydrocarbons gathered from petroleum.

Light mineral oil is an ingredient of choice as an essential moisturizer for psoriasis, primarily functioning as an occlusive barrier to retard moisture loss without restricting essential ingredient absorption. In the case of a psoriatic condition the water loss from the external skin layers can exceed the rate of replacement from below, hence as part of our formulation, it is necessary to place an occlusive barrier onto the surface of the skin to retard water loss. palm ~ White to yellowish fat. Used to make soaps, shampoos, ointments, and margarine. rose ~ The healing virtues of the rose have been known since antiquity. Helps soothe dry, sensitive skin. rosemary ~ A physical and mental stimulant and an astringent healer used to treat muscle soreness. sunflower ~ Extracted from sunflower seeds it is rich in essential fatty acids. tea tree ~ A natural preservative thats used in soap, shampoo and skin care products to clean and disinfect. vetiver ~ With a deep smoky, earthy, woody odor, it is used as a tonic and antiseptic. Helps encourage circulation and is also used for its aromatic, fine fragrance. wheat germ ~ Oil from the embryo of the wheat kernel that is high in vitamin E. Used as a moisturizer in cosmetics. wintergreen ~ A tonic, stimulant and astringent, aromatic oil has a warming action on muscles. Brings relief to swollen or sore muscles. Oil-based A product in which oil soluble solutions are the major part. Oil glands Oil/Sebaceous glands produce a waxy-fatty substance called sebum which lubricates the skin and protects it from moisture loss. PABA (Para- Its a part of the vitamin B complex and is used in some sunscreen aminobenzoic lotions acid) Palmitate Used in baby oils, bath oils, eye creams, moisturizers and hair conditioners. It can cause allergic reactions in some people. Panthenol Used as a moisturizer. Parabens Toxic, allergenic, artificial chemicals. Used to preserve cosmetics. They are not effective with shampoos or with products that contain proteins. Paraffin Waxy, crystalline mixture. Used as a thickener for cosmetics. Patch test Apply a small amount of cosmetic to your inner arm, cover it with a bandage and leave it for 24 hours. Perfume The most concentrated form of synthetically prepared fragrance, applied to the skin to enhance the nature of ones image. Dating back to ancient times, perfume was created by the Egyptians of resins and wood mixed with oils and water. Todays perfumes are an enhanced blend of essential oils, alcohol and water, and the

Petrolatum Petroleum jelly pH

secret ingredients of its creator. Another word for petroleum jelly. Its used in creams as a lubricant, to soften and soothe the skin. Semisolid mixture. Obtained from petroleum.

An abbreviation for percentage of hydrogen. In cosmetics, it measures the level of acidity Photoaging Damage to the skin caused by too much exposure to the sun. Phototoxic Medications or food which render the skin sensitive to light (sun) thereby causing an adverse reactions Photosensitivi A skin condition, manifested in rashes or swelling, that results ty from applying or eating certain chemicals or foods, then exposing the skin to sunlight. Phytocosmeti Cosmetics that are made with natural ingredients from plants cs Pore A tiny opening in the skin that serves as an outlet for sweat. Preservatives Researchers have become increasingly aware of the dangers associated with microbial contamination of topical skin products and know more today than ever about the sources of contamination. Unfortunately the battle against contamination is far from won as adaptable organisms continue to cause problems resulting in bacterial infections of the skin. Pre-shave A fragranced liquid used by men before shaving to lubricate the face and prepare the skin. Psoriasis A chronic inflammatory skin disease of unknown cause in which skin cells replicate at a rapid rate. Psoriasis cannot be passed from one person to another, though it is more likely to occur in people whose family members have it. The rash usually consists of scaly red patches that can cause itching. Certain conditions, e.g., infection, some drugs, climate and perhaps hormonal factors and smoking, may trigger attacks. Remedy A substance used to cure or heal an illness, pain or disorder. This can be a prepared medication, a natural substance found in nature, or a combination of the two. Retin A A prescription drug for the treatment of acne. Is also believed to help repair sun damage. Retinol Deficiency in retinol, another name for vitamin A, results in a hardening and roughening of the skin. Retinol is the main ingredient in products like Retin-A and Renova, that help to reduce wrinkles and heal acne. Retinyl A form of Vitamin A that is included in skin formulations and may palmitate improve elasticity and temporarily reduce the appearance of fine lines. Rosacea A skin condition that produces red oily skin and acne. Sage Member of the parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme group, is not

Sebaceous glands Seborrhea

Shea butter Skin disease

Skin texture Skintone SPF Soap

Stratum corneum Subcutaneous Sugar cane extract Sunblock Sunscreen Surfectant

just a herb for cooking. It also helps to disinfect and heal wounds Glands in the skin that open into hair follicles and from which sebum is secreted. A condition in which there is over-activity of the sebaceous glands. The distinctive characteristics of the disorder are its common occurrence in hair areas (especially the scalp), the appearance of well-demarcated, dull yellowish-red lesions, and the associated presence of greasy or dry scales. Rashes can occur on the face, shoulders and chest. A fat made from the seeds of the shea tree. Its used in creams and lotions to soothe, soften and moisturize the skin In the course of development before birth, skin is particularly associated with the nervous system. It is therefore not surprising that so many skin diseases are influenced by the emotional states. Other causes of skin disease are infections, glandular disorders and vitamin deficiencies. Early detection and treatment improve the prognosis for many skin conditions and medical advice can lead to beneficial therapy. Appearance of the skin which may be rough, smooth, dull, dry and scaly, etc. Makeup: Consistency with skin color. Skincare: Refers to the skin's firmness. An acronym for sun protection factor A cleansing material made of oils, detergents and fragrance, used on skin. Comes in many different forms; bar soap, liquid soap, gels, and flakes. The detergents in soap combine with water to penetrate the skin, attract the dirt particles and separate them from the skin, making them easier to then rinse away. The topmost layer of cells of the epidermis. The third and innermost layer of the skin. Gently removes damaged, dead and dry cell so fresh, healthylooking skin can appear. A lotion that actually blocks the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Its more effective than sunscreen. A product, usually a cream, thats applied to the skin to protect it from getting sunburned. The amount of protection is governed by its SPF.. A material (substance) that helps oil and water to mix so that the two will not separate and will remain a smooth stable cream or lotion (Emulsifier). They are also are important for cosmetics where mildness is needed such as shampoos and lotions. An antiseptic and antibacterial agent, usually found in soap. A less concentrated form of fragrance than perfume, usually 4 to 8%. This is a less aromatic scent, making it more suitable for

Thyme Toilet Water

Toluene Toner Top Note Undertone Vitamin Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Walnut shell powder Water-based Whitehead Witch hazel Zinc oxide

daytime use, and the business world. Used as a solvent in cosmetics, especially nail polish, and also dyes. It is used in pharmaceuticals and gasoline as a blending agent. It is toxic and narcotic in high concentrations. A part of the facial cleansing system. Its used after the cleanser, and cleans any last traces of dirt that may be left, as well as returning the skin to its natural pH. The initial odor or scent given off by a fragrance after application to the skin. The strongest emission of bouquet, before it is altered by the body chemistry. A term used to refer to the tone of the skin, like warm or cool. Essential for normal growth and contribute to the natural moisturizing factor. The skin is often the first indication of a vitamin deficiency that can cause dry skin. A fat-soluble vitamin. A deficiency in vitamin A can cause toughening and hardening of the skin. A water-soluble vitamin. Its used in anti-aging creams because of its preservative and antioxidant properties. A fat-soluble vitamin. It promotes strong bones and teeth, but can be detrimental if collected in the skin as a result of too much exposure to the sun. A fat-soluble vitamin. Its antioxidant properties make it useful for promoting healthy skin and hair. The ground powder of the walnut shell acts as a natural exfoliant. A product in which water and water soluble materials constitute the major part. The plug of a clogged oil gland (pore) lying beneath the surface of the skin. Smaller that a blackhead, it is sometimes only visible with the help of a magnifying glass. A natural extract from the leaves and twigs of a shrub. A skin refresher, local anesthetic and a natural, gentle astringent. It is soothing to the skin and helps regulate sebaceous glands. A chemical compound that was originally used as a whitening face powder around the beginning of the 20th century. Its quite often found in sun protection products because of its ability to protect. It also soothes and heals the skin.



BEAUTY AND MAKEUP IN THE CORPORATE WORLD The majority of the workforce spends their passing hours during the week in an office environment, cooped up in cubicles. But you dont have to look dull and boring. Learn to liven up your days at work by looking and feeling fabulous with makeup tips that will bring more life to your office and your next meeting. The thing to remember when it comes to wearing makeup to work is that not all colors and shades work well with an office environment. How you present yourself on the job is very different from how you would present yourself going out to dinner, to the clubs with your friends or on a romantic date with your sweetheart. Wear colors that complement your skin tone and be sure to avoid loud colors. Theres nothing wrong with attracting attention but you want to make sure its favorable and not offputting - or the source of talk at the water cooler. Some safe colors you can include in your makeup palette are brown or black mascara, brown or black eyeliner, warm tone base, rose or apricot blush, gloss or peach lipstick and eye shadow in warm tones. For those who can pull it off, skip out on the foundation. At most dab concealer where needed. If you choose to wear foundation, be aware of how the color may appear with your offices fluorescent lighting. Try to use a base that has warm, gold tones to offset the greenish tones of the lights. Pink-based tones can make your complexion look muddy or orange. In keeping with a warm complexion, opt for rose or apricot shades of blush. Blend well to avoid sharp, defining edges. Using pink or red shades of blush can appear too harsh for office lighting. When it comes to eye makeup you want to keep it simple and natural. Office lighting tends to not only make things look harsh but can also bring out details you normally wouldnt notice so keep that in mind when choosing the right colors to wear. Your best bet is to stay with lighter eye makeup colors, such as rose, gold and peach. Avoid blues and grays since they can make your face look dull and drab. To keep your look natural, try brown mascara and eyeliner instead of black. Or you can choose a mix of brown/black mascara and liner for a happy medium. Its helpful to play up your eye makeup and keep your lips natural when it comes to office makeup. Opt for peach shade of lipstick colors or simple gloss. Sheer or shimmery lipstick shades also look flattering for office makeup. Be sure to avoid taupe, beige and other earth tones that can appear muddy and dirty under fluorescent office lighting. Because of the professional atmosphere, you want to aim for a makeup look that is soft, light and natural. Skincare-wise, youll want to stick to a clean and fresh look. In the mornings be sure to thoroughly cleanse, tone and moisturize. Because the air and heat in office buildings can wreak havoc on the skin, keep a bottle of water handy on your desk to keep yourself hydrated. Carrying a bottle of hand moisturizing lotion in your purse, on your desk or in your car can also help keep your hands from getting dry and cracked. MAKE-UP ETIQUETTE: How and Where Politely Put on Make-up The rules for etiquette are never set in stone. Just like asking your mother about which style of make-up would be best, her answer for make-up etiquette may no longer be applicable to your generation. Maybe it`s not so bad to put some lip gloss on at the train station nowadays.


The ancient Greeks actually had a custom of writing down a code of expected behavior for any controllable circumstance, which they called protkollon . This helped to make crystal clear exactly what could and could not be done, and was overall an ideal way of running things... until they began mixing with other cultures with different opinions. Hence, written rules could never really apply to something as universal, yet personal, as make-up. Things change. The general rule for when and where to apply or remove makeup is, "Never in public." This would reasonably rule out touching-up around a restaurant table, in church, on a crowded street, in a movie theater, in the class room, and at almost any kind of social gathering. These guidelines sound simple, right? How, then, do we determine what is "public"? With pressed schedules and roomier public scenes that allow more privacy out of home, social lines begin to blur. If I never see them again . . . does it still count? The anonymity of a crowded street affords some kind of privacy in itself. If a woman pauses at an empty deli window to wipe some flaking mascara from her lower lid, will she really care if a stranger passing by disapproves? Many people from any background would agree that it would be offensive for her to squint at her reflection in a spoon and do the same thing at the dinner table in front of her date. The difference is, she cares about her date`s opinion. Considering that, the general rule about make-up application can be modified to say, "Never in front of anyone important, in public." If I apply make-up in a public place, and nobody sees it . . . is it still rude? When people are squeezed for time, they often need to make do with improvising for privacy. If you can duck beneath the booth at the cafe and escape being seen while you pencil your lips, it`s up to your own discretion whether or not it`s worth the risk of being caught. Foremostly, the person who has to deal with the consequences of impolite make-up application is the person applying it. However, if you fear you might make the group you`re with look bad, it`s better to have top-notch manners; any personal grooming should go to the restroom. To modify the rule further, then, it goes something like, "Never in front of anyone important, in public - and never when it conflicts with your own set of morals." If you think it`s wrong to put make-up on in public (period), then don`t do it. Just keep in mind that the one thing more offensive than putting make-up on at a bad time is telling another grown-up, whom you don`t know, that it`s impolite. But what about in the car, while I`m driving? Yes, absolutely, it`s 100% rude to put on make-up while driving a car. It doesn`t matter if the whole town sees a girl putting mascara on in her rear-view mirror; the problem is that a driver`s attention is being divided between touching-up and controlling a few thousand pounds worth of moving vehicle, all while sharing the road with other people. Be polite. Wait until you pull over. BRONZER OR BLUSH? Bronzer and blush are popular items when it comes to makeup, but for some, knowing which one to use can be confusing. The two arent exactly the same but both are meant to enhance your natural beauty. By being smart about your skin and knowing what products work best, you wont be the victim of a makeup mishap. In order to find out whether you should use bronzer or blush, you need to think about your natural skin tone and the effect bronzer or blush will have once it is applied to your skin. Blush is reserved for the apples of the cheeks and can be played up to create the appearance of 106

chiseled cheekbones or simply dabbed on for a rosy glow. Bronzer creates a sun kissed complexion and unlike blush, it isnt restricted to just the cheeks. Bronzer can be applied to the forehead, nose, chin, and cheeks. Blush Blush is ideal for brightening up pale/fair skin. Try cream or powder blush and practice blending techniques so youre not left with noticeable lines or streaks. Porcelain beauties should be wary of using bronzer, since this can create a very unnatural appearance. Unless you plan to get tanned, stick to blush and play up your features that way. To find the right shade of blush, choose a shade that matches the color your cheeks are when flushed after being exposed to cold temperatures or after doing physical activities. When using blush, its important to apply it to the right area of your face to avoid looking like a Raggedy Ann doll. Blush is supposed to be applied to the apples of the cheeks. To find the apples of your cheeks, look in a mirror and smile. After dabbing your brush or applicator with some color, use gentle, sweeping motions starting at the center of your apple, and move up and outwards towards the corner of your eye and up to the temple. Bronzer Skin that is naturally tanned or olive tends to get better results with bronzer. Bronzer comes in all forms: sticks, gels, powders and creams. Choose the form that works best for your skin type in a shade that isnt more than two shades darker than your natural skin tone. While it can be fun to use bronzer with glitter or shimmer, dont overdo it or else youll look like a bronze statue. Bronzer should enhance your natural beauty, not dominate your complexion. One of the best ways to apply bronzer without getting carried away is by using a wide, fluffy brush. Start off with a little at a time and continue to add more until you get the look you want. Some people use both bronzer and blush, which is perfectly fine as long as it complements your skin tone. Darker complexions work well with bronzer to highlight features, but if you want to use blush, make sure to choose a pigment that wont get lost in your complexion. Deep roses and apricot shades look great on darker skin. COLOR AND HOW TO MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU We all have our favorites - mines purple, by the way. That doesnt always mean that I look best in the purple sweater versus the red sweater, or that Id look my best in purple lipstick. There is a better way for choosing colors that youll look and feel good in, and just because you like the look of a color, doesnt always mean its a good fashion or makeup choice - a fact we may all remember from the notorious blue eye-shadow-days of the 1980s. The World of Color So weve al heard about the different qualities of color - the meanings, the moods, the uses. Well, most of it is true, although it cant apply to both fashion and cosmetics. Colors have very different uses in the fashion world than they do in the world of cosmetics. Here, well talk about both and how use can use color to your advantage in putting your best face forward and dressing to impress. Color: Its In the Way That You Wear It For many of us, there are just some colors that we cant wear and still look presentable. For me, its yellow. For a lot of people, its orange. Still, there are colors that we can choose that will accentuate our positives and add life to our appearance. The right colors can bring a glow to our skin and complexion, highlight the color of our eyes, and largely influence our mood. Likewise, the wrong color choice can wash the color out of our skin, cause a sallow look, and negatively impact our mood. 107

In the world of cosmetics, the right color is even more tricky to pin down. Mainly categorized into the warms and cools, its rare that one is able to cross over out of their assigned color section. If youre not sure what your designated colors are, there are mainly resources available for finding the right choice for your skin tone, eye color, and hair color. I recommend beginning your search online where youll find personalized tips for finding your skin tone and choosing matching colors to accentuate it. Also, many department stores offer free consultations to help determine what colors are best for you. You may want to invest some time here, because going with the right colors can do wonders for how you look in your cosmetics. It All Depends On What Your Going For As I mentioned, color greatly affects mood. When choosing what to wear, often times it all depends on what youre going for. Blue, for example, is a color that is a great fit for almost anyone. Fashion choices in blue bring a calmness, are shown to reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation. Green can also be soothing and healing, while purple is considered mysterious and erotic. Red is considered stimulating and exciting, yellow promotes a happy feeling, white represents serenity and peace, and last but not least, black, which can represent sexuality, mourning, mystery, fear, or even elegance.

VITAMINS YOUR HAIR WILL LOVE Its a fact that bad hair days dont do much to improve our outlook on life overall. On the other hand, when our hair looks good, we feel good, which is why our crowning glory deserves the very best care that we can give it. What if I told you that shampoos and conditioners were not enough to keep your hair in mint condition? To give your tresses that extra boost, a vitamin regimen can do wonders. And while there are plenty of shampoos available that offer vitamin supplements built right into their formulas, the best way to give your hair the vitamins it needs is through an oral supplement. But which vitamins will your hair love the most? Read on for the best nutrients for your locks. Antioxidants Antioxidants are the substances that can fight the free radicals in your body that promote the aging process and even up your risk for some types of diseases. Where do these antioxidants come from? Many are found in the environment, and are caused by pollution, the sun and cigarette smoke. Since your hair is out there every day for the environment to find, it is important to protect your hair from these substances. Antioxidants, like vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, are the first line of defense. While you can get these vitamins through diet choices like fruits and vegetables, dairy products and nuts, you can ensure that you receive the proper amount through a daily supplement as well. Along with fighting off the effects of free radicals, these nutrients will build healthy hair strands and stimulate better scalp circulation. For best results, make sure that you are getting 5000 IU daily of vitamin A, 60 mg. of vitamin C and up to 400 IU of vitamin E. Biotin is an important nutrient for healthy hair because it produces keratin, which is the protein found in nails, hair and skin. Along with strengthening hair through the production of keratin, biotin may also be responsible for the prevention of graying and hair loss. Biotin can be found in a number of foods, including whole grains, milk and eggs. The recommended daily dose of this nutrient is 150-300 mcg. Another important nutrient that works in preventing these hair problems is vitamin B5, which can be found in many of the same foods as biotin.


Besides biotin, there are plenty of other B-vitamins that will give your locks a healthy boost. Inositol will keep hair follicles nourished, and niacin is another nutrient that is very good for scalp circulation. Pantothenic acid can assist biotin in preventing graying and hair loss, along with vitamins B6 and B12. Get your Bs every day and your hair will thank you with a healthy shine! One multi-vitamin supplement every day combined with a healthy diet should be enough to whip your hair back into shape, but there are also vitamin blends that have been specially formulated for maximum hair health. If an apple each day will keep the doctor away, just think what all those yummy nutrients can do for your hair. BAR SOAP: TO USE OR NOT TO USE? Bar soap - friend or foe? It seems like a pretty basic part of any cleansing regime, but bar soap really isn`t the best way to keep your skin clean. Ideally, you`ll want to avoid using bar soap at all, but especially for the areas around your face and neck. Your skin is most sensitive from the neck up and the ingredients typical bar soaps contain are far too harsh to maintain healthy skin. The main problem with bar soap is its high alkaline content (i.e. high pH). While the skin`s normal pH is somewhere around 5.5, most bar soaps have a pH of about 9 which throws your skin`s balance all out of whack. You may hear how particular soaps claim to neutralize your skin`s pH, but if the soap`s high alkaline content didn`t mess with the pH in the first place, there would be no need to restore it. All they do is basically fix what they screwed up to begin with. So, what does your skin actually experience when using bar soap? Those high pH levels will translate to increased bacteria, possible breakouts and general irritation. There are some specialty soaps that are available in bar cleansers that contain a much lower pH level, making them far less irritating to the skin. Still, these are really just the lesser of two evils. The ingredients that make it possible for bar cleansers to exist in a bar form can clog pores and cause problems for you skin. So, even though a bar soap may claim to be extremely gentle, the mere fact that it is in bar form means it contains the ingredients that will no doubt clog your pores. As an alternative to the bar soap, it is suggested by experts that you use liquid soaps that are specifically formulated for your skin type. If you don`t know what type of skin your have, speak with sales person at a cosmetics counter and they can help you determine this. When you are looking for face cleansers, also make sure they are free of fragrances - fragrances are also notorious for causing irritation of the skin. And as always, make sure you are ending your skin care regime with a moisturizer to keep skin healthy and hydrated. BODY WASHES AND BODY SCRUBS Long gone are the days of using bar soap to clean every inch of our skin. Body washes, cleansers, shampoos, and scrubs hit the market several years ago and are now available in every type and fragrance imaginable. But, before hitting the shower or bath with just any old product, its a good idea to learn as much as you can. Body washes, also known as body shampoos and body cleansers, are aptly named, as they are essentially detergents for the body. These solutions are good for any skin type and are much better than bar soaps, which can be irritating to the skin. Body washes are just as effective, but are much less drying, because they actually have moisturizing properties. In fact, most body washes contain oils that stay on your skin, providing an emollient benefit. Other ingredients, 109

such as vitamins, amino acids, and proteins may also be incorporated into these cleansers. Though these ingredients often get washed down the drain before they have a chance to work on your skin, they dont hurt. However, many people do not like the moisturizing film that these products leave behind. If you are one of those people, you can use a regular body wash and follow-up with a gentle moisturizer. Body Scrubs. Exfoliating the skin on your body unclogs pores, helps the skin to absorb moisture, and removes dead skin cells, allowing healthier skin cells to emerge. When exfoliating your skin, you can use various methods, such as loofahs and specially formulated AHA or BHA products. Before using loofahs, however, you should be aware of the dangers they pose. Because they hang in the shower or bath without being cleaned, they provide the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Scrubbing a blemish or another skin injury with a loofah could be dangerous to your health. To avoid loofahs, you can use a clean, soft washcloth and a body scrub. Washcloths are gentle and can be washed after every use. There are also many different body scrubs on the market to choose from. Most contain oils and other water-binding agents to help moisture the skin while removing dead cells. When choosing a body scrub, look for these ingredients. Most importantly, be gentle while you are exfoliating. Though the skin on the body is can handle an occasional scouring, you can damage your skin by being too rough. VITAMINS AND MINERALS FOR HEALTHY SKIN Vitamins and minerals are essential for proper function of every organ in the body, especially your skin as it is the largest organ in your body. Experts agree that the best way to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals is to maintain a healthy diet but supplements are available as well. There are many vitamins and minerals that contribute something specific to healthy skin, but we will focus on some of the most important ones. Vitamin A is absolutely essential for normal life cycle of skin cells. It has an antioxidant that neutralizes harmful elements in out skin aiding in prevention of wrinkles, resisting infection and keeping skin looking youthful. Vitamin A can be used topically or as a supplement to help prevent dry, flaky skin and reduces lines and wrinkles. A number of scientists believe Selenium plays a key role in skin cancer prevention due to the fact that, taken in supplement form or used in a cream, this mineral helps protect skin from sun damage. Selenium can be taken orally in daily supplements of 50 to 200 micrograms to preserve tissue elasticity, slow down the aging and hardening of tissues through oxidation and offer protection from the damaging rays of the sun. Vitamin E is the most important antioxidant in the body that protects cell membranes and prevents damage to membrane-associated enzymes. Vitamin E helps to re-hydrate the skin; prevent inflammation; protect from sun damage; reduce dry, rough skin; and greatly increases the healing rate. Supplementation with natural Vitamin E in 400 mg per day has been noted to reduce photodamage, wrinkles and improve skin texture. Of all the antioxidants, Vitamin C is the most abundant one found naturally in the skin. It repairs free radicals and prevents them from turning into cancers and quickening aging. Used in topical form, vitamin C can prevent the results of extended sun exposure which can lead to skin cancer. Vitamin B is responsible for maintaining great skin tone. Its presence reduces stress, which is often the main cause of acne and breakouts. There are a number of B vitamins that all do a job in creating healthy skin as well as improve your overall health. B vitamin supplements should always be taken together.


There are a couple more minerals you want to avoid being deficient in. Zinc helps to avoid acne as it reduces maintains normal activity of your oil glands. Chromium also helps with acne by reducing infections of the skin. Both are available in supplemental form. COCONUT BEAUTY SECRETS A coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm tree, and grows in tropical climates. The versatile coconut has been used as a staple in African and Caribbean health and beauty treatments to condition hair clean the body and detoxify the skin. Genuine coconut derived products contain the natural benefits of the coconut plant, that is popular with people who have oily and combination skin. The coconut is known for being a light moisturizer that also decreases excessive oil on the skin, which could make it beneficial for smoothing out combination skin as well. There are many ways to integrate coconut into an everyday beauty regimen. Using coconut water, coconut pulp, coconut oil and coconut cream are all ways to easily utilize coconut for beauty purposes. Coconut water is the water found inside of a fresh coconut. To retrieve the water, bore two holes in the dark brown spots on either end called eyes with an ice pick or a sharp knife. Add this water to a bath, or mix it with liquid shower gel. It could also be added to lotion as well as hair conditioner or shampoo for oily hair. Coconut Pulp . After draining the coconut of its water, shred the flesh into a pulp. Use the pulp for a cooling and oil reducing face mask. Sit back, and apply the pulp to the entire face. Cover the eyes with cucumbers, and remove the pulp and rinse after 20 30 minutes. Coconut Oil. Some say coconut oil can have a drying effect on the skin, so people with oily skin and scalps may best utilize it. Coconut oil is routinely used in soap because of its incredible ability to lather in even salt water. The oil is helpful as a light moisturizer on the skin and hair. To use it as a treatment for oily hair and scalp, warm the oil and apply it to the hair, especially the tips. Let it set for several minutes, and shampoo hair thoroughly after a coconut oil treatment. Coconut cream is a popular beauty preparation made by the women of Togo in Africa. It can be used on the hair and skin in the same way coconut oil is used, but it is refined differently. It can be used as a treatment for dry combination skin, and can also be used to help moisturize and nourish brittle nails. THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS OF TEA A cup of tea can do more than just help relax the mind and quiet the soul with its soothing warmth and variety of flavors. Many teas actually contain therapeutic effects for many common health and beauty complaints, and tea can be utilized in a variety of different ways to help relieve symptoms. Skin. Tea can be both ingested and used on the skin for natural benefits. You can make simple natural products for your skin with a variety of teas. Yarrow tea and chamomile tea can be used as astringent toners if they are put into a spray bottle and misted on the face. Sunburn. Non-herbal black tea can be used to help relieve sunburn. You can steep 6 tea bags in 4 cups of hot water until the tea cools. Apply it the affected area with a soaked cotton cloth repeatedly until the burn feels better.


Oily Skin. To help control oily skin, try drinking a few cups of strong yarrow tea. Steep 2 teaspoons of yarrow in a cup of just boiled water for 10 minutes and drink. Drink a cup a day for skin maintenance, and a cup in the morning and one at night for problem skin. Yarrow astringent properties help reduce the skin`s oil. Body Odor. Drink a glass of strong sage tea daily to decrease and get rid of body odors. Steep 2 tea bags in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes, and enjoy. Eye Complaints. Tea bags can be used in a variety of different ways to help make the eyes look and feel better. Irritated Eyes. Use wet chamomile tea bags to relieve puffy eyes. Moistened black tea bags are thought to reduce redness and itching of the eyes, and a rosemary tea bag can be used to help your eyes from feeling strained and tired. Sties. To help get rid of a sty in your eye, moisten a non-herbal tea bag and place it on your closed eye for as long as possible. Use a bandage to help keep it in place. If you commonly get sties in your eyes, drink burdock seed tea every morning and every night to help prevent them. Bancha leaf tea is also a remedy for removing sties. Hair Therapy. Make a rosemary and sage tea to help boost the shine of your dark hair. Use two tea bags of each and steep in hot water until cool. Strain, and apply this rinse to your hair after you shampoo. You can use rosemary and sage by themselves for the same effect. If you have light hair and want to get an herbal boost, use chamomile or yarrow tea or try the combination. WHAT IS GOMMAGE? The term `gommage` comes from a French term that means "to erase". It is a cream or paste that is applied to the skin with massage in order to remove dead skin cells and leave smoother, more radiant skin underneath. Gommage is a treatment that spas offered a number of years ago, but it went by the wayside in many locations when other options in exfoliants like alpha hydroxy acids came along. Although gommage was originally used primarily for facials, it eventually became a popular method of body treatments, and is still used in this manner in many spas. They are more labor intensive than body scrubs, but can be a good option in spas that don`t have the option of showering off since gommage is not designed to be washed off after treatment like other body scrubs are. It is a highly effective means of exfoliation and deep cleansing. Gommage consists of a cream that is applied to the body in a thin layer and left to sit and dry for a few minutes. It is then slowly and gently removed through the process of massage. As the skin is rubbed, the gommage will roll off of the body, picking up the dead skin cells on the outer layer of the skin in the process. Gommage will contain ingredients like xanthan gum to help remove the dead skin cells, and an enzyme to dissolve them. No shower is necessary after gommage, but a moisturizer is usually applied to keep skin feeling soft and smooth after treatment. Often the moisturizer is massaged in as well, for a thorough cleansing and a thoroughly relaxing experience. THE WINE MUD BODY TREATMENT What is your favorite wine? Perhaps a refreshing glass of chilled Chardonnay? Or maybe your tastes run more to the woody Shiraz or the dryness of the merlot. Whatever wine you like to drink, you may be interested to find that vino has become a staple in many spas today not as a beverage, but as a full body treatment in the form of a wrap.


There are many types of wrap treatments available in spas today, and the most common ingredients in these treatments have included seaweed, lotions, creams and a variety of types of mud and clay. These are not the same treatments as the wraps of the past, where the primary purpose was to promote weight loss. Todays wraps have numerous benefits for the skin, and the wine mud body treatment is no exception. Benefits of Wine Recent studies have shown that there are properties found in wine, specifically in the red wines, that are good for our bodies. Some of those same features are the reason that wine on the body can be beneficial as well. The antioxidants that are found in the grapes can have a wonderful healing effect on the skin by countering the damage that free radicals found in our environment can cause. Some wraps will also use parts of the grape for exfoliating the skin to rid the body of the top layer of dead cells, leaving softer, smoother skin underneath. This can be the perfect choice for those who are looking for a way to overcome sun damage, the aging process or to provide additional moisturizing treatment for dry skin. It can improve the elasticity of the skin and the overall skin tone. The treatment can even effectively fade brown spots that have been left as a result of sun exposure or aging. Then there are the aromatherapy benefits, as you bask in the earthy fragrances of the grape skins while your wrap does its work on your body. A wine mud body wrap works in the same basic way as similar types of treatments. Once you have undressed, the mud mixture is applied to your skin and wrapped for about 20 minutes as you enjoy the warmth and relaxation of a steam table. You may have the option of a facial treatment from a spa technician as the mud wrap works, and the entire process is exceedingly relaxing and so indulgent and decadent. At the end of your wrap, you will probably finish with a shower to cleanse all of the mud off, and you will be left with skin that is refreshed, radiant and silky smooth. Although this treatment is still fairly new, the popularity has led many spas to offer their own wine mud treatments. In fact, a trip to Napa valley or other wine producing regions may often include a visit to a spa offering this treatment with grapes from the neighboring vineyards. HOW STRESS AFFECTS OUR SKIN During times of emotional distress, the flow of blood is directed to areas of the body that are considered vital for responding to the stress that we are under. At the same time, blood is withdrawn from areas that are considered non-essential, such as the skin. Unfortunately, the skin is the largest organ and one of the most sensitive areas of the body. During times of stress, the skin is constantly being starved of both blood and oxygen, which causes the skin to take on a dull and lifeless appearance. In addition to changing the skins natural appearance, continuous stress can increase cortisone secretion, which suppresses the bodys immune system. Once the skins defense is lowered, it becomes extremely susceptible to irritation from outside pollutants. Stress can also affect more than just our immune system. It may impact the bodys ability to properly digest food, which can impact the health of the skin, as well as the health of the body. When food is not properly digested, the nutrients are not absorbed as they should be, allowing undigested impurities to remain and accumulate in the body. Though stress has been known to trigger or aggravate skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, warts, cold sores, and blisters, it most commonly causes three specific skin reactions: hives, itching, and acne. Allergies are the most common cause of hives, but stress has been known to make hives appear as well. During times of stress, histamines are released into the bloodstream, which can


cause hives or small bumps to appear on the skin. In some cases, the hives will not be noticeable, but the skin will be very itchy. Usually, an antihistamine or a soothing lotion will help. Though these reactions are common, most people who are under stress will find themselves afflicted with acne. Stress can unleash chemicals within the body that stimulate sebaceous (oil) glands. The excess sebum tends to clog pores and irritate skin, causing acne to form. As irritating as these skin problems can be, they are usually only temporary. There are many different products that are available to help soothe the skin and help us relax in the process. ACNE AND STRESS Everyone knows that stress can be very damaging to the bodys health and well being. However, most people dont realize how damaging it can be to the bodys largest organ, the skin. Stress can cause skin to appear pale, dull, and lifeless. Hormones produced by stress can also stimulate sebaceous glands and cause them to produce excess oil. This extra oil tends to clog pores/hair follicles and produces bacteria and inflammation. Blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples then form on the skin as a result. A recent study proved that increases in acne severity were directly related to increases in stress. Performed by the Department of Dermatology at Stanford Universitys School of Medicine, the study focused on 22 students who suffered from varying degrees of acne. It was found that during test times, the severity of the students acne increased. The findings were very interesting, because they proved that emotional stress does influence acne. The researchers who conducted the study determined that adrenal androgens and glucocorticoids are released into the body during times of emotional stress. These two hormones are both known to cause and worsen acne, by stimulating sebaceous glands. By proving the connection between acne and stress, researchers helped to establish yet another way to treat acne besides topical medication: stress reduction. Stress comes in many different forms and can be caused by a miserable situation or simply by lifes little demands. Fortunately, there are many different ways to treat and reduce the stress in our lives. For example, a change in the environment can produce a relaxing experience that will help to calm the acne-producing hormones caused by stress. A good way to change everyday environment is through the use of candles or ambient lighting, aromatherapy, soothing music, and tranquil dcor. A relaxing soak in a tub that contains a favorite bath oil or scent can also bring temporary relief. Daily exercise and fresh air are other stress combatants that can be easily incorporated into almost anyones life. Meditation, yoga, and long walks can help free the mind and relax the body. Another helpful technique is massage, which stimulates the skin and revitalizes muscles. Though stress is caused by many different factors, there are universal treatments, such as those shown above, which can help. If you experience an increase in acne due to stress, treat your skin, but also make sure that you get to the heart of the problem and treat that as well.


Acetone Acid acetic ~ Colorless, flammable liquid. Used in nail polish, nail polish removers. It is excessively toxic. A chemical compound that dissociates in solution, releasing hydrogen ions and lowering the solution pH. Acid found in vinegar, some fruits, and human sweat. Used in hair

amino ~

ascorbic ~ citric ~ fatty ~ fruit ~

glycolic ~ kojic ~ kactic ~ linoleic ~ malic ~ oleic ~ palmitic ~ retinoic ~ salicylic ~ tartaric ~ alpha hydroxy ~ Acid rinse Acne Acrylic After shave

dyes and hand lotions, and in lotions for bleaching freckles. Skin irritant and toxic to lungs. Every living cell in the body contains protein and cannot function properly without it. Approximately 80 amino acids are found in nature; only 20 are necessary for human metabolism. Some must be supplied by food and are called "essential". Amino acids are rapidly absorbed in the blood stream, and in combination with vitamins, provide essential nutrients to a wound area to promote healing. Acid occurring naturally in many fruits. Also known as vitamin C. Used as a preservative in food and cosmetics. Nontoxic and not a skin irritant. Used in skincare products as an astringent and an antioxidant. Organic oils found in vegetable and animal fats. Excellent skin emollients and an important part of the diet. Found in various fruits and herbs. They are used in masks and moisturizers for their ability to moisturize and exfoliate the skin. Fruit acids are used in concentrations as low as .25% and as high as 8%. The higher concentrations increase the "heat" of the product and the peeling action. It can also cause skin irritation in some people. Used as a skin care treatment in exfoliation creams and masks. It may irritate mucous membranes and cause allergic reactions. Acid used to lighten the color of the skin. A natural ingredient in the body that moisturizes the skin. Essential fatty acid, found in cold pressed oils, used as an emulsifier in cosmetics. Acid that comes from raw fruit, like apples, cherries and tomatoes, and is used as a glycolic agent. Fatty acid that is a common constituent of many animals and vegetables. It is a common cosmetic ingredient. Fatty acid from palm oil. A prescription drug for the treatment of acne. Is also believed to help repair sun damage. Acid, that dissolves layers of the skin and is used in the treatment of eczema. An acid that comes from apples and is used to promote the texture and tone of the skin. Group of acids that appear naturally in fruit. Used in toners, creams, and masks to exfoliate and moisturize the skin. Can be a skin irritant causing redness and rashes. Extremely useful for eliminating soap films from the hair after shampooing. A mixture of vinegar or lemon juice and water is a common one. An inflammatory skin disease thats made evident by pimples that can appear on almost any part of the body, but are usually on the face. Something thats acrylic has the property of being able to repel water or moisture. A perfumed liquid usually containing alcohol used to soothe the skin after shaving. May contain menthol to cool irritated skin.

After Shave balm Allergen Allantoin Aloe vera

Aloe vera gel


Aroma Astringent Base notes Bath gels Bath powder Bath salts Beeswax Benzoyl peroxide Bergamot Biotin Blackhead Blend Body lotion Botanicals Botox

After shave with a thicker consistency containing lotion for increased moisturizing capabilities. An allergen is something that produces an allergic reaction. Extracted from a plant, is used in creams and skin preparations to heal and soothe. A plant that has wonderful healing and softening properties. Many people have an Aloe Vera houseplant, because you can break off a piece and use the extract from inside to soothe and heal cuts, burns and abrasions. Its a very common ingredient in cosmetics because of its softening properties. A compound expressed from the leaf of the aloe plant, which is a South African lilylike plant. A moisture storehouse for enzymes, vitamins, proteins, and minerals that support skin functions, Aloe Vera helps maintain the skin's moisture balance and stimulates blood circulation. Tightens and rejuvenates skin leaving it silky feeling. Substances that slow the breakdown of nutrients and counteract the destructive effect of free radicals (chemically reactive compounds) in the body. There are several types which include vitamins A, E, C complex, and B complex, the minerals selenium and zinc, and the synthetic compounds BHT and BHA. Vitamins A, C, and E as well as BHA and BHT are used as preserving agents in cosmetics. The pleasing odor, many times recognizable, given off by a substance. As part of the facial cleansing system, it is commonly known as toner, and it controls oily skin and lowers the pH of the face after cleansing. Basically, it draws tissues together. The infusion of fragrance with your personal body chemistry. A perfumed foaming product used in the bath for its soothing, cleansing and emollient qualities. Scented loose powder applied to the body with a powder puff after bathing. Rock salts used in the bath to color, scent and, or chemically treat the water. It has been used in cosmetics for centuries, mostly for its emulsifying properties. A common ingredient found in acne treatments, used for its antibacterial properties. The Bergamot tree is grown predominantly in southern Italy. The Italians make an oil from the rind of the bergamot trees citrus fruit, which is good as an antiseptic, a cleanser, and a deodorizer. One of the B vitamins that assists in dermatitis and hair loss. A type of pimple that forms when the pores of the skin get clogged with oils and impurities. A thorough mixture of two or more substances so that neither is distinguishable from the other. A non-oily product applied to the skin to moisturize, soothe and scent. Can be stored in a tube or bottle. Products that are made from plants. A trade name for botulinum toxin A. Its a product thats becoming

Bronzers Buffer Butchers broom Calendula extract Callus

increasingly popular for getting rid of wrinkles in the face, which is performed by injections. Products that darken the skin to make it look naturally tanned. A pH-balanced cleanser that makes the skin shinier and softer. A plant extract thats used to sweep away redness in the face.

Marigolds are the source for this wonderful emollient oil which has a soothing effect on skin. A buildup of tough layers of skin is referred to as calluses. They can be removed with a pumice stone, or you can get them professionally removed by an esthetician. Candela wax It is combined with oil to give more body to lipsticks. Cellulite The word used to refer to the fatty deposits that cause a dimpled or uneven appearance of the skin, usually around the thighs and buttocks. Ceramides A substance that protects the skin against moisture loss. Its also synthetically-reproduced in skin care products. Chamomile A plant with anti-inflammatory characteristics, it is used in lotions. Clarifying The toner part of a cleansing system that balances the pH of the skin after cleansing. Collagen 70% of the body's connective tissue in the dermis is made of collagen. Gerontologists have discovered that is where the aging process of the skin takes place. Young connective tissue is made up of soluble collagen whose molecules are disordered in relation to each other. As the skin ages, and is exposed to sunlight, chemicals (like makeup, coal tar dyes, etc., and various foods), the soluble collagen becomes "crosslinked," so the molecules are no longer displaced in relation to each other. Cross-linking makes the collagen insoluble and inflexible. As this happens, the connective tissues become strained, dry, wrinkled, and worn. Cologne Fragrance applied to the skin, usually with a floral or citrus base. Originally named after a town in Germany, it usually contains alcohol content higher than that of perfume. Fragrance concentration of 2-5%. Cologne (men) The most concentrated form of fragrance for men. A blend of ingredients which can include alcohol, essential oils and natural or manmade scents combined for a unique fragrance experience. Cornflower Known for its ability to soften skin, leaving it more supple. A natural antiseptic. Cyclomethicon Emollient skin conditioning agent derived from silica. Water repellent, e skin-adherent and stable over a wide range of temperatures. Cucumber Has soothing effects on the skin and improves moisture retention. Dandruff A chronic non-inflammatory scaling of the scalp. The absence of inflammation sets dandruff apart from other scaling conditions of the scalp, namely, psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. Dandruff can be confused with dry scalp. Dry scalp is caused by drying conditions. Wind, indoor heat, sap moisture from the scalp, causing flaking. Dandruff is the result of accelerated cell turnover and people with oily scalps tend to suffer most from dandruff. The dandruff test: brush or shake hair over dark paper.

Deodorant Dehydration Depilatories Depilation Dermatitis

Dermis Detergent

Dihydroxyacet one (DHA) Eau de parfum Womens fragrance with a lighter scent concentration than perfume (8 to 15%). Can be used in a spray application. Emollients Prevent water loss and have a softening and soothing effect on the skin. They can be natural, like almond oil, or manufactured, like mineral oil. Echinacea A natural product thats most commonly used to reduce flu or cold symptoms. Its also used in some skin care products to stop itching and soothe the skin. Eczema An inflammatory condition that causes the skin to become red, scaly and itchy. Elastin A substance used in cosmetics to protect the skin from getting dry. Electrolysis A process where an electric current is applied to hair roots to kill them. Emollient A substance that soothes and softens the skin. Emulsifier A substance added to a product to thicken it. Emulsion A stable combination of oil and water phases accomplished with the use of surfactants. Epidermis The outer layer of skin. Epilation The process of removing hair from beneath the surface of the skin Esthetician A professional trained to give beauty treatments like facials, manicures, and pedicures. Ethanol (or Colorless, vaporizable liquid. Has a burning taste. Well-known to most ethyl alcohol) of us as the active ingredient in alcoholic beverages. Commonly called simply "alcohol," although there are many other kinds of alcohols. Ethanol is widely used in cosmetics as a solvent and as an antibacterial agent. As a preservative, it's effective at concentrations of 15% to 20%. It's an antitoxin in concentrations of 60% to 70%, with a bactericidal effect within 45 seconds. It's also used in acne treatments and in rinses for oily hair. Ethanol absorbs water and thus can be very drying in fastdrying skin lotions (at concentrations of 15%); the lotions need to include glycerols and vegetable oils to minimize the drying effect. Provokes a late allergic reaction in some people when used topically.

A product that reduces perspiration odor. There are natural deodorants containing herbs like marigold and vitamin E. Deodorants do not stop perspiration. Loss of water/moisture from the body or skin. Destroy hair by breaking the chemical bonds that hold it together. After using any hair removal method, a moisturizer should be applied to soothe the skin. The process of removing hair from the skin. Inflammation of the skin covering a wide variety of skin disorders and evidenced by itching, redness and various skin lesions. Can be due to one of several causes - systemic disease, skin irritants such as poison ivy, corrosives, acids and alkalies or hypersensitivity. The second or middle layer of skin. contains the blood vessels, elastin and collagen, etc. These artificial soaps may be made with a variety of chemicals and are frequently not biodegradable. A cosmetic product that bronzes the skin to resemble a tan.

Ethyl acetate Evening primrose Eucalyptus extract Exfoliate Exfoliant

Taken orally, ethanol is toxic in doses above 80g. Ethanol is often purposely made poisonous by the addition of methanol and it is then known as SDA (especially denatured alcohol). Compound made from acetic acid and ethyl alcohol used as a solvent and in nail polish and nail polish removers. May irritate skin. A natural substance used as a toner or moisturizer.

A stimulating and antiseptic oil. Aids in the formation of healthy skin tissue. To remove layers or scales from the skin. A product used to remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells with a scrub or cleanser. Fats Acquired from animal fat, oil seeds, or fruit pulp. They are used as lotion or salve in cosmetics. They can be solid, semisolid, or liquid. FDA The Food and Drug Administration. The federal agency responsible for managing the safety and strength of all foods and drugs, and cosmetics sold in the US. Flacon A small bottle with a stopper used to hold perfume, usually a decorative or collectible item. Fragrance Sweet pleasing odor used to enhance products of all kinds, especially in the beauty industry. May be used in differing concentrations for various products. Fragrance-free No added fragrances; just the natural aroma of the ingredients. Free radicals Unstable or chemically incomplete molecules which can be formed within skin as a result of sun, pollution and stress. These molecules may "steal" particles from other molecules thus creating more unstable compounds and setting off a chain reaction that can damage cells. Antioxidants such as Vitamins C and E fight free radical action that can weaken epidermal support, resulting in wrinkling of skin, dryness, loss of skin elasticity and premature aging. Full bodied A rich-scented fragrance. Glycerin, Sweet, syrupy alcohol that can be produced artificially from propylene Glycerine, alcohol or naturally derived from vegetable oils. Used in cosmetics for glycerol thousands of years as a solvent, plasticizer, humectant, emollient, and lubricant. Glycolic peel A method used to exfoliate or remove dead layers of skin Health The state of physical and mental well-being, free from disease. Herbal The fragrance blend from the herbaceous family of plant life. This is a fresh scent that can be used successfully in shampoos and body products. Humectant A substance that helps to retain moisture. Hydrate As a noun, this means a compound formed by the union of water with another substance. As a verb, it means to supply water to something that absorbs it. Hydroquinone A white crystalline compound used in skincare products as a bleaching agent. Hyperpigment A skin condition caused by ultraviolet light from the sun, which darkens ation the skin.

Jojoba Juniper extract Karite Keratin Labeling

Lake colors Lanolin Layering Lecithin Licorice Linden extract Mallow Melanin Melon extract Menthol

Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) Mica Somewhat shiny silicate minerals split into very thin sheets. Used in eye cosmetics to provide sparkle. Middle note The second stage of fragrance development on the skin. Individuals react to different chemicals causing variations in scent. Milk bath A bath preparation made with milk products as the base. A natural product, it is soothing to the skin. Milk protein Obtained from a whole cow's milk. For centuries, milk has been used as a natural, soothing skin cleanser and softener. Moisturizer A cream that hydrates the skin. Nail polish Highly flammable. Can dissolve many plastics. It can be fatal if remover swallowed. The conditioning ingredients do little to mitigate acetone's strongly drying and degreasing effects. Natural spray A spray in pump form, using no aerosol or chemical additives.

A multi-purpose substance, used as a moisturizer, as well as to reduce wrinkles and stretch marks. Extract obtained from the sweet pulp of the juniper berry. Works as a natural skin and hair freshener, and has anti-itching qualities. A natural ingredient that keeps the skin healthy A natural substance that gives nails and hair their resiliency. The Cosmetic Labeling Act (Fair packaging and labeling act) marked a major step in helping consumers become aware of what they put into their hair and rub onto their faces. Passed April 14, 1977, it requires that ingredients be listed, in descending order of concentration, on the labels of most cosmetics. Soap, however, excluded, and flavors, fragrances and trade secrets don't have to be listed specifically. These solid forms of dyes are made by mixing liquid dye with an insoluble powder like aluminum oxide. They may be natural, but they're usually manufactured and are made from coal tar. A fatty substance made from wool, that moisturizes and emulsifies, as well as absorbs water. The ability of a person to wear different forms of the same fragrance at the same time. For example, bath gel, bath powder and cologne all used at the same time, it surrounds the user with a fragrance experience. Used as an emulsifier and surfactant. High in the B vitamins choline and inositol. It's found in egg yolk and manufactured from soy oil. In its natural form is good for treating acne and soothing skin irritated by allergies. From the flowers of the Linden tree. The flowers contain essential oils which are celebrated for their brightening and soothing qualities. A softening agent made from plants that help reduce inflammation, age lines, and eye swelling. The dark pigment in hair and skin. Melon has natural cleansing properties as well as the ability to soften and soothe the skin. Derived from peppermint. Has soothing properties if used in concentrations of 1% or less. Flammable, colorless liquid. Primarily used as a solvent. Skin irritant.

Non-acnegenic Noncomedogenic

Will not clog oil glands to produce a break-out on people prone to acne Cosmetic products that are non-comedogenic (or they may be referred to as non-occlusive) dont plug the pores, so dont cause skin irritation or pimples. Oatmeal Ground oat kernels (after husks have been removed). A natural, mild exfoliant. Soothing to the skin. Found in Oatmeal-Lavender Cleanser and Oatmeal-Mint Cleanser. Oil An unctuous, combustible substance that is liquid or easily liquefiable on warming and is soluble in ether but not in water. almond ~ A vegetable oil made with almonds. Its used in cosmetic products that soften the skin. anise ~ Known for its warm, spicy liquorice-like scent; an antiseptic and stimulant. bath ~ A perfumed liquid, usually containing mineral or vegetable oil, designed to moisturize the skin in the bath, can be foaming or nonfoaming. camphor ~ Distilled from the wood, roots and branches of an evergreen tree native to China and Japan. Used to treat acne, inflammation, oily conditions, spots. essential ~ Oily liquids obtained from plants. Complex mixtures of alcohols, ketones, phenols, acids, ethers, aldehydes, esters, oxides, and sulfur compounds (among others). They're also called volatile oils, ethereal oils, essences, or absolutes. fragrance ~ A concentrated product used in the creation of perfume, cologne or toilet water. geranium ~ An effective anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent derived from the aromatic plant. For use on acne and oily skin. ginger ~ Revered in Asia since the earliest of times, ginger acts as an antiseptic and stimulant. gingko biloba Ginko, thought to be the oldest tree on the planet, has long been ~ used in Chinese medicine. Used for its anti-inflammatory and antiallergenic properties. grapefruit ~ A natural bactericide, preserver and stabilizer. Both a tonic and astringent. jasmine ~ Often used as a source of perfume. The oil is considered antidepressant and relaxing, and is used externally to soothe dry or sensitive skin. jojoba ~ Extracted from the edible seeds of the desert shrub Simondsia californica. Used as a lubricant and hair conditioner. Often used in shampoos, moisturizers, and sunscreens. May cause allergic reactions. juniper ~ Has a slightly warming effect on the skin and is thought to promote removal of waste products from underlying tissues. Effectively tones skin. lavender ~ Known for its sweet, floral-herbaceous scent. Lavender has significant antiseptic and antibacterial actions which help promote healing. Used in baths to relax, revive and soothe. For use on all skin types.

From the fruit of the citrus lemon. Known for its astringent and anti-irritant qualities. lime ~ Olive oil shares many qualities with lemon oil and has many antiseptic and restorative properties. mineral ~ A liquid mixture of hydrocarbons gathered from petroleum. Light mineral oil is an ingredient of choice as an essential moisturizer for psoriasis, primarily functioning as an occlusive barrier to retard moisture loss without restricting essential ingredient absorption. In the case of a psoriatic condition the water loss from the external skin layers can exceed the rate of replacement from below, hence as part of our formulation, it is necessary to place an occlusive barrier onto the surface of the skin to retard water loss. palm ~ White to yellowish fat. Used to make soaps, shampoos, ointments, and margarine. rose ~ The healing virtues of the rose have been known since antiquity. Helps soothe dry, sensitive skin. rosemary ~ A physical and mental stimulant and an astringent healer used to treat muscle soreness. sunflower ~ Extracted from sunflower seeds it is rich in essential fatty acids. tea tree ~ A natural preservative thats used in soap, shampoo and skin care products to clean and disinfect. vetiver ~ With a deep smoky, earthy, woody odor, it is used as a tonic and antiseptic. Helps encourage circulation and is also used for its aromatic, fine fragrance. wheat germ ~ Oil from the embryo of the wheat kernel that is high in vitamin E. Used as a moisturizer in cosmetics. wintergreen ~ A tonic, stimulant and astringent, aromatic oil has a warming action on muscles. Brings relief to swollen or sore muscles. Oil-based A product in which oil soluble solutions are the major part. Oil glands Oil/Sebaceous glands produce a waxy-fatty substance called sebum which lubricates the skin and protects it from moisture loss. PABA (ParaIts a part of the vitamin B complex and is used in some sunscreen aminobenzoic lotions acid) Palmitate Used in baby oils, bath oils, eye creams, moisturizers and hair conditioners. It can cause allergic reactions in some people. Panthenol Used as a moisturizer. Parabens Toxic, allergenic, artificial chemicals. Used to preserve cosmetics. They are not effective with shampoos or with products that contain proteins. Paraffin Waxy, crystalline mixture. Used as a thickener for cosmetics. Patch test Apply a small amount of cosmetic to your inner arm, cover it with a bandage and leave it for 24 hours. Perfume The most concentrated form of synthetically prepared fragrance, applied to the skin to enhance the nature of ones image. Dating back to ancient times, perfume was created by the Egyptians of resins and wood mixed with oils and water. Todays perfumes are an enhanced blend of essential oils, alcohol and water, and the secret ingredients of its creator.

lemon ~

Petrolatum Petroleum jelly pH Photoaging Phototoxic Photosensitivit y Phytocosmetic s Pore Preservatives

Another word for petroleum jelly. Its used in creams as a lubricant, to soften and soothe the skin. Semisolid mixture. Obtained from petroleum. An abbreviation for percentage of hydrogen. In cosmetics, it measures the level of acidity Damage to the skin caused by too much exposure to the sun. Medications or food which render the skin sensitive to light (sun) thereby causing an adverse reactions A skin condition, manifested in rashes or swelling, that results from applying or eating certain chemicals or foods, then exposing the skin to sunlight. Cosmetics that are made with natural ingredients from plants A tiny opening in the skin that serves as an outlet for sweat. Researchers have become increasingly aware of the dangers associated with microbial contamination of topical skin products and know more today than ever about the sources of contamination. Unfortunately the battle against contamination is far from won as adaptable organisms continue to cause problems resulting in bacterial infections of the skin. A fragranced liquid used by men before shaving to lubricate the face and prepare the skin. A chronic inflammatory skin disease of unknown cause in which skin cells replicate at a rapid rate. Psoriasis cannot be passed from one person to another, though it is more likely to occur in people whose family members have it. The rash usually consists of scaly red patches that can cause itching. Certain conditions, e.g., infection, some drugs, climate and perhaps hormonal factors and smoking, may trigger attacks. A substance used to cure or heal an illness, pain or disorder. This can be a prepared medication, a natural substance found in nature, or a combination of the two. A prescription drug for the treatment of acne. Is also believed to help repair sun damage. Deficiency in retinol, another name for vitamin A, results in a hardening and roughening of the skin. Retinol is the main ingredient in products like Retin-A and Renova, that help to reduce wrinkles and heal acne. A form of Vitamin A that is included in skin formulations and may improve elasticity and temporarily reduce the appearance of fine lines. A skin condition that produces red oily skin and acne. Member of the parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme group, is not just a herb for cooking. It also helps to disinfect and heal wounds Glands in the skin that open into hair follicles and from which sebum is secreted. A condition in which there is over-activity of the sebaceous glands. The distinctive characteristics of the disorder are its common occurrence in hair areas (especially the scalp), the appearance of well-demarcated, dull yellowish-red lesions, and the associated presence of greasy or dry

Pre-shave Psoriasis

Remedy Retin A Retinol

Retinyl palmitate Rosacea Sage Sebaceous glands Seborrhea

Shea butter Skin disease

Skin texture Skintone SPF Soap

Stratum corneum Subcutaneous Sugar cane extract Sunblock Sunscreen Surfectant

scales. Rashes can occur on the face, shoulders and chest. A fat made from the seeds of the shea tree. Its used in creams and lotions to soothe, soften and moisturize the skin In the course of development before birth, skin is particularly associated with the nervous system. It is therefore not surprising that so many skin diseases are influenced by the emotional states. Other causes of skin disease are infections, glandular disorders and vitamin deficiencies. Early detection and treatment improve the prognosis for many skin conditions and medical advice can lead to beneficial therapy. Appearance of the skin which may be rough, smooth, dull, dry and scaly, etc. Makeup: Consistency with skin color. Skincare: Refers to the skin's firmness. An acronym for sun protection factor A cleansing material made of oils, detergents and fragrance, used on skin. Comes in many different forms; bar soap, liquid soap, gels, and flakes. The detergents in soap combine with water to penetrate the skin, attract the dirt particles and separate them from the skin, making them easier to then rinse away. The topmost layer of cells of the epidermis. The third and innermost layer of the skin. Gently removes damaged, dead and dry cell so fresh, healthy-looking skin can appear. A lotion that actually blocks the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Its more effective than sunscreen. A product, usually a cream, thats applied to the skin to protect it from getting sunburned. The amount of protection is governed by its SPF.. A material (substance) that helps oil and water to mix so that the two will not separate and will remain a smooth stable cream or lotion (Emulsifier). They are also are important for cosmetics where mildness is needed such as shampoos and lotions. An antiseptic and antibacterial agent, usually found in soap. A less concentrated form of fragrance than perfume, usually 4 to 8%. This is a less aromatic scent, making it more suitable for daytime use, and the business world. Used as a solvent in cosmetics, especially nail polish, and also dyes. It is used in pharmaceuticals and gasoline as a blending agent. It is toxic and narcotic in high concentrations. A part of the facial cleansing system. Its used after the cleanser, and cleans any last traces of dirt that may be left, as well as returning the skin to its natural pH. The initial odor or scent given off by a fragrance after application to the skin. The strongest emission of bouquet, before it is altered by the body chemistry. A term used to refer to the tone of the skin, like warm or cool. Essential for normal growth and contribute to the natural moisturizing factor. The skin is often the first indication of a vitamin deficiency that

Thyme Toilet Water Toluene Toner Top Note Undertone Vitamin

Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Walnut shell powder Water-based Whitehead Witch hazel Zinc oxide

can cause dry skin. A fat-soluble vitamin. A deficiency in vitamin A can cause toughening and hardening of the skin. A water-soluble vitamin. Its used in anti-aging creams because of its preservative and antioxidant properties. A fat-soluble vitamin. It promotes strong bones and teeth, but can be detrimental if collected in the skin as a result of too much exposure to the sun. A fat-soluble vitamin. Its antioxidant properties make it useful for promoting healthy skin and hair. The ground powder of the walnut shell acts as a natural exfoliant. A product in which water and water soluble materials constitute the major part. The plug of a clogged oil gland (pore) lying beneath the surface of the skin. Smaller that a blackhead, it is sometimes only visible with the help of a magnifying glass. A natural extract from the leaves and twigs of a shrub. A skin refresher, local anesthetic and a natural, gentle astringent. It is soothing to the skin and helps regulate sebaceous glands. A chemical compound that was originally used as a whitening face powder around the beginning of the 20th century. Its quite often found in sun protection products because of its ability to protect. It also soothes and heals the skin.

I. ARTICLE, NOUN Ex.1. In the following phrases, supply either a or an: 1. ____ bingo game 17. ____ plant 2. ____ idiot 18. ____ eggplant 3. ____ good job 19. ____ honorable 4. ____ rotten plum discharge 5. ____ used fork 20. ____ intelligent man 6. ____ uncle 21. ____ table 7. ____ historian 22. ____ up stairway 8. ____ apple 23. ____ paper clip 9. ____ hair 24. ____ animal 10. ____ artichoke 25. ____ usual feeling 11. ____ horrible movie 26. ____ interest 12. ____ opera 27. ____ alibi 13. ____ fine opera 28. ____ early bird 14. ____ television 29. ____ couch 15. ____ earthquake 30. ____ airplane 16. ____ icicle 31. ____ grade 32. ____ pair 33. ____ idea 34. ____ energy level


Ex.2. Choose whether each sentence needs an indefinite article (a, an), a definite article (the), or no article. 1. He asked me ___very hard question. 2. ___ question that he asked me was easy. 3. Have you seen ____my scarf? 4. Could you please pass me ___ salt? 5. Is there ____good restaurant around here? 6. ___restaurant that my friend owns is very good. 7. I have several ___ good friends. 8. ____USA is a beautiful country. 9. I'll see you ___ week! 10. I'm on ___ vacation until Monday. Ex. 3. Fill in the correct form of the possessive case. actors actors of sisters sisters Your ___ boyfriend is very nice! Linda: I preferred my ____last boyfriend. He was also an actor. Brian: The ___achievements were really great, but the leading ___ accent was terrible! Hahaha... Linda: You are right. I particularly liked the end ____ the film, but the seats at the cinema were, however, somewhat uncomfortable. II. ADJECTIVE/ADVERB Ex.4. Put in the adjective from the first sentence into the second sentence in its correct form (comparative or superlative). Example: I have a fast car, but my friend has a ______ car. Answer: I have a fast car, but my friend has a faster car. 1) This is a nice cat. It's much _____ than my friend's cat. 2) Here is Emily. She's six years old. Her brother is nine, so he is _____. 3) This is a difficult exercise. But the exercise with an asterisk (*) is the ___ exercise on the worksheet. 4) He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the ____ hobby in the world. 5) In the last holidays I read a good book, but father gave me an even ____ one last weekend. 6) School is boring, but homework is ____ than school. 7) Skateboarding is a dangerous hobby. Bungee jumping is ____ than skateboarding. 8) This magazine is cheap, but that one is ____ . 9) We live in a small house, but my grandparents' house is ____even than ours. 10) Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This joke was the _____ joke I've ever heard. III. VERB TENSES Ex.5. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct form: 1. The pupils (read)___ the lesson for ten minutes when the teacher entered the classroom. 2. Harold (book) ____the hotel room yet? Well, he (write)___ to the hotel ten days ago, but they (not answer)____ him yet. 3. My father (usually/get)____ up at 6 oclock, but today he (get) ___up later. 4. Mike (read) ____a letter when mother (open) ______the door. 5. We (not hear) _______anything from him for ten days. 6. They (go) ____on a trip next week. 7. Mary (do)__________ her homework before mother (come)___ home. 8. Look at the clouds. It (rain)____ in a few minutes. 9. My

grandparents (work)_____ in the garden for half an hour. 10. Tom (not go) ____to school yesterday Ex.6 Use the appropriate form of the verb: Two days ago I (get) ____ a revelation from Nick. He (say)___ something terrible (be going) ___ to happen to Henry and he (must) ___to leave town at once. I (call) ___ Henry up as soon as I (get) __ home. I asked what I (do) __and he said I (pack) ___everything I had of value. Ex.7. Find all mistakes in the text. Hello, My name is Susan. I'm forteen and I life in Germany. My hobbys are go to discos, sometimes I hear music in the radio. In the summer I go bathing in a lake. I haven't any brothers or sisters. We take busses to scool. I visit form 9 at my school. My birthday is on Friday. I hope I will become a new guitar. I'm looking forward to get a e-mail from you. Ex.8. In the following passage from Alex Haley's Roots, some of the verbs have been deliberately omitted. Supply the appropriate tense for each missing verb, the plain form of which is given in parentheses. In Banjuh, the capital of Gambia, I met with a group of Gambians. They (tell)___ me how for centuries the history of Africa has been preserved. In the older villages of the back country, there are old men called griots, who __(be) in effect living archives. Such men _ (memorize)_____ and, on special occasions, (recite)____ the cumulative histories of clans or families or villages as those histories __(have) long been told. Since my forefather (have)___ said his name was Kin-tay (properly spelled Kinte), and since the Kinte clan (be)___ known in Gambia, the group of Gambians would see what they could do to help me. I was back in New York when a registered letter __(arrive) from Gambia. Word (have)___ been passed in the back country, and a griot of the Kinte clan (have)____ , indeed, been found. His name, the letter said, (be)__ Kebba Kanga Fofana. I (return)___ to Gambia and (organize)_____ a safari to locate him. Ex.9. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given. Dear Alice, This is my second week in London. I (1)___ (stay) with my fiance, John, and his family. They (2)_____ (live) in a beautiful detached house near the city centre. Everything is nice here except for one thing. The weather! In England, the weather (3)_____ (be/often) rainy but today it is warm and the sun (4)______ (shine). I am writing this letter to you sitting in a park. There are many children (5)_____ (play) in the park so it's a bit noisy but it's still beautiful. John's parents are very nice people. I hope you meet them soon. John's father is a film director. He (6)______ (begin) his tenth film, which is about aliens, last week. He (7)_______ (work/still) on it. John's mother was a nurse but now she's at home all the time. She (8)_____ (stop) working because she has some health problems. She (9)_____ (go)to the hospital any more. John is happy to be here. You can easily see that. He was 65 kilos a month ago but now he's 70 . He (10)______ (put) on five kilos, I think, because of his mother's meals. He is also excited about his new job at university. He (11)___ (give) up his job in high

school last week to get this job. John and I are very busy with the wedding preparations so I (12)___ (see) many places yet. We only (13)_____ (visit) the National Art Gallery two days ago because there was an exhibition there. Tomorrow we are going horse riding. I (14)_____(never/ ride) a horse in my life so I'm really excited about it. I hope I have a chance to see more of London before we get married. See you soon, Diana . IV. PASSIVE VOICE Ex.10. Change into the Passive Voice: 1. Scientists observed the tigers for six days. 2. Scientists are investigating the possibility of life on other planets. 3. When we walked into the classroom, the teacher had already given the assignment. 4. Some teachers cleaned up the teachers room. 5.I think the students will have drunk most of the coffee by the time we arrive. 6. People believe that San Francisco is a warm city. 7.She made the coffee. Everyone thinks that San Francisco is the most beautiful city in the US. 8. Our findings will intrigue the world. 9.Someone will tell us by this time next week. 10. Many people visit Disneyland every year. 11. Someone has washed the dishes. 12. What happened to you last night? 13. John needs to have someone fix his car. 14. Maybe we can have someone fix the heat. 15. The United States will win the next World Cup. Ex.11. Fill in the blanks with the passive or active voice of the verb in parentheses. Use an appropriate tense. A few weeks ago, while I (1)____ ( shop) at the supermarket near my house , I (2) ____ (rob). I was at the checkout counter, paying my groceries. When I (3) ____ (give) my change by the cashier, I (4) ___ (put) it in my purse. As I (5) ____ out of the store , I (6) ____ (feel ) a pull at my purse . Suddenly , I (7)____ ( see) a man run past me. I ran back into the store and told the manager what happened. The manager called the police immediately. However I thought he will never (8) ____ (catch). When the police arrived I told them My wallet (9) ____ (steal ) Actually, the theif got on the train and disappeared. Unfortunately my wallet (10) ____ (find) yet. V. REPORTED SPEECH Ex.12. Transform the sentences. 1) John: "Mandy is at home." 2) Max: "Frank often reads a book." 3) Susan: "I'm watching TV." 4) Simon: "David was ill." 5) Peggy: "The girls helped in the house." 6) Richard: "I am going to ride a skateboard." 7) Stephen and Claire: "We have cleaned the windows." 8) Charles: "I didn't have time to do my homework." 9) Mrs Jones: "My mother will be 50 years old." 10) Jean: "The boss must sign the letter." Ex.13. Transform the sentences. 1) Christopher: "Do you want to dance?" 2) Betty: "When did you come?" 3) Mark: "Has John arrived?" 4) Ronald: "Where does Maria park her car?" 5) Elisabeth: "Did you watch the latest film?" 6) Mandy: "Can I help you?" 7) Andrew: "Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?" 8) Justin: "What are you doing?" 9) Frank: "How much pocket money does Lisa get?" 10) Anne: "Must I do the shopping?"

Ex.14. Transform the sentences. 1) Mandy: "Are the boys reading the book?" 2) Jason: "Who gave you the laptop?" 3) Robert: "Is Tim leaving on Friday?" 4) Daniel: "Will it rain tomorrow?" 5) Jennifer: "Where do you play football today?" 6) Nancy: "Why didn't Nick go to New York last summer?" 7) Barbara: "Must I do my homework this afternoon?" 8) Linda: "Did Max fly to London two weeks ago?" 9) Grandmother: "Where are my glasses?" 10) A man: "When does the train to Liverpool leave?" Ex.15. Transform the sentences. 1) Karen: "Don't play football in the garden!" 2) Teacher: "Don't forget your homework!" 3) Mike: "Don't shout at Peter!" 4) Yvonne: "Don't talk to your neighbour!" 5) Denise: "Don't open the door!" 6) Marcel: "Don't sing that song!" 7) Jane: "Don't watch the new film!" 8) Walter: "Don't ring Romy on Sunday!" 9) Lisa: "Don't fly via Paris!" 10) Jamie: "Don't eat so much junk food!" Ex.16. Transform the sentences. 1) Andrew: "Clean the blue bike!" 2) Jessica: "Write a text message!" 3) Nelly: "Help Peter's sister!" 4) Fred: "Wash your hands!" 5) Anna: "Open the window!" 6) Tom: "Come at 8!" 7) Teacher: "Do your homework!" 8) Doris: "Dance with me!" 9) Sabine: "Meet Sandy at the station!" 10) Victoria: "Check your e-mails!" VI. MODAL VERBS Ex.17. Complete the sentences using the modals: can , could, have to, must, might, should 1. Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He ___ be exhausted after such a long flight. He ___ prefer to stay in tonight and get some rest. 2. If you want to get a better feeling for how the city is laid out, you ___ walk downtown and explore the waterfront. 3. Hiking the trail to the peak ____ be dangerous if you are not well prepared for dramatic weather changes. You ____ research the route a little more before you attempt the ascent. 4. When you have a small child in the house, you ____ leave small objects lying around. Such objects be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death. 5. Dave: ____ you hold your breath for more than a minute? Nathan: No, I ____ 6. Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It ____ have cost a fortune. 7. Please make sure to water my plants while I am gone. If they don't get enough water, they ____ die. 8. I ____ speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Egypt. But after we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I knew as a child. Now, I ___ just say a few things in the language. 9. The book is optional. My professor said we____ read it if we needed extra credit. But we ____ read it if we don't want to. 10. Leo: Where is the spatula? It ___ be in this drawer but it's not here. Nancy: I just did a load of dishes last night and they're still in the dish washer. It ___ be in there. That's the only other place it ____ be. 11. You ____ take your umbrella along with you today. The weatherman on the news said there's a storm north of here and it ___ rain later on this afternoon. 12. ___we pull over at the next rest stop? I really ___ use the bathroom and I don't know if I ___ hold it until we get to Chicago. 13. Oh no! Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table.

He____ have left it here last night. 14. Ned: I borrow your lighter for a minute? Stephen: Sure, no problem. Actually, you ____ keep it if you want to. I've given up smoking. 15. I ____ believe she said that to Megan! She ____ insult her cooking in front of everyone at the party last night. She ____ have just said she was full or had some salad if she didn't like the meal. 16. Do you ____ chew with your mouth open like that? Geez, it's making me sick watching you eat that piece of pizza. 17. Mrs. Scarlett's body was found in the lounge just moments ago, and it's still warm! Nobody has left the mansion this evening, so the killer ____ be someone in this room. It ___be any one of us!!! 18. Ted: I don't know why Denise starting crying when I mentioned the wedding. Pamela: It ___ have been what you said about her brother. Or, perhaps she is just nervous. After all, the big day is tomorrow. 19. ____ you always say the first thing that pops into your head? you think once in awhile before you speak? 20. I was reading the book last night before I went to bed. I never took it out of this room. It ____ be lying around here somewhere. Where ___ it be? ____ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death. VII. THE INFINITIVE Ex.18. Complete the sentences with a reduced infinitive of the verbs. Use short forms where possible. 1. Why isn't Alan coming on the excursion?' 'He ___ .' (not want) 2. Did Anna get the report written on time?' 'No, but she ___ .' (try) 3. Did Simon give you a lift?' 'No, but he ____ .' (offer) 4. I hope they'll bring the key.' 'I'm sure they ____ .' (remember) 5. Why haven't you told Dad about this problem?' 'I ____(mean) for ages.' 6. Did Sally feel OK when she came out of hospital?' 'Yes, better than she___ .' (expect) 7. You can't reduce the price of the house again!' 'I'm afraid we ___ .' (already agree) 8. I really can't come with you tonight.' 'But you ____!' (promise) Ex.19. Use the necessary form of the Infinitive. 1. There was nothing (to do), but to wait for the next train which was due at six. 2. Anna tried (to kill) two birds with one stone. 3. It is difficult (to find) a friend who knows all about you and still likes you. 4. Jack is in his garage. He must (to repair) his car. 5. Joan likes taking care of sick animals. She is pleased (to do) this kind of work all the time. 6. It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is (to use) it. 7. It would certainly be much better not (to speak) to him at all. 8. You warned me to stay away from Robert. I am sorry not (to follow) your advice. 9. I was sorry (to disturb) as I couldnt finish my conversation with Frieda. 10. Good-bye! I am so pleased (to meet) you. The pleasure is mine. 11. No words can describe the fascination of the place. It must (to see). 12. I was very upset and I didnt know whom (to turn) to for advice. 13. Jane ought to (to teach) two foreign languages. Why wasn't she, I wonder? 14. To be the gainer you are (to lose) yourself; to be happy you are to forget yourself. 15. Can anybody (to show) me how to use a computer? Ex.20. Choose the necessary form of the Infinitive (Complex Object):

1. Jill liked ..... poems at their family gatherings. a) her little son to be reciting b)her little son to recite c)her little son recite 2. I am sorry I didnt hear ..... my name. a) you to call b) that you call c) you call 3. After the lesson the teacher had ..... the books back to the library. a) the pupils took b) the pupils to take c) the pupils take 4. There are a lot of dirty dishes in the sink. Do you ..... to wash up? a) expect me b) expect that I c) expect I 5. At the airport they reported ..... . a) the flight to delay b) the flight to be delayed c) the flight to have been delayed 6. The children are making too much noise. Id like ..... quiet. a) they to be b) them to be c) that they be 7. Will your mother allow ..... ? a) her cell phone to be used b) her cell phone to have been used c) her cell phone to use 8. Mr. Bobkins had ..... him the necessary papers to sign. a) his secretary bring b) his secretary bringing c) his secretary to bring 9. I dont want ..... David. He will be angry. a) you to disturb b) you to be disturbed c) that you disturb 10. Your husband's passport is not valid. Why cant you get ..... his passport? a) him to have renewed b) him renew c) him to renew 11. The room was very crowded, so nobody noticed ..... the room. a) Jimmy leaving b) Jimmy to leave c)Jimmy leave 12. We rely on ..... the tickets for our trip to Australia. a) Jane to book b) Jane's booked c) Jane to have booked 13. The boy urged ..... faster. a) his mother walking b) that his mother walks c) his mother to walk 14. Let ..... whatever they want; I dont care. a) them think b) they think c) them to think 15. The artist preferred his pictures ..... in the central gallery. a) to be exhibited b) to exhibit c) to have been exhibited Ex.21. Choose the correct form of the Infinitive.

1. , who would catch fish, must not (to mind) getting wet. 2. The storm is reported (to do) a lot of damage to the crops. 3. It is enough to make a cat (to laugh). 4. Lionel would like Sam (to keep) his mouth shut and his ears open. 5. John used (to run) with the hare and hunt with the hounds. 6. Their family was made to sell their house for nothing and (to leave) the town. 7. At first nobody liked him, but he turned out (to be) quite decent. 8. Modern art is when you buy a picture (to cover) a hole in the wall and decide the hole is better. 9. Mary looks so upset and forlorn that I cant but (to feel) sorry for her. 10. I have always considered John (to be) a decent fellow. 11. Destiny is not a thing (to wait for), it is a thing to be achieved. 12. (To forget) the past seemed impossible for Felix. 13. Youd better (to let) your heart be without words than your words without heart. 14. Do you know how (to get) out of the building if there is a fire? 15. He couldnt but (to borrow) some money from the bank. VIII. THE PARTICIPLE Ex.22. Open the brackets. 1. Gary spent the whole day (to stay) the house. 2. Jean left (to look) rather guilty. 3. We had chicken (to cook) in white wine. 4. That was a really (to excite) football match. 5. English ( to speak) here. 6. There was loads of rubbish (to leave) in the streets. Ex.23. Open the brackets, using necessary form of the Participle. 1. Suddenly Stella noticed the smoke (come) through the roof of one of the houses. 2. I am (to bore). Lets do something. How about going to a movie? 3. Mark was seen (to engage) in a lively conversation. 4. She bent down and looked at the tiny kitten (to sit) under the table. 5. (To see) the film at least a dozen times, he knew it almost by heart. 6. Mrs. Green doesnt explain things well. Her explanations are (to confuse). 7. She turned to me for help, (not to know) how to deal with the problem. 8. (To judge) by her appearance she looked like a person whose life was hard and full of sorrows. 9. (To repair) their car, they drove on, though it was past midnight. 10. (To wish) to see as much as possible of the town, we hired a car. 11. (To feel) unwell, Len decided to stay away from classes for a few days. 12. A penny saved is a penny (to gain). 13. Money (to spend) on the brain is never spent in vain. 14. The captain watched the sailors (to unload) the steamer. 15. A white shawl (to wrap) around the girls shoulders made her look like a Greek goddess. IX. THE GERUND Ex.24. Put in the correct preposition. 1) My friend is good playing volleyball. 2) She complains bullying. 3) They are afraid losing the match. 4) She doesn't feel working on the computer. 5) We are looking forward going out at the weekend. 6) Laura dreams living on a small island. 7) Andrew apologized being late. 8) Do you agree staying in a foreign country? 9) The girls insisted going out with Kerry.

10) Edward thinks climbing trees this afternoon. Ex.25. Choose the best response: 1. He likes _________. a) to sleep b) sleeping c) either a or b 2. ___________ is bad for you. a) To smoke b) Smoking c) either a or b 3. He took up ________while on vacation in France. a) drawing b) to draw c) either a or b 4. He wanted ______, but his mother wouldnt let him. a) coming b) to come c) either a or b 5. I really enjoy __________ to you. a) to talk b) talking c) either a or b 6. I like surfing, but I prefer _______. a) swimming b) to swim c) either a or b 7. I tried _______ a cake. a) to bake b) baking c) either a or b 8. I dont remember _____ the lawyer yesterday. a) to call b) calling c) either a or b 9. I have to remember _______ the lawyer tomorrow. a) to call b) calling c) either a or b 10. I dont feel like ________. a) to go out b) going out c) either a or b Ex.26. Choose the best response: 1. I dont mind ______ care of your dog while youre away. a) taking b) to take 2. My brother really misses ______ as a bartender. a) to work b) working 3. I asked her _______. a) to come b) coming 4. He offered ______ us move. a) to help b) helping 5. I plan on ______her again. a) to see b) seeing 6. I plan _______her again. a) to see b) seeing 7. Do you enjoy _____? a) to cook b) cooking 8. I didnt say anything about ___there. a) to go b) going 9. I wanted _______ with you about this project. a) to speak b) speaking 10. If he keeps ______ this way, he will get into trouble. a) to act b) acting Ex.27.Choose the best response: 1. I dont want ________ an old car. a) to drive b) driving c) either a or b 2. I dont mind _______ an old car. a) to drive b) driving c) either a or b 3. Dont forget _____say thank you. a) to say b) saying c) either a or b 4. He tried _______ her. a) to help b) helping c) either a or b 5. What do you think about ______ out tonight? a) going b) to go c) either a or b 6. I really love _______. a) skiing b) to ski c) either a or b 7. Do you want _______ a movie tonight? a) to see b) seeing c) either a or b 8. ____ a new language can be fun! a) To learn b) Learning c) either a or b 9. Its hard ______ a firefighter. a) to be b) being c) either a or b 10. _____friendly comes naturally to her.a) To be b) Being c) either a or b Ex.28. Fill in the blanks below with the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1. It's obvious he's only interested in (make) ____ money. 2. Anne couldn't find a taxi so I offered (drive) ____ her to the station. 3. I managed (book) ___ two seats on the morning flight. 4. I promise (send) ___ you our new brochure as soon as it's available. 5. Peter was delighted (meet) __ a former colleague at the conference. 6. I avoid (take) __the car whenever possible, especially in big cities. 7. We finished the

job by (work) ______ 12 hours a day. 8. Bob sent a report to the Chairman instead of (attend) _____the meeting. 9. A lot of people dislike (drive) ____ at night. 10. I intend (speak) _______________ to my boss about your complaint. X. THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD Ex.29. Complete the blanks, using Subjunctive forms: 1. I suggest he (go). 2. It was necessary the children (visit) the museum. 3. I wish we (buy) a new house. 4. She acts as if she (be) the master of the house. 5.Id sooner (go) when I had the chance. 6. Id rather they (not come) with us that day. 7. Its high time we (go) now. 8.If only it (rain)! 9. Id sooner (go) than .(wait) for the rain to stop. 10. We wish he (not say) he was lying to us. 11.He acted as if he (be) a doctor. 12. We left lest she (see) us there. 13. all your dreams come true! 14. They wish you (stop) smoking. 15. Id rather you (do) your homework the other day. Ex.30. Rephrase the following so that the meaning stays the same: a. I think we should go to bed. I think its time. b. You should collect the parcel at once. Its high time. c. They finally have enough money to make the journey. Its high time.. d. Its a pity you didnt win the game. I wish e. It would be nice to be able to play the guitar. I wish. f. I regret Mary doesnt like classical music. I wish. g. We forgot to take the dictionary at school. We wish.. h. My sister often complains about her friends. I wish .. i. Turn that music down. I wish. j. Dont open the chest! They wish she .. XI. CONDITIONALS Ex.31. Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate conditional form (Future Real Conditional) I am not sure what I am going to do when I (graduate)__ , but I do know I want to travel. I am probably going to work at my father's restaurant for a few months during the summer. When I (have) ___ enough money, I (go)____ to Europe to visit some friends I met while studying. I have always wanted to visit Europe. I especially want to visit Sweden. If I (get) ___ to go to Sweden, I (stay) ___ with my friend Gustav. His family has a house on an island in a lake near Stockholm. I am sure we (spend) ____ a few days on the island if weather conditions (allow) . I am not sure what other countries I will visit. If it (be) ___ not too expensive, I (spend) a couple of days in Paris sightseeing. If I (go) ___ to Paris, I (climb) the Eiffel Tower, (take) ___ a boat tour of the Seine, and (photograph)____ daily life in the Latin Quarter Ex.32. Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate conditional form (Present Unreal Conditional)

1. Did you hear about that guy who won 180 million dollars in the lottery? 2. If I (win)___ that much money, I (quit)___ my job the next day. 3. I (travel)___ around the world and (stay) in the most luxurious hotels. 4. If I (want) ___ anything, I (buy) it. 5. If I (see)___ a beautiful Mercedes that I wanted, I (buy) it. 6.If I wanted to stay in a beautiful hotel and the hotel (be)___ full, I (buy) the hotel and make them give me a room. 7. I (can)___ do anything in the world if I had 180 million dollars ... Oh, I am starting to sound a little materialistic... 8. Well... I (do)___ good things with the money as well. 9. If anybody (need)___ help, I (give) them some money to help them out. 10. I (donate)___ money to charities. 11. I (give)___ money to help support the arts. 12.If I (win)___ that much money, I wouldn't keep it all for myself. 13. I (help)___ as many people as possible. Ex.33. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (if - type 3): 1. If I ____ (give) her a diamond ring, she ____ (sell) it. 2. If I _____ (wake) up to find the room full of smoke, I ___ (have) no idea what to do. 3. If you ___ (go) on a diet, you ___ (lose) weight. 4. If we ___ (work) all night, we ____ (finish) in time. 5. If I ____ (see) a tiger walking across the park, I ___ (climb) a tree. 6. If someone ____ (ring) my doorbell at 3 a.m., I ___ (be) unwilling to open the door. 7. If I ____ (be) worried, I ____ (not play) golf at this moment. 8. If you ____ (type) your notes, they ____ (be) a lot easier to read. 9. I _____ (be) very grateful if you kindly ____ (sign) this document.10. If I ____ (win) an enormous sum, everybody ___ (write) to me asking for money. 11. If I ___ (have) a university degree, I now ___ (sit) in a comfortable office. 12. If the earth suddenly ___ (stop) spinning, we all __ (fly) off it. Ex.34. Paraphrase the sentences (all conditionals): 1. In your position I should complain to the manager. If 2. They didn't invite her because they were still angry with her. If they. 3. His car was not repaired , so he had an accident. If his car.. 4. Jane lost her bag because she was in a hurry. If.. 5. I couldn't enter the house because I had lost my key. If.. 6. You are asking these questions because you didn't listen to me. If.. 7. Don't believe him whatever he may tell you. If I 8. But for her , I wouldn't have succeeded. If. 9. He will answer your letter only if he gets it. If.. 10. The weather is so bad that we cannot leave the house. If 11. I didn't go on the trip because I was busy. If I. 12. What would you do if there were another flood. Supposing 13. Dick is in hospital because a dog bit him If a dog 14. The garden party won't take place if the weather stays bad. Unless. 15. Without your help, I wouldn't have got the job. If you 16. If you want my advice, I wouldn't drink from that bottle. If I 17. If you do the shopping , I'll cook lunch. You.. 18. What would you do if you found some buried treasure? If you were 19. I might be late. If so, start without me. If I..

20. The fire was brought under control thanks to the night-watchman. If it hadn't 21. Dick is in prison because a detective recognized him. If a detective.. 22. If Jane hadn't refused to work overtime, she would have got a promotion. If it hadn't 23. If you want my advice, I'd think twice About buying a car like that. If I XII. PREPOSITIONS Ex.35. Put in at, on or in. 1. Mozart was born in Salzburg __ 1756. 2. I haven't seen Kate for a few days. I last saw her __ Tuesday. 3. The price of electricity is going up __ October. 4. I've been invited to a wedding __ 14 February. 5. Hurry up! We've got to go __ five minutes. 6. I'm busy just now but I'll be with you __ a moment. 7. Jenny's brother is an engineer but he's out of work __ the moment. 8. There are usually a lot of parties __ New Year's Eve. 9. I hope the weather will be nice __ the weekend. 10. Saturday night I went to bed __ 11 o'clock. 11. I don't like travelling __ night. 12. We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived __ 5 o'clock __ the morning. 13. The course begins __ 7 January and ends sometime __ April. 14. It was quite a short book and easy to read. I read it __ a day. 15. I might not be at home __ Tuesday morning but I'll probably be there __ the afternoon. 16. My car is being repaired at the garage. It will be ready __ two hours. 17. The telephone and the doorbell rang __ the same time. 18. Mary and Henry always go out for a meal __ their wedding anniversary. 19. Henry is 63. He'll be retiring from his job __ two years' time. Ex.36. Put in to/at/in/into where necessary. If no preposition is necessary leave an empty space. 1. Three people were taken __ hospital after the accident. 2. I met Caroline on my way (-) home. (no preposition) 3. We left our luggage __ the station and went to find something to eat. 4. Shall we take a taxi__ the station or shall we walk? 5. I must go __ the bank today to change some money. 6. The river Rhine flows __ the North Sea. 7. I'm tired. As soon as I get __ home, I'm going bed. 8. 'Have you got your camera?' 'No, I left it __ home.' 9. Marcel is French. He has just returned __ France after two years __ Brazil. 10. Are you going __ Linda's party next week? 11. Carl was born __ Chicago but his family moved __ New York when he was three. He still lives -- New York. 12. Have you ever been __ China?

13. I had lost my key but I managed to climb __ the house through a window. 14. We got stuck in a traffic jam on our way __ the airport. 15. We had lunch __ the airport while we were waiting for our plane. 16. Welcome __ the hotel. We hope you enjoy your stay here. 17. What do you say to someone visiting your town or country? Welcome __!

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