Automobile Unit 2

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The document discusses different types of gasoline and diesel injection systems for automobiles as well as emission control systems like catalytic converters.

The document discusses throttle body injection, port injection, and direct injection as the main types of gasoline injection systems according to location and injector. It also discusses types according to duration, timing, and number of injectors.

The main components discussed are the air meter, fuel rail, tuned flexible injection system, throttle bodies, and integrated air-fuel modules.

Unit - 2

C 3 UNIT II ENGINE AUXILIARY SYSTEMS 9 Electronically controlled gasoline injection system for SI engines, Electronically controlled diesel injection system (Unit injector system, Rotary distributor type and common rail direct injection system), Electronic ignition system, Turbo chargers, Engine emission control by three way catalytic converter system. ME 2354 AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED GASOLINE INJECTION SYSTEM FOR SI ENGINES: Gasoline Injection: (Petrol Injection) Types of Injection Systems:

L 3

T 0

P 0

(a) According to location of injector: (i) Throttle body injection: (ii) Port injection: (multi-port fuel injection system)


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(iii) Direct injection:

(b) According to duration and timing of fuel injection. (i) Continuous type (ii) Intermittent type: (iii) Sequential type: (c) According to number of injectors: (i) Single point (or central) injection (ii) Multi point (or multi port) injection


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(d) According to control method (i) Mechanical (ii) Electronic: Mechanical Injection:


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Electronic Fuel injection:

External A/F Mixture formation: Single point injection & Multi Point fuel Injection:


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Injection system Operating States: Cold starting: Post-start phase: Warm-up phase: Idle and part-load: Full load (WOT(wide-open throttle)): Acceleration and deceleration: Requirements of Gasoline injection systems: To supply the engine with the optimal air-fuel mixture for any given operating conditions. Maintaining air-fuel mixtures within precisely defined limits, which translate into superior performance in the areas of fuel economy, comfort and convenience, and power to meet emission norms. Apart from fuel and spark control, most electronically controlled fuel injection engines also control the idle speed by means of a small electric stepper motor, called the Idle Airspeed Control (IAC) motor, which is controlled by ECU. When engine is subjected to additional load, e.g., engaging the air-conditioning compressor or when alternator is subjected to heavy electrical loads, this lAC motor meters additional air into the engine to raise the idle speed. Fig. shows a typical control layout for all electronically controlled petrol injection system.


Tuned flexible injection system:

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Throttle Bodies: 1. Mechanical type

2. Electronic type

Integrated air-fuel modules: Sensors: These are used to provide all the required data from the various components to achieve an efficient engine management.

The common sensors employed are : 1. Crankshaft speed sensor: This registers the speed and angle of crankshaft without contact. It may be inductive; differential Hall or Anisotropic Magneto Resistance (AMR) type.
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2. Camshaft speed sensor: Also called the phase sensor, it measures the speed and position of the camshaft without contact. 3. Knock sensor: This is used to recognize the onset of knocking using fuels of varying quality, thereby controlling the knock resulting, apart from engine protection, fuel saving of about 9% and torque increase of 5%. 4. Mass Air flow sensor to measure quantity of air drawn into the engine. 5. Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor. 6. Barometric pressure (BARO) sensor (correction for air density change with height). 7. Throttle position sensor (TPS) (correction for sluggish movement of fuel droplets during speed transition conditions). 8. Coolant temperature sensor (CTS) (correction for poor atomization and wall wetting). 9. Manifold air temperature (MAT) sensor (correction for air density variation with atmospheric temperature). 10.Exhaust oxygen sensor (correction for emission control). 11.Distributor reference pulses (for control of open time of fuel injectors). 12.Vehicle speed sensor (VSS). 13.Battery voltage sensor (correction for supply voltage to control unit and injectors). Injector:

Single point injection injector

Multipoint injection injector


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Disadvantages of Manifold injection: Problems may occur at idling because of incomplete fuel evaporation due to low air flow velocity into cylinder Distribution of air flow into different inlet pipes may vary. Amount of fuel injected is less accurate at idling because electromagnetic injection valves are time controlled. There is a large impact on amount of fuel injected at small injection times. DI-MOTRONIC SYSTEM The Bosch system for direct injection in petrol engines is shown in Fig.

DI-Motronic Direct gasoline injection


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Electronically controlled diesel injection system (Unit injector system, Rotary distributor type and common rail direct injection system) INTRODUCTION: Fuel supply system in a diesel engine has to perform certain functions. These functions along with the names of the components which perform the same are given below: 1. Storing of fuel: Fuel tank is usually positioned along the side of the vehicle chassis. 2. Filtering: Water and dirt must be removed from the diesel for which two filters are employed. Primary filter is usually in the form of a coarse wire gauze and is often optional. It prevents large solid particles and water from going to the fuel feed pump. Secondary filter is used after the fuel feed pump and is meant to remove fine particles of dust, dirt etc. from the diesel which is to go to the injection pump. 3. Delivery of fuel to injection pump: From the fuel tank the fuel is delivered to the fuel injection pump by means of fuel feed pump. The rate of fuel delivery depends upon the engine requirements. 4. Injecting the fuel into engine cylinders: Exact amount of fuel is metered, atomized and injected under high pressure to each cylinder in correct sequence and at the correct moment according to the engine requirements. This is done by means of a fuel injection pump in conjunction with injectors for each cylinder. Extra strong steel pipes transmit the metered, pressurized and timed fuel from the fuel injection pump to each injector. 5. Controlling the engine speed: Diesel engine speeds tend to overshoot to dangerous values on reduction of load. This is controlled by means of a governor, which besides limiting maximum speed also regulates the fuel supply under all conditions. FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM:


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Mechanical Common rail fuel injection system:

Mechanical Individual Pump Fuel Injection System:


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Unit - 2 1. Leak off port 2. Leak off cap 3. Injector Spring 4. Lower spring plate 5. Clamping Flange 6. Nozzle Holder 7. Fuel Gallery 8. Tapered needle shoulder 9. Nozzle Body 10. Spray Holes 11. Nozzle Tip 12. Needle and Nozzle seat 13. Needle Valve 14. One of 3 feed holes 15. Supply Hole 16. Spindle 17. Inlet Port 18. Spring cap adjustment nut


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Bosch Third Generation CRS



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Operating states: a) Suction stroke, b) Initial stroke, c) Prestroke, d) Residual stroke. 1. Actuating cam, 7. Feed passage, 2. Pump plunger, 8. Fuel-return passage, 3. Follower spring, 9. Coil, 4. High-pressure chamber, 10.Solenoid-valve seat, 5. Solenoid-valve needle, 11.Nozzle assembly. 6. Solenoid-valve chamber,

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Fuel inlet Fuel return Injector Injector spring Pump plunger Pushrod Pushrod return spring Solenoid Solenoid valve


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Unit Pump System:


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Electronically-controlled Rotary distributor fuel injection:

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Electronic Ignition Systems Introduction: Although the conventional mechanical contact breaker point type electrical ignition system has been very common in use because of its simplicity, yet due to its drawbacks and limitations the same is being fast replaced by the electronic ignition system.

Principle of distributor type electronic ignition:

Comparison of the primary circuit of a contact point ignition system with that of an Electronic ignition system .


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Components in an electronic ignition using a pickup-coil distributor, with a simplified electronic control module (ECM). The pickup-coil voltage signal is shown at the lower right.

Pulse generator:

Hall-effect switch:


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Fig. Ignition distributor using a Hall-effect switch (A) The window is passing through the air gap. The magnetic field, or flux, from the permanent magnet is imposed on the Hall-effect sensor. (B) The shutter is in the air gap. This cuts off the flux, preventing the magnetic field-from acting on the Halleffect sensor

Fig. Hall-effect switch-The shutter width determines dwell, or how long current flows in the primary

Distributor with a Hall-effect switch mounted above the pickup-coil assembly. The pickup coil provides the signal to fire the spark plugs during cranking.

Optical switch:

Fig. Photodiode, or optical, distributor which uses the on off action of a light beam to control the primary circuit PEC DoME ME2354: Automobile Engineering 24

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Distributorless Ignition: This type of electronic ignition system was introduced in mid 1980s which does not have a
separate ignition distributor.

Fig. Distributorless ignition system, which does not have a separate ignition distributor.

Fig. Schematic of distributorless ignition system for a V-6 engine, showing how three ignition coils can fire six spark plugs.


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Fig. Spark plugs firing at the same point of each revolution in two cylinders. Fig. Waste-spark method of spark distribution, showing how the ignition-coil secondary winding can fire two plugs at once

Fig. One coil firing two spark plugs in cylinders that are piston pairs. The pistons go up and down together, but on different strokes of the four-stroke cycle. One spark is wasted.

Distributorless direct ignition Some engines have a direct ignition system that eliminates spark-plug cables which uses no
spark-plug cables, on a four-cylinder engine.


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Direct capacitor discharge ignition:

Fig. Capacitor-discharge ignition system. Each spark plug has its own ignition coil and capacitor that fit into an ignition cartridge that mounts over the spark plug.

Fig. Layout of capacitor-discharge ignition, showing the ignition cartridge. The spark occurs when a switch or transistor closes the primary circuit. This allows the capacitor to discharge through the ignition coil and produce the high-voltage spark.

Electronic capacitor discharge ignition (CDI) systems have been common on large industrial engines because the technology has been in use since the 1960's. An advantage of the capacitor discharge ignition system is that the energy storage and the voltage step up' functions are accomplished by separate circuit elements allowing each one to be optimised for its job. Capacitive discharge ignition systems work by storing energy in an external capacitor, which is then discharged into the ignition coil primary winding when required. This rate of discharge is much higher than that found in inductive systems, and causes a corresponding increase in the rate of voltage rise in the secondary coil winding. This faster voltage rise in the secondary winding creates a spark that can allow combustion in an engine that has excess oil or an over rich fuel air mixture in the combustion chamber. The high initial spark voltage avoids leakage across the spark plug insulator and electrodes caused by fouling, but leaves much less energy available for a sufficiently long spark duration; this may not be sufficient for complete combustion in a lean burn turbocharged engine resulting in misfiring and high exhaust emissions. The high voltage power supply required for a capacitor discharge system can be a disadvantage, as this supply provides the power for all ignition firings and is liable to failure. Ignition in lean fuel mixtures by capacitor discharge systems can sometimes only be accomplished by the use of multi-spark ignition, where the ignition system duplicates the prolonged spark of inductive spark systems by sparking a number of times during the cycle. This adds greater stress onto the high-tension leads and can cause considerable spark plug wear and possible failure.
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Exhaust pollutants: The most important chemical reaction in a petrol engine that is, the one that provides the energy to drive the vehicle is the combustion of fuel in air. In an ideal system, combustion would be complete so that the only exhaust products would be carbon dioxide and steam. In practice, the complete oxidation of the fuel depends on a number of factors: o First, there must be sufficient oxygen present; second, there must be adequate mixing of the petrol and air; and o Finally, there must be sufficient time for the mixture to react at high temperature before the gases are cooled. The main by-products of combustion are: o Nitrogen gas (N2): Our atmosphere is 78 percent nitrogen gas, and most of this passes right through the car engine. o Carbon Dioxide (CO2): A harmless, odorless gas composed of carbon and oxygen. It is also a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. o Water vapor (H2O): Another by-product of combustion. The hydrogen in the fuel bonds with the oxygen in the air. These three emissions are mostly harmless, although carbon dioxide emissions are believed to contribute to global warming.

Distribution of emissions by sources (petrol engine powered vehicles)

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Regardless of how perfect the engine is operating, there will always be some harmful byproducts of combustion since the combustion process is never perfect. o Carbon monoxide (CO): A colorless, odorless gas. It is poisonous and extremely dangerous in confined areas, building up slowly to toxic levels without warning if adequate ventilation is not available. o Hydrocarbons or volatile organic compounds (VOCs): Any chemical compound made up of hydrogen and carbon. o Oxides of nitrogen (NOx): Chemical compounds of nitrogen, they combine with hydrocarbons to produce smog. These are the three main regulated emissions, and also the ones that catalytic converters are designed to reduce. In internal combustion engines, the time available for combustion is limited by the engines cycle to just a few milliseconds. There is incomplete combustion of the fuel and this leads to emissions of the partial oxidation product, carbon monoxide (CO), and a wide range of volatile organic compounds (VOC), including hydrocarbons (HC), aromatics and oxygenated species. These emissions are particularly high during both idling and deceleration, when insufficient air is taken in for complete combustion to occur. Another important result of the combustion process, particularly during acceleration, is the production of the oxides of nitrogen nitric oxide (nitrogen monoxide, NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Conventionally, these two oxides of nitrogen are considered together and represented as NOx. At the high temperatures involved (in excess of 1500 C) nitrogen and oxygen in the air drawn in with the fuel may combine together to form NO. These pollutants can cause severe damage to human health.
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The role of an emission control catalyst is to simultaneously remove the primary pollutants CO, VOCs and NOx by catalyzing their conversion to carbon dioxide (CO2), steam (H2O) and nitrogen (N2). Three Way Catalytic Converter (TWC): Essentially, the catalytic converter is used to complete the oxidation process for hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO), in addition to reducing oxides of nitrogen (NOx) back to simple nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Most cars today are equipped with a three-way catalytic converter. Catalytic Converter is located in-line with the exhaust system and is used to cause a desirable chemical reaction to take place in the exhaust flow. The term Three-way refers to the three emissions it helps to reduce, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons or volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and NOx molecules. The converter uses two different types of catalysts, a reduction catalyst and an oxidization catalyst. Both types consist of a base structure coated with a catalyst such as platinum, rhodium and/or palladium. The scheme is to create a structure that exposes the maximum surface area of the catalyst to the exhaust flow, while also minimizing the amount of catalyst required.

TWC Construction: Two different types of Three-Way Catalytic Converters have been used on fuel injected vehicles. Some early vehicles used a palletized TWC that was constructed of catalyst coated pellets tightly packed in a sealed shell. Later model vehicles are equipped with a monolith type TWC that uses a honeycomb shaped catalyst element. While both types operate similarly, the monolith design creates less exhaust backpressure, while providing ample surface area to efficiently convert feed gases. The Three-Way Catalyst, which is responsible for performing the actual feed gas conversion, is created by coating the internal converter substrate with the following key
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materials: Platinum/Palladium: Oxidizing catalysts for HC and CO Rhodium: Reducing catalyst for NOx Cerium: Promotes oxygen storage to improve oxidation efficiency The inside of the catalytic converter is a honeycomb set of passageways or small ceramic beads coated with catalysts.

A three-way catalytic converter using a monolith or honey comb coated with catalyst.

A There are many passages for the exhaust gases to flow, to allow for the maximum amount of surface area for the hot gases to pass. TWC Operation: A chemical reaction takes place to make the pollutants less harmful. The diagram below shows the chemical reaction that takes place inside the converter. As engine exhaust gases flow through the converter passageways, they contact the coated surface which initiates the catalytic process. As exhaust and catalyst temperatures rise, the following reaction occurs: 1. Reduction of nitrogen oxides to nitrogen and oxygen: 2NOx xO2 + N2
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2. Oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide: 2CO + O2 2CO2 3. Oxidation of unburnt hydrocarbons (HC) to carbon dioxide and water: 2CxHy + (2x+y/2)O2 2xCO2 + yH2O

The Reduction Catalyst: The reduction catalyst is the first stage of the catalytic converter. It uses platinum and rhodium to help reduce the NOx emissions. When an NO or NO2 molecule contacts the catalyst, the catalyst rips the nitrogen atom out of the molecule and holds on to it, freeing the oxygen in the form of O2. The nitrogen atoms bond with other nitrogen atoms that are also stuck to the catalyst, forming N2. Oxidation Catalysts: Palladium (Pd) and platinum (Pt) metals in very small amounts convert the hydrocarbons of unburned gasoline and carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide and water. This catalyst aids the reaction of the CO and hydrocarbons with the remaining oxygen in the exhaust gas. These three reactions occur most efficiently when the catalytic converter receives exhaust from an engine running slightly above the stoichiometric point. This is between 14.8 and 14.9 parts air to 1 part fuel, by weight, for gasoline When there is more oxygen than required, then the system is said to be running lean, and the system is in oxidizing condition. In that case, the converter's two oxidizing reactions (oxidation of CO and hydrocarbons) are favoured, at the expense of the reducing reaction. When there is excessive fuel, then the engine is running rich. The reduction of NOx is favoured, at the expense of CO and HC oxidation. TWC Degradation: Catalyst operating efficiency is greatly affected by two factors; operating temperature and feed gas composition. The catalyst begins to operate at around 550' F.; however, efficient purification does not take place until the catalyst reaches at least 750' F. Also, the converter feed gasses (engine-out exhaust gases) must alternate rapidly between high CO content, to reduce NOx emissions, and high O2 content, to oxidize HC and CO emissions. There are many different factors that can cause TWCs demise.
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o Poor engine performance as a result of a restricted converter. Symptoms of a restricted converter include; loss of power at higher engine speeds, hard to start, poor acceleration and fuel economy. o A red hot converter indicates exposure to raw fuel causing the substrate to overheat. This symptom is usually caused by an excessive rich air/fuel mixture or engine misfire. If the problem is not corrected, the substrate may melt, resulting in a restricted converter. o Rotten egg odor results from excessive hydrogen sulfide production and is typically caused by high fuel sulfur content or air/fuel mixture imbalance. If the problem is severe and not corrected, converter meltdown and/or restriction may result. Causes of TWC Contamination: The most common cause of catalytic converter failure is contamination. Examples of converter contaminants include: o Overly rich air/fuel mixtures will cause the converter to overheat causing substrate meltdown. o Leaded fuels, even as little as one tank full, may coat the catalyst element and render the converter useless. o Silicone from sealants (RTV, etc.) or engine coolant that has leaked into the exhaust may also coat the catalyst and render it useless. There are other external factors that can cause the converter to degrade and require replacement. o Thermal shock occurs when a hot converter is quickly exposed to cold temperature (snow, cold fuel, etc.), causing it to physically distort and eventually disintegrate. o Converters that have sustained physical damage (seam cracks, shell puncture, etc.) should also be replaced as necessary.


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