Soret Effects Due To Natural Convection Between Heated Inclined Plates With Magnetic Field

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Soret Effects due to Natural Convection between Heated Inclined Plates


M.C.Raju1, S.V.K.Varma2, P.V. Reddy3 and Sumon Saha*4 1, 2, 3 Department of Mathematics 1 Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, 2S.V.University, Tirupati, 3Andhra University, A.P., India. 4 Department of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University, 6-1 Kasuga-koen, Kasuga-shi, Fukuoka 816-8580, Japan *Email: [email protected] Abstract: The effect of small uniform magnetic field on separation of a binary mixture for the case of a fully developed natural convection between two heated inclined plates has been investigated in this paper. Neglecting the induced electric field the equations governing the motion, temperature and concentration are solved by simple perturbation technique, in terms of dimensionless parameter measuring buoyancy force. The expressions for velocity, temperature and concentration are obtained. The effects of Hartmann number (M), thermal diffusion number (td), the buoyancy force parameter (N) and the inclination angle () of the plates with the horizontal are studied on the flow and heat transfer quantities. Keywords: Natural convection, thermal diffusion, magnetic field, incompressible fluid, binary mixture. INTRODUCTION Separation process of components of a fluid mixture, wherein one of the components is present in extremely small proportion, is of much interest due to their various applications in science and technology. Besides, environmental engineering applications involving heat and mass transfer constitute the backbone of many operations in chemical industry. Many authors cited a wide variety of these applications involving convective transport phenomena. Several others investigated the intricate nature of solution structure from a fundamental point of view in idealizing settings. Nield and Bejan1 and Bejan and Kraus2 performed detailed reviews of the subject including exhaustive lists of references. Few studies are found when the porous medium is thermally stratified i.e. the ambient temperature is not uniform and it varies linearly in the stream-wise direction. This phenomenon has its applications in hot dike complexes, in volcanic region for heating ground water, development of advanced technologies for nuclear waste management, separation process in chemical engineering etc. Rees and Lage3, Takhar and Pop4 and Tewari and Singh5 analytically analyzed free convection from a vertical plate immersed in a thermally stratified porous medium under boundary layer assumptions. On the other hand, Angirasa and Peterson6 and Kumar and Singh7 numerically investigated the natural convection process in a thermally stratified porous medium. It is customary to consider one of the components of the binary mixture as solvent and the other component as solute. Groot and Mazur8 showed that if separation due to thermal diffusion occurred, it might even render an unstable system to a stable one. This effect is also quite small, but devices can be arranged to produce very steep temperature gradients so that separations of mixtures are affected. Perhaps, Sharma and Anzew9 studied the problem of baro-diffusion in a binary mixture of compressible viscous fluids set in motion due to an infinite disk rotation. Nomenclature A Aspect ratio Magnetic flux B Bo Applied magnetic field

c Concentration function co Saturation concentration c1 Concentration of the rarer component c2 Concentration of the abundant component C Non dimensional concentration function Co Non dimensional saturation concentration C1 Non dimensional rarer concentration Cp Specific heat d Half of the distance between the plates D Diffusion coefficient g Acceleration due to gravity Current density vector J k Thermal conductivity of the fluid M Hartmann number N Constant which measures the buoyancy force p pressure q Velocity vector ST Soret coefficient T Fluid temperature To Ambient temperature T1 Uniform constant temperature at the wall td Thermal diffusion number u velocity Uo Perturbed velocity U, V Dimensionless x and y velocity components V1 Velocity of the rarer component V2 Velocity of the abundant component x, y, z Cartesian co-ordinates X, Y Dimensionless Cartesian co-ordinates Greek Symbols Dimensionless temperature o Perturbed temperature Density of the binary fluid mixture o Reference density Inclination angle of the plates with the horizonta Kinematic viscosity Electrical conductivity Perturbed velocity Dynamic viscosity Heat due to viscous dissipation Thermal expansion coefficient Vector differential operator

Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. ME39, No. 2, December 2008 Transaction of the Mech. Eng. Div., The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh

Soret Effects due to Natural Convection between Heated Inclined Plates They obtained results on separation action in this configuration for small baro-diffusion number while taking the Schmidt number to be the order unity and included the effect of separation at the disk. Hurle and Jakeman10 discussed the effect of a temperature gradient on diffusion of a binary mixture. Other investigators11-14 analyzed the effects of baro-diffusion and thermal diffusion on separation of a binary mixture in different geometry. In all these investigations, it has been found that an increase in the pressure gradient or the temperature gradient or both could enhance the separation process. In many practical cases, the fluid mixture is found to be electrically conducting. Maleque and Alam13 numerically studied free convection and mass transfer characteristics for a unsteady magneto hydrodynamic flow of an electrically conducting viscous incompressible fluid past an infinite vertical porous plate with Dufour and Soret effects. Alam et al.14 numerically studied Dufour and Soret effects on combined free-forced convective and mass transfer flow past a semi infinite vertical flat plate under the influence of transversely applied magnetic field.In general, the thermal diffusion (Soret) effects are of a smaller order of magnitude than the effects described by Fouriers or Ficks laws and are often neglected in heat and mass transfer processes. However, the Soret effect, for instance, has been utilized for isotope separation and in mixtures between gases with very light molecular weight (H2, He). Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to study the Soret effects due to natural convection between heated inclined parallel plates with magnetic field. In this work, a binary mixture of incompressible viscous thermally and electrically conducting fluids sheared between two inclined parallel plates in presence of a constant uniform transverse magnetic field has been considered. Using the expressions for velocity and temperature distribution as derived by Osterle and Young12, the effect of magnetic field on the concentration distribution of the rarer component of a binary fluid mixture has been investigated.


GOVERNING EQUATIONS AND BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Let us consider the case when one of the components of the binary mixture of incompressible thermally and electrically conducting viscous fluids is present in small quantity between the inclined parallel plates as shown in Figure 1. Hence, the density and viscosity of the mixture is independent of the distribution of the components. The mass concentration is given by c2 = 1- c1. The flow problem of the binary mixture is identical to that of a single fluid but the velocity is to be understood as the mass average velocity V = (1V1 + 2V2) / and the density = 1 + 2, where the subscripts 1 and 2 denote the rarer and the more abundant components respectively. Under the above assumptions, the basic equations relevant to the problem are: Continuity equation (1) q = 0 Momentum equation (q )q = p + 2 q sin + J B (2) Energy equation J2 (3) C p (q )T = k 2T + + a

Concentration equation
( q )C1 = D 2C1 + A (C1p ) + ST (C1T )


Now, since the velocity distribution is symmetrical about x-axis, the corresponding boundary conditions are: dq dT q = 0 and = = 0 at y = 0 (5) dy dy
FORMULATION OF THE MATHEMATICAL MODEL The binary fluid mixture of thermally and electrically conducting viscous incompressible fluids is sheared between two infinitely wide inclined plates at y = -d and y = d separated by distance 2d. The plates are maintained at

u x

T = T1 O g z 2d Bo T = T1

Figure 1: Physical Configuration and Coordinate Systems.

Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. ME39, No. 2, December 2008 Transaction of the Mech. Eng. Div., The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh

Soret Effects due to Natural Convection between Heated Inclined Plates

uniform temperature T1 which exceeds the ambient temperature To (To < T1). A transverse magnetic field of uniform strength is applied perpendicular to the plates. The flow of the fluid due to buoyancy force is in the direction parallel to the plates and is of magnitude u, hence, it is considered to be symmetric about the origin. The induced magnetic field is of the order of the product of magnetic Reynolds number and imposed magnetic field. As the fully developed natural convection flow of a fluid with very small electrical conductivity is considered here, it is the case of low magnetic Reynolds number and hence the induced magnetic field due to the weak applied magnetic field may be neglected. In fully developed flow, the pressure distribution must be hydrostatic, hence p (6) = o g x In this case, the density () varies slightly from point to point because of the variation in temperature T and can be expressed as (7) = o 1 (T To )


The boundary conditions on velocity, temperature and concentration in terms of dimensionless quantities are U = 0, = 1 and C = 1 at Y = 1 and dU d dC (17) = = = 0 at Y = 0 dY dY dY
SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM The solution of equations (14) and (15) under the boundary conditions (17) have been developed by Osterle and Young12, by perturbing the velocity and temperature as U = U o + N and = o + N (18) i. Zeroth order equations: d 2U o + o sin M 2U o = 0 (19) dY 2

which is well known Boussinesq approximation, where 1 p = (8) T

+ sin M 2 = 0 dY 2 ii. First order equations: d 2 o =0 dY 2

2 dU o + M 2U o + =0 dY dY 2

d 2



d 2

For the above assumptions, the governing equations (2), (3) and (4) for the steady flow of a binary mixture of incompressible thermally and electrically conducting viscous fluids sheared between two electrically non conducting inclined parallel flat plates in the presence of uniform magnetic field become B2 2u 2 + g (T To )sin o u = 0 (9) y k T

Corresponding boundary conditions are U o = 0 , = 0 , o = 1 , = 0 at Y = 1 and dU o d d o d = = = = 0 at Y = 0 dY dY dY dY

(23) (24)

u 2 + + Bo u 2 = 0 y y

(10) (11)

C1 T + ST C1 =0 y y y

Solving Eqs. (19) to (22) under the boundary conditions (23) and (24), it is obtained that sin (1 sec hM cosh MY ) Uo = (25) M2 o = 1 (26)


sin 2 1 2 Y2 cosh(2 M ) cosh(2 MY ) 2cosh MY 2 + + 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 M cosh M 4 M cosh M M cosh M M M

sin 3 3 sec hM tanh M cosh 2M + 4 M M M 2 cosh M 3M 2 cosh 3 M 1 3 Y2 cosh 2M Y sinh MY cosh 2MY + + cosh MY + 2 2 4M 2 cosh 2 M M cosh M 12M 2 cosh 2 M 2 M

(27) (28)

The equation of continuity (1) suggests that u = u(y) (12) Let is introduce the following non dimensional parameters T To u y and , U= , = ,C1 = Co C, Y = 2 T1 To d g d (T1 To )

g 2 2 d 4 (T1 To ) , td = ST (T1 To ), N = (13) k The non-dimensional form of equations (9) to (11) are d 2U + sin M 2U = 0 (14) dY 2
M = Bo d

Using the above expressions for Eq. (16) under the boundary conditions (17) the concentration function C = e td (1 ) (29) is obtained. For non-magnetic case, the concentration for the rarer component of the binary mixture cannot be obtained directly from Eq. (29) because M is present as a factor in the denominator for the expression of . So by putting M = 0 in Eqs (14) to (16) and solving under the boundary conditions (17), the concentration function is obtained as follows:

dU + M 2 NU 2 + N =0 dY dY

(15) (16)


t d N (1 Y 4 )/12


d dY

d dC dY + td C dY = 0

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Numerical computations have been carried out for different values of Hartmann number (M), thermal diffusion number (td), the buoyancy force parameter (N)

Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. ME39, No. 2, December 2008 Transaction of the Mech. Eng. Div., The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh

Soret Effects due to Natural Convection between Heated Inclined Plates


and the inclination angle (). With the above mentioned flow parameters, the results are displayed in Figures 2-10 in terms of the concentration, temperature and velocity profiles. As the problem is carried out for the case of higher viscous force in compare to inertia force, the values of M are taken very small which results low intensity of magnetic field in the fluid flow as well as heat and mass transfer characteristics. Besides the values of td is chosen arbitrarily.

= / 6

= / 8



= / 4



= / 2


0.9986 0 0.1 0.2 0.3

N=0.2,M=0.5, t =0.07 d 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1


N=0.2 N=0.25

Figure 5: Concentration profiles with the variation of

= 0.5 = / 2


N=0.3 N=0.4

t =0.07 d












Figure 2: Concentration profiles with the variation of N

1 t =0.01 d

0.9995 t =0.04 d 0.999

t =0.07 d 0.9985

= 0.5 = / 2 = 0.3


t =0.09 d











Figure 3: Concentration profiles with the variation of td


Figure 2 displays the concentration profiles for different values of N. From this figure, it is seen that rate of species separation decrease with the increase of N for fixed values of M = 0.5, td = 0.07 and = /2. Similar effect has been observed in Figure 3 for different values of td and fixed values of M = 0.5, N = 0.3, and = /2. This suggests that the rate of separation of species can be enhanced by decreasing the temperature difference between the plates. In Figure 4, concentration profiles are shown for various values of M with fixed values of N = 0.3, = /2 and td = 0.07. Interestingly, it is found in this figure that the rate of species separation enhances by the increase of magnetic field near the plates but reverse action takes place in the central part of the plates. As the magnetic field retards the fluid flow, the rarer and lighter components of the binary mixture increase in the central part of the plates with the decreasing strength of the magnetic field. Moreover, variations in concentration profiles with are shown in Figure 5. From this figure, it is noticed that the concentration decreases with the increase of . In Figure 6, temperature profiles are displayed for different values of N with fixed values of M = 0.5, = /2 and td = 0.07. From this figure, it is observed that the increase of N leads to the increase of temperature indicating that the rate of separation of species decreases with the increase of N. In Figure 7, the effects of magnetic
1.035 1.03 1.025
= 0.5 = / 2











M=0.5 M=0.3

= / 2


1.015 1.01 1.005 1 0



t d=0.07
















Figure 4: Concentration profiles with the variation of M

Figure 6: Temperature profiles with the variation of N

Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. ME39, No. 2, December 2008 Transaction of the Mech. Eng. Div., The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh

Soret Effects due to Natural Convection between Heated Inclined Plates



0.45 0.4


1.015 M=0.7 M=0.9 1.01 M=0.3 M=0.5


M=0.3 M=0.5 M=0.7 M=0.9

0.25 0.2 0.15


N=0.3, = / 2 t d =0.07
1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

0.1 0.05 0 0 0.1

= 0.3, = / 2, t =0.07

Figure 7: Temperature profiles with the variation of M










Figure 9: Velocity profiles with the variation of M

N=0.3,M=0.5, t =0.07 d
0.4 0.35 t =0.07


N=0.3,M=0.5, d

=/ 2 =/ 4 =/ 6

0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1

= / 2 = / 4 = / 6 = / 8



=/ 8


0.05 0



















Figure 8: Temperature profiles with the variation of
field parameter on temperature are shown. From this figure, it is found that temperature decreases with the increase of M near the plates, but reverse action takes place at the centre. For = /2, the channel becomes vertical and the walls are maintained at constant temperature, hence maximum temperature is found at the center for higher M. In Figure 8, variations of temperature are shown with the variation of . From this figure, it is achieved that temperature increases with the increase of . Finally, the influences of M and on velocity are shown in Figures 9 and 10 respectively. It is seen in Figure 9 that velocity decreases as M increases whereas velocity increases with the increase of for fixed values of N = 0.3, M = 0.5 and td = 0.07 as shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Velocity profiles with the variation of

i) The temperature gradient and the buoyancy force have the reverse effect on the separation of the binary fluid mixture. ii) The rarer and lighter component of the binary mixture increases in the central part of the plates with the decrease in the strength of the magnetic field, but a reverse action takes place near the plates. iii) Separation of the binary fluid mixture increases with the increase of the angle that the plates make with the horizontal. In an engineering application, harmful gases can be separated through gas separation process. Hence, this work may help on separating two gases, especially at huge plants in Oil and Natural Gas Corporation of India (ONGC) etc.

CONCLUSION In this paper, Soret effects due to natural convection between heated inclined plates under the influence of transverse magnetic field has been studied numerically on separation of a binary mixture. Neglecting the induced magnetic field, the equations governing the motion, temperature and concentration are solved by simple perturbation technique, in terms of dimensionless parameter measuring the buoyancy force. From the present study, the following conclusions are summarized:

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Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. ME39, No. 2, December 2008 Transaction of the Mech. Eng. Div., The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh

Soret Effects due to Natural Convection between Heated Inclined Plates

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Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. ME39, No. 2, December 2008 Transaction of the Mech. Eng. Div., The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh

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