Applied Mathematics and Mechanics: (English Edition)

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Appl. Math. Mech. -Engl. Ed.

, 34(6), 687702 (2013)

DOI 10.1007/s10483-013-1700-7
University and Springer-Verlag
Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Applied Mathematics
and Mechanics
(English Edition)

Conduction-radiation eect on natural convection ow in

uid-saturated non-Darcy porous medium
enclosed by non-isothermal walls
(1. Department of Mathematics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Park Road,
Chak Shahzad, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan;
2. School of Chemistry, Physics & Mechanical Engineering, Queensland University
of Technology, Brisbane 4000, Australia;
3. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu 422-8529, Japan)

The combined eect of conduction-convection-radiation on natural convection ow of an optically thick Newtonian uid with gray radiant properties, conned in
a porous media square cavity with Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer drag is studied numerically. For a gray uid, Rosseland diusion approximation is considered. It is assumed that
(i) the temperature of the left vertical wall varies linearly with height, (ii) the right vertical
and top walls are at a lower temperature, and (iii) the bottom wall is uniformly-heated.
The governing equations are solved using the alternate direct implicit method together
with the successive over relaxation technique. The investigation of the eect of governing
parameters, namely, the Forschheimer resistance (), the temperature dierence (), and
the Plank number (Rd), on the ow pattern and heat transfer characteristics is carried
out. It can be seen that the reduction of ow and heat transfer occur as the Forschheimer
resistance is increased. On the other hand, both the ow strength and heat transfer increase as the temperature ratio is increased.
Key words conduction-convection-radiation, Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer drag, porous
medium, enclosure
Chinese Library Classification O361.3
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification


aR ,
x, y,
X, Y ,
kr ,

the mean absorption coecient;

velocity vector in two dimension;
Darcy drag parameter;
dimensional Cartesian coordinates;
Forschheimer constant;
dimensionless Cartesian coordinates;
permeability of the porous media;
thermal conductivity;
radiative conductivity;

P r,
qw ,
qr ,
TH ,

acceleration due to gravity;

Prandtl number;
dimensionless heat transfer rate;
radiative ux vector;
Rayleigh number for thermal diusion;
Plank number;
temperature of the uid in the boundary
temperature at the heated surface;

Received Sept. 26, 2012 / Revised Dec. 10, 2012

Corresponding author M. A. HOSSAIN, Professor, E-mail: [email protected]



T0 ,
U, V ,

temperature of the cold surface;

dimensionless uid velocities in the Xand Y -directions, respectively;

cp ,
u, v,

Molar specic heat at constant pressure;

dimensional uid velocities in the x- and
y-directions, respectively.


dimensionless time;
stream function;
dimensionless stream function;
vorticity function;
dimensionless temperature;
porosity parameter;
dimensionless vorticity function.

Greek symbols

thermal diusivity;
coecient of thermal expansion;
Forschheimer resistance;
temperature ratio;
density of the uid;
kinematic viscosity;
Stefan-Boltzman constant;


During the last three decades, a wide range of studies are conducted on conjugate heat
transfer phenomena in porous media. It is of practical importance in a number of applications,
for example, high performance insulation for buildings and cold storage installations. Nield
and Bejan[1] presented an extensive review of existing studies on such topics. Reviews can
also be found in Ingham and Pop[2] , Pop and Ingham[3] , Vafai[4] , and Al-Amiri[5] . Numerical
investigations of non-Darcian eects on transient conjugate natural convection-conduction heat
transfer from a two-dimensional vertical plate n embedded in a high-porosity medium were
carried out by Hung et al.[6] . The results showed that the inertial eects on heat transfer
characteristics are negligible at the beginning. However, these eects become increasingly
important over longer periods of time. Furthermore, the two-dimensional transient conjugate
free convection was investigated analytically and numerically by Vynnycky and Kimura[7] and
Kimura et al.[8] using vertical plate in a porous medium.
Sen[9] considered Darcy-Brinkman convective ow in a shallow porous rectangular cavity
with adiabatic upper and lower plate boundaries and dierentially heated sidewalls. An important non-Darcian study has also been presented by Lauriat and Prasad[10] for a heated
vertical porous cavity. The inertia and viscous forces on natural convection were examined
via the Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model. A numerical investigation of transient free convection in a two-dimensional square cavity lled with a porous medium was conducted by
Saeid and Pop[11] . These results are in good agreement with the results obtained by Walker
and Homsy[12] , Bejan[13] , Weber[14] , Gross et al.[15] , and Manole and Lage[16] . Also, the results show that the time required to reach steady state is shorter for high Rayleigh number
and longer for low Rayleigh number. Finally, the classical Darcy formulation as well as the
Darcy-Brinkman model, Darcy-Forchheimer model, and Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model,
has thoroughly been reviewed by Nield and Bejan[1] .
It is worth mentioned that heat transfer in uids which absorb and emit radiant energy is
a task complicated by the coupled, non1inear physical phenomena of internal radiation (see
Viskant and Anderson[17] ) and natural convection (see Bejan[13] ). There are several specic
problems of scientic and technological interest in which heat transfer via radiation and convection occurs in optically thick liquids, such as the ow of the earths mantle (see Matyska et
al.[18] ), the ow of oxide melts during crystal growth (see Rosenberger[19]), and the processing
of molten glass (see Gardon[20]). In general, the interaction of radiant heat transfer and natural convection in nite enclosures has received considerable attention. Lauriat[21] analyzed the
eect of combined radiation-convection in gray uids ow enclosed in vertical cavities. Studies
on natural convection of a participating uid in a rectangular cavity heated by incident radiant energy through a transparent side wall were performed by Webb and Viskanta[22] . Fusegi

Conduction-radiation eect on natural convection ow in uid-saturated non-Darcy porous medium 689

and Farouk[23] studied the laminar and turbulent natural convection-radiation interactions in
a square enclosure lled with a non-gray gas for a wide range of Grashof number and Prandtl
number. Y
ucel et al.[24] and Tan and Howell[25] investigated the ow of an absorbing, emitting, and scattering uid in a dierentially heated square enclosure. Salinger et al.[26] studied
the eects of optical thickness and thermal gradients on the stability and structure of ows
in a cylindrical container heated from below. Debry et al.[27] examined the performance of
the approximations for modeling a representative problem of heat transfer and buoyant ow
in optically thick uids considering Rosseland diusion approximation (also known as P1).
This approximation is not applicable when the uid is optically thin medium (see Siegel and
Howell[28] ). Recently, Gerardin et al.[29] modied this diusion approximation and applied for
simulation of radiative transfer in a 3D geometry for an absorbing scattering medium.
Here, we propose to investigate the natural convection ow of an optically thick radiative
uid saturated porous media conned in a square cavity. To see the eect of radiation here
assume the Rosseland diusion approximation. In order to account for the viscous and inertial
eects in the momentum equation, the medium is considered to be porous due to DarcyBrinkman-Forchheimer drag. Finally, we assume that the temperature of left vertical wall
varies linearly with height, right vertical and top walls are cooled, and the bottom wall is
uniformly-heated. This has importance for applications in developing technology and industry,
such as prevention of sub-oil water pollution, storage of nuclear waste, and geothermal energy
systems (for which Cheng[30] has provided an extensive review).

Mathematical formulation

The problem under investigation is a laminar, two dimensional natural convection ow of

an optically thick uid with Rosseland diusion approximation in a cavity lled with saturated
porous medium with Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer drag to account for the viscous and inertia
eects in the momentum equation. The thermophysical properties of the uid are assumed
to be constant, except for the density in the buoyancy term of the momentum equations.
Furthermore, the porous medium is considered homogeneous, isotropic, and saturated with a
uid that is in local thermodynamic equilibrium with the solid matrix of the porous medium.
The physical system considered in the present investigation is illustrated in Fig. 1. The bottom
wall of the enclosure is isothermal and maintained at TH . The right and the top walls are
maintained at a constant cold temperature T0 , such that TH > T0 . The temperature of the left
wall is (TH T0 )(1 y/H) + T0 so that it starts at temperature of the bottom and then reduces
linearly to the temperature T0 towards the top. The boundary condition at the right bottom
corner deserves some explanation. In the reactor on which this model is based, a small gap of
height H (5 10 mm) between the bottom and the right walls is lled with a sodium deposit.
The temperature in the gap is expected to vary linearly from TH to T0 over a small distance L,
as in the case of left wall (see Hossain and Wilson[31] and Saha and Gu[32] for triangular cavity
Under the above assumptions, the continuity, momentum, and energy equations that govern
the ow can be written as follows:
u v
= 0,
x y
1 p
F 2

+ 2 u u |V |u,
1 p
F 2

+ 2 v v |V |v + g(T T0 ),
= k2 T qr ,



where F is the empirical constant in the second order resistance, is thermal expansion coefcient, is the density, is the dynamic viscosity, = ck p is thermal diusivity in which cp
is Molar specic heat at constant pressure, k is the coecient of thermal conductivity, and t
is the time. In equation (4), qr is the divergence of the radiant ux vector represents the
contribution of internal radiant transfer to the energy balance.
In equations (2) and (3), K is the measure of permeability of the porous medium (a packed
bed of spheres), dened by

d2 ,
180(1 )2

where d is the diameter of the solid sphere, and  is known as the porosity of the media and
dened by


Here, Vf is the volume of the uid, and Vc is the control volume.

Fig. 1

Flow conguration and coordinate system

In the energy equation (4), qr is the diusion heat ux for radiative heat transfer, which has
the same form as that of the Fourier conduction law. Using the Rosseland mean absorption
coecient dened by Siegel and Howell[28] , radiative ux vector can be written as
qr = kr T,


where kr is the radiative conductivity dened by

kr =

16T 3


where and aR are the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and the mean absorption coecient, respectively. The energy equation together with equation (5) can be written as



= k2 T + (kr T ).


Here, it is worth mentioned that Hossain and Wilson[31] investigated the problem of an
enclosure lled with a uid-saturated porous medium, along with generation of heat depending
on the uid temperature, but without eect of Forchheimer drag and internal radiation. On the
other hand, Derby et al.[27] studied the buoyant ow of an optically thick uid representative of

Conduction-radiation eect on natural convection ow in uid-saturated non-Darcy porous medium 691

molten glass or an oxide crystal melt is solved the governing equations using the nite element
method. They considered four dierent radiation models, namely, the Rosseland diusion
approximation with and without the radiation of slip, the P1, the approximation, and a rigorous
numerical treatment, considering that the container top and bottom are cool and isothermal
and that the side-wall is heated with a parabolic temperature distribution.
The solution procedure discussed here is based on equations involving





and the vorticity function ,



x y


The vorticity equation obtained by eliminating the pressure between the momentum equations
is given as below:

F 2  (|V |v) (|V |u) 

= 2

+ g


Now taking H as the reference length, and T0 the temperature of the undisturbed uid in the
cavity as the reference temperature, we consider the following dimensionless dependent and
independent variables


X = , Y = , = 2 t,


U = u, V = v, = ,

= H , = T T0 .

Using the above dimensionless variables in vorticity equation (10) and the energy equation (7),
one may get the following dimensionless equations:

= 2 ( + |V |)

 |V |
|V |  Ra
P r X


1 + Rd(1 + )3 2

 2  2 
Rd(1 + )2



From vorticity function given in equation (9), we get

2 = .


In a similar manner, from equation (8), we nd the non-dimensional form of the velocity components


V =





In the above equations

g(TH T0 )H 3

, Pr = ,

F 2 H
, = ,


Rd = 4T0 , = TH T0 .



The physical signicances of these parameters are listed as follows:

(a) the relative buoyancy potential given by the Rayleigh number Ra,
(b) the relative signicance of the inertia term given by the Prandtl number P r,
(c) the rst-order rigid matrix resistance given by the porous media shape parameter , which
is the ratio of the large length scale (taken to be the curvature instead of the gap spacing) to
small length scale,
(d) second-order rigid matrix resistance or the Forchheimer drag coecient given by ,
(e) the Plank number Rd,
(f) the temperature ratio .
The boundary conditions imposed on the ow eld are taken as (see Hossain and Wilson[31] )
U =V ==0
for = 0. When > 0,

U = V = 0 for 0  Y  1 at X = 0,

U = V = = 0 for 0  X  1 at Y = 1,

U = V = 0, = 1 for 0  X  1 at Y = 0,

= 1 Y for 0  Y  1 at X = 0,

= 1 Y /A for 0  Y  A at X = 1,

= 0 for A  Y  1 at X = 1,




Now, it is clear that for the present model, the non-dimensional parameters of interest
are the Rayleigh number Ra, the Prandtl number P r, the porosity parameter (1/Da), the
Forschheimer drag coecient , the Plank constant Rd, and the temperature ratio . In the
present investigation, pertaining to argon gas, the value of the Prandtl number is chosen as 0.7,
and the Rayleigh number is taken to be 2 105 .

Method of solution

For numerical simulation, here, successive over relaxation method with residual tolerance of
order 105 is applied on the stream function equation (14). Considering H to be the reference
height of the cavity, we take the uniform mesh size h = H/jmax , where jmax is the maximum
number of equi-spaced intervals along coordinate axes. The relaxation parameter r is obtained
from the relation (see [33]), i.e.,
 1 (1 ) 

Conduction-radiation eect on natural convection ow in uid-saturated non-Darcy porous medium 693



jmax 1

+ cos

jmax 1



From these calculated values of stream function, the velocity components are updated using
equation (12) at each time step. For transient vorticity transport and energy equations (15)
and (16), we use alternate direct implicit (ADI) method. Given the values of variables and
in the ow eld at any time step, we compute the values of and at the next time step from
equations (15) and (16). Forward time central space discretization is used for the transient
and diusion terms in the ADI method, whereas for the convective terms, the ADI method is
modied using second upwind dierencing technique. However, like other implicit methods, the
stability requirement for vorticity at implicit wall boundaries imposes a restriction on the
time step, in a form similar to that of explicit schemes. For uniform mesh size h, is given
by (see [33])

2( h22 )



where is the parameter that stands for the coecient of diusion term of the transport
equations, whose solutions are required (see [33]). However, at solid wall boundaries, the time
step restriction reduces to



Since the Prandtl number is xed to be 0.7, thus for grid size of 71 71, equation (21) requires
that a time step of = 106 would be appropriate for the entire computation in the proposed
method. The computations, to reach to the steady state, are carried out till


(i,j) (i,j)
< 108


is satised. Here, the superscript  m refers to the number of time step and (i, j) are spatial
grid locations along X- and Y -axis, respectively. It is numerically testied that the steady state
regime for all ow variables lies well within this range.
As before, like in Hossain and Wilson[31] , a grid dependence study has been carried out for
the present thermally-driven cavity ow taking Rd =1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 while =0.5, Da = 1 000,
= 1.0, P r = 0.7, and Ra = 2 105 with meshes of 41 41, 55 55, 61 61, and 71 71
points. Thus, the numerical values obtained for min and max are entered in Table 1. Finally,
for computational economy, a 61 61 mesh is used throughout the present simulations.
Table 1


Numerical values of min and max for Rd = 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 while = 0.5, Da = 1 000,
= 1.0, P r = 0.7, and Ra = 2 105
41 41

55 55

61 61

71 71










1.303 5
0.969 1
0.284 4


1.356 7
0.961 2
0.264 1


1.347 6
0.960 2
0.262 5


1.336 6
0.951 9
0.250 8

The corresponding problem on natural convection ow in a uid-saturated porous medium

enclosed by non-isothermal walls but without the eect of radiation (Rd = 0) and Forschheimer



drag ( = 0) was investigated by Hossain and Wilson[31] for P r = 0.7 and = 10. However, knowing the temperature distribution, we can evaluate the net radiative heat ux in the
medium. However, the limitation to the accuracy of the optically thick limit approximation
should be recognized. According to Ozisik[34] , this approximation breaks down in the intermediate vicinity of the boundaries because it does not take into account radiation from the boundary
surface. This is a serious restriction, since heat transfer at the wall is important. Thus, with
black body condition for optically thick limit the net wall heat ux forms the following relations:






X X=0

qR = 1 + Rd(1 + |X=1 )3
X X=1


Y =0

Y Y =0


q = 1 + 2 Rd(1 + |
Y =1 )
Y Y =1
Here, qL , qR , qB , and qT are, respectively, the net heat ux from the left, right, bottom, and top
surface of the cavity. It follows that the net average heat transfer corresponding to the above
net heat transfer coecients are calculated as


qL dY, QR =
qR dY,
QL =


qB dX, QT =
qT dX,
QB =

where QL , QR , QB , and QT are, respectively, the net average heat ux from the left, right,
bottom, and top surface of the cavity.

Results and discussion

We have considered the eect of surface radiation on natural convection ow in a rectangular

porous enclosure lled with a Newtonian uid. The temperature of the left vertical wall linearly
reduces to zero from bottom to top, whereas the lower end of the right wall is subject to a steep
temperature gradient. The results are presented in terms of streamlines, isotherms, and heat
transfer rate of the walls for dierent values of the governing parameters.
4.1 Eect of Forschheimer resistance
Since the pressure drop in Darcy-Forchheimerr model does not strictly vary linearly with
the velocity components. That is, in addition to the usual viscous resistance of the Darcy
model for low velocities, as it was in the case of Hossain and Wilson[31] , the inertial acceleration/retardation also comes into account for higher velocities. Figure 2 shows the selected
results of steady state pattern of streamlines at Ra = 2 105 , P r = 0.7, Rd = 0.0, = 1 000,
and = 0.5 for (a) = 0.0, (b) = 25.0, and (c) = 50.0, respectively. As can be seen by
comparing Figs. (a), (b), and (c) in Fig. 2 that in the absence of radiation eects, the volume
ow rate in both the primary and the secondary cells decreases with the increase in . This
reduction in the ow may well be attributed to an overall increase in the resistance to the ow
due to combined viscous and inertial losses. However, despite the reduction of the ow, the
ow pattern does not change considerably. Figure 3 now shows the isotherms at Ra = 2 105 ,
P r = 0.7, Rd = 0.0, = 1 000, and = 0.5 for (a) = 0.0, (b) = 25.0, and (c) = 50.0,
respectively. It can be seen from Fig. 3 that the isotherms seem to originate from the lower part
of the right wall. This is the region where the temperature of the wall drops sharply to zero.
That is the region of steep temperature gradient along the vertical. However, this cluster seems
evenly distributed along the left wall, which is because of the imposed boundary conditions.

Conduction-radiation eect on natural convection ow in uid-saturated non-Darcy porous medium 695

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Streamlines for dierent while = 103 , Rd=0.0, = 0.5, P r = 0.7, and Ra = 2 105

Isotherms for dierent while = 103 , Rd=0.0, = 0.5, P r = 0.7, and Ra = 2 105



The labeled contours of isotherms also depict how the temperature is distributed along the
vertical wall. It can be seen that the pattern of temperature distribution is not much aected
due to the increasing eect of the Forchheimer resistance .
Figures 4(a)4(d) show the heat transfer rate of the solid walls at Ra = 2 105 , P r = 0.7,
Rd = 0.0, and = 1 000 for dierent values of . Figure 4(a) shows the heat transfer rate of
the left wall. It can now be observed that for = 0, a wave like structure of heat transfer curve
appears. However, the distribution transforms to a single peak curve for = 50. Moreover,
this peak value decreases with the increase in the value of . Thus, heat transfer along the
left wall numerically decreases with the increase in the value of . Figure 4(b) shows the heat
ux distribution for the right wall. It can be seen that for all values of , the heat transfer
curve shoots down from its maximum value in the region 0  Y  A, which is the region of
steep temperature variation along the right wall. However, the curves drop to the minimum
close to Y = 0.2. The decrease in the local maximum of the curves in the region 0.2  Y  1
show that the heat transfer rate decreases for increasing values of . Figure 4(c) shows the
heat transfer curves for the bottom wall. Comparing Figs. 4(a) and 4(c), we see that the heat
ux distribution is dierent for left and bottom walls which may well be attributed to the
imposed surface heating conditions. As the bottom wall is at a constant temperature and the
heat transfer shoots to maximum close to X = 1, which may be due to the reason that X = 1
is the region of steep temperature dierence along the right wall. This behaviour is due to the
temperature conditions imposed along these walls. Figure 4(d) now shows the heat transfer
rate of the top wall. For all values of Forschheimer resistance , the heat ux is unity along the
left and zero along the right end of the top wall due to the boundary conditions. In between, a
peak value appears in each curve. This corresponds to the region where the uid coming from

Fig. 4

Rate of heat transfer qw from dierent walls for =0.0, 25.0, and 50.0 while = 103 , Rd=0.0,
= 0.5, P r = 0.7, and Ra = 2 105

Conduction-radiation eect on natural convection ow in uid-saturated non-Darcy porous medium 697

the left wall meets the top surface. However, like the other three walls, the decrease in this
peak value shows that the heat transfer decreases with increasing values of . Thus, from the
above discussion, we conclude that the heat transfer rate for all the four walls decreases with
the increase in the value of Forchheimer resistance, and it is due to decreased uid motion as
an eect of .
4.2 Eect of surface temperature
Figure 5 shows the pattern of streamlines at Ra = 2 105 , P r = 0.7, and = Rd = 1.0
for (a) = 0.5, (b) = 1.0, and (c) = 1.5, respectively. It can now be seen that with the
increase in the value of , the volume ow rate and the size of the primary cell increases. This is
now expected since the increase in the value of corresponds to an increase in the temperature
distribution close to the walls at a higher temperature and/or alternatively a decrease in the
temperature distribution of the uid close to the walls at a lower temperature distribution.
This makes sense why the strength of the secondary cell decreases for increasing values of .
Further, not only the size, but also the strength of ow in the primary cells increase from 0.56

Fig. 5

Streamlines for dierent while = 103 , =1, Rd=1.0, P r = 0.7, and Ra = 2 105

to 0.90 as is increased from 0.5 to 1.5. Figure 6 shows isotherms at Ra = 2105, P r = 0.7, and
= Rd = 1.0 for (a) = 0.5, (b) = 1.0, and (c) = 1.5, respectively. One can see that the
the temperature distribution remains smoother, and does not vary signicantly as increases.
This may be due to the reason that the ow pattern also does not change very signicantly.
Since corresponds to the temperature dierence, we discern that an increase in would
increase the temperature dierence between the walls. Figures 7(a)7(d) now show the heat
ux distribution of the left, right, bottom and top walls, respectively, at Ra = 2105 , P r = 0.7,
= Rd = 1.0, = 1 000 for dierent values of . Figure 7(a) shows the heat ux distribution
of the left wall. From this gure, we now discern that the wave like structure that appeared in
Fig. 4(a) for = Rd = 0, does not appear for non-zero values of and Rd. However, one peak



Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Isotherms for dierent while = 103 , =1, Rd=1.0, P r = 0.7, and Ra = 2 105

Rate of heat transfer from dierent walls for =0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 while Rd = 1.0, = 103 ,
=1.0. P r = 0.7, and Ra = 2 105

Conduction-radiation eect on natural convection ow in uid-saturated non-Darcy porous medium 699

value appears which numerically increases for increasing values of . Figure 7(b) shows the
heat ux distribution of the right wall. It can now again be seen that the heat transfer drops
to its minimum close to Y = 0.2. However, heat transfer slightly increases as increases. This
is now expected since an increase in causes the temperature gradient along the lower part
of the right wall also to increase. Nevertheless, unlike Fig. 4(b), this peak value in Fig. 7(b)
asymptotically drops to zero in the range 0.2  Y  1, showing that the heat transfer increases
for increasing values of . Figure 7(c) depicts the heat ux distribution of the bottom wall. It is
now easy to understand that the heat ux distributions of the left wall reaches to its maximum
close to X = 1 due to imposed boundary temperature around the right bottom. This maximum
value also increases as increases. Figure 7(d) nally represents the heat ux of the top wall,
which shows that like other three walls, the heat transfer rate of the right wall also increases
as increases. However, comparing it with Fig. 4(d), we see that its value at X = 0 is not
unity, rather it is 1.7 which is due to non-zero value of Rd, that makes contribution in heat
transfer given by equations (22). Also, the heat ux in this case is greater than the one in the
case of Rd = 0 given in Fig. 4(d).
4.3 Eect of Plank number Rd
Figures 8 and 9 respectively show the streamlines and isotherms at Ra = 2 105, P r = 0.7,
= 1.0, = 103 , = 0.5 for (a) Rd = 0.0, (b) Rd = 2.0, and (c) Rd = 4.0. Figures 8(a) 8(c)
reveal that there is an overall decrease in the strength of ow both in primary and secondary
cells, with the increase in the value of Rd. Moreover, the transition of ow from two cell to
one cell pattern also suggests that the contribution of Rd causes a reduction in the convective
ow. The increase in the radiation eects may enhance the uid temperature, which ultimately
reduces the temperature dierence between the walls and the ambient uid, thereby reducing
the overall ow rate. Figures 9(a) 9(c) indicate that the temperature distribution in the ow
region is not much aected by the variation of Rd.

Fig. 8

Streamlines for dierent Rd while =0.5, = 103 , =1.0, P r = 0.7, and Ra = 2 105



Fig. 9

Isotherms for dierent Rd while = 0.5, = 103 , = 1.0, P r = 0.7, and Ra = 2 105

The consideration of black body conditions in optically thick limits of solid walls leads
to a heat transfer characteristics, which is also complemented with the eect of Rd. This
net/enhanced heat transfer rate with the added eect of Rd is dened in equations (22). Figure
10 represents the heat ux distributions of the (a) left, (b) right, (c) bottom, and (d) top solid
walls at Ra = 2 105 , P r = 0.7, = 103 , = 1.0, = 0.5, for Rd = 0.0, 2.0, and 4.0,
respectively. It is now clear from these gures that the heat transfer rate of the four walls
increases with the increase in Rd. However, Fig. 10(d) needs some attention. The heat ux
distribution at the left end top is unity for Rd = 0, but it increases for non zero values of Rd.
This is due to the enhanced eect of Rd on the heat ux.


We considered the radiation eect on natural convection ow in a uid-saturated porous

medium in a rectangular enclosure, with temperature gradient subject to the non-isothermal
walls. The temperature of the left wall varies linearly, whereas the lower end of the right wall
also reduces to zero within 1/10th of its height. The results reveal that the ow reduces with
the increase in Forschheimer resistance and the Plank number Rd. However, the strength of
the vortex in the vicinity of the non-isothermal wall increases with the increase in the value of
temperature dierence . The heat transfer rate of the solid walls decreases with the increase
in this Forschheimer resistance , whereas it increases for increasing values of the temperature
dierence and the Plank number Rd. However, this increasing/decreasing trend in heat
transfer is more pronounced for and Rd.

Conduction-radiation eect on natural convection ow in uid-saturated non-Darcy porous medium 701

Fig. 10

Rate of heat transfer from dierent walls for Rd =0.0, 2.0, and 4.0 while = 0.5, = 103 ,
=1.0, P r = 0.7, and Ra = 2 105

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