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Applied Biophysics of Activated Water

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of Activated
The Physical Properties, Biological Effects and
Medical Applications of MRET Activated Water
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World Scientifc
of Activated
The Physical Properties, Biological Effects and
Medical Applications of MRET Activated Water
Vladimir I. Vysotskii
Kiev National Shevchenko University, Ukraine
Alla A. Kornilova
Moscow State University, Russia
Igor V. Smirnov
Global Quantech, Inc., USA
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
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ISBN-13 978-981-4271-18-9
ISBN-10 981-4271-18-7
Typeset by Stallion Press
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The Physical Properties, Biological Effects and Medical Applications
of MRET Activated Water

The Authors
Vladimir I. Vysotskii
Head of Department of Theoretical Radiophysics
Radiophysical Faculty
Kiev National Shevchenko University
Vladimirskaya, St. 64
Kiev, 01033
Alla A. Kornilova
Director of Innovation Center
Physical Faculty
Senior Researcher at Solid State Physics Department
Moscow State University
Moscow, 119899
Igor V. Smirnov
President of Global Quantech, Inc.
Biotech Research company
San Marcos, CA 92078
Email address: igor@gqusa.com
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This book presents the results of complex experimental and theoretical
studies of the characteristics of water activated by external action. The
studied samples of activated water were obtained with the help of Molecular
Resonance Effect Technology (MRET). We discuss the results of detailed
studies of mechanical, electrodynamic, optical, and other characteristics of
activated water itself and various physical phenomena associated with its
application. About half of the book is devoted to the comprehensive studies
of the specic features of the inuence of activated water on various bio-
logical objects (plants, microorganisms, animals). These investigations were
carried out from year 2004 to 2008 at several scientic institutes and uni-
versities of Ukraine, Russia, and USA, with participation from the authors
of the book.
Despite the wide spectrum of the performed studies related to various
branches of science, the nal object of these studies was, eventually, acti-
vated water. Both in the process of these studies and in the analysis of the
obtained experimental results, the authors did not attach non-distinctive or
even mystic sense to the notion of activated water, and considered it always
as an ordinary object of studies which has undergone the strictly controlled
action of denite physical elds with denite time intervals. These time
intervals (the duration of activation) were chosen from preliminary studies,
and determined from the range of the most essential action.
First of all, we indicate that our investigations have no connections with
extrasensorics, astrology, and other marginal elds. In connection with the
existing ambiguity of the interpretation of the notion of activated water, we
would like to note that the studied activated water was pure (in particular,
distillated) water which had been subjected to a sufciently long-term
treatment by very weak nonionizing electromagnetic elds with denite
frequency-related, spatial, and polarization-related properties. These elds
were created by several identical unied generators constructed on the basis
of the MRET technology. Additionally, we also refer to the use of denite
strictly-controlled temperature for the storage of activated water prior to its
investigation or prior to its application on biological objects.
viii Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
The detailed investigations showed that, upon such electromagnetic
treatment, signicant quasistable changes occur in the spatial structure of
water. These changes can be preserved for a very long time interval and, in
turn, can lead to changes in the physical properties of activated water and
to a signicant modication of its biophysical and biochemical actions on
living organisms. These changes can be considered as evidence of manifes-
tation of the long-term memory of activated water.
The present publication is a natural and logical sequel to our preceding
book (Vysotskii, Smirnov and Kornilova, 2005), where we considered some
theoretical aspects of the inuence of nonionizing and ionizing elds on
Below, we give briey the organization of the book for the readers
The rst chapter includes the analysis of the well-known characteristics
of ordinary water. In addition, we consider a number of established and new
models of water structure. Here, we touch the problem of the memory of
water and study some specic models of such memory. Particular attention
is paid to the clathrate model of water memory, for which we performed
specic calculations of the time intervals with different types of relaxation
and at various temperatures (Vysotskii and Kornilova, 2004). The results
of these calculations agree sufciently well in a wide range of variation in
temperature, with the data of the experiments obtained by the authors and
analyzed in the subsequent chapters in detail.
The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of the main concepts of
the process of water activation with the help of US patented MRET water
activation technology, which is based on the effect of specic subtle, low
frequency, nonionizing electromagnetic eld generated by MRETactivator.
Written by the patent holder Dr. Igor Smirnov, this chapter describes the
mechanisms of formation of volumetric fractal matrix in a polymeric com-
pound produced in compliance with MRET technology. Dr. Smirnov also
presents the brief results of scientic investigations supporting his theo-
retical concepts regarding the character of anomalous electromagnetic pro-
cesses running in the volume of fractal matrix of MRETpolymer compound
following its excitation by dened external electromagnetic elds of special
structure. He also analyzes the reasons for the existence of quasi-stable
structural defects in the volume of water and the formation of long-range
water molecular structures following the process of its activation. Then,
based on the scientic investigation of the anomalous viscosity of MRET
water, the author shows the compatibility of long-range polarized oriented
Preface ix
multilayer structuring of MRETActivatedWater with the analog structuring
of cell water in biological systems presented in numerous theoretical studies
of famous scientist such as Dr. Ling (2003) and Dr. Drost-Hansen (1991).
All biological and physical studies described in this manuscript were con-
ducted on activated water produced with the help of MRET water activator.
The third chapter of the book is related to the description of the procedure
of complex studies of the physical characteristics of activated water and the
analysis of the results of these studies. In the performed experiments, we
showthat the activation of water causes very essential changes in the electro-
magnetic, mechanical (including viscosity-related), and spectral properties
of water. Several important experiments were conducted with participation
of Prof. N. D. Gavrilova and Dr. E. Malyshkina, from Lomonosov Moscow
State University, and Dr. L. N. Nikitin from Russia Academy of Science.
We studied the dependence of the manifestation and the existence of these
specic features of the properties of activated water on the water-activation
duration, temperature, and the duration of storage after the activation. We
note that some of these changes in the properties of water are so paradoxical
in nature and great in magnitude that they can be undoubtedly referred to as
anomalous. The dependence of changes in the properties of water on time
after the completion of the activation of water is also uncommon and has
no analogs in the literature. We discovered that at a low temperature, the
anomalous properties of water can be preserved for many days. Some of
the parameters of activated water (in particular, the hydrogen index pH) are
characterized by spontaneous oscillations with a great amplitude and with
the period of oscillations ranging from several hours to several days.
The fourth chapter presents the study of the inuence of various types of
activated water on higher plants. These investigations were conducted under
the supervision of Dr. N. A. Matveeva fromthe Institute of Cell Biology and
Gene Engineering of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine (NASU).
In this chapter, we study the conditions under which activated water renders
stimulatingactiononthe growthof higher plants and, inparticular, vegetable
crops. We investigated the inuence of the activation of water on the growth
of sterile plants and callus tissue. It is shown that activated water produced
in a certain mode of activation can very strongly (by hundreds of times)
inhibit nonspecic growth of callus tissue. This unusual result allows one
to forecast the possibility of the effective utilization of such water for the
therapy of a number of diseases (in particular, psoriasis).
The fthchapter is devotedtothe studyof the inuence of activatedwater
on pure microbiological cultures and on their natural associations, including
x Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
a very large number of different cultures with multifunctional connections
of the symbiosis type. The investigations were carried out under aerobic
and anaerobic conditions. It is demonstrated that the use of water activated
in certain modes increases sharply the reductase activity of microorganisms
and very signicantly changes the specic features of the inuence of
various types of antibiotics on microorganisms (enhancing such an inuence
or weakening it). It is also shown that, under denite conditions, activated
water possesses very strong bactericidal properties and can inhibit the devel-
opment of pathogenic microbiological cultures by tens and hundreds of
times. These detailed investigations were conducted under the supervision
of Dr. A. B. TashyrevfromZabolotnyInstitute of MicrobiologyandVirology
of NASU (Kiev). Such properties allow one to forecast the possibility of
the use of a denite mode of the activation of water for its sterilization.
In the sixth chapter, we consider comprehensively the specic features
of the inuence of water activated in different modes on the prophylaxis and
treatment of some types of oncologic diseases. In the experimental studies
performed on mice, we have shown that the intake of water activated for a
denite time decelerates sharply the development of tumors of two types
(Ehrlich carcinoma and Sarcoma 37) in inoculated mice, and increases
very signicantly the lifetime of sick animals. We have found that, by the
efciency of antitumoral action, the intake of optimally activated water
corresponds approximately to the methods of chemotherapy or radiation
antitumoral therapy, but, contrary to them, renders no negative side action
on the other organs and systems of animals. In particular, we prove that the
intake of activated water increases signicantly the immunity of animals,
antitumoral activity of lymphocytes with natural killing properties, and the
index of cytotoxic activity. Here, we have also studied the dependence of
the antitumoral action of activated water on both the time and the mode of
its intake (prior to the appearance of a tumor, i.e. in the mode of antitumoral
prophylaxis or thereafter, which corresponds to the mode of therapy). It is
demonstrated that the factor concerning the duration of the intake of water
and the mode of the intake are very important circumstances which affect the
treatment. These fundamental investigations were conducted under super-
vision and participation of Dr. Yu. V. Yanish and Dr. S. Olishevsky from
Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology, and Radiology of
NASU (Kiev).
In the seventh chapter, the effect of activated water on staphylococcal
infectioninvivoinanimal model (onthe cells of immune system) andinvitro
on the culture of Staphylococcus aureus was investigated. The investigation
Preface xi
was conducted in two steps. The experiments in vivo were conducted on
mice infected with Staphylococcus culture after preventive consumption
of MRET Activated Water (including the effect of activated water on the
development of the local acute inammation, on the death rate of animals
in the case of intra-peritoneal staphylococcal infection, on staphylococcal
infected mice, on the cellularity and the weight of lymphoid organs, and
on functional activity of cells of the phagocytic system). In the in vitro
experiments, the growth of identical staphylococcal culture was studied on
meat-peptone agar treated with MRET activator. These investigations were
conducted under the supervision of Prof. L. S. Kholodna from Biological
Department of Kiev National Shevchenko University.
The eighth chapter is related to the analysis of some possible biophysical
mechanisms of the inuence of activated water on biological objects. In
this chapter, we consider possible phenomena and processes, with the help
of which the consumption of activated water of certain types stimulates
the immunity, enhances the antitumoral activity of lymphocytes, inhibits
the growth of tumors, increases the lifetime of sick animals, inhibits the
growth of callus tissue, and ensures the bactericidial properties concerning
the development of pathogenic cultures. All the above-mentioned consid-
eration is carried out on the cell level of the organization of organism and
is closely related to the results of the physical and biological experiments
presented in this book.
In the ninth chapter, we present the total generalizing analysis of all
the obtained experimental and theoretical results, some conclusions, and a
number of proposals for the possible utilization of activated water in solving
the applied problems of medicine, biology, biotechnology, and agriculture.
The preface, Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and part of Chapter 7 were
written by Prof. V. I. Vysotskii and Dr. A. A. Kornilova on the basis of their
own theoretical studies and experiments carried out with their participation
at the laboratories of several leading scientic institutes and universities
of Ukraine and Russia. Chapter 7 was written under the supervision of
Prof. L. S. Kholodna.
In the writing of the book, we used experimental results obtained
over the duration of four years from the studies carried out jointly
with Prof. V. I. Vysotskii and Dr. A. A. Kornilova at the Kiev National
Shevchenko University (Ukraine), Lomonosov Moscow State University
(Russia), Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of the National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NASU), Institute of Cell Biology
and Gene Engineering of NASU, Kavetsky Institute of Experimental
xii Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Pathology, Oncology, and Radiology of NASU, and Institute of Elemen-
toorganic Compounds of Russian Academy of Science (RAN). The authors
express their deep gratitude to Dr. N. A. Matveeva, Dr. A. B. Tashyrev,
A. A. Tashyreva, Dr. Yu. V. Yanish, Dr. S. Olishevsky, Prof. L. S. Kholodna
who performed the experiments on the study of the inuence of activated
water on plants, microbiological cultures, oncologic cells, animals with
inoculated oncologic tumor, and on staphylococcal infection. We also sin-
cerely thank our colleagues Prof. N. D. Gavrilova and Dr. E. Malyshkina
from the Physical Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University
(Russia), and Dr. L. N. Nikitin from the Institute of Elementoorganic
Compounds of Russian Academy of Science who measured the viscosity,
dielectric properties, and IR- and UV-spectra of activated water.
We are sincerely obliged to many colleagues and friends (especially
to Dr. I. I. Samoilenko and Prof. V. D. Rusov) for useful and stimulating
discussions on the above-mentioned problems.
Chapter 2 was written by Dr. I. V. Smirnov. It is substantiated by his US
patented technology Method and Device for Producing Activated Liquids
and Methods of Use Thereof (Patent number 6002479) and by numerous
scientic investigations conducted in certied research institutions and uni-
versities worldwide for several years.
The authors express their deep sincere thanks to the President of the
MRET Technology Corporation, Diana Suk, for her support of our studies.
The Authors v
Preface vii
Overview xix
1. Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory and General
Principles of Water Activation 1
1.1. Water Structure and the Paradoxes of Water Memory . . . 1
1.2. The Clathrate Model and a Water Memory Cell . . . . . . 11
1.3. Program, Equipment, and Research Techniques
for the Investigation of Activated Water . . . . . . . . . . 30
2. Molecular Resonance Effect Technology as the Basic
Method for Activation of Liquid Substances 36
2.1. Introduction to the Theory of Fractal Matrix . . . . . . . . 36
2.2. The Fractal Matrix Characteristics of MRET
Polymer Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.2.1. Results and discussions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.3. Method and Device for the Production
of Activated Liquids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.3.1. Testing of device for production
of activated liquids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3. Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 61
3.1. Methods and Equipment to Study the Dielectric
Permittivity and the Conductivity of Activated Water . . . 61
3.2. Anomalous Electrodynamic Characteristics
of Activated Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.3. Procedure and Results of the Measurement
of the Viscosity of Activated Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.4. Inuence of the Activation of Water on Hydrogen
Index pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
xiv Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
4. Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of
Higher Plants 104
4.1. General Principles and Methods of the Study
of the Inuence of Activated Water on Plants . . . . . . . 104
4.2. Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the
Germination of Seeds of Vegetable Crops . . . . . . . . . 108
4.3. Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth
of Stalk and Leaves of Vegetable Crops . . . . . . . . . . 112
4.3.1. Radish Red giant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
4.3.2. Radish Krasa rannyaya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
4.3.3. Peas Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
4.3.4. String beans Valentino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
4.3.5. Cabbage Dymerskaya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
4.3.6. Pumpkin Zhdana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
4.4. Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth
of Plants in a Sterile Cultural Medium . . . . . . . . . . . 131
4.5. Feature and Paradoxes of the Inuence of Activated
Water on Shaping and Growth of Callus Tissue . . . . . . 135
5. Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture
and Natural Microbial Associations 148
5.1. The Problem and Methods of Studying the Inuence
of Activated Water on Microbial Cultures
and Microbial Associations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
5.1.1. General statement of the problem and initial
biological test-objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
5.1.2. Methods of microbiological studies
and equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
5.1.3. Method of activation of nutrient media
and means of registration of the processes
of vital activity of microbiological cultures . . . . . 152
5.2. Effect of the Activation of the Aqueous Medium
on Metabolic Parameters of the Microbiological
Culture Escherichia coli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
5.2.1. Effect of the duration of activation on the metabolic
parameters of culture Escherichia coli grown under
aerobic conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Contents xv
5.2.2. Metabolic parameters of Escherichia coli
on its growth in the activated watercontaining
nutrient medium under anaerobic conditions . . . . 165
5.3. Cultural-Physiological Parameters of Escherichia coli
Culture Grown on the Activated Meat-Peptone Agar
Under Aerobic Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
5.3.1. Effect of different fractions of activated water
on the survivability of cells and the growth
of colonies on meat-peptone agar under
aerobic conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
5.3.2. Peculiarities of the morphology and division
of cells of Escherichia coli in activated
meat-peptone agar under aerobic
conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
5.4. Inuence of Activated Water on the Stability
of the Microbiological Culture Escherichia coli
to the Action of Antibiotics Under Aerobic Conditions . . 196
5.5. Effect of the Nutrient MediumActivation
on the Metabolic Parameters of Microbial Associations . . 202
6. Examination of the Inuence of MRET Activated Water
on Prophylaxis and Treatment of Oncology 217
6.1. Procedures of Examinations of the Inuence
of Activated Water on Oncology, Objects
of Investigation, and Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
6.2. Study of the Antitumor Effects of Different
Fractions of MRET Activated Water in vivo
in the Modes of Prophylactic and Therapeutic
Treatment Tested on the Tumor Model of Ascitic
Ehrlich carcinoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
6.2.1. Materials, methods, and experimental results . . . . 222
6.2.2. Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
6.3. Study of Antitumor Effects of the Application
of Activated Water on the Experimental Tumor Model
of Ascitic Sarcoma 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
6.3.1. Materials and methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
6.3.2. Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
6.4. Research of the Inuence of Activated Water
on the Cytotoxic Activity of Murine Lymphocytes . . . . . 243
xvi Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
7. Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal
Infection in vivo in Animal Model (on the Cells of
Immune System) and in vitro on the Culture of
Staphylococcus aureus Wood-46 252
7.1. Immune Response and the Purpose of Investigation . . . . 252
7.2. Functional Activity of Cells of the Immune System
of Mice Infected with Staphylococcal Culture Following
Preventive Consumption of MRET Water . . . . . . . . . 254
7.2.1. The methodology of investigation . . . . . . . . . 254
7.2.2. The examination of functional activity
of cells of the phagocytic system . . . . . . . . . . 256
7.2.3. Statistical calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
7.3. Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
7.3.1. The effect of MRET water on the development
of the local acute inammation . . . . . . . . . . . 259
7.3.2. The effect of activated water on the death rate
of animals in the case of intra-peritoneal
staphylococcal infection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
7.3.3. The preliminary examination of the effect
of activated water on staphylococcal
infected mice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
7.3.4. The effect of activated water on the cellularity
and the weight of lymphoid organs . . . . . . . . . 261
7.3.5. The effect of activated water on functional
activity of cells of the phagocytic system . . . . . . 263
7.3.6. Conclusions to the section . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
7.4. The Effect of MRET Activation on the Process
of Growth of Staphylococcal Culture
in Nutrient Medium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
7.4.1. Materials and methods of examinations . . . . . . 277
7.4.2. Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
7.4.3. Conclusions to the section . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
8. The Possible Mechanisms of Effects of Activated
Water on Biological Systems 284
8.1. General Regularities of the Action of MRET
Activated Water on Biological Objects . . . . . . . . . . . 284
Contents xvii
8.2. Possible Supercial Viscosity-Based Mechanism
of the Inuence of MRET Activated Water
on the Division of Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
8.3. Electrodynamic Dispersive and Viscosity-Related
Mechanical Principles of the Inuence of Activated
Water on the Vital Activity of Biological Objects . . . . . 294
9. Conclusions and Recommendations 300
References 311
Index 315
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The book presents the results of complex experimental and theoretical
studies of the characteristics of activated water obtained under controlled
action of the specic nonionizing, low-frequency, electromagnetic emission
on ordinary water. This emission was produced by a special generator (acti-
vator), whose operation principle is based on the Molecular Resonance
Effect Technology (MRET technology).
We discussed a number of mechanical, electrodynamic, optical, and
other characteristics of activated water. It is shown that the activation of
water is associated with very signicant (by several and tens of times)
changes in these characteristics. These changes are preserved after the com-
pletion of the activation for a long period (up to many months for the storage
of activated water at a low temperature), which allows us to say about the
presence of distinctive long-term memory of water.
The results of the theoretical analysis of a possible mechanism of the
water memory and methods of its stimulation are given, and the comparison
of the duration of existence of this memory with experimental results is
made. Particular attention is paid to the clathrate model of water memory,
for which specic calculations were carried out for different temperatures.
It is shown that the results of the theoretical analysis and the data of physical
experiments are in good agreement.
The results of specic experiments on the study of the inuence of acti-
vated water on various biological objects (plants, microorganisms, animals)
are throughly described and discussed.
The presented results demonstrate the signicant inuence of MRET
Activated Water on higher plants (vegetable crops), sterile plants, and callus
tissue. In particular, it is shown that activated water can very strongly (by
tens and hundreds of times) inhibit nonspecic growth of callus tissue. This
result allows one to forecast its use for the therapy of a number of diseases
(for example, psoriasis).
We describe the results of experiments which study the inuence of acti-
vated water on pure microbiological cultures and their natural associations.
The studies were carried out under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
xx Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
A signicant inuence of such water on the reductase activity of cultures
and on the efciency of action of various antibiotics on these cultures is
discovered. It is also shown that the activation of water under denite con-
ditions gives rise to the appearance of very strong bactericidal properties:
activated water inhibits the development of pathogenic microbiological cul-
tures by tens and hundreds of times more strongly, and this can be used for
In this book, we present the results of studies of the use of activated
water in the prophylaxis and treatment of oncologic tumors of two types
(Ehrlich carcinoma and Sarcoma 37) in inoculated mice. It is shown that, in
the certain mode of activation (with optimal duration) and use of this water
(in particular, prophylaxis), the growth rate of tumor in inoculated mice
decreases by several times, and the lifetime increases by 5060%. By the
efciency of the antitumoral action, the optimal intake of activated water
corresponds approximately to the methods of chemotherapy or radiation
therapy, yet renders no negative action on other organs. It is also shown
that the prophylactic intake of activated water increases signicantly the
immunity of animals, the antitumoral activity of lymphocytes possessing
the natural killing properties, and the index of cytotoxic activity. The depen-
dence of the antitumoral action of activated water on the time interval of its
storage after the activation is demonstrated.
The effect of activated water on staphylococcal infection in vivo in
animal model (on the cells of immune system) and in vitro on the culture
of Staphylococcus aureus was investigated. In the experiments in vitro, the
growthof identical staphylococcal culture was studiedonmeat-peptone agar
treated with the same MRET activator. In this case, the highly-signicant
bacteriostatic effect of 70100%was observed at optimal conditions of acti-
vation for different initial concentration of staphylococcal culture cells.
We also consider the possible biophysical molecular mechanisms of
the direct inuence of activated water on biological objects, and made a
number of justied proposals for the possible use of activated water to
solve the actual fundamental and applied problems of medicine, biology,
biotechnology, and agriculture.
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory
and General Principles of Water Activation
1.1. Water Structure and the Paradoxes of Water Memory
In the vital activities of any biological object, the most important chemical
compound is water. It is difcult to enumerate all the functions of water in
biological systems.
It is well known that water is a base of the intracellular liquid. It is the
transport medium for the transfer of important chemical elements, forms
the necessary states of these elements in the form of atomic and molecular
ions, and ensures the normal vital activity of all systems of organism.
Water is the principal element of the very efcient system of thermoreg-
ulation and thermostabilization of all warm-blooded organisms. However,
until now the mechanisms of the strikingly efcient system of thermostabi-
lization of living organisms have not been claried.
Intracellular water is the main participant of all radiobiological pro-
cesses. It is the medium in the bulk of which the primary radiobiological
processes of interaction of various types of the ionizing radiation (X-rays,
gamma-quanta, fast electrons, heavy ions, and neutrons) with living objects
are carried out. Water favors the formation of free-radical complexes which
play decisive roles in radiation-induced damages. It is known that such
indirect mechanism is responsible for more than 95% of total damages
induced by radiation.
Furthermore, water is the basis of a totality of processes which underlie
the phenomenon hormesis, whose essence consists in the positive action
of small doses of ionizing radiation on every biological object. These ques-
tions are considered comprehensively in our works (Pinchuk andVysotskii,
2001; Vysotskii et al. 2002) and are generalized in the book (Vysotskii,
Smirnov and Kornilova, 2005).
The spatial structure of water agrees ideally with the secondary structure
of a DNA macromolecule, by guaranteeing the maximally stable existence
2 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
of the double helix formed from matching pairs of nucleotides. Moreover,
there are weighty arguments that the water of the primary ocean, whose
composition was very close to that of the intracellular liquid, became the
spatial matrix on which the rst macromolecular DNA was synthesized.
At the same time, water is one of the most mysterious chemical com-
pounds. Up to now, there is no unambiguous answer to the question of the
spatial structure of water at the supermolecular level. Anomalous properties
of water have for a long time become a classical example of the manifes-
tation of characteristics of a nontrivial system. Water is the most universal
Intense doubts arise about the question on the water memory, i.e.
whether one can somehow change the properties of pure water (without
changing its chemical composition) and preserve these properties for a long
time. In the near-science and popular literature, a lot of information is
available about the phenomenon that a signicant change of the charac-
teristics of water occurs under the action of various external factors. Such
actions are called the process of activation of water, despite the fact that
each experimenter embeds his own interpretation in this notion.
In modern scientic literature, water is considered to be activated if it
(1) has undergone the action of a constant or variable electric or magnetic
eld, (2) is under the direct action of nonionizing SHF emission, (3) is sub-
jected to impact or harmonic mechanical actions, or (4) is passed through
heat treatment (with a decrease or increase in temperature) or a phase trans-
formation (in particular, a freezing or a thawing transformation).
Contrary to the above, in mass media, which are far apart from science,
water is said to be activated or charged if it is directly affected by a man
who manifests strong extrasensory characteristics. Whether these methods
can really inuence the structure of water, or that they most likely act on
the psychic state of the witnesses are questions to be solved in the future.
As one more stumbling-block, we mention experiments involving dif-
ferent methods of activation and utilization of water. Such experiments are
numerous. They were executed by known scientists and by those who can
hardly be referred to as experts or scientists. For the latter, their results were
given mostly in the forms of sensational communications in newspapers,
on TV, and through the internet recently, rather than in the formof scientic
papers. In the majority of cases, it is very difcult or even impossible to
estimate the reliability of such communications. As a rule, these sensations
usually contain no information about the method of activation, about the
methods and statistics of measurements, and very frequently they contradict
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 3
the simplest theoretical estimates, saying nothing of more strict theoretical
models. At the same time, a more involved and general theory was not
developed and does not exist up to now. For this reason, the results of these
experiments were often ignored by members of the scientic community,
and incomprehensible results were at once and without analysis referred to
as wittingly erroneous.
There exist rare communications that some of the changes induced in
water during the process of activation can be preserved for a long time (hours
or days). Moreover, the mass media sometimes present the information
that the activated water in some way possesses unique physicochemical
properties and, in this case, can render a signicant positive action on vital
activities of living organisms and on the course and the treatment of many
Unfortunately, scientic literature does not include the publications pre-
senting the results of correctly executed systematic studies which demon-
strate that activated water does possess particular physical properties and
renders positive inuence on biological systems. It is practically impossible
to encounter such publications in serious journals, because the editorial
boards of these journals are strongly prejudiced against such investigations.
We can list a lot of specic reasons for such a situation. However, it
is obvious that this is a consequence of a deep-rooted skepticism of the
question about the water memory. Such skepticismappeared shortly after
the very great successes of quantum mechanics at the rst half of the
20th century in the study of relatively simple systems such as atoms, simple
molecules, ideal gases and perfectly-ordered crystals. The next natural step
was the transfer of the principles of the spatial organization of the ideal gas
and crystals to real liquids.
At rst sight, it seemed that this problem can be solved comparatively
simply and rapidly. The model of water was limitedly simplied so that
it was identied either with the system of a dense gas or with the ideal
dynamic crystal with ordered hydrogen bonds and very great coefcient of
diffusion. The duration of relaxation of any perturbations in each of these
systems is very short and does not exceed several parts of one nanosecond.
In the framework of such an approach, it was natural that any consideration
of the long-termwater memory was simply irrelevant. Moreover, those who
were engaged in this eld were labeled, in the best case, as alchemists or
false scientists.
However, the structure of water turns out to be much more complicated
than what was conceived in the original idea. Water has simultaneously the
4 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
properties of a gas and a crystal, and its behavior frequently contradicts
either of them. The comparatively simple computational methods, which
allow one to determine the main characteristics of a crystal based only on
the properties of a separate atom or a molecule, turned out to be clearly
insufcient for the construction of a complete theory of water. (This problem
will be discussed in more details in the following chapter.)
Nomatter howparadoxical it sounds, a certaincontributiontothe process
of distinctive ignoration of the role of water as one of the main players in
living organisms was introduced (and is introduced) by biochemistry and
theoretical biology. Of course, on the systematic level, the role of water
is always emphasized. But it is implicitly postulated that water plays, in
fact, a passive role. Water is considered as a space for the realization of the
ion transport, as a medium for removal of wastes from the organism, as a
base of thermodynamics, and as the main factor of thermostabilization of
organism. Water is considered as a stage, on which the great performance
named Life is being played. Of course, there is no performance without a
stage which gathers all the participants in a single collective by the principle
of the unity of place and time, but the role of a stage is always passive.
But, in fact, water is a participant (possibly, a principal one) and an actor
of this performance, and it possesses absolutely equal rights with others!
Water directly affects all the processes in an organism, and these processes,
in turn, inuence water, change the properties of water, and are simultane-
ously subordinated to water. In this case, not only the global action of water,
but also the inuence of each individual molecule turn out to be important.
We give one characteristic example which conrms this assertion in full
It is well known that the base model of the organization of DNA
is the so-called compressed form A which corresponds to a maximum
of the binding energy of subsequent complementary pairs of nucleotides in
the absence of some external medium (in fact, in vacuum). This maximum
is determined by the period R
= 2.8 between subsequent pairs of
nucleotides in the double helix of DNAand by the angle of their mutual turn
equal to = 30

. This conguration was calculated many times, starting

fromthe conceptionof the existence of twotypes of interactioninthe regions
between the successively located pairs.
The rst type of interaction is the Coulomb electrostatic interaction
of the ions distributed over the surface of a nucleotide. This interaction
corresponds in most cases to the mutual repulsion of the pairs of nucleotides.
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 5
The second type of interaction is the dispersive van der Waals interaction,
which denes the coupling between separate structural elements opposite
to nucleotides (in fact, between the atoms distributed over the surface of
these nucleotides). This interaction corresponds, as a rule, to the mutual
On the other hand, it is reliably known (for example, on the basis of
the data of numerous X-ray diffraction studies) that only the stretched
form B, i.e. the centered double helix form of DNA, is realized in the
presence of water near DNA. In this form, the stable distance between the
mean planes of any pair of nucleotides (i.e. the period of the structure of
DNA) is R
= 3.4 , and the angle of the mutual rotation of the pairs of
nucleotides = 36

This fact is sufciently paradoxical. The matter is that, both in the
compressed and stretched forms of DNA, the distances between the sep-
arate pairs of nucleotides with regard to the spatial period (R
= 2.8 or
= 3.4 ) and the efcient thickness of each nucleotide (about 1 )
turn out to be signicantly less (the distance is about 1.82.4 ) than the
effective size of a water molecule which is equal to 2.76 . Thus, a water
molecule cannot be inside the stack of complementary pairs of nucleotides.
In such geometric structure, water cannot render a direct inuence on the
character of the interaction of adjacent pairs of nucleotides (on the stacking
energy) at the expense of, for example, the screening of the eld of charges
or a signicant modication of the dispersive interaction.
The situation looks really strange. Indeed, the effect of an increase of the
period of DNAexists, and it is well-known fromexperiments that this effect
is related to water. But no specic numerical analysis of its appearance was
actually performed.
The calculations carried out in the work of Vysotsky and Hovorun
(2005) showed that the answer to the mechanism of changing the stacking
energy can be related to the direct inuence of polar water molecules
located outside the scope of the space under consideration i.e. between the
nucleotides (though in close proximity to this space) on the total energy
of the system. These molecules interact simultaneously and directly with
different pairs of nucleotides, and create the necessary modication which
ensures the turning and displacement of nucleotides from the compressed
form to the normal form of DNA.
For successive analysis of such a problem, the calculation of the three-
dimensional distribution of the total energy of the system, which included
the interaction energy of two nearest pairs of nucleotides and the interaction
6 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
energy of these pairs with a water molecule, was carried out. It was then
necessary to study the position of the minimum energy as a function of the
mutual orientation and distance between the mentioned pairs of nucleotides.
To study the exact dependence of possible positions of water molecules
in the region of the double-strand break of DNA, the real geometric
arrangement of atoms for the WatsonCrick complementary pairs of
nucleotides GC (the number of atoms is 29) or AT (the number of atoms is
27) was used. All calculations were performed for the B-form of DNA, for
which the propeller angle (the dihedral angle between the planes of bases)

= 2

, the rotation angle of the helix = 36

, and the slope angle to the

helix axis

= 5.9

The total energy of the system terminal pairs of nucleotides a water
molecule consists of
the interaction energy between the terminal pairs of nucleotides in the
region of the double-strand break of a DNA helix;
the total interaction energy between the atoms of each terminal pair of
nucleotides in the region of the double-strand break of the DNA helix
with a water molecule which is located in the region (or directly near the
region) of the break.
The results of calculations of the potential energyof interactions between
two neighboring pairs of nucleotides (curve 1), the interaction between these
pairs and one water molecule (curve 2) and, nally, the total interaction
(curve 3) are presented in Fig. 1.1.
It is seen from this gure that the presence of a single water molecule,
being in the position of a stable minimum near the external of a pair of
nucleotides (i.e. near external surface of DNA), shifts the position of the
stable equilibriumof this pair fromR = 2.8 , corresponding to a molecule
of DNA in form A, to R 3.2 , which is very close to the characteristic
period R
3.4 of a macromolecule DNA in form B.
The physical reason for such a deformation of the DNA helix in the
presence of a water molecule is related to that, in the scope of the strongly
interacting system a water molecule + a pair of nucleotides, all its com-
ponents are revealed as participants with quite equal rights, and the very
strained state of DNA is a result of the distinctive compromise between two
on the one hand, the interaction between two pairs of nucleotides
at the distance R 3.3 corresponds to the appearance of a force
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 7
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
R, A
, eV
a) b)
Figure 1.1. Inuence of a single water molecule on the structure of DNA. The
dependence of the total energy of the system a water molecule terminal
nucleotides (curve 3), the total interaction energy between the terminal pairs of
nucleotides (curve 2), and the total interaction energy between two neighboring
pairs of nucleotides and the water molecule (curve 1) on the distance between
nucleotides R. In all the cases, the water molecule is at the point near the external
surface of nucleotides which corresponds to the absolute minimum of the energy
of its interaction with nucleotides. The points with coordinates a) and b) determine
the positions of the minimum of the potential energy in the absence of water and
in the presence of one molecule of H
F = dU/dr which tends to compress a DNA helix to the period
2.8 (this is a position of the minimum interaction energy of the
pairs of nucleotides in vacuum);
on the other hand, the interaction of a water molecule with the same two
pairs of nucleotides causes the appearance of another force which tends to
pull a water molecule as far as possible in the region between nucleotides
and, hence, separate these pairs and increase the distance between them
to R
3.5 (this distance corresponds to a minimumof the interaction
energy of a water molecule with a pair of nucleotides).
It is seen from the results of calculations that the inclusion of even
one water molecule causes a very strong deformation of DNA. This result
presents a sufciently grounded explanation for the physicomolecular
mechanism of the deformation of DNA when it comes into contact with
It should be noted that taking into account other water molecules which
are near the external surface of DNAwill allowone to calculate more exactly
the structure of the stretched form of DNA.
8 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
This example demonstrates the obvious (but, nevertheless, very fre-
quently ignored) argument that water is really an active player, rather than
a passive one. One more important conclusion which follows directly from
the performed analysis consists in that a molecule of the bound water near
the surface of DNA is the integral component of DNA like other atoms
which belong to the composition of nucleotides. This result was always
perceived as intuitively obvious, but it was not conrmed by the results of
direct calculations.
It is noted that whereas the problem concerning the structure and the
properties of water was the object of numerous studies, the applied aspects
of the inuence of activated water on biological systems are presented
by a collection of uncoordinated rare results which are frequently in poor
agreement between themselves and sometimes mutually contradictory.
Below, we present some data fromthe literature which characterize changes
in the properties of water and the specic features of its action.
For example, the main characteristics of water change after it passes
through the region with a constant magnetic eld (Klassen, 1973). In
particular, if the intensity of this eld varies from 1900 to 5700 Oe,
the pHof chemically pure water (bidistillate) changes by 5.19.1%, and the
surface tension changes by 2.27.3%. Such magnetic treatment changes the
spectrum of infrared absorption of water. In water which passed through a
region with a sufciently strong magnetic eld, the efciency of the pro-
cesses of dehydration of dissolved diamagnetic ions decreases and, on the
other hand, the efciency of the dehydration of paramagnetic ions increases.
For the same water, its ability to wet surfaces is also signicantly
changed. In this case, the effect turns out to be somewhat ambiguous: if the
surface contains Si, then the wettability grows, and it decreases, as a rule,
if Si is absent.
The magnetic treatment of water causes a very signicant change in the
dissolving rate for many salts. For example, the dissolving rate of mag-
nesium sulfate increases by 120 times under the action of a strong magnetic
eld, which is realized in the mode of a sharp change in the direction of this
eld on water.
In a number of works, the derived results testify that a signicant change
in the refraction index of aqueous solutions of the proteins of blood plasma
occurs under the action of a weak microwave emission. The rening experi-
ments showed that the main contribution to this effect was given by a change
in the refraction index of water itself.
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 9
The enumerated anomalous properties of water which has undergone
the action of a magnetic eld preserve for many hours and days.
It follows from experiments that such activated water possesses the
changed physicochemical properties and, in some cases, can render a spe-
cic inuence on biological objects (including a benecial action on the
treatment of some diseases).
One more aspect concerning the problemof water memory is associated
with the possibility to preserve the information. This is related to dissolved
chemical compounds with a great degree of dissolution in water. In fact,
such a problem corresponds, by all canons, to classical homeopathy with
its fundamental principle of manifold dissolution in water.
Among the works which caused great resonance at that time, we focus
on the work (Davenas, 1988) published in the authoritative journal Nature.
In this work, it was found that water preserves the information of trace
amounts of some biologically active substances (i.e. that water was, in
fact, chemically activated). This piece of information was not lost after
extremely strong dilution, when the molecules of a dissolved substance were
almost completely absent in water. This work describes the studies on clas-
sical immunology performed by a group of researchers led by the French
biochemist J. Benveniste. They studied the specic inuence of protein
molecules on blood cells which are named basophils. These molecules
induce their specic response called degranulation. According to the con-
cepts of biochemistry, the greater the concentration of such proteins, the
higher the rate of degranulation. Also, the rate decreases as the concen-
tration decreases. Contrary to this idea, it was found in experiments that
the clearly pronounced effect of degranulation of basophils was observed
even at the extremely great dilution of the solution of protein molecules
(antipolyglobulins), where their relative concentration was at most 10
(which corresponds to only one molecule per 70 liters of water!). Since the
volume of a cuvette, where these studies were carried out, was much less
than 70 liters, this means that none of protein molecules was present in the
volume of water after the manifold dilution.
The experiments which were executed in this work demonstrated that
this type of information can be stored for a long time in unperturbed water
at sufciently lowtemperatures, but it is efciently erased under classical
actions such as ultrasound, strong heating, or the phase transition such as
the freezing of water and the thawing of ice.
We note that the medical aspect of the action of activated water is poorly
studied, though this action has been conrmed by many experiments.
10 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
As an example of the inuence of activated water on the vital activity
of simplest microorganisms, we point out the results of studies performed
on the Faculty of Biology of Lomonosov Moscow State University (these
results can be found in the unpublished doctoral dissertation by Zenin,
The activation of water was realized by subjecting it to a variable mag-
netic eld created by a standard magnetic mixer between 7 min and 15 min.
Such water undergoes a number of physicochemical changes (including a
change of its conductivity). In particular, the preliminary studies showed
that, for distillated water undergone processing for 7 min, its conductivity
increased at least by 1015 times. The growth of the conductivity obeyed
an almost linear law. After the cessation of the action of the variable mag-
netic eld, a slow relaxation of the conductivity which decreases to the
initial value was observed for 2025 min. The other situation occurred
at a more prolonged action. At the initial stage (during the action of a
variable magnetic eld), an analogous increase of the conductivity of water
was observed. However, after the cessation of the action of the mag-
netic eld, the effect of a spontaneous additional increase of the conduc-
tivity of water by 2.53 times for 1520 min was observed instead of its
decrease. Such result shows that the system responsible for water memory
is characterized by the threshold time interval of irreducible activation from
7 till 15 min.
This activated water was used immediately after the completion of the
activation to study the action on Spirostoma. If water was subjected to the
short-term subthreshold action of a magnetic eld, the motive activity of
infusoria was inhibited for a short time interval of 3040 min. If water
has undergone the long-term (above-threshold) activation, spirostoma were
irreversibly paralyzed with the full suppression of all signs of activity.
There are many such facts demonstrating the unusual behavior of water
subjected to certain physical actions. Concluding the brief and incomplete
analysis, we mention the following circumstances:
On the one hand, the popular literature and the mass media present a lot
of information (frequently, with obvious advertising characteristics) on the
benecial effect of charged and activated water. Such water was adver-
tised very frequently as a distinctive panacea for any diseases without any
substantiation. It is natural that the scientic value of such communications
is close to zero.
On the other hand, we failed to nd the description of at least one
cycle of studies which are executed with sufcient completeness by the
commonly-used rules of scientic studies and which present the reliable
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 11
results concerning not only the action of activated water of the same type
on biological objects, but also the properties of this water. We received
impression that the study of all specic features of the inuence of activated
water on biological systems turns out to be outside the eld of interests of
classical biology.
It is necessary to note that we had no preliminary barrier-type
separation, at which all similar results would be rejected a priori without
analysis. We think that water, being lifes cradle, renders very strong
inuence on the character of vital activity. Many genetic and somatic dis-
eases, like problems in the mechanisms of division of cells, reproduction,
and mutations, are integrally related to water.
Prior to the detailed investigation of these questions, we consider the
specic features of the structure and the problemof the memory of ordinary
and activated water in more details.
1.2. The Clathrate Model and a Water Memory Cell
There exists a great number of various theories and models explaining the
structure and properties of water. In each of them, the basic position is
the idea of hydrogen bonds as the main factor dening the formation of
structurized agglomerates. For this reason, water is a cooperative system,
and it contains the chain formations of hydrogen bonds.
Water possesses a number of unique properties, among which a par-
ticular place is occupied by its long-term memory. Numerous experi-
ments, some of which were presented above, have conrmed the existence
of water memory, which is activated under the action of some physical elds
(for example, a magnetic eld, impact mechanical action, sharp change in
the temperature or pressure) and can store the information about this action
for many hours and days.
The above-presented facts painted one visible side of the problem. Just
this side arouses the greatest interest, but simultaneously raises the greatest
number of objections. The other side of the problem is based on the expla-
nation of these effects and on the clarication of their mechanisms. We
would consider it in more details.
At rst sight, it seems that water, as a specic physicomolecular object,
cannot have long-term memory. This follows from the following simple
For a long time, the continual (quasicrystalline) model of water was
dominant. In the framework of this model, the spatial structure of the
12 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
potential energy for each of the molecules H
Ois the almost periodic three-
dimensional system of potential wells and barriers. This relief is a result
of the self-consistent motion of all water molecules which combines two
independent processes: the oscillatory motion in each of the potential wells
and a random (uctuation-related) hop to the neighboring well. The mean
frequency of oscillations in potential wells is approximately the same as the
Debye frequency in solids (
). The mean duration of a hop to
the neighboring potential well
s. The mean duration of the stay
in a well,
s, (1.1)
is determined by the temperature T of water and the activation energy,
W 0.2 eV, of the process of diffusion (by the height of a barrier between
the neighboring wells). Staying in the framework of this model, it is easy
to conclude that the water memory must be preserved not longer than the
value of which is by many orders less than the values given by numerous
The continuously increasing number of reliable experiments indicates
that the continual model describes inadequately the structure of water.
The presence of a spatial structure in the bulk of water was rst proved
by Bernal in 1933.
The calculations on the basis of quantum chemistry showed that water
molecules participate in the formation of molecular ensembles and can
form various types of associated molecules: hydrol H
O, dihydrol (H
trihydrol (H
, etc. Further studies showed that much greater associa-
tions (clusters) of water molecules can be formed in water, the structure of
which resembles small pieces of ice. As a rule, these clusters are unstable
and spontaneously disappear. The dynamics of such associations underlies
the cluster model of water (Nemethy, 1962). In the framework of such
a model, one may consider that water is a two-phase system a crys-
talline liquid with the intense processes of crystal-forming and strong inter-
molecular bonds (hydrogen bridges), with the ability to form agglomerates
of hundreds of molecules and generate the innite number of forms of
the liquid-crystalline phase in water which is named a complex lattice-
like structure. Such a structure is characterized by the great number of
The more detailed studies (for example, Samoilov, 1957) showed that
the so-called clathrate model is most close to the reality. In the nal form,
this model was developed by Pauling (1959). The Pauling clathrate model is
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 13
Figure 1.2. System of clathrate hydrates in water.
based on the idea that the union of atoms of oxygen and hydrogen is able to
create spatial exible tetrahedral frames. The spatial structure of the frame
is given in Fig. 1.2.
The formation of tetrahedral frame is promoted by the circumstance
that the natural spatial angle between the OH-bonds in a free molecule of
water H
O is equal to 104.5

, which is sufciently close to the exact value

of the tetrahedral angle of 108

. For the additional bending of this bond

by an angle of 3.5

, a small energy is required, and the very presence of

an additional bending signicantly enhances the stiffness of the crystalline
frame (a similar situation occurs, for example, in such purely structural
element as a prestressed reinforced concrete).
At nodes of the crystalline frame, there are very large (on the scale of
a water molecule) microcavities (microvoids) with rigid atomic walls. The
main elements of this structure are regular polyhedrons i.e. dodecahedrons
coupled with one another. Such systems are called clathrate hydrates. This
frame structure is held by hydrogen bonds. They rmly fasten the system
of pentagonal dodecahedral polyhedrons of ions of oxygen and hydrogen
14 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
which form the walls of microcavities. Each polyhedron can be charac-
terized by an inscribed sphere with the radius R
2.6 . Each polyhedron
has 12 pentagonal faces, 30 edges joining these faces, and 20 vertices. At
each vertex, three edges come together. At the vertices of each polyhedron,
20 molecules of H
O are situated, and each molecule of H
O has three
hydrogen bonds. By the data in Zenin (1999), three polyhedrons can be
joined in stable associates containing 57 water molecules. From these 57
molecules, 17 ones have completely saturated hydrogen bonds and form
a tetrahedral hydrophobic central frame. Moreover, the surface of each of
four dodecahedrons contains 10 centers of the formation of a hydrogen bond
(O-H or O).
Outside of this frame, there are quasifree molecules of ordinary
isotropic water, whose properties and structure approximately correspond to
the continual model. Microcavities of the frame are joined with the external
space by windows of about 2.5 in diameter, which is not much less than
the width of a water molecule (2R 2.76 ). Finally, each of the micro-
cavities is separated from the external amorphous quasifree water by a
ring-like potential barrier of about R 0.13 in width which borders a
window. The relative amount of molecules of frame water at roomtemper-
ature is 2030% and increases as the temperature decreases. In the volume
of a microcavity, one of the molecules of H
, O
, or N
, for example,
can be freely arranged.
Due to the presence of a strong and symmetric (relative to the centers of
microcavities) electrostatic eld, there exists a certain ban on the formation
of hydrogen bonds of water molecules in microcavities with their walls. In
this case, there occurs such nontrivial phenomenon as the repulsion of free
water molecules fromthe walls of the frame formed also of water molecules
(i.e. water molecules in the volume of water become hydrophobic)! The
mean density of the clathrate frame (without the lling by water molecules)
is 0.80 g/cm
, i.e. microcavities occupy 20% of the entire volume of
the structurized frame of water. If the microcavities are lled by water
molecules, then the density of water is close to 1 g/cm
The results of direct measurements (Zenin, 1999) showed that the optical
properties of structurized and amorphous water at the same temperature
differ very strongly. In particular, the difference of the refractive indices
of the clathrate frame and amorphous water reaches 45% in some cases,
which testies to the spatial ordering of the clathrate frame.
The Pauling clathrate model explains very well all the properties of water
(including its anomalous compressibility). The structure of DNA perfectly
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 15
corresponds to the spatial structure of such frame water. In this case, every
macromolecule of DNA puts water in order at the distance to 300500
from its surface. The possibility to join the Pauling clathrate model with
the cluster model was considered in many works. In this case, the separate
elements of clathrate frames can be joined from time to time by hydrogen
bonds and form groups possessing an ordered structure (i.e. clusters). Since
there exists a verystronginterconnectionbetweenthe neighboringhydrogen
bonds, the appearance and elimination of hydrogen bonds occur in a cor-
related manner and are synchronized in time. Such a character of the bond
allows us to suppose that the ickering clusters arise and disappear in
water. The lifetime of clusters is of the order of 10
s, i.e. of the order of
1000 molecular oscillations.
The considered specic features of the bulk water structure indicate
that water molecules are always distributed between two systems weakly
coupled with each other: the quasiamorphous nonstructurized water and
the quasicrystalline structurized system of clathrate hydrates. During the
external action on water (i.e. on the activation of water), there occurs a
signicant change of its structure and parameters. In view of the scale and
mechanism of activation, two different hierarchical levels of organization
of the water structure (a macrolevel and a microlevel) exist.
The rst hierarchical level of the water structure (the macrolevel of the
structure) corresponds to the global spatial structure of water and denes
the form and the position of its spatial frame. This level is characterized by
the presence of the system of clathrate hydrates which form stable dodeca-
hedral polyhedrons of ions of oxygen and hydrogen. Inside the volume of
each of these polyhedrons, there exist the empty microcavities with rigid
hydrophobic walls. The dodecahedral polyhedrons with the help of stable
hydrogen bonds are joined in binary, triple, and more complicated associates
which can be further combined in very large associates (macroclusters).
The space between macroclusters is lled with the quasiamorphous
Thus, the macrolevel of the structural organization of water corre-
sponds to the equilibrium distribution between the phase of amorphous
water and the phase of water, represented as a system of macroclusters
with a complicated hierarchy. Under the action of the external factors, this
distribution can be changed. For example, the volume of macroclusters
increases with decrease in temperature, whereas the volume of quasiamor-
phous water decreases. As the temperature grows, the volumes of macro-
clusters decrease, and, in addition, each macrocluster can be divided into
16 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
several smaller parts. It is natural that the volume of quasiamorphous water
increases in this case. The same changes can occur under other types of
action, e.g. under the action of ultrasound on the aqueous medium. Due to
the strong dependence on external actions, the macrolevel of water structure
has no sufcient efciency in order to organize a water memory system
that is stable to the external destructive actions. At the same time, it is
obvious that, in the absence of very strong destructive actions, the process
of recording of the information in the formof the systemof regularly-joined
clathrate cells is quite possible. Simply saying, separate polyhedrons of the
clathrate frame can be combined by several alternative means. In this case,
of importance is that the realization of a certain orientation of a specic pair
of polyhedrons leads automatically so that the subsequent polyhedrons will
be joined to this bare associate in exactly the same way, which induces
the appearance of ordered macroclusters. Such a system has obvious long-
range order, which can explain the possibility of a global structurization of
great volumes of water. This question was sufciently considered in Zenins
work (1999).
The second hierarchical level of the water structure (microlevel) corre-
sponds to the processes of motion and distribution of separate molecules
of H
O between microcavities of the three-dimensional clathrate frame
of water and the quasiamorphous nonstructurized water. This microlevel
denes the nonstationary evolution of H
O molecules. The process of evo-
lution is determined by two possible directions: molecules can leave the
volume of quasiamorphous water, enter into the volume of these microcav-
ities, and be there in the hydrophobic form for a long time or, on the con-
trary, can pass from microcavities into the volume of the quasiamorphous
It is quite obvious that the microlevel of the water structure is dis-
tinguished by a much greater stability relative to the action of external
destructive factors than the macrolevel. Under all external transforma-
tions of the clathrate frame which are characteristic of the macrolevel,
hydrophobic H
O molecules remain in the stable state in the volume of
microcavities. Such a stability makes the microlevel of water structure to be
an efcient object for the organization of a water memory system. Earlier,
nobody has considered such a memory system in detail.
We now show how the presence of the clathrate frame of water can lead
to the formation of the long-term memory in water and to the possibility
of recording and using the information (Vysotskii and Kornilova, 2004;
Vysotskii, 2005).
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 17
Consider the initial water which is in the state of thermodynamic equi-
librium and is characterized by the denite temperature T. This state
corresponds to the maximum of the entropy. Such water can be produced
as a result of the long-term boiling and the slow cooling or a very long
standing. In this case, the number of microcavities in the systemof clathrate
hydrates which are lled by water corresponds to the Boltzmann distri-
bution with regard for the statistical weights of the states of H
O molecules
in microcavities and in amorphous water. This is an equilibrium water or
an ordinary one.
In the frame, 18% of microcavities are lled by H
O molecules at a
temperature of 4

C, 38% at the normal temperature of a man (36.6

C), and
about 50% at 55

Such a law of distribution is related to several circumstances:
the Boltzmann distribution at the given temperature,
the degeneration multiplicity of the initial and nal states of a H
molecules in the composition of amorphous water near an entry window
to the volume of a microcavity and in the volume of this microcavity, and
the ratio between the volume of all the amorphous water and the volume
of the clathrate frame.
All three quantities vary with changes in the temperature, which hampers
the execution of an exact calculation of the dynamics of the population of
microcavities. At the same time, it is obvious that the bindingenergyof water
molecules is close to zero in the volume of clathrate microcavities (due to
the hydrophobic character of the interaction with walls), and the state of a
O molecule in the bulk of quasiamorphous water is determined by the
depth of the potential well conditioned by the interaction with other water
molecules. The depth of this well corresponds to the energy of activation
W 0.2 eV under the diffusion, which in fact decreases the energy level
of a H
O molecule relative to that of the same molecule in the clathrate
frame by W. Based on this consideration, it becomes obvious that the
necessary energies of activation for the entry to a microcavity, E
, and
for the output from it, E
W, will be different (Fig. 1.3).
According to this fact, the time for an excess water molecule to be
present in a microcavity and the time of existence of an excess vacancy
in an empty microcavity will also be different.
Upon the breaking of thermodynamic equilibrium, the H
O molecules
are redistributed between amorphous water and microcavities to a newequi-
librium state. We now show that the spontaneous transition between these
18 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Empty microvoid of the frame
Free (quasifree)
water molecules
0 R
Directions of
Free (quasifree)
water molecules
Empty microvoid of the frame
Figure 1.3. Process of (a) thermostimulated activation and (b) deactivation of
microvoids of the clathrate frame of water under the increase or decrease of temper-
ature; (c) structure of the potential energy of molecules of amorphous and bound
water in the microvoid volume and near its boundary.
states is strongly inhibited due to the very small probability of the tunneling
of H
Omolecules through narrow windows, and the duration of existence
of each state turns out to be very great. Let us determine the duration of
relaxation under such a redistribution.
Such a relaxation corresponds to the transition of water molecules in two
possible directions: (a) from the state of amorphous water into the volume
of microcavities (if the initial amount of water molecules in microcavities
was less than a value conditioned by the Boltzmann distribution, which
can happen under fast heating of the whole water); and (b) from the state
of excess water in microcavities into amorphous water (if the amount of
water molecules in microcavities was greater than the equilibrium value,
which corresponds, for example, to the fast cooling of the whole water).
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 19
The process of relaxation of each of these transitions depends on the
thermodynamic probability
W = e
for one of the water molecules to get the energy E
as a result of many
random interactions with other molecules. This energy should be suf-
cient for a short-term deformation of a water molecule (associated with
the increase of the interaction energy between a proton and the ion of
oxygen) resulting in the short-termdecrease of its size to that of the window
of a microcavity and, respectively, the entry of this molecule inside the
Since the frequency of collisions of any of the water molecules with
the surface of any structural object in water is equal to the frequency of
oscillations of molecules near a local equilibrium position

s, the total probability of capture of a molecule by an empty microcavity
per unit time is F = W/
. This formula allows us to determine the average
duration of existence of a nonequilibrium (empty) state of a microcavity
in the volume of the spatial tetrahedral frame of water (the duration of
relaxation of a vacancy in microcavities):
= 1/F
. (1.3)
It is obvious that this duration will determine the duration of existence
of the water memory on the lling of this microcavity (for example, under
the heating of water).
For the determination of the duration of relaxation [Eq. (1.3)], it is
necessary to nd the quantity E
which characterizes the height of the
potential barrier separating the amorphous water from the empty space in a
clathrate. To this end, it is necessary to consider the process of deformation
of a water molecule in more details.
The vibrational motion of a proton in a H
O molecule in the direction
perpendicular to the bond line OH corresponds to a harmonic oscillator
(Fig. 1.4).
The potential energy corresponding to a displacement of the hydrogen
ion by a value r relative to the equilibrium position can be written in the
form of the energy of a harmonic oscillator
V(r) =

. (1.4)
20 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 1.4. Normal oscillations of the proton in a water molecule. Two arrows
directed oppositely show the direction of a normal oscillation of the proton.
Here, M
is the reduced mass of a hydrogen atom, and
the frequency of normal oscillations of a proton in a water molecule in the
direction perpendicular to the bond line OH (Zatsepina, 1999).
With regard for the fact that the angle between the bond lines of protons
with the nucleus of oxygen 2 104



, we nd that, in order
to deform the external size of a water molecule by a value R 0.26
sufcient for the passage of a molecule into a microcavity, the deformation
V(R) =

2 cos

1.1 eV (1.5)
is required. This value determines the threshold energy E
= V(R)
dening the process of relaxation of water. This threshold exceeds strongly
the thermal energy of water molecules equal to k
T 0.025 eV at room
temperature. It is seen that the duration of relaxation T
depends very
strongly on the threshold value of the deformation energy of a water
molecule E
and its temperature T. Agreat value of E
leads to a small
probability to overcome the barrier in the region of the input window of a
microcavity. Finally, the probability of spontaneous deactivation of water
is very small, which corresponds to a very great time interval of the storage
of the information.
We now execute some numerical evaluations. At a temperature of water
T = 293 K (20

C), the duration of relaxation (the duration of existence of

the water memory) T
10 days. As the temperature of water increases
or decreases, the duration of relaxation sharply decreases or increases,
respectively (see Table 1.1).
For the alternative direction of the relaxation (the transition of a water
molecule from the volume of a microcavity into the volume of amorphous
water), the duration of relaxation T
is also determined by a relation
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 21
Table 1.1. Dependence of the duration of relaxation of water (the duration
of the water memory) on its temperature.

C 1 10 20 30 36.6 40 50 60 70 90
300 days 49 days 10 days 58 h 24 h 15 h 4.4 h 1.3 h 27 min 3 min
30 min 14 min 4 min 1.5 min 45 s 30 s 12 s 4 s 1.5 s 0.3 s
[Eq. (1.3)], in which the energy of activation is changed (E
0.9 eV instead of E
1.1 eV). In addition, it is necessary to take into
account the following: because the internal size of microcavities exceeds
signicantly that of the potential well for each molecule in the volume
of quasiamorphous water, the effective frequency of collisions of a water
molecule with walls in microcavities
will be less (and the period

, respectively, will be greater) than that in the volume of water. The results
of calculations of the duration of relaxation T
on the reverse transition of
O molecules from the volume of microcavities into the quasiamorphous
water are presented in Table 1.1.
We note that, in order to calculate the quantities T
and T
, it is nec-
essary to knowthe exact values of the activation energy and the height V(R)
of the potential barrier [Eq. (1.5)] regulating the entry into microcavities of
the clathrate frame.
We determined these parameters based on the model calculations. The
main error can be related to the approximate value, R 0.26 , of
the width of the potential barrier bordering a window being the input to
the volume of microcavities in the clathrate. Since R is present in the
exponential component dening the duration of relaxation [Eq. (1.3)] of
the nonequilibrium population of quantum states in the volume of micro-
cavities, even small changes in V(R) can very signicantly inuence both
the durations of relaxation. Upon correction of these parameters, the corre-
sponding values of T
and T
can be signicantly changed.
While varying a value of E
by 5% relative to the above-given
value of E
1.1 eV, the calculated duration of the water memory is
changed by several orders. These data are presented in Table 1.2.
The obtained values of T
and T
correspond to the relaxation of
water from the nonequilibrium state to an equilibrium one corresponding
to its temperature.
We note that such activated water has other electromagnetic and
mechanical properties. Because part of water molecules can be isolated
Table 1.2. Dependence of the duration of relaxation of water on temperature for various values of the height of the
potential barrier at the input to the volume of microcavities of the clathrate frame. The quantities T
(5%) and
(5%) correspond to the durations of relaxation on the increase or decrease of the height barrier by 5%.

C 1 10 20 30 36.6 40 50 60 70 90
(5%) 7.2 years 550 days 160 days 23 days 9 days 5.5 days 35 h 10 h 3 h 20 min
(5%) 24 days 5.7 days 31 h 8 h 3.4 h 2.2 h 45 min 12 min 4 min 36 s
(5%) 8 h 2.2 min 34 min 10 min 4.5 min 3.1 min 1 min 22 s 8.5 s 1.5 s
(5%) 10 min 3.2 min 57 s 18.5 s 9 s 6.4 s 2.4 s 0.9 s 0.4 s 0.07 s
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 23
in the volume of clathrate microcavities, the coefcient of absorption of
water in the region of frequencies of the microwave range can be sig-
nicantly changed. This effect is related to the presence of saturated
hydrogen bonds in the condensed water and their absence for quasifree H
molecules localized in microcavities. In a certain sense, the totality of water
molecules in various microcavities is analogous to water vapor, of which
each molecule is positioned in its own potential well. We recall that just
such an effect of the growth of the coefcient of absorption of water vapor
in the microwave range was discovered in Carions work (1978) devoted to
the study of the difference of the absorptions of water and vapor.
If this process is analyzed from the viewpoint of the theory of infor-
mation, then the formation of a stable nonequilibrium distribution of the
population of various clathrate microcavities can be considered by the
process of recording of the information in the volume of water. Such water
can be named as activated.
The very great duration of relaxation T
allows us to consider water
as a two-level (two-band, to be more exact) bistable system with the great
lifetime in each of two states. Such a system allows one to realize the
recording and storage of the information (in the form of the ratio of the
numbers of lled and unlled microcavities) and to efciently utilize this
information at the expense of a change in the properties of water on the
transition of a great number of H
O molecules and other atoms, molecules,
and ions dissolved in water from the state of amorphous water into the
volume of closed microcavities and vice versa (Fig. 1.3).
Though the duration of inverse relaxation T
on the output of water
molecules from the volume of microcavities turns out signicantly less
than the duration of direct relaxation on the input into these microcavities,
it exceeds, in any case by many orders, the typical duration of relaxation
[Eq. (1.1)] 10
s owing to the uctuations of a hydrogen
bond in the volume of amorphous water.
There exists one more circumstance which can lead to a sharp increase of
the duration of the water memory. It is related to the possibility to populate
the microcavities by molecules other than H
As known, water is a weak electrolyte, and the probability of the equi-
librium thermal uctuation-related dissociation

is always nonzero. The equilibrium relative concentration
+ of the ions
of hydrogen is determined by the hydrogen index pH = lg
+. In a
24 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
normal (neutral) distillated water at room temperature, pH 7, which
corresponds to
+ 10
, and the total concentration of ions of each sign
+ = n
6 10
On the heating of water to the boiling temperature 100

C, pH decreases
almost by (pH) 1. In this case, the values of n
+ = n
grow approxi-
mately by one order in magnitude.
After a number of transformations (including the neutralization of the
ions H
and OH

, their decay, and the subsequent formation of a number

of molecular products), the equilibrium distribution of main products of
thermolysis (H, H
, OH, and H
) is formed in water. The typical ratios
of the relative concentrations of these products are as follows:

0.75. (1.7)
Thus, every cm
of water at room temperature contains about 3 10
to 6 10
atoms and molecules of H, H
, OH, and H
. Molecules and
atoms of H, H
, and OH have sizes signicantly less than those of water
molecules, and can easily enter into and leave the volume of microcavities
in the volume of the clathrate frame. For this reason, such molecules and
atoms by themselves cannot be carriers of the information.
The situation will be changed signicantly, if the volume of a micro-
cavity can contain simultaneously two particles which can form stable
molecules of two types:
We note that the probability of reactions of the second type [Eq. (1.8)]
is signicantly greater. This is conditioned by a larger concentration,
of OH molecules as compared to
of atoms H.
The size of a H
molecule is greater than that of a molecule H
by 9%. This implies that this molecule must be deformed by R 0.5
in order to leave a microcavity. By assuming that the frequency of normal
oscillations of a proton,
, in a H
molecule coincides with the anal-
ogous frequency of oscillations of a proton in a water molecule, we can nd
the threshold energy of the deformation V(R) 4 eV from formula (1.5).
This value determines the energy E
= V(R) related to the process
of relaxation of molecules of hydrogen peroxide in water. A molecule of
, which is positioned in a microcavity as a result of reactions, cannot
leave it and will be locked there for a long time. This time exceeds the
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 25
duration of relaxation of water molecules presented in Tables 1.1 and 1.2
by many orders.
We also notice that the activation of water can be realized in various
ways, e.g. the process of heating or cooling, as well as magnetic elds or
Such periodic coherent actions can stimulate the formation of qua-
sistable clusters, each of which joins several mutually ordered clathrate
frames. In such a system, the behavior of isolated water molecules in peri-
odically positioned microcavities is similar to the motion of hydrogen in
palladium, where a very high degree of saturation of the lattice is ensured.
Periodic actions canalso affect the parameters of the clathrate frame of water
by changing, for example, the transparence of the potential barrier in the
windows of microcavities (it is the problem of tunneling of a H
O molecule
through a nonstationary barrier). In addition, a strong periodic magnetic
eld can stimulate transitions between the energy levels which characterize
the state of H
O molecules in microcavities and in amorphous water (for
example, at the expense of multiphotonic nonlinear processes upon inter-
action with magnetic moments), which leads to the nonequilibrium popu-
lation of water molecules in microcavities and corresponds to the activation
of water.
Such external action can induce nonequilibrium population of micro-
cavities which cannot be attained by changing the temperature. A similar
activation of water can also be reached by uniform compression.
On the basis of such a system of long-term memory, we can interpret
many effects leading to the activation and manifestation of anomalous prop-
erties of water. In conclusion, we note that the considered phenomena refer
to pure water and do not concern the inuence of dissolved admixtures
(including ions and microparticles of Fe), the very presence of which can
induce other effects (for example, in the presence of an external constant
magnetic eld).
The process of spontaneous and decaying luminescence of water is an
indirect conrmation of the fact that the activation of water can be related
to a change in the population of microcavities in the clathrate frame and
the transition of water molecules from the bound state in the volume of
microcavities in amorphous water. This effect was observed many times by
many researchers. The reason of such luminescence can be related to the
release of local activation energy for a water molecule after its passage of
the potential barrier regulating the input or output from microcavities in
the clathrate frame. This excessive energy can be directly lighted up after
26 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
the completion of such overbarrier transition or can stimulate a number of
physicochemical transformations leading to luminescence (i.e. can be its
For example, Dr. Voeikov of Lomonosov Moscow State University
observed the effect of luminescence using methods of chemiluminescent
analysis with addition of salts of bivalent iron and luminol as a uorophor in
water. In particular, such decaying luminescence was observed in artesian
water and in water which was in a closed bottle for a sufciently long time.
It is of interest to note that the temporal dependence of the intensity of lumi-
nescence depended signicantly on the bottle material (glass, ceramic, or
plastic). The duration of existence of such luminescence at room temper-
ature was 57 days, which well agrees with the data presented in Tables 1.1
and 1.2. In water which was subjected to a preliminary heating to a high
temperature and then to a gradual long-term cooling, luminescence was not
registered. Luminescence was also not observed in water which was stored
for a long time at a constant temperature.
Let us consider some of the experiments on activation of water
(Gapochka, 1994) which indirectly conrm, in our opinion, the considered
clathrate mechanism of water memory. In these experiments, the inuence
of a sufciently powerful microwave emission on water was studied. The
experiments were carried out with the use of several modes of action which
differed by the frequency, power, type of modulation, and duration of
The differential spectra of the optical density of water preliminarily
undergone the SHF irradiation were studied in the range = 190900 nm
on a spectrophotometer Hitachi 557. It was found that the SHF irradiation
did not lead to any considerable change in the optical density in the range
= 350900 nm, but gave rise to its signicant increase in the range =
190350 nm.
In Fig. 1.5, we show a change in the optical density of distillated and
bidistillated water irradiated by a sequence of powerful pulses of the SHF
emission relative to the density of analogous unirradiated distillated water.
For activation, a cuvette with water was positioned in a waveguide con-
nected with a SHF generator. The parameters of emission are as follows:
the emission frequency is 2.71 GHz; the power, 800 kW; the duration of
pulses, 1 s; the repetition frequency of pulses, 230 Hz; the total time
of irradiation, 5 s.
The measurements were carried out in 24 h after the action of the
SHF emission on water. It was found that the SHF irradiation induces no
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 27
180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 , nm 340 360
Relative absorbance
Figure 1.5. Change of the optical density of water of different types irradiated
by powerful pulse SHF emission: 1 distillated water, 2 bidistillated water.
considerable changes in the optical density in the range 350900 nm, but
leads to its signicant increase in the range = 190350 nm. It is seen
from Fig. 1.5 that the changes are more signicant in bidistillated water on
the activation than in distillated water. This testies that the effect of acti-
vation is related namely to water, rather than to dissolved salts. For both
types of water, two peaks of the absorption at 225 nm and 255 nm
are clearly seen. In addition, we see a very great additional increase in the
absorption at 190 nm characteristic of any water.
In Fig. 1.6, we present the results characterizing the dependence of the
optical density of the identical distillated water on the frequency of the
SHF emission. In this case, a generator of continuous emission was used.
Its parameters are as follows: the emission frequencies = 40.00 GHz,
45.55 GHz, and 53.55 GHz; the power = 10 mW; the duration of
irradiation = 20 min. The measurements of the parameters of water were
executed in 24 h after the SHF emission.
It is seen from the gure that a very signicant change in the optical
characteristics of activated water occurs also under the action of a com-
paratively low-intensity (but continuous) emission. This testies that the
28 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320
, nm
Relative absorbance
Figure 1.6. Changes in the optical density of distillated water irradiated by a
continuous low-intensity SHF emission with frequencies: = 40.00 GHz (1),
= 45.55 GHz (2), and = 53.55 GHz (3).
process of activation is accumulative and depends not only on the excitation
intensity, but also on the excitation duration.
It is of interest to note that though the total energy of the pulse SHF
eld, which passes through a cuvette, corresponds to 1 kJ and is two orders
greater than that of the continuous irradiation, the resulting change in the
optical density of activated water is much greater in the latter case. This
result emphasizes the strong dependence of the effect of activation on the
frequency of the action.
One more peculiarityof the results of these measurements consists inthat
the change in the optical density non-monotonously depends on the irradi-
ation frequency: while the frequency grows from 40.00 GHz to 53.55 GHz,
the optical density rstly decreases, and then increases to the maximum.
Gapochkas work in 1994 presents the study of the inuence of intense
SHF irradiation of water on the parameters of its NMR spectrum. The shift
of the center of a NMR line was studied on a spectrograph Tesla-BS-497
in 24 h after the completion of the activation of water. It was found that, for
all three used methods of activation (continuous emission with frequency
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 29
= 2.45 GHz, power of 450W, and energy of 2.25 kJ; pulse emission with
frequency = 2.71 GHz, power of 800 kW, and energy of 0.92 kJ; pulse
emission with frequency = 0.9 GHz, power of 1000 kW and energy of
16 kJ), the center of a NMRline was shifted, respectively, by 322, 382,
and 34 2 Hz relative to the position of the control line for nonactivated
distillated water. This displacement is related to an increase in the electron
density in the region of a proton in a H
O molecule.
We recall the optical density D connected with the coefcient of
absorption k

(), the thickness of the medium L, and its dielectric permit-

tivity () by the relations
D = 2k

()L, and

() =


() +i



. (1.9)
It is obvious that the increase in the optical density of water in the same
cuvette of constant thickness L upon irradiation of the SHF eld is related
to both the increase in the imaginary part and the decrease in the real
part of the dielectric permittivity of water () in the UV region of the
It is difcult to substantiate the presented results, if we do not account
for the above-considered clathrate model of the mechanism of activation of
water. The matter is that the change in the optical density of water in the UV
range can be related only to stable changes in the electron conguration of
water molecules. The experiments show that such changes preserve for at
least 24 h.
It is known that any stable structural changes of the conguration of
hydrogen bonds can only lead to a change of the specic features of the
microwave spectrum and do not inuence the spectrum of transitions in the
UVrange. At the same time, these effects can be rather easily substantiated,
if we assume that the redistribution of the populations of isolated water
molecules in the volume of clathrate microcavities occurs in the process of
activation. If we take into account that the spectrumof the UVabsorption of
these quasifree molecules signicantly differs from the spectrum of the UV
absorption of bound molecules, then the change in the populations leads
to a change of the absorption. In addition, it is possible that the above-
considered anomalies in the absorption of activated water in the UV range
are related to molecules of hydrogen peroxide which can be localized in
microcavities of the clathrate frame.
30 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
1.3. Program, Equipment, and Research Techniques
for the Investigation of Activated Water
The performed brief analysis of the existent models of water structure
clearly demostrates that water is an object which is much more compli-
cated than a crystal or a gas. The above-considered results of numerous
experiments testify that activated water has a number of specic physical
properties. Many other experiments indicate that water activated in
some way has distinctive memory and can render a strong inuence on
biological objects in a great time interval after the completion of the
All these undoubtedlyinterestingresults are uncoordinated, refer tocom-
pletely different methods and modes of activation, and do not form a single
logically connected system.
A signicant drawback consists also in that the available studies have
a highly specialized character. If, for example, the physical properties of
activated water were studied, then the specic features of its action on
biological objects were not considered. In particular, it is not known how
the specic anomalous physical properties act on plants, microorganisms,
animals, and men. On the contrary, if the specicity of action of activated
water on a specic biological object was analyzed, its physical properties
were not investigated.
Moreover, the registration of a denite character of the action of such
water on biological objects of some type (for example, on a specic plant)
does not allow one to forecast the result of the action on animals or plants
of the other types.
Is the factor of the inuence of activated water on living objects single
and universal? Are there different mechanisms which adapt only to specic
objects? Howdoes the duration of activation of water affect the specicity of
its action on different biological objects? To what degree do the anomalies of
physical properties of activated water and the specic features of its action
on a biological object correlate with one another? How do the duration and
the mode of the storage of activated water affect the specicity of its action
on biological objects?
We can pose innite number of such questions but note that there are
no answers to them in the literature. If the answers to similar questions are
absent and the basic principles and the mechanism of action of activated
water are not clear, the consequences of the use of activated water cannot
be reliably forecasted.
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 31
As the above-consideredgeneral problems of activationof water, specic
mechanisms and models of the long-termmemory of water, and the analysis
of specic features of the action of activated water on biological objects are
veryimportant andactual, we made the decision, jointlywithour colleagues,
to carry out a successive cycle of physical and biological studies of water
activated in a single manner. We believed that this would allowus to perform
not only the qualitative, but quantitative analysis of both the properties
of activated water and the specic features of its inuence on different
biological objects and on different stress-involved situations (including, in
particular, the presence of oncologic diseases).
Especially critical was the problem of the choice of a method of acti-
vation of water and the choice and the use of a specic device which would
realize such an activation for the whole cycle of studies. First of all, we
abandoned those methods of activation which can be conditionally named
Regarding force methods, we refer to those methods of activation
which are related to the high-energy action on water (for example, the action
of high-power emission or the action by ionizing elds). It is clear that, on
such force action, there appear many side factors (for example, secondary
radicals) not related to the very process of activation of water which is
understood as the distinctive recording of the information in the bulk water
without change of its charge or chemical state.
We also discarded the application of such methods of activation, with
which it is difcult to get the reproducible characteristics of activated water.
We considered that, in order to carry on the complex studies, it is worth using
the standard seriously-produced device, whose characteristics are invariable
and whose effect on water is the same for any number of acts of activation
of various samples of identical water.
Based on such considerations, we performed a cycle of complex studies,
by using the activator of water which was earlier studied by us and which
allowed us to obtain a number of interesting, reliably reproducible and suf-
ciently convincing results in the whole spectrum of physical and biological
Activationof water was realizedwiththe helpof a device whose principle
of action is based on the so-called Molecular Resonance Effect Technology
(MRET). It is described in a patent (Smirnov, 2000), and its author is one
of the authors of this book. The preliminary information about this device
is given in the book by Vysotskii, Smirnov and Kornilova (2005). This
activator is the source of a low-intensity low-frequency complex eld which
32 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Polymeric matrix
with alloying
Activated water
Source of optical
Systemof constant
Emission of the
excited polymer
Figure 1.7. Scheme of a device for the activation of water due to the irradiation
by a weak variable electromagnetic eld.
has both electric and magnetic components and is registered only in the near
zone of the working unit of the activator. We note that nobody carried out
systematic successive physicotechnical studies of water activated with this
The scheme of the device used for the activation of water is presented
in Fig. 1.7. The structure of the device allows one to obtain a great amount
of activated water with the identical characteristics.
The device includes the working body consisting of a polymeric matrix
formed by oriented threads of a linear polymer (like the epoxy polymer)
with the alloying admixtures of various chemical elements and compounds
(including those in the form of an admixture of magnetic materials). The
polymer itself, according to the patent, has both ferroelectric and piezo-
electric properties. This polymer is surrounded by the system of mutually
perpendicular pairs of oriented constant magnets, the eld intensity of each
magnet being 4000 Gs.
Above the upper part of the polymer, there is a matrix of light-emitting
diodes, to which a pulse voltage with a repetition frequency of about 8 Hz
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 33
(in the range 7.28.2 Hz) is applied. These light-emitting diodes emit a
sequence of optical pulses in the range of wavelengths of about 0.6 m.
Optical pulses acting on the oriented polymeric system alloyed by admix-
tures create a redistribution of electric charges and a small deformation
which leads to a periodic displacement of the electric charges and the
alloying magnetic admixtures. The motion of the electric charges and the
magnetic moments of atoms in the strong circular eld of the constant
magnets generates a variable low-intense electromagnetic eld with com-
plicated spatial structure. This eld oscillates with the frequency of the
repetition of optical exciting pulses and includes both the electric and mag-
netic components. The detailed description of MRET activator is presented
in Chap. 2 and a detailed illustration is given in Fig. 2.7.
The generated electromagnetic eld acts on water positioned near the
open end of the polymeric activator and changes its structure, which is
reected in the long-term change of the properties of water. It is that the
screening of the eld by nonmagnetic materials (for example, with the help
of a piece of thin glass, plastic, or even several layers of paper) signicantly
weakens the intensity of the action on water. Since the magnetic eld is
not practically changed at such a screening, it is obvious that the electric
component of the variable electromagnetic eld with a complicated con-
guration plays the signicant role in the activation of water (for example,
by means of the inuence on the dipole moments of molecules and clusters
in the bulk and on the surface of water). The inuence of the magnetic
component of the eld and the general analysis of the action of a specic
activator on the structure and properties of water will be given later.
The general view of two used activators with the identical polymer
matrix is presented in Fig. 1.8.
The program of the study of the properties of activated water includes
the execution of systematic complex studies in several elds of physics and
study of the physicomolecular characteristics of activated water
(dielectric permittivity, conductance, refractive index, viscosity, ef-
ciency of the Raman scattering, parameters of molecular motion, a value
of the hydrogen index pH, etc.);
study of the inuence of activated water on pure microbiological
study of the inuence of activated water on the associations (cenoses and
supercenoses) of microbiological cultures;
34 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 1.8. The general view of two used activators.
study of the inuence of activated water on higher plants;
study of the inuence of activated water on nonspecialized rapidly
growing cell systems (like a callus tissue in botany or psoriasis in
study of the inuence of various fractions of activated water on the pro-
phylaxis and the treatment of oncologic diseases, including the studies
in vivo (mice) and in vitro (cells of various oncologic cultures); and
study of the inuence of various fractions of activated water on staphylo-
coccal infection in vivo in animal model and in vitro on Staphylococcus
The program foresaw the study of the properties of activated water at
different durations of activation, different temperatures of the storage of
water, and different durations of its storage after the activation.
We studied the inuence of activated water on growth of microbiological
cultures, on the efciency of action of various antibiotics on these cultures,
on basic biochemical reactions, on the formation of colonies, on the steril-
ization of various media from pathogenic cultures, etc. These studies were
carried out under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
Since water of any type, being in the region where cells are dividing,
renders direct inuence on the character and direction of this process, one
Introduction to the Theory of Water Memory 35
of our principal aims was to investigate the inuence of activated water
on the processes of growth and division of anomalous cells (in the rst
instance, of oncologic tumoral cells). In addition, taking into account that
activated water introduced into any real biological systemwill be inevitably
mixed with ordinary nonactivated water already present in the system, we
also planned to execute a number of experiments aimed at the study of the
inuence of such natural dilution on the efciency of the action of activated
All these studies were realized fully, and their results are presented.
In the course of the studies, we employed modern laboratory measuring
facilities and up-to-date methods used in comprehensive systematic studies
in various elds of physics, chemistry, microbiology, botany, biochemistry,
and genetics.
The studies were carried out from 2004 to 2008 with the attraction of
highly skilled experts from Kiev and Moscow. The list of the institutions
which took part in our experiments is given in the Preface.
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology
as the Basic Method for Activation
of Liquid Substances
2.1. Introduction to the Theory of Fractal Matrix
The basic principles of formation of complex structural systems in nature
are based on the concept of structural resonance interactions. These prin-
ciples govern the life activities of biological systems on this planet as well
as the physical processes in the universe. They constitute the foundation
of existence and stability of any complex system. There are several basic
principles: fractalization, complementarity, and formation of the lattice of
barrier membranes.
The principle of fractalization is realized through the iterative algorithm
of formation of complex structural systems based on the existence of the
initial prototype matrix which governs the formation of the object. In this
case, the iterative formation of the nal system consists of the successive
reection of initial prototype matrix on the nal structure of the whole
system. As a result, the nal multilevel fractal structure has long distance
correlations in the arrangement of particles. Any small fragment of fractal
system reproduces the structure of the whole system under the increasing
scale. This principle clearly describes the hierarchy organization of fractal
system. This principle can be seen in the formation of crystalline lattice
of mono-crystals, development and growth of biological systems where
genetic prototype is developed through the certain algorithm of replication
from single cell to the organism, where every cell has a unique basic matrix
in the form of DNA structure.
Another principle that governs the formation of fractal system is the
principle of complementarity. The main criterion of the integrity of fractal
system is minimization of tendencies leading to spontaneous formation of
inside conicts and contradictions in the system. It states that in order to
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology as the Basic Method 37
achieve stability of any complex system, the level of inside contradictions
of this system should be directed to null. This statement is correct for any
three-dimensional system as well as any volumetric system that has the
innite number of different kinds of structural vectors. The basis of for-
mation of stable complex system should be the structural module which
has precise, balanced matrix structure and can clone self projections in the
surrounded environment. The fractal cloning of structures considers the for-
mation of self-similar replications of the initial basic module with specic
coefcient of similarity. The object which is formed as a result of fractal
cloning process has dimensions that are proportional to the dimensions of
initial basic module.
The next basic principle that governs the formation of fractal system in
nature provides the idea of existence of the lattice of barrier membranes.
Any fractal system is separated by barrier membranes relative to the central
zone of the system. These membranes play the roles of transformers or con-
verters of the previously existing algorithm, signal into another algorithm,
or signal which level is more adequate for the present system. In this case
the transmission of signal from the central zone of the fractal system to
the peripheral zone of the same system and vice versa is related with the
step-by-step adaptation of this signal. This principle can be interpreted as a
process of quantum transformations of the entropy of the object, such that
each barrier membrane of the system is considered to be some kind of a
fractal spacewave lter which modies previously existing algorithm or
provides signals to enter into new algorithm. This concept leads to the con-
clusion that fractal matrix encountered with any physical process or agent
has the ability to affect this process or agent in a way obviously charac-
terized by the matrixs structure.
These main principles govern the development of all dynamic systems
in nature, such as:
the self-similar process of the growth of fruits and vegetables,
the growth of living cellular structures,
the growth of crystals, and
the formation of polymer materials during polymerization process.
There is an assumed relationship between structural transformations of
lattices of an implemented physical space and the lattice space of arith-
metical progression bodies. This assumption can explain the phenomenon
of the formation of highly organized periodical fractal structures in crystals
38 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
and polymer materials. For the development of new composite materials
in nanotechnology, it seems a matter of prime importance. To nd a way
of making a strict mathematical description of an optimum packing of the
spaces based on fractal properties of both spatial structures and numerical
continuum structures.
An atom has a complicated structure consisting of a massive positive
nucleus and negatively-charged electron shells, and in general, the structure
is electrically neutral. From the standpoint of the general postulate of the
quantum mechanics, the Heisenberg principle of uncertainty, and the de
Broglie wave dualism, any electron can be completely described by a wave
function (), and therefore has a purely wave structure. Quantum theory is
based on Schrdingers equation:

H = E, (2.1)

H is Hamiltonian operator, Eis eigenvalue and in which electrons are

considered as wave-like particles whose waviness is mathematically rep-
resented by a set of wave functions () obtained by solving Schrdingers
A powerful branch of nanotechnology, the tunnel-probe technology, is
based on the wave properties of the electron, and so there are no reasons to
doubt the wave nature of the electron. A linear dimension of an atom (i.e. of
its electron shell) is 10
cm, and correspondingly, the volume of the atomis
approximately 10
. At the same time, a linear dimension of a nucleus
is approximately 210
to 510
cm, and the volume occupied by the
nucleus is 10
. The difference between the nucleus volume
and the volume of the whole atom is 15 orders, i.e. it can be stated that
99.9 9% of the atom consist of wave structures represented by electrons,
and only 0.0 1% of the atom is a corpuscular component. A balance of
attractive and repulsive forces between the involved atoms is needed for a
solid-state structure to exist. Modern science considers four types of solid-
state structures molecular, ionic, covalent, and metalic structures
which are formed with various bond types. All of them are formed due
to the interaction of the external valence electrons of the atom, i.e. due to
the interaction of merely wave structures. However, the external valence
electrons are also responsible for the effect of repulsive forces. According
to one of the main postulates of quantum mechanics, i.e. Paulis principle,
two structures having the same set of quantum numbers cannot exist within
the same space volume. Since the atoms and electrons of the same elements
are statistically indistinguishable, when atoms come closer and external
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology as the Basic Method 39
electronic shells overlap due to Paulis principle, the electronic levels split,
which is adequate to the effect of repulsive forces. The occurrence of a
balance between the attractive and repulsive forces results in the fact that
the atom itself behaves as a harmonic oscillator, and the entire solid-state
structure canbe representedas a systemof harmonic oscillators, i.e. a system
having a wave oscillation spectrum other than the wave structures involved
in the process.
Thus, due to interaction between the wave structures of valence elec-
trons, processes of self-organization of a solid bodys atoms into ordered
structures take place. It is the wave structures which tend toward self-
organization processes and certain kinds of long-range interaction, for
example, interference and diffraction. If we view a fractal structure as a
complex hierarchical system based on self-similarity principles, then any
solid-state structure can be considered as a fractal structure. Since any solid
body is a wave structure, it is reasonable to make use of the resonance phe-
nomenon to affect this body by means of an appropriate physical agent.
This universal physical agent is the electromagnetic eld (Serov, 2003).
2.2. The Fractal Matrix Characteristics of MRET
Polymer Material
In our case, the epoxy polymer material is a good example presenting all
qualities of volumetric fractal matrix mentioned above (Fig. 2.1).
The epoxy polymer samples were studied with the help of small-angle
X-ray scattering (SAXS). The analysis of the entire scattering curve of
an epoxy compound suggests a fractal behavior of the internal surface
on a scale between 100 nm and 10 nm and, in the tail end of the SAXS
curves, reveals maxima corresponding to those of two regular spheres with
radii of the order of 7 nm and 14 nm. The analysis of the beginning of the
curves yields one or two correlation lengths close to 100 nm and 20 nm.
These results are consistent with the general model of IPN (interpene-
trating polymer network) structures as revealed by other physico-chemical
techniques (Sobry et al., 1991).
Most of polar polymers possess comparatively high values of relative
permittivity (dielectric constant), which means that both bonding and non-
bonding electrons in the molecular structure of these polymers can be
easily displaced by external electromagnetic force. While many polymers
are highly exible and form an amorphous solid upon the process of
40 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 2.1. Lattice model of Epoxy polymer fractal structure (Patsis and Glezos,
Figure 2.2. Epoxypolymer typicallycontains highlypolar hydroxyls andamines.
Once all the amine sites have reacted with the epoxy sites, a three-dimensional
network is achieved.
polymerization, a large number of polymers such as epoxy actually form
partially crystalline structures. Epoxy is formed by mixing Bisphenol A
with low-molecular weight liquid resin that contains epoxy groups. The
principal reaction of epoxy groups with phenolic hydroxyl functions leads
to linear polymer chains formation (nM Mn, where n > 38) (Fig. 2.2).
In the case of epoxy polymer, the kinetics to a large extent deter-
mines the nal crystalline structure of the polymer. The introduction of
foreign agents (substances) in the parent lattice of epoxy polymer leads
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology as the Basic Method 41
to the effect of superimposed periodicity, and as a result develops modu-
lated crystalline structures with specic fractal microstructure, phase tran-
sition, network topology, and polarity. It is the main patented process of
formation of the specic MRET fractal matrix structures in epoxy polymer
which belongs to the patent holder of Molecular Resonance Effect Tech-
nology (MRET). A number of studies show that external electromagnetic
eld can affect local orientations and phase transitions in polymer crys-
talline systems of longitudinal chains. The longitudinal polymer crystalline
system is a macromolecule of consecutively copolymerized liquid crystals
and exible polymer sequences. The external electromagnetic eld can seri-
ously modify the local orientation order of the system and affect phase
transition parameters and dielectric properties of the polymer compound.
A simple molecular mechanism exists since the polar parts of the molecule
in epoxy are rigidly attached to the chain backbone. The orientation of the
polar groups in electromagnetic eld affects the backbone orientation. The
extension of the local orientationof crystalline structure of epoxy introduced
to electromagnetic eld has been determined with an anisotropy parameter,
based on the Ultrasound Critical-Angle Reectometry.
The external electromagnetic eld generates an excitation in the crys-
talline structures of polymer compound. The existence of orientations and
phase transitions in crystalline systems of epoxy polymer introduced to
external electromagnetic eld leads to the origination of subsequent relax-
ation and strain phases in macromolecular structures that induces the phe-
nomenon of piezoelectricity. This is the electrical response of a material
to the change of pressure in molecular structures of polymer compound.
Piezoelectricity can only be observed in materials having a noncentrosym-
metrical structure and elastic properties. Both properties can be found in
polar polymer compounds. Several investigations conducted on polymers
with cholesteric elastomer structures indicated that uniaxial compression
parallel to the helicoidal axis of the cholesteric structure leads to a com-
pression of the helix. Simultaneously, an electrical charge at the surface
of the elastomer is observed. Actually, there exists a linear correlation
between deformation of the sample and the electric voltage that resembles
piezoelectricity. According to the theory of Brand, the following Eq. (2.2)
gives the expansion of the free energy of a cholesteric elastomer. Only the
terms dealing with deformations and electric eld effects are written down
explicitly; all other contributions are summarized in F
F = F
Ee. (2.2)
42 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Here C is Youngs modulus, e the deformation, the dielectric permittivity,
E the electrical eld, q
= 2

/p the cholesteric reciprocal pitch, and

the coupling coefcient between E and e. Minimizing the free energy with
respect to the electric eld yields a relation between deformation and the
electric eld:
E = (q
/2)e, (2.3)
where the term q
/2 denes the piezoelectric coefcient h. Here, it has
to be noted that h is inversely related to the pitch of cholesteric elastomer.
According to Eq. (2.3), the piezoelectric coefcient is directly proportional
to the reciprocal pitch of the cholesteric phase. There is an excellent linear
relationship with respect to the pitch dependence of the piezoelectric effect
(Fig. 2.3).
The correlation between the piezoelectric coefcient and the order
parameter reects a coupling, and shows that the piezoelectric effect of
polymer compounds directly depends on the state of order of the liquid
crystalline phase structures (Meier and Finkelmann, 1993).
Figure 2.3. (a) Piezoelectric coefcient (h) versus the reciprocal pitch (1/p) of
the elastomer. (b) Order parameter (S) of the cholesteric phase versus piezoelectric
coefcient (h) (Meier and Finkelmann, 1993).
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology as the Basic Method 43
It means that there is a direct correlation between the topology of
polymer molecular structures and intensity of piezoelectric phenomenon.
Since the fractal structures of the polymer have the complex organization
state, and due to the phenomenon of piezoelectricity, the epoxy polymer
compound generates modied subtle electromagnetic signals of the random
nature that can affect electrodynamic properties of water. A coherent reso-
nance interaction, including both a spatial resonance and a resonance of the
oscillating frequency of microscopic orbital currents of protons in water-
molecular hexagons, leads tothe process of deviationfromthe stochiometric
composition of water and the reorganization of water clathrate structures
with minimum input of energy.
The electromagnetic nature of the physical eld generated by volumetric
fractal structure of epoxy polymer compound developed in compliance with
MRET requirements and its resonance interaction with water molecular
structures were provedbyinvestigationconductedat the National University
of Singapore under supervision of Prof. Ong KhimChye, Gary (2004). This
investigation provides evidence that MRET Activated Water mixed with
cement has the ability toenhance compressive strength of concrete due tothe
special electrodynamic and other physical properties of MRET Activated
Water. It was also observed that the anomalous electrodynamic and physical
properties of MRET Activated Water were lost after the contact of water
with metallic surface. It is well-known fact that water molecular structures
acquire dipole moment after introduction to external electromagnetic eld.
These dipole moment characteristics are relatively stable when water is kept
in container made of dielectric material. In metallic container, the water
molecular structures go through the process of rapid relaxation and lose their
acquired dipole moment. This fact provides evidence that MRETActivated
Water acquires the anomalous physical properties due to the interaction
with a physical eld of electromagnetic nature. This subtle electromagnetic
eld is generated by volumetric fractal matrix structure of MRET polymer
The study at the National University of Singapore was conducted in
order to establish the signicance of the benecial effect of MRETActivated
Water on the compressive strength of mortar and concrete. In total, three
batches of specimens (two mortars and one concrete) with different mix
proportions were cast and tested. In each batch, two groups of cube samples
were prepared. One group, acting as the control, was cast using normal
tap water. The other group was prepared using MRET Activated Water in
place of normal tap water. The mortar samples were 50 mm cubes while the
concrete samples were 100 mmcubes. The two batches of mortar specimens
44 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
were designed to investigate the effect of MRET Activated Water on the
development of compressive strength with age up to 28 days, while the
batch with concrete specimens was designed to explore whether the contact
with the metal mixer and conventional steel cube moulds has an effect on
the compressive strength of the specimens tested. The used cement was
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Type I SS: 2000. The physical properties
and size gradations of the coarse and ne aggregates (sand) were tested
in accordance to ASTM C136. Normal tap water used to cast the control
specimens was supplied by the Public Utilities Board (PUB) of Singapore.
Its quality is shown in Table 2.1.
MRET Activated Water was prepared by using the MRET apparatus.
In accordance to their guidelines, the optimum duration of activation is
30 min. Each time, the apparatus is capable of activating 1 litre of water.
After which, the activated water was stored in plastic containers.
Mortar specimens
Two batches of mortar specimens were prepared. In Batch 1, a total of
24 samples of 50 mmcubes were cast (12 cubes cast using normal tap water
acted as the control, while the other 12 cubes used the activated water). In
Batch 2, a total of 32 samples of 50 mm cubes were cast (16 cubes cast
using normal tap water acted as the control, while the other 16 cubes used
the activated water). Ordinary steel moulds were used to cast the control
samples while plastic moulds were used to cast the specimens containing
MRET Activated Water. This is to prevent metallic surfaces from coming
into contact with the activated water used in the specimens during casting.
Table 2.1. Quality of tap water.
Test item(in mg/Lwhere applicable) Result WHO guideline
pH value 7.09.0
Turbidity (NTU) <5 5
Sulphate (as SO
) 3060 250
Phosphate (as PO
) < 0.1
Silica (as SiO
) 110
Total dissolved solids 200350 1000
Total alkalinity (as CaCO
) 2050
Residual chlorine (as chloramines
or free chlorine)
<2.0 5
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology as the Basic Method 45
Concrete specimens
One batch of concrete specimens was prepared. A total of 48 samples of
100 mm cubies were cast (24 cubes cast using normal tap water acted as the
control, while the other 24 cubes used the activated water). Ordinary steel
moulds were used to cast both the control samples as well as the MRET
Activated Water samples. This was to investigate the effect that contact
with metallic surfaces might have on the compressive strength of the test
specimens cast using MRET Activated Water. The preparation process for
both the control and MRET Activated Water samples were the same.
2.2.1. Results and discussions
Testing of specimens
All specimens were tested in the Denison Compressive Test Machine for
their compressive strength. The Mortar Batch 1 specimens were tested for
their 7-, 14- and 28-day compressive strength. The Mortar Batch 2 spec-
imens were tested for their 3-, 7-, 14- and 28-day compressive strength. The
loading rate for all mortar specimens is 12.5 kN/min. The concrete spec-
imens were tested for their 3-, 7-, 14- and 28-day compressive strength at a
loading rate of 200 kN/min.
Batch 2 mortar results
Figure 2.4 shows that the increase in compressive strength of specimens
cast using MRET Activated Water was evident from the age of 3 days.
Figure 2.5 shows that the 3-day compressive strength of the specimens cast
with activated water is about 15% higher than that of the specimens cast
with normal water. This conrms the acceleration effect that activated water
has on concrete cast using activated water, as reported by Chau (1996).
Concrete specimens
Figure 2.6 shows that the compressive strength of the concrete samples cast
using MRET Activated Water is very similar to those cast using normal
water. The fresh concrete mix cast using MRETActivated Water came into
contact with metallic surfaces at three stages during casting. After coming
into contact with metallic surfaces during the casting process, the con-
crete specimens cast using activated water did not register an increase in
compressive strength. The benecial effect of the MRET Activated Water
46 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Batch 2 Mortar
3 7 14 28
Curing Duration (days)
Compressive Strength (MPa)
Figure 2.4. Compressive strength of mortar cubes cast using normal and MRET
Activated Water.
Batch 2 Mortar
0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0%


Relative Increase In Compressive Strength (%)
Figure 2.5. Percentage increase in compressive strength of mortar cubes cast
using MRET Activated Water.
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology as the Basic Method 47
3 7 14 28
Curing Duration (days)


Figure 2.6. Compressive strength of concrete cubes cast using normal and MRET
Activated Water that came into contact with metallic surfaces at three stages during
casting procedure.
appears to have been neutralized by the metallic surfaces coming into
contact with fresh concrete.
2.3. Method and Device for the Production
of Activated Liquids
Water plays a critical role in most chemical and biological processes. It
is well-known that water quality can have a signicant effect upon those
processes. Therefore, considerable time and effort has been spent to purify
water from various sources. Such purication processes, while useful,
merely remove most of the dissolved and suspended foreign particles in
water, but do not alter the nature of the water itself. While this is of advantage
in reducing the opportunities for the foreign materials to adversely affect
the chemical and biological processes, such purication techniques do not
overcome the fundamental limitation that the water itself imposes on the
process. Molecular Resonance Effect Technology provides process which
can alter the water itself, so that enhanced properties of altered water can
advantageously be used to improve the basic functions of the chemical and
biological processes (Smirnov, 2003).
MRET activation device includes a polymeric body and container for
liquids (Fig. 2.7). This polymeric body forms volumetric fractal matrix
48 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 2.7. MRET activation device.
of specic topology and molecular orientation when small quantities of
inorganic and organic substances are incorporated into it (Smirnov, 2000).
The device (2) is made up of a liquid reservoir (4), a cap (6) that includes
a vertical housing (8) in which the column (10) containing MRET polymer
compound (12) is encased. There is a chamber (14) which is attached to
the housing that contains an electrical circuit (18) to activate polymer com-
pound. The lower end (24) of housing (8) contains openings (26) to allow
the polymeric body to emit lowfrequency oscillations toward the water (22).
The housing is positioned with its lower end toward the water surface and
disposed such that the distal end (46) of MRET polymeric body is spaced
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology as the Basic Method 49
apart from the water surface by a distance D of at least about 23 cm. The
cap (6) is removably mounted to the top neck (30) of reservoir so that it
can be easily removed to ll or empty the reservoir. The volumetric fractal
matrix structure of MRET polymer compound is exposed to an electro-
magnetic radiation of the visible light with a wavelength range of 400
800 nm and a frequency range of 7.28.2 Hz emitted by the diode (16).
Recently, a number of interesting optical phenomena, including localization
of optical excitations and dramatically enhanced optical nonlinearities, have
been observed for fractal objects. The localization in fractals results from
their scale-invariant morphology, which does not support the propagating
waves typical for translational invariant systems. It has been observed that
hot-spot localizations are very sensitive to even small changes in linear
polarization plane and frequency of the applied external electromagnetic
eld. Another agent that produces an excitation in MRET polymeric body
is external magnetic eld formed by several pairs of magnets (34) in order
to generate low frequency electromagnetic signals. The magnet pairs are
disposed so that the north-south orientation of poles are reversed from pair
to pair and form heterogeneous symmetric magnetic eld in the polymeric
body. In order to investigate the nature of the magnetic eld that provides the
excitation in crystalline structures of the polymer compound, the measure-
ments of magnetic ux density were performed with the help of AlphaLab,
Inc. DC Magnetometer (USA). This magnetometer is certied to display
magnetic ux density in one axis with a scaling accuracy of +/ 2% over
temperature range of 30

to 110

F in the dynamic range of 0 to +/ 20 kg.

Accuracy of absolute zero eld level is determined by the user when setting
the OFFSET control.
2.3.1. Testing of device for production of activated liquids
Tables 2.2 and 2.3 as well as Figs. 2.82.11 describe the magnetic eld
structure observed during the measurement procedure.
The analysis of data received during the measurement of external mag-
netic eld generated by the pairs of magnets placed around the polymeric
body leads to the conclusion that the said magnetic eld has heterogenic,
symmetric structure. It also provides evidence that the characteristics of
magnetic volumetric structure in the middle of the polymeric body differ
from the characteristics of magnetic structure observed under the activator
during the function of MRET activator. The analysis of the characteristics
of magnetic eld under the activator provides evidence that magnetic ux
Table 2.2. Results of measurements of magnetic ux density inthe middle horizontal layer of polymer
compound (Gs).
X/Y cm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 17.2 16.3 13.1 12.5 13.1 16.3 17.2
1 15.2 8.5 7.6 7.2 7.6 8.5 15.2
2 12.3 7.0 4.1 3.8 4.1 7.0 12.3
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 12.3 7.0 4.1 3.8 4.1 7.0 12.3
5 15.2 8.5 7.8 7.2 7.6 8.5 15.2
6 17.2 16.3 13.1 12.5 13.1 16.3 17.2
Table 2.3. Results of measurements of magnetic ux density under MRET activator (Gs).
X/Ycm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 1.5 3.0 4.0 4.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 3.0 1.5
1 1.5 2.0 2.6 2.6 1.0 0.1 0.1 1.0 2.6 2.6 2.0 1.5
2 1.0 1.5 1.8 1.8 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.8 1.8 1.8 1.5 1.0
3 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.05 0.05 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.5
4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.02 0.02 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3
5 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.03
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology as the Basic Method 51
Magnetic Flux Density (horizontal layer, middle of activator)
-20--15 -15--10 -10--5 -5-0 0-5 5-10 10-15 15-20
Figure 2.8. The magnetic eld volumetric structure in the middle horizontal layer
of polymeric body of MRET activator.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Magnetic Flux Density (horizontal layer, middle of activator)
-20--10 -10-0 0-10 10-20
Figure 2.9. The horizontal projection of magnetic eld that occurred in the
middle horizontal layer of polymeric body during the function of MRET activator
(units: Gs).
52 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Magnetic Flux Density (under the activator)
-4--3 -3--2 -2--1 -1-0 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4
Figure 2.10. The magnetic eld volumetric structure observed under the activator
during the function of MRET activator (Gs).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Magnetic Flux Density (under the activator)
-4--2 -2-0 0-2 2-4
Figure 2.11. The horizontal projection of magnetic eld observed under the
activator during the function of MRET activator (Gs).
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology as the Basic Method 53
density reduces to zero value at the distance of 23 cm from the low edge
of the activator. The activation of water molecular structure is induced by
subtle low-frequency oscillations generated by the activator. In order to
understand the nature of electromagnetic oscillations generated by the vol-
umetric fractal matrix of MRET polymer compound, it is reasonable to
consider this polymeric body as a fractal aggregate composed of metal
nanoparticles, since a number of metallic salts are incorporated in MRET
polymeric structure.
Recent studies of the metal-dielectric compounds exposed to external
electromagnetic elds reveal their remarkable optical and magnetic prop-
erties. It was discovered that the structures of these compounds usually
consist of small nanorings which self-assemble into larger nanorings of
about 10 nm, which in turn self-assemble into even larger nanorings in
the range of 1001000 nm in size. For example, a close examination of
Co-thiol-polymer composite by transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
in the HAADF mode shows formation of nanoring structures with typical
fractal topology (Fig. 2.12).
The resulting materials present the anomalous optical properties such as
absorption and emission in the range of visible zone of the electromagnetic
spectrum, and a strong nonlinear optical behavior. The nonlinear optical
behavior is due to the presence of the metallic clusters inside the polymer
matrix. It was found that these properties can be modied with the con-
centration of incorporated metallic nanoparticles in polymer structure. For
example, Fig. 2.13 shows a few samples of different colors that can be
obtained by changing the concentration of Co
in metal-dielectric com-
pounds and their corresponding UV-visible spectra.
A well-dened absorption peak was found in the region near 500 nm,
and the most intense emission peak was found in the region near 560 nm.
Optical excitation in fractal structures is not uniformly distributed but rather
concentrated in hot spots much smaller in size than the size of the fractal
cluster and often the wavelength as well. The strong electromagnetic elds
in these hot spots can result in large enhancement of optical nonlinearities
and other effects that require intense elds. In fractal aggregates composed
of metal nanoparticles, the optical excitations are associated with plasmon
modes, which can have high resonance quality factors and thus provide
particularly strong enhancement in the hot spots (Drachev et al., 2001).
The mechanism of light absorption of these composites is related to
the light localization inside the cluster. The reason for the localization is
54 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 2.12. (a) TEMHAADF images of a 2 nm ring structure in a Co-thiol
sample where the arrangement of the clusters can be observed. (b) Alarger nanoring
of 10 nm formed by units smaller than the ones shown in (a). (c) A larger structure
of rings observed inside the polymer. (d) EDS pattern showing the presence of Co
and S in the region shown in (c) (Marin-Almazo et al., 2004).
a specic behavior of the photon trajectory inside the scatterers of fractal
system. Due to multiple rescattering, this trajectory acquires the features
of Antoines set having zero topological dimensions. Respectively, the
photon trajectory acquires a mechanical rigidity due to a singularity of
energy density on it. The interlaced sections (due to multiple scattering)
of the photon trajectory are the reason for the self detention of photon inside
the fractal structure. The localization cross-section is a critical function
of the fractal dimension and depends on the specic frequency range.
Among other peculiarities are the induced emission of photons localized
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology as the Basic Method 55
Figure 2.13. Image of four different composites polymer +Co
-thiol +Co
systems and their corresponding UV-vis spectra. The concentration of Co and
-thiol was changed to produce the different absorption peaks. The polymer
in (d) contains an excess of Co
-thiol (Marin-Almazo et al., 2004).
inside cluster and also a possibility of free photon transmission through the
fractal system (Maksimenko, 1999). The similar mechanisms may explain
the origin of electromagnetic processes in the volumetric matrix of MRET
polymer composite under the effect of visible light with a wavelength range
of 400800 nm emitted by the diode.
56 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
It was also discovered that such composites exhibit a superparamagnetic
effect in the wide range of temperature values. In addition to superparam-
agnetic behavior, it was found that nanoring structures of these compounds
act as the giant aromatic macromolecules, and an electrical current circu-
lates through them when they are exposed to external electromagnetic eld.
This generated current opposes the external eld and gives rise to a neg-
ative contribution to the magnetization, which would have to be added to
the negative magnetization arising from the polymeric matrix. Thus, there
are two contributions to the negative part of the magnetization: the intrinsic
diamagnetism from the polymeric matrix and the diamagnetism from the
nanorings, which increases as the applied external eld increases.
Due to the complexity of all possible interactions between all the mag-
netic species present in the volumetric fractal matrix of MRET polymer
compound and their spatial arrangement, more experimental and theo-
retical work is required to achieve a full understanding of these interac-
tions and their effect on the magnetic properties observed. It is reasonable
to conclude that the origin of subtle low frequency oscillations that alter
water molecules arises from the complex electromagnetic processes that
take place in the volumetric fractal matrix of MRET polymer composite.
These processes include the combination of anomalous strong electrical
activityinnanorings structures, modiedmagnetic properties, andenhanced
piezoelectric properties of MRET polymer material.
The mechanism that explains the effect of electromagnetic elds on
water is related to the existence of defects in molecular structure of water.
The stable structural changes in water were detected in experiments by
the UV luminescence spectrophotometer. They have been attributed to dif-
ferent water structural defects that include specic centers of lumines-
cence. The nuclear proton spins were considered to be primary targets of
external magnetic elds, since proton lattice of water molecules is unstable
and asymmetric. The structural metastability of water was associated with
microscopic orbital currents of protons in water-molecular hexagons and
deviation from the stoichiometric composition of water. The effects of
memory of water interacting with electromagnetic elds were supposed
to originate from the oscillations of water-molecular hexagons. The orien-
tation of nuclear proton spins may inuence biochemical processes in bio-
logical systems. This is a result of associations and disintegrations of above
mentioned structural defects of water, since ionic structural defects are
chemically active. The recombination of water defects is classied within
both classical and quantum types of description. The nuclear proton spins
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology as the Basic Method 57
exposed to external resonance magnetic eld are losing their dynamic cor-
relation that leads to recombination of water defects and deviation of sto-
ichiometric composition of water. The recombination of water defects in
magnetic eld is a result of proton spin orientations that initiate the quantum
transition of proton fromone potential position to another potential position
in the lattice of hydrogen bonding in water. In the case of resonance mag-
netic eld, nuclear proton spins have the tendency to orient themselves
along the lines of magnetic eld. In this case, proton spins are oriented in
predominant directions for a long period of time and their precession slows
down or even stops. This situation may lead to formation of stable structural
defects in water.
The stable water molecular clusters were discussed based on observed
low-frequency spectra of the water electric conductivity in a number of
experiments. The clusters were assumed to memorize an electromagnetic
activation in water molecular structure.
The research regarding the physical parameters of water conrmed
that MRET treatment of distilled water led to substantial modication of
basic physical-molecular properties of distilled water. The level of mod-
ication of properties of MRET water depends on the duration of the
process of activation. The results also conrmed the ability of MRET
Activated Water to keep its anomalous characteristics for several hours
or days at room temperature and especially at low temperature (known
in physics as the long-term water memory phenomenon) (Vysotskii,
2004, 2005).
The experiment conducted on MRET Activated Water subjected to
tangent pressure revealed that at very low velocity of motion of water
(tangent pressure in the range of 0.0040.005 Pa, temperature 20

C) the vis-
cosity of water activated for 60 min decreased about 200250 times compare
to non-activated water from the same source. The most signicant phe-
nomenon of anomalous low viscosity of activated water, the decrease about
300500 times, was observed for water activated for 30 min (Vysotskii,
Olishevsky and Kornilova, 2006; Vysotskii, Tashyrev and Kornilova, 2006).
These results conrm the hypothesis regarding the modication of
molecular structure in MRET Activated Water. Particularly, the anoma-
lously low viscosity of MRET Activated Water in the area of very low
tangent pressure conrms the polarized-orientedmultilayer molecular struc-
turing of MRET water: the high level of long-range molecular coupling
(hydrogen bonding) inside the layer and very low level of molecular
coupling between the layers.
58 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
The signicant modication of electrodynamic characteristics of dis-
tilled water subjected to applied electromagnetic eld in the range of low
frequencies was observed after MRET activation. The electrical conduc-
tivity of MRET Activated Water at 20

C in the range of frequencies of

0.1 Hz100 kHz decreased by 8090% in 30-min activated water, and by
6670% in 60-min activated water respectively compared to non-activated
distilled water. The dielectric permittivity in the very low frequencies range
of 0.11000 Hz decreased by 8090%, and in the range of frequency of
1100 kHz, it decreased by 18% in 30-min activated water; the decrease
by 7085% was observed in the range of 0.11000 Hz in 60-min activated
water compared to non-activated water from the same source (Vysotskii,
Olishevsky and Kornilova, 2006; Vysotskii, Tashyrev and Kornilova, 2006).
It is reasonable to admit that in the range of very low frequencies 0.1
1000 Hz, the long-range multilayer molecular structures of MRET water
(with high level of molecular coupling inside the layers and extremely
low level of hydrogen bonding between the layers) create lower level of
resistance of water dipoles to the alignment and, as a result, the dielectric
permittivity of MRET water is substantially lowered by 7090% compared
to non-activated water.
These experimental and theoretical results were obtained by Prof. V. I.
Vysotskii and Dr. A. A. Kornilova with their colleagues in 2004 to 2008
and will be discussed in Chap. 3.
The substantial decrease of dielectric permittivity also conrms the
direct correlation between viscosity and dielectric permittivity of water in
the range of low frequencies of applied EMF (Chaplin, 2005).
Thus, the anomalous viscosity of MRET water (subjected to very low
tangent pressure) and electrodynamic characteristics of MRET water (sub-
jected to applied electromagnetic eld of low frequency range) conrmed
the high level of long-range dynamic structuring of water molecules in
polarized-oriented multilayer formations in activated water produced with
the help of MRET activation process. The fundamental biophysical the-
ories revealed the scientic paradigm regarding polarized-oriented mul-
tilayer (PM) structuring of cell water in biological systems (Ling, 2001,
2003; Drost-Hansen, 1971, 1991). According to the PM theory, there is the
assumption that the formation of distinctive dynamic structure by the cell
water results from its interaction with some intracellular proteins. More
specically, the dynamic structure of cell water results from its direct or
indirect interaction with the positively-charged CO groups (P sites) and
negatively-charged NH groups (N sites) on the backbones of a pervasive
Molecular Resonance Effect Technology as the Basic Method 59
Figure 2.14. The illustration of the way that individual ions and checkerboards
of (a) evenly distributed positively charged P sites alone, or (b) negatively charged
Nsites alone, polarize and orient water molecules in immediate contact and further
away. Emphasis was, however, on uniformly distanced bipolar surfaces containing
alternative positive (P) and negative (N) sites called an NP surface. (c) When two
juxtaposed NP surfaces face one another, the system is called an NPNP system
(Ling, 2003).
matrix of fully-extended proteins. These P- and N-site-bearing proteins and
the water molecules with which they interact constitute what is called a
NPNP system. Electrical polarization and directional orientation of mul-
tiple layers of water molecules may occur under the inuence of one or
two (juxtaposed) checkerboard(s) of alternative positive and negative sites
(Fig. 2.14).
Parenthetically, water molecules may also be polarized and oriented
in layers by a NO system or a PO system, in which electrically-neutral
Osites replace properly-spaced electrically-charged P or Nsites of a classic
NP system respectively. The aggregate physical impacts of the NP sites
on the bulk-phase water may be somewhat arbitrarily divided into three
components: to enhance the average water-to-water interaction of (all) the
water molecules in the system (Component 1); to reduce the translational
as well as rotational motional freedom of the water molecules (Component
2); and to prolong the stay or residence time of each water molecule at a
specic preferred location (Component 3) (Ling, 2003).
The interaction of water dipoles with pervasive matrix of fully-extended
proteins constitutes the basis for the cellular transduction mechanism. Based
on this scientic approach, the similarity of molecular formations of cell
60 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
water and MRETActivated Water can contribute to their compatibility, easy
bio-availability and assimilation of MRET Activated Water, as well as to
the enhancement of cellular functions in biological systems.
The anomalous electrodynamic characteristics and viscosity of MRET
Activated Water provide some evidence regarding the possible effect of
MRET water on the proper function of cells in biological systems. It is
well-known that cellular processes in biological systems are driven by the
low energy of bio-chemical reactions inside and outside the cells and cel-
lular structures. Consequently, such processes create subtle low frequency
electromagnetic eld and low tangent pressures along water surfaces and
the membranes between the cells. The anomalously lowviscosity, dielectric
permittivity and electrical conductivity of MRET water in the range of
very low frequencies that exist in biological systems can contribute to the
enhancement of the cellular transduction mechanism, and result in improved
intracellular/extracellular water exchange and the proper function of cells
in biological systems.
Thus, specially modied magnetic eld can induce the formation of
metastable structural composition of water that is related to the intensity
of protons recombination in the lattice of hydrogen bonding in water.
One of the primary magneto-biological mechanisms associates the effects
of subtle magnetic elds with modied states of liquid water in biological
systems. The structural changes in water that result from the inuence of
external magnetic eld are further transmitted to the biological level, since
water takes part in a variety of metabolic reactions. The concept of MRET
activation effect on water molecules and resulted physical and biological
effects were conrmed by a number of experiments that are discussed in
the following chapters of this book.
Study of the Physical Properties
of MRETActivated Water
3.1. Methods and Equipment to Study the Dielectric Permittivity
and the Conductivity of Activated Water
In this section, we consider the main electrodynamic characteristics of
activated water. It is necessary to note that the electrodynamic properties
of water play very important roles in intracellular processes in biological
systems. Below, we give several arguments to clarify this role:
(1) Water is the natural background in the scope of which all biochemical
processes are running. In nature, only four types of interactions (strong,
weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational) are known. Two of the inter-
actions are purely nuclear, and the gravitational one reveals itself only
on the cosmic scale. Therefore, it is clear that only the electromagnetic
interaction is essential in the scope of any biological system. For the
sake of simplicity, we notice that the whole specicity of any biological
process is eventually reduced to certain electromagnetic interactions.
Just for this reason, the electromagnetic properties of water, which
play the decisive role in its self-organization and in its inuence on
other objects, must be comprehensively investigated. These properties
are revealed in all, without exception, biochemical and biophysical
(2) Water is the most active object of radiobiological processes, by trans-
forming (as a rule, through the generation of free radicals) the primary
ionizing radiation into the collection of factors inducing mutation and
degradation of biological molecules. The decisive role in these pro-
cesses is played by water, and its electrodynamic properties are the
factor of its action.
(3) Specic features of the electrodynamic characteristics of water [rst of
all, a very great value of its dielectric permittivity ()] are the reason
62 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
for the natural dissociation of molecules of many chemical compounds
and the formation of the necessary ion composition of vitally important
microelements. Otherwise, the normal operation of many systems of a
living organism (in particular, the operation of selective membranes)
would be impossible.
(4) The change in the dispersive properties of water can render very strong
inuence (by means of modication of the electrostatic forces between
separated charges and forces of the van der Waals type dening the
interaction of the systems of neutral atoms and molecules) on the long-
range interaction of basic elements of living systems such as cells,
viruses, biological macromolecules, enzymes, etc.
(5) Viscosity, surface tension, and other mechanical properties of water
which play a very important role in the processes of vital activity (in
particular, in ion transport and cell division) turn out to be directly
related to the electrodynamic characteristics of water.
This list is far from being complete and can be continued.
Firstly, we consider the dispersive characteristics of the dielectric per-
mittivity of activated water. Of importance are both the real

() and imag-
inary parts

() of the complex-valued dielectric permittivity

(). These
two characteristics determine both the refractive index of the electromag-
netic eld and the conductivity of water. They affect, in a decisive manner,
long-range interactions of biological microsystems (in particular, of viruses)
and biological macromolecules (van der Waals interactions), as well as the
ion transport.
For the determination of the complex-valued dielectric permittivity in
a wide range of frequencies, we used the method of measurement of the
complex-valued resistance (impedance) under the ACcircuit. In viewof the
importance and the nontriviality of the obtained results, we will consider
the essence of physical processes, which characterize the very process of
measurement, in more details.
In the present study, we use a Novocontrol installation including an
analyzer of the impedance (a dielectric analyzer ALPHA operating in the
real time scale in the range of frequencies from310
Hz to 310
Hz), a
measuring cell containing water under study, a thermostating systemfor the
measuring cell (temperature control QUATRO Cryosystem) providing
the heating and the heat setting in a very wide interval of temperatures
from 160

to 400

C, and the system for the automatic accumulation and

processing of data.
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 63
Figure 3.1. Scheme of a radioelectronic circuit for the measurement of (a) the
electrodynamic characteristics of water and (b) the diagrams of voltage U(t) and
current I(t) in various sections of this circuit.
The liquid under study [activated or nonactivated (control) water] was
positioned without gaps between two plane electrodes in the volume of the
measuring cell, thus forming the system of a capacitor which includes the
resistance R = Z

() and the capacitance C = Z

() joined in parallel.
The scheme of measurements and the main specic features of changes
of the voltage and the current are given in Fig. 3.1.
In a simplied form, the scheme of measurements includes a stabilized
source of alternating voltage (a generator), a cuvette under study with acti-
vated water (capacitor), the measuring systemallowing one to determine the
64 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
voltage on the cuvette, the current through it, and the difference of phases
between the current and the voltage.
We apply the voltage U
with a constant frequency to a capacitor.
This voltage U
induces the current I
of the same frequency which passes
through a capacitor under study. Due to the presence of a complex-valued
resistance in the circuit, there exists the phase shift named the phase angle
between the current and the voltage [Fig. 3.1(b)].
The relation between U(t) and I(t) and the phase angle are deter-
mined by the electric properties of the material of a sample [the conductivity
() and dielectric permittivity ()] and its linear sizes. For the sake of
simplicity, the formulas are presented usually in terms of complex-valued
U(t) = U
sin(t) = Re(U

I(t) = I
sin(t + ) = Re(I

), (3.1)

= U
, I

= I

+ iI

, I

+ I
, tg =

For any material medium, the measured impedance of a capacitor con-
taining a sample,

= Z

+ iZ


, (3.2)
is connected with the dielectric permittivity of the medium () by the

() =

() i

() =

, (3.3)
where C
is the capacitance of a capacitor of the same geometry as that of
the liquid under study.
The complex-valued conductivity is expressed through the same
impedance as

() =

() i

() =

, (3.4)
where d is the distance between the capacitor plates (the sample thickness or,
in the case under study, the thickness of the layer of studied water between
the electrodes), and S is the surface area of the electrodes.
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 65
Figure 3.2. Construction of a dismountable cell for the measurement of electro-
dynamic characteristics of ordinary or activated water.
The important quantity in the analysis of the properties of water is the
dielectric loss tangent tg() =


In Fig. 3.2, we present the construction of a measuring cell. The cell is a
dismountable cylindrical chamber, whose height d = 5 mm, manufactured
of Teon. On the chamber bottom is positioned the lower electrode spe-
cially produced of pure gold. The analogous electrode is on a removable lid
of the chamber. The use of gold as the material for electrodes is due to the
necessity to minimize the inuence of the process of measurement on a state
of the measuring cell. In particular, it is desirable to completely eliminate
the chemical reactions running on the interaction of the products of elec-
trolysis of water with electrodes (for example, to eliminate the oxidation of
electrodes), to decrease the diffusion of the metal ions of electrodes in the
water under study, etc. Such factors of errors have special signicance in the
case of studies of distillated activated water, in which the initial presence
of extraneous ions is insignicant. In the opposite case (in the presence of
the diffusion of ions), the ion composition of water is distorted, and the
oxidation of electrodes yields the increase of the resistance of a measuring
66 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
cell. Such processes can lead to signicant distortion of the measured elec-
trodynamic characteristics.
One more source of errors can be related to the inuence of the external
medium on the process of measurements. As an example of such an
inuence, we mention the passage of a current along the external circuit
bypassing the studied cuvette, e.g. through the air surrounding the cell.
To prevent such an inuence, the measuring cell with all current-carrying
electrodes was positioned at a constant temperature in an air-line and was
continuously, throughout the measurement, blown off with pure gaseous
nitrogen. As known, gaseous nitrogen is a very good dielectric, and the
disposition of the measuring cell in the atmosphere of nitrogen sharply
decreases the inuence of the environment. Besides protection from the
external inuence, we solved simultaneously the other problem, namely
to stabilize the temperature of a cell with the studied liquid on the pre-
scribed level for the entire time interval of measurements. We note that the
duration of one batch of measurements (with regard for the fact that the
lower boundary of the range of the studied frequencies is very small and
is equal to
= 0.1 Hz) took a sufciently great time. In particular, the
duration t of the measurement for each specic frequency near the lower
boundary must exceed the value t
by several orders.
3.2. Anomalous Electrodynamic Characteristics of Activated Water
In our studies, we determined the electrodynamic properties of activated
water as functions of three basic parameters:
the water activation duration,
the water storage duration after the activation, and
the temperature of the storage of activated water.
The inuence of some of these parameters was investigated comprehen-
sively (for example, the inuence of the storage duration and the storage
temperature after the activation), and that of the water activation duration
only for two values which correspond to the optimal parameters for the use
of activated water in medicobiological experiments.
The scheme and the procedure of studies were as follows:
As the base quantity, the water storage temperature was xed at 20

At this temperature, we studied the basic parameters for the initial water
(nonactivated distillated water) and different fractions of activated water
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 67
(the durations of activation were 30 min and 60 min) for different durations
of its storage after the activation, and till the time point of the measurement
(immediately after the activation, i.e. for the storage duration t = 0 and for
several time intervals during storage prior to the measurements: 0.5 h, 1 h,
2 h, 5 h, and 24 h).
For the fraction of activated water which corresponds to the strongest
change in the physical properties (it turned out that this occurred for the
activation duration equal to 30 min), we furthered the study at different
storage temperatures i.e. 4

C, 20

C, 40

C, and 72

For all of the above, the activationwas realizedat the optimal temperature
for the given laboratory, 20

To clarify the question about the time interval during which the activated
water preserves its properties (in fact, the question about the duration of
the memory of water), we studied the inuence of the storage duration
at different temperatures on the properties of water. To this end, activated
water was positioned in a cooler at a temperature of about 4

C, was stored
in the laboratory at a xed temperature of 20

C, or was positioned in a
thermostat at a temperature of 40

After the planned storage of a specic sample was terminated, activated
water was positioned in the measuring cell which was then placed imme-
diately into the device. The device was kept at the stabilized temperature,
which is equal to the storage temperature, throughout the measurements.
In the case where water was studied immediately after the completion of
its activation (such an activation was carried out in all the cases at a xed
temperature of 20

C), the treated water was placed into the measuring cell
which was rapidly cooled or heated to the necessary temperature, and only
then its study was performed. A typical cooling rate for water was 3

while the heating rate for water prior to its study was 10

After cooling or heating water to the necessary temperature, we carried
out additional stabilization of temperature for two minutes in each sample
of activated water. This time interval is necessary for all transient processes
to be completed and for the maximum homogeneity of temperature to be
attained in the whole volume of the cell under study.
Onlythenwe carriedout the measurements of the parameters of activated
water. The process of measurement took approximately ve minutes.
One of the analyses was realized with water heated in the process of
measurements up to 72

C. Such studies were performed without consid-

ering the inuence of the storage duration at such high temperature. This
is conditioned by the fact that no anomalous electrodynamic properties of
68 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
activated water were registered at such a temperature in the process of mea-
surements performed directly after the activation, whereas these anomalies
were well manifested during the storage and the measurement at lower tem-
peratures. This is caused by the very short duration of the relaxation of
anomalous electrodynamic properties of water at high temperatures. It is
obvious that, with regard for these circumstances, it became senseless to
study the inuence of additional storage at such high temperature.
Below, we present some results of the studies.
In Fig. 3.3, we present the results of the base studies of the electrody-
namic characteristics of initial distillated water completely analogous to
water, which was then subjected to the procedure of activation. The studies
were carried out at a temperature of 20

C. It is worth noting that the char-

acteristics of such water coincided qualitatively with the standard depen-
dences which were obtained by the producers of the Novocontrol system
during the factory tests. This correspondence conrms that the parameters
of the experimental equipment in use meet the starting requirements.
It follows from these results that the initial distillated water has a low
value of conductivity, 3.10
, and the dielectric permittivity
was close to the standard one,

() 90, at the frequency of alternating

electric current in the range of 10
Hz. This value of the dielectric
permittivity well agrees with the Debye mechanism of orientational polar-
izability of independent molecules of water. The maximum value of the
dielectric loss tangent (tg)
120 and this corresponds to a frequency
of 1522 Hz.
With the frequency decreased to < 10
Hz, a sharp decrease of the
conductivity and a very sharp monotonous increase of the dielectric per-
mittivity were registered. In the studied region of superlow frequencies (at
Hz), the effective dielectric permittivity reaches a very great value

() 10
It is necessary to say several words about the physical sense of such
sharp increase in

(). In the region of low frequencies, the total polar-

ization is determined by the orientational polarization of molecules of water
(according to the Debye mechanism). This orientational mechanismis prin-
cipal up to the frequencies
Hz. Above this frequency, the
polarization is determined by vibrational states of molecules in the IRrange
(at >
) and by electron transitions in atoms of water in the UV range
(at >
We will show that the registered anomalously great values of

() can
be attained only under condition that the studied distillated water contains
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 69
1 10 10
Frequency [Hz]
, S/cm

1 10 10
2 tg
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 3.3. (a) Dielectric permittivity

and conductivity and (b) dielectric loss

tangent tg of the initial nonactivated distilled water at 20

C versus the frequency.

70 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
sufciently great structurized objects consisting of molecules of water
which are moving as a single formation. The measurement of

() in the
region of superlow frequencies allows us to indirectly evaluate the size and
the mass of large supermolecular objects, whose existence is related to the
structure of water.
As it is well known, the dielectric permittivity of ordinary water in the
region of low frequencies is described by the formula
() = 1 +

(1 i
1 +

(1 i

() + i

(). (3.5)
Here, n
is a concentration of water molecules,
= p
T is ori-
entational polarizability of one molecule of water, p
= | p| is the dipole
moment of one molecule of water,
= 4R
T is the time of
relaxation of orientational polarization of one water molecule with averaged
radius R, is a coefcient of viscosity of water, and

( = 0) =

is the reference expression for a real part of dielectric permittivity
of water at low frequencies 1/
In addition, the imaginary part of the dielectric permittivity is related to
the conductivity

() = 4()/.
From these formulas, it is easy to receive explicit expressions for the
imaginary and real parts of dielectric permittivity and conductivity

() = 1 +

1 + (/
= 1 +

1 + (/

() = 1 +

1 + (/

1 + (/
, and (3.6)
() =

4[1 + (/
It is obvious that formula (3.5) characterizes the properties of water only
in the region of low frequencies, where the contribution of the considered
mechanism of the Debye orientational polarization turns out to be more
signicant than the inuence of electron levels.
In the case of collective interaction of water molecules and with presence
of large clusters in water, formula (3.5) should be changed.
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 71
Lets consider the following model system. Water consists of both inde-
pendent molecules and clusters of water molecules. Each cluster consists of
N 1 molecules. If in a unit volume of water, K clusters are present, the
relative part of clusterized water is g = NK/n
< 1. The maximum dipole
moment of each rigidly structured cluster is p
= Np
= N

For the simplicity of the analysis, we will consider only this case.
In such system, particles of two different types usual molecules of
water and clusters exist in water.
The expression for the dielectric permittivity at low frequency for such
two-component model has the following modied form
() = 1 +
4(1 g)n

(1 i

(1 i

() + i

(). (3.5a)
= N

is the orientational polarizability of one cluster,

T = N
is the time of relaxation of orientational
polarization of one cluster that consist of N oriented water molecules.
Fromthe formula (3.5a) for (), the expressions for imaginary and real
parts of the dielectric permittivity and conductivity of such two-component
water are as follows:

() = 1 +
4(1 g)n

1 + (/

1 + (/
= 1 +
(1 g)(

1 + (/

1 + (/

() = 1 +
4(1 g)n

1 + (/

1 + (/
(1 g)(

1 + (/

1 + (/
, and
() =
(1 g)(

4[1 + (/

4[1 + (/
Lets consider different special cases.
72 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
In the area of relatively low frequencies

and at

, the formula (3.6a) for two-component water takes the form:

() 1 +
(1 g)(

1 + (/

1 +
(1 g)

1 + (/

(1 g)(

1 + (/


(1 g)

1 + (/
(1 g)(

4[1 + (/


(1 g)

4[1 + (/
The expressions in (3.7) differ from (3.5) for one-component water on a
trivial factor (1 g). In particular, from Eq. (3.7) it follows that in the case
of absence of the second (cluster) component, we came to the reference
asymptotic formulas




) 0, and (3.7a)

)/4 0.
Other situation takes place for lower frequencies

. For
this frequency area, we have:

() 1 + (1 g)(

1) +



() (1 g)(

) + g(

/) g

/, (3.8)
() =
(1 g)(


At last, in the case of extremely low frequencies
from the
Eq. (3.6a), we have:

( 0) = (1 g)(

1) + gN(


( 0) = (1 g)(

) + gN

) 0; (3.9)
( 0) = (1 g)(


)/4 0.
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 73
The obtained outcomes are well correlated with the experimental data.
From Eq. (3.8), it follows that at
, a sharp increase of dielectric

() 1/
and decrease of conductivity () take place.
We have received the same results in all experiments. From Eq. (3.9), the
limiting values of these characteristics are as follows:

( 0) gN

; ( 0) 0.
From comparison of experimental result

[Fig. 3.3(a)]
and the result of calculation of

() [Eq. (3.9)], it is possible to receive

estimation for the value of N : N > 10
. These N clusters can be identied
with elements of the clathrate frame.
This result further conrms the presence of elements of the stiff structure
in the water bulk.
From the other hand, it is obvious that such idealized model explains
only qualitative properties of

() and () behavior. The multicomponent

model is more actual when it is necessary to take into account presence of
clusters with different sizes and with a different degree of polarization in
water (p
< Np
There are several additional remarks. The part of the discussed effect in
the region of low and superlow frequencies can be related to the inuence
of free ions which are products of the natural dissociation of molecules of
water. The process of dissociation is represented as
+ OH

Protons (H
) cannot be in the free state for a long time. They are
either transformed into hydrogen atoms H, or form the ions of oxonium
) which are also unstable complexes. In some cases,
the ion-molecular complexes H
can also be formed.
In the natural state of pure water, the relative concentration
+ of the
ions of hydrogen is determined by the hydrogen index pH = lg
+. In
normal (neutral) distillated water at room temperature, the hydrogen index
pH 7, which corresponds to the relative concentration
+ =

and the total concentration n
+ = n
6 10
of ions of
each sign.
In this case, about 5 10
pairs of ions can be present in the volume of
the measuring cell. At a relatively high frequency > 10
Hz of the electric
eld applied to the capacitor (the water understudy is between its plates),
ions with different signs have no time to displace in the direction to different
electrodes, and their presence does not affect the medium polarization.
74 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
At a low frequency of the electric eld (at < 10
Hz), these heavy
ions have time to react to a change in the vector of the eld intensity, and
move synchronously with the eld by periodically forming two oppositely
charged layers on the opposite surfaces of electrodes, of which the sign
and the value of charges change synchronously with the eld frequency.
Such a separation of charges causes the appearance of a very great addi-
tional electric dipole moment p(t), which is equivalent to a sharp change
of both dielectric permittivity

and conductivity . It is quite obvious

that the frequency, at which the separation of charges and the formation of
two surface charged layers occur, depends on both the distance between the
capacitor plates and the drift velocity of ions. Taking this circumstance into
account, we notice that the value of the total dielectric permittivity

in such a system is somewhat different from the traditional value which
characterizes the innite medium. At the same time, the former is a very
convenient characteristic of the liquid medium for a constant value of the
distance between the plates, and allows one to register the structural changes
which can appear on, for example, the activation of water. In particular, the
measurement of

() in the region of superlow frequencies allows us to

indirectly evaluate the size and the mass of large supermolecular objects,
whose existence is related to the structure of water.
In Fig. 3.4, we present the specic features of the electrodynamic char-
acteristics of water activated for 30 min and stored prior to the time point
of measurement at a temperature of 5

C. The dielectric permittivity

of this water in the region of frequencies < 10
Hz at the initial time
point (immediately after the completion of the activation) decreases approx-
imately by ve times as compared to the initial (nonactivated) water. The
maximum value of the conductivity of water also decreases by the same
number of times. With increase in the storage duration of activated water,
the very slow recovery (relaxation) of these quantities occurs. In particular,
for ve hours of the storage, the maximum value of the conductivity grew
only by 25% (from
7.2 10
9 10
The dielectric loss tangent was not practically changed for this time. Its
maximumvalue tg
65 and corresponds to the frequency 451 Hz.
The estimates showthat the full relaxation of the electrodynamic param-
eters occurs for a very long time. Upon storage of water at a lowtemperature,
its relaxation time can attain several days or even weeks.
In Fig. 3.5, we present the specic features of the electrodynamic char-
acteristics of water activated for 30 min and stored up to the time point of
measurement at a temperature of 20

C. It is seen that this water preserves

Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 75
1 10 10
Frequency [Hz]

, S/cm
1 10 10
0 min
30 min
0 min
30 min
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 3.4. Study of water activated for 30 min and stored at a temperature of

C. The given numbers correspond to the additional water storage duration after
the completion of its activation prior to the start of measurements.
76 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
1 10 10
0 h
30 min
1 h
2 h
5 h
Frequency [Hz]
, S/cm
1 10 10
0 h
30 min
1 h
2 h
5 h
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 3.5. Study of water activated for 30 min and stored at a temperature of

Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 77
some general regularities (a sharp decrease of the dielectric permittivity and
the conductivity on the activation of water and their gradual recovery in the
process of storage) and, at the same time, reveals the signicant differences
such as a signicantly faster relaxation of the parameters with increase of the
storage duration. In particular, for ve hours of the storage, the maximum
value of the dielectric permittivity and the conductivity grew by 200%.
It should be noted that the actual change in the studied parameters

and () at the initial time moment (immediately after the activation) can be
more in this case. This assertion is related to the following obvious circum-
stance because the process of change occurs for a sufciently long time, the
formal assertion that water was studies immediately after its activation is not
completely correct. In fact, we may only assert that this value characterizes
the properties of water to the time point of the termination of measurements.
The still faster relaxation of the electrodynamic parameters of activated
water corresponds to the samples stored at a temperature of 40

C. These
data are presented in Fig. 3.6. The comparison of the results presented in
Figs. 3.5 and 3.6 demonstrates clearly the exceptionally strong inuence of
the temperature of water on the duration of preservation of its anomalous
properties after the activation.
To a still greater degree, this inuence is seen in Fig. 3.7. In this gure,
we present the dependence of the same parameters of activated water,

and (), on the frequency in the case where water was placed in the
measuring cell immediately after activation. In this case, the process of
measurement was realized on the simultaneous heating of water to a high
temperature of 72

C. Though the activation duration for water in this case

was close to the optimum one (30 min), and the measurements were carried
out directly after the activation without additional storage, the dependences
of the quantities

() and () on the frequency are not practically different

from the analogous properties of initial nonactivated water, the data for
which are presented in Fig. 3.3.
It follows from this result that the duration of the memory of water
at such high temperature turns out essentially less than the duration of the
measurement, being equal to approximately ve minutes.
The other result follows from the analysis of properties of water acti-
vated for 60 min. In Fig. 3.8, we present the results of measurements of the
properties of water stored after such an activation at a temperature of 20

It is seen that the activation in this case causes much less (by 10%) changes
in the dielectric permittivity and the conductivity of water than those for
30 min activation.
78 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
1 10 10
0 min
30 min
1 h
2 h
Frequency [Hz]

, S/cm
1 10 10
0 min
30 min
1 h
2 h
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 3.6. Study of water activated for 30 min and stored at a temperature
of 40

Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 79
1 10 10
0 min
Frequency [Hz]

, S/cm

1 10 10
0 min
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 3.7. Study of water activated for 30 min. Measurements were carried out
at a temperature of 72

C immediately after the completion of activation.

80 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
1 10 10
0 min
30 min
1 h
2 h
4 h
Frequency [Hz]

, S/cm
1 10 10
0 min
30 min
1 h
2 h
4 h
Frequency [Hz]
Figure 3.8. Study of water activated for 60 min and stored at a temperature of

Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 81
This result demonstrates very clearly the importance of the use of the
optimum duration of the activation of water. One more manifestation of a
signicant dependence of the properties of water on the duration of acti-
vation will be considered below in the analysis of changes of the viscosity
of such water.
One of the most important problems is the determination of the duration
of the memory of water on the basis of the performed experiments.
In Fig. 3.9, we present the dependence of the relaxationchange of

(, t)
on the storage duration of MRETActivatedWater after the activation. These
results correspond to the frequency = 10 Hz and are obtained from the
direct processing of the above-discussed spectra obtained for water stored
for the different time intervals at different temperatures after the activation.
Water was activated for 30 min in all cases.
It is found that at a very great storage duration, the anomalous electro-
dynamic properties of activated water gradually disappear. The duration of
preservation of these properties depends very signicantly on the storage
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 t, h
, 10
T = 5C
T = 20C
T = 36.6C
Figure 3.9. Relaxation of the dielectric permittivity of activated water

() at
the frequency f = 10 Hz ( = 2f 62 s
) versus the storage duration after the
activation. Three curves correspond to three temperatures of the storage of water
(T = 5

C, 20

C, and 36.6

82 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
By extrapolating the obtained dependences of the relaxation change of
the parameters of water

() and () by the exponential law

(, t)

(, 0) +

()[1 e
], (3.10)
(, t) (, 0) + ()[1 e
], (3.11)
we can estimate the duration of relaxation T
It is seen from Fig. 3.9 that the duration of relaxation of the mentioned
electrodynamic characteristics of activated water becomes very great (at
least 57 days) at a comparatively lowtemperature (at 5

C). With increase of

the temperature of the storage, this duration rapidly decreases. The duration
of relaxation is 1015 h at a temperature of 20

Cand is equal to at most 46 h

at a temperature of 40

C close to the temperature of a human body. These

results qualitatively agree with the calculations performed in Vysotskiis
work (2004), whose results are presented in Chap. 1 in Tables 1.1 and 1.2.
The additional studies of ordinary and activated water were carried out
in visible, ultraviolet, and infrared regions of the spectrum.
The studies in the visible and ultraviolet ranges in the interval of wave-
lengths = 1901100 nm were performed with the use of a spectroscope
Helios Alpha (USA).
The mechanismof a sharp increase of the absorption of the UVemission
in the region of wavelengths shorter than 190 nm is related to several
The main mechanism in the region of the near-UV emission is condi-
tioned by transitions in the electron subsystem of a H
O molecule which
lead to the dissociation of this molecule and the formation of the ground
(nonexcited) state of the system H + OH. Under the action of the emission
with shorter wavelengths, the following becomes essential: the processes
leading the dissociation of molecules of water with the formation of excited
molecules OH

and radicals H, as well as the radiolysis products H

and O.
In Fig. 3.10, we present the results of measurements of the optical density
in the region of near-UV emission for ordinary nonactivated water and for
water activated for 30 min.
Visually, both plots in Fig. 3.10 coincide. This corresponds to that almost
no difference between the spectra of initial (nonactivated) water and acti-
vated one was observed in the visible and UV regions of the absorption
spectrum in the limits of accuracy of the method (0.5%), except for a small
increase of the absorption, at most 12%, in the UV region of the spectrum
at wavelengths near = 190210 nm.
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 83
200 400 600 800 1000 1200
, nm
Figure 3.10. Optical density of ordinary water (1) and water activated for 30 min
(2) versus the wavelength in the visible and UVranges. Both plots visually coincide
with each other.
This result differs basically from the above-presented very-essential
changes inthe electrodynamic characteristics of activatedwater inthe region
of low frequencies presented in Figs. 3.43.8. It shows that the process
of activation by means of a MRET activator does not lead to a signicant
change of the electron subsystem of atoms and involves only structural and
congurational changes of the system of molecules.
This result is also essentially different fromthe data presented in Chap. 1
in Figs. 1.5 and 1.6 which demonstrate a great change in the optical density
in the short-wave part of the visible range and in the UV range, but rather
under the action of a powerful pulse or low-power continuous SHF emission
with a sufciently great total energy of the acting eld for the whole duration
of irradiation (in the interval from 10 to 1000 J). This is related to the fact
that the total energy of the acting eld and its frequency were by many
orders less in the case of the studied mechanism of the activation of water
on the basis of the MRET technology.
The same fraction of activated water (the duration of activation was equal
to 30 min) was studied by the method of infrared Fourier-spectroscopy with
the help of a device Nexus produced by the rm Thermo Nicolet. The
studies were performed in the range of wavenumbers from50 to 4000 cm
84 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 3.11. IR-spectra of nonactivated water (upper curve) and activated water
which was studied in 5 h after the activation (middle curve) and in 1 h (lower curve).
The results of studies in various sections of the IR-range are presented in
Figs. 3.113.12.
In Fig. 3.11, we give the IR-spectra in the range 50550 cm
for the
initial water and the water activated for 30 min.
The studies were carried out with three samples of water derived from
the identical distillated water:
initial distillated water;
activated water stored after the activation prior to the measurement for
30 min at room temperature; and
analogous activated water which was stored after the activation prior to
the measurement for 5 h at room temperature.
Such studies allow us to determine the dependence of the inuence of
the activation on the IR-spectrum of water, as well as the inuence of the
storage duration of this water on its properties.
It is seen from this gure that a decrease of the absorption of water (a
decrease of the imaginary part of the dielectric permittivity) in the long-
wave part of the IR-range occurs in the process of activation. This decrease
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 85
Figure 3.12. IR-spectrum of nonactivated water (upper curve) and water acti-
vated for 30 min (lower curve). The spectrumwas studied in 1 h after the activation.
exceeds 10% for the range of wavenumbers less than 300 cm
. With
increase of the wavenumber, the absolute value of a change in the coef-
cient of absorption remains approximately constant, and the relative change
decreases, respectively.
With increase of the duration of storage of activated water, the discovered
change in the optical density in the IR-range gradually decreases.
The effect of a small decrease in the optical density of activated water
is also observed in the region of great wavenumbers 10004000 cm
. This
result is presented in Fig. 3.12 for nonactivated water and water activated
for 30 min (the spectrumof the latter was studied in 1 h after the activation).
Activated water was also studied by Raman scattering spectroscopy. The
Raman scattering spectra for the initial (nonactivated) water and those for
activated water were studied in 24 h after the completion of the activation
and are presented in Fig. 3.13. The studies were performed with the same
fraction of water (activation for 30 min). The spectra determine the Raman
scattering characteristics in the region from 1 to 4000 cm
It is seen from the data presented in Fig. 3.13 that the activation of water
leads to a small increase of the Raman scattering amplitude in the whole
range from 1 to 4000 cm
86 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 3.13. Raman scattering spectra of nonactivated (1) and activated (2) water.
Fragments of the spectra (1a) and (2a) correspond to the increase in the scale by
10 times. All spectra were measured in 24 h after the activation.
The totality of the obtained experimental data imply that the specic
features of the spectrum of activated water in IR, visible, and UV ranges
preserve for a long time after the completion of the activation, though the
very changes in the spectrum in these ranges turned out small.
Such effects of changes in the optical properties of activated water which
are small in magnitude, but with the long time of their preservation can be
satisfactorily substantiated, if we consider that they are related to a change
in the properties of a relatively small number of separate molecules of
water isolated from the external action and corresponding to the hindered
relaxation. Based on the above-considered model of the memory of water,
we can refer such changes to the molecules of water being in the volume of
clathrate microcavities.
It was indicated earlier that there exists a strong repulsive electrostatic
eld in such microcavities. For this reason, the internal walls of micro-
cavities possess the hydrophobic properties and do not form hydrogen
bonds with molecules of water placed in the volume of microcavities. These
molecules, due to the absence of a hydrogen bond with molecules of water
forming the walls of microcavities, have a changed conguration of the
electron shell (it corresponds to a free H
O molecule, rather than that of a
bound molecule) and, respectively, somewhat different optical properties.
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 87
The process of activation renders a much stronger inuence on the
dynamics of the mechanical uctuation motion of stable global structural
elements in the water bulk. The formation and the long-term existence of
such structural elements depend on the activation of water and conrm the
possibility for the memory of water to exist.
With the purpose to discover the presence of such structural elements in
the water bulk, we carried out additional study of the optical characteristics
of activated water with the use of a laser correlation analyzer AKVA-01. The
principle of actionof this device is basedonthe analysis of the characteristics
of a mutual temporal coherence function of the laser emission scattered
in the volume of the studied water in the direction perpendicular to the
initial laser beam. In the study, we used the emission with a wavelength
of = 0.63 m generated by a HeNe laser. The longitudinal coherence
length of such an emission prior to its scattering is very large and, in any
case, exceeds hundreds of meters. The widthof the spectrumof this emission
is very small.
The parameters of the scattered emission depend on the motion of scat-
tering molecules of water and the ensembles of these molecules. Due to
the presence of the uctuation (diffusive) mechanical motion of the scat-
tering objects, the phase of the scattered emission continuously uctuates,
which decreases very sharply the coherence length of the scattered laser
eld. A change in the coherence length of the emission and the associated
change in the spectrum of the emission are those parameters of which the
measurement allows us to determine the characteristics of the motion of
scattering objects (the coefcient of diffusion) and, hence, the mass and
size of these objects. The coherence length can be found with the help of
the autocorrelation function.
We now consider briey the quantitative aspect of the above-discussed
processes and substantiate the possibility of their experimental realization.
Consider the characteristics of the emission scattered by the studied
sample of water. Let the size of the scattering region be much less than the
distance from it to the place of the registration of the scattered light.
If a coherent laser emission falls on a part of the volume of water con-
taining N scattering objects, then the amplitude of the scattered electric
eld intensity of such an emission is characterized by the quantity

k, , R, t) = E


k, )/R}e

. (3.12)
88 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Here, E
is the amplitude of an incident wave, f

k, ) is the scattering
amplitude of the emission with the wave vector

k scattered by an angle , R
is the distance from the region center in the water bulk, where the objects
scattering the light are positioned, to detectors which registered the scattered
The electric eld intensity of the scattered laser emission [Eq. (3.12)]
depends on the totality of coordinates r
characterizing the position of
various scattering objects in the studied volume of water. Since these coor-
dinates are random variables depending on time, the very amplitude of the
eld [Eq. (3.12)] is also a randomvariable. In order to determine the regular-
ities of the process of scattering, it is necessary to determine those quantities
which are not random and describe unambiguously the scattering.
The deterministic (nonrandom) characteristics of the scattered emission
can be found if the autocorrelation function of eld is known:

k, , R, ) = {E(

k, , R, t + ) E(

k, , R, t + )}{E

k, , R, t)

k, , R, t)} = (NE

k, )|
. (3.13)
Here, D is the diffusion coefcient of scattering objects which is deter-
mined from the equation
|r(t + ) r(t)|
= D. (3.14)
The spectrum of the scattered emission is calculated with the help of the
WienerKhinchin formula

k, , R, ) =


k, , R, )e
= |f(

k, )|

+ (k
. (3.15)
It is seen fromformula (3.15) that the spectrumof the scattered emission
depends on the coefcient of diffusion D dening the mean characteristics
of the motion of scattering objects. This coefcient, in turn, depends on the
size and mass of these objects. Thus, the study of the correlation spectrum
[Eq. (3.15)] allows us to determine the mean characteristics of the motion of
scattering objects in the water bulk and, on this basis, to perform the qual-
itative analysis of the spatial structure of water. In addition, such studies
allow one to determine the dependence of these characteristics on the acti-
vation of water.
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 89
The experiments were carried out on the basis of four different samples
of the initial water:
1. Natural Mineral Water AVIAN (produced in France).
2. FreshWater Life JINBO/Seok Su (produced in the Republic of Korea).
3. Natural Mineral Water HAITAI/Gangwondo/Pyeong Chang (pro-
duced in the Republic of Korea).
4. Natural Mineral Water JEJU/Sa Da Soo (produced in Iceland).
As a quantitative characteristic, we used the integral index of the
molecular dynamics of water W which is inversely proportional to the
coefcient of diffusion D of the scattering objects, includes the normal-
izing factor (in order to make W dimensionless), and is directly related
to the parameters of the autocorrelation function (3.13). An increase of
the index W corresponds to a decrease of the coefcient of diffusion and
characterizes uniquely the increase of the mass and size of a stify bound
molecular complex which is present in the water bulk and scatters the laser
We applied the following procedure and the sequence of studies, whose
total duration was equal to 71 h.
Firstly, we carried out three measurements of the index W for 3 h for
each of the studied types of water. The purpose of these measurements was
related to the determination of the stability of a measuring unit. The results
of this testing period correspond to the rst three points on all the plots
presented in Fig. 3.14.
The very small variance of the index W conrms a high degree of sta-
bility, a small value of the apparatus error, and the error related to the pro-
cedure of measurements. It is obvious that the differences of the indexes of
molecular dynamics W for different types of water prior to the activation
are related to a great extent to the differences of their salt composition.
This is conditioned by the fact that the ions dissolved in water inuence
the mass and size of molecular complexes in water and, hence, the coef-
cient of diffusion of these complexes and the spectrumof the scattered laser
emission. We may assume that such an inuence can be realized in at least
two ways. On the one hand, the dissolved ions break the chemical homo-
geneity of water and therefore affect the formation of molecular complexes
formed from molecules of water. On the other hand, the union of dissolved
ions with these complexes changes the density and the mass of the latter. It
is obvious that both mechanisms lead to the essential inuence of dissolved
90 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
t, h
Figure 3.14. Integral index W of the molecular dynamics of activated water of
different types versus time. The numbers stand for the types of water given in the
salts on the spectrum of the scattered emission, which was observed in the
study of various samples of water.
We then performed the activation of water of each type for one hour.
Immediately after the completion of the activation, we carried out the next
study. FromFig. 3.14, it is seen that the index W was changed comparatively
slightly (except for water 3) for the time of this rst activation.
Thereafter for 24 h (with an interval of two hours), we measured the
index W for all types of water. It is seen that, for this time interval, there
occurred a systematic increase of the index W for all types of water except
for water 3. In this case, a change in W was accompanied by very strong
oscillations for the water samples 2 and 3. At the same time, the index W for
all the remaining types of water was changed as a monotonously increasing
function of time. In 24 h after the rst activation, we performed the second
activation of water with the same duration of one hour. The results of this
activation also turned out ambiguous. After the activation, we observed a
very sharp increase of the index W for water sample 4. At the same time,
this index was practically constant for the remaining samples of water. The
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 91
measurements after the second activation were performed for 42 h (rstly,
we carried out three measurements with an interval of two hour and then
the other three measurements with an interval of 12 h).
After the completion of the whole cycle of measurements, the values of
the index W for all samples of water (except for water specimen 3) turned
out on a level somewhat exceeding the initial value W
(prior to the rst
activation). The characteristics of water specimen 3 after the completion of
all actions and all measurements turned out to be equal to the initial values
of the index W
which were determined prior to the beginning of the cycle
of measurements and were anomalously great.
Based on the results of the analysis of the performed cycle of measure-
ments, we can made some conclusions.
First of all, it should be noted that, upon the activation of water, there
occur both a very signicant increase of the degree of correlation of the
scattered emission and a decrease of the coefcient of diffusion of scattering
complexes in water, which testies unambiguously to the formation of very
large and stable clusters in water after the activation.
The second important conclusion consists in that the processes of for-
mation and change of these clusters do not cease after the termination of the
activation but continue for many hours and days. Such an effect can occur
in the case where the activation of water induces such a change of the prop-
erties of separate water molecules and strongly-bound molecular groups, at
which their further joining in great clusters becomes energy-gained.
The third conclusion is related to the unambiguous conrmation of the
assumption about the presence of the stable water memory, the duration of
existence of which can be equal to many hours and days, by the correlation
analysis of the scattered laser emission. This memory can be interpreted as
the existence of stable supermolecular clusters in the volume of water.
One more conclusion consists in that the process of formation of stable
clusters in the volume of water depends signicantly on the salt composition
of water. In this case, different types of mineral water are characterized
by different dependences of the parameter W on the time interval after the
3.3. Procedure and Results of the Measurement of the Viscosity
of Activated Water
Viscosity is one of the most important characteristics of water. The particular
meaning of the viscosity of water in any biological system is related to the
92 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
transport functions of water and to the dependence of the motion and the
evolution of macromolecules, cells, viruses, and other microobjects on the
properties of water, in which they are placed in living organisms.
As will be shown in the following chapters, a sharp change in the vis-
cosity of activated water can be one of the basic reasons for the anomalous
inuence of activated water on biological systems.
In our experiments, the viscosity of water was measured with the help of
a rheometer RS 150 L of the rm Hake. The studies were executed on the
basis of a measuring cell. It consisted of two immovable coaxial cylinders
1 and 2. In the region between them, there is a rotor (a rotating coaxial
cylinder 3 coaxial with cylinders 1 and 2) (Fig. 3.15). Water under study
is placed in the free region between the surfaces of immovable cylinders 1
and 2 and the rotor. With the help of this system of coaxial cylinders, we
performed the measurements at low shear stresses.
The essence of the process of measurement is as follows. In the process
of measurements, the moment of forces M is applied to the rotor which
should turn. The moment of forces M is proportional to the tangential shear
= aM, (3.16)
and the coefcient of proportionality a depends only on the surface area
and the form of a measuring cell.
We will start from the obvious fact that the relative strain of a sample
(the strain of the layer of water between the cylinders) determines directly
Figure 3.15. Measuring system of coaxial cylinders.
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 93
a rotation angle of the rotor
= b, (3.17)
to which a small tangential stress is applied. Here, b is the coefcient, also
depending on the area and the form of a measuring cell.
In the region of small stresses, the viscosity coefcient connects the
rate of the relative shear strain of a sample d/dt and a value of the viscous
tangential stress with the help of the relation

. (3.18)
The coefcient of shear viscosity is numerically equal to the mechanical
momentum transferred in unit time across unit area.
In view of the above-given formula connecting and M, we obtained
the following nal expression for the viscosity coefcient:
= abM


. (3.19)
This formula implies that the viscosity coefcient for a specic mea-
suring cell depends on the moment of forces applied to the rotor and on the
instantaneous angular velocity of the rotor, d/dt, induced by the action of
this moment of forces.
This device allows us to measure a deviation of the rotor by a certain
angle and the time, for which this deviation occurs. On the basis of these
values and the values of the applied moment of forces, we can determine
the rheological characteristics of solutions.
The measurements were performed in the mode of a piecewise constant
shear stress.
In this case, the temporal variation of the shear stress applied to a
sample is shown in Fig. 3.16.
The action of this shear stress leads to a turn of the rotor. By measuring
the angular velocity of the rotation of the rotor at a given value of the applied
stress, we can determine the viscosity by assuming the constancy of a
strain over the sample volume.
The characteristic temporal dependence of the viscosity coefcient of a
studied liquid sample corresponding to the applied piecewise constant stress
is presented in Fig. 3.17.
To study the inuence of the activation of water on its viscosity, we
executed several series of measurements of the dynamical viscosity as a
94 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
20 0 4 00 6 00 80 0 1 000 1 20 0 140 0
0 , 0 60
0 , 0 65
0 , 0 70
0 , 0 75
0 , 0 80
0 , 0 85
0 , 0 90
, P a
t, s ec
Figure 3.16. Applied shear stress versus time.
2 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 4 0 0
0 , 0 0 1 8
0 , 0 0 2 0
0 , 0 0 2 2
0 , 0 0 2 4
0 , 0 0 2 6
0 , 0 0 2 8
0 , 0 0 3 0
, Pas
t , s e c
Figure 3.17. Characteristic curve of the viscosity of a studied water sample
under the action of a piecewise constant stress shown in Fig. 3.16 versus time.
function of the applied stress with different fractions of water (the initial
nonactivated distillated water and an analogous water activated for different
time intervals) at two temperatures (20

Cand 36.6

C). The resulting depen-

dences of the viscosity coefcient on the shear stress at a temperature of
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 95
, PaS
, Pa
0.05 0.00 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
= 0.5 h
= 0
(nonactivated water)
= 1.0 h
Figure 3.18. Viscosity of ordinary and activated water in the region of small
values of the shear stress at a temperature of 20

C. The averaged results of two

series of measurements for each fraction of water are presented.

Cfor three fractions of water (nonactivated and processed for 30 min and
60 min) are shown in Figs. 3.18 and 3.19 in more details (on a linear scale).
It is seen from the analysis of Fig. 3.18 that the viscosity of all fractions
of water at a temperature of 20

Cis close to the standard value

Pas at the comparatively large values of shear stresses applied to the
surface of the cylinder contacting with the studied water (at > 0.02 Pa).
With decrease in , the viscosity coefcient of ordinary water decreases
slightly (from the initial
at > 0.3 Pa to 0.7 10

Pas at
0.015 Pa). This decrease occurs by the same law for all fractions of water.
In this interval of , the difference between the coefcients of viscosity in
activated and ordinary water samples is not very large (though the viscosity
of ordinary water turned out somewhat greater than that of water activated
for 30 min, but less than that of water activated for 60 min).
The most signicant difference took place at a very small shear stress,
< 0.015 Pa. In this region after the attainment of the minimum at
0.015 Pa, the viscosity of ordinary (nonactivated) water begins to
sharply increase with decrease of the shear stress. From Figs. 3.18 and
3.19, it is seen that the viscosity increases by more than 100 times from the
minimum value 0.7 10
Pas under the shear stress 0.015 Pa to
96 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
, Pa 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
, PaS
= 0.5 h
= 1.0 h
Figure 3.19. Viscosity of activated water in the region of small shear stresses
at a temperature of 20

0.1 Pas at 0.004 Pa. Such a tendency is logically sufciently jus-
tied and is related to the fact that a very small value of the shear stress (or,
respectively, a small pressure) corresponds to a very small velocity of the
relative motion.
Under such a condition, the molecular bonds between water molecules
and the surface which is moving relatively to water turn out to be maxi-
mally strong, and the viscosity coefcient and the force of viscous friction,
respectively, are maximum.
It is necessary to note that this effect (the presence of a local minimumof
the viscosity coefcient of water under a small shear stress) is well known.
It is observed if the temperature of water is lower than 25

C. The general
regularities of a change of the viscosity of activated water qualitatively cor-
respond to those of ordinary water, but not for the quantitative character-
istics. It is seen from Fig. 3.19 that, with decrease in the shear stress, the
viscosity of activated water continues to drop from
Pas and

0.9 10
Pas at 0.1 Pa (for water with the duration of acti-
vation of 60 min and 30 min) to
6.5 10
Pas and
Pas at 0.01 Pa. For water activated for 30 min, the minimum
4.3 10
Pas is reached at
0.0045 Pa. It
is seen that the viscosity of water in the region of very small shear stresses
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 97
- nonactivated water
- t
= 15 min
- t
= 30 min
- t
= 45 min
- t
= 60 min
, PaS
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 , Pa
Figure 3.20. Viscosity of nonactivated water and four fractions of activated
water in the region of small shear stresses at a temperature of 36.6

0.0040.005 Pa) decreases upon the activation (as compared to
that of nonactivated water) by 200250 times. In this case, water activated
for 30 min has the least viscosity.
Of a great interest is the dependence of the viscosity coefcient on the
applied mechanical stress for water being at a temperature of 36.6

C. In this
case, we carried out the more detailed studies with regard for the inuence
of the water activation duration.
In Fig. 3.20, we present the results of studies of the viscosity coefcient
for initial distillated nonactivated water and for the samples of water which
were obtained for the duration of activation of 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, and
60 min and were at a temperature of 36.6

C in the process of measurement.

Withregardfor the fact that the anomalous properties of activatedwater relax
rapidly with increase of the temperature, the measurements were carried
out immediately after the activation of water.
It is seen from the obtained data that an increase of the water activation
duration leads to a very signicant decrease of the viscosity coefcient in
the region of small mechanical stresses at this temperature (relative to the
initial nonactivated water).
It is necessary to note that the absolute values of the viscosities of non-
activated and activated water samples in the region of small mechanical
98 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
stresses increase signicantly with the temperature. For example, for the
viscosity coefcient of nonactivated water equal to its minimum value
0.7 10
Pas at 20

C for 0.015 Pa, we determined at a temper-

ature of 36.6

C for the same 0.015 Pa that 5 10

Pas, which
corresponds to the increase by 7 times. The close changes of the viscosity
with increase of the temperature are also characteristic of activated water.
This is clearly seen from the comparison of Figs. 3.19 and 3.20.
It is seen from Fig. 3.20 that a change (increase) of the duration of
activation in the limits of 1 h leads to a monotonous displacement of the
curve of the viscosity coefcient as a function of the applied mechanical
stress to the side of less viscosities. The position of the minimum of the
viscosity coefcient is also shifted with increase of the duration of activation
from 0.1 Pa for the duration of activation of 30 min to 0.050.02 Pa
for the duration of activation of 4560 min.
Very important is the circumstance that the viscosity of activated water
in the region of very small shear stresses at the vitally important temperature

C, e.g. 20

C, is by several orders less than that of ordinary (nonacti-

vated) water.
The measurements of the viscosity of activated water at much less values
of the shear stress on the basis of the used procedure is associated with very
great errors. It is obvious that, in any case, the viscosity of activated water
for very small shear stresses turns out to be much less than the viscosity of
nonactivated water.
The revealed exceptionally sharp decrease of the viscosity of activated
water under a small shear stress leads naturally to the similar sharp increase
of the uidity of water with decrease in the shear stress to
. It is
obvious that this is related to a change of the state of water and to a change
of the character of the interaction of such water with the surface adjacent to
water. Such superuid water has extremely small friction with walls and
can penetrate through very small pores, capillaries, and channels. In such
water, the process of division of cells is changed. With regard for the fact
that the small pressure of a liquid is a characteristic sign of living systems,
such superuidity of activated water allows us to explain many effects of
the anomalous inuence rendered by activated water on biological objects.
Such effects will be considered comprehensively in Chaps. 46, where the
results of studies of the inuence of water on plants, microorganisms, and
animals are given. The possible mechanisms of the direct action of activated
water on the development of these living objects will be analyzed in Chap. 7,
while analyzing the specic features of the biological action of activated
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 99
water. We will show that a change in the viscosity of activated water plays
one of the decisive roles in these processes.
3.4. Inuence of the Activation of Water on Hydrogen Index pH
It is well known that a value of the hydrogen index pH of the intracellular
and intercellular liquid watersalt medium is one of the essential factors of
the inuence on the course of biochemical processes and the development of
living organisms. With the purpose to study the inuence of the activation of
water on pH, we studied the dependence of pH on the duration of activation
of water (water was activated for 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, and 60 min), on
the temperature (at 4

C and 20

C), and the duration of storage of this water

after the completion of the activation.
In experiments, we use water obtained from distillation directly prior
to the studies. Then, the 100-ml samples of activated water were stored in
standard graduated asks of 250 ml closed by rubber plugs. For the rst 3.5 h
after the activation, all samples including the control ones were placed at
room temperature (20

C). Subsequently, according to the conditions of the

experiment, half of asks were placed into a cooler and stored there at 4

and the other half remained at 20

C. The control samples with analogous

but nonactivated water were present in both versions.
The measurements of pH were carried out with the help of a universal
ionometer EV-74. In order to enhance the accuracy and reliability, all mea-
surements were carried out on three identical samples of water which corre-
spondedtothe givendurationof activation. Tothis end, water was distributed
immediately; after the total activation in three different asks which were
stored and studied under the same conditions. Thus, each measurement of
water activated for a denite time interval was repeated three times. Then,
we determined the mean value. The nal error of measurements in each
series was at most (pH) 0.1.
The detailed studies of all the samples of water obtained for the different
durations of activation were performed with a short time interval (in each
30 min) for the rst 3.5 h after the completion of its activation at water tem-
perature of 20

C. The subsequent measurements were performed regularly

for 16 days with an interval of one to two days for different fractions of
water stored at temperatures of 4

C and 20

C. The samples of water taken

from a cooler, where they were stored at a temperature of 4

C, were placed
prior to the measurement in a thermostat, where their temperature rapidly
increased to 20

C. Then we measured the hydrogen index.

100 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
= 30 min
= 45 min
= 60 min
= 0
= 15 min
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 t, h
Figure 3.21. Hydrogen index pH of different fractions of activated water versus
the duration of its storage at a temperature of 20

C in the rst few hours after the

In addition, the separate measurements were carried out by using the
samples of nonactivated water and activated water stored after the activation
at a temperature of 4

C for 120 days.

The results of measurements are presented in Figs. 3.21 and 3.22.
It was established that a quite insignicant alkalization of water occurred
during the direct action of a MRET activator on water. In particular, when
the hydrogen index for the initial distillated nonactivated water (pH)
6.28, the value of pH immediately after the completion of the activation for
15 min, 30 min, 45 min, and 60 min was equal to (pH)
= 6.29, (pH)
6.31, (pH)
= 6.33, and (pH)
= 6.30. Further studies showed that the
process of alkalization of activated water became gradually more intense for
the rst 1.52 h of its storage after the activation. These data are presented
in Fig. 3.21.
The effect of the increase in pHis especially clearly manifested for water
activated for 30 min. In this case, the value of pH increased from pH=6.31
to pH =6.65 during the rst 1.5 h after the completion of the activation and
then decreased gradually for 2 h down to pH = 6.45. A small increase of
pH was also observed for water activated for 45 min. For the other fractions
of activated water, the changes for the rst few hours of the storage were
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 101
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 t, days
= 60 min
= 15 min
= 0
= 30 min
= 45 min
Figure 3.22. Inuence of the water activation duration on pH depending on the
time of its storage at a temperature of 4

C (directly before the measurements, the

water samples were heated to 20

The study of the samples of activated water and control at a longer time
interval of the storage at two temperatures (4

C and 20

C) showed that
the anomaly in the behavior of pH observed directly after the activation of
water during 30 min was not unitary. In the process of storage, we regis-
tered additional spontaneous increase of pH to a value exceeding the rst
maximum. The greatest changes in pHwere discovered in the same fraction
of water in 911 days of the storage at various temperatures. In particular,
in 9 days of the storage, the value of pH grew to pH = 7.47.5 [as com-
pared with pH=6.306.36 in control samples of nonactivated water which
were stored at the same temperatures 4

C (Fig. 3.22) and 20

C (Fig. 3.23)].
A half-width of this maximum (the duration of its existence) corresponded
to t 4 days at a water storage temperature of 4

C and t 6 days at

C. Thereafter, a spontaneous decrease of pH occurred which returned

it to its initial value, pH 6.36.4, only in 14 days. This maximum was
observed on all samples of water stored and measured separately which
corresponded to the duration of activation of 30 min and the storage temper-
atures of 4

C and 20

C. There are weighty reasons to suppose that similar

oscillations can also exist for a greater duration of the storage of water.
102 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 t, days
= 30 min
= 60 min
= 15 min
= 45 min
= 0
Figure 3.23. Inuence of the water activation duration on pH depending on the
time of its storage at a temperature of 20

Among other anomalous phenomena, we note the effect of a decrease
of pH to values 5.916.12 after two days of the storage of water treated for
15 min and stored at 4

C. This deviation to the side of an increased acidity

disappeared (pH was restored to the control level) only in 14 days. An
analogous deviation (though it was somewhat less in scale) was observed for
water stored at a temperature of 20

C. These data are presented in Figs. 3.22

and 3.23.
We note that the uctuations of pH for control (nonactivated) water
stored under the same conditions were practically invariable (with regard
for the errors of measurements).
It is worth noting the essential fact that the displacement of pH to the
alkaline side was xed also at a long-term (for 120 days) storage of the
samples of activated and control water. All these samples were obtained at
the same time on the basis of identical distillated water.
Inparticular, the value of pHfor the samples of water activatedfor 30 min
and 60 min and stored thereafter for 120 days in a cooler at a temperature
of 4

C was equal to 6.486.52, whereas the value of pH for control samples

stored for the same time interval both at 4

C and 20

C was identical and

equal to 6.37.
Study of the Physical Properties of MRET Activated Water 103
In conclusion, we note that the presence of great ordered spontaneous
changes in pH for the great durations of storage of water activated in a
certain manner testies directly to the existence of the memory of water.
The presence of such great ordered changes in the properties of activated
water is related, most likely, to certain phase transitions. Very curious is the
fact that the time moment of the realization of these phase transitions, as
well as the amplitude of changes in pH, do not depend (or weakly depend)
on the temperature of the storage of activated water and is approximately
equal to 1011 days. At the same time, the half-width of the region of this
spontaneous change depends rather sharply on the temperature.
Inuence of MRETActivated Water
on the Growth of Higher Plants
4.1. General Principles and Methods of the Study of the
Inuence of Activated Water on Plants
As was shown in Chapter 3, activated water has unique physicomolecular
Upon activation, important dynamical characteristics such as the
dielectric permittivity and conductivity of water are changed very signif-
icantly, which is of great importance for the processes of ion transport.
The same properties have determining signicance for the interaction of
charged components of biological molecules (including molecules of DNA
and RNA).
Sharp changes of both the optical density and the refractive index of
activated water in the UF-range can essentially vary the specic features of
the interaction of UF-radiation with the surface of any biological object.
Activated water (with optimum duration of activation) is characterized
by an essential decrease of the viscosity, which can result in the distinctive
super uidity of such water at small motion velocities of water and small
mechanical loads. It is obvious that such features inuence the metabolism
and other processes. It will be shown belowthat these features can inuence
importantly the process of cellular division and, nally, the growth and
development of biological systems.
Upon activation of water, there occurs a notable change of the hydrogen
index pH, which can change many characteristics and, in particular,
inuence both the system of recognition and the immune system (Pinchuk,
Vysotskii, 2001; Vysotskii, Pinchuk and Kornilova, 2002).
Changes of all the above-listed parameters are preserved for a great
period of time. At low temperature, activated water can keep its anomalous
properties for many days and even months.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 105
The above-considered stable changes of the physicomolecular charac-
teristics of water are partially justied in the model of the clathrate-based
memory of water, according to which the information written down in
the volume of water as a changed clathrate structure can be kept and used
for a very long time. The performed studies of physicomolecular charac-
teristics have shown that the duration of water memory calculated on
the basis of the clathrate model is in well agreement with the results of
It is quite evident that the totality of marked anomalies of activated water
should inuence the characteristics of biological objects, whose life cycle
is closely related to such water.
Chapters 47 are devoted to the presentation of the methods and results
of experimental studies of the inuence of different fractions of activated
water (water subjected to the activation for different time intervals) on
various biological objects. The studies were carried out in the natural
order connected to the complication of the internal organization of objects
(rstly, we investigated plants; then, microorganisms; and nally, animals).
Such an order of presentation seems to be natural and logically justied.
It allows us to nd the common regularities in the operation of activated
In each of the experiments with activated water under identical condi-
tions, an additional study of the inuence of analogous water not subjected
to the activation process (control experiment) was carried out.
The current Chap. 4 is devoted to the study of the inuence of activated
water on plants of different types.
Before considering specic results, let us discuss briey the general facts
concerning a specic role of water in the development and the vital activity
of plants.
Water makes up about 90% of all the contents of plant cells. Alongside
macro- and micro-elements, it is a necessary part of any soil mixture for the
cultivation of plants under natural conditions, as well as the cultural medium
for the cultivation of plants under sterile conditions. In the vessels of xylem
andphloemandinthe lacticifers of higher plants, there is a kindof vegetative
juice, which is analogous in function to blood plasma of higher animals and
even human. The composition of this juice includes a big complex of organic
substances and inorganic elements. The composition and concentration of
these substances and elements differ strongly not only in different plants,
but also in different organs of the same plant. This is the main essential
106 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
difference from blood plasma, which is characterized by high stability of
its composition within the scope of a whole organism.
The main characteristic that unites all kinds of cellular juice is the large
content of water which reaches 98%in relative concentration (Villee, 1967).
With the lack of water, all growing processes are violated, which can
cause the death of plants. We may say without exaggeration that water is
the main component of any plant, and its presence is the main condition
for the plants existence as a living being. This implies at once that water
is the main element of a biological system, whose inuence allows one to
realize the strongest inuence on this system. Thus, the bringing of water
with any particular characteristics into soil (irrigation) or into a cultural
medium will denitely inuence the basic growing parameters of plants.
Such water can render a positive or negative inuence on all developmental
phases of a plant, including the peculiarities of the germination of seeds
(speed of germination, percentage of germinating capacity), the growth of
the overground part of a plant e.g. a sprout (the growth of its height and
weight), and the growth of a root system. It can also inuence the size of
leaves (the area of a leave surface), and can cause the appearance of atypical
(by their form, size, and color) leaves.
In addition to the results of studying the inuence of activated water
on the growth of plants under natural conditions, we also discuss here its
inuence on the growth of sterile cultures under conditions of a special
cultural medium.
The usage of sterile cultures for the study of the inuence of activated
water is caused by certain circumstances, among which the most important
is the increase of reliability and authenticity of the obtained results. The
matter is that a sterile culture does not practically contain any bacteria.
Therefore, the inuence of extraneous factors (for example, infection or
contamination) is practically excluded. This circumstance allows us to judge
the direct effect rendered by the additional factors connected, in particular,
the usage of activated water.
The results of studies of the physicomolecular properties of activated
water stated above allow us to predict the inuence of water acti-
vation on the development of plants. In particular, the discovered change
(a reduction) of the viscosity of activated water should inuence essen-
tially the movement of cellular juice in the vessels of xylem and phloem.
Change of the conductivity and the dielectric permittivity should render a
strong inuence on the movement and the characteristics of ions in water.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 107
In addition, water with special characteristics can accelerate or inhibit the
processes of cellular division, which can be observed visually in sterile
The specic reasons and the possible physicomolecular mechanisms of
the inuence of activated water on plants will be considered in details in
Chap. 8 which is devoted to the general analysis of such mechanisms.
It is possible to note one more important aspect of the studied problem.
The analysis of the inuence of activated water on the growth and the
characteristics of biomass allows us to solve the inverse task, namely to
develop the method of identication of the properties of activated water on
the basis of the analysis of the inuence of this water on biological objects.
It is evident that the usage of such biological gauges on the basis of plants,
for example, can be of great importance on the wide usage of the stimulating
and prophylactic action of activated water on animals and man.
Thus, studying some key parameters, which characterize the growth of
plants, allows us to make certain conclusions about the inuence of some
particular properties of water on plants and, eventually, to nd the optimum
ways of using such water.
Economic aspects of this problem related to the opportunity to use par-
ticular properties of activated water to increase the efciency of agricultural
production have doubtless importance.
In the experiments discussed below, the inuence of water activated for
30 min and 60 min on the growth of plants in soil and under conditions
of a sterile cultural medium was investigated. Water was activated directly
before its usage or it was kept after the activation in a cooler at a temperature
of 4

C no longer than one day.

Control plants were irrigated with analogous, nonactivated water.
To prepare sterile culture, a sterile concentrate of the medium was pre-
pared beforehand, which was then diluted with distilled water which was
later activated. To preserve the sterility of experiments, special measures
were undertaken. In particular, in the case of a liquid cultural medium, it
was activated after the sterilization directly in sterile test tubes.
Control and experimental plants were cultivated under identical con-
ditions of illumination and at the same temperature. The studies of the
inuence of activated water on plants were carried out under the general
scientic guidance of Dr. N. A. Matveeva at the Institute of Cellular
Biology and Gene Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of
108 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
4.2. Inuence of MRETActivated Water
on the Germination of Seeds of Vegetable Crops
For studying the inuence of different fractions of activated water on the
germination of seeds and the formation of leaves, seeds of the following
vegetable crops were used: radish Red giant and Krasa rannyaya, peas
Alpha, string beans Valentino, cabbage of grade Dymerskaya and
pumpkin of grade Zhdana. These seeds were sown into compositionally
similar soil and were periodically irrigated with a certain fraction of water.
The observation of the appearance of shoots gives the following results.
The study of the germination of above-mentioned vegetable seeds irri-
gated with two different fractions of activated water and ordinary distilled
water has shown that, practically for all tested plants (except for string
beans), irrigation with water activated for 60 min promoted a much faster
germination of seeds at the initial stage.
The example of such stimulating inuence of activated water for the rst
10 days on the germination of seeds of radish Red giant is presented in
Figs. 4.14.3. Thirty seeds were sown in a Petri dish. The rst shoots of this
plant have appeared in all variants in four days after sowing. The sequence
and characteristics of the seed germination are presented in Table 4.1.
From the photos given in Figs. 4.14.3 and the data presented in Table 4.1, it
follows that the activation of water renders essential stimulating inuence and
promotes a much earlier germination of radish seeds. The strongest effect of
stimulation corresponds to the water activated for 1 h.
One more example of the stimulating inuence of activated water for the
rst 10 days on the germination of seeds of other radish grade is presented
in Figs. 4.4 and 4.5. Thirty seeds of radish of grade Krasa rannyaya were
sown in a Petri dish. The rst shoots of this plant have appeared in all
variants of the experiment in 4 days after sowing into soil. In this case, the
number of shoots essentially depended on the type of activated water, with
which the soil with sown seeds was irrigated.
The sequence of the germination of seeds is presented in Table 4.2.
From the presented data, it follows that the activation of water renders a stimu-
lating inuence and promotes a much earlier germination of radish seeds. The
strongest effect corresponds to water activated for 1 h. Irrigation with such water
increased the early germination of seeds by 80%. This result is of importance
and can be directly used, for example, for the accelerated germination of radish.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 109
Figure 4.1. Shoots of radish Red giant in 4 days after sowing into soil. Imme-
diately after the sowing of plants, the soil was irrigated with ordinary (control) or
activated water with the duration of activation of 1 h and 0.5 h.
110 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 4.2. Shoots of radish Red giant in 5 days after sowing into soil (soil
was irrigated with control or activated water).
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 111
Figure 4.3. Shoots of radish Red giant in 9 days after sowing into soil (soil
was irrigated with control or activated water).
112 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 4.1. Germination of seeds of radish Red giant irrigated with
activated and control water.
Fraction of
water for
Number of
sprouts in
4 days after
Number of
sprouts in
5 days after
Number of
sprouts in
6 days after
Number of
sprouts in
9 days after
= 1.0 h 15 23 25 28
= 0.5 h 12 20 22 25
Control 5 14 16 24
The nal data determining the presence or absence of the stimulating
effect on the growth of the shoots of various vegetable crops irrigated with
water activated for 1 h are presented in Table 4.3.
It is clear that the usage of water activated for 1 h renders a very large stimulating
effect on the majority of vegetable crops at the beginning of the cultivation period.
In 1020 days after the beginning of the cultivation, the effect of the stimulation
was noticeably reduced, and the nal difference between the numbers of sprouts
using activated and control (nonactivated) water was insignicant.
Somewhat different results were obtained using other water fraction.
The generalized data characterizing the stimulating effect of water activated
for 0.5 h are presented in Table 4.4.
It is clear that water activated for 0.5 h increased the number of sprouts in com-
parison with the control for radish and peas. For other crops, no positive effect
was observed.
In 1020 days of the cultivation, the effect of activated water (t
= 0.5 h) on
the development of plants was analogous to that of water activated for 1 h.
4.3. Inuence of MRETActivated Water on the Growth
of Stalk and Leaves of Vegetable Crops
The stage of the appearance of shoots in the studied vegetable crops is
followed by the stage of the formation and growth of a stalk and leaves.
To determine the efciency of the inuence of activated water on these
processes, a periodic registration of the basic plant characteristics and the
measurement of the height of their overground part were carried out. This
part of studies was executed in the following way.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 113
Figure 4.4. Shoots of radish Krasa rannyaya in 4 days after sowing into soil
(soil was irrigated with control or activated water).
114 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 4.5. Shoots of radish Krasa rannyaya in 9 days after sowing into soil
(soil was irrigated with control or activated water).
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 115
Table 4.2. Germination of radish seeds Krasa rannyaya irrigated with
activated and control water.
Fraction of
water for
Number of
sprouts in
4 days after
Number of
sprouts in
5 days after
Number of
sprouts in
6 days after
Number of
sprouts in
9 days after
= 1.0 h 18 22 22 28
= 0.5 h 10 20 24 24
Control 10 14 22 22
Table 4.3. Inuence of water activated for 1 h on the number of shoots
of different vegetable crops.
Relative change of
the number of shoots
irrigated with water
with t
= 1.0 h
relative to the control
at the beginning of
the seed germination
Relative change of
the number of
shoots irrigated
with water with
= 1.0 h relative
to the control at the
end of the seed
Cabbage of grade Dymerskaya +62% 3.8%
Pumpkin Zhdana +200% 20%
Radish Red giant +200% +16%
Radish Krasa rannyaya +80% +27%
Peas Alpha +200% +18%
String beans Valentino 0% +10%
After the completion of the certain growth phase, plants were taken out
from soil, and then stalks with leaves were separated from roots. After that,
the weighting of the overground parts of plants was made. The procedure
to determine the weight of overground parts is presented in Fig. 4.6.
Then, the average surface area of leaves of one plant was determined. For
this purpose, fragments with an area of 1 cm
were rstly cut from several
typical leaves of plants. Based on these fragments, the average weight of
a surface of 1 cm
of the leaf was measured. Then, the average weight of
each plant (not including the stalk weight) was divided by this size, which
results in the value of the average area of the surface of leaves of one plant.
116 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 4.4. Inuence of water activated for 0.5 h on the number of shoots
of different vegetable crops.
Relative change of
the number of
shoots irrigated
with water with
= 0.5 h relative
to the control at the
beginning of the
seed germination
Relative change of
the number of
shoots on the
irrigation with
water with
= 0.5 h relative
to the control at the
end of the seed
Cabbage of grade Dymerskaya 12% 23%
Pumpkin Zhdana 0% 0%
Radish Red giant +140% +4%
Radish Krasa rannyaya 0% +9%
Peas Alpha +100% 9%
String beans Valentino 100% 10%
The data on the change of the characteristics of the overground part of
various plants are presented below.
4.3.1. Radish Red giant
The parameters determining a change of the absolute and relative charac-
teristics of the overground part of a radish plant for the period from 9 to
25 days after the appearance of shoots are presented in Tables 4.5 and 4.6.
The general appearance of the plants of radish Red giant in 9 days after
the sowing is presented in Fig. 4.7. The general form of the plants of radish
immediately after the extraction fromsoil in 25 days is presented in Fig. 4.8.
For 25 days of the observation of the growth of sprouts of radish Red giant, a
gradual and accumulating change of the intensities of the growth of plants was
registered for those irrigated with water activated for 1 h.
At the end of the observation period, the plants which were irrigated with such
activated water exceeded substantially the control plants in all parameters (as for
the increment of the average height of the overground part of a plant by 21.9%,
the average weight of the overground part of a plant by 57.1%, and the average
area of the surface of leaves of a plant by 37.6%).
At the same time, the differences between the plants irrigated with water
activated for 0.5 h and control plants turned out to be insignicant, and they
correspond to statistical errors.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 117
Figure 4.6. Weighing of plants for the determination of the weight of the over-
ground part.
Table 4.5. Characteristics of the overground part of radish Red giant in
925 days after the appearance of shoots.
of water
height of the
part of a
plant in
9 days
after the
of shoots
height of the
part of a
plant in
15 days
after the
of shoots
height of the
part of a
plant in
25 days
after the
of shoots
weight of the
part of a
plant in
25 days
after the
of shoots
area of
surface of a
plant in
25 days
after the
of shoots
= 1.0 h 2.2 cm 6.7 cm 9.08 cm 0.44 g 7.65 cm
= 0.5 h 2.4 cm 6.2 cm 7.97 cm 0.29 g 5.24 cm
Control 2.6 cm 6.0 cm 7.45 cm 0.28 g 5.56 cm
118 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 4.6. Characteristics of radish Red giant irrigated with activated
water compared with control water in 25 days after the appearance of shoots.
of water
Average height of
the overground
part of a plant in
25 days after the
appearance of
Average weight
of the overground
part of a plant in
25 days after the
appearance of
Average area of
the surface of
leaves of a plant
in 25 days after
the appearance of
= 1.0 h 121.9% 157.1% 137.6%
= 0.5 h 106.9% 103.5% 94.2%
Control 100% 100% 100%
Figure 4.7. Plants of radish Red giant in 9 days after the sowing.
4.3.2. Radish Krasa rannyaya
The changes of the absolute and relative characteristics of the overground
part of the plants of radish Krasa rannyaya for the period from 9 to 25
days after the appearance of shoots are presented in Tables 4.74.9.
For 25 days of the observation of the growth of sprouts of radish Krasa
rannyaya, we registered the distinctions in the growth intensity of plants irri-
gated with different fractions of activated water. At the end of the observation,
the height of plants in all variants differed insignicantly. However, the plants
which were irrigated with activated water exceeded the control plants substan-
tially in the following parameters: 1122% increment of the average weight of
the overground part of a plant and 9.723.4% in average area of the surface of
leaves of a plant. The higher parameters correspond to water activated for 1 h.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 119
Figure 4.8. Plants of radish Red giant in 25 days after the sowing.
120 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 4.7. Average height of the overground part of radish Krasa ran-
nyaya in 925 days after the appearance of shoots.
of water
Average height of
the overground part
of a plant in 9 days
after the appearance
of shoots
Average height of
the overground part
of a plant in 15 days
after the appearance
of shoots
Average height of
the overground part
of a plant in 25 days
after the appearance
of shoots
= 1.0 h 2.4 cm 6.8 cm 10.2 cm
= 0.5 h 2.5 cm 7.2 cm 10.26 cm
Control 2.1 cm 6.9 cm 10.71 cm
Table 4.8. Characteristics of the overground part of radish Krasa
rannyaya irrigated with activated and control water in 25 days after the
appearance of shoots.
of water
Average height of
the overground
part of a plant in
25 days after the
appearance of
Average weight of
the overground
part of a plant in
25 days after the
appearance of
Average area of the
surface of leaves of
one plant in
25 days after the
appearance of
= 1.0 h 10.20 cm 0.55 g 14.53 cm
= 0.5 h 10.26 cm 0.50 g 12.92 cm
Control 10.71 cm 0.45 g 11.77 cm
Table 4.9. Characteristics of radish Krasa rannyaya irrigated with acti-
vated water compared with control water in 25 days after the appearance of
of water
Average height of
the overground part
of a plant in 25 days
after the appearance
of shoots, control is
Average weight of
the overground
part of a plant in
25 days after the
appearance of
Average area of the
surface of leaves of
one plant in
25 days after the
appearance of
= 1.0 h 95.29% 122% 123.4%
= 0.5 h 95.8% 111% 109.7%
Control 100% 100% 100%
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 121
4.3.3. Peas Alpha
The parameters determining the changes of absolute and relative character-
istics of the overground part of peas in the period from 14 to 34 days after
the appearance of shoots are presented in Tables 4.104.12. The general
appearance of the plants of peas appear in 14 and 29 days after its sowing
into soil is presented in Figs. 4.9 and 4.10.
For 34 days of the observation of the growth of sprouts of peas Alpha, the
gradual change in the intensity of growth of plants was registered. In the rst 25
days after the germination, the heights of plants irrigated with activated water
exceeded those of control plants. In this case, the plants irrigated with water
activated for 1 h and for 0.5 h were higher than the control ones, by 21.3% and
17.1% respectively. At the end of the observation period, no distinctions in the
heights of plants, weights of the overground part, and average areas of leaves
were observed for experimental and control plants.
4.3.4. String beans Valentino
In Tables 4.134.15, we give the parameters determining the growth of the
overground part of string bean for the period from 14 to 34 days after the
appearance of shoots. The general appearance of the plants of string bean
in 20 days after sowing in soil is presented in Fig. 4.11.
Table 4.10. Average height of the overground part of peas Alpha in 1429
days after the appearance of shoots.
of water
Average height of
the overground
part of a plant in
14 days after the
appearance of
Average height of
the overground
part of a plant in
20 days after the
appearance of
Average height of
the overground part
of a plant in 29 days
after the appearance
of shoots
= 1.0 h 7.7 cm 14.2 cm 22.5 cm
= 0.5 h 5.8 cm 13.7 cm 23.0 cm
Control 4.5 cm 11.7 cm 23.0 cm
122 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 4.11. Characteristics of the overground part of peas Alpha irrigated
with activated and control water in 34 days after the appearance of shoots.
of water
Average height of
the overground part
of a plant in 34 days
after the appearance
of shoots
Average weight
of the overground
part of a plant in
34 days after the
appearance of
Average area of the
surface of leaves of
one plant in
34 days after the
appearance of
= 1.0 h 36.9 cm 2.22 g 111 cm
= 0.5 h 37.2 cm 2.19 g 122 cm
Control 37.2 cm 2.4 g 122 cm
Table 4.12. Characteristics of peas Alpha irrigated with activated water
compared with control water in 34 days after the appearance of shoots.
of water
Average height of
the overground part
of a plant in 34 days
after the appearance
of shoots
Average weight of
the overground
part of a plant in
34 days after the
appearance of
Average area of the
surface of leaves of
one plant in
34 days after the
appearance of
= 1.0 h 99.19% 95.5% 90.98%
= 0.5 h 100% 91.25% 100%
Control 100% 100% 100%
Figure 4.9. Plants of peas Alpha in 14 days after the sowing.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 123
Figure 4.10. Plants of peas Alpha in 29 days after the sowing.
Table 4.13. Average height of the overground part of string bean
Valentino in 1429 days after the appearance of shoots.
of water
Average height of
the overground part
of a plant in 14 days
after the appearance
of shoots
Average height of
the overground part
of a plant in 20 days
the appearance of
Average height of
the overground
part of a plant in
29 days after the
appearance of
= 1.0 h 8.0 cm 21.3 cm 24.9 cm
= 0.5 h 7.5 cm 18.4 cm 27.7 cm
Control 6.8 cm 18.6 cm 20.7 cm
124 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 4.14. Characteristics of the overground part of string bean
Valentino irrigated with activated and control water in 34 days after the
appearance of shoots.
of water
Average height of
the overground
part of a plant in
25 days after the
appearance of
Average weight of
the overground
part of a plant in
25 days after the
appearance of
Average area of the
surface of leaves of
one plant in
25 days after the
appearance of
= 1.0 h 30.0 cm 4.14 g 123 cm
= 0.5 h 31.37 cm 4.60 g 158.5 cm
Control 27.09 cm 3.67 g 114.5 cm
Table 4.15. Characteristics of string bean Valentino irrigated with acti-
vated water compared with water in 34 days after the appearance of shoots.
of water
Average height of
the overground part
of a plant in 34 days
after the appearance
of shoots, control is
Average weight of
the overground
part of a plant in
34 days after the
appearance of
Average area of the
surface of leaves of
one plant in
34 days after the
appearance of
= 1.0 h 107.5% 112.8% 107.42%
= 0.5 h 115.79% 125.3% 138.42%
Control 100% 100% 100%
Figure 4.11. Plants of string bean Valentino in 20 days after the sowing.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 125
For 34 days of the observation of the growth of sprouts of string bean Valentino,
we xed some distinctions in the intensity of growth of plants irrigated with
activated and control water. For the whole period of the observation (34 days), the
heights of plants irrigated with activated water exceeded those of control plants.
In this case, the plants irrigated with water activated for 1 h and for 0.5 h in 34 days
were higher than the control ones by 7.5% and 15.79%, heavier by 12.8% and
25.3%, and had the bigger area of leaves by 7.42% and 38.42%, respectively.
Thus, the irrigation of string beans with both fractions of activated water
resulted in the substantial improvement of the growth of plants.
4.3.5. Cabbage Dymerskaya
The results of measurements of the parameters of cabbage plants irrigated
with activated and ordinary water are presented in Tables 4.164.18. The
appearance of these cabbage plants in 25 days after the sowing is presented
in Fig. 4.12.
For 25 days of the observation of the growth of sprouts of cabbage Dymerskaya,
the gradual increase of distinctions in the intensities of growth of plants irrigated
with water activated for 1 h and with ordinary water was registered. As a result,
at the end of the period of the observation, the plants irrigated with activated
water exceeded the control ones by the increment of the average height of the
overground part (by 11.8%) and by the average weight of the overground part
(6.2%). The differences in the average areas of the surface of leaves were within
the limits of statistical error. At the same time, the distinctions between the plants
irrigated with water activated for 0.5 h and the control plants appeared much
smaller and did not exceed 4.85.2%.
Table 4.16. Average height of the overground part of cabbage Dymerskaya
in 925 days after the appearance of shoots.
of water
Average height of
the overground
part of a plant in
9 days after the
appearance of
Average height of
the overground
part of a plant in
15 days after the
appearance of
Average of the
overground part of
a plant in 25 days
after the
appearance of
= 1.0 h 2.0 cm 5.79 cm 11.15 cm
= 0.5 h 2.0 cm 5.26 cm 10.45 cm
Control 1.8 cm 4.78 cm 9.71 cm
126 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 4.17. Characteristics of the overground part of cabbage Dymer-
skaya irrigated with activated and control water in 25 days after the
appearance of shoots.
of water
Average height of
the overground
part of a plant in
25 days after the
appearance of
Average weight of
the overground
part of a plant in
25 days after the
appearance of
Average area of the
surface of leaves of
one plant in
25 days after the
appearance of
= 1.0 h 11.15 cm 0.51 g 13.82 cm
= 0.5 h 10.45 cm 0.48 g 12.92 cm
Control 9.71 cm 0.48 g 13.66 cm
Table 4.18. Characteristics of cabbage Dymerskaya irrigated with acti-
vated water compared with control water in 25 days after the appearance
of shoots.
of water
Average height of a
plant in 25 days
after the
appearance of
Average weight of
the overground
part of a plant in 25
days after the
appearance of
Average area of the
surface of leaves of
one plant in 25
days after the
appearance of
= 1.0 h 111.8% 106.2% 101.2%
= 0.5 h 104.8% 100% 94.6%
Control 100% 100% 100%
4.3.6. Pumpkin Zhdana
The examples consideredabove showquite signicant positive (stimulating)
inuence of activated water on the growth and the development of plants.
For the sake of justice, it should be noted that we observed the example of
the negative inuence as well. It turned out that activated water rendered
inhibiting inuence on the growth of pumpkin. The quantitative character-
istics determining this effect are presented below.
In Tables 4.194.21, we present the characteristics of the growth of the
overground part of pumpkin Zhdana for the period from9 to 27 days after
the appearance of shoots irrigated with different fractions of water.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 127
Figure 4.12. Plants of cabbage Dymerskaya in 25 days after sowing into soil.
During the growth, the plants were irrigated with ordinary and activated water.
The general appearance of plants of pumpkin in 9 and 27 days after
sowing into soil are shown in Figs. 4.13 and 4.14. From these photos, it is
evident that the applicationof activatedwater inhibits the growthof pumpkin
The observation of the growth of sprouts of pumpkin Zhdana for 27 days
showed the absence of a positive effect by the two fractions of activated water.
For all parameters (except for the average area of leaves of the plants irrigated
with water activated for 1 h), the experimental plants grewworse than the control
plants. The average height of the plants irrigated with activated water was less
than that of the control ones by 1220%, and the average weight of the overground
part of a plant was less by 1132%.
Thus, the results of experiments have shown that both investigated fractions
of activated water render a negative inuence on the initial stage of the growth
of the overground part of pumpkin.
128 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 4.19. Average height of the overground part of a pumpkin Zhdana
in 923 days after the appearance of shoots.
of water
Average height of
the overground
part in 9 days after
the appearance of
Average height of
the overground part
in 18 days after the
appearance of
Average height of
the overground part
in 23 days after the
appearance of
= 1.0 h 10.5 cm 16.25 cm 16.3 cm
= 0.5 h 4.6 cm 12.5 cm 13.25 cm
Control 11.0 cm 17.8 cm 18.4 cm
Table 4.20. Characteristics of the overground part of pumpkin Zhdana
irrigated with activated and control water in 27 days after the appearance
of shoots.
of water
Average height of
the overground part
in 27 days after the
appearance of
Average weight of
the overground part
in 27 days after the
appearance of
Average area of the
surface of leaves in
27 days after the
appearance of
= 1.0 h 19.0 cm 5.59 g 125.8 cm
= 0.5 h 17.6 cm 4.23 g 102.91 cm
Control 21.6 cm 6.26 g 124.16 cm
Table 4.21. Characteristics of pumpkin Zhdana irrigated with activated
water compared with control water in 27 days after the appearance of
of water
Average height of
the overground part
in 27 days after the
appearance of
shoots, control is
Average weight of
the overground part
in 27 days after the
appearance of
Average area of the
surface of leaves in
27 days after the
appearance of
= 1.0 h 87.96% 89.29% 101.32%
= 0.5 h 80.36% 67.57% 82.88%
Control 100% 100% 100%
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 129
Figure 4.13. Plants of pumpkin Zhdana in 9 days after sowing into soil.
130 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 4.14. Plants of pumpkin Zhdana in 27 days after sowing into soil.
During the growth period, plants were irrigated with ordinary and activated water.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 131
4.4. Inuence of MRETActivated Water on the Growth
of Plants in a Sterile Cultural Medium
Earlier, we considered the specic features of the inuence of activated
water on higher plants growing in soil. In the following sections, we present
the results of studies of the inuence of activated water on the cellular
structures forming callus tissues and growing in a cultural nutrient medium.
It is obvious that such a circle of objects and systems does not exhaust all
possible variants of the growth of plants. In the previous case, there was an
additional and insufciently controllable factor of inuence, the soil. In the
present case, even if the studies were carried out in a sterile cultural medium,
they were limited to the cellular system, rather than to a whole higher
In order to study the inuence of activated water on higher plants,
sterile higher plants such as Solanum tuberosum of grade Lugovskoi and
Solanum rickii capable of growth in sterile cultural media (in sterile test
tubes) were used as the object of study. The MurashigeSkoog standard
sterile cultural medium (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) was prepared for the
growth of plants. For the preparation of an agar-based medium, we took one
part of ordinary distilled water and four parts of the corresponding activated
water. The following way of activation was used:
Firstly, a concentrated solution of the cultural medium dissolved in a
small amount of ordinary distilled water was prepared. After sterilization
and cooling, this solution was diluted with the corresponding fraction of
activated water in the ratio of 1:4. In such a way, the cultural medium was
enriched with a specic fraction of activated water by 80%.
For the use of the liquid cultural medium, it was activated for 0.5 h or 1 h
after the sterilization process directly in sterile test tubes under conditions
of a sterile box.
Then we carried out the basic studies of the features of the growth of a
In test tubes with the sterile medium, the parts of plants (shoots) having
one bud were sown. Plants were cultivated in the presence of light at a
temperature of 20

C with the following light/dark period within each day:

16 h of light 8 h of darkness. In three weeks after the sowing, the evo-
luted plants were taken from test tubes, and the measurement of their major
parameters the height of plants, weight of the overground part, and
weight of leaves was carried out, and the surface area of leaves was
132 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
In addition, after the completion of each experiment, the following coef-
cients of action of activated water which characterize the average param-
eters of evoluted plants were determined:
(1) Coefcient of inhibitory action of activated water on the growth of
plants in the sterile culture K
= N
: N
Here, N
is the amount of segments survived from the cultivation
in the medium with activated water, and N
is the amount of segments
survived from the cultivation in the control medium.
(2) Coefcient of stalk formation K
= N
: N
Here, N
is the amount of segments, of which sprouts in the medium
with activated water were formed, and N
is the amount of segments,
of which sprouts in the control medium were formed.
(3) Coefcient of the length of formed sprouts K
= L
: L
Here, L
is the average length of the sprouts formed on one segment
cultivated with activated water, and L
is the average length of a sprout
formed on one segment in the control.
(4) Coefcient of a change of the coloring of leaves K
= N
: N
Here, N
is the number of plants with atypical coloring of leaves in
the medium with activated water, and N
is the number of plants with
atypical coloring of leaves in the control medium.
(5) Coefcient of root formation K
= N
: N
Here, N
is the amount of segments, on which roots were formed in
3 weeks of the cultivation in the medium with activated water, and N
is the amount of segments on which roots in the control medium were
For studying the inuence of activated water, the growth of plant
Solanum tuberosum (one plant in a separate test tube for each fraction of
activated water and for the control) was investigated. To get reliable data
and the necessary statistics, we carried out each experiment simultaneously
(in parallel) as a series of 11 recurrences. In general, 33 plants were studied.
For a plant Solanum rickii, the study was carried out according to an anal-
ogous scheme (one plant in a separate test tube for each fraction of activated
water and for the control) with the use of a series of 20 recurrences. In total,
60 plants were studied.
The data of experiments, the metrological parameters of evoluted plants
Solanumtuberosumof grade Lugovskoi, and the general viewof evoluted
plants are presented in Figs. 4.15 and 4.16 and in Tables 4.22 and 4.23.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 133
Figure 4.15. General view of sterile higher plants Solanum tuberosum in test
tubes after the cultivation during three weeks in the sterile cultural medium on the
basis of ordinary and activated water.
134 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 4.16. Sterile higher plants Solanum tuberosum taken from test tubes
after the cultivation during three weeks in the sterile cultural medium on the basis
of ordinary and activated water.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 135
Table 4.22. Inuence of activated water on the growth of sterile higher plants
Solanum tuberosum.
of water
Average height
of a plant
Average weight
of the overground
part of a plant
Average weight
of leaves of a
Average area
of leaves of
a plant
= 1.0 h 7.8 cm 0.072 g 0.013 g 0.93 cm
= 0.5 h 6.8 cm 0.068 g 0.014 g 1.00 cm
Control 4.4 cm 0.058 g 0.013 g 0.93 cm
Table 4.23. Coefcients of action of activated water on the growth of sterile
higher plants Solanum tuberosum.
Fraction of water K
= 1.0 h 1 1 1.77 0 1
= 0.5 h 1 1 1.54 0 1
Respectively, the data for the plant Solanum rickii are presented in
Figs. 4.17 and 4.18 and in Tables 4.24 and 4.25.
The analysis of the results of the experiments on the cultivation of plants Solanum
rickii and Solanum tuberosum of grade Lugovskoi in the sterile medium with
activated water allows us to make the following conclusions:
Activated water is not toxic for plants of the sterile culture; the survivability
of the sowed material in all variants made 100% and did not differ from that in
a cultural medium prepared with ordinary water.
Activated water does not interfere with the normal growth of the overground
part of plants and the root systemand does not result in the appearance of atypical
coloring of leaves.
Activated water in the dilution of 1:4 rendered no essential stimulating
inuence on the growth of plants Solanum rickii in the sterile culture.
For plants Solanum tuberosum, a small increase in the height of plants and the
weight of their overground part was observed for the growth in the medium with
activated water in comparison with those of the control.
4.5. Feature and Paradoxes of the Inuence of Activated
Water on Shaping and Growth of Callus Tissue
The above-considered features of the inuence of different fractions of
activated water on the growth of higher plants which were cultivated in vivo
136 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 4.17. General view of sterile higher plants Solanum rickii in test tubes
after the cultivation during three weeks in the sterile cultural medium on the basis
of ordinary and activated water.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 137
Figure 4.18. Sterile higher plants Solanum rickii taken from test tubes after the
cultivation during three weeks in the sterile cultural mediumon the basis of ordinary
and activated water.
138 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 4.24. Inuence of activated water on the growth of sterile higher
plants Solanum rickii.
of water
height of a
weight of the
part of a plant
weight of
leaves of a
Average area
of a leaves of
a plant
= 1.0 h 4.5 cm 0.254 g 0.15 g 15 cm
= 0.5 h 4.7 cm 0.321 g 0.18 g 18 cm
Control 5.2 cm 0.279 g 0.15 g 15 cm
Table 4.25. Coefcients of action of activated water on the growth of
sterile higher plants Solanum rickii.
of water K
= 1.0 h 1 1 0.85 0 1
= 0.5 h 1 1 0.90 0 1
(in soil), as well as in vitro (in an agar-based medium), have proved the
essential inuence of the activation of water on all the stages of devel-
opment of higher plants. However, such studies leave many questions open,
in particular, those concerning the very mechanism of the inuence of acti-
vated water on the growth of higher plants. Especially, the question about
the structural elements of a plant (beginning from DNA and a genome up
to structural elements such as roots, stalks, or leaves), on which activated
water renders the maximal inuence, remains obscure.
For the partial answer to such topical question, we carried out the studies
of the inuence of activated water on the development of irregularly growing
nondifferentiated vegetative cells in vitro.
Such objects are referred to as callus tissues. They are characterized by
a nonspecic growth of nondifferentiated cells. As a result, an unsystem-
atically growing biological tissue, in which there are no specic and func-
tional attributes, is formed. Such properties of callus tissues are related to
the fact that the growth and the cell ssion in initial vegetative fragments are
very sharply accelerated by the inuence of special chemical preparations.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 139
In such a mode of the accelerated development, cells do not reproduce the
functional organs of a plant.
The special importance of the study of callus tissues consists in that they,
in a certain sense, are indirect analogs of some heavy diseases characteristic
of animals and men (for example, psoriasis or cancer).
In order to study the inuence of two fractions of activated water (the
duration of activation was 1 h and 0.5 h), we prepared the agar-based sterile
MurashigeSkoog medium (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) with the addition
of 2 mg/Lof 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 0.5 mg/Lof kinetin. These
biologically active substances are the initiators of accelerated cellular divi-
sions resulting in the formation of quickly and irregularly growing nondif-
ferentiated cells from the ordinary differentiated cells of plants.
The experiments on the formation of callus tissue were carried out on
segments of a stalk of the plant Solanum rickii studied above in the sterile
cultural medium.
The way of activation was the same as that in the case of the growth of
plants in the sterile cultural medium considered in the previous section.
Firstly, we prepared a concentrated solution of the cultural medium on
the basis of a small amount of ordinary distilled water. After the sterilization
and the cooling, this solution was diluted with the corresponding fraction of
activated water up to the necessary ratio of activated and ordinary water. The
further studies showed that the degree of such a dilution is very important
and appreciably determines the efciency of this waterwater mixture.
The example of the medium sterilization will be considered in details
below in Sec. 5.1.
Totally, several series of experiments were carried out.
In the rst series of experiments, for the preparation of the studied
medium, we took one part of ordinary distilled water and four parts of water
activated for 1 h or 0.5 h.
In the control experiment, only initial nonactivated distilled water was
used for the preparation of the sterile cultural medium.
In each Petri dish containing the cultural medium and the necessary
biologically active substances, we sowed 20 segments of a stalk of Solanum
rickii for each variant. The data on the average weight of initial segments are
presented in Table 4.26. The photos with the general viewand the magnied
parts of Petri dishes with stalk segments before the beginning of the rst
experiment on the cultivation of callus tissue are presented in Figs. 4.19 and
4.20. From the data presented in Table 4.26 and the photos, it is clear that
the initial stalk segments were approximately identical.
140 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 4.26. Increment of callus tissue in activated water.
Initial average
weight of one
segment, mg
Fraction of
water (the
duration of
Final average
weight of one
segment, mg
increment of
the weight of
one segment,
of inhibition
of the growth
of callus
20.2 0.1 1 h 20.5 0.1 0.3 0.2 350 1800
20.8 0.1 0.5 h 21.2 0.1 0.4 0.2 300 900
19.6 0.1 the control 193.5 0.1 173.9 0.2 1
Figure 4.19. General view of Petri dishes with stalk segments before the
beginning of the rst series of experiments on the cultivation of callus tissues. The
medium composition in different Petri dishes: control is the cultural medium on
the basis of initial nonactivated water; t
= 1.0 h means the cultural mediumcon-
taining 20% of nonactivated water and 80% of water activated for 1 h; t
= 0.5 h
means the cultural medium containing 20% of nonactivated water and 80% of
water activated for 0.5 h.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 141
Figure 4.20. Magnied parts of a working eld of Petri dishes containing the
initial segments of a stalk before the beginning of the rst series of experiments on
the cultivation of callus tissue. The cultural medium composition in different Petri
dishes corresponds to the data presented in Fig. 4.19.
142 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
First of all, it is worth to note that the survivability of stalk segments
in all Petri dishes was identical and equal to 100% in all the experiments
without exception. This result has conrmed that activated water is not toxic
and the stalk segments of Solanum rickii are normally growing.
The results of experiments on the cultivation of callus tissue for 14 days
at a temperature of 20

C are presented in Table 4.26 and Fig. 4.21.

The last column in Table 4.26 characterizes the coefcient of growth
inhibition K of callus tissue determined as the ratio of the relative increment
of the weight of one segment in the control experiment (M/M)
the analogous increment of the weight of one segment (M/M)
for a
specic fraction of activated water.
It follows from these data that, at a given degree of liquid dilution in the
composition of the MurashigeSkoog cultural medium (20% of nonacti-
vated water and 80% of water subjected to the preliminary activation), both
fractions of activated water render the extremely strong inhibiting inuence
on the growth of callus tissue.
The great value of the coefcient of inhibition of the development of
callus tissue (K = 300 1000) testies to the practically full suppression
of the process of cellular division of nondifferentiated cells and the termi-
nation of the growth of callus tissue in the volume of the activated medium.
To conrm this effect, the second (repeated) series of experiments
was carried out under completely identical conditions, with the same
medium, at the same temperature, and with the same full duration of exper-
iments. The results of these studies are presented in Table 4.27 and in
Fig. 4.22.
It is clear that the results of the second (repeated) series of experiments
performed under identical conditions completely conrm (within statis-
tical error) the conclusion about both the extremely strong inhibition of the
process of cellular division of nondifferentiated cells and the practically full
termination of the growth of callus tissue on both fractions of the activated
The third series of experiments was devoted to the study of the inuence
of a degree of mixing of ordinary and activated water on the inhibition of
the growth of callus tissue. In these experiments, for the preparation of the
studied medium, we took one part of ordinary distilled water and 2.5 parts
of activated water (activated, respectively, for 1 h or 30 min). In the control
experiment, only initial nonactivated distilled water was used. The duration
of this series of measurements was also equal to two weeks. The results of
these measurements are presented in Table 4.28 and in Fig. 4.23.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 143
Figure 4.21. Magnied parts of a working eld of Petri dishes containing seg-
ments of a stalk in two weeks after the beginning of the rst series of experiments
on the cultivation of callus tissue. The composition and the arrangement order of
Petri dishes are completely identical to those presented in Fig. 4.20.
144 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 4.27. Increment of callus tissue in activated water (the repeated series
of experiments).
Fraction of
water (the
duration of
weight of one
segment, mg
Final average
weight of one
segment, mg
increment of
the weight of
one segment,
of inhibition
of the growth
of callus
1 h 22.2 0.1 22.7 0.1 0.4 0.2 470 1000
0.5 h 29.8 0.1 30.1 0.1 0.3 0.2 550 2500
Control 24.6 0.1 257.9 0.1 233.3 0.2 1
Figure 4.22. General view of Petri dishes containing segments of a stalk in two
weeks after the beginning of the second (repeated) series of experiments on the
cultivation of callus tissue. The cultural medium composition and the ratio of
nonactivated and activated water are completely identical to the rst series (see the
caption of Fig. 4.19).
In conclusion, we make several additional remarks concerning the
features and results of our studies.
Before realizing the third series of measurements, we would expect
a priori that a rather small reduction of the relative concentration of acti-
vated water from the initial value of 80% (in the rst and second series of
experiments) up to 71% (in the third series) should result in the same small
(within the limits of 10%) predicted reduction of the inhibition effect of the
growth of callus tissue for both fractions of activated water. However, such
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 145
Table 4.28. Increment of callus tissue in a diluted mixture of activated
and ordinary water (the third series of experiments).
Fraction of
water (the
duration of
weight of one
segment, mg
Final average
weight of one
segment, mg
increment of
one segment,
of inhibition
of the growth
of callus
1 h 22.9 0.1 131.8 0.1 108.9 0.2 1.39
0.5 h 20.8 0.1 26.0 0.1 5.2 0.2 25.5 27.5
Control 22.6 0.1 171.8 0.1 149.2 0.2 1
Figure 4.23. General view of Petri dishes containing segments of a stalk in two
weeks after the beginning of the third series of experiments on the cultivation
of callus tissue in the medium prepared with a diluted mixture of activated and
ordinary water.
simplied prediction turned out erroneous, and the results turned out to be
essentially different.
It follows from the obtained results that the dilution of activated water
with ordinary water does not lead to a monotonous reduction of the effect
of inhibition identically for both fractions. The effect turned out much more
complex and interesting.
From the obtained data, it is clear that the cultural medium prepared
on the basis of the mixture of ordinary water and activated water with the
duration of activation of 0.5 h in the ratio of 1:2.5 is characterized (as was
146 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
expected) by the essential, though considerably weaker, effect of inhibition.
For this medium, the effect of inhibition remains very big (K 25), though
its value has decreased 20 times in comparison with that for the medium
with the mixture of water in the ratio of 1:4.
Contrary to that, for the cultural medium prepared on the basis of the
mixture of ordinary water and activated water with the duration of activation
of 1.0 h in the ratio of 1:2.5, the effect of inhibition of the growth of callus
tissue and the inuence on the cellular division is manifested slightly and
is characterized by a rather small coefcient of inhibition, K 1.4.
It is possible to state some assumptions concerning this effect. Taking
into account that activated water by itself has no toxic properties, we
may assume that a small impurity of ordinary nonactivated water essen-
tially alters the character of inuence of activated water on the cell
If we start fromthe concept of the inuence of activated water on the total
surface energy of dividing cells, which will be advanced below in Sec. 5.3
and considered more accurately in Chap. 7, we can assume that the growth
of callus tissue is inhibited in the medium with a great concentration of
activated water for the same reason, because of which there is no division
of cells of microbiological culture Escherichia coli on meat-peptone agar
under aerobic conditions.
Within the framework of such a concept, it is necessary to assume that
there is a certain threshold for the surface energy, the overcoming of which
makes the cell division disadvantageous. In this case, little changes of the
relative concentration of activated water result in similar little changes
of the surface energy which can appear lower than the threshold in this
case, and the process of division becomes allowed. This prediction can
have very important consequences and can promote the development of
a real mechanism of the essential inuence on biological objects without
the presence of side effects, which are undoubtedly manifested on the
use of various chemical preparations or ionizing radiation for the same
It is obvious that the determination of the surface energy threshold is
one of those perspective tasks of fundamental biology, to which the authors
are going to address in the future.
A special importance of the discovered effect of strong inhibition of
irregularly growing nondifferentiated vegetable cells is related to the fact
that cells of the animal origin have similar properties. There are weighty
grounds to assume that activated water can be used for the treatment of
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on the Growth of Higher Plants 147
psoriasis, which is revealed as the considerably accelerated division of cells
of epidermis, and for the treatment of oncological diseases.
In Chap. 6, we will present the experimental results on the study of the
inuence of activated water on the prophylaxis and the treatment of two lines
of oncological diseases in vitro and in vivo (mice after the inoculation of
tumors) which unequivocally conrm this assumption. Certain fractions of
activated water render strong antitumoral action and promote the reduction
of a size of tumors and the increase of the lifetime of infected mice. These
results allow us to assert that the same effect can be used for the treatment
of human oncological diseases.
Effects of MRETActivated Water
on Microbial Culture and Natural
Microbial Associations
5.1. The Problem and Methods of Studying the Inuence
of Activated Water on Microbial Cultures and
Microbial Associations
5.1.1. General statement of the problem and initial
biological test-objects
In Chap. 5, we consider the results of studying the inuence of different
sorts of activated water on microbial cultures and microbial associations.
Such a selection of objects for the study is quite natural. It is related
to the general logic of scientic researches which have to combine both
in depth investigation of one object and the more general investigation
of an aggregate of objects in natural interconnection. This concerns, in
particular, microorganisms which live inside animals and men. For them,
such a connection is typical when they are in the state of natural symbiosis,
supplementing and helping one another. Such symbiotic communities of
microorganisms form the syntrophic associations which include a great
number of their species.
Based on this conception, we used both a pure bacterial culture and the
mixed syntrophic associations of microorganisms, which have composition
similar to that of the associations in human, in the study of the action of acti-
vated water on microorganisms. The results of studies of the pure cultures
are presented in Secs. 5.25.4, and the results concerning the syntrophic
associations are given in Sec. 5.5.
In the investigation of pure microbiological cultures, the pathogenic
strain Escherichia coli K 12 was used as the test culture.
As a source of syntrophic microbial associations, we used a granulated
preparation which consisted of microorganisms taken fromthe active sludge
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 149
of an aerotank and the fermented sediment of a methane-tank. The prepa-
ration contained the maximal variety of representatives of the physiological
groups of microorganisms, and correspondingly represented the variety of
metabolic pathways.
Escherichia coli is a stable symbiont of the digestive tracts of warm-
blooded animals, as well as the most prevalent test-culture in microbiology.
Because of this, the data on the action of a medium activation to culture
Escherichia coli are sufciently representative.
The testing of syntrophic associations reects the inuence of activated
water on the natural and articial microbial cenoses and supercenoses.
The experiments on the study of the effect of activated water on pure
cultures and microbiological associations were executed under the guidance
of Dr. A. B. Tashirev at D. K. Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and
Virology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
5.1.2. Methods of microbiological studies and equipment
It is well known that any living systemis a self-stabilizable object, for which
the composition of chemical element content is genetically determined in
DNA and is almost invariable during the whole life. Basing on the classi-
cation by relative concentration, the chemical elements are usually parted
into vitally necessary macro- and micro-elements.
The vitally necessary elements are: oxygen O (the typical concentration
in a living culture is about 24%), hydrogen H (64%), carbon C (9%), and
nitrogen N (0.13%).
The elements necessary for the growth of biological cultures include:
Na (7 10
%), K (4.5 10
%), Ca (7.5 10
%), Mg (2 10
Fe (8 10
%), P (1.3 10
%) and Si (3.5 10
The specicity of the growth and the life of biological objects also
requires the presence of a number of trace microelements such as
Cl (7 10
%), Al (6 10
%), B (6 10
%), Ti (1 10
Zn (3 10
%), Li (1 10
%), Cu (1 10
%), Sr (1 10
Ba (5 10
%), F (3 10
%), Br (6 10
%), Rb (4 10
%), Sn
(1 10
%), Ni (5 10
%), Mo (1 10
%), and Co (1 10
For some microbiological cultures, the microelements S, Mn, J, and Hg
are essential as well.
The percentages given are the mean values and can differ by some orders
for separate cultures. At the same time, the requirement for the element
150 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
composition to be stable is one of the necessary conditions for normal vital
It is known that culture Escherichia coli and the majority of micro-
organisms that are included into syntrophic associations fed heterotrophi-
cally. For this reason, we used the combined meat-peptone medium with
glucose which contained organic and mineral substances at high concentra-
tions (the sources of nitrogen, phosphorus, and essential microelements) in
To accelerate the growth of microorganisms and to increase metabolic
activity, we introduced a 40% concentrated solution of glucose into the
nutrient medium [meat-peptone broth (MPB) or meat-peptone agar MPA)]
to the nal concentration of 2%.
Glucose was introduced several times into the liquid medium due to a
decrease of the metabolic activity of microorganisms (these characteristics
will be discussed during the analysis of specic experiments). We added
glucose one time into the agarized medium before its transfer into Petri
MPB was used to cultivate Escherichia coli and to determine the
metabolic parameters of synthrophic associations.
In the determination of the inuence of activated water on the mor-
phological parameters of colonies and cells of Escherichia coli and their
stability to antibiotics, we used MPA. Under sterile conditions, we inro-
duced sodium resazurinate, which is simultaneously the indicator of both
the metabolic activity and the redox-potential (a redox-indicator), into all
the variants of nutrient media.
To grow the microbiological culture Escherichia coli and synthrophic
microbial associations under anaerobic conditions, we used 50-ml colorless
glass asks with a thread on the neck.
During the growth of the microbiological culture Escherichia coli, the
30-ml portion of MPBwas introduced into each ask. The asks were closed
with plugs made of exible rubber and were screwed with metal hoods with
thread. The sowing material (2 ml of metabolically-active 24-h culture) was
injected into the asks with a syringe through rubber plugs.
For the cultivation of associations, the 5-g portion of a dry microbial
granular preparation and a 30-ml portion of MPBwere introduced into each
ask, and then these asks were closed with rubber plugs and screwed with
metal hoods.
To grow Escherichia coli culture under aerobic conditions, we used
20-ml glass test-tubes with cotton-gauze plugs. The sowing mterial (1 ml of
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 151
the active 24-h culture) was introduced into tubes with a pipette under sterile
conditions with a burner ame. Such a method ensured the required level of
sterility. Other protective measures needed to ensure the necessary sterility
will be considered in what follows.
In order to grow Escherichia coli culture on an agarized medium, we
used glass Petri dishes. Each dish was lled by 15 ml of melted MPA.
To control the sterility, these dishes were held for 24 h in a thermostat at
30 dishes. Each dish was lled with 15 ml of melted MPA. To control the
sterility, these dishes were then held for 24 h in a thermostat at 30

During the study of the morphology of colonies and cells of Escherichia
coli, we prepared tenfold dilutions of the inoculum (1 ml of active 24-h
culture of Escherichia coli). The corresponding aliquots were then spread
on the agarized medium with a Drigalsky spatula to obtain the isolated
colonies. The inoculation into dishes were performed from 35 dilutions:
we uniformly spread 0.1 ml of the cell suspension over the surface of the
agarized medium using a glass spatula. In the experiments on the study of
the inuence of an activated medium on the stability of Escherichia coli to
antibiotics, 0.1 ml of the concentrated suspension of microorganisms was
spread over the medium surface with a glass spatula in order to obtain a
uniform bacterial lm, the so-called total lawn.
In the examination of the effect of activated water on the action of toxic
elements, heavy metals were used.
It is known that heavy metals such as chromium, mercury, and copper
are already toxic for microorganisms at their concentration of 15 mg/L in a
medium. Their toxicity is caused by the high oxidation-reduction potential
(redox-potential) and by such fact that they can replace the metals (cobalt,
molybdenum, calcium, magnesium, etc.) in the active centers of enzymes
of the structural and energetic metabolism. In turn, this leads to the inac-
tivation of enzymes and the inhibition of the growth of microorganisms.
The mechanisms of the detoxication of heavy metals become apparent in
the enzymatic reduction of the high-potential toxic forms of metals to low-
or non-toxic compounds. Moreover, the detoxication occurs as a result of
the excretion of redox-metabolites (proteins, polysaccharides, etc.) into the
medium by microorganisms. Therefore, the reduction rate of metals is the
important criterion that characterizes the metabolic activity of microor-
ganisms and their ability to maintain homeostasis under the inuence of
stress factors.
To study the effect of activated water on the ability of Escherichia
coli and syntrophic associations to reduce heavy metals, we used a Cr(VI)
152 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
compound potassiumchromate K
. In aqueous solution, potassium
chromate dissociates into K
and CrO
The CrO
anion is a high-potential compound that creates the redox-
potential Eh

= +550 mV in a medium. By interacting with CrO

, the
metabolically active microorganisms reduce it to insoluble (and, hence,
nontoxic) chromium(III) hydroxide:
+(n 1)H
O +5H
+3e = Cr(OH)
The quantitative determination of Cr(VI) was made by the colorimetric
methodwithdiphenylcarbazide (DPK). InanacidmediumwithCr(VI) com-
pounds, DPK creates the complex compounds colored in red or crimson.
The coloring power of the analytic solution is proportional to the concen-
tration of Cr(VI). From a ask or test-tube, 2 ml of the cultural liquid were
taken away, then these samples were put to a chemically pure test-tube, and
3 drops of concentrated sulphuric acid and 0.5 ml of a 1%alcoholic solution
of DPK were added.
As a control measurement, we carried out the analytic determination of
chromate in distilled water and in a sterile nutrient medium that contained
50 mg/L of Cr(VI). In the experiment, a sterile solution of Cr(VI) was intro-
duced in the asks containing the metabolically active culture up to the nal
concentration of 20 or 50 mg/L, by using a syringe.
5.1.3. Method of activation of nutrient media and means
of registration of the processes of vital activity
of microbiological cultures
In all the experiments, we used three variants of nutrient media: the control
one (a medium without activation) and the media activated during 0.5 h
and 1.0 h.
To provide the necessary level of sterility, special measures were under-
taken. In this case, it is necessary to take into consideration the following
Our investigation of the physical properties of activated water showed
that the anomalous characteristics of such water disappear when heated
up to a temperature of 60

C. This circumstance leads to the unambiguous

conclusion about the extreme inefciency of the technological cycle, when
the medium is rstly activated and then is sterilized. More proper is such a
method where the liquid medium and all technological equipment destined
for the contact with the medium (laboratory glassware, in particular) are
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 153
sterilized rst and only then activated. Such a technique imposes certain
limitations on the preparation of experiments.
We started from the fact that the medium is to be activated under sterile
conditions. For this purpose, we sterilized the external surface of the acti-
vation block directly before each activation cycle, by treating it sequentially
with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide followed with 96% ethanol.
For the activation of MPB (in order to grow syntrophic microbial asso-
ciations and culture Escherichia coli under anaerobic conditions), we used
1-liter sterile glass jars with a sterile activation block in its neck (Fig. 5.1).
After the activation, the medium was poured into asks next to the ame of
a gas burner.
To grow Escherichia coli culture under aerobic conditions, MPB was
poured into sterile test-tubes. The open test-tubes, in the burner ame, were
Figure 5.1. Activation of the medium for the growth of microbial syntrophic
associations and E. coli under anaerobic conditions (before the introduction into
154 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
placed, with sterile tweezers in a jug precisely at right angle to the bottom
surface for 100% efcient irradiation of the medium in test-tubes during
activation. The general view of their mutual position in a jug used for the
activation is shown in Figs. 5.2 and 5.3.
After the activation, the test-tubes were closed up with cotton-gauze
plugs and then lled with the suspension of a metabolically active culture.
The dishes with the agarized medium, which were ready for inoculation,
were activated in the following way. A dish was opened and placed on a
sterile glass plate. Then, it was covered with a sterile plastic hood with the
built-in activation block, as shown in Fig. 5.4.
The activation block was placed above a dish at a distance of about
45 cm from the agarized medium surface. The introduction of microor-
ganisms in all variants of the experiment was carried out after the activation
Figure 5.2. Activation of meat-peptone broth with glucose for the cultivation of
E. coli under aerobic conditions in test-tubes (side view).
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 155
Figure 5.3. Activation of meat-peptone broth with glucose for the cultivation of
E. coli under aerobic conditions in the test-tubes (view from above).
Figure 5.4. Activation of the agarized medium for the cultivation of E. coli in
Petri dishes. An open dish with the medium is covered with a sterile plastic hood.
Figure 5.5. Redox-indicator, sodium resazurinate, has a blue-violet color. In the
studies, sodium resazurinate made by SERVA was used.
156 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
of the medium and the following 24-h exposure at 30

C. Such an exposure
is necessary to control the sterility during the activation.
The determination of the inuence of activated water on the cultural-
morphological and physiological properties of microorganisms was made
by the following parameters:
reductase activity,
volume of a synthesized gas,
optical density of the cultural liquid (an increase of the concentration of
cultural-morphological properties of microorganisms (the morphology
of cells, the shape and color of colonies, etc.).
In each variant of the experiment, we carried out ve identical studies
to ehnance the reliability of experimental data.
The reductase activity is an indicator of the integral metabolic activity
of microorganisms. The reductase activity is an evidence for the ability
of microorganisms to change the oxidation-reduction potential (redox-
potential, in millivolts) of a cultural medium. It is known that each phys-
iological group of microorganisms, or a separate species in some cases,
has its distinctive redox-potential, at which the culture growth begins. The
preparatory metabolism of microorganisms (in particular, the excretion
of reduction equivalents) is directed to the establishment of the physico-
chemical conditions optimal for this culture in a medium. The phase of
logarithmic growth (the most active) is characterized by the high reductase
activity, which leads to a fast decrease of the redox-potential. In addition, the
reductase activity correlates with the integral metabolic activity of microor-
ganisms, i.e. with the activity of multienzymatic systems of the energetic
constructional metabolism.
To evaluate the reductase activity, we used the indicator of oxidation-
reduction potential, sodiumresazurinate, which is widely applied in biology
(Fig. 5.5).
Sodium resazurinate (named as resazurin in what follows) is nontoxic
for microorganisms and allows one to unambiguously visually determine
the basic redox-indices of a cultural medium. The indicator has three colors
for different redox forms:
(i) resazurin violet, redox-potential Eh

> 50 mV (high-potential,
aerobic conditions in most cases),
(ii) resorun red, Eh

50 mV (facultative anaerobic conditions),

Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 157
(iii) leukoresazurin colorless, Eh

100 mB (low-potential, oblig-

atory anaerobic conditions).
The reductase activity index was determined visually by a change of
the medium coloration using the color scale (to within 5%). The technique
applied in this work (we made N = 5 simultaneous parallel studies) allowed
us to increase the accuracy of measurements of the reductase activity by

N 2.24 times, which corresponds to a nal accuracy of 2.24%.

In test-tubes and asks, the reductase activity was determined by the col-
oration intensity of resazurin in the cultural liquid. In the agarized medium
with resazurin, the reductase activity of E. coli was determined by the size of
the zone, where resazurin becomes colorless (diameter, in mm). In the study
of the stability to antibiotics, the size of the growth inhibition zone (GIZ)
was determined by the size of a spot around the disk with antibiotic that
was colored in violet or red with resazurin.
The gas synthesis intensity during the growth of microorganisms under
anaerobic conditions allows one to determine the integral activity of the
redox-enzymatic complexes of microorganisms, as well as the rates of
consumption of a substrate and accumulation of nal gaseous metabo-
lites. On the whole, the volume of synthesized gas is proportional to the
metabolite activityof microorganisms. Duringthe cultivationof Escherichia
coli and syntrophic associations under anaerobic conditions, we measured
the evolved gas volume in denite time intervals (they are indicated in the
tables and diagrams). For this purpose, a rubber plug hermetically closing
a ask was pierced with a syringe needle (the 20-ml volume). The pressure
of a superuous gas moved the syringe piston. The evolved gas volume
was determined by the graduation marks on a syringe cylinder. If the gas
volume was greater than 20 ml, the second measurement was made. The
metabolic activity of microorganisms was determined by the gas evolution
dynamics during the cultivation and by the total gas yield during the whole
The optical density is the index of yield (harvest) of the biomass and the
increase of the concentration of the cells of microorganisms in the cultural
liquid. The growth of microorganisms (the division of cells) is accompanied
by a turbidity of the cultural liquid, which leads to the increase of its optical
density (D). Therefore, the optical density is the representative index of the
growth of E. coli in a liquid nutrient medium.
The optical density of the cultural liquid was determined in the following
way: the test-tubes and asks with the cultural liquid were placed right up to
158 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
a white screen with four black lines with different thicknesses (the thickness
of the lines grows from No 1 to No 4).
By the bacteria-induced turbidity standards, it is determined that
(i) the thickness of the cultural liquidlayer inthe test-tubes, whenline No1,
2, 3, and 4 becomes sequentially invisible, corresponds, respectively,
to 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, and 1.2 optical density units.
(ii) the thickness of the cultural liquid layer in the asks, when line No 1,
2, 3, and 4 becomes sequentially invisible, corresponds, respectively,
to 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 optical density units.
The cultural-morphological properties (size, shape and color of
colonies, size and shape of cells) of Escherichia coli culture grown in the
activated medium were investigated on the base of special preparations
suitable for microscope photorecording. The methods of preparation and
usage of such preparations will be considered in detail below in Sec. 5.3.
5.2. Effect of the Activation of the Aqueous Medium
on Metabolic Parameters of the Microbiological
Culture Escherichia coli
5.2.1. Effect of the duration of activation on the metabolic
parameters of culture Escherichia coli grown under
aerobic conditions
The metabolic activity of any biological object is the base of its viability.
In turn, the reductase activity is the indicator of integral parameters of the
metabolic activity. The reductase activity provides evidence of the ability
of microorganisms to change the oxidation-reduction potential of a cultural
medium. In particular, it reects the degree of readiness of the enzymatic
system to serve the metabolic processes.
The reductase activity is the parameter that describes, on the whole, such
integral general index of the functioning of a microbial population (or a
macroorganism) as the rate of metabolic processes in living organisms. In
particular, it characterizes the substrate consumption rate (the assimilation
rate of nutrient substances) and the oxygen consumption rate for aerobic
macro- and micro-organisms.
To determine the inuence of the state of water on the reductase activity,
we used the oxidation-reduction potential indicator, resazurin. The tech-
nique of such an analysis was considered in Sec. 5.1.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 159
In our studies, the index of reductase activity was determined visually
by the medium coloration change with the use of the standard color scale.
Such a method allows us to determine the correspondence of colors and the
belonging to one or another redox-form.
In the test-tubes and asks, the reductase activity was determined by the
intensity of the coloration of resazurin in a cultural liquid.
In the experiments, the following parameters were measured:
coefcient of sterility that was determined by the col-
oration intensity of resazurin in the control medium (the discoloration of
resazurin, in %);
, D
, and D
average values of the optical density of a medium
in the control experiment and in the media that were activated for 0.5 h
and 1.0 h;
, V
, and V
average values of the gas volume in the control
experiment and in the media that were activated for 0.5 h and 1.0 h;
, R
, and R
average values of the reductase activity index (the
discoloration of resazurin, in %) in the control experiment and in the media
that were activated for 0.5 h and 1.0 h; and
= R
, K
= R
inhibition coefcients for the
reductase activity in the medium activated for 0.5 h and 1.0 h.
In addition to the characteristics considered above, it is expedient to
introduce the efciency coefcient of reductase activity inhibition K
This coefcient is determined by the proportion
and shows how many times the medium activation for 0.5 h intensies the
effect of reductase activity inhibition of E. coli culture in comparison with
that of the activation for 1.0 h.
In Figs. 5.65.13, we present the photos that demonstrate the sequence
of temporal changes of the reductase activity for the microbiological E. coli
(for 15 h) culture grown under aerobic conditions in media that were pre-
pared with different fractions of activated water. The measurement method
was considered above (in Sec. 5.1.3).
We recall that the changes of resazurin colors correspond to three color
(i) resazurin violet, redox-potential Eh

> 50 mV,
(ii) resorun red, Eh

50 mV,
(iii) leukoresazurin colorless, Eh

100 mV.
160 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.6. 1st hour of the experiment. R
= 0.2, R
= 0.1, R
= 0.4,
= 0.05, D
= 0.05, D
= 0.05, K
= 2.0, K
= 0.5, K
= 4.0.
Figure 5.7. 2nd hour of the experiment. R
= 10, R
= 5, R
= 12, D
0.05, D
= 0.05, D
= 0.05, K
= 2.0, K
= 0.83, K
= 2.4.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 161
Figure 5.8. 3rd hour of the experiment. R
= 25, R
= 9, R
= 19, D
0.05, D
= 0.05, D
= 0.05, K
= 2.8, K
= 1.3, K
= 2.2.
Figure 5.9. 4th hour of the experiment. R
= 47, R
= 34, R
= 32, D
0.05, D
= 0.05, D
= 0.05, K
= 1.4, K
= 1.5, K
= 0.9.
162 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.10. 5th hour of the experiment. R
= 52, R
= 50, R
= 46,
= 0.1, D
= 0.1, D
= 0.1, K
= 1.04, K
= 1.13, K
= 0.92.
Figure 5.11. 7th hour of the experiment. R
= 65, R
= 65, R
= 65,
= 0.6, D
= 0.6, D
= 0.6, K
= 1.0, K
= 1.03, K
= 0.97. In
the test-tubes along the column height of the medium, there appear the local zones
of high redox-activity, where resazurin is discolored completely.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 163
Figure 5.12. 10th hour of the experiment. R
= 75, R
= 70, R
= 70,
= 0.6, D
= 0.6, D
= 0.6, K
= 1.04, K
= 1.04, K
= 1.0.
Figure 5.13. 15th hour of the experiment. R
= 50, R
= 50, R
= 50,
= 0.1, D
= 0.1, D
= 0.1, K
= 1.0, K
= 1.0, K
= 1.0.
164 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Below each photo, we present the corresponding information (the time
interval after the start of the experiment and the main parameters that
describe the state of the medium). If necessary, we gave the notes and com-
ments concerning the specic time after the experiment started. The water-
activation duration in this experiment is shown directly on the photos.
The discussion of the results of measurements and the nal conclusions
are given below.
In Fig. 5.14, we show the above-obtained dependence of the reductase
activity on the time from the start of experiment for different media (meat-
peptone broth that contains the corresponding water fraction) both for non-
activated water (control) and for water activated for 0.5 h and 1 h.
These summary data correspond to the information contained in the
gure captions below each photo in Figs. 5.65.13.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
t, h
Relative reductase activities
; K
; K
; K
= 1.0 h, K
= 0.5 h, K
0.5; 1.0
= 0, K
Figure 5.14. Effect of medium-activation duration on the inhibition coefcients
of the reductase activity (K
, K
, and K
) of the microbiological culture
Escherichia coli grown under aerobic conditions.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 165
1. The activation of the medium leads to both the inhibition and intensication
of the reductase activity of the microbiological culture Escherichia coli in
the initial stage of cultivation under aerobic conditions (for 45 h of the
2. For the medium activated for 0.5 h, the maximal manifestation of the
reductase activity inhibition effect corresponds to the beginning of the
3. For the medium activated for 1.0 h, the effect of reductase activity inten-
sication occurs in the initial stage of the cultivation. In 2.5 h, this effect
is replaced by the effect of reductase activity inhibition which reaches its
maximum in 4 h after the start of the cultivation.
4. Starting from the 5th h of the cultivation, the inhibition ceased in both
medium fractions (such a result can be related to the homeostasis of the
5. The medium activation did not inuence the biomass increase. The optical
density of the cultural liquid was the same in all variants of the experiment.
5.2.2. Metabolic parameters of Escherichia coli on its
growth in the activated watercontaining nutrient
medium under anaerobic conditions
Below, we show the sequence of Figs. 5.155.36 and other data that
describe a change of the reductase activity, volume of an evolved gas, and
other metabolic parameters of Escherichia coli culture on its growth under
anaerobic conditions. To growEscherichia coli under anaerobic conditions,
we used 50-ml colorless glass asks with a thread on their necks. For the
cultivation, the asks were lled with 30 ml of MPB. To create anaerobic
conditions, the asks were hermetically closed with elastic rubber plugs
and screwed with metal hoods with a thread. The inoculum (2 ml of the
metabolically active 24-h culture) was introduced into the asks using a
syringe, by piercing through a rubber plug.
The whole series of experiments lasted 20 h and included the investi-
gations performed in the presence of different fractions of water. During
the studies (in 17 h after the start of the experiment), the strong oxidizing
agent containing highly toxic metal such as chromium was carried into
the medium. Under each photo, we give the data on main values of the
metabolic parameters at the present time moment. If necessary, we present
the comments and explanations concerning the specicity of phenomena
demonstrated in the photos.
166 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.15. Start of the experiment.
Figure 5.16. 1st hour of the experiment. R
= 0, R
= 0, R
= 0, D
= 0,
= 0, D
= 0, V
= 0, V
= 0, V
= 0.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 167
Figure 5.17. 2nd hour of the experiment. R
= 35, R
= 35, R
= 35,
= 0, D
= 0, D
= 0, K
= 1, K
= 1, V
= 0, V
= 0, V
= 0.
Figure 5.18. 3rd hour of the experiment. R
= 50, R
= 50, R
= 50,
= 0, D
= 0, D
= 0, K
= 1, K
= 1, V
= 0, V
= 0, V
= 0.
168 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.19. 5th hour of the experiment. Control. R
= 80, D
= 0, V
= 0.
Figure 5.20. 5th hour of the experiment. The activation for 0.5 h. R
= 80,
= 0, K
= 1, V
= 0.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 169
Figure 5.21. 5th hour of the experiment. The activation for 1.0 h. R
= 80,
= 0, K
= 1, V
= 0.
Figure 5.22. 6th hour of the experiment. Control. For all the variants of the
experiment (control, the activation for 1.0 h and 0.5 h), glucose is introduced up to
a nal concentration of 1.8%. R
= 80, D
= 0, V
= 0.
170 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.23. 6th hour of the experiment. The activation for 0.5 h. R
= 80,
= 0, K
= 1, V
= 0.
Figure 5.24. 6th hour of the experiment. The activation for 1.0 h. R
= 80,
= 0, K
= 1, V
= 0.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 171
Figure 5.25. 7th hour of the experiment. Control. R
= 88, D
= 0.28, V
= 0.
Figure 5.26. 7th hour of the experiment. The activation for 0.5 h. R
= 83,
= 0.24, K
= 1.06, V
= 0.
172 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.27. 7th hour of the experiment. The activation for 1.0 h. R
= 88,
= 0.04, K
= 1.0, V
= 0.
Figure 5.28. 8th hour of the experiment. Control. R
= 91, D
= 0.52, V
= 0.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 173
Figure 5.29. 8th hour of the experiment. The activation for 0.5 h. R
= 88,
= 0.54, K
= 1.03, V
= 0.
Figure 5.30. 8th hour of the experiment. The activation for 1.0 h. R
= 88,
= 0.48, K
= 1.03, V
= 0.
174 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.31. 10th hour of the experiment. Control. At the 10th hour of the cul-
tivation for all variants of the experiment, glucose was introduced up to a nal
concentration of 2%. R
= 98, D
= 0.82, V
= 0.
Figure 5.32. 10th hour of the experiment. The activation for 0.5 h. R
= 98,
= 0.7, K
= 1.0, V
= 2.2.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 175
Figure 5.33. 10th hour of the experiment. The activation for 1.0 h. R
= 98,
= 0.88, K
= 1.0, V
= 2.0.
Figure 5.34. 15th hour of the experiment. Control. R
= 97, D
= 0.9, V
= 0.8.
176 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.35. 15th hour of the experiment. The activation for 0.5 h. R
= 98,
= 0.9, K
= 0.99, V
= 0.4.
Figure 5.36. 15th hour of the experiment. The activation for 1.0 h. R
= 99,
= 0.9, K
= 0.98, V
= 1.2.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 177
In Figs. 5.155.36, you can see one ask with the nutrient medium
(MPB) without Escherichia coli culture, but with resazurin added for the
sterility control, near 15 asks containing the nutrient medium on the basis
of the different fractions of activated water and Escherichia coli culture.
During all the experiments (all Figs. 5.155.36), the color of the control ask
was invariable. This fact conrms the sterility maintenance in the course of
the whole experiment.
As seen, resazurin is almost colorless (R 100) at the 10th hour of the
cultivation in all variants of the experiment. Therefore, starting from the
11th hour of the experiment, E. coli culture was under anaerobic conditions:
redox-potential was Eh < 100 mV, and the free oxygen O
tends to zero.
After 10 h of the experiment, culture E. coli was under strictly anaerobic
conditions in all variants of the experiment (with different fractions of acti-
vated water). The redox-potential of the medium was very low (Eh
100 mV). At the 16th hour of the experiment, the synthesis rate of the
hydrogencarbon-dioxide mixture was 2.23.4 ml/h, which testies to the
high reductase activity of the culture in that time period. Therefore, the
strong oxidizing agent (which contained the highly toxic metal Cr) K
was introduced into the medium up to a nal concentration of 20 mg/L
Cr(VI) at the 17th hour of the experiment (Figs. 5.37 and 5.38).
Anion CrO
is the high-potential redox-buffer.
Since the reaction
+(n 1) H
O +5H
+3e = Cr(OH)
has the standard redox-potential equal to E

= +555 mV, and resazurin has
the standard potential of the transition to the colorless form (leukoform)
equal to E

= 100 mV, the medium after the introduction of chromate
becomes red almost instantly.
In 15 min after the introduction of chromate, the Cr(VI) concentration
in the different variants of the experiment was as follows:
(i) control 10 12 mg/L
(ii) the activation for 0.5 h 11 14 mg/L, and
(iii) the activation for 1 h 13 16 mg/L.
178 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.37. 17th hour of the experiment. The activation for 0.5 h. R
= 70,
= 1.0, K
= 1.07, V
= 0. The reduction of chromates correlates with
the discoloration of resazurin: sterility control [20 mg/L Cr(VI)] is scarlet (SC),
but the evident decrease of the medium coloration intensity occurs in the asks in
15 min after the introduction of Cr(VI).
Figure 5.38. 17th hour of the experiment. The activation for 1.0 h. R
= 65,
= 1.0, K
= 1.15, V
= 0.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 179
Figure 5.39. 18th hour of the experiment. Control. R
= 79, D
= 1.0, V
= 0.
Figure 5.40. 18th hour of the experiment. The activation for 0.5 h. R
= 79,
= 1.0, K
= 1.03, V
= 0.
180 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.41. 18th hour of the experiment. The activation for 1.0 h. R
= 81,
= 1.0, K
= 0.98, V
= 1.2.
Figure 5.42. 19th hour of the experiment. Control. R
= 100, D
= 1.0,
= 0. In the gure, the sampling method of a gas from a closed ask by perfo-
ration through a rubber plug with a syringe is shown. It is shown that the excess
pressure of a gas was absent (the syringe piston did not rise).
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 181
Figure 5.43. 19th hour of the experiment. The activation for 0.5 h. R
= 100,
= 1.0, K
= 1.0, V
= 0.
Figure 5.44. 19th hour of the experiment. The activation for 1.0 h. R
= 100,
= 1.0, K
= 1.0, V
= 0.
182 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
In 30 min after the introduction of chromate, the Cr(VI) concentration
in the different variants of the experiment was as follows:
(i) control 3 4 mg/L,
(ii) 0.5 h of activation 5 6 mg/L, and
(iii) 1.0 h 7 8 mg/L.
In 60 min after the introduction of chromate, the redox-balance in
the cultural medium restored little by little. In all three variants of the
experiment (control, the activation for 0.5 h and 1.0 h), the gradual discol-
oration of the medium due to the decrease in redox-potential was observed
(Figs. 5.395.41).
At the 1920th hour of the experiment, the redox-balance in the cultural
medium was restored completely. In all three variants of the experiment
(control, the activation of water for 0.5 h and 1.0 h), almost complete dis-
coloration of the medium took place (Figs. 5.425.44).
After the introduction of chromate, the synthesis of a gas by the culture
did not resume.
In Fig. 5.45, we showthe summary dependence of the reductase activity
of the culture in three water-fractions grown under anaerobic conditions.
The obtained data testify that water activation has no effect on the
metabolic parameters of Escherichia coli culture grown under anaerobic
conditions during the whole experiment (20-h culture).
5.3. Cultural-Physiological Parameters of Escherichia
coli Culture Grown on the Activated Meat-Peptone
Agar Under Aerobic Conditions
5.3.1. Effect of different fractions of activated water
on the survivability of cells and the growth
of colonies on meat-peptone agar under
aerobic conditions
The study of the cultural-physiological parameters of Escherichia coli
culture during its growth on the activated and nonactivated agarized medium
was designed with the purpose to determine the effect of the activation on
the survivability of cells, the growth rate of colonies on the base of survived
cells, and the shape and the size of grown cells.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 183
0 5 10 15 20
, h
= 0.5 h
= 1.0 h
R, %
Introduction of
50 mg/L of Cr(VI)
Figure 5.45. Reductase activity (R) of Escherichia coli culture grown under
anaerobic conditions.
In the experiment, glass Petri dishes were used. Each dish was lled
with 15 ml of melted meat-peptone agar. Then, with the purpose to test the
sterility, the dishes were held for 24 h in a thermostat at 30

During the investigation of the morphology of colonies and cells of
Escherichia coli, we prepared the tenfold dilutions of the inoculum (1 ml of
active 24-h culture of Escherichia coli), and then the corresponding aliquots
were spread on the agarized medium by a Drigalsky spatula to obtain iso-
lated cells, from which it was expected to obtain the isolated colonies as a
result of their growth. The inoculation into dishes were made in 3, 4, and 5
dilutions: we spread uniformly 0.1 ml of the cell suspension over the surface
of the agarized medium, using a glass spatula.
Such a method provides a comparatively low concentration of initial
cells on the surface of the agarized medium, which allows visual control
over the number of colonies of the culture separately.
The bacteria culture was incubated at a temperature of 20

C under
aerobic conditions.
The effect of the activated medium on the growth of Escherichia coli
on the agarized nutrient medium (meat-peptone agar) is quantitatively
expressed as the collection of the coefcients which describe the morpho-
logical and physiological parameters of the culture.
184 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Let us enumerate the most important coefcients which sufciently
describe the growth of colonies.
(1) I
= (N
) 100% index of total survivability:
The index of total survivability characterizes the inuence of the
duration of activation of the medium on the total number of survived
cells (grown colonies) in comparison with the control (the mediumpre-
pared with the use of nonactivated water). In this formula, N
and N
are the number of cells of the culture in 1 ml of the initial nonactivated
medium (control) and the activated medium, respectively.
(2) K
= N
the shape change coefcient of colonies:
In this formula, N
and N
are the numbers of colonies with a
changed shape in the control experiment and in the experiment with
activated water, respectively.
(3) K
= d
the size change coefcient of colonies:
In this ratio, d
and d
are the average sizes of colonies grown in
activated and control media, respectively.
(4) I
= (N
/N) 100% the anomalous division index of cells:
In this ratio, N
are N are the numbers of anomalous and normal cells
in a specic experiment with a specic fraction of the activated or
nonactivated nutrient medium.
The cultural-morphological properties of Escherichia coli culture
(the size, shape, and color of colonies, and the size and shape of cells) are the
important criteria of the effect of activated water on microorganisms. The
change of the mentioned parameters provides evidence for the essential
inuence of the activation on the cell division processes, the synthesis of
the structural components of cells, pigments, the programming of the
formation of a stereometry of colonies, etc.
Regarding the growth of Escherichia coli culture on the agarized
medium, we took account of characteristics such as the color, size, and
shape of colonies. To study the inuence of the activated medium on the
shape and size of cells under microscope, we prepared the cell suspensions
of Escherichia coli culture which were grown on the media without acti-
vation and with the activation for 0.5 h and 1.0 h. These preparations were
at rst heated up to a high temperature, dyed with methylene blue, and then
studied using a microscope with magnication 2400. The preparations
were photographed, and then the changes of the shape and size of cells
depending on the duration of activation of the medium were calculated.
In Figs. 5.465.57, we show the photos of Petri dishes where the
colonies of the microbiological culture were grown, at various time points
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 185
Figure 5.46. General viewof Petri dishes. Start of the experiment. Onthe surfaces
of three fractions of the agarized medium in every Petri dish, equal amounts of the
cell suspension of tenfold dilution were inoculated. Each fraction corresponded to
initial nonactivated water and water activated for 0.5 h or 1.0 h.
Figure 5.47. General view of Petri dishes. 7th hour of the experiment. There is
no visual registration of the colonies of microbiological culture yet.
186 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.48. Control. 17th hour of the experiment. On the surface of the Petri
dish, the initial growth and the appearance of hundreds of small colonies are seen.
In the dishes with activated water, there are few very small colonies.
Figure 5.49. Control. 19th hour of the experiment. On the surface of the nonacti-
vated nutrient medium, more than 100 colonies are registrated. Number of cells/ml
in inoculate: N = 1.57 10
. Average diameter of colonies grown on the surface:
d = 0.8 mm.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 187
Figure 5.50. Medium with t
= 0.5 h. 19th hour of the experiment. Number of
cells/ml in inoculate: N = 4.8 10
. Average diameter of colonies grown on the
surface: d = 1.8 mm.
Figure 5.51. Medium with t
= 1.0 h. 19th hour of the experiment. Number of
cells/ml in inoculate: N = 4.3 10
. Average diameter of colonies grown on the
surface: d = 1.0 mm.
188 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.52. Control. 23rd hour of the experiment. Number of cells/ml in
inoculate: N = 1.7 10
. Average diameter of colonies grown on the surface:
d = 1.1 mm.
Figure 5.53. Medium with t
= 0.5 h. 23rd hour of the experiment. Number of
cells/ml in inoculate: N = 6.4 10
. Average diameter of colonies grown on the
surface: d = 1.8 mm.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 189
Figure 5.54. Medium with t
= 1.0 h. 23rd hour of the experiment. Number of
cells/ml in inoculate: N = 5.2 10
. Average diameter of colonies grown on the
surface: d = 1.5 mm.
Figure 5.55. Control and mediumwith t
= 1.0 h. 25th hour of the experiment.
Control: N
= 1.710
; d = 1.2 mm. Mediumwitht
= 1.0 h: N
= 5.610
d = 2 mm.
190 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.56. Control and mediumwith t
= 0.5 h. 25th hour of the experiment.
Control: N
= 1.710
; d = 1.2 mm. Mediumwitht
= 0.5 h: N
= 6.410
d = 2.7 mm.
Figure 5.57. Control and medium with t
= 0.5 h and t
= 1.0 h. (a) 29th
and (b) 31st hours of the experiment. Control: N
= 1.7 10
; d = 1.2 mm.
= 0.5 h: N
= 6.4 10
; d = 2.7 mm. t
= 1.0 h: N
= 5.6 10
d = 2 mm. Results for 29th and 31st hours of the experiment coincide with the
data for the 25th hour of the experiment.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 191
Figure 5.57. (Continued)
0 0.5 1.0 t
, h
Number of pathogenic cells/ml
Figure 5.58. Bactericidal (bacteriostatic) action of different fractions of activated
water on Escherichia coli cultured under aerobic conditions.
for different fractions of activated water. Below each photo, the necessary
information describing the actual state of colonies at a given time point is
presented with the corresponding comments.
The results of bactericidal (bacteriostatic) action of activated water on
Escherichia coli are shown in Fig. 5.58.
192 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
The results of experiments on the study of the effect of the activated mediumon the growth
parameters of the microbiological culture Escherichia coli grown on MPA under aerobic
conditions can be formulated as follows:
(1) The index of total survivability for the microbiological culture Escherichia coli is
equal to:
1(0.5 h)
= 3.7 ( for the medium activated for 0.5 h);
1(1.0 h)
= 0.3 (for the medium activated for 1.0 h).
Such values of the coefcients I
testify that the medium activation leads to a
signicant bactericidal effect:
For the 0.5-h activation of the medium, the amount of survived cells was only 3.7%
in comparison with the control.
For the 1.0 h activation of the medium, the amount of survived cells was only 0.3%
in comparison with the control.
(2) All colonies, both in experimental variants (in the media with the duration of activation
of 0.5 and 1.0 h) and in control (nonactivated medium), were identical and had round
hemispherical shape.
The value K
= 1 in both experimental variants testies that the water activation
does not cause a change of the shape of colonies of E. coli on the agarized medium.
(3) During the growth of colonies, their size was changed.
The shape-change coefcient of colonies is equal to:
= 1.8 (for the medium activated for 0.5 h measured at the 19th hour of
the experiment).
= 1.0 (for the medium activated for 1.0 h measured at the 19th hour of
the experiment).
= 2.3 (for the medium activated for 0.5 h measured at the 25th hour of
the experiment).
= 0.8 (for the medium activated for 1.0 h measured at the 25th hour of
the experiment).
These data provide evidence for the following:
(i) Activation of the agarized medium for 0.5 h leads to an increase of the diameter
of colonies by 2 times.
(ii) Activation of the agarized medium for 1.0 h does not lead to an increase of the
diameter of colonies, or is accompanied by its slight decrease.
(4) During the growth of colonies, the signicant change of the shape of cells was
At the end of the growth, the values of the anomalous division index of cells are
equal to, respectively:
= 4 for the nonactivated medium (control);
= 280 for the medium activated for 0.5 h; and
= 220 for the medium activated for 1.0 h.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 193
Values of the coefcients I
testify that the activation of the agarized medium leads to
an increase of the number of anomalous cells of the microbiological culture Escherichia
coli by 220280%.
In the control experiment, i.e. the culture grown on the nonactivated agarized medium,
the number of anomalous cells (4%) does not exceed the usual stochastic deviation.
The morphological peculiarities of the cells that were grown in the activated agarized
mediumand some conclusions about the mechanismand consequences of the effect under
study will be considered below.
5.3.2. Peculiarities of the morphology and division of cells
of Escherichia coli in activated meat-peptone agar
under aerobic conditions
It was shown above that the activation of a nutrient medium leads to the
abrupt suppression of the survivability of cells of the microbiological culture
grown on meat-peptone agar under aerobic conditions. One of the causes for
such bactericidal effect is the inuence of activated water on cell division.
This problem will be discussed in details in Chap. 8.
The anomaly of cell division is manifested in this case through the cre-
ation in the colonies of Escherichia coli culture of the so-called squibs
which are blown cells, whose division is violated but the growth is
In Figs. 5.595.61, we present the photos of fragments of the system
of cells that were grown on the surfaces of the activated and nonactivated
agarized nutrient media. These fragments correspond to Fig. 5.57 and are
obtained from a large magnication of separate colonies on the surfaces of
the corresponding Petri dishes by a microscope.
As seen from the fragment shown in Fig. 5.61, the main part of cells on
the surface of the nonactivated mediumcorresponds to the standard shape
for Escherichia coli culture (like elongate linear sticks), and the number of
anomalous (nonseparated) cells is few. The estimations given above show
that the concentration of anomalous cells is at most 4%, which is within the
statistical uctuations.
The basically different pattern of morphology of cells is observed for
the culture grown on the activated medium.
In the case of the medium activated for 0.5 h, a great number of cells
which do not separate after the division at the termination of the growth stage
194 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.59. General viewof a surface fragment of the nonactivated agar medium
with grown cells. 1 cells with normal division, 2 cells with anomalous
Figure 5.60. General view of a surface fragment of the agarized medium with
grown cells activated for 0.5 h. 1 cells with normal division, 2 cells with
anomalous division, 3 non-separated linear chains of cells.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 195
Figure 5.61. General view of a surface fragment of the agarized medium with
grown cells activated for 1.0 h. 1 cells with normal division, 2 cells with
anomalous division, 3 non-separated linear chains of cells, 4 nonseparated
branched chains of cells.
and form the linear chains that contain two to three cells connected in series
is observed. This result is shown in Fig. 5.60. Although the question about
the ability of such cells for a further division remains unclear, it is evident
that such a division will be strongly inhibited in any case. The quantitative
estimates show that the concentration of such anomalous cells exceeds that
of normal cells by a factor of 2.2.
The even greater inuence of the activation on the morphology of cells
of Escherichia coli corresponds to the medium activated for 1 h. As follows
from the magnied fragment of the surface of such nutrient medium shown
in Fig. 5.61, the anomalous cells become the dominating component of
the process of division of cells. Their relative concentration exceeds that
of normal cells by a factor of 2.7. It is worth to note that, in this case, not
only nonseparated linear chains containing two to three cells are formed.
We also observe the great number of nonseparated branched chains of cells
with a complicated branched structure that contains many (up to 1020)
nonseparated cells in some cases. With regard for the fact that the cell
division process in such anomalous systems is to be suppressed severely,
196 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
one of the natural reasons for the formation of these superstructures is,
apparently, the mutual joining of individual linear nonseparated fragments.
It is seen that, although the cell division process occurs most likely in
accordance with the natural laws, the division rate of cells sharply decreases
during the last stage of their growth. It seems almost evident that just the
change of the properties of activated water plays the key role in this last
stage. This is conditioned by the fact that the energetic characteristics of
the cell division process, which leads to the increase of both the surface
and the total surface energy of dividing cells, are directly connected to the
inuence of the external (with respect to cells) water which is the base of
the nutrient medium on their surface energy. Saying simply, the full sepa-
ration of a pair of cells after the division in activated water becomes ener-
getically disadvantageous because of the excessive increase of the surface
energy of fully separated cells. The indirect conrmation of this conclusion
is the phenomenon observed, namely the very abrupt decrease of the vis-
cosity coefcient of activated water at its low velocity. This effect testies
unambiguously to the weakening of intermolecular attracting forces on the
boundary that isolates activated water from walls bounding the water local-
ization zone. In this meaning, such properties of water can be identied with
the phenomenon of hydrophobic effect. It is evident that, in the presence
of this phenomenon, the growth of the boundary surface becomes energeti-
cally disadvantageous (and therefore impeded). It is very probable that such
a phenomenon describes nicely the inhibition of the cell division process
in the last stage, which leads to the appearance of nonseparated, branched
many-link cell systems that were observed in the experiment. This question
will be considered in details in Chap. 8.
The authors understand that this effect is registered yet only for
Escherichia coli culture but they think that it has to be manifested in
other cell systems (including callus tissue and cancer cells) because of the
common physicomolecular characteristics. Two mentioned systems will be
considered in details in what follows.
5.4. Inuence of Activated Water on the Stability
of the Microbiological Culture Escherichia coli
to the Action of Antibiotics Under Aerobic Conditions
One of the most interesting aspects of the action of activated water on the
biological objects is related to the modication of the efciency of the
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 197
Table 5.1. Representatives of the investigated classes of antibiotics.
No Name of antibiotic Antibiotic class
1 Clindamycin Lincosamides
2 Kanamycin Aminoglicosides
3 Cephalexin 1st generation of cephalosporin
4 Ceftriaxone 3rd generation of cephalosporin
5 Chloromycetin
6 Ciprofroxacin Fluoroquinols
7 Ampicillin
8 Tetracycline
9 Cephaclor 2nd generation of cephalosporin
10 Carbenicillin Penicillin
inuence of various antibiotics on these objects in the presence of such
water. For this purpose, we studied the inuence of the activation degree
of water, the base of nutrient media, on the efciency of the inuence of
10 different antibiotics on the pathogenic Echerichia coli culture. These
antibiotics are listed in Table 5.1.
In each Petri dish on the surface of the agarized medium with uniform
lawn of bacteria, ve sterile paper disks containing ve different antibiotics
were placed. The labeled number of each antibiotic corresponded to its
name from Table 5.1. The same antibiotics correspond to the photos shown
in Fig. 5.62.
Violet resazurin was presented in the medium as the indicator of
metabolic activity. Microorganisms during their growth on the medium
surface decreased the redox-potential. As a result, resazurin was succes-
sively transformed into resorun (red) and then into the colorless form
The technique of the evaluation of the redox-potential by the indicator
color is considered in Sec. 5.1.
If there was no growth, the redox-potential remained high, and the color
of resazurin was not changed. Inside the growth inhibition zone (GIZ)
(around the disk with the antibiotic), the reductase activity was absent. As a
result, this zone was colored in blue-violet or red. The stability to the action
of antibiotics (SA) was determined by the diameter (D
, mm ) of GIZ. The
quantitative characteristics were determined in 24 h and 36 h of the growth
of cultures in the presence of antibiotics.
198 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
The investigations were made for three water fractions initial nonac-
tivated water, water activated for 30 min (0.5 h), and water that was inu-
enced with an activator for 60 min (1.0 h).
The investigations were made under aerobic conditions at a temperature
of 20

The results are shown in Figs. 5.625.64.
In Fig. 5.62, we show the general view of Petri dishes with the corre-
sponding fractions of the agarized medium and in the presence of specic
antibiotics. The registration was made after the 15-h presence of antibiotics
on the surface of the medium layer, where Escherichia coli culture was
During the measurements, it was discovered that, for the rst 15 h,
the GIZs around each disk with an antibiotic became partly contacting.
Therefore, we were unable to make quantitative measurements. Inside this
initial time interval, only qualitative estimations are correct. According to
such estimations, the maximal increase of SA was observed in the medium
based on the water activated for 0.5 h, and the minimal one for the acti-
vation for 1 h. During the further growth period of Escherichia coli, the
signicant dispersion of the characteristics dening SA was observed.
After 24 h of the course of the experiment, GIZs for different antibiotics
decreased signicantly. These zones ceased to overlap, and the quantitative
registration of SAby the diameters D
of GIZs became possible. These data
are shown in Fig. 5.63. Let us discuss these results briey.
The higher SA(the least diameter D
) for all 10 antibiotics was observed
in the mediumwith the 0.5-h activation, and the least SAwas observed at the
activation for 1 h. In all variants during the entire experiment, Escherichia
coli culture has maximal stability to the action of clindamycin (GIZ was
absent). The culture that grew in the nonactivated medium (control) was
mostly inhibited by ceftriaxone (D
= 36 mm), chloromycetin (D
32 mm), and cephaclor (D
= 31 mm).
In the case of the mediumactivated for 0.5 h, the stability of Escherichia
coli culture to all antibiotics increased in comparison with the control.
The range of the increased SA is between 1.13 (ceftriaxone) and 4
(chloromycetin), i.e. the stability increased from 13% to 400%.
The 1.0-h duration of the medium activation resulted in an ambiguous
effect on SA of the culture. For kanamycin, cephalexin, and tetracycline,
SA increased in comparison with the control and the medium activated
for 0.5 h by 2.079 times. For chloromycetin and cephaclor, SA increased
in comparison with the control (by 1.031.2 times), but it decreased in
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 199
Figure 5.62. General view of Petri dishes with Escherichia coli culture for three
fractions of water after 15 h of the experiment to study the inuence of antibiotics
on the culture: (a) clindamycin (1), kanamycin (2), cephalexin (3), ceftriaxone
(4), chloromycetin (5); (b) ciprofroxacin (6), ampicillin (7), tetracycline (8),
cephaclor (9), carbenicillin (10).
200 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.63. General view of Petri dishes with Escherichia coli culture for three
fractions of water after 24 h of the experiment. The list of antibiotics corresponds
to that for Fig. 5.62.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 201
Figure 5.64. General view of Petri dishes with Escherichia coli culture for three
fractions of water after 36 h of the experiment. The list of antibiotics corresponds
to that for Fig. 5.62.
202 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
comparison with the variant where the medium was activated for 0.5 h.
With the activation for 1.0 h, Escherichia coli culture is more sensitive to
ciprofroxacin, ampicillin, and carbenicillin in comparison with both the
control (by a factor from 0.64 to 0.84) and the variant with the activation
for 0.5 h (by a factor from 0.53 to 0.74).
Another series of quantitative measurements was made in 36 h after the
introduction of antibiotics onto the growing culture surface. The general
viewof Petri dishes with Escherichia coli culture for three fractions of water
after 36 h of the experiment is shown in Fig. 5.64. Below, we note some
main peculiarities of the action of antibiotics for this time period.
In the variant of the experiment with the activation for 0.5 h, the stability
to chloromycetin increased in comparison with the control by 19 times, but
it decreased to 0.9 for ceftriaxone.
In the variant of the experiment with the activation for 1.0 h, the stability
to ciprofroxacin, carbenicillin, and cephaclor decreased in comparison with
the control by 0.650.76 times. The stability to ampicillin decreased in com-
parison with the control by 0.44 times and it decreases to 0.9 for ceftriaxone.
At the same time, the stability to kanamycin and cephalexin increases by
1213 times.
The obtainedresults for bothseries of measurements anddifferent modes
of activation are shown in Table 5.2.
The obtained dependence determining the inuence of the water acti-
vation duration on the efciency of the action of various antibiotics are
shown in the separate gures (Fig. 5.65).
The obtained results demonstrate the very strong and ambiguous
inuence of activated water on the efciency of the action of different antibi-
otics on the microbiological culture. The probable interpretation of this
effect will be made in Chap. 8.
5.5. Effect of the Nutrient MediumActivation on the
Metabolic Parameters of Microbial Associations
The above-considered peculiarities of the growth of the pure microbio-
logical culture Escherichia coli in activated water-based nutrient medium
demonstrate the strong inuence of the activation of water on the metabolic
parameters, reductase activity, growth and shape of cells, and other char-
acteristics of this culture. These results are of great importance for
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 203
Table 5.2. Stability indices of the microbiological culture Echerichia coli
k 12 to various antibiotics in activated media.
Water activation mode
(duration of activation)
and the marking of
disks with antibiotics
Duration of
Antibiotic on a
disk, dose in g
Diameter of
, mm
Control 24
1 clindamycin, 30 0
2 kanamycin, 30 21
3 cephalexin, 30 29
4 ceftriaxone, 30 36
5 chloromycetin, 30 32
6 ciprofroxacin, 5 26
7 ampicillin, 10 16
8 tetracycline, 30 9
9 cephaclor, 30 31
10 carbenicillin, 100 24
0.5 h 24
1 clindamycin, 30 0
2 kanamycin, 30 12
3 cephalexin, 30 22
4 ceftriaxone, 30 32
5 chloromycetin, 30 8
6 ciprofroxacin, 5 23
7 ampicillin, 10 13
8 tetracycline, 30 8
9 cephaclor, 30 22
10 carbenicillin, 100 19
1.0 h 24
1 clindamycin, 30 0
2 kanamycin, 30 10
3 cephalexin, 30 14
4 ceftriaxone, 30 32
5 chloromycetin, 30 26
6 ciprofroxacin, 5 31
7 ampicillin, 10 25
8 tetracycline, 30 0
9 cephaclor, 30 30
10 carbenicillin, 100 29
204 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 5.2. (Continued)
Water activation mode
(duration of activation)
and the marking of
disks with antibiotics
Duration of
Antibiotic on a
disk, dose in g
Diameter of
, mm
Control 36
1 clindamycin, 30 0
2 kanamycin, 30 12
3 cephalexin, 30 13
4 ceftriaxone, 30 29
5 chloromycetin, 30 19
6 ciprofroxacin, 5 23
7 ampicillin, 10 11
8 tetracycline, 30 0
9 cephaclor, 30 22
10 carbenicillin, 100 19
0.5 h 36
1 clindamycin, 30 0
2 kanamycin, 30 12
3 cephalexin, 30 15
4 ceftriaxone, 30 32
5 chloromycetin, 30 0
6 ciprofroxacin, 5 23
7 ampicillin, 10 11
8 tetracycline, 30 0
9 cephaclor, 30 20
10 carbenicillin, 100 18
1.0 h 36
1 clindamycin, 30 0
2 kanamycin, 30 0
3 cephalexin, 30 0
4 ceftriaxone, 30 30
5 chloromycetin, 30 26
6 ciprofroxacin, 5 31
7 ampicillin, 10 25
8 tetracycline, 30 0
9 cephaclor, 30 30
10 carbenicillin, 100 29
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 205
18 24 30 36 t, h
= 0.5 h
= 1.0 h
, mm
18 24 30 36 t, h
, mm
= 1.0 h
=0 t
= 0.5 h
18 24 30 36 t, h
= 1.0 h t
= 0.5 h
, mm
18 24 30 36 t, h
, mm
tact = 1.0 h tact =0
= 0.5 h
18 24 30 36 t, h
, mm
= 1.0 h
= 0.5 h
18 24 30 36 t, h
, mm
= 1.0 h
= 0.5 h
18 24 30 36 t, h
, mm
= 1.0 h
= 0.5 h
18 24 30 36 t, h
, mm
=0 t
= 1.0 h t
= 0.5 h
18 24 30 36 t, h
, mm
=0 t
= 1.0 h t
= 0.5 h
18 24 30 36 t, h
, mm
= 1.0 h t
= 0.5 h
Figure 5.65. Inuence of different fractions of activated water on the action
of 10 different antibiotics on the microbiological culture Escherichia coli k 12.
The decrease or increase of the diameter D of GIZ corresponds to the increase
or decrease of the efciency of specic antibiotic action in different fractions of
activated medium. D
is diameter of GIZ, mm.
206 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
At the same time, we note that such experiments reect, in essence,
an idealized picture of the inuence of activated water on animals and
human beings. The matter is that the natural state of any complicated bio-
logical object is connected with a great complex (associations, cenoses)
of different microbiological structures. They do not form a mechanical
mixture, but they are in the complicated synergetic connection, by forming
the multicomponentmultifunctional symbiotic system. Each of these cul-
tures presents different physiological groups, and together they create a
distinctive superorganism which is characterized by stable intra- and inter-
group connections.
In this section, we study the peculiarities of the inuence of activated
water on the parameters of syntrophic microbial associations, whose com-
position and physiological properties are close to those of the human ones.
These associations include the maximal variety of species and physiological
groups of microorganisms (both prokaryotes and eukaryotes).
As a source of syntrophic microbial associations, we used the granulated
preparation including microorganisms taken from the active sludge of an
aerotankandthe fermentedsediment of a methane-tank, whichtogether con-
tained the maximal variety of representatives of the physiological groups of
microorganisms, and correspondingly represented the variety of the variants
of metabolic pathways. In the initial state, the microbial associations are a
dry granulated preparation that includes syntrophic microbial associations,
the collection of necessary macro- and micro-elements, and an agglutinative
substance that keeps all the complex both in the dry state and in a water-
based medium.
During the cultivation of associations, we introduced ve grams of dry
microbial granulated preparation and the 30-ml portion of MPB into each
ask containing activated or nonactivated water; the asks were closed by
rubber plugs and screwed with metalic hoods with a thread.
To determine the effect of a state of water on the reductase activity, we
used resazurin which is nontoxic for microbes and allows one to unambigu-
ously visually determine the main redox-indices of a cultural medium. The
main peculiarities of the application of resazurin to the reductase activity
diagnostics were considered above.
In addition, the use of resazurin allows us to determine the threshold
of the transition from aerobic to anaerobic conditions in a given series
of experiments. At the start of each experiment, the state of a microbio-
logical association corresponds to aerobic conditions even in a closed ask.
The relation and the conditional boundary between aerobic and anaerobic
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 207
conditions are determined by the ratio between the inow rate of oxygen
and the rate of its binding in a specic biochemical reaction. The anaerobic
conditions hold when the latter exceeds the former. The abrupt decrease of
the redox-potential becomes the evidence for the transition to the anaerobic
mode, which is reected in the discoloration of resazurin.
During the experiment, the following parameters were measured:
coefcient of sterility that was determined by the col-
oration intensity of resazurin in the control medium (the discoloration of
resazurin, in %);
, D
, and D
average values of the optical density of a medium
in the control experiment and in the media that were activated for 0.5 h and
1.0 h (a change of the optical density characterizes the biomass growth for
a cultivated syntrophic microbial association);
, V
, and V
average values of the gas volume in the control
experiment and in the media that were activated for 0.5 h and 1.0 h. The
samples of gas were taken with a syringe by piercing the rubber plug without
violation of the medium hermiticity in a ask;
, R
, and R
average values of the reductase activity index (the
discoloration of resazurin, in %) in the control and in the media activated
for 0.5 and 1.0 h;
= R
, K
= R
total inhibition coefcients for the
reductase activity on the medium activated for 0.5 and 1.0 h; and
= K
) the relative efciency coefcient of
reductase activity inhibition.
In Figs. 5.665.79, we show the photos which illustrate the process
of modication of the metabolic parameters of the syntrophic microbial
association depending on the cultivation duration and the composition of
water. Under each gure, the necessary information related to the time point
of the measurement is provided.
As shown, starting from the 8th hour, we observed the abrupt increase
of the reductase activity in the medium prepared on the base of the water
activated for 0.5 h. This corresponds to the fact that the growth takes place
under anaerobic conditions from this time moment. At the same time, the
growth of associations in other asks corresponds to aerobic conditions as
Starting from the 29th hour of experiment, the gas evolution began in
all samples.
The gas has evolved till the end of the experiments (up to the 76th hour).
208 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.66. Start of the experiment.
Figure 5.67. 1st hour of the experiment. R
= 1, R
= 20, R
= 10, K
20, K
= 10, K
= 2.0, V
= 0, V
= 0, V
= 0.
At the 44th hour of experiment, we started the investigation of the
inuence of the duration of activation of a nutrient mediumon the reduction
rate of chromates by microbial associations.
The introduction of 50mg/L of Cr(VI) into the medium is accompanied
by the abrupt increase of the redox-potential that leads to the appearance of
a coloration in asks (Eh +50 mV). The time necessary for the execution
of the analytic determination of Cr
in the medium (5 min) did not allow
us to catch the difference in the reductase activities in different fractions
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 209
Figure 5.68. 7th hour of the experiment. R
= 5, R
= 25, R
= 15, K
5, K
= 3, K
= 1.66, V
= 0, V
= 0, V
= 0.
Figure 5.69. 8th hour of the experiment. R
= 30, R
= 70, R
= 15,
= 2.33, K
= 0.5, K
= 4.6, V
= 0, V
= 0, V
= 0.
of activated water and in the control. But it is shown by the discoloration
of the medium in the asks (Fig. 5.78) that the reduction rate of Cr
is a little higher in the control (nonactivated water) than in the variants
with the activation for 0.5 h and 1.0 h: after 5060 s from the introduction
of chromates, the media in all asks are colorless in the control (Eh
100 mV) and colored (Eh +50 mV) in the variants with the activation
for 0.5 h and 1.0 h.
210 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.70. 9th hour of the experiment. R
= 30, R
= 70, R
= 15,
= 2.33, K
= 0.5, K
= 4.6, V
= 0, V
= 0, V
= 0.
Figure 5.71. 9th hour of the experiment. The typical redox-activity is shown in
the variants of the experiment at the 9th hour: (i) activation for 0.5 h almost: full
discoloration of resazurin; (ii) activation for 1.0 h: discoloration by 80%, 20% of
the upper layer is colored; (iii) in the control (nonactivated water): the medium is
completely (100%) colored.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 211
Figure 5.72. 11th hour of the experiment. R
= 55, R
= 90, R
= 50,
= 1.63, K
= 0.9, K
= 1.8, V
= 0, V
= 0, V
= 0.
Figure 5.73. 12th hour of the experiment. R
= 65, R
= 95, R
= 55,
= 1.46, K
= 0.85, K
= 1.72, V
= 0, V
= 0, V
= 0.
The same studies were made at the 45thand69thhours of the experiment.
The results are analogous to those described.
Let us consider the results of experiments presented above.
In Fig 5.80, we present the summary data which characterize the
inuence of different fractions of activated water on the metabolic activity
of syntrophic microbial associations under anaerobic conditions.
212 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.74. 22nd hour of the experiment. R
= 87, R
= 100, R
= 82,
= 1.15, K
= 0.94, K
= 1.22, V
= 0, V
= 0, V
= 0.
Figure 5.75. 23rd hour of the experiment. R
= 87, R
= 100, R
= 95,
= 1.15, K
= 1.1, K
= 1.05, V
= 0, V
= 0, V
= 0.
It is seen that the use of the medium activated for 0.5 h leads to the
very abrupt increase of the metabolic activity for the rst 1020 h. This
result is clearly demonstrated by Fig. 5.81, where we give the dependence
of the relative reductase activity of microbial associations under anaerobic
conditions in the mediumactivated for 0.5 h relative to the reductase activity
of the same associations in the nonactivated medium. The maximal excess
of the absolute value of the metabolic activity in the presence of such a
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 213
Figure 5.76. 26th hour of the experiment. R
= 95, R
= 100, R
= 95,
= 1.05, K
= 1.0, K
= 1.05, V
= 0, V
= 0, V
= 0.
Figure 5.77. 44th hour of the experiment. R
= 99, R
= 100, R
= 99,
= 1.01, K
= 1.0, K
= 1.01, V
= 60 ml, V
= 90 ml,
= 50 ml.
type of activated water (relative to the medium prepared with nonactivated
water) reaches 4050% in 10 h after the start of the experiment.
In contrast to this, the use of the medium activated for 1.0 h leads to a
small but reliable decrease of the metabolic activity relative to the control
medium. The value of this decrease in the same time interval corresponds
to 1015%.
214 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 5.78. 44th hour of the experiment. The investigation of the inuence of
the duration of activation of the nutrient mediumon the reduction rate of chromates
by the microbial associations. The photo was taken in 60 s after the introduction
of 50 mg/L of Cr(VI) into all samples.
Figure 5.79. 68th hour of the experiment. R
= 100, R
= 100, R
= 100,
= 1.0, K
= 1.0, K
= 1.01, V
= 180 ml, V
= 200 ml, V
160 ml. In all variants of the experiment, resazurin was completely discolored. This
demonstrates the high reductase activity of the microbial association.
Effects of MRET Activated Water on Microbial Culture 215
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
t, h
= 0.5 h
= 1.0 h
Control (t
= 0)
Figure 5.80. Effect of the medium activation duration on the reductase activity
of microbial associations under anaerobic conditions.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
t, h
Figure 5.81. Effect of the medium activation duration on the relative reductase
activity of microbial associations under anaerobic conditions in the medium acti-
vated for 0.5 h relative to that in the nonactivated medium.
216 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
38 44 50 56 62 68 74 80
t, h
V, cm
= 0.5 h
Control (t
= 0)
= 1.0 h
= 252 cm
= 220 cm
= 202 cm
Figure 5.82. Effect of the medium activation duration on the gas synthesis by
microbial associations. The quantity V refers to the total volume of the evolved gas.
After the rst 30 h of the experiment, the indices of metabolic activity
for all the three investigated water-fractions are approximately the same.
In Fig 5.82, we present the data on the gas evolution during the growth
of microbial associations in the media with the different water fractions.
As was mentioned above, the intensive gas evolution began from the
29th hour of the experiment. It was discovered that the gas evolution was
more intense in the medium prepared with water activated for 0.5 h, which
yielded the great summary volume of the gas. In the following stages
(starting from the 35th hour of the experiment), the gas evolution rate was
approximately the same in all fractions of water. These data correlate well
with the results shown in Fig. 5.80, according to which the reductase activity
of all fractions of water became the same starting from the 3335th hours
of the experiment.
Examination of the Inuence of MRETActivated
Water on Prophylaxis and Treatment of Oncology
6.1. Procedures of Examinations of the Inuence
of Activated Water on Oncology, Objects
of Investigation, and Facilities
The results of studies showed that activated water has a number of
anomalous and unique physicochemical properties that are distinctly dif-
ferent from those of ordinary water (see Chap. 3).
As shown in Chaps. 46, activated water shows potent effects on the
growth of plant cells and bacterial cultures. In particular, certain fractions
of activated water substantially modify the efciency of some antibiotics,
inhibit the growthof opportunistic pathogenic bacteria, change the reductase
activity of microbial associations, and suppress the growth of callus tissue.
The next important step of study was to investigate the effects of different
fractions of activated water on various transformed cells and cells of the
immune system (Vysotskii et al., 2006). The methods of studies and the
results obtained are presented in details in what follows. To study how
the different fractions of activated water affect the antitumor resistance
of organism, the following experimental approaches and techniques were
study of the possible antitumor efciency of the prophylactic admin-
istration of different fractions of activated water; to this end, mice
received activated water before the tumor cell transplantation (prophy-
lactic treatment mode);
study of the possible antitumor efciency of the therapeutic admin-
istration of different fractions of activated water; to this end, mice
received activated water after the tumor cell transplantation (therapeutic
treatment mode);
218 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
investigation of the functional activity of lymphocytes with natural killer
cell cytotoxicity isolated from spleens of normal (without tumors) mice
which received activated water.
Five different fractions of activated water were prepared to elucidate
the efciency of the antitumor effects of activated water depending on the
duration of its activation. Four water fractions were obtained after water
activation for 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, and 60 min. The samples of freshly
activated water were prepared from fresh distilled water everyday and used
at once after the activation was nished. Moreover, before the beginning
of studies, a large volume of water was activated for 30 min and stored at

C for about 45 days. This water was also used in the study. The everyday
required volume of this water was used for a specic cycle of continued
studies. This fraction of activated water was named old activated water.
The studies with old activated water were aimed to research the inuence
of the aging of activated water on its antitumor and immunostimulatory
effects in vitro and in vivo.
Moreover, the analogous control studies using nonactivated distilled
water were carried out.
Inthe study, inbredadult male BALB/c mice aged11weeks with2324 g
corporal weight were used. BALB/c mice (the genetic formula bbcc, H-2
is the major histocompatibility complex allele) are white mice which are
very susceptible to various oncogenous viruses. BALB/c mice have a very
lowfrequency of the development of mammary gland tumors (no more than
5%) and do not have the milk factor. Lung tumors develop in 2530%
of mice. The animals were housed in standard facilities with free access to
water and food. The animals did not show any signs of malignancy or other
pathological processes. All animals were maintained under strict ethical
conditions according to the International recommendations.
Experimental studies were carried in R. E. Kavetsky Institute of Exper-
imental Pathology, Oncology, and Radiology of the National Academy of
Sciences of Ukraine under supervision and participation of Dr. Yu. V. Yanish
and Dr. S. Olishevsky.
The general scheme of studies for each tumor strain is presented in
Fig. 6.1. This scheme was equally used to study the inuence of different
fractions of activated water on tumors (Ehrlich carcinoma and sarcoma 37 ).
To study the inuence of activated water on the tumor growth, all mice
were randomly divided into 11 groups with 20 animals in each group. These
groups are showed in the form of column on the left side in Fig. 6.1.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 219
520 = 100 mice
= 15 min
= 30 min
= 45 min
= 60 min
Old activated
water, t
= 30 min
510 = 50 mice
Analysis of
tumors, 8th day
20 mice
action of water
on mice
within 14 days
Analysis of volume
and composition of
tumors in 8 days after
220 mice
action of water
on mice with
Analysis of survival
of all mice with
20 mice. Analysis of
tumors, 8th day
10 mice
Analysis of survival
Nonactivated water:
Water fraction 11 Control
Water fractions 610 Therapeutic action
Water fractions 15 Prophylactic action
Second stage
of investigations
First stage
of investigations
Preliminary stages
520 = 100 mice
20 mice
20 mice
20 mice
20 mice
20 mice
520 = 100 mice
= 15 min
= 30 min
= 45 min
= 60 min
Old activated
water, t
= 30 min
510 = 50 mice
Analysis of survival
= 15 min
= 30 min
= 45 min
= 60 min
Old activated
water, t
= 30 min
510 = 50 mice
Analysis of survival
= 15 min
= 30 min
= 45 min
= 60 min
Old activated
water, t
= 30 min
520 = 100 mice
= 15 min
= 30 min
= 45 min
= 60 min
Old activated
water, t
= 30 min
510 = 50 mice
Analysis of
tumors, 8th day
20 mice
Figure 6.1. General scheme of studies of the antitumor effect of different frac-
tions of activated water (fractions 15 and 610) on mice with transplanted tumors.
Fraction 11 (ordinary nonactivated) water was used in the control experiments.
Tumor transplantation A corresponds to the study of the prophylactic treatment
with activated water; tumor transplantation B corresponds to the study of the ther-
apeutic treatment of activated water; C corresponds to control investigations.
220 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Five experimental groups (from the 1st to 5th group) comprised mice
which received activated water in the prophylactic treatment mode, the
other ve groups (from the 6th to 10th group) were treated with activated
water in the therapeutic treatment mode. One of the 11 groups served as
a control and comprised mice which received nonactivated distilled water.
A set of 100 mice from groups 15 (prophylactic treatment mode)
received the appropriate fraction of activated water (according to the daily
rate of water intake) for 14 days before the tumor transplantation. After
the tumor cell inoculation, all mice from these groups continued to receive
activated water.
At this time, 100 mice fromgroups 610 (therapeutic treatment mode)
and 20 control mice received ordinary nonactivated distilled water for a
fortnight before the tumor transplantation. In 14 days after the experiment
began, mice of all groups were inoculated intraperitoneally with an equal
number of viable cells of a certain tumor strain. The next day after the tumor
cell inoculation, all mice from groups 610 (therapeutic treatment mode)
began to receive the appropriate fractions of activated water.
Control mice were administered with nonactivated distilled water before
and after the tumor transplantation.
The rst stage of studies was nished on the 8th day after the tumor
cell inoculation, when 10 mice fromeach group were sacriced and ascitic-
uids containing tumor cells were obtained from peritoneal cavities.
Furthermore, the average volume of ascitic-uid, the number of tumor
cells presented in one millimeter of ascitic-uid, and the total number
of tumor cells in the peritoneal cavity of a tumor-bearing mouse were
The efciency of the application of activated water was assessed in the
following way.
(1) The average volume of ascitic-uid was calculated as
V =

where V
, V
, V
, . . . , V
are the volumes of ascitic uids obtained
from peritoneal cavities of 10 tumor-bearing mice in each group.
(2) The average number of viable tumor cells in one milliliter of ascitic-
uid (C/1 ml) was estimated according to the routine technique. The
number of tumor cells was counted using a microscope and a hemocy-
tometer with magnication 160. The viability of cells was determined
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 221
by the Trypan blue exclusion test, and uncolored cells were considered
as viable.
(3) The average number of viable tumor cells in the peritoneal cavity of
one mouse was calculated as
C = (C/1 ml) V.
(4) The index of tumor growth inhibition was evaluated according to the
obtained data and calculated as
D = [(V
] 100%,
where V
average ascitic-uid volume of control mice, and
average ascitic uid volume for mice from the experimental
Other set of mice (10 in each group) continued to receive the same
activated water fraction. The survival of these animals was daily mon-
itored in order to study the effects of certain activated water fractions
on the dynamics and the survival indices of tumor-bearing mice.
On the basis of the data, several additional quantitative parameters
which characterize the effect of the application of activated water on
the survival of experimental tumor-bearing animals were determined.
(5) The average survival time t was calculated on the basis of mortality
data as
t =

where N
, N
, N
, . . . , N
are the number of days survived by the
mouse group after the tumor transplantation.
(6) The median survival time characterizes the survival time of 50% of
animals in a group.
(7) Percentage increase in the lifetime was calculated as
K = [(t
] 100%,
where t
and t
are the average survival times in the control
and experimental groups of mice, respectively.
Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Instat. Data are
expressed as means standard error.
222 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
6.2. Study of the Antitumor Effects of Different Fractions
of MRETActivated Water in vivo in the Modes of
Prophylactic and Therapeutic Treatment Tested on
the Tumor Model of Ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma
6.2.1. Materials, methods, and experimental results
The rst series of studies was performed using experimental tumor growth
model such as ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma.
A spontaneous mammary gland tumor appeared in an underbred female
mouse was further maintained as an experimental strain of solid Ehrlich
adenocarcinoma. Ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma was obtained from the inocu-
lation of tumor cells in the peritoneal cavities of mice.
In the present work, cells of ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma were obtained
from peritoneal cavities of underbred white mice on the 7th8th day of
tumor growth. All mice from 11 groups were inoculated intraperitoneally
with 200,000 viable cells/mouse of ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma in accordance
with the general scheme presented in Fig. 6.1.
In seven days after the tumor transplantation, ascitic-uid from the peri-
toneal cavities of half of all animals was obtained.
Figure 6.2 shows test-tubes with obtained ascetic-uids of ve mice
from the prophylactic treatment group (water was activated for 30 min)
and control mice in experiments with the ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma model.
The photo in Fig. 6.2 clearly demonstrates the dramatic difference in
the volumes of ascitic-uids from mice which received activated water
before and after the tumor cell inoculation (prophylactic treatment group)
as compared with control mice which received ordinary water (control
The volume of ascitic-uid can be compared to the volume of a tumor
which developed for seven days. In this case, the application of activated
water decreased the tumor volume more than twice as compared with the
control results (data in Table 6.1).
The correlation between the ascitic-uid volumes and the tumor cell
number of mice fromthe prophylactic treatment, therapeutic treatment, and
control groups allows us to determine the effects of applications of different
activated water fractions on the growth and size of tumors in tumor-bearing
mice. The results of experimental measurements of the ascitic-uid average
volume and both the total and unit-volume average cell numbers of ascitic
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 223
Figure 6.2. Ascitic uid samples obtained from peritoneal cavities of mice with
transplanted ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma. On the left side, ve samples from mice
after the prophylactic administration (prophylactic treatment group) of water
activated for 30 min; on the right side, 5 samples obtained from control mice
(control group). Every test-tube contains ascitic uid obtained from one mouse.
Ehrlich carcinoma are presented in Table 6.1. In this table, we present the
data corresponding to the resumptive parameter (the index of tumor growth
inhibitionD) that characterizedthe efciencyof the inuence of activated
water on the tumor growth.
Table 6.1 shows that the highest index of tumor growth inhibition
exceeded 50% and was achieved when mice were treated with water acti-
vated for 30 min.
These characteristics indicating the effects of activated water on
the tumor parameters in tumor-bearing mice are clearly presented in
Figs. 6.36.5.
The more detailed analysis of the results obtained will be described
When the analysis of the volume and cellular content of ascitic-uid
was completed, each group consisted of 10 mice. The study of the animal
survival dependence on the time interval after the tumor transplantation
allows us to determine the efciency of different fractions of activated water
on the lifetime of tumor-bearing mice.
Moreover, this study allows the determination of the difference in the
effects of freshly activated water and old activated water of the same type.
224 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 6.1. Inuence of different fractions of activatedwater onthe investigated
parameters of ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma.
Investigated parameters
Type of
treatment and
fraction of
water used
volume of
in one
tumor V,
number of
viable tumor
cells in 1 ml of
C/V, ml
number of
viable tumor
cells in
cavity of one
mouse C,
Index of
D, %
Control, t
= 0 2.85 0.2 235724 44915 672
= 15 min
1.6 0.1 117354 35134 188 43.6
= 30 min
1.4 0.07 111268 23714 156 50.9
= 45 min
1.5 0.1 120068 11711 180 47.4
= 60 min
2.2 0.08 181868 36784 400 22.8
Old activated
=30 min
1.9 0.1 161166 13774 306 33.3
= 15 min
2.2 0.1 193231 32144 425 22.8
= 30 min
2.0 0.07 151283 30561 303 30.0
= 45 min
2.3 0.1 150014 11301 345 19.3
= 60 min
2.5 0.08 210067 23677 525 12.3
Therapeutic, Old
= 30 min
2.2 0.1 166541 23454 366 22.8
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 225
15 min 30 min 45 min
60 min
30 min
Figure 6.3. Effect of the prophylactic (15) and therapeutic (610) applications
of activated water on the average volume of ascitic-uid obtained from mice inoc-
ulated intraperitoneally with tumor cells of Ehrlich carcinoma.
15 min 30 min 45 min 60 min Control
30 min
Old water
, ml
viable cells)
Figure 6.4. Effect of the prophylactic (15) and therapeutic (610) applica-
tions of activated water on the average number of viable cells in 1 ml of ascitic-
uid obtained from mice inoculated intraperitoneally with tumor cells of Ehrlich
226 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
15 min 30 min 45 min
60 min
30 min,
Old water
, (10
viable cells)
Figure 6.5. Effect of the prophylactic (15) and therapeutic (610) applications
of activated water on the average number of viable cells in an ascitic tumor obtained
from mice inoculated intraperitoneally with tumor cells of Ehrlich carcinoma.
Figure 6.6shows the appearance of mice fromthe control andprophy-
lactic treatment groups in 18 days after the ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma trans-
plantation [t
= 30 min (b)]. The unbiased registration of the appearance
of mice in the terminal stage of tumor growth allows presentation of the
clear difference in the effects of both activated and nonactivated water on
the tumor size.
Figure 6.7 shows the whole view of cages with mice from two dif-
ferent prophylactic treatment groups. Mice received the different types
of water activated for 30 min. On the left side of the photo, mice received
freshly activated water are placed; on the right side, animals which were
treated with earlier activated water (old activated water) are shown.
The photo was taken on the 19th day after the ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma
Figure 6.8 shows the photos of dead animals of the control group
(on the left side) and live mice of the prophylactic treatment group (on
the right side). Mice of those groups received water activated for 45 min.
The photo was taken on the 21st day after the tumor cell inoculation. It is
evident that dead mice show an enlargement of the abdomen, which can be
explained by growing tumors in peritoneal cavities.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 227
Figure 6.6. The appearance of mice from the (a) control and (b) prophylactic
treatment groups (the duration of activation was 30 min) on the 18th day after the
ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma cell inoculation.
Table 6.2 shows the statistical data of experimental results that charac-
terize the survival of mice with transplanted Ehrlich carcinoma after dif-
ferent applications of activated water in the prophylactic treatment and
therapeutic treatment modes.
The data on the survival dynamics of tumor-bearing mice which received
different types of activated water in the prophylactic treatment and
therapeutic treatment modes are presented in Figs. 6.9 and 6.10.
The relative number of mice (the number of mice before the tumor
transplantation was taken as 100%) survived to a denite day after the tumor
transplantation was shown on the vertical axis.
The data on the lifetime of tumor-bearing mice for both application
modes and different types of activated water are presented in Fig. 6.11.
All gures clearly demonstrates the rapid increase in the lifetime of
animals which received water activated for 30 min in the prophylactic
treatment mode.
228 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 6.7. Mice from prophylactic treatment groups that received water
activated for 30 min. Mice treated with freshly activated water are placed on the
left side of the photo, whereas mice received old activated water is on the right
side. The photo was taken on the 19th day after the inoculation of mice with cells
of ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma.
6.2.2. Results and discussion
The results of experimental studies suggest that the applications of optimal
types of activated water in the optimal mode show the substantial positive
effects resulted in the inhibition of tumor growth observed in mice with
transplanted ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma. In spite of the fact that the prophy-
lactic application of activated water did not affect the rate of tumor trans-
plantation in mice (it was equal to 100% in both cases of control animals
and animals treated with activated water), the positive antitumor effect was
displayed in the decrease of both the volume of ascitic-uid in the peri-
toneal cavities of tumor-bearing mice and the content of viable tumor cells
(Table 6.1, Figs. 6.36.5). In particular, the values of the ascitic-uid volume
were twice decreased in animals of the prophylactic treatment group
= 30 min) in comparison with control animals. A similar tendency
and approximately the same efciency were observed in other groups with
the prophylactic application of activated water (t
= 30 min, 15 min, and
45 min). In contrast to the results mentioned above, the effect of activated
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 229
Figure 6.8. Dead mice of the control group (on the left side) and live mice
from the prophylactic treatment group (water activated for 45 min was used).
The photo was taken on the 21st day after the inoculation of mice with cells of
ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma.
water (t
= 60 min) on the tumor growth in mice of the prophylactic
treatment group was signicantly weaker (the average ascitic-uid volume
of each mouse from this group was 2.2 ml as compared with 2.85 ml in
In Table 6.1, we present values of the indices characterizing tumor
growth together with values of the index characterizing the inhibition
of tumor growth (D): 43.6, 50.9, 47.4, and 22.8 for the prophylactic
treatment groups which received activated water with t
= 15 min,
30 min, 45 min, and 60 min, respectively.
230 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 6.2. Effect of different fractions of activated water on the survival of
mice with ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma.
Observational data
Type of treatment
and fraction of
water used
Number of
lifetime t,
survival time,
increase in
lifetime, K,%
Control, t
= 0 10 14.9 0.5 15
= 15 min
10 21.7 0.7 21 45.6
= 30 min
10 24.6 1.1 26 61.7
= 45 min
10 21.6 0.9 20 45.0
= 60 min
10 18.8 1.4 17 26.2
Old activated
= 30 min
10 20.2 0.5 23 35.6
= 15 min
10 18.6 0.5 18 24.8
= 30 min
10 21.2 1.0 19 42.3
= 45 min
10 21.2 1.1 19 22.8
= 60 min
10 14.8 0.9 14 0
Therapeutic, Old
= 30 min
10 18.3 1.3 19 22.8
It is important to note that long-termstorage of activated water decreased
its antitumor activity, but did not abrogate it. Such water serves as a suf-
ciently efcient antitumor substance. For instance, the tumor inhibition
index in mice which received old activated water (t
= 30 min) in
the prophylactic treatment mode was approximately equal to 33.3%. It
was substantially better as compared with mice from the prophylactic
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 231
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
t , days
- - control (t
= 0); - - t
= 15 min; - - t
= 30 min; - - t
= 45 min;
- - t
= 60 min; - - t
= 30 min (old activated water).
Figure 6.9. Survival dynamics of tumor-bearing mice which received different
types of activated water in the prophylactic treatment mode.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
t , days
- - control (t
= 0); - - t
= 15 min; - - t
= 30 min; - - t
= 45 min;
- - t
= 60 min; - - t
= 30 min (old activated water).
Figure 6.10. Survival dynamics of tumor-bearing mice which received different
types of activated water in the therapeutic treatment mode.
232 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Percentage increase in the lifetime, K,%
15 30 45 60 30
Old water
Prophylactic treatment mode
15 30 45 60 30
Old water
Therapeutic treatment mode
Figure 6.11. Percentage increase in the lifetime of tumor-bearing mice with
ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma which received different types of activated water in the
prophylactic treatment and therapeutic treatment modes. The numbers near
the charts correspond to the water-activation duration in minutes.
treatment group when animals received water freshly activated for 60 min.
The percentage increase in the lifetime was 22.8% (Table 6.1).
We have observed the potent effect of activated water on the total
tumor cell content. In particular, the total tumor cell content in mice of the
prophylactic treatmentgroup which received water activated in the most
optimal mode (t
= 30 min) was 4.2-fold decreased in comparison with
control mice!
The therapeutic application of activated water was less efcient than the
prophylactic treatment as suggestedbyvalues of the tumor growthinhibition
index which arranged about 1230%. The general tendency in the depen-
dence of antitumor effects on the water-activation duration was similar. The
application of water activated for 30 min was the most efcient.
It is important that activated and long-term stored water had signif-
icant antitumor effects when used for therapeutic treatment. As shown
in Table 6.1, water activated for 30 min was sufciently efcient in the
therapeutic mode of application even after the storage for 1445 days.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 233
The efciency of antitumor effects of such old activated water was equal
to that for water freshly activated for 15 min.
The application of activated water has a substantial inuence on the
survival of tumor-bearing animals. When activated water was applied in the
prophylactic treatment mode, the increase in the lifetime was observed in
all groups of mice (Table 6.2). Water activated for 30 min has the most potent
effect on the survival of mice with transplanted tumors. It has been shown
that the average survival time of mice which received water (t
= 30 min)
in the prophylactic treatment mode increased to 61.7%. The very marked
increase in the lifetime (about 45%) was observed when mice were treated
with activated water in the prophylactic treatment mode at t
= 15 min
and t
= 45 min.
Whenmice receivedactivatedwater inthe therapeutic treatment mode,
the signicant positive effects such as an increase in the lifetime were also
observed. However, values of the estimated index were by 3050% lower
than that in the prophylactic treatment mode. It can be suggested that
water activated for 60 min is not efcient for the therapeutic application.
In conclusion, the above data suggest that the prophylactic application
of freshly activated water with t
= 30 min is a very promising treatment
approach directed to the inhibition of tumor growth, as was observed in the
experiments with the ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma model.
The efciency of the prophylactic application of activated water is very
close to that of potent antitumor chemotherapeutic drugs! Furthermore, the
application of such water aimed at the tumor growth prophylaxis had no
adverse effects which are typical of chemotherapy of cancer.
6.3. Study of Antitumor Effects of the Application of
Activated Water on the Experimental Tumor Model
of Ascitic Sarcoma 37
6.3.1. Materials and methods
The results obtained suggest the antitumor efciency of different types of
activated water in the therapeutic or prophylactic treatment of mice with
ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma. This very important result should be veried
again using other tumor strains.
The ascitic sarcoma 37 model was used as other histological tumor type
for the studies of possible antitumor effects of the application of activated
water. This tumor-growth model was chosen for the purpose of comparison
234 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
of the antitumor effects of activatedwater because this tumor has connective-
tissue histogenetic origin, whereas Ehrlich carcinoma belongs to epithelial
Ascitic sarcoma cells were obtained from the peritoneal cavities of
unbred white mice on the 78th day after the tumor transplantation. All
mice of 11 groups were inoculated intraperitoneally with 200,000 viable
sarcoma 37 cells according to the scheme presented in Fig. 6.1. The
set of 220 mice was used in one series of studies. Modes of appli-
cation of activated water (14 days before the tumor transplantation in the
prophylactic treatment mode andonthe next dayafter the tumor transplan-
tation in the therapeutic treatment mode) and the division of mice into the
prophylactic treatment and therapeutic treatment groups were almost
similar to the above-mentioned studies using the Ehrlich carcinoma model.
In seven days after the ascitic sarcoma 37 transplantation, the studies
of the volume and cellularity of tumors were performed. Ten mice in each
group were used. The photos of the ascitic-uid volumes of several animals
from the control and prophylactic treatment groups are presented in
Figs. 6.126.13.
These mice received water activated for 15 min and 45 min. Each test-
tube contained ascitic-uid consisted of tumor cells corresponding to one
Figure 6.12. Measurement of the ascitic-uid volume in mice with transplanted
ascitic sarcoma 37 of the prophylactic treatment group (on the right side) which
received water activated for 45 min and control group (on the left side).
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 235
Figure 6.13. Measurement of the ascitic-uid volume in mice with transplanted
ascitic sarcoma 37 of the prophylactic treatment group (on the left side) which
received water activated for 15 min and control group (on the right side).
tumor obtained from one mouse. These photos show the tumor volumes of
mice from different groups.
The data on the ascitic-uid volume and the cell content are presented
in Table 6.3 and Figs. 6.146.16. The more-detailed analysis of data will be
described in what follows.
When the analysis of the volume and the cellular content of ascitic
uid was completed, every group consisted of 10 mice. Mice were
under observation up to the experiment termination in order to evaluate
the dependence of the survival on the type of activated water and the
mode of treatment. Figures 6.17 and 6.18 show the whole view of
cages with mice from two different groups. The number of mice in the
prophylactic treatment group is larger than those in the therapeutic
treatment and control groups. These photos correspond to the data
obtained on the 17th and 20th days after the tumor transplantation and are
shown in Figs. 6.19 and 6.20.
The photos clearly show the difference in the application efciency
of nonactivated and activated water in the prophylactic treatment and
therapeutic treatment modes. Those photos were taken on the termination
stage of the experiment when tumor burdens were approximately equal to
critical burdens that cause death of animals.
236 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 6.3. Effect of activated water on the parameters of transplanted ascitic
sarcoma 37.
Investigated parameters
Type of
treatment and
fraction of
water used
volume of
in one tumor
V, ml
Average number
of viable tumor
cells in 1 ml of
number of
viable tumor
cells in
cavity of one
mouse C
Index of
D, %
Control, t
= 0 3.1 0.3 200454 24908 621
= 15 min
2.2 0.09 151324 15330 333 29.0
= 30 min
2.0 0.07 121161 13742 242 35.5
= 45 min
2.1 0.1 135030 12219 284 32.3
= 60 min
2.8 0.08 171266 23713 479 9.7
Old activated
= 30 min
2.6 0.2 141132 30716 367 16.0
= 15 min
2.7 0.08 183134 23164 494 12.9
= 30 min
2.4 0.05 160080 32501 384 22.5
= 45 min
2.6 0.15 169984 21671 442 19.2
= 60 min
2.9 0.1 220060 33007 638 6.5
Therapeutic, Old
= 30 min
2.7 0.2 186842 30059 504 12.4
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 237
, ml
15 min 30 min 45 min 60 min Control 30 min
Old water
Figure 6.14. Effects of activated water on the average volume of one tumor
obtained from mice transplanted intraperitoneally with sarcoma 37 and treated
with activated water in the prophylactic (15) and therapeutic (610) modes of
, ml
viable cells)
15 min 30 min 45 min 60 min
30 min
Old water
Figure 6.15. Effects of activated water on the average number of viable cells in
1 ml of a tumor obtained frommice transplanted intraperitoneally with sarcoma 37
and treated with activated water in the prophylactic (15) and therapeutic (610)
modes of application.
238 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
, (10
viable cells)
15 min 30 min 45 min 60 min
30 min
Figure 6.16. Effects of activated water on the average number of viable cells
in one tumor obtained from mice transplanted intraperitoneally with sarcoma 37
and treated with activated water in the prophylactic (15) and therapeutic (610)
modes of application.
Figure 6.17. Tumor-bearing mice of the prophylactic treatment (on the left
side; mice received water activated for 30 min) and control groups (on the right
side). Mice were inoculated with cells of ascitic sarcoma 37. The photo was taken
on the 17th day after the tumor cell inoculation.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 239
Figure 6.18. Tumor-bearing mice of the prophylactic treatment (on the left
side; mice received water activated for 15 min) and therapeutic treatment (on the
right side; water was activated for 15 min) groups. Mice were inoculated with cells
of ascitic sarcoma 37. The photo was taken on the 20th day after the tumor cell
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
t , days
- - control (t
= 0); - - t
= 15 min; - - t
= 30 min; - - t
= 45 min;
- - t
= 60 min; - - t
= 30 min (old activated water).
Figure 6.19. Survival dynamics of tumor-bearing mice with ascitic sarcoma 37
which received different types of activated water in the prophylactic treatment
240 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
t , days
- - control (t
= 0); - - t
= 15 min; - - t
= 30 min; - - t
= 45 min;
- - t
= 60 min; - - t
= 30 min (old activated water).
Figure 6.20. Survival dynamics of tumor-bearing mice with ascitic sarcoma
37 which received different types of activated water in the therapeutic
treatment mode.
The presented photos show that mice of the prophylactic treatment
group have sufciently greater vitality on the 17th and 20th days of the
experiment, and they are moving (standing on pads). Mice of this group
have smaller tumor burdens. At the same time, mice of the control group
show sickliness and have very large volumes of ascitic uid. It is well-
known that good therapeutic effect can be achieved after the application of
potent chemotherapeutic drugs. However, the chemotherapeutic treatment
of cancer patients results in serious adverse effects.
The summary results of studies of the survival of mice with ascitic
sarcoma 37 after different modes of application of activated water are
presented in Table 6.4.
Figures 6.19 and 6.20 show the data on the survival dynamics and the
lifetime of mice with sarcoma 37 after the prophylactic or therapeutic
treatment with different types of activated water.
Figure 6.21 shows the summary data that characterize the dependence
of the increase in the lifetime of tumor-bearing mice on the treatment mode
and the type of received activated water.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 241
Table 6.4. Effect of different fractions of activated water on the survival of
mice with ascitic sarcoma 37.
Observational data
Type of
treatment and
fraction of
water used
Number of
lifetime t,
survival time,
increase in
lifetime, K, %
Control, t
= 0 10 16.1 0.3 17
= 15 min
10 22.2 0.5 23 37.8
= 30 min
10 24.4 0.9 26 51.6
= 45 min
10 22.1 0.7 23 37.3
= 60 min
10 17.8 1.2 18 10.6
Old activated
= 30 min
10 21.0 0.9 22 30.4
= 15 min
10 19.0 0.5 19 18.0
= 30 min
10 19.1 1.0 19 18.3
= 45 min
10 18.7 1.0 19 16.1
= 60 min
10 15.6 0.7 15 3.1
Old activated
= 30 min
10 18.4 1.3 19 14.3
6.3.2. Results and discussion
The studies indicate that the application of activated water resulted in
the inhibitory effect on the growth of transplanted sarcoma 37 in mice.
However, such effects were less marked as compared with the ascitic Ehrlich
carcinoma model. It is conrmed by values of the volume and the cellular
242 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Percentage increase in the lifetime, K, %
15 30 45 60 30
Old water
Prophylactictreatment mode
15 30 45 60 30
Old water
Therapeutic treatment mode
Figure 6.21. Percentage increase in the lifetime of tumor-bearing mice with
ascitic sarcoma 37 which received different types of activated water in the pro-
phylactic treatment and therapeutic treatment modes. The numbers near the
charts correspond to the water-activation duration in minutes.
content of ascitic-uid obtained from the peritoneal cavities of tumor-
bearing mice (Table 6.3 and Figs. 6.136.15). The application of optimally
activated water (the duration of activation was 30 min) inhibits the tumor
growth of sarcoma 37 by 35.5%, which is a good result. The application
of water activated for 15 min and 45 min inhibits the tumor growth by 29
32%, which is nearly similar as compared with the effects of the application
of water activated for 30 min. At the same time, it is worth to note that acti-
vated water did not affect the tumor transplantability in mice that was equal
to 100%.
The effect of activated water on the survival of mice with sarcoma 37
was similar to that of the ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma model, but was less
expressed (Table 6.4 and Figs. 6.196.21).
In this investigation, similarly to the Ehrlich carcinoma model, the
greater values of the percentage increase in the lifetime were observed when
mice received water activated for 30 min in the prophylactic treatment
mode. The increase in the lifetime was 51.6%. When mice were treated with
water activated for 15 min and 45 min, the increase in the lifetime was quite
similar and approximately equal to 3738%.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 243
The important results were obtained when mice received old activated
water (the duration of activation was 30 min). At the same time, the per-
centage increase in the lifetime was equal to that attained after the prophy-
lactic and therapeutic applications of water activated for 45 min.
The therapeutic treatment mode of the application of activated water
was less efcient than the prophylactic treatment mode. It should be noted
that the application of water activated for 60 min resulted in an insignif-
icant increase in the lifetime of mice which received activated water in the
prophylactic treatment mode. The therapeutic treatment mode of the
application of such water had no effect on the lifetime of tumor-bearing
animals (in this case, the negative effect of the application of activated water
was statistically insignicant).
In conclusion, we note that the prophylactic application of optimally
activated water resulted in the signicant tumor-growth inhibition that was
shown in the sarcoma 37 model. The increase in the lifetime of tumor-
bearing animals was 5055%.
At the same time, the therapeutic treatment of activated water was
less efcient than the prophylactic application. Furthermore, the long-term
storage of activated water did not cause a signicant decrease of the anti-
tumor efciency, and this water can be successfully used for the experi-
mental treatment of cancer.
Moreover, tumor growth model such as sarcoma 37 was less susceptible
to the application of activated water as comparedwiththe Ehrlichcarcinoma
6.4. Research of the Inuence of Activated Water on the
Cytotoxic Activity of Murine Lymphocytes
In order to understand the possible mechanism of antitumor effects of acti-
vated water, the studies of changes in the cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes
of mice treated with different fractions of activated water were carried out.
Natural killer (NK) cells are the important cells of immune systems.
Based on their dening function of spontaneous cytotoxicity without prior
immunization, NK cells have been thought to play a critical role in immune
surveillance and cancer therapy. NK cells that inltrate tumors may protect
against the spread of tumor. The second major role of NK cells is their
production of cytokines, which may be critically important to eliminate
infections. Currently, the active search and the screening of substances with
potent immunostimulatory activity are carried out.
244 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
An augmentation of the NK cell activity caused by different modifying
substances of natural origin is of great interest, e.g. for the correction of the
NK cell functional activity in various pathological states and, especially,
neoplastic malignancies. The results of studies of the effects of different
activated water fractions on the NK cell activity are presented below. The
study was aimed to evaluate the optimal modes of water activation and
the application mode of activated water for the maximal stimulation of the
cytotoxic activity of NK cells.
The following procedure and the scheme of investigation were used
(Figs. 6.22 and 6.23).
In the rst stage of investigation, mice of the experimental and control
groups received activated water for different time intervals. Mice of the
prophylactic treatment and short prophylactic treatment groups
received activated water, respectively, for 21 days and for 14 days. When
the treatment with activated water was nished, mononuclear lymphocyte
fractions enriched with NK cells were isolated from spleens of mice of
experimental groups.
cleaning, and
separation of
enriched with
natural killer
Healthy mice receive activated water
7 days
Test for the
activity of
Isolation of tumor target cells from peritoneal cavities of mice transplanted
with ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma
Figure 6.22. Procedure of the study of the inuence of activated water on the
cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 245
treatment mode
5 groups of mice
received different
fractions of activated
water for 21 days
Control mode
1 group of mice
received nonactivated
water for 21 days
Short Prophylactic
treatment mode
5 groups of mice
received different
fractions of activated
water for 14 days
Lymphocyte fraction enriched with natural killer cells (NK cells)
was isolated from spleens of all groups of mice.
Cytotoxicity assays were performed using 96-well plates.
NK cells were incubated in vitro with tumor target cells for 16 h.
Tumor target cells were obtained from peritoneal cavities of mice
transplanted with ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma.
Figure 6.23. Scheme of studies of the effects of activated water on the cytotoxic
activity of lymphocytes.
In the second stage, the cytotoxic activity of NK cells incubated with
tumor target cells obtained from the peritoneal cavities of mice with trans-
planted ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma was studied.
Inthe study, inbredadult male BALB/c mice aged12weeks with2124 g
corporal weight were used. All mice were randomly divided into 11 groups
with ve animals in each group. The application of activated water was as
mice of the control group received nonactivated distilled water for
14 days;
prophylactic treatment 15-min, 30-min, 45-min, and 60-min groups of
mice received water activated directly before the application for 15 min,
30 min, 45 min, and 60 min, respectively;
prophylactic treatment 30-min (old activated water) group of mice
received for 21 days water activated for 30 min before the start of the
experiment and stored in a cooler; that water was used up to the end of
the experiment;
246 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
mice of the short prophylactic treatment 15-min, 30-min, 45-min, and
60-min groups received water activated directly before the application
for 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, and 60 min, respectively; and
short prophylactic treatment 30-min (old activated water) group of
mice received water activated for 30 min before the start of the experiment
and stored in a cooler for 14 days; that water was used up to the end of
the experiment.
Animals of 10 experimental groups received the appropriate fraction of
activated water (according to the daily rate of water intake), whereas the
control group of mice received ordinary (nonactivated) water.
The subject of the investigation was the fraction of lymphocytes enriched
with NK cells.
Because the obtained results are very important, a more detailed tech-
nique of isolation of mononuclear lymphocytes will be described below.
Splenocytes were obtained by the homogenization of spleens resected
from mice in a Potters homogenizer to obtain the single-cell suspension,
which were then passed through a nylon mesh lter for the removal of
Mononuclear lymphocytes were isolated by the standard Ficoll-
Verogran technique. To this end, splenocyte suspensions were cen-
trifuged in the gradient of Ficoll-Verogran (1.077 g/cm
; Pharmacia Fine
Chemicals) for 40 min (400 g) at 5

C. Then mononuclear lymphocytes

were collected from the interface layer and twice washed in a sterile phos-
phate buffer solution. Lymphocytes were puried by further incubation
into plastic Petri dishes for 40 min at 37

C in the humidied athmo-

sphere with 5% CO
to deplete adherent cells and phagocytes. As a result
of the applied techniques mentioned above, we obtained the lymphocyte
fraction enriched with NK cells (about 2530%). Isolated lymphocytes
were suspended in RPMI-1640 medium (Sigma, USA) supplemented
with 10% heat-inactivated fetal calf serum (Sigma, USA), penicillin
(40 U/ml) (Kyivmedpreparat, Ukraine), and streptomycin (40 g/ml)
(Kyivmedpreparat, Ukraine). The nal concentration of lymphocytes was
7.5 10
Ascitic Ehrlich carcinoma cells were isolated from the peritoneal cav-
ities of white mice aged 89 weeks on the 8th day after the tumor cell
inoculation and were used in the cytotoxic test as NK-resistant target cells
(TC). Tumor cells were suspended in the culture medium to a concen-
tration of 2.510
cell/ml, and their number and viability were determined
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 247
in the microscopic supravital test with trypan blue. The cell viability was
about 98%.
All cytotoxicity tests were performed in 96-microwell round-bottomed
plates using a target effector cell ratio of 1:3 in the total volume of
200 l/well. In controls, only TC and the nutrient medium, or TC and lym-
phocytes obtained from mice of the control group were added. To experi-
mental wells, 0.1 ml of TCand 0.1 ml of lymphocytes isolated from spleens
of mice treated with different types of activated water were added.
The general statistics of the experiments was as following: mononuclear
lymphocytes obtained fromeach experimental mouse were placed into three
wells of a plate. So, the effect of each fraction of activated water (and
nonactivated control water as well) on the cytotoxic activity of NKcells was
evaluated in 15 independent experiments and was considered as signicant.
Similarly, 15independent experiments were performedwhenonly0.1 ml
of the TC suspension and 0.1 ml of the nutrient medium were added into
one well. Those experiments allowed us to determine the average basal
number of dead tumor target cells N
that could not be caused by the
cytotoxic inuence of effector cells. The basal number of dead tumor
target cells was a reference point for the evaluationof the cytotoxic activity
of NK cells obtained from mice after different types of the application of
activated water.
After the incubation at 37

C for 18 h in the humidied atmosphere with

5% CO
, microplates were gently centrifuged (400 g, 5 min). The numbers
of viable and dead TC in control and experimental wells were determined
using the microscopic test with supravital staining with trypan blue. The
cytotoxic activity of NK cells was expressed as the cytotoxicity index
(CI, %) and was calculated as follows:
CI = [(N
] 100%
where N
is the number of viable tumor cells in wells with only TC; and
refers to the number of viable tumor cells in wells with TC and
NK cells.
Based on this denition, CI for basal experiments was equal zero.
In addition, to compare the activity of lymphocytes obtained from mice
treated with activated water, we studied the immunostimulatory action of a
reference chemical agent that belongs to the phorbol ether family. Phorbol
myristate acetate (PMA; chemical formula: 2-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-
acetate) in a concentration of 50 ng/ml was used as a standard stimulant of
lymphoid-macrophage lines. PMA increases the ability of lymphocytes to
248 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
generate superoxide radicals and activates protein kinase C which partici-
pates in many signal transduction pathways in cells.
The effects of the prophylactic application of different fractions of acti-
vated water on the levels of the cytotoxic activity of splenic mononuclear
lymphocytes with NK-activity are shown in Table 6.5 and in Figs. 6.24 and
6.25. Values of the cytotoxic index were estimated on the basis of changes
of the cytotoxic activity concerning the basal system, TC of which were
not incubated with NK cells.
Figure 6.25 shows the changes of the cytotoxic activity of murine
mononuclear lymphocytes stimulated during the treatment with activated
water in comparison with the same activity values of lymphocytes isolated
from spleens of mice treated with nonactivated water.
The data obtained demonstrate that the immunostimulatory potential
of activated water is dependent on both the duration of activation and the
duration of storage of activated water before the treatment of mice.
Figures 6.24 and 6.25 clearly demonstrate the changes of the cytotoxic
activity of NK cells of mice after the period of treatment with activated
water was prolonged.
In particular, when water activated for 30 min was applied in the prophy-
lactic mode, a signicant increase of the cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes
was observed (Fig. 6.25). The application of this water in the prophylactic
treatment mode resulted in the increase of the cytotoxicity index by 20%
as compared with control values obtained after the application of nonacti-
vated water (Fig. 6.24).
The analysis of the cytotoxic activity changes which depended on the
duration of the application of activated water showed that the efciency
of the prophylactic application of water was increased when the period of
treatment with activated water was prolonged.
The short prophylactic treatment mode of application of activated
water (the duration of activation was 30 min) resulted in an insignicant
increase of the natural cytotoxicity levels that did not exceed 6%. A similar
immunostimulatory effect of the prophylactic treatment mode of appli-
cation of old activate water (the duration of activation was 30 min) was
observed. The data obtained suggested that the short prophylactic appli-
cation of water activated for 15 min and 30 min resulted in a modest poten-
tiation of the cytotoxic activity of NK cells. However, the prolongation of
the application period of activated water from 14 days (short prophylactic
treatment mode) to 21 days (prophylactic treatment mode) normalized
the values of the cytotoxicity index which were equal to control data.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 249
Table 6.5. Effects of activated water on the cytotoxic activity of splenic
mononuclear lymphocytes with NK-activity.
Type of treatment
and fraction of water
Average number
of viable tumor
cells in
microwells, 10
index (CI, %)
Change of
cytotoxicity index
(in relation to
nonactivated water),
Basal tumor cells 235.0 0 16
Control, t
= 0 197.5 16 0
174.0 25.9 9.9
= 15 min
197.5 16 0
= 30 min
188.0 20 4.0
= 45 min
200.0 15 1.0
= 60 min
200.0 15 1.0
Prophylactic, Old
activated water,
= 30 min
195.0 17 1.0
Short Prophylactic,
= 15 min
202.0 14 2.0
Short Prophylactic,
= 30 min
195.0 17 1.0
Short Prophylactic,
= 45 min
200.0 15 1.0
Short Prophylactic,
= 60 min
202.5 13.8 2.2
Short Prophylactic,
Old activated
water, t
= 30 min
200.0 15 1.0
The application of other fractions of activated water did not cause statisti-
cally signicant changes of the cytotoxic activity of NK cells.
Thus, the signicant increase of the lymphocyte cytotoxicity levels was
observed only when mice were treated with water activated for 30 min.
250 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Cytotoxic index (CI)
15 min 30 min 45 min 60 min
30 min
1 6
3 8 4 9
5 10
Old water
Figure 6.24. Effects of activated water on the cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes
with natural killer cell activity. Activated water was applied in the prophylactic
(15) and short prophylactic (610) mode. PMA was used as a standard stimulant
of lymphoid cells.
Cytotoxic index change (CI)
45 60
15 30 30
Prophylactic treatment mode
15 45 60
Short prophylactic treatment mode
Figure 6.25. Changes of the cytotoxic activity of mononuclear lymphocytes
of mice which received different types of activated water in comparison to the
results of the application of nonactivated water. Numbers corresponds to the water-
activation duration in minutes.
Inuence of MRET Activated Water on Oncology 251
It must be noted that the immunostimulatory potential of activated water
was less pronounced than that observed after the in vitro stimulation of
lymphocytes with PMA. The CI values of PMA-stimulated NK cells were
increased by 62%, whereas the application of activated water resulted in the
increase of the natural cytotoxicityonlyby20%. However, the augmentation
of the NK cell activity caused by the application of activated water is quite
a promising approach for the nondrug stimulation of immunity.
The usage of reference lymphocyte activity stimulants (e.g. PMA) can
be used only in laboratory studies because they have signicant toxicity or
mutagenic activity. At the same time, the application of optimally activated
water allows one to potentiate the cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes without
any adverse effects.
It is possible that the prolongation of the treatment period of activated
water will cause a more expressed augmentation of the NK cell cytotoxic
In conclusion, the application of activated water can induce a signicant
activation of the NK cell cytotoxic potential. In this scenario, it is apparent
that the application of activated water in tumor-bearing immunocompetent
hosts would result in the cytotoxic activation of NK cells to destroy tumor
cells. Thus, the obtained results may be important for the future therapeutic
approaches that will implicate activated water. A more complete under-
standing of the antitumor and immunopotentiatory effects of activated water
should promote the development of more rational and efcient therapeutic
strategies of cancer treatment.
Effect of MRETActivated Water on Staphylococcal
Infection in vivo in Animal Model (on the Cells of
Immune System) and in vitro on the Culture of
Staphylococcus aureus Wood-46
7.1. Immune Response and the Purpose of Investigation
The phagocytic system is one of the main factors of natural nonspecic
cellular resistance to infections and inammations. It is the rst line of
protection of an organism against the penetration and reproduction of
pathogenic microorganisms. The protective role of phagocytes is based on
their capacity to identify, engulf and neutralize the alien agents penetrating
into internal environment of a macro-organism. Phagocytosis is the main
mechanism of natural resistance of the body especially at the rst stage of
contagious process. At the same time, it is a regular part of the process of
formation of the specic immune response.
The infections induced by viruses and bacteria constitute the main
category of infectious diseases subject to immune response. Staphylo-
coccal infections are one of the most widespread infections. The microor-
ganisms causing the staphylococcal infections are characterized by a
number of pathogenic factors. They are capable of mutation and persist in
microorganism-forming centers of the chronic infections periodically acti-
vated in case of absence of stable immunity. Following the penetration
of pathogens in the human body, the primary nonspecic mechanisms of
protection such as the cellular factors of natural resistance (mononuclear
phagocytes/macrophages, polymorphonuclear leucocytes/neutrophils, and
natural killer cells) are mobilized and activated.
Phagocytes (neutrophils, monocytes/macrophages) are the key ele-
ments of protection of an organism against infections and play the
important role supporting homeostasis of the body. The phagocytes
Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal Infection 253
identify, engulf, destroy, and neutralize the alien substances. Macrophages
combined with molecules of I and II classes of the main complex of
histo-compatibility to T-lymphocytes constitute the antigens to the infec-
tious microorganisms. Phagocytes are essential in the formation of the
specic part of immune response: they neutralize the pathogens and
contribute to the cessation of the development of the inammatory
From the other hand, the infectious microorganisms are capable of sup-
pressing immune-biological reactions of the body such as the production
of immune-regulatory cytokines, the factors of cellular and humoralious
immune response. The incapacity of natural and specic immune factors to
neutralize pathogens can cause the following consequences:
the equilibriumbetween pathogens and protective forces of the body (the
chronic form of infection);
the penetration of pathogens through protective barriers in the blood or
in intracellular environment and then all over the body which can lead to
Considering the above, it is important to study the methods of
enhancement of the factors of natural resistance of the body. The results of
this investigation conrm that one of the perspectives is related to the effect
of regular consumption of MRETActivated Water on the characteristics of
immune response of biological organisms at cellular level.
In the process of the research, the effect of MRET Activated Water
was studied in animal mice model on the characteristics of weight and
cellularity of lymphoid organs of immune system, and on functional activity
of phagocytes (peritoneal macrophages and neutrophils of the peripheral
The investigation was conducted in two steps. The experiments in vivo
were conducted on mice infected with Staphylococcus culture after pre-
ventive consumption of MRETwater. In the experiments in vitro, the growth
of identical staphylococcal culture was studied on meat-peptone agar (MPA)
treated with MRET activator. These investigations were conducted under
the supervision and participation of Prof. Lydia S. Kholodna from the
Biological Department of Kiev National Shevchenko University.
The activation of water was conducted with the help of MRET Water
Activator generating subtle composite low-frequency nonionizing electro-
magnetic eld.
254 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
7.2. Functional Activity of Cells of the Immune System of
Mice Infected with Staphylococcal Culture Following
Preventive Consumption of MRET Water
7.2.1. The methodology of investigation
The investigation of the effect of MRET Activated Water was conducted
in two steps: the evaluation of the immune-stimulatory effect following
the ingestion of MRET water on the immune-competent cells in the model
of mice infected with Staphylococcus aureus Wood-46 (in vivo), and the
evaluation of the inhibition of growth of Staphylococcus aureus Wood-46
culture in MRET activated nutrient medium (in vitro). The Staphylococcus
aureus Wood-46 culture was received from the Czechoslovak collection of
The 400 male mice of line BALB in the age of 1113 weeks and of the
mass 1821 g were used in the study in vivo. After preliminary experiments
on the persistence of pathogen in homogenate of kidneys of mice conducted
on ve groups of mice (45 animals per each group), the optimal 30-min of
MRET water activation was chosen for the main line of the investigation.
The main line of experiments was conducted on three groups of mice with
50 animals in each group, and the following strategy of examinations was
Prior to the inoculation of Staphylococcus aureus Wood-46 culture, one
group of mice (Group No. 1) consumed MRET activated distilled water
for four weeks, another group (Group No. 2) consumed MRET water
for two weeks, the control group consumed nonactivated ordinary dis-
tilled water. During the following two weeks of experiment, the rst two
groups continued to consume MRETwater and the control group consumed
ordinary distilled water. The view of an open-air cage with mice is shown
in Fig 7.1.
In the process of the investigation, two types of staphylococcal infections
were studied: the local inammation and the intra-peritoneal infection. In
order to induce a local inammation, the culture of Staphylococcus aureus
Wood-46 was inoculated in the hind left paws of mice (Fig 7.2). For other
series of experiments, the inoculation of culture of Staphylococcus aureus
Wood-46 was conducted intra-peritoneally in dose LD
in order to spread
the infection all over the body.
The second step of investigation was conducted in vitro based on the
analysis of the growth of staphylococcal culture on meat-peptone agar
Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal Infection 255
Figure 7.1. The viewof an open-air cage with mice and the container with MRET
water available to mice for unlimited consumption (on the right bottom part of the
Figure 7.2. The procedure of inoculation of Staphylococcus aureus culture in
the hind left paw of a mouse.
(MPA) at a temperature of 37

C during 1824 h with different initial con-

centrations of cells (from10 to 10
cells/ml). The samples were treated with
the help of MRET activator during different periods of time (in the range of
15 to 60 min) right after the introduction of staphylococcal culture to MPA.
The results of this investigation will be presented in the second part of this
256 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
7.2.2. The examination of functional activity of cells
of the phagocytic system Characteristics of functional activity of the
phagocytic system
The phenomenon of phagocytosis depends on the characteristics of the func-
tional state of cells of the phagocytic system, neutrophils and macrophages,
and on informative modications in their activity. The most common
methodology applied in the studies of the functional activity of phagocytes
is the examination of their phagocytic (engulng of alien cells) and oxygen-
dependent bactericidal activity.
Phagocytic activity of neutrophils and macrophages is estimated based
on Index of Phagocytosis (relative quantity of the phagocytes which
engulfed test-bacteria) and on Phagocytic Number (the number of test-
bacteria engulfed by one phagocyte). The cultures of Staphylococcus aureus
and Latex are usually used as test-bacteria.
The oxygen-dependent bactericidal activity of phagocytes is studied
with the help of NBT-test: the formation of sediment on activated phagocytes
in the solution of Nitro-Blue Tetrazolium. The principle of such testing is
based on the fact that the soluble nitro-blue tetrazolium converts in diphor-
mazan which spreads in the cytoplasma or on the surface of activated
phagocytes in the form of dark blue granules. With the help of NBT-test,
it is possible to distinguish the activated phagocytes from the nonactivated
ones. The modications in the characteristics of NBT-test (their signif-
icant increase or decrease) coincide with the changes in the mechanisms of
oxygen-dependent bactericidal activity of phagocytes. The extraction of neutrophils of the peripheral blood
Neutrophils were extracted from heparinized venous blood with a method
of fractionation of cells based on a gradient of density of fractions of blood
cells spread on phycol-verogran ( = 1077 g/ml). In order to prepare the
solution of phycol-verogran with the density 1077 g/ml, 6.48 g of phycol
were dissolvedin85 ml of hot distilledwater andthenthe 17 ml of verogran
were added gradually. The density of the solution was checked with an
aerometer. The solution was sterilized with the help of autoclaving and kept
at 4

C. Then, the heparinized venous blood was mixed with 0.15 Msolution
of NaCl in the ratio 1:4. The 2 ml of dilute blood were accurately spread
Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal Infection 257
on phycol-verogran. After that, the mixture was centrifuged for 45 min
at 1500 rpm. After the process of centrifugation neutrophils are localized
between plasma and a layer of phycol-verogran. The extraction of macrophages from the abdominal cavity
In order to extract the peritoneal macrophages, the animals were inoculated
intra-peritoneally with 45 ml of specic refrigerated uid medium 199.
Then, the abdominal cavity was palpated for one minute. After that, peri-
toneal uid was extracted in the test-tubes for further centrifugation. The
suspension of cells was centrifuged at 1500 rpm. The phagocytic activity of neutrophils and macrophages
Phagocytic activity of neutrophils and macrophages is estimated based on
Index of Phagocytosis calculated as a relative quantity of the phagocytes
which engulfed test-bacteria (in %), and also on Phagocytic Number calcu-
lated as an average of the number of test-bacteria engulfed by one phagocyte
(in standard units). The cultures of Staphylococcus aureus (209G or 8325,
Wood-46, Cowan-1) and Latex are usually used as test-bacteria.
Staphylococcal culture was grown for 24 h on a rm nutrient medium
containing 10% of NaCl. After that, the biomass was picked up (at the same
stage of cultivation) andwashedwith0.15 Msolutionof NaCl for three times
by centrifugation at 68 thousands rpm for 15 minutes. The concentration
of test-bacteria was brought to 10
cells/ml using turbidity standard.
The suspension of phagocytes in the culture medium (concentration
5 10
cells/ml) together with the suspension of test-bacteria in 0.15 M
solution of NaCl was spread over a slide-glass in the amount of 0.2 ml of
each culture. Thus, the relation of phagocytes to test-bacteria was about
1:200. The slide-glasses were placed at the bottom of Petri dishes of small
diameter. The cells were cultivated at 37

Cfor 3045 min in water-saturated

atmosphere with a xed level of carbon dioxide (5%). Then, nonbonded
bacteria were washed twice with Henks solution froma monolayer of cells.
The resulting preparations were dried.
After that, the cells were xed by methanol for four minutes, dried and
colored with azureosine for 1520 min. The 100200 cells were examined
(concentration 5 10
cells/ml) under the microscope, and the Index of
Phagocytosis and Phagocytic Number were calculated.
258 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water The bactericidal activity of neutrophils
and macrophages
The oxygen-dependent bactericidal activity of phagocytes is estimated
with the help of spontaneous and stimulated NBT-test. The testing is based
on the conversion of the solution of Nitro-Blue Tetrazolium (NBT) into the
dark-blue sediment on activated phagocytes. It is conducted following the
cytomorphological methodology. The value of activated or NBT-POSITIVE
phagocytes is calculated as a relative quantity of the phagocytes containing
the dark-blue granules of diphormazan (in %).
Following the cytomorphological methodology, 0.2 ml of the suspension
of phagocytes in the culture medium RPMI-1640 containing 5% fetal-veal
serum (concentration 5 10
cells/ml) are spread on the slide-glass placed
at the bottom of a Petri dish with a small diameter.
In spontaneous NBT-test, 0.2 ml of 0.15 M solution of NaCl are added
to phagocytes. Cells are cultivated in an incubator at 37

C for 45 min in
water-saturated atmosphere with a xed level of carbon dioxide (5%).
In stimulated NBT-test, 0.2 ml of the suspension of test-bacteria Staphy-
lococcus aureus in 0.15 M solution of NaCl (concentration N
cells/ml) are added to the incubated medium.
After the incubation in water-saturated atmosphere with a xed level of
a carbon dioxide (5%) for 10 min at 37

C, the 0.2 ml of the solution of NBT

in 0.2% phosphate-solvate buffer are added to phagocytes.
After that, nonbonded bacteria are washed with Henks solution from
the slide-glasses with phagocytes (in the case of stimulated NBT-test). The
preparations are dried and xed for four minutes in methanol. Then, they
are colored with safranine for 30 s. The value of NBT-test is calculated as a
percentage of phagocytes containing the dark-blue granules of diphormazan
(in %). The Functional Reserve of phagocytes is dened as a difference
between the values of stimulated and spontaneous NBT-test (in %).
7.2.3. Statistical calculations
The data were calculated and evaluated with the help of the package
of statistical software program STATISTIRA for Windonws S.O.. The
p-values were calculated for mean values of studied characteristics for the
groups of mice which consumed MRET activated distilled water compared
to the control group of mice which consumed nonactivated distilled water,
following the criteria of Students distribution.
Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal Infection 259
7.3. Results and Discussion
7.3.1. The effect of MRET water on the development
of the local acute inammation
The local inammation was induced with the help of the inoculation of
Staphylococcus aureus culture in the hind left paws of mice. The ordinary
inammatory reaction was observed in the group of mice fed with nonac-
tivated water: the intensive reddening of the hind left paw (Fig 7.3). Both
groups of mice on MRET water (preventive consumption for four and two
weeks respectively) did not develop any reddening of the hind left paw
inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus culture (Fig 7.4).
Figure 7.3. The viewof paws of a mouse fed with nonactivated water (reddening
of the injected paw) in 24 hours after the inoculation of Staphylococcus culture.
Figure 7.4. The view of paws of a mouse fed with MRET activated water (no
reddening of the injected paw) in 24 hours after the inoculation of Staphylococcus
260 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
The results of this experiment conrm the fact of the substantial inhi-
bition of inammatory infection in the case of regular consumption of
MRET water.
7.3.2. The effect of activated water on the death rate
of animals in the case of intra-peritoneal
staphylococcal infection
There was no case of animal death in all investigated groups within the
rst 24 hours after intra-peritoneal inoculation of Staphylococcus culture,
which is a pretty standard result. During the next eight days, 30%of animals
died in control group which is an expected result for such experimental
procedure. There was no death in both groups of mice that consumed MRET
Activated Water, and this is a very unusual result. Thus, the consumption
of MRET water reduced the death rate from 30% (control group) to 0%
(MRET groups) during the rst nine days of experiment.
Nevertheless, the main consequences of Staphylococcus infection do
not manifest in death of animals as in the case of oncology diseases.
Staphylococcus microorganisms affect the living systems and organs of
the body. These pathogenic microorganisms cause inammations, suppu-
rations, abscesses, furuncles, quinsy, cepsical conditions, etc. That is why
a detailed investigation of the process of stimulation by MRET water of
phagocytes and lymphoid organs of the immune systems of animals infected
with Staphylococcus aureus culture was conducted.
7.3.3. The preliminary examination of the effect
of activated water on staphylococcal infected mice
For the investigation of protective properties of MRETActivated Water, the
persistence of pathogens in the organisms of mice was analyzed on ve
groups of mice: Groups No. 1 (preventive consumption for four weeks)
and Groups No. 2 (preventive for two weeks) which consumed 15-min
and 30-min MRET activated distilled water, and Control group of mice
which consumed nonactivated distilled water. The results of examination
of homogenate of kidneys are presented in Table 7.1.
The signicant protective properties of MRET water were conrmed
by substantial decrease of Staphylococcus colony forming units (CFU)
in homogenate of kidneys of mice which consumed MRET water, com-
pared to control group of mice following the intra-peritoneal staphylococcal
Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal Infection 261
Table 7.1. The effect of consumption of MRET activated water on the
persistence of pathogens of staphylococcal infection in homogenate of
kidneys of mice.
Groups of
Period of
Number of
CFU in 1 ml of
homogenate of
kidneys in
1 day
Number of
CFU in 1 ml of
homogenate of
kidneys in
3 days
Number of
CFU in 1 ml of
homogenate of
kidneys in
5 days
Group 1,
N = 15
15 24266 1330

43227 5600

15160 1310

Group 1,
N = 15
30 19316 1460 29600 1890

14000 1660

Group 2,
N = 15
15 23387 2760

42550 4500

14550 1750

Group 2,
N = 15
30 24060 870

41760 3090

10600 1200

N = 15
19000 2620 76590 4340 31250 2220
CFU colony forming units

marks statistically signicant results with p < 0.05 compared to control.

infection after the rst 24 hours. The analysis of data in the beginning of
experiments leads to the conclusion that signicant decrease of pathogen
colonies in homogenate of kidneys of mice fed with MRET water begins
only after 24 hours following the inoculation of Staphylococcus culture.
The results on 30-min activated water were much better than on 15-min
activated water, and all further experiments were conducted with 30-min
activated water.
7.3.4. The effect of activated water on the cellularity
and the weight of lymphoid organs
The results of experiments revealed that the consumption of MRET Acti-
vated Water signicantly affected the cellularity (quantity of cells) and the
weight of lymphoid organs such as spleen, thymus and lymph nodes after
two weeks following the intra-peritoneal inoculation of Staphylococcus
aureus culture. The appearance of the lymph node extracted from the body
of a mouse is presented in Fig 7.5. The weight of lymph nodes was mea-
sured with the help of the torsion scales (Fig 7.6).
262 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Figure 7.5. The view of a lymph node.
Figure 7.6. Measurement of the weight of a lymph node.
In the beginning of experiment following the intra-peritoneal inoculation
of staphylococcal culture after the preventive application of MRET water
for four weeks (Group No. 1) and for two weeks (Group No. 2), there was
no distinct tendency in modications of the weight of lymphoid organs in
the groups of mice with MRET water compared to the control group of
Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal Infection 263
mice with nonactivated distilled water (Table 7.2). An insignicant increase
of the cellularity of lymphoid organs of animals which consumed MRET
water was observed in the beginning of experiment (Table 7.2).
In the rst week of experiment, there was observed a tendency of
the increase of the weight of lymphoid organs of mice which consumed
MRET water, compared to control group (Table 7.3). A distinct tendency of
increasing cellularity of lymphoid organs of mice which consumed MRET
water was revealed. Most part of the results are statistically signicant with
p < 0.05 compared to the respective mean values of control group of mice
(Table 7.3 and Fig. 7.7).
In two weeks of experiment, the distinct tendency of increasing weight
and cellularity of lymphoid organs of mice which consumed MRET water
was observed. The results for spleen and lymph nodes are statistically sig-
nicant with p < 0.05 compared to the respective mean values of control
group of mice (Table 7.4, Figs. 7.8 and 7.9).
Thus, after two weeks of experiments, in both groups of mice which
consumed MRET water, it was observed that there was the statistically
signicant (p < 0.05) increase of the cellularity (quantity of cells) and the
weight of spleen and lymph nodes, as well as the insignicant increase of
the cellularity and the weight of thymus. These results conrm the fact of
signicant intensication of immune system response in animals fed with
MRET water which were subjected to Staphylococcus infection.
The difference in studied parameters between the groups of mice which
consumed MRET water (four weeks and two weeks of preventive con-
sumption of MRET water) was insignicant, which conrms the fast and
benecial effect of MRETwater on the immune activity of lymphoid organs.
In the beginning of experiment, the cellularity and the weight of lym-
phoid organs in MRET groups did not show the distinct tendency to mod-
ications. It is reasonable to admit that the consumption of MRET water
affects the weight and the cellularity of lymphoid organs only during the
infection period.
7.3.5. The effect of activated water on functional activity
of cells of the phagocytic system
The cells of the phagocytic system are essential in the process of formation
of a nonspecic immune response of the body to infections. The role of
cells of the phagocytic system (monocytes/macrophages, polymorphonu-
clear leucocytes/neutrophils, dendritic cells) in the process of protection
Table 7.2. The weight and the cellularity of lymphoid organs in the beginning of experiment.
Weight of lymphoid organs, mg Cellularity of lymphoid organs
Groups of
(N number of
animals) Spleen Thymus
nodes Spleen (10
) Thymus (10
Control, N = 15 357.8 6.3 44.3 4.8 28.7 4.4 2.10 0.90 2.20 0.30 3.10 0.80
Group 1, N = 15 239.4 3.6

65.5 8.1

39.4 3.9

2.30 0.80 2.50 0.40 3.30 0.19

Group 2, N = 15 314.9 9.1

68.4 3.3

41.3 5.1

2.70 0.13 2.3 0.60 3.40 0.17

marks statistically signicant results with p < 0.05 compared to control.

Table 7.3. The weight and the cellularity of lymphoid organs in one week of experiment.
Weight of lymphoid organs, mg Cellularity of lymphoid organs
Groups of
(N number of
animals) Spleen Thymus
nodes Spleen (10
) Thymus (10
Control, N = 7 298.4 7.8 54.0 4.9 41.1 5.3 1.70 0.08 2.10 0.13 1.90 0.10
Group 1, N = 7 328.9 6.5

64.3 5.2 40.7 4.3 3.70 0.12

1.60 0.11

2.02 0.08
Group 2, N = 7 478.1 4.3

56.3 7.2 54.8 5.6

2.80 0.14

2.20 0.08 2.27 0.06

marks statistically signicant results with p < 0.05 compared to control.

266 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
1 2 3
cellularity of spleen
cellularity of thymus
cellularity of
lymph nodes
Cellularity of organs
Figure 7.7. The cellularity of lymphoid organs of mice in one week of
experiment: 1 Control group; 2 Group No. 1 which consumed MRET water
(preventive for four weeks); 3 Group No. 2 which consumed MRET water
(preventive for two weeks).
of an organism against infectious diseases consists of engulng, iso-
lation and inactivation of genetically alien substances. The activated
phagocytes form a number of cytokines which perform important reg-
ulatory functions. Besides, the mononuclear phagocytes combined with
the molecules of classes I and II of MHCC (major histo-compatibility
complex) to T-lymphocytes constitute antigens, and are essential in the
process of formation of specic immune response affecting the production
of immune-globulins, cytokines, and the activity of T-lymphocytes.
The investigation conducted in animal mice model revealed that the con-
sumption of MRET Activated Water led to the stimulation of functional
activity of cells of the phagocytic system: peritoneal macrophages and neu-
trophils of the peripheral blood. The consumption of MRETActivatedWater
signicantly increased the intensity of engulng function of phagocytes
(phagocytic activity) and their oxygen-dependent bactericidal activity after
two weeks following the intra-peritoneal inoculation of Staphylococcus
aureus culture.
In the beginning of experiment following the intra-peritoneal inoculation
of staphylococcal culture after the preventive application of MRETwater for
4 weeks (Group No. 1) and for 2 weeks (Group No. 2), there was no distinct
Table 7.4. The weight and the cellularity of lymphoid organs in two week of experiment.
Weight of lymphoid organs, mg Cellularity of lymphoid organs
Groups of
(N number of
animals) Spleen Thymus
nodes Spleen (10
) Thymus (10
Control, N = 7 78.5 4.5 50.4 5.1 21.0 5.1 1.70 0.07 2.19 0.1 2.09 0.06
Group 1, N = 7 219.1 5.5

54.7 5.5 40.5 4.9

4.19 0.10

2.28 0.10 3.31 0.12

Group 2, N = 7 155.1 5.5

54.7 5.5 46.8 5.4

3.12 0.10

2.39 0.05

4.00 0.10

marks statistically signicant results with p < 0.05 compared to control.

268 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
1 2 3
weight of spleen
weight of thymus
weight of
lymph nodes
Weight of organs, mg
Figure 7.8. The weight of lymphoid organs in two weeks of experiment: 1
Control group; 2 Group No. 1 which consumed MRET water (preventive
for four weeks); 3 Group No. 2 which consumed MRET water (preventive for
two weeks).
1 2 3
cellularity of spleen
cellularity of thymus
cellularity of
lymph nodes
Cellularity of organs
Figure 7.9. The cellularity of lymphoid organs in two weeks of experiment: 1
Control group; 2 Group No. 1 which consumed MRET water (preventive for
four weeks); 3 Group No. 2 which consumed MRET water (preventive for
two weeks).
Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal Infection 269
tendency in modications of the phagocytic activity in the case of Staphy-
lococcus aureus as an object of phagocytosis, or in oxygen-dependent bac-
tericidal activity in the groups of mice which consumed MRET water com-
pared to the control group of mice which consumed nonactivated distilled
water (Table 7.5).
In the case of Latex as an object of phagocytosis, the parameters of
phagocytic activity (Index of Phagocytosis and Phagocytic Number) of neu-
trophils and macrophages increased in most cases (Table 7.6, Figs. 7.10 and
7.11). The spontaneous NBT-test does not require any object of phagocy-
tosis and is the same in both cases.
After one week of experiment, the intensity of phagocytic activity in the
case of Staphylococcus aureus as an object of phagocytosis and of oxygen-
dependent bactericidal activity increased (Table 7.7). In the case of Latex
as an object of phagocytosis, most parameters of phagocytic activity also
increased (Table 7.8).
After two weeks of experiment, the intensity of phagocytic activity in
the case of Staphylococcus aureus as an object of phagocytosis and of
oxygen-dependent bactericidal activity signicantly increased (Table 7.9,
Figs. 7.127.14). Most of the results are statistically signicant with p <
0.05 compared to nonactivated water.
Table 7.5. The functional activity of neutrophils and macrophages in the
beginning of experiment (object of phagocytosis Staphylococcus aureus).
Characteristics of functional activity of phagocytes
Group of
(N number of
mice in group)
Index of
phagocytosys, %
standard units
spontaneous, %
Control group, N = 15 42.1 2.0 9.2 1.8 32.4 4.8
Group 1, N = 15 49.5 7.1

13.4 4.2

30.9 2.1
Group 2, N = 15 54.7 4.1

7.6 5.3 46.3 1.5

Control group, N = 15 61.5 6.1 13.0 1.2 43.1 4.2
Group 1, N = 15 47.3 4.4

7.1 1.8

45.9 3.1
Group 2, N = 15 53.1 2.9

8.6 2.1

39.0 5.3

marks statistically signicant results with p < 0.05 compared to control.

270 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 7.6. The functional activity of neutrophils and macrophages in the
beginning of experiment (object of phagocytosis Latex).
Characteristics of functional activity of phagocytes
Group of experimental
animals (N number
of mice in group) Index of phagocytosis, %
Phagocytic number,
standard units
Control group, N = 5 29.1 0.8 10.5 0.6
Group 1, N = 5 39.7 1.4

9.4 0.8
Group 2, N = 5 42.8 0.9

13.2 0.9
Control group, N = 5 32.3 1.0 8.3 0.2
Group 1, N = 5 48.6 1.2

11.5 0.4

Group 2, N = 5 51.1 1.4

14.0 0.5

marks statistically signicant results with p < 0.05 compared to control.

1 2 3
Index of Phagocytosis, %
Figure 7.10. Index of phagocytosis in the beginning of experiment (object of
phagocytosis Latex): 1 Control group; 2 Group No. 1 which consumed
MRET water (preventive for four weeks); 3 Group No. 2 which consumed
MRET water (preventive for two weeks).
Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal Infection 271
1 2 3
Figure 7.11. Phagocytic number of neutrophils in the beginning of experiment
(object of phagocytosis Latex): 1 Control group; 2 Group No. 1 which
consumed MRET water (preventive for four weeks); 3 Group No. 2 which
consumed MRET water (preventive for two weeks).
Table 7.7. The functional activity of neutrophils and macrophages in one
week of experiment (object of phagocytosis Staphylococcus aureus).
Characteristics of functional activity of phagocytes
Group of experimental
animals (N number
of mice in group)
Index of
phagocytosis, %
standard units
spontaneous, %
Control group, N = 5 34.5 2.7 7.0 3.8 25.4 2.0
Group 1, N = 5 51.3 2.1

11.4 6.2 31.5 6.1

Group 2, N = 5 63.7 4.6

8.5 3.3 28.8 3.5

Control group, N = 5 53.4 5.1 5.3 2.2 21.5 6.2
Group 1, N = 5 71.8 4.1 6.4 3.6 33.6 5.1
Group 2, N = 5 64.1 2.0

7.7 5.2 38.5 2.2

marks statistically signicant results with p < 0.05 compared to control.

272 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Table 7.8. The functional activity of neutrophils and macrophages in one
week of experiment (object of phagocytosis Latex).
Characteristics of functional activity of phagocytes
Group of experimental
animals (N number
of mice in group) Index of phagocytosis, %
Phagocytic number,
standard units
Control group, N = 15 38.2 4.2 11.7 2.8
Group 1, N = 15 41.3 5.1 14.4 1.2

Group 2, N = 15 45.7 3.8

10.2 3.3
Control group, N = 15 40.3 4.3 9.0 2.2
Group 1, N = 15 62.3 7.4

12.1 3.8
Group 2, N = 15 55.9 5.3

15.6 7.1

marks statistically signicant results with p < 0.05 compared to control.

Table 7.9. The functional activity of neutrophils and macrophages in two
weeks of experiment (object of phagocytosis Staphylococcus aureus).
Characteristics of functional activity of phagocytes
Group of
experimental animals
(N number of
mice in group)
Index of
phagocytosis, %
standard units
spontaneous, %
Control group, N = 7 31.1 2.9 9.1 5.8 26.6 2.6
Group 1, N = 7 54.5 8.1

13.5 9.2 39.1 6.4

Group 2, N = 7 53.7 1.6

17.5 1.3

49.0 6.5

Control group, N = 7 47.4 7.1 8.2 3.2 25.0 5.2
Group 1, N = 7 69.8 3.7

14.2 1.6

46.2 9.1

Group 2, N = 7 66.0 2.8

13.1 4.2 48.5 1.2

marks statistically signicant results with p < 0.05 compared to control.

These experiments conrmed the increase of effective potential of
phagocytes which constitutes one of the main factors of natural protection
of the body against infections, and initiates immune response.
The analysis of data in the beginning of experiments leads to the con-
clusionthat signicant intensicationof phagocytic andbactericidal activity
Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal Infection 273
1 2 3
Index of Phagocytosis, %
Figure 7.12. Index of phagocytosis of neutrophils and macrophages in two weeks
of experiment (object of phagocytosis Staphylococcus aureus): 1 Control
group; 2 group No. 1 (preventive for four weeks; MRET water); 3 group
No. 2 (preventive for two weeks; MRET water).
of macrophages and neutraphils of mice which consumed MRET water
begins only after 24 hours following the intra-peritoneal inoculation of
Staphylococcus culture. At the end of two weeks of experiment, the mean
values of studied parameters in both groups of mice which consumed MRET
water substantially increased in comparison to the control group. The dif-
ferences in mean values of the parameters of functional activity of phago-
cytes of groups of mice consuming MRET water compared to the control
group of mice which were fed with nonactivated water were statistically
signicant with p < 0.05 (for the Index of Phagocytosis and NBT test).
These results conrmthe signicant intensication of phagocytic and bacte-
ricidal activity and of immune-system response following the consumption
of MRET water.
The differences in mean values of studied parameters for the groups of
mice which consumed MRET water were statistically insignicant com-
pared to each other, which conrms the similarity of the level of benecial
effect of MRET water in both groups. This fact also conrms that regular
consumption of MRET water provides health benets in a rather short time
(two weeks in case of the animal mice model).
274 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
1 2 3
Phagocytic Number, standard units
Figure 7.13. Phagocytic number of neutrophils and macrophags in two weeks
of experiment (object of phagocytosis Staphylococcus aureus): 1 Control
group; 2 group No. 1 (preventive for 4 weeks; MRET water); 3 group No. 2
(preventive for 2 weeks; MRET water).
After two weeks of experiment in the case of Latex as an object of phago-
cytosis, most parameters of phagocytic activity also increased (Table 7.10),
but much less than in the case of Staphylococcus aureus as an object of
phagocytosis. It can be explained as a result of the fact that during the rst
two weeks of experiment, the phagocytes learned to counteract Staphy-
lococcus aureus microorganisms, and were not accustomed to destroy
Latex culture.
7.3.6. Conclusions to the section
(1) The consumption of MRETActivated Water signicantly enhances the
factors of natural resistance of the body which constitutes the rst line
of protection of an organism against the penetration and reproduction
of pathogenic microorganisms.
Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal Infection 275
1 2 3
NBT-positive Phagocytes, %
Figure 7.14. The oxygen-depended bactericidal activity (NBT test) of
neutrophils and macrophages in two weeks of experiment: 1 Control group;
2 group No. 1 (preventive for four weeks; MRET water); 3 group No. 2
(preventive for two weeks; MRET water).
Table 7.10. The functional activity of neutrophils and macrophages in
two weeks of experiment (object of phagocytosis Latex).
Characteristics of functional activity of phagocytes
Group of experimental
animals (N number
of mice in group) Index of phagocytosis, %
Phagocytic number,
standard units
Control group, N = 7 41.5 3.6 11.1 4.1
Group 1, N = 7 46.3 7.1 9.8 1.1
Group 2, N = 7 56.8 3.6

14.3 2.3
Control group, N = 7 51.4 2.1 9.6 1.2
Group 1, N = 7 53.5 2.4 15.2 3.1

Group 2, N = 7 59.0 1.6

12.9 4.3

marks statistically signicant results with p < 0.05 compared to control.

276 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
The analysis of data in the beginning of experiment leads to the con-
clusion that signicant changes in all studied parameters of mice which
consumed MRET water (decrease of pathogen colonies in homogenate
of kidneys, increase of the weight and the cellularity of lymphoid
organs, intensication of the phagocytic and bactericidal activity of
macrophages and neutraphils) begin only after 24 hours following the
inoculation of Staphylococcus culture. In other words, the consumption
of MRETwater increases the potential of immune capacities of the body
to counteract the infections without any changes in the vital parameters
of immune organs and functions prior to the penetration of infectious
pathogens in the body.
At the end of two weeks of experiment, the mean values of studied
parameters in both groups of mice which consumed MRET water
(preventive for four and two weeks respectively) signicantly increased
in comparison to the control group. The differences in mean values of
the studied parameters of the groups of mice consuming MRET water
compared to the control group of mice were statistically signicant
with p < 0.05 (for most of the parameters). These results conrm the
signicant intensication of phagocytic activity and of immune system
response following the consumption of MRET water.
The differences in mean values of studied parameters for the groups
of mice which consumed MRET water, when compared to each other,
were statistically insignicant. This conrms the similarity of the level
of the benecial effect of MRET water in both groups. This fact also
conrms that regular consumption of MRETwater provides health ben-
ets in rather short period of time (two weeks in case of the animal mice
(2) During the infection period in both groups of mice which consumed
MRET water, there was observed the signicant increase of the cellu-
larity (quantity of cells) and the weight of the spleen and lymph nodes
as well as the insignicant increase of the cellularity and the weight
of thymus. These results conrm the fact that MRET water intensies
the response of immune system in animals which are subjected to
Staphylococcus infection.
(3) MRET water stimulated the phagocytic capacities of neutrophils
of the peripheral blood and peritoneal macrophages. It increased
their phagocytic activity (intensity of engulng alien microor-
ganisms) and stimulated the hyper-activation of their oxygen-dependent
Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal Infection 277
bactericidal activity, particularly the increase of quantity of NBT-
positive phagocytes. These results conrm the increase of effective
potential of phagocytes, which constitute one of the main factors of
natural protection of an organism against infections and are essential
for the initiation of immune response.
(4) The consumption of MRETwater has signicant bactericidal effect that
was conrmed by substantial decrease of Staphylococcus CFU (colony
forming units) in homogenate of kidneys of mice. The consumption of
MRET water also reduced the death rate from 30% (control group) to
0% (MRET groups) during the rst nine days of experiment.
(5) The development of the local acute inammation was signicantly
inhibited in the case of preventive consumption of MRET Activated
Water by animals.
7.4. The Effect of MRETActivation on the Process
of Growth of Staphylococcal Culture
in Nutrient Medium
7.4.1. Materials and methods of examinations
The following part of examinations is related to the study of the effect of
MRETactivation process on the growth and development of Staphylococcus
aureus Wood-46 culture in vitro in nutrient medium. The bacterial cultures
were grown on meat-pepton agar (MPA) with different initial concentration
of culture cells. They were introduced to MPA in the form of suspensions
and the nutrient medium with culture was MRET activated for the different
periods of time (activation for 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, and 60 min respec-
tively) following the requirements of sterility.
Petri dishes with the activated medium and culture were covered with
glass caps (aerobic environment) and placed in the thermostat for cultivation
at a temperature of 37

C for 1824 hours. After that, the morphological

and tinctorial properties of cultures were observed and the concentrations
of colonies grown on MPAsurface were calculated. Then, the bacteriostatic
activity of MRET activated nutrient medium was dened with the help of
appropriate statistical calculations.
The Index of Bacteriostatic Activity (IBA) is dened as a coefcient
of the inhibition of growth and reproduction of pathogens in bacteriostatic
medium, particularly in MRET activated nutrient medium. It is calculated
as reduction of the concentration of colonies in MRET activated medium
278 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
related to the control samples not exposed to the activation:
where N is the concentration of colonies.
In order to verify the sterility of experiments, Petri dishes with nutrient
medium(MPA) without staphylococcal culture were exposed to the process
of activation and then kept in the thermostat. No colonies of culture were
observed, which conrms the sterility of environment.
7.4.2. Results and discussion
Following the investigation, the direct correlations between the time of acti-
vation (t
), the initial concentration of culture cells (N
) and the quantity
of colonies grown on MRET activated medium were observed. The results
are presented below in the form of a series of photos of Petri dishes with
the colonies grown on MPA surfaces, and the diagrams based on the data
of these experiments (Figs. 7.157.20).
In the process of investigation, the effect of MRET activation on the
growth of staphylococcal culture at rather small initial concentration of
culture cells was analyzed. The data corresponding to higher initial concen-
trations N
> 10
cells/ml were not analyzed due to the difculties related
to calculation of very high values of concentrations of colonies, despite the
fact of the high bacteriostatic activity of MRET activated nutrient medium
in the case of high initial concentrations.
The highly signicant bacteriostatic effect of 9293% was observed
after MRET activation for 30 min for cultures with initial concentration
= 10
cells/ml (Figs. 7.15 and 7.16); the effect is 7090% with initial
concentration of N
= 10
cells/ml (Figs. 7.17 and 7.18). In the case of
cultures with low initial concentration, N
= 10 cells/ml, the bacteriostatic
activity in 15-min activated nutrient medium exceeded 93%, and in 30-min
activated nutrient medium, 100%inhibition of staphylococcal colonies was
observed (Figs. 7.19 and 7.20).
The last result conrms that the bacteriostatic effect of nutrient medium
based on MRET Activated Water is caused by the effect of MRET water
environment on each pathogenic cell. It is possible to assume that there is a
zone of blocking of the bacteriostatic activity around each pathogenic cell
(the germ of the future colony), where such activity is the most efcient.
Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal Infection 279
= 10
cell/ml, Control N
= 10
cell/ml, t
= 15 min
= 10
cell/ml, t
= 30 min N
= 10
cell/ml, t
= 45 min
= 10
cell/ml, t
= 60 min
Figure 7.15. The effect of time duration of MRET activation on the inhibition
of growth of Staphylococcus aureus Wood-46 culture with initial concentration of
= 10
280 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
, min

Figure 7.16. The effect of time duration of MRET activation on the inhibition
of growth of Staphylococcus aureus Wood-46 culture with initial concentration
of N
= 10
cells/ml. IBA Index of Bacteriostatic Activity (reduction of the
number of colonies related to the control samples not exposed to activation).
In the case that such zones do not overlap, the bacteriostatic activity of
MRET activated medium is the most efcient. When there are several
colonies in such zone, the bacteriostatic activity is less efcient. Such
assumption can explain the dependence of the bacteriostatic effect of MRET
waterbased medium on the initial concentration of pathogenic cells.
The photos of Petri dishes with the colonies grown on MPA surfaces
and the diagrams based on the data of these experiments are shown in
Figs. 7.157.20:
7.4.3. Conclusions to the section
(1) MRETActivatedWaterbased nutrient mediumwith suspended staphy-
lococcal culture leads to the origination of the high bacteriostatic
activity of such nutrient medium, which depends on the time duration
of activation and the initial concentration of culture cells.
(2) The bacteriostatic activity increases following the increase of time of
activation (the time of activation up to 60 min was studied).
Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal Infection 281
= 10
cell/ml, t
= 15 min N
= 10
cell/ml, Control
= 10
cell/ml, t
= 30 min N
= 10
cell/ml, t
= 45 min
= 10
cell/ml, t
= 60 min
Figure 7.17. The effect of time duration of MRET activation on the inhibition
of growth of Staphylococcus aureus Wood-46 culture with initial concentration of
= 10
282 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
, min

Figure 7.18. The effect of time duration of MRET activation on the inhibition
of growth of Staphylococcus aureus Wood-46 culture with initial concentration of
= 10
cells/ml. IBA Index of Bacteriostatic Activity.
= 10 cell/ml, Control N
= 10
cell/ml, t
= 15 min
Figure 7.19. The effect of time duration of MRET activation on the inhibition
of growth of Staphylococcus aureus Wood-46 culture with initial concentration of
= 10 cells/ml.
Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal Infection 283
0 10 20 30 40
, min

Figure 7.20. The effect of time duration of MRET activation on the inhibition
of growth of Staphylococcus aureus Wood-46 culture with initial concentration of
culture N
= 10 cells/ml. IBA Index of Bacteriostatic Activity.
(3) The efcacy of bacteriostatic activity increases following the decrease
of initial concentration of the suspension of staphylococcal culture. The
process of MRET activation is most effective for culture suspensions
with the concentration not more than 10
(4) The results of the second part of investigation provide the evidence
regarding the high efcacy of MRET activation on the inhibition of
growth of colonies and reproduction of staphylococcal microorganisms
in vitro.
The Possible Mechanisms of Effects of Activated
Water on Biological Systems
8.1. General Regularities of the Action of MRET
Activated Water on Biological Objects
The results of direct experimental studies of plants, microorganisms, and
animals testify that the MRET Activated Water obtained in the optimum
way renders a very strong inuence on various biological objects.
Below, we give some most signicant examples of such an action.
The MRET Activated Water under study
inhibits the growth and the amount of colonies of pathogenic microbio-
logical cultures;
modies very signicantly the inuence of various antibiotics on micro-
biological cultures;
renders a very strong inuence on the size and form of cells of micro-
biological cultures upon their division;
changes the reductase activity;
affects the germination rate of seeds of the plants of vegetable crops;
affects the growth of a phytomass and other parameters of vegetable
modies very signicantly and inhibits the growth of callus tissue;
inhibits the growth of oncological cells in the modes of prophylaxis and
therapy, decreases the volume of ascitic liquid and the number of infected
cells in tumors, which together leads to the signicant increase of the
lifetime of infected animals; and
stimulates the antitumoral cytotoxic activity of murine lymphocytes and
renders a stimulating inuence on the cytotoxic potential of cell-killers.
In some cases, the action of activated water turns out to be so strong that
it can be compared by efciency with extremely-inhibiting factors such as
The Possible Mechanisms of Effects of Activated Water on Biological Systems 285
a concentrated acid, strong antibiotics, or specialized chemotherapy. In this
case, activated water, contrary to the standard preparations of chemotherapy,
renders no negative side action on other organs of a living organism.
Let us separate those principal features which join these phenomena:
They do not affect the genetic characteristics of living organisms. In all
the analyzed cases, no reliable case of a change in specic characteristics
of organisms was registered. That is, MRET Activated Water is safe for
the action on the genetic apparatus.
These effects concern only the quantitative characteristics of the devel-
opment of biological systems (the acceleration or inhibition of the growth
of cells and biomass).
The inuence of activated water depends on the time interval from the
time moment of the activation, and the effect decreases with the increase
of this time interval, which corresponds to the presence of the memory
of activated water.
The inuence becomes much weaker, when there is even a small dilution
of activated water by the addition of analogous, but nonactivated water.
There exists a very sharply-pronounced dependence of the efciency
of the action of activated water on the duration of activation, and the
optimum efciency will be different for different types of the action. In
all the studied cases, the antitumoral action of water activated for 30 min
is the most optimum.
It could be expected a priori that activated water must have some
anomalous chemical properties for the manifestation of such strong
inuence. However, the comprehensive studies showed that water after the
activationhas the same chemical compositionandalmost the same hydrogen
index (pH), contains the same small amount of free radicals, and has no
induced radioactivity. But some of its physical characteristics have varied
after the activation. In particular, the conductivity, dielectric permittivity,
optical density, and viscosity have become different.
It is extremely important to determine how such changes can affect the
character of the interrelation of water and the elements of a living system,
as well as the very functioning of a living organism.
This is one of the central problems! The further perspective of the appli-
cation of activated water as a very powerful tool of life-protecting biotech-
nologies depends on both the degree of its comprehension and the reliability
of its solution.
286 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
We understand that it is impossible now to nd a full nal solution to
this problem. This will be made in the future. A living organism is a too-
complicated, multilevel, multifunctional system. At the same time, it is very
important to nd those main links which could give a satisfactory answer to
the posed global question about the mechanismof action of activated water.
It is necessary to indicate the possible mechanisms which ensure, with
a signicant probability, those radical changes which are observed in
numerous experiments and are induced by the action of activated water on
dissimilar biological systems such as microbiological objects, higher plants,
phytogenous callus tissue, oncological cells, etc.
8.2. Possible Supercial Viscosity-Based Mechanism
of the Inuence of MRETActivated Water
on the Division of Cells
In our opinion, the most part of the above-presented specic features of the
action of activated water can be explained on the basis of the successive
analysis of the inuence of such water on the process of division of cells.
The division of a cell plays the decisive role in the development of any
biological object. It is well known that the division of cells of multicellular
organisms is the basis of both the sexual multiplication and the individual
development (ontogenesis). The cell division process involves several basic
stages and is terminated by the division of the cell content into two equal
parts. Each part is identical to the initial cell (Fig. 8.1).
It is necessary to note that such a process by itself is not unique in nature.
From the qualitative side, the division of a cell is very similar to nuclear
ssion of a heavy nucleus. In addition to the external similarity, there exists
a profound analogy related to the reasons of the division. In both cases, the
efciency of this process is determined by the balance of acting forces.
Figure 8.1. Scheme of the division of a cell in normal (nonactivated) water. The
values of the area of the outer membrane surface of the cell and its formin different
stages of the division are presented.
The Possible Mechanisms of Effects of Activated Water on Biological Systems 287
In the process of division, certain conditions must be satised.
The division of a cell is a complicated, ordered, and multistage process.
It is related to the transfer of the genetic information written on DNA. In
the stage preceding to the topological division, components of the nucleus,
chromosome, and cytoplasm must be divided in half between two daughter
cells. These are the internal stages of the development which are running
in the volume of a cell. The direction and the character of these stages are
realized according to the information written on DNA. Since the intracel-
lular stages of the development runinthe close vicinity of the genetic archive
(DNA) and are realized with the help of a powerful controlling action from
the side of enzymes, the external action on the processes of division of cells
is very limited in these stages. It is quite natural, because the stages of the
development related to DNA replication are the most important link in the
process of transfer of the undistorted genetic information. These processes
belong to the zone where the biochemistry of enzymes is unconditionally
However, the nal stages of the division of cells are, to a great extent,
under control of purely physical phenomena. This is conditioned by the fact
that the division is determined by the balance of the supercial and bulk
energy of a cell.
In the nal stage of the division (when the copying of genetic information
is completed), the synthesis of membranes begins to play the dening role.
An increase of the membrane area leads to the appearance of distinctive
spatial folds (sections of a corrugated surface). These folds are directed
inward a cell. By continuing to growinward, these folds are joined and form
two topologically-separated closed cytoplasmic membranes. On the surface
of the membrane, a cellular shell begins to grow. When the layers of this
shell cover the whole surface of a newly formed cellular membrane, two
formed cells can be separated from each other in space. This is the general
pattern of the process of division.
At once we note that the newly formed cells can be separated only if it
is advantageous from the viewpoint of the energy gain.
What forces act on a cell in the stage of its division?
Omitting the consideration of the well-known mechanism of devel-
opment of a cell in the stages preceding its division, we note that, from
the viewpoint of thermodynamics, the process of development of a cell is
related to the transport of micro- and macro-elements in a cell across the
bioplasmatic membrane enveloping a cell. In the cell, these elements are
continuously transformed in proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. The ballast
288 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
elements, which are separated in a cell and are not used in biological syn-
thesis, are removed from a cell across the same membrane. The exchange
rate of substances across a membrane is very great. A growing bacteria
cell can synthesize up to 40,000 amino acids of a single type per second.
At the same time interval, up to 150,000 peptide bonds are created in the
scope of a cell. Under the favorable conditions of the optimized withdrawal
of metabolites from the cell volume across a membrane, a single cell can
assimilate the amount of a substance which exceeds the cell weight at the
beginning of a cell cycle by 50 times (Setlow, 1962)!
In each stage of the development, the internal pressure in the scope of a
cell is balanced by the external pressure, being the sum of the pressure of
the environment and the pressure of the membrane related to the forces of
its surface tension. The typical values of this surface tension lie in a wide
range from = 3 10
to = 1 erg/cm
(Volkenshtein, 1981).
The membranes of cells of different types are characterized by different
surface tensions. In particular, = 5 erg/cm
for ameba (Setlow, 1962). It is
worth noting that these tabular values of the surface tension are constants
only for a specic isolated cell.
If a cell is placed in the liquid medium, the value of is changed. Such
a result follows from the obvious fact that the appearance of the forces
of surface tension reects the difference in the character of the interaction
between atoms and molecules in the volume of the unbound medium, and
that of the interaction of analogous atoms and molecules which are posi-
tioned on the surface with atoms and molecules of the medium that are
outside of the membrane.
For the sake of simplicity, we may assert that all components of the
forces are completely compensated for atoms in the volume of a homo-
geneous body. Namely, the force of mutual attraction or repulsion acting
from one side will always be balanced by an analogous force acting from
the other side. At the same time, every atom of a specic object located on
its boundary with vacuum is subjected to the action of a single noncom-
pensated component of the force of attraction of the adjacent atom located
normally to the surface in the bulk. The totality of such forces denes the
pressure force compressing the given object and tending to decrease its
surface. Based on such an interpretation, the surface tension denes a value
of the additional energy which must be spent in order to increase the body
area by 1 cm
The situation is changed, if the other medium is near the surface of this
object. In this case, the atoms located on the surface undergo the action
The Possible Mechanisms of Effects of Activated Water on Biological Systems 289
of the other component, which is opposite in direction, of the force of
attraction of the atoms of the environment. It is obvious that, in this case, the
direction of the force of surface tension is determined by the balance (dif-
ference) of these forces. In particular, if both forces are equal in magnitude,
then the surface tension is absent. It is possible to observe such a situation
where the interaction force of surface atoms with atoms of the external
medium (the external liquid in the case of cells) will be greater than
that with own atom-neighbors. In this case, the surface tension changes
its sign, and it should be named more correctly as the force of surface
stretch. In such a situation, an object immersed in a liquid begins to grow
in size.
The above-discussed case of a cell in the stage of division has its own
specicity. The matter is that a cell is surrounded by a plasmatic membrane,
whose thickness (on the scale of a mid-size cell of the order of 110 m)
is very small and does not exceed R 60100 . Under the membrane
surface, the liquid water-containing mediumis placed. This is the cytoplasm
in bacteria cells.
In this system, two complexes of forces act on a membrane. The forces
from the side of the external medium tend to decrease the surface tension,
and the forces fromthe side of the internal content of the cell tend to increase
the surface tension. If the surface of the membrane were completely plane,
then the force of surface tension of the whole membrane would be equal
to zero in the case of the identical media on both sides of the membrane.
On a concave membrane, the surface tension (for the same external and
internal media) is always directed to the curvature center, which leads to
the compression of the closed membrane.
Let us consider this situation in more details using the idealized example
of a spherical cell with the outer radius R and the area of the external and
internal surfaces S
= 4R
and S
= 4(R R)
, respectively.
The forces of surface tension acting on these surfaces are
= 8R, F
= 8(R R). (8.1)
The resulting force F and the mean pressure on the surface of the
membrane P are
F = F
= 8R, (8.2)
P = 2R/R
. (8.3)
290 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
The negative sign in these relations corresponds to the fact that the
pressure and the force of surface tension are directed to the center of the
cell. The compression is limited by the increase in intracellular pressure.
The other situation will be in the case where different liquid media which
interact differently with the surface of the membrane are present outside
and inside of a cell. In this case, the surface tension of the membrane will
be different:
, respectively, and
= 8R
, F
= 8(R R)
. (8.4)
In this case, the resulting force acting on the surface of a cell is equal to
F = 8R


. (8.5)
The nal scenario of the evolution of a cell depends on specic values

< (1 R/R), (8.6)
then the total force will be positive (F > 0), and this corresponds to the
stretch of a cell.
Otherwise, where

> (1 R/R), (8.7)
the total force will be negative (F < 0), and this corresponds to the
compression of a cell.
It is easy to make sure that, for any ratio between
, the stretch
or compression will result eventually in the stabilization and the formation
of a stable cell with the equilibrium radius
= R/(1
). (8.8)
It is expedient to determine how the activation of water affects the
coefcient of surface tension.
The performed experiments, of which the results were presented in
Chap. 3, show that the activation causes a very signicant decrease of the
viscosity coefcient measured by the interaction of water with the surface
of the testing cylinder. If we take into account that the viscosity coefcient
denes the character and the efciency of molecular bonds on the boundary
The Possible Mechanisms of Effects of Activated Water on Biological Systems 291
separating water from the surface contacting with it, then a decrease of this
coefcient indicates unambiguously that the activation of water is asso-
ciated with a weakening of the forces of attraction to other objects on the
external boundary of the volume of activated water. It is obvious that such
an effect allows one to conclude at once that the activation of water leads
to an increase of the coefcient of surface tension:



. (8.9)
Starting from relation (8.8), we nd that, in this case, the equilibrium
radius of the cell decreases by a value of

= R(1

and becomes

= R/(1

). (8.10)
It is natural to consider that if the equilibrium radius of a cell R

to become less than the optimum radius R
for the normal functioning of
all intracellular elements, then such a cell would not be viable. Moreover,
the very process of division of a normal cell in activated water can turn
out to be very decelerated. In particular, the last stage of the growth of a
forming daughter cell to the optimum size, at which the full separation of
cells occurs, can turn out to be impossible in activated water. That is, the
cells being separated by their physiology and metabolism turn out to be
topologically joined in a single undivided structure.
This process is presented symbolically in Fig. 8.2.
It is easy to make sure that a difference of the formof a real cell fromthe
idealized spherical formdoes not change the conclusion about the inuence
of the characteristics of water on the division of cells.
Figure 8.2. Possible scheme of the division of an initial cell in activated water.
The values of the area of the outer membrane surface of the cell and its form in
different stages of the division are presented. R
and R

are the equilibrium radii
of the cell in nonactivated and activated water, respectively.
292 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
We nowmake the simple estimates, for example, on the basis of relations
(8.6) and (8.7), in which we replace the reciprocal radius of the surface
of a spherical cell 1/R by the mean reciprocal radius of the surface of a
nonspherical closed cell:
1/R =

(1/r(, )) sin dd. (8.11)
Then, relations (8.6) and (8.7) take the form

< (1 R1/R), (8.6a)

> (1 R1/R). (8.7b)
Inthe case where a pair of cells are not separated, the meanvalue of 1/R
for each of the unseparated cells will be greater than that for completely
separated cells (as well as for the initial maternal cell), which proves the
possibility of the termination of the process of separation of cells at the
attainment of the optimum value of 1/R
, i.e. in the stage where the size
of the cell will be less than that in the case of nonactivated water.
This case is presented in Fig. 8.3.
As a convincing, though indirect, conrmation of the above-considered
scenario, we recall the experiments performed with callus tissue described
in Chap. 4. It was determined that the dilution of activated water by a
small amount of nonactivated water, which is analogous by its chemical
composition, leads to a very sharp decrease of the effect of inhibition of the
growth of such tissue, rather than to a monotonous one.
We may advance several assumptions for this effect. If we take into
account that activated water in itself has no toxic properties and, as a
Figure 8.3. Possible scheme of the incomplete division of a nonspherical cell in
activated water. The mean radius of each nonseparated cell (b) is less than that of the
initial maternal cell (a). The angles and correspond to the spherical coordinate
system with the origin coinciding with the geometric center of each cell.
The Possible Mechanisms of Effects of Activated Water on Biological Systems 293
chemical agent, renders no direct inhibiting action, we can suppose that a
small admixture of ordinary nonactivated water changes signicantly the
character of the inuence of activated water on the surface of a cell.
Based on the above-presented conception of the inuence of activated
water on the total surface energy of separating cells, we can assume that
the inhibition of the growth of callus tissue in the medium with a great
concentration of MRET Activated Water and the failure of the separation
of cells of the microbiological culture of Escherichia coli on meat-peptone
agar under aerobic conditions occur immediately for the same reason. This
leads to the natural conclusion that there exists a denite threshold for the
surface energy, such that its crossing makes the division of cells unfavorable
in energy and, hence, improbable. In this case, though small changes in
the relative concentration of activated water leads to small changes in the
surface energy, if the surface energy turns out below the threshold, the
division becomes again possible.
Of course, the above-considered mechanismof the inuence of activated
water on the division of cells is a model and omits many questions which
concern the specicity of the vital activity of specic organisms. At the
same time, it is obvious that the signicant inuence of activated water on
the division of cells and, as a consequence, on the growth of micro- and
macro-organisms is a universal one, and must manifest itself in any dividing
biological systems.
Such a result allows us to substantiate a possible scenario of the running
of many anomalous processes which occur in biological objects in the
presence of MRET Activated Water (in particular, the inhibition of the
growth and the number of colonies of pathogenic microbiological cultures,
the appearance of anomalous nonseparated cells. inhibition of the growth
of callus tissue, inhibition of the growth of cancer cells, etc.).
It is also obvious that, by virtue of the universality of this mechanism,
quite real is such a situation where the presence of one denite sort of
activated water (obtained from a certain duration of activation) leads to the
deceleration of the division and the inhibition of the growth of certain types
of cells, but we will observe the acceleration of the division for other cells
and, possibly, for activated water of other sort.
We note one more aspect of the inuence of the inhibition of the division
of cells on their vital activity. It is related to that the actively used part of
the free bioplasmatic membrane (i.e. in contact with the intercellular liquid)
enveloping the cell decreases signicantly in partially-separated cells. This
can induce the deceleration of the process of withdrawal of ballast elements
294 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
formed in a cell in the process of metabolism and, eventually, the self-
poisoning of a cell.
It is natural that all these questions require further profound study.
8.3. Electrodynamic Dispersive and Viscosity-Related
Mechanical Principles of the Inuence of Activated
Water on the Vital Activity of Biological Objects
An alternative mechanism of the inuence of activated water on biological
objects can be related to the peculiarities of the inuence of such water on
the interaction of biological molecules and microorganisms separated by a
large distance in the bulk of a living organism.
As known, such an interaction is conditioned by two main processes:
the electrostatic attraction and repulsion of the distributed charges of these
objects and the dispersive force of the van der Waals interaction between
Both types of interaction depend signicantly on the properties of water,
which is the basis of the intracellular and intercellular water-salt liquid
In particular, the electrostatic interaction energy can be determined on
the basis of the DebyeHckel theory, which accounts for the self-consistent
screening of the eld of the charges of macromolecules by ions of the
intracellular liquid, which is a weakly ionized plasma.
In order to nd such screened eld, it is necessary to solve the linearized
PoissonBoltzmann equation for the electrostatic eld potential

= g
. (8.12)
Here, g =

is the Debye constant numerically equal to the reciprocal
Debye screening radius of charges in a plasma, g = 1/, n is the concen-
tration of charge carriers of each sign, and
is the orientational part of
the dielectric permittivity of the intracellular liquid at a low frequency.
For a neutral solution, the total charge of the system is equal to zero.
The solution of this equation is the screened electrostatic eld potential
(r) =
. (8.13)
For a neutral medium with pH=7 and n
+ = n
6 10
at room temperature T = 373 K, the screening radius 0.1 m.
The Possible Mechanisms of Effects of Activated Water on Biological Systems 295
As a result, the total energy of the electrostatic interaction between all
charges q
situated on the object j and all N
charges q
on the object
k is as follows:



. (8.14)
Depending on a specic distribution of charges, this energy can corre-
spond to the attraction, as well as the repulsion (Vysotskii et al., 2005).
The other type of interaction between the same objects is determined by
the dispersion van der Waals forces. The interaction energy, in the case of
extended bodies including a great number of atoms and molecules, can be
written as




(i) +2
(i) +2
d. (8.15)
The quantity V
(r) depends on the distance r between the surfaces
of these objects, the spectrum of the total dielectric permittivity of water

(), and the corresponding spectra of the dielectric permittivities
() of the interacting objects (Pinchuk and Vysotskii, 2001).
= 2c/r is the maximum frequency of the uctuating elec-
tromagnetic eld which should be accounted in the calculation of the van
der Waals interaction energy between two bodies (objects) with volumes V
and V
The fundamental reason for the appearance of the van der Waals forces
is a change in the energy of the systems of quantum oscillators (atoms,
molecules) on their convergence. The nature of the appearance of these
forces is related to the specicity of quantum electrodynamics. In the
modern interpretation of quantum electrodynamics, the electromagnetic
eld is considered as a collection of mutually independent electromagnetic
modes. Each mode is a distinctive harmonic oscillator, in which the con-
tinuous interconversion of the electric and magnetic components of the eld
occurs. Like any oscillator, the minimum energy of a separate mode corre-
sponds to zero oscillations, is nonzero, and depends on the mode frequency.
The reason for the appearance of these zero oscillations is related to the
uncertainty relation. The total energy of all modes of the eld depends on
296 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
the number and the structure of modes. Upon any change of the spatial con-
guration of a separate part of the space, the structure of the uctuating
electromagnetic eld in this region and its total energy are changed.
Thus, the total bulk energy density of the eld depends on the elec-
tromagnetic properties of interacting objects in the whole range of fre-
quencies. The presence of the maximum frequency
is conditioned by
the inuence of the effects of retardation of electromagnetic waves.
It is seen from relations (8.14) and (8.15) that the nal character of
the interaction between any bodies, its sign, and the intensity depend on
the spectrum of the dielectric permittivities of these bodies and the water-
salt medium in the region between them. They also depend on the distance
between bodies. Typical, for example, is the situation where
() >
() >
() in some part of the spectrum and
() >
() and

() <
() or
() <
() and
() >
() in other parts. This
leads to that the integrand in Eq. (8.15) becomes an alternating function of
the frequency. Accordingly, the interaction corresponds to the attraction of
bodies in one region of frequencies and to their repulsion in the other one.
The resulting force is determined by the algebraic sum of all alternating
contributions from different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.
This allows us to conclude that the controlled change in the dispersion
characteristics of the water-salt medium separating the interacting objects
gives the possibility to inuence the sign and the intensity of the interaction
between bodies. In particular, a change of the dielectric permittivity of water
can stimulate the mutual attraction of, for example, viruses and cells, but
can also favor their mutual repulsion at large distances.
We note that such specic features (the possibility for both attraction and
repulsion) are inherent only in the total van der Waals interaction for two
microbodies positioned in a medium with the dispersion of the dielectric
Contrary to that, the rst term of the frequently-used simplied relation
for the van der Waals energy (the so-called 612 interaction)
(r) =
is a partial case of the general relation (8.15) and follows directly from
it in the absence of a medium (liquid) between microbodies [in this case,

() = 1]. Relation (8.15) yields
A =



(i) 1
(i) 1)

(i) +2
(i) +2)
d > 0. (8.17)
The Possible Mechanisms of Effects of Activated Water on Biological Systems 297
It follows from Eqs. (8.16) and (8.17) that the interaction energy
[Eq. (8.16)] is always negative in vacuumat large distances (at r >

which corresponds to the attraction.
In the presence of a mediumbetween the interacting microbodies (in the
presence of the aqueous medium for a biological system), these objects can
either attract one another or repel. It all depends on the electrodynamic prop-
erties of the microbodies and the characteristics of the water-salt medium.
The proper account of the dispersive properties of water allows one to
substantiate specic effects such as the mutual recognition for two bio-
logical micro-objects at a comparatively large distance [objects with some
values of
() and
() will attract one another, and objects with other
values will repel one another]. For example, the process of recognition of an
extraneous pathogenic virus by a leukocyte at a large distance can occur in
such a way. Moreover, if the different sections of the virus surface have dif-
ferent chemical compositions and are characterized by different dielectric
(), then such a situation is possible at a denite dielectric
permittivityof water where some part of the virus will attract to, for example,
a leukocyte, whereas the other part will repel from it. It is natural that such
a character of the interaction will lead to the possibility of a spatial turn of
the virus and to a sharp change of the efciency of the interaction between
a virus and a leukocyte, or between a virus and a cell.
In particular, such a mechanism allows us to substantiate one of the
possible reasons for the increase of the efciency of the modulating action
of MRET Activated Water on the antitumoral cytotoxic activity of murine
lymphocytes and on the cytotoxic potential of cell-killers.
It is also possible that the same mechanism can explain the great
inuence of activated water on the efciency of action of various antibiotics
on specic microbiological cultures, which was observed in the process of
Indeed, if it turns out that for a certain type of antibiotics and a specic
microbiological culture, the ratio of their dielectric permittivities ensures
that the resulting energy [Eq. (8.15)] V
(r) < 0, then such micro-objects
can approach each other to a small distance, which corresponds to the zone
of inhibition.
At the same time, it can turn out that V
(r) > 0 for the other type
of antibiotics and the same specic microbiological culture. Such a result
leads at once to the impossibility for the micro-objects under consideration
to approach each other, which corresponds to a great size of the zone of
298 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
The analogous assertion can be made for a change in the reductase
activity discovered in the experiments.
It is expedient to note that there exist many other potentially possible
mechanisms which can ensure the action of activated water on biological
First of all, we mention the mechanisms which are directly related to
the immediate inuence of the anomalously-lowviscosity of optimally acti-
vated water. The meaning of this factor becomes obvious, if we account
for the decisive role of water in the processes of salt exchange and ion
transport in membranes. Moreover, such a mechanism is global, and its
action is revealed in every organ of a living organism. In particular, for
animals and human, the use of activated water can inuence the blood
One more aspect of the inuence of the anomalously-low viscosity of
activated water can be a reason for the stimulation of the cytotoxic activity
of lymphocytes possessing the natural killing ability which was described
in Sec. 6.4.
The above-consideredmechanisms of the activationof water allowone to
give a qualitative explanationfor a number of effects relatedtothe specicity
of the use of such water.
We mayassume that the clathrate structure of the memory of water is of
great importance for the processes where a diverse modication of the vital
activity happens. In particular, the high-temperature stability of a human
organism leads automatically to that all its water content must have a xed
number of lled microcavities corresponding to the normal temperature
(Tables 1.1 and 1.2). If activated water is introduced in organism, this leads
to a change of the parameters of the aqueous medium. The calculations
indicate that water activated in a certain way at the normal temperature
of a man can be preserved for 24 hours, which is quite sufcient for the
therapeutic action of such water to be realized.
If, for example, water was preliminarily rapidly heated, these contains an
excess of amorphous water and many unlled microcavities in the volume
of the clathrate frame. Such water will possess a lower bulk density, which
can signicantly decrease the load on the heart and other organs of human
beings. Its viscosity willx be signicantly less, which can signicantly
facilitate the transport of salts in organism. A change in the viscosity of
water also affects the process of enzyme-free self-reparation of double
radiation-induced breaks of DNA (Pinchuk and Vysotskii, 2001; Vysotskii
et al., 2002; Vysotskii et al., 2005). A signicant change in the dielectric
The Possible Mechanisms of Effects of Activated Water on Biological Systems 299
permittivity of activated water in the UV region of the spectrum leads to the
same effect.
Activated water obtained, for example, by means of fast cooling, reveals
the decit of amorphous water and the excess of lled microcavities. The
same composition is characteristic of water preliminarily subjected to long-
term strong compression or water taken from mountainous springs (water
molecules will be pressed in microcavities and have no time to leave them
after the termination of the pressure action). Such water has the enhanced
densityandviscosity. Inthe process of relaxationof suchwater, isolatedH
molecules will leave microcavities and pass into the volume of amorphous
water. These molecules can neutralize free radicals via the free bonds.
The results presented above give quite a satisfactory explanation to the
recipe well-known in medical practice: in order to preserve the activated
state of water obtained in the initial hot state, it should be very rapidly
cooled to a lower temperature (for example, to the temperature of a living
organism). This result follows directly from the above-presented analysis
of the processes of direct and reversible relaxations running in the course of
the preservation of water memory at the expense of the different relaxation
rates with the establishment of a thermodynamic equilibrium in two bound
systems: the systemof clathrate microcavities and the systemof quasiamor-
phous water. In the case of excess concentration of water molecules in the
volume of the clathrate frame (this occurs upon the cooling of water), the
process of relaxation and, respectively, the process of loss of the information
occur much faster than those in the process of heating of water. The last
situation is characterized by the excess of empty microcavities in the same
clathrate frame.
Summarizing the brief analysis of the possible mechanisms of action of
MRET Activated Water on biological objects, it is worth noting that this
eld is, by essence, terra incognita and needs further profound studies.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The performed detailed studies of the physicomolecular characteristics of
water activated on the basis of the MRET technology have evidently shown
that suchwater has a number of special or evenanomalous properties relative
to similar nonactivated water with the same chemical structure.
It is worth noting the following most essential features of MRET
Activated Water:
It is characterized by a very great change (the reduction by ve and more
times) of the dielectric permittivity and the conductivity in the elds of
low and ultralow frequencies;
a very signicant reduction of both the viscosity and the coefcient of
friction is registered in the regions of small pressure acting on the water
and of small speed of its movement;
the temporal nonmonotone behavior of the hydrogen index (pH) is
revealed, and this change can be characterized by sharp maxima or
minima for a certain type of activated water, which are manifested in
many days after the completion of the activation of water, and have the
form corresponding to phase transitions;
anomalous properties of activated water are preserved for a large time
interval which can last many hours and days;
the duration of preservation of the anomalous properties of activated
water depends strongly on its temperature (it increases as the temperature
drops and decreases as the temperature grows).
These properties can be used for the identication of MRET Activated
Water and for the explanation of some effects of the anomalous inuence
of such water on biological objects.
Activated water changes some very important biochemical and bio-
physical processes in living systems. It renders essential inuence on the
processes of cell division and ionic transport, and on the interaction between
biological macromolecules, cells, viruses, leukocytes, etc.
Conclusions and Recommendations 301
The results of studies allow us to make some preliminary conclusions
about features of the inuence of activated water on biological objects, as
well as about the probable use of such inuence.
The rst and most signicant result of our studies is the unequivocal and
proved conclusion that water activated on the basis of MRET technology
inuences essentially the metabolism and internal stability of microor-
ganisms, plants, and animals. The reliability of such a conclusion is proved
by the fact that a series of experiments have shown the essential inuence
of activated water (or a medium on the basis of activated water) on the fol-
lowing six levels of organization of the living matter:
1st level microbial cultures Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus
2nd level microbial syntrophic associations including the maximum
number of species and physiological groups of microorganisms, being in
the state of symbiosis and natural synergism;
3rd level culture of higher plants in vitro (callus cells);
4th level full-value higher plants in vitro (sterile plants on the agarized
nutrient medium) and in vivo (plants in soil);
5th level animal cells in vitro (as-separated tumoral cells of the ascitic
formof inoculated Ehrlich carcinoma separated fromabdominal cavities
of mice);
6thlevel animals withinoculatedcancer cells of different lines (Ehrlich
carcinoma and Sarcoma 37).
The second signicant result is the fact that the action of activated water
on living organisms is ambiguous. The ambiguity is shown by the temporal
parameter (there exists the maximum effective duration for the activation
of water or a nutrient medium prepared from activated water) and by the
effect of action (a stronger or weaker inuence on living organisms leading
to a positive, neutral, or negative effect).
We note that the interpretation of the effect as positive or negative is not
absolute, because it depends on the conjectural use of this effect. In par-
ticular, the effect of inhibition of the growth of a pathogenic culture is cer-
tainly positive for its use as a bacteriostatic means or one inhibiting growths,
though it can be considered as negative for special types of biotechnology.
We now enumerate the most signicant results obtained from studying the
action of activated water on living organisms in a generalized form, and
will estimate the possibility of their application in the areas concerning
302 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
health protection, optimization of agricultural production, and commercial
targets. Furthermore, it is expedient to formulate some recommendations
for a possible use of the obtained results, as well as for their subsequent
(1) Water activated for 30 min enhances the reductase activity of
microbial syntrophic associations under anaerobic conditions. Such water
entering the organism of warm-blooded animals and human (with food
and drink) can render essential inuence on the metabolic processes of the
microora of macroorganisms.
In what follows, we present some examples of the presumable inuence
of such a type of activated water on different living objects.
In a human organism, water activated in the optimum way can increase
the metabolic activity of symbiotic microbial associations of intestine: pro-
ducers of vitamins (e.g. B
), lactic acid bacteria, etc.
In the organisms of cows and other herbivorous animals, the intake
of optimally activated water can help to regulate the complex of sym-
biotic microorganisms digesting cellulose and, on the whole, can probably
increase essentially the production efciency of milk and meat. This
conclusion has simple logic substantiation. We recall that the symbiotic
microora of the digestive tract of herbivorous animals (cows and others) is
a typical representative of syntrophic associations. In the scope of digestive
tract, anaerobic conditions are realized, under which, as shown in Sec. 5.5,
the reductase activity increases. An increase of the metabolic activity of
associations of digestive tract of herbivorous animals is accompanied by
an increase of the rate of digestion of cellulose and, hence, results in the
increase of milk yields and the acceleration of weight gain of animals.
In the organisms of poultry (e.g. hens, ducks), the use of optimally
activated water can raise the grain assimilation speed owing to the activation
of the metabolism of microorganisms of intestine and, as a result, it can
increase the weight-gaining speed and raise egg-laying qualities.
(2) Microora of gastroenteric tract of human is also a syntrophic asso-
ciation. The composition of microorganisms useful to a man includes the
symbiotic producers of vitamins, lactic acid bacteria, and other microor-
ganisms. The activation of water entering a human organism can render
essential inuence on the biochemical activity of the mentioned symbiotic
microorganisms. This yields the obvious necessity of studying the action of
the activation of water on symbionts, which are the producers of biologi-
cally active substances. The importance of the optimization and balance of
the functioning of the microora of human intestine, with the help of water
Conclusions and Recommendations 303
activated in the most optimum way, is theoretically comparable with that of
the application of the most effective biological preparations such as yogurt,
special lactic-acid fermented product, etc.
(3) The separate and rather scientic-commercial perspective is the
inuence of activated water (for various modes of its activation) on the
efciency of the synthesis of biologically active substances using indus-
trial microorganisms. The activation of water inuences the metabolism of
microorganisms. It is obvious that various modes of activation can result in
the essential increase of the synthesis rate of valuable products. For example,
it is possible to signicantly increase the yield of citric acid by acting on
microbiological culture Aspergillus niger or to attain a high yield of the syn-
thesis of various antibiotics with culture Streptomyces, etc. Hence, MRET
Activated Water presents the basis for a signicant enhancement of the ef-
ciency of industrial biotechnology.
(4) In our studies, we have found the essential dependence of the ef-
ciency of the action of MRETActivated Water on microbiological cultures
and their associations in the presence of a sufcient amount of free oxygen
(i.e. in the conditions under which the growth of microbiological cultures
takes place: aerobic or anaerobic).
In particular, we observed a very strong increase of the reductase activity
of microbiological associations grown under anaerobic conditions.
At the same time, during the growth of the pure Escherichia coli culture
under the same anaerobic conditions, no change of reductase activity was
registered for all investigated types of activated water.
On the other hand, whereas a small reduction of the reductase activity
was registered for the pure culture of Escherichia coli under aerobic con-
ditions during rst hours of the growth in water activated for 30 min, we
observed an increase of this activity under the same conditions in water
activated for 60 min.
These examples show the complicated and ambiguous character of
the action of MRET Activated Water on the processes of metabolism in
microorganisms in the presence or absence of a sufcient amount of free
oxygen. For this reason, the nal recommendations for a practical appli-
cation of activated water in applied biotechnology involving the processes
of metabolism in various microorganisms should be given with regard for
the whole complex of conditions. It is also obvious that, in order to draw
a more certain conclusion on the general tendencies of the action of such
water, it is necessary to carry out more precise experiments with the other
types of pure cultures.
304 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
(5) MRET Activated Water inuences essentially the stability of a
typical representative of conditionally pathogenic microora, the culture
of Escherichia coli, to the action of different types of antibiotics. The
action of activated water turned out ambiguous. For various modes of
activation, we observed both an increase of the stability of the culture
(a decrease of the sensitivity) and a decrease of the stability (an increase
of the sensitivity) with respect to various antibiotics. For example, water
activated for 30 min enhances the stability to chloromycetin, but water acti-
vated for 60 min, on the contrary, reduces this stability and increases the
It is necessary to emphasize especially that the inuence of activated
water on the efciency of action of antibiotics can be very strong.
For example, in the use of water activated for 30 min, the stability of
Escherichia coli culture to chloromycetin increases in comparison with the
control by 19 times! In the use of water activated for 60 min, the stability
to kanamycin and cephalexin increases by 1213 times.
In contrast to this, with the use of the same type of activated water, the
sensitivity of Escherichia coli culture to the action of ampicillin increases
in comparison with that under the inuence of nonactivated water by
2.3 times.
These rather surprising and even paradoxical results have been
obtained from one representative of conditionally pathogenic microora
Escherichia coli. It is obvious that the same studies should be carried out
with other pathogenic cultures. In addition, since the action of activated
water depends very signicantly on the duration of activation, it is important
to carry out similar studies with samples of water activated with smaller
discrete steps in time (for example, for the duration of activation equal to
20 min, 25 min, 30 min, 35 min, and 40 min).
The determination and use of the modes of activation resulting in
the maximal increase of the sensitivity or stability of specic microbio-
logical cultures to antibiotics can lead to the overturn in clinical medical
microbiology and a signicant reduction of the dosage of antibiotics, and
can sharply weaken the negative side effects accompanying the use of
(6) Activated water renders bactericidal (or bacteriostatic) action on
Escherichia coli culture growing under aerobic conditions. It is reasonable
to expect a similar inuence for other pathogenic cultures (for example, acti-
vated water should suppress the development of conditionally pathogenic
bacteria Citrobacter, etc.).
Conclusions and Recommendations 305
The corresponding optimization of the modes of activation of aqueous
solutions can be used effectively for the therapy of E. coli enteritis and other
similar infectious diseases caused by enterobacteria.
In addition to purely medical aspects of such an action of MRET Acti-
vated Water, it is necessary to emphasize the potential of a very wide
spectrum of its possible applications. For example, it is possible to produce
and store great amount of pure water, in which the development of microor-
ganisms is extremely inhibited. This will be of great importance in solving
the problems of hygiene, especially in countries with adverse epidemi-
ological conditions. The same applications are possible in the case of
big-scale natural disasters (ood, earthquake, etc.).
(7) The activation of water suppresses very signicantly (by tens and
hundreds of times) the development of a callus culture of plant cells (in
particular, Solanum rickii) in the presence of a stimulator of uncontrollable
nonspecic growth. A callus culture of cells can serve as a representative
model for studying the inhibition of the uncontrollable growth of the cells of
epidermis in the case of psoriasis by activated water. There are weighty argu-
ments to believe that such water can be very effective nonmedicamentous
means for the treatment of psoriasis without inherent negative side effects.
This effect should be comprehensively investigated in clinical practice in a
wide range of changes of the duration of activation. The preliminary exper-
iments conrm its efciency on such a treatment.
(8) With respect to the efciency of action of MRET Activated Water
on callus tissue we revealed a very sharp dependence on the degree of its
dilution by similar, but nonactivated water. In particular, the reduction of
the relative concentration of water activated for 30 min from80%up to 72%
in the cultural medium led to the decrease of the coefcient of inhibition
of the growth of callus tissue by 20 times. Such an effect can be applied
to clinical medical pharmacology and chemotherapy. In particular, let us
consider the situation of the preliminary injection or the saturation of certain
organs of a living organism with ordinary water. In this case, the sharply
pronounced selectivity or differentiation of the action of activated water
or various pharmaceutical preparations (including antibiotics) on different
organs can take place.
(9) The applicationof optimallyactivatedwater results inverysignicant
positive effect on the prophylaxis and treatment of the tumoral process of
Ehrlich carcinoma and Sarcoma 37 in animals.
Water activated for 30 min in prophylactic action (water consumed
before the start of the oncological process) inhibits the growth rate of
306 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
Ehrlich carcinoma by two times and reduces the number of cancer cells in
the volume of a tumor by more than four times. Such water also increases
the lifetime of mice infected by Ehrlich carcinoma by 61.7%. The inhibition
of tumor growth, which is similar in efciency and increase of the lifetime,
was also observed with the intake of water activated for 15 min and 45 min.
The same type of activated water inhibits the development of a tumor
(cancer cells) of Sarcoma 37 by 67% and reduces the number of active
oncological cells in the volume of a tumor by three times. In this case, the
lifetime of sick animals grew by 50%.
Experiments have shown that water activated for 30 min is optimum for
the therapeutic mode of treatment (water consumed after the beginning of
the oncological process). The efciency of the therapeutic action of acti-
vated water turned out two to three times worse than that in the case of the
prophylactic use of this water.
Summing up, we note that as prepared activated water with the
duration of activation of 30 min, which is used for prophylaxis, is a very
effective means for the growth inhibition of tumors caused by cells of
Ehrlich carcinoma. The efciency of the prophylactic action of such water
approaches the efciency of chemotherapy but, unlike chemotherapy, the
application of activated water does not result in negative side effects.
(10) Water activated for 60 min renders a much weaker positive inuence
on the tumoral process when used prophylactically (as compared with
the action of water activated for 30 min), and no appreciable (statistically
reliable) action on the therapeutic use was observed.
(11) The long-term (in the interval of 1545 days) storage of water
activated for 30 min and stored after that in a cooler does not result in the
loss of antitumoral activity, though reduces it a little. Such water is still
an effective antitumoral means and ensures the inhibition of the growth of
tumors and thus increases the lifetime. During the investigated period of
storage of such water, its antitumoral efciency was reduced approximately
twice. This result allows us to predict the opportunity to use not only as
prepared water, but also water after a long-term storage.
(12) The application of water activated in the optimum way results in
an increase of the cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes and natural cell-killers
developed in the organisms of animals. Water activated for 30 min for pro-
phylactic use for 21 days before the inoculation of tumor cells increases
the index of cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes by 20%. For prophylactic
application, such water can be used to increase the natural immunity.
It is found out that, within the limits of the studied time-interval, the
Conclusions and Recommendations 307
immunostimulating properties of such water increase with the duration of
prophylactic intake. In particular, when the duration of intake of water
increased from 14 to 21 days, the index of cytotoxic activity grew from
6 to 20%.
On the other hand, we note that water activated for 15 min, 45 min, and
60 minandusedfor 21days has nonoticeable immunostimulatingproperties
(a change of the index of cytotoxic activity is within the limits of statistical
These results testify to a very important value of the duration of acti-
vation of water before its use for the purpose of prophylaxis. It is obvious
that carrying out additional detailed studies with a smaller increase of the
duration of activation within the limits of the interval from 15 to 45 min
would provide useful information (for example, for the duration of acti-
vation equal to 20 min, 25 min, 30 min, 35 min, or 40 min with a step of
ve min; or even two min).
In addition, it is desirable to carry out more detailed studies of the depen-
dence of the prophylactic action of activated water on the time of its intake.
It is also necessary to clarify the question whether the constant intake of
such water is the optimum method of prophylaxis.
Such studies will allow us to nd the optimum duration of activation, at
which the effect of the prophylactic antitumoral action of activated water
will be maximum.
(13) The use of activated water stimulates the development of many
plants. In particular, the use of water activated for 60 min results in the
acceleration of the germination of seeds of radish, peas, and cabbage (rep-
resentatives of crucifers) by 80200% on the third day after sowing in soil.
It is obvious that this phenomenon can be efciently used commercially,
for example, for the accelerated cultivation of the sprouts of valuable orna-
mental plants or vegetable crops.
(14) The use of water activated for 60 min leads to the acceleration of
the growth and an increase of the parameters of some vegetable culture such
as cabbage, pumpkin, string bean, peas, and radish. The positive effect is
manifested, rst of all, in the increase of the biomass growth, i.e. an increase
of the productivity of agricultural culture.
Summing up, we note that, for a correction of the range and the ef-
ciency of the action of activated water on living organisms, it is necessary
to expand the specic and taxonomic assortments of objects under study.
For example, it is desirable to investigate the inuence of the activation
not only on objects such as bacteria of intestinal group, but also on yeast,
308 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
actinomyces, micromyces, facultative-anaerobic and obligatory-anaerobic
microorganisms. The same concerns higher plants it is also necessary
to expand the composition of investigated objects. The detailed research of
the inuence of activated water on the processes of metabolism of various
animals is extremely desirable as well.
Very important is the further study of the action of activated water
on the specic features of the process and the specicity of treatment of
various oncological diseases. The study of inuence of the duration of the
application of optimally-activated water on the optimization of the immune
systemof organism, including the inuence on the optimization of the cyto-
toxic activity of lymphocytes and natural cell-killers, is also of great impor-
tance. There is ground to consider that the increase of the index of cytotoxic
activity by 20% discovered in our experiments is not limiting and can be
signicantly enhanced.
The same wishes can be stated concerning the opportunity to use acti-
vated water for the therapy of other human diseases.
(15) The consumption of MRETActivated Water signicantly enhances
the factors of natural resistance of the body which constitute the rst line
of protection of an organism against the penetration and reproduction of
pathogenic microorganisms.
The analysis leads tothe conclusionthat signicant changes inall studied
parameters of mice which consumed MRET water (decrease of pathogen
colonies in homogenate of kidneys, increase of the weight and the cellu-
larity of lymphoid organs, intensication of the phagocytic and bactericidal
activityof macrophages andneutrophils) beginonlyafter 24hours following
the inoculation of Staphylococcus culture. So, the consumption of MRET
water increases the potential of immune capacities of the body to coun-
teract the infections without any changes in the vital parameters of immune
organs and functions prior to the penetration of infectious pathogens in
the body.
Experimental results conrm the signicant intensication of phago-
cytic activity and of immune system response following the consumption
of MRET water.
MRET water stimulated the phagocytic capacities of neutrophils of the
peripheral blood and peritoneal macrophages. It increased their phagocytic
activity (intensity of engulng of alien microorganisms) and stimulated the
hyper-activation of their oxygen-dependent bactericidal activity, particu-
larly the increase of quantity of NBT-positive phagocytes. These results
conrm the increase of effective potential of phagocytes, which constitute
Conclusions and Recommendations 309
one of the main factors of natural protection of an organism against infec-
tions and are essential for the initiation of immune response.
(16) MRET activation of the water-based nutrient medium with sus-
pendedStaphylococcus culture leads tothe originationof veryhighbacterio-
static activity of such nutrient medium which depends on the time duration
of activation and the initial concentration of culture cells. The bacteriostatic
activity increases following the increase of time of activation and decrease
of initial concentration of the suspension of staphylococcal culture!
The results of investigation provide the evidence regarding the high
efcacy of MRET activation on the inhibition of growth of colonies and
reproduction of staphylococcal microorganisms in vitro.
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This page intentionally left blank This page intentionally left blank
action of antibiotics, 196
aerobic conditions, 158
algorithm, 37
ampicillin, 197, 199, 202205
anaerobic conditions, 165
anisotropy, 41
anomalous division of cells, 195
antitumor efciency, 217
ascitic ehrlich carcinoma, 222
ascitic sarcoma, 233
ascitic-uid, 222
bactericidal action of activated water, 191
bacteriostatic action of activated water, 191
cabbage, 125127
callus tissue, 138140, 144
carbenicillin, 197, 199, 202204
ceftriaxone, 197199, 202204
central zone, 37
cephaclor, 197199, 202204
cephalexin, 197199, 202204
chloromycetin, 197199, 202204
cholesteric elastomer, 41
ciprofroxacin, 197, 199, 202204
clathrate hydrates, 13
clathrate model, 11
clindamycin, 197199, 203, 204
cloning, 37
cluster model of water, 12
clusters of water, 12
coefcient of sterility, 159
complementarity, 36
compressive strength, 43
concrete, 43
conductivity, 62, 64, 6871, 73, 74, 77
covalent, 38
cultural-morphological properties, 184
cultural-morphological properties of
microorganisms, 156
cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes, 244
cytotoxic activity of murine lymphocytes,
cytotoxicity index, 247
cytotoxicity test, 247
diamagnetism, 56
dielectric permittivity, 58
dielectric permittivity of activated water,
dielectric properties, 41
diffraction, 39
dipoles, 59
division of cells, 193
DNA macromolecule, 1
duration of the water memory, 21
duration of relaxation, 3
electric conductivity, 57
electronic shells, 39
epoxy, 40
epoxy polymer, 39
Escherichia coli, 148
ickering clusters, 15
fractal matrix, 36
fractal system, 36
fractalization, 36
free-radical complexes, 1
316 Applied Biophysics of Activated Water
germination of seeds in activated water,
growth of stalk and leaves of vegetable
crops, 112
harmonic oscillator, 39
hormesis phenomenon, 1
hydrogen bonds, 11
hydrogen index of activated water, 99, 100
hydroxyl, 40
immune response, 252
immunostimulatory activity of activated
water, 248, 251
index of bacteriostatic activity, 277
index of phagocytosis and phagocytic
number, 269
inuence of activated water on microbial
cultures and microbial associations,
inuence of activated water on plants, 105
inhibition coefcient, 159
interference, 39
intra-peritoneal infection, 254
ionic, 38
kanamycin, 197199, 202205
lattices, 37
lifetime, 221
local inammation, 254
lymphocytes, 218
lymphoid organs of immune system, 253
macrophages, 256
magneto-biological, 60
meat-peptone agar, 182
membranes, 37
metabolic parameters, 165
metabolic parameters of microbial
associations, 202
metalic structures, 38
mice with transplanted tumors, 219
molecular, 38
mononuclear lymphocytes, 246
mortar, 44
MRET fractal matrix, 41
MRET polymer, 49
nanoparticles, 53
nanorings, 53
nanotechnology, 38
natural killer cell, 218, 244, 245, 250
neutrophils, 256
numerical continuum structures, 38
optical behavior, 53
optical density of the cultural liquid, 156
Paulis principle, 39
peas, 121
peripheral zone, 37
pervasive matrix, 59
phagocytes, 252
phagocytic system, 252
photon, 54
piezoelectric coefcient, 42
piezoelectricity, 41
polarized-oriented multilayer molecular
structuring, 57
polymer materials, 38
prophylactic administration, 217
prophylaxis and treatment of oncology, 217
proton lattice, 56
proton spins, 57
pumpkin, 126
quantum theory, 38
quantum transformation, 37
quantum transition, 57
quasiamorphous water, 15
Raman scattering spectroscopy, 85
redox-balance, 182
redox-potential, 182
reductase activity, 156, 215
reductase activity index, 159
resazurin, 156
resonance phenomenon, 39
shoots of radish, 109111, 113, 114
similarity, 37
Index 317
size of grown cells, 182
spacewave, 37
spatial structures, 38
spectrophotometer, 56
staphylococcal infection, 252
sterile higher plants, 131, 133138
stoichiometric composition, 56
string bean, 121
structure of water, 2
superparamagnetic, 56
survival dynamics, 231
survival time, 221, 230, 233
tetracycline, 197199, 203205
therapeutic administration, 217
transmission electron microscopy, 53
tumor, 217
tumor transplantation, 219
viscosity of activated water, 91, 92, 96, 98,
volumetric system, 37
water activation, 1
water memory, 13, 911, 16, 1921, 23,
water memory cell, 11
X-ray scattering, 39

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