Laguna State Polytechnic University: Republic of The Philippines Los Baños Campus
Laguna State Polytechnic University: Republic of The Philippines Los Baños Campus
Laguna State Polytechnic University: Republic of The Philippines Los Baños Campus
College of Teacher Education Course Program / Program: Bachelor of Elementary Education Course Syllabus / Course Code: MAJOR 15 / Analytic Geometry 2nd Semester, SY 2011-2012
A. VISION :A premier university in CALABARZON, offering academic programs and related services designed to respond to the requirements of the Philippines and the global economy particularly Asian countries. :The University shall primarily provide advanced education, professional, technological and vocational instruction in agriculture, fisheries, forestry, science, engineering, industrial technologies, teacher education, medicine, law, arts and sciences, information technology and other related fields. It shall also undertake research and extension services, and provide progressive leadership in its areas of specialization. :To establish a computer-knowledge and technology center in todays dynamic and diverse computer industry in response to the requirements of the Philippines and the global economy particularly Asian countries
D. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAM: General: To reinforce students desire to be globally competitive in the highly methodica l and technical world through competence in language and ICT communication
Specific: 1. 2. 3. 4. E. COURSE DESCRIPTION To provide relevant and needed facility appropriate to the requirements of the ICT Industry. To equip the students with ICT-based skills that is well-grounded in design, analysis and practical application and implementation To develop ethical students in exploring careers and ICT related jobs. To expand the students perspective in ICT through collaborative and interactive teaching and learning. :This course provides students with experiences on solving problems that require the integration of algebra and geometric concepts. The use of graphing calculators and computer algebra system is highly encouraged.
F. CREDITS / UNITS : G. PRE-REQUISITE : H. COURSE GENERAL OBJECTIVE: 1. Identify and be familiar in the principles, laws, theorems and postulates in relation to Analytic Geometry 2. Use these principles, laws, theorems and postulates in solving problems regarding Analytic Geometry 3. Apply the learned concepts in real life situations
Time Allotted Topics/Contents Orientation and Recitation of Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of the College of Teacher Education Inequalities Coordinate System Points, Lines, Equations of a Line, Slopes Perpendicular and Parallel Lines Specific Objectives 1. Recite the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of the CTE department 2. Orient the students in classroom rules regulations 1. Define Inequality 2. Solve problems involving inequalities 1. Describe the coordinate system 2. Plot points in the coordinate system 1. Describe points and lines 2. Define the equations of a line 3. Discuss the different equations of a line 4. Find slopes 5. Discuss the equation of slopes 1. Define parallel and perpendicular lines 2. Draw perpendicular and parallel lines in the Coordinate Plane 1. Define the circle 2. Solve problems involving equations of the circle 3. Discuss the standard form of the equation of the circle 4. Solve problems involving the standard form of the equation of circles 1. Evaluate the knowledge and skills in solving and graphing problems involving circles 1. Define the Parabola 2. Explain the parts of a parabola 3. Discuss the different forms of the parabola 4. Discuss the four cases of the standard forms of parabola 1. Evaluate the skills and knowledge in solving and graphing problems involving parabolas 1. Define the ellipse 2. Study the parts of the ellipse 3. Derive the equation of the ellipse with center at the origin 4. Solve problems regarding ellipse with center at the origin 5. Study ellipse with center at (h,k) 6. Solve problems regarding ellipse with center at (h,k) 1. Evaluate knowledge and skills in solving and graphing problems involving ellipses Teaching Strategies Values Infused Evaluation Tools Instructional Materials Remarks
1 hour
Honesty Patience
2 hours 1 hour
Deductive Deductive
Cooperation Discipline
2 hours
Inductive Discussion
Cooperation Attentiveness
1 hour
Effective Listening
3 hours
Lecture Discussion
2 hours
Long Quiz
3 hours
The Parabola
Lecture Discussion
2 hours
Long Quiz
3 hours
The Ellipse
Cooperation Diligence
2 hours
Long Quiz
4 hours
The Hyperbola
2 hours
1.Define Hyperbola 2.Derive the formula for hyperbola with center at the origin 3.Discuss the properties of the hyperbola 4.Explain the strategy in graphing and sketching hyperbola 5.Solve problems involving hyperbola 6.Solve problems involving hyperbola with center at (h,k) 1.Evaluate knowledge and skills in solving and graphing problems involving hyperbolas
Honesty Diligence
Long Quiz
Rotation Of Axes Polar Coordinates Distance between two points Tracing curves in polar coordinates Polar Equation of Locus Problems involving Polar Equation
1.Discuss rotation of axes 1.Discuss polar coordinates 1.Find the distance between two points using polar coordinates 1.Trace curve with polar equation 1.Find polar equation of a Locus 2.Solve basic problems involving equation of locus polar
Board work Board work Seatwork Short Quiz Seatwork Short Quiz
Graph board Chalkboard Graph board Chalkboard Graph board Graph board Chalkboard Graph board Graph board Chalkboard
2 hours
Problem Solving
Short Quiz
J. REFERENCES: Analytic and Solid Geometry by Felipe L. Comandante Jr. (2000) Calculus with Analytic Geometry by Thurman S. Peterson (1997) Analytic Geometry by Demetrio A, Aquino Jr. and Jose M. Mijares (2002) Analytic Geometry by Lewis Parker Siceloff, George Wentworth and David Eugene Smith (e-book) K. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Separate Analytic Geometry Notebook with Quizzes stapled at the last page L. GRADING SYSTEM: Examinations Long Test and Quizzes Board Work / Seatwork Attendance / Character 40% 30% 20% 10% 100%
Prepared by:
Checked by:
_________________________ Leon Victor L. Engle Part-time Instructor Approved by: _________________________ Lerma P. Buenvinida Ed. D. Dean, CTE