Chew Packwood N Turner

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of Surrey -


University -

Modelling of' Buoyant Turboinachinery

Flow Rotating

I leat Transfer Disc Caiiiies



Alistair S. R. KIII'Oll 2008

Stll)Cl-vlsc(i hy: Prof. l. W. ('IIC\%. Co-stipci-vised by: Dr A. R. Packwood Collaborative Supcr\ isor M. T. Turner

in this thcsisis my own originalwork and hcrcbydcclare I theundersigncd thatthework containcd his not prcviouslyin its cntirctyor in partbccnsubmitted at anyunivcrsityfor a dcgrce.

A. Signed:

k /.

Datc: March2008

Alistair S. R. Kilfbil


hastakenalmostseven Universityof Surrcy-RollsMy research yearsto complete on a part-time, by a number basis.Duringthis periodor research I havebeensupported Roycccollaborative of bothat the Universityof Surreyandat Rolls-Royce their andI would like to acknowledge people contributions.
Firstly I would like to thank all my colleaguesat Rolls-Royce for their support, in particular Dr. Eddie Williams, John Mylemans,Jcff Dixon, Dr. Colin Young, Guy Snows,Dr. Tim Scanlonand Chris Barnesfrom R-R Derby, and Andy Rose,Richard Beasleyand John Ingle from R-R Bristol, five helped funding for the to year period orthe main work. secure %kho all my researchover I wish to give a thank you to my supervisors,especially Pror. John Chew as my university supervisorand to Dr. Alan Packwood,my co-supcrvisorat the university and to my industrial supervisorMike Turner for their support, guidanccand invaluable advice throughout my research. Also from the Surrey I`hcrmo-Fluid SystemsUniversity Technology Centre I would like thank both Dr. Nick I fills and Dr. Zixiang Sun for their backgroundwork in this field orrescarch of rotating cavity flows and heattransfer, especially for their Large Eddy Simulation ComputationalFluid Dynamics work. I xvouldalso like to give my thanks to the Thcrmo-nuid MechanicsResearch Centreat the University or Sussexfor their experimentaland numerical work with the Multiple Cavity Rig. In particular I thank Prof. PeterChilds, Dr. Chris Long and Dr. Alex Alexiou. I would like to give my full appreciationto Adam Andersonand David Mann from Fluent Europe Ltd. for all their help with my FLUENT User Defined Functionsprogramcoding problems. I would also expressmy gratitude to Dr. PeterSmout for die proorrcading my thesis.

Finally.I would like to thankmy family,especially my latefather,RoyandElsieKilroil for without been have PhD backing would possible. not thecompletion of my their encouragement and

Kilfbil. hlargarct late I dedicate this giesisin the memory of my mother,



In the designora gasturbine engine it is important to have a good prediction of the temperature distribution for componentsof the engine. This research work looks at the methodof predicting air and mct3l temperatures orthc I IP compressordisc drum. It is a common practice to supply cooling discs in die bores between for disc blades by turbine of adjacent the the and air axially air passing die I IP compressor.some ordic central axial througliflow is known to enter the compressorinterdisc cavities and a parasitic temperaturerise occurs in the througliflow air as a result or the convective heat transfer. It is important that the heat transfer mechanismwithin a compressorinterdisc cavity is understood,as the enginedesignerneedsto know die temperatureof the cooling air in order to predict the stressand the iiie orthe compressor, and also to and the disc temperatures predict the scal and blade tip running clearances. In this thesis,computational fluid dynamics(CFD) is usedto study the flow and heat mechanism experiencedby a gasturbine IIP compressorrotor. A review of previous researchwork and knowledge in the field of rotational buoyancy-drivcn flow hasshown that die flow within the and time dependentin nature.Two compressorintcr-disc cavities is highly three-dimensional in the numerical modelling of the flow can be considered;one is to useCFD as a tool to approaches model a single inter-disc cavity with axial througliflow in full three dimensionswith unsteadyflow. Using this approachrequiresa huge amountof computationalmemory and time to run the CFD into flow is down break A to this separate physical process approach models. second complex for introduce but theseprocesses. models cfficicnt mechanisms and approximate computationally The secondapproachhasbeentaken in this thesis,with the aim of producing a methodthat can be incorporatedinto current design practice.Two underlying flow mechanisms may be identified for inter-disc flow this complex flow; the first associated the the cavities and the second within with associated with the axial througliflow under the compressordisc bores. has Using the commercial CFD code FLUENT, modelling of the two underlying flow mechanisms CFD This been developed. beencombinedand a steadyaxis), has mmctric modelling method modelling methodallows for enhancedmixing of the flow within the intcr-disc cavity. The enhanced mixing model is addedto the CFD code by using the User Defined Function (UDF) functionality within FLUENT. The techniquehas beenapplied to both a research compressorrig and to an actual gasturbine IIP compressorrotor. CFD results for both test caseshave been CFD For data buoyancy the simulations to conditions. compared measured covering a wide mngeor beat for transfer the shroud cavity the of researchcompressorrig good agreementwas achieved 3%. The for disc 9% the was temperatures error where the with a maximum error or and metal beat heat by CFD the estimated transrer with well cavity shroud agreedreasonable predicted the with die disc metal transrerfor the enginecompressor,howeverthere was poor agreement Someinstability in the CFD solution has beenshown to occur with the application or temperatures. fully be These instability die enhanced to resolved. still are mixing model. problems

AH Aw Bo a b Cp [m21 H [M] Iml [J kg" K*11

enhanced mixing modelparameter interiorsurface area 01/2 Buoyancy - Ro/ (PATa, number disc borc, radius outcrradiusof cavity specificlicat 2) 5 Equ. 5.1) (Chapter QY-p. )1(V., pu., cocMcient pressure rotor outcrdiameter or die compressor [m) [M] [nl) Im] Im) Im] from die layer thickness wall nearest away enhanced mixing model layer fluid thickness next property constant enhanced mixingmodel to die wall depthor water hydraulicdiameter 7) distance to verticalwall (Chapter perpendicular 7) distance to horizontal wall (Chapter perpendicular in factor licat theenhanced transrcr used cavity shroud wall near mixing model functionusedin theenhanced mixing model shape total energy Cp.&T) Eckertnumber - (cor)2/(2 licat flux gapratio - s/b
Grashornumbcr AT L3 /V2

CP D DL4)'ER Dla)Con d dh it, dy

facix E Ec F G Gr Gr#

1-1 [m 1-1


M [m s21 [M fl]

0 / (T AT Grashor tO) p' -r co' rotational number gravitational acceleration f12 r, rotation or gravity g, appropriate acceleration 5 in Chapter depth height cavity - r. - ri, cavity

11 h K k k# I


[W rn*2 K71] licat transfer cocfl'icicnt Fl mixingmodel cavitycorefactorusedin theenhanced [W m" Klj thermal conductivity in [W m-' K7'1 modiricdthermal mixingmodel conductivity theenhanced layer [m] thickness enhanced mixingmodel

L m n is Nu Nub Nul P P PO Pr Q 4 4A Ra Rai RN Rah M4 Re# Re, R.h. fj

Ro r

Iml [kg s7l] [RPNI)

length characteristic compressor axialthrougliflow compressor shallspeed enhanced mixing modelparameter Nusscltnumber /(AT k) Q/ (A,. AT) -hLIk-qL

H 1-1 [Pal [Pal [Pal 1-1 [W] [W M-1) [W m"I

based verticalNusselt on cavityheight,h number horizontal based Nusscltnumber on cavity length,I staticpressure 3.8) (in Equation reduced pressure Sussex NICRcavitypressure /k Prandtlnumber Cp -p heatflow heatflux heattransfer by conduction alone Rayleigh number - Gr Pr localRayleigh number P ATh va 11 horizontalRayleigh / length, I-g0 based ATI va on cavity number Reynolds b /v fl number, rotational Reynolds number, axial throughilow-W dh/v rotationalRayleigh - Gr#Pr number based verticalRayleigh on cavityheigh4hg number

F) Iml

7 to 9) shaftouterradius( Ch3ptcrs
Rossbynumber-W/ El a radial distanceof cavity

rM ro

Iml [m]

cavity Meanradius - (r. + rj/2 outer disc radius

r, 0, Z R S

[m, rad, m] 1-1 Iml

cylindrical co-ordinatcs(radial, circumferential and axial directions) CFD meshgeometricalexpansionratio cavity width

T To T,

JKI [K] [K]

temperature appropriate gastemperature innerradiusCavity temperaturc W311 -vi-

TO T. Tb U, vW w W X x y y y yp

[K] JK] [K] [M ell [m $'I] [m S*11 [m S'11 1-1 Iml

outerradiuscavitywall temperature wall temperature bulk fluid temperature friction velocity dircction velocityin thecircumfcrcnti, 31 direction relativevelocityin thecircumrcrcntial bulk average velocityof die axialthrougliflow radiusratio of cavity-r/b distance dimcnsion 5 Figure5.1) (Chapter strcamwisc nearwall distance dimension Figure5.1) (Ch3ptcr nornialdistance


non-dimcnsional nearwall distance parameter - pu,yWp distance from point P to thewall

Greek a a 0 a 11 [m2S' 101 101 Iml difTusivity-k/ (p cp) thermal cavity sector angle thermalvolumeexpansion coefficient boundary-layer thickness
distanceof fluid ccll centre from the nearestwall in the enhanced mixing model difference appropriatetemperature viscousdissipation term cone or disc half angle (0 - 90' for a disc) dynamic viscosity
modified viscosity in the enhanced mixing model kinematic viscosity

AT (D 0 P
/10 V

(K] 3j [kg m*1S, [radians] [N SM,2j

[Ns M-2j 11 [M 2 S*

P Tw CO ri

Jkg m'31 lkg m*1S*2] [radianss"I [radians s"'I


wallshear stress
angular flow velocity angular velocity


S, Le's I 1-t
avg b

appropriate average basicfluid propertyvalue

North,East,SouthandWest C, N, E, S, W mesh Centre, cells(cell ccntrcdvalues) named intcr-disccavitycore core corrcl/ corrl heattransfer correlation value Exp experiment 9 I/ inner inlet I m NWP o/ outer W/W 00 gas innerradius air inlet local metal nearwall point outerradius wall frce-strcam


DECLARATION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ABSTRACT NOMENCLATURE CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES CHAPTERI INTRODUCTION 1.1An Introduction Problem to the Research 1.2Outlineof theThesis CIIAPTER2 REVIEWOF PREVIOUS WORK 2.1 Introduction 2.2NaturalConvection Buoyancy Cavity DrivenFlowswithin a Stationary 2.2.1Raylcigh-Binard convection 2.2.2Naturalconvcction with heated sidewalls 2.2.3Mixed horizontal andverticalconvcction feattransfer measurements patterns Temperature distribution 2.3 Convection Flow within a Rotating Cavity Enclosed 2.4 Rotating Cavitywith Axial 71irougliflow 2.4.1Singlecavity investigations flow Nonisothcrmal flow 2.4.2Multiple cavity investigations UTC multiplecavityrig build I experimental investigations UTC multiplecavityrig builds2 and3 invcstigations cxpcrimcntal Studies 2.5 Stationary Numerical Cavities andRotating -

iii iv v ix

xxii I 1 5 8 8 9 9 13 14 16 18 19 20 20 24 24 24 27 31 31 33 36


2.6 CrossFlow Ovcr a Stationary Cavity Effcctsin Rotating 2.7A NumcricalAxisymmctricModcl orthc Buoyancy Cavity Flows 2.8 Conclusions CHAPTER3 COMPUTATIONALFLUID DYNAMICSSIMULATION OF NATURAL CONVECTIONIN A CUBE
Summary 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Description of the Experiment 3.3 Test I Icat Transfer Measurements 3.4 Numerical Investigation 3.5 Numerical Simulation Results 3.5.1 Steadyflow CFD solutions 3.5.2 Unsteadyflow CFD solutions for dic I IC configuration Flow structure 1[cat transrcr Mcsh dependency Temperaturefield Scaling 3.6 Conclusions COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS SIMULATION FOR CONVECTION IN AN ENCLOSED ROTATING ANNULAR SECTOR CAVITY

37 38 41 44
44 44 45 46 47 51 51 53 53 57 59 60 65 67



Summary 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Description of the Experiment 431 Icat Transfer Measurements 4.4 Numerical Modcl of Convection in a Scalcd Rotating Sector 4.4.1 Basic modelling assumptions and the numerical procedure 4.4.2 7lic governing equations Enclosed Rotating Sector Case 4.5 Numerical Simulation Results for the 4511 4.5.1 Unsteady flow FLUENT CFD solutions Mean heat transrcr

68 68 69 70 71 71 72 73 73 73

. x. structure field andtemperature 4.5.2Solid bodyrotationCFD investigation 4.6 NumericalInvestigation Annulus orConvcctionin a Scaled 4.6.1CFD I lydra solutions for the full rotatingannulus 4.6.2CFD FLUENTsealed solution rotatingannulus 4.7 Conclusions CIIAPTER5 COMPUTATIONALFLUID DYNAMICSSIMULATION OF FLOW PASTA RECTANGULAR CAVITY
Summary 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Description or ti, c Experiment 5.3 Numerical Investigation 5.4 Results 5.5 Conclusions

76 78 79 so 80 85 86 88

88 88 88 89 91 97 99 99 99 101 103 103 106 108 III III 112 112 113 113 113 130

CIIAPTER6 SUSSEX MULTI-CAVITY RIG BUILD 2THERMAL MATCHING Summary 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Nicthods andAssumptions 6.2.1Operating conditions 6.2.2Tbcrmalboundary conditions 6.2.3Tbcrmalboundary definitions 6.3 Results 6.3.1Compressor rotoroutersurface 6.3.2Stage 2 discsurface 6.3.3Stage 2.3 shroud 6.3.4Stage 3 discsurface 6.3.5Stationary shaft differences 6.3.6Discsstages 2 and3 axialtemperature difTcrcnccs 6.3.7Discsstages 2 and3 radialtemperature 6.3.8Best-matched model


6.4 Discussionand FurtherAnalysis 6.4.1Best-matched model- modelling assumptions 6.4.2Heattransfercoefficientson the disc surfaceand cavity shroud 6.4.3 Cavity flow regimes 6.4.4Eckert numbereffects 6.4.5Axial heat flow calculations 6.4.6The effect of internalradiationwithin the MCR build 2 rig 6.5 Conclusions

131 131 133 135 137 137 143 145

CHAPTER 7 STEADY FLOW 2-DIMENSIONAL MODELLING METHODOLOGY 147 7.1 Introduction 7.2 A 2D Axisymmetric Model of the BuoyancyEffects in RotatingCavity Flows 7.3 A Numerical2D Model of the BuoyancyEffects in a StationaryCube Enclosed Cavity 7.3.12D steadylaminarflow CFD 7.3.22D unsteady laminar flow CFD 147 147 152 153 154

7.3.32D unsteady laminarflow CFD with modified fluid properties 156 7.4 A Numerical2D Axisymmetric Model of the BuoyancyEffects in a Rotating 158 Sealed Cavity 7.5 Final Implementation Mixing Model of the Enhanced 7.5.1Cavity shroudheattransferformulationcodedin the UDF 7.6 UserGuidefor the Enhanced Mixing Model UDF andthe usewithin the 2D Axisymmetric CFD Model
7.7 Conclusions

162 162 166


7.5.2Cavity core enhanced mixing modelformulationcodedin the UDF 163

CHAPTER 8 2D AXISYMMETRIC COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS SIMULATION OF THE SUSSEX MULTI-CAVITY RIG BUILD 2 WITH THE APPLICATION OF THE ENHANCED MIXING MODEL Summary 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Description of the Experiment 8.3 Test Heat Transfer Measurements 8.4 Numerical Investigations of Convection in a 2D Axisymmetric Enclosed Rotating Cavity with Axial Throughflow


168 168 169 171 171

8.4.1Basic modelling assumptions andthe numericalprocedure 8.4.2The governingequations 8.4.3Enhanced mixing model 8.5 Numerical SimulationResults 8.5.1 Single cavity, Sussex UTC MCRB2 cavity no.3 structureandtemperature results 8.5.2 Sussex MCRB2 - two cavities,cavity 2 and cavity 3, surrounding disc 2 structureandtemperature results 8.5.3Sussex MCRB2 - two cavities,cavity 2 andcavity 3 with a conjugateheatingsolutionfor disc 2 structureandtemperature results 8.6 CFD FLUENT LES Solution 8.7 Conclusions
CHAPTER 9 2D AXISYMMETRIC COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS SIMULATION OF A TYPICAL GAS TURBINE HP COMPRESSOR ROTOR DRUM WITH THE APPLICATION OF THE ENHANCED MIXING MODEL Summary 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Description of the Engine Test 9.3 Test Heat Transfer Measurements 9.4 Numerical Investigations of Convection in a 2D Axisymmetric HP Compressor Rotor Drum with Axial Throughflow 9.4.1 Basic modelling assumptionsand the numerical procedure 9.4.2 The governing equations 9.4.3 Enhanced mixing model 9.5 Numerical Simulation Results 9.5.1 Flow structure and temperature results 9.5.2 Heat transfer results 9.6 Conclusions

171 172 173 176 176 177 183 185 187 191 193 193 201 206 208

210 210 210 212 213 213 215 215 216 216 222 228

CHAPTER 10CONCLUSIONSAND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER WORK 10.1Conclusions 10.2Recommendations for FurtherWork 10.2.1cavity and disc conjugateheatingwith the enhanced mixing model for transientoperation 10.2.2CoupledCFD - thermaltransientmodel 10.2.3Otherrecommendations


230 235 236 239 241


APPENDICIES Appendix 1 k-c Turbulence Model asusedin the FLUENT Al. 1 The Standard CFD code Al. 2 Near Wall TurbulenceModelsusedin the FLUENT CFD code A 1.2.1Standard wall functions Al. 2.2 Two-layer modelfor enhanced wall treatment A 1.2.3Enhanced wall functions UTC MCR Build 2,266 Appendix 2 ThermalAnalysis (SC03)of the Sussex ThermalBoundaryConditionDefinition for the 'Best-Matched' Model UTC MCR Build 2,285 Appendix 3 ThermalAnalysis (SC03)of the Sussex Thermal'Best-Matched'Model BoundaryConditionsValuesat Condition the 'near' StabilisedMaximum Speed Appendix4 Enhanced Mixing Model FLUENT UserDefinedFunction(UDF) Listing of the SourceCode'comp__enhanced_mixing. c' Programmed in the 'C' Language file 'wall-viscosity.scm' SourceCodeto Appendix5 Listing of the Scheme be usedwith the Enhanced Mixing Model UserDefinedFunction (UDF) Mixing Model UDF andthe use Appendix 6 UserGuidefor the Enhance within the 2D AxisymmetricCFD Model

252 252 252 255 255 258 260





Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Cut away sectionof a typical civil gasturbine aero-engine. Crosssectionthrough a typical civil gasturbine aero-engine showingthe HP compressor, and HP turbine along with the combustionchamber internal secondary air systemcooling flows. Schematic of the test cell usedin the Kirkpatrick and Bohn experiments test configurations. andthe four experimental Dimensionsof the annularcavitiesfor threeexperimental test configurations. 2 3

Figure 2.1 Figure2.2 Figure2.3

15 21

Schematic 45* segment diagramof computedflow in a sealed of a rotating 23 cavity with a radial heatflow (in the r-a plane).
Nomenclature for axial throughflow and isothermal flow structure. 25

Figure 2.4

Figure 2.6 Figure 2.7 Figure 2.8

Visual impressions of smokepatternsin an isothermalrotating cavity with 26 axial throughflow: Re,,= 5000.
Schematic diagram of the heated flow structure in r-<p plane. SussexUTC Multiple Cavity Rig (Build 1). SussexUTC Multiple Cavity Rig (Build 3) showing the two LDA instruments. 28 33 34

Figure 3.1 Figure 3.2 Figure 3.3

Geometry and surface mesh (I 00x I 00x 100) for the water-filled cube. Contours of vertical velocity, HC case,AT= I OK. Contours of vertical velocity, HC case, unsteady, laminar flow, Ra = 5.83xlO9 (AT=IOK).

48 52 55

Figure 3.4

Contours of temperature, HC case,unsteady, Jaminarflow, Ra = 5.83xlO9 56 (AT= I OK).

Figure 3.5

for Calculated variationof heattransferon the top andbottomsurfaces Ra = 2.3xI010 (AT=40K).


Figure 3.6

Heat transfer Numerical (CFD) data compared with Kirkpatrick and Bohn 58 empirical correlation for the HC configuration. Heat transfer numerical (CFD) results compared with Kirkpatrick and Bohn empirical correlation for various mesh sizes. 60

Figure 3.7

Figure 3.8a

Computationalanalysis- temperature record for HC configurationwith AT = 40K for the I 00-cubedmesh. Computationalanalysis- temperature record for HC configurationwith AT= I OK for the I 00-cubedmesh. Computationalanalysis- meantemperature for profile (time averaged) HC configurationwith AT = 40K for the I 00-cubedmesh. Computationalanalysis- temperature fluctuationprofile for HC configurationwith AT = 40K for the I 00-cubed mesh.
Temperature fluctuation s ectrurn from reference point 8mm above bottom plate, Ra = 2.3x 10 0 (AT = 40K).




Figure 3.9 Figure 3.10

Figure 3.11

62 63

Figure4.1 Figure4.2 Figure4.3 Figure4.4 Figure4.5 Figure4.6 Figure4.7 Figure4.8 Figure4.9 Figure4.10 Figure4.11 Figure4.12 Figure4.13 Figure4.14 Figure4.15

Geometryof Aachenrotatingannulus. Mesh for Aachenannulus.

71 71

Comparison correlations 75 of the predictedheattransferwith experimental for the Aachenrotating sealedsector,configurationC. Wall heattransferfrom the CFD solutionandthe Aachenrotatingsealed 76 sectorexperimentfor R4 = 3.781x109. CFD predictedinstantaneous temperature contoursfor Ra+= 3.78IxIO9.77 CFD predictedinstantaneous radial velocity contoursfor Ra#= 3.781x109.77 CFD predictedtemperature plot at the cavity centrefor Ra4= 3.781x101.78 Comparison correlations 79 of the predictedheattransferwith experimental CFD meshsensitivity. Comparison rotating 81 of the predictedheattransferwith the Aachensealed annulusexperimental correlations. Variationsof surfaceheattransferwith time for casesI&4,82 Ra= 2.76x109. Instantaneous temperature contoursfor casesI&4, Ra#= 2.76x109.83 for casesI&4,83 Instantaneous temperature and its spectrum Ra, #= 2.76x109. 109.84 for 4, Ra4 2.76x Instantaneous its = case velocity and spectrum Comparison 0.6mmfrom the outercylinder wall of temperature spectra between F"-4= 2.76x109. the two meshes, FLUENT andHydra calculations, Comparison of heattransferbetween Ra4= 2.76x109. 84 85


Figure 5.1 Figure5.2 Figure5.3 Figure 5.4

A typical CFD meshusedin the simulation. Comparison of CFD and experimental x-velocity profiles takenat three positionsacrossthe test cavity (fVs=1.5). CFD predictedy-velocity profile across the test cavity at variousvertical distances in to and out of the cavity (Ws=1.5). CFD predictedand test measured distributions(Cp) alongthe pressure test cavity walls (Ws=1.5), (a)upstrearn and downstream walls. (b)bottornsurface. CFD predictedflow patternwith in the test cavity - contoursof stream function.

90 92 92 93

Figure5.5 Figure5.6 Figure5.7


HaugenandDhanakflow visualizationexperiment(water)flow patterns 95 within the test cavity. CFD predictedflow patternwith in the test cavity (H/s = 2) usingwater function. contours of stream Extent of the Sussex MCRB2 geometryin the thermalmodel. Materialsusedin the Sussex MCR132 thermalmodel. HP shaft speed MCR132 thermalmodel. usedin the Sussex 96

Figure6.1 Figure6.2 ' Figure6.3 Figure6.4 Figure6.5 Figure6.6 Figure6.7 Figure6.8 Figure6.9 Figure6.10 Figure6.11 Figure6.12 Figure6.13 Figure6.14 Figure6.15 Figure6.16 Figure6.17 Figure6.18 Figure6.19 Figure6.20

102 102 103

Measured drum rotor outer surface 104 metaltemperatures on the compressor during the transientcycle. Locationof thermalboundaryconditions. 105 Locationof thermocouples. Temperature contoursat stabilised,maximumspeed conditionfor the datummodel. Disc 2 boretemperature (TC7). Disc 2 rearsurfacetemperature, disc cob (TC8). Disc 2 rear surfacetemperature, innerradii (TC9). Disc 2 rear surfacetemperature, mid radii (TC10). Disc 2 rear surfacetemperature, outerradii (TC11). Disc 2-3 shroudsurface (TC12). temperature Disc 3 front surfacetemperature, outerradii (TC 13). Disc 3 rearsurface temperature, mid radii (TC14). Disc 3 rearsurface innerradii (TC 15). temperature, Disc 3 rearsurface disc cob (TC16). temperature, Disc 3 boretemperature (TC17). IP shaftsurface disc 2 bore(TC27). temperature, disc 2 and3 (TC28). IP shaftsurface between temperature, -Xvii109 109 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126

Figure 6.21 Figure 6.22

IP shaft surfacetemperature, disc 3 bore(TC29).



Figure 6.24 Figure6.25 Figure6.26 Figure 6.27 Figure6.28 Figure6.29 Figure6.30 Figure6.31

Axial temperature differencesacrossstage2 and stage3 discsat three 128 radial locationscomparingthe datummodeland the bestmatchedmodel with measurements. Radial temperature differences(disc outerradiusto cob) for stage2 and 129 datummodel andthe CONE stage3 discscomparingthe bestmatched, model with measurements. Location of BoundaryConditionsfor the BestMatchedModel. 130 Temperature contoursat StabilisedMaximum Conditionfor the Best MatchedModel. Comparison usedin the datummodel of the thermalmodelling approach to that usedin the best-matched thermalmodel. Comparison 2 and 3 discsand of the heattransfercoefficientson stages the cavity shroudfor the threethermalmodels. Time history of Rossbynumber(Ro) for MCR build 2 stage2-3 inter-disccavity. Sussex MCR build 2 transientaccel/ decelcycle heatflow Nyithin disc 2 diaphragm testtemperatures. - conductioncalculationusingmeasured Sussex MCR build 2 transientaccel/ decelcycle heatflow within disc 3 diaphragm testtemperatures. - conductioncalculationusingmeasured Sussex MCR build 2 effect of internalradiationwithin the compressor inter-disccavities(emissivity= 1) on metaltemperatures.
Illustration of the simplified model.

131 133 134 135 140 141 144

Figure 7.1 Figure 7.2 Figure 7.3 Figure 7.4 Figure 7.5 Figure 7.6 Figure 7.7

148 153 153 154 155 155 155

Stream function contours. Velocity vectors coloured by velocity magnitude. Vertical temperature distribution steady laminar solution. Stream function contours. Velocity vectors coloured by velocity magnitude. Vertical temperature distribution unsteady laminar solution. through the centre of the cavity for the through the centre of the cavity for the

Figure 7.8 Figure 7.9 Figure 7.10 Figure 7.11 Figure 7.12

Enhanced mixing fluid viscosity distribution. Enhanced mixing fluid thermal conductivity contours. Stream function contours. Velocity vectors coloured by velocity magnitude. Vertical temperature distribution through the centre of the cavity for the unsteady laminar flow with modified fluid properties.

156 156 157 157 157


Figure7.13 Figure 7.14 Figure 7.15 Figure 7.16 Figure 7.17 Figure 8.1 Figure 8.2 Figure 8.3 Figure8.4 Figure 8.5 Figure 8.6 Figure8.7 Figure8.8 Figure 8.9 Figure8.10 Figure8.11 Figure8.12 Figure8.13 Figure 8.14 Figure8.15 Figure8.16 Figure8.17 Figure8.18 Figure8.19 Figure8.20 Figure8.21 Figure8.22 Figure8.23 Figure8.24 Figure8.25 Figure8.26
Figure 8.27

Streamfunction contours. Swirl velocity contours. Mixing factor contours. Vertical temperature distribution throughthe centreof the cavity. Sussex UTC MCRB2 streamfunction contours. Sussex MCRB2 - showingthe positionsof the thermocouples. Streamfunction contourswith UDF boundaryconditions(test 33). A part of the 2D CFD grid. CFD meshand geometryof the Sussex MCRB2 cavity 3.176 Test 33 temperatures 1). (for n=O. Test 33 swirl velocities. Test 33 disc and cavity temperatures. Test 34 Temperatures (for n=O. 1). Test 34 swirl velocities. Test 34 disc and cavity temperatures. Test 50 temperatures (for n=O. 1). Test 50 swirl velocities. Test 50 disc andcavity temperatures. Test33 disc 2 rear surfaceheattransfer. Test 33 disc 3 front surfaceheattransfer. Test 33 cavity 3 shroudanddisc boresurfaceheattransfer. MCRB2 cavities2 and3.186 CFD meshand geometryof the Sussex CFD Test33 streamfunction contours. CFD test33 mixing factor contours. CFD test33 temperature contours. CFD test33 swirl velocity contours. CFD test33 cavity 2 (disc I anddisc 2) temperatures. CFD test33 cavity 3 (disc 2 anddisc 3) temperatures. heattransfer. Test 33 cavity 2 (discsI and2) surface heattransfer. Test33 cavity 3 (discs2 and3) surface Test33 cavity 2 andcavity 3 (discs1,2 and3) shroudanddisc bore heattransfer. surface 2 3 MCRB2 CFD meshandgeometry Sussex and and the cavities of heating. of disc 2 with conjugate

161 161 161 161 166 170 175 175 177 178 178 179 180 180 181 181 182 183 184 184 188 188 189 189 190 190 191 192 192 195

Figure 8.28 Figure 8.29 Figure 8.30 Figure8.31 Figure 8.32 Figure 8.33 Figure8.34 Figure 8.35 Figure 8.36 Figure8.37 Figure8.38 Figure8.39
Figure 8.40

CFD test 33 streamfunction contours. CFD test 33 mixing factor contours.

196 196

Test 33 temperature 197 contours(disc 2 modelledwith conjugateheating) for a) with and b) without the enhanced mixing model. Test 33 cavity 2 temperatures (disc 2 modelledwith conjugateheating) 198 for a) with and b) without the enhanced mixing model. Test 33 cavity 3 temperatures (disc 2 modelledwith conjugateheating) 199 for a) with and b) without the enhanced mixing model. Test 33 disc 2 temperatures heatingsolution) - with and (conjugate 200 without the enhanced mixing model. Test 34 andtest 50 disc 2 temperatures heatingsolution) (conjugate 200 mixing model. - with the enhanced Test 33 CFD cavity 2 (disc I and2) with disc 2 conjugate heating 203 disc heat transfer. surface heating Test33 CFD cavity 3 (disc 2 and3) with disc 2 conjugate 203 disc heat transfer. surface Test 33 CFD cavity 2 (disc I and2) andcavity 3 (disc 2 anddisc 3) with 204 disc 2 conjugate heating- shroudanddisc bore surfaceheattransfer. Cavity 3 shroudheattransferversesGrashofnumber- CFD predictions 205 to the experiment. compared Cavity 3 shroudheattransferverses buoyancynumber- CFD predictions 205 to the experiment. compared
LES 120* sector model instantaneoustemperature at the mid-axial plane for the SussexMCRB2 cavity 3 simulations. 208

Figure 9.1 Figure 9.2 Figure 9.3 Figure 9.4 Figure 9.5 Figure 9.6 Figure 9.7

HP compressor rotor drum (rear stages)geometry.


HP compressor (rear stages)- showing the positions of the thermocouples 212 for the engine test. CFD mesh and geometry of the rear section of a HP compressor rotor drum. Engine HP compressor at steady state 1070/oNL - contours of stream function with enhancedmixing. Engine condition 1070/oNLcontours of mixing factor - for the CFD enhancedmixing model. Engine condition 107VoNLcontours of molecular/laminar viscosity for CFD the enhancedmixing model. Engine condition 1070/oNL contours of turbulent/eddy viscosity for CFD the enhancedmixing model. 214 217 218 219 219

Figure9.8 Figure9.9

Enginecondition 1070/oNL contoursof swirl velocity - for the CFD enhanced mixing model.


Enginecondition 107VoNL contoursof swirl velocity ratio - for the CFD 221 enhanced mixing model. Figure9.10 Enginetest condition 1070/oNL 223 temperature contoursfor a) with and b) without the enhanced mixing model. Figure 9.11 Enginetest 1070/oNL for a) with and b) without the 224 cavity 2 temperatures enhanced mixing model. Figure9.12 Enginetest 1070/oNL for a) with and b) without the 225 cavity 3 temperatures enhanced mixing model. Figure9.13 Enginetest 1070/oNL for a) with and drive conecavity temperatures 226 b) without the enhanced mixing model. Figure9.14 Enginetest 1070/oNL heatingsolution) 227 (conjugate HPC disc temperatures mixing model. - with the enhanced Figure9.15 Enginetest 1070/oNL heatingsolution) 227 (conjugate HPC disc temperatures mixing model. - without the enhanced Figure9.16 Enginetest I 00%NL HPC disc temperatures heatingsolution) 228 (conjugate mixing model. - with the enhanced

Figure 10.1 Figure 10.2 Figure 10.3 Figure 10.4

SussexMCRB2 (cavities 2 and 3 and disc 2) extended geometry and the position of the boundary conditions required by the CFD model. SussexMCRB2 full geometry and the position of the boundary conditions required by the CFD model. Engine HP compressor full geometry and the position of the boundary conditions required by the CFD model.

237 237 238

SussexMCRB2 (cavities 2 and 3) SC89 coupled CFD - thermal analysis 240 transient model.


Table3.1 Table3.2 Table3.3 Comparisons of steadylaminar and turbulentCFD resultswith measured 51 heattransferfor the HC case. Comparisons of steadylaminar andturbulentCFD resultswith measured 53 heattransferfor the HHCC case. Comparisons heat 58 of unsteadylaminar CFD resultswith measured transferfor the HC case.
Comparison of the CFD results (unsteady laminar flow) with measured 74 Heat transfer for the Aachen 45" enclosed rotating sector, configuration C case.

Table 4.1


Comparison heattransferfor the 80 of the Hydra CFD resultswith measured Aachensealed rotatingannulus,configurationB. Resultslegendfor eachSC03model. Buoyancyparameter valuesa nearsteadystatemaximumcondition and during the deceleration. 110 136

Table6.1 Table6.2 Table6.3

Comparison 142 of MCRB2 Discs 2 and3 diaphragm axial heatflow SC03predicted,CFD predictedand a simpleconduction calculations, idle to maximum) calculationfor steadystateandtransient(acceleration testpoints.
SussexMCRB2 single cavity model, cavity 3 shroud surface heat transfer. Two-cavity CFD solution cavity temperature results. SussexMCRB2 two cavity and disc 2 model, cavity 3 temperatures and shroud surface heat transfer. 185 187 202

Table 8.1 Table 8.2 Table 8.3 Table 8.4

Summary of CFD-LES results for the calculated test casesof the Sussex 207 MCRB2.

Table 9.1

Engine HP compressor rotor 2D axisymmetric CFD with the enhanced mixing model - cavity 3 temperaturesand shroud surface heat transfer.


. )Cxii-


1.1 An Introduction

to the Research Problem.

For a typical civil aero-engine, the main gas stream annulus air temperatures can be of the order of 1800K at entry to the turbine, where combined with high rotational speeds,of typically 10,000 rev/min on a 0.6m diameter, significant rotational stressesare created. The centrifugal loads combined with thermal stressescreate deflections in components that can cause a loss in efficiency, or worse, compromise safety.

The performance of an aero gas turbine engine is characterisedby the thermal efficiency, propulsive efficiency, specific thrust and specific fuel consumption. Improved engine performance may be achieved by increasing the overall pressure ratio of the cycle and by increasing the turbine entry temperature. The gas temperatures experienced by the turbine exceed the melting point temperature used for the turbine components, such as rotor blades, nozzle guide vanes and discs. Having an effective and efficient cooling system reduces these high component temperature levels. To achieve this, cooling air is drawn from the compressor and is passedto the turbine via an internal secondary air system. On its route, this throughflow of air may be heated by both convection and viscous dissipation, and through 'windage' from bolts and other components. Since air is bled from the compressorwhere work has been done to raise its pressure,use of this air usually representsa parasitic loss to the main cycle. The internal air system as a whole may use 20% of the mainstream airflow and cost up to 5% of the specific fuel consumption in a modem turbofan engine. The objective of an efficient cooling system is to maintain acceptablecomponent temperatureswith minimum cost. This involves conveying the air with as little unnecessarypressure loss, temperature rise and coolant flow loss as possible. The internal air systemsalso perform other functions, namely to pressurisethe turbine cavities and sealsto prevent hot gas ingestion from the main gas stream, to control the radial temperature gradients in the compressorand turbine discs to reduce stressesand tip clearances,to balance bearing loads on each spool and to pressurisethe bearing chambersto prevent oil leakage and the possibility of oil fires. In the design of a gas turbine engine it is important to have a good prediction of the temperature distribution for all componentsof the engine, especially critical rotating componentssuch as discs. The researchdescribed here focuses I

on one parlicular and til%cs.

aspeci ofilie

cooling sysicill.

ille fleal iran%f'Cr it) the compressor tinim 1% %%hich

IT LIlT iii, 'Itilt

I- igurt. 1.1 ( '111 p1c. )

I%Itil-bille (of a 1pical ON il g-.

111' tomprc%wr dri%cconc and IIP %lul 11

and Wad,

IIVI IIIfill],

1111(1 tist .I It

1.2 Cros% %ectioll 1111-ough:11'Npical ci%il g. 1% fill-bille acro-cilgille %hol%illg Ow III, comprc%%or. combiwi(m chamber and III, along %%ithific iniernal %ccomlar air (( ollf-tv%% Rolls-RoNct. p1c) %N%IclllCooling flfl%%%.


A cul a%kaN section ofa typical c1% it gas turbine cngine I%sho%% n III I igtire III

lie comprevor

%rux)lcompri%c. %an outer drum and a series okh%cs. which carry and stipporl file blades. Between cacti pair ot'disc% ofthe compressor. %caledat file periphery by I %hroud.there is an inier-disc cavity. A cro%% section through I typical 111' comprcs%orol'a gas turbine engine I-, shown m Figure 1.2. The diagram -,Iio%k% I typical I III -,pool internal %ccondaryair %ysicm"here if is comillon practice to extracted air from file inam gas slivaill tipstream ofthe 111) compres%otenwy (region marked yellow in life diagram). This compressed ;III passesaxially (indicated by black trro%%s In the diagram) hcmcen I lie bores ofadjacem (11%cs compressor and I%tised to condition t lie fit tile 1111 turbine tfi%cs. File diagram also shows that ;III- I-, extracted from file rear offlic IIP compressor (region marked red) and fill,, stjpplie, cooling air to tile 111'iloillc turbine tile%and to life 111) guldc %;

rotor bladcs. As file cooling air from all file %cconclary air svs1cills sotlrcc%illl\c% back into tile mainstream in file turbinc stages there I% I loss ol'siagnafion prcsstirc III the main gas %Ircamduc it) 'I IIN combined with losses Illrotigh file Cooling system liscli'decreasc-, file o\crall %I-killingcI1, Cc1%.

thermalefficiency. I lcnce, the internal air systemmust be designedin sucha way to keep the cooling air flow rate to a minimum but to retain a pressurelevel that is sufficicrit to provide the requiredflow rate and temperaturefor turbine cooling and rim scaling pressurization. Unfortunately,the bcncijts gained from increasingthe overall pressureratio reducethe cooling potentialof the internal systemair (higher inlet temperature) and increasethe bcaring loadsand scal leakageflows. As a consequence, the internal systemflow needsto be increased.In ordcr to balance theseconflicting requirementsand optimize the internal air system,detaileddesign rules and reliable predictive design methodsfor the fluid flow and the heat transferin the gas turbine components arc required. This research of the I IP work looks at the methodof predicting air and metal temperatures As mentionedpreviously in the designora gasturbine engine it is important to havea compressor. distribution for all components of the engine,especiallycritical good prediction of the temperature levels and gradientshavea very rotating components such as discs.11is is bcc3usctemperature strongeffect upon componentlife. As cooling air flows through the borc of the compressorit interactswith the air inside the compressor disc cavities. Someof this central axial throughflow is known to cnter the intcr-disc cavity and a parasitic temperature rise occursin the througliflow air as a result of the convectiveheat transrerfrom the disc surraccsand the shroudand also, as mentioned aboveadditional heatingmay occur due to viscousdissipationand 'windage'. During changesin disc respondsmore quickly to cngineconditions, the temperature at the rim of the compressor hub. Ilic does in flow temperature the the temperature at the the than changes of main gasstream resulting radial temperature gradientproduceshigh stresses and reduceddisc life. Also with the in drum to tile than the casing changes whole compressor compressor respondingmuch slower in lead diffcrcntial to the temperature changes the annulusair and contractions expansions resulting bladetip and scal clc3ranccsaffecting the surgelimit and the compressor cfilicicricy. It is important designer is the that the heattransrcrmechanismin the compressor as engine cavity understood. for both transientand needsto know the temperature of the cooling air and the disc temperatures steadystateoperation.

lire fatigue Sensitivity have in the of the the and that, ordcrto predict strcss studies shown temperature predictions arc compressor aswell astherotorandcasing component clearances, An during 30K transients. for 5K accurate to haveanaccuracy required and of steady state for less IIP designer the to expcnsive materials use the prediction of metaltcmpcraturcs mayallow cycletimeandcost. theoverallengine production compressor rotorwith confidcncc andalsoreduce

Today's computationalmethodof using thermal analysisto predict componentmetal temperatures is supportedby expensiverotating metal temperaturemeasurements on an engine late in to the enginedevelopmentprogramme(costing up to L2 million per test). It is important that the design engineerhasan understanding of the heattransrcr processinside the compressorcavities early on in the enginedesign,so any changesin designcan be madebefore the engine validation and certification tests.
I'lic flow in the intcr-disc cavities becomes highly complex when the shroud or the discs arc heated, have been Experimental flow becoming dimensional dependent. tests the three time with and pcrrorincd to investigate the flow inside a simple rectangular rotating cavity with a central axial throughflow, see for example Farthing. Long, Owen and Pincombe [ 1992a, 1992b] and Long [19941. Also attempts have been made to model numerically the flow within the same rotating by from in (Tucker 1993]. An tests, the captured test also the cavity used cxpcrimcntal observation is does is the the that cavity. which the numerical model, enter some of the central through-flow later, be discussed ficld. in As buoyancy such the will centripetal cfrccts acceleration result orthe limited but has had dynamics insight has into fluid problem. this previous research given complex impact on design methods. A major objective or the current study is to develop an improved predictive capability for use in design calculations.

1.2 Outline of theThesis

It has been established that the flow within the inter-disc cavities of aII Pcomprcssor is three dimensional in nature and time dependent. One approach in the numerical modelling of the flow is to use computational fluid dynamics (CFD) as a numerical tool and model a single intcr-disc cavity with axial throught'low in full three dimensions with unsteady flow. Using this approach requires a huge amount of computational memory and computational time to run the CFD models. A second approach is to break down this complex flow process into separate physical mechanisms and introduce approximate but computationally ciTicicnt models for these processes. The second be that has been for can a method taken this research, with the aim of producing approach incorporated into current design practice. Full CFD models are used to aid understanding of the physical mechanisms.

Two underlying flow mechanisms may be identified for this complex flow; the first associated with the flow within the intcr-disc cavities and the secondassociated with the axial throughflow under dic compressor disc bores.Both of theseflow mechanisms will be discussedin the review of previouswork in Chapter2. The flow within the inicr-disc cavity is a natural convection,buoyancy dominatedmechanismresulting from the differential heatingbetweenthe two compressor discs and the connectingshroudat the outer radius of the cavity. In an enginethe temperature of the cavity decreasing shroudis usually hottestwith the temperature moving radially inwards to the disc cobs, which are cooled by the axial flow of air under the disc cobs.A small amountof the axial throughflow is known to enter the intcr-disc cavity at distinct circumferential positions that do vary with time, but how much flow and at what circumferential locationsstill needsto be fully investigated. With somegas turbine enginesthe compressorintcr-disc cavities arc scaledwith no flow entering the cavity. Chapter2 presentsa review of existing work and knowledgein the field of rotational buoyancy-drivcnflow. Both scaledcavity flow and flow in an enclosedcavity with an axial cross flow arc considered. In an attemptto understand the licat transfer processthe simpicr caseora completely cncloscd cavity will be consideredfirst. In the study the flow inside the cavity might be assumed to have discsand hcncc tile relative solid body rotation, rotating at the samespeedas the compressor velocity of the fluid to the walls is near zero. As a precursorto the rotating flow studies,Chapter3 describes a CFD study of the flow due to gravity-drivcn natural convectionin a stationarythreedimensionalcube.Ilic CFD resultsare comparedwith experimentaldata from Kirkpatrick and Bohn [ 1986].Tlicse workers performedexperimentson high Rayleigh numbernaturalconvection in a cubewith various configurationsof heatedand cooled vcrtical and horizontal surfaces.All the configurationswere variationsof the 'licating from below' case.The CFD resultsare compared distribution. for heat transfer,flow patternsand temperature with the experimentalmeasurements A CFD study of buoyancy-induccdflow in a centrifugal force field is prcscntedin Chapter4. This ch3ptcrdescribesBohn ct al's ( 1993,1994] cncloscdrotating sectorexperimentsand the three dimensionalCFD modclling usedof these.With rcrcrcnccalso to other workers' results,similarities and diffcrcnccs to natural convectionundcr gravity arc notcd. The secondunderlying flow mcchanismis associated with die axial througliflow under the disc cobs. In the absence be dominant flow buoyancy this compressor would a of efTects The questionaddressed is what cffcct the axial crossflow hason the flow within the mechanism.

inter-disccavity. A shcar layer exists betweenthe cross flow passingover the cavity and the air within the cavity. 11crc is a needto know the levels or heatand momentumtransrcracrossthis shearlayer rrorn the cross flow to the cavity air and in termsora compressorthe transrcrof heat and momentumfrom the axial througliflow under the disc cobs to the intcr-disc cavities. In Chapter 5a relatively simple flow, relevant to axial througliflow mechanismis considered.Comparisonis Tbcseworkers carried out an analytical and madewith I laugcn and Dhanak's ( 1966] measurements. experimentalinvestigationaimed at describing the turbulent momentumtransfer mechanismin the separationflow region of a rectangularcavity racing an oncoming turbulent boundarylayer. The chapterdescribesI laugcn and Dhanakexperimentsand the computationalCFD modelsusedto The CFD results have beencomparedto the experimentalmeasurements simulatethe experiments. for cross flow velocity, pressures along the cavity walls and ffic flow patternswithin the cavity. Relevance disc cavity problem is then discussed to the compressor and implications ror modelling orthe cavity flow are considered.

Chapter 6 looksat traditionalfinite element Tbcscarcapplied based techniques. thermal modelling ). (2001 Temperature Sussex University to a fully instrumented the predictions research rig at of from thethermal with measured arccompared obtained modelusingCSt3blishcd workingpractices is alsocvaluitcd.I'lie rig test A newnatural heattransrcr temperatures. convection correlation have been temperatures transient the consisted of an acccleration-dcccieration thcrcrorc cycleand temperatures to simulate transient aswell asthesteady andthethermal measured models attempt temperatures. state
In Chapter7a new two-dimensional(21)) axisymnictric CFD-basedmodel is proposedror buoyancy-drivcnflows. I'his is applied to Kirkpatrick and Bolin's [ 19861 stationaryenclosedcavity experiment.The 2D axisymmetric CFD modelling approachis extendedto rotating cavities with axial througliflow in Chapter8, and evaluatedusing the University or susscx test rig data. Application of the 2D axisymmctric CFD model applied to an enginecompressoris then described in Chapter9.

In the final chapter,Chapter 10,conclusionsfrom the work carried out to date and further research This chapterwill describethe future thinking of how the new 2D work will be discussed. be flow CFD technique, can two mechanisms, applied axisyminctric underlying modelling the successfullyto link with a transient2D axisyminctric thennal model. 7lic modelling will needto be computationallyeconomicand easyto apply. 7


2.1 Introduction To gain an understanding of the fundamentalphysicsof the complex flow mechanismwithin the inter-disc cavities, the literature review will look at two flow mechanisms. Firstly the buoyancydriven flow within an cncloscdrotating disc cavity and secondlythe cffcct of axial throughflow or intcr-disc flow the cross-flow through the borc or the compressor the the cavity. within on Buoyancycflects, relevantto the intcr-disc cavity flow. can be broken down into two further categories, a stationarycncloscdcavity and a rotating encloscdcavity. Thesearc discussedin sections2.2 and 2.3 below. For the stationarycavity the driving mechanismfor the flow is buoyancyunder the gravitational forcc. To achievcvariousdegrees orbuoyancy differential heating betweenthe surraccsor the enclosedcavity havc beenused.Natural convectionin a rotating cavity is achievedby rotating the cavity about an offset longitudinal axis. At high rotational speeds, differenceslead to ccntrirugally driven centrifugal force dominatesover gravity and temperature but driven is This to the convection to natural convection. gravitational expected show similarities will be modified by the Coriolis force in the rotating cavity. Section2.4 reviews the work carried out investigatingthe cffcct that axial througliflow hason the flow within the disc cavities. Different numerical approaches using ComputationalFluid Dynamics(CFD) to solve thesetypesof flows arc discussedin section2.5. In section 2.6 the work on the cross-flow over a stationarycavity is reviewed.The chapteris completedin section2.7 by discussingpossiblemethodsof numerically simulating theseflow types by using a steadyflow two-dimensionalaxisymnictric CFD model modificd to capturethe 3D unsteadyflow cffccts.

2.2Natural ConvectionBuoyancyDriven Flowsmithin a StatlonaryCosity

2.2.1 lla)lclgh-llknard convection

Rayleigh-Bdnard is the natural convectionof hcat convection [Rayleigh 1916,Nnard 19011 betweentwo parallel horizontal platcs placed in a gravitational ficId where the lower plate is heated and the upper plate cooled. For natural convectionunder gravity the Rayleigh number is an appropriatecharactcrisingparamctcr.Rayleigh number,Ra, is dcrined as

Ra - PrGr defined whcrePr is thePrandtl numbcr as


pCp Prk
dcrincdas andGr is dic Grashof numbcr
Gr w2 I XT9



for natural convectiveheat I lolland ct al. [ 1975] rcportcd on the experimentalmeasurements transportthrough a horizontal layer of air, betweena heatedplate and an uppercooled plate, ] derived the [ 1961 covering the Rayleigh numberrange from sub-critical to 4x 106.Chandrasckhar critical Rayleigh numberto be 1708.At Rayleigh numbersbelow this die fluid layer is stagnantand that is asymptoticto a 1/3 power the Nussclt number is unity. r-or air a Nusseltnumberdependence infinity can be correlatedfrom the on the Rayleigh numberas the Rayleigh numberapproaches Chu from Goldstein data from from data test and this combinedexperimental obtained and (Rayleigh numberrange5x 103to Ix 10'). by 610mm (560mm I folland ct al's experimentapparatus two copper plates parallel of consisted and I Ommthick) with the upper one cooled and the lower one heatedto give a Icniperaturc differenceof die order of I OK betweenthe plates.I'lic plateswere insertedinto a vacuum(or kPa. 7lic 700 from 10 Pa in be to plates%%, crc pressure)vessel which the pressure could varied of fluid tenipcraturcprorilc at high spaced at 10mm,25mm and 38mm apart. Measurements 9

Rayleighnumber show boundary-laycrtype structures,with a nearly isothermalinner core and high temperature gradientsclose to the their paper I lolland ct al. useda conduction laycr model to model the layer or stagnantfluid next to the platcs. Betweenthe conducting layers, theinner core or the fluid was assumed to be perfectly mixed, due to eddy diffusion, with the temperature profile being approximatelythat observedfrom the data.The following Nusseltnumber correlation was obtained ror air. Air [(5830)1'3 I ] 1708 Ra Nu - 1+ 1.44 1_ + Ra (2.4)

for natural I lollandct al. cxtcndcd 2.4to obtainthefollowingcorrclation theEquation convcction in watcrby
%Vatcr. 1" [(5830) 1/3 1 1708 Ra Nu = 1+ 1.44 1+2.0[Rall'II401 + -I Ra (2.5)

in brackets:[ J* indicatesthat irthe argumentinside the In the aboveequationsthe expressions bracketis negative,the quantity is to be taken as zero.

Many other authorsgivc further correlationsand ror high Rayleigh numbersthe proportionality of is a good fit to cxpcrimcntal data. For example,experimental Nusseltnumberto Ra'13 by derived by in 3x 103 Ra 7x 109 the < < expression an range measurements arc well correlated Globe and Dropkin [19591,for the averageNussclt number, 074 mdv 0.069Rall) Pro, m (2.6)

Nussch ror Grossmann [2000] Lobse have derived tile the theory of scaling and a systematic Grossmann Lobse Wnard in Reynolds Raylcigh. and convection. the numberand or number strong idcntiricd severalregimesin the Rayleigh numberversusPrandtlnumberphascspace,dcrined by kinetic dominate boundary layers bulk flow the and thermal the global whether or the core dissipation,and by whether the thermalor the kinetic boundarylayer is thicker. I'lic theory assumes it is based 'wind large-scale turbulence' Lolise Grossmann the and this of call convectionroll; and on the dynamic equationsboth in the bulk and in the boundarylayer. The theory is not applicable ror very large llrandtl numbersror which the ccll velocity 'wind' Reynoldsnumber is :550, where

the whole flow is viscosity dominated.Also for very small Prandtl number in which tile Nusselt numberattains a value or i, the theory no longer holds. For large Rayleigh numbertile kinetic boundarylayer becomesturbulent. Bcyond the turbulenceonsetGrossmann and Lohsc say the flow is bulk dominated.7be theory doesnot make any statement about how the licat is transportedfrom the bottom to tile top. i.e. Whetherit is mainly through large-scale convectivetransportor Mainly transportthrough plumesrising from the heatedbottom. Both processes May Contribute,as both createthermal and viscousdissipation. Extendingthe work by Fostcr and Wallcr [1985], Asacd3and Watanabe[1989] reportedon tile small-scalestructureof free convectionat high llaylcigh number.which was investigatedby flow 'I'lic experimentalapparatus consistedof a square visualization and temperaturemeasurement. sectiontank. with sides900mm, in the plan view and 700min deep.I'lic sidcwalls and the top wall were insulated,whilst the bottom wall could be heated.The top wall (or lid) was placedon the from depths I'lic the with ranging water cxpcdmcnts were surfaceof water. carried out using I 00mm to 150mm.The licat flux through the bottom was kept constantthroughoutall testing. Changingthe water depth altcrcd the flux Rayleigh number,Rar,dcrincd as, (2.7)

Ra. - j7Fgd'1pCj) a2V

2) is heat F flux (W/m at the where at time 1-1. which was obtainedfrom recordsof the temperature four different depth positions within the water, dcrincd as follows, F- pCp [T. (t. +A' 2) T (t" 21 At-' + q, (2.8)

layer is here T. is the temperature the thickness whoseaverage of the %%, at water depth z. found heat loss by is is T., time, was which tcmpcraturc represented per unit and qj the conduction to be lessthan 0.5% of the heat input. I. 111C Ol from Ix 1011xI in 77heranSc flux Rayleighnumber thecxpcrimcnts the was of horizontal distribution nearthe bottom was measured positionedat three sensors temperature using fluid heightsof 2mm, 4mm and 7mm from the bottom plate and anotherat tile Illid. depth.*ThC illuminated by bottom a vertical particles aluminiuni motion near the was visualized with suspended from length field horizontal light 7lic the was obtained of the or sheetand photographed. velocity In sonic experimentstile temperature was particle streaksand the exposuretime of the photographs. L-sh3pcd depth rod that was moved the of an to end measured at mid using a sensorattached horizontally at 8.3mm/s.

Ile aim of Asacdaand Watanabe'sresearch of the thermal was to investigatethe characteristics behaviourand then to estimatethe heat transportrate from the conductionboundarylayer to the interior core. Ilicy determinedthat the dominant rcaturcof the flow field was many convection lines or 'shcct-likc plumes' consistingof severalthermals,which transportbeat from the conduction boundarylayer to the core region. Ile authorsfound that the boundaryheat flux and the fluid's propertiesdeterminedthe averagecharacteristics orthe tiicnnais, namciy. Ilic distancefrom the boundarywhere the thermalsare generated - ct S,ld - 27.1Ra,,"0'3 (for 104< Ra 1013) ,f< (2.9)

by thermals Theestimate transported ofthe amountorheat awayfromtheboundary

flATg = 2.08(a (XI) 20-1112 flFg)

cx p




2 ] 1.21

7-/2) _(1.2x

_(1.2 D/2


(772) -


excessat the ccntre of the thermalsover the averagetemperature whereAT is the temperature is B length descending longitudinal far flow is L the scale, the the region. measured above length scale,P is the time period during which the thermal was suppliedwith the heated transverse nuid from the conductionboundary layer and where the coefricicntsorx, y, and t arc determined from the definitions orL, B and P, respectively,given below. LIdB/dPald2

33.ORa.. '

(ror 107< Raf < 1011)

(for 10' < Rq(< 1012) (ror 10' <, Ra y< 10") (2.12) (2.13)

16.ORa.,-114 -9. M., '112

Itis intercstingtonotc, FosterandWallcr[19851 and from tlicircxperimcntal rcsultscstimatedthe "". in dimensionless rorm be Ma,, to thermal time period only a small difference in the constant when comparedto Equation2.13.

velocityof thefluid in a thcrtnal- w, (mls) * Theupward


III (X), Ra,, 2x I TO ,,2 Cxp[-(L12)]

] 2 1.2t cxP[ _(1.2y)2 i-/d2-) cxP[_( 11 /2

from (96%) 71icestimate licat by the orthat supplied equal transported almost the thcrmals was of laycr,andthen boundary in theconduction bottom.I Icatsupplied from thebottomis first stored

most of it is transportedto the upper region by thermalsgenerated along convection lines in the form of plumes. It is thereforeimportant to model the thermalsaccurately.The remaining beat is through the viscous interactionof the transfer(allowing for lossesin the experimentapparatus) core with die conduction boundarylayer.

2.2.2 Natural convection with healed side %valls As for Rayleigh-136nard convection.a body or i itcratureis available for convection in cavities with heatedsidewalls. Examplesor this research arc describedbelow. Pcngand Davidson [20011carried out a numerical investigationof turbulent natural convection flow (Ra - 1.58xI C,a relatively low Rayleigh number)in a confincd cavity with two diffcrcntially heatedsidewalls by meansof large eddy simulation (LES). The flow was cxpcrimcnt: klly idcntirjcd by a relatively low turbulencelevel and thcrtnal stratification. by Tian [19971as being characterized No visible transition was detectedin the boundarylayer along the hcatcd/coolcdvertical walls. A dynamic sub-grid-scale(SGS) model modificd for buoyancyflow was usedin the simulation. Pcng and Davidsoncomparedtheir numericalpredictionswith Tian's test data. The natural convection flow experimentcarried out by Tian usedan air-fillcd cavity with relative dimensionsof W- D/2, If - D/2 and D in the x, y and z (spanwisc)directions.The two opposite (cold wall) were maintainedat constant Rayleigh The hot difference K, 40 to temperature cold wall. temperature wall orAT with a being identificd 0 113 Ra (g Pr)/v2 1.58x 109.7lic flow AT as 31ly was was cxpcrimcnt, number layer boundary in detected by low the along transition turbulence was charactcriscd and no visible the licated/coolcdvertical walls. The bottom (y - 0) and top (y - 11)walls were highly conducting boundaries. Through a well controlled experimentalsct-up,Tian claimed that the cavity producesa 2D meanflow in the middle sectionof the spanwisedirection (at z- D/2), whcrc the measurements in ror had beenmade.Thermocouplemeasurements the cavity. temperature the air were obtained Two-dimensional LDA was used ror velocity measurements. In flic LES simulation a fine meshwas usedclose to the hot/cold vertical walls and nearto the top No-slip distance, (-Puty/p) 10. < bottom 12-13 Y" the and wall and near with nodesclusteredwithin in The the computation for time used step adiabaticwall conditions were used the spanwise walls.

vertical walls, locatedat x-0 (hot wall) and x-W

wasAt - 0.0 131to,where to -II/

q(g 0 AT 11).The results from the LES simulation with tile

dynamic SGS model (mean flow streamlinesin the x-y plane) show that within the cavity several circulating flow regionsexist away from the ncar-wall boundarylayer flows. There cxist several smallercirculations (or rolls) next to the wall flows that arc comparativelystrong. With increasing Rayleighnumbers,the boundary layer flow may be more intensiveand the ncighbouring rolls could be expectedto mergewith eachother to ronn a large circulating motion aroundtile core. Pcngand Davidsonconcludedthat tile LES simulation is able to reasonablyreproducethe global mean flow and thermal f icld, as validated in the experiment.The dynamic SGS model is able to yield mean flow quantitiesthat agreewith the measured in the data,howevertherearc somediscrepancies prediction of turbulence,particularly in the outer region of the ncar-wall flow where the boundary layer interactswith the circulating core region. Pcngand Davidsonshowedthat the timc-avcragcd contribution of the SGS shcarstressis significantly smaller than its resolvablecounterpart,which illustratesthat the sub-gdd scaleturbulent transportis a secondary cffcct. The most visible SGS contribution is not in the vicinity of the wall but in the region about the maximum velocity in the boundarylaycr. In the viscous/conductivcsub-laycrorthc boundarylaycrclosc to the licated1cooled vertical walls the flow tendsto form strcak-likc structures,which do not however emergein the ncar-wall flow along the horizontal top and bottom walls, where flow tendsto be rclaminarizcd.

2.2.3 Nllycd horizontal and vertIcal convecilon

Obviously, practical problems may include both vertical and horizontal thermal gradicnts, combining the types or flows discussed in sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 above. I lerc the results from Kirkpatrick and Bohn's [ 19861studies which include a varicty of heating configurations (and is particular relevant to the present work) arc discussed.


Mixedcavity naturalconvoction

Lucits and wall, 2 oach

Cooling/healing plaie, 4 each Test cell welt 4 each

L-11CM8119 O(Iod Coll

I kpMnwfo Tow ConlIguivoitons r -cj-c lir If lic 11 1111cc if Ilcxr If 111111C rc


Figure 2.1 Schematic or file test cell used In tile Kirkpatrick and Bolln experiments and tile four experimental test configurations 119861

KirkpatrickandBohnperformed in high Rayleigh natural number ancxpcrimentilinvestigation andcooled convection within a cubewith fourdifTercnt configurations ordiffercritiallyheated in A schematic test the are shown surfaces. configurations verticalandhorizontal test and orthe ca Figure2.1.All theconfigurations The from below heating case. experiments the werevariations or determine flow Nussclt-llaylcigh the to conducted wereto determine and correlations number distributions. Thefour configurations tested patterns were: andtemperature
" " " Heatedbottom and cooled top and conductingside walls, IIC case licatcd bottom and cooled top with one heatedand one cooled side wall, 1111CC case Heatedbottom and cooling from abovewith two cooled side walls, IICCC case


lot andcoldsidewall with a heatcd bottomandhcatcd top,III If IC case

Ilie cubical enclosurehad an interior dimensionof 305mm.The working fluid usedin testswas dcioniscd water. Ilic temperature difTercntialchosenin the definition of the Rayleigh numberwas in the dic temperature differencebetweenthe hot and cold walls. Temperature measurements enclosurecore were madeusing a thcrmocoupIcprobe.which could be moved vertically and rotatcd

I'lic probecouldnot beplaced abouttheccntrcline of thecubicalenclosure. closerthan8mmfrom Thelengthscale thetopandbottomsurfaces. usedwastheinteriordimension orthc cube,305mm. Theheattransfer first, rollowcdby a description measurements will beexamined of tile flow
distributions will be patternsobservedfor the four test casesand finally the fluid temperature discussed.

2.23.1 Heat transfer measurements It must be noted that the temperature usedin the dcrinition orthe Nusselt number is the difference bctwccn the wall temperature 7be experimentallyderived average and the bulk fluid temperature. Nussclt-Raylcighnumberlicat transrcrcorrelationsfor eachtest configuration were:

HC case Nu-0.09861ta"3 for Top andBottomwalls HHCC case

0.236 for Top and Bottom walls Nu - 1.10Rai Nu - 0.141 Raho-313 for Side walls (2.16) (2.17)


Nu-0.3461tao, 285 for Top, Bottom and Side walls (2.18)

HHHC case
Nu - 0.223 Ra,"" Nu - 2.54 ltalo,212 for Top wall for Bottom wall (2.19) (2.20) (2.21)

286 for Side Nu - 0.233 RahO, walls

2.13, Equation 71c I IC case derived licattransfer thatthecxpcrimcntally correlation, showed namcly compares modelequation, well with I follandct al.'s [ 1975] conduction-laycr Nu - 0.103Ita


At this point it is worth comparingKirkpatrick and Bohn's hcat transrcrcorrclationswith those corrcl3tionsdcrivcd by othcr authors.The corrclationscan be cornp3rcdto the standardand

froma horizontal for natural gcncrally uscdmcanlicat transfcr corrclations convcction platcand froma vcrlicalplatc. Fora horizontal [ 19501 correlation's plateof lengthL, Fislicndcn arc; andSaundcrs
NULm0.54 Rk 1/4 13 NUL- 0.14 ROL 105< Ra < 2x 107 2x 107< Ra < 3x 1010 (2.23) (2.24)

and for a vcrtical piate or licight L, Wcisc [19351and Saundcrs[1936] corrclation's are;

NUL 113 ROL NUL m0.13

114 Rk 0.59

104 < Ra< 109 109 < Ita < 10

(2.25) (2.26)

Also Jakob [19491dcrivcd the following corrclationsfor natural convcctionin an cncloscd horizontal air spacc;
Nux - 0.21 Ra 1/4 Nux - 0.075 Ra 113 104< Ra < 3.2x 101 3.2x 103< Ra < 107 (2.27) (2.28)

andfor ancnclosed vcrticalair spacc;

Nux - 0.2 (Ux)*"v Ra." Nux - 0.071 (Ux)*"9 Ra113 2x104< Ita < 2.1x 105 2.1x 105< Ra < 1.1xW (2.29) (2.30)
diffcrcnce is

wherc x is the clearancc bctwccn the platcs, L is the platc Icngth, and the imperaiurc defincd as the diffcrcncc in the metal tenipcraturcs orthe two plaics.

Fislicndcnand Saunders correlationshave multiplying factorsthat are approximatelytwice the factors for the Jakob's correlationsfor both a horizontal plate and a vertical plate in free space,but difference is not the same.For die enclosedcavities the the definition of the temperature is used difference betweenthe two walls is used,whilst the wall to bulk air temperature temperature for the plate correlations,this will accountfor most of the changein the multiplying factors.The Kirkpatrick and Bolin correlationsfor an enclosedcavity show the Rayleigh numberpower to lay betweenflic values0.25 and 0.333 which appearin the abovecorrelations.No disccmabicpattern

for themultiplyingfactorcanbeobserved theenclosed to the cavitycorrelations whencomparing freespace verticalandhorizontal platecorrelations. Flow patterns

KirkpatrickandBolinused to showthe flow pattern within Ilic cube.Tbcir a shadowgraph below. observations arcsuminariscd HC case
Thermalsrose from the bottom surfaceand fall from the top surf3cc.The thermalswere of varying characteristicsizes,averagingabout I Onimin height and 5mm in width. No overall flow pattern be The disccmablc, to thermals the than thcrinals. appeared released the was other mixing motion of periodically from the top of a boundarylayer about I nini away from the surfaceand propagateat to the oppositeside ortic cavity. nc about 50mm/s.Only the large thermalswere able to penetrate thermalsusually moved at sonic randomangle, lessthan 45* to the vertical.

HHCC case by layer, Tbcrewasan interaction boundary tile thermals tile shined thcmials with the oroic and 13ycrs into triangular in theuppercold wall to cold wall comerandto the sidcwallboundary regions lowerhot wall to hot wall comeror tile cavity.KirkpatrickandBohnreportthattile overallflow in a clockwise tile the the enclosure thermals the or pattern and convection of werealong perimeter layer boundary direction, MI. hot I'licrmals to the the the caused wlicn viewedwith sidewallon KirkpatrickandBolmnotedthatthevertical traverse. separate pointalongthehorizontal at some Nussclt andinferredthatthethcrmil andhorizontal numbers wereverycloseto thelimiting cases, fromthesurfaces. interactions haveonly a smalleffecton theoverallheattransrcr

*nIe overall flow patternwas a central plurnerising from the hot lower surracc,which diverged at the top of the cavity and returnedalong the cold sidewalls.The rising thennals were locatednear natureor the centrc orthc tank and the falling thmnals wcrc locatednear the cold sidcwalls. 77he the thennal convectionon the sidewallswas a rnixcd free and rorcedconvectiontype, which


explained Thesidcwall why theNusscltnumbers thanfor theothercases. werehigherfor thiscase heattransfer is approximately equalto thevcnicalheattransfer.

HHHC case KirkpatrickandBolinobserved thatthcrcwasvery little activity in thecoreof thecavity,especially I'lic motionof thethermals bottom nearthetop surface. to within I Ornm wasconfined of theheated layerswerepresent but notalongthc top surface. Temperature plate.Boundary on thesidcwalls, in thecoreoccurred dueto theheated fromthetop stratification top plate.I'lic low licattransfer is dueto thestable in thecore.whichalsoreduces surface thesidcwallheattransfer. stratification distribution

I'lic temperature distributions measured by Kirkpatrick and Bolin showedthe thermalsrising from the hot bottom and failing from the top of the test cell. The I IC configuration showedthe most regular thermaldisturbanceorthe fluid from a baselinetemperature, with other configurations being more irregular. For the I IC casethe magnitudeof the temperature disturbancewas of the distributions in the vertical mid-planc order or IK and period or the order of 4s. hican temperature ICC and I ICCC configurationsshowedthe core fluid temperature orthe cavity for the IIC, 111 to be (bulk temperature temperature within 0.5K of the bulk temperature of the average weighted arc heatedand cooled wall temperatures). For the 11111 IC casewhere the top is heatedthe core fluid temperature The resultsof the I fill IC caseshowedthat a was within 4K,of the bulk temperature. difference betweentop and bottom) was nonzerovertical Rayleigh number,Rah(or temperature requiredto producea &-stratified core and the thermalsdid not act as a mixing mechanismfor the core in this case.Both the I IC and III [CC meantemperature profiles show a small temperature reversal,nearthe top and bottom surfaces,attributed to the persistence of the thermalstraversing acrossthc enclosure.

Results from investigating theinfluence on thecore numbers of differentverticalRayleigh distribution temperature thatfor theI if ICCcase, showcd asthc verticalRayleigh number %vas increased, KirkpatrickandBohnalso thelevelorcorc temperature wasdccrcascd. stratification As theteinpcrature thattheonset showcd of stratification orabout0.65x1010. at a Rai, wassudden,


became to cause the formation vigorous enough of die bottomwasincreased mixing in of thermals thecoreof thecavity.

2.23.4 Conclusions Kirkpatrick and Bolin concludedthat generally the heatedfloor promote$mixing in the cavity and difference tendsto eliminate the stratification seenin the limiting caseof a horizontal temperature for disturbances Although to thermals temperature the persist only a appeared with alone. associated in fluid. For from distance horizontal tile core the thcrtnals the mixing cffcctivc arc small surfaces, difference casethe only fluid motion in tile cavity was that due to tile the vertical temperature heattransfer from the heatedfloor comparedfavourably to a conduction-laycrmodel. thermals.17he difference casetherewas rotation of the fluid core with a horizontal For the horizontal temperature velocity componentto the thermals.The heat transfer from the horizontal surfaceswas not strongly did however horizontal difTcrcncc; by the thermals affect the temperature the presence of a affected heattransfer from tile vertical surfaces.I [cat transfer from the vertical surfaceswas reducedif the top was heated,due to the stablestratification in the top portion of the cavity core.

be CFD 3D 3 in Chapter I'lic KirkpatrickandBohnexperiment be will an3lyscs where will revisited data. to theexperimental compared

2.3 Convection Flow %illhin a Rotating Enclosed Cas-Ify I ligh Rayleigh numbernatural convectionunder centrifugal accelerationhasbeenstudied cxperimentallyand computationallyat AachenUniversity. Bohn ct al [1993,1994] reported To achievea centripetalor radial experimentalinvestigationsfor threerotating cavity geometries. beat flux inside the annularcavities the outer radii cylindrical wall was heatedand the inner radii insulated. Two (discs) Both thermally or were the annulus cylindrical wall cooled. end surraccsor (Figure 2.2) wcrc for closedannuli rotating aroundtheir the configurations,labelledA and 11, horizontal axis. The radiusof the inner cylindrical wall (ri- I 25mm) and the width (s- I 20mm) or the annularcavity was the sameror both theseconfigurations.For geometryA the outer cylindrical C, had The for B third configuration, cavity wall radiuswas r-335rnm, and geometry rrMmm. but 8 radial walls (all thermally insulated)divided the annulusinto the samedimensionsas for 11,

45* segments. Thetestrig hada maximum of 3500rcvhninanda maximum cavity rotorspeed pressure or4 bar.Thetcnipcraturc of theoutercylindricalwall couldbevariedup to I 00"C,whilst theinnercylindricalwall couldbe cooledto 15*Cin thesununcr andto 8*C in thewinter.




ro (mm)

r. (mm)

H (mm)

Hirm (-)

Cavity A


a0 (mm)


125 125 125

355 240 240



0.96 120 0.63 120

182.5 115 182.5 115

0.63 120 45"

Figure 2.2 Dimcnilons of the annular cas, 111cs for three experimental test configurations.

derive Nussclt Using the measured heat Bohn to a number transfer able al were overall ct difTcrcncc,AT. usedin the dcrinition or correlation for eachtest configuration. 71c temperature Grashof number is the temperature betweenthe hot and cold cylindrical walls. The resultsmay be summariscdas follows.

ConfigurationA, (I I/r,. - 0.96ands/r. - 0-5)

0.221 Nu - 0.246 Ra+ Configuration 11, (11/ r. - 0.63 and s/r. - 0.66) Nu - 0.317 Ra#0*211 IxI 0'? < Ra#< Ix 1012 (2.32) 1xI Ol< Ra#<Ix 1012 (2.31)

Configuration C, (I I/r., - 0.96, s/r,,, - 0.5 and 45* scctor)

Nu - 0.365lla#'O-


1x 107< Ra4< IXIO12


where the rotational Rayleigh number, Ra#- Gr Pr, and the rotational Grashof number,Gr# - r. w2 ATL3P2/(T. p2) with L- 11,r. -(ri+ r. )12and the Nussclt numbcris dcrincd as NU-414A

where 4 is the heat flux and4, is thc licat transferby conductionalone.

Comparing the results for configuration A widi configuration 1) shows that the change in geometry has only a weak influence on the licat transfer in the rotating annulus. 11c insertion orthc separation walls, as for configuration C, attenuates the relative circumfcrcntial velocity inside the cavity, resulting in a decrease orthe radial component ortim Coriolis force. The natural convection flow inside the cavity is strcngtlicncd so the heat transfcr is increased. Comparing the results from Configuration C to those from B confirmed the increase in licat transfer for the separated wall sector cavity.

In addition to the experimentalwork, Bohn ct al also carried out a numerical simulation (CFD analysis) for the sectoredannulusgeometry,configuration C. Both steadyand unsteadythree. dimensionalanalyseswere perfornicd using a coarsemesh.All computations%%-crc carried out with the density calculatedby the ideal gas law and the flow was assumed to be laminar, i.e. Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) - like solutionswhcre the full Navicr-Stokcsequationsarc solved directly. Ilicir steadysolutions showcdthat the flow inside the segmentwas confincd to the boundarylayerson the cylindrical and radial walls with virtually no relative motion in the core.The core was virtually isothcrmal(with T z: 1/2(TI+Tc)) with no conductionoccurring in the radial or


circumrcrcntial direction. I lcat transrcrwas confincd to the boundarylayers.77he predicted flow is illustratedschematicallyin Figure 2.3.77hehot fluid that flows radially inward createsa large Nusseltnumber nearct - 0' on the cold surface,and the cold fluid that flows radially outwards createsa large Nussclt numbernearct - 45' on the hot surface.Thcrcrorc. there is a large circurnrcrcntialvariation in the local Nussclt numberson the cylindrical surfaces.Resultsfrom the steadycomputationalanalysisor the sectoredcavity showedthe convectiveheat transrcr to be consistentwith, but slightly greaterthan the experimentalresultswith differencesoraround 8 %. The authorsattributed most orthc difference to heat lossesin the experimentwith the losses through the insulateddiscs estimatedto be between 10%and 20% of the heat supplied.711c unsteadycomputationalanalysisshowedthe flow to be unstablewith the Nussclt numbersshowing a stochasticbehaviour. FurtherCFD studieshave beenmadefor thesetypesof cavitics and will be discussedlater in section2.4.

Ti, I lot outcrcylindricalsurface, r

.. 00 00 of


Isothennal core T -- V2(Til+Tc)

45*) %1 %
%, 0 wo ... M., 1 b

Adiibatic radiit wall (ct - 0) (a Ni

r V001-IN Cold inner

cylindrical surfacc, TC rigure 2.3 Schematic dIagram or computed flow In a scaled45' segmentof a rotating cavity %%kh a radial heat flow (in the r-a planc) lCouricsy O"cn and Rogers 119951 Bohn ct al. [1994] also usedthe Aachenrig to investigatethe pure axially directed heat flux case, whereone disc side wall is hot and the oppositedisc is cold and all other walls thmnally insulated. Only configuration 11 was consideredin the investigation.In addition to the experimentalwork

Thederivcdlicattransfcr numcrical calculations wcrealsoconductcd. corrclationfromthetcstdata for thisconfiguration was,

Nu - 0.364 Rz40.124

2x)0%< Ra< 5x 1010


Conclusions drawn frorn the axial heat flux work were th3t the numerical and experimental data here the numerical analysis were in quite good agreement, with exception of high Ita-riumbers, %%, predicted higher heat transfer than the experiments showed. 77heheat transrcr ror the axial heat flux case is much smaller than that ror the radial directed heat flux case. Comparison of the level orhcat transfer between the pure radial and pure axial directed heat flux cases shows that the radial heat transrcr is the important mechanism for cavities with the combination oraxial and radial temperature distributions that occur in gas turbine compressor disc cavities.

Bohnct al's experiment in Chapter herefurther3D CFDanalyses, 4 %%, will be revisited with various Rayleigh data. to theexperimental will becompared numbers,

2.4 Rotating Ca% Ity %s Ith Axial Througitnow 2.4.1 SingIc ca% fly Investigations
As noted in Ch3pler 1. the flow in the inter-disc cavities becomes highly complex when the discs arc heated with the flow becoming three-dimensional and time dependent. 71is complexity of the flow has been revealed by a number orcxpcrimcntal studies. much orthe published work originates

from the University orSusscx. For example, Farthing ct al [19921 pcrrormcd an experiment to investigate the flow inside a simple rectangular rotating cavity with a central axial througliflow. hotlicrnial flow

Farthingct al.'s [19921simple model ora rotating cavity with axial throughtlow is shown in Figure by an axial gap, S.17he 2.4. Two discs oroutcr radius,b, and inner radius,a, are separated rotational speedor the cavity is n, the flow rotational speedis to and the bulk averageaxial velocity orthc axial throughtlow is W. For a fluid kinematic viscosity v, the rotational Reynoldsnumberis dermcd as Re. -0 b2/ v, and the axial Reynoldsnumberas Re, -W di,/ v, wheredh is the hydraulic

diameteror oic inlct. For a cavity with an inner drive shail or radius,r. dh- 2(a. r') and for one without an inner drive shaft, dh- 2a. I Stroud I

Down*"an cisC

rigure 2.4 Nomenclature for axial throughtlow and Isothermal flow structurc. (I'arthing ct al)
A further non-dimcnsional parameter, the Rossby number, Ro links the effects of rotation and inertia of the axial througliflow. This is defined as the ratio or the incan velocity of the throughflow to the tangential velocity at the borc radius;


j2a(a-rjRc PRc. ,1


Laserillumination flow visualisation and Laser Doppler Ancmomctry (LDA) were usedby Farthing (or isothermal)and heatedcavities with a/b ct al. [19921to study the flow structurein unheated 0.1. A seriesof schematicdiagramsof the isothcrmal flow structureis shown in Figure 2.5. I'lic Ro, Rossby flow and the gap ratio, G the the principal parameters number, afTccting resulting arc Vb. For no rotation, Ro - co,the througliflow generates one or more (dependingon gap ratio) the toroidal vortex and axisymmctric toroidal vortices. Rotation hasthe cffcct or suppressing dcstabilising the central througliflow, creatinga changein behaviourof the centraljet. This is charactcriscdby a numberorrcgimcs oraxisyrnnictric and non-axisymmctricvortex breakdown.





(ill) Ga0.267





(d) Go 0.133



Ro (stationary) 25 421 (Shaded areas represent regions Into which smoke Is convectedrapidly.)
11-1gure 2.5 Visual Impressions of smoke patterns In an Isothermal rotating mity througliflow: Re. - 5000 (I'arthing ct al. 119921) %%kh axial






Forturbulent flow (Rc,> 2000)andfor a constant gapratio fourscparate rcgimcs of voricx brcakdown is decreased (from around100to a valueof less wereidentifiedastheRossby number than1).These Rossby Modc Ia (in orderof decreasing weregivenflic followingnames number): (21:5 Ro:5 100),Nfodc2a(2.6:5 Ro:5 2 1).Modc Ib (1.5:5 Ro:5 2.6)andModc2b (Ro:5 1.5).Fora boundaries gapratioof G-0.533, thercspcctivc occurat Ro = 21-23,2.6and 1.5. of these regimes TheModeI regimes bchaviour arcassociated of thecentralthrougliflow; with a non-axisymmctric Modc2 behaviour is associated Decreasing behaviour. to thegapratioappears with axisymmetric dctailsorthe tests Further theformation suppress anddescription of Modc la behaviour. of the (1995). (1979]andby OwenandRogcrs modes of instabilityaregivenby OwenandPincombe flow
When the cavity is heated, the Sussex research has indicated that significantly more of the throughflow penetrates into the outer part of the cavity. Most observations of tile heated now structure were made with gap ratios of G-0.124 distribution 0.267, temperature a surface and and

that decreaseswith radius. It was found that this gave a clearly defincd flow structure. Long and Tuckcr [I 994a] found that the flow structure inside the cavity is heavily influenced by the radial distribution or surface temperature imposed on the discs. Flow entered the cavity in one or more in bifurcated forming the radialthe orcirculations radial arms, near outer radius one or more pairs circumferential, r-O plane. A schematic diagram, in the r-O plane, of the heated flow structure is shown in Figure 2.6. One circulation rotated in the same direction as the discs, called the cyclonic region; the other circulation rotated in the opposite direction, which is called the anticyclonic region. Under most conditions the regions orcirculations did not merge but were separated by a region in which the fluid did not appear to enter. The cyclonic region has a lower pressure than that of the anticyclonic region. In the experiment with a surrace temperature distribution that increases with radius it was not possible to obtain clear visual or photographic evidence of the flow structure in the cavity. I Iowcvcr the overall impression was that significantly more of the central througliflow penetrated the cavity, the higher velocities leading to an ill-defined flow structure especially in the be in flow difTercnccs These to qualitatively may the structure region adjacent peripheral shroud. explained from consideration of thermal stratification in a centrifugal rorce field. A fluid temperature that decreaseswith radius has a stable stratification, whilst a fluid temperature that increases with radius has an unstable stratification. resulting in incrcaicd radial mixing. It appears that heating the cavity introduces buoyancy forces that act to dcstabilise the central througliflow. 27

Farthing[1988] found that when only the shroudwas heateda similar flow structureto one mentionedaboveoccurs,cxccpt there were multiple radial armsand multiple separationzones. Whenboth the shroud and the discs were heated,the sameflow structureas for the heatedshroud wasobserved.T`hcse radial armsappearto exchangefluid with the strongcyclonic flow adj3centto the shroud.The cntirc flow within the cavity routes at an averageangularvelocity, w, which is found to vary with the disc gap ratio (axial distancebct%%, ccn the discs to the cavity outer radius). and is different from (1, the angular speedorthc cavity. Carcrul examinationof high-speedvideo recordingswas usedto determinethe ratio co/fl, and it was found that 0.9 < (,A) <I for the Rossby number,Ro-%V/fla, region of 0.57 < Ro < 9.2.

rigurc 2.6 Schematic diagram of llic heated flow structurc In r4 plane

Farthingct al (1992) measured the heat transrcr rroin the discs ora cavity with a/b- 0.1 and G -s/b distribution level round for discs, 0.138. I'licy headed the radial that and or where symmetrically is the same,the heat transferwas the sameon eachdisc, implying symmetryorthe temperature flow in the midaxial plane. For asyninictrically heateddiscs,the heat transferon the cold disc was distribution also had round to be lower than the heat transferon the hot disc. The radial temperature a significant cffcct on the local heat transfer.The radial variation orthe heat transfer rallowcd the

discsurface distribution. Fora surface temperature temperature thatincreased with radius,heat Fromtheheattransrcr transfcr testdata,Farthing alsoincreased andvice versa. ct a]. derivedthe followingheattransfcr distributionwherethetcmpcraturc for a discsurface temperature correlation increases with discradius:
Nis 0.0054Rc*, Gr*-'s -3 Xb Gr 112rl7(T, T,,, %%-hcrc = - r)' tcmperaturc. q(b xr.. _ jT94 - A. (T, TO v2 , T, is thc disc tempcraturcand Ti. is thc inIct fluid (2.36a)

Theabovccorrclation Equation 2.36acanalsobc exprcsscd as,

(PAT)" (rl bX(bl r) 1)"" Nu - 0.0054Rclo" Rco'12 qr hcrctheNusscltnumbcr, Nu = ! %%, -AT The significanceof Equation2.36 is that it suggests the flow and licat transfer in the (narrow G0.138) cavity occursas a result of rotationally inducedlaminar rrcc convection.71is is supportedby rrom the the work or Long and Tucker [1992,1994b], who reportedon licat transrcrmeasurements distribution disc itscir(ror 0.1 temperature 0.13). Tlicy the surface that Shroud a/b and s/b noted is have little licat temperature used the to air cavity transrcr,providing appears cffcct on the shroud licat The define Nussclt Grastior shroud to measured the as the rcrcrcncc temperature numbers. and transrcris then in reasonable agreement with the licat transrcrpredictedusing an established in ror findings rroin Tlicse horizontal confirmcd also arc correlation natural convection surracc. a the multiple cavity investigationsof Long ct al. (2003] and Long ct al. [2006]. The licat transfer from a cavity with a wider gap ratio (G - 0.36, alb = 0.1) was investigatedby Long ( 19941. Increasingthe gap ratio was round to increasethe licat the range4< Ro < 5, there was a ror Ro increase by factor ror > 3; Ro 4, the Sallie; < the approximately were significant a or results 5. therewas a smaller increaseby a factor or2 in Nussclt numberwith gap ratio. Two mechanisms buoyancy induced direct identified ror licat being and transrer, the rotationally were as responsible influenceor the central througliflow. Tucker and Long (1998] carried out further cxpcrimcntal work, aiming to measure the temperature field inside a rotating cavity. Tlic cavity usedin the experimentconsistedof two steel flat faced


discswith an innerradiusa-48.5mmandouterradius, b-484.5mm by a distance, andseparated Tlicscdimensions s-65mm. to gapratio,G-s/b, of 0.13andan inlct radiusratioa/bof correspond 0.1.Theperipheral Eachcavitydisc shroud wasmadefroma carbon-fibre epoxyresincomposite. 4.8 kW heaters, wasfittedwith 5 separate annular controlof theradialdistribution enabling or Theshroud heater temperature. Theinnerfaces couldalsobeheated via anelectrical system. orthe discswerecovered 40 with I mmthick glassfibre instrumentation matsto whichapproximately Ilic cavityair temperature thermocouples weremounted. wasmeasured usinga probeconsisting of threethermocouples positioned at thenon-dimcnsional radiallocations, r/b-0.37,0.6and0.87and half wayalongthecavityat s/2.Tbrccdiscsurracc theprobewasplaced temperature conditions disctemperature incrc3sing disctemperature wereconsidered; shroud, with radius andunheated decreasing discswith a heated T`hcsc with radiusandunheated three shroud, andunheated shroud. followinga deceleration followinganacceleration, conditions represent engine conditions, and duringtheengine investigation TuckerandLong'sexperimental acceleration, respectively. showed distributions againthatthecavityradialandcircumrcrcntial temperature werebothstrongly influenced by cavitysurface Whenthediscswereheated, temperatures. significant circumferential %Vhcn cavityair temperature variations theflow to be three-dimensional. wereobserved, showing is heated theshroud temperature andthediscsunheated, were variations no circumrcrcntial Testswereconducted 2401: 5 Rc#: Reynolds g observed. covering numbers a range of rotational 8x 105 both importantly 2x 101: 5 Rc,:S4x 104 that the andaxial Reynolds numbers showed and distributions. hadlittle cffcct on thecavityair temperature rotational andaxial Reynolds numbers Temperature (0, w arcthecavity timetraces wereusedto infcr thattheangular velocityratio(WO 0 AT., which is inversely andfluid angular to theparameter velocities, respectively) proportional is consistent LIDAmeasurements by Farthing with previous ct al [1992].1Icre0 is tile fluid thermal factor(-I /Ti., Ti. is theinlct air temperature) is T.., Tn.. TI. AT.,, the expansion where and temperature. maximum cavitysurface
Resultsfrom a numericalCFD 31), unsteadyflow analysisby Tuckcr [19931showcdqualitativc agreement with the visualisationresultsin prediction orthe flow structuresrcfcffcd to earlier. For the disc and shroudlicat transferTuckcr showedthat the derived local Nussclt numbers(Nu -qL AT k) agreedreasonable heat transferdata and with the Farthingct al. well with the measured correlation.

OwenandPowell[20041 in licat transfer measurements a singlecavityresearch made velocityand discheated. Tests rig with centralinletandexit, a/b-0.4, s/b-0.2 withjust thedownstream

were carried out for 4xIO5< Re# <3.2x 106and lAx I 01<11c, <5404.7lictimc-average


measurements of tangential velocity showed that near to solid body rotation occurs in the cavity. 0.96 <w/ 11r < 0.99, when the downstream disc was heated to 75K above the inlet air temperature, for the range of dinicnsionlcss radii 0.67 < r/b < 0.97. The radial velocity was found to be approxinutcly two orders of magnitude smaller than the tangential velocity. 71c timc-avcrage tangential velocity was also found to increase above w/ 11r -I when the temperature between the

disc surfaces and the inlet air was reduced to below approximatcly 40K. A spectral analysis of the velocity measurements revealed behaviour that was consistent with one, two or three pairs or cyclonic and anticyclonic vortices in the flow ficid.

2.4.2,'%Iultlplc cavity Investigations An earlier study carried out on an enginerepresentative geometrywas reportedby Burkhardt ct al. [ 1994).I'licir experimentalrig comprisedfive cavities with all the discs having a common bore radii with G-0.256 and a/b -0.286, and testswere carried out for rotational and axial Reynolds Icat transrcrresultswere obtained 5 Rc#:5 5.6x 106and 2.7x 104: 5 Rc,: 5 9.5x 104.1 numbers1.9x106: surraccicinpcraturcsand a conductionsolution method.I'lic test rig also carried a using measured froin licat The drive direction. bc in the transrcr to central shaf which could made rotate either discs was round to increasewhcn the rotational speedor ti,c shaft approached that or the discs. For local between the the central and outer part of the discs there was reasonable measured agreement Nussclt numbersand thosepredictedby the Farthing ct al correlation, Equation.2.36.

Ions Ign Invest multiple ca%-I(y build I I rig ciperlinental Furtherexperimentalwork was carried out by Alcxiou [2000], to investigatethe [teattransferand flow physicswithin the intcr-disc cavities Ora gasturbine compressor with axial througliflow. Alcxiou derived licat transfercorrelationsfrom cxpcrimcnial test data from the SussexUTC Multiple Cavity Rig (NICR) Build 1. A generalassemblydrawing for this rig is shown in Figure internal P 11 2.7. The rotor and inner si,an or the rig represent air systemand compressor part Oro were scaleddown from a Rolls-RoyceTrent acro-cnginc,to a ratio orO.7: 1. Temperature A disc from drive conductionsolution method surfaces. the measurements were obtained conc and heat to boundary then the used was estirnatc using the measured conditions surfacetemperatures as

transferfrom both the surfaceorthc rig cone and rrom the surraccortlic disc. Alcxiou round that from the outcr surraccor the cone were in reasonable the measurements agreement with the theoreticalpredictions ror the heat transrerfrom a rrcc cone in turbulent flow. I [cat transrcr heat Depending from inner transrcr. two the the of regimes cone revealed surraceof measurements low dominated by be Ro/(pAT,, heat rotation at a the transrcr the on valuesor would either j)"2, 6. In Ro/(PAT.,, )112 high by Ro/(PAT., > the <6 through-flow value, a value, effects at or &)"2 influence heat found dominated transrcr to the the was regime, or rotation rotationally shaft sense rrom the inner surfaceof the cone. A co-rotating shaft gavc higher heattransrcrthan a contrainner rrom beat rollowing ror derived I'lic the transrcr conc surracc. correlationswere rotating shaft.

Ro<3.5, Ro>3.5,

[r O'OK6 32x", " Gro, Nu - 0.0243Rc, Nu - 8.93x 10" Rc, "341 x'3-921


(2.37) (2.38)

is hairang1c. 0 PAT(r/sinO)l/v2 is Grashof Gr fl2r thc conc the and numbcr, sinO wherc, hcat transrcr from the disc was lower than that rrom the inner cone,howeverthe average 17he Nussclt numbersshowedsimilar behaviourto that from the inner conesurraccand suggcstcdthe disc-cone Alcxiou in from influence From heat the cavity, the two regimes. transrcrresults the same rills large 'drives' that higher vortex Rossby (Ro) a the througliflow that at the numbers suggested buoyancy radial outflow causes the cavity. At lower Rossbynumbcrsthe mechanism orccntrifugal is disc inflow which cone surfaces, and towardsthe ccntrc of the cavity with radial next to the consistentwith Farthing ct al. s findings. Owen and Powell [2004] from their single cavity work also obscrvcdthat the heat transfer induced buoyancy flow different a regimes, measurements gave supportto the existenceortwo dominated regime high througliflow througliflow, and a rcgime at rotational speeds and small axial at the lower rotational speeds and larger valuesoraxial througliflow.



P. ef^

E-1 I. Iui



I I.



Pa ef -,ur I



6 mm 42.9 mm a- 70.1 mm a, - 66.55 mm D- 491.3 mm b- 220.0 mm I- 59.75 mm

1-igurc 2.7 Sti%%cx I" VC %Itj IIi I) le Ca%il.N Rig (Build I) lAle%iou 20001 Su%%t-x I AV multiple can ij rig huild% 2 und 3 c%perimem. il im e%ligution%

111111(k Stv%,, C\ \Itlllllllc of 111C

I ong cl al. 12000al canictl otil I 1),, \ Illcil"Mcillents

t\%o additional (111

Cw ity Rig. btidd-, 2 and 3. As shown In Figure IS. the rotor has three internal di%c% and together with the mo end plate th%cs l'our cylindrical radius and the central dri\c cavities are fornied. the disc bores are ol'Iden(ical IvIween inner

shall Is stationary. The main dillerence

Build 2 and Build 3 is

the diameter ol'the central dri\c

disc between the and shah therefore the gap annular and shall, in annular gap I Onim and a with and

bores. The central dri\ c shall has a diameter of' I 20mm in Build 2 with

diameter of' I 04mm in Build 3 with ;in I Xmin annular gap. Both builds were itimnimemed stationary and rotating thermocouples. tangential flo\k \ clocitics measurements of"langcmial within IDA measurements ofaxial 2 and Build .1 the inter-disc ca\ itics ha% c been obtained. Additional For litilld

1. Build %%ere obtained in and radial velocity components .

1.1 .

0 0

1 1. It. ". 111*1-S

Figure 2.8 Istj%%t-x IW et al. 2000al


( 'a%if. Rig( Build 3) %hossing the I-)

1 1) % ill--I I'll Ille'll

I lie taligcIltial Nclocity of file caN11% 11(mdid nol appeal io\ al-Nacloss tile ;mal width of tile C. I\ It\. The axial velocities Inside the cm ily were close to /cro. For lWild 3. with file wider disc bore annular gap. tile maximurn \; title of'm 'Llr occurred close to (lie inner radius ol'the ca\ ity ;ill(] its I lie 11011-dilliclislonal tangential veloclt magnitude Increased \\ iih Increasing Ro 1111111her. decreased 1'romthis maximum it) solul body rotation, m ill I. ;I%r 1) - 0,0. I-or Iluild 2. smaller
ISO II bo dy bore lie I II I tallgc Illa\ I Ill it Ill till t a (I non-d Ise not gap, I triens Iona It I;Ih clocities (I I(I it show rotiffloll was achieved near to tile Outer railitis ol'ilic has beell attributed to I dillci-crice cavity. The difference ill tile Influence ofilie III radial \arlalloll of'

tangential velocity

axial througliflo\% oil It

the flo\% Inside the rotating ca\ ities. A narrow armular gap appeared to allentiale Ill's "Itcractioll doe-, appear likely that tile behaviour ofilic. breakdown hence tile of'\ orle\ mode 1cl and %% as

affected by the change ill diNc hore geometry. Mcasuremen1% ofilie \elocilies did show some periodicity

instantaneous \; Illjc of'radial aliticycloric pairs.

hich could be title to cyclone ill tile flo\\ %\

I lie radia I \c Ioci I ies kcrc I ypica I IV two orders 01,11 111 e tallgentia I Coll I pollen I's mgll It title IO\%cr 111.111 and comparab Ie to relat I\ e iangentia I \c Iocity. consisicrit will II ob%cr\ aI Ions. II ic ( hwn and 1'()\%c

An ana Iy%is oft lie frequency spec I I-till 10fI lie ta n genlia I \e Ioc IIy shO\%CdcI car C\ I(IC[ICCof'


periodicity in the flow structure.This was linked to the existenceof pairs orcontra-rotating vortices,which is consistentwith the current understanding or the heatedflow structures. The SussexMultiple Cavity Rig shroud heat transferresults from Build 2 and Build 3 have been reportedby Long ct al. [2006b]. The heat transfer from the shroudwas shown to be governedby rotationally induced free convectionand was mainly affccted by the shroudGrashofnumber.The axial througliflow rate had little or no cffcct on the shroudheat transfer.Ilic heattransfcr appeared also to be virtually insensitiveto the senseorshall rotation. Earlier work hasdemonstrated the principle that the shroud heat transfermay be predictedfrom modified cst3blishcdcorrelationsfor free convection from a horizontal plate in a gravitational field. Gravitational accelerationis replaced is usedand not the inlet temperature. with the centripetalterm and the cavity core air temperature I'lic rig temperature data was consistentwith this approach.T'hercwas a diffcrcncc in the shroud heattransferbetweenBuild 2 and Build 3, with values from Build 3 being greaterthan from Build 2. This difference was attributed to the greaterinfluenceof the axial throughtlow on the cavity air The heat transfer from the inside ora rotating conical surface when the annulargap was increased. exposedto axial througliflow could also be predictedusing the frcc convcctions,providing the Rossbynumber, Ro, was small enough. Disc beat transferresults from Build 2 and Build 3 havebeenreportedby Long ct al. 12006c].71c disc heat transfershoweda strongerdependence Res Reynolds than the rotational number, on axial Reynoldsnumber,Reo.IncreasingRe, tcndcd to increasethe averagedisc heattransrcr.This was attributedto the stabilising cfTcctof the Coriolis acceleration.Widening the disc borc gap appeared to increase the disc heat transrcr.Unlike the earlier work by Farthingct al. and Long using a single cavity with axial througliflow where the disc heat transrcrwas influencedby both forced and rrcc convectioncffccts, Long ct al's later work showedlittle cvidenceto suggestthat disc heattransfer was affected by the buoyancydriven flow. It is clear frorn Long ct al's work that the shrouddoes havean influence on the flow in the cavity. As mentionedearlier for an unheated shroudand a narrow cavity and a small radial inlct (as with the Farthingct al. experiment)heatingthe disc createdbuoyancy forcesthat dcstabiliscthe axial througliflow, and the narrow gap ratio suppresses rorcedconvectioncffccts. For a wider gap ratio (Long [ 19941), forced convectioneffects would be cxpectedto havean cffcct on the flow in the cavity. In both narrow and wide gap ratio cases,the with valuesof the maximum disc surfacetemperature was comparableto the shroudtemperature, buoyancyparameterbasedon the averagedisc surfacetemperature of PAT.q - 0.25. So even in the wider gap ratio cavity. buoyancydriven cffccts occurredtowardsthe outer radiusor the discs.71c

disc licating pattern on the SussexMultiple Cavity Rig was quite different to that on tile earlier singlecavities. The maximum disc temperature was around25K lessthan the shroudtemperature and typical valuesof [fie buoyancyparameterwere in tile range0.02 < PAT.,j < 0.1. The gap ratio G-0.2 was also significantly larger than in the earlier single cavity work. Taking into consideration all thesef3ctors,and the presence of a shaft at a relatively large radius ratio, it is perhapsnot surprisingthat there was little evidenceof buoyancydriven heat transrcrbehaviouron tile disc surfacesin OleLong experiments.

2.5 Stationary and Rotating Cavities - Numerical Studies

LongandTucker[ 1994a) to numerically attempted rotatingcavity modeltheflow within thesame test.Thenumerical with axialthrougliflowusedin OwenandPowell'sexperimental model theexperimental thatsome reproduced observation or thecentralthrougliflowdoesenterthecavity by rotation. astheresultof thebuoyancy cffccts,induced [ Othernumerical 19971, havebeen Nforse Tucker by Long, for and studies carriedout, example TuckerandLong[ 19951, TuckerandLong[ 1996], Wong[20021 andby Tian,Too,DingandXu [2004).In general, CFDstudies havegivenresults these similarto thatarcqualitatively LDA beat transfer experimental and observations andgiveacceptable with agreement [2004) Thethree-dimensional by Tian theearlier measurements. supports al. ct numerical study is be flow flow visualisation isothermal to The seen qualitative structure work of Farthing ct al. For toroidal vortex. a axisymmctric androtationdecreases theinfluence andstable, central orthc buoyancy. induced heated dueto theinfluence cavitythe flow maybecome unstable orrotationally An instabilitythatdevelops to affecttherestor thecavityasthe closeto theshroud wasseen Rayleigh heattransfer Predicted to beconsistent with previous number wasincreased. appears or rorced experimental and thedifferentafTccts measurements andshows or thetwo flow regimes freeconvective heattransrcr. Johnson this to thecase of rotatingcavity ct al. [2004)developed andapplied a stabilityanalysis Ito 0.1 in flow flow with axialthrougliflow. for Rossby < 71c analysis the that a number, showed (but this by a densitygradient thecavitymaybe stabilised with increasing radius, thatincreases involves behaviour Ito, intcrnictliate Ro 1). For stability > achieving a more ceases of at values complex relationship proflics. of velocityandtemperature

As part of the study in to the flow and licat transrerwithin both stationaryand rotating scaled cavitiesnumerical work hasbeendone using Large Eddy Simulations(LES) Cr-D. LES methods Navicr-Stokcs(RANS) may havedistinct advantages over the unsteadyReynolds-avcragcd methodsror this type of buoyancydriven problem, which is know to give rise to large scale unsteadyflow structures.In LES the larger turbulent eddiesarc simulated,with smaller (sub-grid scale)eddiesbeing modcllcd. 7he sub-grid scalemodelling is dependent up on the mcsh size and unlike RANS is designedto allow developmentof the larger resolvededdiesthat interact with the meanflow. Concurrentwork by Sun, Kilfbil, Chew and I lills [2004] and by Sun and Chew [2004] comparing die useof LES with standardk-c RANS CFD for both stationaryand rotating cavities with and in later chapters. without axial througliflow will be describedand the resultsdiscussed

2.6 Cross Flow Over a Stationary Cavl(y. As notedabove, for an unheatedcavity rotating at low speedthe axial througliflow generates one or more toroidal vortices in the cavity. Similar cffccts havebeenobservedror planar two-dimcnsional flow over a stationaryplanar 2D cavity. I fenceit is also appropriateto considerthis simpler planar flow. The literature review hasrevealeda limited amountof research work hasbeencompletedon this subject. It was decidedto focus mainly on the study by I laugenand Dhanak[1966). Ilicsc workers carried out an analytical and experimentalinvestigationaimedat describingthe turbulent momentumtransfer mechanismin the separationflow region ora rectangularcavity racing an oncomingturbulent boundarylayer. I laugcnand Dhanak's experimentalapparatus length flow channeland a consistedoran adjustable rectangularcavity with adjustabledepths.The channelwas 2.5 in. (63.5mm) wide and had an aspect ratio of 10,ensuringa substantially2D flow. I'lic cavity width was fixed at 2.5 in. (63.5mm) and its depth was varied up to 4.5 in (I 14.3min).7lic free strcamair velocity was estimatedto be 100 ft/s (30.48m/s).Ilic boundarylayer thickness just upstreamof the cavity could be varied up to I in. (25.4mm) and was found to be turbulent. Static pressures along the cavity walls by were measured meansof a micromanonictcr.The static pressure acrossthe shearlayer by a was also measured probe held normally to the cross-flow direction. Tcrnporal-incanvelocity and turbulent intensities by meansof a constant-currcnthot-wire anemometer. A variablc-positiontraverse were measured

mechanism was developedto move a hot-wirc probe longitudinally, parallel to the meanflow, and transvcrselyacrossthe mixing region. The hot-wirc probe measurements wcre usedto dctcrminc the distributionsof the timc-mcan longitudinal velocity, turbulenceintensity, and turbulcnt shcarstrcss acrossthe mixing rcgion. For flow-visualization studiesa secondexperimentalrig with the same dimensionswas used.This rig was subjcctcdto flow of water approximatelysimulating the dynamicconditions in termsof flow Reynoldsnumberand relative boundary-laycrthickness. Analytical flow modelswere postulatedfor tile threezones,namely, for the flow outsidethe mixing processwithin the shearlaycr, for the flow within the shcarmixing layer and ror tile now outside tile mixing zone, inside the channel.Ile velocity profiles calculatcd from the analysiswcrc in agreement with the hot wire experimentaldata in the rcgion of the mixing process. A conclusiondrawn from this work was that the relative size or the turbulent boundarylayer at the to have significant cffects on the drag and tile upstreamedgeora rectangularcavity appeared of the velocity profiles in the slot. This could be important to the rotating cavity problem because from flow layer levels heat know to tile the cross to the transfer shcar need of and momentum across die cavity, or (in termsof a compressor)the transferof heatand momentumfrom the axial througliflow under tile disc boresto the intcr-disc:cavities. Investigationsusing similar type of cavity geometrieshavebeencarried out at die University of Surrey. Experimentalstudieswere pc6ornied by Disimile ct al. (2000] and by Savoryct al. (20001 whilst Czechct al. carried out both experimentaland numericalstudies.Both the experimentaland numericalstudies(using the RANS standardk-c model) showedsimilar resultsto the 1[3ugcnand Dhan3kexperiments. I'lic CFD model predictedthe flow reasonablywc1land it was concludedthat CFD could be usedas a cost-effectivetool in the designprocessconcerningflow over cavities.

This I laugenand Dhanakexperimentwill be revisited in Chapter5 wherea 2D CFD analysis,with various cavity depths.will be comparedto the cxpcrimcntal data.

Ity llom. *. ffcctsIn RotatingCa% 1, 2.7A NumericalAxisymnictricAlodel or me Buoyancy To conclude mohodto modelthe thereviewof previous numerical work,a look at a possible flow buoyancy thrcc-dimcnsional unsteady cffcctswithin a rotatingcavitywith a simplesteady in [20001 discussion Chew flow two-dimensional is a noteon axisymmctric model cxamincd.

axisymmctric modelling orbuoyancy cffccts in rotating cavity flows postulateda simplificd model. In this simple model flow bctwccn two coaxial, corotiting, infinite cylinders at difrcrcnt unironn temperatures was considered.Averaging over time, it is expectedthat the flow variableswill not vary with z or 0 in the natural cylindrical co-ordinatesystcm(rO, z). From analogy with turbulent diffusion, simple dimensionalarguments,and considerationortlic stability of rotating flows, Chew postulatedthat in the interior flow the heat flux (4) is given (in termsortimc averagedvariables) by the rollowing cquation,

dr *k 4Ra, -, dr

dr dr


Rayleigh whcrcthe 'local rotational numbcr'Raiis dermcd asfollows r dp, o dr

Ra, = Pr

max[(I-)'_ 22c 11rcp


I IcreA and n are non-dimcnsional constants, Listhe representative length scale and, P, /1. Pr (-pC, A). v., CF. T. k and c denote the fluid density, viscosity, Prand(I number, swirl velocity, specific beat at constant pressure, static temperature, thennal conductivity and the speed orsound, respectively. In the low Mach number limit this model will promote beat transrer if the radial temperature gradient is positive. Eckhoff and Storcslcttcn [ 1978,1980] round this necessary low Mach nurnbcr criterion for the linear stability ora rotating, compressible and inviscid fluid.

ror the conditions of interestthe contribution orconvcntional thennal conductionto heattransrcr is cxpcciedto be negligible. T'lien the core heat flux is givcn by:

dT -ARal*k gir


For tile limiting condition orsmall valuesorAp/p, AT/T and Eckert numberfIY/2ATCp where Ap differences,solution or tile above and AT are representative valuesof pressure and temperature equationfor Olecore heat flux, elgives;


4r * kAF,

[In(r. / r, )]



wherc.JT, is the inncr-to-outcr temperature rise acrossthe interior region and/7 is a cocfricient or thcnnal expansion,which can be taken as I divided by the gasicinpcrature.

is heat by Close in to theboundary the conduction thin layers given which cylinders, arcassumed horizontal flat platein gravity. for convection froma heated modified experimental correlations
I Icre the Fislicndcnand Saunders [ 1950]correlationsare adaptedto include centrifugal acceleration radicr than gravity; Nu - 0.54 Itao23 Nu - 0.14 Ra0.33) for 101< Ra < 2x 107 for 2x 107< Ra < 3x 1010 (2.23) (2.24)

Wr Ita Pr here Rayleigh Nu -L4 /(k AT) andtherotational P20 AT %%, theNusselt number number fluid I L3/ p2andL, AT, Pr,0 (- I /Ts)denotes length to temperature wal scales, representative is Tj difference, Prandtl respectively. Olegas number andcoefficicritof thennalexpansion, is L length layer. Choice temperature scale, somewhat the the at edge of of therepresentative different is based quite configurations arbitrary, experimental asthefreeconvection on correlation fromthatconsidered here.ror a finite cavitythehaircavitywidth wouldbea reasonable choice. (Notethatthecharacteristic lengthscale, L will cancel asthe out if theflow is in thehigh Rarange Oterm in theRayleigh L is cancelled is raised out when to a poweror 1/3andtheresulting number is converted to a beattransfer theNussclt cocfficicnt). be Chewsuggests temperature thatfor eachpointon thewall surracc could estimated air an internally This maybedoneby associating pointswith internal surface within theCFDcalculation. including by (more distance from anestimate the generally) mesh a specified or points wall, away Using boundary layer iterative in thisvalueorair temperature, thermal the orthe procedure. extent licat transrcr fluid thelocalwall temperature convection theappropriate natural and properties, licat free be transrer. (horizontal to the convection correlation equation plate)may applied estimate heat flux, 4. due 4,,say.The followingequations be the say, to additional mightthen used estimate to buoyancy effects.


"T *k 4Ra, -, dr r4. - r. 4"

in the flow 'core' in thenear-wall region

(2.43) (2.44)

Sucha methodmight be incorporatedwithin the iterative CFD solution and extendedto include the effectsof cxtra mixing in the momentumconservationcquations.For conditions in which the frcc convectionhcat transfcr was relatively small thesemodifications should have little cffect on the CFD solution. In conclusionCliewrcports the following points thatcnicrSc rrom comparing the 'mixing model' with experimentaldata rrom Bolin ct al's closedannualcavity, and the inner cone cavity on the SussexNICR Build 1.

Frcc convcction in the closcd rotating annulusis supprcssed rclativc to that expectcdin an cquivalcnt gravitational ficld. Assuming this is duc to a uniform 'thcrm3l rcsistancc'across for difrcrcnt radiusratios. the corc flow docs not Icad to inconsistcncywith mcasurcmcnts The 'rcal' flow appcarsto bc more complcx than this. Iligh Rayleigh numberlicat transfer in the inner cone cavity for the Sussexrig is quite different from that orthe closedannulus.The axial througliflow is thought to play a major role in promoting mixing in the cavity. 'Mis work will be further developedinto a modelling techniquein Chapter 7 and aic application or the methodto rig and enginerotating cavities in chapters8 and 9, respectively.

2.8 Conclusions.

intcr-disc This chapterhasreviewedthe research ficid flow in the within or out work carried disc driven flow buoyancy cavities.Two flow mechanisms, enclosed rotating cavity the within an havebeenidentirlcd. Studiesin to the and the axial flow through the bore of the compressor, buoyancydriven flow cfTectsfor both stationaryand rotating enclosedcavities havebeendiscussed. ror a stationarycavity casewith a vertical temperature difTcrencc the heatedfloor promotesmixing within the cavity and eliminatesthe temperature stratification which occurs for the horizontal

in difference fluid difTcrcncc For temperature the temperature case the only motion case. vertical
the cavity was that due to the thermals.The heattransfer from tile heatedfloor comparedfavourably difference caseflicre was rotation of to a conduction-layermodel. For the horizontal temperature the fluid core with a horizontal velocity componentto the thermals.I [cat transrcrcorrelationshave beenderived from experimentsfor the various heatingconfigurations,all variationsof the beating betweentheseheat transfer from below case,by a numberof researchers. 11cre is a good agreement for high have For that the rotational speeds, shown correlations. rotating encloscdcavity, studies driven lead forces dominate differences to centrifugally natural temperature centrifugal gravity and convection.I Icat transfercorrelationshave beenderived from experimentsfor pure radial difference and for pure axial temperature differencecases.Heat transfer results temperature for have from the except Pgrccmcn4 good the shown obtained numerical studiesorthe experiments herethe numerical analysispredicted high Ra-numbcrregion with axial temperature difference, %%, higherheat transfer than the experimentsshowed.Ilic heattransfer for the axial heat flux caseis level beat Comparison for directed heat flux tile of or that the case. radial much smaller than heat heat flux between directed that the radial cases shows transfer the pure radial and pure axial transferis the important mechanismfor cavities with the combinationof axial and radial disc cavities. Both experimentaland distributions that occur in gasturbine compressor temperature have for througliflow shown that the numericalstudiescarried out rotating cavities with axial low For being 3D flow rotational speedcases unsteady. and physicsof mechanisms are complex, 3D unsteadynumericalstudieshavebeenable to capturethe flow physicsreasonable well, with the LES CFD out performing k-c RANS modelling. From thesestudiestwo flow regimesfor heat and small axial througliflow, transferwere identified, a buoyancyinducedregime at high speeds large dominated lower valuesof axial and speeds the throughflow rotational and a regime at by be been has to heat from Ilic governed shown transfer throughflow. the cavity shroud little had induced free or no efTecton the rate througliflow the rotation3lly convectionand axial flow influence have the has heat Shroud heat within on to a transfer. transfer greater shroud shown tile rotating inter-disc cavity than doesthe disc heattransfer.7lic experimentaland numerical become inter-disc flow increasing the cavities the within studiesshowedwith rotational speed increasingcomplicated.To model tile now at the higher rotationalspeeds will require increased computingmemory and speedto adequatelycapturethe now physicsto achievean acceptable flow is these An complex model time accuracywithin a satisfactory scale. alternativeapproach As but a part of this alternative models. processes with approximate computationallycfficicnt to review tile research on cross-flow over a cavity, to study tile approachit was necessary interactionof the cross-flow with the flow within the cavity. 7lic main conclusiondrawn from the

studies,in termsof a compressorintcr-disc cavity, was that the relative size of the turbulent boundarylayer at the upstreamedgeof a rectangularcavity appeared to have significant cffccts on thedrag and the velocity profilcs in the slot. I'his could be important to the rotating cavity problem because orthc needto know the levels of licat and momentumtransferacrossthe shearlayer from thecrossflow to the cavity. To concludethe ch3ptera simple 2D axisymmctric steadynow approach combining the two flow processes, the cavity flow with the axial throughflow, hasbeen postulated, which if achievedwill be able to adequatelymodel the complex flow in a computational efficicrit and timely way.



Thischapter CFD resultsfor naturalconvection in a cube.Two licatingconfigurations presents both beingheated from thebottomsurface. Thecomputations wcrcconsidered, wereperformed bothunsteady assuming compared with otherworker's andsteadyflow andresultshavebeen for licat transfer,flow patterns, experimental measurements andthemean andfluctuating distribution.Calculated heattransrcr temperature well with theexperimental compared results derivedlicat transrcr (5.Ox10') with a smalldifference correlation at the at low Rayleighnumber higherRayleigh (3.Ox1010). The unsteady flow computational analysis accuracy number wasbetter thanthat for thesteadyflow analysis,

3.1 Introduction

Publishedresearchin this areaof natural convection in an enclosedcavity appearsto have been limited to experimental investigations. whilst very little computational modelling has been published.The majority of the experimental researchhas beenperformed for the limiting casesor vertical enclosuresheatedfrom below and cooled from above, and horizontal enclosures diffcrcntially heatedfrom the side. A smaller amount of cxpcrimcrital work has beenperformed for the mixed cavity natural convection, where the enclosureis both heatedand cooled top and bottom and on the sides.This chaptercornparcsthe CFD results for natural convection in a cube with test data from the Kirkpatrick and Bohn's ( 1986] cxpcrimentst. First, a description orthe experiment will be presentedfollowed by the licat transrcr results in section 3.2. In section 3.3 the numerical investigation using the FLUENT [1998) CFD code will be discussed.CFD results will be presented in section 3.4, firstly for the steady flow and secondly for the unsteadyflow solutions. Summary and conclusionsfor the chapter will be in presentedin section 3.5.

No. OT2004-53528. at die ASNICTurbo Expo, of this rescamh presented work hasbeenpublithedin Paper

Vienna.Austria.2004(Sun,Kilroil. Chewand I fill*. 2004).


3.2 Descriptionor the Experiment.

At Ilia Colorado State University Kirkpatrick and Bolin conductedtwo separateexperiments,the first to determine the overall Nussclt-Raylcigh number correlations and ilia secondto determine the flow patternsand temperaturedistributions. A brief description of ilia experimentsand the four test licating configurations were given in Chapter 2, section 2.2.3. All the configurations have a heated bottom plate. The experimentswere pcrronncd using the test cell shown in Figure 2.1. The cubical enclosurehad an interior dimension of 305mm, which was constructedorcight 12.7mmthick aluminium plates.I'lic four inner plates overlap one anotherand were screwedtogether with a neoprenegasketbetweenthem to form the enclosure.'T'hefour outer plates provide heating and cooling to the four enclosurewalls via milled channelsthrough which hot and cold water was pumped.The outcr plates were scalcd and boltcd to the inner plates.7lic remaining two vertical surfaceswere 19mm Lucite plates that allow for flow visualization. The test cell was instrumented with the top and two sidcwalls having centrally located thermocouplesbored to within 3mm orthe enclosure's inner surface.The top wall also had eight additional thermocoupleslocatedas shown in Figure 2.1. The purposeor thesecoppcr-constantan thermocoupleswas to determine the average wall temperaturesand spatial variations in the wall temperatureacrossthe plate. The spatial variation was less than 10%and typically 5% of the overall hot-to-cold surricc temperature difference. The hot and cold surraccswere thercroreconsideredisothermal. For the I IC case,the two vertical metal walls were consideredto be perfectly conducting giving a linear temperature distribution along the wall. I'lic overall licat transfer measurements were expectedto be within: f:5% of ilia actual convective licat transfer rrom each surface.The working fluid in the test cell was dcioniscd water. Propertiesorthe water in the test cell wcrc calculated at a tenipcraturcequal to the averageof the heatedand cooled wall temperatures, rcrcrrcd to as the bulk temperature.

Temperaturemeasurements within the enclosurecore were made with a coppcr-constantan thermocoupleprobe insertedthrough the top plate. The L-shapedprobe was moved vertically ror vertical scansand rotatcd ror horizontal scans.The probe could not be placed closer than 8mm frorn the top and bottorn surraccsor the test cell, due to the dimensionsor the probe. The thcrtnocouple Iz rate for a period of 120s.I'lic time constantof output was sampledby a microvoltinctcr at a 101 the probe is calculated to be 0. Is, an order ormagnitude smaller than the characteristictime or K. 0.1 thermals.The temperaturemeasurement to was repeatable


3.3Test I lent Transfer Measurements

From the experimental results, Kirkpatrick and Bohn were able to derive heat transfer correlations for the various heating configurations. in eachof the test configurations, the bottom surfaceof the enclosurewas heated.For the calculation orthe Nussclt number, wall-to-bulk temperature diff'ercricewas used.

Nu - h.,o L/k h.,l - Q/( A. I Tw-Tb licat transfcrcodricica wherch.,g is theavcrage

(3.1) (3.2)

in di(Tercnce differential In thedefinition of the Rayleigh Ra, the was temperature used the number, between temperature thehot andcold walls.
Ra - (g 0 AT L3 / V2) pr for vcriical Rayleigh number, basedon enclosurelicight. h for horizontal Rayleigh number, basedon enclosure length, I ATh h' / va

(3.3) (3.4) (3.5)


Rai -gPATI


I IC me the in Chapter 2, section,for the limiting conriguration As previouslymentioned by, be data Nusscit-Rayleigh test the given can number correlation of Nu - 0.0986Ra"j (2.14)

The I If ICC caseinvolves simultaneousheat transfer rrom the surface and vertical sidewall to the top surracc and opposite vertical sidcwall. Also as nicntioncd previously in Ch3pter2, for the below: data 111 ICC casethe Nusselt-Ray1cigh test lite are given numbercorrcl3tions of

For the top and bottom surfaces, and for the side walls,

Nu - 1.10 V'216 1) RP Nu - 0.141

(2.15) (2.16)


Thebottomandtop surface Nusschnumbers 25%higherthanthesidewall wereapproximately Nussclt I'lic testresultsshowed numbers. that thc dominant modeof heattransrcr wasthenatural from thebottomto the top of the enclosure convection heat ratherthanthe laminarboundary-laycr from oneverticalwall to another. transrcr

3.4 Numerical Investigation

Forthe numerical investigation, CFD was used to model the I IC and I If [CC conrigurationsorthe natural convection experiments.Comparisonsorthe CFD results have beenmadewith the The interior gconictry of the experimental test cavity was used in the cxpcrimcntal measurements. CFD analysis.Thus, ilia geometrical size was 305mm cubcd. A typical calculation mash ror the geometry is shown in Figure 3.1. Various CFD mesheswcre used in the analyscs.The baseline mashwas 106ccils; 100 mash lines in cach direction. This mash had an expansionratio, R or 1.1 away rrorn each edgeor the cavity. For a study of mashdcpcndencytwo further masheswcrc used, aI 50-cubcdmash(R-1.058) and a 200 cubed mash(R-1.039). Ilia uppcr wall temperaturewas set to 300K for all cases,with ilia hotter, lower wall icnipcrature varicd from 301K up to 340K to give For the I IC test two metallic sidcwalls a rangeof Rayleigh numbersfrom 5.83 x 10' to 2.33 x 1010. were insulated(the inner conducting plate was insulated from a secondoutcr plate) and the Lucita front and rcar surraccshad a low conductivity. All the sidewalls were thcrcrorc assumedadiabatic in die CFD analysis. For the I If [CC case.the sameincsh was used in ilia CFD. The uppcr wall and one sidewall temperaturewere set to 300K ror all cases,with the hotter, lower wall and the opposite sidewall temperatureset to 31OK (Ra - 5.83 x 101)and 330K (Ra - 1.75 x 1010).



I( peollit'll-N aild %III-lact. lilt-01 ( 1110% 100%100 1411. IIIv %; Ilvu-filllvd


)It* k

(1111pill. 111oll k 'Iff

wd m1f

111k. kowwl





.'. Mollicillull)

owl 1. \ III .111d

tile NtationarvreferenceItame (co-ordillate .yocill defilled III 1.1glife;I


ollsen al loll ot

( '1


(A (1)

2. CollNcr %Alloll of %lollICIIIIIIII



I/ V, )-I-I 1/411 4




threct ion

('(I) V. 4

4 '.

(11V, )







(1 7o


3. Conservation of Energy (pEU) VV-(kVT)+ + + (1) w-pV-U (3.8)

Of whcre E-h'pf + p2 ul

r fCpdT. T,, is 298.15K is thetotal cncrgyandscnsible hcnthalpy, r


AI- 10) tcnn (sccEquation and(Dis the viscousdissipation

P,-P. V+p
g(p. -P)

is a rcduccdprcssurc is thebuoyancy dcnsityorttic tcnn, whcrepoIs the(constant) now.

Ilic fluid used in the simulations was water, to match Kirkpatrick and Bolin's experimental conditions. The Prandd number (Pr) for water was taken as 7.0. with specific heat Cp - 4200 J/kgK, thermal conductivity k-0.6 W/mK, dynamic viscosity ti - 0.00 1 kg/ms and thermal expansion

cocfricicnt P-0.0003 K*1.As this is a natural convection problem involving small changesin temperaturethe Boussincsqapproximation [Vcrsiccg and Nfalalasckcra,19951was usedto treat the fluid density (p):

whereAT -T-

(3.9) P-POO -PAT) density,po- 1000 kg/m) To,operating To- 300 K andoperating temperature,

In theCFD solver[FLUENT 19981, in density treats the Boussincsq as a constant value all model solvedequations terni (body rorceterm)in themomentum exceptfor thebuoyancy equation. (p - pa)g *I - poP (T -To) g
The accelerationdue to gravity, g was set as in downwards direction (i. the e. vertical nils*2 -9.81 towards the hot bottom surface).

Modelswererun assuming flow both For bothsteady flow. the steady models, andunsteady laminarandturbulentflow assumptions flow models only laminar wereusedwhilst for theunsteady flow ("pscudo"DNSsolution)wasassumed. k-c For theturbulentflow calculations. thestandard k-c model The standard modelandthe2-laycrk-c/ W nearwall turbulence modelwereused. turbulence equations usedin the FLUENTCFDcodoarcgiven andthenearwall turbulence models in Appendix1.

To solve the system orcouplcd differential equationsa rinite volume schemewas used. For both tile steadyand unsteady flow models, the segregated solver method was used, where ilia governing equationsare solved sequentially. In ilia segregated solution method, each discrete, non-lincar equationis linearized implicitly with respectto that equation's dependentvariable. Becauseilia equationsarc non-lincar, an iterative solution loop must be performed before a convergedsolution is obtained. Each iteration consistsorupdating the fluid properties.the u, v and w momentum equationsare each solved in turn using tile current valuesorprcssurcs and face massfluxes (update (fie velocity field), solve the prcssurc-corrcction(continuity) equation (update pressure,face mass fluxes), solve energy, turbulenceand other scalar equationsand complete the iteration loop by checking for convergence.Temperatures,pressures, and u, v and w velocities are calculatedand storedat the call centrcs. The method chosen ror discrctization of the scalar and momentum equationswas the sccond-ordcrupwind scheme.A secondorder schemewas used ror ilia pressure interpolation and for the prcssurc-vclocity coupling (prcssurc-corrcction)the SIMPLE algorithm was used.

ror theunsteady flow, the temporal discrctization ronnulation chosen wasthe second orderimplicit A time steporO.2 seconds flow scheme. and20 iterations per timestepwasusedin theunsteady Rcrcrringbackto thework orAsacdaandWatanabe (1989]work in Ch3p1cr 2, they analysis. derivedfonnulacto estimate for this typeof flow problem a timeconstant la Time constant, Rtj)"" LIU L'(Pr rIII (gflA TL) =LI whcrc U is thevelocity scale[rn/sj and L is the lengthscale[m)
For a temperaturedifTercncchot to cold surface,AT or40K. U-0.191m/s and with L -0.305m the time constantr-L/U-1.6s. For the time step the CFD code provider [rLUE- NT 19951

recommendstaking a time step, At - T/4 -0.4s. Thetinic step used rorcach or dicManalyscs was 0.2s, clearly within the time step calculatedabove.77hercforc. a time step orO.2s should ensure that die majority of the thermal activity within the cavity would be captured. With time step of 0.2s die Courant.Friedrichs-Lcwy, CFL number w 13 ror the averagedistanceacrossa cell on. 05nim that is only acceptablewhen using the implicit solver. The CFL number is high and could be lowered by reducing the time step, which may help to capturethe smaller scale flow rcaturcsand die possible the onset ora thermal plume rising rrom the conduction layer. Further scaling calculations arc presentedlater in section


3.5Numerical Simulation Results 3.5.1Steadyflow CFD solutions Steady flow CFD analyses werecarriedout rorboth the I IC andIII [CC heatingconfigurations. Analyses both laminarflow andturbulentflow models. Two temperature wereperrormcd assuming differences, hot to cold surraccs, weremodelledIOK and30K andall thesimulations were pcrrorrncd with aI 00-cubcd mesh. ratio or i. t rrorneachwall. Table3.1 with a grid expansion belowpresents heattransrcrresults flow CFD analyses from thesteady for the obtained performed I IC configuration. The CFD licat transfer with Kirkpatrickand Bohn'sheat resultsarecompared I teattransrcr in ronn Nusselt tmnsrcr correlation. the oran areaaveraged results areexpressed Nu, dcrinedby Equations 3.1 and3.2.The bulk temperature, Tbwastakenasthemean number, or thehot andcold surface temperatures.
Table 3.1 Comp2risons of steady laminar and turbulent CFD results %%1111 measured licat transfer for the I IC case. Case AT Pressure (K) (Bar) , 1 1 10 _ 2 10 1 3 30 1 1 41 30 1 1 Nu Nu (Exp.) (CFD) 172 5.833xlO^ 177 144 5.833xlO9 177 222 1.75xlOlo 256 187 1.75xlO" 256 Ra ANu Notes V/0) All ror StcatlXFlow Laminar, 100'incsh. R-1.1 2.8 . 100' R1.1 Turbulent. 18.6 inesh. . Laminar, 100' R1.1 13.3 1 LH mcsti. . 1 RI 27.0 100' inesh. . _Turbulent

Table 3.1 clearly shows that the heat transfer computedby the steady laminar flow model was closer to the measurements than for the turbulent flow model. Tlic steady flow turbulencemodel appearsto damp down the tlicnnal activity within ilia cavity. However, for ilia steadylaminar flow model there arc large discrepanciesin the licat transter on the hot and cold surraccs.71is error in the steadystatecalculations may be expected,as the flow widiin the cavity is clearly unstableand thcrcrorc time dcpcndcnL Convergenceof the steady flow solutions were also a problem making the solutions doubtful and unsatisfactory.1lcncc the needto run ilia unsteadyflow solutions.

Table 3.2 shows the steady flow CFD licat transfcrrcsults rorthe 1111CC conriguration. The CFD heat transfer compareswell with the measurements ror the top and bottom surraccsbut not for the sidewalls. Overall, the I If ICC steady flow licat transrcr resultsarc closer to the measurements than for the I IC configuration

Kirkpatrick and Bohn Natural Convection in a Box I R, case Delta TI OK.

Velocity in Ilic Y direction (bottom it) (op) - in s

Furbulent. Sleud

0.0110 0.0 1B 0.0 16 0.0 14
0.0 12 0.0 1a 0.008 OAH 0.004 0.002



a. aoa


-0-aaB 10 -0.0 A 12
-0.0 14

-0.0 16 A 0.0 . 0.020



Figure 3.2 Contours of vertical velocity, IfC case, AT=IOK.


Table3.2 Comparisonsor s(cadylaminar and turbulent CFD resultsit HIS measuredheat transrer for the IIIICC case. Case AT I Pressure Ra (K) (Bar) 5

Ton & ottom Walls SideWalls Nu ANu Nu Nu ANu Nu 1 (Exp.) (CFD) M (Expj (CFD (%)
222 215 -3.2 161 143 -11.2

Notes All ror Steady Flow

Larnmar, 100, Mesh , Turbulent, 1003mcsil , Laminar, 1001mcsh. Turbulent, 1001incsh , R-1.1


1 5.833404 T 7-5 x



-5.4 1.4 .




7 E 8




227 :

190 1 5


30 I

I U8 1.754010-



3.5.2Unsteadynow CFD solutionsror (lie I IC conlIguration. structure
Figure 3.2 shows contour plots of vertical velocity, and comparesthe steadystatecasesof laminar figure The difference. OK for flow laminar temperature flow aI turbulent and case with the unsteady showsthat there was lessactivity within the cube for the steadycasescomparedto the unsteady damping Ilic flow the or tile thermal the apparent turbulencemodel shows case. plot of steady be Overall, the unsteady This to obtained. activity mentionedabove. allowed a near steady solution laminar model produced the best results by capturing the main flow structureswithin the cube. As will be shown later, results frorn the unsteadyfaminar model compareswell with the experimental results.The unsteadyflow predictions arc illustrated by a time seriesorinstantancous vcrtical in Figures 3.3 the shown of cube, vclocity componentand temperaturecontours on tile mid-planc lasting 28 intervals 4-sccond 3.4 Pictures seconds. over a period and respectively. arc shown at 31 OK bottom T`hcsc 00-cubcd at and tile top the surracc meshwith results were producedon aI for flow Laminar 109. this 300K, Rayleigh was assumed surfaceat giving a number or5.8x 306K (red). During 304K (blue) is from to the The simulation. rangeof the temperaturecontours bottom hot rrom be be the surface,migrate to simulation period, two plumes can seen released towards a side of the cube bcrorc deaching rrorn the surfaceand rising up to the cold top surracc,A

from theuppcrsurrace to be released cold plumeappears andfalls downa sidcwall.but is curtailed beforereaching is from -0.02mls The velocityrangefor thecontours mid distance of theenclosure. The velocity plots showfluid rising from thehot bottomplatenearthe sidcwallsand to -+0.02m/s. is thehigh ievci oractivity in accelerating asit movesupwards.Not shownclearlyin thepictures thedirectlyopposite comer(rormcdbetween the two sidcwalls)whereplumesfirornthecold surracc in thepictures). to flow downtheopposite (thebackedgeis obscured Ilic appear cdgeof cnclosurc flow patternis thendiagonallyacross Much lessactivity occursin the general thecold surracc. but againtheplumesrise in onecomerandrail in thediagonallyopposite othertwo corncrs, comcr. 11crcappears is rairly uniformand in thecentralcore.Thecoretemperature to be lessmovement beingthemeanof thehot andcold surface Some themixedtemperature constant, temperatures. large-scale structures of the flow arcevident,with upwardflow in thecomcrviewed.The findings fromthecomputational analysis, madefrom theexperimental compare well with theobservations in thetemperature diffcrcnccbetween work.Allowing for thechange thecxperimcntal work (approx. 30K) andthecomputation (10K), thesize,thespeed andtheperiodof orpropagation between theexperiment release of theplumesfrom the hot bottomsurracc andthe consistent arc ror the I OKunsteady flow solutions computational work. Time historyplotswereonly produced T'hevclocity magnitude datawasgiven for the30K conditions. andtheonly experimental compares [ 19891 from theadapted Asacda well with a valueof -0.02 m/scstimatcd andWatanabe's for theupwardvelocityscaleat theedgeof thethermalboundary layer,Equation 2.13. cxprcssion This cquation flat plateandwhenadiptcdto from experiments in waterabovea heated wasdeduced Ra*"6. thecurrentnotationgivesa maximumvelocityof -8.5%1(OATgd)
Two movie clips of theCFDrcsults rorthcunstcadylaminar, I OKtcrnpcraturcdifrcrcncc I IC case showing the vertical velocity and tcnipcrature contoursarc included on the CD disc attachedto the thesis.Figures 3.3 and 3.4 were taken rrom thesetwo movic clips. Filcimmesarc 'vclmovicdtlO' for the vertical velocities and 'tcnipmovicdt 10' ror the temperatureplots.


A 11911
0.0 18 a. a I

h. Time #4 sec

0.006 0.004 0.002


0.002 -0.004

41 45



oa6 -O. -0.008

-0.0 -0.0 -0.0 10 1 .1 14

I'llile 4 12 ,cc

-a. a 16

0.0 is -0-020




Figure 3.3 Contours of vertical velocitv, IfC case. unsteady, laminar flow. Ra = 5.83%10' (AT= 10K).

a. Tinie

0 scc 305.9 305.8 305.6

c. Time 8 scc

3O1 305.2 10IS.1 305.0 104.9 304.8 304.7 304.8 304.5 304.4 304.3 104.2 304.1 10 4.0

Figure 3.4 Conlours of temperature, (A'I'=IOK).

11C case, unsteady, laminar flo'A. Ra 5.83%109

56 ficat trati%1'er Figure I. S Shows dic calculated licat transfer rales I'Mill the 101) and bottom stuflicc'. as .1 function of' hine for a Rayleigh number of'2.3x 101(l.Since these fluxes are averaged o%cr the walls. the variation with time is perhaps surprising. and must he due to the time dependent large-scale flow structures. In an experiment some %ariation ofthe top and NIton, surface temperatures might also he expected. but cannot occur mviththe houndary conditions specified in these calculations. Such eflects might danip out some ofthe variations in the lical flux seen here. Obviously, with adiabatic sidewalls, the t1me-averagcd licat input from the bottom plate should equal the output from the top plate. 'rhe numerical results are seen to satisfy this condition.


Figure 3.5 Calculated 2..1%10"'(%T 40K).


hollom hem the lop md tran%ler on of

-.tjrf. ice% for 14.1

11C. Lik., h\ \ciagc Ntissclt numhas 161. the 11111C c 1111,111,4ci a\ c1liging sm c ohlamed cach casc \%Cl. del lie Nu%selt I As ined us,,,, the is number rates over a period of' minute. previously tiowd ho(-to-cold plate temperature difference, while thc Ravleigh number definition uses (lie full temperature differcrice. Unsteady laininar flow CFD heal transfer result-, for four Rayleigh numhers -ire presented in Table 3.3. The table shows that (lie lical transt'cr is most accurale at the lower end

of*the Ray lei gh number range. I-or ilic I OK temperature (I I I'lerence case. Case 10. a time averaged heat transfer Nusselt Number within 1"o ol'the experimcn(al test derived Nusselt nuintwr was . achieved. At the highest Rayleigh number condition (40K). Case 12, the error is 13"..

Table 3.3 Comparisons of mWea(IN laminar CIA) resufts "ith 11C case. Case AT (K)

nica%ured heat (ran%fer for the

Pressure Ra Bar)
s 5.833 10. 5.8, o" -I 1.1 1.167x 10 2.33 3xI () 2.33 3,10,10

Nu ) (1., Xp., 177 224 292 282 282

Nil 82 17.1 206 245 261 265

1.1 14

40 40 40


No1c.. N All fOr t IZ 501 IZ 1001 IIICNII, -2.1 IZ 1 o01 lllcili, -8.0 1 IZ 1.1.1 100 iiieNli, IZ 150, nics11. -6.7 2()()'t nic%h, [Z %Nil

Lanlinar Flow '256 1 11 11 11 I'(M 1 ; l) O


and Bohn Natural Convection

with In a Stationary Box - HC Case (with Water) - Mash 100 cube

K, ti,; ), 2tr, c,k & Bohn. , wolat. on HC oonfiguration. Nu

Nu -0 0986 Ra ^ (113) Equ r from Raf Int J Heat Mass Transfer Vol 29 No I pp 69. 82.1986 1(1k

Al, IK



1000MIt. ". ^3 Celh

Nw (. 1 D foJI'vulla, SurfWA 40 Nu CFO "tom Nu CornW (K A 13) 9 fI Nu CFO Top 200 cubed Mesh

0 Nu CFO Bottom 200 Cubed MOO

100 1Of -08

I OE . 09
Rayi*igh No. Ra


I OE-11

Figure 3.6 Ifeal traiisfer numerical 1 compared "ith (111t. empirical correhilion for the IfC configuration.


and Rohn


The results obtaincd from using the 100-cubcdmcsh have beencompared with the experimental derived hcat transfer Nu-Ra correlation in Figure 3.6. The CFD heat transfer compareswell with the experimentalcorrelation with a small deviation at the higher Rayleigh numbers(13% crror). As can be seenfrom the graphical plot there was a small imbalancebetweenthe heat transferson the two surfaces. Xlesh dependency

fincr To investigate 150dependency, two on other meshes. mesh werealsoobtained solutions in from factors In these the cubed walls were the reduced and200-cubcd. away cases expansion thesame orderto keepthe ratio of maximumto minimumgrid spacing as for the 100-cubcd mesh. CFDheattransrcrresultsobtainedror the highestRayleigh (40K) usingaI 50-cubcd mesh number have in 3.3. The Table (Case13)and200-cubcd have been 14) (Case results also mesh presented Comparing in Figure 3.7. rorni, in the to theexperimental compared correlation, graphical heattransrcrwith theexperimental the numerical showsthatwith meshrefinement correlation frorn data disparitybetween correlation was reduced a thenumerical the and experimental results 200. 13%difrcrcnccwith the 100-cubcd difrcrcnce 6% the with to orthe correlation within mesh hot between the andcold surfaces cubedmcsh.In addition,thedifferencein theNusselt number balance licat flow in This is duedirectly to thereduced time the averaged wasreduced. error in increase between it is From that to assume no significant thesurraccs. theplot reasonable Numerical tests accuracy cellsabove200-cubcd. thenumber canbe gainedby increasing of mesh to showthatsensitivityto thetimc-stcp possible usedwassmall.Considering werealsoconducted differences between the uncertainty. andexperimental conditions experimental andmodelled heattransfer agreement ratesis excellent. of thesimulations with measured



and Bohn Natural


with In a Stationary

Son - HC caso O*Ita

T- 40 dog (with Water)

zw u

8 2? 0 0 Nu CFO Top Surfam Nu CFO Botlom Surlacci Nu Coffel (K & 0) ( lIs

2(k)- I ( c1l,

I(X)* I 2600 CCII,

4 0

250 o
Kw"nck Nu -0 l4of 1U06 00" ma , (113) Mvas Tt anow Val 29 No I pp OMM141%0 Obol

Equ I from 2400

I, " i H"

230 o 0 OF-00 1 OE-06 2 OF Oki I OF-0(1 4 OF-06 5 OF-06 n Of -00 Of . 06 A OC. (14% 9Of -06

CFDMoth Numberof Co*o

Figure 3.7 Ileat transfer numerical (CFD) re%ults compared %Olh Kirkpalrick empirical correlation for %arious niesh sii. e, *.

and Bohn Temperature


Figure .1

Xa sho%%s ;I time




let npcra

I tire


at tile




l1k)"It Im"'.

gnim above the bottom surface and Sinin below (lie top surface for the IW configuration. posltl Ions correspond to the thermocouple probe locations Ili the experimental of'40K I W-cubed the oil

I'liese two

test. Flus particular

lime series is flor the temperal tire diflerence the computation falling

inesh. The (line step used in

firom bottom The 0.2 the thermals rising surface and was plo( shows seconds. of'the temperature

From the top surt'ace Crom the spike-., Ili the temp, erature. The magnitude is ol'the order ot'2K. Thc period ot'llie


thermals is of* the order of'6 to Ss. Comparing 30K). the magnitudes of* the

with the ineasured temperat tire data (temperat tire difference calculated temperature fluctuations are similar (IK

Ili the test). but the period ol'the thennals is released over a set time is less Ili the case The choice of'the Mile step and Illesil In magnitude. the perrod and tile

greater (4s Ili the test). III addition. of*1he computational the computational

the number ot'dierinals

analysis compared to (lie experiment. analysis may have Ili influence thermals.

oil the temperature

1'requency of'the release ol'tlic




for HC configuration - top and bottom Temperature difference a 40 degrees

of the enclosure

Omm bobw cold top surlace 6mm aWvo hot bottom sudeco

1'' Figure 3.8a Computational analysis temperature -40K for the 100-cubed inesh.

Tinbe (s)


100 %%ilh%F


record for IW configuration



for HC configuration - top and bottom Temperature difference - 10 degrees

of lh* enclosure


tmk m

iid top eingon

abow0 hat botbwn aufface





Tinw (*I

for Ifc configuration

"ith NU


Figure 3.8h, Computational anul, sis - lemperal IOK for the 100-cubed mesh.

tire record


To compare the temperature magnitude and (lie period of'release ol'the thernials tor a diflerent surflacetemperature differential, Figure 3.9h shows the unic series record ot'llie temperature again for the IfC configuration but for the temperature difference of' IOK. also on the I(K)-cuhcd mesh. The plot shows the magnitude ot'llie temperature disturhance is of' the order of' IK and the 1wriod of' the themial is ol'the order of' 12s. Also lor the I OK temperature difference the 1requency of* (hernial release was reduced. showing that there is much lessactivity in the cavity with the smaller dri%ing temperature diflerential.

The computational time averaged temperature (over 60s) distribution along the vertical centreline of' the chamber flor the I R' configuration with a temperature dillerence of'40K (Ra 2.11 - 10"') Is

bulk 3.9. Figure The to the temperature plotted tune is relailve sho%kn in averaged vertical centreline lemperat tire, the bulk temperat tire heing the average ofthe heated and cooled wall temperat tires.

Mean Temperature

Profile (Ra - 2.33 sIO) for HC configuration

- Delta Tm 40 dog.


11 09

mc C4)nf4px~ Smm abovo "om Hmm holow lop

os oI


() 3


012 T-T Bulk ( C)

Figure 3.9 Computational configuration

analysis - mean lemperature with AT 40K for the 100-cubed mc%h.


(time averaged)

for IfC

The plot shows that the core ofthe fluid is within IK ofilie bulk Iempera t tire. The experimental test results showed the core temperature it) be % ithin 0.5K ofthe bulk temperature. *['lie experimental due to the results also showed a slight temperature reversal near the top and Nmom stjrf*ace%. thernials traversing across the enclosure. The computati .onal results %howthe diflerence in (fie nican temperature and bulk temperature is slightly sinaller than the unilonn core temperature near (fie top surface but there is no temperature reversal. The mean core icnipera Itire is less than the bulk temperature except close to the hot bottom stirtace. The uniforin centreline lemperature Is the result of (fie formation ofthermals that are vigorous enough it) cause mixing within the fluid core.

,rhe computed configuration

non-cliniciisional with a temperature

temperature difference

fluciuations ol'40K.

along the vertical centreline

llor I R'

averaged over a period of 60 seconds are are computed by (hviding the standard

shown in Figure 3.10. The magnitudes deviation ofthe temperaitire

of' the flucitiations

by the hot-cold

wall temperature difference.

I'lic largest Iluctuanolls 0. (9)2 in the middle ofthe analysis compared well

are near to the top and bottom surfaces. and the smallest values ofahout chamber. The level and distribution " ith the fluctuations calculated

o I'll tict uat ions 1rom the compulational test.

lor the experimental


Prordo (Ra m 2.33 *10) for HC connguration

- Do*a

Ta 40 d*g.

biI. V

04 01 0 41 c

t 11

ol 01 I
Sld D*v I (Thot -Tctpldl

Ill, Figure 3.14)Computalional analysis temperalure %ith AT = 40K for the 100-cubed mesh.



profile for IfC configuration

Variation of'point values oftemperat tire with time shows randoin fluctuations and is, smular to Ille thennocotiple measurements. Fhe predicted temperai tire fluctuation spectnim F(m) obtained from (lie temperature variation with time at a position Smin above the heated plate is showi ill Figure 3.11. qualilit"', is dchiled Such that


f E((, ))(I(,)

where (t) is the frequency of the temperature fluctuations J- and the overhar denoles a tune avera... These results were obtained 1rom simulations on the I 00-culwd mesh for Ra 2.1 - 10"'. The Ii me Step used was 0.2 s and [lie Fourier analvsIs used data from a period of' 120 seconds. The figure for isotropic dependency turbulence --5/1" line expected trend to includes a allow comparison with has Qualitatively. (he the spectrum (lie in inertial subrange and observed in many experiments. higher 1requencies. m the effects properties expected ofa turbulent llo%k,. with numerical

I. E+01 1-E-01 1.E-03 1.E-05

1 E-07 1 E-09

1 E-11
0.01 0.1
Frequency Hz


Figure 3.11 Femperature fluctualion Ra 2..1% 1o", (.%-I- 40K).

bo(lom Xmin from abo%c plate. pohil reference %pectruin

Further to Iliesc calculations for the waler-filled cube. additional calculations %%crc performed for in Ia%% in I-lie FLUENT. the A Sun Clew INNNI gas was used 1wrlect air-Mcd cuk and also using


CFDanda Rayleigh by settingg-9.81 m/s2 numberof 0.542x108 wasachieved with a temperature difference of 20K at a pressure wasuscd.TheavcragcNussclt of 1.013405Pa.A 50-cubcdmcsh (which is ror number wasover 10%higherthanthatgivenby KirkpatrickandBolin's correlation I.OxIO9<Ra<- 1.45x 1010), but in goodogrccmcntwitlithercsultsgivcnby I lollandsct41(19751 for rrccconvection I. Ox 101 Ra< I. Ox 101. In < the with air ror the Rayleighnumber range Ral/3 present notationthis correlationgivesNu - 2.88+0.111 . Scallng Asacda heatflux andthe fluid properties ( 1989]foundthat from theboundary andWatanabe the vcrticalvelocityof theplume,the average characteristics suchasthethermalplumedimensions, frequency lllickncss determined. be of theconduction andperiodof the thermalplumes could boundary layerawayfrom thewall canalsobe calculated.
As mentionedin Chapter 2 Asacda and Watanabedefined a flux Rayleigh number, Raf as, Raf-go Fd 4 /(pCpCtIV) (2.7)

f deterinincd Avcragcfrcqucncy timc, thcn unit was of thmnal plumcsgcncratcd pcr unit arcaand

(d4 f)/a-5.6x ) 10'511ar ( 107< Raf< 1011 (3.13)

Pcriod, P, during which the thm-nal was supplied with the licatcd fluid rrom the conduction boundary laycr, was detcrrnincd as, (Pa)/ d' - 9.9 Rar*112 Thicknessof the conduction boundary laycr, 8, 8,;/d27.1 Ilar'" ) ( 107< Ra(< 1011 (3.14)

) ( 103< Ra(< 1013


I lorizontal longitudinal scale of the thcnnal, L was dctcmiincd as, L/d33.0 Ra(*"4 ( 107< Ra(< 1011 10)

I lorizontal transversescaleof the thcrmal, B was dctcrinincd as, B/d16.0 Raf'1/4 ( 10' < Ra(< 1012)


Vcrticalvclocity, w wasgivcn by cquation, ) (Raf L_ " 8.0(PATgy tv, = . d'

(PFg/p and PAT g-2.08 (ct2v)'1112




At-1/w distance across a cell whereI-3.05inm average


Usingtheaboveequations, for a tcinpcraturc hot to cold surface, AT or40K difference, I [catFlow - 930.628W andI Icat flux. F- 10004.1Wm*'. Ra(- 2.972x 1011 2 f- 2747.92 M, s"' - 255.621lz, (onethermalevery0.004s). P-3.74s L-7.67mm B-3.72mm 8, - 1.4971nm w-0.0 1361ns* At - 0.225s to CFL ft 0.9 for a time steporO.2s ror an average which givesa CFL- I comparcd distance across a ccit or3.05mm.
and ror a AT of I OK

I featFlow - 156.434 W andI [cat flux, F- 1681.63 Wni*',Ra(- 4.997x 1011 f- 461.91M,2g*l s). - 42.971lz, (oneIlicnnal every0.023 P-9.12s L- 11.97mmB-5.80mrn 8, - 2.557inin w-0.0087m: Cl At - 0.351swhich givesa CFL- I comparcd 0.6 for a time stepof 0.2sror an average to Cr-L ms distance across a ccli or3.05nim.

Both the numerical and the Kirkpatrick and Bolin cxpcrinicnt3I rcsults comparewcll with tile Asacdaand Watanabecalculations ror the plunic dimcnsions and tile thicknessof tile thermal conduction boundary layer. With the CFD mcsh rcrincd near to the wall. the near wall cell distribution falls within the Asacdaand Watanabedcrivcd conducting layer thickness.thus capturing the thermal activity near to the walls. With the 100-cubcdmcsh eight cells rail within the conducting layer thickness.The calculatedperiod of plume releasecompareswcll with the experiment but the CFD produccd 25%-50% longer pcriod. The plume releasevclocity for tile CFD results are in line with the calculatedvelocity or-o. oinvs.


3.6 Conclusions In thischapter, CFD simulations testspcrronncdby resultsrromnumerical of ilia experimental KirkpatrickandBolin for thenaturalconvection in a cubicalenclosure with diffcrcntially heated hasbeengivento Particular andcooledhorizontal andverticalwalls havebeenpresented. attention IIC casewhereilia bottomsurface theconfiguration is heated andthe top surface cooled.with all havebeencompared The numerical othersurfaces to theexperimental considered adiabatic. results throughout. results

TheCFDderivedheattransrer correlation with only a small compares well with theexperimental deviation The CFD simulations at thehigherRayleighnumbers. alsoshowthattheheattransrcr by theunsteady Nussch laminarflow model(tinic-avcrage computed number) wasthemost flow I'lic accurate at the lowerendor the Rayleighnumber steady modelassuming range. (k-c with the k-c /W nearwall model)raircdtheworst.11c useof this turbulence turbulence to dampdownthe thermalactivity within thecavity. modelappears

Comparing heattransferwith ilia experimental thenumerical correlation showsthatby refining the datacorrelation mcshthedisparitybetween the numerical wasreduced. andtheexperimental results In addition,thedifference in the Nusscltnumber between thehot andcold surfaces wasreduced. I'his is duedirectly to the reduced heat balance between flow in ilia ilia time averaged error surfaces.
The findings frorn the numerical analysescomparewell with the observationsmade from the experimentalwork with the size, the speedorpropagation and the period of releaseperiod orthe plumesbeing similar. The numerical analysesalso agreewith the experimental findings that the heatedfloor appearsto promote mixing in the cavity and eliminates temperaturestratification.



This chapterextendsthe CFD simulation of natural convection in a stationary heatedcube discussedin the previous chapter to the modelling orconvection in a rotating enclosedannular sectorcavity. The computations were pcrroancd assumingunsteadyflow and the results have been comparedwith other worker's experimentalmeasurements and numerical predictions for heat transrcr and other flow ficid parameters.Some good agreementwith experimental values for mean lowcvcr there arc surfacelicat transfer has been shown for Rayleigh numbersof the order 1010.1 also somepoor results froin the CFD simulations of the scaledrotating sector.The reasonsfor the discrepanciesin the hcat transfer results betweenthe experimental and CFD predictions arc discussed.

4.1 In(roduction

Both experimentalinvestigations and numerical simulations were carried out by Bohn ct al [ 19931 to analysethe convective heat transrcr in a closed, gas-fillcd annulus rotating around its horizontal axis using a rig in the Institute orStcam and GasTurbines at the Technical University orAnclicn. A brief description or the experimentsand the three test configurations were given in Chapter 2, section 2.3. The configurations testedin the Aachen experiment are shown in Figure 2.2. It is to be ror distance between inner that the cylindrical wall noted the radial cylindrical wall and outer Ilic axial length was kept configuration A was twice the distanceorthat for configuration 11. constant for both of theseconfigurations. Resultsrrorn the experiment and numerical simulation were presentedfor the pure radial or centripetal licat flux situation, where natural convection radial licat transrcr from the heatedouter wall to the cooled inner wall occurs (with the side wall thermally insulated),driven by the buoyancy cffect under rotation. Further work to investigatethe effect or dividing the annulus into sections,by inserting eight radial separationwalls to rorm a 45*sector, configuration C (configuration 11with a 451sector)was also pcrrormcd on the Aachen rig. In the cxperimcntal investigationsthe rangeof rotational Raylcigh number encounteredwas between 1.0 x

107and 1.0 x 1012. A steady state numerical investigation was performed by Bohn ct al. assuming isothermalcylindrical walls and adiabatic sidcwalls for the 45* sectoredannular cavity. Bohn ct al. [ 19941 also used the Aachen rig to investigate the axially directed licat flux case,where one disc sidcwall was hot and the opposite disc was cold with all the other walls thermally insulated. Only configuration B was considered in that investigation. In addition to the experimentalwork, Bolin ct al also conductednumerical calculations for the purely axial heat transfer case.

Unsteady 3D CFD modellingof convection in a rotatingenclosed annular sector cavity hasbeen in thepresent C, with radiallicat undertaken configuration study.Only the450annular sectorcase, flow hasbeenconsidered in this currentwork. For theradialheatflow condition,heatwasapplied to theouterradialcylindricalsurface wascooledwith all the andthe innerradialcylindricalsurface in a radiallyinwarddirection,similar I Icat flow is thcrcrore to be adiabatic. othersurfaces assumed ror the stationary to the I IC case work by SunandChcw considered concurrent cubc.Further [2004]usedunsteady 3D CFD to modelthe flow andheattransrcr within thesame enclosed k-c turbulence rotatingannulus usingboth theconventional modelandby LES.

4.2 Description or me Experlment The dimensionsof the enclosuresare given in Figure 2.2. For the radial beat flux electrical heaterplaced at the outcr radius of the annulus was usedto input heat into the cavity. I feat is removed from the cavity by a water-cooled rotor shaft at the inner radius of the cavity. Both the disc surracesof the cavity were thcrnially insulated.The cavity could be pressurized.Ilic rotor shaft was driven by a DC motor. The test fluid contained in the enclosureswas air. I feat fluxes from the outer cylindrical wall to the working fluid and rrom the working fluid to the inner cylindrical wall were determinedby measuringthe temperaturedifferencesacrossthermally resistantlayers. During the experimentsthe rotor speed,the cavity pressure,electric current to the heaterand the massflow rate of (he cooling water were kept at constant for each test condition. For the radial heat flow tests the maximum rotor speedtestedwas 3500 RPNLThe maximum pressurein the cavity could be set up 17hc to 4 bar. I'lic temperatureat the outer heatedcylindrical wall could be increasedup to I OOOC. minimum temperatureat the cooled surfacewas fixcd by the cooling water, which was taken from a water tap, with a temperaturebetween 80Cand 15*C. For the purc axially heat transfer tests there was nine thin-film resistancethermometerslocatedacrossthe length of the inner and acrossthe outer surfaces.There were also 18 thin-film thermometersdistributed acrossthe rotor disc surraccs. The accuracyin the absolutetemperaturemeasurements was 0.0 1K.

The temperature difference usedin dcriving the Rayleigh numberis thediffcrcncein temperatures of thehot andcold walls:
Rotating Raylcigh numbcr, Ra, = (r. w3XTL3 lv2)Pr

(4.1) (4.2) (4.3)

RotatingReynolds number,Reo=par. Llp Nusselt numbcr,Nit - -2. qA Eckcrtnumbcr,Ec

2c, AT


4.3 Test I Icat Transfer Alcasurenien(s

As mcntioncd carlicr in Chaptcr 2, scction 2.3, from the licat tr3nsrer nicasurcmcnts,Bohn ct al. dcrivcd both Nussclt-Raylcigh numbcr and Rcynold-Raylcigh numbcr corrclations or the Icst data for configurations A, B and C assurningradial dirccled licat flow:

Configuration A:

0.2.11(2.31a) Alit - 0.246Rao Alit = 0.3Maoo 111 (2.32a) 0.21) (2.33a) Nu = 0.36SRa,

0.173 (2.31b) Re= 0.733Rao Re - 1.441 Ra. 015' (2.32b) 015% (2.33b) Re- 1.615Ra#

Configuration B:

Conriguration C:

Ilic Aachen measurements obtained from the radial directed heat flow tests showed that changing the inner radius to give I Ur,,, - 0.96 (Config. A) and to I I/rn- 0.63 (Conrig. 11)had only a small influence on the Nu number. At the higher Ila number the heat transrcr was reduced by 11% moving between configurations A and B. With the annulus divided into sections. by inserting radial separation walls, the influence or the Coriolis rorccs is reduced resulting in an increase in the heat transrcr. At the higher Ra number the heat transrcr was increased by 20% moving between conrigurations B and C. Insertion orthe separation walls attenuates the rclitivc circumrcrcntial vclocity inside the cavity, resulting in a decrease of the radial component of the Coriolis force. Coriolis forces have a damping crfect on the flow, thus by attenuating the Coriolis forces flow 70

Vot Iloat Insidc Ific C; Illat llic the tadialk ditcctcd licai I\ If\ is "lrcll4111cllcd liall"k. In,. -rcaw-, -I so flo%% case heat transfer depends strongly on the Ra number bw onINI%%caklN on the Re number,

4.4 Numerical







14411.11ing Sector

4.4.1 Ba%ic modelikig


proct-dul. t. and IIIc 1111111crical


11 111111 11 (1 45 dc.t, I.

Aro-*- P,11,111,111
II,, mm

iIi I 1111.11




( 'collicl 4.1 .


of % aclicil I olatilig


1.2 Nli-%Ilfill

%. IdIvil

lol. 11111", ', ck

II It' III. It HIII(IJ1,11





Lit ions I., tile calc 11 Ine"ll used 1,01cells

it III I igmv .421t

lilt I 1" .1 noll t1ill for III Ille"ll %%

'onipai ( dit I. I ()()x I ()()x 100 1 lilt! it) respect ely I% cc[ Ions. it ax lal. ladial and cit-cunifei-ent tal ma he regai-ded as icasonable for file prewni case. %%lilta

earlier- %koik. tile inesh iesoltition slifficlently

fille mesh it) k'apiul-c file 11(m near, lo tile li)l; l(lllg %%aIk A'. -colding to Bolin Ct A 1% 1(o)(4) h fit cel \% iihin %% lilt mc,, ,()lilt Ions %% ;I I" kw Ow 45 wool I "o briller "inlies tile range of I \% We !well

I 1101) 11. fllc obial lied good (TI) Ra leigh minihm AI I&I

to M

0\qI\s 5AHWceHs 12 15 coII,. I(Ie retIIIe re. Ictw; II, cIII to %% IiI1 sII

() ); IIIti. I tIII1 .1.17S.( to(i eIIIIIeiIIIIe-, II %k

150\ 1SO)\%cregencrawd (4)check 111c"ll cells ( 150% ticimidelice

Sc%era I lem cases were winianhoed "ah I MOK and c; i\ itv pressuic, 1',, lbal 1,. considewd (

We 6dlo"mg


n ANN "wn

QIM 40 ads).

I, \kas \a II Cd to gI ie a lange tIf Cond II It ins I' mI lie IJ -10K. the rolanonal Ra Icigh nninher I%

ina, tinium

140K) gi\ Ing aA F( 1-

Ra (VPr

here (lie Icngth scale used in defining Ra 33H 109, and Ockert iminhei I,. I-c () () I S*.%% I

is L-r. - ri. The temperature dueto thepressure gradient, the vortexin tile cavity, is gradientacross to be negligiblefor this smallvalueor r.c. The Nusscltnumber expected usedin this sectionfollows thedcrinitiongivenby Bolin ct al, andnormaliscs theradialheatflux by the valuegivenby pure heatconduction, so Nu - 40r. ln(r.Irj)/kAT.Threefurthershroudtemperatures giving AT equalto I K, IOKand30K werealsoconsidered, Rayleighnumbers, Ra- 1.141 E8, with corresponding 1.092E9 Ec - 0.7275,0.0727 The and2.973139, and Eckertnumbers, and0.0242respectively. Thegrid expands working fluid wasair for all the testcases. awayfrom eachwall with an expansion ratio or i. i ror tile I 00-cubcd mcshand 150-cubcd mesh.ror the50-cubcd mcshtile expansion ratio wassetso that the first ccil distance as for the awayfrom tile wall wasthesame I 00-cubcd mcsh.
The computationscarried out solve the conservationequationsfor mass,momentumand energy using the FLUENT CFD code. Incompressiblenow with the density dependenton the fluid temperatureonly was assumedthroughout all the simulations. Standardfluid properties for air were assumedconstant,with a spccific heat (Cp) of 1004.4J/kgK, thermal conductivity (k) 0.026 %V/mK and dynamic viscosity (p) 1.855E-5kg/ms. The CFD calculations were performed assuming unsteadylaminar flow ("pscudo" DNS solution). The FLUENT segregated solver, and secondorder implicit time stepping with the secondorder upwind schemeused for the spatial discrctisation were chosenfor the calculations. A time step of 0.0005s(Courant CFL number to2.2 for the average distanceacrossa cell of 1.15mm which is acceptablefor the implicit solver) and 20 iterations orthc pressurecorrection schemeper time step were spccificd. The time step was take as being approximately 1/100'h of the time for one full rotation ortlic cavity and the numberoriterations was basedon the knowledge that the flow solution residualsreducedand becamesteadyafler 20 iterations. The flow was solved in the relative velocity referenceframe. The Prestoscheme (Patankar, 19801, a secondorder pressurecorrection method was set for pressureinterpolation for ion), the SIMPLE algorithm was the velocity. For the pressurecoupling method(prcssure-corrcct chosen.

4.4.2 The governIng equations

1.Conservation of Momentum Vvlicnthe flow equations theacceleration aresolvedin a rotatingrrarne of the fluid is of rcrcrcnce, by additionaltcnnsthatappear With a rotatingrramethe in themoincriturn augmented equations.

problemcanbe solvedusingeithertheabsolute velocity.V or the relativevelocity,V', asthe dependent The two velocitiesarerelated by [fie following equation, variable.

) .; -(flx;


here,6 is theangularvelocityvector,theangularvelocityof the rotatingframe,and F is [fie positionvectorin therotatingframe. Fora rotatingrcrcrcnce rrame, themomentum canbe written in termsof theabsolute cquations velocitiesas, at +v-V, 4; ) + P(cl x ) V; -Vp +v-, (4.6)

or in termsof relativevelocitiesas, a Lit (p;, Cl Cl UIVO F) ;,, +V+V+ + x x x 1)(2CI -71) wVw) (4.7)

wherep(26 x . ) is theCoriolis force. 2. Conscrvation of Mass


3. Conservation of Energy
(pE) 01 cit ((, (kVr) V. V. + (11 + Pr + P)) . (4.9)

v' where E=h-L+ 1) 2

dissipation tcnn. and(Dis the viscous

4.5 Numerical Simulation Results for the 45* Enclosed Rotating Sector Case 4.5.1 Unsteady flow FLUENT CFD solutions Ileat transfer

Table4.1 showsthetest/model, difference between temperature ilia and conditions, speed. rotational thehot andcold surfaces, for ilia cavity pressure andEckertnumbers andtherotationalRayleigh flow analyses eachtest.For theunsteady through thetotalheatflow into andout or ilia cnclosure

the hot and cold surfaces,respectively, calculated from the CFD models were time averagedover a time averagedtotal heat flow valueswere then used to calculate the period of 5 seconds.T11c Nussclt number, Nu. for the appropriate surface.I'lic heat transfer calculated from the CFD models was compared to the experimental heat transrcr and the difference presentedas a percentage error, ANu - (NUCMINuc,, - 1). p.

Table 4.1 Comparisonor the CFD results (unsteadylaminar now) %villt heat measured transfer for the Anchen45* enclosed rotating sector,configuration C case.
Case 1 Speed (rpm) 2000 AT (K) 1 p (bar) 1 Ra+ 1.141xl5r Ec 07-275 Nu (Exp.) 19.0 Nu (CFD) 21.0 ANu (%) 10.5 Notes 100' MCS11 45* model 100' mcsh 45* model 1W MCS11 43* model 100' mesh





















45* model
5 2000 40 T, 1 781xl5r . 0.0182 40.0 63.6 59.0 R-1.1 50'tncsh

43* model
10 .8 11-1.256 150' mesh R-1.038


I 40 I

1 I 3.781xlO I 0.0182 I 40.0 I 81.5

43* model

Figure 4.3 shows a plot of the averageNussclt number, Nu versesrotational Ray1cighnumber. Rao forthe 1001ccll mesh.The figure also includes an adaptatioll to the rotating annulusofthe Colorado Kirkpatrick and Bohn [ 19861 correlation basedon their cxpcrimcnI of a natural convection cubc. The adaptcdColorado correlation was obtained by using the tcrnpcraturc difference. AT betweenthe hot and cold walls and rcplacing gravitational accelerationby centrifugal acceleration.For this configuration it may be written, I/) Ra,, Alu m0.05 1 (4.10)

The predicted hcat transrcr is much higher than that given by Bohn ct al's corrclation. There was 84% difference in the CFD predicted heat transrcr comparcd, with the experimentaltest correlated heat transfcr at the higher Rayleigh numbers,shown both from the graph, Figure 4.3 and given in Table 4.1.1 lowevcr a much closer fit is obtained when comparedwith the adaptedColorado

correlation, with a good agreement at the higher Rayleigh numbers. In a subsequent study Sun and Cliew 120041conducted a series of*(TD analyses for (lie same geometry using both FLUENT and a Rolls-Royce code. I lydra overa range of' Rayleigh number%.Sun and Chew found that hoth CH) codes over predicted the surfilce heat transfer compared to the experiment. Flie over-prediction was about 10",to 20",, flor the Hydra code and approximately 40"o for FIVE XF. hm less than the current predictions.
Bohn at al (Aachen) Heat Transfer in a Closed Rotating Annuli 45 dog. Sector at 2000 rpm Air) - HC case (wwrith

I al HC Nu - 0365Rn A 0213 Hoh Nu,

F,g a kom %f ASME. 93-GT-292

f-. It.

- 000



100^3 Mesh, Nu CFD inner Radii Surlace 100^3 Mash, Nu CFD Outer Radii SurlaC4 No Corrotl (Bohn at al) Nu Slatic Box (, orrfgl (Kirkpatnck & Bohn)

(X) 0

a a

100 I OF -08

1 01 -011
Rayleigh No, Re "I


Figure Auchen

4.3 Comparison rolaling

of the predicted lical tramfer ( '. sealc(l %edor, conliguralioo

%0h c%1wrimental


for the

I.igure 4.4 shows a comparison of'surface heat transfer between the CI- D solution and (lie I heat Fhe in form 45 history ' for menta the the e -- pert time experiment rotating sector. of plot transt'er values were calculated using Bohn et al's heat Iranstler correlation (Fqu. 2.33). The time least 5 for CIA) 0.0005 the ofat period seconds was step calculanons was s. and a simulation Ith lime required before it 'converged' solution could be assumed. Fhe %arialion ot'heat transfer %k but CIA) they are not ;is flow the the soltmons. indicates presence oflarge-scale structures in prominent as those predicied by CFD t'or the natural convection in a stimonary heated cube shown in the last chapter.


Bohn at at Heat Transfer

In a Closed Rotating Annuli 45 dog. Sector. HC case - Delta T 40 dog.. 20OOrpm. with a Mesh 100 cube, with Viscous Heating, Inner & Outer Radii Surface Total Heat Flow 13 00





ILUA . P177771,
Outer Radii Wall T ime Avoragt. (j Total I loat Test Total Heat I J Flow - 6.0M!




-Smsc Time A%g

Innor Radii Wall Tm A, -.. q-I T 1 ILL* 1-' V -

800 1
7 00

OLAW RAdo,W id
OtAmr WA Tom wai Ra6l Hem Fk)w W mi


Innow Wal 5soc. TIrnmAvU

. 700

600 00 052


li 00
TInn (s)

Figure 4.4 Wall c%periment

heat transfer from for Ra4 3.781 %10"

the CIA) %olulion and the Auchen


scaled %ector F'Im %trticitire and teniperature


E\ammmg ilie flow field, It was lotind that ilic lical iranslcl- Is dominated b a plllmlr orlc\


instead ofthe radial arm siructures that may he expected for a full Ioo" annultis flow as identified ill early work oil rolating cavity with axial tlirotjglillo%% by. for example, Farthing et al I 1992a. 1992bj and Long and Tucker 119941.The flow structure is Illustrated by the inslamaneous temperature and velocity plots in Figures 4.5 and 4.6. respectively. The contour plots are shown for the nud-axial. mid-radial and mid-circuinflerential planes through the Cavity. Most of the llow actt% ily appears to happen next to the circtinif'erciifial wall with the hot thernial plume% leaving the outer radial surflace and moving to a circumferential wall whilst the cold denser plumes leave the inner radial wall and travel to the opposite circunil'erennal wall. Willi all the ac(lvIiy near to the walls a central core of' near uniform temperature is formed, with a temperature near to the inean ol'the inner and outer radial surface leniperal tires. The radial velocity plot shows that the flow is radially otawards close to one circunillerential wall and radially inwards on the opposite circumferential wall. In the relative frame the flow appears to rotate at approximately 5.0ni/s around a s(alionary central core.

Rohn el A (Aschen) 44" Rolmling Sector ( m%M%. 100 ( ulwil Mesh. Rotational %pred 2000 RP%l

ConfounufMalk 340 0 3380 3360 334 0 3320 3300 3280 3260 3240 3220 3200 3180 316 0 314 0 3120 3100 3080 306 0 304 0 0 lio-I Joo 0






Dimclion of R: ww=, onil


4.5 CFD predicted


confour% for Rao = 3.781%109

Rcpimdnjj%rvlor( Rohn cI al (Amchrn)45" sO I% 100 ( ubed Nfeih. Ripinikinad Slwvti Z(MX) RP%f
onkours of kji(UW %elotil% (m/%)

55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 os 00 -05 -1 0 A

-3 -35 0 -4 A5 50 5 ) -!



-tion WeL

tit R

Figurc 4.6 ('Fl)

for Ra# instangancotis contours ra(Iial clocitpre(licted .

3.781 -. 10'

Figure 4.7 shows the temperature variations at a position at (lie mid-radial point oil the mid-axial plane. This also clearly indicates the presence ol'small-scale flow acti%ity in the central core ofthe rotating cavity. The temperature plot shows that there is a distinct drop in temperature (approx. 0.5K) halfway through the 5-second sampling period. This drop in temperature does [lot appear to influence file surface heat fluxes. I lowever flor other Rayleigh number cases dismict changes in the heat fluxes, both increasing and decreasing. have been seen to occur during the CIA) he to rull analyses. Reasons flor these sudden changes have yet to he explained. The first step %%ould the solution over a longer time period to see H*a cyclic irend is produced or not.


at &I Heat Transfer

In a Closed



45 dog


with a Mesh Cavity

100 cube. wAth Viscous Contra Po4nt Temperature

HC case Hosting.

- Oefla T 40 dog,


Gowe (, w*o


T--pwdb" %soc nu AV




Point I -11mah"

lu, A-wjj - .114 914 K

32480 1






10 Tim* (a)


Figure 4.7 CFD p redicled fentperit I tire p lof it I Ili e cit%iI) cc it Ire for R u#

3.78 1% 10" Mesh dependenc) Figure 4.9 shows the CIA) mesh sensitivity for (lie highest Ra number case using (lie three meshes. the 125.000 (50) cell mesh. the ( I()()') cell jilesh and the 3.375,000 ( 150) cell mesh.

UFD predicted lical transfer appears to converge ;,symptotically with the adapted Kirkpatrick & Bohn correlation with increasing mesh refinemem. I lowever in doing so the heat transfer error

increases compared with the Bohn et al's correlmion. Therefore tile mesh dependency is small relative to (lie difference beiween tile Bohn et al. correlation Fhere is a small discrepancy in tile

heat transfer balance lbr the I 50-cubed mesh, which was due to tile solution not being fully settled.
Bohn @I al (Aachen) Heat Transfer - HC case (with Air) Delta TIn a Closed Rotating Annuli 45 dog Sector of 2000 rpm 40 dog. using As50.100 and a 150 cubed cell mash



70 ()

2 w

H/(., 063 b/r- - 066



Soo I -Uu
Sc 30 0 . 200


Bohn et al. 14Cooftgurabon. Nu correlabon Nu -0 365 Ra '0 213

Fig 8 brAn 93-GT-292 Ref ASME.

a o

Nu CFD Inrww 5utla( Nu CFDOLASurfooo


Nu CorfW (BOM of 41)

Nu Stabc Boot CorrW (KO1Kpabxk & BohN)

0 OE -00

5 OE *05

1 OE-06

I 5E-06

oE -06 CFO Mesh Coll 14n*Pvl

2 SE -06



1 Sf - 06



Figure 4.8 Comparison mesh sensithi(y

(if (lie predided

heal tran%fer isilh experimental

correlation% - CFD

4.5.2 Solid body rotation

CFD invesligaliow

ICI, II fy Is An adi abatic case %%, IIIc ai Io IIoIIIC. It I Cd It -I CI 0% I to 1 II of IbIcC. Scs I,, imest Iga cd Itie IIII lit) S., -p kit CFD body Compared tile calcu lolls -solid adiabatic rolation". noted above. with the theoretical Fills 0.6m, flucitiations rpin. is ol*2MO /%at a rotational speed gave relative velocity of'over likely is heat for to contribute fluctuations transfer case and tile significant compared to the velocity difficulties 120041 Chew Still In In encountered flit-ther also to the over-prediction. and a study lie had I lowever. FLUENT. for body more success the solid obtaining soltitions rotation case %vith . direction. Sun I lydra (lie UFD and circumferential the in with code, using uniform mesh spacing Chew's results are described in section 4.6 below.


4.6 Numerical Investigation or Convection In a Scaled Rotallng Annulus

In complementary haveinvestigated SunandChew(2004)andSunct al. [20041 Bolin ct studies, here. B. For completeness al's configuration these anddiscussed resultsarc included Thegeometry is exactlythe same above, exceptthatno radialplaneplates asfor the rotatingsector in theannulus. To savecomputational wereinserted time mostof thecalculations wereperformed usinga 450modelwith assumed wereused. a 50circumferential periodicity.Two differentmeshes direction in cubed the anda second meshwith unirorm, rcrincdmesh grid spacing circumferential Mostof thecalculations with 1,000,000 cells, 100-cubcd. usingthe [tolls-Royce werepcrronned I lydraCFD codeandthenrc-runusingFLUENT.I lydra uses the ordernumerical a second scheme. RANScalculations. To speed the low N13ch same up the I lydracalculations asusedfor standard from I lydra have Sun andFLUENT number similar results prc-conditioncr reported wasused. ct al. for convection 3.1lydraandFLUENTsolutionsfor undergravity in a cubeasstudiedin Chapter in the rollowingtwo subsections. therotatingannulus arcdescribed

4.6.1 CFD Hydra solutions for the full rotating annulus.

1.1 1010. 104 A Fivcdiffcrcntcascswcrerun coveringa range 1.95 Ra to x x summary numbers, of in Table4.2. heat for transfer the arc shown the the of runningconditions average and results


for licat It h CFD transfer tile Anchen I Iydra the of results %s measured scaled rotallne annulus. conflLurallon It. Comparison

Case 1 2 3

Speed (rpm) 2000 2000 500

AT (K) 24 24 I 28

p (bar) 1 2 t

Ra# 2.76x 10'

I Nu Nu (Exp) (CFD) 31.5 0.038 1 31.2 Ec 41.7 17.8 1 42.8 18.5

ANu (%) 2.0 3.0 4.0 1

Notes 50'mcsh 45* modcl 501mcsit 45* inodcl 50' MCA 45* modcl

1.10XIO10 0.038 1.95x-I OT0.002






0.038 31.2
0.038 [ 3 I..2 j _



2000 1 24

2.76x 10'

34.2 [ 9.0

5Ox5Ox4OO mesh 360*model

100' mesh 45* model


The mean Nusselt numbers given in Table 4.2 for cases I to 4 arc shown graphically in Figure 4.9. Good agreement with Bohn et al's correlation is demonstrated. including the Rayleigh number dependency. Sensitivity to both inesh size (see Fable 4.2) and whelliera 45" sector ora full. 360" annulus are modelled is probably within the uncertainty ot'llie experimental correlation. Figure 4.9 also includes an a(hiptation to the rotating annulus ol'the Colorado correlation (Kirkpatrick el af.

[ 19961) basedon their experiment ol'a natural convection cube. The adapicdColorado correlation was again derived by using the temperaturedifference. AT helween (lie hot and cold walls and replacing gravitational accelerationby cennit'ligal accelermion.It may be wrillen
Nit - 0.05R, i,' '



Nu=O 317RaIO 211. Aachen Annulus. Air Nu=0.05RaN 1/3). Adapted Colorado Cor'n Hydra. 45 deg model Hydra, Full annulus, :160 deg model





11 0 0 b....... .r

100 I -0 a



1 OE+08


1 oi * 09


H1 OF* 10 Ra,..

L. Li -L.

1 01 -11



of Ihe predicled lical franJer C%1)Crinientill c(brrei. Itiofl% ISIIII ei al. 20041

Figure 4.9 ComparKon

%%ilhIhe %-ichen wleil



Much I's Im hI I lie predicted licaII ransler Ievel agices %%e II%% Io lkcr mtclation. cIa it t: ,Iimt,N.1\%c. Rayleigh number dependencythan the adaptedKirkpatrick & Bohn (Colorado) correlation, As the convecil'on.and the Rayleigh mentionedearlier, it seemsthat the Coriolis force suppresses I (y). numberdependencyis closer to that expectedin gravity at lower Rayleigh numbers(Ra This lower Rayleigh number regime is sometimesreferred to as laminar com ectton in the results engincering literature. I lowever, it is to be rememberedthat Grossmanand Lolise's 120001

indicate that the low Ra regime is associated with significant re%imanceto heat transfer across the ' high At Ra, Nu Ra' (irossman Lolise's central core. and work indicates a regime with f In which heat transter is controlled by the boundary layers on (lie surfaces. 11may he that in the rotating I'low Coriolis effects suppress heat transt'er across the central core. reducing heat transfer rates and delaying or preventing onset ofthe Ra II dependency as Rayleigh numher increases.

30 "
25 20 15 10


Correlation -Aachen Hyd - 45 deg model deg Full 360 Hyd Annulus model -

0 0
13 i. 14

AA Adok v---I-a...


&--i 19 20





Flow time (s)

Figure 4.10 Variatiom el al. 20041 of surface hea( Iramfer %0h Iline for cases I&4, Ra$ - 2.76%10" ISun

Figure 4.10 gives an example ol'variation of%urface heal I ransfer %%i Ill time It cases I and 4 from Fable 4.2. File linic , tcl) for these calculations was 10 ' s. and a simulation period ofat leas( 5 seconds was require(] before it *converged* solution could lie assumed. Tile figure also %flows tile till results given by tile Aachen correlation. Hie 45" sector heal trall-st. er is I X" ofthat for tile I. annulus due solely to tile reduced area. Flie variation ol'heM transfer %vithmile clearly indicates tile presence of' large-scale flow structures. Such flow structures are indicated by the instantaneous temperature comour plots in Figure 4.11. Fliese structures ,Iio%,., similarities to those identified for the rotating cavity woh axial througliflow by. for example. Farthing el A 11992a. 1992hj and Long and Tucker 119941.Although tile imposition of'periodicity in tile 45" sector model changes tile

details ofthe flow structure, it is apparent froill tile mean Nussell nuinher results presented in Figure 4.9 that this does not greatly alter the overall level of licat transl1cr.



4.11 a- 45 (leg model Figurc 4.11 lifflanlancom 2()()41 lemperaturc conlotin

4.111) - 160 (leg model . Sk4. Ra# 2.70%1W IStin ei al. for cii%e% 1 4.

310 308 306 304 302 300 298 296 294 292 290
13 14

I OE#ol
"0 lqrl 45 4.9 MO -, d Oft t of CP T .1 Col

1 10

I OE 01 I OE-03 I OE 05 I OE 07 1 OE-09


IOV, l

T ai ,II I ty, J Uvo Ong filo, *] I at ( Al 4'. Ong


16 17 18 Flow time t (a) 19

1 OE-11 '
I OE 01 1 OE+00 I OE+01 Frequency Hs I OE+02 I OE +03

(4.1 2a) Temperal tire history Figure 4.12 Instiowancous temperature ef al. 20041

(4.12h) 1'emperal tire Spectra I&4. and it% %pectrum for c:i%e% Rus - 2.7(ix 109 I. Stin

Figures 4.12 a ail(i h silow tile jelliperal tire variations oil tile mid-axial plane and their corresponding turbulent energy spectra lor cases I and 4. In tile legend ('11 denotes [lie monitoring position being ;it a nild-radial point. Hodi 45" and 300'' models give very similar spectra. A frequency range in which tile slope is close to tile 5 slope can also he clearly idenlified. A .1 numerical tail- at high frequencies is noticeable in Figure 4.1211indicating that numerical effects dominate a( tile higher frequencies.


O's 04 0.3

Va at CP,360 dog rrxxJol, I 4w I Vr at CP, 360 dog model.I lv J CP.

\A at 360 deq mDdel. I ly, i

I Of






t r.

1 .--.

1 OUGS 10647


I fy III

-0.2 -0 3 -04 -0.5


-3 >

1 ce -09









Flow Time I (a)

I or 11 or I


101 -00

I OE *aI
Mquoc y 041

i or -a2

1 OF-03


cloci(. %pectrum

Figure 4.13 Instamancous %cloci() and it% %pecirum for caw 4. Ra#
IHit: Ili ree e Iocit component

2.76%10" jSun el al. 20041

lustories ant.II lie ir spec I ra fOr II ic cAsc 4.11ic expected ofitirbulent

(,() simij I;it ion, d it w%%11

in Figure 4.13 also shm% the properties fluctuations

flo%% Fangential and radial %elocliN is much smaller, From the

dominate at lower frequencies.

because the axial velocity

above results, it is clear that large scale motions lor the Rao

2.76x 10" case. appear in both the 45" hemeen the 45"

and 360" model results lor the sealed rotatmg annulus case. I'licre are differences

er predictions. and 360" model results. but these do not greatly affect the mcan licat Iran%1'

1 OE#()l 1M 01

1 01 (H I OF o') 1 OE 07 1 OF ()(; 1 OE 11 1M () I
-I -( flfl%h T njt'r

1 01 -oo

I of


1 Of +02

1 of -o i

Froquency Hz

Figure 4.14 Comparison of jelliperalure specira 0.6mm from the otifer clindvr %%all I)ct%,. ccll " Ra 2.76%10 the [%%o IStIll el 11.20(141 me%he%, . A mesh depewlence clieck was comiucled with the refined mesh ( 100' mcsh cells) I'M Ra#
2.76x 10" (case 5 in Fable 4.2). The iijode, I led coliditions I'M the greater degree ofniesh resolution. lie I exactly same as flor case 1. except " ere in surface heat transfer

It can he seen Ili-it the difference


between the coarse and title meshes I'Orcases I and 5 (see Table 4.2) are probably, within the experiment uncertainty. The comparison ol'the temperalure fluctuations spectra froin the two meshes shown in Figure 4.14 clarifies the influence ot'numerical approximanons. In this case the spectra are 110r a point 0.6 min from (lie outer cylindrical surface. File frequency range exhibiting a slope close to the 5/3 slope is extended oil the finer mesh. As mvilhclassic large eddy simulation. it appears that the lower frequency furbulence is imemilive to file exact mechanism oflurbillent energy dissipation at Iligh frequencies. In this case numerical diffusion dissipaics the turbulence energy.

4.6.2 CFD FLUENTsealed

rolating annulu% %olutioll

Sun and Chew, 120041also ran FH 1F. N F lo simulate Bohn c( al's scaled [oLat'llt! annulus I lie calculation was conducted by using second order Implicit nme stepping %vithit second order tilm Ind chosen to he scheme for spatial discretisation. The velocity and pressure coupling me(hmi %kas Presto [ Patankar, 19801. ;1second order pressure correclion melhod Case I was I. 11% estIgaled %k IIII the %amc I. the coarse 50-cubed mesh. All the boundary conditions and other sellings %%erc %ihose for Ilydra except that incompressible Ilow was assumed III FH TNT Instead ofilie comprewble assumed III I lydra. tlo%%

10 9 8
1* C

7 6 5

k-ichen Correlation. 45 dog modoll Ftydra. 45 dog model F luent, 45 dog model

U I,

4 3 2 1 0

t a.


kv 061-UA

10 12 14 16 Is 20 Flow tifne (s)

igure 4.15 Comparison of licit II rik its fer heowen 2.76%109 ISun and Che%%2004, Suit et id. 20041


an (I II (Ira Calcula I io n%, R a#

I-.NV I. igure 4.15 shows a comparison oft lie surface heal transfer predictions ohla Illed using 1-1.1 F heat IT( IFN higher I)e I lydra 11 Illat predicts a [lie cell and as well as call experiment correlation. , 95

but theoverallsolutionis comparable transfer, to the I lydra solutionandilia experiment correlation. Solutionof theadiabatic from thecxpcctcd higherperturbation -solid case with FLUENT showcd bodyrotation"thanwasobtained in I lydra.

4.7 Conclusions

As partof the present in rotatingenclosed annular sector cavity study,CFD solutionsfor convection havebeenobtained. This studywasconducted in collaboration with SunandChewwho considered the full annularcavity from thesame werecompared with Bohnat series orcxpcrimcnts.Results dataandwith convection SunandChcw al's experimental undergravity in a cubicenclosure. [20041 ror CFD resultsshowed heat values surrace mean somegoodagreement with experimental in the rotatingannulus for Rayleighnumbers transfer the Rayleigh approaching of ilia order 1010, disccavities.I lowcvcrtheresultsfrom numbers occurringin gasturbinehigh pressure compressor did not agree the FLUENTCFD simulations so well with tile orthe scaled rotatingsector The reasons for thediscrepancies between ilia experimental experiment. andcurrentCFD resultsare identified in but areassociated dift"icultics still to be rully understood, convergence numerical with for ilia solid bodyrotationtestcase. for tile The useof non-unirorm nicsilspacing circumrcrcntial sector, mayhaveaffected stability of ilia scheme. numerical
It has beenshown that in both gravity and ccntrirugally driven convection, the CFD solutions capturethe presenceof large-scaleunsteady flow structuresand lower frequencyturbulent structures.The smallest(Kolmogorov) turbulent length scale$are not fully resolved,indicating that thesecalculations should be classedas large eddy simulations with numerical diffusion contributing to the turbulence energy dissipation. Sensitivity to numerical errors has been investigated.Mean being heat transfer ratesshow only slight dependence density, the variation probably with on mesh or large scale flow features. within the range of die experimentaluncertainties.Due to the presence the surfacc averagedheat transrcr ratesvary significantly with time, introducing rurtlicr uncertaintiesin judging numerical convergenceand calculation of mean licat transrcr rates.use or either a 45* sector model. with circurnrerctilial periodicity, or a fall annulus hasbeenfound to make little difference to the meanheat transrcr predictions.

in for Followingthe investigation flow LES the a rotatingcavity with calculations reported above, 71me [2004). Sun by studies axial throughflowwereundcrtakcn al give further ct andreported

insight into the flow physicsand will be referredto in the discussionof more elementarymodels in subsequent chapters. It is of interest to comparethe heat transfer in the sealedrotating annulusconsideredhereto that from the outer shroud in rotating cavities with a centralaxial throughflow. Kim et al ( 1993]and Long et al (1994,2003] have reportedexperimentalresultsfor axial throughflow configurations.In the rangeof throughflow ratescovered,Long et al found little sensitivity of shroudheat transferto throughflow rate, and the Nusseltnumberdependency looks closer to a Ra'13 dependency than to 21 1 Bohn et al's Rao Kim et al's shroudNusseltnumbersat high throughflow rate also . dependency. is but at low flow ratesthe Rayleigh numberdependency appearto vary approximatelyas Ra'13, increases, throughflow weaker.Thus, it appears that the Ra dependency as rate perhaps strengthens dependency tendingto a Ra'13 at high flow rates.It is conjecturedthat at the high throughflow rates, the turbulenceassociated the heattransferacrossthe centralcore with axial throughflow strengthens region.The overall level of heat transfermight thenprincipally dependon the boundarylayer on the 1/3 by analogywith convectionunder for dependency Ra outer cylinder, which a might be expected gravity. However, the mixing betweenthe axial throughflow and the central core flow in the cavity remainsto be understood. It was concludedfrom thesethat the CFD modelsshowpromiseas predictive tools for compressor disc cavity convection.However,severalissuesremainedto be resolvedand the computing in design. limit high, the requirements application of methods are very which would severely Hence,in the remainderof the presentstudy, it wasdecidedto concentrate on simpler modelsof the effectsof buoyancy.




In this chaptera CFD study of the flow passingover a rectangular A seriesof cavity is presented. differing cavity depthshavebeenmodelled.The computational resultshavebeencompared with otherworkers' experimental and flow velocities.The measurements of cavity pressure computational well. Howeverthe modelunder model simulatesthe flow mechanism reasonably predictsthe strengthof the circulating flow within the cavity anddoesnot predict correctlythe shearstrengthof the crossflow which drives the circulatingflow in the cavity.

5.1 Introduction

is the As notedin Chapter1, an importantflow mechanism within a gasturbinecompressor interactionof the cooling air flowing rearwards throughthe centrecoreof the compressor with the flow within the compressor inter-disccavities.As mentioned previouslyin section2.5, for an unheated the axial throughflowgenerates oneor moretorodidalvortices cavity rotatingat low speed in the cavity. Similar effectshavebeenobserved (21))now over a for planartwo-dimensional to considerthis simplerplanarflow. The stationary planar2D cavity. Henceit is appropriate HaugenandDhanak[1966] experiment for the CFD study,as it is, in principle,a hasbeenchosen 2D flow problem.

5.2 Description of the Experiment.

description Haugen but is 2.5, 2 in Chapter Dhanak's this described section and experiment was for completeness. The experimental now briefly repeated of an adjustable consisted apparatus lengthflow channel depths. The 63.5mm, channel was anda rectangular adjustable with cavity (2.5") wide andhadan aspect now. The 2D 10, cavity width was substantially a ratio of ensuring fixed at 63.5mm(2.5") and its depthwasvariedup to I 14.3mm (4.5"). The freestreamair velocity

just upstream to be 30.48m/s(100 ft/s). The boundarylayer thickness was estimated of the cavity could be increased was found to be turbulent.Static up to 25.4mm(I") and,by observation, The staticpressure pressures were measured along the cavity walls by meansof a micromanometer. was also measured acrossthe shearlayer by a probeheld normally to the cross-flowdirection. Temporal-mean by meansof a constant-current velocity and turbulent intensitiesweremeasured hot-wire anemometer. A variable-positiontraverse was derived for moving the hot-wire mechanism probe longitudinally, parallel to the meanflow, andtransversely acrossthe mixing region. The hotthe distributionsof the time-meanlongitudinal wire probemeasurements were usedto determine velocity, turbulenceintensity,and turbulentshearstress acrossthe mixing region.For the flowvisualizationstudiesa secondexperimental wasused.This rig was rig with the samedimensions to flow of water approximatelysimulatingthe dynamicconditionsin termsof flow subjected Reynoldsnumberand relative boundary-layer thickness.

5.3 Numerical Investigation

flow CFD calculations flow interaction the the the an open cavity with over passing of modelling A typical CFD mesh within the cavity havebeencompletedfor a numberof different cavity depths. usedin the simulationsis shownin Figure5.1. A 2D quadrilateral meshwasusedwith the mesh expanding away from both the inner wall andalsoaway from the threewalls within the rectangular in (=pu, y, distance testcavity. The non-dimensional the cavity values yp) parameter; nearwall were lessthan 1. This meshhasa total of 22,800cells,with 9,600of thesecells locatedin the cavity section.
As in the experiment, the test cavity width, s, of 63.5mm was held constant for all the numerical simulations whilst the test cavity depth, h, was altered to give various IN geometry ratios. The various test cavity depth to width ratios chosen for the simulations were 1.0,1.5,2.0 and 3.0. For the purpose of creating a boundary layer upstream of the cavity and also to eliminate any end effects which may have had an influence on the CFD solution in the area of the cavity, the dimension of flow channel external to the test cavity was chosen to be 250mm in height and 635mm in length upstream and downstream of the test cavity which is 10 x s, the test cavity width. The inner wall of the external flow channel and the three walls of the test cavity were set as adiabatic, no-slip boundaries. The velocities were specified at the inlet with a constant axial velocity of 30.48 m/s, with a total temperature of 300 K. Static pressurewas specified as 101.32 kPa at the

dowliNlream outlet. The far ficid outcr boundar\ of dic emernal flow channel \%a-, %clas a symmon houndary type and has no influence on the fhm pa%iilic lc%tcavity.

Figure 5.1 A 1pical (T 1) me%li med hi the %imulation.

I 11C colliptitat loll Carried out solve%the coiiscr%ation equaliolls fol 111011101111111 and clicip I., dewribed in Chapter 3. wci ion 3.4. The fluld usctj In the simulatiom " as air %% ith conmant fluld IK1, 'K licat 0.0242 Win Ag 100(1.43 (k) propcrile%. %N ((',, ) of' tilerinal conductiN ity ith Npcciflc i dclisilY 22 k9lli 1 fluld (P) cl'Ilaflllc viscosily (it) 1.7894 - 10 of' %%. I% cow-imil
defilled III tile model.


CFD modelswere run assumingsteadyturbulent flow. The standardk-c model and the 2-laycr k-c /W nearwall turbulencemodelswcrc used.To alter the boundary-laycrthicknessupstreamof the test cavity the turbulenceintensity specified at the inlet boundarycondition was varied between 1% and 10%.The resulting relative boundary-laycrthickness(81s)rangewas 0.25 to 0.5 which corresponds with boundary-laycrthicknessesfrom the I laugcn and Dhanakexperiments. As in Chapter3, the methodchosenfor discrctizationof the scalarand momentumequationswas the sccond-orderupwind scheme.A secondorder schemewas usedfor the pressureinterpolation and for the pressurc-vclocitycoupling (prcssurc-corrcction) the SIMPLE algorithm was used.

5.4 Results
For the simulationsusing air as the working fluid, resultsobtainedfrom the analysisof tile I I/s 1.5geometrywith a relative boundary-laycrthickncssof 0.25 have beenrcporied and compared with the equivalentcxpcrimcntal results.The bestcxperimcntalresults in termsor the measurement quality were obtainedfor this case. Figure 5.2 showsvelocity profilcs of x-vclocity (horizontal direction) versusdistancey (normal coordinate)for three x (horizontal coordinate)positionsacrossthe test cavity. Coordinatey is positive in the direction out of the test cavity into the main crossflow, Whilsta negativey value gives the distanceinto the test cavity. 71ic CFD resultsarc shown alongsidethe experimentaltest results.The velocity plot showsthat the CFD profilc out or [fie cavity in to the main cross flow does not quite replicatethe boundary-laycrthicknessin the experiment(M-0.25 CFD, -0.3 Test) but the I lowcvcr, inside the test cavity the vclocity proriles indicateth3t,the CFD profilc is reasonable. that the k-c A. model undcr-prcdictsthe strcngth of the circulating flow within the cavity. It appears I turbulencemodcl doesnot correctly predict the slicar or ti, c cross flow which drives the circulating flow in the cavity. Figure 5.3 showsthat the fine nicsh employednearto the walls (y* < 1) adequatelyrcsolvcsthe flow in the region close to the test cavity walls (x/s -0 upstreamand -I downstreamwalls). The plot also showsthat the vertical velocity risessteeplyat the downstream comer of the test cavity (for y/s -0 at position x/s - 1) at the recompression the x comcr %%Iicrc velocity - 0.



xf.%-0 15 W,-0 5 f%-0 85

x Test w,-0 15 4 Test w, -0 5 X Test xf%.o 85

'. I 11C % "lIN IIII

Fignre 5.2 Comparison of*CIA) and experimental acros%i fie test caNity (I 1/. % 1.5).

%-N clocil profiles taken sit three po%ition%




0V, 04

1 1) y/I


(A 0 y/ N. -O D-yO. -O CFD-yf%-O UID (My, y" 01 04

,, 4

11 (,


I-igure 5.3 CIA) predicted N-%clocilN pj-()j-jlt. Icl-(,%., ific test ca%it sit various %erfical dkiances ill/% in to and oul offlic cu% it 1.5j.

-(, 0.1 4 L

I () (, iwtvd,, w, %tr...... -011 (If D Cawy 4wmnm all l"%1-CRmtyd,, MIr. nfy, w. lll 7.. l C. a"Iv, 4,111 V, w"ll


C. -


dotamc in I., the :a% its

03 16


Normal 01.1filicc. -




(a) VpAream and do%%noream i%all%

-CFD-Ca, I

Aty bottom tXMIMI

wall Wall





Q3 01 02 ol Non 114 dimommial 11" Micam%owc 06 Olkla"Cc. %N 07 ol 09

(h) Bot(oll) Surface.

I-igure 5.4 CIA) p redicied III (I it, %I III cmured prevure d istribil I ioll% a loll 01/% 1.5). (. 1) upOream and domi%fream (b) bottom %urface. %sall% lie I v%I C.1% i I%


Figurc5.4 comparcs CFDprcdictcd distributions alongthetestcavitywallswith mcasurcd pressurc Figurc5.4ashows prcssurcs. anddownstrcarn wallswhastrigurc 5.4b prcssurcs alongtheupstrcam distribution is givcnas thepressurc shows of thetcstcavity.71c prcssure alongthebottomsurracc a pressurc cocfricicnt(Cp) dermcd as:

) cp-(P-P. )/(`/`/irl!


wherep is the static pressure[Pa], u is ti,c x-componentor time-mcanvelocity [ms*lj and p is thc fluid density [kgm'3]. I'lic subscript,co indicatesthe frcc-sircamcondition. The CFD computedpressureprofiles along the test cavity walls follow tile trend of the test measured pressureprofiles, but undcr-prcdict nearthe test cavity downstrcamcomcr (yls - 0). This is again an indication that the CFD k-c/k. 1turbulencemodel under predictsthe strengthof the circulating flow within the cavity and the shcarstrengthof the cross flow on the circulating flow with in the cavity.
Figure 5.5 shows tile computed flow streamlines within the test cavity. A circulation mass flow per unit depth (perpendicular to the flow plane) orO. 162 kg/sm is generated by the shcaring of die cross flow in the main channel. It is interesting to note that only one circulation is generated within the cavity. For whichever cavity dcpth was chosen, CFD predicted only one circulation. For cavities with an I Us up to 1.5. test measurement of pressure on the cavity walls indicate that only one circulation is fornicd. I lowcvcr, tile CFD results conflict with experimental evidence. I laugcn and Dhanak also carried out flow visualisation experiments using water as the working fluid. Various cavity depths were tested in the I I/s - 1.0 - 3.0 range. The test conditions approximately simulated the dynamic conditions of the experiments with air in terms of flow Reynolds number and the relative boundary-laycr thickness (m). Figure 5.6 shows the results from the water tests in tile form or nowvisualization flow pattern pictures. The flow pattcrns portrayed show that as cavity dcpth is

increased the number orcirculations or vortices generated within tile cavity increases. I laugcn and Dhanak observed that for I I/s -I (see Figure 5.6 (a) - note that this picture is printed upside down)

there was a single vortex and it was stable, resembling almost a solid body rotation. Around Ills of 1.75 secondary vortices appear in transition, and at a value or I i/s -2a clear second %-orlcx

hcn the number or structure is formed. Transition again seems to take place around I [Is - 2.5 %% vortices oscillates bctwccn two and three. Finally. for I vs on, three vortices arc fornicd. The vortices were observed to countcr-rotatc relative to each other. 94


0"0 ,


a wo


I. ION% 16.' k.v , in

3 000 -cia 4000-m 3000-49 2004-02 1 000 -w

i Figure 5.5 CFD predicted flom, pattern i%ilh in the ico cso%il confour% ofoream funclion.

Ilatipen &. Dhanak - Momcnium

I't-MINICT ( 'I I)&I-


(a) II"I




If s 2.0


Im ,'.

II I-,

v., It, I H.



1-igure 5.0 Ilaugen and Dlianak fit),, %j%jj. jjj/. jjion experiment 1c%lca%il (From flaugen and Dhanak 119061).


flo%% pallern% %%ilhill file

F-111111cl CH) compulat lolls have been performed to simulate the flo%% within the test cavily u%ing 1. %% The (T 1) calculailions ere considered. . were obtained oil Ole same ('I. D meshes u,,cd in the calculation% for air. Similm Reynolds numbers II, 2 and IIS The (T 1) homidary conditions and fluid %%ere %etI'm both experiments. %k lih air and %% ith %%ater. properties %%-ere alicred to approximate the condmons used in the %%alcr c\pcnincrils. to gi\c the correct I'low Reynolds number and the rclamc botindary-layer thickncs%(6 %). I lie inlet amal velocily \%asset to 2.097 in , with a iotal icmperature of'. 100 K and the oudo siatic pressure \%asscl to 101.32 kPa. Inlet flow lurbulcrice illiculsitv was set it I,,,, to give an approximale relame houndar -laycr lhickness, 6's, of'O.25.
The fluld used In tile simulations

%%aicr as the fluid. Two cavity

11((',, ) of' was %%aier %k iih conmani fluid properlie%. wifli specific 11C. 'K 1. dynamic \isco%ily (it) OOM kgm 's ' and I

4182 Ag 'K '. I hernia I cond tic nN ity (k) ().o \\'ill constant fluld density (p) of'998.2 kgm '.

\Iodck assumcd turbolcm flow using flic Ntandard k-c model and tile 2-laycr k--#; k-/ ncar \%aII turbuicnce models. Steady fio% ill tile models. 'Is%tillied 111

2400+01 228"1 2160+01 2 04+0 1 1 920+01 1 00"01 I sees I 1 36"1 1440+01 1 329+01 120"01 1 Oft*O 1 980*+00 a 400#W 720*+00 6,000#00 4806+00 3 OD&*00 2400+00 120*+00 0 000#00

- ----Tlm

( 'lictliallon
1 1()%% 7.125 kg %-m

I-igure 5.7 CIA) predicted of %freall) filliclioll.

11(m palleni

i%ilh iii the ltl%t c3l%if (11,'%

2) usilig

' aki



Figure5.7showstheCFDpredicted flow pattern for thecavitydepthor i us -2 with waterasthe fluid. TheCFD modelpredicts (vortex)is ronnedwhichconflictswith tile only onecirculation in Figure5.6(c). experiment wheretwo vortices arcshownto cxis4asshoAm

5.5 Conclusions

In this chapter the results from the CFD simulations of experiments pcrrormCd by I laugcn and Dhanak, investigating the interaction orcross-flow over a rectangular cavity will) tile flow in tile cavity have been presented. The numerical results have been compared to the velocity and pressure measurements for the experiments with air and flow visualisation ror tile tests with water.

Theconclusions thatcanbedrawnfrom this work are: Theturbulent k-c/ W 2-layermodelundcr-prcdicts thestrength of thecirculatingflow within the cavity. TheCFDmodeldoesnot predictcorrectlytheshear forceof thecross-flow the andhence between transfer momentum thecross-flow andtheflow within die cavityis incorrect.
CFD predictedpressures but pressures, along the cavity walls follow the trend orthe test measured under predict the strengthof the effects, especiallynearthe test cavity downstreamcomer (y/s - 0).
ror cavity depths up to 3 times the cavity width the CFD predicts only one circulation. For cavities with I I/s up to 1.5. the pressure measurements on the cavity walk indicate that only one circulation is formed. I lowcvcr the experiments with water show that more th3n one circulation is formed for cavity depths, with I I/s greater than 1.5, whilst CFD predicts only one circulation for all depths. 77he reason why more than one circulation (with water) can cxist and why the CFD analyses rail to simulate this still need to be fully explained, but could lie in the turbulence modelling.

The experimentalresultsarc limited but little other research work hasbeenreportedin the areaof CFD may be usedto model flows for this type or engineapplications.With somereservations application and as an initial s1cp will be applied,with caution, to the presentproblem orcomprcssor inicr-disc cavities with axial througliflow. I lo%%-cvcr, further numericalinvestigationsusing large

(LES)of turbulence It is hopcd eddysimulation that LESwill capture arerccommendcd. and layers theturbulence resolve gcncratcd within thecavityandalsoin theshear of thecrossflow.
This work is important because of the needto know the levels of heatand momentumtransfer acrossthe shearlayer from the cross-flow to the cavity and in termsora gasturbine compressorthe transrcror heatand momentumfrom the axial throughflow under the disc boresto the inter-disc cavities. In the 2D axisymmetric CFD model describedin Ch3ptcr7 and applied in chapters8 and 9. the standardk-c turbulencemodel will be employedto model sucheffects.



Summary A temperature hasbeenperformed matching exercise on the UniversityorSusscxTechnology Centre (Sussex UTC) multiplecavity rig build 2 usingtheRolls-Royce finite element program SC03.This rig simulates the internalcomponents andflow features ora high-pressure compressor (I IPC).Threemodelswereconstructed, firstly a datummodelusingconventional thermalboundary The second from thedatummodelbut replaces conditions. the modelusesthe boundary conditions heattransfer disc conventional to the surraces with a -conc cocfficicntcorrelation applied CONE" which wasderivedby Sussex UTC.Thethird modelis the"bestmatched" correlation, idle to maximum Eachmodelwasrun throughthesame modelto thethermocouple measurements. from thebest-matchcd speed accclcration-dcccicration modelgavetemperature cycle.Results difference to modelprediction, errors,measurement stateand or lessthan5K bothat steady transient acceleration errororsK is signiricant asthe conditions.I lowcvcr,a temperature differcnccbetween temperature andthecooleraxial the hot metalinicr-disccavity shroud throughflow thebestmatch, air is 50K at the maximumspeed condition.Also to achieve extreme imbalance including flow in and thermalboundary had be to or licallmass an conditions assumed, out orthe intcr-disccavities.This establishes thequalityof thestatc-or-the-art conventional ror comparing methods thatwill bedescribed thenewmodellingmethod andprovides a benchmark in Chapter 7.

6.1 Introduction

Themultiplecavity rig at theSussex UTC simulates tile internalair system of a high-pressure 2.4.2tile airnortlic Sussex As previouslymentioned in Chapter 2 section compressor. rig wasto providetestdatathatcanbe usedto improvethephysicalunderstanding or tile flow andlicat in the I IPC rotatingcavitiesso thataccurate transfer mechanisms canbe madeofair predictions deliverytemperatures, discstressing drum metaltemperatures, system andcritical operating clearances.

Build I of tile SussexMultiple Cavity Rig (MCRB I) was used to investigate tile flow and beat transfcrmcchanisms in the I IPC drive cone cavity at the rcarorthe II PC (Alexiou 2000. ICAS-GT 2001, Alcxiou 2002]. The inner drive shaft (rcprcscnting the intermcdiate prcssurc,IP drive shaft) was able to co-rotatc or contra-rotateand contained holes for turbine disc borc and disc rear face conditioning air. From the MCRB I researchat Sussexa licat transrer correlation for the inner surfaceof the I IPC drive cone has beenderived. This 'CONE' beat transfcr corrclation has now beencoded into tile Rolls-Royce internal thcrmal analysis computcr program, SC03 [Barnes 2002, Collcy 2001).

TIC Susscx 'CONE' hcattransfcrcorrclationis,

For Ro/(P, &T)1/2<6 Buoyancy dominated now regline.

10022 "[r-l - 11 Nu = 0.0243Rc,0'0"Gro-316x-l


For Ro/(PAT)"2 >6

Througliflow dominated flow reginic.

Nu = 8.93xI O'sRc.1.301 X'3.521


In the above, Nu is the local Nusscit number, x- r/b is the radius ratio, Ile, is the axial througliflow 0 is Reynolds number and Gr - C12r Grashornunibcr, is PAT(r/sinO)'M tile cone half the where sinO tile angle. Ro is the Rossbynumber. For build 2 orthe SussexUTC Nfulti-Cavity rig (NIC11112) drive cone orMCRB I was replacedwith two discs to create rour cylindrical cavities all with the sameinner and outer radii and disc shown in Figure 6.1. A non-rotating constantradius shaft, with a glass window to allow optical access,replacedthe rotating inner IP drive sh. aft. Ilic MCRB2 provided both steadystate and transient metal and air temperatures.In addition, velocity measurements orthc flow in the intcr-disc cavities have been reported (Long et al. 2006s, 2006b, 2006c].

for Sussex Initially two baseline thermalanalyses MCRB2 the usingthe produced were models Rolls-Royce datum finite element SC03; modelusingtheconventional modelling a automatic code ror MCRB1,anda modelwith thestandard assumptions usedin thethermalmatching natural UTC CONE by Sussex for thedisc surfaces T`hcsc the convection correlation. correlations replaced two SC03thermalmodels to thedisc rotatingthermocouple test wereproduced andcompared

(Kilfbil for a transient 20031. I'lic nuin objectiveor measurements cycle acccleration-deceleration theinitial thermalanalysis temperature matchror MCRB2througha wasto achieve an accurate transient acccicration-dcccieration process. cycle andobtainsomeinsightinto theheatconvection Thesecond in orderto evaluate theuseor the"conc corrclation"for disc modelwasproduced A third thcrtnalmodelwasproduced to achieve cavity heattransrcr. a "bestnutchcd"'modclto the thennocouple measurements. in Detailsof themethods datum -cone for correlation" models arc the and given andassumptions in 6.4 is 6.3. Section from the threethermalmodels section a section6.2. Results aregiven discussion The thermalboundary to obtainthebestrequired of the results. conditionassumptions disc heat now in discussed A to the estimate axial matched this section. calculation modelarc also thesection temperatures a studyor thecfrcctsor usingthemeasured thenrollows.To complete is completed internalradiationon thecomponents is discussed. Thechapter with section6.5, internal I IPC rorward ions to components the model conclusions alongwith rccommendat on way andflow rcaturcs.

6.2 Methods and Assumptions in 2D I'lic SC03(Version7CO) tile for used axisymmetric geometry wasused all thermalanalyses. 6.1. be in I'lic Figure UTC Sussex by can seen and thermalanalyses the orMCRB2 wassupplied 6.2. in The Figure in NICK dimensions Materials (in the are &flown rig used mm) arealsoshown. inner drum is Rolls-Royce tile (TDQ the rig casing. codes). material titanium compressor rotor has inner I'lic AIIJ). (AZA drive a stationary shall the and shaftand compressor shaftsarcsteel to therotorcavities glasswindow(#GLASI[AFT - userdefinedmaterial)to allow opticalaccess for LaserDopplerAnemometer (LDA) now velocitymeasurements.



sunf. xvAlh

1"IC %luld-C.


lug Build 1

I Modelling

IIP Rotor Drum Discs No. I to 4


Cavities No. I to 4






Figure 6.1 Ex(en( of (lie Sussex NICRB2 gcomcIr. N iii the thermal model.

Figure 6.2 Nia(crials used in the Sussex NICRIQ therivial model.


6.2.1 Operating


The operating conditions (along with thermocouple test dala) % [A U. ere supplied by the Su... 'sex The speed ofthe III) shall is shown below in Figure 6.3 for the transient acceleration-deceleratioti (accel/decal) test cycle.

Sussex UTC MCR82

ill 4000




1 1111111

11 11 11 1 Till

I 111 iffl
1. LL

F-4 11

-- Ill










i II1 1-1-"
25W Time (s) 3000 3600 4000 46W 5000




Figure 0.3 IIP shaft speed used in lite su.... ex mcRB2

Otermal model.

6.2.2 Thermal boundary condilions

I-lie for the temperatures the outer metal rotor %%hole cycle. surface were on imposed -Measured from the three thermocouples(see Figure 6.6) were linearly Interpolatedand measurements extrapolatedacrossthe kill lengili of the compre%sor nine point. outer surfacefor each measurement Using thesetemperaturedistribunmis a 11)graph of temperaturevs. axial distance%s, time cycle . was produced(see Figure 6.4). The temperaturegraph was then usedas the temperatureinput in the convection zone on the rotor outer surlace. The definition ol'a convection /.one is gi%enin section


6.2.3. A very high heat transfer coefficient match the measured metal temperaturcs

then specified %%as

it) force the calculaied



on ilic compressor

outer surflice.



I ), .1, I\,.., ( oftillic%-1 .11,111bg I )mIll I littl I


0.4 Measured eNcle.



on the compre%%or drmn



%urface during

the Iramiew

.Fhe it Ir system daut. such as ilia ss IIow, flow InI ct iempera I tire it nd ca%it y pressures %% ed ere dcr I% from the test dala provided. the compressor considered. The mass flow rale 1'()rlhe axial througlillow ol'air through the inside (it'

was lield at it constant rate ol'O. 4 kg s 1hrotighoul the accel, decel le%t cycle

Fhe houndary condinons III ilie cavkv between the rotor outer surf',icc and the inner surflice of 111c 1 using [lie -%old" modelling 1emure. shm%nIII Figure 6.5 as casing drum were implemented III SCO. V( )24.1 and V025,1. The definition ol'a therma I void is gi%en III sectioil 6.2.3. Therma I voids %%ere Iso appl Ied Io bolh I lie fron I 1', 1 ice (VO 17.2) and to Ilie rear flice (V()27.1 ) of(he rotor (Inini.

Fhe main part of1he imer-disc cavities was again modelled using the void f*cature(V03. V05. V06 and V07). The standard modelling technique is to feed each void with (lie heat from 10"o ofthe axial throught'low air. I lem transfer on the disc surfaces was assumed to he natural convection and '2-y)* with the characteristic length equal to the used the natural vertical plate correlation 'NVII(b f s,


cavity outer radius. 1)plus liall'the cavity width. s minus the local radius. y. For the dattim model (his modelling approach was used except that the heat transl . er coefficient for the disc surfaces was set to 0.5-NVI), which was it direct read across from the Sussex MURBI therinally matched model. Also in the datum model 0.75 NUS(I. ). (where NUS is the natural convection heat transler from the tipper surface ol'a horizontal flat plate correlation). was used for (lie cavity shroud. The characteristic length. I., was set as [lie cavity width. In the region heiween the disc cohs 10"o ofilic axial (hroughtlow was assumed to circulate and was modelled with the thermal "stream" fleature. For the second inter-disc cavily the thermal streanis Figure 6.5 as STI I and STI 2. shown in are 1hernial streams arc t1cf-inedin section 6.2.3.

Sunrx I TrC%IulcJ-0MIy Rig PAdid2 Modillrd with build I model Hag rxpnirner


(. ..




Ll-' I


:I B,

"--: ft 34%



L -.. -,



ift d,




Figure 6.5 Localion of thermal hotjndar. conditions.

I lie amal througliflow under the disc cobs vas modelled is a series oflinked conveciing "ductsthe bore and "sircams". Figure 6.5 shows for the first stage disc. ducts DLJ23A and D1123131*()r thermal duct and stream ST 15 lor the thermal stream. Thermal duct is defined in section 6.2.3. In the disc bores full axial througliflow was applied to the thermal ducts and for [lie inter-disc region


0.9 of theaxial througliflowwasappliedto thethermalstream. A smallamountof temperature mixing hasbeenassumed alongthe innershaftasair from the intcr-disccavitiesmixeswith tile axial throughflow.
In the datum model the "internal radiation" featurewas applied to the casing walls, which surround the rotating. drum. The cmissivity was set to 0.5. IntcmaI radiation is dermcd in section 6.2.3. In the secondSC03 model the disc surraceNVP hcat transrcr correlation was replacedby the SussexUTC CONE correlation using the parameters of the cavity outcr radius, the disc bore radius, the IP shaft radius, the cone half angle (ror a disc, W2 radians)and the axial throughflow rate. Also the factor applied to the cavity shroud hcat transrerwas altered to 0.677xNUS which gives the equivalent heat transfcr as that given by a secondSussexUTC correlation ror the cavity shroud hcat transfer which was derived from the multi-cavity rig experiments.

The third SC03modelwasan attempt to obtaina "best" matchto thethermocouple measurements from idle to themaximum bothat steady speed stateconditionsandduringthetransient acceleration cavitieswerealteredto try to condition.The thermalboundary within the inter-disc conditions The modellingfor the final bestmatched this temperature achieve modelwill bedescribed match. laterin section6.4.

6.2.3 Thermal boundary definitions Convedlon Zone: A convecting zone is usedwhere the fluid temperaturedistribution is known. This temperaturecould be a single value or could vary in spaceand time. Convecting zonesare essentially regions or infinite licat capacity. thus the fluid temperaturespccificd will not change is heat The flux heat between fluid the the transfer given the component. surface regardlessof and by;



h be licit T, is thesurface localmetal transfer the where temperature coefficictit, may estimated and Nussclt using a number of available correlations. number
Vold: A thennalvoid is a regionof negligibleheatcapacity. A thmnal void is usedto represent a (theentirevoid is at a singletemperature) regionthat is at a unironn temperature andis at

instantaneous In practicethis hasthecffcct of providinga heat equilibriumwith its surroundings. boundaries tmnsrcrmechanism that tendsto average thetcmpcraturcs or thesurrounding according to thelocal heatflux. The void canthcrcrorcbe usedto transfcrheatacross an air cavity.Additional heatcanbe addcdto thevoid via a powertcrm (gcncral ly from a massflow at, for example, T.,,.,,,into thevoid). temperature fh T,d,4+ Q. fhd4

Thc void tcmpcraturc is givcn by;


(6.2) (6.3)


Stream:The thermalstrcamis usedto dcrinea portionor theboundary thathasa finite flow of fluid alongits length.It is capable and of absorbing energyfrom onelocationon thesurracc it to another. The inlct air temperature hasa finite licat capacity. A strcarn transporting orthe strcam is calculated is dcrincdandthevariationin fluid temperature considering alongtheboundary Thermal theheatcapacity suchaswindage. convection, or thestrcam andanyadditionalheating. canbe linkedandmixedtogether. streams

is givenby; Temperature pick up alongthe lcngthof a stream dT, [Tll j ;, )] Tf dl i(T, + dv Jvc (6.4)

where, s is the relative distancealong surface, lip. is the heat pick-up and the mixed temperature, T. i., is calculated from an cnthalpy balance:

'C,, T). T), +... - (1; (IP'CPT), T), + (1;'C,, + (1;'C,, i,


Duct: A thmnal duct is identicalto a thcnnalstrcamin all respects exceptthattwo portionsof the be between boundary Energy dcrincd between flow the fluid exchanged can arc which the occurs. flow. duct transported andthetwo surfaces the and via


Internal and External Radiation: The internalradiationheattransfcrboundary conditionis used to dcrineportionsof the boundary whicharecapable ortransmittingandreceivingradiationfrom dicmsclvcs andcachother.View factorsarccalculated automatically. I [eatflow: Q6, - ,., A,a(T,' - T2') (6.6)

W/rn2K4 whcrc a is the Stcfan-Boltzmann constant- 5.6687x10*8


--a tnc grcy Douy vicw iactor, ;,., -, ano







F is the and c is the Emissivity,theproportion of blackbodyradiationemittedfrom eachsurracc. factor. shape

External for radiativelicat transrcrfrom a rcinotcsource that is not part radiationis usedto account is not influenced by the heat of thethermalmodel.'I'lie spccificdvalueof thisremotetemperature transfer to (or from) it.

6.3 Results

The rig 24 rotatingthermocouples (TCI -TC24)connected to a slip-ringunit. Twenty-one of these discsandto thecavity shrouds, (TCI -TC21)wereconnected thermocouples to thecompressor as (TC22-TC24) shownin Figure6.6.A further3 rotatingthcrmocoupIcs werepositioned axially inner drive On drum. Compressor the the alongtheoutcrsurface stationary shall 7 of (TC25-TC3 1)werepositioned thermocouples alongthelengthof theshaft.Furtherstationary Air thermocouples to measure themetaltemperature werepositioned casing. or thecompressor between in theannular temperature thermocouples theoutcrsurface space of the werepositioned drumandthecasingandto measure temperature compressor theupstream anddownstream of the discsborcs. between theinnershaftandthecompressor air flowing throughtheannularpassage Temperature throughout thecntirc test measurements of 2.5 seconds wcrc takenat time intervals die cycleshownin Figure6.3 to a specified cycle.TheSC03modelwasrun transiently through (time-- 2800s)thesolution accuracy of 0.2K. Towardstheendof theperiodat maximum speed approaches a steady statecondition.A temperature contourplot at this time point is shownin Figure 6.7.

%U% V. 0 %I, wUncA

I 'I ('



. 4oh build


It I
0 1,1 It ,,



Uavl(y No. I

Cavl1v No.

('. 'I%Ity No. INo,

('. I%lt 4





Figure 6.6 1 ocation of Iliermocouples.

Figure Illodel.

6.7 Temperal

tire contours

a, stj, j)iji. %c(j, 11.1%illitill, -.pced condilimi

for (lie datuill


The temperature time-plots at the thermocouple positions shown in Figure 6.6 are plotted in Figures 6X to 0.21 for Ilic following models in(] will be discussed below: " Datum model using conventional modelling ass"I"ptions th.11were used in the thermal matched MCRIII " model.

Datum model with the standard natural comcction correlations tor the disc surfacc.1% replaced by the Sussex UTC CONF correlation.

" "

Final best matched thermal model. 'Measured Data

Table 6.1 below gives tile notation that has been used In all the temperature tinic graphs and in figures the and Fach difference given is nainc/number thennocotiple temperature v. time graphs. represented in the table by the brackets !,.

Table 6.1 Restill% legend for each SC03 model.

Tempt-ralure Model NIIIIIC

I I Model

PredictiII11% title
41 ccll B111t. A 111:: It.:: If::

Model with Sussex Cone Corrclation

lic"t Matched Model Measured I'csl D. 11a

1,1111, + IIII!:

I C111peratureDifferences Model \'1111c

Datum 1 Model

(measured - S('03 predicted) odc

Ruff ( 11cen B111c (141:: di.:: A (11::

Model with Sussex Cone ( 'orrclation Model

Best malched

temperature (uppcr and (I crence FI 1 plot) 0.2 0.8 time to the icniperature graphs igures show difference For tenipcrature the for graphs, time graphs (lower plot) each thermocouple position. defined difference the is or error as lower in figure, temperature the the graph each shown as

temperature Figure6.22showstheaxial measured tcmpcrature. minustheSC03predicted differences temperature discsNo.2 andNo.3 at threeradial locations for thebcst-matchcd across SC03modelcompared differences. Figure6.23showstheradial to themeasured temperature difTcrcncc, 1cmpcraturc disc rim to cob for stage 2 and3 discs.Results havebeenproduced for the wholecycle,however, thesteady asthematching exercise only considered stateandthe transient, acceleration only these resultswill bediscussed.

6.3.1Compressorrotor outer surface As a resultof applyingthemeasured temperatures to therotor outersurface via thegraphical functionshownin Figure6.4,themodeltemperatures for werewithin IK of themeasurements both thetransient andsteady stateconditionsfor all models, andso havenot beenplotted.

63.2 S(age2 disc surface(Figures6.8 (o 6.12)

I'lic error (measuredminus predicted temperature)in the disc No.2 borc temperature(TC7) prediction was -1 K at steadystate for the datum model and increasesto a 4K error using the CONE correlation. Errors for the best matchcd model arc less than IK at steadystate(Figure 6.8). The measuredtemperatures on the stage2 disc show that the upstream(left side) surfacewas hottcr than the downstream(right side) surface(see Figure 6.22). Predictedtemperatures using the datum model with natural convection heat transfer on both sidesof the disc do not show this temperature difference acrossthe disc, and this will be discussedfurther in section 6.3.6. This is clearly shown in the temperaturecontour plot, Figure 6.7. For the datum model, at the near steadystatemaximum condition there was an error of -3K on the disc diaphragmand a transienterror (on the acceleration) of IK at the inner (TC9) and outcr (TC 11) part of the disc diaphragm, (Figures 6.10 and Figure 6.12) whilst an error of 3K occurs at the mid radial position (TC 10), Figure 6.11. With the SussexCONE correlation replacing the natural convection heat transfer correlation on the disc surface,the temperatureerrors are greaterat the inner disc radii. I lowcvcr at the mid and outcr radial positions the CONE correlation appearsto reducethe temperatureerror during both transient and at steadystate. For the disc cob (TC8) the temperaturecrror was large (-7K) for the CONE model comparedto IK for the datum model (Figure 6.9).

Forthe bcst-matchcd modeltherewasa maximumcrroror- IK at thenearsteady statemaximum conditionroral I positionsalongthedisc cxccptat theouterradialposition(TCIl) wheretheerror following theacceleration I K. was-3K. Duringthe transient thecrror wasbetween and -2K
6.3.3 Stage 2-3 shroud (Figure 6.13) All three thermal model predictions for the intcr-disc cavity shroud (TC 12) agreedwith to within IK during the transient and - 2K at the near steadystate condition. measurements

6.3.4Stage3 disc surface(Figures6.14to 6.18) As with thestage 2 disc themeasured (left side)surface temperatures on theupstream wcrc hottcr (right side)surface (seeFigure6.22).For thedatummodel at thenear thanon thedownstream . steady statemaximum and conditionthetemperature crror waswithin -2K on thedisc diaphragm duringthetransient (fol lowingtheacceleration) thecrror was5K at theoutcr,TC 13(Figure6.14) andmiddle,TC 14,(Figure6.15)partsof ilia disc.At theinnerradialposition,TC IS (Figure6.16) ancrror of 4K wasshownto occur.
As with the downstreamsurfaceof disc 2, with the SussexCONE correlation rcplacing the natural convection heat transfcr correlation on the disc surfacethe temperaturecrrors arc greaterat the inner disc radii. For mid and outer radial positions the CONE correlation appearsto reducethe temperatureerror at the near steadystate condition. During the transientthe errors are reduced along the entire disc surface. For the disc cob, TC 16(Figure 6.17) the temperatureerror was -3K for the CONE model comparedto IK for the datum model.

For thebest-matchcd statemaximum errorof IK at thenearsteady modeltherewasa maximum Duringthetransient theerrorwasbetweenIK conditionfor all positions alongthediscdiaphragm. at the innerradialposition(TC15)and5K at theoutcrradialposition(TC13). Theerror in thedisc stage 6.18) TC 17 (Figure 2K during 3 borctemperature was within prediction, thetransient modeltherewasa andat steady stateror thedatummodel.With theCONEcorrelation IK less The bcst-matchcd than at steady error at state. steady was state. modelerror -2K


63.5 Staflonary shaft (Figures 6.19 to 6.21) Generally, the temperatureerrors increaseslightly moving axially along the shaft. At the stage2 (TC27) and 3 (TC29) disc positions the near steady stateerror was within for both datum the -3K model and the CONE correlation model. For the best matchedmodel the error was reducedto less than lK.

6.3.6 Discs stages 2and 3 axial temperature differences (rigure 6.22)

As mentioned 3 discsthemeasured 2 andstage temperatures previously,for bothstage on the (Icft side)disc surface (right side)disc surracc (see upstream werehottcrthanon thedownstream Figure6.22)by up to 2.5K duringboththeacceleration statemaximum andat thesteady condition. Predicted heattransrcr temperatures usingthedatummodelwith naturalconvection on bothsidesof difrcrcnccacross thediscdo not showthis temperature thedisc.For thebestmatched model,at the the theSC03solutionsshowvery little difference middleandouterradialpositions axially across discdiaphragms on bothdiscs,whilst at the innerradialpositionthedisc upstream surracc ror boththestage 2 and3 discsat the temperature wasjust IK hotterthanthedownstream surracc maximumcondition..

6.3.7 Discs stages 2and 3 radial temperature differences (Figure 6.23)

Comparing discoutcrradius(for disc 2 mean diffcrcnccs, disc radialtemperature the predicted of TC3 andTC4) to thedisc cob(mean to the of TC6,TC7 andTC8). for thevariousthermalmodels best IK di ffcrcnccs temperature to that the measured matchcd model matchcd within of the shows measurements at boththenearsteady conditionandduringthetransicnt statemaximum (acceleration) difTcrcncc to a temperature compared of 3K ror thedatummodeland4K for tile CONEmodel.


SusexMCRIC- MetalTmperahwes



, -----m





@TC7 Tesq. Difference Memwed Modd -






3m TIN*(1)

Figure 6.8 Disc 2 bore lemperat tire ('117).


SusexMCREC MetalTengeratwes M, m,, i md M,.d'Tmjftatwes @TO

D2 1)3

I 3S-






p 320----------------------4 . 'r( ---------------------

,(tJ' t.


I a
315 1 ............... 7--,. P ---------------------------------






----------------3m T"We (s)



@TCS T"q. Differeace Measwei- Model


------JVhL-, Ip*O,





do I us (N

pI-------------f f

Aw. 2:, KI -------------------! -------------------I -I--.



1 ----------------11 ----------

10 " ------------------------------------------

; -------------

or 10,

e 31

R c





II I--------------------------------------------------


-4 -----------------

------------------------3---------1 -1 ............ Im

--------------. --1 un


Figure 6.9 Disc 2 rear surface (empera(ure, disc cob (TC8).


SusexMCRB2 - Meal TemMatwes

Meamwed Model TemTeratwes @TC9 and



0I .II
tin 1[19

I I-


--- ----------------................

'r e


10 .

1 3m

Tlme (s)
u an i u7i

MeamwedModelTaq. Differ @TC9 eace 1----------... ....... . . -r ....


-oa4lw ------------








-- --------------



1* i ---------------I: -V-o

I ..........

------------11L 4.

----------------I ....................

i -------I ......


-MA&W17- II




iII ------------------------J-----------------L.................





r -----------------------: %,,
4----------------t ................................... 3W j ---------------40


Time (s)

Figure 6.10 Disc 2 rear surface (emperalure,

inner radii (TC9).


SusexMCRB2 Temperdwes Meld -



Meamed Terfastwes@TCII, mdMod'el


2m 71me (5)
Difference @TCII Model Tewt. Measured I

'r e

Pdo 1101
tit ,

I&dfl 10





----------------------------------L............. ----------------------------------1

-------------, im

---- r -------------!m


- l -------------


Figure 6.11 Disc 2 rear surface lemperal tire, mid radii (TC10).


Sum MCRB2 Teogerehm Metal Measured Teoqaalwes @TC Model III and II
................. ............

I). '


10111 I
tfl II

i- 111


Im I
e a p 3--


3w Tlme (s)

@TC Ten?.Difference II Meamei - Model ----------------------------------

-- ---

---------------.......... r............. 1 -----------------






I ----------------

11 -----------------


: ----------------------------------

11 ---------------




30 Time(s)

Figure 6.12 Di%c2 rear surface temperature,

outer radii (TCl I ).


1 - MetalTerqeratwes SusexMCRB. 1.1 Meamured ad Mod el Taipff atwes@TC

I )-l

Plof I. '
1( 1 1' tfr 12 tilt I 1'r

................. ------------------------------------



3w Ilme (S)


L................... ................ j--------III

---------------j................. i -*


---------------------------------------------------------------------................. ....................................
L----------------2m -----------------3m , --------------m


- ----------------------8

1 ----------------Im

TIme (s)

Figure 6.13 Disc 2-3 shroud surfilce (emperalure (TCl 2).


Metal Tengeratwes SusexMCRB2 Measwed md Mod elTeiVeratwes@TC13 ; ----------------I --------------------------D., [)I

101 fk, if I' till I







--- -1 II



@TC13 Tesq. Difference Meamed - Model

e Nk p D I

e a c


10 .

3m Tbw(s)

Figure 6.14 Disc 3 front surface temperature,

outer radii (TC13).


SusexMCRIr.- MetalTemperatwes

33s---- ---- -------------


Meamed Mod @TC14 amd elTengaotwes ------------------- ........... ------ --

L to H4 f, tff14

I e p

TIme (s) @TC14 Tesq. Difference Model Measured I

do'F I LKI-I 41



----------------------------------------------------- a:



3W Ilne (s)


Figure 6.15 Disc 3 rear surface (emperature,

inid radii (TC14).


Temperatwes SusexMCREC Metal -


315 ----------------







3m rmw(6)


@TC IS Meamed - ModdTewq.Differeace I I


41dul 1 s

I e C I C C


VitIIs Nrris




Figure 6.16 Disc 3 rear surface lemperal tire, inner radii


SusexMCRIC- MetalTemilperatwes


Meamwed Temeratwes 93C ad Model -r ----------D2

dT 16
0 (in'l 16

II iml
T -------------------------

. sm 3w

M TIme (s)

Taq. Difference @TC 16 Model, Measured -


I .................



W777(If F16












Figure 6.17 Disc 3 rear surface lemperature, disc cob


Susex MCRBI. - Mead Teagwatwes


Teo ra! MeamedmA Model iFev OTC17, ----------------


fol F 1,1 Ftfr II tmTI-,

Tlow(1) T @TC 17 Heasurei- ModdTmq. Differeme





vd -1, -, -1 ,





II--I --- ------------------------r-------------------------------


3m TUe (s)

Figure 6.18 Disc 3 bore lemperahire

(TCl 7).


Tewperalwes Metal SusexMCREC -

Tesleratwes @TC. 17 Meameiad Model II

trl 2", tfI

, L, I-

T e


T". Memwed- Model II

Tlme(s) @TM. Diffezence

15 --------------------




Tue(s) a Figure 6.19 111 shaft surface lemperature, disc 2 hore (TC27).

I s

Swwx MCRB2 MomiTeogwetwes

313 ..............................

Memwed TaVestwesQTC23 ad Modd .....................



tol 's

nI 2S


T e esm




Tmq. Difference VTC23 MeamwedModel

nme (I)

-25 ...........................................

i ..............

.I................ im
Tw (1) 40



Figure 6.20 11' shaft surface temperature.

between disc 2 and 3( FC28).


SusexMCR82 MetalTeiVeratwes Tnvqertdwm@T('.9 Measwed md Model



111 IL -I-,



QT". Tmq. Difference MeameA Model

llne (8)






----------------II II



...... I so

Tlw (s)


6.21 111shaft %urface temperature,

di-ic 3 bore (TC29).


Oder R&AW Locatim Disc2frCll TC3)&Diw](T(-21



Dim. ' Dcdwm I pl" Bro

rAst Dist I............. Mrmw 3 DAtmk rd

1h. t I Reld L--- mm rd La 1 )1. 1 %l



MW RrAol Locndom Disc2(TCII TC4) & D6sc 3 (TC21 TC 14), a p

Dimc Doom Dist liesl Dioc 2 Meamwrd Pisc 3 1)., dvn


Pi%t 3 Resi


2w RjWW Locadm

Tlow (s)


Disc 2 (TC9 - TCS) & Disc 3 (TC 19 - TC 15)


A Disc Mema CA 2,
PW 3 1)tdi Digt 3 urbi

Is Dist 3M raximrd


2m Tine (8)

1 4m

Figure 6.22 Axial temperature differences across stage 2 and stage 3 discs at three radial locations comparing (he da(unt model and the best matched model Ailh measurements.



DiK 3 RsAW Tempmetwe Gradad Disc Slv 22 ...... ----- i ----------------


1: I ', own -(I Y% Bee Mach

It Mramed





3m Tbw is)


I 'Ofulll -((I"

A Broi Mcdch
'-It, Ln v %%

Tbw (s)

Figure 6.23 Radial temperature differences ((Ii%couter radius to coh) for stage 2 in(] %lage3 di%c% comparing the best matched, (flittlill illodel and the CONE model Olh nicawremen(s.

0.3.8 Be%f-malched model

Figure 6.24 shows the positions ol'the SC03 boundarycondition Iatures.volds. /ones. streamsand ducts for the best matchedmodel. The SC03 model was nin Iransiently through the cycle shown ill 11gure6.3 to a specified accuracyol'O.2K. Towards the end of'(he period at maximum speedthe solution approaches a steadystatecondition. A temperaturecontour plot a( the near steady state maximum speedcondition time point ( 2800s) is shown in Figure 6.25.
The thermal I)OLIndaryconditions used in the 'best nia(ched' model are given in Appendix 2 and tile evaluated thennal boundary condition values at the 'near' stabillsed maximum speed condition are given in Appendix 3.

, o

Sussex -CAmity Rig Build 2 ModI84 V41 it build I Me"ling rqwfiraN t4

T I_' "Oo


I" (41A 01

. ""_ . "' .I---. "-_


!!! s

.. 00

IIj 1110

I .,0

Figure 6.24 Location of Boundary Condifions for lhe Res( Malched Model.


Pi, tjrc 6.25 Tempermure , Model.

con(()tjrs al Slabilised Nla%iilltjnl Condition

for the Best Malched

6.4 Discussion and FurtherAnalysis

Temperature results Crom hoth the datum and the Sussex CONI: correlation thermal models indicated Illat the modelling assumptions needed to be altered in both the region under and around tile cob and bore of*each disc and in [lie inter-disc cavity spacc. Using the Sussex CONI: correlation applied to the disc surface generally improved the matching in (lie outer radial region of'the disc diaphragm but it large error remained at the inner radial region ofthe disc. The modelling of' the ititcr-disc cavity shrouds has been silowil to be acceptable as there is it good thermal inatch in this locatiOll.

6.4.1 flesi-matched

model - modelling a%%timptions

With the standard modelling assuillptions Ipplicd to both the dattim and CONF models. no temperature dillerence exists axially across the discs whilst the test measurements do indicate it

difTcrcncc. temperature Theonly way to try to obtainthemeasured temperature gradientaxially through In an attemptto achieve thediscswasto change themodellingapproach. this temperature lengthof both thethermalstreams flowing into andout of thecavity hadto thepenetrating gradient be increased. The inlet strcamflowing onto thedownstream disc penetrated up to the radiuswhere disc theoutletstrcam On theupstream thedisccob narrowsto thediaphragm. startsfrom (seeFigure6.26).Thcrcrorc, approximately a third of thecavitydepthon thedisc diaphragm an flow modellingsystem hasbeensetup in thecavity.A newsetof modelling asymmetric havebeenmade, assumptions to occurin the innerradialregion with a flow rc-circulation assumed thedisc cobsanda void in theouterradialregionof thecavity. Factors or die cavity, between disc inlet strcamhadto be reduced appliedto thelicat transfer to 0.1 of on thecavity downstream theforcefreedisc correlation (0.1x FRD),whilst the factorfor thecavity outletstrcam wassetto 0.9xFRD.The optimumflow ratein therc-circulation in the innercavity regionwas0.07of the to reedthevoid in thecavity axial throughflowand0.08of theaxial througliflowwasassumed temperature outerradialregion.I lowcvcr to achieve any kind of acceptable matchto die measured disctemperatures the heatnow out or thevoid (thatmixesin with thecirculationflow) washalf that flow andheatflow not to enterthevoid. So thereexistsan imbalance, assumed with boththemass beingconserved. The heattransferfactorsappliedto the rorccdductcorrelation (FCD)usedin each discborchadto be variedfor eachdiscalongthelengthof thecompressor, for thestageI disc I.OxFCDhadto be used,stage 3 disc0.4andfor stage 4 disc0.2xFCDwasused. 2 disc 0.8,stage
It should be noted that for an actual cnginc, unlike the NICR, there is tcmperaturc increasemoving axially along the compressordue to the compressionof the main gas strcarnair. For a typical military engine an axial temperatureincreasealong the length ofthe I IP compressorrim could be as high as 250K(5K to I OKrisc for NICR132). Also, unlikctheNICR, thcrc is a large radial temperaturegradient from the disc rim to the bore, cspccially during the transients.Again in a typical military engine the I IP compressordisc rim to borc radial temperaturediffcrcncc could be as high as 150K. Engine radial temperaturedifferences from disc diaphragmouter radius to cob arc typically I OOKcomparedto the 30K measuredin the MCRB2 discs. If the cquivalcnt pcrccntagc crrors that result in only small tcmpcraturecffors for the MCR arc applied to the actual engine the temperatures crrors will be much larger and could be significant in the stressand lifing oftlic compressorrotor.


I hic II I'm sircaln H'.. Mctmal Void
4. p.


I)u"lllly sircam I emperalurc I ran%lcr 1fral rmnblef

II I I,,




)f DUL.


I--, '

1 (.1) Dattlill



(b) Re%l Matched Model

of the thermal modelling thermal model. approach u%ed in the dalum model to that

Figure 6.26 Comparkon u%cd in the hest-malched


[feat transfer coefficient% oil tile (fi%c%urface and ca%'i(% shroud

I lie lical transfer cocil-mcm % arialion with linic 1hrough ilic acccl (Icccl cNcle at three position,,. 2 2-3 I'Cl dic 2). disc TCI 0. and on the cavity the (stage shroud. on stage mid radius on upstream downstream disc (stage i), r(, 14 are shown in the Figure 6.27. Fhe figure shows the licat transter for the three llicrinal models. For both discs the heat transfer coefficient% for the best matched diat by 4 the CONI: times gicn value a model are in agreement with the correlation giving 05, NVP natural convection correlation. For the cavity shroud heat transfer [lie damin modcl used 0.75 -NUS natural convection from a liori/ontal plate correlation compared to 0.077- NUS u... 'cd in the best- matetied model. As mentioned earlier this gives the equivalent heat transfcr coefficient to that produced by the Sussex UFC derived shroud correlation. which .%-; is 0.9 offhat used in the dalum model. This is shown in the grapli.



ed Tr MAIIVW COVfikirM
MIK 0 MW ('A%*Y.

00 St MgV .2&



118.14 T C
--------------------------------:................ ...............................................................


2m lf'rC na DOWNSTREAM DIS('40T('14

Tlow (8)


I ................. I ..........


Mune -('0% 1

ja Brei mdidc


! ................




AN TIme (9)

li T

0 10
IM : 8." K 6-64

L ................. j




........................................ 0 I im

Figure 6.27 Comparison oftlie licat 1ran%l'er ci)elilcietit% %hroud for Ihr three fliermal niodel%.

on %tage%2 and I (ii%c%und ilie ca%ilN.


0.4.3 Ca%il flo"


According to Alexiou 120001 (lie Rossbyiminbcr (Ro) can be used to detennine whether the flow i's buoyancydriven or whether the throughtlow eflects dominate. For
Ro - 3.15 3.15 - Ro - 1.85 .
Ro - 3.85 stage 2-3 inter-disc the majority

buoyancy effects dominate flic flow is transitional

throughtlow effects dominate number is given in speed condilion, rcginic

For dic MURIQ

cavity the time history plot of'Rossby

Figure 6.2X. During

ol'the transient and at the steady state maximurn ninning 1% in the buoyancy

the Rossby ritimber plots show that the MCRI32



Mgm ni R"sby





1 041111111.1111

I Iul'. uIli UI .







A; Z: C; 0. 9:

MAM TMAN 2Wa J[Mie 4m48

4,NM @AKUM @jullft 3x717 UM


2-3 in 2 Figure 6.28 Time history 44 llos%l)%f(or %I build CR I er-disc cavi I). (Ro) age %1 it toinher

A further set of'criteria University

to determine


dominant are ellects

has heen set hy Sussex

from I here work on (lie MUR 131 drive cone cavity. I lere the I wo flow regimes were hy:



Buoyancycffects dominate Throughilow cffects dominate

Bo-Ro/(PAT)1/2 Bo-Ro /(0 AT)"

<6 >6

Table6.2 belowshowsthe Buoyancy Number(Bo) values at thenearsteady statemaximumspeed backto idle for thethermocouple AT duringthedccclcration conditionandfor thegreatest positions formingthestage 2.3 intcr-disccavity in MCRB2.These on thediscsurfaces throught'low assume fluid temperatures DT24)at themaximum of 317K (SC03ducttemperature, conditionand311K at theidle condition.The metaltemperatures (Tm) usedin thecalculation arc from the rig The Rossby thermocouples. Ro,is a constant valueof 0.8511 at themaximumspeed number, conditionand3.3609at the idle condition.
Table 6.2 Buoyancy pararne(er values a near steady state maximum condition and during (fie deceleration. Near SteadyState Maximum ThermocouplePosition AT(K) (PAT)112 flo-Ro/(PAT)"' Decelerationto Idle AT(K) (PAT)"' Bo-Rol(PAT)"

TC-9 stage 2 disc TC-10 TC-1 1 TC- 12shroud TC-13 stage 3 disc TC_14 FfC-I 51

6.7 11.9 29.0 50.2 33.6 15.0 10.2

0.145 0.194 0.303 0.398 0.326 0.218 10.179

5.86 4.39 2.81 2.14 2.61 3.91 14.75

0.5 2.6 6.2 7.2 6.7 3.1 1.1

0.040 0.091 0.141 0.152 1 0.147 0.100 0.059

85.13 36.50 23.86 22.01 22.85 33.57 156.64

in the This second 2-3 intcr-disc cavity is operating thatthestage setof criteriaalsoindicates buoyancy dominated speed condition,but at tile steady statemaximum regimeat thenearsteady ror bothtile stateidle conditionandduringmostof thethermaltransient response phases 77his Buoyancy acceleration theaxial throughtlowdominates. criterionis number anddeceleration, is be licat CONE UTC Sussex transrcr to usedto determine correlations the two usedror a whichof particular cavity flow, beingeitherin thebuoyancy regime. or thethrougliflowdominant


6.4.4Eckert number effects

The temperaturewithin the cavities rises due to the vortex associatedwith the swirl velocity of the air, which increaseswith radius. The expectedrise in relative total temperatureror a forced vortex is given by the following formula:
&T,,, - 0' ( r. 2 - rj2 . 2 Cp (6.8)

In the above equation, r. is the cavity outer radius (m), ri is the cavity inner radius (m), C1 is the rotational speed(rad/s) of the vortex and Cp is the spccific heat capacity (J/kg/K).

At thenearsteady 6.8 givesa relativetotal temperature statemaximum speed condition,Equation riseof 7K. whilst at the nearidle conditions thetemperature rise is lessthan I K. Tlicrcforc,this At themaximumspeed cffect is only importantat thehighcrrotationalspeeds. condition,thecffcct on theair temperature within thecavity'void' outcrregionis an increase or5K. which hasan cffcct by 2K. This vortextemperature thecavity shroud temperature of increasing risewasnot modelled in anyof the thcrmalmodels.

6.4.5 Axial licat flow calculations

In orderto extractasmuchinformationfrom theexperimental dataaspossible, rurthcranalysis of datafrom both thetransient Temperature thetemperature test. measurements wasundertaken. described in this chapter, andfrom threefurthersteady statetests(testno.33.34 and50) havebeen usedin this assessment.
Using temperatures at the three radial locations on the disc diaphragmand neglecting axial temperaturegradients,equationsmay be deducedfor the net axial licat loss from the disc surraccat the central thcrrnocouplc location. This is shown below where a control volume including the ccntral thcrmocouple location is considercdand cnergy conservationapplied.


I leat




r,, ( r,, , r,,) 2


r, ( r. #rj/2

r,, -- 184.5min

- (), 10 '1,

T%- Tr



141.75iniii 10 11 l<

t Iflfl1


Q, r

TI. - T,

+I Ica( Flo\N ,, IN to [lie disc Illatclial I leat Flow ()(!. P -I disc Illatclial 111C


licrillocoupIc position',

I feilt How conduction F. Sic;,(_JN, quation. heal flow III heat flow out Q,, 2it I-,, 2no, (6.1)

Fran"'ICIIHIca-1-1-jow Conduction F(ttlalloll

11cat flow III

licat flow out # raic ofincrease III ctithalpy ot'llic "'a1c, Q,, 21rr,, ( 2 r.) Q, 2mr, 2n(r,, t -a(I, I (o 10


T is lime (s).

Disc niaterial is litanium conductivity, diaphragni, 1 k

witli a density, li

4421) k-giii ' and at a lemperature Cj, 562 lk-g kl.

of' 1MI'

flierinal dic

7.72 Win 'K ' and ii)ccit"ic lical 0.008111

'rliick-iies% ot'tlic

I Is

For all four steady state tests(tests 33,34,50 and for the acccVdcccIcycle maximum speedsteady statecondition) calculations, the net axial heat flow is out of the disc material to the surrounding air. For disc 2,74%. 79% of the heat entering the disc diaphragm at the outer radius leavesaxially out of the disc diaphragm. Similarly for disc 3,74%-82% of the heat flow leavesaxially out from the disc diaphragm.Figures 6.29 and 6.30 show the calculatedheat transfcr (using the test measured in Equations6.9 and 6.10) into and out of the control volume during the acceleration temperatures (idle to max. speed)and deceleration(max. speedto idle) phases,for the two discs, disc 2 and disc 3, respectively.Ilic transient calculation shows that at an arbitrary time (740.959s)during the into is flow (a heat in the disc material at the mid radial the this test) acceleration slow acceleration be heat flow for both for discs. The time the that can thermal same point position analysis shows cithcr in to or out from the disc diaphragmdependenton the radial position. According to the thermal models, at radial positions inboard orr- 0.17 1m all the heat flow is into the disc and at a disc downstream heat is into disc 0.175mm the the side of and out on the the the on radius around disc. is heat flow 0.182m the At out of the upstreamside. a radius above all

discs2 and3 diaphragm Table6.3compares with SC03 the NICR112 axial heatflow calculations The idle for table (acceleration test to points. transient maximum) predictions steady stateand on tile rig andthe measured the first setusedtemperatures showstwo setsof handcalculations, hand from heat The the SC03 transrcr temperatures. results thermalmodelpredicted second setused for both SC03 stateand thermal steady the results model calculations compare reasonable well with NICRB2 CFD from the the I [cat of models transient transfer gained results operating conditions. havebeenincludedfor completeness. TheCFD results wcll with bothtile hand alsocompare but 33 for heat test SC03 not so the case transfcr state steady calculations andwith the predicted for The from the for tcsL the transient reason the well nearsteady statemaximum condition full difference be due at tile maximum stateconditions to steady the may rig not reaching stabiliscd hand dccclcration 6.29b 6.30b the Figures calculated [lie the that start of at speed point. and show heat CFD is discs transrcr heattransfer to the 30W closer much the which wasapproximately out of 8. CFD models These be the orChaptcr matter results. will subject


Sussex MCRB2 Transient Test - Accel Disc 2- Heat Flow In To the Disc

-H-t -04"

lco,. I" w Oul Ra, *al m


I 1c, ". 1',

1?. (j,,




1000 li-

"()() 1.1





6.29a - Acceleration

Idle to Maximum



Transient Test - Decal Disc 2- Host Flow In To the Disc MCRB2

-1 -e -

4" 4" t"

bn Ri"40

41 K. ) (0. )

0,9 $4cw a R, (Q%) (>A A.. al N. N. i Dm A

: lux)


W, X)

Ak) Tle (a)





Figure 6.291) Deceleration to Maximum Condition Figure 6.29 Sussex NICR build di%c 2 diaphragm - conduction

to Idle.

2 transient calculation

/ deceleration cycle heat 114m %iffiin acceleralion using measured test temperatures.



Test - Accel Disc 3- Host Flow In To the Disc



t .. l ( )"t .. I 14 ((, ). )

HOM Out AxIM - Reduced

Dal. s




I., Ti-

, (IL)

x K)

11-0 K)

Figure 0.30a


idle lo illaxiIIIIIIII



Test - Docol Disc 3- Host Flow In To the Disc MCRB2



inm W,RALUAI At RO ((). ) I 4-M OkA RWSIAO 31 Ft (04) )"1 4". 4 R-l", -1 onla

,A, Itk)O




Time (0)





Figure 6.301) deceleralion maximum condifion to idle. Figure 6.30 Sussex NICR build 2 transient acceleration / deceleration ccle heat llov %vi(hin di%c3 diaphragni temperatures. test conduction measured using calculation 141

Table 6.3 Comparison of AICIII12 Discs 2 and 3 disphrognt axial beat flow calculations, SC03 predicted, CFD predicted and a simple conduction calculation for steady state and transient (acceleration Idle to maximum) test points. SC03 Results Non Disc 2 SS Test 33 Transient Test SS Maximum Transient Test Acccl.CWt-615s Transient Test Acccl. C(Lt-740.969s Transient Test Deccl.Ca, t-3167.5s Transient Test Decci.Cat-3802.5s Note: Heat Flow (%V) Disc 3 SS Test 33 Transient Test SS Maximum Transient Test Acccl. Ca t-615s Transient Test Acccl. a(t-740.969s Transient Test [email protected] TransiWt-T-cst Deccl.Cdt-3802.5s 14.61 . -13.65 -17.71 -41.61 -33.26 -41.24 12.77 8.92 8.39 18.58 19.23 20.55 -30.02 -19.38 (-31.19) (-33.26) (-30.40) (-36.68) -37.11 -26.32 -37.31 -27.92 disc Is OUT Ilcut Flow orthe -Q +Q Is Heat Flow IN to the disc -14.68 -15.07 -17.37 40.28 -33.57 40.82 11.50 8.82 6.45 16.48 17.08 15.89 -28.88 -20.16 Conjugate -27.64 -30.32 -25.72 -38.89 Conjugate Test CFD Results Conduction Hand Calculations SC03

Measurements Predictions -33.41 -24.71 -35.18 -28.97


6.4.6The effect or Internal radiation within the AICR build 2 rig.

In thebestthermalmatched SC03modelan internalradiationboundary conditionwasappliedto drum.The valueof cmissivitywassetat thecasing the rotatingcompressor walls,which surround 0.5.1lowcvcraflcr discussions UTC teamit wasdiscovered thatthe MCR build 2 with theSussex it is blackmattpaint.Therefore discswerepaintedwith a high temperature rig compressor to assume thatthecmissivitycanbesetequalto 1.Alcxiou confirmedthatthis valuehad reasonable been in investigate To ilia the the thermocouples checked with a handheldthcrmonictcr rig. and druma SCO3 thermalmodelhas effectof theinternalradiationwithin the MCR rig compressor been temperatures thermalmodel.Internalradiationhasbeen run to compare with ilia bestmatched inside drum to the the and surraccs or appliedto boththeoutsidesurfaces compressor rotating of been ror has I discdrumandstationary Emissivity to thecompressor set value all the a of shaft. internalradiationboundary conditions. in Figure6.31showtile metaltemperatures Thetwo graphs on discs1.2 at threeradiallocations thermalmodel,Figure6.31aandfor the and3 (andalsothedisc 2.3 shroud)ror the 'best' matched drum internalradiationmodel,Figure6.31b. Comparing thetemperatures at the 'near' compressor internal for SC03 that the thermal radiation the two shows models steady statemaximumcondition little has drum disc boundary (cmissivity 1) effect, surraccs to the compressor condition applied disc I for increase less IK disc the temperatures, rim wherethe than except the an of on metal increase is 2K, with internalradiation thereis no temperature applied.Also duringthetransients for Thercrore in between the disc two thermal the models. appreciable change metaltemperature it be disc Sussex MCR with modest tcnipcraturc can gradients temperatures radial andsmall during disc both internal has temperatures the that on assumed radiation only a negligibleefTcct disc Convection arethe transient radialconduction and operation andat steady stateconditions. drum. dominant heattransrcr the compressor mechanisms within


%. 5.1

M( x MI A... 60-4 M... j &khd

F. 9

Nuw A ). q4 %1 gomp i,.. , d

rw wo

4 303M v MA 303jo F. mim (; 30136 11 ini.. 44

3031" 130521 I" : 1S. 916 SW bh)


Db. I (, h II lbwb I ;:: Mph


1 IN



m ob. 1 Rbu Dh II



sb-: l

I* $if


Figure 6.31a Alest' matched thermal model

%1( R 21 Aaw

D. W t.


=2 34
M 31MV3 311111JI,

fig. I
J, Db. 1('. h In 111,09

31101,119 Majob 170

11 M130 Wj jq* WA.9" 301 M W-4" Rb.

Dh. I

1%. -A

K I'


I $4 no Ii Figure 6.3 11)Compressor drum internal radialion I

0-1.1 4m

I hernial model

Figure 6.31 Stmex NICR build 2 effect of interital riodiatiou %silhiu the compressor inler-disc ifics (entissivity - I) mi metal lemperal tire%. ca%

6.5 Conclusions A thermal for the rVICRI32 industrialpracticehasbeenproduced modelbased on standard rig and All thetemperature temperatures predicted compared errorsinvolvedarc with rig measurements. beinglessthan5K ror all positions thereis only modest, andat all timesduringthecycle.However, difference differcriccin between a 30K radialtemperature thedisc rim andthecob andonly a SOK The 5K crror thecavityshroud metaltemperature andtheaxial througliflowfluid temperature. differencebetween theshroud relates, asa percentage andaxial throughflowgas, of thetemperature during 12% to a 7% crrorat thenearsteady the condition and about a crror speed statemaximum This represents acceleration. a significanterror. Comparison from a numberof modifiedmodels that thereis some showed of theresultsobtained disc surfaces. Overall, meritin usingthenew"CONE" correlation anddownstream on theupstream is seento be cffcctivc in themid andouterregions for theconecorrelation of thediscdiaphragm thesteady statemaximum condition,achievingbetterresultsthanthedatummodel.On these criteria,theconecorrelation at the innerradiusof thedisc wasalsousefulfor modellingconvection hasa detrimental diaphragm duringthedeceleration to idle. I lowcvcr,usingtheconecorrelation Duringtransients theconecorrelation a disc cffcct on thedisc cobandboretemperatures. produces inner disc for is the temperature the that to the of and mid part response response close measured diaphragm. I lowcvcr in theouterradialpartof thedisc thedatummodelproduces a betterthermal thanthe modelwith theconecorrelation. response
Inter-disc cavity shroud temperaturepredictions were good for the datum model and for the model using the heat transfer equivalent to that correlated by SussexUTC. Stresses in the discs arc driven by temperaturegradient. Comparing the radial temperature difference, disc outcr radius to the disc cob, produced by the thermal models to that measured, the datum model is shown to perform much better than the thermal model with the cone correlation, both at the near maximum spccd steadystatecondition and during the transients.Modelling around the compressordisc cobs has provcd to be difficult. To achievean acccptablematch with the disc temperaturemeasurements, the following non-standardthcrmal boundaryconditions had to be assumed


0 Asymmetricinictsandoutflows. Imbalance flow in andout of the intcr-disccavity void. of hcat/mass

1ligh and low heat transferon the upstreamand downstreamdisc cobs, rcspectivcly. Variation in factors of the forced duct heat transfer on disc bores along the compressor. The extraordinary methodsusedto achievea match for this application are not expectedto read acrossto other situations. I lowcvcr, it is worth noting that the solution involved increasingthe circulation into the cavity from the "normal" 10% to 15%of the axial throughilow. orthis 8% goes into the outer cavity void and the remainderstays in the throught'low dominated zone. It is clear that traditional modelling approaches for this problem suffer from,various dift'icultics and that care is neededin interpreting the thcrtnal analysis.Greaterunderstandingor the flows occurring in the build 2 configuration is required. Build 3 of the Sussexrig will provide velocity that will help understandthe flow within the intcr-disc cavities. CFD work will measurements continue to be used for the build 2 and build 3 configurations to supplementthe measurements. Someprogresshas been made in the modelling of the cavities with full 3D unsteadyCFD but this is very computationally intensive. In an attempt to overcomethe computing time problem a 2D axisymmctric steady flow modelling techniquehas beendevelopedand this method will be discussedin detail in the chaptersto follow. The modelling will needto capture the flow physics, especially the interaction of the axial througliflow with the cavity flow.



7.1 Introduction

In thischapter flow three-dimensional a numerical method of modellingthecomplexunsteady buoyancy flow two-dimensional effectswithin a rotatingcavity with a simplesteady axisymmctric Usingtheknowledge modelwill bepresented work on the anddiscussed. gainedfrom theprevious flows within cncloscd numerical modellingof buoyancy cavities,a simplesteadyflow twodimensional thatcanbe appliedwithin a conventional axisymmctric modelhasbeendeveloped CFDmodelfor these The chapter typesof geometries. of themethod, will dctail thedevelopment followedby a description CFD usinga 'User of how the modelwill be linkedto conventional DefinedFunction'or UDF within the FluentCFD computing code.I'lie UDF modelwill thenbe "I'lic by application tested to the chapter will closewith the cavity. stationary of method an enclosed beingappliedto a rotatingenclosed of the method cavity.Theresultsfrom theapplication to thetestdatafrom the Kirkpatrick& Bohn's[1986] simplifiedCFD modelwill be compared for [1993,1994] from for a stationary Bohn the experiments ct al's experiments enclosed cavityand a rotatingscaled cavity.

7.2 A 2D Axisymmetric Alodel or the Buoyancy Effects In Rotating Cavity Flows. A simple axisymmctric (or circumfcrcntially-avcragcd) approachto modelling buoyancy-drivcn heat transfer in the centrifugal force field bctwccn concentric rotating cylindcrs hasbccn layer is 'conduction With Chapter 2, to the considered. the approachadopted similar referenceto technique' that has beenused by other workers to model high Rayleigh number free convection under gravity. 7be flow betweentwo co-axial, co-rotating. infinite cylinders at different uniform temperaturesis consideredfirst, and is illustrated in Figure 7.1. Averaging over time, it is expectedthat the flow variableswill not vary with z or (Din the natural cylindrical co-ordinatc system(rOz). It is also that the flow can be treatedas a perturbation of solid body rotation (v. - f1r). From analogy with

diffusion,simpledimensional turbulent andwith theconsideration of thestabilityof arguments. (1978,19801, Chew(2000], rotatingcompressible andinviscidfluids by EckhoffandStorcslcttcn in Chaptcr2, section 2.6,postulatcd asreported that in the interior flow theheatflux (4) is given (in termsof time averaged by the following equation, variables)

Figure 7.1 Illustration or tije simplified model.

d7* dT kT-kT Rai* -A rr wherethe 'local Rayleigh number'Raiis defincdasfollows )2 dp, O ", _r Ra, = Prp Max[(! Ir2cp dr JU
V. 2 2V



I lere A and n are non-dimcnsionalconstants,L is the rcprcscntativc length scaleand,p.. U.Pr (-PcWk), v., C.. T. k and c denotethe fluid density, viscosity, Prandtl number, swirl velocity, specific heat at constantpressure,static temperature,thermal conductivity and the speedof sound, respectively. In the low Mach number limit this model will promote heat transrcr if the radial temperaturegradient is positive. Eckhoff and Storcslcttcn's stability criteria support the useof the term in brackets[] in Equation 7.2 being negative,if the rotating flow is stable and positive if the flow is unstable.The stability criterion tcrin may be dcrivcd as describedbelow;


is, Assuming the equation radial equilibrium a forcedvortexwith tangential v., velocity ' v. p r

dp dr
and for iscntropic flow of a pcrfcct gas,


p= npr whcrc n is a constant.Diffcrentiating Equation 7.4 w.r.t. r,


dp dp nypy-1 = dr Tr into Equation 7.3, substituting yp With thespccdof sound,

F. 3 rr V2 ._



7.6. 7.4 and7.7 in Equation andusingequations dp r p dr ( c



7.8, from Equation it follows just the is forced If it is assumed "iscntropic stable, thatthe vortex" flow is stableif, r dp p dr (7.9)

Using the analogy with turbulent mixing (Chcw 20001,the tangentialcomponentof the momentum following by term. is the in the of addition the conservationequation axisymmctric model modified

d ARa, ' v p[r 7dir' -( dr Pr

ARI* L_ U. Pr r1 rdr

) (ALaL,, vd



is It (v thataway forced Notethattheaboveterm is zeroin thecase alsoassumed r). cc vortex of a heat is transfcr from thewalls thecontribution to the negligible. thermal conduction of conventional by: is flow T`hcn heat in flux "core" the theradial given thecentral of

dT -AR I



The axisymmctric model hasbeen implementedby modifying the core gas properties of viscosity, ju and thermal conductivity, k (Prandtl number remainsconstint). Thesearc multiplied by a factor given as a function of the local Rayleigh number, Rai, using the cquations above.The samevalue is usedto factor both the viscosity and the thermal conductivity, as follows,

*jj p' - ARa, and V-Aft, "k

(7.12a) (7.12b)

The two constantsA and n usedin the factoring equationswill be determined from the matching of test caseswith experimentaldata acrossthe full rangeof Rayleigh numbers.Viscosity. P'uscd in the enhancedmixing UDF model is the augmentedmolecular or laminar viscosity. The eddy or turbulent viscosity remainsunalteredusing the values computedby the k-c turbulent model within the solver. This is best illustrated by the engine casein Chapter 9, where a comparisonof the enhancedmixing model augmentedlaminar viscosity with the eddy viscosity is made.Figures9.6 and 9.7 on page 219 which show the relative magnitudesof the two viscosities, the augmented laminar viscosity and the eddy viscosity, respectively. For the limiting condition of small values ordp/v,. J77Tand Eckert number OV111TC.. wheredp and,dTarc rcprcscntativc valuesof pressureand temperaturedifferences, solution of Equation 7.11 for the core heat flux, 4 gives,

qr /r)r A[In(r, ! A-T, =

I" IPI fl'VPAT, Prp


is P interior is inncr-to-outcr d T, the a coefficicntof and the region whcre, temperature riseacross by divided be I thcnnalexpansion, thegastemperature. taken whichcan as licat is Closeto theboundary in by the layers conduction given which thin arcassumed cylinders, horizontal in heated flat from for modifiedexperimental plate gravity. a correlations convection

I Jere include ( 19501 theFishendcn to andSaunders arc adiptcd centrifugalacceleration correlations ratherthangravity, A-0.54Ra 0.25 333 N4 = 0.14 RaO. for 105 < Ra< 2407 for 2407 < Ra< M010 (7.14a) (7.14b)

Ra - PrS22rp2,8, dTL! 1p' theNusselt where numbcrNu- L41(kV) andthe Rayleigh number difference, lengthscales, fluid to wall temperature andL,.dT. Pr, fi (- Mi. ) dcnoterepresentative Prandtl T,,. is thegastemperature at the number andcoefficientof thermalexpansion, respectively. lengthscale, L is somewhat edge of the layer.Choiceof therepresentative arbitrary,asthe free is based convection correlation quitedifferentfrom thatconsidered on experimental configurations here.For a finite cavity thehalf cavitywidth would be a reasonable choice.(Notethatthe lengthscale, ) L will cancclout if the flow is in thehigh Ranumber range. characteristic Themodeldescribed hasbeenextended andappliedto thecase orcoabovefor theclosedannulus In these theRayleigh will be smallor number rotatingdisccavitieswith axial throughnow. cases zeroin theaxial througliflowregionandso theCFD modelwill revertto conventional heat for has been Equation 7.14b transfer. the shroud convective axisymnictric model. retained for turbulent Conventional CFD hasbeenusedin thenear-wallregionon die discs.Thecorrelation in been from a horizontal has thesimpleaxisymmctric modelto natural convection used plate heat horizontal heat 1"his disc a the transfer plate correlation produces the produce on cavity shroud. heat [ 1993,1994) by Bolin is heat transfer, the radial ct al. than the transfer which greater produced heat in Chapter 8, I lowcvcr, been to the transfer transfer comparcd when correlation. seen aswill from a datathenaturalconvection for the Sussex MCR Build 2 cavity 3 experimental calculated horizontal low. platecorrelation remains For Implementation in CFD FLUENT the the eachpoint on thewall code was undertaken. of model by done This CFD internally temperature the was anair calculation. wasestimated within Using from distance internal the wall. away associating spccificd surface a pointswith meshpoints 7.14b Equation fluid local this valueof air temperature, temperature was properties and the wall and followingcquations The hcattransfer.4, then the freeconvection were appliedto estimate say. ' usedto estimate effects. theadditionalheatflux, 4. say,dueto buoyancy dT *k IRa, Y-, rr r4, r.q,,

in the flow 'core' in thencar-wallregion

(7.15a) (7.15b)

After eachupdate ficid in theCFD solutiondie additionalheatflux termwas of the temperature to the followingalgorithm, estimated according
1. For each wall point rind an appropriate 'free strcam' air temperature and thcrtnal laycr thickness. 2. For each wall point calculate 4., using appropriate heat tmnsrer correlations. 3. Associate each interior calculation point with the 'nearest' wall point and use the interior dctcnninc layer the to thermal thickness or not point whether appropriate value of lics in the ncar-wall region. 4. For each interior point calculate 4. from the equations given above using the appropriate value of4,,.

include iterative CFD the This algorithmwasincorporated to and extended the solution within in free For in the the conditions which equations. effectsof extramixing conservation momentum heattransferis relativelysmallthese shouldhavelittle effecton theCFD convection modifications solution.

Cavity. 7.3A Numerical 2D Model of the BuoyancyEffectsIn a Stationary Cube Enclosed An initial 2D CFD modelwasusedto checkthatmodifyingthe fluid properties within a stationary heat flow throughthe the temperature required core, with enclosed cavity would produce a constant for ( 1986] 2D CFD Bohn's A Kirkpatrick & enclosed a stationary experiment cavity. modelof first. The 30K difference wall The I IC was considered of cavitywasused. case, with a temperature at thetop of the temperature at the bottomof thecavitywassetat 330K whilst thewall temperature For the to be adiabatic. wereassumed cavitywassetat 300K.Thetwo verticalsidcwalls CFD is 1010. 1.75x As Ra the difference simulations 30K Rayleigh temperature with the number, of in fluid discussed to in Chapter act a 3 the was assumed andgravity earlier waterwasusedas FLUENT downwards direction.ThreeCFDcalculations the segregated using performed were laminar flow; both The first flow laminar unsteady the assumed solver. and second assumed steady Iamiaar The CFD third steady these analysis assumed of analyses approach. usedtheconventional by 100 100-squarcd 3D flow but with the fluid properties Similar to the a mesh analyses, modificd. for 1.1 with a cell spacing all threeorthcsc analyses. employed expansion ratio of was

7.3.1 21) steady laminar flow CH).

Results 11or the converged steady larninar flow CFD model are shown in Figure 7.2 as a stream I*unction contour plot, and in Figurc 7.3 as a velocity vector plot. coloured by velocity magnitude. Both figures indicate two main flow circulations with the larger ol'the two being on the right side of' the cavity. The flow rises Froin the hot bottom wall near to the centrc and Callsback down the sidcwalls creating the two circulations. In I clockwise direction flor the circulation on the right and in an anti-clockwisc direction lor the circulations on the lef). The maximum calculated flow velocity was 0.03 1ni/s.


: 1,.,.,..

ob 41

It I, ...,,.

a a

" 00.



Figure 7.2 Stream function contours.

Figure 7.3 Velocity vectors (m/s) coloured by velocity magnitude.

Figure 7.4 show the calculated vertical temperature distribution through the ccntre of the cavity from the hot bottom wall to the cold top wall. The plot shows that there is a uniform corc temperature of3 19K, 4K higher than the average ofthc hot and cold wall 1cmpcraturcs. The graph CFD bottom the that both top the and shows walls and shows steep temperature gradients near to Comparing the calculated fine flow the cavity. to ofthc the walls mesh was sufficiently near capturc derived Bohn & Kirkpatrick heat heat from experimentally transt'er to the transfer the wall Nu CFD heat Nussclt transfer number, correlation, predicted a 169 for the hot wall and 128 for

the cold wall, hence a large error between the two Nussclt number%.When compared with the Kirkpatrick & Bohn correlation value of 256 there is an error in the average heat transfer of large 365W. heat the 42%. The in cavity was at or transt'er within the approximately overall error 13.3% ofthe heat entering the cavity. In summary, the 21) stcady laminar flow CFD solution was a poor simulation of the experiment.


330"Q 3250423JO"W


4If v

-+; iI T-16

Static 315"a Tompooraue

(k) 3 10&42



01 018 ei Y-CoMate(m)

-443 on


Figure 7.4 Vertical tenipcraturc distribution through the centre of the cavity for the steady laminar solution.

7.3.2 2D unsteady


Resultsfor the unsteadylaminar flow CFD model arc shown in Figure 7.5, as a strcarn function contour plot and in Figure 7.6 as a velocity vector plot, colourcd by velocity magnitude.Both figures indicate that a main central flow circulation angled diagonally acrossthe cavity is set up. The flow rises from the hot bottom wall and circulates in a clockwise direction. Two smaller sized anti-clockwisc circulations arc shown to form, one in the upper lcft comer and the secondin the lower right comer of the cavity. Two further anti-clockwisc circulations form in the top right and bottom left comcrs but arc much smaller in size comparedto the three main circulations. The maximum calculated flow velocity was 0.04 1nits. Figure 7.7 show the calculatedvertical temperaturedistribution through the ccntrc of the cavity rrom the hot bottom wall to the cold top wall. The plot showsthat there is a uniform core temperatureof 315K. the averageof the hot and The graph also shows that steeptemperaturegradientsexist near to both the cold wall temperatures. top and bottom walls, and that the CFD mcsh was sufficicritly fine to capturethe flow near the walls of the cavity.


I. I. Aw M. -W

Ob Al ". 411



Figure 7.5 Stream function contours.

Figure 7.6 Velocih %, elocit% magnitude.

%ectors (m/s) coloured bv


3 20W)2

Statlc 3V-4. Tomporaturt,

31().. Oj

t-i- .

' fE EE E
p. 4 .

't H
olm (m)

30s.. 432

3 GD.-W

Figure 7.7 Vertical temperature distribution for the unsteady larninar solution.

ft z i

013 Y-<-n'r, imtA 02


1 11

& Bohn 1rom the correlation giving an to note that this is a much larger III

through the centre of the cavity


the calculated

wall heat transfer to the heat transfer 1rom the Kirkpatrick the tune-averaged


derived correlation,

heat transfer Nusselt numbers were Nu 193 -

flor the hot wall and 198 flor the cold wall compared to 256 calculated average heat Iranst'er error ofapproxiniately error than that produced by the equivalent in the heat transfer within 24"/o. It is ol'interest

31) CFD discussed earlier in Chapter 3. The overall error or 2.5% ofthe heat entering the cavity.

the cavity was 43AW.

summary the unsteady laminar steady laminar

flow CFD matches the experimental

results much better than the

flow CFD. However

neither CI-D models produced a flow field where the flow

circulates around a central core which was shown to happen with the 31) CFD models in Chapter 3.


7.3.3 21) unsteady laminar flo%scFD %sith modified fluid properties.

In an attempt to achieve a cavity flow field having a central core the fluld properties had to be modified to give enhancedinixing within the cavity. Both the viscosity and thernial conductivity were increasedin proportion to eachother. The specific heat capacity remained it the normal value. //j) and (I -co. s allowing the Prandtl number to remain the sarne.The I'linctions(I -cos jYc/2*d, [x/2*d, //]) were used to increase(fie value of'the two fluid properties frorn a defined minimum distance 1'rom defined the to each ol'the walls. a set over value on wails a maxinium value moving The cosine lunction was chosento allow a smooth changein fluid propertiesacrossthe layer. The 'boundary layer type distance' was set as I Wo of*the caviiy wall si/e. giving / 0.0305m. The same 240 5.5 factors both Im and thernial were as conductivity set mininiurn and maximum viscosity and User FLUENT To the fluid a solver propertieswithin respectively. enable the useol'the enhanced Defined Function or UDF was written in the programming language'C' and incorporatedand 'hooked' to the solver. Figures7.8 and 7.9 show graphically by contour plot how viscosity and therinal conductivity fluid propertieswere modified in the CIA) model. Figure 7.9 shows the fluld 7.9 Figure line drawn showsa contour plot of' through the and cavity viscosity on a centre ofthe therinal conductivity within the cavity. Apart I, rom the changesmadeto the fluid properties conventionalCFD was used in the flow analysis.



III . 1! s. I!

-11 1 m

Figure 7.8 Enhanced mixing fluid viscosity distribution.

Figure 7.9 Enhanced mixing fluid thermal conducthift confours.

ResuIts for the unsteady laminar flow

lie UDF lit enhanced inixing are shown in "it 11joijel

Figure 7.10 as a stream flinction contour plot, and in Figure 7.11 as a velocity vector plot. coloured by velocity magnitude. Both figures indicate that a main central flow circulation angled slightly

across the cavity is set tip. The flow rises From the hot bolloin wall and circulatcs in a clockwise direction. Four small anti-clockwise circulationsare shown it) form in each comer ol'the cavity, with the Lipper lcI't and lower right circulations being stronger than the two circulations forined in the other two corners. The inaxiinum calculated flow velocity was 0.02 1ni/s near to each of'the alls. Iddex%
or. 4W

j W. 110-W -W I ru-02 I

I Ilk -02 1 31b-02 12t. -W

04. -, u

864-43 G$4-03
% I.J. (13


Figure 7.10 Stream function conlours.

Figure 7.11 Velocity vectors (m/s) coloured by velocity magni(tide.

Figure 7.12 shows the calculated vertical temperature distribution through the centre ol'the cavity from the hot bottom wall to the cold lop wall. The plot shows that there is a unillorin core temperature of'3 15K. the average ofthe hot and cold wall temperatures. The graph also shows that temperature gradients exist near to both the top and bottom walls over the width ol'thc enhanced fluid property boundary layer thickness.
I_. _. __. II 3

3 2SIX-1.

stancs Temperature M

3 aaoo&.02

005 01

ols 10'
., q,

02 at.. ((II




Figure 7.12 Vertical temperature distribution through the centre of the cavit) for the unsteady laininar flow with modified fluid properties.

Theoverallerror in theheattransferbalance for thecavity wasonly 3.OW,or 0.1%or thehcat thecavity. I lowcvcr whencomparing entering to the heattransfer thecalculated wall hcattransrcr fromtheKirkpatrick& Bohnexperimentally derivedcorrelationtheresults werenot so good.CFD Nusscltnumber, Aru- 74 for both the hot andcold wallscompared predicted to 256 a heattransfer from thecorrelation 71%.This is againa muchlarger calculated giving an errorof approximately laminarflow CFD by theequivalent 3D CFD. In conclusion, errorthanthatproduced theunsteady with enhanced theexperimental mixing in thecavity matches resultsmuchbetterin obtaininga uniformtemperature centralcorewith flow circulatingaroundthis corebut theheattransrcris much too low compared to the experimental value.

7.4A Numerical2D Axisymmetric Model of the BuoyancyEffectsIn it Rotating Scaled Cavity.

In this sectionan evaluation of the enhancedmixing model is presented. The method is applied to a rotating enclosedcavity and results from the 2D axisymnictric CFD model are comparedwith the results from Bohn ct al.'s (1993,1994] experiments.Rotating cavity Configuration A (see Figure 2.2) hasbeenused for this CFD simulation. The 2D axisymnictric model was usedto check that modifying the fluid properties within a rotating cncloscd cavity would producea constant temperature core, with the required heat flow through the cavity. The cavity was set to rotate at a speedof 2000 rpm (209.4rad/s).For a temperaturedifference betweendie outer and inner cylindrical surfaceof 30K the Rayleigh number, M4 was 4.255x 1010 and rotational Reynolds number,Re.,was 7.915x 101.As with the CFD simulations of Bohn et al.'s experimentdiscussed earlier in Chapter4, air was usedas the fluid. CFD calculations were performed using the FLUENT segregated solver assumingsteadyturbulent flow. The standardk-c and 2-laycr k-c /W near wall turbulencemodels were used. Similar to the 3D analyses,a 100 x 100 meshwith a cell spacing expansionratio of 1.1 was employed for the analysis. From a convergedsolution using the conventionalCFD approachthe enhancedmixing model implementedusing a FLUENT UDF, was applied and a convergedCFD solution for the rotating encloscdcavity with enhancedmixing in the core was obtained.


Using the Bohn ct al. 's heat transfer correlation for the Configuration A, for the inner and outer radius walls, Nu, =0.246Ra 0.221

(7.I 6)

Thereforefor AT - 30K and a Ra+- 4.255x 10109 Nuk - 65.21 1 The expectedheat flux, 4 through the inner and outer walls are given by,

Fortheinnerwall, And for theoutcrwall,

q, =

Nu*IT. -T, I


NU61T. 40 =k -Til --) (r. Ir, In r.


inner wm*IK7', kfluid 0.0242 radius,ri-0.125m and the thmnal cavity where conductivity, respectively. outer radius,r. - 0.355m, T. and T, are the outer and inner wall temperatures Evaluating the heat flux for the conditions consideredyields inner wall and outcr wall heat fluxes or 41- 362.85 W/m2 and 4. - 127.77W/M2 respectively.

*Tbe ncarwall factorf is derivcdasfollows, Theheatflux at thewall, 4. is givenby, (T. T1.11 r) 4W -A n"P (7.19)

in I" (CFD temperature the is TArirp ccll fluid cclI ccntrcd the temperaturenear to the wall where from the is distance wall. away to temperature the position next the wall) and nN; of #'P


Pfp Prkp

Ucp kom .,. Pt


ircd For the V tively. mod i cc where and p' are the modificd thermal conductivity and viscosity rcsP locally f the but to fp wall and along vary to the viscosity near allowing wall, p'= now substituting Equation 7.20 into Equation 7.19; filco (T. - TV" P Pr nx, p where 4c., j is the heat flux from the appropriateBohn ct al.'s experimentcorrelation. So for the enhancedmixing model the near wall multiplication factor.f is given by, (7.21)


From Equation 7.2 1,

n"vxp (T. TAN. pcp P)



Sofor theouterwall,
and for the inner wall,

n,..,. 5279.73 (T.



14994.45 (T.


3 TAO.,. -

Equations7.23 and 7.24 were coded into the UDF to calculate tile local near wall factors,f. andf, along the outer and inner walls. The meannear wall factorfwas calculated rrom the local factors along the outer and inner walls. The core factor, K was assumedto have a rlxcd value or4300. A seriesof CFD calculations were then performed for various inner and outer walls, and sidcwall layer thicknesses. The CFD calculatedheat transfer was comparedto Bolin ct al.'s experimental datato obtain the 'best' CFD model. The best CFD results were obtained with the inner and outer wall constantboundary layer thicknessset at 0.002m and thicknessesof 0.005m for the sidCwalls. In this CFD model the fluid propertieswere only modified in the inner and outer wall boundary cells and no near wall, f factor was applied to the sidcwalls allowing conventional CFD calculations to be applied in the 0.005m boundary layer regions on the sidewalls. The functions (I -cos[x/2*d,, /n) and (1-cos[x/2*d/n) were used to derine the increasein tile fluid propertiesof thermal conductivity and viscosity moving away from eachwall. The increasein fluid propertiesover the near wall boundarylayer thickness,I was set equal to 10%of the cavity width (0.12m), I-0.0 12m.

Results for thesteady turbulentflow rotatingannulus cavity CFD model(Config.A case)with tile in Figure7.13showweakflow enhanced 7.13to 7.16.7lic streamlines mixingarc shownin Figures in theinteriorwith stronger is in the there the regions where no enhanced mixing. motionnear walls Theswirl velocitycontourplot, Figure7.14shows thecxpectcd thattheCFD modeldoesproduce solidbodyrotationin thecavity.The mixing factordistributionin Figure7.15confirmstile implementation successful ncar-wallregions merging of themethod showingthatthe non-damped die Figure 7.16 in smoothly calculated with theenhanced the shows radial core. mixing region temperature distributionthroughtheccntrcof thecavity.Theplot showsthattheCFD model 317.5K. Illic Produces temperature of graphalso a uniformtemperature centralcorewith a core shows thattemperature gradients existnearto the innerandouterradiuswallsoverthewidth (0-002m) layerthickness. fluid propertyboundary of theenhanced


,. $0. qbalw. 0 24.. 4 00-01 lop.

0 . 0:

0: o


.?. Da.:

0 0

M.: W

. 31.0 4 02. . 01 3 4.1.: 01 3 u. W 3 34.

. 01

Figure 7.13 Stream function contours.

Figure 7.14 SAirl %el(wil%(m/%) conlotim


: 40. m Oeb: 0 lb7. OJ elw. ua



2, b. 104-03


a00.. 446.0.,


1. QI


P 'M V



P tfl


Figure 7.15 Mixing factor contours.

Figure 7.16 Vertical temperature dioribulion through the centre of the ca,* it%.

3.4",, 3.4 1 Hie error in the overall heat transt'er balance for the rotating annular ca% (AV. or of' %kas ity the heat entering the cavity. When comparing the calculated wall heat transfIer it) the heat transfer from the Bohn et al. experinien(ally derived Configuration A correlation the results for the inner and outer radius walls were poor, with the CFD predicted heat transfer Ix-Ing 35.48W for the inner and 63.M4W for the outer wall compared to 34.2W calculated from the correlation giving a prediction Using M7"o. for fior error ol'approximately 4(1/, error ol'approximately the wall an the inner and outer (, the Bohn et al. [ 19941 experimental heat transfer correlation for axial heamig conditions gives a hcat transfer of 34.1 8W for this case. I ]eat transfer CFD results were 69.72W for the cold sidewall and 36.94W for the hot side wall. It must be noted that the Bohn et al. experiments were perflornied %eparatelyfor radial and axial directed heat transfer and no combined axial and radial directed heat Ifil

transfer Therefore flic correlations experiments wereperformed. werederivedfor radialdirected heattransfer in isolation. andfor axialdirected In conclusion thesteady turbulentflow CFD with enhanced mixing in thecavityresultsin a I loweverthe modeldoesnot produce uniformtemperature the centralcorebeingproduced. flow arounda centralcorethatmight havebeenexpected. 71c CFD modelheattransfer circulating
resultswere acceptablefor the inner radius wall but poor for the outer radius wall. Closer examinationof the CFD solution results showed lack of convergenceof some local near wall factorscalculatedalong both the inner and outer radius cylindrical walls. The variation in these factorsfrom iteration to iteration was most notable in the two comers on the hot outer radius wall. Furtherdevelopmentof the model focussedon rotating cavity with axial throughflow test casesand this is describedbelow.

7.5 Final Implementation of the Enhanced Mixing Model.

In thissectionimplementation UDF described methodology are and the model mixing of enhanced is givenon how the UDF hasbeenappliedto a rotatingcncloscd anexplanation cavitywith axial throughflow.

7.5.1 Cavity shroud heat transfer formulation coded In the UDF For a rotating intcr-disc cavity the shroud local Rayleigh number, Ra has bccn defined as follows,

Ra = Gr Pr6 YP3 (. 1 (T. r. n2 12- To


Grashof where number,

Gr =



line Prandd andbase number,

Pfl, =




I lerer. is thecavity shroudradius(m),s is thecavitywidth, T. is the localshroud wall temperature (K), 0 is therotor speed (rad/s),T,,is thegastemperature (K) at a positionin theccntrcof the kbarcthebaseline cavityat 85%of thecavity outerradius.Viscosity,j4 andthcrrnalconductivity. values setby theuserin a FLUENT inputpanel. Thestandard heattransfer from a horizontal plateassuming correlationfor naturalconvection flow wasusedto obtainthelocalheattransfer turbulent alongthecavity shroud.
Nu,,, w 0.14Ra*-Jjj j giving a local hcat flux, I(T. T, Nu,., ks j V2) (7.15b)


Now using Equation 7.2 1, the local near wall factorf is given by,

i(T. TXW CP p1


7.5.2Cavity core enhanced In UDF formulation the coded mixing model To obtaintheK multiplying factorfor thecnhanccd for local Equation 7.2 the core, mixing Rayleigh RaiandEquation 7.11for theheatflux havebeencodedinto theUDFnumber, 7be localRatis givenby, Ra, Pr,Ra,Raj where Acp Pr, k, (Or, 2 L + 14,1)2 p, Ra, 1, 'r Ra, At 2 dp !L p dr)
13 +wW, +

(7.30) (7.31)





-41-. j 4R-T,



L=r, - Rsw


RAO(m) is the outer radius of the central shaft forming the inner radial dimension of the cavity. R,, 44 is specified by the user within the UDF. The local fluid viscosity. lit and thermal conductivity, ki within the core, usesthe modificd valuesat eachcomputational iteration. 71c local radial cell The characteristic Centre position is r, (m).Thc local fluid relative circumfcrcnti3l velocity is is-1. Icngth,L used in the local Raj number is given by, rrRW and was determinedthrough CFD trials usingthe UDF. Stability of the CFD computationwas best achievedwith this definition of tile charactcristiclength. From the Eckhoff and Storcslcttcn ( 1978,19801stability criterion, Equ3tion 7.9, if Ra2< 0, Ra2is set to 0 and conventional CFD is usedwith no enhancedmixing taking place in that location.

Duringengine disc (and the andtheshroud compressor acceleration at steady stateconditions) increases disc temperatures temperature the MCMI temperature and thanthecavityair arcgreater be dp1dr in The rateof change density the to cavity will expected with radius. with respect radius, of I local (Ra) Rayleigh I Icnce increase in to benegative the wil to number and strengthen radius. with increase will be number occurs,theN13ch with radius.At low radii, wheretheaxial throughflow tendsto zero smallanddpldr will be smallor maybepositive.In this regionthe Rayleighnumber duringan engine Ra:is setto zeroandconventional This is alsotypically thecase CFD is used. deceleration.
The core multiplying factor, K was defincd as,

Ka ARaj"


Valuesof A heattransrcr. This is in thestandard for naturalconvection functionalform expected In tile next the core. cavity andn werevariedto produce within mixing thenecessary enhanced CFD CFD Ch3ptcr trials. determined 8, values have been calculations through ch3ptcr, A of andn Cavity Rig Multiple UTC Sussex for heat flow the werepcrronned to simulate transfer the and build 2 (MCRD2)experiments wasto [Long et al. 2006b].The intentionfrom these simulations A rind the andn thatwould produce obtaina goodagreement of to values and with theexperiments values 4 buoyancy dataoverthe full range or. andn are a goodfit to experimental conditions. of in hardcodedinto theUDF.The function,I- cos[(, define fluid to the change used T/2)(5/1)] was is MAYER. layer. increasing from Properties The this setwithin the thickness of thewall. away UDF-Within this layera second The is formulated layer to the next wall. constant property

layer,Dlq)-Con, is alsohardcodedinto the UDF- In this constant thickness of this second property layer I lowcvcr CFD calculations takes conventional place. enhanced mixing and no areperformed in thecavityshroud factor, is the wall near wall regionenhanced with average assumed mixing I for theshroud wall usedto factorthe fluid properties of viscosityandthermalconductivityover layerregion.To estimate theDIa)-Con away thethickness propertylayerextending of theconstant fromthewall, theturbulentflow Ekmanboundary for [OwenandRogers19951 layerequation rotating cavityflows wasused,

r)06 w)'(, Re. 0.098A(flrI' fir


is therotationalReynolds Rao where number.

For the SussexMCRB2 experimentsthe Ekman boundary 13ycrthicknesswithin the rotating cavitieswas calculatedas approximately 0.002m and was applied to the CFD COMPUtAtions setting the DIa)-Convalue within the UDF. Using the experiencefrom the previous CFD experimentsthe DLA YERthicknesswas set to 0.005m. The full sh3pC function equationsto define the cnhanced mixing core which is coded into the UDF arc as follows, For viscosity, And for thermal conductivity, )Di# [f + factx(K po -f kP= [f + factr(K - f)'b (7.38) (7.39)



2 (5 DIqyCon) ff co (DL4 YER Dla)Con) -

for J< DL4 YER


for J.? I factx -I J is the distance(m) of the fluid ccli ccntrc away from the nearestwall. In summarythe overall cffcct of the near wall factor.f for the cavity shroud and for the core from for CFD two in 7.17 factor, Figure K the cavities of enhanced simulation mixing arc shown the SussexMCRB2 cxpcrimcnt, in the form ora strcam function plot. 77hesc rcsults are discussedin Ch3pter8.


The final version ol'the EnhancedMixing UDF hasa filename of-comp enhanced mixing-c'. The LAW was programmedusing the computer languageC. Code listings ol'the UDFand the scheme file 'wall viscosity.scni' are given in Appendix 4 and Appendix 5 respectively.

Shroud Mai Flux Nall'oriv. 1fori/Illate CorTel.,

Nu 0.14Ra""', Chara. 1, gap 2. I, %I I. , I.Rcgson of I'nharwcd %ilung A Vn (A Ra" I %% A-I; (X)n 01 and Ra fit (d; l tit). ( hara Ir

I Mass

11'ressurv ( )ullctl

Figure 7.17 Sussex UTC NICRI12 stream function conlour%.

7.6 V%er Cuide CFD Model.

for the Enhanced



UDF and the u%e Aithin

the 21) Axlsnimelric

It is inirw1ant rcfcrcnce

to note that the 21) axisymmetric

CI-.1) model needs to be setup to use a rotating Mmiel VDI- and the usc within the

frame. A simple user guide for the I-.nhanced Mixing CFD model is given in Appendix

21) axisymnietric

6. The user guide gi%c%the order of'operations model (JDF.

lo scl up and run the CFD model with the enhanced mixing


7.7Conclusions. In thischapter flow 2D axi. theenhanced mixing modelmethodology appliedto thesteady CFD modelhasbeenexplained. for botha Initial testingof themodelwaspcrrormed symmetric stationary enclosed that it wasrcasiblcto cavity andfor a rotatingsectorscaled cavity.This showed for themixing not captured by a conventional 2D steady CFD solutions account through modification terms,andthat the ncar-walltreatment of the viscous couldbe modifiedto use in calculating empirical correlations the heattransrcr rate.71c levelof themixing factorthatis level licat to obtainsatisfactory in required to the the and produce correct of core mixing cavity transfer throughthecavity wasestimated.
The model proposedobviously includes a number of assumptionsthat will limit its generality. It was thereforedecided to concentratefurther developmentand evaluation on the most relevant test data available.The implementation was therefore cxtcndcd to cover rotating cavities with axial throughflow. In the next chapter,the enhancedmixing model will be applied to enclosedrotating cavities with axial throughflow in the simulation of the SussexNICRB2 experimentscovering a full rangeof buoyancy conditions.







As discussed in Chapter 6 the multiplecavity rig at the Universityof Sussex the internal simulates air system Compressor (I [PC).11icaim of therig wasto providetestdatathat of aI ligh Pressure in the to improvethe physicalunderstanding canbeused of the flow andheattransfer mechanisms I IPCrotatingcavities.In this chapter CFD modellingtechnique the2D axisymnictric usingtile enhanced mixing modelto increase themixing in thecentralcoreof a rotatingenclosed cavity is to theSussex Multiple Cavity Rig build 2 (MCRB2).Thecomputations applied wereperformed flow andthe resultshavebeencompared assuming steady with theNICRB2 experimental for metaltemperatures Theseresults measurements to results werealsocompared andheattransrcr. froma 3D LESCFD modelof thesame cavity.
Using the enhancedmixing model in the CFD simulations of the Sussexrig a good agreementwith experimentalvalues for the cavity shroud surfacelicat transrer for rotating Rayleigh numbersof the order 109was obtained. Also, there was an acccptableagrccmcntwith the measuredcompressor disc metal temperatures.

8.1 Introduction

Numerical heattransferin a rotating for tile Sussex NICRB2 theconvective to analyse simulations CFD modelof a singlecavity cavitywith axial throughflowaredescribed here.A 2D axisymmctric 3 asshownin tile first. Thecavity chosen wasconstructed for thesimulationwascavitynumber diagram in thediagram, of thetestrig in Figure8.1.As canbe seen cavity3 is instrumented with a discsurfaces. Conventional series of rotatingthermocouples thatwerelocated on thecompressor CFDwasusedinitially, which assumed compressible andturbulent.Usingtile the flow to be steady, converged CFD modelasa starting conditionthecnimnccd solutionfor theconventional mixing

Theaim of this model (UDF) wasthenapplied. model usingthe FLUENT UserDefinedFunctions in a rotatingcavity with a 2D axisymmetric flow andheattransfer wasto simulate the3D unsteady To achieve model. this, the increased mixing in thecavity centralcorewasusedwith a view to demonstrating in heat developed Chapter 7 that thecnhanccd transfer the that correct mixing model in thecavitywill be produced. Thesecond CFD modelwith enhanced 2 3, for two and surrounding cavities; cavities mixingwas disc,disc 2 (seeFigure8.1).The third andfinal CFD modelalsowith enhanced onecompressor disc 2 includedin themodelling.In mixingwasfor thesametwo cavitiesbut now with compressor for heat thisCFDmodel,disc 2 wasmeshed tile solutions were obtained conduction andconjugate disc.By usingtheconjugate heating throughthedisc by conduction and option,theheattransferred disc thedisctemperatures heat Both the through the transfer and the cavity shrouds werecalculated. 2 temperatures heattransfer by theCFDmodels to the measured and computed werecompared The rangeof thermocouple conditions. of operating resultsfor varioustests coveringa range 1.3 104 2.7 Results 109. for CFD to x x rotatingRayleigh tile was simulations numbers considered fromthe2D axisymmctric from 3D LES CFD to a compared results also were mixing enhanced CFDmodelobtained by SunandChew[2004]andSunct al. (20041 at theUniversityof Surrey.

8.2 Description or the Experiment A detaileddescription of the SussexMCRB2 experimentalwork carried out by Alexiou [2000, 2001] and by Long ct al. (2006b], was givcncarlicr in Chaptcr2 section 2.3. In summary,with referenceto Figure 8.1, the rotor discs and inncrshaft ofthe rig representpart of al I Pcomprcssor internal air systemand were scalcddown from a Rolls-Royce Trent acro-cngine,to a ratio of 0.7: 1. As shown in the figure, the rotor had three internal discs and together with the two end plate discs rour cylindrical cavities were formed. The outer radius of each cavity (b) was 220.Omm;the inner radiusof eachdisc bore (a) was 70.1mm (a/b - 0.32) and disc cavity spacing(s) or42.9mm (s/b

0.195). 60mm Thestationary had drive (rs) giving an annular gapof of a radius central shaft 10.1 The mm.Coolingair wassupplied to therig by a singlestageI Iowdcnscrewcompressor. The by orifice plates inlet to the airflow wasmeasured the rig. of [lie outersurface exit the at and at heaters. Temperature from I OkW heated hot impingement two by rotorassembly air was of discs Compressor to the measurements from 21 thermocouples connected wereobtained rotating (TCI- TC21)mainlyon discs2 and3. A further3 rotatingthermocouples (TC22- TC24)were

po%flionedaxially along [fie outer surface offlie Compressor drum. All tile rotating thenii(Woupics were led out to a Wendon slip-ring unit. On the inner stationary drive shaft 7 thermocouples (TC25

TO I) were positioned along tile length ofthe shall Further stationary iliertnocouples were positionedto measurethe metal temperatureofthe compressorcasing. Air thermocoupleswere positionedin the annular spacebetweenthe outer surfaceol'the compressordrum and the casing, Thermocouples measuredthe upstreamand downstreamtemperatureoftlic air flo%% ing through tile betweenthe inner shall and the compressordiscs hores.Steadystate tests were annularpassage pcrfornied for a wide range of'operating conditions and also a transientaccelcration-dcceleranon lest was performed. For tile transient lest, temperaturemeasurements were taken at time infervals of' 2.5 seconds LDA throughout the test cycle. in addition to (lie temperaturemeasurements. measurements ofaxial and tangential flow velocities wiflun tile cavity .1were obtained. The for the steadystate testswas statedto he fO.02K accuracyof' tile thermocouplemeasurements deviation, SI), less than 0.14), with tile exception being for lest 31 where tile accurac (standard was lessthan 0.08K (SD less than 0,29).

Suvwx UrC Muld -Camity lujg Ilad" 2




I. o

11 Cavity No. I

Cllvil No. 2

il ('31% No. 3
0 "6;'r' -I
Ih %c No. 3

Ca%if) No. 4




-? OO




Figure 8.1 Sussex NICRB2 thermocouplew. file the of position% showing -


83 Test fleat Transfer Measurements I feattransfer from the throughthecavity shrouds wascalculated usingthe temperatures obtained thermocouples on thecavity shrouds andon theoutersurface orthe compressor rotor radially inline with theshroud For cavity2 thethermocouples TC23 andTO (seeFigure8.1) were thermocouple. used andTC24andTC 12wereusedfor theheattransfer calculationfor cavity3. Thecavity shroud heattransfer wascalculated as follows,

I Icatflux,




D is theouterdiameter k.,, is b is the [fie thermal of thecompressor cavity shroud radius, rotor, ) (r.,,,, in is difference T.., conductivity the themetaltemperature of themetal,titanium,and across thecompressor rotor shroudthickness. 7becavityshroud hcattransf:r, asa Nussch as follows, wascalculatcd numbcr. 4d ) Tf P C11 -a' 2Cp is the air inlet temperatureto the Itna es rig ad

NfiIW ilf


where 0 is the compressorrotor speed, T borc radius.

(8.3) is the disc

8.4 Numerical Investigation or Convection In a 21) AxIsymmetric Enclosed Rotating Cavity %Ilh Axial Throughnow.

8.4.1 Basic modelling assumptions and tile numerical procedure All thecomputationscarried out solve the conservationequationsfor mass,momentumand energy using the FLUENT CFD code. The CFD calculationswere performed assuming2D axisymmetric,


k-c andthe2-laycrk-c /k--InearwalI compressible. turbulentflow, usingthestandard steady, turbulence The FLUENTscgrcgatcd models. orderimplicit timestepping andthe solver,second for thecalculations. The for thespatialdiscrctisation second orderupwindscheme werechosen flow wassolvedin therelativevelocityreference frame. The Presto scheme, a second order for For interpolation for pressure the thepressure correction velocity. method, wasset pressure All thesimulations (prcssurc-corrcction), coupling were method theSIMPLEalgorithmwaschosen. performed usingdoubleprecision accuracy.

8.4.2The governing equations

1.Conservation of Momentum
For a 2D axisymmetric model in a rotating referenceframe, the steady flow momentum cqtmtions aregiven by,

Axial dircction, [rl [r1j( ov, Ia (rpv. )+I 'o (rpv, a UN, ON, LIP))] (V. )=V +1 + V. +Ia2 ; Ex V, -2 &) Or .3 Or ar &r r& r (8.4a) Radial direction, TX
(rpv, v, )+! -L(rpv, Or ). v, +! -Lll-y Or l[rjj(!!



11+1 V-'+ 1'1 )j

r Or


3 (8.4b)

VI V' (M) 2p +P +1" r2 3rr

wherc and v, is theswirl velocity.

V, (IV, Or + r


Tangential direction,written in tcrrnsof relativevelocities as,


; E(rpvgv, w)+! r clr


TX' ()X r1Or


Pr rr


(f1r) force. hcrc is Coriolis ) is by the the %4, p(2fl x relativeswirl velocity give v., - v, and v.,,
For turbulent flow the Rcynolds-avcragcdapproachto turbulence modelling is usedwith the (- pu,'uj ), due to the Navier-Stokesequationsbeing decomposedinto additional Reynolds stresses the mean(timc-avcragcd) and fluctuating components.which are added to the momentumequations given above.The additional terms representthe cffccts of turbulence. For the k-e turbulencemodel to the mean velocity gradientsis the methodemployed in FLUENT to relate the Reynoldsstresses the Boussinesqhypothesis[I linze 19751,

)-3 (/v' n all/ auf p7111-14i =fl, ax, + axj 3 +fleLax$



kinetic ror In thecaseof thek-c turbulence turbulent the transport equations. modeltwo additional is A-, the turbulent dissipation viscosity, /I, the energy. and turbulence rate,c. arcsolved,and is hypothesis, Boussinesq function be It k the A that computed with asa of andc. must noted k, k-c kinetic The to be an isotropicscalar energy, and assumed model, standard quantity. dissipation used turbulence models alongwith thenearwall turbulence equations rate,c, turbulence aregivenin Appendix1. 2. Conservation of Mass v- (pr"w)-o 3. Conscrvation or Encrgy whercE=h-L+ P2 v' (k. MPE VT) + (1) v+ P)) -v(8.6) (8.7)

dissipation lcnn. is theviscous and(1)

8.43 Enhanced mixing model

(UDr) User Function Defined in Theenhanced FLUENT its implementation a mixing modeland in 7.4 Section described UDF described in and Chapter final The was 7. the code were versionof described in Section instructions CFD linking UDF were the simulations on within andusingthe increase 7.5andAppendix6. Theenhanced the the to mixing within coreor used was model mixing 2D reaturcs 3D flow in a axisymmetric with each of thecavities an attempt to modelunsteady flow model.This wasachieved by modifyingthe fluid properties of thermalconductivity and steady

by the UDF to keepthe viscosity within thecavities.Thesliccific heatcapacityremained unaltered localPrandd All thebaseline fluid properties numberthesame. weredcrincdasfunctions orthe localgastemperatures. The functionII- cos(irS/21)'wasusedto definethechange in fluid increasing properties awayrromthewall. The thickness or this layer,DL,4YER, wassetto 0.005m withintheUDF. A second constant nextto tile wall %vas setwith a propertylayer,Dla)-Coir, thickness of 0.002m,whichwasalsocodedinto the UDF. In this constant propertylayer CFD calculations conventional mixing takesplace.I lowevcrin tile arc performed andno enhanced heattransfer cavityshroud to wall regionenhanced with thesurface constrained mixing is assumed thefreeconvection Figure8.2 showstheregionswheretheenhanced match mixing correlation. modelwasapplied.The cavity fluid temperature thatwasusedin the localGrashornumber (Equation 7.29)andin tile heatflux (Equation 7.32)calculations wastakenat a positionof 8s% or diecavityshroudradius.As mentioned in Chapter 7 thereweresome in theconcluding remarks instabilityandconvergence factor (urf To these an under-rclaxation problems problems. overcome (nsmoollt normallysetto 0.1) hasbeenappliedto the factoredfluid properties andalsosmoothing normallysetto 10passes) cells within tile computational orthe CFD mesh each, wasappliedacross fluid domain.Flow ficld ccil ccntred orthe wasappliedto the fluid properties smoothing To illustratethesmoothing (or laminar)viscosityandthermal augmented molecular conductivity. Figure8.3 belowshows algorithm within the UDF program, a partor tile 2D CFD grid. The figure four cells named by edges N, E, S andW thatarcattached to thecentralcell, C which is to shows besmoothed. laminarviscosity, The smoothing 8.8given formulafor theaugmented li is Equation below, )/ Ui, ' + p,, + pf + ps + pw 5 p, for C. wherepc' is thesmoothed ccll, viscosity orlaminar cell ccntrcdvalue
Smoothingof the augmentedthermal conductivity usesthe samerormula. 71c smoothedcell ccntredvalue is the meanof the current values orthc central ccll plus the four connectingcells. All the cells within the solution spacearc smoothedand this is repeateditsm(wh times ror eachCFD iteration.



Con%critionalCFD k-c Modcl with 2-laycr near wall nuxicl, region% where there is little or no enhanced mixing takes place Rcgion of'Enhanced Mixing Fn (A Ra" ) with A 1300 it 0.1 or 0.2 and Ra th (dp/dr), Chant. 1. r, -Rjh,j,

Figure 8.2 Stream function con(ours "ith

(lDF boundary condilion% (te%l 33).


Figure 8.3 A part of ihe 21) ('Fl) grid.


8.5 Numerical Simulation


8-5.1 Single Cavity, Sussex UTC NICR112 cavity no. 3 Figure 9.4 shows the CFD inesh (approximately 15.(X)Oquadrilateral cell%) constnicled I*orcavity no.3 ofthe Sussex MCRB2. Mesh spacing expands away from each wall %ith ;in expansion ratio of" 1.1. Temperature prol-i les obtained from the best matched SC03 ihmial analysis. dmribcd in Chapter 6, were applied to the disc and shroud surfaces summiding the cavity as CF`D lunindary

conditions. A mass flow boundary condition was applied to (he inlef and suific pressure applied to the outlet. Three steady state test conditions were analysed. test 33.34 and 50. rahlc X. I give%the boundary conditions and (lie flow parameters. rotational. Re, and axial Reynolds number. Re. and Grashot'numbers, flor each ol'ilie tests.

Sussex MCRB2 Cavity 3 with Test 33 Metal Temperatures r. a 0-06m a-0.0701m ba0.22m sa0.0429m (I a 124.5rad/s Tm Shroud m 390,2K



8.47E5 Temperature Profile on all Surfaces

Re, = 3.64E4 Ro = 1.47 Gr, = 1.45E8 p

Ra, = 1.03E8 p


Inlet Mass Flow = 0.171 Kg/s

T,, = 321 K Tu = 10% -110. Stationary Shaft = 300kPa

Figure 8.4 CFD mesh and geometry of the Su%. NICR112 ca% It% %c% -I-

17o Him structure

and temperature


A contour plot of stream function the application

h for test 33 was shown in Figure X. 2. I lie figure sho%% ing that %%it mmiel a central core was fonticd. In the rcgion of the disc

ol'the enhanced mixing

cobs a circulation

was shown to florm between the axial throught'low the extent ol'ilic circulation

and the central cavity core as %cry similar. region %,. core A

region. Across the three test simulations contour plot ol'teniperature, Imperature Imperature of'334K. of'390K.

Figure 8.5 shows that the central core has a near uniflomi to the inlet fluid tcmpcraturc


of 320K and the shroud melal

The swirl velocity

contour plot. Figurc 8.6. shows that near solid body to compare both ternperalure and the swirl

rotation wasachieved vcloclty within

in the cavity central core. (Nil

(lie cavities across all tests, the temperature maximum

-ind the swirl velocity

contour rangc of 31 6K to .190K was set was set to 54 ins" I'm all the tests)

3.9 ae4 02 3.84 P- 02 3.8Oe4 0;1 3.76e- 0,' 3.7 2e 4 o., 3.68e- 0, ' 3-64e 02 3.6 0m (I:' 3.56e - U. " 3.52e-02 1.4 Re- V !. 4 4eo K, 3.4 oe. K i. A3o4 02 i. 32e- o"

Max. lemp. 390K

InIct lemp. 320K

Figurc 8.5 Te%t33 lemperatures (K) (for ot 0.1).


%tax. %cl. ". 2,711L.

4.80e. 0 I 4.6of9401 4.40e-Ol 4.20e*O 1 4.00640 1 3-80o-Ol 0r.-ui 3.4 0e-01 3.2 0oi 3.0 0 2.8 0 2.6 001 Or- 01 .4 1.60r1.40, - 11 1 I-01 IA C-o I

I U'. 00 11 Ll 00 4J (I ou 7.1 (1,100 . UJ oe. 00

Figure 8.6 Test 33 s%sirl %clocifics (m/%).

Sussex MCRB2 Cavity 3 Steady State Toil 33 from CFO Temperature




350 b. 340
oe 04, ., neue ' -**00 l' 0

40 4- -0

00 a 0

in .( a OF aw aa a

". 0 e 9wo 0 01 0

lo. 0 ur

46 a

: b, bc 2

b%c3 o3b

23 4hroW


. ____l


40 0 4p








W A. oW CAvft W AxvO OWft k4o"ured ku0sured M-04,0. d

CFO A-1 300 m-0 2 CFO A-1 300 m-0 i

- Cbbc 2 DOC I lpwmad

310 1




12 ftdial

0 14 Oletance (m)





Figure 8.7 Test 33 disc and cai if.%temperalure%.

I ., j

Figure8.7 slows graphically the metal temperatureofthe disc and cavity shroud surfaces surroundingcavity 3 and (lie fluid temperaturethrough the ccnirc ol'thc cavity all plotted against radial distance.The metal temperatures as mentionedearlier were taken firoin the 'hem-inatched' thcrinal model. The measuredthermocoupletemperatures.TC7 (o]"Cl 7. arc also plotted and show that the disc surfaceand shroud temperatureprofiles were closely matchedto the test Curves ofcalculated cavity fluid temperaturehave beenplotted for two CH) measurements. solutions.The two CFD solutions were flor the enhancedmixing model with the local Rayleigh number(Equation 7.36) powers ofn 0.1 and 0.2. For NO solutions the multiplication factor. .4 usedin the local Rayleigh number equation. Equation 7.36. was set to a value of 13M for reasons dcwribcd in Chapter 7. A higher core temperature.which was closer to the disc and shroud metal temperatures, was l'brined In the cavity central core when it 0.1 than %kith it 0.2.
Test case 34 was a higher Orashol'nuinher. Gr but lower Rossby Number. R(P( 11'Qij) case (han

Icst 1.1. As flor case 33, the disc and shroud surface temperatures were derived I'min the 'he%, I. inatched' thernial model. Figures 8.8 jild X.() show the cavity temperature and swirl %clocity contours respectively. A temperature Ile is in Figurc 8.10 that I plot given %%hich shows versus radius it 333K compared to the inlet fluid temperature of'

cavity central core temperature

is near constant

320K and a shroud metal temperature match the test thermocouple

disc The 383K. and shroud surface temperature. %closely of body The that ncarM. velocity plot -)Itd swirl shows measurements.

rotation ol'the fluid in (lie cavity was reached.

3.90o#02 ,, 3.8 0 0. V 3.769-0 ,, 3.72o4 V,' 3.68e- 0 3.6 4e-0 3.60&- 0 3.56e- 02 3.526- 0: 1 14 Be 0 '1.4 4 is 0 3.409,02 3-3604 OL' 3.32e, 02 "ll 80+0 "1 -,, 3.24 e-0 Z' -20e402 3.16&- 02 :1.84 0.0

Figure 8.8'1'est 34 Temperstures

(K) (for tiA. U.


S-4 5.? 5.0

U*4 om. Oe,

Ll I 01 01



4.2 0 a,401 4.0 Oco 01 3.8 U0,0 1 3.60e-O 1 3.4 oe4o I

4.60e4O I 0040 1 4.4

2.8 001 I 40 2-60e, 4 Ue*U I ,. :'. 20e, OI 1.000-01 1.80e, 01 1 60". 0 1 . 1.4 Oe, I *O 1 01
. _'064 1.000401 6.0 Oe* 00

3.0 a


6.0 Oe, Ou 4.000-06 AOL 1Aor- 00

Figure 8.9'1'es( 34 swirl velocifles On/0.

Sussex MCRB2 Cavity 3 Steady State Ted 34 Temperatur@ from CFD


4k I ), -., "( 2 J, 4D - DOC

300 ;

Oisc 3 Cob Doc 3 Oisc 2-3 Shroud


* " " "



"' 0 a@

Mid Axial Cavty - CFD A- 1300 noO 2 Mid Axial Cavity - CFD As 1300 nmO I Measured - Dec 2 Measured - 01sc 3 Measured - Shroud


jjwmoopom 0 ..





Sio L006



0 12

0 14





Modlol Ololanc* (m)

Figure 8.10 Test 34 (Ilse anti cavity temperatures. 190

`9'2' 2' 0' 78a*02 3,74a*02 3.70e-02 3.66e-02 3 .U Ae 54e 01 5Oe*02 46c-02 i. 4.)e--02 38e402 1.30+02 i..-;Ue#02 -'6e+02 : -'2e*02 " 14 [1,

Figure 8.11 Test 50 (emperatures (K) (for it OA ).

"). 4Dm+1)1

5.2or'n I
5.0 0 F4 -01

4.80e 01 4.60e UI 4.4 0e-UI 4. U+U1 -1 1) (15 40

max. vel. will/'s


3.4 Dti -01 3.20p-p 1 3.0 De -01 ? An^ 4nI

D1 1.60 De 01 22.4 UU01

i tin nI I .6fl 11 1 -DI 1 .40,, 20e 4 [11 I

I. 00m001 H. 0 Or to Q h. 0 Pr 00 4. UUUa ;,. (I uU0 1) 1] .0D0

Figure 8.12 Test 50 s%virl velocities 00/0-


The final test case simulated, case 50, had the smallest (frashot'number. (It- offhe three tests. but also had the highest axial througliflow giving tile highest Rossby number. Ro Figures 8.11 and X. 12 %howtile cavity lemperature and swirl velocify contours respectively. A tcnipmaturc versus radius Plot is give in Figure 8.13 which shows that the caviiy central core lemperalure is near consfant for the solution witil local Rayleigh number power. it 0.1. The disc and shroud surface temperatures again derived from a thennal analysis closely match (lie test thennocouple nicasuremcnis. I lie cavity core fluid temperature was 324K compared it) (lie inlet Icnipmatirc of'3 I OK and tile shroud metal temperature ol'378K. The swirl velocity plot shows that near solid I-xxly rotation was reached in the cavky core but in the area around tile disc cobs where tile high axial throughilm-6, has ;in

CITCCI oil tile "\% III \ Clocity.


MCRB2 Cavity 3 Steady State Test 50 from CFD Temperature


11, .

3N J

0 -40

3 Cob 3 2-3 SNVW M-0 Axisi CAvly - CFO A* 1300 noo I Mg-asurid Disc 2 Moclaurad- Oloc 3 %4oisutvd SIw


10 0


WO ,


0 o'


1 110 r) (11,


() I

() %,

o 14

() 16

() 111


Radial Distance


Figure 8.13 Test 50 disc and cavi( temperal tirm

IN2 Heat transfer results

Figures8.14 to 8.16 show the disc and cavity shroudsurfaceheat flux resultsfor the enhanced mixing model CFD simulationof cavity 3 for testcase33. The surfaceheat flux is plotted against radiusfor the downstreamfaceof disc 2 (Figure 8.14) and for the upstreamfaceof disc 3 (Figure 8.15).Both solutionswith Rayleighnumberpower,n=0.1 and for n=0.2 are shownin thesetwo plots.For a comparisonthe heatflux results from SC03thermalanalysisare shownand plots show thatthe CFD solution with n=0.1 producesthe bettermatchespeciallyat the lower radial positions. Howeverat the highestradial locationsthe CFD solutiondoesnot matchthe SC03heatflux values. Heatflux resultsfor the disc boreand the cavity shroudlocationsplotted againstaxial distanceare givenin Figure 8.16. Resultsfrom both CFD solutionsare shownalong with the SC03thermal modelresults.Also plotted is the cavity shroudsurfacemeanheat flux for the experiment, calculated the cavity shroudheatflux solution with using Equation8.1. Similar to the disc surfaces, n=0.1 producedthe bettermatchto the thermalanalysisflux valuesand to the experimental calculated meanheatflux.

Sussex MCRB2 Cavity 3 Steady State Test 33 Surface Heat Flux - SC03 to CFD Comparison

a I' C S

--o. -Dsc 2 Q)b - CM A= 1300 n=0.2 Disc 2- CFDA= 1300 n=0.2 2 Cob - CFDA= 1300 n=O.l -Cksc 2- CFDA= 1300 n-O, I -Otsc & Drsc 2- S003

Radial Clistance


Figure 8.14 Test 33 disc 2 rear surface heat transfer (Wm-2).


Union Surface


Cavity Flux

3 Steady




- SC*J

to CPO Companion


42M ].,: 4cx, 'I,

3 Q*

(YO A-I 3W -6

(IDA-13M-0: CAb CPOA-1300.. Gt





olm vx,

a 044
ftds. i Di. 1 . (-)




Figure 8.15 'I'c%t 33 disc 3 front %urface heat fran%fer

Suessix MCR82 Cavity 3 Steady State Tod 33 Surface Heat Flux - SC03 to CFO Comparison




:W'M.. w 'Moo









' IV-oiod

CP0A-I3Wn-0Z LVDA-1300--01 CMA-IJWn-01

I bb, Mvv I b. Ift" (bb, II

I 2
2m) "w** *


CPO A- 1300 ft-0

I bb, ; ra" tb" 3 obwe

Ww"As ., -j"


A., j

-018 ?m

6 .01,


0 14



Distance (m)

I Figure 8.16'1'e%l 33 cavity 3 heat bore lran%fcr (%% it) %urface shroud jn(l (li%c


Table8.1Sussex AIC11112 singlecavity model,cavity 3 shroud surfacelicat transfer.


Test 33 1188.9 0.173 299268 4.41E4 1.04E6 1.46 2.32E8 3.0

Test 34 2302.8 0,171 297648 4.35rA 1.99F6 0.75 7.41 E .8 1.65

Test 50 1482.3 0.599 238835 3E. 1.5 5 6 1.031: 5.03 1.871'18 11.5

N -(RPM) hi -(Kg/s) A (Pa) ReesP%VdWtt Re# - pflOp Ro- WWI Grcgv3n2PA'rb(s/2)3/v2 Bo,,.) Ro/(PAT)O-s

Shmud I featTransfy (DeviationCF tol"xmiment Experiment 4400 tj (WM*2)

CFD LES(I 20* model) 4 (Wni-2) CFD 2D AxIsymmetric 4 3250(. 26% 4630(+S%l

4250(-27%) 5690(. 2%)

355 (410 ---4230(+260,4)-

Modilled A-cwhit W layer near wall model (A-1300 11-0-1)

Table 8.1 summariscsthe cavity 3 shroud heat transfer results,comparing tile 2D axisyllimciric far Win heat the the transfer CFD experiments enhanced tile mixing model calculated results with threetest cases.Also shown in the table arc ilia licat transrcr resultsobtained rroin a 3D 120' sector LES CFD model of the samecavity by Sun ct al. (2004). The table shows that (lie heat transrer resultsfrom the 2D axisymmctric enhancedmixing model compire well with tile experimcntil for 27% so,,; for first 34, 33 error values the two tests,cases and conip3rcd with within an error or the 3D LES model. However ror the higher axial througliflow case50 tile 2D axisymmetric licat transrerwith an error to enhanced experimental mixing model performs poorly when compared or26%. For the sametest casetile 3D LES model pcrronns much better will) an error or approximately6%.

disc 2 S. S. 3. 2 Sussex AlcI1112 2 surrounding . two cavities,cavity and cavity Thesecond 2D Cr-D to the axisymnictric mixing model partof thework wasto applythe enhanced Figure 8.1, 2 disc. RererTing to simulations cavities a single of two connected cavitiessurrounding disc2 wereusedfor this CFD analysis. and3 Otat surround

For the two-cavity

CFD simulations

the same enhanced mixing

model ,I

parameter %alue%%ere cos(x, 5/21) * was used next to the

uscd as those used I-or the single cavity sI Intilat ions. The shape lunclion

with a thickness of the /)LA YER set to 0.005m and constant property layer. Phti-C(m. wall set to a thickness of*0.002m. 0.2 the smoothing, The modified fluid property tinder relaxation

factor. ut-/ %%; I%set to for I lie

CIA) 17 X. Figure 10 the mesh consinicied to %ho%% % passes. nsmooth was set

the two cavities, cavity no. 2 and cavity no. 3. which surround disc no. 2 ol'iho: Sussex MCRI12. mcsh size I'M this simulation wall with an expansion was 26,600 quadrilateral

from Mesh each away expands spacing cells. SCOI

ratio of' 1.1. A temperature

profile obtained from the 'hcm-matched' to the di%c and shroud %tjrf*; icc%

thcmial analysis and applied as CFD boundary surrounding the two cavities.


A mass flow boundary condition

was applied it) the inlet and static

prcssure applied to the outlet. The saine three steady state lest condition% as for (he single cavity %%ere analysed, test 3.1, 14 and 50. Retcr to Fable S. I for the lest condilton% and flo%%pataincler-s. .

('P'I) of the Sussex NICR Ruild 2 Ca,. ilies 2 and 3

Rotor Disc I

NIUSSFlow Inlet 011110

%1CRB2 ca%lllc% 2 and 3. Figure 8.17 CFD inesh and geornclr of the Su%%ex

196 Flow structure and tenipcrature results

Figure8.18 shows a contour plot of stream function for test 33 showing that with the application or die enhanced 8.19 in Figure formed showsa contour each cavity. mixing model a central core was plot of the mixing factor, formed by the enhancedmixing model. A circulation is formed between theaxial througliflow and the central cavity core region for eachcavity. Temperaturecontour plot, Figure8.20, shows that the central core has a near uniform temperatureof 331K for cavity 2 and 334K for cavity 3, compared to the inict fluid temperatureor320K and the shroud metal The 3 384K 2 temperatures 390K for swirl velocity contour the respectively. of and cavities and plot, Figure 8.2 1, shows that near solid body rotational was achievedin the core orboth cavities. Figures8.22 and 8.23 show graphically the metal temperatureof the disc and cavity shroud surr;icCs surroundingboth cavities and the fluid temperaturethrough the ccntrc oreaci, cavity plottcd against are plotted on the Figures radial distance.The measuredthermocouple,TC I to TC7, temperatures 8.22 ror cavity 2 and thermocoupletemperatures, TC7 to TC 17 are plotted on Figure 8.23 ror cavity 3. The TC I measuredtemperatureon the downstreamsurfaceordisc I was 7K lower than the SC03 thermalprediction. Both plots show that ror all the other thcrinocouple positions the disc surfice Only the enhanced and shroudtemperatureprofiles were closely matchedto the test measurements. mixing model local Rayleigh number(Equation 7.36) powcr it - 0.1 curve orthe CFD calculated cavity fluid temperaturehas beenplotted for the two cavities. Also, as Worc the cnhinced mixing multiplication factor, A used in the local Rayleigh number was set to a value or 1300.The cnh3nccd mixing model UDF usesthe cavity fluid temperatureat a position of 8s,.,, 4 orthe cavity shroud I for 7.29) factor. (Equation local heat eachcavity to radius calculated the transfer and wall shroud independently.It was reassuringthat the two-cavity simulation solution ror all the test cases Table 8.2 far the cavity solution. 3 single the as produced samecavity central core temperatures showsthe CFD temperaturesfor eachof the tests.

Table 8.2Two-cavity CFD solution cavity temperatureresul(s. InIct Temperature (K) j-3 Case Case 34 Case 50 320 320 316 Cavity 2 Nictal Shroud Cavity Fluid Cavity 3 ShroudNIctal Cavity Fluid

Temperature (K) Tcrnpcraturc (K) (K) Tcmpcraturc (K) Temperature 334 390 331 384 378 374

332 323

38 378

334 324



Figure 8.18 CIA) (est 33 stream fuilclioll

I-II0.4 (II 9.98e4 fj'i 9.46&40 8.9 3 e- 0 8.4 1f, +U -i 7.8 8 -+0 7.36o4fl 6.83e- 0 6.3 1c-to i 5.7 8,n # 5.2 5a + 4.7 3e- 0'3 4.2 0 9+ (1-1, 1.68c* 0 j 3.1 5e4 (i j, 2.63e- 01 2.10 e., U 1.58cfD I. 11 514 (Ij . .. )4F- -nI Figure 8.19 CFD test 33 Illixing factor



3.66e+ 02 3.62e+ 02 3.78a#02 3.74a+02 3.70e+02 3.66e+02 3.62e+02 3.58e-02 3.54e-02 3.50e, 02 3.46r, 0 3.42c +02 3.38e+02 3.34e+02 3.30e+02 3.26e+02 3.22e+02 3.18o-02 3.14e-02
Figure 8.20 CFD les( 33 teill peral tire (K) conlours.

5.40e+O 1 5.20 +01 5.0 001 4.80 01 4.60 01 4 .4001 4.20e+O 1 4.00o+0 1 3.60 f- -01 3.60 c, 1)1 3.40e+0 1 3.20 a -.01 3.000-11 1 2.80o+O e+0 -60 2.4 0+01 2.20 +01 2.0 a-aI , 1.8084.0 1 1 60 e, 01 . 1 1 .40a4.0

Max. vel. 271n/s

1 20 e+01 . 1.000+0 1

a. Doc, a0 P). pa a0 C+ 4.00e+90

2. D0e00 0.0 aaa0 Figure 8.21 CIA) (est 33 swirl (m/%) con(our%.

I st)

Sussex MCR82 Cavity 2 Steady State Test 33 Temperature trom CFO



0 .
" "

IN,, I Cob Raw (N,, I Raw

IN., I Cob V '-I . 01_p " D-sc 2 From


" 360 " "

DOC 12 stv-1
Wd A.. 41 CAwly Mossuled K4"surd Doc Doc (J 0A-I I R 2 F". q UX)






0 14 R&dial 04slence




Figure 8.22 CFD test 33 cavily 2 (disc I

(li%c 2) temperalurc%.

Sussex MCR62 Cavity 3 Steady State Test 33 Temperature from CFO


2 C. 1, N..., N- 2 Rew
0h"I IN., IN., Ch I, 'w JFl 2.3 Showl (J 1) AI UX) -0 1

M"J A-141 GOWY Mensw*d ... L)-

.1 14-, wed - Disc II -I Sh"N"I



L 3. 006


0 12

Radial (Nollance IM)

() I




Figure 8.23 CIA) (est 33 cavil-, 3 (disc 2 all(I (Ij%c3) temperal tirm

1W Ifeat transfer results

Figures 9.24 to 8.20 show the disc and cavity shroud surface heat flux results lor the enhanced mixing model CFD simulation for the test case 33. The surface heat flux is plotted againm radiu% for the disc I downstream and disc 2 upstream surlaces in Figure 8.24 and for di%c 2 downstream and disc 3 upsiream surfaces in Figure 8.25. Comparing the licat flux results on the diso. surfitces surrounding cavity 3 lor (lie two-cavity simulation to the single ca% ity simulation %howsthe heat transfer has reduced for (lie two-cavity model even though the disc stjrl*,ice Icnipcralurc profile remained unaltered. This is consistent with the CI: D cavity 3 core temperature being %light higher than that 1'c r the single cavity, The licat transtler results remai n 1)(x)r at the outer radii of* (lie di%c% The heat flux results are also lower dian the SC03 therinal analysis value%.Heal I'lux result,, for he disc bore and the cavity shroud locations plotted against axial distance arc given in Figure 8.20, Also plotted are (lie cavity 2 and shroud surf. ice inean heat lltj\e% for the experiment. calctilated .1 using I'quation 8.1. Comparing the ca% Ity 3 CFD heal translcr to the experimenial \altic. CI. 1) under predicts (lie mean heat transCerby 4"o in contras( to ;in over prediclion ol'5% from file single cavity CFD solution. The general trend was that the cavity 3 -shroud heat transtler \?., a. %less for the two-cavity CFD solution compared to tile single cavity solution. A large error in the cavily I shroud heat transfer remains for Test 50 with over prediction of* 24%.

Sussex MCR82 Cavlty 2 Steady State Test 33 Surface Host Flux - SCO3 to CFO Comparlacm



-Disc -Oisc -Oisc2F-)m

I Cob Rom - CFO A- 1300 n-0 I Row-CFOA-13OOn-0 I 2Q)bFnx* -CFO A-13OOn-0 (; FDA-1300. -Ol




1) Ot

Madlel Oftlance


I Figure 8.24'1'est 33 cavity 2 (discs I and 2) surface heat transfer (Wni ).


Sussex MCRIE12Cavity 3 Steady State Test 33 Surface Hoat Flux - SC03 to CFO Comparison

4000 Disc 2 Cob Rear CFD A- 13W n-0 I Disc 2 Rom CFD A- 1300 n-0 I Disc 3 Cob Front CFD A- 1300 n-0 I Disc 3 Front CFD A- 1300 n-0 I Disc 2 Rear SC03 Disc 3 Front SC03

3500 3000 2500


1500 1000

016 Ole

01 006 -500

0 12

0 14




Radial Distanco (m)

Figure 8.25 Tes( 33 cavity 3 (discs 2 and 3) surface heat (ran%fer 0% in I

Sussex Surface MCR82 Heat Cavities Flux 2&3 Steady Slat* Test 33 - SC03 to CFD Compartsort

sooo4sw a 4000 a 3500 a a

('*w MK i Www I Owo 0 A- 1300 Cf 0 A- 1300 M-o n-0 1 I

Oaac 3 Ikorw CFO A- 1300 n-O I Oiec 12 Shr*ud UO A- 1300 n-0 CNar 2.3 Stw*W r-FD A- 1300 n-0 . Diec 2 Som * (Noc 3 Gorw S(; 03 SOO] SC03


500 . 2000 1500 1 4nn


0-oc 23 StwoW

Cap Avg ShroW Doe 1-2 F op Avg ShpoW Ojec 2-3

1000 SOO

, -,***7 v-- ---() .11, () .1 Ili Ih 14



AmI&Ioialmnce (m)

Figure 8.26 Test 13 cavi(v 2 and c:i%it% ((Ii%c% bore 1.2 and 3) %hroud And (11%c . .1 %urface heal fransfer

8-S. 3 SussexIkICRI12 - WO Cavities, cavity 2 and cavity 3 vilth a conjugate heating solution for disc 2.

Thethird andfinal partof theCFD studyror theMCRB2wasto apply thecnhanced mixing model disc for to the2D axisymmctric CFD simulations two a single cavities surrounding connected of licatingsolutionwascomputed. Thesame whicha conjugate two cavitieswerechosen, cavities2 This solutionwouldallow thedisc 2 temperatures to bepredicted and3, anddisc2 wasmeshed. fromtheCFD solution.The same here for as were used values enhanced mixingmodelparameter for thetwo cavities,cavity CFD model.Figure8.27showstheCFDmesh theprevious constructed The meshsizefor this simulationwas no.2 andcavity no. 3, andfor thedisc no. 2 solid material. disc. 25,500 domain 2 ror die 3900 for domain the fluid of no. cells solid quadrilateral the cells and Meshspacing profile ratio or t. I. A temperature expands awayfrom eachwall with anexpansion boundary CFD from thc'bcst-matched' SC03thermalanalysis obtained conditions applied as was both 3, to thedisc I downstream to cavityshroud and to the ordisc surface surface upstream and inlet A mass flow boundary to the surfaces. appliedto the andstaticpressure applied conditionwas outict.Thematerialfor all of thediscswastitaniumanda constant valueror the dicniial ror boundary An 7.72W/mK the in FLUENT conductivity was required extra of solver. wasset the front disc2 rim metaltemperatures. ror lost the A temperature case each obtained was profile In thermal boundary statetest additionto thethreesteady analysis condition. andwasappliedasa high included 3 1, These test a test33,34 and50, two extracases conditions, wereanalysed. high Grashofnumber, low Rossby steady rotational speed caseanda maximum speed, number ion transient conditiontakenfrom an acccicration-dccclcrat cycle.The latercasewasa high speed, ror highGrashof Table 8.3 11crcr thetest to Rossby condition. number number andmid range conditions andflow parameters. Flow structure and temperature results

Figure8.28shows 33 for function test or showingthatwith theapplication a contourplot of strcam being flow in tile theenhanced rormcd Pattern with cavity each mixing modela centralcorewas Figure8.29shows verysimilarto thetwo-cavityonly simulation. a contourplot or tile mixing in Figure factor,rormcdby theenhanced Two tcinperature are plots shown contour mixing model. b) 8.30comparing without applied and model mixing thecavity tci-npcraturcs, a) with theenhanced fluid properties themixing model,whereconventional CFD usingunmodirted wasused.

Comparing thetwo temperature ilia radial mixing modelrcduccs plotsclearlyshowsthatenhanced temperature gradientin thecavityandnearunironil coretemperature wasrornied.At a mid radial K/m rot CFD 362 position the within cavity3 theradialtemperature conventional was gradient rot Comparing to 40 K/m,rot theenhanced compared ilia temperatures the cavity mixing model. two-cavity heatingmodelsolutionto ilia two-cavityonly solutionrot test33 with disc2 conjugate Ilia core between there in thecavity temperatures the two models. wasno significantchange temperature to thecavity temperatures or was330K rot cavity2 and333K rot cavity3, compared 331Kand334K,respectively 8.31and8.32showgraphicallyrot test rot theearliermodel.Figures 33,themetaltemperature bothcavitiesandthe surrounding surfaces of thediscandcavity shroud fluid temperature for 3) with tile throughtheccntrcof cachcavityplottcdagainst radialdistance thermocouple, cnhanccd mixing modelappliedandb) without themixingmodel.The measured TCI to TC7, temperatures rot 2 8.31 Figures cavity andthennocoupic the arcplottedon temperatures, TC7 to TC 17arcplottedon Figure8.32rot cavity 3. For cavity 2. Figure8.31,TC I below 7K I (measurement downstream the wastheonly thcn-nocouple was ordisc surracc on the thermal usedasa prediction) andthetemperature prortleplottedwasthe(hernialmodelprediction CFDboundary TC13to TCl 7 positioned on ilia upstream condition.Similarly,thermocouples temperature surrace of disc3 (Figure8.32)havea thermalmodelprediction prorileplottedagainst The boundary CFD themeasured two cavity temperatures condition. the as andagainwasused with TC2 rot cavity 2 andTCl 2 rot cavity3 shown%%, thermocouples, shroud crc testmcasurcmcnts; rot CFD being the temperature the used predicted them profilc againwith profilesplottedagainst die boundary disc 2, TC6 TO interest to The thermocouples on oil conditions. were of real bore. in disc TC 7 the TC8 downstream II TC upstream and positioned to surrace surracc and on the Theplotsclearlyshow Figures 8.31and8.32showtheCFD predicted disc3 surracc temperature. disc 3 improves thatdie useof thecnhanced the orthe prediction mixing modelsignificantly CFDdisc 3 temperatures temperatures. Therewasgoodagreement in thepredicted niongmostor disc diaphragm thediscsurraces, largest (over ilia mid at occurring the with prediction) errors (TC4andTC 10)on bothsidesof thedisc.Also plottcdon both figuresarc themid cavity positions fluid temperatures mixing model and,asmentioned above,theplotsclearlyshowthat thecnhanccd in both temperature reduces core was established tile radialtemperature gradientanda nearunirorm in Table8.3 for all tile testcases The fluid temperatures rot cavity 3 arcpresented cavities. analysed.



Rolor Di%c .1

Disc I

Mass Flms lnle(





Figure 8.27 CIA) mesh and geome1r) of lhe NICRR2 caillic% 2 sind and of .1 -Sti%%c% di%c 2 Ailh conjugale licaling.

Figure 9.33 compares the CIA) predicted disc 2 metal temperatures for test 1.1.% tile ilhotit and %% ith . di%c tile being For predicted model enhanced mixing model solution tile enhanced mixing used. I-iit%c 01red-WaO Icinivratures were within 5K corresponding to in error of'9". %%-here emir nm-l*lnlc(). this compares to a dillerence of 19K. that is a 350o error for the comcntional Alw. flor comparison the crror in SC03 therinal anaksis. predicted temperatures arc gi%cii using tile CIA) disc file tenipcraturcs The %% ith for I tile majority offlic %ame error criteria. that igtire sho%vs enhanced mixing predictions were more accurate than tile 1herinal analyms predictiom I tic a%cragc error for tile (+`D predicted temperat tires was 3.06"o compared to 3.09*o for file therinal analyms predictions. 11*11le two ,,, (I-(Ilsc (Ijaphragin lemperat tires were not included (he a%cragecm)r would be 1.56% compared to 3.3 PO. Hence there is a significant improvement in (he prediction ofilic disc 2 Icinperal tires using the enimliced inixing CFD modcl compared it) tile SC03 thcrinal model 14 2 disc for test tc%t%. temperatures The and UFD prodictions. enhanced mixing model predicted . test 50 are shown in Figure 8.34. Good agrevincrit hem,ccii the CFD results and the tc%t Measurements is silowil flor both tests, with (lie largest percentage error being 3.4% (1 9K) for tc%t 34 and 1.5% (O.XK) for test 50. Cavity 3 CFD temperature results for the five tc%Ls arc %hownin Table 9.3.


I 0 Figure 8.28 CIA) test 33 %tream filliction confoum

1 11 1-4 1, .1 .

IlAbc +1 i 46e 1). 8.9 3L% 8.4 1

7.8 8 7.36e 6.83e, A ll..

5.7ae 5.25e4.73e4.20eFjact 1.1 1 -. I 5e ". 63e ). 10e 5c -

Figure 8.29 CIA) les( 33 llii%illg factor comour%.


ith [lie Enhanced




3.9 3.86e+02 3.82e+il:, 3. T8a- fl, ' 3. T4e,.0, " 3.7 De U2 3.66e 02 3.621 -- 02 3.5 Be+o,, 3.54e +11. 3.50.5+ 11 3.46e3.4 2e3.36a4. I]
34 (1

Max lemp. I'A)K


1111cl ICIIIII 120K

1. ju,

file Enhanced Mking



0 A-86e4 ,I 3.82e,402 , 3.78e+02 3.74o#02 3.70e-02 3.66e- 0? 3.62e402 3.58e4 0' 3.5 4eU, ' :3.5 0eU. ' 46e, U., 4 24! - 0.., 4402 -A "040" : -16k-02 i "2a#02 . 11.18e402 i. Ae402

max. lemp. IINK

Inlet lemp. 120K

Figure 8.34) Test 33 temperature confours Wkc 2 Illodelled with conjugate healing) for a) with and b) without (he enhanced mixing model.

: 1)

Stjs%ex MCRB2


2& 01,,, 1 CoIli ulpir I from CUD Tompoorature

Tc, %I II

b" II, t.

Gob Ffonl (0 DI


I h" I Fford(CFT)i
(ks, 12 Slwoud (,, 0 1,


wiilCavity ODA Doc I How







320 1 310 () (Xi 00a 0 14 Radial Didance 016 (M)





Sussex MCIRE12 Cavity 2A Disc 2 (Conjugate) Sleady Stele Test 33 vAthout the Enhanced Mixing Model (No UDIF) Ternimrature from CFD

a-I b%, I CAjb fbw I F4"r (sco. 1)




b, I Cob Front (CFO PA)iAVi I Front (CFD No Lirl Shroud (scO3)

A-WO CRv*y Measured M-1-Iffed N, ... . l - CFD PA, k4* - (bac 1 14pa, 08 Sh-A I,, -, I

VO ,

"W "

330 -






12 Radiel

0 14 Ode"mce

0 ifi (m)



for Figure 83 11 e%(33 cavily 2 lemper-. 11,11-cs healing) 2 a) %%ilh conjtiga(c %%ilh ((Ii..., c 1110(jelled and h) AiIII(IIII the enhanced mixing model.

SussexMCRE12 Cavity 3& Disc 2 (C(mlugate)SteadyStateTest 33 Torqmrsture Irc" CFD

0 hi, I Gob How ((J Di b- 2 Fbar (CFD) b- 3 Cob Front (sc 0 1) c 3 Front (SC03)
(Isc 23 Stwoud (sco -a Ii 1) A Cavity PM A. mW Kuasufod Mermsured 0A. "Sawed


0 0 *Ib.

380 -

4, "

370 ,

" " a

Disc 2 14.4, D%c :11, -1 ! iW-1


0 12

Radial INGUnce (M)






Sussex MCRB12Cavity 3& Disc 2 (Conjugate) Steady State Test 33 Model UOF) Mixing (No Enhanced the %vithout Terqmralure from CFD

-4b1W I Cob How (M) P*, iAv

390 , 380

0 *

(, - Paw(CFDWLO) (b. I Ch Front (%,.03)

Disc 3 Front (sc03) Orsc 2.3 Stwoud NWAmmilGovily (%, 0 ti (II)N, tAV



- Olac



0 12

Radial EiAMCS (m)



FiRure 8.32 Test 33 c.i%iI31 emper at ures (d i%c2 modelled A It h conjuga Ir hen I in g) for a) %%I Ih and b) Ailhoul Itic enhanced inixing model. I

%%ilh Enhanced
rm -. 171.4 k


%%ilhoul Fnh. mccd Mixing Im

-0 'A k 1

( 11
' Os)

I-I 'I -IIIV,, Wo. 1-1

1411(10 -46, I. A I romp IkI word Irmpiki ramp (k 11

i( 1 1) Pred. -%I rotor MI

I 1,10 I-NIII
1)4.c kim. Im-I '4k %if.



I hrough fie" I in - 420. Ik


, 10


11) 1 rt-


Mm KTtn


, 111

11 I -(1



rCC7 fc?



Figure 8.33 Tesl 33 disc 2 lemperal ure% (conjugale enhanced mixing ino(fel. I 'I'e%t34 - %% ith Fithallce(I Nli,, illg
Tm - 374.3 K .
IN) 4604 (. 41 j A


%ld"fiOll) - -Alth and i%ilhoW dir

I't-%t 50 %% ith Enhanced %li%ing tm 10.7 k .

-\ lp III;
t 1) P, Mkl,, d 1, -. p 4k) ete %Ira%orrd (( W Prrd. I rmp (k I



F-11 -II -I

%Irasa red I emp ik ii

I-.0 Ir,



; -I C"i (I [-NI 4".. 1


CFD I-war - (Prvd WAS I(Im

Tin i
It 1*


D-e. I
brou I:h thm

( 41



- --)


li (41 =

Figure 834 Test 34 and enhance(] mixing model.

"I""'LE. ". test 50 disc 2

W. I in - 12o.t,




%olution) - %%Iththe


8.53.2 licat transfer results

Figures8.35 to 8.37 show the disc and cavity shroud surraceheat flux results for die enhanced mixing model CFD simulation ror test case33 with a conjugate heating solution ror disc 2. Ilia surfaceheat flux is plottcd against radius ror the disc I downstrcwn and disc 2 upstreamsurraccsin Figure8.35 and ror disc 2 downstreamand disc 3 upstreamsurracesin Figure 8.36. Comparing tile heat nux resultson the disc surraccssurrounding cavity 3 ror ilia two-cavity with disc conjugate heatingsimulation to the two-cavity simulation shows the heat transrcr has incrcasedslightly for the two-cavity model with conjugate heating. The heat flux radial profilc on tile conjugateheating disc 2 is smoothcomparedto the other two disc surraccswhere ilia temperatureprofile was specirted as boundaryconditions. It is encouragingto note that the heat flux valuesobtained rrorn the two-cavity conjugateheating model arc not too difTcrcnt from theseobtained from ilia two-cavity only model. This supportsthe good agreementof the predicteddisc 2 metal temperatures with tile measured temperatures. As mentioned in Chapter 6, section 6.4.5 and rcrerring to Table 6.3, the disc heat tmnsrcrcomputedby the CFD with the enhancedmixing model under-prcdictsthe disc licit transrer ror test 33 comparedto the SC03 thermal analysispredictions. There is also a larger difTcrcncc at the middle of when comparedto simple conduction calculations using the measuredtemperatures the disc diaphragm.It is also interesting to note that the CFD calculateddisc heat transrer was ror heat ilia correlation standardnatural approximatelyone-fifth or the transrcr producedusing convection from a vertical wall heat transrer.1feat flux results ror the disc bore and die cavity shroudlocations plottcd against axial distanceare given in Figure 8.37. Also ploitcd are the shroud licit 3 CFD transrcr to heat Comparing fluxes for the shroud cavity surracemean the experiment. the experimentalvalue ror test 33, CFD under predicts the mean heat transt'arby 20,1*.

Table 8.3 summariscsthe cavity 3 shroud heat transfer results, comparing tile conjugatc heating. 2D axisymnictric enhancedmixing model CFD resultswith the calculated heat transfer from tile experimentsfor the rive tests. For comparisonthe table also shows tile heat transrcr results obtained from a 3D 120*sector LES CFD model or the samecavity by Sun ct al. [20041.The table shows that the heat transrcr results from the 2D axisyminetric enhancedmixing model comparewell with die experimentalvalues for all the tests,with largesterror being 9% ror Test 34, comparedwith a maximum error of 27% for the 3D LES model.


Table83 Sussex NICIII12two cavity and disc 2 model,cavity 3 temperaturesand shroud surfaceheat transrcr.

Test 31 (RPM) -(Kg/s) (Pa) 5871.6 0.165 298343 4.17E4 5.02F6 0.28 3.83r.9 0.7 322 385

Test33 1188.9 0.173 298268 4.41E4 1.04F6 1.46 2.32F8 3.0 320 390 1 337

Test 34 2302.8 0.171 297(Ag 4.35F4 1.99F6 0.73 7.41EIR 1.65 321 383 337

Test 50 1482.3 0.599 238835 5 1.53r-. 1.03E6 3.03 1.97FR 11.5 316

Trans. SS INIAX. 5513.0 0.376 240285 _9.49E4 3.77F6 0.86 1.951.9 2.24 315 367

N xf P.

Re, - p%Vdh/tt Rc4 - PM24i Ro - W/a! n GEiv", PATb(s/2)1/v2 = f12 jlo,,, ) - Ro/(PAT)O-s Inlet Temperature(K) ShroudMetal TemperatureW Cavity Fluid Temperature(K)





Shroud I feat Transfer (Deviation CExperiment il (Wni -2) CFD LES(I 20* model) CFD 2D Ailsynimetric (Win'2) (%Vm'2)

to Experh MY 4400 8250 3250 (. 26%)8060

5800 4250 (. 271%)

3350 3550 (-61, 3880 (+6%)


5300 4305 69%) 1 (-2'Yo) 1 (. 2%)--Modliled 4--civith W layer near wall model (A-1300 it-0-1) Tests 31,33,34, So & Trans Max. with Disc 2 Conjugate Healing







Disc 2 (Conjugate) Surfaca Host Flux


State Test 33

-CFD A- 1300 n-0 D4sc I Row - CFD A- 1300 n-0 I Disc 2 Cob Frarg - CFD A- 1300 n-0 %c2F, ml CFDA-IW-ol Disc I Cob Row I








() 08

(). I


() 14





Radial Distance


Figure 8.35 Test 33 CIA) ca% healing ity 2 ((Ii%c I and 2) %%ilh conjugale (11%c .1 di-sc surface heal fran%fer ON m
Sussex MCRB2 Cavity 3& Disc 2 (Conjugate) Steady State Toot 33 Surface Heat Flux
'-Dific2CobR*or Disc 2 Row CFDA-1300-ol a I

3500 3000

- CFD A- 1300 n-0 I Disc 3 Cob Frr" - CFD A- 1300 n-0 Disc 3 FrorA CFD A- 1300 n-0 I Disc 2 Rear - SC03 Disc 3 Frcoti4 S(, 03

a a a a a



Isoo 1000 Soo


RediM Distonce (m)

Figure 8.36'1'est 33 CIA) cavily 3 (di%c2 and 3) Allh disc 2 conjugule heating disc surface hem transfer (Win 2).


Sussex MCRE12 Cavities 2&3 & Omc 2 (Conjugate) Surface Hrat I lux

Steady Slat* Test 33


4000 3500 I 3000 I

A a&


#% a
A. 13W M.4 I r)wc 3 Gore Cfn A I 3W n-Q I cro 2 SPWOA cro 3 shrmA A. I= "a I CFO A- I wo "-a I Galv SC03
I Sh"A SCO3 ow 12

Diac 2 mcm

2 I 2-,(X)


IOOD qw" *0-0-0

" K, A-j

VWMA *bf

DMK 23


o IN

() 14 Awiel 04 ,, (094

Figure 8.37 Te%l 33 CIA) ca%ih 2 ((Ii%c I and 2) und ca%if .1 ((Ii%C 2 211d di%c .1) di%c bore lit-at 0% ,Ailh disc 2 conjugate heating Iramfer m %urface mid %hroud

I 19111 cX ; S'and Figure 8.3 9 show graphs ofca% it shimid Iica II ia it %I ci I, It It ct I again , I( ii-i'dit II number. (or and I)tI,)yjIIcy number. Ho I*Or tile Sussex MCR Both plot% %ho%% experimental data I'M cavilies 2 and 3 Crom limids I and 2 (build I as 'Other rig Ie%Idata. When file ztvoal 1hrought1mv is do, 11111.1,11 tile buoyancy number v. high. and the C; tile ( Irasliof* number is lo%%, 1% 11 shroud heat transler is Im%. When tile buoyancy %% file ca% fly Is dmitinant. tile Gra%hot'number 1111111 high. File heat tile bilovancy number is lo%% is 111911. transfer is criteria ihal is used to tile and shroud d0ennine file flow regime is. O'llo dominant buoyancy llo%% the regime and ifliti - (i the III is -6 flow is lit 1hroughtlow reginic. Flus data 11gure I-lie 9.11) by tile in experimental I., shmim been %imulawd ire slumn ton the graph-, .1% exrxi-imcnial results From ilic 1-1%c tests that 11,1%e Solid diamond symbols. The firoill heating. 21) heat the CIA) transfer conjugate rc, 1111% corresponding ax, %yrilmetric enlLinced mixing model soltmons are plotted as black rings. 1*ocomplete the plois tile 120- sector I. F. I-lie dclinittom (irashof S CFD offfic as solid squates model restills ire ; slumn -11) number and Buoyancy number are I gi%en in Fable 8; Bt)ih graph-, %ho%% ilia[ 21) avitsymnictric enhanced mixing modcl hem transIler results correlate well with the test data. %% till all file test Iumnis lying within the full File dam, illat file also show rangc of' graphs scaller of1he experimental buoyancy conditions have been analysed by tile iivc 21) axisyrnmetric CIA) %imula(tom

Sussex MCR Build 2 Test & CFD Romilts

-; -l .I Mhw .0 I *I pwwlwg . P-., A t"l G"v 40. T-131 I

200 z



ol50 .E 3 z 100 50 0


S Oft. 0 A) A,, 1. T"Iso oym

-I 10
rp, u: II




1 OE+08

1 OE+09 Grashof Number

1.OE+10 Gr, h

Figure 8.38 CavifN 3 %hroud heat (ran%fer %er%e% Gr-i%hof number compared lo (he e%peritnent.

Sussex MCR Build 2 Test & CFD Results

t. 1,0". *r". *r. -a vw-o ' G ftw 1.01 406 T. 031 tdW23 I. Mbi 3



*I 111,111 . w, U. aM

to I



., -W


O.OE+00 05





10 Bosh=Ro/(IIAT)O


HL'ure 8.39 Ca%il 3 shroud lical fran%fer %ci-%e% lmoanc nunihcr cOmPared 14)the c%perimew.

1) pre(liction% ( -1-


8.6CFD FLUENT LES Solution

In a complementarystudy, Sun and Chew [20041carried out CFD simulations for the Sussex MCRB2 cavity 3 using Large Eddy Simulation (LES). For completeness the results rrom the 3D CFD LES simulations are included and discussedbelow. Simulations were carried for three tests.33 and34 were conductedat Surrey, whilst test 50 was computedat Volvo Acro Corp. [Abrahamsson, 2001 ]. Tests 33 and 34 are consideredto be in the buoyancydominated flow regime whilst test 50 Is in the high throughilow regime. Most of the calculations were conductedwith a 3D 120* sector mesh sizesemployed modcl, whilst for test 33,45* and 90* sector models were also calculated.77he for thesemodels were 1.36M, 3.14NI and 4.07M cells for the 45%90* and 120* modcls, die from directions 'I'lie in walls with away respectively. expanded mcsh spacing the axial and radial I'lic in finc flow the rcgion. wall near a adequately mcsh next to the walls to captureand resolve the meshspacingin the circumrcrcntial direction was uniform. I'lic boundaryconditions wcre set, as they were for the 2D axisymmctric models, according to the experimentaldata. The inlet flow turbulenceintensity was set to be 20% (10% was used in the 2D axisymmetric models). as it was that there would be strong mixing clTectsbetweenilia axial througliflow and the swirling considered flow in the cavity. As only partial domains were simulated,all thrcc models were applied with circumrcrcntial periodicity. The FLUENT code was used for the calculations. The LES Smagorinsky-Lilly sub-grid scalemodel C., for a Smagorinsky-Lilly which represents The constant the model waschosen calculations. filicring the between cut ofT and the scales, sub-grid relationship the mixing-Icngth, associatedwith length,was set to 0.23. The temporal and spatial discrctisationswere 2"J order implicit with the time stcp being I. Omsand the 2"dorder central differcncing scheme.rcspcctively. in Table A summaryof the shroud heat transrerresults from the three 3D LES-CFD Inodell is I;i%-cn 8.4.


Table 8.4 Summary of CFD-LES results for the calculated test casesof the SussexMC11112 ISun and Chew, 20041. Case Model Experiment 4r,,;, Win" CFD4c-tDWM'2 A4c-rl)/4r,, p

Tcst33 45' sectormodel 90* sectormodel 120*sectormodel Test L34 120* sectormodel Test501 120' sectormodel


58DO ~3350

2350 3150 3250 4250 3550

42% 28% . -26% 27% . 6%

TheLESshroud CFD 2D heattransrcr been have to tile axisymmetric comparcd already results heat Tile LES in 8.3. Table transfer model shroud resultsin the previoussection andareshown ror the 120*sectormodelwerealsoincludedin Figures 8.38and8.39.In thesefiguresthe results LESresults Sunet al. observed thattherearc some arcgiven by thesolidsquare symbols. differences in tile shroudheattransrcr between results, andthecxperitnental the LEScalculations boundary the although theuncertainty conditions the or the uncertainty and of measurements froin Table it be In ror theCFD modelmaycontribute deviations. can seen specified to tile addition, 8.4that,ror test33, tile largerthedonla. in or tile sector. thebettertheCFD resultsare.For this for LEScalculations 120' the two othertests. tile reason sector model using wereonly perrormcd broad Sunct al. werevery encouraged trends by the LESresults, tile tile or tile of capture with Nussclt numbers. number variationwith Grashof andBuoyancy
The large-scalestructuresof the flow capturedby the LES are clearly visible in the Sectionalviews of the instantaneous temperature,shown in Figure 8.40. Cold and hot "an'W' penetrateilia cavity. The boundarybetween the cold axial througliflow region and relatively hot, rutationally dominated buoyantouter swirl flow region is clearly visible too. The existenceorthe ine-wale structuresis consistentwith ilia experimental evidence.A sharp inicrrace betweenthe cold central flow througliflow and ilia main cavity is most apparentfor test 50. The 2D axisyninictric CFO model with the enhancedmixing also capturesthe boundary betweenthe cold througliflow and central core cavity swirling flow, but this boundary is ilia circulation region set up betweenilia disc cobs. 17here is no evidencethat the 3D sectorCFO modelscompute a circulation region although ilia solutions My not have been examined for this rcaturc.


Stj%%e% liiiii(12 / Fluent LFS /

Rolal ion

(, mitteilt. %al eili(1-2%iill ulne


(a)Tesl 33 LES

I'e%l 34 LES (b) 14401.1lioll

(C) Volvo LES Test 500

Hgure 8.40 LES 120 sector model insillillancous temperature Su%%cx NICRI12 cavily 3 simulations IStin et al. 20041.

at the

plane for the

8.7 Conclusions

lical Numerical simulations 11,1ve lieen carried out Ilor the Susse\ NIURB2 It, analse the co1I\CcI1%e transtler in a rotating cavity with axial 1hrougliflo\% A 21) amsymmetric CFD mixielling lechnique has (lie lt ol'a rotating -I\ using the enhanced inixing 111odel core cenlral ;:. to increase the inmrig in bccn used. The comptitat Otis were perflornied assuilling steady flow and the rcstilis ha%chccn compared with the experinienial measurements for inetal iemperatures and licat iran.-ler. I'lic 1. ify. cavity . simulations were broken down into three sections. first the simulation ofa %ingleca% itlcs. cavities 2 and 1. and thirdly %imulations for the wcondly simulations ol*(\vo colinected c;,%, licaiing, CIA) 2 dist: the conjugate but tising Iwo s3nic ithin Iijodelled %k Connected cavities with the Finally the restilts were also compared to results 1rom a 11) %ccior ITS intx1cl ofthe --inic c.1% Ily . L'sing the enhanced mixing model good agreement with experimental Valtics for the ca% ity shroud heat transfIer has been shown for rotating Rayleigh numbem of the order 10". All the steady %url'ace

havebeensuccessrully MCRB2tests, usingthe simulated state range, covcringthe full buoyancy heat The CFD surracc shroud cavity axisymmctric modelproduced mixing. modelwith enhanced LES by 3D 12011 heat the sector than tmnsfcrs prcdictcd thatwerecloserto themeasured transrcrs disc There the compressor metal measured model. with wasalsoan acceptable agreement
for each of the tests.The model produceda near solid body rotational central core temperatures within eachcavity. Also within eachcavity the core temperatureis nearly unirorm. Both or these for be CFD features 3D to known from from present simulations unsteady are experimentsand being in to able in The successful was model mixing naturalconvection rotating cavities. enhanced distinguishthe regions in the flow field where the axial througliflow dominatesand no cnhanccd mixing was required and regions where rotational buoyancy dominatesand enhancedmixing was ror beat ror both transrcr and being the With cavity shroud the good agreement required. achieved disc tcmpcraturcsthe CFD model appearsto be predicting the correct aniount ormixing within the cavities for this application. For all the SussexMCRB2 CFD simulations using cnh3nccdmixing modcl, with the local Rayleigh best 1300produccd (lie factor, A to set equal numbcrpowcr, it sctcqual 0.1 and the multiplication ror flow. in other both ror core results cavity shroud heat transrcrand obtaining a central cavity applicationstheselocal constantsmay needto be altered.The useorunder-rclaxation on the factorcdfluid properties together with the flow ficId cell smoothing helpedto reducethe instabilities in the solution and also liclpcd the convergence. In Chapter9, the enhancedmixing model will be applied to the CFD simulation of a real gas turbine I IP compressor drum that has many inter-disc calviticsand axial througliflow.



In this chapterthe 2D axisymmctric CFD

modelling techniqueusing thc enhancedmixing model

hasbeenapplied to a typical gasturbine I IP compressorrotor drum. The computationswere Performed assumingsteady flow and the results have beencomparedwith engine test measurements for metal temperatures and heat transfer. An acceptableagreementwith engine test measured discs temperatures compressor hasbeen shown.

9.1Introduction Numcrical simulations the werecarriedout on a typical gasturbineIIP compressor rotor to analyse heattransferin a series convective A 2D rotatingcavitieswith an axial throughflow. of connecting Axisymmctric CFD modelof thercarthreedisc stages anddie drive coneof aI lp compressor rotor dn'm wereconstructed. is shownin Figure9.1. Figure9.2 shows Thecavityusedin thesimulations thepositionof therotatingthermocouples in in discs As that test. the the the were used engine on previous CFD wasusedinitially. whichassumed chapter, the flow to be stc3dy, conventional compressible Theenhanced andturbulent. mixing modelusingthe FLUENT UDF wasthen The threecompressor SPPlicdheating discswcrc modelled within FLUENTusingtheconjugate By usingconjugate $Olvcr. heating Thedisctemperatures thedisc temperatures couldbe calculated. by the CFD models prcdictcd tcmpcraturcs. to themmurcd thermocouple werecompared 91 Descriptionof the EngineTest is I III the compressor much11nore engine rotor of geometry complex, diameters with the intcr-disccavitieshavingvaryingshroud anddiffering discboreradii for each Also the LP shaftdiameter of the threediscstages. variesalongthe lengthof compressor.

In contrast to theSussex MCRB2,the

Alm) di flerent tot lie M UR 112,1lie compressor 9COMCIryofthe rear stages ofthe

rotor rear dri ve cone cavity was mmicl led


engine I III compressor

is shown in Figurc 1) 1 In the diagram the

dirrictisions for cavity number 3 are given. The outer radius thc cavity (h) was I 73.9mm. the inticr radius of disc 4 bore (a) was 80.5min (a/b 0.29). The 1-1) %hall (rj b 49 Xmm (%, 0.46) and disc ca%ity %pacing (s) %%-a% as the IIP rotor but at 0.9 ofilic IIP rotor speed I'lic airflow criginc 1cm.

rotates in the same direction giving

and had a radius ot'52.15iiiiii. axially through the compressor

in annular gap of 28.35inni.

at thc disc 4 localion.

was predicted

from a sccondary air vy%tcrn modcl offlic whilst the 1 1) %haft matcrial

Thc material of'the I IP compressor Tompcrature measurcinenis

rotor was titanium.

%%as stccl.

were obtained from 49 rotating (licnii, wouples connected to thc 1hrCC 1hcnmx: ouplc% %% ith two

rotor discs and drive cone. Figure 9.2 shows the 24 locations ofthe thcrITIOCOuPlespositioned at each location.

The thet-niocoupic% werc lahellcd a%%16214 (on the Fwo ncar %icady statc maximum irarimcni icst cycic h.i%c hccii I

Cavity I shroud) through to M6229 (on the curvic coupling). rotor %pecd tests points. taken from an acceleration %imulatcd.


L %%*I rl In-id

IIP ( comprrsafor Rolor (Hror mor")

I INOff $me

ll, t-

( , n, ( . %.I,




1-11 Shall

Figure 9.1 HP compressor gconidn. rotor drum (rear %tage%)


FT -" -P, --,

(. &%i urbine oir ( omprr%mr ihom (meet %tow"i

F==TNF-. lp
. 4.111

HXure 9.2 IIP compressor (rear stages) - shiming the imiliom rogine fell.

for the the lhvrm(woup1v-. tol'

9.3 Test Ileal Transfer


Ibc heat Iransfer through (lie cavity from the 1cinpuaturc% oblamcd using estimated shrouds was the thcrinocouples on the cavity shrouds and by using the predicted icinpcraturc% from the ouNdc nuidcl ofilic 111' surface ofthe shroud obtained froin the 'hest-inatchcd' SC03 thmnal analv%i% compressor rotor. The cavity shroud heat transf'cr was then calculated in the %aincway a%in the Pirrvious chapter, using following equations.


k(T, q,.

i__. ) bln(1), h)


D lb the outer diameter ofthe compressorrotor. 1)is the cavity shroudradius. k_, (T..,.,,

m the thermal

) difference 7'.,. temperature the metal Mkluclivlty of the metal, titanium. and the in is _ Scruss the compressorrotor shroud thickness. It is ofnolc that the calculated heat fluxc%u%ing

9.1compared Lquation well with theSC03thermalmodelresults. 7be heattransfer, cavityshroud asa Nussch number.wascalculated asfollows,



,d r (T..... - T, k1l



fll(b2 -A TS= Tjj, + 2Cp


f) is thecompressor is theair inlet temperature to the test rotor speed rig. and T,. w

9.4Numerical Investigation Compressor Rotor of Convection In a 21) Axisymnictric 111, Drum %I(h Axial Throughflow. 9.4.1Basic modelling assumptions and the numerical procedure

Allthe for mass, computations andenergy carriedout solvetheconservation momentum equations using theFLUENTCFD code.TheCFDcalculations 2D axisymmctric assuming wereperformed k-c andthe2-laycrk-C/W nearwall compressible, turbulentflow,usingthestandard steady, twbuicncc The FLUENTsegregated models. andwith orderimplicit time stepping solver,second thesecond for discrctisation for thecalculltions, orderupwindscheme the were chosen spatial used Theflow wassolvedin therelativevelocityrcrcrcnce rmnle.The Presto order scheme, a second for tile velocity.For tile pressure Mssurccorrection interpolation methodwassetfor pressure coupling (prcssurc-corrcction), All thesimulations method were theSIMPLEalgorithmwaschosen. Performed fluid properties Boththestandard usingdoubleprecision of air andtile accuracy. M'ICTi3l runctions properties of the lip compressor as of temperature. specified were Figure 9.3shows internal discs for the CFD mesh the cavities of thercarsection or and constructed theI IP compressor $3,800 for drum. The this qu3drilatcml simulation was total rotor meshsize discs. hlesh cells,72,200fluid cellsand 11,600 domain for three rotor spacing the orthc solid cells I. I. Temperature expands awayfrom eachwall with an expansion profilcs ratio of approximately for thecompressor from the 'best-matchcd'SC03 thermalanalysis of theI IP walls wereobtained boundary compressor CFD to all thewalls conditions enginetest.Temperatures as applied were

surrounding the compressor apart from the three discs where tile conjugate heating solution was applied. Predicted inetal temperatures for tile disc rinis were also applied as conjugate heating boundary conditions. A inass flow boundary condition was applied to each ofthe inlels and a %tatic pressureapplied to tile two outlets. As tile CFD model was axisymnictric the R3 I inlet rotaling holes were modelled as a circumferential slit with the equivalent area oftlic 90 l(mini discreic 1101CS. Two near steady state niaxinlurn rotor speed test conditions were analvscd. These were at 1071,16NI. For the flo%kinlet. R.1I an estimate and I 00%NI-, 1 11 compressor condition%. rotor speed . of the anlount of'swirl was niade I'M each of the two test conditions. %% hich was approximalciv 600,6 the circumferential velocity ofthe rotor. This swirl was estimated froin (tic ratio oftlic flow residencetimes ofthe holes. the time for the flow to pass through tile hole to tile rotational passing time ofthe hole. For the flow through tile front curvic coupling. inlet R91).full rotor SIVcd Was assumed.As can be seen in Figure 9.3, for the outlet at right hand side ot'thc geometry. the mesh was extended beyond the curvic coupling. This extension was included %o(flat tile outlet %kouldnot have any influence on the flow under tile curvic coupling. The IT shall rotates at approximately 0.9 of the speed ofthe 111) compressor rotor and in the same direction. A turbulent intensity of' 10"oand the hydraulic diameter was specified to estimate the level ofturbulence in tile llo%k for tile Iwo Inlets. Table 9.1 gives the boundary conditions and the flow parameters, rolalional. Re, and axial Reynolds number, Re. The Kilt for Gr, Orashot'numbers. the test and nuts conditions. of each and through the front CUrvic coupling (see tile dashed line in Figure 19.1 ) have not been tile within area modelled in this current analysis.

Prcscrib d Metal Teinneraturcs the 1111 Rolor on

I PrescribedMetal FenilwFatilicsof, dic IP Sho'll llrr%, %urr( hitlet

Figure 9.3 CFD mesh drum. IfP the rotor compre%, of rear section it and geometry of *or


Table9.1EngineIIP compressorrotor MaxisymmetrICCIFI) AIth the enhanced mixing heat 3 transfer. temperatures model cavity surface and shroud Case



INQ (RPM) n (NJ Nf- (Kg/s) Po (Pa) Re PWdVp 1_ -! REj=nb2/jt Ro- W/af) Ci rsoo f)2PATb(s/2)3/v2 Bocoo Ro/(PAT)-s Axial ThroughflowRd. Total Temperature (K) Shroud MctalTcmpcrature (K) CavityFluidTcmpcraturc (K)

15142/13U)9 15519/14543 0.25163 0.23915 224421 213969 4.538r. 4 4.457r; -4 2.5791'6 2.5(AE6 0.113 0.111 5.824 E 5.35HE9 .9 0.201 0.205 449 439 631 (AV) 509 531

Shroud licat Transfcr(DcviationCFDto ExperimcnMermal Prediction) EXPcfimcnt / Tlicmial Prcdiction4 (Wnf2) 31140 CFD 21)Axisymmciric 4 (Wm'2) 31620 CFDderived NusscitNumbcr,Nuh CFDdcrivcdNu.h/ Rc.

34230 36570 (+7%)153.7 1.357134

J+2 151.7 1.3 71E4

AlodIfIcdA-swith W laver near wall model(A-1300 n-0.1)

9.4.2The governing equations Tbe 2D axisymmctric CFD model calculationswere performed using a rotating referenceframe. the steadycompressibleturbulent flow equationsfor conservation of mass,momentumand cncrgYwere as given by equationsin Chapter 8, Equation8.4,8.6 and 8.7, respectively.

9.4.3Enhanced mixing model

formulated and The enhanced Function (UDF) Defincd User methodology FLUENT mixing model describedin Chapter 7, has again beenapplied to the CFD of the engine IIP compressorrotor with how link in Section 7.4 to described UDF and Axial throughflow. The final version of the code was 21S

andusetheUDF within the CFD simulations in Section 7.5andAppendix6. The wasdescribed enhanced mixing modelUDF parameter values wcrc,4 - 1300andn-0.1 - The samefunction "I- cos(, TS/21)'wasusedwith a thickness andconstant property of theDL4 YERsetto 0.005m 13yer, DI,7)-Con, valueof A usedin nextto the wall setto a thickness of 0.002m.Althoughthesame thesimulations in local fluid MCR-B2 the the the used calculation of of Sussex viscosity wasused Rayleigh temperature number varyingviscosityvalueto the enhanced wasalteredfrom thestandard mixingvalue.This hasthe cffcct of reducing thelocal Rayleighnumber andhence reducingthe enhanced mixing factor.Figure9.4 showstheregions mixing hada significant wheretheenhanced Thecavity fluid temperature (Equation 7.26)and CffCcL number thatwasusedin the local Grashof in theheatflux (Equation7.28)calculations (whichwasthenusedto calculate the local nearwall factor.I (Equation 7.28)for the shroud wall) wastakenat a positionof 85%of thecavity shroud To overcome factor, in thesolutiontheundcr-rclaxation radius. stability andconvergence problems (nsmoofh) Urf.setto 0.1.wasappliedto factored fluid properties of smoothing was and 10passes help fluid domain. Also to alsoappliedacross CFJD the computational the eachof meshcellswithin factors local with thestabilityof the heattransfer the of near wall the smoothing shrouds near cavity hasbeen applied.

9.5 NumericalSimulation Results

Table 9.1 summariscsthe cavity 3 shroud hcat transfer results, comparing the conjugate heating, enhancedmixing model results with the calculatedlicat transfer from the experimentsfor the two enginetest conditions. The table showsthat the heat transfer results from the 2D axisymmctric enhanced mixing model comparc well with the experimental values (from the 'best matched' SC03 thermal model) for all the tests,with largesterror bcing7% for 1000/*NL/ 107%NLIcst condition.

9.5.1 Flow structure and temperature results Figure 9.4 showsa contour plot of strcarnfunction for the steadystate 107%NL test condition showing that with the application of the enhancedmixing model a central core was formed in each cavity. In the region of the disc cobs the plot shows that the axial throughflow was the dominant flow feature.Figure 9.5 shows a contour plot of the mixing factor, formcd by the enhancedmixing model. The mixing factor plot clearly showsregions where the flow is buoyancydominated and

enhanced mixing hasbeen applied. In tile disc bore regions where tile axial throughtlow is dominantthe plot shows that no enhancedmixing was applied. The mIxIng faclor plot %hows a rippling effect in tile outer radial regions of'the ca% ifies. This is related to tile stabilily problem 111.11 has was presentIli tile Mitial s111,1111tions Chapter MCR132. S. Sussex and reported in ofthe reappeared III tile engine simulations. The stability problems encounleredwith Stjs%c\%1('Rwere rc. wlved by introducing multiple smoothing oftlic flow field flind properties(augmented\ i%cosily and thenrial conductivity), this was achievedby repeatninning of'the snux)Ihing algorithm at each itcration. I lowever, even with InUltiple smoodungapplied to tile fluid properties for tile engine simulationsthe instability ol'the solution could not be flully resolved. As the in%tabilttc\i-.., I%. in local regionsaway 1romthe hroud lical . tile lion temperature rk)si used ci% it\ in sampling cavity gas . transfercalculation, tile beat transt. er into the cavities was not directly aflectcd. llo\%everthe level of mixing within file cavities illay be afTected by tile instabilities and hencetile ca\ it iemperaltire', Illay also be '11,1ccted.

Shroud I leat Flux

N ti 0.14 Ra" '"


*1', A I'm-,

Chara. 1, gap, 2AF

Rcgion of Enhamcd Mixing Fn (A Ra" ) with A- I YX) n Ra - fn (di-,, dr). Cham I t,

Figure 9.4 Engine fill compressor of sleady %tale 107%Nl, - conlours of %tremill function with enhanced mixing.


48000 46000 44000 42000 40000 38000 36000 34000 32000 30000 28000 26000 24000 22000 20000 18000 16000 14000 1200 0 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 00

Fi&,. ure 9.5 Engine condition enhanced mixing Illodel.

107%Nl, contour% of inking


for the (11)

Contour plots ofthe augmented laininar viscosity and eddy or turbulcnt viscosity arc shown in Figures 9.6 and 9,7, respectively. for the 107"oNL condition. Comparing thc%. -c two Plot%wIth Figurc 9.5, the enhanced mixing coniour plot. showed that in the arcas whcrc the crillariccid mixing for The eddy viscosity wcrc rcgions main was not taking place eddy viscosity was prominent. Within dominant. the C. 1% 111C% micr-disc disc the was around the throughtlow cobs where axial dommatc% thc over laininar and augnicntcd does was wherc enhanced mixing viscosity takes place. oddy viscosity. by Figures 9. Mand 9.9 show tile swirl velocity and the swirl velocity ratio. rc%rwdi% predicted CIN . the UFD model with enhanced mixing Ipplicd for the 107"oNi. condition. The pit)(%show that near 3. TbC 2 velocity body and %%, virl cavities. three Inier-disc m)hd two ofthc rotation was achieved in File 0.0 had ratio of a %wirl in cavity I was influenced by tile R31 flow jillet swirl velocity which by he a --mail drive to ovcr-swirled cone c.1vity ploLs show that the CIA) predicted flow in tile increase flow to R31 The in swirl 1.2. was %ho%n illici amount, with a swirl ratio ol'approximately velocity was velocity moving radially inwards to a swirl ratio ol'approxinuitely 2.0 and this %%kirl

druin length full the by comprc%%or of maintained the axial throught'low along the 0
96W4 oboog 0 WO@ 70me 65000 8000907 66000 6000902 4600002 40009 36009 30000 28000 70000 07 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 9 OWO 02

7 6000 0: ) 07 02

0: )

, 6000 02 1 fflos 07 e, o000 03 ) 000.00

Figure 9.6 Engine condition 107%Nl. contour% of molecular/lantinar for the CFD enhanced mixing model.
26000 ol 24009.01 23000 01 2200001 21000 01 20006 01 1 PWO 01 18000 01 1 7000 l 16000 oi 16000 (, , 14009 Gi 13000 ci 1 2000 01 1 1()00 C, 1 1 0000 ei 90000 (. 7 80000 ("2 1000407 60000 02 a 0000 0? 40006 02 30000 02 70000 o2 1 0000 07 00000. co

1% I) il) i%co-. (kg m %

Figure 9.7 Engine condition 107%NT contours (of furbulent/rd(l for the CFD enhanced mixing model.

iwmil %

(kU ns

a) %% Ity IC11111craturcs. 'I wo temperature contour plots are shown in Figure 9.10 comparing the ca% (T-D conventional the enhanced mixing model applied and b) without the mixing n1micl. %%here that the plots %ho%% teiiipcraturc two Comparing the using unmodified fluid properties was used. cacti of'thc in tciiipcraturc gradient the radial in enhanced mixing 111odel produces a small reduction for the 3 tcniperaturc gradient the radial csvltics. At a inid radial position within the cavity

conventional (TI)

was 590 K/in compared

to 570 K'in t.or the enhanced inixing

model. Comparing

the cavity temperatures flor the enhanced inixing

niodel for the 107'. Nl. case. the core Icniperalurc

497K 3, was 507K flor cavity 2 and 531 K flor ca%, the temperatures and to of ca% ity compared Iiy 514K. respect I vely flor the convcntlona Engine'rest 107"oNl., I CFD inodel. Figures 9.11 and 9.12 show graphically ofthe for

the inetal temperature

disc and cavity shroud %urfaccs surrounding

both cavities and the fluid temperature

through the ccnirc of each ca%ity plotted against radial ithout the mixing model applied and b) %% model. The

distance flora) with the enhanced mixing mewsurcd thermocouples

l'or the disc 3 rear surl'acc and f*()r the front I'acc of di%c 4 together %% ith the 2. Thcnnocouplc for Figure 9.11 the cavity are plotted on

cavity 2 shroud thermocouple

temperatures on the disc 4 cob rear surtace and on the front surface of disc 5 together A ah the cavity 3 shroud 1herinocouple for 9.12 Figure cavity plotted are on 3. The two cavity shroud

thermocouples shown in the figures were test measurements profiles plotted against thein. The temperature

with predicted SC03 temperature

profiles being used for the ('I. D boundary conditions. model improves the prediction of'thc disc inctal

The plots show that the use ol'the enhanced inixing

temperatures. There was good agreement in the predicted CFD disc cob temperature% but a large error occurs on the disc 3 downstream diaphragm diaphragm 7) the (in621 upstream and on surface

surface of'the disc 4 On6225). Also the plotted on both figures arc the mid cavity fluid temperatures and. as mentioned above, the plots show that the enhanced mixing temperature gradient slightly. two engine test cases analysed. 3200 3100 3000 2900 MO 0 2700 2600 2500 2400 MO 0 2200 2100 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 . 000 noo 100 :00 boo The fluid temperatures model reduce% the radial 1).1 for the

for cavity 3 arc presented inTabic

Figure 9.8 Engine condition enhanced mixing model.

107%Nl. confours of %wirl veltwit) (m/%)

2 () -1

for the CFD

7 6 5 4 i3

Zd 21 20 19 18 17 10 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 107%. N 1. contours of s-Airl . elocil, * ratio for I he ('1- 1)

Figure 9.9 Engine condition enhanced mixing model.

Figure 9.13 shows the disc 5 drive 1111 cone temperatures rear surface anti (line drawn diagonally across the cavity) fluid temperature niMel for the 107'oN[.

the mid cavi Iy along %%ith case. comparing rnMel. the

temperatures. a) with the enhanced mixing Tllcrm()coIjple measurements

applied and h) without

the mixing

on the rear surface of'disc

5 (rn6230 disc 5 bore. m6232 and in6233)

together with the drive cone shroud thermocouple, and drive cone temperature boundary conditions profiles

m6236 arc plotted on the graph. lIoth the shroud

from 03 thc. thermal m(Xicl and used as %-L, predicted were over

for the CIA) analyses. The plots show that the CFD with enhanced mixing by approximately I OK. The conventional

PrcdicLs the disc 5 rear surl'ace temperatures

CFD nuxicl

Produces a closer match to the measured tempera t tires. When comparing temperature gradient. the enhanced mixing tempcraturc gradient.

the dim. surface radial to the mcasuml

model proKitices a gradient comparable

From CFD solutions there was a predicted increase in gas iemperalurC ofthc amil 1hroughtlOW Of 45K to 50K froin the R31 Ix)rc down to the curvic holes the through comprc%u. )r rearward rotating coupling. which was lower than the approximate temperature difYcrcticc ofWK enginc tests. mcasurcd on thc


Figures9.14 and 9.15 comparesthe CFD I IPC discs 3,4 and 5. predicteddisc metal temperatures, for the nearsteadystate 107%NL condition, with and without the enhancedmixing model being used,respectively.For the enhancedmixing model solution the predicteddisc temperatures were within 21K or an error of 16% where crror - (Prcd-Nicasy(Tdisc rim-Tinlet) comparedto 28K. a 21% error for the conventional CFD. Also for comparisonthe crror in SC03 thermal analysis predictedtemperatures figure shows that for tile arc given using the sameerror criteria. '17he n*ajorityof the disc temperaturesthe CFD with enhancedmixing predictions were lessaccurate thanthe thermal analysis predictions. The averageerror for the CFD predictedtemperatures was 7.7%comparedto 3.3% for the thermal in improvement I fence there was no analysispredictions. the prediction of the disc temperaturesusing the enhancedmixing CFD model comparedto the SC03thermal model predictions. CFD enhancedmixing model predicted disc temperaturesfor tile nearsteadystate 100%NL condition arc shown in Figure 9.16. There was a small improvement in the CFD predicteddisc temperaturesfor the 100%NL casecompared to the 107%NL casewith the largestpercentage error being 14% (18K).

9.5.21lent transfer resufts Table9.1summariscs heating. 2D the thecavity 3 shroudheattransrcr comparing conjugate results, rrorn heat axisymmctric CFD the the transfer enhanced calculated with mixing model results from ror thetwo enginetests. experiments the2D The tableshowsthatthe heattransrer results ror both 'XiSymmetric the values engine cxpcrimcnt3i enhanced with well mixing modelcompare tests, with an errorof 7% for the 107%NLtestandanerroror2% ror the MOM test. Figure8.37andFigure8.38in Chapter 8 showed of cavity shroudlicat transrcr plotted graphs is interesting It Grashof Do for Sussex NICIL against buoyancy Gr (lie number, number, andagainst to notethatfor bothenginetestconditionsthecavity3 shroudheattransfer Nusscltnumbers, derivedfrom CFD,lie on theGrashornumbcr for tile Sussex of datapointsproduced curvespread MCIL Also for bothconditions in low hcnce lying tile thebuoyancy was very and number ") buoyancy lie high dominant / Re, Nuh derived, The CFD within the again valuesare and regime. NICR. curvefit spread for theSussex of datapointsproduced



6900 6800 6700 6600 6500 6400 6300 6200 6100 6000 5900 5900 5700 5600 5500 5400 5300 5200 5100 5000 4900 4800 4700 4600 4500 440,0 430.0

Model Mixing Enhanced With (he a)


6900 6800 6700 6600 6500 6400 6300 6200 6100 6000 5900 5800 5700 5600 5500 5400 5300 5200 5100 5000 4900 4800 4700 4600 450,0 4400 4300

b) Without the Enhanced Mixing Model

Figure 9.14) Engine test condition without the enhanced mixing model.

h) for and (K) 'Aith 2) 107%Nl, temperature contours



Engine HPC Cavity 2 (Disc 3 and 4 Cavity) - Steady State Man Cond IOT%W Enhanced Mixing CFO k-e Modell

aw i

Cavity 2 Shroud Disc 3 Downstream

Disc 3 Cob Downstream 4 Upstream -Disc Disc 4 Cob Upstream Cavity 2 Contra Line * * * Disc 3 Bare Centre Line Disc 4 Bore Centre Line Cavity 2 Shroud Measured Disc 3 Dwn Sirm Measured Disc. 4 Up Sinn Monsufod


440 004



RO" Coordkum

0 12





'0^4t 10? COnd 1111811 84010 Steady Cavity) 4 3 2 Engine HPC Cavity (Disc and Conventloctal CFO k-0 Model

am 580
5W i-

CavNy2 Shroud Disc 3 Downstream Disc 3 Cob Downstream Disc 4 Upstream

Disc 4 Cob Upstream Cavity 2 Centre Line Disc 3 Bore Centro Line Mar, 4 Rr-wI. Cainty 2 Shroud Measured Disc 3 Dwn SIrm Measured Disc 4 Up Sirm Measured








Radial Coordkwft






Hgure 9.11 Engine test 107%NL cavity 2 temperatures enhanced mixing model.

for a) %ith and h) mAithout the


Engine HPC Cavity 3 (Disc 4 and 5 Cavity) - Steady State MEN CAWW10r%W Enhanced Mixing CFO k-e Model

ow 640
Wo Cavity 3 Shroud Disc 4 Downstream Di%(:4 Cob Downstream D,,., 5 Upstream Disc 5 Cob Upstream Cavity 3 Contra Line 0116c; 4 Bore Centre Line Disc 5 Bore Centre Line Cavity 3 Shroud Measured Disc 4 Dwn Sinn Measured Disc 5 Up Sinn Measured


* * is




500 1

4440 , 004



() 1 Radial CoordIns"

012 0")


() 16




HPC Cavity

3 (Disc 4 and 5 Cavity) - StesdY 311810kl8m Cand CA)nvervtkmW CFO k-e M04W

10? %ML

Cavity 3 Shroud Disc 4 Downstream Disc 4 Cob Downstream -Disc 5 Upstream DISC5 Cob Upstream Cavity 3 Contra Line Disc 4 Ekxe Centre Line Disc 5 Bore Centre Line 0 , s Cavity 3 Shroud Measured Disc 4 4 Dwn Lmn Strm trm Measuf, measufou Dtac utac 5 ") Up up Strm z)trm Measured measurna

600 S@D I
k 540 .

6. W &W
400 S




Radid Coordkuft

0 12


() la

a I$

Figure 9.12 Engine test 107%Nl, cavity 3 fernperatum enhanced mixing model.

for a) %ith and b) 'Aithout the


8) 7(w

Engine HPC Drive Cone Cavity (Disc 5 and Drive Cone Cavity) - Steady State Man Cond 107%NL k-e Model Enhanced Mixing CIFID

Goo 660
640 620
* *

Drive Cone Cavity Shroud Disc 5 Downstream Disc 5 Cob Downstream Drive Cone Drive Cone Cavity Centre Line Disc 5 Bore Contra Line Drv Cons Cavity Shmud Disc 5 Dwn Strm Messumd

1 g 600 560
560 540 520 Soo 480 4410 440 1 004




v I.,


0 16


Radial Coordinals (m)

Engine HPC Drive Cone Cavity (Disc 5 and Drive Cone C&v*Y) * Steady $tml* ill" Conventional CFD k-o Model

Cond 107"t


aw I
640 GN

Drive Cons Cavity Shroud DISC5 Downstream Disc 5 Cob Downstream Drive Cone
Drive Cone Cavity Centre Line Messurod Monmewl Line Disc 5 Bore Centre Drv Cone Cavity St"

56D sw sw sm 900 400

Disc. S Dwn

Ole Filture 9.13 Engine test 107%Nl, drive cone cavity lemperature% for a) 'Aith and h) -Ailhoul the enhanced mixing model.



IN.. IN. I lOIn. tIn - '4'). I-

- t64h


4 71

2-1 -j

I It)




P, k.

"S 'a

I. -I

M, .,


I .

114 . 6216


91. -4W&

" II kil WN R.4. -j, 11. - 410k 1,. p

771 . 4222 0

I in. I=



1 0710 0!
Figure 9.14 Engine test 107%Nl, IIII(Aisc the enhanced mixing, model. temperatures


(conjugate heating %oluflon) - %ilh


116.1 so m 1. - %4qk

(2II 'll
dis2i/ (. 22) I 17--

4 -




I /
( I
4 '. 41W

I. "
. 4%


I."' J
1. - "Ok 41sk

MG216 ,1 -0, -4*1 416 (-Ito


*" 2)

4-1 (. 221



ri 4!!



hdo Mo. Alt lrmprr - 418k


Figure 9.15 Engine test 107%Nl, IIP('disc without the enhanced mixing model.


(conjugate healing %olution) -


. .




e. d

4- 7)
I '4

e .

SI, ....


d I.



41 (II 4I'

R, 4. lu, I-P 11. - 422k

I 'I . I., )





Figure 9.16 Engine test 100%N1. IIPC disc temperatures the enhanced mixing model.

(conjugate heating %olution) - %, with

9.6 Conclusions

Numerical siniulat ions have been carried out on a typical gas I urbi Ile 111) it) anaI%cI lie coniprc%%or *svinmctric Fhe 21) through1lo% axi convective heat transfer in a rotating III cavity with ax'al . m(xiclling technique using the enhanced mixing model to increase (he mixing in the central core of* a rotating cavity has been used. The computations were pcrf*()nned assuming steady flow and the rcsults have been compared with the engine test measurements for metal temperatures. I'lic simulations were performed on the three rear compressor disc stages that formed three interconnecting inter-disc cavities, which was also linked to the I IP comprcs.m)r drive shatl cone cavity. The three compressor discs were modelled and conjugate heating solutions wcrc ob(amcd from the combined CIA) simulations. Two near steady state maximum operating conditions wcrc chown for the simulations.

By using the enhanced mixing model good agreement with Icst values l'br the cavity shmud %tjrf*, cc .1 hcat transfer has heen shown for rotat ing Rayleigh numbers ofthe ordcr 10". Both cnginc Icst

conditions dominant simulated werein the buoyancy regime.AlthoughtheCFDcavityshroudheat transfer disc metal wasin goodagreement, therewaspooragreement with the measured compressor temperatures. The2D axisymmctricCFD modelwith theenhanced mixing UDF modelemployed Produces a nearsolid body rotationalcentralcorewithin eachcavity. I lowcvcr,therewasstill a significantradialtemperature eachof thecavities,whena uniformcorecavity gradientacross temperature I'lic to be achieved the wasexpected was applied. mixing model enhanced when in die flow field enhanced in beingableto distinguishtheregions mixingmodelwassuccessful wheretheaxialthrougliflowdominates mixing wasrequired andregionswhere andno enhanced Within rotationalbuoyancy dominates required. eachof thecavitiesthere was mixing andenhanced instabilities in CFD weresmalllocalregions, in the where the positions, outer radial normally solutionoccurred whenthe enhanced mixing modelwasapplied.Thecontourplot of the mixing factorshowed in instabilities, these theouterradialregions the effect a rippling showing plot with in the initial simulations of thecavities. These of theSussex stability problems werepresent MCRB2andwereresolved fluid I lowcvcr, by introducing the of properties. smoothing multiple for fluid evenwith multiplesmoothing theenginesimulations the to the properties applied instabilityof thesolutioncouldnot be fully resolved. Furtherattempts to resolve theproblemwere to smooth but alsoto smooth the mixing factorandthedensityradial notjust the fluid properties Usingthe Unfortunately gradient. this did not helpto improvethestability of theCFD solutions. localenhanced instead temperature fluid varyingviscosity of thestandard mixing valueof viscosity This hadthecffcct of reducing valuereduced the local the levelof mixing within thecavities. Raylcighnumber factor. Increasing theenhanced hence mixing the mixing and reducing enhanced factor,nearer by increasing NICR132 in theSussex the mixing to the levelsachieved simulations, factorUDF constant, A, increased over themixingbut theinstabilitiesin thesolutionalsoincreased a largerareaof thecavity space.
The CFD model predictions obtained can be considcrcd as a rcasonablcfirst csti=tc to achieving a disc temperaturematch. To achieve a closer match, increasein the mixing within the cavities will be required but for this to happen, further work will be rcquircd to rcsolvc the stability problems. Finally, adjusting the heat transfer on the disc surfacesusing a similar method to that applied to the cavity shroudscould also be considered.



10.1 Conclusions

It haslongbeenestablished is thrccthatthe flow within the intcr-disccavitiesof aI IP compressor dimensional in natureandtime dcpcndcnt. To enable of thenatureorthis understanding a greater flow andassociated CFD flow is heattransfer, the to using rcsolvingthethreemodel oneapproach dimensional huge I lowcvcr a amountorcomputational this rcquircs andunsteady approach effccts. flow is brcak down this memoryandtime to run the CFD modcls. A second to complex approach but into separate introducc process computationally efficient approximate and physicalmechanisms for for these this rcscarch, models taken The with theaim of was approach processes. second Two now design into producing be incorporated undcrlying practice. current a methodthatcan flow first flow; the the idcntif be the mechanisms for with within associated this may complex icd inter-disc disc the throughflow compressor the under axial cavitiesandthe second with associated bores.Bothof theseflow mechanisms In inter. in discussed the the of work. previous review were disccavitiesbuoyancy Theaxial throughflowresultsin a forcefield dominates. in thecentripetal drivencirculationin the innerpartof thecavity. $hear
An evaluation of the use of CFD to simulate the flow and natural convection in a scaledcube has beenpresented[Kirkpatrick and Bohn, 1986].Two heating configurations were considered,both being heatedfrom the bottom surface.The computationswere pcrrormed assumingeither unsteady or steady flow for laminar or turbulent now models.A range of temperaturedifference between the hot and cold surfaces(I OK to 40K) were usedgiving a range of Rayleigh numbers,Ra - 5.83x 109 for to 2.33x 1010. The CFD results were comparedwith other worker's experimentalmeasurements hc3t transfer. flow patterns,and the meanand fluctuating temperaturedistribution. I'lic CFD simulations showed that the time-avcragcdhcat transfer computed by the unsteadylaminar flow model ("pscudo" DNS solution) was the most accurate.Calculated heat transrer results compared well with the experimental derived hcat transrcrcorrelation at low Rayleigh number (-3% error) with a small difference at the higher Rayleigh number(6% to 13% error). The steadyflow model

assuming turbulence (k-c with thek-c /W nearwall model)performed theworst.The useof a turbulence the to dampdownthethermal modelappears activity within thecavity.Comparing heat by numerical transfer that the refiningthe meshthe showed correlation with experimental , disparity (-13% between data to the numerical resultsandtheexperimental correlationAasreduced in difference die In Rayleigh higher -06 error)for the200-cubcd number). addition, meshat the theerrorin theoverallheatbalance The numerical analyses on the fincr mesh. alsoreduced The compared from size,the the well with otherobservations calculated work. experimental made bottomsurface speed of the of propagation of theplumesfrom theheated andtheperiodof release findings cubeagreed The numerical the experimental with with experiment. agreed also analyses thattheheated floor appears temperature to promotemixing in thecavity andeliminates stratification. TheCFDsimulation heated in to the cubewasextended stationary of naturalconvection a modelling in a rotatingenclosed of convective of convection sectorcavity.CFD simulations annular beattransfer for Bolin the ct al's annulus rotating within a scaled andwithin a scalcd rotatingsector ( 1993,1994] Thecomputations havebeenpresented. assuming wereperformed experiments flow andtheresultscompared unsteady andnumerical predictions measurements with experimental for heattransfer For thescaled somegood rotatingannulus andotherflow f icld parameters. has heattransfer between agreement valuesfor meansurface theCFD resultsandtheexperimental ken shownfor Rayleighnumbers in Rayleigh 1010, the occurring numbers approaching of theorder 4% higher Rayleigh For gasturbinehigh pressure disc an error of the number compressor cavities. wasshownfor the full 360" annulus sectorCFD CFD modelrisingto a 9% error for the4311 annulus model.I Iowevcrtherearc somepoor resultsfrom theCFD simulations orthc scaled rotatingsector. higher At thelowerRayleigh from the difference at whilst was-10% experiment numberthe Rayleigh [20041 by ror Sun CFD In al. ct 84% difference. study there a subsequent number wasan Rayleigh I Iydra thesame Rolls-Royce both of a FLUENT range code, over geometry anda using heat it wasfoundthatboth CFD codes to the transfer the numbers compared surface overpredicted for higher I Iydra for 20% Theovcr-prcdiction 10% the experiment. to code and wasabout FLUENT,40% approximately, The found for is less the reasons that currcnt predictions. than which fully for thediscrepancies be CFD to resolved, between still results are andcurrent the experimental but arethoughtto be associated CFD The in results difficultics convergence. numerical with different heat transfer cOnfirm and theexperimental a reduced whichshowed measurements, Rayleigh to gr:kvity-ddvcn convection. dependency for therotatingannulus whencompared number


Thenextpartof thestudylookedat the second flow mechanism, theaxialthroughflow underthe discboresandinteraction CFD inter-disc compressor A flow this the the cavities. within with of depths for differing studyof theflow passing was cavity a series of overa rectangular cavity Thecomputational presented. of cavity measurements with experimental resultswerecompared pressure Thecomputational the flow mechanism andflow velocities. reasonably modclsimulated W 2-13yer k-C/ CFD well for theexperiments I lowcvcr turbulent the modelunder with air. predicted thestrength of thecirculatingflow within thecavity anddid not predictcorrectlythe shear strength of thecrossflow which drivesthecirculatingflow in thecavity.For theexperiments usingwaterCFD failedto predictthe multiplecirculations why the within thecavity.Thercason CFDanalyses fails to simulate be fully The work was to thecirculations explained. still needs heat levels know considered because to be important transrer the to of andmomentum the of need layerfrom thecross-flowto thecavityand in termsof a gasturbinecompressor across theshear the transrcr from theaxial throughflowunderthediscbores to theintcr-disc of heatandmomentum cavities. To gauge heat CFD 2D thebenefits to the transfer within the model method of a new axisymmctric intcr-disccavitiesit wasnecessary compressor to performa thermalanalysis usingtraditional for thethermalboundary modellingtechniques within thedisccavities.For this conditions assessment MCRB2wasusedanda temperature theSussex usingtheRolls. exercise matching Royce SC03wasperformed.Therig simulate$ tile thcrmo-mcchanical finite element program internalcomponents IPC). Three (I high-pressure features flow were models compressor and of a A constructed, thermalboundary the first beinga datummodelusingconventional conditions. heat but datum from second the the conventional replaces modelthatuses theboundary conditions CONH" transfer -cone disc which a correlation, with cocflicicntcorrelation surfaces appliedto the The third modelis the"best. by Alcxiou (2000],usingtestmeasurements. wasderivedat Sussex idle Each the to matched' through same to was run model thethermocouple measurements. model from Results maximum the 'best-matched' modelgave speed acccicration-dcccicration cycle. during temperature difference both the 5K less and condition at steady state than errorsof acceleration I lowcvcr,an errorof 5K is significantfor therig cycleastherewasonly a transient. 30K radialtemperature difference between thediscrim andthecobandonly a 50K temperature difference die between hot intcr-disc throughnow the air at cooler axial the metal and cavity shroud Maximum Therefore of thetcnapenturc asa percentage speed the5K errorrelates, condition. between die shroud speed statemaximum andaxial througliflowgas,to a 7% error at thesteady This is a significanterrorwhenconsidering the conditionanda 12%errorduringtheacceleration.

engines. Comparisonof the results obtained from both the CONE model and the 'bcst-matchcd'modcl with the datum model, showed that there was some merit in using the cone correlation on the disc surfaces.Overall, the cone correlation was shown to be cffcctive in the mid and outer regions of the disc diaphragm for the steady statenuximum condition, achieving better results than the datum model. I lowcvcr. using the cone correlation had a detrimental effect During transientsthe cone correlation on the disc cob and bore temperatures. Produceda disc temperatureresponsethat was close to the measuredresponsefor the inner and mid Pall of the disc diaphragm. But in the outer radial part of the disc die datum model produced a better thermal responsethan the model with the cone correlation. Inter-disc cavity shroud temperature Predictions were good for the datum model and for the model using the heat tmnsrcr Cquivalentto that derived at the SussexUTC [Long ct al. 2006b]. Stresses in the discs are driven by temperature gradient; so comparing the radial temperaturedifference produced by the thermal models to that measured,the datum model was shown to perform much better than the therrnal model with the cone correlation, both at the maximum speedsteadystatecondition and during the transient$. Modc1ling around the compressordisc cobs proved to be difficult and to achieve an acceptable boundary match with the disc temperaturemeasurements thcrmal conditions Ind to be extreme assumed,including an imbalanceof hcat/rnassflow in and out of the inter-disc cavities.

larger temperaturesoccurring in

To increase CFD in be NICRB2 flows theunderstanding the to will continue used. the occurring of Someprogress CFD but this is hasbeenmadein themodellingof thecavitiesWithfull 3D unsteady intensive. computationally In an attemptto overcome thecomputingtime problema 2D developed. A newCFD modelling hasbeen axisYnlmctric steadyflow modellingtechnique intcr-disc The technique introduced increase the cavities. the within was to mixing andused flow axisymmctric CFD models.Initial enhanced mixing modelmethodology wasappliedto steady for both testingof theenhanced for a stationwy enclosed cavity and a mixing modelwasperformed for heat rotatingsectorscaled Good transrcr the stationary the enclosed cavity on cavity. agreement between fluid (inner theexperiment CFD core properties was the obtained the modified and with I lowcvcr Rayleigh higher for andouterwall heattransfer there number). waspoor the error -2% for die heat between CFD agreement the theenhanced and experiments radial model mixing transferthroughthecorefor the rotatingannulicavity(87%error).Fromthese testCFD simulations in the levelof themixing factorthat is required to obtainsatisractory mixing thecavitycoreandto The testsillustratedthat produce thecorrectlevelof heattransferthrough thecavity wasestimated. 3D theenhanced be has to the to complex unsteady rotating used model mixing model thepotential (UDF) cavity flow with a 2D axisymmctric CFD model.The FLUENT UserDefinedFunction

for the enhanced Program rotatingcavitieswith axial mixing modelwasthenappliedto enclosed throughflowin the simulation NICRB2cxperimcnts of buoyancy coveringa full range of the Sussex conditions. Tte axisymmctric increase CFD modellingtechnique to the the model mixing using cnhanced NICRB2.711C mixing in thecentralcorcof a rotatingenclosed cavitywasappliedto the Sussex computations with wereperformed steadyflow andthe resultswerecompared assuming final heat For for metaltemperatures Cxpcrimcntal transfer. the setof simulations measurements and Thedisc was MCRB2,two connecting OftheSussex onedisc wereused. cavitiessurrounding heating CFD solutions modelled were within theCFD anda combined conjugate cavity andmetal Usingtheenhanced obtained. values with cxperimental a goodagreement mixing modelproduced e. for thecavity shroud For the I Rayleigh for heattransfer rotating numbers of theorder surface steady stateMCRB2tests, the2D axisymnictricCFD with theenhanced mixing modelemployed 7lic CFD 94%). heat wasableto successfully (the transfer was tests error the maximum simulate heat heat to transrcrs modelproduced the that closer transfers measured were cavityshroud surface thanpredicted by usinga 3D 120"sectorLES-CFDmodel[SunandChew,2004)(a heattransrcr disc crror of -25%). An acceptable the compressor metaltemperatures measured with agreement for eachof thetestshasbeenshown(-3% error).77he CFD modelwith enhanced axisymnictric Also mixing produced body cavity. within each cach within core a nearsolid rotationalcentral rrom features known Both be cavity thecoretemperature these am of wasshownto nearlyuniform. in in be from 3D CFD rotating to CxPcrimcnts convection natural present and simulations unsteady in distinguish being in the The the to regions cavities. able enhanced mixing modelwassuccessful flow field wheretheaxial throughflowdominates andregions mixing wasrequired andno enhanced With thegoodagreement dominates whererotationalbuoyancy required. was mixing andcnhanced beingachieved both for thecavity shroudheattransfer theCFD model andror disc temperatures MCRB2 to be predictingthecorrectamountof mixing within thecavitiesfor theSussex appears local Rayleigh die For all theCFD simulations with application. model. the mixing using enhanced best 1300 factor, A the to 0.1 produced set number equal powcr,n setcqual andthemultiplication The flow. in heattransfer useor core resultsboth for cavityshroud central cavity a obtaining and helped field flow factored the fluid together ccll smoothing under-rclaxation with on the properties to reduce in thesolutionandalsohelped theconvergence. the instabilities To complete CFD modellingtechnique mixing usingtheenhanced thetestingof theaxisymmctric wasappliedto a typicalgasturbine1111 rotor drumwith an axial througliflow. compressor

Tbc computations wereperformed assuming steadyflow andthe resultswerecompared with engine testmeasurements for metaltemperatures 7be simulations andbeattransfer. wereperformed on the threerearcompressor discstages intcr-disc: that formedthreeintcr-connecting cavities,whichwere alsolinked to theIIP compressor drive shaftconecavity.The threecompressor discsweremodelled anda combined hcatingCFDsolutionwasobtained for two nearsteady cavity andmctalconjugate statemaximumoperating mixing modelUDF in theCFD conditions.By usingtheenhanced simulations (heat goodagreement surfaceheattransfer with testvaluesfor thecavityshroud transfer Bothengine error of -7%) hasbeenshownfor rotatingRayleigh numbers of theorder 109. testconditionssimulated AlthoughtheCFD cavity shroud dominant werein the buoyancy regime. beattransferwasin good disc therewaspooragreement with the measured compressor agreement, Inct3ltemperatures (-16% error).Tbe CFD modelproduced nearsolid bodyrotationalin thecentral corefor eachcavity. Ilowcvcr, therewasstill a significantradialtemperature gradient across each in beingableto distinguish of thecavities.The enhanced tile successful mixing modelwasagain regionsin the flow field wheretheaxial throughflow dominates andno enhanced mixing was required dominates andregionswhererotationalbuoyancy andenhanced mixing wasrequired. Unfortunately, instabilitiesin theCFD solutionwereshownto occurwithin eachcavity even thoughmultiplesmoothing factor field fluid flow the mixing andthedensityradial the properties, of hence gradientwereappliedto the solution.Reducing the the localRayleighnumber, reducing enhanced mixing factorappears to decrease the levelof instabilitybut this is to thedetriment or beingableto obtaina uniformtemperature a closerm3tch, coreflow within thecavities.To achieve to themeasured be but disc temperatures increase in the the within cavities will required mixing an for this to be feasible, furtherwork thestability problems. to resolve will be required

10.2 Recommendations for Further Work

Research CFD with theenhanced carriedout for this thesishasshownthattheaxisymmctric mixing UDF modelappliedadequately now physicswithin thecompressor the3D timedependent captures intcr-disccavitiesfor the flow field andheattransfer Further stateoperating at steady conditions. work is requiredto developthemodellingprocess During to usefor transient engineoperation. dominated engineoperation the flow within the intcr-disccavitieswill mainlybe in thebuoyancy now regime.Duringacceleration tile cavity speed conditions will be maximum state andat steady in thebuoyancy low idle deceleration during the flow conditions the and at speed regimewhilst Two approaches mayfall into theaxial througliflowdominantregime. canbe takento modelthe

11'ansicnt Firstly by extending heating operation. the steady cavity anddiscconjugate statecombined CFD with theenhanced axisYmmctric Thesecond operations. andthe mixing modelto transient favourcd is to coupletheaxisymmctric CFD with theenhanced approach mixing modelto a solid thermalmodelandrun thecombined developed Illingworth [20041 a computing modeltransiently. facility, SC89,to couplethe FLUENT CFD thermalor thenno-mcchanical with the Rolls-Royce analysis for theapplication SC03.The two differentapproaches Program, of the2D axisymmetric CFD with theenhanced will now be considered. mixing to transient engineoperation

10.2.1 Combined cavity and disc conjugate heating with the enhanced mixing model for transient operation

Thecombined heatingmodelusedfor thesimulations cavity anddiscconjugate of theSussex MCRB2described for be in Chapter 8 for thesteady to could extended run transient stateconditions Firstly thecombined operations. could be usedwith thesolid two-cavityanddiscCFD geometry beingextended Figure drum 10.1 geometry the rim. to showsthetwo compressor radiallyout cavities,no. 2 andno. 3 (light greenshading) usedin theCFD andof disc no. 2 (darkred shading) (markedasa yellow outline) simulations alongwith thepositionof theboundary conditions by theCFD model.Knownwall temperatures required on theoutersurface will haveto be specified drum.Beforeconsidering of thecompressor transient steadystateCFD calculations operations, heat into shouldbe performed the transfer thecavities that correct the to check on model extended from thecavity shrouds drum is achieved. For transient the compressor outersurface operations temperatures for eachtime point duringthetransient Also transient cyclewill haveto be spcciried. temperatures disc 1, downstream of the surface on theupstream surface will haveto be specified on of disc3 andalongthe internalcentralstationary shaft. Nexta combined CFD with theenhanccd 2D axisymmctric heating cavity anddiscconjugate during be MCRI32 mixing modelsimulations full Sussex transient operations could the of Figure10.2showsthe full MCRB2geometry performed. andthepositionof theboundary CFD calculations conditions by theCFD model.For thetransient transient tctnpcraturcs required on be thecompressor drum drumoutersurface to spccificd,aswill the will need the ends andon temperatures alongthecentralstationary shaft.


lltc%t: tlh"i

Metal I crilpetaluirl

I Pfcflhj

( cnital %h. ft

on IIIC ', 131-nan

Figure 10.1 Su, NICR112 (cavilles 2 and 3 and di%c 2) oilended %%ex of the boundary conditions required h) the CIA) model.


sind the po%ition


Pfrw, hl "Icifi-I


_J I


1. . m

flu. Sul"qwN


Figure 10.2 Su%%ex NICRI12 full geotnews and the po%llion of lhc houndar-% conditions required by the CIA) model.
117 ,


Further testing ol'the combined cavity and disc conjugate heating 21) axisyminctric CFD WHII tile enhanced mixing method could be applied to tile engine III, compressor geometry used I'M file steady state CFD simulations in Chapter 9. 'rhe CFD geometry would need to he extended it) include the compressor drurn disc rim, the front drive ann and the I ill comprcs-wr drive cone. For the CFD model to run through a transient operating cycle, transient temperatures on the compressor drum outer surface, on tile front drive arm. on the drive cone and along the IT central %haflwill need to be specified. The Cull engine I IP conlprcssor geometry and the ix)silion of tile boundary conditions f'or the CFD model are shown in Figure 10.3.


Metal 'rcnTwtotuirc% on the HPC rom Drive Armouter Strfacc

1'rc%crthctiMetal I-enipcraturcison Rotor I hum (hiter Stirfiocc I tic 1111C


ww 0,11cl

sm I. -

IIN Ih-(

11 elliprtnituc tm ihr 1l' %hft


Figure 10.3 Engine IlP compressor full geomewt and the po%ilion (of the boundsr condition% required by the CFD model.

During transient operation the flow field (velocities and pre%surc%) ill re%l-kind %% ithin the ca, iltc% % much quicker than the temperature field. especially during a deceleration. for hoth the air and (he for temperature to CFD To heating transient required a problem solid. solve a combined conjugate accuracy will require the time steps to be small. Also to achieve "pscudo" steady state convergence at each time point many iterations per time step will be needed. This implies long computational times to solve relative simple transient problems. such as an acccicration-decclerai ion cycle. To

havefull confidence in theaccuracy iterations the the transient of pertime calculations, number of stepwill needto be assessed A during theearlieranalyses andcriteria formedfor futureanalyses. guideline for thetime stepintervalwill alsoneedto be given,which will depend on therateof for transient accelerations CFD conjugate It is alsoessential to noteespecially anddecelerations. heatinganalyses heat density, thatthematerialproperties thermal conductivity and spccific of capacity(asa functionof temperature) mustbe correctlyspccificdfor thesolid metaldomains.

10.2.2Coupled CFD thermal transient model -

The second is to usetheSC89programto coupletheCFD to a SC03solid thermalmodel approach andrun througha transient "Pscudo"steady fluid flow assumes operating cycle.The SC89method at eachpoint in thecycle.This approach isjustificd asthereis a largedifferencein theflow and solid heattransfertimcscalcs. the NICRB2two cavity To testthe SC89coupled method, from Chapter 8 be surrounding could onedisc CFD enhanced usedandcalculations mixing model for thetransient The SC03 performed deceleration thermalmodelof the cycle. acceleration and XlCRB2rig showingthepositions is boundary Note conditions shownin Figure10.4. of the thermal indicate thered linesof theconvecting CZI 14 SC89 CZIOI that the where to coupling zones disc no. 2. Essentially, is appliedto cavitiesno. 2 andno. 3 thatsurround Program at any iteration from theSC03 within a time point,thecouplingfunctionalitypasses metaltemperatures surface solid thermalmodelto the FLUENTCFD modelandheatfluxes(by way of fluid temperatures and heattransfer pseudo zonetypeboundary cocfflcicnts)from FLUENTto SC03usingtheconvecting by is Illingworth [20041 The methodology conditions. SC89 given andthe the program of application toot to industrialproblemsis givenby Vcrdicchio[20011. of thecouplingcomputational Tbe normalapproach however be to the equation, energy with theuseof the would solvcjust enhanced arc beingcontinuously mixing modelthe flow ficld gasproperties modificdandthercrorc Adequate the full setof flow field equations have be to the equation solved. energy alongwith number of CFD iterations an acceptable at eachtimepoint convergence will be requiredto achieve duringthe transient CFD from NIC11132 Experience the andthe analyses orthe operating cycle. hasshownthatat least2000iterations engineIIP compressor arerequiredto obtaina converged During the transient solutionwhenmovingfrom onesteady to operation another. statecondition be iterations reduced. number time wcll may to achieve point of solutionat each an acceptable determine Testingthe method for will cycles and varyingoperating on a wide rangeof applications thenumberof iterations thatarerequiredduringtransient operation.

Following on from the testing of the axisymmetric enhanced mixing modcl coupled with the thermal model using the SC89 program on MCR132 two-cavity model. testing on the engine 111' compressor geometry in Chapter 9 could be perf'Onned.

llwrnul N&vdcl%4'01 Houndatv Condo ham c, ti ng Amm

Figure 10.4 Sussex MCRB2 (cavities 2 and 3) SC89 coupled CFD model.

thermal anal) %isIranslent

In conclusion the SC99 coupled CFD

thermal analysis is the favourcd and the most feasible

approach flor transient analyses as it is automatic with the user specifying the solution accuracy and the program is 101 to determine the time step intervals required to achieve this accuracy throughout the solution. The combined CFD conjugate heating approach has the limitation that the houndary temperatures need to he specified. which could he difficult. especially for transient analyses. If has been shown that this approach for houndary the state analyses. where steady produces g(x)d results temperatures are known flor tile steady state condilions. For transient analyses this appnmch is more problematic. With a transient analysis the problem is to determine the rate of heat transfer through the solid metal and thus the user. from guide lines and experience. will need to make a judgement when an acceptable solution has been obtained for each time step and the user will alu.i have to judge the time step intervals. This knowledge can only he gained from validating tmn%. icnt conjugate heating CFD analyses over a wide range of applications. engine type. -. and operating cycles.

101.3 Other recommendations Otherrecommendations includethe following, For buoyancy flows literaturefor bothgeophysical type flows research andmeteorological A comparison between shouldbe reviewed. typesor nows andthe rotatingcavity these flows present Similarly, within a gasturbinecompressor couldpossiblybe made. flow literatureshouldbe reviewedfor cross-flowover a cavity. environmental The cnhanccd to be validated across a wider rangeof applications mixing CFD modelneeds to determine indices, local Rayleigh theenhanced number power n andthe mixing model multiplying factor,A valuesto achievetherequired mixing within the intcr-disccavities.It is to be hopedthatsinglevaluesfor the two enhanced mixing p3ramcicrs will coverthefull for derived be rangeof applications eachof the two parameters. could or an algorithm To invcstigatc theuscof othcrturbulencc modclswithin the 2D axisymmetric with cnhanccd mixing CFD modcl.
To investigate methodsto solve the solution instability problems with the enhancedmixing model and to improve the convergencerate of the solution so the method can be usedmore CRIciently with the coupled CFD - thermal analysisprogram, SC89 and obtain a transient solution within acceptabletimcscalcs.

Finally, to rciine theenhanced it mixing model, shouldnow be appliedto otherrig and 'EnginePartsRig' (a civil enginecompressor includingtheSussex enginecompressors, and turbinespoolrig), to largecivil enginecompressors andto small helicopter engine axial compressors.
in this tlicsis are consistentwith the recently reported research announced"virtual engine" modelling at Rolls-Royce. The ultimate Aim of this initiative is to have CFD and FEA-bascd models for factors for Limiting the approachare modelling complete engines. inaccuraciesand computing limitations. Use computationally cfricicnt CFD-bascd models of These recommendationsand the

matchedto experimentaldata offer advancesover current techniqueswith a framework that can be extendedto include other methods(such as LES) as computing power improves. 241

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Appendix I

Al. l. The Standard k-c Turl)ulcncc Alodel as used In the FLUENT CrD code

Ilie standard k-c model[A I] is a semi-cmpirical based for transport tile on model cquitions model kineticenergy turbulence for k Is (k) andits dissipation equation rate(r). 11Cmodeltransport derivedfrom theexactequation, for c wasobtained hile themodeltransport cquation using %% little resemblance physicalreasoning to its mathematically andbears exactcounterpart. RgmMrt Ugglions Turbulcntkinctic cncrgy,k D(fA) + vf, /Nku) -v di 1( 1 p, Vk +G#+G,, -pe-), w /I + 76-)

Rateof dissipation, c LIPHI +V+ dt (GI Gj Cl, C. Cl, '-)Vc] + + -f W", 4 kk 'I

The turbulent (or eddy) viscosity. /4, is computedby combining k and c as follows. P

A-Pc, 7
C#is a constant. %%Iicrc
r-or all the CFD computationsthe following dcrault valucs %-cre uscd'

(A 1-3)

C1, Cl,r w 1.44,C2e - 0.09.cris-, - 1.3 - 1.92, Gi is represents due kinctic Oicgeneration to themean vclocaySfadicnts, turbulence energy or


Gi - -pu, u, air, To evaluate GA in a manner hypothesis, consistent with theBoussincsq Gj - pS 3

S is the modulus of the meanratc-of-strain tensor,defincd as, %%here 42-Sv-S1 S=



(A 1-6)

Gb is the generationof turbulencekinetic energydue to buoyancy,


11 "07" 27, Pr,


herePriis theturbulentPrandtlnumber ror energy (-0.85 deraultvalue)andg, is die componctit Is Ilic direction. in /7 I thennal of thegravitational of cocfficient the th cxpansion, definedas, vector

(A 1-8)

I'lic degree by theconstant is detcnnincd C), C), Is by thebuoyancy to which c is affected calculated to the followingrelation[A21,

C, tanh n u

11 UV

(A I .9)

is flow to the wherev is flic component the vector parallel gravitational and the U velocity of Cie be for die I flow to component vector. %kill equal gravitational of the velocityperpendicular buoyant is direction direction layers for flow die the aligned with orgravity and shear %%hich main to thegravitational Z, vector. cro ror buoyant shcarlayersthatareperpendicular Turbulent Reynolds' heattransport Is modelled, to turbulent the or analogy concept using dissipation 4). theviscous Equation 3.8 is the-modelled"energy term %%here momentum. equation, is givenby,


(Al. 10) where(r, ),ff is thedcviatoricstrcss dcrincdas, tcnsor, ( LarL, +

ail 3

clu, t5v


Equation 3.8,is replaced alsothethmnal conductivity, k in theenergy by die cffective equation, flicrmalconductivity, kff givenby,

c /1, ke, nk+, Pr,

I'lic default value of the turbulent Prandtl number, l1r,is 0.83.

(Al . 12)

For high-Mach-number flows,compressibility "dilatation throughso-called affectsturbulence dissipation", in themodelling flows JA31. orincomprcssible which is normallyneglected Neglecting decrease In spreading railsto predicttheobserved thedilatationdissipation ratewith increasing frce 13ycrs. To account Mich number for these for compressible shear other mixingand in thek-cmodclsin thecode.thedilatationdissipation term.Ym.Is lncluJcdin theA CfTects by Satkar JA4): 71iistermis modelled equation. to a according proposal Ymw 2pcilfl Af, is theturbulentMachnumber. definedas %here


whcrea (-4yRI) is thespccd of sound.

F; - -s


Ilis compressibility form Ideal die the takes of %hen compressible efrcct gas modification always law is used.


A1.2. Near Wall Turl)ulcncc Models used In the FLUENT CI-'D ctxlc. A1.2.11. Standard wall functions I"he standardwall functions in the code are basedon die proposalor Launderand Spalding [AS], and have beenmost widely used for industrial flows.

Momcnitim 711c law-or-the-wall for meanvelocityyields UOn ln(Ey*)


uo mu cvAll, r. lp

(Al . 16)


pCVAkV')# Ir V PP


%licre K is dic von KdrmAnconstant(- 0,4187). E is an empirical wall function constant(-9.793), Up is the mean velocity oraic fluid at point P, Apis the turbulencekinetic energy at 11, j-pis the distancefrom point P to the wall andjj is the dynamic viscosity of the fluid. 1"helogarithmic law for meanvelocity is known to be valid rbr.) > about 30 to 60.111 the code, the log-law is employed %%-Iicny* > 11.225.Wicri the mesh is suchthat.) < 11.225at the wall-adjaccnt cells, the code applies the laminar strcss-strainrelationship that can be %Titicnas, uf my * (Al-19)

It shouldbenotedthat,in thecode,the la%%, for meanvelocityandtemperature s-or-thc-%%*all are based Viesequantities on thewall unity .. ratherthany* areapproximately cqualIn boundary laycrs. equilibriumturbulent


Encre Reynolds' between transport analogy givesa similarlogaridimiclaw ror momentum andenergy for temperature As in the law-or-the-wall for meanvelocity,the law-or-the-wall temperature. mean in dic codecomprises employed the followingtwo difrcrcntlaws:
linear law for the thermal conduction sublaycr %%here conduction is important logarithmic law for the turbulent region %%here cffccts orturbulcncc dominateconduction Tbe thicknessof the thermal conduction layer is, in general,different rrom die thicknessorthe (momentum) viscous subl3ycr, and changesrrom fluid to fluid. For example,tile thicknessof tile thermal sublayer for a high-ilrandti-nunibcr fluid (e.g.. oil) Is much lessthan Its momentum subl3ycr thickness.For fluids of low Prandtl numbers(e.g.. liquid metal). on the contrary, it Is much larger than the momentumsublaycrthickness.

In highly compressible distributionin thenear-wall flows,thetemperature regioncanbe dissipation. flows,dueto thelicatingby viscous In significantlydifferentfrom thatof low subsonic from heating [A61. include functions thecode,thetemperature the the viscous contribution wall Ilic law-of-dic-wallimplemented form: in thecodebs the followingcomposite

rv4, t V) (r. ,* Tm4=I Pr )-* + Y; tilr -Tp)lvpCv4kv3 ur,

0, .<




O)+I']+VaPC" ln(E), 4" A:

(Pr,U,. ' + (Pr-

(A 1.19)
JA71: P is computed by usingthe ronnuI3givenby Jayatillckc %%here
r( P=9.24 Pr


+ 0.2Se*4

(A 1-20)

licat flux, Tp Is the andp is die fluid density, cp is the spccific licat of the fluid, 4 It the %%all temperatureat the cell adjacentto the wall, T. is die temperatureat Oicwall, I't is die molecular


Prandtl number (pqlk

Pr, is the turbulent Prandil number (-0.83 at die %%ill), A/is I th the IC rM3

a conductivity of the fluid and U, is the meanvelocity m3gnitudeat jo*- Yr Notethat,for thesegregated solver,theterms

v2ppr q



VS pf

Pr,U; + (I)r - pr,

will bc includcd in Equation A1 . 19 only for comprcssibleflow calculations.

Thenon-dimensional dicrmalsublaycrthickncss. A1-19 is computed y'r, in Equation astile Y*%, Oluc Prandilnumber at whichtheI incarlaw andthe logarithmiclaw intersect, giventile molecular of tile fluid beingmodcllcd. Tlic procedure is asfollows.Oncethephysical for temperature of applyingthe law-or-the-wall its Prandd Is computed. properties of the fluid beingmodelled number arc spccificd, molecular 11cn,giventhemolecular diicknessyr, Is computed from the Prandd thethermalsublaycr number. intcrscction Iteration. During dcpcnding the stored. and of the linearandlogarithmic on the prorilcs, in logarithmic Equation is Al-19 linear )valueat die near-wall the profile the or cell, cidicr . dic wall temperature T. or licat flux 4 (depending appliedto compute on thetypeof thed1cmial boundary conditions).

In thek-c models from die A conditions andin the RSNI(if theoptionto obtainwall boundary domainincludingthe%ill-adjaccrit is enabled), is solvedin thev%holc die k equation equation cells. 7110 boundary is, conditionfork imposed at die %%ill a Oil %here n is thelocalcoordinate nonnalto thewall. Tbeproduction GA,andits dissipation rate,e, at thewall-adjuentcells,%hich of kineticenergy, local basis arethesource the termsin thek equation. oraic on cquaibriwn arccomputed

(A I2 I)

hypothesis. Underthis assumption, theproduction to be of k andits dissipation rateareassumed equalin die wall-adjaccnt controlvolume. Tlius.theproduction fmm, of k is computed au Gi x r. j- - r. r.
g(4k VI krc"e . Yp p


from andcis computed

rV402 cp

(A 1.23)

The c equation is not solved at the wall-adj3centcells, but insteadis computedusing EquationAI23.

Notethat,asshownhere,thewall boundary for thesolutionvariables, includingmean conditions 77herctore, k andc arcall takencareor by tile wall functions. velocity,temperature, thereIs no need to beconcerned at thewall$. conditions aboutthe boundary Thestandard broad ror nows. a or %kall-bounded range well wall functions work reasonably I lo%%, depart lessreliablev%hcn too muchrmin the Ideal the flow situations cvcr,theytendto become die constant-shcar Amongothers, in their derivation. conditions thatarcassumed andlocal die equilibriumhypotheses universality orthe standard wall the that restrict arc ones most functions. flowsarcsubjected Accordingly,whcnthenear-wall to severe pressure gradients, and
hcn the flows arc in strong non-cquilibrium, the quality orthe predictions is likely to be %%, compromised A1.2.2. Two-layer model for enhanced ivall treatment

Enhanced is a ricar-wallmodelling a t"o-layer modelwith mediodthatcombines wall treatment If thenear-wall to beableto resolve (tic 11minar enhanced wall functions. meshIs fine enough identical be (typicallyy*m 1p)), I, y*-AyWv-v1(, to the the treatment sublaycr then enhanced %%ill will r. traditionaltwo-layerzonalmodel. In thencar-wallmodel,theviscosity-affcctcd to all theWAY resolved ncar-wallregionIs completely is an integralpartorthe enhanced Ilic two-laycrapproach theviscous treatment and sublaycr. %%all

is usedto specify both c and the turbulent viscosity in the near-wall cells. In this arproach, die whole domain is subdivided into a viscosity-afTected region and a rully-turbulcnt region. Ilic demarcationoroic two regions is determinedby a wall-distancc-bascd, turbulent Reynoldsnumber, Re,defined as,

vrkm, Reyn, P from the wall at thecell centrcs, whcrey is thenormaldistance I F. ), a mi+ P. Or.

(A 1-24)


here F is the position vector at the field point, and F. is the position vector on the wall boundary. %%, r. is the union of all the wall boundariesinvolved. This interpretationallows). to be uniquely defined in flow domainsof complex shapeinvolving multiple wans. rurthermorc, )-defined in this way is independent of die meshtopology used,and is definable even on unstructuredmeshes. In the fully turbulent region (Re.,> Re* Re' -200), die A-c model (describedearlier In Section 'I, ALI) is employed. In the viscosity-affcctcd ncar-wall region (ReP< Re'$' the onc-equationmodel '), or Wolrstcin [A8] is employed. In die onc-cquationmodel, the momentumequationsand the k equation is retainedas describedin SectionALI. However, the turbulent viscosity..u, is computed from,

A. 14, n CI.. rromfA91 die lengthscalethatappears A 1-26Is computcd in Equation %khcre ) 1'. - )TA, - C-141A.

(A 1-26)

(A 1-27)

Thetwo-layerformulationfor turbulent described is used asa partordic enhanced above viscosity blended in whichthetwo-laycrdefinitionIs smoothly wall treatment, with thehigh-Rcynolds. by Jongen [A 10): dcfinition from theouterregion,asproposed nurnbcrp,
AIA + (1- AdA. 24.1 A.,.A (Al-28)

whcrc.p, is the high-Rcynolds-numbcrdcrinition as describedin SectionA 1.1 ror die A-c models.A blending runction,A, is defined in such a way that it is equal to unity rar from walls and is zero very nearto walls. I'lic blending function choscnis,


A, m11+



(A 1-29)

Theconstant A determines tile width or theblendingfunction.By defininga width suchthattile valueof A, will be within 1%of its far-fieldvaluegivena variationoraq.
J'i Ile'l A M, 98) tanh(O. (AI-30)


Typically, Alley would be assigneda value that is between5% and 20% or Re" The main purposc ,,. of the blending function A, is to prevent solution convcrgcncefrom being Impeded%%Iicn the k-c solution in the outer layer does not match with the two-laycr rormulation.

Thec field is computcd from,

VI C0A 11

Ile length scalcsthat appearin EquationA1 from Chen (A91: flatel are again computed and -31

(, It - )-C, - C.

(A 1.32)

If the%%hole flow domainis insidetheviscosity-affectcd by region( Iter < 200).c Is notobtained from Equation 1.111C it is instead A1 solvingthetransport algebraically code obtained equation; -3 for thec specification uses a procedure a smooth that is similarto thep, blendingin orderto ensure from solution between transition die algcbraically-spcciried r in theinnerregionanddiec obtained in die outerregion. or thetransport equation
Ilic constantsin the length scalefonnulas, EquationsA 1.27 and A1 from [A91: takcn am -32. Cp-V4.40, -70. CJOK 4,-2cl . (A 1. 33)

A1.23. Enhancedwall


To havea method throughout thencar-%%Ill thatcanextendits applicability region(i.e.. laminar law-or-the it Is formulate bufferregion,andfully-turbulent sublaycr, the to outerregion) necessary linear wall asa singlewall law ror theentirewall region.7lic codeachieves this by blending Oaminar) by Kadcr[A I 11: (turbulent)laws-oklic-wall usinga functionsuggested andlogarithmic
'%60 6


FL +. Cr, 4Jew

(A 1-34)

wheretheblcndingfunctionis givcn by:

y cj(v* I
c -ex E -1.0


(A 1-36)

a-O. Olc


bm5 c E-9.793 andE"is cqual runction. heref,is a roughness where to Elf, % d"* Similarly. is for derivative thegcncral the cqu3tion 14WOO






'Mis approachallows the fully turbulent law to be easily modified and extendedto take into account die odicr effects such as pressuregradientsor variable propcrtics.This formula also guarantees correct asymptotic behaviour for large and small valuesor J,* and rcasonablereprcscntation of die bulYcr inside falls velocity Profiles in die cases%%Iicrc wall rcSion (3 < j, " < 10). y*

Theenhanced blending by law developed turbulent smoothly an enlunccd %vall wall functions were law-or-thc-%vall ror compressible flow with heat widi the laminarwall law. Thecnhanccd turbulent transfer derivedby combining hasbeen theapproaches andpressure of W1111C and gradients Cristoph[A 12]andI luangct al. [Al 31:



-k('-'1' -(yr



11 ay* so mI+ * + a),,

for 0" < ).. *) for (), * < y,*)

(AI4 1)


v. dp am r. u* dx

/ip ! dr


on ,

r. T. C.. (Ully

(A143) lvpu*T.

ff, T. 2c,,

(AI44) 60.The

* is %%here y, the locationat whichthe log-lawslopewill remainfixed. By derault,

A 140 represents cocfficicnta in Equation the orpressurc theinfluences %Oilc gradients A 140 is anordinarydifferentialequation cocfYicients/7 thermalcffccts.Equation andy represent fl ira. andthecodewill providean appropriate solution. andy all equal0, ananalytical analytical law-of-the-wall. solutionwould Icadto theclassical turbulentlogarithmic Tbc laminarlaw-of-thc-wall from the followingexpression: is determined 2/1* k= -I+ 91Y

Notethattheabove ale includes through orpressurc %%Ililc gradients a, efrccts expression only aects orvariableproperties dueto licat transfer andcompressibility on Olelaminarwall law are imporunce hen be 71icse because neglected. thought to they %% are of minor cffectsareneglected 43 In, Al theyoccurcloseto ale wall. Integration results orEquation (2) # y. +a,,, UAM

(A 14 6)

Enhanced dc%, thcnnalwall functionsfollow thesame approach clopcdror theprofileor u*. ne to the prorilesaccording theliminar andlogarithmic unifiedwall thmnal fonnulationblends method of Kadcr[A I fl:
T + crTL. tj I

(A 147)



r= --I+b I'r' Y*


In Equations b defined Oic Prandd wherePr is the molecular as are a and number, and coefficients flicniial %%, A1-37 andA1. 38. Apart from theaboveformulation for T% ctilianced All functions follow thesame functions. Tbc boundary diernial%%ill for standard logic aspreviously described Al -21). (Equation kineticenergyis die same conditionfor turbulence wall functions asfor standard 1lowevcr,theproduction Is GA kinetic computed usingthevelocitygradients turbulence energy of 1.39). Al-34 A (Equations l3w-or-dic-wall die thatareconsistent a cnsuring and with enhanced formulation that is valid throughout thencar-wallregion.

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tj cl 6-

7? . M.



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Appendix 6
User Guide forthe Enhance MixingAllodel UDF and the use 141thinthe2DAxisymnictric CFD Model

frame. The2D axisymmaricCFDmodelneeds to usea rotatingrcfercncc to be setup

71ic order of operationsto set up and run the CFD model with die enhanced mixing model UDr is as follows,

if known)usingstandard 1. Pcrfon-n CFDanalysis (with wall temperatures a conventional k-cturbulence modeluntil a converged solutionis obtained. 2. Read in die CFDmodel.cas,case rile. File -> Read -> Case... 3. Read in thescheme rile, 'wall_viscosity. scm. rile ->Read.> Scheme... 4. In the UDr panel.compile,link andloadthe UDF source code. Define-> Uscr-Defined -> 1. Functions->Compiled... File "comp_cnhanced-mixing. Add Source c" LibraryName(usedefaultnamelibudo Build button Press Loadbutton Press I looks. Setdie UDF Function 2. Functionsilooks... Setthe UDFhooks,initialization-> initJactor andAdjust-> adjust-factor locations. Nlemory UDF Setthe number or 3. Mcmory... Locations 10 Memory User-Defmcd to SettheNumber or
5. In the fluid matcriMspanel set the modified nuid propertiesUDr- parameternanics, Define -> Niatcri3ls-> I'liennal Conductivity > uscr-derined > factorc4_conductivity Viscosity -> user-defined > factorcd-viscosity

6. Read in the CFD model dat, data rile. File -> Read -> Data

fluid viscosity 7. Identifythecavityshroud andthermal wallsandsetthebaseline panel. properties conductivityin thewall affected Define-> Model-> Wall AffectedViscosity... Wall Zones 1. Setshroud 2. Setvalueof BasicViscosity
3. Set value of Basic Conductivity 8. In the text command:solve -> set -> erlvrt

beingfreed? AnswerYESto theQuestion: to A-4rcp tem1wraty solivr memor)-front 9. Sathe nunibcroritcrations andrun die computation until thesolutionisconvcrgcd.


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