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Unix Course

This document provides an introduction to the Unix operating system and basic Unix commands. It discusses the history and development of Unix, including major versions. It then covers basic file system navigation commands, file manipulation and permissions, user accounts and privileges, and input/output redirection. The document also discusses environment configuration files and aliases to customize shell settings.

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Unix Course

This document provides an introduction to the Unix operating system and basic Unix commands. It discusses the history and development of Unix, including major versions. It then covers basic file system navigation commands, file manipulation and permissions, user accounts and privileges, and input/output redirection. The document also discusses environment configuration files and aliases to customize shell settings.

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=Unix for Mac OSX

1 - Introduction to UNIX.
Developed by AT&T employees at Bell Labs (1969-1971)
Employees worked by themselves on smaller project named UNICS ( Uniplexed
Information and Computing Service)
Renamed UNIX after become multiuser.

- System 5 first public release of linux.

- Branches and improvements (1977 - present)

- Open source: BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution), Lunix
- Closed source: Solaris (Sun/Oracle), AIX (IBM), HP/UX (Hewlett-Packard)
- Mixed source: Mac OSX (Apple)

- Kernels and Shells:

-sh: Thompson Shell
-sh: Bourne Shell (1977)
-csh: C Shell
-tcsh: Tabbed C Shell
-ksh: Korn Shell
-bash: Bourne-Again Shell
-zsh: Z Shell

echo $0 : Display current working shell. Not the starting one, current one.
man : keyword access manual for commands. Ex: man echo
man -k or apropos : look for keyword commands and description.

2 - Filesystem Basiscs
- pwd: show present working directory. Display current working directory.
- ls: list directory structure.
- ls -lah: ls with optional listings.
- cd : navigate to folder
- cd .. : return to parent directory.
- cd ../.. : move back directories. Back one them back the second.
- cd - : switch back to last directory.

Organization of unix hard drive file structure:

/ : Root
/bin : Binaries, programs
/sbin : System binaries, system programs
/dev : Devices: hard drivers, keyboard, mouse, etc.
/etc : System configurations
/home : User home directories
/lib : Libraries of code
/tmp : Temporary files
/var : Various, mostly foes the system uses

/usr/local : User Programs, tools and libraries (not files)

Organization of Mac OS X Only File structure:

/Applications : Mac programs
/Library : Mac libraries of code
/Network : Networked devices
/System : Mac OSX
/Users : User home directories
/Volumes : Mounted volumes (hard drive, dvd, ipod)
.DS_Store : Hold folder view options, icons positions
~/.MacOSX : Directory for Mac OS X to store options
~/.Trash : User trash can
~/.hotfiles.btree : Track commonly-used files for optimization
~/.Spotlight-V100 Used by Spotlight for indexing

3 - Working with files and Directories

Prevent spaces when naming files or directories.

- touch : create a file

- nano : good linux text editor. Replaces VI.
- cat : read or concatenate content of file. If it just one file is given as
argument it just read one file. Only problem is when have long file
- more : paginated output. Cannot go back on the page.
- less : ability to scroll backwards
- head : display hear portion of the text document.
- tail : display lines from the end of file
- tail -f : display loses from the end of file and follow updates
- mkdir : create directory. -vp return verbose mode.
- mv : move file
- mv -n : no overwriting
- mv -f : force overwriting
- mv -I : interactive overwriting, “ask me”
- mv -v : verbose
- rm : remove files
- rmdir : remove only empty directories
- rm -R : remove files and directories recursively
- rm -Rv: remove file and directories recursively with verbose mode
- ln : creates a hard link to file. Expression is ln fileToLink hardLink.
Keeps track of the file in the hard drive.
- ln -s : creates a symbolic link. Keep track of path to the file.
- find <location> -name <filename.something>: search files and folders.

* zero or more characters (glob)
? any other character
[ ] : any character in the brackets.
- find ~ -name *.??? or find / -name ????.** or find / -name index[123].hmtl
look for name index combined with any of characters inside brackets.

- find / -name *.??? -and -not -path /Users/

4 - File Ownership and Privileges

- echo $HOME : output user home directory

- id -p : display groups who user belong to
- groups : display unix groups
- chown : change ownership. Ex: chown admin:staff filename
- chown -R: recursive ownership. Used for folders.
File permissions: Alpha Notation.

user group other

read (r) yes yes yes
write (w) yes yes no
execute (x) yes no no

rwx rw- r— “9 caracter string”


Categories: User, Group, Others

Read ( see content).

Write (change content file or content of directory).
Execute (run a file or search inside for directory).

* Frequently files has execution off because they are not script. They are
text files.
* By default directories has execute turned on because they can be read and

- chmod : change mode. Usage chmod “mode” “filename”

ugo => user, group, others

chmod ugo=rwx “filename”
chmod u=rwx, g=rw-, o=r “filename”
chmod ug+w “filename”
chmod o-w “filename”
chmod ugo+w “filename” is equal to chmod a+w
chmod go-rw filename

Octonal notation

r=4, w=2, x=1

user group other

read (r) 4 yes yes yes
write (w) 2 yes yes no
execute (x) 1 yes no no

rwx rw- r— “9 caracter string”


chmod u=rwx, g=rw-, o=r— same as chmod 764

rwxrw-r— = 764
chmod 777 filename : gives rwx permission for user, groups and others.

sudo = substitute user and do.

sudo -u name substitute the user by given username
cat /etc/sudoers = sudoers is a file store sudo config and who is allowed to
run sudo.

5 - Unix commands and programs:

; (semi-colon) concatenate multiple commands in one line.

echo : output info on terminal
which :
q, x, ctrl+q, ctrl+x or ESC: possible keys to get out of program.
It is possible to add ; (semi-colon) in between commands to execute multiple
whereis, which, whatis
echo $PATH : display path. PATH=/paths_to_look_for
uptime: display time computer is up
who: shows users logged in.
users: show name of loggedin users
uname -ap: display several informations about Darwin Kernel
df : display disk free space
df -h
du -d 1: display disk utilization and deep to 1 level.
ps: process status. Snapshot of current process. Only process owned by
current user.
ps -a: all process running including the ones not owned but user.
ps aux: list all process and background process.
top: show all current process live and dynamic.
top -n 10 -o cpu -s 2 -U arthur. Display top 10 process for owned by arthur
and sorted by cpu refreshing every 2 seconds. ? can be used to display possible

kill : kill process, kill -9 force to kill process.

Working with text files

wc: word count
sort: sort lines. sort -f treats uppercase and lowercase equaly.
sort -u: sort unique words, taking out the repeated ones.
uniq: filterin/out repeated lines

Usefull unix programs

cal /ncal : calendar. cal 2017
bc: calculator. scale=10 define precision.
expr : expression calculator
units: unit conversion

history: display previews commands list. Usage !-<number of command>.

!<first letters or numbers of command> + enter: will search for last command
using given keywords.
!!: same as !-1, referent to last command
!$: reference to the “argument” of previews commands. Not argument, the
history -<command number>: removes the command from the history list

6 - Directing input and output

/dev/stdin : keyboard input device

/dev/stdout: display, terminal output default device
command > output file: redirects the output to a file instead display it. ls
-lah > directory.txt.
cat newfile.txt newerfile.txt > joined_file.txt : concatenates both in one
file using > operator.
echo “word” >> textfile.txt : append the file to the end using >> operator.

sort < cars.txt : using the cars.txt as input for sort command.
sort -u cars.txt > sorted_unique_cars.txt : inputs cars list into sort method
and save the return into sorted_unique text file.
Parenthesis is not required because we always evaluate the input first.
< > operators need to be used with file for input or output. it cant be used
for readings.
| (pipe operator) always use output of command and not a file.
cat cars.txt | sort | uniq > sorted_uniq_ cars.txt

Suppressing output: /dev/null

“null device”, “bit bucket”, black hole. Similar to special files /dev/stdin
and /dev/stfout.
Unix discards any data sent there.

7 - Configuring your working environment

Profile, login, and resource files

Upon login at bash shell

~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, ~/.profile, ~/.login

Upon starting a new bash subshell


Upon loggin out of bash shell


Command alias: create alias to commands. Edit .bashrc

alias ll=‘ls -lah’ create a alias to ls -lah just typing ll

alias ll='ls -lahG'

alias home='cd ~'
alias up='cd ..'
alias h='history'
alias mv='mv -i'
alias cp='cp -i'
alias rm='rm -i'
alias df='df -h'
alias du='du -h’
alias mkdir='mkdir -p'
export + command/variable/option will make accessible on application called
by bash.
export LESS=‘-M’
use $LESS to unwrap LESS variable

export PATH=“/usr/local/bin:$PATH” it concatenates custom path with pre-

existent one. It requires duble quotes, otherwise it will be taken as string
literal looking for directory named $PATH.

If you have mySQL installed: export


Customize history: To clean the history use: history -c

export HISTSIZE=10000 # 500 is default

export HISTFILESIZE=1000000
export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%b %d %I:%M %p ' # using strftime format
export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth # ignoredups:ignorespace
export HISTIGNORE="history:pwd:exit:df:ls:ls -la:ll"

Customize Command Prompt: PS1=“->”

Formatting codes:
\u (username)
\s (current shell)
\w (current working directory full path)
\W (basename of curent working directory)
\D{format} (date in strftime format (“%Y-%m-%d”)
\A (Time in 24-hour HH:MM format)
\t (time in 24-hour HH:MM:SS format)
\@ (Time in 12-hour HH:MM am/pm format)
\T (Time in 12-hour HH:MM:SS format)
\H (hostname)
\h (hostname up to first “.”
\! (history number of this command)
\$ (when UID is 0 (root), a”#”, otherwise a “$”)
\\ (literal backslash)


GREP: global regular expression print

Unix ed editor: g/re/p

Regular Expression
“regex” for short

grep apple fruit.txt return lines where word apple exists, not the word but
the lines.
grep -i: case insensitive.
grep -c : grep coint
grep -R ./ : recursive search on directory
grep -w : exactly match
grep -v : list what does not match. Inverse of regular search.
grep -n : give match and line numbers
grep -Rl: “l” suppress everything and just show the filename.
grep -RL: “-L” returns filename that does not match.
Example: ps aux | grep Terminal
history | grep nano | less

grep —color “word”: result of grep word will be righted

Edit grep color .bashrc

# GREP_COLOR codes
# Attributes: Text color: Background:
# 0 reset all 30 black 40 black
# 1 bright 31 red 41 red
# 2 dim 32 green 42 green
# 4 underscore 33 yellow 43 yellow
# 5 blink 34 blue 44 blue
# 7 reverse 35 purple 45 purple
# 8 hidden 36 cyan 46 cyan
# 37 white 47 white
# Separate with ";"
export GREP_COLOR="34;47"

# Specify options grep should use by default

export GREP_OPTIONS="--color=auto"

source ~/.bashrc: reload .bashrc config

grep —color ‘ea[cp]’ fruits.txt: grep to word with ea with third letter c or

Regular expression Basics

SSH Commands:

ssh-keygen -R server-name
ssh-keygen -R server.ip.addre.ss
ssh-keygen -R
ssh-keygen -R server1.example.com

Legacy is disable use: ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

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