Effect of Corrosion On Performance of Reinforced Concrete Structure Using
Effect of Corrosion On Performance of Reinforced Concrete Structure Using
Effect of Corrosion On Performance of Reinforced Concrete Structure Using
Indrani Gogoi
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NITK. Surathkal- 575205 Email:[email protected]
K. S. Babunarayan
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NITK. Surathkal-575025 Email:[email protected] ABSTRACT: In Reinforced concrete structures, the safety and serviceability is a time-dependent variation of the structural response due to degradation phenomena. This degradation process may be induced by diffusive attack of environmental aggressive agents such as chloride and sulphate ions, or by carbonation phenomenon, alkali-aggregate reaction, etc. In reinforced concrete, the most serious deterioration mechanisms are those leading to reinforcement corrosion, which may occur only after depassivation due to carbonation of concrete cover, penetration of chloride ions, or a combination of both. In this paper an attempt is made to study the performance of RC structure due to corrosion of the rebars analytically. A Pushover analyses present in Structure Analysis Program (SAP)-2000 is used for the analysis. The Pushover tool is nonlinear static analysis tool and is very sensitive to strength of steel. The analysis is done on the bare frame when exterior beams and columns are corroded. From the results it is seen that there will be reduction of load bearing capacity and also structural ductility for all the tests considered. Also the shift in failure mechanism from ductile to brittle type is seen for some of the cases. From the results it is concluded that the corrosion is an important phenomena need to be incorporated analytically in the design of structures. KEYWORDS: Non linear static Pushover analysis, sensitivity of strength of steel, seismic evaluation, corrosion INTRODUCTION The variation of the mechanical characteristics of reinforced concrete over time is a consequence of the chemical, Physical and environmental attacks that the structure may suffer during its service life. Among the most frequent environmental attacks affecting RC structures, reinforcement corrosion is considered the most dangerous source of degradation. Due to this there is a reduction of load bearing capacity and a significant loss of ductility with increasing levels of corrosion, but also in number of cases, shift of the failure mechanism from the ductile to brittle type. In this paper, the effect of reinforcement corrosion on the seismic response of RC bare frame are investigated by using Push over analysis. MODELING APPROACH The objective of the present paper is to study the strength parameters of steel by the pushover method for a G+2 bare frame structure. In the present work, the stress-strain model for unconfined concrete by rectangular hoops, suggested by IS recommendation Figure 1, is used mainly due to its simplicity. It gives similar equation for the ascending curve (AB) as that of Kent and park model, simplified by a straight line (BC) from a strain value of 0.002 to a maximum strain of 0.0035, as concrete is considered unconfined and its tensile strength. Typical stress-strain curve for steel bars used in reinforced concrete construction exhibit an initial linear elastic portion, a yield plateau (i.e., a yield point beyond which the strain increases with little or no increase in stress), a strain-hardening range in which stress again increases with strain (with much slower rate as compared to linear elastic region), and finally a range in which the stress drops off until fracture occurs as shown in fig 2.
Fig. 2 Stress strain curve for steel reinforcement The general finite element package SAP2000 (version-14) has been used for the modeling and analysis. It is a versatile and user-friendly program that offers a wide scope of features like static and dynamic analysis, nonlinear dynamic analysis and nonlinear static pushover analysis, etc. These features and many more, make SAP2000 the state-of-the-art in structural analysis programs.
Poornachand Pandit, Indrani Gogoi, K. S. Babunarayan PLASTIC HINGE: When a concrete element undergoes large deformations in the post-yield stage, it is assumed that the entire deformation takes place at a point called plastic hinge. The hinges represent concentrated post yield behavior in one or more degree of freedoms. Each plastic hinge is modeled as a discrete point hinge. Hinges can only be introduced in frame elements at any location. SAP2000 implements the plastic hinge properties described in FEMA-356 (or ATC-40). As shown in Fig 5, five points labeled A, B, C, D, and E define the forcedeformation behavior of a plastic hinge. Point A is the origin, B is yield point, C is ultimate point and points D and E are a measure of residual strength and displacement capacity.
Geometry: The structure is a G+2 storied RCC bare framed structure. Fig 3 shows the basic overall geometry of the structure. Section properties: Both beam and column sections are 150mm x 200mm in size with 2-12 bars at top and bottom in case of beam and 2-16 bars at top and bottom in case of columns. The transverse reinforcement for both beams and columns is provided by 2-legged 6 stirrups/ties @ 150mm c/c. The slab is 50 mm thick. Fig 4 shows the section properties for the beams and columns. Material properties: The design material properties for the structure were; Concrete=M20 grade Steel=Fe415 HYSD bars. The actual material properties from tests were found as: Average concrete strength = 35 MPa, Average Reinforcement yield stress = 478 MPa Average Reinforcement ultimate stress = 665 MPa.
Fig. 5 Basic Format for Defining Hinge Properties by SAP2000 SAP2000 also gives the choice for uncoupled moment (M), torsion (T), axial force (P) and shear (V) hinges and coupled P-M3, P-M2 and P-M2-M3 hinges, which yields based on the interaction of axial force and bending moments at the hinge location. More than one type of hinge can exist at the same location, for example, both M3 (moment) and V2 (shear) hinge can be assigned to the same end of a frame element. Default and user-defined plastic hinge options are provided in SAP2000. User-defined hinges are better than the default-hinges in reflecting nonlinear behavior compatible with the element properties. However, if the default-hinge is preferred due to simplicity, the user should be aware of what is provided in the program. The definition of user-defined hinge properties requires momentcurvature analysis of each element. For the problem defined, building deformation is assumed to take place only due to moment under the action of laterally applied earthquake loads. Thus user-defined M3 hinge was assigned at member ends where flexural yielding is assumed to occur. Moment-curvature relationship was assigned in SAP2000 for both confined and unconfined cases to represent the flexural characteristics of plastic hinges at the ends. Procedure for Moment- curvature relationship derivation is as given below. DETERMINATION OF MOMENT-CURVATURE RELATIONSHIP Since moment-curvature relationship represents the material nonlinearity of elements, SAP2000 provides option to input moment-curvature data to assign userdefine hinge properties. Moment-curvature relationship
International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 04, No 06 SPL, October 2011, pp. 885-888
Effect of Corrosion on Performance of Reinforced Concrete structure using Pushover analysis for reinforced concrete sections can be generated using equilibrium and compatibility equations and material models. The accuracy of the analytically obtained M-C curves depends on the accuracy of the material model used (i.e. concrete confined and unconfined model, steel model). EFFECTS OF REBARS CORROSION ON STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOUR Rebars corrosion produces significant effect on the behavior of RC structures. It may affect not only reinforcing steel, but also the surrounding concrete (Berto et al., 2009). Steel cross section reduction, localized in case of piting corrosion. The main consequence is the reduction of resistance and load bearing capacity of the structural element. Formation of corrosion product (i.e. iron oxides) along the steel bar surface. The internal pressure generated by the increasing volume of corrosion product induce tensile stresses in the concrete surrounding the rebars which may exceed tensile strength of the material. The main effects are cover cracking and possible delamination of the outer concrete layers, together with the reduction of bond between steel and concrete, which may lead to rebar slip page and at most, to total loss of anchorage. CONCRETE COVER DEGRADATION: The expanding action caused by corrosion products generates a radial pressure on the concrete surrounding the rebars. Such a pressure may lead to the degradation of the concrete cover and in some cases (i.e. high corrosion levels) to total expulsion of the outer layers. Due to that strength of the concrete is reduced. EFFECT OF CORROSION ON BARE FRAME: The bare frame which consist both beam and column, when it is not corroded fy =478 N/mm2, fck= 35 N/mm2 results from the experimental values the push over analysis which is very sensitive to strength of steel, compare to strength of concrete. Considering strength parameters of steel assume that there is a reduction of 10% of strength of steel due to that there is reduction in base shear value as well as reduction in displacement value. Further this analysis is continued for 20% and 30% reduction of strength of steel, due to this again there is a reduction in base shear and displacement values. Table 1 Analytically Obtained Result Corrosion level (%) 0 10 20 30 Yield strength (N/mm2) 478 430.2 382.4 334.6 Base shear (KN) 162 147.9 124.8 124.2 Displacement (m) .070 .067 .059 .053
Fig. 6 Pushover curves for different corrosion levels DISCUSSION: As a assumed corrosion level varies from 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% yeild strength of steel reduce to 478, 430.2, 382.4, 334.6 N/mm2, respectively also base shear and displacement values reduced to 162, 147.9, 124.8, 124.2 KN, 70, 67, 59, 53 mm respectively. CONCLUSION: From the above observations it is concluded that as the corrosion process increases, the load carrying capacity of the bare frame reduces as well as failure mechanism changes from ductile to brittle. Overall the performance of the bare frame is reduced due to corrosion. REFERENCES: [1] Allahabadi, R. (1987). Drain 2dx seismic response and damage assessment for 2d structures, Doctoral Thesis, University of California at Berkeley, California. [2] Applied Technology Council-40. (1996). Seismic evaluation and retrofit of concrete buildings, California. [3] Ashraf, H. and Stephen, P. (1998). Practical three dimensional nonlinear static pushover analyses. Published in Structure Magazine, Winter. [4] Berto, L., Vitaliani, R., Saetta, A. and Simioni, S. (2009). Seismic assessment of existing RC structures affected by degradation phenomena. Structural Safety, 31, 284-297. [5] Bhandage, A. R. (1992). Interaction envelops for T, L, and + shaped columns. A Master thesis submitted to Karnataka Regional Engineering College, Department of Civil Engineering, Surathkal, Mangalore, India. [6] Chopra, A.K. (2008). Dynamics of StructuresTheory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering. Prentice-Hall, New Delhi.
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International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 04, No 06 SPL, October 2011, pp. 885-888