Spells Enchantment For DND

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Sorcerer and Warlock Spells: Enchantment

Enchantment is the transformation of matter and states of being. It involves the transmutation of matter and the magical bestowal of power on objects and creatures.

# Enchantment Level 1 Enchantment Level 2 Enchantment Level 3 Enchantment Level 4 Enchantment Level 5
1 Leap of the Locust Bestowal of Mighty
D1T RT Recipient can leap Strength D6T/lvl RT 10' up or back, or 30' forwards. Recipient gets +d6 Strength (2' apex per 10') Max leaps (max 18). possible is 1 + 1 per 3 caster levels.

Boon of the Witches Banish Curse (reversible) Ilya's Enchantment of Caster can fly for turns = RT Removes a curse from Arms D5R/lvl RT Takes 1
level+d6, movement 120' per round, can slow or hover. a creature. Reverse can be Saved to negate. turn to cast. Affects 2 small or 1 normal /large weapon. Weapon counts as being magical for hitting certain creatures.

Kolbrandt's Keen Shroud of Silence Edge RT D24hrs Takes 1 D12T R180 No noise from
turn to cast on a non-magical bladed weapon. Weapon gets +1 hit and damage for number of successful attacks = half caster level. Not considers a magic weapon.

within 15' radius area but outside noise penetrates. Can be case in a point in space. Target may Save, success means spell lands in space and they can leave.

Sign of Magickal Mastery of Arms RT Liberation (aka Dispel D1T/lvl Recipient becomes better with weapons; damage Magic) R120 Spell dice by class increases a step
effects in 20' cube negated. If (eg, a Cleric's damage goes dispeller lvl is < magic's causer, from d8 to d10, Fighter from 5% chance per lvl difference of d10 to d12). failure.

Invocation of the Gaseous Form Caster

and gear becomes cloud of mist. Can only be harmed by magic, cannot attack or cast spells. Move 20' / round, passing through cracks and holes. No time limit, ends upon resumption of normal form.

Dweomer of The Spell of Binding Enlargement (reversible) R30 D1R/lvl Caster controls
D1T/lvl R5/lvl Instantly grows visible creature of max ogre size 20% per caster level & max triple size, or visible object of max human size 10% per level & max double size. Save negates if unwilling.

non-living rope-like objects. Approx length 50'+5/lvl, adjust for diameter. 'Rope' must be within 1' of target objects to interact. Cannot damage things by squeezing, and has 2 hp to slash apart.

Kolbrandt's Ebon Dirk Spell of Inner Transformation of D2R+lvl Caster summons Polymorphosis D6T+lvl Potential R10/lvl
black crystal dagger. +1 attack rolls. +2 damage, non-magical bonus. +3 dmg vs undead and demons, but on hit with max dmg it vanishes and victim paralysed for 1 round. Vanishes if it leaves caster's hand. Caster becomes typical specimen of another creature type, or own. If creature, must be same HD or lower. Retain mind, hp, saves, attack throw. Gains non-magic abilities of new form, cannot cast spells. Can be dispelled, if dies, resume original form. Converts 1 cubic yard per level of material into basic related item. EG, chair or bridge from trees, rope from hemp, clothes from wool, etc. No high craftsmanship possible.

Dweomer of Lasting Kolbrandt's Breath D1T RT Recipient Bladethirst RT D1R

requires no oxygen, allowing air/water crossover. Can use on one creature per level. Gives an edged weapon glow and +3 to hit on following round.

Rickard's Reckless Propulsion (reversible)

D3T R240 Affects max 24 creatures in diameter of 60'. They get double attacks (but not double spell casting) and speed. Does not stack. Opposite spell halves.

Stony Armour RT

Jade Armour RT D1hr Skin toughens and greys. Skin becomes green scales, Target immune to first received +2 AC, immune to touch attack or attack sequence, attacks. except for magical missile-type spells. Attacks by hands or similar give d2 damage to attacker.

Lightness of Being
D5R/lvl RT Recipient walks lightly, leaves no traces, can walk on calm liquid at half speed. Moving faster in either case stops spell.

Blessing of the Bear Enchantment of the Blessing of the Pegasi Enervating Rune of RT D1R/lvl Recipient gets +2 Leaf Dancer RT D1T/lvl D1T/lvl RT Allows hoofed Regeneration - D1R/lvl
to hit and initiative when unarmed. Recipient becomes light and dexterous. Can move through forest canopy with no penalties or dangers, save to avoid missile fire. animal to fly with speed 46. Can carry one passenger or equivalent weight fine, or two with half movement. Caster regenerates 1 hp per round, even if at negative hp. May also reattach severed body parts, including head, for duration.

Motility of the Spider

D1R+1/lvl RT Subject climbs like a spider. Hands and feet must be bare. Objects less than 5 lbs cling to hands. No spell casting. No save to resist.

Kolbrandt's Pale Dagger D2R+lvl Caster

summons white crystal dagger. +2 damage, non-magical bonus. +3 dmg vs undead and demons, but on hit with max dmg, it vanishes and victim paralysed for 1 round. Vanishes if it leaves caster's hand.

Runes of Fiery Warding - RT Caster

traces runes on book, scroll etc. If read, runes deal 6d4+6 fire damage in 10' radius. Reader takes full damage, others save to halve. Object destroyed unless fire resistant. Caster and specified others can read safely, can be removed by caster. Can be dispelled. Spell Casters detect runes safely 2 in 6.

The Primal Scream

Caster gains immense voice, makes instant noise in 10' by 30' cone. Victims deaf for 2d6 rounds and 2d6 dmg, unless save. Brittle things like ice shatter.

Rickard's Flying Feat

R10 D3T/lvl Controls object, which can fly 180' per round. Caster can manage total weight equivalent of around 1 person per 2 levels. If caster loses concentration, spell ends!

Ilya's Awful Puppetry The Breath of Life

Dd4R+1/lvl R60 Each round caster can control single limb of target, save resists. If victim made to attack themselves, normal rolls apply.

Blessing of the Eagle Ilya's Rune of Tantalok's Venomous R100 D5T Affects 1 creature RT D1T/lvl Doubles target's Invulnerability RT Blood D1T/lvl Caster's per caster level. They can hold vision range, +2 hit with missile D1R/2 lvls Makes recipient blood becomes poison. Biting breath for duration. weapons. shimmer and immune to nonattacks save or die. D3 hp of magical weapons wielded by 1- blood can envenom a weapon. 3HD attackers. Curse of Clumsiness Bestowal of Giant D1R/lvl R10 Victim saves or Strength RT D3T/lvl
becomes clumsy. Drops items and cannot manipulate them, runners fall. Successful save means can act normally if acting at half speed. Recipient gets d8+1 Strength, no max.

The Efficacious Charm Sigil of the Swift Might of the Tiger RT of Grease D3R+1/lvl R60 Mount RT D2Hrs+half hr/lvl D3R+d6 Caster inflicts max
Makes thin layer of oily slime on 10' square max area, or object size of a person. Creatures touching/moving must save or drop/fall. Affects 1 mount per 2 levels. Doubles mount's movement. After duration, mount refuses to move for 1 day. damage every hit, melee or hurled only.

The Marvellous Epidermal Mutation

D6T RT Target's skin gains one of these: Camouflage (d4 rounds to change, skin only, near-naked gives 5/6 concealment. Protection: Scaly, +1 AC. Spines, rip clothing but blocked by armour; attackers

Tantalok's Tormented Ilya's Gelatinous Form D3d6T Requires 1 Transmutation D2R/lvl

turn casting time. Turns caster into fleshy ooze. Movement 10' per round, climbs vertically, on ceilings, moves through cracks and spaces min half an inch. Can see and hear only in this form; can do simple tasks like R60 Target object or creatures becomes gelatinous. Movement 10' per round, climbs vertically, on ceilings, moves through cracks and spaces min half an inch. Can see and hear only in this form,

Spell of Outer Polymorphosis R60

Creature transformed into typical specimen of another kind, may save to resist. New creature type HD is max double the target's. HP retained but all else including intelligence changes. Can be

Imbue the Sorcerous Staff Stores spells in a staff

(costing min 1000gp), one spell level per 3 caster levels. This spell and desired spells must be cast into staff in succession. All stored spells must require combined casting time of less than 1 turn. Spells remain until

with short or natural weapons save on attack or get d6 damage.

unlatch doors and use simple machines. Cannot cast spells, lift, fights with d4 damage. Duration cannot be shortened. (reversible) R60 Locks a door, chest or portal. Caster can ignore this. Can be dispelled or reversed with this spell (latter allows one passing only). Spellcasters 3+ levels higher than caster can ignore. Reverse opens doors, locks, etc, normally or magically stuck or locked. Does not raise or bend gates, vines etc.

cannot cast spells or fight. Can dispelled, if dies, resume only be harmed by magic or original form. fire. Save to resist if unwilling.

cast or dispelled. Staff only usable by caster, if broken, caster loses half current hp.

10 Charm of Steady Aim Mazar's Arcane Key

D1T/lvl RT Target has no penalties for shooting while moving.

The Radiant Baton

D1R/lvl Caster summons shining baton of damage bonus 1+lvl, choose added effect on summoning: Frost (+1 dmg to fire beings, cold beings no dmg), Fire (+1 dmg to cold beings, fire beings no dmg), Lightning (+2 dmg to metal armoured enemy), Jade (+1 dmg to plants), Solar (+1 dmg to undead). Baton auto-hits creatures that successfully hit caster, otherwise caster attacks normally.

Kolbrandt's Flaming Blade R20 D3R+lvl

Endows dagger with flame (lgnites like torch, +1 fire damage, +3 dmg vs cold beings, ignites things) or frost (glows like a blue torch, +1 cold dmg vs fire creatures, can freeze 1 cubic ft water when touching). Magical weapons unaffected.

Invoke the Primal Fury

R20 D1R/lvl Makes recipient berserk. Fearless, +2 attack and damage, +1 attack every 2 rounds, +4d4 hp temporarily. If enemies die before duration ends, target fights allies. Can be dispelled.

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