TELEMAC Code Instructions

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The document discusses the application of hydrodynamic models like TELEMAC-2D and TOMAWAC to model coastal, nearshore and flooding processes in the UK. A variety of field data was collected and the models were coupled with other tools like neural networks.

The TELEMAC suite is a finite element based software that can be used to model shallow water flows, wind wave propagation, groundwater flows, tracer transport, sediment transport and morphodynamics. It was used within this study to model coastal and flooding processes.

Bathymetry, topography, field measurements and results from previous numerical models were collected for the coastal modelling. Data included elevations, vegetation/structure information and measurements.

Super Work Package 2

Application of the Telemac suite

Mr Nicolas Chini Prof Peter Stansby

University of Manchester University of Manchester

Table of Contents
1. 2. Generalities about the TELEMAC suite ..................................................................................... 3 Setting up of a standard simulation............................................................................................. 3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3. 4. Mesh generation .................................................................................................................... 4 Steering file generation.......................................................................................................... 4 Modification of FORTRAN routines, if requested ................................................................ 5 Execution ............................................................................................................................... 5 Post processing ...................................................................................................................... 5

Application of the TELEMAC suite within FRMRC2 .............................................................. 6 Data collection ............................................................................................................................... 8 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Bathymetry ............................................................................................................................ 8 Topography ........................................................................................................................... 8 Field measurements ............................................................................................................... 8 Numerical modelling results.................................................................................................. 9


Coastal model .............................................................................................................................. 10 5.1 Mesh generation .................................................................................................................. 10

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5.2 5.3 6.

Telemac-2d simulation ........................................................................................................ 10 Tomawac simulation ........................................................................................................... 15

NEARSHORE MODELLING ................................................................................................... 19 6.1 6.2 6.3 Mesh generation .................................................................................................................. 19 Tomawac simulations .......................................................................................................... 20 Coupling with the Eurotop Neural Network application ..................................................... 21


Flooding modelling...................................................................................................................... 22 7.1 7.2 Mesh generation .................................................................................................................. 22 Telemac-2d simulation ........................................................................................................ 23


References .................................................................................................................................... 24

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1. Generalities about the TELEMAC suite

The hydro-informatics software TELEMAC is a finite element based solver for shallow water flows, wind wave propagation, ground water flows, tracer transport, sediment transport and morphodynamics. The software has been developed and validated by EDF R&D/LNHE, CETMEF, SOGREAH, HR WALLINGFORD and BAW since the early 90s. In July 2010, the software was released in an open-source version and is freely downloadable from the following website: Within the FRMRC, 2 modules from the TELEMAC suite are used in their open source version V6.0 : Telemac-2d This module solves the non linear depth-averaged shallow-water equations, including the effects of bottom friction, wind, tracers, earth rotation, weirs, porosity, wetting and drying, diffusivity and addition of local sources(Hervouet, 2007). Tomawac This module solves the wave action conservation equation taking into account wind wave generation, white capping, wave-wave interactions, bathymetric wave breaking and bottom friction (Benoit et al., 1996). A finite elements library Bief, commonly used by any module, completes the software architecture. Alongside with these solvers, the software comes with a pre-processing module used for the generating the input files and a post-processing module to handle the outputs of a simulation. The execution of the model is carried out by calling several PERL scripts. For further details, the reader is encouraged to consult the references, and especially the website for the system installation procedure.

2. Setting up of a standard simulation

For any of these two modules belonging to the TELEMAC suite, a standard set up is proposed to perform simulations. It consists into 5 main stages: mesh generation, steering file creation, FORTRAN file creation, module execution and post-precessing.

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Mesh generation

The mesh consists in an unstructured grid composed of triangular elements. It is, here, generated by the module MATISSE. This module automatically operates a density map-driven automatic optimal Delaunay triangulation given constraints provided by the user. The user provides as input a bathymetry file in an ASCII format. MATISSE can handle xyz file format, where x and y are coordinates associated with the bed elevation, z. The other constraints are the outer contour of the domain, the islands boundary within the domain and the criteria for defining the local densification of nodes. They are all specified by the user. MATISSE generates two output files. The first one is a binary file containing the information about the mesh, i.e. the number of nodes, the number of elements, the number of nodes per elements, the connectivity table, the boundary points, the coordinates of the points and the bathymetry. The second file is an ASCII file containing information about boundary conditions. Each line of this file provides the type of boundary conditions for one boundary point. Each line contains 13 columns. The first free columns are three integers defining the type of boundary conditions on the free surface elevation and on the two velocity components. The following three columns specify the imposed values for the free surface elevation and the velocity components. The seventh value is the coefficient affected to the wall friction. The following four values are used when a tracer in considered. They provide respectively the type of boundary condition on the tracer, its imposed value and the coefficient for the wall friction. The two remaining integers are respectively the point number in the global numbering and the point number in the boundary point numbering. The binary file is called the GEOMETRY FILE and the ASCII file is the BOUNDARY CONDITIONS FILE and they are used in the steering file. MATISSE interface is launched by, in a Terminal for Linux users or in a command prompt for WS users typing the command: >matisse -a


Steering file generation

This file is an ASCII file containing a list of KEY-WORDS and it is used to command the execution of the simulation. The KEY-WORDS are extracted from the dictionary contained in the lib directory of each module. These KEY-WORDS specify the input files and the output ones, the general options of the simulation, the initial conditions, the boundary conditions, and the numerical options. Among the input files, the GEOMETRY FILE and the BOUNDARY CONDITIONS FILE generated by MATISSE are requested.

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Modification of FORTRAN routines, if requested

For particular cases, the user is allowed to modify subroutines of the program. In that case, the user should create a FORTRAN file where the modified subroutines are saved. That permits not to recompile the entire system when a subroutine is modied. In that case only the FORTRAN file is compiled and added to an archive created during the initial system installation. If a FORTRAN file is created, then the KEY-WORD FORTRAN FILE should be added in the Steering file.



The execution of a simulation is performed by typing in a Terminal, for Linux users, or in a command prompt, for WS users, the following command: > module_name opt case_name where module_name is the name of the considered module, either telemac2d, tomawac, artemis or sisyphe. The case_name is the name of the Steering file. This command will automatically create a temporary directory, compile the FORTRAN file, if needed and launch the simulation. The temporary directory is used to store all the files and executable requested for the simulation. During the call of one module, the users can use different optional commands opt. Option s allows to print the listing into a separated file. Option D is used when compilation and execution are performed using a debugger. The user can specify when he wants the simulation to start by using option n and d. If option n is used, then the simulation starts at 8pm. Option d hh:mm is used for any other time.


Post processing

The post-processing is performed using the application RUBENS whose interface is activated by typing in the command prompt or in a terminal: >rubens a RUBENS reads the result file and can generates temporal series, surface colours map, and vectors map. It also allows computing some extra variables based on the printed output variables.

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3. Application of the TELEMAC suite within FRMRC2

The Super Work Package 2 of FRMRC2 was dedicated to wave overtopping and induced coastal flooding modelling. These two coastal phenomenons are generated by storm event related to large scale atmospheric conditions. This multi-scale problem is solved by a downscaling procedure chaining different modelling approaches in order to transfer offshore wind generated wave and surge towards a seawall protecting a low-lying coastal land. Figure 1 presents the flow chart of the transferred data between the different modelling approaches in order to estimate flooding maps caused by wave overtopping. The outputs from the Regional Operational Model (ROM) is imposed along the boundary of a coastal domain where the TELEMAC system is used to transfer water levels and wind waves towards the nearshore at the water depth of about 10m. At that location, these nearshore conditions are extracted in order to compute the water levels and the wave integrated parameters at the toe of the structure. In order to perform these nearshore transformations, a nearshore model, embedded within the coastal domain, is set up to use once again the TELEMAC suite. The output from this nearshore model are used as input to the Neural Network application of the Eurotop manual (Pullen et al., 2007;van Gent et al., 2007), which produces estimations of the overtopping discharge rates. Eventually, these rates are imposed to another TELEMAC system based model to produce flooding maps. These 3 TELEMAC system based models are presented successively in the following sections, with emphasis on the data exchange procedure between the different models.

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Figure 1: Modified chart flow showing the application of TELEMAC (bold blocks) into the downscaling procedure to assess coastal flooding from regional operational modelling.

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4. Data collection
4.1 Bathymetry

The bathymetry for the coastal modelling is provided by Seazone Ltd, under licence. The bathymetry used for the nearshore modelling is extracted from the 1km Strategic bathymetric and beach survey and it is provided by the Environment Agency.



The topography for the flooding modelling is extracted from LIDAR data provided by the Environment Agency.


Field measurements
a. Water level data

Two tidal gauges are located in the computational domain of the Coastal Domain one in Cromer and another one in Lowestoft. The temporal series of these sensors are available on the BODC website: b. Wave data In 1985-1987, a directional wave buoy was deployed off Cromer at the water depth of 30m. These data are available through BOCD. In 2002, nearshore wave measurements were performed off Walcott. These measurements are available on the BODC website. c. Wind data Wind measurements at Gorleston and Weybourne are available from the BADC website: d. Observed highest water mark The collection of information about the water marks during the 2007 storm event at Walcott was performed by a visit to the North Norfolk Borough Council, and interviewing local residence.

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Numerical modelling results

a. Water level and velocity data

Hindcast The hindcast for water levels and depth-averaged velocity components are provided by NOC using the model POLCOMS. The available hindcast example corresponds to the month of November 2007. Climate projections Water levels and depth-averaged velocities from the UKCP09 marine projections are provided by the Hadley Centre. These projections are an ensemble runs simulating the emission scenario SRES A1B with different model parameterisation. The model used for the climate projection is CS3 developed by NOC. b. Wave data Hindcast The hindcast of waves for the month of November 2007 is provided by NOC using the model WAM. Climate projections Waves from the UKCP09 marine projections are provided by NOC. These projections are an ensemble runs simulating the emission scenario SRES A1B with different model parameterisation. The model used for the climate projection is WAM developed by NOC.

c. Wind data Hindcast Wind velocity and direction are hindcasted by the Metoffice for the November 2007. The results are provided at a point (lat = 52.950N, lon = 1.59E) located offshore Walcott. d. Data availability These data are made available through the following website: p2/index.html.

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5. Coastal model
5.1 Mesh generation

The initial bathymetry is provided from a digitalised chart map (Seazone Ltd.). The access to the bathymetry is subjected to licensing. The bathymetry covers the South-West of North Sea. The coordinates of bathymetric points are expressed in Eastings and Northings. Bottom elevations are referenced to the Chart Datum. The coastline is located at the Lowest Astronomical Tide. The file provided by Seazone Ltd. is a xyz file directly imported within MATISSE. The outer boundary of the computational domain of the Coastal model is set to be a rectangle whose dimensions are about 100km by 70km so that deep water conditions are imposed along the maritime boundary points. The constraint on point density is about the 2400m in deep water, 1000m over the sandbanks and 700m along the coastline. MATISSE, using this set of information, produces a mesh of 5506 elements (Figure 2). Along the coastline, a solid boundary is assumed, meaning that no flux across that boundary is permitted. Along the maritime boundary points, the outputs from ROM are imposed. This computational mesh is used both for propagating the surges and the tides along the coastline and for the propagation of wind waves towards the shoreline.


Telemac-2d simulation
a. Boundary conditions imposition

As previously stated, the boundary conditions are provided by the Regional Operational Model, here ROM-POLCOMS, set up by the National Oceanography Centre. To run Telemac-2d, one needs to impose either the water elevation or the velocity components, depending on the criticality of the flow. For tidal flows, the direction of the flow varies temporally and spatially. To take into account these modifications, the subroutine BORD is modified to allow the imposition of both water depths and velocities along each nodes of the offshore boundary according to the output provided by the ROM-POLCOMS.

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Figure 2 : Computational mesh of the Coastal domain. Blue points represent the offshore boundary. The green points represent the coastline and the red ones are the points from the grid of the operational model.

The imposition of water levels and velocities over-constrains the model resulting in possible reflexion along the boundary. In order to avoid this numerical artefact, a radiation condition is employed (Hervouet, 2007). This method adapts the boundary conditions according to the inner domain conditions and therefore requires solving the shallow-water equations with the methods of characteristics. b. Consistency issues ROM-POLCOMS model provides hourly free surface elevation and depth-averaged velocities on a grid whose points are expressed into a latitude longitude system. These Work Package 2.1 Appendix 1 Deliverable 2.1 28.09.2011 11

outputs are saved into a binary file written in simple precision and called zet_UBVB.CS3_POLCOMS.200711. Each variable is stored for each time step in a table having NGX NGY elements. The coupling between ROM-POLCOMS and the Coastal model is a one-way coupling, meaning that the output from ROM-POLCOMS are imposed to the Coastal model and that information from the Coastal domain is not send back to ROMPOLCOMS. In order to perform this coupling, i.e. allocating a value for the water depth and velocity components at each nodes of the offshore boundary of the Coastal domain, four consistency issues must be verified: the changes of the coordinate system, the shift of reference level for free surface elevation, a spatial interpolation and a temporal interpolation. Coordinate system consistency The coordinates of the ROM-POLCOMS points are expressed into Latitudes and Longitudes. In order to be consistent with the geographical system used for the Coastal computational grid, the ROM-POLCOMS points are converted into Eastings and Northings using software proposed by Phil Bradley and downloadable from The red points on Figure 2 are the ROM points converted into Eastings and Northings. Reference level consistency The free surface elevation provided by ROM-POLCOMS is referenced to the mean sea level, whereas the bathymetry used for the Coastal domain is referenced to the Lowest Astronomical Tide level. That means that the zero for the free surface elevation in the Coastal model is the Lowest Astronomical Tide level, which is not the mean sea level. For consistency, a datum shift is then performed to bathymetry of the Coastal model. The value of the shift is estimated by using the ERA40 reanalyses of water level performed by Horsburgh and Wilson (2007) (Horsburgh and Wilson, 2007). This reanalyses contains 40 years of tidal level around the UK. These levels are interpolated on the computational grid of the Coastal domain and the minimum free surface elevation over this period is saved at each points of the grid. This minimum represents is assumed to provide with an estimate of the lowest astronomical tide. Thus this minimum is used as the shift datum to be applied to the bathymetry of the Coastal model so that the reference for its free surface elevation is the mean sea level. The spatial interpolation Since the ROM-POLCOMS grid spatial resolution is different from the Coastal domain one, a spatial interpolation is requested. Given that the resolution of the ROM-POLCOMS grid is about 12km, much smaller than the wavelength of a tide, a simple bilinear interpolation is applied to estimate the water level and the velocity components at each point of the maritime boundary of the Coastal model. The temporal interpolation Work Package 2.1 Appendix 1 Deliverable 2.1 28.09.2011 12

The time step of the Coastal model is much smaller than ROM-POLCOMS output period. Therefore an interpolation is needed to assess the offshore conditions at each time step of the Coastal model. A linear interpolation is chosen. c. Coupling implementation The coupling is implemented in a way allowing the user (i) to specify the PATH and the name of the ROM-POLCOMS output file, and (ii) the date of the beginning of the simulation. No other information is requested from the user given that a ROMPOLCOMS output file is used. The spatial and temporal interpolations are performed in the FORTRAN file. This file contains 5 subroutines: BORD, TEMP, READPOL, LL2XY and INTERP2. The first two subroutines are modified TELEMAC subroutines and the three remaining ones have been especially created for the coupling with ROM. The subroutine BORD is the chief subroutine, calling TEMP and READPOL and generating temporally and spatially varying boundary conditions used by Telemac-2d. The subroutine BORD is called at each time step and performs the temporal interpolation between two outputs of ROM-POLCOMS. An initialisation step is added to find the two ROM-POLCOMS outputs surrounding the date of the beginning of the computation. The date and time of the beginning of the simulation are stored respectively in the variables MARDAT and MARTIM. The subroutine TEMP computes the time in seconds between the beginning of the simulation and the date of the first ROM-POLCOMS output, which is for the present case: 01/11/2007 00:00. The subroutine TEMP is part of the BIEF library. It has been modified to take into account dates with 14 digits, instead of 10 digits. The subroutine READPOL has been created for two purposes. The first one is to read the header of the ROM-POLCOMS output file. The second purpose is to read a record of the ROM-POLCOMS output file. The header contains information about ROMPOLCOMS grid. This information is used to compute the coordinates of the ROM nodes and to select the mask of nodes that are used for the interpolations. The subroutine READPOL calls two subroutines: LL2XY, which converts the coordinates of the ROM-POLCOMS points from longitude, latitude to eastings and northings, and INTERP2 that performs the bilinear spatial interpolation. The procedure of the imposition of spatially and temporally boundary conditions is summarised the chart flow in Figure 3. At the beginning of the simulation, the records in the ROM-POLCOMS surrounding time T are located by reading the ROMPOLCOMS output file; the coordinates of the ROM-POLCOMS are converted into eastings and northings allowing selecting a mask of points surrounding the Coastal domain. This mask selection is not necessary but it is implemented in order to reduce the number of iterations for the spatial interpolation. Then at each Telemac-2d time step, if T belongs to the segment [T1,T2], then a linear interpolation is performed. If T is no longer between T1 and T2, then the record T1 is set to be the record T2 and a new record of ROM-POLCOMS is read, followed by a spatial interpolation. Then the test on T is once again performed.

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Figure 3 : Temporal evaluation of the boundary conditions

d. Example of KEY-WORDS in the Steering file Three KEY-WORDS are requested for the coupling with the regional operational model: BINARY DATA FILE 2 This KEY-WORD specifies the PATH and the name of the ROM-POLCOMS output file. It also specifies the binary type of the file. TELEMAC system is compiled with the option BIG ENDIAN. One should pay attention that the ROM-POLCOMS file is written with this option. The file is copied in the telemac2d temporary file and opened with the logical unit NBI2. As an example, the KEY-WORD BINARY DATA FILE 2 can be:

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ORIGINAL DATE OF TIME This KEY-WORD provides the date of the beginning of the simulation. It requires three integers separated by semicolons. The first integer is the year of the date; the second one is the month of the date; the third one is the day of the date As an example, for starting the simulation on the 8th of November 2007, the KEYWORD should be:

ORIGINAL HOUR OF TIME This KEY-WORD provides the time of the beginning of the simulation. It requires three integers separated by semicolons. The first integer is the hours of the time; the second one is the minutes of the date; the third one are the seconds of the date As an example, for starting the simulation on the 15:03:58, the KEY-WORD should be:


Tomawac simulation
a. Boundary conditions imposition

For Tomawac simulations, three inputs are requested: the wind, the offshore wave input (either wave integrated parameters or wave directional spectrum) and the water depth. Wind input The wind velocity components are provided by the MetOffice at a location off Walcott. The temporal series is stored within an ASCII file. The wind field is assumed uniform. The subroutine VENUTI is modified in order to read this file. Offshore wave input The offshore wave input is provided by NOC and results from a simulation performed with WAM on the ROM computational grid. Similarly to the procedure implemented for Telemac-2d, the boundary conditions are extracted and then interpolated along the boundary nodes of the Coastal domain. In order to do this, the subroutine LIMWAC is modified. The outputs from ROM-WAM are stored in a file per day and two types of files are provided: the MAP files providing records of wave integrated parameters on the entire ROM grid and the SPE files containing the directional wave spectrum at points located near the Coastal domain boundary. Water depths input

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Water depths are provided by ROM-POLCOMS. A bilinear interpolation is used to assess the water depths at each nodes of the coastal model. This perform by the subroutine MODIF_DEPTH called by LIMWAC. b. Coupling implementation Similarly to the coupling between POLCOMS and Telemac-2d, the coupling between ROM-WAM and Tomawac has been implemented in order to allow users to set up a simulation by only modifying the steering file of Tomawac. The user has to specify (i) the PATH and the name of the ROM-POLCOMS output file, (ii) the date of the beginning of the simulation, (iii) the PATH and the name of ROM-WAM output file. The spatial and temporal interpolations are performed in the FORTRAN file. This file contains two TELEMAC subroutines LIMWAC and TEMP, the subroutines created for the coupling with ROM-POLCOMS, embedded within subroutine MODIF_DEPTH, and a number of subroutines dedicated to read and to interpolate of the wave directional spectrum from ROM-WAM. Eventually, the FORTRAN file also contains the TELEMAC subroutine VENUTI used for the wind input reading. The subroutine LIMWAC is the chief subroutine, calling MODIF_DEPTH and ENRSPE, and generating temporally and spatially varying boundary conditions used by Tomawac. The subroutine LIMWAC is called at each time step and performs the temporal interpolation between two outputs of ROM-WAM, using the subroutine INTERP_TEMP. An initialisation step is added to find the two ROM-POLCOMS and ROM-WAM outputs surrounding the date of the beginning of the computation. The date and time of the beginning of the simulation are stored respectively in the variable DDC. The subroutine MODIF_DEPTH performs exactly the same statements as BORD used when running Telemac-2d, regardless the velocity components. Although BORD was dedicated to compute the boundary conditions along the Coastal domain boundary nodes, MODIF_DEPTH computes the water depth at each Coastal domain node. During the initialisation procedure, the routine LECSPEC is called in order to assess the parameters of the ROM grid and the of the ROM-WAM spectrum grid. This routine calls also LL2XY in order to convert the ROM grid coordinates from longitude and latitude to eastings and northings. During this initialisation, the offshore boundary points from Tomawac are also assessed and then compared to the ROM grid points in order to compute the weights used for the spatial interpolation. The initialisation contains also the computation of the weights for the interpolation in the spectrum space. These weights are computed after assessing the frequencies of in the ROM-WAM spectrum grid.

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The computation of these various interpolation weights and their saving are not necessary but it is redundant to compute them at each time, since they are invariant. The procedure of the imposition of spatially and temporally boundary conditions is similar the chart flow in Figure 3. At the beginning of the simulation, the records in the ROM-POLCOMS and ROM-WAM surrounding time T are located by reading the both output file; the coordinates of the ROM-POLCOMS and ROM-WAM are converted into eastings and northings allowing selecting a mask of points surrounding the Coastal domain. Then at each Telemac-2d time step, if T belongs to the segment [T1,T2], then a linear interpolation is performed. If T is no longer between T1 and T2, then the record T1 is set to be the record T2 and a new record of ROM-WAM and ROM-POLCOMS is read, followed by a spatial interpolation. ROM-WAM output file is a daily saving, so then a routine ENRSPE is set up to open and close these files as the time passes through. Then the test on T is once again performed. c. Example of KEY-WORDS in the Steering file Four KEY-WORDS are requested for the coupling with the regional operational model: BINARY DATA FILE 1 This KEY-WORD specifies the PATH and the name of the ROM-WAM output file. It also specifies the binary type of the file. TELEMAC system is compiled with the option BIG ENDIAN. One should pay attention that the ROM-WAM file is written with this option. The file is copied in the tomawac temporary file and opened with the logical unit NBI1. The user should give to that KEY-WORD the name of the first ROM-WAM file. The format of the name of this file should be : PREFIXYYYYMMDDHHMNSC, where PREFIX is either SPE or MAP, YYYY is the year, MM, the month, DD, the day, HH, the hour, MN, the minutes and SC, the seconds. The date and time at the end of the ROM-WAM output file is the last record saved in the file, so that the file containing the record hindcast on the 1st of November at 1am is the one called PREFIX20071102000000 As an example, the KEY-WORD BINARY DATA FILE 1 should be:
BINARY DATA FILE 1 'F:/WAM/new/SPE20071102000000' =

BINARY TIDAL WATER LEVEL FILE This KEY-WORD specifies the PATH and the name of the ROM-POLCOMS output file. It also specifies the binary type of the file. TELEMAC system is compiled with the option BIG ENDIAN. One should pay attention that the ROM-POLCOMS file is written with this option. The file is copied in the tomawac temporary file and opened with the logical unit NMAB. As an example, for starting the simulation on the 8th of November 2007, the KEYWORD should be:

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FORMATTED WINDS FILE This KEY-WORD specifies the PATH and the name of the wind output file. It also specifies the ascii type of the file. The file is copied in the tomawac temporary file and opened with the logical unit NVEN. As an example, for starting the simulation on the 8th of November 2007, the KEYWORD should be:

DATE OF COMPUTATION BEGINNING This KEY-WORD provides the date and the time of the beginning of the simulation. It requires an integer formatted as: YYYYMMDDHHMNSC, where YYYY is the year, MM, the month, DD, the day, HH, the hour, MN, the minutes and SC, the seconds As an example, for starting the simulation on the 8th of November 2007 at 15:03:58, the KEY-WORD should be:

d. Coupling with the Nearshore model The wave spectrum and the water level are saved at a location off Walcott in order to provide with information for the boundary conditions of the Nearshore model. In order to do so, the Steering file of Tomawac should contain these two additional keywords providing the location of the point where the wave spectrum should be estimated. ABSCISSAE OF SPECTRUM PRINTOUT POINTS ORDINATES OF SPECTRUM PRINTOUT POINTS =636870. =333861.

In this example the wave directional spectrum is computed at the location X = 636870.0m and Y = 333861.0m.

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6.1 Mesh generation

The initial bathymetry is extracted from the strategic beach and bathymetry surveys undertaken twice a year by the Environment Agency. The profile off Walcott called N3C8 in the Environment Agency nomenclature is used as input for the bathymetry for the nearshore model, assuming that the bathymetry is uniform in the longshore direction.

Figure 4: Localisation map (a) and (b) computational mesh of the Nearshore model, located off Walcott. The grey line are the triangular elements of the Coastal computational domain. The black dotted line represents the location of the N3C8 profile.

Bottom elevations are referenced to the Ordnance Datum. The constraint on point density is about the 80m offshore, 0.1m over the seawall. MATISSE, using this set of information, produces a mesh of 16032 elements (Figure 4). For this application, only the details from the seawall are imported within MATISSE. The bathymetry is interpolated a posteriori after the generation of the grid. This computational mesh is used both for propagating wind waves towards the toe of the seawall at Walcott.

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Along the seawall crest, a solid boundary is free condition is assumed. Along the offshore boundary points, the outputs from the wave spectrum estimated from the Coastal modelling is imposed. For the lateral boundaries, a special treatment is operated in order to conserve the independency to the longshore direction. For each of these boundary points, the wave spectrum from the nearest inner point is imposed.


Tomawac simulations
a. Boundary conditions imposition

For Tomawac simulations on the Nearshore domain, two inputs are requested the offshore wave input (either wave integrated parameters or wave directional spectrum) and the water depth. For the Nearshore domain where water depths are relatively shallow, the wind induced processes on wave propagation are disregarded. Offshore wave input The offshore wave input is provided by the Coastal modelling. Integrated wave parameters from the Coastal model are extracted every hour and imposed to the offshore boundary nodes of the Nearshore model. The imposed values are prescribed in the Tomawac Steering file. The direction of waves is assumed perpendicular to the coastline. Water depths input Water depths are provided by ROM-POLCOMS. The hourly outputs are prescribed to Tomawac by assigning the value of the still water level in the Steering file. b. Coupling implementation The Nearshore model is run for each boundary condition until a steady state is reached. To set up each run, a pre-processing is requested. This step is used to (i) generate the Steering files, (ii) select the inner point for the lateral boundaries treatment. For each simulation, both the nil wave incident offshore condition and the lateral boundaries are imposed in the FORTRAN file. Steering file generation For each Coastal modelling output, a steering file is generated automatically by a PERL script in order to assign the values of the KEY-WORDS: BOUNDARY SIGNIFICANT WAVE HEIGHT, BOUNDARY PEAK FREQUENCY, INITIAL STILL WATER LEVEL. Inner point selection For the treatment of the lateral boundary conditions, the Nearshore model needs to locate for each lateral boundary nodes, the inner point from which the directional Work Package 2.1 Appendix 1 Deliverable 2.1 28.09.2011 20

spectrum will be used as a boundary condition. The selection of these points is performed by a preliminary Tomawac run. Only for this run, the BOUNDARY CONDITION FILE is modified to specify an imposed condition for the lateral boundary nodes. The remaining boundary nodes are set to a closed boundary. The FORTRAN file of that run contains the subroutine CORFON. When the simulation is performed this subroutine identifies each boundary node having an imposed boundary condition. For each of these nodes, the subroutine translates this boundary node inside the computational domain according to the normal vector of the boundary at that node. The translated point is located inside a triangular element whose apexes are then saved. These apexes will be used afterwards to compute the boundary conditions to be imposed at the lateral boundary node. FORTRAN file The FORTRAN file includes the Tomawac subroutine LIMWAC. This subroutine is modified to compute the wave direction at the offshore boundary nodes and to impose the wave conditions along the lateral boundaries. The wave direction is assumed perpendicular to the offshore boundary. So then the wave direction is equal to the angle of the normal vector of the boundary with respect to the North.


Coupling with the Eurotop Neural Network application

The Neural Network application requires as hydraulic inputs, the significant wave height at the toe of the structure, the wave period, Tm0,-1, the wave incidence and water level at the toe. These parameters are estimated by firstly extracted the significant wave height, the peak wave period and the water level along each point of profile N3C8. This extraction includes an interpolation involving the barycentric coordinates of these points according to the triangular to which they belong. The breaking point is then estimated by considering the point where the ratio between significant wave height and the local water depth is higher than 0.8. The wave height at the breaker is then used to estimate the wave set-up by using the formulation proposed by (Dean and Dalrymple, 2002). The wave set-up is then added to simulated water level at the toe of the structure to estimate the water level which is imposed to Eurotop. The wave period for Eurotop is estimated using the formula (Coeveld et al., 2005): Tm 0, 1 = Tp 1.1

where Tp represents the peak wave period.

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7. Flooding modelling
7.1 Mesh generation

Data, used for the generating the mesh, are provided by the Environment Agency. They consist of a set of three tables containing, on a regular grid, (i) the bottom elevation containing vegetations and buildings, (ii) the filtered bottom elevation to remove vegetations and buildings and (iii) the mask of the filter. The bottom elevation is measured using light detection and ranging (LIDAR) technique. Three spatial resolutions are provided: a 2m resolution, a 1m resolution and 0.25m resolution. All the elevations are referenced to the Ordnance Datum.

Figure 5: Computation domain for the flooding model showing the bed elevation of surrounding Walcott community.

The mask table provides with the location of building. The seawall location is estimated by reading each column of the table containing the bottom elevation with a 0.25m resolution. Each column is read from North to South, and the seawall is located as the point where the bottom elevation is higher than 6mODN. The computational grid is set as a rectangle whose dimensions are 1000m by 2750m. Along the coastline, the frontier is modified to take into account the seawall crest Work Package 2.1 Appendix 1 Deliverable 2.1 28.09.2011 22

location (Figure 5). The elevation of any point located along the seawall is set to 6.6mODN Buildings inside the domain are considered as island.


Telemac-2d simulation

The version V6.0 is here used for the simulation of the inundation of Walcott. This version contains a treatment for wetting and drying that checks that the water depth remains constantly positive. a. Boundary condition imposition For the inundation modelling, both the water depth and the velocities are prescribing along the seawall. These conditions are derived from the linear overtopping discharge rate provided by the Shallow Water And Boussinesq (SWAB) model, assuming the flow to be critical. Two different temporal series of input are considered: either a wave by wave overtopping discharge rates or a constant overtopping discharge rate corresponding to the mean temporal series. This temporal series are saved into an ASCII file which are open with the unit NFO1 and read by the routine BORD. This file contains two columns, one for the time in seconds and one for the linear overtopping discharge in m3/l/m. The PATH and name of this file are specified into Telemac2d Steering file by assigning the KEY-WORD: FORMATTED DATA FILE 1.

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8. References

Benoit, M., Marcos, F. and Becq, F. (1996) Development of a third generation shallow-water wave model with unstructured spatial meshing. 25th lnternational Conference on Coastal Engineering, Orlando Coeveld, E. M., van Gent, M. R. A. and Pozueta, B. (2005) Neural Network: Manual NN_Overtopping 2. WL | Delf Hydraulics Dean, R. G. and Dalrymple, R. A. (2002) Coastal Processes with Engineering Applications. Cambridge University Press Hervouet, J.-M. (2007) Hydrodynamics of free surface flows modelling with the finite element method. Wiley Horsburgh, K. J. and Wilson, C. (2007) Tide-surge interaction and its role in the distribution of surge residuals in the North Sea. J. Geophys. Res. 112: C08003 Pullen, T., Allsop, N. W. H., Bruce, T., Kortenhaus, A., Schttrumpf, H. and van der Meer, J. W. (2007) EurOtop Wave Overtopping of Sea Defences and Related Structures - Assessment Manual. van Gent, M. R. A., van den Boogaard, H. F. P., Pozueta, B. and Medina, J. R. (2007) Neural network modelling of wave overtopping at coastal structures. Coastal Engineering 54: 586-593

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