Strom Water NORTH - ZONE.

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First Floor, Main Building Nagpur Municipal Corporation Mahanagarpalika Marg, Civil Lines NAGPUR 440001 (MS) INDIA

Shah Technical Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

407, Raheja Centre, Nariman Point, Mumbai 40 0021, India


Dinesh Rathi & Associates

6 Tatya Tope Nagar, West High Court Road, Nagpur 440 015, India

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 General The report provides the Draft Detailed Project Report for the stormwater drainage system for Nagpur Municipal Corporation. The consultancy work for the master plan / perspective plan for stormwater drainage system for Nagpur City for the year 2041 has been awarded by the Nagpur Municipal Corporation to M/s Shah Technical Consultants (P) Ltd., Mumbai. The Inception Report and the Master Plan Report for the consultancy work was submitted to Nagpur Municipal Corporation. As part of the project requirements a Draft Detailed Project Report (DPR) containing detailed design, cost estimate and implementation for the stormwater drainage system is now being submitted. The DPR is organized into the following VolumesVolume I Volume II Volume III : Main Report : Hydraulic Statements of Stormwater Drainage System : Drawings

Aim of Consultancy The aim of the present consultancy assignment is to make readily available document for the implementation of technically sound and viable schemes forming integral parts of a comprehensive stormwater drainage system for Nagpur City. The assignment includes preparation of Master Plan for a stormwater drainage system, feasibility studies and preparation of Draft Detailed Project Report for the master plan components, contract procurement and provision of technical support during construction. 2.0 Existing Stormwater Drainage System Nagpur City has an area of 217.56 The present (Year 2007) population is 25.49 Lakh. The projected population for the year 2041 is 62.75 Lakhs. The annual rainfall is 1000 mm. Existing stormwater drainage system in Nagpur City covers 3 major storm water carrying streams i.e. the Pioli river, Nag river and Pora river which falls outside NMC boundary. The Pioli river starts from the gate of Gorewada tank at the northwest end of the city runs through the north to the eastern end of the city. Final disposal of stormwater from part of west Nagpur and north Nagpur is into this river through minor and major nallahs.
STC Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates Page-1

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

The Nag river starts from Ambazari lakes overflow weir at the western end of the city and runs through the middle of the city towards the east. The final disposal of stormwater from part of west Nagpur, south Nagpur, central Nagpur and east Nagpur is into this river through minor and major nallahs. Pora river starts from Sonegaon area. Stormwater from southern part of Nagpur city drains to this river through minor and major nallahs. At present, 40% area inside the ring road is covered with stormwater drainage network. Observations on existing stormwater drainage (SWD) network and need for comprehensive stormwater drainage system: Almost all stormwater drains get flooded during monsoon In many places, final disposal of sewage is in the stormwater drain and stormwater drainage gets flooded Nallahs, rivers, drains and chambers are heavily silted and need cleaning Many places, sewers discharge directly into the rivers and major nallahs, due to which the ground water and surface water is getting polluted

To overcome the above situation the sewerage and stormwater disposal system should be implemented, failing which problems will be posed to the environment of the city affecting public health and the commercial activities. The pollution loads to Pioli river and Nag river and other natural nallahs should be intercepted and should be conveyed to sewage treatment plant to improve the hygienic conditions. To sustain the high rate of growth in the city, the infrastructure in general has to keep up and the stormwater drainage system is one of the important components of the infrastructure that needs to be developed on priority. To avoid flooding in the project area proper stormwater drainage system is necessary. Local ponds in low lying area - The adverse topography and manmade hurdles obstruct the free disposal of the normal stormwater within the city. Ponds lead to unhygienic conditions in the surroundings. Improper inlets to the existing stormwater drains cause pool of water at few locations. To rectify the situation proper measures are necessary. River and nallahs The flood protection measures are necessary on the banks of Nag and Pioli rivers and nallahs at various locations.


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Data Collection, Topographical Survey As a part of planning and location studies, collection of all available information pertaining to the project is vital for bringing out a proper design of the project and for its successful completion. Basic data required for formulation of the project such as project area map, Nagpur city development plan showing existing and proposed landuse, existing drainage system details, rainfall data from year 1969-2000, physical characteristics of drainage basin, flood data etc. information have been collected and analysed. Topographical Survey Contour Map, Soil Investigations A topographic survey has been carried out for the un-sewered area of the city. Total length of road survey carried out is 800 Kms and a contour map has been prepared for the NMC area taking into account the new street levels as well as street levels available for the areas sewered. All new roads have been incorporated into the city map. Survey of nallahs and river basins have been carried out. L-Sections and Cross-Sections have been prepared. Total surveyed length of nallahs in the north zone is 76 kms and total surveyed length of Pioli river, Nag river and Pora river is 47.9 kms. Soil investigation has been carried out. Generally the ground water levels ranged from 0.2 m to 9.12 m in the area.


Hydrologic Analysis of Drainage Facility Design The rational method is adopted for the conversion of precipitation into runoff. The following equation is used for the calculation of peak runoff. Q where Q i C A = = = = peak runoff in m3/hr rainfall intensity in mm/hr runoff coefficient the catchment area in ha = 10 CiA Equation (1)


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Frequency of Storm As mentioned in CPHEEO manual storm frequency is adopted depending on the importance of the area to be drained. a) Residential i) ii) b) Peripheral area twice a year Central and comparatively high priced area once a year

Commercial and high priced area once in two years

For nallahs the storm frequency considered is once in 2 years and for river channel once in 25 years. 4.2 Storm Duration Storm duration is selected on the basis the time of concentration of the drainage basin. As per CPHEEO manual, the time of concentration (tc) is calculated as sum of (i) Inlet time (ti) & (ii) time of flow in storm drain to the outlet (tf). Time of inlet is worked out using Kirpich equation. Time of inlet adopted isRiver Nallah Road side drain 4.3 Rainfall Intensity The available data acquired from Pune Meteorological Department includes 24 hr. rainfall data from year 1969-2000 for the Nagpur City. These data sets are used to carryout frequency analysis to determine the magnitude of peak flows of known return period to achieve an optimized design. The intensities for different return periods and durations are formulated using IDF curves using empirical equations and theories of probability. Adopted intensity of storm for various return period and duration is provided in the tabular form. Table No.I shows Intensity of Storm for Various Return Period and Duration Gumbels Extreme Value (type I) distribution 60 Min. 22 to 75 Min 30 Min


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table No.I: Intensity of Storm for Various Return Period and Duration Gumbels Extreme Value (type I) distribution Rainfall Intensity, mm/hr Time in Return Period , Years minutes 0.50 1.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 25.00 100.00 287.19 5.00 158.46 181.83 208.65 250.28 344.48 453.60 10.00 180.50 99.59 114.28 131.14 157.30 216.51 285.09 15.00 137.56 75.90 87.10 99.94 119.88 165.00 217.27 20.00 113.45 62.59 71.83 82.42 98.86 136.08 179.18 25.00 97.69 53.90 61.85 70.98 85.14 117.18 154.30 30.00 86.46 75.35 103.71 136.56 47.70 54.74 62.82 35.00 77.98 43.02 49.37 56.65 67.95 93.53 123.16 40.00 71.30 39.34 45.14 51.80 62.14 85.53 112.62 45.00 65.89 36.36 41.72 47.87 57.42 79.04 104.07 50.00 61.40 33.88 38.88 44.61 53.51 73.65 96.98 55.00 57.60 31.78 36.47 41.85 50.20 69.09 90.98 60.00 54.34 29.98 34.41 39.48 47.36 85.83 65.18 70.00 49.01 27.04 31.03 35.61 42.71 58.78 77.40 80.00 44.81 24.73 28.37 32.56 39.05 53.75 70.78 90.00 41.41 22.85 26.22 30.09 36.09 49.67 65.41 100.00 38.59 21.29 24.43 28.04 33.63 46.29 60.95 110.00 36.20 19.98 22.92 26.30 31.55 43.43 57.18 120.00 34.15 18.84 21.62 24.81 29.76 40.97 53.94
300.00 275.00 250.00 225.00

Intensity in mm/h

200.00 175.00 150.00 125.00 100.00 75.00 50.00 25.00 0.00 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150

0.5 Year 1 Year 2 Year 5 Year 25 Year 100 Year

Duration in Minutes

Figure I: Intensity- Frequency-Duration Curves by Gumbels Extreme Value (type 1) distribution

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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Coefficient of Runoff (C) The co-efficient of runoff (C) is the portion of precipitation that makes its way to the drain. Co-efficient of runoff for various surfaces has been adopted from the Handbook and composite C value have been calculated for different land uses contributing to a single catchments.


Catchment Area Based on topography, catchment areas contributing to proposed drain is calculated in hectares.


Calculation of Peak Runoff (Stormwater Flow) From the rainfall intensity (I) catchments area (A) and composite value of C peak flow (Q) in the drain have been calculated using Equation-1.


Concept, Methodologies and Procedures Using detailed base map of the project area the project area shall be divided into catchments and sub-catchments based on topography. Surface runoff from property and roads will discharge to minor or major nallahs through road side drains and further disposal will be mainly through major nallahs to river. i) ii) Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis shall be carried out for nallahs and river sections. For preliminary design the single section method shall be used and for detailed engineering the step backwater method shall be used for nallah sections. Hydraulic analysis for nallah section be carried out for two alternatives as follows: iv) Alternative 1 Concrete lining for side walls and bottom without treatment i.e. natural channel Alternative 2 Concrete lining for side walls as well as bottom of nallah


For river channelisation hydraulic analysis shall be carried out for concrete lining on side walls and bottom without treatment. STORMCAD latest version software shall be used for design.


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

STORMCAD-V8XM edition and StormCAD Version 4.1 Software shall be used for design of stormwater drainage system. v) vi) vii) viii) ix) Rectangular sections shall be proposed for river channel sections and trapezoidal sections for nallah channel section. R.C.C. structures shall be proposed for nallah and river section. Road side drains shall be proposed on both side of roads except in some part of slum area. Drains shall be planned taking into consideration the ground levels, slope of the ground, valley and ridges and also the land use planned. Drains shall be planned to get good longitudinal slope, considering the nature of soil and subsoil water level. Large areas shall be subdivided into small grids to avoid a long main drain. Efficiency in maintenance of drainage system shall be given an important consideration in selecting the size, shape and the location. An attempt shall be made in the design to provide higher starting and higher outfall bed levels in drains. A free outfall shall be attempted as far as possible. Design of main drain shall be so made as to allow use of the normal methods for desilting operations. Existing drain system shall be checked for its adequacy and replacement shall be proposed for the drains which are not adequate in capacity.

x) xi)

xii) xiii)


Design Criteria i) The design criteria adopted for the project proposals are based on: a) b) c) ii) Manual on sewerage and sewage treatment by CPHEEO Stormwater collection system design handbook by Larry W Mays ICR-SP-50- Guidelines on Urban Drainage, New Delhi 1999

Capacity of drains shall be designed by using mannings formula:


1 AR n


S 1/ 2

Equation (2)

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Whereas Q n R S A = discharge in cum/sec = mannings coefficient of roughness = hydraulic radius in m = Channel Slopes = area of cross section in m2

Mannings co-efficient of roughness for various types of surfaces Type of surface Concrete pipe Natural stream / Nallah iii) Type of drain a) Closed Conduit The pipe size of conduit shall be determined using peak discharge for each proposed pipe and the mannings formula assuming full pipe flow condition. All conduits are proposed to be designed to flow 0.8 full at peak flow. b) Minimum Conduit Size Minimum diameter of the pipe shall be 300 mm. c) Open Channel The rectangular and trapezoidal sections are easy to construct and are considered most suitable. d) Economical Sections As far as possible for obtaining economical sections for lined drains the bed width and depth shall be proposed as follows. Rectangular drain b = 2d Value of n 0.013 0.022

Trapezoidal drain
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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

b b e)

= =

0.8 2d (1:1 side slope) 1.24 d (:1 side slope)

Minimum section of drain It is recommended that minimum width of a drain should not be less than 300 mm.


Minimum and Maximum Velocities Type of Drain Pipe drain Internal drain (R.C.C.) Min drain (R.C.C.) Minimum Velocity (m/sec) 0.8 0.45 0.75 Maximum Velocity (m/sec) 3.0 3.0 3.0

Maximum spacing of inlet would depend upon various conditions of road, size and type of inlet and rainfall. Stormwater inlets A maximum spacing of 30 m shall be provided. Location of inlet for channel Rectangular Type drain -Both side of road below footpath For each inlet covered inlet chamber shall be provided for maintenance purpose.
7.0 7.1 Proposed Stormwater Drainage System

The primary goal of storm drain design is to minimize water logging and limit the amount of water flowing on the travel way or ponding at sag points in the roadway grade to quantities that will not interfere with the passage of traffic for the design frequency storm.
Drainage Basin in Project Area


Project area is divided in three river valleys. 1st in north zone i.e. Pioli river basin, 2nd in central zone i.e. Nag river basin and 3rd in south zone i.e. Pora river basin.


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Pioli River Basin

Pioli river basin (North Zone) consists of roadside drain, minor and major nallahs. There are 25 minor nallahs and 14 major nallahs.
Component 1: (Roadside Drains) includes Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyse of Existing and Proposed Roadside Drain 7.4 Roadside Drains Sizing of Drains

i) ii) iii)

Rational method is used for determination of discharge in each reach. The mannings formula is used for determination of capacity of drains. STORMCAD-V8XM edition and STORMCAD version 4.1 Software have been used for the design of stormwater drainage system.

Table II provides proposed size drain, total length and type of drain in each nallah basin in the north zone and Table III provides proposed drain size , total length and type of drain in cluster.
Table II: Proposed drain size, Total Length and Type of drain in nallah basin
S. No. Section Size Length (m) 42289 11000 7107 9538 281 5987 8107 3276 4328 313 1167 1462 4530 314 1444 12 1421 1198 104 239 38 633 Type Rectangular Channel with cover

Shanthi Nagar Nallah Basin 1 300x150 2 300x200 3 400x200 4 400x250 5 400x300 6 500x250 7 500x300 8 600x300 9 600x350 10 600x400 11 700x300 12 700x350 13 700x400 14 800x400 15 800x450 16 900x400 17 900x450 18 900x500 19 900x550 20 1000x500 21 1000x550 22 1100x550

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. No.

Section Size

Length (m) 497 433 215 144 128 78 936 7 121 60 148 560 158 87 154575 49837 28066 28126 742 13605 18460 8014 8163 353 1724 3896 11735 216 3130 3402 150 1647 3079 471 709 1766 68 621 1266 431 326 837 145 1606 79 168 1881


23 1100x600 24 1100x650 25 1200x600 26 1200x650 27 1300x650 28 1300x700 29 1400x700 30 1400x750 31 1500x750 32 1500x800 33 1600x800 34 1600x850 35 1700x900 36 1800x900 Chamar Nallah Basin 37 300x150 38 300x200 39 400x200 40 400x250 41 400x300 42 500x250 43 500x300 44 600x300 45 600x350 46 600x400 47 700x300 48 700x350 49 700x400 50 700x450 51 800x400 52 800x450 53 800x500 54 900x450 55 900x500 56 900x550 57 1000x500 58 1000x550 59 1000X900 60 1100x550 61 1100x600 62 1100x650 63 1200x600 64 1200x650 65 1300x650 66 1300x700 67 1400x700 68 1400x750 69 1500x800

Rectangular Channel with cover

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. No. Bor Nallah Basin 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Pioli River Basin 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115

Section Size 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x500 1000x550 1000x600 1100x550 1100x600 1200x600 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600X400 700x300 700x350 700x400 700x450 800x300 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1000x600

Length (m) 26696 6567 2287 8598 382 1022 3874 1034 460 103 12 629 717 445 731 55 55 213 102 12 102 74 55893 14984 14087 7430 4540 4253 6943 4368 1218 30 2520 2300 2855 760 47 3214 3768 365 1121 2261 848 410 468 271


Rectangular Channel with cover

Rectangular Channel with cover

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. No. 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124

Section Size 1100x550 1100x600 1200x600 1200x650 1200x700 1400x700 1400x800 1600x800 1800x900

Length (m) 219 59 528 841 9 320 1178 282 617


* Total Length includes drains on both side of road

Table III: (Cluster)

Section Size (m) 300x150 300x200 350x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 500x900 600x300 600x350 660x750 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 700x450 750x450 800x300 800x400 800x450 850x700 800x500 900x400 900x450

Proposed Drain Size, Total Length and Type of Drain

Length (m) 349220 123978 183 78274 76294 43 34268 45484 7 16052 16082 5920 1700 2722 6801 38289 0 163 0 7497 16350 106 0 0 8251 Section Size (m) 900x500 900x550 900x600 900x700 1000x500 1000x550 1000x600 1000x700 1000x800 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1400x800 1500x750 1500x800 1600x800 1700x850 1800x900 Length (m) 12531 35 6095 56 2298 6685 36 278 102 2168 5788 1537 1873 2855 1427 5082 2013 1337 298 1207 4167 2039 10 0


Roadside Drains in Slum Area

In slum area roadside drains are proposed on both side of road on broader roads. Storm from narrow roads will be directly picked upto these drains.
STC Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates Page-13

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Existing Drainage System Hydraulic Analysis

Adequacy of existing drain size have been checked using STORMCAD Software for inadequate drains replacement is proposed.
Component 2: (Major Drainage Channels) includes Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis of Major Drainage Channels i.e. Major & Minor Nallahs 7.7

Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis have been carried out for each nallah and river. Hydrologic analysis refer to the development of water flows off of the land surface. Hydrologic analysis determines how much and how fast water runoff, of the land into the systems hydraulic elements such as nallahs, culverts and the river. Hydraulic analysis determines the sections for the calculated hydraulic flow. Table IV provides proposed Nallah/Channel section, length, type and slope of each nallah.

7.8 7.9

Catchment area and time of inlet intensity rainfall of 1st reach of each nallah basin in North zone area (2 years return period) is provided in Table V. Hydraulic analysis have been carried out for each nallah and river considering concrete lined walls and natural bottom and using STORMCAD Software. Trapezoidal sections have been proposed nallah for channalisation and rectangular section for river channalisation.

Table IV: Proposed Nallah/Channel Section, Length , Type and Slope of each Nallah
Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 1 L1 2702 1890 1170 2 L2 (Ved Nagar) 3210 2130 To 1890 1170 0 2130 1080 Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width 15.0 19.0 22.0 6.0 7.0 Bottom Width 14.0 17.8 20.7 5.1 6.0 Water Depth 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.8 Trapezoidal " " " " 4.18 4.34 3.66 4.98 3.85 0.41 - 0.53 Section Type Slope (m/km) Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021

0.55 - 0.57


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 1080 838 2.1 L2R1 2580 1710 900 3 L3 (Nara) 3545 3000 2178 1286 810 3.1 L3L1 1445 750 3.2 4 L3L2 L4 720 10160 8730 6390 3600 To 838 0 1710 900 0 3000 2178 1286 810 0 750 0 0 8730 6390 3600 1070

Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width 10.0 10.0 8.1 9.0 9.0 12.0 12.0 13.0 15.0 15.0 5.0 8.0 6.2 10.2 12.0 12.1 16.0 Bottom Width 8.7 8.7 7.3 8.2 8.2 11.0 11.0 12.0 13.9 13.9 4.1 7.0 5.2 9.1 10.8 10.7 14.4 Water Depth 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.4

Section Type

Slope (m/km)

Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C

Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021 0.021

Trapezoidal " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

2.94 3.15 9.01 4.67 3.48 2.42 2.45 2.52 3.63 3.62 10.00 7.97 2.34 3.18 2.36 1.96 1.61 0.6 0.50 - 0.55 0.53 - 0.55 0.36 - 0.51 0.40 - 0.53

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 1070 4.1 L4R1 1465 690 5 6 R1 R2 (Bor) 500 6225 5883 5721 5439 5400 4514 4410 4133 3600 3564 2827 2340 2110 To 0 690 0 0 5883 5721 5439 5400 4514 4410 4133 3600 3564 2827 2340 2110 1980

Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width 16.0 7.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.3 12.0 12.1 14.0 14.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.1 18.1 Bottom Width 14.4 6.4 7.4 5.1 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 11.1 11.1 13.0 13.0 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 Water Depth 1.2 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2

Section Type

Slope (m/km)

Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C

Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021

Trapezoidal " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

1.18 4.70 3.83 253.00 30.57 17.78 13.48 10.00 8.70 6.67 5.56 5.18 5.00 4.80 4.01 4.00 4.00 0.509 0.50 - 0.56 0.52 - 0.6

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 1980 1752 810 715 6.1 R2 L1 1520 1000 450 6.2 R2 L2 1580 1260 540 6.3 R2 L3 1890 1260 630 6.4 R2 L4 980 630 240 6.5 R2 L5 450 To 1752 810 715 0 1000 450 0 1260 540 0 1260 630 0 630 240 0 0

Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width 22.2 22.2 25.0 25.0 3.2 4.7 5.1 3.3 5.2 6.6 5.1 6.1 7.2 3.2 4.1 6.0 4.1 Bottom Width 20.7 20.7 23.5 23.5 2.5 3.9 4.3 2.5 4.3 5.6 4.4 5.3 6.2 2.6 3.5 5.4 3.5 Water Depth 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.3

Section Type

Slope (m/km)

Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C

Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021

Trapezoidal " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

3.33 3.33 2.51 2.18 16.17 9.31 7.98 60.60 14.51 6.13 23.67 8.65 5.41 56.66 19.24 11.05 48.33 0.65 0.57 - 0.61 0.55 - 0.62 0.54 - 0.61 0.40 - 0.66

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 6.6 R2 R1 1050 540 6.7 7 R2 R2 R3 (Chamar) 580 5610 5546 5481 5420 5318 5115 4717 4325 3960 3600 3193 2700 2280 1770 To 540 0 0 5546 5481 5420 5318 5115 4717 4325 3960 3600 3193 2700 2280 1770 1350

Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width 4.1 6.1 5.1 Bottom Width 3.4 5.3 4.5 8.0 8.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 14.0 14.0 16.0 20.0 20.0 22.0 Water Depth 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.4

Section Type

Slope (m/km)

Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C

Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021 0.021

Trapezoidal " " Rectangular " " " " " " " " " " " " "

23.08 6.45 23.77 3.33 3.34 2.23 3.33 3.33 2.92 2.77 1.67 1.5 1.31 1.33 1.18 1.2 1.02

0.48 - 0.51

0.65 0.52 - 0.62

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 1350 780 360 7.1 R3 L1 1440 1037 720 439 7.2 R3 L2 810 390 7.3 R3 R1 4375 4140 3890 3600 2880 2100 1440 710 To 780 360 0 1037 720 439 0 390 0 4140 3890 3600 2880 2100 1440 710 0

Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width Bottom Width 22.0 26.0 26.0 6.0 6.0 10.0 10.0 4.5 4.5 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 11.0 11.0 Water Depth 1.4 1.6 1.4 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.3

Section Type

Slope (m/km)

Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C

Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021 0.021 0.021

Rectangular " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

1.1 1.05 1.05 9.33 9.72 5.00 6.13 4.47 4.51 2.84 2.67 2.99 2.36 1.43 1.52 1.31 1.45 0.55 - 0.59 0.64 0.61 - 0.62

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 7.4 R3 R2 1775 1380 900 360 7.5 R3 R3 1430 870 450 7.6 8 R3 R4 R4 330 3080 2070 990 9 10 11 R5 R6 R7 180 710 2270 1484 720 12 R8 570 To 1380 900 360 0 870 450 0 0 2070 990 0 0 0 1484 720 0 0

Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width Bottom Width 6.5 7.0 9.0 9.0 3.0 5.5 7.0 3.0 8.0 10.0 11.0 5.6 3.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 7 8.8 9.7 4.8 2.4 2.2 2.6 3.1 3.4 Water Depth 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4

Section Type

Slope (m/km)

Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C

Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021

Rectangular " " " " " " " Trapezoidal " " " " " " " "

12.12 10.00 8.78 6.06 8.03 4.29 3.33 7.22 11.76 6.41 5.65 17.04 11.33 12.60 7.62 6.49 8.97

0.51 - 0.52

0.54 - 0.61

0.021 0.021 0.021

0.65 0.52 - 0.63

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021

0.65 0.604 0.60 - 0.63

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021




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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 13 R9 1830 930 14 R10 (Shantinagar) 7110 6385 6274 To 930 0 6385 6274 5670

Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width 12.1 14.0 Bottom Width 11.2 12.9 8.0 8.0 8.0 Water Depth 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7

Section Type

Slope (m/km)

Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C

Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021 0.021

Trapezoidal " Rectangular " "

2.52 1.13 3.81 2.86 2.86

0.58 - 0.60

0.54 - 0.61

0.021 0.021 0.021

5670 5333 5250 4742 4590 4060 3210 2255 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 R10 L1 R10 L2 R10 L3 R10 L4 230 580 1190 230

5333 5250 4742 4590 4060 3210 2255 0 0 0 0 0

11.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 16.5 16.5 17.5 17.5 2.0 1.8 11.0 2.1

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.1 1.4 1.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4

" " " " " " " " " " " "

2.20 1.93 2.00 2.00 1.65 1.69 1.66 1.00 4.60 5.22 5.37 3.53 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 14.5 14.6 R10 R1 R10 R2 380 50 To 0 0

Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width Bottom Width 2.5 2.0 Water Depth 0.4 0.2

Section Type

Slope (m/km)

Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C

Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021 0.021

Rectangular "

6.95 6.60

0.65 0.65


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table V: Catchment Area and Time of Concentration of Nallah Basins (2 yrs Return Period)

S. No. 1 3 4 6 7 2 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Name of Nallah L1 L2 (Ved Nagar Nallah) L3 (Nara Nallah) L4 R1 R2 (Bor Nallah) R3 (Chamar Nallah) R4 R5 R6 R7 (Taj Nagar Nallah) R8 (Vishwas Nagar Nallah) R9 R10 (Shantinagar Nallah)

Catchment Area (ha) 973.38 375.12 754.96 1105.11 98.30 1362.21 1737.20 317.49 59.23 21.88 59.70 27.13 137.33 794.59

Highest G.L (m) 320.00 308.00 312.00 302.50 310.00 367.50 322.50 326.50 301.50 303.00 314.50 299.50 287.50 307.00

Lowest G.L (m) 308.97 294.56 303.26 297.80 307.30 341.33 300.45 318.25 296.80 301.20 311.70 297.60 285.40 299.70

Longest Length (m) 2237 1060 1950 800 640 1460 1270 950 750 545 645 555 640 950

Slope 0.0049 0.0127 0.0045 0.0059 0.0042 0.0179 0.0174 0.0087 0.0063 0.0033 0.0043 0.0034 0.0033 0.0077

Time of Concentration Tc (min) 57.13 22.34 53.31 24.19 23.14 25.02 22.75 23.76 22.45 22.47 23.03 22.48 25.49 24.90

Intensity (mm/hr) 40.80 76.52 42.74 72.56 74.74 70.94 75.60 73.44 76.27 76.23 74.99 76.22 70.05 71.16


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Component 3: (Disposal) includes Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis of River 7.10

Pioli river return period is proposed as 25 years and with 60 minute duration. (Time of inlet) rainfall intensity is 65 mm/hr from IDF curves. Catchment area and peak flow in various reaches of Pioli river segment is provided in Table VI below.
Table VI: Catchment area and peak flow in various reaches of Pioli river segment
Sr No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Details of Pioli River Basin Chainage Catchment Area (ha) From To 0 470 205 470 2062 205 2062 2342 585 2342 4322 1344 4322 6355 533 6355 6953 793 6953 8330 933 8330 12225 451 12225 14863 1695 14863 17635 1850 17635 17815 849 Peak Flow (m 3/s) 73.24 73.24 98.82 221.21 233.16 266.24 308.60 319.26 380.37 416.06 424.12

Table VII below provides proposed hydraulic sections of Pioli river for a flood frequency of 25 years.
Table VII: Hydraulic Sections of Pioli River for a flood Frequency of 25 Years Width Chainage Depth 25 Years 0 - 470 River front development 470 - 2062 1.50 45.0 2062 - 2342 2.00 45.0 2342 - 4322 2.50 50.0 4322 - 6355 2.50 52.0 6355 - 6953 2.70 54.0 6953 - 8330 2.70 62.0 8330 - 12225 2.80 62.0 12225 - 14863 3.00 68.0 14863 - 17635 3.30 68.0 17635 - 17815 3.50 68.0


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Energy Dissipater

To control the velocity of flow, energy dissipaters i.e. check dams; vertical drop structures are proposed in nallah and river sections.
7.12 Flood Protection System

R.C.C. flood walls are proposed to protect public safety and property and for economic benefit. Flood walls shall prevent flood waters from inundating valuable agricultural land, residential and business property as well as infrastructure.
7.13 River Front Beautification

Flood walls are not proposed at the various locations of Pioli river where river front beautification is proposed. Table VIII below provide the proposed location of river front beautification.
Table VIII: Proposed Location of River front Beautification Piolli River Chainage (m) Description

Node 1 Node2

CH1794 toCH 2022 CH 2352 to CH2952

Stretch behind Vincate Pallote School Bhor nallah junction to down side Ayappa Nagar Ganga Nagar to railway bridge After railway crossing Eco park Naragaon Nallah Strech at Kausalya Nagar Yogi Arvind Nagar

Node 3(a) & 3(b) CH 3567 to CH 4496 Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 Node 7
8.0 8.1

CH 4896 to 4996 CH6075 to 6425 10118 to 10648 11478 to 11868

Rainwater Harvesting, Treatment and Resue

Rainwater harvesting is the capture, diversion and storage of rainwater for a number of different purposes including landscape irrigation, drinking and domestic use, aquifer recharge.


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Legislation on Rainwater Harvesting

The state government has made rainwater harvesting mandatory for all buildings that are being constructed on plots that are more than 1000 sq.m in size NMC has made it mandatory for the buildings having land area more than 350 S.qm. This is made applicable to all new buildings


Techniques of Rainwater Harvesting

There are two main techniques of rainwater harvesting and are i) storage of rainwater on surface for future use ii) Recharge of groundwater. In the project area total annual rainfall occurs only during three to four months of monsoon. water collected during monsoon has to be stored throughout the year which means huge volumes of storage containers are required. We have proposed the rainwater harvesting system in the building as partly for storage and partly for recharge of ground water.
8.4 9.0

Rainwater harvesting system shall be as per IS 15797-2008 and Artificial recharge to ground water shall be as per IS 15792-2008.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report and Environmental Mitigation Plan

A preliminary environmental and social assessment report and environmental mitigation plan has been prepared for the project area. The project will have significant positive impacts leading to overall improvement in the quality of life of the people with the improved drainage system and rainwater harvesting system, the acquifier yield will increase. Water logging will be considerably reduced and the quality of water will improve due to properly constructed drains. Erosion in the land will reduce due to construction of drains. There will be overall improvement in the ecology. Resettlement and rehabilitations of project affected people can have a negative social impact and the same can be solved by proper planning and providing the acceptable packages.
10.0 10.1 Operation & Maintenance

The drainage system is at its best when it is maintained as properly as designed. For this purpose, it is necessary that the drains keep this shape and slope in the designed manner during their life time. It is also necessary to ensure that the drains retain their full cross section particularly for the monsoon. Maintenance can be classified into the 3 categories (a) Continuous
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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

regular maintenance (b) Periodical maintenance and (c) Special maintenance / repairs of improvements. The SWD system do not require any specific operation. However, periodic cleaning of water entrants are required in the monsoon period. Desilting of nallahs before and after monsoon is necessary.

Operation and Maintenance Cost includes (i) Establishment (ii) Maintenance of machinery (iii) Maintenance cost of drains, nallah and river. O&M cost works out Rs.10 Crore. These expenses / cost are estimated to increase every year depending on various factors and mainly as price Escalation.
Project Financing


The funding pattern for the capital works / capital expenditure as suggested as follows: Funding Agency GOI Grant GOM Grant Local Bodies Source JNNURM JNNURM NMC % of Total Investment 50% 20% 30%

It is assumed that all the future works under this proposal shall be funded mainly through the 70% grants available and the balance 30% arranged by NMC through its own savings, deposits and further deficit by loans.
12.0 Organisation Setup / Institutional Management

It is desirable to have a separate operation and maintenance setup for stormwater drainage management. It is proposed to have a centralized unit for each drainage zone with support staff at ward level to address the day to day maintenance. The maintenance work such as desilting of river, nallah and drain can be outsourced. The O&M of machinery also can be given on contract basis to reduce the burden in employees in NMC.
13.0 Project Implementation

It is proposed that the execution of project will be completed within a period of 3 years and planned accordingly. The priority or phasing of works can be as follows-


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

1st Phase 2nd Phase 3rd Phase

Rejuvenation of rivers and improvement of culverts and bridges Improvement of nallah Development of roadside drains

If need arises works shall progress from the downstream side of the river and outfall of nallahs as per the feasibility. The roadside drains can be developed along with the development of roads.
14.0 Project Cost

i) ii)

Total estimated capital cost (North Zone) Rs.1258 Crore Total O & M Cost (North Zone) Rs.10 Crore


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


CHAPTER 1.0 SECTOR BACKGROUND CONTEXT AND BROAD PROJECT RATIONALE Existing Status of the physical infrastructure 1.1 1.2 1.3 Baseline Information of user coverage and access List of various Projects Proposed for the Sector in the City Development Plan (CDP) by NMC and confirmation of how this project is aligned with stated CDP priorities List of other capital expenditure project supported by other schemes for the sector Existing Tariff & Cost recovery Existing areas of Private Sector / Community Participation in the Sector Any other qualitative information

29-74 30 64 68

1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7

70 73 74 74 75-183 75 76 157 164 164 164 184-259 184 184 184 184 184 185

CHAPTER 2.0 PROJECT DEFINITION, CONCEPT AND SCOPE Land 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Physical Infrastructure Components Environment Compliance / protection measures / improvement measures Rehabilitation and Resettlement Specialized procured services supervision, and quality assurance Other information for design, independent

CHAPTER 3.0 PROJECT COST Land Acquisition / Site Development 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6

Physical Infrastructure Component-wise Cost Environmental Compliance Cost Rehabilitation and Resettlement Cost Cost of Survey and Geotechnical Investigation Cost of Shifting Utilities
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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chapters 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11

Description Cost of Consultancy Services Other Statutory Compliance Cost if Applicable Finance / Interest Cost during Construction Contingency Any Other

Page No 185 185 185 185 185 260-262 260 261 261 261 262 263-264 263 264 265-267 265 265 265 265 266 266 268-278 269 277 279 279

CHAPTER 4.0 PROJECT INSTITUTION FRAMEWORK (FOR CONSTRUCTION) Roles of different Institutions involved in the construction phase 4.1 of the project Manner of undertaking Construction Works 4.2 Involvement of the construction entity in the subsequent O & M 4.3 activities Areas of Involvement of the Private Sector in the Construction 4.4 Phase Construction Packages for works construction 4.5 CHAPTER 5.0 PROJECT FINANCING STRUCTURING Overall Financial Structuring of the Project 5.1 5.2 Review of options for Institutional Debt and Private Sector Participation

CHAPTER 6.0 PROJECTPHASING Schedule for Tendering / Selection for Procurement of Service 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Schedule for brining in state level and ULB level contributions to the project Schedule for obtaining all clearances (alongwith list of major clearness) Schedule for shifting utilities Project infrastructure component-wise implementation Pert & CPM diagram Project Management Tools

CHAPTER 7.0 PROJECT O&M PLANNING Institution Framework (Organization & Operations) Strategy 7.1 7.2 Tariff and User Cost Recovery

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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chapters 8.2

Description ULB level perspectives and financial situation assessment

Page No 279 280-283 280 282 283

CHAPTER 9.0 PROJECT BENEFIT ASSESSMENT (SOCIAL COST BENEFITS ASSESSMENT) Benefits from the Societal Perspective 9.1 9.2 9.3 List of Negative Externalities (i.e. adverse impact) Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR)

LIST OF TABLES 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 2.1 2.2(a) 2.2 (b) 2.2 (c)

Planning Units and Area Existing and Proposed Land Use Pattern Components of MIHAN and Present Status Estimated Employment from MIHAN Total Employment in NMC as per Census Current and Future Employment in NMC Area Population and Employment Forecast NMC & Rest of NMC Summary of Existing Stormwater Drainage System North Zone Area Coverage of Existing Stormwater Drainage System in North Zone Drainage area where SWD is joined to sewerage System and Proposed remedial Measure Flood affected Area in the North Zone and Proposed Remedial Measure Salient Features of Major Nallahs in North Zone Salient Features of Minor Nallahs in North Zone Salient Features of Pioli River Distribution of Density of Population Population Growth trend of Nagpur City over the Years Population Projections for the year 2001 by various Methods Population Projections by Various Methods Population Projections for Nagpur City considering Higher Growth Rate Inventory Data / Information Surveyed Length of Major Nallah in North Zone Surveyed Length of Minor Nallah in North Zone Surveyed Length of River
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35 36 38 39 40 41 42 45 47 50 52 56 59 62 64 65 67 67 68 76 77 78 78 iii

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32

Analysis Results for Samples from City Nallah Ward Number, Ward Name and Return Storm Frequency Maximum Daily Rainfall Recorded During 1969-2000 Maximum Precipitation Depth for 1hr , 2hr.12 hrs Using IMD Reduction Formula Evaluation of Precipitation Depth Evaluation of Rainfall Intensity Intensity of Storm for Various Return Period and Duration Gumbels Extreme Value (type 1) distribution Intensity of Storm for Various Return Period and Duration by USWB Records of Intense Rainfalls, Number of Storms of Intensity (mm/hr) or more Intensity duration Values Evaluated coefficient from Log Duration Vs Log Intensity for Step method Intensity of Storm for Various Return Period and Duration (Frequency of Intense Storm/ Step method) Intensity of Storm for Various Return Period and Duration (Based on Published Literature) Proposed Intensity-Duration-Frequency for Roadside Drain Minor and Major Nallah Proposed Intensity Duration Frequency for River Channel Coefficient of Runoff for Various Surfaces Mannings Coefficient of Roughness for Various Types of Surface Minimum and Maximum Velocities for various Types of Drain Minimum Free Board for various Bed Width of Drain Proposed Size, Total Length and Type of Drain Proposed Size, Total Length and Type of Drain (cluster) Details of Replacement of Existing Drains Catchment Area and Time of Concentration of Nallah Basins (2 yrs Return Period) Proposed Nallah/Channel Section, Length and Type Dimensions of Vertical Drop Structure Dimensions of Check Dam of Nallah
Hydraulic Section of Pioli River for a Flood of 25 Years Frequency

80 84 86 92 95 95 96 98 98 99 99 100 102 103 103 103 106 108 108 113 116 117 130 131 141 142 151 153 154 162

Dimensions of Check Dam of River Proposed Location of Rainwater Structure / Artificial Recharge System Summary of Impacts (Air, Water and Land)
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2.33 4.1 5.1 9.1 9.2 FIGURES 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20

Summary of Impacts (Ecology) Areas of Involvement of the Private Sector Funding Pattern for the Proposed Project Societal Benefits Negative Externalities and Impacts

163 262 263 280 282

Districts of Maharashtra Zonal Plan of Nagpur City City Map of Nagpur Proposed Landuse as per Nagpur Development Plan (19862011) Typical Flow Chart of Construction Wing Total Yearly Rainfall in mm during the period 1969-2000 Log Duration Vs Log Intensity for Gumbels Extreme Value (type 1) Distribution Return Period Vs Coefficient of A by Gumbels Extreme Value (type 1) distribution Intensity- Frequency-Duration Curves by Gumbels Extreme Value (type 1) distribution Log duration Vs Log Intensity for Step Method Return Period Vs coefficient of a for Step Method Intensity- Frequency-Duration Curves by Step Method Upper Course of Pioli River Middle Course of Pioli River Lower Course of Piolli River Index Map of Pioli River and Nallah Joining to Pioli River Typical Plan and L-Section Plan showing Peak Flow of Pioli River Catchment Area of L1 Nallah Catchment Area of L2 Nallah Catchment Area of L3 Nallah Catchment Area of L4 Nallah Catchment Area of R1 Nallah Catchment Area of Bor Nallah (R2) Catchment Area of Chamar Nallah
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32 33 34 37 63 85 91 96 97 99 100 101 143 144 145 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175

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2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4

Catchment Area of R4 Nallah Catchment Area of R5 Nallah Catchment Area of R6 Nallah Catchment Area of R7 Nallah Catchment Area of R8 Nallah Catchment Area of New Nallah (R9) Catchment Area of Shanti Nagar Nallah (R10) Proposed Typical Inlets Suction cum Jetting Machine Amphibious Dredger High Vacuum Suction Machine Mahabali Machine

176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 276 276 276 277

BIBLIOGRAPHY ANNEXURES Sector Specific Infrastructure Components 1 1.5 2 3 4 4A 4B 4C 5 6 6A 6B Drainage Project Implementation Planning: Package-wise Contracting Relationship Schedule for Financial Contribution and Sources Project Cash-flow Template Project Cash-flow for JNNURM Details of Capital Expenditure Details of Operation & Maintenance Charges ULB Cash-flow Template Loan Schedules and Loan Ageing Long Term Debit Situation of ULB / Parastatal Long Debit Situation of ULB / Parastatal


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

LIST OF DRAWINGS NMC/SWD/MPNZ/01 NMC/SWD/MPNZ/02 NMC/SWD/MPNZ/03 NMC/SWD/MPNZ/04 NMC/SWD/MPNZ/05 NMC/SWD/MPNZ/06 NMC/SWD/MPNZ/07 NMC/SWD/MPNZ/08 NMC/SWD/MPNZ/09 Nagpur City Base Map Map Showing Existing and Proposed Landuse Pattern Map Showing Catchment Areas Major Nallahs, Minor Nallahs and Culverts Map Showing Runoffs in North Zone Map Showing Storm Frequency Adopted as Various Plan Showing Existing Storm Water Drainage System North Zone Plan Showing Proposed Storm Water Drainage System North Zone Plan Showing Lakes and Water Bodies in the Project Area Map Showing Flooding Areas and Low Lying Areas

NMC/SWD/MPNZ/10/1/4 Plan Showing Network Joined to Sewerage System Location at Each Zone NMC/SWD/MPNZ/10/2/4 Plan Showing Network Joined to Sewerage System Location at Each Zone NMC/SWD/MPNZ/10/3/4 Plan Showing Network Joined to Sewerage System Location at Each Zone NMC/SWD/MPNZ/10/4/4 Plan Showing Network Joined to Sewerage System Location at Each Zone NMC/MP/SWD/NZ/11 NMC/SWD/MPNZ/12 NMC/SWD/MPNZ/13 NMC/SWD/MPNZ/14 Plan Showing Slum Pockets in the Project Area Typical Cross Section of River Typical Cross Section of Roads Showing the Utility Typical Alignments Proposed for Road Side Drains


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: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Additional Central Assistance Biological Oxygen Demand Classic Build Operate Transfer (Concession Project) Chemical Oxygen Demand Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization Central Institute of Cotton Research Institute Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee City Development Plan Detailed Project Report Environmental Impact Assessment Financial Operating Plans Geographic Information System Government of India Government of Maharashtra Housing and Urban Development Corporation Intensity Duration Frequency Indian Metrological Department Initial Environmental Examination Internal Rate of Return Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission Multimodal International Hub Airport at Nagpur Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation Ministry of Urban Development National River Conservation Directorate Non Governmental Organization Nagpur Municipal Corporation National Environment Engineering Research Institute Nagpur Improvement Trust Net Present Value Potential of Hydrogen Ion Concentration

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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


: : : : : : : : : : : : : :

Progressive Speed Protocols Public Works Department Project Monitoring and Evaluation System Roof Top Rainwater Harvesting System Special Economic Zone Storm Water Drainage Special Purpose Vehicle State Level Nodal Agency Terms of Reference Total Suspend Solids Total Dissolved Solids United States Weather Bureau Urban Local Bodies World Health Organization


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

CHAPTER-1.0 SECTOR BACKGROUND CONTEXT AND BROAD PROJECT RATIONALE Introduction General The Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) invited bids for selection and appointment of consultant for preparation of a master plan / perspective plan for drainage system and rejuvenation of lakes and rivers of Nagpur City for year 2031 (since amended to year 2041). The NMC awarded the consultancy work to M/s Shah Technical Consultants (P) Ltd. with M/s Dinesh Rathi & Associates vide Letter No.NMC/EE/STORM/31/2007 dated 2nd July 2007. Objective of the Study The main objective of the study is to prepare a comprehensive proposal, which will be technically and financially viable for the implementation of storm water drainage system and rejuvenation of lakes and rivers in Nagpur City. The Draft Detailed Project Report (DPR) will help to obtain necessary approval and funding from JNNURM. Scope of Work Preparation of Master Plan for Drainage System, Rejuvenation of Lakes and Rivers To prepare master plan for the drainage system, rejuvenation of lakes and rivers considering the base year as 2011 and the ultimate design year as 2041. In the preparation of master plan various components like land use pattern (existing and proposed), design criteria and parameters to be implemented, preliminary designs and plans of the project, block cost estimate, identification and prioritization of components shall be addressed. The project phasing will be proposed based on the prioritization and fund flow. Feasibility Study To carryout feasibility study for all the packages to ascertain both technical and utilization viability in the immediate tasks and to prepare a priority list of the packages for implementation. The feasibility study shall look into Technical, Social, Economical and Practical construction feasibility of the project components. It shall also look into Environmental impact assessments, staffing, institutional and organizational, economic and financial aspects. Based on the economical, environmental and financial criteria, the various options shall be ranked and the recommendation made for the preferred
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options. Financial analysis, tariff structure and policy for operation and maintenance for Stormwater drainage system and Rejuvenation of lakes and rivers shall also be reviewed and suggested. DPR Preparation Preparation of the DPR for the proposed package, considering priority in the feasibility study shall be taken up and shall include detailed engineering analysis and designs, specifications of works, drawings and cost estimates. These shall also include detailed implementation plans, progressive speed protocols (PSP) and management and monitoring procedures to be used during implementation. Contract Document Preparation of tender documents, tendering process, pre-bid and bid evaluation. Technical Advisory Support during Execution of Work It includes checking of survey details, review of working design, drawings, estimates, correction in design, drawing plans, clarification etc. during execution till completion of the work. 1.1 1.1.1 Existing Status of the physical infrastructure Location of Nagpur Nagpur is situated in the middle of India at 21 06' N latitude and 79 03' E longitude and a mean altitude of 310 meters above sea level. Nagpur is named after the Nag river which originates from Ambazari Lake located at the west part of Nagpur city and drains into Kanhan River in south east and the length of river in city boundary is 17 kms and this river basin is named as Central Zone. Another river originates from Gorewada lake at north west and flows from west to east in the northern part of Nagpur called Pioli River having a length of 17 km also joins Nag river and drains to Kanhan River and this river basin is named as North Zone. There is one more river named Pora River originates from Sonegaon, western part of the city and flows from west to south east outside the southern part of the city and draining into Kanhan River and this river basin is named as South Zone. There are many major Nallahs and minor Nallahs discharging stormwater into these rivers.
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Oranges are grown extensively in and around Nagpur and there is also an Orange market (Sandra Mandi) in Nagpur and therefore city is also known as Orange city. The highest and lowest temperature varies between 48.6 C and 3 C. The average rainfall is 1242 mm. Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) is spread over an area of 217.65 It has completed 300 years of establishment in 2002. Nagpur is second capital of Maharashtra and the winter session of the legislative assembly is held here. The corporation is divided into 129 wards. The population of the city is 20.5 lakhs (as per 2001 census) with an average density of 95 persons per hectare, which is quite low compared to other comparable cities of India. The present population is estimated to be around 23 lakhs and projected population is 32 lakhs by 2021. It is estimated that one-third of the city's population lives in slums. There are about 427 slum pockets jn the city spread over an area of about 17 sq. km out of the 427 slums, 292 slums are notified slums housing 80% of the slum population. The population trends of Nagpur City show a declining growth rate over the decades: it has decreased from 48.3% in 1921-31 to 32.6% in 1991-2001. Based on the linear projection method, the growth rate may decline to 22.2% in the next four decades (2011-41). The attractiveness of the city for migrants has also been decreasing. In the last decade (1991-2001), about 46% of the population growth was due to in-migration; in the last four years, the figure has declined to 24%. But, considering the development projects and investments in the pipeline, Nagpur's growth rate will revive and the population may double at a faster pace. Nagpur shows favourable demographic characteristics. The sex ratio in Nagpur is quite healthy at 936, which nearly equals the all-India figure of 933. About 84% of Nagpurs population is literate as per Census 2001. 66% of the citys population is under the age of 40; the 10-25 year age forms the largest proportion of the total population. This offers a valuable resource for economic development of the city. But, at the same time, if not given optimum opportunities, the tendency to migrate will probably be the highest in this age bracket. There are about 4.6 lakhs vehicles registered in Nagpur including two wheelers, three wheelers and four wheelers. Two wheelers constitute around 84% of the vehicle population. As per the TOR the study area is Nagpur Municipal Corporation comprising of 217.65 Consultants have carried out detailed studies within NMC limits (as envisaged in TOR) and the area outside NMC limits have been studied taking into account storm drain requirements.
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Figure 1.1: Districts of Maharashtra


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Figure 1.2: Zonal Plan of Nagpur City


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Figure 1.3: City Map of Nagpur


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Land Use of NMC Revised Development Plan of Nagpur City 1986-2011 is reviewed in the context of forecast of planning variables. The master plan for 20112021/2031/now revised to 2041 is under preparation. Total area of Development plan is 235.21 It contains area of Nagpur Municipal Corporation, which admeasures 217.56 and area outside of Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) which is included in drainage and sewage disposal scheme, which admeasures 17.65 For planning purpose the entire area of 235.21 is divided into 7 planning units and the details are presented in Table 1.1. Table 1.1: Planning Units and Area S. No. Planning Units Planning Area in sq. NMC Area in sq. km km 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Central North East South South -West West North - East Total Area 8.29 43.49 51.39 28.14 29.23 32.10 42.57 235.21 8.29 43.49 33.74 28.14 29.23 32.10 42.57 217.56

Land Use Pattern The existing land use pattern is divided into two major categories one under developable land and the other as non-developable land. Revised Development plan by Nagpur Improvement Trust (NIT) has indicated that the developable land is 60% of the total area of 217.56 As the city is subjected to high urbanization trend, the agricultural land only transform into residential land. Part of the non-developable land under agriculture is proposed to be converted into developable land. Therefore, the proposed land use percentages for the year 2021, 2031 and 2041 are arrived based on the proposed land use percentage for the year 2011 obtained from NIT. Table 1.2 shows the Details of the existing and proposed land use pattern.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 1.2: Existing and Proposed Land Use Pattern

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 A 1 2 3 4 B Major land Use Pattern Residential Commercial Institutional Industrial Roads / Rwys / Airport Developable Vacant Land Total Developable Land (Ha) Agriculture & Forest Nallahs Non-Developable Land Drainage and Sewage Disposal Total nonDevelopable Land Total Area (A+B) (Ha) Existing Land use % of as per Total *D.P Area 2001 8694.00 39.96 730.00 3.36 1230.00 5.65 303.00 1.39 1743.00 8.01 0.00 12700.00 3770.00 757.00 4475.00 54.00 9056.00 21754.00 0.00 58.37 17.33 3.48 20.57 0.25 41.63 100.00 Land use % of as per Total D.P Area 2011 9128.70 41.96 737.30 3.39 1242.30 5.71 306.03 1.41 1760.43 8.09 0.00 13174.76 3543.80 732.78 4251.25 54.00 8581.83 21756.59 0.00 60.56 16.29 3.37 19.54 0.25 39.44 100.00 Proposed Proposed % of Land Use Total as per D.P 2026 9585.14 44.06 774.17 3.56 1304.42 6.00 321.33 1.48 1848.45 8.50 0.00 13833.50 3331.17 690.27 3847.38 54.00 7922.83 21756.33 0.00 63.58 15.31 3.17 17.68 0.25 36.42 100.00 Proposed % of Land Use Total as per D.P 2041 100064.39 46.26 812.87 3.74 1369.64 6.30 337.40 1.55 1940.87 8.92 0.00 14525.17 3066.48 648.17 3462.64 54.00 7231.29 21756.46 0.00 66.76 14.09 2.98 15.92 0.25 33.24 100.00

*D.P Development Plan

At present the land demand/supply situation is well balanced in the city as per NMC and NIT officials. A large percentage of land within the municipal corporation limits remains unutilized or under-utilized in terms of permissible FSI. The FSI norms under the current development control roles are conservative. With the growth in demand, the norms may be revised in select areas, allowing high-density development. As the Development Plan 1986-2011, the projected population for 2001, 2006 and 2011 is taken as 23 lakhs, 25 lakhs and 28 lakhs respectively. However as per Census data, 2001 population was only 20.5 lakhs.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

8% 46% 24%

Residental Commerical Industrial public purpose Public Utility 1% Itransporation Recreational

3% 3%


Figure 1.4: Proposed Landuse as per Nagpur Development Plan (19862011) Landuse of Nagpur Metro Region (Phase-I) Land Use plan The land use plan of Phase-I of Nagpur Metropolitan Region Development Authority (NMRDA) is prepared by Nagpur Improvement Trust (NIT). The area of NMR would be 3,780 sq. km. excluding the area under Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) limits. The total area of Nagpur district is 9,810 sq. km. At Present NIT has prepared the land use plan for the first phase that covers around 1,520 sq. km. The Metropolitan region is envisaged by government for catering to Nagpur region population by 2031. At present concentration is on the southern part because of the MIHAN. Land use plan has earmarked land for wholesale markets, warehouse, international airport, educational institutes and Information Technology (IT) parks in these areas. Development Area (MIHAN) The total proposed area of Multi-Modal Hub Airport in Nagpur (MIHAN) is 4025 hectares, out of which 1475 hectares will be used for SEZ. So far 1652 hectares of land is acquired. The acquisition of remaining land is being done on fast track basis. The components of MIHAN area along with present status is presented in Table 1.3.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 1.3: Components of MIHAN and Present Status S. Project Component Area in Remarks No. hectares 1 International Hub 1200 Includes MRO facility in 100 Airport hectares 2 Special Economic Zone (SEZ) a) IT Park 400 Satyam already signed MOU for 100 acre land Shapoorji Pallonji has been allocated 100 acre land for IT Park M/s L&T Infocity have shown interest in 120 acres of land for developing IT Campus DLF.Ambuja.RMZ Corp have been allocated land in MIHAN SEZ

b) c)

Health City Manufacturing Facilities

60 963

2000 beds capacity Hospital Includes Textiles, Gems and Jewellery, Food Processing, Pharma and Financial and Insurance Services 100 MV Coal based Captive Power Plant (in the process of tendering) Awarded to Sical Logistics


Captive Plant



Rail Road Terminal


International School and Residential Area


DY Patil Group has been given letter of allotment for setting up International School

Total Area



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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

The entire Master Plan is proposed in phases, each generally covering a ten-year period: 2005-15; 2015-25 and 2025-35. However due to lag in starting the project, initial phase such as corportisation of airport, awarding the project to the developer, planning and construction activities could not take place. This may be due to the land acquisition problems and other issues. However some of the components of the MIHAN project such as rail and road terminal were awarded. There is a sea change in the scenario now as compared to 6 years back with privatisation of Delhi and Mumbai Airports, which added additional capacities in terms of passenger and cargo traffic. In addition to that, proposed development of Greater Noida and Navi Mumbai Airport near Delhi and Mumbai respectively can absorb future air traffic demand. The commissioning of international Airports in Hyderabad and Bangalore in early 2008 may also affect the phasing of the MIHAN project. Hyderabad International Airport, which is only 490 km from Nagpur is likely to compete directly with MIHAN in attracting both passenger and cargo traffic. Therefore taking into account above aspects, it is assumed, MIHAN will be operational by 2015. Employment Generation due to MIHAN MIHAN, which comprises of Hub Airport, SEZ and Residential Areas over the area of 4025 hectares, will generate huge employment. Employment Generated from MIHAN is estimated taking into account latest proposals of MADC and Consultants estimates. Table 1.4 shows the Estimates employment from MIHAN. Table 1.4: Estimated Employment from MIHAN Year Airport Centric SEZ and Other Employment Employment 2015 22383 198123 2021 2031 37375 86942 265503 393010 Total 220505 302879 479952

Note: Forecast is based on the premise that MIHAN is operational by 2015.

It can be observed that 1000 hectares of land is allocated for residential purpose in MIHAN area. This area can house maximum of 6-lakh population taking residential density of 600 persons/hectare. However significant proportion of people will still live in Nagpur City and commute on daily basis especially lowend jobs. This is due to the fact that land in MIHAN area is premium and only Executives may afford. It is therefore assumed that around 60% the employees live in MIHAN area and rest of the employees will live in Nagpur City and commute daily for work.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Outer Ring Road The Public Works Department (PWD) has begun the construction of a part of Outer Ring Road. The total length of the Outer Ring Road is 84 km. PWD had acquired 177 hectares land for this road. The total land required for the 84-km road is 552 hectares. At present, the 22-km highway is being constructed from Gondhkhairi on Amaravati Road to Gavsi Manapur on Wardha Road. The alignment of the road will pass through Gavsi Manapur, Sondapar, Jamtha, Kotewada, Sumthana, Shiv Madka, Kirimati, Khadka, Sukli, Hingna, Raipur, Wanadongri, Sangam, Sawargota, Pendhri and Gondkhairi villages. When the Outer Ring Road is complete it will connect Kalmeshwar, Hingna and Butibori MIDCs. In the first phase, only two-lane road is being constructed. PWD will spend Rs 41.46 crore on the project. A 30-km stretch of road - Gavsi Manapur to Kamptee-Kanhan bypass proposed to be constructed under National Highway Authority of India's North-South Corridor. Gondhkhairi-Gavsi Manapur stretch will be widened to a four-lane road under Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). Remaining outer ring road will be constructed by the PWD. The Outer Ring Road will have ROBs at Tarodi (SEC Railway -Kolkata line), Jamtha (Central Railway - Bombay line) and Bharatwada (Central Railway Delhi line). Department has sent a proposal to the Railway Ministry for clearance. Railway department is laying 600-mm diameter pipeline for electric cables.


Occupational Pattern The employment in the city for future decades are projected based on the development plan, work force participation ratio in the projected population and regional plan proposals. The projection of employment for MIHAN is also considered in estimating the employment in different zones for future years. The formal employment outside the city includes the employment in Butibori, Kamptee, Hingna, and MIHAN. Table 1.5 shows the total Employment as per 1991 and 2001 census. Table 1.5: Total Employment in NMC as per Census Year Total Population Worker Employment Participation Ratio 1991 4,54,953 16,24,752 28.0% 2001 6,27,481 20,51,320 30.6% Decadal Growth % 37.9%

Based on trends in other metropolitan cities the worker participation ratio will increase in future decades. The Worker participation ratio for 2011,2021 and 2031 is likely to be 33%, 35% and 36% respectively. The employment thus worked out to be 8.5 lakhs, 12.4 lakhs and 16.8 lakhs respectively.
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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

The share of formal employment will decrease as the city grows. The share of estimated formal employment in 1991 and 2001 is 77% and 75% respectively. The future share of formal employment for 2011, 2021 and 2031 is assumed as 74%, 70% and 65% respectively. Table 1.6 shows the current and future employment in NMC area. Table 1.6: Current and Future Employment in NMC Area Year Total Employment Formal Employment 1991 2001 2007 2011 2021 2031 454953 627481 743794 855679 141140 1681781 350314 472023 551984 614102 869835 1074975

Ward-wise Employment Distribution The total number of employees working in different zones within the study area and other locations within the region is an important input for the Travel Demand Modelling process. Compiled data in this regard was not available from a single source and hence consultants have to depend on the data from various sources to arrive at a reasonable estimation of employment distribution. Consultants have obtained data from Dept. of Industries and MIDC for industrial employment, NMC for data on shops and establishments and various other agencies for the respective employment. The past trend in the employment pattern of the city has been studied from the data collected from previous studies. The employment projection for the future decades has been done on the basis of data collected from the Regional Plan, Dept of industries, MIDC, NMC and Department of Statistics. The zone wise distribution of employment has been made under 3 categories i.e. Industrial, Trade and Commerce and Services. The formal employment in areas outside the city has also been calculated from the details of location of industries and establishments in the region from regional plans and other proposed developments. In distributing the employment within the city, it was assumed that the growth of employment opportunities in the zones along the proposed Public Transport corridors (BRTS/MRTS) would be higher than other zones due to higher accessibility to these zones.


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Schools and Colleges The list of educational institutions for the base year was collected from various sources. The zonewise distribution of these institutions was estimated by assigning the institutions to different zones based on the locations. For projecting the number educational institution for the horizon years, standards for different categories were finalised based on the Development Plan, UDPFI guidelines and existing standards. The additional institutions required for the future years were distributed on the basis of the set standards so that all zones meet the criteria for requirement of educational institutions. The standards adopted for the projection of number of schools and colleges for the horizon years are as follows: Primary School - For every 400 students (for every 2700 population) Higher Secondary schools - For every 750 Students (for every 9500 population) Junior Colleges and Higher education institutions - for every 12500 population

Based on above discussion employment within NMC and Rest of NMC is summarised in Table 1.7. Table 1.7: Population and Employment Forecast NMC & Rest of NMC NMC Rest of NMC Total Year POP EMP POP EMP POP EMP 2001 2052066 472023 539411 188878 2591477 660901 2007 2011 2021 2031 2399337 2593811 3548334 4673156 551984 614102 869835 1074975 629260 689159 1055572 1447922 220263 248123 390601 535786 3028597 3282971 4603906 6121078 772248 862225 1260437 1610760

Note 1: Rest of NMC implies the area between inner ring road and outer ring road Note 2: Employment figures presented above reefers to only Formal Employment


Ward-wise Details of Drains Proposed drainage system details are presented in Vol-IIA (Hydraulic Statement).Details of existing stormwater drainage system is described in the following paras.


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Existing Stormwater Drainage System Major Storm Water Carrying Streams In Nagpur City, there are 2 major stormwater carrying streams i.e. the Pioli river, Nag river and Pora river falls outside NMC boundary. The Pioli river starts from the gate of Gorewada Tank at the northwest end of the city runs through the north to the eastern end of the city. Final disposal of stormwater from part of west Nagpur and north Nagpur is into this river through minor and major Nallahs. The Nag river starts from Ambazari lakes overflow weir at the western end of the city and runs overflow through the middle of the city towards the east. The final disposal of stormwater from part of west Nagpur, South Nagpur, Central Nagpur and east Nagpur is into this river through minor and major Nallahs. Pora river starts from Sonegaon area. Stormwater from southern part of Nagpur city drains to this river through minor and major Nallahs.

Road Side Drains At present 40% area inside the ring road is covered with stormwater drainage network. During year 2002 to 2004, stormwater drainage (SWD) network is developed along the major road constructed under Integrated Road Development Project (IRDP) in the city. The other developing authority in Nagpur, Nagpur Improvement Trust is also developed the stormwater drainage network in various layouts sanctioned in periphery of the existing ring road. As part of the Master Plan study, an assessment of the existing SWD system has been made by Visual Inspection Discussion with NMC Officials


Observations on Existing SWD Almost all stormwater drains get flooded during monsoon In many places, final disposal of sewage is in the stormwater drain and SWD gets surcharged due to carrying both stormwater and sewage Nallahs, rivers, drains and chambers are heavily silted and need cleaning Many places, sewers discharge directly into the Pioli river and Nallahs


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 1.8 shows the Summary of existing stormwater drainage system in north zone. Table 1.9 shows Area coverage and final disposal point of existing SWD in north zone .Table 1.10 shows the drainage areas where SWD is joined to sewerage system and the proposed remedial measure. Table 1.11 gives the details of flood affected areas in the North Zone and Proposed remedial measures. Table 1.12 gives the Salient features of Major Nallah. Table 1.13 gives the Salient features of Minor Nallah. Table 1.14 provides Salient features of Pioli River.


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 1.8: Summary of Existing Stormwater Drainage System North Zone

Ward 1 2 3 4 5 6/P 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 55/P 56 57 58 Area covered (%) 10 30 10 25 10 10 5 15 15 35 40 50 20 10 15 15 5 40 40 5 15 5 10 15 10

Drain Size (Range) Drain material RCC/ Unlined RCC RCC RCC RCC/Stone RCC RCC/Unlined RCC RCC RCC RCC/Unlined RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC/Unlined RCC RCC RCC Channel Size (m) 0.6x0.75-0.9x2.2 0.25x0.25-1.2x1.2 0.15x0.15-1x1.8 0.4x0.3-1x1.1 0.3x0.2-0.85x0.65 0.5x0.3-0.8x0.65 0.3x0.3-1x1 0.3x0.3-0.9x1.1 0.3x0.3-1x0.9 0.2x0.3-1.2x1.0 0.2x0.1-1.2x1.1 0.5x0.4-1.1x0.8 0.2x0.2-1.2x1.0 0.45x0.45-1.2x1.0 1.0x0.6-1.0x0.9 0.3x0.4-1.1x0.9 0.3x0.2-1.0x0.9 1.0x0.8-1.1x0.9 0.25x0.25-0.3x0.2 0.3x0.2-1.0x1.5 0.75X0.6-1.0X0.7 0.2x0.3-1.0x0.6 0.2x0.3-1.0x0.6 0.2x0.3-1.0x0.9 0.2x0.15-1.2x0.9 Pipe Dia. (mm) 225-300 225-750 300-450 300 150-1200 300-1200 300-600 150-450 150-300 100-600 300-450 150-500 300 225-330 225-450 225-300 225-300 -


Chamber size (Range) (m) 0.7 x 0.8- 1.20 x 0.9 0.75 x 0.75 -1.80 x 1.20 0.9x0.6-1.50 x 1.20 0.75x0.75-1.20 x 1.80 0.75 x 0.75-1.70 x 1.70 0.5 x 0.90-1.70 x 1.70 0.6x0.7-1.2x0.9 0.9x0.75-1.2x0.9 1.2x0.9 0.5 x 0.9-1.5 x 1.20 0.75 x 0.6-1.20 x 0.9 0.5 x 0.9-1.50 x 1.20 0.5 x 0.9-1.50 x 1.20 0.75 x 0.75-1.50 x 1.20 0.9 x 0.75-1.50 x 1.20 1.20 x 1.20 1.20 x 1.50 0.75 x 0.75-1.50 x 1.20 0.9 x 0.75-1.20 x 0.9 1.2X1.2 1.20 x 0.9 0.9x0.75-1.20x1.20 1.20x0.8-1.20x1.20

Total no of Chambers 288 114 47 163 136 122 236 232 43 353 20 60 39 119 77 5 7 55 290 2 8 14 33

Chambers in good condition 1261 93 32 137 128 112 214 224 40 311 16 47 36 115 72 4 5 42 230 2 6 10 27

Disposal Point Pioli/Nallah/Open Pioli/Nallah/Open Pioli/Nallah/Open Nallah/Open/SWMH* Nallah/Open/SWMH Nallah/Open Nallah/Open/SWMH Nallah/Open/SWMH Nallah/Open/SWMH Nallah/Few Open Nallah/SWMH Nallah/SWMH Nallah Nallah /SWMH/Open Nallah /SWMH Nallah /Out fall Nallah/Pond/SWMH/Open Nallah /SWMH Nallah Nallah /Open Nallah /Open Nallah Nallah /Open Nallah /SWMH Nallah /Out fall

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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Ward 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 86/P 87/P 88 89 90 91 92 93 94/P 109 110 111 112 113 114/P 124 125

Area covered (%) 40 35 50 5 15 35 50 10 70 55 50 20 50 30 40 20 5 10 10 25 2 5 30 20 15 30


Drain Size (Range) Drain material RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC RCC Channel Size (m) 0.3x0.3-1.2x1.1 0.15x0.15-1.2x1.0 0.2x0.3-2.1x1.1 0.7x0.2-1.2x1.1 0.25x0.3-1.2x1.0 0.5x0.4-1.1x0.9 0.5x0.4-1.1x0.9 0.4x0.5-0.9x0.7 0.4x0.45-0.9x0.7 0.25x0.25-1.0x0.8 0.7x0.5-1.0x0.9 0.15x0.15-1.0x1.1 0.15x0.15-1.4.0x0.5 1.0x0.75-1.2x0.9 0.25x0.25-1.2x0.9 0.5x0.4-1.0x0.9 0.3x0.30 0.3x0.3-1.25x0.75 0.45x0.6-1.0x0.6 0.15x0.15-0.9x1.0 0.3x0.2-0.9x1.0 0.25x0.3-0.4x0.6 0.6x0.4-0.9x1.0 0.7x0.5-1x0.6 0.9x1.0-0.7x0.4 Pipe Dia. (mm) 225-600 225-300 225-300 150-225 225-450 225-900 225-600 225-500 225-300 300 150-300 150-300 300 -


Chamber size (Range) (m) 1.00 x 0.9-1.50 x 1.40 0.75 x 0.75-1.50 x 1.20 0.75 x 0.75-1.10 x 1.00 0.75 x 0.7-1.50 x 1.20 0.75 x 0.7-1.50 x 1.20 0.5 x 0.50-1.50 x 1.20 0.9 x 0.75-1.50 x 1.20 0.9 x 0.9-1.50 x 1.20 0.75 x 0.75-1.50 x 1.20 0.5 x 0.90-1.50 x 1.20 1.20x1.20 0.75 x 0.75-1.10 x 1.10 0.5 x 0.90-1.50 x1.20 0.75 x 0.75-1.20 x 1.20 0.9 x 0.10-1.50 x 1.20 0.9 x 0.9 0.5 x 0.90-1.50 x 1.20 0.5 x 0.90-1.50 x 1.20 1.20 x 0.9-1.20 x 1.20 0.5 x 0.90-1.20 x 1.20

Total no of Chambers 10 25 16 5 4 130 109 27 118 184 15 134 47 17 4 10 4 12 5 11

Chambers in good condition 8 18 10 5 4 256 97 25 98 167 13 113 43 14 2 8 3 10 4 10

Disposal Point Nallah /Open Out fall Nallah Nallah Nallah /Open Nallah /SWMH Nallah /SWMH/Out fall Nallah /SWMH Nallah /SWMH Nallah /SWMH/Out fall Nallah Nallah Nallah/Open Nallah Nallah /SWMH/Open Nallah /SWMH SWMH Talav/SWMH Nallah /SWMH Nallah Nallah SWMH SWMH SWMH/Nallah/Out fall Nallah/Out fall Nallah

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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 1.9: Area Coverage of Existing Stormwater Drainage System in North Zone Ward No Area covered by existing system 1 Jhingabaitekly Nagar, Goregowda village 2 Kalpana nagar, Kabir nagar, sugath nagar, Hudco colony, Viswas nagar, Krushi nagar 3 Santhos nagar, Vinobha nagar, Nageswar nagar, Kamkar nagar, Kapil nagar, Ramay nagar, Samrat nagar, Naribasti slum area, Wanjri, Ambetkar nagar, Pioli village 4 Yadav nagar, Prakash nagar, Sangam Nagar, Sangeevan nagar, Yahoda nagar, Vinijri village, Shiva shankti nagar, Sangharh nagar, NIT quatres, Aravind nagar, Pawan nagar, ramana nagar 5 Kalmana village 6 Surya nagar, Netaji nagar, Gujarat colony, Jalaram nagar 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Thekkadi, Sariputra nagar layout, New jagruti colony, Jagruti colony, Dabha village, New hazari pahad nagar, friends colony, kolbaswamy nagar, Veenvan colony, Akbar layout, Jagdish nagar, Makardhokda, Kpileswar nagar Patel nagar, Manasa sarowar colony, Amant nagar, Swagat nagar, Kapileswar nagar Shilpa nagar, Gittikadan basti, Pension nagar, police lines, samdhan nagar, Kamgar nagar Rajnagar Byramji town (Rec.area), Manav nagar, Chawoni chowk Gvind nagar, bank colony, Jaripatka, satyanand nagar, Arun nagar Republican nagar, Bada Indor missal layout, Amarjyoti nagar, Ahhuja nagar, nagasen nagar, mishal layout
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Final disposal Partially open area disposal, nallah disposal and sewage manhole disposal Nallah disposal and Open area disposal Nallah disposal, Open area disposal and few lines are connected to sewage manhole Nallah disposal and few open area disposal Major pipelines disposal to nallah and few lines to open area disposal Partially open area disposal, nallah disposal and few sewage manhole disposal Nallah disposal and Open area disposal Open area disposal and few manhole, Nallah disposal Nallah disposal few open area disposal and few sewage manhole disposal Open area disposal and few sewage manhole, Nallah disposal Nallah disposal few open area disposal and few sewage manhole disposal Nallah disposal



Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Ward No 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67

Area covered by existing system Siddarth nagar, Shinde nagar, manav nagar, Angtimala, satyog nagar, Prabhat colony, Taware nagar (colony) Mahendra nagar, babu buddaji nagar, Habeeb nagar Indiramata nagar, Panchavati nagar, Dharmadeep nagar, sanjay gandthi nagar, Anand nagar Binaki mangalwari village, Kundala gupa nagar, Brindavan nagar, Jamdthar wadi Premnagar Shanti nagar Surya nagar, Dipti signal Minimata nagar Ravi nagar CPWD quarters, Rajiv colony, Govind gorkhade layouts, Surendra gate CPWD quarters, Gowlipura, Kadhan, Gondpurinagar, Bijji nagar, P&T colony Gawali pura, Sardar village Newbasti Cristian colony, lumbini nagar, Ambetkar nagar, Bensiion bagh nagar Indora Chocks colony, Audenagar, maya nagar, Indora village, Republican nagar Ashok nagar, Buddha nagar Milind nagar basti, Baba budda nagar, Taj nagar Vishali nagar, Jhipura, Bholinagar, panchasheel nagar Bangladesh nayak wadi, Nayak talav Khairipura
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Final disposal Partially open and partially nallah disposal Partially open and partially nallah disposal Partially open and partially nallah disposal Nallah disposal Nallah disposal Nallah disposal Open area disposal Nallah disposal Nallah Disposal and few Sewage manhole disposal Nallah Disposal and few Sewage manhole disposal Open area and Nallah disposal (mostly) Nallah disposal Nallah Disposal and few Sewage manhole disposal Nallah Disposal and few Sewage manhole disposal Open area and Nallah disposal (mostly) Open area disposal Nallah Disposal and few Sewage manhole

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Ward No 68 69 88 89 90 91 92 93 Bastarwari

Area covered by existing system

Netaji Subash Chandra pose ward laskanbagh Kamal chowk, gurunanak pura, Nvanaksa, Motibagh road, Gurunanak nagar Kurkatkarpeth, Ambetkar nagar, Buslewadi Sweeper colony, Balbahu peth Adar winker colony, thanda pet Lendi Thalao (overflow)

Final disposal disposal, open disposal Nallah Disposal and few Sewage manhole disposal Nallah disposal and few open area disposal Nallah disposal Nallah disposal and few line open area disposal Nallah disposal Partially nallah and partially open area disposal Nallah disposal


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 1.10: Drainage area where SWD is joined to sewerage System and Proposed remedial Measure S. Ward Area Drain Size Remedial Measure No. No 1 Kalpana Nagar Alternate drain proposed 2 300 2 Gareeb Nawaz Nagar Connect to nearby Nallah 4 300 3 Sugath Nagar Alternate drain proposed 225 4 Chikl Nagar Alternate drain proposed 5 225 5 Sevasreenagar Connect to nearby Nallah 6 800x600 6 Bharat Nagar Connect to nearby Nallah 800x600 7 Friends Colony Connect to Proposed Network 17 300 8 Makardhokada Connect to Proposed Network 300x300 9 Gandhi Layout Alternate drain proposed 18 150 10 Lekha Apartment Connect to nearby Nallah 19 300X300 11 Connect to Proposed Network 21 Vijay Nagar 600 12 Connect to Proposed Network Chaaoni 450 13 Alternate drain proposed Juna Jaripatka 225 22 14 Connect to nearby Nallah Sri Basavansha Chowk 500X400 15 Connect to nearby Nallah 24 Sathyog Nagar 300 16 Connect to nearby Nallah Sathiyog Nagar 300 17 Connect to nearby Nallah Sathyog Nagar 300 18 Alternate drain proposed 25 Takanagar Basti 225 19 Connect to nearby Nallah Shorakati Shanthi Nagar 300 20 Shorakati Shanthi Nagar 1000x900 Connect to nearby Nallah 21 Shorakati Shanthi Nagar 1000x900 Connect to nearby Nallah 22 Shorakati Shanthi Nagar 1000x900 Connect to nearby Nallah 23 Connect to nearby Nallah Mahendra Nagar 900X800 24 26 Panchavadi Nagar 1000X900 Connect to nearby Nallah 25 27 Indra Gandhi Colony 1000x900 Connect to nearby Nallah 26 Connect to nearby Nallah Binaki Mangalwari 700X600 Village 27 Connect to nearby Nallah Rani Durgawati Nagar 1100 28 Alternate drain proposed 28 Gondpura Balster Wadi 300 29 Alternate drain proposed Prem Nagar Chowk 300 30 Alternate drain proposed Prem Nagar Chowk 300 31 Alternate drain proposed 57 C.P.W.D Quarters 300x400 32 Alternate drain proposed Seminary Hills 300x300 33 Alternate drain proposed Gondpuri Nagar 150X150 34 Alternate drain proposed Gondpuri Nagar 150X150 35 Alternate drain proposed Bijli Nagar 225 36 Connect to nearby Nallah 63 Ashoka Nagar 225X225 37 64 Vaishali nagar 1100X900 Connect to nearby Nallah 38 Connect to nearby Nallah 65 Juna Jaripatka 900X600 39 Connect to nearby Nallah 67 Khairipura 900x700 40 Connect to nearby Nallah Gondpura 600
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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. No.
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

Ward No
68 90 91 92 94 111 112

Area Lal Kanjku Jri Chowk Gondpura Balster Wadi Kururkar Peth Slums Sweeper Colony Thanda Pet Bank Of Maharashra Timki Slums Base Nagar Base Nagar Shobha Keth Nagar Base nagar Shabha keth Nagar Dewkar Pura

Drain Size 500 500 300X200 150 300X300 600x700 225 600X400 300X300 300X300 350x300 250X300 600X500

Remedial Measure
Connect to Proposed Network Alternate drain proposed Alternate drain proposed Alternate drain proposed Alternate drain proposed Connect to Proposed Network Alternate drain proposed Connect to Proposed Network Connect to Proposed Network Connect to Proposed Network Connect to Proposed Network Connect to Proposed Network Connect to Proposed Network



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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 1.11: Flood affected Area in the North Zone and Proposed Remedial Measure S. Pt. Location of the submergence Ward Name of the disposal Reasons for stagnation of No. No. No. point water or Flooding 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 P1 Jajadish nagar near Khadan 17 Bor Nallah Pond flooding 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P 10 P 11 P 12 Bor Nallah Slum Krishna Nagar / Azad Nagar Sheela Nagar Katol road Dasharath Nagar Gorewada road Dhore layout , Mankapur Mankapur basti near Pioli River Zingabai Takli near Pioli River Bajarang Nagar, Zingabai Takli Indira Nagar (Newly identified slum) Kushi Nagar Bhadant Anand kausalyan Nagar (Notified slu22m) 17 57 19 19 20 20 1 1 2 2 3 Bor Nallah Bor Nallah Bor Nallah Bor Nallah Pioli River Pioli River Pioli River L2 Nallah Pioli River Pioli River Pioli River Low lying area Pond flooding Low lying area Pond flooding Nallah flooding River flooding River flooding Low lying area Low lying area, Drainage system does not exist Low lying area, insufficient drainage system Low lying area, Drainage system does not exist

Remedial Measures 7 Deepening and Widening of Nallah Adequate drainage system proposed Deepening and Widening of Nallah Adequate drainage system proposed Deepening and Widening of Nallah Deepening and Widening of Nallah River Bed deepening / widening River Bed deepening / widening Drainage system proposed Adequate proposed drainage system

Drainage system proposed, River Bed Widening



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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. No. 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Pt. No. 2 P 13 P 14 P 15 P 16 P 17 P 18 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5

Location of the submergence 3 Bezonbagh behind Mahatma Gandhi School Wadpakhad (baba Indora slum) Jagrut Nagar Ramai nagar (Notified slum) Gulshan Nagar Basti Adjoining Bridge over Pioli River near Kalumna Goa Colony behind Govt. Polytechnic Pardesi Mohalla Gaddigodam Kamptee road near Nagpur bar Dobi Nagar Khadan Adiwasi Nagar

Ward No. 4 61 22 2 & 24 3 5 5 59 59 59 109 & 110 21

Name of the disposal point 5 Chamar nallah Chamar nallah Chamar nallah Chamar nallah Pioli River Pioli River Chamar Nallah Chamar Nallah Chamar Nallah Chamar Nallah Chamar Nallah

Reasons for stagnation of water or Flooding 6 Insufficient drainage system Low lying area, raising of cement road surface, short nallah width Low lying area, Low lying area, raising the level of Ring of road Flooding of Pioli River Flooding of Pioli River Low lying area Low lying area Low lying area Low lying area and cattle waste thrown in nallah Low lying area

Remedial Measures 7 Adequate proposed drainage system

Adequate drainage system proposed, Widening and Deepening of Nallah Adequate drainage system proposed Adequate drainage system proposed River Bed Widening River Bed Widening Adequate drainage system proposed Adequate drainage system proposed Adequate drainage system proposed Adequate drainage system proposed Adequate drainage system proposed


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. No. 1 24 25 26 27 28

Pt. No. 2 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10

Location of the submergence 3 Christian Colony Lumbini Nagar Indira Mata Nagar Dhamma Deep Nagar near H/o Shri Gajbhiye Near Zunka Bhakar Kendra, Mehandibagh road on ring road Kundanlal Gupta nagar near ring road Near Mangalwari Talao

Ward No. 4 60 26 26 27 27

Name of the disposal point 5 Chamar Nallah Chamar Nallah Chamar Nallah Chamar Nallah Chamar Nallah

Reasons for stagnation of water or Flooding 6 Low lying area Inadequate Section Inadequate section Inadequate drainage Low lying area and inadequate stormwater drain Low lying area, and inadequate stormwater drain Low lying area and encroachment of hutments in talao catchment Low lying area and insufficient stormwater drain

Remedial Measures 7 Adequate drainage system proposed Adequate drainage system proposed Adequate drainage system proposed Adequate drainage system proposed Adequate drainage system proposed Adequate drainage system proposed




Chamar Nallah



Lendi Talao, Musalmanpura, Tumdipura Near Pratibha School Khairipura


Shanti Nagar Nallah

Adequate drainage system and Removal of encroachment proposed Adequate drainage system proposed




Shanti Nagar Nallah


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. No. 1 32 33 34

Pt. No. 2 SH3 SH4 SH5

Location of the submergence 3 Near 40 Laterines Near MSEB Office Shanti Nagar Hsg. Board Colony on old Kamptee road near Kuttewala Baba Ashram Ghat Chowk to Kawrapeth Railway line

Ward No. 4 29 29 28

Name of the disposal point 5 Shanti Nagar Nallah Shanti Nagar Nallah Shanti Nagar Nallah

Reasons for stagnation of water or Flooding 6 Low lying area Low lying area Insufficient capacity of nallah Insufficient capacity of nallah

Remedial Measures 7 Adequate drainage system proposed Adequate drainage system proposed Widening and Deepening of Nallah proposed Widening and Deepening of Nallah proposed




Shanti Nagar Nallah


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 1.12: Salient Features of Major Nallahs in North Zone S.No. Nomenclature / Name of Nallah Coverage Area Orignates at: Gorewada Passes through: Madhav Ashram Joins Pioli River at: Chainage 2062m Orignates at: Shri Krishna Nagar Passes through: Sadbhavna Nagar, Geeta Nagar:Tirupati Nagar, Veda Nagar Joins Pioli River at: Aradhana Colony Orignates at: Pokara village Passes through: Nara village Joins Pioli River at: Chainage 6953m Orignates at: Cultivated land Passes through: Fathima Nagar, Uppal Wadi Joins Pioli River at: Kalmana Village Orignates at: Marshy land Passes through: NMC Water Treatment Plant Joins Pioli River at: Chainage 490m Orignates at: Gowtham Nagar Passes through: Hajari Pahad, Aakar nagar, Kolba Swamy Nagar, Defence Land, Prashant Layout Joins Pioli River at: Ayappa Nagar Length of Nallah (m) 2702 Existing Width of Nallah (m) 3.0 - 44.0 Existing Minor Catchment Depth of Nallahs area (ha) Nallah (m) Joining 0.26 - 2.19 973 Outfall



2.1 - 16.0

0.72 - 3.6



5.4 - 26.0

0.46 - 2.44


2 Pioli River


6.0 - 20.0

0.25 - 3.55




4.0 - 14.0

1.29 - 1.75




3.1 - 25.0

0.3 - 3.3



Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Nomenclature / Name of Nallah

Coverage Area

Length of Nallah (m)

Existing Width of Nallah (m)

Existing Minor Catchment Depth of Nallahs area (ha) Nallah (m) Joining


R3 (Chamar Nallah)


9 10



11 12

Orignates at: Timki nagar Passes through: Lashkari Bagh, Jyothi nagar, Boudha Nagar, Sanjay Gandhi Nagar, Dharma Deep Nagar, Panchsheel Nagar Joins Pioli River at: Sangam Nagar Orignates at: P & T Colony Passes through: Police Lines, Awasthi Nagar, Prasanth Nagar Joins Pioli River at: Ambuth Colony Orignates at: Gyaneshwar Nagar Joins Pioli River at: Chainage 4550m Orignates at: Manakapura Passes through: Gyaneshwar Nagar Joins Pioli River at: Chainage 4816m Orignates at: Juna Jaripatka Passes through: Bhim Nagar, Saint Martin Nagar, Kasturba Nagar, Jaripatka Nagar, Taj Nagar Joins Pioli River at: Chainage 5676m Orignates at: Sai Julelal Marg: Passes through: Viswas Nagar Nagar

Pioli River 5610 4.0 - 42.0 0.15 - 5.8 1737 6


1.6 - 17.0

0.84 - 4.75


180 710

4.5 - 6.5 1.8 - 7.0

0.6 - 1.49 0.58 - 1.74

59 22

2270 570

1.2 - 8.25 2.5 - 3.8

0.5 - 3.28 1 - 4.5

60 27

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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Nomenclature / Name of Nallah NALLAH)

Coverage Area Joins Pioli River at: Viswas Nagar Orignates at: Santosh Nagar Passes through: Nagsenwan Nagar, Vaishnu Devi Nagar, Gulshan Nagar Joins Pioli River at: Kalamana Orignates at: Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose ward Passes through: Prem Nagar, Shanti Nagar, Dipti Signal, Pardi Joins Pioli River at: Chainage 17635m

Length of Nallah (m)

Existing Width of Nallah (m)

Existing Minor Catchment Depth of Nallahs area (ha) Nallah (m) Joining





12 - 18.5

1.01 - 2.65





5.0 - 17.0

1 - 2.79


Pioli River


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 1.13: Salient Features of Minor Nallahs in North Zone S. Nomenclature / No. Name of Nallah 1 L2/R1 Coverage Area Orignates at: Prasanth Nahar Passes through: Manodha Nagar, Prem Nagar, Swami Vrijananda Nagar Joins L2 at: Nara Colony Orignates at: Open Area Passes through: cultivated Land Joins L3 at: Nara Village Orignates at:Pokara village Joins L3 at: Chainage 545m Orignates at: Tiwari Nagar Passes through: Cultivated Land Joins L4 at: Chainage 4593m Orignates at: Police Line Takli Passes through: Pension nagar, ahbab Nagar, Netaji Nagar, Anand Nagar Joins R2 (Bor Nallah) at: Swagath Nagar Orignates at: Vishwas Nagar Passes through: Kadhan, Slum Area, Military Area, Anant Nagar, Patil Nagar, Boregaon Slums Joins R2 (Bor Nallah) at: Prashant Layout Orignates at: Surendra Nagar Passes through: Surendra Ghat, Slum Area, Hajaripahad Joins R2 (Bor Nallah) at: Defence Land (Restricted Area) Orignates Near: Veterinary College
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Length of Nallah (m) 2580

Existing Width of Nallah (m) 4.0 - 15.0

Existing Depth of Nallah (m) 0.4 - 1.9



2 3 4

L3/L1 L3/L2 L4/R1

1445 720 1465

2.1 - 6 2.0 - 4.0 4.0 - 9.0

0.8 - 1.4 0.9 - 1.5 0.5 - 1.6

L3 L3 L4



1.2 - 5.5

0.4 - 2.3




1.7 - 9.5

0.5 - 2.8


7 8

R2/L3 R2/L4

1930 980

1.8 - 9.6 2.2 - 10.0

0.4 - 2.0 0.4 - 2.4

R2 R2

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. Nomenclature / No. Name of Nallah

Coverage Area Passes through: Manavslva Nagar Joins R2 (Bor Nallah) at: Akar Nagar Orignates Near: Haed Qtrs of India Airforce Maintenance Command Passes through: New hajari Pahad Nagar Joins R2 (Bor Nallah) at: Chainage 1711m Orignates at: Open Area Joins R2 (Bor Nallah) at: Chainage 342m Orignates at: Jagadish Nagar Passes through: Makar Dhokada Joins R2 (Bor Nallah) at: Chainage 3388m Orignates at: Open Area Passes through: Ganga Nagar Joins R2 (Bor Nallah) at: Chainage 1092m Orignates at: Open Area Joins R2 (Bor Nallah) at: Chainage 504m Orignates at: Kumbhar Pura Passes through: Slums, Tandapeth, Milind Nagar Basthi, Ashoka Nagar Joins R3 (Chamar Nallah) at: Mahendra Nagar Orignates at: Lashkaribagh Passes through: Moti Bagh, Nawa Nakasha Joins R3 (Chamar Nallah) at: Gurunanak Pura Orignates at: Shahid Hemu Chowk Passes through: Slums, Nagasen Nagar, Siddarth Nagar, Kamgar Nagar, Sangharsh Nagar, Ramna Nagar (Slums), Shiv Shakti Nagar

Length of Nallah (m)

Existing Width of Nallah (m)

Existing Depth of Nallah (m)


9 10 11 12 13

R2/L5 R2/L7 R2/R1 R2/R2 R2/R3

450 125 1050 580 380

2.4 - 4.8 2.2 - 3.2 3 - 6.2 2.6 - 7.2 1.2 - 2.5

0.5 - 1.3 0.2 - 1.2 0.6 - 2.4 0.6 - 1.8 0.5 - 0.8

R2 R2 R2 R2 R2




2.4 - 10.2

1.1 - 4.0


15 16

R3/L2 R3/R1

810 4375

1.0 - 3.0 3.4 - 9.0

0.7 - 4.2 0.4 - 2.9

R3 R3


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. Nomenclature / No. Name of Nallah

Coverage Area Joins R3 (Chamar Nallah) at: Yasodhara Nagar Orignates at: Chhaoni Passes through: Mecosa Bagh, Bezonbagh, Nayee Basti Joins R3 (Chamar Nallah) at: 10 No. Puliya Chowk Orignates at: Nayee Basti Passes through: Punjabi Nagar, Bezonbagh Joins R3 (Chamar Nallah) at: Moti Bagh Orignates at: Moti Bagh Joins R3 (Chamar Nallah) at: Chainage 2382m Orignates at: Shivaji Chowk Passes through: Sanjay Nagar Joins R10 (Shantinagar Nallah) at: Chainage 2350m Orignates at: Vairagade Badi Passes through: Sanjay Nagar, Dipti Signal Joins R10 (Shantinagar Nallah) at: Chainage 3860m Orignates at: Netaji Subhash Nagar Bose ward Passes through: Vairagade Badi Joins R10 (Shantinagar Nallah) at: Shanti Nagar Orignates at: Jai Bhim Chowk Joins R10 (Shantinagar Nallah) at: Chainage 818m Orignates at: Open Scrub Joins R10 (Shantinagar Nallah) at: Chainage 3050m Orignates at: Prem Nagar Joins R10 (Shantinagar Nallah) at: Chainage 707m

Length of Nallah (m)

Existing Width of Nallah (m) 1.6 - 18 1.1 - 9.0 3.4 - 4.5 1.8 - 2.1 1 - 1.3 6 - 16.5 1.4 - 3.0 2.7 - 3.0 1.8 - 3.1

Existing Depth of Nallah (m) 0.6 - 2.9 0.6 - 4.5 1.0 - 1.3 0.8 - 1.1 0.5 - 1.8 0.8 - 2.5 0.6 - 0.98 0.78 - 1.0 1.0 - 1.1


17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

R3/R2 R3/R3 R3/R4 R10/L1 R10/L2 R10/L3 R10/L4 R10/R1 R10/R2

1775 1430 330 230 580 1190 230 380 50

R3 R3 R3 R10 R10 R10 R10 R10 R10


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 1.14: Salient Features of Pioli River

S. No. 1 2 3 4 Chainage & coverage area Chainage: 0 - 470m Passes through: Gorewada (1) Chainage: 470 - 2062m Passes through: Gorewada (1) Chainage: 2062 - 2342m Passes through: Gorewada (1) Chainage: 2342 - 4322m Passes through: Gorewada (1), Anant Nagar (18) Chainage: 4322 - 6355m Passes through: Nara (2) Chainage: 6355 - 6953m Passes through: Nara (2) Chainage: 6953 - 8330m Passes through: Nara (2), Nari (3) Chainage: 8330 - 12225m Passes through: Nari (3), Yashodhara Nagar (4) Chainage: 12225 - 14863m Passes through: Nari (3), Kalamna (5) Chainage: 14863 - 17635m Passes through: Kalamna (5), Pardi (6) Chainage: 17635 - 17815m Passes through: Pardi (6)

Length of River (m) 470 1592 280 1980

Existing Width of River (m) 45 - 54 52 - 56 47 - 48 42 - 60

Existing Depth of River (m) 2.01 - 4.67 1.1 - 2.3 2.32 - 2.37 1.43 - 3.3

Bed Slope (m/m) 54.55 307.34 265.40 508.99

Catchment area (ha) 205 585 1344

Major Nallah Joining R1 L1 Bor Nallah Taj Nagar, Vishvas Nagar, Ved Nagar Nallah Nara Nallah Chamar Nallah L4 Shanti Nagar Nallah

Remark Very Steep Gradient Wide section with shallow depth Flooding


40 - 58

2.44 - 5.06




6 7 8 9 10 11

598 1377 3895 2638 2772 180

57 - 60 50 - 88 46 - 105 41 - 75 30 - 71 40 - 45

2.48 - 4.52 1.62 - 3.68 2.34 - 6.44 2.22 - 5.3 1.85 - 5.76 3.49 - 4.48

586.27 930.41 629.24 984.33 1062.07 947.37

793 933 451 1695 1850 849

Flooding Wide section with shallow depth Flooding Flooding Meet Nag River

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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Organization Structure Administrative Wing The Nagpur Corporation has a Mayor and councilors. Mayor is head of council. The commissioner is the administrative head and is responsible for providing day to day basic civic amenities and maintaining them. The commissioner is assisted by the following, operating departments such as Engineering, Public Health, Accounts etc. At zonal level the administrative is decentralized with one additional commissioner for each zone and there are seven zones. The project construction department, structure is as given below:

Political Wing Mayor is head of council.

Construction Wing Flow Chart of Construction Wing. Municipal Commissioner

Additional Municipal Commissioner Deputy Municipal Commissioner

Additional Deputy Municipal Commissioner

Additional Deputy Municipal Commissioner

Additional Deputy Municipal Commissioner

Executive Engineer (Construction) Assistant Executive Engineer Figure 1.5: Typical Flow Chart of Construction Wing
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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

O & M Wing At present there is no proper set up for a separate O & M wing. The O & M work is attended at ward level and zonal level. A separate organizational, structural set up is necessary for the proper operation and maintenance of stormwater drainage system.

1.2 1.2.1

Baseline Information of user coverage and access Demographic Trends Population Nagpur has a population of 20.5 lakhs as per the 2001 census with a decadal growth rate of 26.4%; the decadal growth during 1991-2001 was low compared to that of the past decades. It is observed that the decadal growth rate of population during 1971-1981 was 40%, which has dropped to 26% in the decade 1991-2001.The current population of the city is 23.3 lakhs

Population Density It can be observed that average density in NMC is 102 persons / hectare. Frequency distribution of wards by area is presented in Table 1.15. It can be observed that density is less than or equal 350 persons/hectare for 86 wards out of 129 wards. Only 17 wards are having density more than 500. Table 1.15: Distribution of Density of Population No. of S. No Density in Wards % persons/ha in each Wards range 1 0-50 13 10 2 51-100 10 8 3 101-150 16 12 4 151-200 12 9 5 201-250 13 10 6 251-300 12 9 7 301-350 10 10 8 351-400 12 9 9 401-450 6 8 10 451-500 7 9 11 501-550 4 5 12 551-600 2 5 13 601-600 2 3 14 650-700 4 2 15 701-750 2 2 16 750-800 0 0

% Cumulative 10 18 30 40 50 59 67 76 81 86 89 91 92 95 97 97


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. No 17 18 19 20 1.2.2

Density in persons/ha 801-850 850-900 901-950 950-1000

No. of Wards in each range 1 0 0 2 129

% Wards 1 1 0 2 100

% Cumulative 98 98 98 100

Guidelines for population projection Population Projection by Various Methods Historical population data for the Nagpur Municipal Corporation is available since 1921 from the census department and is presented in the Table 1.16. Table 1.16: Population Growth trend of Nagpur City over the Years Year Population Growth Rate (%) 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 145000 215000 302000 449000 644000 866000 1217000 1622818 2051320 48 40 49 43 34 40 34 26

According to the Revised Master Plan the projected population for 2001 and 2011 are 23 lakhs and 28 lakhs respectively. As per 2001 census the total population of the city is 20.51 lakhs. This is less than the projected population as per the Nagpur Master Plan. The pattern shows that there is a reduction in total growth rate in the city in the last two decades, which implies that there is need to improve the economic activities of the city and improve the infrastructure facilities in the city. Employment generation activities need to be improved to bring in and boost the economic status of the city. Population projections are carried out by various methods to identify the most appropriate method for projecting the future population. The various methods considered are Arithmetic Increase method, Geometric Increase Method, Incremental Increase Method, Decreasing Rate Method and Simple Graphical Method.


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Arithmetic Increase method This method is based upon the assumption that the population is increasing at a constant rate, i.e. the rate of change of population with time is constant. From the population data for the last 4 to 5 decades, the average increase per decade is calculated which is then used as the design rate of increase for calculating the design population. This method is of limited value and may be useful for smaller design periods for old and very large cities with no industries and which have practically reached their maximum development. For developing areas, which develop faster than the past, this method is likely to give low results.

Geometric Increase Method In this method, it is assumed that the percentage increase in population from decade remains constant. Therefore, the average value of the percentage increase is calculated and the future populations are calculated at this rate. For a young city, which at present is expanding at fasted rate, this method may give very high results and is useful for old developed cities.

Incremental Increase Method In this method the average increase per decade is found out. The average incremental increase for each decade is also found out. The future population is calculated from the average increase and average incremental increase of population. This method is a combination of the above two methods and therefore gives the advantages of both and hence gives satisfactory results.

Decreasing Rate Method Rate of increase in population goes on reducing as the cities reach towards saturation. A method which makes use of the decrease in the percentage increase is many a times used and gives quite rational increase, which is then subtracted from the latest percentage increase for each successive decades.

Simple Graphical Method In this method a graph is plotted from the available data, between time and population. The curve is then smoothly extended up to the desired year. This method however gives approximate results as the extension of the curve is done only by the intelligence of the designer. The population has been forecasted using census data from 1921 to 1991. Table 1.17 shows the projected population figures by using various methods for the year 2001. The projected population for the year 2001 is compared with the actual population. It is noted from the table that the simple graphical method gives the least percentage of error.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 1.17: Population Projections for the year 2001 by various Methods S. Method Projected Actual Error No. 1 Arithmetic Increase Method 1833935 2051320 11% 2 Geometric Increase Method 2293263 2051320 -12% 3 Incremental Increase Method 1889905 2051320 8% 4 Decreasing Rate Method 2252881 2051320 -10% 5 Simple Graphical Method 2038209 2051320 1% The population is projected for the year 2011, 2021 and 2031 by using all the methods. Table 1.18 shows the population projected by various methods. Table 1.18: Population Projections by Various Methods S. Method 2011 2021 No. 1 Arithmetic Increase Method 2289610 2527900 2 Geometric Increase Method 2860566 3989060 3 Incremental Increase Method 2340825 2630329 4 Decreasing Rate Method 2796474 3812309 5 Simple Graphical Method 2531428 3082239 2031 2766190 5562745 2919834 5197153 3690642

Simple Graphical method, though gives least error does not take into consideration major employment generation activities such as MIHAN which is expected to start functioning in full swing by 2015 (see section 2-1-5). Also in the last few years there has been a concentrated effort to improve the basic infrastructure facilities in Nagpur City and in this connection major road network has been widened and other basic infrastructure facilities have been improved. The development of MIHAN in turn will lead to development of allied economic activities in the city. With these developments it is assumed that the population growth rate will take an upward trend after 2011. The growth rate of the latest decade has been assumed (same growth rate between 1991 and 2001) for 2001-2011. This is based on the assumption that the growth rate will stabilise in this decade due to the proposed development schemes in and around the city, many of which will be in implementation stage or in operation, towards end of the decade. Due to induced developments like MIHAN, Boeing MRO facility, Improved Public Transport System and industrial developments at Butibori, Kamptee and Hingna in the region outside the city, it is expected that the city would experience a higher growth rate in population after 2011. To arrive at a realistic projection of population, consultants have studied the earlier growth trends of the city and the trends in other Indian cities of comparable sizes and characteristics, like Pune, Hyderabad and Bangalore, which had experienced high population growth rates due to induced developments. Based on the above analysis, Consultants have estimated a growth rate of 36.8% for the decade 2011-2021.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Most of these development projects will be either complete or in the advanced stages of completion by the year 2021. Therefore, for the decade 2021-2031, a growth rate of 31.7% has been projected with the assumption that the population growth would stabilize in the later decades once the development activities are completed. The total population has been calculated using these growth rates. Table 1.19 gives the Population projections for the Nagpur city Considering Higher Growth Rate. Table 1.19: Population Projections for Growth Rate S. Method of Projection No. 1 Arithmetical Increase Method 2 Incremental Increase Method 3 Geometrical Progression Method 4 Exponential Method 5 Geometrical Method based on Annual growth rate based on past growth trend as adopted in Water supply project and Master plan / CDP Nagpur City considering Higher Project Population 2011 2026 2041 2377563 2749658 3121752 2440063 3023095 3746752 2915711 4671376 7484197 2830000 5000000 8200000 2830000 4225780 6275531

The distribution of population among the zones were made taking following parameters into account. Due weightage is given to each parameter for arriving the distribution. 1.3 Density of population Landuse Accessibility Special reasons (such as topography, availability of infrastructure etc.)

List of various Projects Proposed for the Sector in the City Development Plan (CDP) by NMC and confirmation of how this project is aligned with stated CDP priorities S. No. 1. Sector Water Supply Pench IV Leak detection Energy and water audit reports Strengthening of water supply system Sub Total Sewerage & Sanitation North Zone Central Zone South Zone Cost (in Rs. Cr.) 422 3 50 115 590.31 130 239 147



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S. No. 3.

Sector Water recycling and reuse Sub Total Roads Outer ring road 6 lane highway Seven ROBs within the city Ten flyovers Road widening and improvement works Bridges over rivers Sub Total Drains Drainage along roads Nallah canalization Strengthening existing nallahs Rejuvenation of rivers Lake rejuvenation Sub total Solid Waster Management Sanitary landfill Bin free city Sub Total Urban Poor and Slums NIT (EWS/LIG Housing) MHADA SRA Urban poor amenities Sub Total Public Transport and Traffic Management Traffic management Maharashtra Roadways Transport Services Sub Total Others Destitute homes Marriage halls Night shelters Public toilets Sub Total Grand total

Cost (in Rs. Cr.) 250 515.00 650 128 100 200 8 1085.60 45 56 45 50 50 245.50 25 25 50 125 42 1350 75 1550.00 50 1500 1550 1 5 4 5 15 5894






City Investment Rs.5894 Crore


List of other capital expenditure project supported by other schemes for the sector
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Central Tender Processing Centre Project Details Works of NMC are done through the contractors for which tenders are floated. For bringing transparency in the work of calling of tenders, opening of tenders, release of work orders etc., centralization of tender procedure has been adopted. For this, a separate section has been started central office of NMC. All the activities to tender procedures such as publication, distribution, receipt of tenders are done from this centre.

City Road Improvement Program (CRIP) Project Details On the lines of IRDP which mainly catered to improvement on the major city roads, NMC with its own funds is carrying out the development of major roads of the city. In the last financial year 2003-04, 44 roads covering 52 kilometers in length amounting to Rs.64.00 Crore have been carried out. In the financial year 2004-05 another 16 kilometers of roads at the cost of Rs.21.64 Crore have been approved.

Clock Tower (Ghantaghar) Project Details In addition to beautification of Nagpur City and for improving tourism and also to attract citizens, construction of a Clock tower at north side of Ajni Square on Wardha Road has been taken for which the work order has been issued. High lights for the said work is as under: 1. Height 21 meters. It is proposed to prepare the Clock Tower from stainless steel with parabolic shape.


Construction of New Administrative Building


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Project Details NMC came into existence in the year 1951 and considering the citys expansion and growing needs, staff of the NMC have also been increased but NMCs administrative work is still being carried on in the existing building which are located in the different parts of the city. Various important departments of NMC are situated in different localities causing inconvenience to the citizens. To solve this problem, NMC has started the work of construction of new Administrative Building. Development of Octroi Check Posts Project Details With the help of 32 octroi check posts, the Octroi Department of NMC is doing the work of octroi collection and prevention of octroi evasion. i) In order to modernize the Octroi Nakas, the NMC has passed the resolution to spend Rs.1.5 Crore each on Hingna Road Naka, Amravati Road Naka and Wardha Road Naka. ii) Sanction has been granted for the development plan of these octroi check posts and further process is in progress.

Flyover in front of Railway Station Project Details As an addition to the city development, a project of construction of Flyover with shopping complex as pass anger facility centre is undertaken. For this project an expenditure of Rs.16.23 crores is estimated. Main characteristics of Flyover


Improvement of Burning Ghats


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Project Details At present N.M.C is having ten Burning Ghats under its control. In the first phase, the work of beautification and alterations of Burning Ghats at Gangabai Burning Ghat in East Nagpur, Mokshadham in south Nagpur and Ambazzari ghat in west Nagpur have been completed. The said work was executed from NMC own contribution and Shri Vilasrao Muttemwars local funds. Integrated Road Development Project (IRDP) Project Details For the development of main road of Nagpur city, the state Government with the help of MSDRC had provided Rs.113.08 Crore for construction of 106 kilometers length of roads. The improvement in the roads included widening of the roads, providing drains on both sides, construction of footpaths, centralized dividers, signage, traffice channelizers and street furniture. The NMC has also taken up the work of beautification of squares. Internal Roads Improvement Program (IRIP) Project Details To keep the city clean and beautiful apart from improving the major roads, improvement of the internal roads was also required and, therefore, on developing such internal roads, NMC has spent Rs.1.73 Crore during the year 2002-03 and during the year 2003-04, NMC has carried out improvement works admeasuring 191 kilometers at the cost of Rs.14.82 Crore. Most of these works have been completed and few are in progress.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Mahatma Fuley Vegetable Market Complex Project Details At Mahatma Fuley Vegetable Market sanction has accorded for construction of vegetable market with Business Complex. In this scheme preference will be given to license holders vegetable vendors. The allotment will be on first cum first serve basis by taking advance deposit for a period of thirty years lease.

New Centers of Fire Brigade Department Project Details NMC is trying its best to provide sufficient Fire Bridage Stations in Nagpur City considering its population. At present six Fire Bridage Stations are working as follows: 1. Central Fire Bridage Station : West Nagpur, 2. Panchpaoli Fire Bridage Station : North Nagpur, 3. Lakadganj Fire Bridage Station : East Nagpur, 4. Sakkardara Fire Bridage Station : East Nagpur, 5. Ganjipeth Fire Bridage Station : Central Nagpur, Fire Bridage Station : South Nagpur.

Scientific efforts to be taken for disposal solid waste (Construction of Sanitary Land Fill Site) Project Details Since last so many years cities sold waste is being dumped at Bhandewadi dumping yard and that too without following the scientific method causing ground water and air pollution. The following measures are proposed to be undertaken to change the existing scenario.


Existing Tariff & Cost Recovery As far as SWD is concerned and it is not possible to levy separate charges for this and the expenses to be incurred from general capital works grant and revenue grant. In case of new developments, development charges can be levied from the developer or alternatively the developer can be asked to develop the drains in their development area alongwith roads as the care may be and handed over to corporator for future maintenance.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Existing areas of Private Sector / Community Participation in the Sector Design, construction and project management are carried out through private sector participation. O & M services can be arranged through departmental, Private Sectors / Community Participation as per needs and areas of activity.


Any other qualitative information Public Awareness and Public Participation The programme for improvement of SWD system can succeed only if there is public awareness and participation. The public at large should know about the project and also the benefits they are going to derive from the project. They shall be also aware about the cost implication and there should be preparedness from there side. If the communities are effectively involved in all stages of the project cycle from conceptualation, to preparation, to finalization, to implementation and finally O&M, issues involved in the conservation of water body need to be identified and the programme will need to focus on them. The objectives of the awareness plan will be determined by the issues identified. Special campaigns and publicity shall be made to make the people aware of the consequences of the littering of drains with plastic. The general public shall be prevented from using the open drains as public toilets. These programmes can be undertaken or entrusted to NGOs and social activists in the field. This progrmames will also help to minimize the negative social impacts. These programmes will also educate the public from the adverse effects of stormwater pollution / river pollution, and encourage them to practice to abete the pollution.


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

CHAPTER-2.0 PROJECT DEFINITION, CONCEPT AND SCOPE Key issue Objective of the study The main objective of the study is to prepare a comprehensive proposal, which will be technically and financially viable for the implementation of stormwater drainage system and rejuvenation of lakes and rivers in Nagpur City. Description of Project Area Nagpur is situated in the middle of India at 21 06' N latitude and 79 03' E longitude and a mean altitude of 310 meters above sea level. Nagpur is named after the Nag river which originates from Ambazari Lake located at the west part of Nagpur city and drains into Kanhan River in south east and the length of river in city boundary is 17 kms. Another river originates from Gorewada lake at north west and flows from west to east in the northern part of Nagpur called Pioli River having a length of 17 km also joins to Nag river and drains to Kanhan River. There is one more river named Pora River originates from Sonegaon, western part of the city and flows from west to south east outside the southern part of the city and draining into Kanhan River. There are many major Nallahs and minor Nallahs discharging stormwater into these rivers. Oranges are grown extensively in and around Nagpur and there is also an Orange market (Santra Mandi) in Nagpur and therefore city is also known as Orange city. 2.1 Land Additional land requirement is minimum for the nallahs and rivers as they are existing and only improvements are required. It may be possible that some of the areas of natural waters can be included and removal of encroachment may be necessary from the existing map. It is not possible to identify the exact area of land to be acquired from the private owners unless otherwise a detailed survey of the area alongwith the revenue land record staff is carried out. Major portion of the land required is under the possession of the ULB as the drain to be constructed is on the road side.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

2.2 2.2.1

Physical Infrastructure Components Data Collection As part of planning and location studies, collection of all available information pertaining to the project is vital for bringing out a proper design of the project and for its successful completion. Several categories of data have been obtained and evaluated including; Physical characteristics of drainage basin Maps and topographic data including Nallah survey, river basin survey and cross sections Runoff quantity data (hydrologic and precipitation data) Channel and floodplain delineations and related studies Flood history and problem inventory Existing stormwater drainage system details Development of alternative plan concepts Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of alternative concepts

The data that have been collected for the present project are given in Table No. 2.1 below. Table 2.1: Inventory Data / Information S. No. Data Description 1. Plan showing the project area 2. Toposheets 3. Plan showing ward boundaries 4. Plan showing roads 5. Nagpur city development plan showing existing and proposed land use 6. Existing drainage system details 7. Layout maps/ cluster maps of layout regularized by NIT under GUNTHEWARI VIKAS ACT 2001 (Regularization, upgradation and development) 8. Rainfall data from year 1969-2000 (Hydrologic data) 9. Flood data 10.

Source NMC Survey of India NMC NMC NMC NMC, Field survey NIT

Pune Meteorological Deptt.

Interviews with residents, local officials, past flood records High water information (High flood Interviews with residents levels)

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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Topographical Survey, Nallah and River Basin Survey, Geo-Technical Investigations Stormwater drainage system is affected by gravity and therefore accurate topographic survey of the project area based on street levels is of prime importance to the design of the system and its subsequent efficient performance. A topographic survey has been carried out for the unsewered area of the city and a contour map has been prepared for the NMC area taking into account the new street levels as well as street levels available for the areas sewered. All new roads have been incorporated into the city map.


Nallah and River Survey Since final disposal of storm will be in river basins through minor and major Nallahs, levels of all disposal points, chainages are very important, hence survey of Nallahs and river basins have been carried out, L-Sections and cross sections have been prepared. Surveyed length of major nallahs, minor nallahs in North Zone and surveyed length of Pioli and Nag river is given in Table 2.2(a), 2.2(b) and 2.2(c) respectively. Table 2.2 (a): Surveyed Length of Major Nallah in North Zone S. No Nomenclature / Name of Length of Nallah (m) Nallah 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 L1 L2 (Ved Nagar Nallah) L3 (Nara Nallah) L4 R1 R2 (Bor Nallah) R3 (Chamar Nallah) R4 R5 R6 R7 (Taj Nagar Nallah) R8 (Vishwas Nagar Nallah) R9 R10 (Shantinagar Nallah) 2702 3210 3545 10160 500 6225 5610 3080 180 710 2270 570 1830 7710


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Table 2.2 (b): Surveyed Length of Minor Nallah in North Zone S. No Nomenclature / Length of Nallah (m) Name of Nallah 1 L2/R1 2580 2 L3/L1 1445 3 L3/L2 720 4 L4/R1 1465 5 R2/L1 1520 6 R2/L2 1580 7 R2/L3 1930 8 R2/L4 980 9 R2/L5 450 10 R2/L7 125 11 R2/R1 1050 12 R2/R2 580 13 R2/R3 380 14 R3/L1 1440 15 R3/L2 810 16 R3/R1 4375 17 R3/R2 1775 18 R3/R3 1430 19 R3/R4 330 20 R10/L1 230 21 R10/L2 580 22 R10/L3 1190 23 R10/L4 230 24 R10/R1 380 25 R10/R2 50 Table 2.2 (c): Surveyed Length of River S. No Name of River Length of River (m) 1 2 3 Pioli River Nag River Pora River 17815 16732 13383

Total length of road survey carried out is 800 kms.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Wastewater Sampling and Analysis Quality Analysis of household sewage discharging into the street sewers and of the receiving water bodies at major wastewater outfalls has been carried out. Samples were collected from the Nallahs and other natural streams running through NMC. Two important water courses in the NMC are the Nag river and the Pioli river. Samples were collected from these streams before and after the entry of polluting discharges. Samples from six Nallahs were also collected and analysed. The samples were tested for pH, BOD, COD, TSS, TDS, N, P, K etc. to assess level of contamination. Analysis results for samples from street sewers, lakes, receiving streams within NMC has been given in detail in the Draft Master Plan Report for sewerage system submitted to NMC in January, 2008. Analysis result from samples from receiving streams is reproduced in this report in Table 2.3. Result shows that the streams are highly polluted because of the discharge of sewage into it.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 2.3: Analysis Results for Samples from City Nallah Nag River Pioli River S. Parameters No. Start Middle End Start Middle 1. 2. Date of Sampling Sampling Location 21.8.07 At bridge near Waste Weir 7.9 10 1.5 6.0 236 21.8.07 21.8.07 17.8.07 17.8.07

End 17.8.07

Trimurt Wardha hi Nagar Road Nallah Nallah 21.8.7 Old. O.F. Rly. Bridge 7.6 20 1.5 8.0 786

Nallah Nallah Nallah Nallah near near near near Besa Maharaj Narenha Manesoada Village Bagh Nagar Chowk 21.8.07 21.8.07 21.8.07 21.8.07 21.8.07

Near Near Yashwant Pardi Stadium

Near c/s of Kamptee Gorewada Nagpur Road Tank Sonoor Road 7.8 26 2.0 7.0 240 7.3 46 2.0 7.0 364 7.4 58 34.0 128.0 442

Road Bridge NH-7 Karvey Nagar 7.4 83 38.0 170.0 400

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

PH SS, mg/L BOD mg/L COD mg/L TDS, mg/L

7.3 35 30.0 128.0 293

7.7 10 22.0 90.0 400

7.3 100 34.0 160.0 430

7.4 52 25.0 140.0 353

7.4 190 40.0 170.0 410

7.5 170 44 188.0 640


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Geo-Technical Investigation The geo-technical studies have been conducted in the location between Sonegoan and Kamptee. The work of Engineering Survey and Soil Investigation was carried out by subsurface exploration investigations with 12 drill holes have been done to ascertain geo-technical status. All the holes were drilled using double core barrel Nx size, ranging in depth 7 m to 20 m. The area of Nagpur city is occupied by the following rock types viz. Archaeans, Gondwana, Lametas, Deccan traps and alluvium of recent age. The crystalline rocks are encountered in the eastern part of the city, which are gneisses, schists and granites. The Gondwana formations are represented by Sandstones and shales and coal bearing horizons and are exposed on the Northern part of the city in a limited area. The lametas occur as narrow fringe from north to central part and further southwest to southeast of Nagpur city area consisting of sand stone variegated clays and cherty lime stones. Deccan trap basalt flows are met with in the western and southern parts separated by layer of Red Bole beds and identified sequence of different Lava flows in the major part of the Nagpur city. The alluvium of recent age comprises of sand, silt clay kankar and its admixture in small patches near Pioli river.


Hydrologic and Climate Status The ground water regime has undergone changes in the urban hydrology. The ground water occurs under both pheratic and semi confing to confing conditions. The ground water level during the summer months (pre-monsoon) varies 4.00 m to 16.25 m below ground level. Deeper water levels more than 9 m have been recorded in the Northern, Northeastern and Eastern part of the city. In the central and southern parts of the city water level is less than 9 m below ground level. Post monsoons period depth of water levels ranged between 0.55 m and 14.85 m below ground levels. Generally the water levels ranged from 0.2 m to 9.12 m in the area.


Hydrologic analysis for drainage facility design The analysis of the peak runoff, volume of runoff and the time distribution of flow is fundamental to the design of drainage facility. Many hydrologic methods are available for conversion of precipitation into runoff. The widely used method is rational method. We have adopted the same method for determining the peak runoff for a specified storm return period. The equation used is:


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Q Where

= Q C i A

10 CiA = Peak runoff in m3/hr = Runoff coefficient = rainfall intensity in mm/hr = the Catchment area in ha

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)


Steps followed for the Determination of Storm Runoff for the Project Area Gather background information such as topographic mapping, land use data, precipitation information etc. Decide on the appropriate return period, storm frequency and concentration time Find the maximum rainfall intensity for those condition (i, mm/hr) using IDF curves Estimate the runoff coefficient for the catchments(C) by delineating drainage area to determine the varies land characteristics Calculate the catchment area served by that drain (A in ha) From i, A and C, calculate the peak flow i.e. maximum quantity of stormwater to be drained per hour

This details are discussed as follows. 2.2.9 Return Period and Storm Frequency The return period and frequency are statistical descriptions of the severity of a storm event. The return period is the expected length of time between two rainfall events that exceed a specific magnitude. Frequency is the inverse of the return period. As mentioned in CPHEEO manual ( page 41, para ) the return period is adopted as 0.5,1 and 2 years depending on the importance of the area to be drained. Table 2.4 shows ward number, ward name and return period (storm frequency) proposed to be adopted for the design purpose. For open channel/ nallahs, the storm frequency considered is once in 2 years and for river channel once in 25 years.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Time of Concentration (tc) The time of concentration tc is the time required for water to flow from the hydraulically most remote point of the drainage area to the point of discharge. With the rational method, the duration of a rainfall event is set equal to the time of concentration and it is used to estimate the average rainfall intensity [from the intensity-duration-frequency curves (IDF)] for a selected return period. The time of concentration to any point in a storm drainage system is the sum of the inlet time and the time of flow tf in the upstream drain connected to the catchment, that is tc = ti + tf Where the flow time is tf = L/V Where; L V = Length of drain in m. = Avg. velocity in m/s. in the drain.

Inlet time concentration is worked out using kirpich equation for Nallah basin which is as follows

tc = 0.01947 L0.77 S 0.385

Where tc = time of concentration, minutes L=maximum length of travel of water in basin, meter S= slope of catchment

. (2)


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 2.4: Ward Number, Ward Name and Return Storm Frequency Reference: - Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment, CPHEEO (Page No. 41. Para
Ward No. Ward Name Storm Frequency Twice a year Rainfall areas

Bhandewadi,Wathoda,Dighori,Mhalgi 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Ngr,Manewada, Gogi Ngr, Narendra Ngr, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, Sonegaon, Jaitala, Ambazari, 51 Vishvashvaraiya, Telenkhedi Gorewada,Nara,Nari,YashodhraNgr, Kalamna, Pardi, Borgaon, Police Line Takali, Mankapur, Chhawani, Jaripatka, Nagsen Ngr, Sidhartha Ngr, Mahendra Ngr, Rani Durgawati Ngr, Navi Mangalwari, Prem Ngr, Shanti Ngr, Dipti Signal, Vardhaman Ngr, Hiwari, Kumbhar Toli, Darshan Colony, Nandanvan, Harpur, Sakkardara, Bidipeth, New Subhedar, Ayodhya Ngr , Gyaneshwar Ngr, Parvati Ngr, Chunabhati, Sai Mandir, Khamla, Swavalambi Ngr, Subhash Ngr, Gopal Ngr, Hill Top, Surendra Ngr, Ravi Ngr, Hajari Pahad, Seminary Hills, Nai Basti, Mekosa Bagh, Indora, Choukse colony, Naik Talao, Khairipura, Bastarwari, Subash Chandrabose, Lakhadganj, Shiv Ngr, Om Ngr, Raghugi Ngr, Vishvakarma Ngr, Chandramani Ngr, Kausalya Ngr, T. B. Ward, Pratap Ngr, Shivaji Ngr, Civil Lines, Lakshari Bagh, Balabha Peth, Tanda Peth, Lendi Talao, Bhagwan Mahavir, Chinteswar Ngr, Juni Mangalwari, Nawabpura, Juni shukarwari, Reshimbagh, Somwar Peth, Sangam,Bhan Keda, Barase Nagar, Jaganath Nagar, Maskasath, Ayachit Nagar, Killa, Chandan Ngr, Ganeshpeth, Momin Pura, Timki Minimata Ngr, Ajni, Ram Ngr, Sadar, Gurunanak, Vaishalinagar, Panchasilnagar, Harihar Mandir, Bagadganj, Jail Ward, Diksha Bhumi, Ramdaspeth, Dharampeth, Gaddigodam, Moti Bagh, Nawa Naksha, Medical College, Rambagh, Shaniwari, Dhantoli, Sitabudi, Khalashi Line, Boriapura, Saifi Nagar, Mahathma Gandhi, Nagar Bhawan, Siraspeth, Model Mill, Bajeria, Gandhi Bagh, Mahal, Ganji Peth, Hansa Puri

Peripheral Area

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 18, 19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 55, 56,57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81, 84, 86, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97,98, 99, 100, 101, 106, 111, 112, 113, 114, 116, 117, 120, 122, 124, 125.

Once a year

Central and comparatively high priced areas

31, 44, 53, 58, 63, 64, 65, 70, 72, 80, 82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 115, 118, 119, 121, 123, 126, 127, 128, 129

Once in 2 years

Commercial and high priced areas


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Rainfall Intensity : Detailed Study and Analysis of Rainfall data of the Project Area The available data acquired from Pune Meteorological department includes 24-hour Rainfall data basis from 1969-2000 for the Nagpur city. These data sets are used to carryout frequency analyses to determine the magnitude of peak flows of known return periods to achieve an optimized design. The total Yearly rainfall is plotted in the Figure 2.1.
1600 Total Precipitation (mm) 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0
1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000


Figure 2.1: Total Yearly Rainfall in mm during the period 1969-2000 The maximum daily rainfall data is evaluated from the available data. As the rainfall data for years 1992 and 1997 was missing, these were synthesized from the mean of preceding and subsequent years rainfall data of the respective years to complete the data set. Subsequently, the intensities for different return periods and durations are formulated using IDF Curves using empirical equations and theories of probability. The maximum daily rainfall during the period 1969-2000 is shown in Table 2.5.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 2.5: Maximum Daily Rainfall Recorded During 1969-2000 S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Year 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Max. Daily Rainfall during year in 'mm' 60.5 129.2 142.1 55.6 168.9 69.8 89.1 116.5 63.3 94.4 145.4 98.2 115 72.2 100.3 83.7 125.7 124.8 61.2 96.6 83.6 86.5 148.3 120.05 91.8 270.1 122.2 58.1 57.35 56.6 96.2 137

The objective of hydrologic frequency analysis is to interpret a past record of hydrologic events in terms of future probabilities of occurrence. The procedure involves selecting a sample in the form of an available data series,


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

fitting a theoretical probability distribution to the sample, and then making inferences. The rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) relationship is one of the most commonly used tools in for various engineering projects against floods. The establishment was done as early as in 1932 (Bernard). Since then, many sets of relationships have been constructed for several parts of the globe. There has considerable attention and research on the IDF relationship: Hershfiled (1961) developed various rainfall contour maps to provide the design rain depths for various return periods and durations. Bell(1969) proposed a generalized IDF formula using the one hour, 10 years rainfall depths; P1 10, as an index. Chen (1983) further developed a generalized IDF formula for nay location in the united States using three base rainfall depths: P1 10 P24 10 P1 100 which describe the geographical variation of rainfall. Kouthyari and Garde (1992) presented a relationship between rainfall intensity and P24 2 for India. Koutsoyiannis et al.(1998) cited that IDF relationship is a mathematical relationship between the rainfall intensity i, the duration d and the return period T (or equivalently, the annual frequency of exceedance, typically referred to as frequency only). Empirical IDF Formulas: The IDF formulas are the empirical equations representing a relationship among maximum rainfall intensity (as dependant variable) and other parameters of interest such as rainfall duration and frequency (as independent variables). There are several commonly used functions found in the literature of hydrology applications (Chowetal., 1988), four basic forms of equations used to describe the rainfall intensity duration relationship are summarized as follows:

Talbot Equation

i = i =
i =

a d + b a d n
a d

Bernard Equation

Kimijima Equation

+ b

Sherman Equation

i =


+ b


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Where i is the rainfall intensity (mm/hour); d is the duration (minutes); a, b and n are the constant parameters related to the metrological conditions. These empirical equations show rainfall intensity decreases with increase in rainfall duration for a given return period. All functions have been widely used for hydrology practical applications. The least-square method is applied to determine the parameters of the empirical IDF equations that are used to represent intensity-duration relationships. The value of parameters in the rainfall IDF equations were chosen on minimum of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) between the IDF relationships produced by the frequency analysis and simulated by the IDF equation. From daily maximum rainfall ,corresponding values of 1-hr,2-hr,3-hr,6-hr and 12-hr rainfall values can be obtained using Indian Meteorological Department(IMD) empirical reduction formula(Ramaseshan,1996),given below:

Pt = P2 4


1 3

. (3)

Where Pt is required precipitation depth for the duration t-hour in mm, P24 is daily precipitation in mm and t is the time duration in hours for which precipitation depth is required in hours. Generalized IDF formula using evaluated precipitation depth, and based on return period is used for formulating the intensities. a) Alternative-I

As per IDF generalized formula

i =

a d n a = CT

. (4)

. (5)

Where i Intensity in mm/hr T- Return period in Years C, m, n are regional coefficients d- Duration in Hours


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Methodology The available data acquired from Pune Meteorological department includes 24-hour Rainfall data basis from 1969-2000 for the Nagpur city. The entire rainfall data is used to carryout frequency analyses to determine the maximum intensities for known return periods and various durations. 1. 2. From the available data, the maximum daily rainfall recorded for each of the year during the period 1969-2000 is tabulated. The hourly maximum rainfall (i.e. 1 hr, 2 hr . 12 hr) is evaluated using the IMD (Indian Meteorological Department) reduction formula as given in equation (3) and presented in Table 2.6. From the evaluated maximum hourly rainfall data, the mean and standard deviation are evaluated. Standard Deviation is carried out using the Predefined Function in MS Excel or can be calculated using the formula mentioned below.



N i =1

Xi X N 1

. (6)

Where N = Number of Sample Years Xi = Maximum Precipitation Depth, mm


= Mean of Maximum Precipitation Depths for N samples

The hourly Precipitation depth analysis is carried out for various return periods using the Probability Distribution Function for EV-1 is given by equation (7).

Pd = Pm + K r s
Where, Pm = Mean Precipitation, mm Pd = Precipitation Depth, mm Kr = frequency factor

. (7)


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And s = Standard Deviation Kr, the frequency factor is evaluated by using formula mentioned below as per Gumbels Extreme Value (type 1) distribution.

K r = 6 {0.5772 + ln ( ln (1 1 T ) )}

. (8)

Where T is Return Period in years. The values are tabulated in Table 2.7. 5. 6. Maximum precipitate depths (1 hr, 2 hr . 12 hr) are converted into hourly intensities and tabulated in Table 2.8. A graph (Figure 2.2) is plotted using the values of hourly intensities and duration for different return periods in MS Excel. The values of a and n (specified in equation 4) for each return period are found out. The values of a obtained from the above equations for various return periods are plotted against the return periods to evaluate the regional coefficients c and m in equation (5). From the Figure 2.3 the value of C and m are obtained as 34.405 and 0.1985 The generalized Intensity-Duration-Frequency equation (4) developed by substituting the coefficients evaluated (Figure 2.4) is


8. 9.

Maximum intensities for various durations and return periods are evaluated using the above equation (4). The regional coefficients c,m,n are substituted in equation (4) to obtain the generalised equation for Nagpur City .

T 0 .1 9 8 5 i = 3 4 .4 0 5 ( d 0 .6 7 )
T- Return period in years d- Duration in hours i - mm/hr

. (9)


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Using the equation (9) the intensities for various return periods and durations are evaluated. Intensities are plotted for various return periods and durations as shown in Figure 2.4.The estimated intensities (mm/hr) are tabulated in Table 2.9.
Intensity - Duration

Log Intensity (mm/hr)

y = 83.472x-0.6667
2-Year 5-year


y = 66.998x-0.6667 y = 55.854x y = 47.034x 1.00 1



10-Year 25-Year 100-Year

y = 38.664x-0.6667


Log Duration in Hrs

Figure 2.2: Log Duration Vs Log Intensity for Gumbels Extreme Value (type 1) Distribution


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Table 2.6: Maximum Precipitation Depth for 1hr , 2hr.12 hrs Using IMD Reduction Formula Precipitation Depth , mm
S.No. Year

Max. Daily Rainfall in 'mm'

60.5 129.2 142.1 55.6 168.9 69.8 89.1 116.5 63.3 94.4 145.4 98.2 115 72.2 100.3

Duration , hours 1.00 20.97 44.79 49.26 19.28 58.55 24.20 30.89 40.39 21.94 32.73 50.41 34.04 39.87 25.03 34.77 2.00 26.43 56.43 62.07 24.29 73.77 30.49 38.92 50.89 27.65 41.23 63.51 42.89 50.23 31.54 43.81 3.00 30.25 64.60 71.05 27.80 84.45 34.90 44.55 58.25 31.65 47.20 72.70 49.10 57.50 36.10 50.15 4.00 33.29 71.10 78.20 30.60 92.95 38.41 49.03 64.11 34.84 51.95 80.02 54.04 63.29 39.73 55.20 5.00 35.87 76.59 84.24 32.96 100.13 41.38 52.82 69.06 37.53 55.96 86.20 58.21 68.17 42.80 59.46 6.00 38.11 81.39 89.52 35.03 106.40 43.97 56.13 73.39 39.88 59.47 91.60 61.86 72.45 45.48 63.19 7.00 40.12 85.68 94.24 36.87 112.01 46.29 59.09 77.26 41.98 62.60 96.43 65.12 76.27 47.88 66.52 8.00 41.95 89.58 98.53 38.55 117.11 48.40 61.78 80.78 43.89 65.45 100.81 68.09 79.74 50.06 69.54 9.00 43.63 93.17 102.47 40.09 121.80 50.33 64.25 84.01 45.65 68.07 104.85 70.81 82.93 52.07 72.33 10.00 45.19 96.50 106.13 41.53 126.15 52.13 66.55 87.01 47.28 70.51 108.60 73.35 85.89 53.93 74.91 11.00 46.65 99.61 109.56 42.87 130.22 53.82 68.70 89.82 48.80 72.78 112.10 75.71 88.67 55.67 77.33 12.00 48.02 102.55 112.78 44.13 134.06 55.40 70.72 92.47 50.24 74.93 115.40 77.94 91.28 57.31 79.61

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983


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Precipitation Depth , mm
S.No. Year

Max. Daily Rainfall in 'mm'

83.7 125.7 124.8 61.2 96.6 83.6 86.5 148.3 120.05 91.8 270.1 122.2 58.1 57.35 56.6 96.2

Duration , hours 1.00 29.02 43.58 43.27 21.22 33.49 28.98 29.99 51.41 41.62 31.83 93.64 42.36 20.14 19.88 19.62 33.35 2.00 36.56 54.90 54.51 26.73 42.19 36.52 37.78 64.78 52.44 40.10 117.98 53.38 25.38 25.05 24.72 42.02 3.00 41.85 62.85 62.40 30.60 48.30 41.80 43.25 74.15 60.03 45.90 135.05 61.10 29.05 28.68 28.30 48.10 4.00 46.06 69.18 68.68 33.68 53.16 46.01 47.60 81.61 66.07 50.52 148.64 67.25 31.97 31.56 31.15 52.94 5.00 49.62 74.52 73.98 36.28 57.27 49.56 51.28 87.91 71.17 54.42 160.12 72.44 34.44 34.00 33.55 57.03 6.00 52.73 79.19 78.62 38.55 60.85 52.66 54.49 93.42 75.63 57.83 170.15 76.98 36.60 36.13 35.66 60.60 7.00 55.51 83.36 82.76 40.59 64.06 55.44 57.36 98.35 79.61 60.88 179.12 81.04 38.53 38.03 37.54 63.80 8.00 58.03 87.16 86.53 42.43 66.98 57.97 59.98 102.83 83.24 63.65 187.28 84.73 40.28 39.76 39.24 66.70 9.00 60.36 90.65 90.00 44.13 69.66 60.29 62.38 106.94 86.57 66.20 194.78 88.12 41.90 41.36 40.82 69.37 10.00 62.52 93.89 93.21 45.71 72.15 62.44 64.61 110.77 89.67 68.57 201.74 91.27 43.39 42.83 42.27 71.85 11.00 64.53 96.92 96.22 47.19 74.48 64.46 66.69 114.34 92.56 70.78 208.25 94.22 44.80 44.22 43.64 74.17 12.00 66.43 99.77 99.05 48.57 76.67 66.35 68.66 117.71 95.28 72.86 214.38 96.99 46.11 45.52 44.92 76.35

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 STC

1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

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Precipitation Depth , mm
S.No. Year

Max. Daily Rainfall in 'mm'


Duration , hours 1.00 47.50 36.19 15.07 2.00 59.84 45.59 18.99 3.00 68.50 52.19 21.74 4.00 75.39 57.44 23.93 5.00 81.22 61.88 25.78 6.00 86.30 65.76 27.39 7.00 90.86 69.23 28.84 8.00 94.99 72.38 30.15 9.00 98.79 75.27 31.36 10.00 102.33 77.96 32.48 11.00 105.63 80.48 33.53 12.00 108.74 82.85 34.51





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Table 2.7: Evaluation of Precipitation Depth

Return Period in Years Frequency factor for EV(Type1 distribution)

Precipitation depth , 'mm'

Return Period 1 2 48.71 59.26 70.37 84.41 105.17 3 55.76 67.83 80.55 96.63 120.39 4 61.38 74.66 88.66 106.35 132.50 5 66.12 80.43 95.51 114.57 142.74 Duration , Hours 6 70.26 85.47 101.49 121.74 151.68 7 73.96 89.97 106.84 128.16 159.68 8 77.33 94.07 111.71 134.00 166.94 9 80.43 97.83 116.18 139.36 173.63 10 83.30 101.33 120.33 144.34 179.84 11 85.99 104.60 124.22 149.00 185.64 12 88.52 107.68 127.87 153.39 191.10

2.00 5.00 10.00 25.00 100.00

0.16 0.72 1.30 2.04 3.14

2.00 5.00 10.00 25.00 100.00

38.66 47.03 55.85 67.00 83.47

Note: EV Extreme Value (Type 1 distribution) Frequency Factor Table 2.8: Evaluation of Rainfall Intensity
Rainfall Intensity , mm/hr Return Period in Years 1 2.00 5.00 10.00 25.00 100.00 38.66 47.03 55.85 67.00 83.47 2 24.36 29.63 35.19 42.21 52.58 3 18.59 22.61 26.85 32.21 40.13 4 15.34 18.67 22.17 26.59 33.13 5 13.22 16.09 19.10 22.91 28.55 Duration , Hours 6 11.71 14.24 16.92 20.29 25.28 7 10.57 12.85 15.26 18.31 22.81 8 9.67 11.76 13.96 16.75 20.87 9 8.94 10.87 12.91 15.48 19.29 10 8.33 10.13 12.03 14.43 17.98 11 7.82 9.51 11.29 13.55 16.88 12 7.38 8.97 10.66 12.78 15.93


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Return Period Vs Coefficient of A


Coefficient of A

10.00 y = 34.405x 0.1985 R2 = 0.9923 1.00 1.00



Return Period

Figure 2.3: Return Period Vs Coefficient of A by Gumbels Extreme Value (type 1) distribution. Table 2.9: Intensity of Storm for Various Return Period and Duration Gumbels Extreme Value (type 1) distribution. Rainfall Intensity , mm/hr Return Period , Years Time in minutes 0.50 1.00 2.00 5.00 10.00 25.00 100.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00

158.46 99.59 75.90 62.59 53.90 47.70 43.02 39.34 36.36 33.88 31.78 29.98 27.04 24.73 22.85 21.29 19.98 18.84

181.83 114.28 87.10 71.83 61.85 54.74 49.37 45.14 41.72 38.88 36.47 34.41 31.03 28.37 26.22 24.43 22.92 21.62

208.65 131.14 99.94 82.42 70.98 62.82 56.65 51.80 47.87 44.61 41.85 39.48 35.61 32.56 30.09 28.04 26.30 24.81

250.28 157.30 119.88 98.86 85.14 75.35 67.95 62.14 57.42 53.51 50.20 47.36 42.71 39.05 36.09 33.63 31.55 29.76

287.19 180.50 137.56 113.45 97.69 86.46 77.98 71.30 65.89 61.40 57.60 54.34 49.01 44.81 41.41 38.59 36.20 34.15

344.48 216.51 165.00 136.08 117.18 103.71 93.53 85.53 79.04 73.65 69.09 65.18 58.78 53.75 49.67 46.29 43.43 40.97

453.60 285.09 217.27 179.18 154.30 136.56 123.16 112.62 104.07 96.98 90.98 85.83 77.40 70.78 65.41 60.95 57.18 53.94

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300.00 275.00 250.00 225.00

Intensity in mm/h

200.00 175.00 150.00 125.00 100.00 75.00 50.00 25.00 0.00 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150

0.5 Year 1 Year 2 Year 5 Year 25 Year 100 Year

Duration in Minutes

Figure 2.4: Intensity- Frequency-Duration Curves by Gumbels Extreme Value (type 1) distribution b) Alternative-II

The United states Weather Bureau (USWB) recommends an empirical relationship entirely from short duration data (Hershfield and kohler, 1960),which shows that the t minute rainfall has a consistent ratio to the 1-hr rainfall of the same return period. These ratios are 0.29, 0.45, 0.57 and 0.79 for 5,10,15 and 30 minutes rainfall respectively. These ratios are applicable throughout the world (Reichs 1963). Intensities are evaluated using T-minute rainfall ratios and given in Table 2.10 below.


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Table 2.10: Intensity of Storm for Various Return Period and Duration by USWB Rainfall Intensity , mm/hr Time in Return Period , Years minutes 2 5 10 25 100 5 10 15 30 120 c) 117.90 91.47 77.24 53.53 21.17 171.02 132.69 112.05 77.65 30.71 206.19 159.97 135.09 93.61 37.03 250.63 194.45 164.20 113.79 45.01 316.32 245.42 207.24 143.62 56.81

Alternative-III (Frequency of Intense Storm/ Step method)

Greater the intensity of storms, rarer is there occurrence smaller their frequency. That means, highest intensity of specified duration recorded in station record of n year, called the n years storm has a frequency once in n year. Next highest value has a frequency has twice in n year, or a accordance intervals n/2 year and is called the n/2 year storm. However this does not allow chance variation in observer magnitude; nor does it make rational plotting or good identification of the recurrence interval of intense storm. Storm rainfall can be analysed many different way. However all procedure start from a summary of experience such as shown in Table 2.11, Table 2.12, Figure 2.5, Table 2.13, Figure 2.6, Table 2.14 and Figure 2.7 and Table 2.15. Table 2.11: Records of Intense Rainfalls, Number of Storms of (mm/hr) or more Duration, Intensity, mm/hr Hrs 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 497 293 203 124 86 34 18 16 1 305 177 117 51 21 16 7 4 2 161 104 73 21 12 8 2 2 3 99 62 38 14 5 4 3 1 4 78 50 16 12 2 2 1 5 45 21 11 4 2 1 6 23 14 4 2 7 7 2 8
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Intensity 50 5 2 1 55 4 1 60 4 1


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Table 2.12: Intensity duration Values 1 Year Return 2 Year Return Period Period Intensity mm/hr 35 30 25 20 15 10 Duratio n in hr 1.22 1.85 2.67 4.17 5.86 6.64 Intensity mm/hr 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 Duratio n in hr 1.1 1.2 1.9 2.6 3.7 5.0 6.8

5 Year Return Period Intensity mm/hr 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 Duration in hr 1.72 2.30 3.20 3.90 5.78 6.76 7.75

Intensity - Duration
100 Log Intensity (mm/hr)


y = 60.500x -0.6675 y = 47.821x -0.669 y = 42.322x -0.6635

1 1.0 Log Duration in Hrs 10.0

Figure 2.5: Log duration Vs Log Intensity for Step Method Table 2.13: Evaluated coefficient from Log Duration Vs Log Intensity for Step method Return period n a 1 2 5 0.65 0.65 0.65 42.322 50.332 59.358


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coefficient of a


y = 41.818x0.2238

Return Period


Figure 2.6: Return Period Vs coefficient of a for Step Method Table 2.14: Intensity of Storm for Various Return Period and Duration (Frequency of Intense Storm/ Step method) Duration in minutes 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 120.00 Return Period in years / Rainfall Intensity in mm/hr 0.50 135.39 98.27 79.28 67.44 59.22 53.14 48.41 44.62 41.50 38.87 36.62 34.68 31.47 28.91 26.82 22.30 1.00 158.02 114.70 92.53 78.71 69.12 62.02 56.51 52.08 48.43 45.37 42.75 40.48 36.73 33.74 31.30 26.03 2 184.44 133.87 108.00 91.86 80.68 72.39 65.95 60.79 56.53 52.95 49.89 47.24 42.86 39.38 36.53 30.38 5 226.25 164.22 132.48 112.69 98.97 88.80 80.90 74.57 69.34 64.95 61.20 57.95 52.58 48.31 44.82 37.26 10 264.07 191.67 154.62 131.53 115.51 103.64 94.43 87.03 80.94 75.81 71.43 67.64 61.37 56.39 52.31 43.49 25 308.84 228.22 185.62 158.63 139.73 125.64 114.64 105.79 98.47 92.31 87.03 82.45 74.88 68.84 63.89 53.18 100 357.63 279.28 233.39 202.71 180.49 163.53 150.08 139.10 129.95 122.17 115.46 109.61 99.87 92.04 85.60 71.53


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450 400 350

Indensity in mm/hr

IDF Curves

300 250 200 150 100 50 0

0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 0.5 Year 1 year 2 year 5 year 25 year 100

Duration in minutes

Figure 2.7: Intensity- Frequency-Duration Curves by Step Method d) Alternative-IV (Based on Published Literature)

Intensity Duration-Frequency curves are developed for Amaravati region and a generalised equation (10) for Intensity Duration-Frequency is obtained in the following form.

i =

3 0 .0 T

0 .2 1 8



0 .1 8 5 4

. (10)

Where T is the return period in years and t is the duration in minutes. The drawback of this alternative is that the intensities are evaluated for duration => 60 minutes.


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Table 2.15: Intensity of Storm for Various Return Period and Duration (Based on Published Literature) Rainfall Intensity , mm/hr Time in minutes 0.5 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 2.2.12 Conclusions The intensities (mm/hr) evaluated by various alternatives are comparable. Alternative II gives a lower value and III a higher and alternative I and IV gives similar values. The average value between II and III is similar to I and IV. Therefore Alternative I is selected for design purpose Rainfall Intensities evaluated based on Alternative I [as per IMD empirical reduction formula and as per Gumbels Extreme Value (type I) distribution] is proposed for the design of stormwater drainage system for the project area. Proposed Intensity, duration and frequency are given in Table 2.16 and Table 2.17 for roadside drains minor, major nallah and for river channel respectively 30.15 25.94 23.90 22.59 21.63 20.88 20.28 1 35.07 30.18 27.80 26.27 25.16 24.29 23.58 Return Period , Years 2 40.79 35.10 32.34 30.56 29.26 28.25 27.43 5 49.81 42.86 39.49 37.31 35.73 34.50 33.50 10 57.94 49.85 45.93 43.40 41.56 40.13 38.96 25 70.75 60.87 56.08 53.00 50.75 49.00 47.58 100 95.71 82.35 75.87 71.70 68.66 66.29 64.36


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Table 2.16: Proposed Intensity-Duration-Frequency for Roadside Drain Minor and Major Nallah Time of Intensity mm/hr Concentration (tc) in minutes Return Period in years 0.5 Road Side Drain Minor Nallah & Major Nallah 30 50 1.0 55 2.0 63



Table 2.17: Proposed Intensity Duration Frequency for River Channel Time of Concentration (Min.) Intensity (mm/hr) Return period (yrs) 60 2.2.13 Coefficient of Runoff (C) The coefficient of runoff (C) is the portion of precipitation that makes its way to the drain. Its value depends on a large number of factors such as permeability of the surface, type of ground cover, shape and size of the catchment area, the topography, the geology initial state of wetness and duration of storm. Table 2.18 gives the coefficient of runoff for various surfaces commonly adopted in the rational formula. Table 2.18: Coefficient of Runoff for Various Surfaces Land use C Commercial Central area Neighbourhood area Residential Apartment dwelling areas Sub urban Sub urban areas with few buildings Industrial Light areas Heavy areas
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0.70-0.95 0.50-0.70 0.50-0.70 0.25-0.40 0.10-0.25 0.50-0.80 0.50-0.90


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Land use Park, Cemeteries Play grounds Rail road yard areas Forest and Jungle Streets Asphaltic Concrete Lawns Agricultural land Sandy soil with crop Heavy soil with crop

C 0.10-0.25 0.20-0.35 0.10-0.30 0.01-0.20 0.70-0.95 0.80-0.95 0.10-0.15 0.10-0.25 0.20-0.50

Composite C value shall be calculated for different land uses contributing to a single catchment. Note: Lesser values for larger areas and higher values for steep slopes shall be adopted. 2.2.14 Catchment Area (A) Based on topography, catchment area contributing to proposed drain shall be calculated in hectares. 2.2.15 Calculation of Peak Runoff / Stromwater Flow From the rainfall intensity (I), catchment area (A) and composite value of C peak flow (Q) in the drain shall be calculated using the equation (1). 2.2.16 Planning and Designing of Stormwater Drainage System The planning & designing of stormwater drainage system for Nagpur Municipal Corporation has been prepared taking into consideration & strict Compliance of the design criteria & guidelines stipulated in Manual on Sewerage and sewage treatment by CPHEEO. ICR SP-50 Guidelines on urban Drainage New Delhi 1999 Water storm Collection System Design Hand book.


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Design Criteria The rain water from the right of way of the road is ultimately required to be transported away before it can cause nuisance or damage. Depending on the road width, land use the following system shall be proposed i) ii) iii) i) Over the surface In open channels In covered drains or pipes Drainage over the Surface The drains are located along the drain through gulleys or bell mouths. Minor roads in residential areas are narrow, will be difficult to provide separate space for drains. In such cases water will be allowed to flow in the kerb channel which can be led into the main road. Besides saving in the cost of drain, the water is kept at higher level which may help in reducing the depth of drain at downstream or provide a better gradient and reduce silting and other maintenance problems. Another advantage is that the water takes longer time / length to enter the drain and reduces the peak flow. ii) Drainage through Open Channel The open drains along the road side definitely have to be away from the shoulders or the berm and require additional space. They are easier to maintain and allow removal of silt and other solids easily. Also, for a given cross section open drains can carry much larger discharge particularly in flood conditions when the drain is surcharged, however open drains have their inherent disadvantage of being used as a litter bin. iii) Covered Drains or Pipes Covered drains i.e, rectangular drains with cover slabs are free from garbage dumping problems. Also, they can be located below the footpath or in extreme cases below the carriage way where space is restricted. Pipe drains also have the above advantages but cleaning of such drains is not possible by ordinary method and they need special equipments. Also due to minimum size requirements and cushion requirements, pipe drains tend to become deep and increase the depth of drain at the downstream end.


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

While selecting the type of drain, cost shall not be the only consideration but also the area requirement and the cost of maintaining the system shall be considered. Capacity Capacity of the drain shall be designed by using Mannings formula. 1 Q = AR 3 S 2 n 1 V = R 3 S 2 n Where
2 1 2 1

Q = disch arg e in cum / sec

V = velocity in m / sec n = Manning ' s coefficient of roughness

R = hydraulic mean radius in m, ( area of flow cross sec tion divided by wetted perimeter ) S = gradient
A = Area of flow cross sec tion in m 2 Mannings Coefficient of Roughness
Table 2.19: Mannings Coefficient of Roughness for Various Types of Surface Type of Surface Value of n

Concrete Pipe Plastered brick surface with neat cement finish Dry rubble masonary Dry stone Pitching Natural stream/ Nallah

0.013 0.013 0.033 0.020 0.022


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Type of Drain Closed Conduit The pipe size shall be determined using peak discharge for each pipe and the Mannings formula assuming full pipe flow condition. All conduits will be designed to flow 0.8 full at peak flow. Minimum Conduit Size Minimum Diameter of the pipe shall be 300 mm. Open Channel The usual channel shapes are a) b) c) d) Parabolic Trapezoidal Rectangular Triangular or V-shaped

The parabolic profile is considered best for hydraulic flow but its actual construction and maintenance is difficult hence not considered. The V-shaped drain is not very popular as its desilting is difficult. The trapezoidal and rectangular sections are easy to construct and are considered most suitable. Economical Section As far as possible for obtaining economical sections for lined drains the bed width and depth shall be proposed as follows Rectangular drain
b = 2d

Trapezoidal drain
b = 0.82 d (1:1 side slope ) 1 b = 1.24 d :1 side slope 2

For main and trunk drains the side slopes shall be 1:1 or : 1 depending upon the nature of the soil and availability of land.
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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Weep holes shall be provided in the bed of all main drains where the height of water table is expected to be above the bed level of the drain. Silt Pit A silt pit shall be provided for water entrants, with gratings at all the inlet points of every covered drain and also provided with vertical grating for the flow from water table in order to avert entry of floating material into the drain. Minimum and Maximum Velocities
Table 2.20: Minimum and Maximum Velocities for various Types of Drain

Type of Drain Pipe drain Internal drain (RCC) Intercepting and Main drains (RCC) Minimum Freeboard

Minimum Velocity ,m/sec 0.8 0.45 0.75

Maximum Velocity ,m/sec 3.0 3.0 3.0

Table 2.21: Minimum Free Board for various Bed Width of Drain Drain Size Free Board

Up to 300 mm bed Width Beyond 300 mm Bed Width and up to 900 mm Bed Width Beyond 900 mm Bed Width and up to 1500 mm Bed Width Minimum Section of Drain

10 cm 15 cm 30 cm

It should be possible to clean the drain periodically using a spade. Accordingly it is recommended that minimum width of a drain should not be less than 300 mm. Minimum Slope Closed Conduit Open Channel 1% 0.1%


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Minimum Cover (Pipe Cover) Minimum cover depth of 1.0 m shall be proposed for storm sewer and for inlet leads 0.6m



To facilitate cleaning and maintenance manholes shall be provided. Manholes shall be provided at every change of alignment, gradient or diameter, at the head of all storm sewers and branches, at every junction of two or more storm sewers and at the storm inlet where it connects to a sewer that is less than 600 mm in diameter. Manholes shall be provided at intervals of 120-150m for pipes of more than 600mm in diameter.
2.2.19 Stormwater Inlets (General)

Maximum spacing of inlet would depend upon various conditions of road surface, size and type of inlet and rainfall. A maximum spacing of 30 m shall be provided. The connecting pipe from the street inlet to the main street sewer shall not be less than 200mm in dia. The minimum slope shall be 2%. Location of storm sewer (closed conduit)

Vertical alignment Horizontal alignment On road with divider

1 m from top of road 1.5 m from right side of kerb on both side of road Both side of road below foot path

Location of storm sewer (channel)-

Approach and Methodology

Component 1 (Roadside Drains) includes Hydrologic and Hydraulic analysis of existing and proposed roadside drains Component 2 (Major Drainage Channels) includes Hydrologic and Hydraulic analysis of major drainage channels i.e. major and minor nallahs Component 3 (Disposal) includes Hydrologic and Hydraulic analysis of river


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Concept, Methodologies and Procedures

Using detailed base map of the project area the project area shall be divided into catchments and sub-catchments based on topography. Surface runoff from property and roads will discharge to minor or major nallahs through road side drains and further disposal will be through major nallahs to river. i) ii) Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis shall be carried out for nallahs and river sections. For preliminary design the single section method shall be used and for detailed engineering the step backwater method shall be used for nallahs section. Hydraulic analysis for nallah section shall be carried out for two alternatives as follows: iv) Alternative 1 Concrete lining for side walls and bottom without treatment i.e. natural channel Alternative 2 Concrete lining for side walls as well as bottom of nallah


For river channelisation hydraulic analysis shall be carried out for concrete lining for side walls and bottom without treatment. STORMCAD latest version software shall be used for design. Rectangular sections shall be proposed for river channel section and trapezoidal sections for nallah channel section. R.C.C. structures shall be proposed for nallah and river section. Road side drains shall be proposed on both side of roads except in some part of slum area. Drains shall be planned taking into consideration with ground levels, slope of the ground, valley and ridges and also the land use planned. Drains shall be planned to get good longitudinal slope, considering the nature of soil and subsoil water level large areas shall be subdivided into small grids to avoid a long main drain. Efficiency in maintenance of drainage system shall be given an important consideration in selecting the size shape and the location.

v) vi) vii) viii) ix)



Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


At attempt shall be made in the design to provide higher starting and higher outfall bed levels in drains. A free outfall shall be attempted as far as possible. Design of main drain shall be so made as to allow use of the normal methods for desilting operations. Hydraulic analysis of road side drains shall be carried out with STORMCAD Software. Existing drain system shall be checked for its adequacy and replacement shall be proposed for the drains which are not adequate in capacity.

xii) xiii) xiv)


Component 1: Roadside Drains

Introduction to Design Approach The primary goal of storm drain design is to minimize water logging and limit the amount of water flowing on the travel way or ponding at sag points in the roadway grade to quantities that will not interfere with the passage of traffic for the design frequency storm. This is accomplished by Making connection of all property drains to road side drains Placing inlets at such points and at such intervals to intercept flows and control spread Providing adequately sized storm drain to convey flow from the inlets to a suitable outfall location Providing outfall conditions that do not cause excessive backwater throughout the storm drain system.

System Planning System planning is critical prior to commencing the design of a storm drainage system. This involves the accumulation of basic data familiarity with the project size, a basic understanding of hydrologic and hydraulic principles and the applicable drainage policies and design criteria.

Design Approach The typical steps of the design process for a stormwater drainage system are listed below; Data collection Coordination with other agencies


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Preliminary layout of project with respect to surrounding area Plan layout of storm drain system Locate main outfall(s) Determine direction of flow Determine contributing drainage area Determine inlet type spacing and capacity Determine location of existing utilities Determine location of existing storm drain systems Size the drain Perform hydraulic grade line analysis Prepare the plan Documentation of design

General Considerations followed in the Design of Storm water Drain Drains are planned taking into consideration the ground levels, slope of the ground, valley and ridges and also the land uses planned Drains are planned to get good longitudinal slope, considering the nature of soil and subsoil water level. Large areas are subdivided into small grids to avoid a long main drain Efficiency in maintenance of drainage system is given an important consideration in selecting the size, shape and the location An attempt have been made in the design to provide higher starting and higher outfall bed levels in drains. A free outfall is attempted as far as possible Design of the main drain is so made as to allow use of the normal methods for desilting operations

Preliminary Layout of Proposed Roadside Drains Preliminary layout featuring the basic components of the intended design are valuable in the design development. After design completion, the layout facilitates documentation of the overall plan. The following items are included in the preliminary layout. General roadway layout Basic hydrologic data (water bodies) Land use Outfall locations and characteristics Surface features (topography)


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Flow direction Inlet

Roadside Drains in Slum Area In slum areas roadside drains are proposed on both side of road on broader roads. Storm from narrow roads will be directly picked up to these drains.

Stormwater Drainage in Proposed Clusters A tentative design considering the contours, discharge points and levels of DP road is prepared. The formation levels of clusters shall be adjusted to suit the design of storm water drainage system. A separate block cost estimate is prepared and presented for information which will not form the part of proposed drainage system. This cost shall be met from the cost of development of clusters. Table 2.22 below gives proposed size, total length and type of drain.
Table 2.22: Proposed Size, Total Length and Type of Drain
S. No. Section Size Length (m) 42289 11000 7107 9538 281 5987 8107 3276 4328 313 1167 1462 4530 314 1444 12 1421 1198 104 239 38 633 497 433 215 Type Rectangular Channel with cover

Shanthi Nagar Nallah Basin 1 300x150 2 300x200 3 400x200 4 400x250 5 400x300 6 500x250 7 500x300 8 600x300 9 600x350 10 600x400 11 700x300 12 700x350 13 700x400 14 800x400 15 800x450 16 900x400 17 900x450 18 900x500 19 900x550 20 1000x500 21 1000x550 22 1100x550 23 1100x600 24 1100x650 25 1200x600

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. No.

Section Size

Length (m) 144 128 78 936 7 121 60 148 560 158 87 154575 49837 28066 28126 742 13605 18460 8014 8163 353 1724 3896 11735 216 3130 3402 150 1647 3079 471 709 1766 68 621 1266 431 326 837 145 1606 79 168 1881 26696 6567


26 1200x650 27 1300x650 28 1300x700 29 1400x700 30 1400x750 31 1500x750 32 1500x800 33 1600x800 34 1600x850 35 1700x900 36 1800x900 Chamar Nallah Basin 37 300x150 38 300x200 39 400x200 40 400x250 41 400x300 42 500x250 43 500x300 44 600x300 45 600x350 46 600x400 47 700x300 48 700x350 49 700x400 50 700x450 51 800x400 52 800x450 53 800x500 54 900x450 55 900x500 56 900x550 57 1000x500 58 1000x550 59 1000X900 60 1100x550 61 1100x600 62 1100x650 63 1200x600 64 1200x650 65 1300x650 66 1300x700 67 1400x700 68 1400x750 69 1500x800 Bor Nallah Basin 70 300x150 71 300x200

Rectangular Channel with cover

Rectangular Channel with cover


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. No. 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 Pioli River Basin 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118

Section Size 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x500 1000x550 1000x600 1100x550 1100x600 1200x600 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600X400 700x300 700x350 700x400 700x450 800x300 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1000x600 1100x550 1100x600 1200x600

Length (m) 2287 8598 382 1022 3874 1034 460 103 12 629 717 445 731 55 55 213 102 12 102 74 55893 14984 14087 7430 4540 4253 6943 4368 1218 30 2520 2300 2855 760 47 3214 3768 365 1121 2261 848 410 468 271 219 59 528


Rectangular Channel with cover

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. No. 119 120 121 122 123 124

Section Size 1200x650 1200x700 1400x700 1400x800 1600x800 1800x900

Length (m) 841 9 320 1178 282 617


Table 2.23: Proposed Size, Total Length and Type of Drain (cluster)
Section Size (m) 300x150 300x200 350x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 500x900 600x300 600x350 660x750 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 700x450 750x450 800x300 800x400 800x450 850x700 800x500 900x400 900x450 Length (m) 349220 123978 183 78274 76294 43 34268 45484 7 16052 16082 5920 1700 2722 6801 38289 0 163 0 7497 16350 106 0 0 8251 Section Size (m) 900x500 900x550 900x600 900x700 1000x500 1000x550 1000x600 1000x700 1000x800 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1400x800 1500x750 1500x800 1600x800 1700x850 1800x900 Length (m) 12531 35 6095 56 2298 6685 36 278 102 2168 5788 1537 1873 2855 1427 5082 2013 1337 298 1207 4167 2039 10 0


Hydraulic Analysis of the Existing Stormwater Drainage System

For analysis, all the data of the existing network is entered into the stormCAD Software to make a computer model of the existing stormwater drainage system. Each drain is further divided into segments, each segment acting as a concentrated node of the drain receives drainage from a definite area of a subcatchment. After running the simulated model the software output has provided systematic results of the adequacy / inadequacy of each existing storm drain. Augmentation of Existing System
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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Whenever the analysis of the existing system shows inadequacy, drains of higher size have been proposed to increase the system capacity to accommodate the design storm flow. The Table 2.24 provides details of replacement of existing drains.
Table 2.24: Details of Replacement of Existing Drains
Survey Sheet No. 5118 5118 5118 5119 5119 5119 5119 5119 5119 5119 5120 5120 5120 5120 5120 5120 5120 5120 5120 5120 5120 5121 5121 5121 5121 5121 5121 5121 5121 5121 5121 5121 5121 5317 5317 STC Upstream Node 60 61 62 37 47 48 53 54 56 78 1 4 6 10 12 27 85 86 87 89 91 1 3 5 7 33 39 40 41 59 39/A 40/A 43/A 43 56 Downstream Node 62 62 63 54 48 49 54 56 57 79 6 6 7 11 13 28 87 87 89 91 92 2 4 7 8 40 40 40/A 43/A 60 39 41 43 44 57 Size of Existing Drain (mm) 225 225 225 300 300 300 450 300 300 150 150 300 300 225 225 150 150 150 250 250 225 300 300 300 225 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 450X400 300x300 Length (m) 65 205 115 52 50 40 65 25 55 45 125 65 45 175 115 30 90 100 50 10 225 738 750 20 250 120 35 120 48 240 60 8 15 200 75 Size of Proposed Drain (mm) 300x150 500x250 500x250 700x350 400x250 900x450 800x450 900x500 900x500 300x150 600x300 400x250 600x300 300x150 600x350 300x150 300x200 300x200 700x300 700x300 700x300 1300x700 1300x700 500x300 700x300 600x300 400x250 600x300 700x350 600x300 400x200 600x300 700x350 1300X700 800x450 Page-117

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System Size of Existing Drain (mm) 200x200 200x200 200x300 200x300 200x300 300x400 300x400 150x150 900x1000 900x1000 225 300 225 225 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 225 225 225 150 225 300 200x100 300 450x600 450x600 300 300 450 225 225 300 300 300 300 300 450 300 Size of Proposed Drain (mm) 300x150 300x150 700x400 300x150 700x400 700x400 700x400 700x400 1100x650 1100x650 700X350 300x200 500x250 300x200 300x200 300x200 300x150 300x150 700x300 300x150 300x150 400x250 600x350 300x150 300x150 500x300 300x150 1000x550 400x200 700x300 700x300 300x200 700x350 700x450 300x150 300x150 300x150 900x450 500x300 600x300 900X450 600x300 300x150 Page-118

Survey Sheet No. 5317 5317 5317 5317 5317 5317 5317 5317 5317 5317 5317 5318 5318 5319 5319 5319 5319 5319 5319 5319 5319 5319 5319 5319 5319 5319 5319 5319 5319 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 STC

Upstream Node 58 60 61 62 63 89 90 94 194 196 199 84 103 50 54 76 81 82 98 99 100 154 163 165 166 167 206 215 43/1 47 49 52 53 54 55 56 57 63 68 69 73 76 86

Downstream Node 60 66 63 63 64 90 91 92 195 197 200 85 104 51 57 77 99 100 99 100 101 158/A 164 167 167 168 207 220 44 49 50 54 54 60/b 57 57 59 64 70 70 73/1 73 88

Length (m) 98 20 108 20 53 55 30 155 35 1060 212 97 85 110 72 280 114 175 165 88 201 114 459 142 112 80 190 28 245 78 95 78 115 133 40 53 45 191 50 235 145 505 34

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System Size of Existing Drain (mm) 300 300 300 300 350 350 350 300 300 300 300 300 300 350 225 225 300 350 450 450 450 450 450 450 225 250x250 450x400 900x700 450 450 225 300 300 500 600X700 600x700 400x500 300 300 300 225 225 500 Size of Proposed Drain (mm) 400x250 700x300 300x150 300x200 300x150 400x250 500x300 300x150 400x300 300x200 300x150 700x400 300x150 700x350 400x200 1000x600 400x200 400x250 1000x600 300x150 1800x900 400X200 400x200 600x300 400x200 300x150 1300x700 1000x500 300x200 500x200 1600x800 400X300 300x200 500x250 400X250 400x250 500x300 300x150 500x200 300x150 400x250 400x250 300x150 Page-119

Survey Sheet No. 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5320 5321 5321 5321 5321 5322 5322 5517 5517 5517 5517 5517 5517 5517 5517 5517 5517 5517 5517 5517 5517 5517 5517 5517 STC

Upstream Node 88 90 100 101 102 103 104 105 105 106 107 108 109 110 116 121 153 102/A 117/5 60B 22 24 24 24/1 1 11 43 108 138 139 220 230 230 232 264 265 267 270 270 271 272 272 274

Downstream Node 90/A 90/A 112 102/A 102/A 110 105 103 107 107 109 109 110 112 121 117/5 154 103 117 60 23 24/1 24/1 25 2 12 44 109 140 152 222 231 231 233 265 264 268 274 273 274 273 273 276

Length (m) 72 482 425 5 20 108 90 50 122 308 30 45 15 54 420 95 216 90 205 175 160 178 271 127 300 130 200 145 78 78 120 170 170 93 100 337 341 20 30 68 30 30 73

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System Size of Existing Drain (mm) 500 600 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 225 225 225 300 500x500 400 400 400 500x500 900x600 900x600 225 225 300 300 375 450 450 300 450 600 300 600 300 225 450 300 300 300 Size of Proposed Drain (mm) 300x150 400x200 900x500 800x400 1500x800 800x600 600x300 700X400 700x400 700X450 700x450 700x450 700X400 500x300 500x300 300x150 300x150 300x150 300x150 500x300 700x400 700X400 300x150 600x300 1000x500 1000x500 300x150 300x150 1500x800 700X350 700x400 700x400 700x400 300x150 700x400 700x400 300x150 700x400 400x250 500x250 1300x700 300x200 300X150 300X150 Page-120

Survey Sheet No. 5517 5517 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5518 5519 5519 5519 5519 5519 5519 5519 5519 5519 5519 5519 5519 5519 5519 STC

Upstream Node 274 276 8 9 13 24 26 41 41 41 43 45 47 49 51 62 62 67 72 99 113 114 115 143 157 158 174 176 12/2 73/1 33 35 37 38 39 47 55 56 58 69 78 86 104 105

Downstream Node 276 278 11 10 14 27 31 46 43 46 45 46 52 51 52 68 66 72 74 100 115 115 116 144 159 159 175 177 10 83 35 37 39 39 47 56 56 60 157 71 79 87 105 107

Length (m) 73 63 42 268 135 384 380 61 61 140 43 82 137 113 109 76 76 16 58 56 50 75 40 54 124 145 84 75 42 104 110 42 38 157 35 135 33 148 63 205 187 140 36 36

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System Size of Existing Drain (mm) 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300x400 300x400 225 225 300 300 300 225 150 300 300 300 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 300 300 300 300 300 225 225 225 225 225 Size of Proposed Drain (mm) 300X200 300X200 300x150 600x300 700x450 300x200 300x150 400x250 900x500 900x500 400x250 600x350 400x300 700x400 800x450 300x150 300x150 500 x 300 700 x 300 300 x 150 300x 150 300x150 300x150 300x 150 300x150 300x150 300x 150 300x 150 300x200 300x 150 300x150 400x250 300x150 400x250 300 x 150 900x500 300 x 150 400 x 250 700x 300 300x150 500 x 300 300x 150 300x150 500 x 300 Page-121

Survey Sheet No. 5519 5519 5519 5519 5519 5519 5519 5519 5522 5522 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 STC

Upstream Node 107 109 135 137 139 149 150 151 1 3 1 3 13 14 15 15 17 21 22 25 37 37 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 52 54 55 56 66 70 71 76 77 79 82 84 84 85

Downstream Node 109 110 136 138 140 151 151 152 2 4 3 4 14 15 16/1 16 19 22 10/A 26 39 38 39 39 41 41 43 43 57 47 54 56 56 57 68 71 76 77 78 79/B 85 84/A 85 89

Length (m) 39 39 370 323 172 113 181 65 114 95 10 10 48 10 60 91 17 140 60 92 12 12 12 12 14 14 105 105 52 60 20 72 72 52 34 17 65 25 48 34 35 91 34 11

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System Size of Existing Drain (mm) 225 225 225 300 300 300 300 300 300 225 225 225 225 225 225 450 300 450 450 450X600 450X600 300 300X400 450X600 225 300 1000X900 1000X900 225 225 225 225 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 900x600 Size of Proposed Drain (mm) 300x150 700x400 500x300 500x300 500x250 300x200 300x150 500X300 300x150 700x350 300x150 300x150 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x250 900x500 1100x600 1100X650 1100X650 700x 300 900X500 700 X400 300x 150 700x300 1500X800 1500X800 800x450 400x200 800x450 400X200 300x150 400x250 500X300 400x250 600X350 800x450 300x150 500x250 300x150 300X200 400X200 500X300 1000x500 Page-122

Survey Sheet No. 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5717 5718 5718 5718 5718 5718 5718 5718 5718 5718 5718 5718 5718 5718 5718 5718 5718 5718 5718 5718 STC

Upstream Node 88 89 89 93 96 97 99 100 101 102 115 117 117 119 121 143 144 145 147 152 153 10/A 131/1 150/A 84/A 9/A 10 13 21 27 30 31 34 36 38 40 41 42 43 44 48 50 52 52 158/1

Downstream Node 87 90 90 94 97 94 101 101 102 103 116 118 118 120 122 145 145 147 148 153 154 9/B 132 152 85 9/B 12 14 32 28 32 32 36 37 39 42 42 44 44 45 50 52/1 52/1 53 158

Length (m) 80 24 10 232 38 232 35 70 70 70 67 10 63 223 142 237 237 120 55 160 124 20 900 125 35 164 60 270 75 76 41 90 42 27 8 12 73 25 74 10 27 228 103 19 86

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System Size of Existing Drain (mm) 300 300 300 300 1000x900 1000x900 1000x900 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 225 300 300 300 150x200 150x200 150x200 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Size of Proposed Drain (mm) 1000x550 300x150 500x300 700x400 1500X800 1500X800 1500X800 400x250 300x150 500X300 800x450 500X300 800x450 500X300 500x250 400x250 300x150 400x250 400x250 600x350 400x200 1000x500 300x200 300x150 400X250 300x150 300x150 300x150 500x250 300x150 300X150 300x150 300x150 300x150 300x150 300x150 300x200 300x150 800x450 800X450 500X300 300x150 500x250 1100x550 Page-123

Survey Sheet No.

Upstream Node

Downstream Node

Length (m)

5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5719 5720 5720 5720 5720 5720 5720 5720 5720 5720 5720 STC

5 7 9 13 16 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 28 29 30 31 33 48 50 51 56 58 58 60 61 63 66 67 88 94 106 108 17 19 21 23 24 25 27 29 30 31

6 8 10 14 17 18/1 18/1 23 23 25 25 27 26 29 29 31 31 33 34 49 53 52 57 59 58/1 62 62 64 64 68 40 95 107 109 19 21 22 25 25 26 28 31 31 32

214 246 209 137 71 227 140 50 58 30 64 30 60 13 54 12 124 20 68 98 294 48 273 243 50 188 55 30 36 74 39 157 75 80 74 65 139 239 67 108 328 178 126 155

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System Size of Existing Drain (mm) 225 225 225 225 300 300 300 500x400 500x400 450 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300x300 300 150 300 300 300 300 300x300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 Size of Proposed Drain (mm) 500X250 900x450 900x450 500x250 900x500 400x250 1300x700 700x350 300x150 1200X600 300x150 400x600 400x250 300x200 300x200 300x150 700x300 400x250 400x250 300x150 400x250 300x200 600x300 800x400 400x200 400x200 300x150 300x150 300x150 300x150 300x150 400x200 300X200 300x150 300x150 300x150 500x250 400x200 600x300 300x150 500x250 Page-124

Survey Sheet No.

Upstream Node

Downstream Node

Length (m)

4517 4517 4517 4517 4517 4517 4517 4718 4718 4718 4918 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 4919 STC

7 9 10 11 13 14 15 15 17 70 5 4 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 81 131 132 147 149 150 151 185 191 192 193 194 201 202 203 24/1 33/2

13 10 12 13 15 15 16 16 16 71 6 5 22 26 28 28 30 33 33 35 37 37 38 39 84 132 124 151 151 151 152 186 195 194 194 194/2 203 203 206 24 35

115 120 100 145 230 121 143 100 51 60 178 71 65 43 55 37 16 50 50 239 40 40 110 55 43 120 120 100 97 38 170 89 193 75 71 142 50 50 120 53 226

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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Component 2: (Major Drainage Channels) includes Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis of Major Drain Channels i.e. Major and Minor Nallahs

In north zone, there are 25 minor nallahs and 14 major nallahs discharging to Pioli river. Methodology for Sizing of Nallah Sections The following methodology have been followed for sizing of nallah section Step 1 Assemble site data A) Data collection B) Topographic, site and location map Nallah bed survey Historic flood data and local knowledge

Environmental constraints Floodplain encroachment Floodway designation


Design criteria Step 2 - Hydraulic Analysis Type of hydraulic analysis


Step backwater analysis Survey information needed Stream bed profile Location of cross section Elevation of flood-prone property Details of existing structures Properties of bed and bank materials


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Step 3 Evaluate Hydrologic Variables Compute discharges for selected frequencies

Step 4 Perform Hydraulic Analysis Step backwater Analysis

Step 5 Calibrate with known high water Perform stability analysis


Hydraulic factors Location factors Design factors

Step 6 Design countermeasures A) Criteria for selection B) Erosion mechanism Cost

Type of countermeasures Bank stabilization Channel braiding countermeasures

Step 7 Documentation Prepare report and file with background information


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Procedure Adopted for Sizing of Nallah Section is given in the following flow diagram Nallah segment is divided into reaches depending on slope, minor nallah joining to major nallah

Calculation of peak flow for each reach based on rational method and using formula, Q=10CiA From the outfall point (end reach) normal depth of flow, slope and cross section is fixed

Hydraulic analysis by Single Section Method. For selected cross section and channel slope, flow is estimated using the Mannings equation 1 Q = A R 2/3 S1/2 n
By trial and error, the cross section is adopted such as the estimated flow shall be greater than the peak flow The above procedure is repeated for the next reaches and the normal depth and cross section is selected for each reach STORMCAD software is used for analysis which is based on the Step-Backwater Analysis method for determining water surface profile Froude number is worked out to determine the flow regime for water surface profile Energy dissipaters i.e., check dam, vertical drop structures are proposed to control erosion due to high velocity


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Brief Description of 3 Major Nallahs a) Bor Nallah This nallah originates from Goutam Nagar, passes through Hajari Pahad Aakar Nagar, Kolba Swamy Nagar, Defence land and prashant layout and joins Pioli river at Ayappa Nagar. Length of Bor nallah is 6225 m and catchment area is nearly 1360 ha. 9 minor nallahs are joining to this nallah. Based on topography stormwater through road side drainage network will drain to this nallah through minor nallah and few places directly to this nallah. b) Chamar Nallah This nallah orginates from Timki Nagar passes through Laskhari Bagh, Jyothi Nagar, Boodha Nagar, Sanjay Gandhi Nagar, Dharmadeep Nagar, Panchsheel Nagar and joins Pioli river at Sangam Nagar. Length of nallah is 5610 m and catchment area is nearly 1740 ha. 6 minor nallahs are joining to this nallah. During monsoon areas such as Dhamma Deep Nagar, Indira Mata Nagar, Christian Colony, Lumbini Nagar, Mehandi Bagh road near ring road gets flooded. On both side of nallah wall is constructed. Based on topography road side drainage network will drain to this nallah through minor nallahs or directly to this nallah. Widening and deepening of nallah is proposed. c) Shanti Nagar Basin This nallah originates from Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose ward and passes through Prem Nagar, Shanti Nagar area and finally joint to Pioli river at Ch.17635 m. Length of nallah is 7710 m and catchment area is nearly 795 ha. 6 minor nallahs are joining to this nallah. On both side of nallah wall is constructed upto 4000 m in length. Water logged area exist between chainage 4950 m to 5400 m. Area along the initial stretch of nallah gets flooded during monsoon. Based on topography road side drainage network is draining to this nallah through minor nallahs and few places directly to this nallah. Widening of nallah is proposed. The water logged area shall be retained and developed as shallow wetland.

Material of Construction R.C.C., P.C.C. and stone masonry structure have been studied for nallah sections.


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Advantage of R.C.C. Structures over Masonry Structure for Nallah Section The value of n will be higher, thereby more discharge in the same section Construction is easier and quicker as the machine will be used for mixing and laying the concrete Less width of stem wall, so less space required Excavation of foundation will be less Discharge in drain can be released after 24 hours against 15 days in case of Masonry Workmanship is easier and the concrete can be compacted by vibrator within the form work whereas availability of skilled mason for laterite masonry is difficult It is difficult to get huge quantity of good quality laterite stone whereas good quality of hard granite chips are pleantly available R.C.C. is durable and stronger than masonry Removal of slush by mechanical means is easier with least damage Cost of maintenance is cheaper

Considering the various factors, it is proposed to construct the drains with RCC structure. Table 2.25 gives time of concentration of each Nallah and intensity of rainfall. Table 2.26 provides proposed Nallah / Channel Section, Length & Type. Table 2.27 provides proposed Dimensions of Vertical Drop Structures. Table 2.28 provides Details of proposed Check Dams. Figure 2.14 to 2.27 shows catchment area of North Zone Nallah. Figure 2.28 shows proposed typical inlets.


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 2.25: Catchment Area and Time of Concentration of Nallah Basins (2 yrs Return Period)

S. No. 1 3 4 6 7 2 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Name of Nallah L1 L2 (Ved Nagar Nallah) L3 (Nara Nallah) L4 R1 R2 (Bor Nallah) R3 (ChambarNallah) R4 R5 R6 R7 (Taj Nagar Nallah) R8 (Vishwas Nagar Nallah) R9 R10 (Shantinagar Nallah)

Catchment Area (ha) 973.38 375.12 754.96 1105.11 98.30 1362.21 1737.20 317.49 59.23 21.88 59.70 27.13 137.33 794.59

Highest G.L (m) 320.00 308.00 312.00 302.50 310.00 367.50 322.50 326.50 301.50 303.00 314.50 299.50 287.50 307.00

Lowest G.L (m) 308.97 294.56 303.26 297.80 307.30 341.33 300.45 318.25 296.80 301.20 311.70 297.60 285.40 299.70

Longest Length (m) 2237 1060 1950 800 640 1460 1270 950 750 545 645 555 640 950

Slope 0.0049 0.0127 0.0045 0.0059 0.0042 0.0179 0.0174 0.0087 0.0063 0.0033 0.0043 0.0034 0.0033 0.0077

Time of Concentration Tc (min) 57.13 22.34 53.31 24.19 23.14 25.02 22.75 23.76 22.45 22.47 23.03 22.48 25.49 24.90

Intensity (mm/hr) 40.80 76.52 42.74 72.56 74.74 70.94 75.60 73.44 76.27 76.23 74.99 76.22 70.05 71.16


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 2.26: Proposed Nallah/Channel Section, Length and Type

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 1 L1 2702 1890 1170 2 L2 (Ved Nagar) 3210 2130 1080 838 2.1 L2R1 2580 1710 900 3 L3 (Nara) 3545 3000 2178 1286 810 3.1 L3L1 1445 To 1890 1170 0 2130 1080 838 0 1710 900 0 3000 2178 1286 810 0 750 Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width 15.0 19.0 22.0 6.0 7.0 10.0 10.0 8.1 9.0 9.0 12.0 12.0 13.0 15.0 15.0 5.0 Bottom Width 14.0 17.8 20.7 5.1 6.0 8.7 8.7 7.3 8.2 8.2 11.0 11.0 12.0 13.9 13.9 4.1 Water Depth 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 Trapezoidal " " " " Trapezoidal " " " " " " " " " " 4.18 4.34 3.66 4.98 3.85 2.94 3.15 9.01 4.67 3.48 2.42 2.45 2.52 3.63 3.62 10.00 0.53 - 0.55 0.36 - 0.51 0.40 - 0.53 0.41 - 0.53 Section Type Slope (m/km) Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021

0.55 - 0.57


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 750 3.2 4 L3L2 L4 720 10160 8730 6390 3600 1070 4.1 L4R1 1465 690 5 6 R1 R2 (Bor) 500 6225 5883 5721 5439 5400 4514 4410 To 0 0 8730 6390 3600 1070 0 690 0 0 5883 5721 5439 5400 4514 4410 4133

Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width 8.0 6.2 10.2 12.0 12.1 16.0 16.0 7.0 8.0 6.0 6.0 6.1 6.1 6.3 12.0 12.1 14.0 Bottom Width 7.0 5.2 9.1 10.8 10.7 14.4 14.4 6.4 7.4 5.1 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.4 11.1 11.1 13.0 Water Depth 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.2 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.0

Section Type

Slope (m/km)

Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C

Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021

" " " " " " Trapezoidal " " " " " " " " " "

7.97 2.34 3.18 2.36 1.96 1.61 1.18 4.70 3.83 253.00 30.57 17.78 13.48 10.00 8.70 6.67 5.56 0.509 0.50 - 0.56 0.52 - 0.6 0.6 0.50 - 0.55

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 4133 3600 3564 2827 2340 2110 1980 1752 810 715 6.1 R2 L1 1520 1000 450 6.2 R2 L2 1580 1260 540 6.3 R2 L3 1890 To 3600 3564 2827 2340 2110 1980 1752 810 715 0 1000 450 0 1260 540 0 1260

Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width 14.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.1 18.1 22.2 22.2 25.0 25.0 3.2 4.7 5.1 3.3 5.2 6.6 5.1 Bottom Width 13.0 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.8 20.7 20.7 23.5 23.5 2.5 3.9 4.3 2.5 4.3 5.6 4.4 Water Depth 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.6

Section Type

Slope (m/km)

Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C

Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021

" " " " " " Trapezoidal " " " " " " " " " "

5.18 5.00 4.80 4.01 4.00 4.00 3.33 3.33 2.51 2.18 16.17 9.31 7.98 60.60 14.51 6.13 23.67 0.55 - 0.62 0.54 - 0.61 0.40 - 0.66

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 1260 630 6.4 R2 L4 980 630 240 6.5 6.6 R2 L5 R2 R1 450 1050 540 6.7 7 R2 R2 R3 (Chamar) 580 5610 5546 5481 5420 5318 5115 4717 4325 To 630 0 630 240 0 0 540 0 0 5546 5481 5420 5318 5115 4717 4325 3960

Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width 6.1 7.2 3.2 4.1 6.0 4.1 4.1 6.1 5.1 Bottom Width 5.3 6.2 2.6 3.5 5.4 3.5 3.4 5.3 4.5 8.0 8.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 Water Depth 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.2

Section Type

Slope (m/km)

Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C

Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021 0.021

" " " " " " Trapezoidal " " Rectangular " " " " " " "

8.65 5.41 56.66 19.24 11.05 48.33 23.08 6.45 23.77 3.33 3.34 2.23 3.33 3.33 2.92 2.77 1.67 0.65 0.52 - 0.62 0.65 0.48 - 0.51 0.57 - 0.61

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 3960 3600 3193 2700 2280 1770 1350 780 360 7.1 R3 L1 1440 1037 720 439 7.2 R3 L2 810 390 7.3 R3 R1 4375 4140 To 3600 3193 2700 2280 1770 1350 780 360 0 1037 720 439 0 390 0 4140 3890

Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width Bottom Width 14.0 14.0 16.0 20.0 20.0 22.0 22.0 26.0 26.0 6.0 6.0 10.0 10.0 4.5 4.5 8.0 8.0 Water Depth 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.4 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.9

Section Type

Slope (m/km)

Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C

Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021

" " " " " " Rectangular " " " " " " " " " "

1.5 1.31 1.33 1.18 1.2 1.02 1.1 1.05 1.05 9.33 9.72 5.00 6.13 4.47 4.51 2.84 2.67 0.55 - 0.59 0.64 0.61 - 0.62

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 3890 3600 2880 2100 1440 710 7.4 R3 R2 1775 1380 900 360 7.5 R3 R3 1430 870 450 7.6 8 R3 R4 R4 330 3080 2070 990 To 3600 2880 2100 1440 710 0 1380 900 360 0 870 450 0 0 2070 990 0

Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width Bottom Width 8.0 8.0 10.0 10.0 11.0 11.0 6.5 7.0 9.0 9.0 3.0 5.5 7.0 3.0 8.0 10.0 11.0 7 8.8 9.7 Water Depth 0.8 0.8 1.4 1.3 1.4 1.3 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.8 0.9 0.9

Section Type

Slope (m/km)

Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C

Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021

" " " " " " Rectangular " " " " " " " Trapezoidal " "

2.99 2.36 1.43 1.52 1.31 1.45 12.12 10.00 8.78 6.06 8.03 4.29 3.33 7.22 11.76 6.41 5.65 0.65 0.52 - 0.63 0.54 - 0.61 0.51 - 0.52

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 9 10 11 R5 R6 R7 180 710 2270 1484 720 12 13 R8 R9 570 1830 930 14 R10 (Shantinagar) 7110 6385 6274 To 0 0 1484 720 0 0 930 0 6385 6274 5670

Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width 5.6 3.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 12.1 14.0 Bottom Width 4.8 2.4 2.2 2.6 3.1 3.4 11.2 12.9 8.0 8.0 8.0 Water Depth 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7

Section Type

Slope (m/km)

Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C

Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021

" " " " " " Trapezoidal " Rectangular " "

17.04 11.33 12.60 7.62 6.49 8.97 2.52 1.13 3.81 2.86 2.86

0.65 0.604 0.60 - 0.63

0.65 0.58 - 0.60

0.021 0.021 0.021

0.54 - 0.61

0.021 0.021 0.021

5670 5333 5250 4742 4590 4060

5333 5250 4742 4590 4060 3210

11.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 16.5 16.5

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.1

" " " " " "

2.20 1.93 2.00 2.00 1.65 1.69

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Chainage S. No. Name of Nallah From 3210 2255 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 R10 L1 R10 L2 R10 L3 R10 L4 R10 R1 R10 R2 230 580 1190 230 380 50 To 2255 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Section Size Proposed (m) Top Width Bottom Width 17.5 17.5 2.0 1.8 11.0 2.1 2.5 2.0 Water Depth 1.4 1.4 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2

Section Type

Slope (m/km)

Coeffecient of Runoff, Composite C

Coeffiecient of Roughness, Composite n 0.021 0.021

" " " " " " Rectangular "

1.66 1.00 4.60 5.22 5.37 3.53 6.95 6.60 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65

0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.021


Stormwater Inlets (Design)

The hydraulic capacity of a storm drain inlet depends upon its geometry as well as the characteristics of the gutter flow. Inlet capacity governs both the rate of water removal from the gutter and the amount of water that can enter the storm drainage system. Inadequate inlet capacity or poor inlet location may cause flooding on the roadway resulting in a hazard to the traveling public. Inlet Types Storm drain inlets are used to collect runoff and discharge it into storm drainage system. Inlets are typically located in gutter sections, paved medians. Inlets used for the drainage of surfaces can be divided into the following four classes; 1. 2. Grate inlets Curb-opening inlets


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

3. 4.

Slotted inlets Combination inlets

Grate inlets consist of an opening in the gutter or ditch covered by a grate. Curb-opening inlets are vertical openings in the curb covered by a top slab. Slotted inlets consist of a pipe cut along the longitudinal axis with bars perpendicular to the opening to maintain the slotted opening. Combination inlets consist of both a curb-opening inlet and a grate inlet placed in a side-byside configuration, but the curb opening may be located in part upstream of the grate. Slotted drains may also be used with grates and each type of inlet may be installed with or without a depression of the gutter. Characteristics and Uses of Inlets Grate Inlets, perform satisfactorily over a wide range of gutter grades. Grate inlets generally lose capacity with increase in grade, but to a lesser degree than curb opening inlets. The principal advantage of grate inlets is that they are installed along the roadway where the water is flowing. Their principal disadvantage is that they may be clogged by floating trash or debris. For safety reasons, preference shall be given to grate inlets where out-of-control vehicles might be involved. Curb-opening inlets are most effective on flatter slopes, in sags, and with flows which typically carry significant amounts of floating debris. The interception capacity of curb-opening inlets decreases as the gutter grade steepens. Consequently, the use of curb-opening inlets is recommended in sags and on grades less than 3%. Combination inlets provide the advantages of both curb opening and grate inlets. This combination results in a high capacity inlet which offers the advantages of both grate and curb opening inlets. Slotted drain inlets can be used in areas where it is desirable to intercept sheet flow before it crosses into a section of roadway. Their principal advantage is their ability to intercept flow over a wide section. However, slotted inlets are very susceptible to clogging from sediments and debris, and are not recommended for use in environments where significant sediment or debris loads may be present. Slotted inlets on a longitudinal grade do have the same hydraulic capacity as curb openings when debris is not a factor.


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Inlet Lead Size, Slope and Location The minimum pipe diameter for all inlet leads is 200 mm. The minimum slope is 2%. Inlet leads shall be designed without vertical or horizontal bends whenever possible. If bends are needed, keep to minimum of 22.5o bends. Each inlet lead must connect directly to a storm sewer, culvert or to an approved discharge point. When connected to a sewer or culvert less than 600 mm in diameter, the connection must be made at a manhole. Leads will normally be placed at 90o to a connecting sewer to minimize conflict during excavation with other underground utilities. Where this is not practical, such as at intersections, inlets leads shall be placed on the straightest and most direct practical alignment. In general gutter inlets are more suitable for use on slopes and curb/ gutter inlets for use in sags. Gutter inlets have a greater tendency to clog and curb inlets are inefficient for high velocity flows. Large or high velocity flows may require multiple inlets or a special inlet design.


Methodology for Sizing of Drains

After the preliminary locations of inlets, connecting pipes and outfalls are determined, the next step followed is the computation of the rate of discharge to be carried by each reach of the storm drain and the determination of the size and slope of drain required to convey this discharge. This is done by starting at the upstream reach, to the point where the storm drain connects with other drains or outfall. Rational method is used for determination of discharge in each reach. The manning formula is used for determination of capacity of drains. Design frequencies for storm drain have been followed as per CPHEEO manual. STORMCAD-V8 XM edition and STORMCAD version 4.1 software have been used for the design of stormwater drainage system.


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 2.27: Dimensions of Vertical Drop Structure

Name of Nallah Bor Nallah (Trapezoidal Section) Chainage m 5721 5883 360 780 1350 1770 2280 2700 Chamar Nallah (Rectangular Section) 3193 3600 3960 4325 4717 5115 5318 5420 5550 2255 3210 4060 Shantinagar Nallah (Rectangular Section) 4590 4742 5250 5333 5670 6274 6385 Veryical Drop,H (m) 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.7 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 1.2 1.19 1 0.58 0.75 0.65 0.7 0.5 0.8 Length, L (m) 7.81 6.99 8.42 10.56 11.88 9.89 11.06 10.87 11.40 11.29 11.28 8.90 8.58 8.28 7.50 7.56 8.84 8.51 12.09 12.26 10.41 8.81 9.54 9.25 7.73 6.70 8.29 Height of end sill, y (m) 0.45 0.42 0 0 0.06 0 0.11 0.10 0.00 0.15 0.17 0 0.33 0.19 0.30 0.33 0.36 0 0.13 0.29 0.01 0.18 0.16 0.24 0 0.14 0.34


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table 2.28: Dimensions of Check Dam of Nallah

Chainage Name L1 L3 L1 R4 R5 R7 From 812 0 0 1010 0 0 0 825 1815 2625 4225 0 520 0 320 0 630 0 350 0 0 0 395 875 0 720 To 1532 695 1010 2090 180 786 825 1815 2625 4225 5395 520 1070 320 1040 630 1260 350 740 510 580 395 875 1415 720 1440 Dimensions of Check Dam Crest Width Length Height Bottom (m) (m) (m) Width (m) 17.8 0.50 0.36 0.57 4.1 0.30 0.29 0.42 7.0 0.40 0.34 0.51 8.8 0.40 0.38 0.55 4.8 0.20 0.33 0.41 2.2 0.30 0.26 0.39 5.4 0.40 0.84 1.00 11.1 0.50 1.21 1.42 13.0 0.50 1.23 1.44 16.8 0.60 1.30 1.55 20.7 0.70 1.35 1.64 2.5 0.20 0.72 0.80 3.9 0.30 0.92 1.04 2.5 0.30 1.42 1.54 4.3 0.40 1.31 1.47 4.4 0.30 1.05 1.18 5.3 0.30 0.96 1.08 2.6 0.20 0.94 1.03 3.5 0.30 0.99 1.12 3.4 0.20 0.70 0.78 4.5 0.20 0.60 0.67 6.5 0.40 0.41 0.57 7.0 0.40 0.36 0.52 9.0 0.40 0.38 0.55 6.0 0.40 0.34 0.51 10.0 0.40 0.35 0.52 Spacing of Check Dam (m) 110 50 50 75 25 25 25 75 75 125 175 25 50 10 30 25 40 10 25 10 10 50 50 50 50 75 No. of Check Dam 6 13 20 14 7 31 33 13 11 13 7 21 11 32 24 25 16 35 16 51 58 8 10 11 14 10


R2L1 R2L2 R3L3 R2L4 R2R1 R2R2 R3R2 R3L1


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Component 3: (Disposal) includes Hydrologic and Hydraulic analysis of River Introduction Rivers have three courses the upper, the middle and the lower course. The course is the journey; the river makes to reach the sea or join other river. River never have a straight course from source of mouth. This course is always bendy. Pioli river also has three courses such as upper course, Gorewada tank from where it originates. River is fast flowing in the upper course and is characterized by steep slope and largely inerrodible bed consisting of gravels / boulders / shingles. This has high capacity to transport sediments, which it loses as soon as it meets the middle course.

Figure 2.8: Upper Course of Pioli River The middle course is where the river starts to become wider and deeper. The river starts to meander or bend in the middle course. Pioli river passes through Gorewada village, Anant nagar, Nara village, Nari, Yashoghara nagar Kalamna and Pardi village of north zone. It erodes constantly. Materials from concave bend deposits either on the bed itself forming a bar or deposits along the convex banks of successive bends. The flow pattern along its path changes from flood to flood. The shape of cross-section and bed slope are dependent upon the sediment load and erodability of the bend and banks.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Figure 2.9: Middle Course of Pioli River The lower course is where the river becomes the widest and deepest. This course is found closest to the final discharging point such as sea or other river. Pioli river meets Nag river and finally joins Kanhan river.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Figure 2.10: Lower Course of Piolli River 14 Nallahs join Pioli river at various chainages. Bor nallah, chamber nallah and Shantinagar nallah are the major nallahs joining to Pioli river. Figure 2.11 Index map shows plan of Pioli river and Nallahs joining to Pioli river. The limited width of river and abruptly flattened gradients leads to flooding, bank erosion and channel instability. In the present study river channel improvement and construction of flood walls are proposed as a remedial measure. 2.2.28 River L-Section & Cross Section River L-Section Initial reach of river is very steep, slope is 0.055 m/km upto the length of 490 m, where major nallah R1 joins to river. Further slope is increasing to 0.31 m/km from Ch.490 m to 2062 m where major nallah L1 joins to river. From Ch.2062 m to Ch.2342 m slope is decreasing and it is 0.26 m/km. Further from Ch.2342 m where Bor nallah (R2) joins to river upto Ch.4322 m slope is 0.51 m/km i.e. slope increases. From Ch.4322 m to Ch.6355 m slope increases to 0.64 m/km. From Ch.6355 m to 6953 m slope is decreasing and it is 0.59 m/km. From Ch.6953 m where major nallah L3 to river upto Ch.8330 m slope is increasing and it is 0.93 m/km, further upto the Ch.12225 m slope is decreasing and it is 0.63 m/km. At this chainage Chamar nallah (R3) joins to
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Pioli river. Slope of river is increasing and is 0.98 m / km from Ch.12225 m to Ch.14863 m where major nallah (L4) joins to river. From Ch.14863 m to Ch.17635 slope is increasing to 1.06 m / km at Ch.17635 Shantinagar Nallah (R10) joins to Pioli river. From Ch.17635 upto the Junction of Nag river. From 18400 slope decreases to 0.95 m / km. Figure 2.12 shows longitudinal existing bed profile. Proposed bed profile is also given in the same Figure. A sudden decrease in slope results in a large amount of sediment deposition, which chokes up the channel and give rise to the development of prominent braiding pattern. River Cross section Width of river varies from chainage to chainage. Ch.0 m to Ch.4322 m range of width is 42 m to 60 m. From Ch.4322 to 12225 m width is in the range of 40 m to 105 m. Further width decreases i.e. in the range 30 m to 75 m, resulting 37.305 m drop in bed level in about 17.815 km. River cross sections are provided in drawing under Volume III. Significant variations in bed width and bed configuration in cross-section of the reach can be seen. Some cross sections exhibits incised channel forms, whereas some showing wide shallow river pattern indicating the bed configurations of the river are highly irregular. 2.2.29 Hydrologic Analysis Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis have been carried out. Hydrologic analysis refer to the development of water flow off of the land surface. Hydrologic analysis determines how much and how fast water runs off, of the land and into the systems hydraulic elements such as nallahs, culverts and the rivers. Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of floods are required for the planning, design and management of many types of facilities including watershed. These analysis are needed for determining potential flood elevation and depth, area of inundation, sizing of channels, levees heights, right of way limits, design of highway crossings and culverts. The typical requirements include: Flood plain information studies Development of information on specific flood event such as 5, 10, 100 years frequency events Evaluation of future landuse alternatives Analysis of a range of flood events for existing and future landuses to determine flood hazard potential, flood damage reduction associated with specific design flows Design studies Analysis of specific flood events for sizing, facilities to assure their safety against failure


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Operation studies Evaluation of a system to determine if the demands placed upon it by specific floods events can be met Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis for Pioli river have been carried out to work out the cross sections, bed gradients for 25 years flood frequency and to reduce flood damage associated with design flow and to prepare a suitable flood protection scheme

Collection of Data For preparation of a suitable flood protection scheme information on topography, characteristics and hydrology of the river, history of past floods and works is necessary. The basic data collected is as follow: (a) Topography (b) Index plan showing the area affected in the past and the area likely to be affected Plan showing river courses Plan of the flood protection works already existing

River characteristics and hydrology Characteristics of the river Nature of the soil of the bank and the bed Maximum flood level Cross section and L-section of the river upto junction point of Nag river i.e. nearly 18 kms and 500 m beyond junction point Rainfall data for the basin for the past years


History of past floods A brief history of the past floods indicating duration of floods corresponding water levels, stage of the river at which the damage was most pronounced, extent of damage and their effect on the river regime, measures adopted earlier for the protection against floods and this effect on the river courses, river sections, bed levels etc. as well as the present condition of the existing flood control works. Total length of existing stone masonary flood wall is approx. 4 km.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Rainfall Runoff Analysis Hydrologic analysis for flood plains entails either a rainfall runoff analysis or a flood flow frequency analysis. Since information from an adequate number of historical annual instantaneous peak discharges is not available the flood flow analysis method is not used instead rainfall runoff analysis method is used. Prara 2.2.11 of this Chapter-2 of this report elaborates this method. Rainfall intensity in mm/hr of 25 years return period works out 65 for one hour duration and has been taken for the calculation of peak discharge. As per IS 12094-2000 embankment scheme should be prepared for a flood of 25 years frequency in the case of agricultural areas and for flood of 100 years frequency for works pertaining to protection of town, important industrial and other vital installations. Flood protection scheme is prepared for a flood of 25 years frequency and proposed due to size constraint and economy. Overflow from Gorewada tank is also considered while sizing the hydraulic sections. Figure 2.13 shows peak flow in Pioli river.


Hydraulic Analysis for Pioli River The hydraulic analysis of channel determines the depth and velocity at which a given discharge will flow in a channel of known geometry, roughness and slope. Two methods are commonly used in hydraulic analysis of open channels. The single section method and the step backwater method. The single section method will generally yield less reliable results than the step backwater method because it requires more judgment and assumptions. We have adopted the step backwater method to compute the complete water surface profile in a stream reach.

Procedure adopted for calculation of cross-sections River segment of 17.85 km is divided into 12 reaches. River channeling / training is not proposed in the 1st reach from i.e. Ch.0 m to 470 m For various reach peak flow is calculated using rational method and using the following equation


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Q Where

= Q i A C

10 CiA = = = = peak runoff in m3/hr rainfall intensity in mm / hr for 25 years storm frequency and minimum one hour duration catchment area in ha runoff coefficient

A composite area weighted average runoff coefficient is computed for various surface condition and is used in the equation. From the junction point (where Nag river meets Pioli river) normal depth of flow, cross section and slope is fixed. Initial hydraulic analysis has been carried out by single section method (slope-area method) as a 1st approximation. For the selected cross section and channel slope, flow is estimated using the Mannings equation:

Q= Where

1 AR 2 / 3 S1/2 n

Q = discharge in cum/sec = Mannings roughness coefficient

A = cross-sectional area in m2 R = the hydraulic radius in m

S = channel slope Hydraulic analysis have been carried out considering natural bottom and lining on both side of walls. Mannings n value adopted is 0.022. Rectangular section is proposed By trial and error the cross-section is adopted such as the carried flow shall be greater than the calculated peak flow The above procedure is repeated for the further reaches and the normal depth and cross-section is selected


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On selecting approximate cross-sections by slope area method for each reach, STORMCAD Software is used for detailed analysis based on stepbackwater analysis method for determining water surface profile Froude number is worked out to determine the flow regime for water surface profile. Critical depth and critical velocity are also worked out For erosion and sediment control check dams and vertical drop structures are proposed and velocity is maintained between 0.6 m/s to 2 m/s Table No.2.29 provides proposed hydraulic sections of Pioli river for a flood of 25 years frequency. Hydraulic statements are provided in the Volume-II.

Figure 2.14 to 2.27 shows the catchment area of nallahs of North Zone.


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Table 2.29: Hydraulic Section of Pioli River for a Flood of 25 Years Frequency

S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Chainage 0 - 470 470 - 2062 2062 - 2342 2342 - 4322 4322 - 6355 6355 - 6953 6953 - 8330 8330 - 12225 12225 - 14863 14863 - 17635 17635 - 17815

Length (m) 470 1592 280 1980 2033 598 1377 3895 2638 2772 180 Width 85 - 13 52 - 56 47 - 48 42 - 60 40 - 58 57 - 60 50 - 88 46 - 105 41 - 75 30 - 71 40 - 45

Existing Details Depth Slope(m/km) 2.01 - 4.67 18.33 1.1 - 2.3 3.25 2.32 - 2.37 3.77 1.43 - 3.3 1.96 2.44 - 5.06 1.56 2.48 - 4.52 1.71 1.62 - 3.68 1.07 2.34 - 6.44 1.59 2.22 - 5.3 1.02 1.85 - 5.76 0.94 3.49 - 4.48 1.06

Proposed Details Width Depth Natural Section 45.0 1.20 45.0 1.75 50.0 2.20 52.0 2.20 54.0 2.40 62.0 2.40 62.0 2.50 68.0 2.70 68.0 3.00 68.0 3.20 Slope(m/km) 4.61 3.33 2.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.05 1.06

Section Type Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular Rectangular

Coeffecient Coeffiecient of Runoff, of Composite Roughness, C n 0.45 0.021 0.35 0.021 0.58 0.021 0.55 0.021 0.40 0.021 0.42 0.021 0.52 0.021 0.57 0.021 0.36 0.021 0.50 0.021


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Flood Walls

Flood walls are effective damage reduction measures in the following circumstances: Damageable property is clustered geographically A high degree protection with little residual damage is desired A variety of property including infrastructure, structures, contents and agricultural property is to be protected Sufficient real estate is available for wall construction at reasonable economic, environmental and social cost

Flood walls on both side of banks have been proposed as a damage reduction measure. Due to site constraint rectangular hydraulic sections have been proposed and hence RCC walls. Grass soding and stone pitching is not proposed .
2.2.32 River Front Beautification

In the following reaches of River walls have not been proposed river front beautification is proposed Piolli River Node 1 Node 1A Node 2 Node 3a & 3b Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 Node 7

Chainage CH 0 to CH 470 CH 1794 to CH 2022 CH2352 to CH 2952 CH 3567 to CH4496 CH4896 to CH 4996 CH6075 to CH 6425 CH11478 to CH 11868

Description Outfall at Gorewada Tank Stretch behind Vincate Pallate School Bhor Nallah Junction to down stream side Ayappa Nagar Ganga Nagar To railway bridge After railway crossing Eco Park Naragaon Nallah Yogi Arvind Nagar

CH 10118 to CH 10648 Strech at Kausalya Nagar

Energy dissipaters Check dams are proposed

Check dam is a small temporary dam that is constructed in an unlined channel



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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Purpose To reduce the velocity of concentrated storm water flows which reduce erosion and allow for the settling of sediment in channel Design Consideration

The maximum spacing between check dams in succession shall be the horizontal distance from the upstream to the same elevation at the top of the down stream Proposed hydraulic size of check dam is given in Table 2.30 below.

Table 2.30: Dimensions of Check Dam of River

Chainage Name From 470 2062 2342 4322 5675 6355 6953 8330 12225 14863 17635 To 2062 2342 4322 5675 6355 6953 8330 12225 14863 17635 17815 Dimensions of Check Dam Crest Width Length Height Bottom (m) (m) (m) Width (m) 45.0 0.40 0.25 0.42 45.0 0.6 0.26 0.51 50.0 0.8 0.45 0.79 52.0 0.9 0.45 0.82 52.0 1 0.41 0.83 54.0 1 0.44 0.86 62.0 1.00 0.44 0.86 62.0 1.1 0.46 0.92 68.0 1.1 0.46 0.92 68.0 1.1 0.96 0.50 68.0 0.9 0.58 0.95 Spacing of Check Dam (m) 87 180 400 450 800 800 800 880 880 1048 849 No. of Check Dam 18 1 5 3 1 1 2 4 3 2 1



Rainwater Harvesting, Treatment and Resue

Rainwater harvesting is the capture, diversion and storage of rainwater for a number of different purposes including landscape irrigation, drinking and domestic use, aquifer recharge.
2.2.35 Legislation on Rainwater Harvesting

The state government has made rainwater harvesting mandatory for all buildings that are being constructed on plots that are more than 1000 sq.m in size NMC has made it mandatory for the buildings having land area more than 350 sq.m. This is made applicable to all new buildings


Techniques of Rainwater Harvesting

There are two main techniques of rainwater harvesting and are i) storage of rainwater on surface for future use ii) Recharge of groundwater.
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In the project area total annual rainfall occurs only during three to four months of monsoon. Water collected during monsoon has to be stored throughout the year which means huge volumes of storage containers are required. We have proposed the rainwater harvesting system in the building as partly for storage and partly for recharge of ground water.
2.2.37 Rainwater harvesting system shall be as per IS 15797-2008 and Artificial recharge to ground water shall be as per IS 15792-2008. Table 2.31 provides Proposed Location of Rainwater Structure / Artificial Recharge System

Bor Nallah Basin a) Khadan near Nehru Colony b) Park near Vastu Shilp Nagar c) Pond near Falkey Layout and near Port d) Orange Garden e) Open area near Indian Institute of Fire Fighting and near Nallah f) Open space on the Bank of Nallah near Ram Krishna Nagar along Gorewada Road g) Open area at the Junction of Bor Nallah and Pioli river h) Open space on the Bank of Bor Nallah branch near Hanuman Temple Kaplesh Nagar i) Parking Lots


L1 Nallah Basin a) Open space on the bank of Nallah


L2 Nallah Basin a) Near Pasupathinath Temple

b) Open space nearby unused well in Nara Village IV L3 Nallah Basin

a) Open space near UCHCHA Prathmic School Nara Village b) Open space at the junction of L3 Nallah and Pioli river V) L4 Nallah Basin

a) Pond near Temple adjacent to Mohanlal Vajpayee Nagar b) Open space near Post Office Uppalwadi
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Chamar Nallah Basin

a) Open space near Wanjeri Hindi Primary School b) Premises of Dr. Ambedkar Park c) Open space in the premises of ANGULI MAL GARDEN d) Open area along Nallah near Hameed Nagar Chowk e) Open are in the Park adjacent to Ring Road f) Open area near Telephone Exchange (Ring Road) VII R4 Nallah Basin

a) Open ground Southern side of Mental Hospital Chowk VIII R5 Nallah Basin a) Open Land along Tajnagar Nallah IX R6 Nallah Basin

a) Existing pond towards North of Nallah X R7 Nallah Basin a) Existing pond along nallah near Vishwas Nagar) XI) R8 Nallah Basin

a) Open area near HUDCO Colony Figure 2.29 provides typical section of nallah bund.


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Figure 2.29: Typical Section of Nallah Bund

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Environment Compliance / protection measures / improvement measures


Introduction All anthropogenic activities have some impact on environment. The impacts may be significant, controversial, positive or negative. The negative harmful effects are often far more common than useful. There is thus a pressing need to evaluate the potentialities of a proposed project before it is undertaken. There is no danger to environment if the impacts are within the sustainability of environment but when they exceed the carrying capacity and produce ecological changes that the alarm bells start ringing. These ecological changes must be characterized early in the project cycle and corrective steps taken. The need to foresee the problems of a development project is the primary objective of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). It is an exercise to document the consequences of a proposed project in totality alongwith measures necessary to keep the environment clean and healthy. Environment includes water, air and land the inter-relationship which exists among and between water, air, land and property. Environmental Impact Study / Assessment is mandatory for an infrastructure project under the purview of Environmental Protection Act. Care shall be taken to comply with the requirements of this act while planning and formulating the project execution and the operation of the project. The assessment also gives the social impact of the project at various stages. The basis of this report is as per the terms of reference and task assigned for the consultancy project. The detailed report is prepared after considering the various aspects in detail and discussed as follows.


Project Details a) The project is for planning, design, construction and O&M of a storm water drainage system, incorporating the existing drains, natural water courses and water bodies for the city of Nagpur. The total area of the city is 217.65 Ha with the catchment area of 27087.1 Ha divided into three zones and streams namely North Zone, Central Zone and South zone having catchment areas of 12778.40 Ha, 7137.06 Ha and 7171.64 Ha respectively. The total requirement of man, material and time. Energy requirements during construction, operation and maintenance. Complete environmental settings, present population of area and rate of growth, biophysical and socio economic


c) d) e)


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

f) g) h) i) 2.3.3

Historical data and topography Water bodies in and around Any religious or transit resort, sensitive areas, around, institution and airport Forest cover in the vicinity

Land use Pattern a) b) c) Existing land use in terms of agriculture, forest, green cover, water bodies, community and commercial uses Land use projection in Master Plan Changes anticipated in land use


Probable Impacts of Proposed Actions a) b) Anticipated changes in environmental attributes, air water, land, noise, vibration, ecology and natural settings Effects of changes on human health, welfare and surroundings (Impacts include direct, indirect, primary and secondary)


Alternatives to the Present, Proposed Actions For every proposed project, there are a few alternatives which may include another site, another technology mitigation measures and costs. All possible alternatives with merits, demerits, risks and cost benefit analysis must be put forth and they are with least effects, least ricks and positive cost benefit ratio must be recommended.


Adverse impacts which can not be avoided Despite all possible precautions in avoiding impacts on one or more of environmental attribute, some adverse effects on air, water, land, human health cannot be avoided. All these must be discussed with all conceived mitigation measures. There could be by waste water treatment system for air pollution control high rise stacks to abet pollutant dispersion, acouslic housing for DG sets for noise control, green belt for aesthetic and many more.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Conservation of natural resources The irreversible commitment to natural resources must be discussed and include: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Human resources, labour and other technical workmen Local materials Natural eco-system imbalance Change in natural land use pattern Assumption of natural energy sources, fossil fuel, natural gas Cultural destruction of human interest sites archeological sites service view open space social and economic effects aesthetics


Environmental Impacts Planning Stage It will be necessary to carryout the detailed survey of the project area and this may create some traffic problems and inconvenience to public. To minimize the impact this work shall be co-ordinated in lean traffic periods.

Construction Stage The excavation works normally disturbs the traffic movements and it may be necessary to divert traffic in the construction area. It may be necessary to demolish the existing structures and use of compressors and breakers may be necessary. This work shall be planned from sunrise to sunset to minimize the impact of noise pollution. If necessary noise level shall be monitored and contractor shall be asked to provide machinery with reduced noise level as required.


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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

The excavated earth shall not be stored for long time and the same shall be removed to the disposal sites periodically in a planned manner. Care shall be taken in loading and unloading of earth / debris and the vehicles shall be covered with tarpaulins if needed after sprinkling of water. The contractor shall not deposit the surplus earth / debris etc. at random but at designated disposal sites. This will control the particulate matters on the air. In the construction phase there may be pollution from the exhaust of machinery. This can be minimized by efficient machinery with optimum use. With the improved drainage system and rain water harvesting the aquifer yield will increase. Water logging will be considerably reduced and the quality of water will improve due to properly constructed drains. Erosion in the land will reduce due to construction of drains. With proper construction of drains more land will be available, without water logging. Solid wastes and hazardous wastes shall not enter the streams. This will have a negative impact and the same shall be prevented. If necessary preventive measures shall be employed to reduce / minimize this problems. There will be overall improvement in the ecology. Resettlement and rehabilitations of project affected people can have a negative social impact and the same can be solved by proper planning and providing the acceptable packages. O & M Stage While carrying out maintenance works the traffic may be affected and care shall be taken to reduce the same. While operating the machinery these may have noise pollution and to control the same machines with low level of noise shall be used. Silt and debris removed from drains Nallahs and river not obstruct the free passage of traffic.
2.3.9 Summary of impacts (air, water and land)

Summary of impacts (air, water and land) is shown in Table 2.32 and summary of impacts (ecology) is shown in Table 2.33.


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Public Awareness and Public Participation

The programme for improvement of SWD system can succeed only if there is public awareness and participation. The public at large should know about the project and also the benefits they are going to derive from the project. They shall be also aware about the cost implication and there should be preparedness from there side. If the communities are effectively involved in all stages of the project cycle from conceptualation, to preparation, to finalization, to implementation and finally O&M, issues involved in the conservation of water body need to be identified and the programme will need to focus on them. The objectives of the awareness plan will be determined by the issues identified. Special campaigns and publicity shall be made to make the people aware of the consequences of the littering of drains with plastic. The general public shall be prevented from using the open drains as public toilets. These programmes can be undertaken or entrusted to NGOs and social activists in the field. This progrmames will also help to minimize the negative social impacts. These programmes will also educate the public from the adverse effects of storm water pollution / river pollution, and encourage them to practice to abete the pollution.


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Table 2.32: Summary of Impacts (Air, Water and Land)

Air Net Positive Impact (+) No Effect (O) Net Negative Impact (x) x x x & Aquifer yield x Oil & Grease x Surface ground water quality Water logging Hydrology & Drainage patterns x x O + + O Water + ++ +++ + + Land +

Solid Wastes

Air Quality

Noise level

Suspended solids


No Effect (O), Positive Effect (+), Moderate Positive Effect (++), Intense Positive Effect (+++) Moderate Negative (x), Intense Negative (xx), Serious Negative (xxx)


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Hazardous wastes

Diffusion factor

Dissolve Oxygen

Land use pattern


Natural hazard

Smell Smoke

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Table 2.33: Summary of Impacts (Ecology)

Net Positive Impact (+) No Effect (O) Net Negative Impact (x) x + O O ++ O ++ +++ +++

Urban aesthetics

Disturbance to other services

Destruction of Habitat / Vegetation

Large animals

Public Health and Safety

Natural vegetation

No Effect (O), Positive Effect (+), Moderate Positive Effect (++), Intense Positive Effect (+++) Moderate Negative (x), Intense Negative (xx), Serious Negative (xxx)


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Resettlement & Rehabilitation


Urban congestion

Predatory birds

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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Rehabilitation and Resettlement

It may be necessary to rehabilitate the displaced families at suitable places. A lump-sum provision has been made to fulfill this requirements.
2.5 Specialised procured services for design, independent supervision, and quality assurance

Consultants are appointed for design and it will be considered to appoint consultants for independent, Supervision and Quality Assurance
2.6 Other information

Details of surveys and investigations required to be carried out (site, customer etc.)

Data Collection As part of planning and location studies, collection of all available information pertaining to the project is vital for bringing out a proper design of the project and for its successful completion. Several categories of data have been obtained and evaluated including;
o Physical characteristics of drainage basin o Maps and topographic data including Nallah survey, river basin survey and cross sections o Runoff quantity data (hydrologic and precipitation data) o Channel and floodplain delineations and related studies o Flood history and problem inventory o Existing storm water drainage system details o Development of alternative plan concepts o Hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of alternative concepts

Topographical Survey, Nallah and River Basin Survey, Geo-Technical Investigations Storm water drainage system is affected by gravity and therefore accurate topographic survey of the project area based on street levels is of prime importance to the design of the system and its subsequent efficient performance. A topographic survey has been carried out for the unsewered area of the city and a contour map has been prepared for the NMC area taking into account the new street levels as well as street levels available for the areas sewered. All new roads have been incorporated into the city map.
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Wastewater Sampling and Analysis Quality Analysis of household sewage discharging into the street sewers and of the receiving water bodies at major wastewater outfalls has been carried out. Samples were collected from the Nallahs and other natural streams running through NMC. Two important water courses in the NMC are the Nag river and the Pioli river. Samples were collected from these streams before and after the entry of polluting discharges. Samples from six Nallahs were also collected and analysed. The samples were tested for pH, BOD, COD, TSS, TDS, N, P, K etc. to assess level of contamination. Analysis results for samples from street sewers, lakes, receiving streams within NMC has been given in detail in the Final Master Plan Report for sewerage system submitted to NMC in January, 2008. Assessment of requirements related to utilities shifting Preliminary assessment has been carried out and shifting of utilities such as water mains, communication cables, electronic cables etc. List of clearances and agencies from which these are to be obtained
Clearances Issuing Department

Crossing of Railway Track Shifting of Electronic Cables Communication Cable Land Acquisition / Demarcation

Railways MSEB / Other Supply Agency BSNL / Other Service providers Revenue Department

Disaster related risk assessment and broad countermeasures (including earthquake / other natural disaster resistant design of structures) Even though there is a risk factor preparation related to disasters it is not possible and to incorporate in this design.


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CHAPTER-3.0 PROJECT COST The costing is based on the MJP / PWD / Schedule of Rates, detailed quantity survey for all the components and their detailed costing is included in DPR. The O&M cost is covered in a separate chapter on project O&M planning. The project for implementation purpose has to be divided into suitable contract packages for tendering. 3.1 Land Acquisition / Site Development There is no major land acquisition required for this project, as the land needed for the project are all vested with municipal corporation. The unauthorized encroachments need removal. 3.2 Physical Infrastructure Component-wise Cost This is divided into three components. Component 1: Roadside Drain Component 2: Major Drainage Channels Component 3: Improvement of river channel 3.3 Environmental Compliance Cost The project will have significant positive impacts leading to overall improvements in the quality of the life, with the improved drainage system and rain water harvesting system, with which aquifer yield will increases. Erosion in the land will reduce due to construction of drains. There will be overall improvement in the ecology. 3.4 Rehabilitation and Resettlement Cost Resettlement and Rehabilitations of project affected people can have a negative social impact and the same can be solved by proper planning and providing the acceptable packages with costs. 3.5 Cost of Survey and Geotechnical Investigation The survey has been carried out for the existing drainage system comprising road side drains, water channels and river. Geotechnical Investigation has been carried out to ascertain the state.
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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Cost of Shifting Utilities The project includes the cost of shifting of utilities.


Cost of Consultancy Services a) b) c) Design Supervision Quality Assurance Expenses towards engagement of consultants for design Expenses towards adequate supervision of various components All expenses incurred towards quality assurance activities


Other Statutory Compliance Cost if Applicable It includes legal charges, license fees, stamp duty etc


Finance / Interest Cost during Construction Not Applicable


Contingency The necessary provision @ 5% of physical infrastructure have been made for contingencies and unforeseen items arising out of the project.


Any Other Information, Education and Communication (IEC) for generating awareness about the project and to motivate the public, about 0.5% of the total cost for information, education and communication (IEC) activities. However, it has been decided that the ULB may approach the JNNURM for reimbursement as per actual subject to maximum of 0.5%). Summary of project cost and detailed estimates are furnished below:


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Summary of Project Cost S. Description No. 3.1 Land acquisition / site development 3.2 Physical infrastructure component-wise cost 3.2.1 Component 1 - Construction of roadside drains 3.2.2 Component 2 - Major Drainage Channels 3.2.3 Component 3 - Improvement of River Channels 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 Environmental compliance cost (lump sum) Rehabilitations & Resettlement Cost (lump sum) Cost of survey and geotechnical investigations (included in Item 3.7) Cost of shifting utilities (included in Item 3.2) Cost of consultancy services / design / supervision / quality assurance (design cost of survey) Other statutory compliance cost (lump sum) Finance / interest cost during construction (not considered) Contingency @ 5% for other project cost Any other Total Say

Total Cost (Amt. in Crore) 4.00 523.75 321.25 237.70 1.00 10.50

2.05 0.00 0.00 55.58 102.27 1257.1 1258.00


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Item No I 1 2 3 4 5 II 1 2 3 4 5 III 1 2 3 4 IV 1 2 3 4 5 6 V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Construction of Road side Drains Bor Nallah Basin Chamber Nallah Basin Shanthi Nagar Nallah Basin Pioli River Basin Construction of Road side Drain in Cluster Area Sub Total Improvement of Major Drainage Channels (Nallahs) Widening and Deepening Construction of RCC Walls and Embankment Check Dams Vertical Drop Structure Cross Drainage Works Sub Total Improvement of Disposal (Pioli River) Widening and Deepening Construction of RCC Walls and Embankment Check Dams Cross Drainage Works Sub Total Plants & Equipments High power suction machine Nallah desilting machine Front End Loader (JCB) Floating Excavator Portable Pumps Ferret used in conjuction with water jet No No No No No No 1 2 1 1 2 1 Km Km Nos Rm 17.82 17.82 41 1,068 Unit Km Km Km Km Km Quantity 54 349 139 108 888 Amount in Crores 16.44 114.80 38.01 49.57 304.90 523.72 18.71 283.38 7.86 0.53 10.76 321.25 65.91 111.41 5.36 55.03 237.70 0.50 0.30 0.25 0.75 0.30 0.25 2.35 4.00 10.50 6.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 26.50 1,111.52 55.58 88.92 1,256.02 1,256.00

Km Km Nos Nos Rm

74.78 74.78 510 27 1044

Sub Total Miscellaneous Land acquisition (approx.) Rehabilitation of Project affected people (approx) Rainwater harvesting Public Awareness Program Human Resource Development Institutional Development Plantation Sub Total Total VI Physical and cost contingencies @ 5% VII Overhead Charges @ 8% GRAND TOTAL Say
Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates

Sq.m Family Lump sum Lump sum Lump sum Lump sum Lump sum

4000 350000 -

5% 8%

1,111.52 1,111.52


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Abstract - Bor Nallah Basin

Est cost Rs. 16.44

ITEM No. 1.(i) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(ii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete.





15128.23 cum cum

79.73 87.82


0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(iii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum and boulders, W.B.M. road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-incharge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(iv) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charges, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(v) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard rock and concrete road by chiselling, wedging, line drilling, by mechanical means or by any other means other than blasting including trimming and levelling the bed, removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, excluding back filling, etc. complete.

6051.29 cum cum

90.13 98.22


4538.47 cum cum

100.53 108.61


3025.65 cum cum

288.86 301.57


0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift

1512.82 cum cum

606.61 619.32


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ITEM No. 2 Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) (i) For Rectangular channel (0-1.5m lift) (ii) For Rectangular channel (1.5-3 m lift) ITEM No. 3 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete





3183.20 cum cum

3187.44 3194.06


9227.41 cum ITEM No. 4 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire) 461.37 M.T ITEM No. 5 Providing and fixing water entrants on road side drains including curb entrance, grate entrance.etc at every 20m length. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 2709 No







ITEM No. 6 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 100 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 24940.78 sqm ITEM No. 7 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 0.150 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. For Road crossing & Property Entrance 6235.19 sqm 1301.30 8113857.95 704.20 17563294.46

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ITEM No. 8 Providing and fixing precast cover and frame over rectangular chanel drains with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 600mm x 600mm 900mm x 900mm 1200mm x12600mm 1200mm x 1600mm ITEM No. 9 Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete





2237 No 462 No 26 No

253.3392 570.0132 1520.0352 1755.8496

566720 263346 39521

6716.13 cum ITEM No. 10 Reinstating the road surface with excavation, 30 cm soling,murum blindage, 40 mm size metal,25 mm thick premixed bitumen,carpet with hot mixed seal coat, including compacting at all stages etc.complete-



For WBM & Tar road ( other than IRDP) IRDP & PWD/ corp cement roads reinstating ITEM No. 11 Disposal of surplus excavated stuff by truck including loading, unloading and stacking as directed Lead upto 10 Km ITEM No. 12 Detecting and shifting under ground services such as telephone,electic cables,water & sewer pipe line by advance technology/ by trial pits including all operations such as installation of system, etc. complete.along the rout of pipe line.

43336 sqm 4334 sqm

836.84 1250.00

36265298.24 5417500.00

23540.34 cum



54.00 Km ITEM No. 13 Dismentling following and stacking the material as directed with all lead and lidts directed by Engineer in Charge.



Brick /Stonemasonry in cement or lime mortar Plainn Cement concrete Rich Cement concrete

50.00 Cum 50.00 Cum 50.00 Cum

113.60 241.54 598.88

5680.00 12077.00 29944.00

Total Rs. Say Rs.

164374495.83 164374496

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Measurement - Bor Nallah Basin

Reference to CSR Description 1.(i) ITEM Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. a) 0 to 1.5 m lift For Rectangular channel with cover No As per MJP-CSR-2008-09 up-dated length Width Depth Quantity Unit

300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x500 1000x550 1000x600 1100x550 1100x600 1200x600

26696 6567 2287 8598 382 1022 3874 1034 460 103 12 629 717 445 731 55 55 213 102 12 102 74

1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.10 2.20

0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5

11817.392 3113.1975 1236.756 5079.2545 239.864 668.61 2831.476 801.35 382.91 104.8025 10.23 570.8175 859.23 570.8495 926.5425 73.2875 78.925 361.1625 174.3 24.096 183.6 147.815

cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum

50.00% b) 1.5 to 3.0 m lift For Rectangular channel with cover 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 800x400 800x450 26696 6567 2287 8598 382 1022 3874 1034 460 103 12 629 717 445 731

% of

Total 30256.47

30256.468 cum 15128.234 cum

1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.80

1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 800x500 900x500 1000x550 1000x600 1100x550 1100x600 1200x600


length 55 55 213 102 12 102 74

Width 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.10 2.20

Depth 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 Total




% of

cum cum

ITEM 1.(ii) No. Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 70.00% 1.50 to 3.0 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata ITEM 1.(iii) No. Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum and boulders, W.B.M. road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-incharge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 85.00% 1.50 to 3.0 m lift 15.00% Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 15.00% of total cum cum Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 15.00% of total 30256.47 cum 4538.47 cum 20.00% of total cum cum Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 20.00% of total 30256.47 cum 6051.29 cum

ITEM 1.(iv) No. Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charges, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 95.00% 1.50 to 3.0 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 10.00% of total cum cum Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 10.00% of total 30256.47 cum 3025.65 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System








ITEM 1.(v) No. Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard rock and concrete road by chiselling, wedging, line drilling, by mechanical means or by any other means other than blasting including trimming and levelling the bed, removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, excluding back filling, etc. complete.

0 to 1.5 m lift 100.00% 1.50 to 3.0 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 5.00% of total cum cum Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 5.00% of total 30256.47 cum 1512.82 cum

ITEM 2 Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) (i) For Rectangular channel (0-1.5m lift) 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x500 1000x550 1000x600 1100x550 1100x600 1200x600 26696 6567 2287 8598 382 1022 3874 1034 460 103 12 629 717 445 731 55 55 213 102 12 102 74 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.60 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 Total 1404.3 cum 344.7675 cum 137.22 cum 518.2725 cum 22.92 cum 68.985 cum 264.27 cum 77.55 cum 34.65 cum 8.4975 cum 0.99 cum 51.8925 cum 64.53 cum 43.3875 cum 71.2725 cum 5.3625 cum 5.775 cum 23.9625 cum 11.475 cum 1.44 cum 12.24 cum 9.435 cum 3183.195 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description (ii) For Rectangular channel (1.5-3 m lift) 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x500 1000x550 1000x600 1100x550 1100x600 1200x600


length 26696 6567 2287 8598 382 1022 3874 1034 460 103 12 629 717 445 731 55 55 213 102 12 102 74

Width 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.60

Depth 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 Total




ITEM 3 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete In RCC M20 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x500 26696 6567 2287 8598 382 1022 3874 1034 460 103 12 629 717 445 731 55 55 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 3804.507 cum 987.99 cum 366.364 cum 1511.136 cum 69.516 cum 184.35 cum 801.41 cum 206.8 cum 99.18 cum 35.535 cum 2.52 cum 138.38 cum 273.96 cum 175.122 cum 285.09 cum 22.275 cum 23.1 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 1000x550 1000x600 1100x550 1100x600 1200x600


length 213 102 12 102 74

Width 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.40

Depth 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 Total

Unit Quantity 99.39 cum 47.865 cum 6.228 cum 48.96 cum 37.74 cum 9227.414 cum

ITEM 4 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of bi di ) Tor steel i 0.050 MT/cum of I.No3 above



461.37 M.T

ITEM 5 Providing and fixing water entrants on road side drains including curb entrance, grate entrance.etc at every 20m length. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 2709 No ITEM 6 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 100 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 24941 sqm ITEM 7 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 0.150 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. For Road crossing & Property Entrance ITEM 8 Providing and fixing precast cover and frame over rectangular chanel drains with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 600mm x 600mm 900mm x 900mm 1200mm x12600mm 1200mm x 1600mm 2237 462 26 2237 No 462 No 26 No 6235 sqm

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description ITEM 9 Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete







6716.126 cum ITEM 10 No. Reinstating the road surface with excavation, 30 cm soling,murum blindage, 40 mm size metal,25 mm thick premixed bitumen,carpet with hot mixed seal coat, including compacting at all stages etc.completeTotal Length Reinstating the road surface For WBM & Tar road ( other than IRDP) 10%of Total Length IRDP & PWD/ corp cement roads reinstating 10%of WBM Road ITEM 11 No. Disposal of surplus excavated stuff by truck including loading, unloading and stacking as directed lead upto 10 Km 12 ITEM Detecting and shifting under ground services such as telephone,electic cables,water & sewer pipe line by advance technology/ by trial pits including all operations such as installation of system, etc. complete.along the rout of pipe line. 54 Km ITEM No. 13 23540 cum 43336 sqm 4334 sqm 54170 m

Dismentling following and stacking the material as directed with all lead and lidts directed by Engineer in Charge. Brick masonry in cement or lime mortar Lean Cement concrete Rich Cement concrete 50 cum 50 cum 50 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ABSTRACT - Chamar Nallah Basin

Est cost Rs 114.80

ITEM No. 1.(i) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(ii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(iii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum and boulders, W.B.M. road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-incharge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(iv) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charges, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(v) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard rock and concrete road by chiselling, wedging, line drilling, by mechanical means or by any other means other than blasting including trimming and levelling the bed, removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift





111426.25 cum 216.14 cum

79.73 87.82

8884014.91 18981.68

44570.50 cum 86.46 cum

90.13 98.22

4017139.17 8491.83

33427.88 cum 64.84 cum

100.53 108.61

3360504.27 7042.59

22285.25 cum 43.23 cum

288.86 301.57

6437317.32 13036.45

11142.63 cum 21.61 cum

606.61 619.32

6759227.75 13386.17

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ITEM No. 2 Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) (i) For Rectangular channel (0-1.5m lift) (ii) For Rectangular channel (1.5-3 m lift) ITEM No. 3 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete





21533.58 cum 168.62 cum

3187.44 3194.06

68636982.28 538566.43

67809.43 cum ITEM No. 4 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire) 3390.47 M.T ITEM No. 5 Providing and fixing water entrants on road side drains including curb entrance, grate entrance.etc at every 20m length. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 17465 No







ITEM No. 6 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 100 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 172672.72 sqm ITEM No. 7 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 0.150 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. For Road crossing & Property Entrance 43168.18 sqm 1301.30 56174752.63 704.20 121596129.42

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ITEM No. 8 Providing and fixing precast cover and frame over rectangular chanel drains with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 600mm x 600mm 900mm x 900mm 1200mm x12600mm 1200mm x 1600mm ITEM No. 9 Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete





13066 3903 389 107

No No No No

253.3392 570.0132 1520.0352 1755.8496

3310130 2224762 591294 187876

46063.25 cum ITEM No. 10 Reinstating the road surface with excavation, 30 cm soling,murum blindage, 40 mm size metal,25 mm thick premixed bitumen,carpet with hot mixed seal coat, including compacting at all stages etc.complete-



For WBM & Tar road ( other than IRDP) IRDP & PWD/ corp cement roads reinstating ITEM No. 11 Disposal of surplus excavated stuff by truck including loading, unloading and stacking as directed Lead upto 10 Km ITEM No. 12 Detecting and shifting under ground services such as telephone,electic cables,water & sewer pipe line by advance technology/ by trial pits including all operations such as installation of system, etc. complete.along the rout of pipe line.

279433 sqm 27943 sqm

836.84 1250.00

233840879.09 34929150.00





349.00 ITEM No. 13 Dismentling following and stacking the material as directed with all lead and lidts directed by Engineer in Charge.




Brick /Stonemasonry in cement or lime mortar Plainn Cement concrete Rich Cement concrete

150.00 100.00 50.00

Cum Cum Cum

113.60 241.54 598.88 Total Rs. Say Rs.

17040.00 24154.00 29944.00 1148037463.10 1148037464

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Measurement - Chamar Nallah Basin

Reference to CSR Description 1.(i) ITEM No. Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. a) 0 to 1.5 m lift For Rectangular channel with cover 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 700x450 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1000X900 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1500x800 154575 49837 28066 28126 742 13605 18460 8014 8163 353 1724 3896 11735 216 3130 3402 150 1647 3079 471 709 1766 68 621 1266 431 326 837 145 1606 79 168 1881 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.90 1.90 1.90 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.20 2.20 2.30 2.30 2.40 2.40 2.50 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 Total 222852.50 69874.21 24860.67 16113.24 17386.54 459.73 9768.60 13458.96 6724.16 7067.45 444.19 1558.00 4084.79 13340.09 256.63 3954.09 4430.22 239.66 2308.97 4778.76 764.04 1136.21 2980.20 145.35 1148.71 2482.54 811.53 660.60 1857.44 342.36 3585.89 225.15 406.98 5196.54 cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum No As per MJP-CSR-2008-09 up-dated length Width Depth Quantity Unit

50.00% b) 1.5 to 3.0 m lift For Rectangular channel with cover 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 154575 49837 28066 28126 742 13605 18460

% of

222852.50 cum 111426.25 cum

1.90 1.90 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.10

1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0

113.8465 cum 48.618 cum 7.0875 cum 8.745 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 700x450 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1000X900 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1500x800


length 8014 8163 353 1724 3896 11735 216 3130 3402 150 1647 3079 471 709 1766 68 621 1266 431 326 837 145 1606 79 168 1881

Width 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.80 2.80 2.90 2.90 3.00 3.00 3.10

Depth 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 Total 432.29

Quantity 4.1635 1.3475 85.5685

Unit cum cum cum

15.294 cum cum 8.658 cum 0.882 cum cum 0.675 cum

cum 11.024 cum

cum 20.313 cum cum 5.2535 cum 100.81 cum 432.286 cum 216.143 cum


% of

ITEM No. 1.(ii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-incharge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 1.50 to 3.0 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata ITEM No. 1.(iii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum and boulders, W.B.M. road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 85.00% 1.50 to 3.0 m lift 15.00% Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 15.00% of total 432.29 cum 64.84 cum Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 15.00% of total 222852.50 cum 33427.88 cum 20.00% of total 432.29 cum 86.46 cum 20.00% of total 222852.50 cum 44570.50 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description ITEM No. 1.(iv) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-incharges, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 95.00% 1.50 to 3.0 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata








of total

222852.50 cum 22285.25 cum


of total

432.29 cum 43.23 cum

ITEM No. 1.(v) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard rock and concrete road by chiselling, wedging, line drilling, by mechanical means or by any other means other than blasting including trimming and levelling the bed, removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 100.00% 1.50 to 3.0 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 5.00% of total 432.29 cum 21.61 cum Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 5.00% of total 222852.50 cum 11142.63 cum

ITEM No. 2 Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) (i) For Rectangular channel (0-1.5m lift) 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 154575 49837 28066 28126 742 13605 18460 8014 8163 353 1724 3896 11735 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 8111.8575 cum 2632.00875 cum 1700.6475 cum 1700.1525 cum 44.49 cum 916.815 cum 1259.36625 cum 607.55625 cum 619.9425 cum 20.13 cum 144.71625 cum 332.58375 cum 1046.34 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 700x450 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1000X900 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1500x800


length 216 3130 3402 150 1647 3079 471 709 1766 68 621 1266 431 326 837 145 1606 79 168 1881

Width 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.90

Depth 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 Total

Unit Quantity 19.44 cum 305.175 cum 322.53 cum 14.625 cum 168.525 cum 323.295 cum 49.455 cum 79.0875 cum 198.675 cum 7.65 cum 74.52 cum 139.2 cum 51.72 cum 41.565 cum 106.7175 cum 11.34 cum 216.81 cum 23.94 cum 242.7 cum 21533.5763 cum

(ii) For Rectangular channel (1.5-3 m lift) 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 700x450 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1000X900 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 154575 49837 28066 28126 742 13605 18460 8014 8163 353 1724 3896 11735 216 3130 3402 150 1647 3079 471 709 1766 68 621 1266 431 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 cum 12.72 cum 0.675 cum 4.41 cum cum cum 9.165 cum 9.81 cum 3.7125 cum 0.5775 cum 9.7575 cum 14.325 cum 7.0875 cum 30.1425 cum 7.29 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1500x800


length 326 837 145 1606 79 168 1881

Width 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.90

Depth 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 Total


Unit cum

8.235 cum cum 11.2575 cum 39.45 cum 168.615 cum

ITEM No. 3 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete In RCC M20 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 700x450 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1000X900 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1500x800 154575 49837 28066 28126 742 13605 18460 8014 8163 353 1724 3896 11735 216 3130 3402 150 1647 3079 471 709 1766 68 621 1266 431 326 837 145 1606 79 168 1881 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.70 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 22660.6094 cum 8127.134 cum 4927.6768 cum 5296.3008 cum 133.47 cum 2830.42 cum 3807.77 cum 1850.1217 cum 1896.654 cum 186.885 cum 412.2165 cum 1127.9418 cum 4306.9827 cum 81.978 cum 1217.6568 cum 1356.051 cum 69.93 cum 680.256 cum 1370.4078 cum 216.711 cum 317.775 cum 821.205 cum 37.74 cum 303.876 cum 647.949 cum 213.579 cum 167.922 cum 459.6102 cum 85.458 cum 874.683 cum 51.192 cum 95.76 cum 1175.505 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System





Depth Total



67809.4319 cum

ITEM No. 4 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire) Tor steel 0.050 MT/cum of I.No3 above 0.05 X 67809.43 3390.47 M.T

ITEM No. 5 Providing and fixing water entrants on road side drains including curb entrance, grate entrance.etc at every 20m length. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 17465 No ITEM No. 6 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 100 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 172673 sqm ITEM No. 7 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 0.150 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. For Road crossing & Property Entrance ITEM No. 8 Providing and fixing precast cover and frame over rectangular chanel drains with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 600mm x 600mm 900mm x 900mm 1200mm x12600mm 1200mm x 1600mm ITEM No. 9 Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete 46063.25 cum 13066 3903 389 107 13066 No 3903 No 389 No 107 No 43168 sqm

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 10 ITEM No. Reinstating the road surface with excavation, 30 cm soling,murum blindage, 40 mm size metal,25 mm thick premixed bitumen,carpet with hot mixed seal coat, including compacting at all stages etc.completeTotal Length Reinstating the road surface For WBM & Tar road ( other than IRDP) 10%of Total Length IRDP & PWD/ corp cement roads reinstating 10%of WBM Road 11 ITEM No. Disposal of surplus excavated stuff by truck including loading, unloading and stacking as directed lead upto 10 Km 12 ITEM No. Detecting and shifting under ground services such as telephone,electic cables,water & sewer pipe line by advance technology/ by trial pits including all operations such as installation of system, etc. complete.along the rout of pipe line.








279433.2 sqm 27943.32 sqm

177222 cum

349 Km ITEM No. 13

Dismentling following and stacking the material as directed with all lead and lidts directed by Engineer in Charge. Brick masonry in cement or lime mortar Lean Cement concrete Rich Cement concrete 150 cum 100 cum 50 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ABSTRACT - Shanthi Nagar Nallah Basin

Est cost Rs. 38.01

ITEM No. 1.(i) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(ii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete.





38709.35 cum 209.53 cum

79.73 87.82

3086296.08 18400.50

0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(iii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum and boulders, W.B.M. road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-incharge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(iv) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charges, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(v) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard rock and concrete road by chiselling, wedging, line drilling, by mechanical means or by any other means other than blasting including trimming and levelling the bed, removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, excluding back filling, etc. complete.

15483.74 cum 83.81 cum

90.13 98.22

1395549.31 8231.82

11612.80 cum 62.86 cum

100.53 108.61

1167435.14 6826.96

7741.87 cum 41.91 cum

288.86 301.57

2236316.28 12637.30

0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift

3870.93 cum 20.95 cum

606.61 619.32

2348147.58 12976.31

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ITEM No. 2 Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) (i) For Rectangular channel (0-1.5m lift) (ii) For Rectangular channel (1.5-3 m lift) ITEM No. 3 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete





6874.63 cum 240.65 cum

3187.44 3194.06

21912462.68 768646.55

23084.01 cum ITEM No. 4 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire) 1154.20 M.T ITEM No. 5 Providing and fixing water entrants on road side drains including curb entrance, grate entrance.etc at every 20m length. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 5418 No







ITEM No. 6 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 100 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 57418.01 sqm ITEM No. 7 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 0.150 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. For Road crossing & Property Entrance 14354.50 sqm 1301.30 18679513.45 704.20 40433761.23

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ITEM No. 8 Providing and fixing precast cover and frame over rectangular chanel drains with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 600mm x 600mm 900mm x 900mm 1200mm x12600mm 1200mm x 1600mm ITEM No. 9 Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete





3509 1684 168 57

No No No No

253.3392 570.0132 1520.0352 1755.8496

888967 959902 255366 100083

15007.04 cum ITEM No. 10 Reinstating the road surface with excavation, 30 cm soling,murum blindage, 40 mm size metal,25 mm thick premixed bitumen,carpet with hot mixed seal coat, including compacting at all stages etc.complete-



For WBM & Tar road ( other than IRDP) IRDP & PWD/ corp cement roads reinstating ITEM No. 11 Disposal of surplus excavated stuff by truck including loading, unloading and stacking as directed Lead upto 10 Km ITEM No. 12 Detecting and shifting under ground services such as telephone,electic cables,water & sewer pipe line by advance technology/ by trial pits including all operations such as installation of system, etc. complete.along the rout of pipe line.

86681 sqm 8668 sqm

836.84 1250.00

72537960.67 10835100.00





108.00 ITEM No. 13 Dismentling following and stacking the material as directed with all lead and lidts directed by Engineer in Charge.




Brick /Stonemasonry in cement or lime mortar Plainn Cement concrete Rich Cement concrete

50.00 50.00 50.00

Cum Cum Cum

113.60 241.54 598.88

5680.00 12077.00 29944.00

Total Rs. Say Rs.

380050366.41 380050367

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Measurement - Shanthi Nagar Nallah Basin

Reference to CSR Description No 1.(i) ITEM No. Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. a) 0 to 1.5 m lift For Rectangular channel with cover 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 800x400 800x450 900x400 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1500x750 1500x800 1600x800 1600x850 1700x900 1800x900 42289 11000 7107 9538 281 5987 8107 3276 4328 313 1167 1462 4530 314 1444 12 1421 1198 104 239 38 633 497 433 215 144 128 78 936 7 121 60 148 560 158 87 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.20 2.20 2.30 2.30 2.40 2.40 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.60 2.70 2.80 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 19165.43 5364.67 4101.29 6064.90 231.02 4501.01 6016.78 2849.31 3768.14 330.89 1058.02 1346.81 5106.10 412.92 1836.37 21.56 2453.03 1897.71 218.40 394.35 63.97 1274.04 934.60 855.43 410.23 357.09 293.31 199.10 2446.18 19.50 307.28 180.00 432.12 1729.85 493.76 283.50 cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum As per MJP-CSR-2008-09 up-dated length Width Depth Quantity Unit

50.00% b) 1.5 to 3.0 m lift For Rectangular channel with cover 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 42289 11000 7107 9538

% of

Total 77418.69 cum 77418.69 38709.3451 cum

1.90 1.90 2.00 2.00

1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 800x400 800x450 900x400 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1500x750 1500x800 1600x800 1600x850 1700x900 1800x900


length 281 5987 8107 3276 4328 313 1167 1462 4530 314 1444 12 1421 1198 104 239 38 633 497 433 215 144 128 78 936 7 121 60 148 560 158 87

Width 2.00 2.10 2.10 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.40 2.40 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.60 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.80 2.80 2.90 2.90 3.00 3.00 3.10 3.10 3.20 3.20 3.30 3.40

Depth 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0



1.521 0.14 98.0385 cum 16.744 cum 5.175 cum 15.328 cum cum 0.816 cum 70.44375 6.39 9.711 113.1735 6.175 cum cum cum cum cum

27 cum cum 48.3945 cum cum cum

50.00% ITEM No. 1.(ii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-incharge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 1.50 to 3.0 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata ITEM No. 1.(iii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum and boulders, W.B.M. road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation 20.00% 20.00%

% of

Total 419.05025 cum 419.05 209.525125 cum

of total

77418.69 cum 15483.74 cum

of total

419.05 cum 83.81 cum

77418.69 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Description No Proposed Quantity in this strata 1.50 to 3.0 m lift

length Width Depth 15.00% of total

Unit Quantity 11612.80 cum


Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata


of total

419.05 cum 62.86 cum

ITEM No. 1.(iv) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-incharges, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 95.00% 1.50 to 3.0 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 10.00% of total 419.05 cum 41.91 cum Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 10.00% of total 77418.69 cum 7741.87 cum

ITEM No. 1.(v) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard rock and concrete road by chiselling, wedging, line drilling, by mechanical means or by any other means other than blasting including trimming and levelling the bed, removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 100.00% 1.50 to 3.0 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata ITEM No. 2 Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) (i) For Rectangular channel (0-1.5m lift) 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 42289 11000 7107 9538 281 5987 8107 3276 4328 313 1167 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 2229.08625 cum 580.12125 cum 431.07 cum 581.6475 cum 17.6325 cum 417.12 cum 556.5 cum 253.70625 cum 331.60125 cum 25.78125 cum 97.85625 cum 5.00% of total 419.05 cum 20.95 cum Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 5.00% of total 77418.69 cum 3870.93 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 700x350 700x400 800x400 800x450 900x400 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1500x750 1500x800 1600x800 1600x850 1700x900 1800x900


length 1462 4530 314 1444 12 1421 1198 104 239 38 633 497 433 215 144 128 78 936 7 121 60 148 560 158 87

Width 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.90 1.90 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.20

Depth 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 Total

Unit Quantity 121.3575 cum 407.655 cum 28.08 cum 140.74125 cum 0.84 cum 92.1375 cum 125.79 cum 23.5125 cum 4.275 cum 69.66 cum 59.58 cum 51.24 cum 27.34875 cum 2.04 cum 12.69 cum 2.7675 cum 78.44625 cum 18.075 cum 23.23125 cum 22.12875 25.9875 14.92125 6874.6275 cum

(ii) For Rectangular channel (1.5-3 m lift) 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 800x400 800x450 900x400 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1100x550 42289 11000 7107 9538 281 5987 8107 3276 4328 313 1167 1462 4530 314 1444 12 1421 1198 104 239 38 633 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 6.24 cum 10.92 cum 3.375 cum 0.42 cum 57.0675 cum 2.535 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1500x750 1500x800 1600x800 1600x850 1700x900 1800x900


length 497 433 215 144 128 78 936 7 121 60 148 560 158 87

Width 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.90 1.90 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.20

Depth 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 Total


Unit cum

0.72 cum 16.25625 cum 4.59 cum 7.695 cum 54.8625 cum 0.975 cum 9 cum cum 65.9925 cum cum cum 240.64875 cum

ITEM No. 3 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete In RCC M20 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 700x300 700x350 700x400 800x400 800x450 900x400 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 42289 11000 7107 9538 281 5987 8107 3276 4328 313 1167 1462 4530 314 1444 12 1421 1198 104 239 38 633 497 433 215 144 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 6209.6948 cum 1727.88455 cum 1257.175 cum 1873.0334 cum 76.122 cum 1372.40 cum 1737.07 cum 823.2905 cum 1040.1885 cum 111.336 cum 278.8815 cum 335.5 cum 1650.2091 cum 126.255 cum 564.5193 cum 6 cum 706.521 cum 541.4268 cum 62.088 cum 110.3775 cum 17.64 cum 331.8885 cum 245.9895 cum 222.249 cum 106.1775 cum 98.0475 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1500x750 1500x800 1600x800 1600x850 1700x900 1800x900


length 128 78 936 7 121 60 148 560 158 87

Width 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.90 2.00

Depth 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 Total

Unit Quantity 72.03 cum 48.171 cum 579.5145 cum 6.76 cum 70.4925 cum 43.2 cum 93.813 cum 375.726 cum 103.95 cum 58.3875 cum 23084.0076 cum

ITEM No. 4 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire) Tor steel 0.050 MT/cum of I.No3 above 0.05 X 23084.01 1154.20 M.T

ITEM No. 5 Providing and fixing water entrants on road side drains including curb entrance, grate entrance.etc at every 20m length. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 5418 No ITEM No. 6 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 100 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 57418 sqm ITEM No. 7 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 0.150 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. For Road crossing & Property Entrance ITEM No. 8 Providing and fixing precast cover and frame over rectangular chanel drains with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 600mm x 600mm 900mm x 900mm 1200mm x12600mm 1200mm x 1600mm 3509 1684 168 57 3509 No 1684 No 168 No 57 No 14355 sqm

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description ITEM No. 9 Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete







15007.04 cum 10 ITEM No. Reinstating the road surface with excavation, 30 cm soling,murum blindage, 40 mm size metal,25 mm thick premixed bitumen,carpet with hot mixed seal coat, including compacting at all stages etc.completeTotal Length Reinstating the road surface For WBM & Tar road ( other than IRDP) 10%of Total Length IRDP & PWD/ corp cement roads reinstating 10%of WBM Road 11 ITEM No. Disposal of surplus excavated stuff by truck including loading, unloading and stacking as directed lead upto 10 Km 12 ITEM No. Detecting and shifting under ground services such as telephone,electic cables,water & sewer pipe line by advance technology/ by trial pits including all operations such as installation of system, etc. complete.along the rout of pipe line. 108 Km ITEM No. 13 62831 cum 86680.8 sqm 8668.08 sqm 108351 m

Dismentling following and stacking the material as directed with all lead and lidts directed by Engineer in Charge. Brick masonry in cement or lime mortar Lean Cement concrete Rich Cement concrete 50 cum 50 cum 50 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ABSTRACT - Pioli River Basin

Est cost Rs. 49.57

ITEM No. 1.(i) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(ii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete.





50532.57 cum 304.88 cum

79.73 87.82

4028962.11 26774.17

0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(iii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum and boulders, W.B.M. road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-incharge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(iv) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charges, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(v) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard rock and concrete road by chiselling, wedging, line drilling, by mechanical means or by any other means other than blasting including trimming and levelling the bed, removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, excluding back filling, etc. complete.

20213.03 cum 121.95 cum

90.13 98.22

1821800.35 11977.95

15159.77 cum 91.46 cum

100.53 108.61

1524011.89 9933.76

10106.51 cum 60.98 cum

288.86 301.57

2919367.85 18388.26

0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift

5053.26 cum 30.49 cum

606.61 619.32

3065356.46 18881.55

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ITEM No. 2 Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) (i) For Rectangular channel (0-1.5m lift) (ii) For Rectangular channel (1.5-3 m lift) ITEM No. 3 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete





8958.65 cum 193.85 cum

3187.44 3194.06

28555167.32 619152.56

30631.54 cum ITEM No. 4 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire) 1531.58 M.T ITEM No. 5 Providing and fixing water entrants on road side drains including curb entrance, grate entrance.etc at every 20m length. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 6950 No

3762.06 115237675.95

65504.63 100325371.27



ITEM No. 6 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 100 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 73914.03 sqm ITEM No. 7 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 0.150 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. For Road crossing & Property Entrance 18478.51 sqm 1301.30 24046082.46 704.20 52050261.33

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ITEM No. 8 Providing and fixing precast cover and frame over rectangular chanel drains with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 600mm x 600mm 900mm x 900mm 1200mm x12600mm 1200mm x 1600mm ITEM No. 9 Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete





4845 1844 141 120

No No No No

253.3392 570.0132 1520.0352 1755.8496

1227428 1051104 214325 210702

19584.64 cum ITEM No. 10 Reinstating the road surface with excavation, 30 cm soling,murum blindage, 40 mm size metal,25 mm thick premixed bitumen,carpet with hot mixed seal coat, including compacting at all stages etc.completeFor WBM & Tar road ( other than IRDP) IRDP & PWD/ corp cement roads reinstating ITEM No. 11 Disposal of surplus excavated stuff by truck including loading, unloading and stacking as directed Lead upto 10 Km ITEM No. 12 Detecting and shifting under ground services such as telephone,electic cables,water & sewer pipe line by advance technology/ by trial pits including all operations such as installation of system, etc. complete.along the rout of pipe line. 139.00 ITEM No. 13 Dismentling following and stacking the material as directed with all lead and lidts directed by Engineer in Charge. Km 82090.26 cum 111206 sqm 11121 sqm



836.84 1250.00

93061294.30 13900700.00





Brick /Stonemasonry in cement or lime mortar Plainn Cement concrete Rich Cement concrete

50.00 50.00 50.00

Cum Cum Cum

113.60 241.54 598.88

5680.00 12077.00 29944.00

Total Rs. Say Rs.

495747184.06 495747185

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Measurement - Pioli River Basin

Reference to CSR Description No ITEM No. 1.(i) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. a) 0 to 1.5 m lift For Rectangular channel with cover 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600X400 700x300 700x350 700x400 700x450 800x300 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1000x600 1100x550 1100x600 1200x600 1200x650 1200x700 1400x700 1400x800 1600x800 1800x900 55893 14984 14087 7430 4540 4253 6943 4368 1218 30 2520 2300 2855 760 47 3214 3768 365 1121 2261 848 410 468 271 219 59 528 841 9 320 1178 282 617 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.90 1.90 1.90 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.10 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.40 2.40 2.60 2.80 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 25689.04 7886.72 8689.61 4587.08 2932.03 3153.86 5547.38 3722.59 1040.08 49.50 2296.42 2647.69 3289.63 919.37 43.71 4526.57 5015.64 523.84 1608.75 3472.75 1323.73 639.59 828.24 496.75 393.41 127.78 1088.24 1701.01 22.95 784.52 3016.23 871.23 2129.19 cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum As per MJP-CSR-2008-09 up-dated length Width Depth Quantity


50.00% b) 1.5 to 3.0 m lift For Rectangular channel with cover 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 55893 14984 14087 7430 4540 4253 6943

% of

Total 101065.15 cum 101065.15 50532.5738 cum

1.90 1.90 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.10

1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0

16.56 cum 61.083 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 600x300 600x350 600X400 700x300 700x350 700x400 700x450 800x300 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1000x600 1100x550 1100x600 1200x600 1200x650 1200x700 1400x700 1400x800 1600x800 1800x900


length 4368 1218 30 2520 2300 2855 760 47 3214 3768 365 1121 2261 848 410 468 271 219 59 528 841 9 320 1178 282 617

Width 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.70 2.70 2.80 2.80 2.80 3.00 3.00 3.20 3.40

Depth 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 Total 609.75


Unit cum

7.755 cum

2.058 cum 11.682 cum 1.1375 cum 46.5245 cum 20.7225 cum 56.8596 cum

23.31 cum 1.287 cum cum cum cum 1.6677 cum cum 6.8704 cum 34.9062 cum 317.3277 cum 609.7511 cum 304.87555 cum


% of

ITEM No. 1.(ii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-incharge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 1.50 to 3.0 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata ITEM No. 1.(iii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum and boulders, W.B.M. road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 85.00% 1.50 to 3.0 m lift 15.00% Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 15.00% of total Qty 609.75 cum 91.46 cum Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 15.00% of total Qty 101065.15 cum 15159.77 cum 20.00% of total Qty 609.75 cum 121.95 cum 20.00% of total Qty 101065.15 cum 20213.03 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description ITEM No. 1.(iv) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-incharges, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 95.00% 1.50 to 3.0 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata







10.00% of total Qty

101065.15 cum 10106.51 cum

10.00% of total Qty

609.75 cum 60.98 cum

ITEM No. 1.(v) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard rock and concrete road by chiselling, wedging, line drilling, by mechanical means or by any other means other than blasting including trimming and levelling the bed, removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 100.00% 1.50 to 3.0 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 5.00% of total Qty 609.75 cum 30.49 cum Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 5.00% of total Qty 101065.15 cum 5053.26 cum

ITEM No. 2 Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) (i) For Rectangular channel (0-1.5m lift) 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600X400 700x300 700x350 700x400 55893 14984 14087 7430 4540 4253 6943 4368 1218 30 2520 2300 2855 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 210.7575 cum 200.1075 cum 256.32 cum 2952.7875 cum 785.7 cum 831.2325 cum 450.585 cum 275.025 cum 295.0725 cum 481.2975 cum 334.875 cum 92.43 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 700x450 800x300 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1000x600 1100x550 1100x600 1200x600 1200x650 1200x700 1400x700 1400x800 1600x800 1800x900


length 760 47 3214 3768 365 1121 2261 848 410 468 271 219 59 528 841 9 320 1178 282 617

Width 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.80 1.80 2.00 2.20

Depth 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 Total

Unit Quantity 65.43 cum 4.23 cum 312.6825 cum 354.51 cum 35.5875 cum 114.03 cum 226.38 cum 89.04 cum 46.125 cum 43.2 cum 29.8125 cum 26.28 cum 7.08 cum 67.32 cum 107.2275 cum 45.6 cum 165.585 cum 13.7025 cum 38.64 cum 8958.6525 cum

(ii) For Rectangular channel (1.5-3 m lift) 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600X400 700x300 700x350 700x400 700x450 800x300 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1000x600 1100x550 1100x600 55893 14984 14087 7430 4540 4253 6943 4368 1218 30 2520 2300 2855 760 47 3214 3768 365 1121 2261 848 410 468 271 219 59 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 9.45 cum 0.675 cum cum cum 3.9375 cum 11.655 cum 0.6825 cum 12.9225 cum 0.63 cum 2.97 cum 2.475 cum cum cum cum 13.8 cum 31.455 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 1200x600 1200x650 1200x700 1400x700 1400x800 1600x800 1800x900


length 528 841 9 320 1178 282 617

Width 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.80 1.80 2.00 2.20

Depth 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 Total


Unit cum

1.1475 cum cum 2.28 cum 30.7125 cum 69.0525 cum 193.845 cum

ITEM No. 3 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete In RCC M20 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600X400 700x300 700x350 700x400 700x450 800x300 800x400 800x450 800x500 900x450 900x500 900x550 1000x500 1000x550 1000x600 1100x550 1100x600 1200x600 1200x650 1200x700 1400x700 1400x800 1600x800 1800x900 55893 14984 14087 7430 4540 4253 6943 4368 1218 30 2520 2300 2855 760 47 3214 3768 365 1121 2261 848 410 468 271 219 59 528 841 9 320 1178 282 617 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.60 1.60 1.80 2.00 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 8372.8861 cum 2636.4955 cum 2762.3484 cum 1391.7608 cum 877.8683 cum 949.34 cum 1650.74 cum 1041.8499 cum 277.269 cum 17.64 cum 597.7101 cum 769.5361 cum 1058.4606 cum 295.464 cum 10.34 cum 1358.2203 cum 1536.8245 cum 156.474 cum 481.8078 cum 1026.438 cum 379.0569 cum 180.192 cum 229.98 cum 134.1591 cum 104.9721 cum 32.3661 cum 275.202 cum 432.636 cum 5.7618 cum 183.8712 cum 698.2071 cum 190.7832 cum 514.8692 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System





Depth Total



30631.5359 cum

ITEM No. 4 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire) Tor steel 0.050 MT/cum of I.No3 above 0.05 X 30631.54 1531.58 M.T

ITEM No. 5 Providing and fixing water entrants on road side drains including curb entrance, grate entrance.etc at every 20m length. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 6950 No ITEM No. 6 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 100 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 73914 sqm ITEM No. 7 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 0.150 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. For Road crossing & Property Entrance ITEM No. 8 Providing and fixing precast cover and frame over rectangular chanel drains with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 600mm x 600mm 900mm x 900mm 1200mm x12600mm 1200mm x 1600mm ITEM No. 9 Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete 19584.64 cum 4845 1844 141 120 4845 No 1844 No 141 No 120 No 18479 sqm

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description No 10 ITEM No. Reinstating the road surface with excavation, 30 cm soling,murum blindage, 40 mm size metal,25 mm thick premixed bitumen,carpet with hot mixed seal coat, including compacting at all stages etc.completeTotal Length Reinstating the road surface For WBM & Tar road ( other than IRDP) 10%of Total Length IRDP & PWD/ corp cement roads reinstating 10%of WBM Road 11 ITEM No. Disposal of surplus excavated stuff by truck including loading, unloading and stacking as directed lead upto 10 Km ITEM No. 12 Detecting and shifting under ground services such as telephone,electic cables,water & sewer pipe line by advance technology/ by trial pits including all operations such as installation of system, etc. complete.along the rout of pipe line.







111205.6 sqm 11120.56 sqm

82090 cum

139 Km ITEM No. 13

Dismentling following and stacking the material as directed with all lead and lidts directed by Engineer in Charge. Brick masonry in cement or lime mortar Plain Cement concrete Rich Cement concrete 50 cum 50 cum 50 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ABSTRACT - Cluster Area

Est cost Rs. 304.90

ITEM No. 1.(i) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(ii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete.





311575.70 cum 3702.68 cum

79.73 87.82

24841930.93 325168.97

0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(iii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum and boulders, W.B.M. road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-incharge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(iv) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charges, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(v) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard rock and concrete road by chiselling, wedging, line drilling, by mechanical means or by any other means other than blasting including trimming and levelling the bed, removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, excluding back filling, etc. complete.

124630.28 cum 1481.07 cum

90.13 98.22

11232927.30 145470.72

93472.71 cum 1110.80 cum

100.53 108.61

9396811.68 120644.28

62315.14 cum 740.54 cum

288.86 301.57

18000351.61 223323.18

0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift

31157.57 cum 370.27 cum

606.61 619.32

18900493.82 229314.11

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ITEM No. 2 Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) (i) For Rectangular channel (0-1.5m lift) (ii) For Rectangular channel (1.5-3 m lift) ITEM No. 3 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete





55602.05 cum 1539.55 cum

3187.44 3194.06

177228194.27 4917419.07

182901.03 cum ITEM No. 4 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire) 9145.05 M.T ITEM No. 5 Providing and fixing water entrants on road side drains including curb entrance, grate entrance.etc at every 20m length. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 44380 No







ITEM No. 6 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 100 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 458457.70 sqm ITEM No. 7 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 0.150 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. For Road crossing & Property Entrance 114614.43 sqm 1301.30 149147752.55 704.20 322845915.16

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ITEM No. 8 Providing and fixing precast cover and frame over rectangular chanel drains with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 600mm x 600mm 900mm x 900mm 1200mm x12600mm 1200mm x 1600mm ITEM No. 9 Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete





31398 10921 1507 554

No No No No

253.3392 570.0132 1520.0352 1755.8496

7954344 6225114 2290693 972741

124425.31 cum ITEM No. 10 Reinstating the road surface with excavation, 30 cm soling,murum blindage, 40 mm size metal,25 mm thick premixed bitumen,carpet with hot mixed seal coat, including compacting at all stages etc.complete-



For WBM & Tar road ( other than IRDP) IRDP & PWD/ corp cement roads reinstating ITEM No. 11 Disposal of surplus excavated stuff by truck including loading, unloading and stacking as directed Lead upto 10 Km ITEM No. 12 Detecting and shifting under ground services such as telephone,electic cables,water & sewer pipe line by advance technology/ by trial pits including all operations such as installation of system, etc. complete.along the rout of pipe line.

710080 sqm 71008 sqm

836.84 1250.00

594223681.94 88760050.00





889.00 ITEM No. 13 Dismentling following and stacking the material as directed with all lead and lidts directed by Engineer in Charge.




Brick /Stonemasonry in cement or lime mortar Plainn Cement concrete Rich Cement concrete

50.00 50.00 50.00

Cum Cum Cum

113.60 241.54 598.88

5680.00 12077.00 29944.00

Total Rs. Say Rs.

3049030044.56 3049030045

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Measurement - Cluster Area

Reference to CSR Description No 1.(i) ITEM No. Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. a) 0 to 1.5 m lift For Rectangular channel with cover 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 660x750 700x300 700x350 700x400 750x450 800x400 800x450 850x700 900x450 900x500 900x550 900x600 900x700 1000x500 1000x550 1000x600 1000x700 1000x800 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1400x800 1500x750 1500x800 1600x800 1700x850 349220 124161 78274 76294 43 34268 45484 16052 16082 1700 5920 2722 6801 38289 163 7497 16350 106 8251 12541 35 6095 56 2298 6685 36 278 102 2168 5788 1537 1873 2855 1427 5082 2013 1337 298 1207 4167 2039 10 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.66 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.20 2.20 2.30 2.30 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.70 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 159858.37 63326.43 46419.53 48145.53 26.66 24943.91 34807.38 13481.92 14115.41 1641.82 8788.31 2502.82 6673.62 43554.22 184.94 9245.96 19653.16 178.95 11193.76 16877.40 52.68 9599.63 96.04 3675.53 11117.72 81.00 519.74 227.20 4059.27 10691.49 3080.99 3804.41 5893.58 3215.313 11729.676 4889.0495 3329.066 751.716 3247.05 11257.88 6182.0595 30.25 cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum As per MJP-CSR-2008-09 up-dated length Width Depth Quantity Unit


% of

Total 623151.41 cum 623151.41 311575.705 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Description 1.5 to 3.0 m lift For Rectangular channel with cover 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 660x750 700x300 700x350 700x400 750x450 800x400 800x450 850x700 900x450 900x500 900x550 900x600 900x700 1000x500 1000x550 1000x600 1000x700 1000x800 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1400x800 1500x750 1500x800 1600x800 1700x850







349220 124161 78274 76294 43 34268 45484 16052 16082 1700 5920 2722 6801 38289 163 7497 16350 106 8251 12541 35 6095 56 2298 6685 36 278 102 2168 5788 1537 1873 2855 1427 5082 2013 1337 298 1207 4167 2039 10

1.90 1.90 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.10 2.10 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.26 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.40 2.45 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.80 2.80 2.90 2.90 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.10 3.10 3.20 3.30

1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0 1.5-3.0

250.582 94.551 253.716 577.6075 282.395 388.214 16.984 68.079

cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum

23.809 cum 9.774 cum 2032.007 cum 311.8405 75.364 10.09925 462.3105 77.335 cum cum cum cum cum

60.351 cum 164.019 cum 13.86 cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum cum

90.8545 104.0345 69.64 4.4115 11.851 9.756 349.913 282.7535 48.3265

322.7965 cum 126.97 cum 811.1465 cum cum


% of

Total 7405.35125 cum 7405.35 3702.67563 cum

ITEM No. 1.(ii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-incharge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 20.00% of total 623151.41 cum 124630.28 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description No 1.50 to 3.0 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata ITEM No. 1.(iii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum and boulders, W.B.M. road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 85.00% 1.50 to 3.0 m lift 15.00% Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata






20.00% of total

7405.35 cum 1481.07 cum

15.00% of total

623151.41 cum 93472.71 cum

15.00% of total

7405.35 cum 1110.80 cum

ITEM No. 1.(iv) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-incharges, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 95.00% 1.50 to 3.0 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 10.00% of total 7405.35 cum 740.54 cum Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 10.00% of total 623151.41 cum 62315.14 cum

ITEM No. 1.(v) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard rock and concrete road by chiselling, wedging, line drilling, by mechanical means or by any other means other than blasting including trimming and levelling the bed, removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, excluding back filling, etc. complete.

0 to 1.5 m lift 100.00% 1.50 to 3.0 m lift Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 5.00% of total 7405.35 cum 370.27 cum Total Qty of pipe / Excavation Proposed Quantity in this strata 5.00% of total 623151.41 cum 31157.57 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description No ITEM No. 2 Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) (i) For Rectangular channel (0-1.5m lift) 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 660x750 700x300 700x350 700x400 750x450 800x400 800x450 850x700 900x450 900x500 900x550 900x600 900x700 1000x500 1000x550 1000x600 1000x700 1000x800 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1400x800 1500x750 1500x800 1600x800 1700x850






349220 124161 78274 76294 43 34268 45484 16052 16082 1700 5920 2722 6801 38289 163 7497 16350 106 8251 12541 35 6095 56 2298 6685 36 278 102 2168 5788 1537 1873 2855 1427 5082 2013 1337 298 1207 4167 2039 10

0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.06 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.90 1.90 2.00 2.10

0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 0-1.5 Total

18318.315 cum 6520.63875 cum 4661.5725 cum 4506.57375 cum 2.58 cum 2254.4925 cum 3055.8375 cum 1209.8625 cum 1203.25125 cum 131.2425 cum 504.165 cum 225.9075 cum 561.41625 cum 2899.92375 cum 14.32125 cum 661.5675 cum 1466.98875 cum 10.02375 cum 766.3725 cum 1227.43875 cum 3.675 cum 639.975 cum 5.88 cum 238.545 cum 721.4625 cum 31.275 cum 11.475 233.76 cum 683.04 cum 166.32 cum 225.93 cum 349.605 cum 169.965 cum 605.61 cum 247.5225 cum 163.02 cum 42.465 cum 132.3 cum 582.6 cum 143.4825 cum 1.65 55602.0488 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description (ii) For Rectangular channel (1.5-3 m lift) 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 660x750 700x300 700x350 700x400 750x450 800x400 800x450 850x700 900x450 900x500 900x550 900x600 900x700 1000x500 1000x550 1000x600 1000x700 1000x800 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1400x800 1500x750 1500x800 1600x800 1700x850







349220 124161 78274 76294 43 34268 45484 16052 16082 1700 5920 2722 6801 38289 163 7497 16350 106 8251 12541 35 6095 56 2298 6685 36 278 102 2168 5788 1537 1873 2855 1427 5082 2013 1337 298 1207 4167 2039 10

0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.06 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.90 1.90 2.00 2.10

1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-3 1.5-4 1.5-5 1.5-6 1.5-7 1.5-8 1.5-9 1.5-10 1.5-11 1.5-12 Total

71.61 cum 49.725 cum 74.205 cum 112.0875 cum 84.225 cum 56.85 cum 4.62 cum 13.53 cum 10.875 cum 4.95 cum 347.055 cum 35.0775 cum 30.78 cum 0.76125 cum 58.4625 cum 12.345 cum

10.245 cum 31.155 cum 4.05 cum cum 26.7525 cum 11.9175 cum 18.12 cum 12.8775 cum 14.445 cum 22.68 cum 81.195 cum 39.9075 cum 27.5025 cum 49.8975 cum 42.45 cum 179.1975 cum cum 1539.55125 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description No ITEM No. 3 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete In RCC M20 300x150 300x200 400x200 400x250 400x300 500x250 500x300 600x300 600x350 600x400 660x750 700x300 700x350 700x400 750x450 800x400 800x450 850x700 900x450 900x500 900x550 900x600 900x700 1000x500 1000x550 1000x600 1000x700 1000x800 1100x550 1100x600 1100x650 1200x600 1200x650 1300x650 1300x700 1400x700 1400x750 1400x800 1500x750 1500x800 1600x800 1700x850






349220 124161 78274 76294 43 34268 45484 16052 16082 1700 5920 2722 6801 38289 163 7497 16350 106 8251 12541 35 6095 56 2298 6685 36 278 102 2168 5788 1537 1873 2855 1427 5082 2013 1337 298 1207 4167 2039 10

0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.86 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40 1.50 1.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.70 1.70 1.80 1.90

0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3 0-3

51733.6445 cum 20635.9495 cum 14224.308 cum 14759.7795 cum 7.74 cum 7243.02 cum 10093.55 cum 3588.985 cum 3735.644 cum 458.817 cum 2731.875 cum 626.762 cum 1682.403 cum 12215.955 cum 46.2175 cum 2509.2785 cum 4817.6975 cum 54.7435 cum 2852.849 cum 3882.315 cum 15.225 cum 2742.75 cum 26.88 cum 889.2395 cum 3124.618 cum 23.562 cum 139.392 cum 58.446 cum 1098.11 cum 2861.374 cum 809.766 cum 967.143 cum 1492.98 cum 783.669 cum 2914.014 cum 1218.141 cum 783.96 cum 174.567 cum 817.98 cum 2551.545 cum 1499.68 cum 6.45 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description ITEM No. 4 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire) Tor steel 0.050 MT/cum of I.No3 above




Depth Total

Unit Quantity 182901.028 cum



9145.05 M.T

ITEM No. 5 Providing and fixing water entrants on road side drains including curb entrance, grate entrance.etc at every 20m length. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 44380 No ITEM No. 6 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 100 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 458458 sqm ITEM No. 7 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 0.150 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. For Road crossing & Property Entrance ITEM No. 8 Providing and fixing precast cover and frame over rectangular chanel drains with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 600mm x 600mm 900mm x 900mm 1200mm x12600mm 1200mm x 1600mm ITEM No. 9 Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete 124425.31 cum 31398 10921 1507 554 31398 No 10921 No 1507 No 554 No 114614 sqm

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description No 10 ITEM No. Reinstating the road surface with excavation, 30 cm soling,murum blindage, 40 mm size metal,25 mm thick premixed bitumen,carpet with hot mixed seal coat, including compacting at all stages etc.completeTotal Length Reinstating the road surface For WBM & Tar road ( other than IRDP) 10%of Total Length IRDP & PWD/ corp cement roads reinstating 10%of WBM Road 11 ITEM No. Disposal of surplus excavated stuff by truck including loading, unloading and stacking as directed lead upto 10 Km 12 ITEM No. Detecting and shifting under ground services such as telephone,electic cables,water & sewer pipe line by advance technology/ by trial pits including all operations such as installation of system, etc. complete.along the rout of pipe line.







710080.4 sqm 71008.04 sqm

506131 cum

889 Km ITEM No. 13

Dismentling following and stacking the material as directed with all lead and lidts directed by Engineer in Charge. Brick masonry in cement or lime mortar Plain Cement concrete Rich Cement concrete 50 cum 50 cum 50 cum

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Rate Analysis for Roadside Drain

Description ITEM No. 1.(i) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in earth, soils of all types, sand, gravel and soft murum, including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(ii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(iii) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard murum and boulders, W.B.M. road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking and spreading as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. cum cum cum cum Unit CSR Rates Add for corp limit Total Add insurance Total @ 1% Add for Works Finished Contract rate Tax

(CSR 2008-09 I.No.1 , Page No.37 )

Add for Excavation Dist. System pipe lines & Sewerage system in Towns @10%

69 76

6.90 7.60

75.90 83.60

0.76 0.84

76.66 84.44

3.07 3.38

79.73 87.82

(CSR 2008-09 I.No.2 , Page No.37 )

78 85

7.80 8.50

85.80 93.50

0.86 0.94

86.66 94.44

3.47 3.78

90.13 98.22

(CSR 2008-09 I.No.3 , Page No.37 )

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(iv) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in soft rock and old cement and lime masonry foundation asphalt road including removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charges, normal dewatering, preparing the bed for foundation and excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift ITEM No. 1.(v) Excavation for foundation / pipe trenches in hard rock and concrete road by chiselling, wedging, line drilling, by mechanical means or by any other means other than blasting including trimming and levelling the bed, removing the excavated material upto a distance of 50 M beyond the area and lifts as below, stacking as directed by Engineer-in-charge, normal dewatering, excluding back filling, etc. complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift

Unit cum cum

CSR Rates 87 94

Add for corp limit 8.70 9.40

Total 95.70 103.40

Add insurance Total @ 1% 0.96 1.03

Add for Works Finished Contract rate Tax 96.66 3.87 100.53 104.43 4.18 108.61

(CSR 2008-09 I.No.5 , Page No.37 )

cum cum

250 261

25.00 26.10

275.00 287.10

2.75 2.87

277.75 289.97

11.11 11.6

288.86 301.57

(CSR 2008-09 I.No.7 , Page No.37 )

cum cum

525 536

52.50 53.60

577.50 589.60

5.78 5.9

583.28 595.50

23.33 23.82

606.61 619.32

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description ITEM No. 2 Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -150) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) For Rectangular channel for Lift(0-1.5) For Rectangular channel for Lift(1.5-3) ITEM No. 3 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete In RCC M20 For Rectangular channel with cover ITEM No. 4 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire)


CSR Rates

Add for corp limit


Add insurance Total @ 1% Add insurance @ 1% Total

Add for Works Finished Contract rate Tax Add for Works Contract Tax Finished rate

MJP CSR-200809. I.No 20 P.No 44

Add for work in corp limit@5% Total

cum cum

2890 2896

144.5 144.8

3034.5 3040.8

30.35 30.41

3064.85 3071.21

122.59 122.85

3187.44 3194.06

Add for work in corp limit@5% MJP CSR-200809. I.No 2 P.No 44 Total

Add insurance @ 1%

Total Add for Works Contract Tax

Finished rate









MJP CSR-200809. I.No 8 P.No 47

In RCC M20







2519.41 65504.63

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System



CSR Rates

Add for corp limit


Add insurance Total @ 1%

Add for Works Finished Contract rate Tax

ITEM No. 5 Providing and fixing water entrants on road side drains including curb entrance, grate entrance.with grill & welded reinforcement of M.S. 8 mm etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge.

Gratting work 0.20 RCC M-200, 0.1cu @ Iron work , Excavation 3762/0.1*.01 MT & refilling Sqm@ 2515 @65504/- 0.5*(100+1 (PWD 08-09) 0) 1006 752.40 132.00 110.00 2000

ITEM No. 6 Providing and fixing precast M-25 RCC drain grill with welded reinforcement of M.S. 8 mm / cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 100 mm thick with slots/ without slots as per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Sqm ITEM No. 7 Providing and fixing precast M-20 RCC cover slab over rectangular chanel drains 0.150 mm thick with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. For Road crossing & Property Entrance ITEM No. 8 Providing and fixing precast cover and frame over rectangular chanel drains with slots/ without slotsas per drawing including reinforcement conveyance, fixing etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Sqm

Qty per cum

RCC M-200, 0.1cu @ 3762/-

Iron work , 0.050 MT/cum @ 65504/704.20




Qty per cum

RCC M-200, 0.15cu @ 3762/-

Iron work , 0.075 MT/cum @65504/737.00 1301.30



RCC M-200, @ 3762/-

Iron work , 0.050 MT/cum @ 65504/-

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 600mm x 600mm 900mm x 900mm 1200mm x1200mm 1200mm x 1600mm ITEM No. 9 Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete Depth up to 4.5 M ITEM No. 10 Reinstating the road surface with excavation, 30 cm soling,murum blindage, 40 mm size metal,25 mm thick premixed bitumen,carpet with hot mixed seal coat, including compacting at all stages etc.complete-

Unit No No No No

CSR Rates 0.1 0.1 0.15 0.15

Add for corp limit 135.43 304.72 812.59 812.59

Total 117.91 265.29 707.44 943.26

Add insurance Total @ 1%

Add for Works Finished Contract rate Tax 253.34 570.01 1520.04 1755.85

(CSR 2008-09, I.No15 , Page No.40) No 30

Add for corp limit@5% 1.5

Total 31.5

Add insurance @ 1% 0.32 31.82 1.27

Finished rate


As per rate analysis

Add for work in corp limit@5%


Add insurance @ 1%


Add for Works Contract Tax 805 32

Finished rate

For WBM & Tar road ( other than IRDP) IRDP & PWD/ corp cement roads reinstating ITEM No. 11 Disposal of surplus excavated stuff by truck including loading, unloading and stacking as directed lead upto 10 Km. Lead upto 10 Km

sqm sqm

758.74 1250



837 1250

(CSR 2008-09, statement No-VI P.No 25) cum 334.17

Add for work in corp Total limit@5% 16.71 350.88

Add for Works Finished 9 Total Contract rate Tax 3.51 354.39 14.18 368.57

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description ITEM No. 12 Detecting under ground services such as telephone,electic cables,water & sewer pipe line by advance technology/ by trial pits including all operations such as installation of system, etc. complete.along the rout of pipe line.


CSR Rates

Add for corp limit


Add insurance Total @ 1%

Add for Works Finished Contract rate Tax

Km ITEM No. 13 Dismentling following and stacking the material as directed with all lead and lidts directed by Engineer in Charge. Brick /Stone masonry in cement or lime mortar Plainn Cement concrete Rich Cement concrete Cum Cum Cum (PWDCSR 200708, I.No. 29,34,36, P.No. 175-176) 103 219 543 5.15 108.15 229.95 570.15 1.08 2.3 5.7 109.23 232.25 575.85 4.37 9.29 23.03


113.60 241.54 598.88

10.95 27.15

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Improvement of Major Drainage Channels (Nallahs) Abstract Estimated cost crores As per Latest MJP-CSR-2008-09 Rate Quantity Unit ( Rs. ) Widening & Deepening 302.1 Amount

Reference to CSR Description

ITEM No. 1 (i) Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft soil, soft murum, sand, hard murum with boulders in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift 3.0 to 4.5 m lift 4.5 to 6.0 m lift 6.0 to 7.5 m lift ITEM No. 1 (ii) Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft rock, hard rock, Manjara rock, etc. by blasting/controlled blasting, chiselling as required in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift 3.0 to 4.50 m lift 4.5 to 6.0 m lift 6.0 to 7.5 m lift ITEM No. 2 Dewatering the excavated trenches and pools of water in the pipe trenches by using pumps and other devices including disposing off water to safe distance as directed by Engineer-in-charge (including cost of machinery, labour,fuel) etc., complete ITEM No. 3 Refilling of trenches with approved murum from available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete 41776.04 69626.73 83552.07 55701 27851 cum cum cum cum cum 442.30 453.86 465.41 476.96 488.52 18477540 31600786 38885969 26567330 13605619 62664 104440 125328 83552 41776 cum cum cum cum cum 116.93 128.48 140.04 151.59 163.14 7327308 13418462 17550948 12665658 6815342

2000.00 Bhp/hr



4764.37 cum



Sub Total Rs.


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System




Rate ( Rs. )


Construction of RCC Walls and Embankment ITEM No. 4 (i) Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft soil, soft murum, sand, hard murum with boulders in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift 3.0 to 4.5 m lift 4.5 to 6.0 m lift 6.0 to 7.5 m lift ITEM No. 4 (ii) Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft rock, hard rock, Manjara rock, etc. by blasting/controlled blasting, chiselling as required in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift 3.0 to 4.50 m lift 4.5 to 6.0 m lift 6.0 to 7.5 m lift ITEM No. 5 Dewatering the excavated trenches and pools of water in the pipe trenches by using pumps and other devices including disposing off water to safe distance as directed by Engineer-in-charge (including cost of machinery, labour,fuel) etc., complete ITEM No. 6 Refilling of trenches with approved murum from available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete ITEM No. 7 Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) 17532.15 cum 3187.44 55882667 29055.54 48425.89 58111.07 38741 19370 cum cum cum cum cum 442.30 453.86 465.41 476.96 488.52 12851263 21978575 27045473 18477771 9462807 43583 72639 87167 58111 29056 cum cum cum cum cum 116.93 128.48 140.04 151.59 163.14 5096196 9332638 12206811 8809057 4740120

3000.00 Bhp/hr



264862.71 cum



Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description ITEM No. 8 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete In RCC M20 ITEM No. 9 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire)



Rate ( Rs. )


274331.96 cum



21870.87 M.T



ITEM No. 10 Detecting under ground services such as telephone,electic cables,water & sewer pipe line by advance technology/ by trial pits including all operations such as installation of system, etc. complete.along the rout of pipe line.

1.044 Km



ITEM No. 11 Open timbering in trenches of depth more than 1.5 m for shoring and strutting including use of and waste of all necessary timber works inculding walling, strutts, open polling boards/horizontal sheeting, runners, etc. as may be necessary and fixing and removal complete. 4.5 to 6.0 m lift ITEM No. 12 Providing earth work for embankment with approved materials obtained from excavation by mechancial means from Departmental land or the sources including all lifts anf leads, laying in layers of 20 to 30cm thickness breaking clods dressing to the required lines, curves, grades and sections, watering and compacting etc. complete as directed by Engineer in charge. ITEM No. 13 Providing and erecting 1.2 m high wire fencing with five rows of barbed wire supported on M.S angles (50mm x 50mm x 6mm) at 2.5m centre to centre including excavating pits for foundation, fixing posts in CC 1:4:8 of size 45 x 45 x 45 cm., fastening the wire and painting the M.S angles with one coat of red lead primer and two coats of painting etc. complate 91112.40 Sqm 223.89 20399155









Sub Total Rs. Total Rs. Total Cost in crores

2833830190 3020973405 302.1

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Abstract - Check Dams (Nallahs)

S. Particulars No. 1 Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft soil, soft murum, sand, hard murum with boulders in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling Lif 4.5 to 6.0 M 2 Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft rock, hard rock, Manjara rock, etc. by blasting/controlled blasting, chiselling as required in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling Lif 4.5 to 6.0 M Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) 4 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete In RCC M20 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire) Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete Disposal of surplus excavated stuff by truck including loading, unloading and stacking as directed lead upto 10 Km. Total A 2978.45 3187.44 cum 9493641.00 Qty. Estimated Cost Rate Unit 7.86 Amount


151.59 cum



465.41 cum



3762.06 cum






33.09 3376.44 cum


368.57 3677.579 cum



Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. Particulars No. 8 Providing diversion of stream, providing cofferdam, bund,etc as pay be necessary for foundation and other parts of the work and bailing out water during and after excavation as required 10% of cost A above TOTAL






7136952 78506475 crores


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Abstract - Vertical Drop Structure (Nallahs) S. Particulars No. 1 Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft soil, soft murum, sand, hard murum with boulders in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling Lif 4.5 to 6.0 M 2 Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft rock, hard rock, Manjara rock, etc. by blasting/controlled blasting, chiselling as required in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling Lif 4.5 to 6.0 M Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) 4 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete In RCC M20 5 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire) 8.86 6 Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete 221.58 7 Disposal of surplus excavated stuff by truck including loading, unloading and stacking as directed lead upto 10 Km. 368.57 110.79 3762.06 cum 416799.00 1144.91 3187.44 cum 3649333.00 Qty. Estimated Cost Rate Unit 0.53 Amount


151.59 cum



465.41 cum





33.09 cum




40834.00 4786984.00

Total (A) 10 Providing diversion of stream, providing cofferdam, bund,etc as pay be necessary for foundation and other parts of the work and bailing out water during and after excavation as required 10% of cost A above TOTAL


478698 5265682 crores


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Improvement of Disposal (Pioli River) Abstract Estimated cost crores As per Latest MJP-CSR-2008-09 Rate Quantity Unit ( Rs. ) Widening & Deepening 177.32 Amount

Reference to CSR Description

ITEM No. 1 (i) Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft soil, soft murum, sand, hard murum with boulders in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift 3.0 to 4.5 m lift 4.5 to 6.0 m lift 6.0 to 7.5 m lift ITEM No. 1 (ii) Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft rock, hard rock, Manjara rock, etc. by blasting/controlled blasting, chiselling as required in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift 3.0 to 4.50 m lift 4.5 to 6.0 m lift 6.0 to 7.5 m lift ITEM No. 2 Dewatering the excavated trenches and pools of water in the pipe trenches by using pumps and other devices including disposing off water to safe distance as directed by Engineer-in-charge (including cost of machinery, labour,fuel) etc., complete ITEM No. 3 Refilling of trenches with approved murum from available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete 147223.54 245372.56 294447.07 196298 98149 cum cum cum cum cum 442.30 453.86 465.41 476.96 488.52 65116971 111364791 137038613 93626318 47947762 220835 368059 441671 294447 147224 cum cum cum cum cum 116.93 128.48 140.04 151.59 163.14 25822272 47288200 61851553 44635232 24018048

2000.00 Bhp/hr



8410.80 cum



Sub Total Rs. Construction of RCC Walls and Embankment ITEM No. 4 (i) Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft soil, soft murum, sand, hard murum with boulders in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift 3.0 to 4.5 m lift 4.5 to 6.0 m lift 6.0 to 7.5 m lift ITEM No. 4 (ii) Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft rock, hard rock, Manjara rock, etc. by blasting/controlled blasting, chiselling as required in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift 3.0 to 4.50 m lift 4.5 to 6.0 m lift 6.0 to 7.5 m lift ITEM No. 5 Dewatering the excavated trenches and pools of water in the pipe trenches by using pumps and other devices including disposing off water to safe distance as directed by Engineer-in-charge (including cost of machinery, labour,fuel) etc., complete ITEM No. 6 Refilling of trenches with approved murum from available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete ITEM No. 7 Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) ITEM No. 8 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete In RCC M20

Quantity 13133 21889 26267 17511 8756

Unit cum cum cum cum cum

Rate ( Rs. ) 116.93 128.48 140.04 151.59 163.14

Amount 1535674 2812271 3678367 2654497 1428375

8755.52 14592.53 17511.03 11674 5837

cum cum cum cum cum

442.30 453.86 465.41 476.96 488.52

3872564 6622963 8149808 5568041 2851496

3000.00 Bhp/hr



75648.90 cum



4542.56 cum



99332.31 cum



Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Description ITEM No. 9 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire) ITEM No. 10 Detecting under ground services such as telephone,electic cables,water & sewer pipe line by advance technology/ by trial pits including all operations such as installation of system, etc. complete.along the rout of pipe line. ITEM No. 11 Open timbering in trenches of depth more than 1.5 m for shoring and strutting including use of and waste of all necessary timber works inculding walling, strutts, open polling boards/horizontal sheeting, runners, etc. as may be necessary and fixing and removal complete. 4.5 to 6.0 m lift ITEM No. 12 Providing earth work for embankment with approved materials obtained from excavation by mechancial means from Departmental land or the sources including all lifts anf leads, laying in layers of 20 to 30cm thickness breaking clods dressing to the required lines, curves, grades and sections, watering and compacting etc. complete as directed by Engineer in charge. ITEM No. 13 Providing and erecting 1.2 m high wire fencing with five rows of barbed wire supported on M.S angles (50mm x 50mm x 6mm) at 2.5m centre to centre including excavating pits for foundation, fixing posts in CC 1:4:8 of size 45 x 45 x 45 cm., fastening the wire and painting the M.S angles with one coat of red lead primer and two coats of painting etc. complate



Rate ( Rs. )


9828.32 M.T



1.068 Km



21378 Sqm











Sub Total Rs. Total Rs. Total Cost in crores

1114068077 1773126750 177.32

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Abstract - Check Dams (River)

S. Particulars No. 1 Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft soil, soft murum, sand, hard murum with boulders in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling Lif 4.5 to 6.0 M 2 Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft rock, hard rock, Manjara rock, etc. by blasting/controlled blasting, chiselling as required in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling Lif 4.5 to 6.0 M 3 Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) 4 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, fin In RCC M20 5 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete 2576.40 7 Disposal of surplus excavated stuff by truck including loading, unloading and stacking as directed lead upto 10 Km. Total A Providing diversion of stream, providing cofferdam, bund,etc as pay be necessary for foundation and other parts of the work and bailing out water during and after excavation as required 10% of cost A above TOTAL crores 4345.29 3762.06 cum 16347244.00 2178.93 3187.44 cum 6945207.00 2434 465.41 cum 1132671.00 Qty. Estimated Cost Rate Unit 5.36 Amount


151.59 cum


65504.63 347.62 M.T.


33.09 cum


368.57 2180.947 cum




4863853 53502380 5.36

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Abstract - Cross Drainage Works

Item No Description 1 Improvement of Cross Drainage Works on Nallahs 2 Improvement of Cross Drainage Works on River

Qty 1044.00 1068.00

Estimated Cost Unit Unit Rate Rm Rm

65.79 Amout

103046.41 107580452 515232.05 550267831 657848284 65.79

Total Rs. Crores

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Add Works Contract Tax Added for work in city Add for octroi Add for excavation in city Insurance Reference to CSR Item of work 4.0% 5 4 10 1 % % % % % As per PWD/ MJP-CSR-2008-09 Add for Corp Limit Total Add Insurance @ 1% Total Add Works Contract Tax Finished Rate

CSR Rates

ITEM No. 1.(i) Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft soil, soft murum, sand, (CSR 2008-09 hard murum with boulders in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 I.No.1 , Page No.37 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus ) excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift 3.0 to 4.5 m lift 4.5 to 6.0 m lift 6.0 to 7.5 m lift 7.5 to 9.0 m lift 101.2 111.2 121.2 131.2 141.2 151.2

Add for corp limit @10% 10.12 11.12 12.12 13.12 14.12 15.12 111.32 122.32 133.32 144.32 155.32 166.32 1.11 1.22 1.33 1.44 1.55 1.66 112.43 123.54 134.65 145.76 156.87 167.98 4.5 4.94 5.39 5.83 6.27 6.72 116.93 128.48 140.04 151.59 163.14 174.70

ITEM No. 1.(ii) Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft rock, hard rock, (CSR 2008-09 Manjara rock, etc. by blasting/controlled blasting, chiselling as required in wet I.No.2 , Page No.37 or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including ) baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift 3.0 to 4.50 m lift 4.5 to 6.0 m lift 6.0 to 7.5 m lift 7.5 to 9.0 m lift

Add for corp limit @10%

382.8 392.8 402.8 412.8 422.8

38.28 39.28 40.28 41.28 42.28

421.08 432.08 443.08 454.08 465.08

4.21 4.32 4.43 4.54 4.65

425.29 436.40 447.51 458.62 469.73

17.01 17.46 17.9 18.34 18.79

442.30 453.86 465.41 476.96 488.52

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Item of work

CSR Rates

Add for Corp Limit


Add Insurance @ 1%


Add Works Contract Tax

Finished Rate

ITEM No. 2 Dewatering the excavated trenches and pools of water in the pipe trenches by using pumps and other devices including disposing off water to safe distance MJP CSR-2008-09. Add for corp limit@5% as directed by Engineer-in-charge (including cost of machinery, labour,fuel) I.No 14 P.No 40 etc., complete Rate per BHP/Hr 32 1.60 33.60 0.34 33.94 1.36 35.30

ITEM No. 3 Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including dewatering form work, compacting and MJP CSR-2008-09. curing, finishing etc., complete I.No 20 P.No 44 1:2:4 (M -15) grade (with 12 to 20 mm metal) 2890

Add for work in corp limit@5% 144.50 3034.50 30.35 3064.85 122.59 3187.44

ITEM No. 4 Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing MJP CSR-2008-09. of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, I.No 2 P.No 44 compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete In RCC M-20 3411

Add for work in corp limit@5% 170.55 3581.55 35.82 3617.37 144.69 3762.06

ITEM No. 5 Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per MJP CSR-2008-09. detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking I.No 8 P.No 47 the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire) Tor steel Per MT 59392 2969.60 62361.60 623.62 62985.22 2519.41 65504.63

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Item of work

CSR Rates

Add for Corp Limit


Add Insurance @ 1%


Add Works Contract Tax

Finished Rate

ITEM No. 6 Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over (CSR 2007-08, pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including I.No15 , Page consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete No.34) 30 ITEM No. 7 Backfilling of trenches and pits with selected excavated materials brought from outside, watering, refilling and ramming with selected earth for foundation and rounding the bottom of trenches for pipe bedding, consolidation in layers of (CSR 2008-09, 15cms including guarding , lighting, fencing the trenches and pits, supporting I.No16 , Page No.41) public utilities such as cables, drains, service pipes, sewers etc., complete 247.5 ITEM No. 8 Disposal of surplus excavated stuff by truck including loading, unloading and (CSR 2008-09, stacking as directed lead upto 20 Km. statement No-VI P.No 25) Rate per cum ITEM No. 9 Detecting under ground services such as telephone,electic cables,water & sewer pipe line by advance technology/ by trial pits including all operations such as installation of system, etc. complete.along the rout of pipe line. Rate per m ITEM No. 10 Open timbering in trenches of depth more than 1.5 m for shoring and strutting including use of and waste of all necessary timber works inculding walling, strutts, open polling boards/horizontal sheeting, runners, etc. as may be necessary and fixing and removal complete. 0 to 1.5 m lift 1.5 to 3.0 m lift 176 185 Add for work in corp limit@5% 8.80 9.25 184.80 194.25 1.85 1.94 186.65 196.19 7.47 7.85 194.12 204.04 100000 334.17 12.38 259.88 2.6 262.48 10.5 272.98 1.50 31.50 0.32 31.82 1.27 33.09

Add for work in corp limit@5% 16.71 350.88 3.51 354.39 14.18 368.57

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Item of work 3.0 to 4.50 m lift 4.5 to 6.0 m lift

CSR Rates 194 203

Add for Corp Limit 9.70 10.15


Add Insurance @ 1% 203.70 2.04 213.15 2.13


Add Works Finished Contract Rate Tax 205.74 8.23 213.97 215.28 8.61 223.89

Item of


Providing earth work for embankment with approved materials obtained from excavation by mechancial means from Departmental land or the sources PWD CSR., I.No: 4, including all lifts anf leads, laying in layers of 20 to 30cm thickness breaking P.No:221 clods dressing to the required lines, curves, grades and sections, watering and compacting etc. complete as directed by Engineer in charge. With Power Roller ITEM No. 12 62 0.02 62.02 6.2 68.22 68.22

Providing and erecting 1.2 m high wire fencing with five rows of barbed wire supported on M.S angles (50mm x 50mm x 6mm) at 2.5m centre to centre PWD CSR., I.No: 1, including excavating pits for foundation, fixing posts in CC 1:4:8 of size 45 x 45 P.No:167 x 45 cm., fastening the wire and painting the M.S angles with one coat of red lead primer and two coats of painting etc. complate Rate per Rmt. 320 16.00 336.00 3.36 339.36 13.57 352.93

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Item No 1

Rate Analysis for Cross Drainage Works Description Qty Providing and laying in situ following grades of C.C. trap / granite / quartize / gnesis metal for bedding including 1.00 dewatering form work, compacting and curing, finishing etc., complete Providing and laying in situ Cement concrete of trap/ granite/ quaritze / gneiss metal for RCC work in foundation like raft, grillage, strip foundation and footing of RCC columns abd steel stanchions including normal dewatering, formwork, compaction, finishing and curing, etc., complete Providing and fixing in position steel bar reinforcement of various diameters for RCC pipes, caps, footings, foundations, slabs, beams, columns, canopies, staircases, newels, chajjas, lintels, pardies, copings, fins, arches, etc., as per detailed designs, drawings and schedules: including cutting, bending, hooking the bars, binding with wires or tack welding and supporting as required etc., complete (including cost of binding wire) Excavation in general in soft material comprising of soft soil, soft murum, sand, hard murum with boulders in wet or dry condition for Head Works for lift 0 to 1.5 m and lead of 150 m including baricating, gurading, disposing off surplus excavated stuff within a radius of 0.5 km as directed by Engineer in charge, etc. complete excluding refilling

Unit Cum

Unit Rate 3187.44

Amout 3187.44







65504.63 44701.9299





Dewatering the excavated trenches and pools of water in the pipe trenches by using pumps and other devices including disposing off water to safe distance as directed by Engineer-in- 100.00 charge (including cost of machinery, labour,fuel) etc., complete Refilling of trenches with available excavated stuff with soft material first over pipeling and then hard material in 15cm layers with all leads and lifts including consolidation, surcharging, etc., complete Reinstating the road surface with excavation, 30 cm soling,murum blindage, 40 mm size metal,25 mm thick premixed bitumen,carpet with hot mixed seal coat, including compacting at all stages etc.completeDetecting under ground services such as telephone,electic cables,water & sewer pipe line by advance technology/ by trial pits including all operations such as installation of system, etc. complete.along the rout of pipe line. Providing dry trap/granite/quartzite/quartzite/gneiss, rubble stone soling in 15cm to 20cm thick layers including hand packing anf compacting, etc. complete Cost per meter

















1600 103046.41

Assumption (Parameter relied upon) Average Width of Road Average Height of Box Culvert Average thickness of Slab and Side Walls Thickness of Bottom PCC Shifiting of Utility at 10 % of item 6,7,8 & 9 Bridge on Rivers cost = 5 times of culver Cost

10 2 0.4 0.4

m m m m

Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

CHAPTER-4.0 PROJECT INSTITUTION FRAMEWORK (FOR CONSTRUCTION) 4.1 Roles of different Institutions involved in the construction phase of the project i) A Role /responsibility matrix could be a convenient option to present this information. To be implemented by NMC. NMC shall have basic minimum infrastructure for the implementation of the project. NMC can appoint project management of consultants. They may also engage a separate consultant for quality assurance. JNNURM

State Govt

Nagpur Municipal Corporation Municipal Commissioner Dy. Municipal Commissioner

Executive Engineer

Design Supervision Consultant

Project Management Consultant

Quality Assurance Consultant


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


The relation ship between ULB on the one hand and parastatal or State government agencies on the other are to be made explicit Innovative approaches to provide for improved coordation and/ or Working arrangement highlighted. The project will be executed by NMC in co-ordination with state government and JNNURM authorities. Regular co-ordination meetings shall be conducted among the agencies to improve the progress of the work.


Manner of undertaking Construction Works (i) In house through one of Govt. agencies / parastatals No (ii) by being tendered out under the supervision /management of the ULB/ Parastatal The construction of roadside drains, improvements of nallahs and river shall be tendered out in different packages as per the priority and availability of funds. The project shall be implemented by the successful bidder under the supervision of NMC / PMC. (iii) through a separately established Legal entity /project implementation Company such as an SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) NO


Involvement of the construction entity in the subsequent O & M activities There is no major involvement of construction entity in the subsequent O & M activities.


Areas of Involvement of the Private Sector in the Construction Phase Table 4.1 shows Areas of Involvement of the Private Sector


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Table : 4.1 Areas of Involvement of the Private Sector S. No Area of Involvement Whether Applicable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4.5 Project feasibility report Project Engineering Design Specialised Survey Construction Works Supervision Consultants Quality Assure Consultants Any other ---------

Construction Packages for works construction Construction packages will be decided on the availability of funds and finalizing the priority accordingly. Project Implementation Planning: Package-wise Contracting Relationships List: Tender Packages Cost Package No. Package Description Estimate 1 2 3 4 n Total:


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

CHAPTER-5.0 PROJECT FINANCING STRUCTURING Project Financial Structuring has been worked out in detail, and it examines the sources and composition of funding for the project, further the extent of comfort level that these sources offer and the extent that they will be available for the project have also been identified. 5.1 Overall Financial Structuring of the Project In this section the sources of financial contribution for the project by the central government. State government and the corporation have been clearly identified. All the project components are to be funded by these sources. Table 5.1: Funding Pattern for the Proposed Project
S. Govt. No. Contribution Amount % Share % Share Remarks (Rs. by by Govt. on when Lakhs) Specific entity and how Source state and ULB shares would be arranged ACA Grant Not Applicable Project Source

1 2 3

Central State

4 5 6

ULB / Parastatal

7 8 9

Grant towards its share in project Loan taken by state govt. towards its share in project Devolved funds Own surplus resource Debt/Team Loan taken from Stage govt. Debt/Team Loan taken from bank / FI Debt: from accessing capital market

Private equity/community resource funding; others

Total 100% Amount 100%


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Review of options for Institutional Debt and Private Sector Participation The project financial structuring can involve a combination of equity grant, debt and finance from private. The scope and options for possible debt and private sector financing alone have been reviewed i) Institutional Debt Supporting the capital cost of the project entirely by grant and municipalities internal sources (surplus) may not necessarily reflect the best manner of financing this project. A debt component would: a) b) provide the required gearing of the project provide (an additional) project appraisal by the funding agency and hence contribute to risk reduction and improved project structuring Contribute to project management discipline for the ULB especially in the context of O & M management, levy of user charge etc.


NMC may issue Term Bonds to generate this capital, if necessary. ii) Private Participation in Financing Construction of Infrastructure Project Rapid urbanization and growing demand has increased the need for investment in infrastructure development. Infrastructure project are complex, involving different stakeholders, and require significant preparatory work referred to hereafter as project development. There is not much scope for private sector participation for the proposed project of SWD.


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

CHAPTER-6.0 PROJECT PHASING The project has been planned in terms of scheduling and phasing. All these activities have been adequately thought through. In this chapter planned schedules have been presented for all the activities. (Refer chart on Implementation of Schedule). 6.1 Schedule for Tendering / Selection for Procurement of Service i) Construction Contractors The tendering for perspective bidders shall be firmed up after the approval of the DPR. ii) Consultants / Firms for Supervision and Quality Assurance The supervision and quality assurance will be undertaken by separate private entity through the entire period of construction activity. The tendering for the prospective bidders shall be taken up after the approval of DPR. iii) Consultants / Firms for any other Specialized Activities The consultants firm may be involved for quality audit / third party inspection to ensure quality of work and they will be appointed as per needs after following due procedure. 6.2 Schedule for brining in state level and ULB level contributions to the project The schedule for bringing in state level and ULB level contributions will be firmed up and given in more specific detail within 30 days of CSMC approval as per template provided in Annexure-3. 6.3 Schedule for obtaining all clearances (alongwith list of major clearness) Following clearances may be required from the railways, highway authority, MSEB, telephones, revenue and forest department, pollution control board etc. and the same will be obtained before the issue of work order. 6.4 Schedule for shifting utilities The necessary provisions have been made for shifting of utilities in the cost estimate. The schedule of shifting of utilities has been shown in the bar chart.
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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Project infrastructure component-wise implementation The project SWD is proposed for the time period of 3 years and planned accordingly. Component 1: Roadside Drain Component 2: Major Drainage Channels Component 3: Improvement of river. The implementation schedules /work plan can be presented in a simple bar chart on the quarterly basis Separate packages for execution by inviting tenders shall be undertaken as per priority and availability of funds.


Pert & CPM diagram Project Management Tools The PERT and CPM diagram shall be prepared after the approval of DPR.


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Implementation Schedule for Nagpur SWD System Item No. 1 a) b) Particulars of Tasks Appointment of PMC Invitation of Tenders Evaluation & Award 1 2 Duration in Months Year 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Year 2 Year 3

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

2 a) b)

Award of Work Contract Invitation of Tenders Evaluation & Issue of Work Order 2 3

3 a) b)

Construction of Road Side Drains Shifting of Utilities Construction of Drains 29 30

4 a) b)

Construction of Nallahs Removal of Encroachment Construction of Nallahs 20 30

5 a) b)

River Removal of Encroachment and Land Acquisition Construction of Side Walls and Embankments Modification of Culverts & Bridges 20 30


Tree Plantation


Chain Link Fencing


Shah Technical Consultants Pvt. Ltd. With Dinesh Rathi Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

CHAPTER-7.0 PROJECT O & M PLANNING Introduction Considerable amount of men, material and labour is spent on the design and construction of storm water drainage system like any other capital asset storm water drainage system also needs constant maintenance, of the investment is to serve the purpose it is meant for. It is absence of proper operation and maintenance set up and organization the facilities enacted shall slowly vanish and the community would not be able to reap the benefits of the project. A good operation and maintenance system shall have trained personnel and equipment to carryout the work. No extensive operation is required for an SWD system if they are properly protected from abuse. The drainage system is at the its best it is maintained as properly as designed for this purpose it is necessary that the drain keep their shape and slope in the designed manner during this life time. If it also necessary to ensure that the drains retain their full cross section, particularly for the monsoon. The system of maintenance can be clarified into the following three categories. i) ii) iii) continuous regular maintenance periodical maintenance special maintenance / repair for improvement

The extent of these repairs depend upon size of the drain, location, nature of rehabilitation nearby and cross drainage structures. The difficulty in maintenance is also caused by a lesser degree of consciousness / civic sense. Typical issues at the institutional level in the O & M of the SWD function are: 1) 2) which SWD function, responsibilities and powers should be assumed by which stakeholder? How can be responsibility and authority for planning and developing management to develop to reach institution when these institutions lack of necessary experience and capacity. On what basis should authorities decide which SWD function should be private sector enterprises?



Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Institution Framework (Organization & Operations) Strategy (i) The institution to be engaged in the O&M of the created infrastructure asset/ enhanced infrastructure assets. It is desirable to have a separate operation and maintenance setup for storm water drainage management. It shall be desirable to have a centralized unit for each drainage zone with supporting staff at ward level to address the day to day problems at ward level. This staff will be technically guided by the Engineering staff at centre. A typical organization chart is shown below. The staffing pattern shall be designed as per NMC norms and requirements. A model organization chart is shown below.

Executive Engineer

Assistant Engineer (North Zone)

Assistant Engineer (Central Zone)

Assistant Engineer (South Zone)

Junior Engineer (Workshop & Emergency Cell)

Junior Engineer (O & M)

Accountant & Administration

Workshop & Emergency Cell Staff

O & M Staff

Accountant Administration Staff

The maintenance works such as desilting of river, nallah and drain can be outsourced. The operation and maintenance of machinery also can be given on contract basis to reduce the burden in employees in NMC.
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Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Brief outline of the existing method of billing and collection There is no system of separate billing the cost is met from the revenue receipts of NMC by allocating funds.


Select performance metrics in regard to billing and collection Not Applicable


Brief description / analysis of the key issues and obstacles in regard to O & M and proposed counter measures to overcome them for the sector in general and for the project in particular SWD System of Nagpur City Comprises of the following: 1) Storm Water Collection Network Consists of: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) 2) Road Side Storm Water Drains Road Side Storm Water Entrants Trunk Drains Minor Nallahs Major Nallahs Rivers Lakes and Water Bodies

Operation The SWD system do not require any specific operation. However, periodic cleaning of water entrants to remove floating materials are required in the monsoon period. Closed drains with curb entrance does not need any premonsoon preparation. However, it is desirable to check the junction chambers for any obstruction or siltation. Minor nallahs and major nallahs shall be desilted before and after monsoon. It is quite possible that some amount of debris and solid waste enters the nallahs in fair season. So it is necessary to clean these nallahs before monsoon to avoid blockages. Rivers also need desilting before, during and after


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

monsoon so as to remove the blockages if any to allow smooth flow of flood water. 3) Control of System Usage When there is stagnation in sewer lines the overflow is given to SWD. This can reduce the capacity of storm drains. There is tendency from processing industries to discharge their waste water into SWD. This shall be controlled by good governance and implementation of Acts and Rules. No discharges shall be allowed into storm streams if they do not comply with the river discharge norms of NRCD. Whenever there is a road resurfacing work, care shall be taken to raise and align the grate inlets with the FRL of the roads. 4) Maintenance of SWD System All the maintenance activities can be attended to by the departmental agencies or through private agencies. It is advisable that the department employ the core staff and own machinery for emergency works. Remaining works can be entrusted to private contractors or to NGOs for specific assignments. 5) Machinery and Equipment a) b) c) d) e) f) 6) High Vacuum Suction Machine Road Side Drain Desilting Machine Front End Loader and Excavator Floating Excavator Portable Pump Fernet Used in conjunction with a water jet

River Embankment Maintenance a) Maintenance during fair season All repair works and improvement works if any shall be completed in this period.


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Maintenance during Monsoon During monsoon prompt maintenance of the embankment is required as the flood water of river threatens the safety of embankment mostly during this period. The establishment required to be engaged for proper maintenance of an embankment will vary depending upon importance of the embankment and behavior of the river. As soon as water touches the embankment and river shows rising trend of its water level, round the clock patrolling should start by the establishment engaged for this purpose and continue until water finally recedes from the embankment. During this period, inspection by senior officials should be carried out systematically and all the concerned officers and staff should remain alert to meet any emergency situation. In this way, by means of proper vigilance and timely action for repair works, the emergency works can be attended without delay.


Useful Tips a) It is very important to keep records of problems and compliance and schedule more frequent cleaning of these areas accordingly. It is also necessary to control pollution sources to streams. Maintain buffer strips of vegetation between the stream and roadways or other paved areas. For buffer areas, native grasses, shrubs and trees are more effective than manicured lawns in filtering pollutants as well as providing shade. Stabilize erosion areas. Stabilize eroded banks and stream channels to prevent sediments from washing downstream. Consider bio-engineered methods that use jute netting, staked live willows, and other natural means to keep the bank secure while vegetation is establishing. Revegetate with native species. Revegetate exposed and eroding stream banks with native vegetation as much as possible, and establish trees to shade the streams and lower water temperature.




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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

d) 8)

Dispose of sediments properly.

System Retrofitting Replace simple drain inlets with trapped catch basins Install compost filters in manholes Replace lawns with sustainable, low-maintenance native vegetation for greater pollutant filtering Include water quality considerations in retrofits Match retrofits to land use


Stormwater Drain Maintenance Checklist Practice Culvert/Pipe Tips Inspect at least every 5 years Use long-lasting measures Use rodding for roots Prevent chemical pollution Target maintenance to area in need Install debris traps before cleaning Inspect catchbasin every 6 mths Inspect inlets once a year Dispose of debris properly Inspect once a year Avoid overcleaning Alternate cleaned sections Disposal of sediments properly




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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


Community Involvement Evidence Solution Organize neighborhood trash pickup; contact local school or scout troop and offer prizes for largest item found or most trash collected


Trash accumulation Trash and debris in and around settled in basin bottom or floating in wet pond or collected on trash rack

Using excess or Excessive algal growth encourage your neighbors to incorrectly applied and fish kills closely follow manufacturer's fertilizers instructions on concentration and application rates for fertilizers and follow recommended application periods Oil or other toxic Oily sheen on basin substances bottom or on surface of pool area; presence of dead fish or other aquatic organisms Bare, exposed areas Water in pond is in or around pond or cloudy in areas draining to facility encourage your neighbors to follow manufacturer's directions for concentrations and application of pesticides Spread hay on temporarily disturbed areas; reseed and stabilize disturbed areas as soon as possible; organize planting of grass or shrubs in disturbed areas; plant water loving shrubs if disturbed areas are adjacent to pond

Animal activity

Burrows (holes) in Coordinate with the Local pond sides or Office embankment; small trees cut down around pond or in nearby yards; increase in wet pond area


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


What is a Spill ? Anytime a material is dumped into a sewer drain for which it is not designed to accept, or is discharged in a quantity greater than usual, whether accidental or intentional, it is considered a spill A spill can occur to both sanitary and storm sewers, and can also occur to the ground


Main causes of Flooding City Low ground levels Level of outfalls Loss of holding ponds Increase in Run off coefficient Dilapidated drains Obstructions of utilities Siltation of drains/ nallahs Suburbs Low ground levels Encroachment along Nallas Garbage dumping in S.W.Ds. / Nallas mainly in Slum Slums along outfalls No access for desilting Obstructions of utilities Siltation of drains/ Nallahs


Consequences to the Storm Sewer ? If a biodegradable liquid waste material is spilled to a storm sewer drain, it can cause: Oxygen depletion in the receiving water body as microscopic organisms break down the waste material. This is how a spill can indirectly affect the inhabitants of the water, i.e. fish kill An algae bloom, if a material containing phosphates are dumped. Algae also use up oxygen in the water, thus depriving inhabitants of much needed oxygen Destruction of aquatic life downstream of the storm outfall where the sewer drain to the receiving body of water


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System



Figure 7.3: High Vacuum Suction Machine


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


DESILTING OF ROAD SIDE OPEN DRAINS OF SIZE 0.6X0.6 MTR. And above EXPECTED OUT PUT 30 CU.M./SHIFT. - 167 R.M.OF DRAIN Figure 7.4: Mahabali Machine (v) The scope of private entity / community / NGO to be involved in defined aspects of O & M for any specific / all components of the infrastructure asset. a) All the maintenance activities can be attended to by the departmental agencies or through private agencies. It is advisable that the department employ the core staff and our machinery for emergency work. Remaining work can be entrusted to private contractor or to NGO for specific assignment. The private entity / community / NGO can be engaged in the operation and maintenance of the stormwater drainage system. Regular or periodical desilting of nallahs can be entrusted to these agencies as per the need and availability. Work allocations may be itemwise or an annual basis. It is recommended that private entity / community entity / NGO can participate in collection of SWD contract. They will also be involved in the activities of information, education and communication to public through intensive campaign or segregation and solid waste management.




Tariff and User Cost Recovery i) There is no separate method of billing and collection for SWD system. Storm water drain management operation and maintenance expenses consists salaries and wages, repairs and maintenance, fuel, power and head office establishment expenses. These expenses are estimated to increase energy year depending an various factors and mainly as price escalation.


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Revenue expenditure also includes debt service charges. As far as SWD is concerned it is not possible to chainage proportionally the beneficiaries. It shall be necessary to adopt flat rate tariff system depending on the size of property which is feasible and viable. It is therefore proposed to have a flat rate charge based on the area to be adopted in drainage charges from the property holder. ii) iii) Unit cost of service and unit price is not possible in SWD. This is not feasible in SWD system.


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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

CHAPTER-8.0 PROJECT FINANCIAL VIABILITY & SUSTAINABILITY Introduction The financial Viability and Sustainability of SWD management depends upon the NMC working out the financial viability and Sustainability. The following factors have to be considered for the financial viability and sustainability. 8.1 Budgeting and cost control systems Resource mobilization for capital investments Cost recovery and operational financing Cost reduction and control

Overall Project Perspectives i) NPV & IRR (overall): examines overall project viability, including finance cost and asset replacement cost In an SWD system it is not possible to critically examine the NPV and IRR as it is not possible to generate any direct income. The cost has to be met from revenue expenditure of the corporation. ii) NPV & IRR (O&M): examines only O&M viability In an SWD system it is not possible to critically examine the NPV and IRR as it is not possible to generate any direct income. The cost has to be met from revenue expenditure of the corporation.


ULB Level Perspectives and Financial Situation Assessment The information is provided in the Annexure-5.


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

CHAPTER-9.0 PROJECT BENEFITS ASSESSMENT (SOCIAL COST BENEFITS ASSESSMENT) Introduction Direct and indirect societal impacts and assessment have been considered. The constitutes compassion of with project scenario to the prior status or without project scenario. In this chapter all the benefit that are to be realized as a result of the implementation of the project and also likely negative externalities and listed in detail. 9.1 A list of Benefits from the Societal Perspective The social benefits on 12 parameters have been enlisted and the qualitative impacts of the same are listed in the table below: Table 9.1: Societal Benefits S. Benefits Comments No. Description 1 Access Qualitative Impacts Underlying Assumptions

The entire North zone of There will be considerable Nagpur city is covered improvements in the flooding problems. The area covered is in Ha. The assumption is that, the citizens will be benefited.


All the areas in the city could be covered, including residential, commercial and slum areas. The strategy integrates the complete system for disposal of storm water in the city

Flooding in all parts of the city will be minimization and improvement in the quality of loving

There will be improvement in conditions 3 Service Quality

considerably the living

Enhanced drainage runoffs Although, quantification is not and disposal possible, long term, benefits are envisaged like environmental benefits, health benefits and social benefits etc.


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. No.

Benefits Description


Qualitative Impacts Underlying Assumptions Involvement of the citizens would benefit in improvement of citizens health and also citys ambience, thereby resulting in social and environmental value additions

Income for poorer sections Supply continuity Safety

Creation of direct and The non skilled manpower would indirect employment for get an opportunity to earn their poorer section of the society livelihood N.A. -

5 6

The system will provide The non-stagation of water high standards of safety would eliminate and reduce the working health hazards and improve safety levels Common man will be benefited positively

Cost Savings

Nallahs and river flooding There will be social cost benefit would be prevented, resulting in indirect cost savings. Actual cost will increase but there will be improvement in social cost benefit The system will provide efficient runoff of rain water N.A. -

8 9 10

Improved Efficiency Time Saving

Environment Reduced flooding and Environmental improvement and Improvement overall environmental the clean ambiance of the city improvement Employment Employment opportunity Increase in employment potential would be generated at O&M levels It is assumed that there will be enough O&M activities



Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. No. 12

Benefits Description


Qualitative Impacts Underlying Assumptions

Improvement SWD facility would result Life will not be paralised Quality of in clean environment due to life etc. considerable reduction in flooding Benefit to all strata of society


List of Negative Externalities (i.e. adverse impact) As the project is environmental oriented, the impact and the negative externalities of the proposed strategy has been listed in the Table 9.2 below. Table 9.2: Negative Externalities and Impacts S. Benefits Comments Quantitative Impacts No. Description 1 Pollution, Project would reduce the No pollution environmental pollution levels and will not distortions, reduced have any adverse impact on green cover etc. environmental aspects. 2 Reduced access to Project would not lead to any Not applicable any specific user such effect. segments Supply interruptions (especially during project construction phases etc.) Displacement of inhabitants Construction activity is being No supply planned properly to ensure interruption. alternative plan for regular management and there would be no interruption during construction phase. There will be overall improvement in the ecology. Resettlement and rehabilitation of project affected people can have a negative social impact and the same can be solved by proper planning and the acceptable packages. No such effect is expected to Not disruption. occur since it is expected that more opportunities would come up in both direct and indirect category of employment.

Disruption of livelihood / reduced / employment / labour redundancy


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

S. No.

Benefits Comments Description Possible haphazard When ever Nallah passes development through City area encroachment around / adjacent of Slum is excepted project site areas

Quantitative Impacts


Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) This cannot be applicable for SWD system in a corporation.


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates


Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

BIBLIOGRAPHY Reference: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment by CPHEEO ICR-SP-50-Guidelines on Urban Drainage, New Delhi 1999 Sewer and Drainage Facilities Design Manual, City of Portland Bureau of Environment Services Hydraulics Fifth Edition, Andrew L. Simon Scott F. Korom Drainage Manual Roof Water Harvesting of Handbook for Practitioners, T.H. Thomas and D.B. Martinson Manual on Artificial Recharge of Ground Water Sep.2007 Water Resources Engineering by Larry W. Mays Surface Water Drainage for Low Income Communities Published by WHO General 1991 Stormwater Collection Systems Design Handbook by Larry W. Mays Schedule of Rates Year 2007-2008 Nagpur Region. Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran (Govt. of Maharashtra Undertaking) IS 10751:1994 Planning and Design of Guide Banks for Alluvial Rivers Guidelines (First Revision) IS 2912:1999 ISO 1070:1992 Liquid Flow Measurement in Open Channels Slope Area Method (First Revision) 14) 15) IS 12094:2000 IS Guidelines for Planning and Design of River Embankments (Levees) IS 4410 (Part-3)-1998 IS for Glossary of Terms Relating to River Valley Projects


Shah Technical Consultants Private Limited With Dinesh Rathi & Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ANNEXURE 1 SECTOR SPECIFIC INFRASTRUCTURE COMPONENTS 1.5 S. No. 1 2 3 Drainage Components Roadside Drains (cleaning, rehabilitation, new works) Major Drainage Channels (desilting, cleaning, rehabilitation works, new works) Disposal (desilting, cleaning, rehabilitation works at receiving water body) Remarks pages

Note: The DPR for drainage systems shall be prepared as per the guidelines given in the Manual of Sewerage and Sewage Treatment - 1993, Ministry of Urban Development.

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Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System


List: Tender Packages Package No.

Project Implementation Planning: Package-wise Contracting Relationship Tendering Contract Type Cost Unit Rate / Release Date Award Date Turnkey / Estimate Package Description (Month & Year) (Month & Year) Percentage / Others

Completion Scheduled Date (Date & Month)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ..n Total:

Shah Technical Consultants Pvt. Ltd. With Dinesh Rathi Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ANNEXURE 3 SCHEDULE FOR FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION AND SOURCES Proposed project schedule - to be provided wither within DPR or at latest within 30 days of DPR approval by CSMC Financial contribution and sources table (in Rs. Lakhs) F.Y. 10-11 Q4 Total Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled amount amount amount amount amount

F.Y. 09-10 S. Sources No. Q1 Q2 Q3


Scheduled month and amount 1 2 3 4 GoI State ULB Others Total

Scheduled month and amount

Note (for filling table): 1 For year of sanction of project and following year, provide quarterly schedule (month-year and amount). For subsequent years provide annual schedule month-year and amount.

Shah Technical Consultants Pvt. Ltd. With Dinesh Rathi Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ANNEXURE 4 PROJECT CASHFLOW TEMPLATE (INCLUDING OPTIONAL TEMPLATES) Annexure 4A Particulars 1 Cash Flow during Construction Phase Inflows Central Government Grant - JNNURM State Government Grant ULB's own contribution Loans from Banks / Fis Debenture / Bonds Beneficiary contribution Others (Please specify) Sub Total (A) Outflows Capital expenditure (Note 1) Interest during construction Project related Establishment charges Others (Please specify) Sub Total (R) Net cash flow during Construction phase (A-B) (C) Cash Flow during O & M Phase Inflows User charges Revenue grant from State Government Other Income (Please specify) Income earmarked for the project (Note 2) Other (Please specify) Sub Total (D) 2009-10 2 PROJECT CASH FLOW FOR JNNURM Block 1-JNNURM Duration 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 3 4 5 6 Block 2 - Beyond JNNURM Duration 2016-17 2017-18 2017-18 2018-19 9 10 11 12

2014-15 7

2015-16 8

Shah Technical Consultants Pvt. Ltd. With Dinesh Rathi Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Particulars 1 Outflows Establishment charges O&M charges (Note 3) Loan repayments (Principal) Interest Other (Please specify) Sub Total (E) Net cash flow during O & M phase (D-E) (F) (Note 4) NPV and IRR ( O & M) Net cash flow during Construction O&M phase (C+F) (G) NPV and Project IRR (overall) 2009-10 2 2010-11 3

Block 1-JNNURM Duration 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 4 5 6

2014-15 7

2015-16 8

Block 2 - Beyond JNNURM Duration 2016-17 2017-18 2017-18 2018-19 9 10 11 12

Note: 1. Provide details in Annexure 4B (optional) 2. Income earmarked for the project includes those own sources of income for the organisation which is earmarked for O&M or loan repayment of the project. 3. provide details in Annexure 4C (optional) 4. NPV and IRR (O&M) should be calculated after adding back the amount of Loan repayments (Principal).

Shah Technical Consultants Pvt. Ltd. With Dinesh Rathi Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Annexure 4B Details of Capital Expenditure 2009-2010 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 3 4 5 6

Particulars 1 Land acquisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Civil works Administrative buildings Plant and Machinery Technical / Supervision / Other consultancies Total

Q1 2

2010-2011 Q2 Q3 7 8

Q4 9

.. (entire construction phase)

Shah Technical Consultants Pvt. Ltd. With Dinesh Rathi Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

Annexure 4C Details of Operation and Maintenance Charges 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Particulars 1 Electrical charges Petrol, Oil and Lubricants Rent, Rates and Taxes Consultancy / Professional Charges Office Maintenance Communication Expenses Billing and Collection Printing and Stationery Insurance Consumption of Stores Repairs and Maintenance Annual Maintenance Charges Patents and Royalties Bank Charges .. .. Total

2017-18 10

2018-19 11

2024-25 12-21

Shah Technical Consultants Pvt. Ltd. With Dinesh Rathi Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ANNEXURE 5 ULB CASH FLOW TEMPLATE "Name" of the Urban Local Body Actual Projected 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Rs. in Lakhs Rs. in Lakhs 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

S. No. 1 O A A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 TA B B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 TB X C C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 TC D D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 TD Y C

Indicate status of accounts (A-Audited and U-Unaudited)

2021 to 2030 Rs. in Lakhs 17 18 19 20 21 22

2030 to 2040 Rs. in Lakhs 23 24 25 26

2 Opening Balance (O)* Revenue Income Tax Revenue Non-Tax Revenue Assigned Revenue and Compensations Grants, Contributions and Subsidies Other Income Total Revenue Expenditure Establishment Expenditure Administrative Expenditure O&M Expenditure Interest and Finance Charges / Debt Servicing (only interest) Grants / Contributions to allied institutions Other Expenses Total Revenue Surplus / (Deficit) (A-B) (X) Capital Income and Borrowings Grants / Contributions for Capital Works Loans / Borrowings (deduct Principal Repayments) Deposit Works (grants received) Others Total Capital Expenditure Capital Works Deposit works (expenditure incurred) Transfer to Reserves Investments (deduct sale) Stores / Inventory Others Total Capital Surplus (Deficit) (C-D) (Y) Closing Balance** (O+X+Y)

Note: *Opening Balance of cash-in-hand and cash at bank, **Closing Balance of cash-in-hand and cash at bank

Shah Technical Consultants Pvt. Ltd. With Dinesh Rathi Associates

Draft Detailed Project Report

Client: Nagpur Municipal Corporation Project: Stormwater Drainage System

ANNEXURE 6 LOAN SCHEDULES AND LOAN AGEING Annexure 6A Long Term Debt Situation of ULB / Parastatal Overall Status Total Loan Total Y1 Y2 Y3 outstanding arrears


Details of Loans & Borrowings Source Year Original taken loan amount

Terms in brief

Repayment Schedule Y4 Y5 Y6





Loan 1 Loan 2 Loan 3 Loan 4 Loan 5 n Notes 1 2 3 4 5

Loan refers to long term loans i.e. having tenure of greater than 1 year Repayment schedule of the 10 year time frame is being requested Terms cover: tenure, interest rate, moratorium period, total repayment period Original loan amount to cover only principal Total loan outstanding includes principal and interest

Annexure 6B Long Debt Situation of ULB/Parastatal: ageing Analysis of Total Arrears Details of Loans & Borrowings Ageing Analysis (in years) Total Total Loan < 3 Years 3-5 Years 5-10 Years > 10 Years Loan Source Year taken arrears outstanding Loan 1 Loan 2 Loan 3 Loan 4 Loan 5 n

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