Jonas Ridgeway - The Astral Projection Guidebook

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By Jonas Ridgeway


Astral projection is a state where the astral body has separated from the physical body, with or without
the rational mind. As uncommon as it may sound, it isn't. In fact, it is suspect that everybody
experiences this separation each time they fall asleep. However, most people don't remember it. This
nightly excursion out of the body is forgotten—at least to the conscious mind—simply because the ego
has not put forth the effort to recall the experience. It is the same with dreams: if you deem them
unimportant, you won't remember much of them—if any.

But out-of-bodies are real. You are much more than flesh and blood. Death is not such a fearful thing
when you realize it never really existed. As Seth says: "You are as dead now as you will ever be."

To go out of body is a good thing and as natural as breathing—but the second body, or double, is
controlled, usually, by the subconscious. The aim of this article is to help you achieve the out-of-body
state on a regular basis and with your full critical faculties, the I-consciousness, intact.

Whether you choose to believe it or not, you have a second body. Depending upon the person, its
appearance ranges from a gossamer-like presence to an exact replica of the physical body. Having the
ability to project your consciousness can open up many opportunities for you. I'm still learning how to
control my OBEs myself, but when you have developed your astral skills it is possible to go anywhere
that pleases you. You can travel the world over. Walk the beaches of Hawaii, for example, or explore the
ancient pyramids of Egypt. Or even out of this world, if it suits you. To the moon, perhaps, or farther still.
You can visit friends and loved ones, living or dead; or meet other astral travelers and communicate with
them. You can go anywhere that is of interest to you. And, the best thing of all is—the trips and
experiences are free!

The ability is yours if you wish to develop it. Instead of your subconscious having full reign, why not
share a portion of it with your ego, the waking self?

Kicking the Fear Habit:

If one wishes to engage in a conscious OBE one must take the position that OBEs are not fantasy or
make-believe; of course, personal experience is the surest way to do this. But by reading extensively on
the subject, talking with people you trust who have experienced it, and attending seminars and classes
where OBEs can be discussed at a personal level, you can gain enough information to ascertain whether
or not OBEs are valid. Also, he must change any notions that the out-of-body experience is "wrong",
"unhealthy" or "the work of the devil", for it is none of these.

Once you accept the reality of OBEs and that it is a natural extension of the human experience, the
subconscious mind can now allow the ego to experience OBEs directly; unless, however, fears are
present, which then prevents the conscious mind from participating. Fear, then, is the next barrier—
perhaps the main barrier—to overcome.

An out-of-body experience while alive is no different than an out-of-body experience after one has died;
the difference simply being that the latter has no physical body to come back to. It is little wonder then
that conscious OBEs are not the norm. Most people are horrified with the idea of death—it's almost taboo
to even talk about it. For some, death even means THE END—the death of the self.

If you want to leave your body consciously and be in control of the situation once it is achieved, you must
first do away with the following fears:

1. Fear of separation from the physical body (remember, you leave your body each time you sleep, and
you've made it back thus far).

2. Fear of losing the physical body (whenever you want to go back to the physical after a journey, the
"wanting" itself will reel you back).

3. Fear of the unknown (to a certain degree this fear will always be with you, but it is well to remember
that nothing can harm you out of body—awe of the physical world do not apply here—and if you
encounter something "dangerous" or with malicious intent, the wish to go home—or the emotion you
expressed in the situation itself—will get you there).
The best way to combat fear is to confront it. Your first OBE is likely to be a quick one—out and back in
again—but the next might be a little longer, and the next longer yet, for each time you make it back
safely a chunk of FEAR is taken away. Be patient, practice often, and soon OBEs—like swimming—will be
second nature to you.

The Dream-State Method:

One fairly easy method for inducing an OBE is via the dream state. It is in my case, at least, and for
various reasons I believe it could be for others. But before we go on to details, we need to go over some
preparatory matters.

1. You need to become obsessed with OBEs and the idea that YOU can experience them. This is very
important. You can't just want to leave your body, you must desire it. You must read everything you can
about it—then read it again. You must think about it every free moment that you have. Pound it into your
head! Read what it feels like to go out of body, to rush at super-human speeds, to float serenely above
treetops and spin dizzily with the stars—then imagine yourself doing these things! As you drift off to
sleep, imagine that you are weightless, that you are floating toward the ceiling. Or imagine your astral
self getting up and walking through the house—literally walking through the house, through the walls,
feeling the texture of everything you go through (when you actually do this out of body, the sensation is
quite strange—just a slight resistance and then you push through). Do this each night; and when you
have done all of these things for some time, you will find that flying dreams are more frequent—and you
are that much closer in taking control of them.

When you dream that you are flying—in a plane or Superman style—it is, in most cases, an actual out-of-
body experience. The double has indeed separated from the physical body, but instead of being
controlled by the conscious mind, it is in the process of "acting out" the scene or dream that the
subconscious mind has created. When you dream of flying, you are flying. Moreover, flying in a dream
isn't the only time you're out of the body while dreaming. In fact, the entire dream itself may take place
away from the physical body.

And what of those curious falling dreams? We have all experienced them, the sensation of falling a great
or short distance and then waking with a sudden jerk. Simply put, this is what occurs when the double
goes back—or is "called" back—too abruptly, as it makes a quick descent (the falling sensation) and then
re-coincides with the physical body (the sudden jerk).

2. In order to bring the dream state in view, you must remember your dreams—which brings us to
DREAM RECALL. By recording your dreams in a journal—faithfully, and in as much detail as possible—the
act itself will help you recall them better and more often. Dreams are rather slippery, so keep your
journal next to your bed with pen handy and write them down immediately upon waking. With DREAM
RECALL, the workings of your inner self will become clearer to you as your consciousness becomes more

3. SUGGESTIONS before going to sleep—especially as you drift off to sleep—are extremely effective.
Repeat these two sentences several times each night, and especially as you awaken in the morning and
began to drift back to sleep again:
4. Yoga exercises are said to be helpful in acquiring energy which can be used for projections.

5. A vegetarian/vegan diet is believed to aid in projection. (See, you can save animals' lives and be a
more proficient projector!)

6. Lying in a north-south position with head to the north is said to be both helpful in DREAM RECALL and
projecting one's consciousness.

7. Living near the ocean is a definite asset! Leaving the body is so much easier for me when I'm living on
the coast—I have no doubt about this. I don't know why it works, but it does. So, quit your job, pack
your bags, and move to the ocean!

We will now go into the reasons why I believe projection via the dream state is a fairly easy affair. First,
the element of fear in relation to the separation of the physical body isn't present as when the trance
condition is used. When consciousness is brought to a dream—which is the crux of the experiment—the
physical body is sidelined, so to speak, and concerns are focused elsewhere—by the time you "come
awake" separation has already taken place. On the other hand, if you get fearful about something in the
trance state (as in feeling the astral body rocking in the physical, or the sensation of floating upward) you
usually jerk yourself awake, ruining the experiment for the time being.

Another advantage of the DREAM STATE METHOD is this: when you are obsessed with the subject of
OBEs, many of your dreams will be related to OBEs, thus giving you easy—and tailor-made—
opportunities in which you can transform these dreams into OBEs. For example, in a dream of mine I was
climbing this mountain—its characteristics made me think of Peru—and because (in the dream) I was
tired, I thought: Hey, wouldn't it be great if I could go out of body and just fly up? And with that I
realized I was dreaming and took advantage of the situation, creating a conscious out-of-body

The Dream-State Technique:

As mentioned, bringing awareness to a dream is the first step in having a legitimate, fully conscious OBE.
But how does one go about doing this? One way is to find something in the dream that doesn't fit, or
seems too fantastic to be real. For example, I once dreamed I was at my parents' house in their upstairs
bedroom. It was daylight in the dream and the room looked normal save for these tall, individual mirrors
that stood next to one another and surrounded the room. I knew these mirrors didn't belong here, and I
came to the notion that I must be dreaming, so I thought: Okay, to prove I'm dreaming I'm going to
jump out the window. And so I did just that ... but instead of falling I was flying, for I had realized my
true condition.

Although projection through the dream state is not that difficult in most respects, hallucinations may
cause a problem if you don't realize them as just that—hallucinations. Of course, if you want to play
around with the hallucinations you can do so (after all, you created them). But if you wish to have a
"real" OBE where only "real" objects and people exist apart from your psychological makeup, then you
must, upon viewing a suspected hallucination, tell it to "go away" or "disappear", and it will; however, if
you don't realize a hallucination for what it is, you run the risk of falling back into a normal dream state.

You would do well, then, in order to turn on the total waking self (that is, once the out-of-body or dream
state is acknowledged) to do the following: realize that while your physical body is asleep, YOU are
awake; affirm that you are completely conscious and in complete control; state your full name, address,
and phone number; do a couple of jumping jacks (I'm not kidding), shouting "I'M OUT-OF-BODY!", and
then, finally, with arms akimbo, throw your head back and laugh manically. :)

Now fear within a nightmare can hit you with a vengeance. However, fear in a nightmare—especially the
"life-threatening" kind—can be used to your advantage with regards to consciousness "awakening".

For example, I once dreamt that I was being menaced by a ghost that darted about me in an unfamiliar
room. I was twirling like a madman, trying to keep my sights on it. As I ran toward the french doors, with
plans to crash through it, I thought: Hey, maybe I can pass through it like I do in OBEs! And with that I
was able to pass through it, and went on to have one of my longer, completely conscious out-of-body

So, once a familiarity with OBEs is established (by firsthand experience or by reading) the knowledge
gained will often present itself in the dream state, creating ideal opportunities in which awareness can be

I wish to remind you now that before an OBE is attempted, a suggestion before sleep is needed, such as
It is also possible—and highly recommended—to suggest to yourself that you will have an aviation-type
dream (for example, a dream where you are a pilot for a commercial airlines) and as you dream of such,
the flying sensation you experience may bring about the realization of your true condition: that you are
really out of body. However, your interest in OBEs must be great enough in order to trigger the response.

Another technique that may prove more effective, is to make a tape recording that repeats (in your
voice) a given suggestion continuously. A tape player with auto-reverse is recommended.

The Hypnopompic State Method—The Easiest Method for Inducing the Out-of-Body State:
The hypnopompic state is a stage of half-sleeping, half-waking that we pass through as we awaken. It is
the stage I am in when I am remote viewing: seeing through walls, "moving" down roads or reading
literature (this last I have done many times, reading pages from magazines, poetry, romance and
suspense novels, to metaphysical books, including one by Seth that doesn't, as far as I can tell, exist).
But it is also ideal for projecting the consciousness from the body.

My first conscious OBE was done from the hypnopompic state. I had begun to waken after several hours
of sleep (conscious OBEs are more likely to occur as you come out of sleep than the reverse, which would
then be called the hypnagogic state) and was seeing through my eyelids (this is not a prerequisite for an
OBE but can serve as a sign that conditions are favorable for one); after the vision of my mother in the
kitchen (see My First OBE), I willed myself to roll off the bed to the right and instantly my wish was
granted (remember, thought is action in the hypnopompic state, as it is in the out-of-body state).

So, as the above example demonstrates, the out-of-body state can be achieved rather effortlessly in the
hypnopompic state. But now the question is: because the hypnopompic state is usually of short duration,
how does one prolong it in order to have an out-of-body?

Let's start at the beginning. First, because OBEs are more conducive after several hours of sleep, you
should begin here. As you feel yourself coming out of sleep do not move your physical body and keep the
eyes closed. In this state of half-sleep do nothing but relax. If you feel yourself coming out of this trance
condition, deepen it by imagining yourself walking down a flight of stairs while, simultaneously, to
maintain consciousness, you stare at a fixed point in front of your eyes. Don't deepen it too much that
you fall asleep—the goal is to maintain a condition of pure relaxation but keeping your consciousness
steady. You may or may not have the ability to see through your eyelids, you may hear voices or your
physical body snoring, or you may be aware only that you are in a state of drowsiness—at any rate, to
ascertain whether or not you are in the correct mode for an OBE, simply try, without moving the physical
body, to get up.

Most likely, however, because you undoubtedly have some amount of fear, you will experience several
"shifts" before actually experiencing total separation from the physical body. A "shift", as I like to call it,
is when you feel your consciousness "shifting" or moving momentarily to another position outside your
physical head. As you become more used to the sensation of your consciousness moving, the duration of
the "shifts" will be longer. You may, for example, now be able to sit up. On the other hand, if you are the
fearless type, perhaps complete separation can be accomplished from the onset, bypassing the "shifting"
nuisance altogether.

When attempting to project from the hypnopompic state it is important that you do not try too hard. If
you try too hard or become anxious, you will destroy any chance you may have had. Take the position or
attitude that you don't give a damn whether or not you project. Be nonchalant about it. Behaving in this
manner will keep the nerves and fears at bay. When you have determined that you are in the
hypnopompic state and have managed to hold that position steadily, simply give the command to leave
your body, in the manner you feel most comfortable.

A good method—the one I use—is to roll off the bed to the right or left. (However, it is a good idea not to
have objects in your path as you do this, such as a desk or night table. It is true that under most
conditions the astral body can easily pass through such objects, but, despite knowing this, if you still
harbor fears of rolling into, or knocking your head against, an object, then complete separation cannot be
accomplished.) Or, if you like, imagine yourself floating upwards. Whichever way you feel comfortable
with. The best method is the one that can get you out of the body quickly, such as the rolling-off-the-bed
method. Once out, keep it in mind that a too close proximity to the physical body might yank you back
into it before you are ready. If you want to, you can look back at your physical body, but the initial shock
of seeing yourself with a such a deathlike countenance will probably bring about re-entry into your
physical body.

As you become more experienced with the separation process, you can become more creative. Have fun.
Experiment. I often crawl astrally to the end of the bed and do backflips. Sometimes I do somersaults. If
I'm in a really nutty mood, I will simply think "Turn! Turn! Turn!" and my astral body will spin wildly out
of control like a log in water. Sometimes I feel so free in my subtle body that I indulge in a bit of astral
dancing, jigging across the room or in midair. A few times I've heard other souls nearby, whispering,
although I couldn't see them. I'm sure they found my antics quite humorous!

The Inner Rhythm Method (or Doing the Third-Eye Throb):

This method should be used while in the hypnopompic state. It is a variation of the above method and is
intended as the madman's approach to astral projection—it's effect is that your astral body will be rocket-
launched from your physical body! It is not for the squeamish. If you want to feel what it is like to be
shot from a cannon, then give this method a go. I love this method ... but I'm a little nuts.

Throughout my childhood I had been aware of a strange pulsing or throbbing sensation in the space in
front of my closed eyelids, and before sleep, to entertain myself, I'd often "watch" it, and I soon
discovered that by concentrating on it the pulsing action could be speeded up. I'd given the phenomena a
name—"The Whomp-Whomp Thing"—which, I thought, would describe perfectly the sound it made if it
had had a sound. Later, after my mother had told me of her OBEs and OBEs in general, I discovered that
the pulsations didn't reside solely with the eyes but my entire body, and that by concentrating on the
sensation (or sometimes at a point above my head, as if I were wearing an imaginary hat or cap) it
seemed the pulsations would intensify and speed up; and when speeded up to a point, I would begin to
rock back and forth, although physically I did not move. Everyone has this inner rhythm, which is simply
the vibration of the astral body—it may be so "quiet" or subtle to your senses that it goes unnoticed—but
when magnified and quickened, can unlock (catapult!) the astral body from the physical.

To find your own inner rhythm you should be lying on your back, preferably after several hours of sleep,
just as you awaken. Continue to relax—maintaining the hypnopompic state, that delicate state between
half-awake and half-asleep. Now look at the darkness in front of you. Is there a gentle "pulsing action" or
a strobe-light effect? Can you feel the "Whomp-Whomp Thing" behind your eyes and between them? If
so, imagine it speeding up or increasing. Now focus your mind on your entire body. Do you feel the
pulsations, as if a gentle wave of energy is undulating throughout your body? Make the pulsations
stronger by following the rhythm in your mind. Imagine it speeding up, becoming more pronounced and
powerful—push it along in your mind. When the pulsations have increased to a certain point, you should
feel a rocking sensation from left to right, as the astral body begins to loosen itself from the physical
body. Keep this sensation going by imagining it moving faster and faster. If you can continue this crazy
rocking/wobbling motion without freaking out eventually your astral body will be BLASTED into astral
space! Yee-Haw! You will shoot high up into space, make an arc, and then come down. If this was your
first astral blast, however, then you will probably be back in your body before you knew what hit you.

If you want an exit from the body that isn't quite as alarming as the above, then you should just imagine
your astral self rolling off the bed in one gentle fluid motion—do this before the rocking sensation has
become too extreme. You will know when you are succeeding when you feel your consciousness
withdrawing from the physical body. When complete separation has taken place, forget about your
physical body and think only of how calm and relaxed you are (repeating a word, such as "peaceful", may
be of help to keep your mind at ease and preoccupied). If sight is blurry, move away from the physical
body until your vision clears. If it remains blurry, will yourself to see more clearly.

The X Marks-the-Spot Method:

This method should also be done after several hours of sleep. This is the lazy man's astral projection
technique. As you begin to awaken, don't move the body and keep your eyes closed. The idea, believe it
or not, is to fall asleep again—but this time with a particular goal firmly planted in your mind as you drift
off into slumberland. The goal is to fall asleep while imagining that there is a big black X on the floor near
your bed and that your consciousness is sitting on that big black X. Just imagine yourself, that pin-point
of consciousness that is YOU, is on the floor next to your bed—keep this idea firmly rooted as you fall
asleep. This technique is very simple but it works great for me. The next thing you'll be aware of is that
suddenly your consciousness has fallen to the floor, and this very act of falling to the floor, this
movement, actually brightens or awakens your consciousness so you are fully aware what has happened,
that you are now outside your body—and ready for some exploration.

For the first few experiences it is best to stay in your home, for this place is familiar and will be of
comfort to you. As you get more accustomed to the laws of the astral world and the astral vehicle in
which you find yourself, you can begin to explore the universe and what lies beyond.
Those are some of my methods. There are more, and I'll add them here when I find the time. You should
try all my methods in order to find what works best for you. After your first conscious out-of-body
experience, I suspect your life will never be the same again. Magic exists. Out-of-body travel is real. The
Universe is ours to play in. God rocks!

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