8 Performance Requirement: 8.1 General

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T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Performance requirement

This clause contains performance requirements for the physical channels specified in TS 36.211 [4]. The performance requirements for the UE in this clause are specified for the measurement channels specified in nne! .3" the propa#ation conditions in nne! $ and the do%nlin& channels in nne! '.3.2. (ote) *or the requirements in the follo%in# sections" similar +elease , and - requirements apply for time domain measurements restriction under collidin# '+S.

8.1 General
8.1.1 Dual-antenna receiver capability
The performance requirements are .ased on UE/s0 that utili1e a dual2antenna recei3er. *or all test cases" the S(+ is defined as

4 /10 + E 4 /20 E s s SNR = /10 / 20 N oc + N oc

%here the superscript indicates the recei3er antenna connector. The a.o3e S(+ definition assumes that the +Es are not precoded. The S(+ definition does not account for any #ain %hich can .e associated to the precodin# operation. The relati3e po%er of physical channels transmitted is defined in Ta.le '.3.221. The S(+ requirement applies for the UE cate#ories and ' capa.ilities #i3en for each test. *or enhanced performance requirements type " the S5(+ is defined as


4 /10 + E 4 /20 E s s /10 / 20 N oc 6+ N oc 6

%here the superscript indicates the recei3er antenna connector. The a.o3e S5(+ definition assumes that the +Es are not precoded. The S5(+ definition does not account for any #ain %hich can .e associated to the precodin# operation. The relati3e po%er of physical channels transmitted is defined in Ta.le '.3.221. The S5(+ requirement applies for the UE cate#ories #i3en for each test. The applica.ility of the requirements %ith respect to ' capa.ilities is #i3en as in Ta.le ,.1.121. 5n case the ' capa.ility is omitted" the requirement is applica.le to a UE re#ardless of its ' capa.ility. Table 8.1.1-1: Applicability of the requirement with respect to the CA capability
CA Capability CL_X CA Capability Description

The requirement i applicable to a !" that in#icate a C$ ban#%i#th cla X on at lea t one "-!T&$ ban#. CL_X-' The requirement i applicable to a !" that in#icate C$ ban#%i#th cla e X an# ' on at lea t one "-!T&$ ban# combination. (ote) The C$ ban#%i#th cla e are #efine# in Table *.+$-1

*or test cases %ith more than one component carrier" 7*raction of 8a!imum Throu#hput7 in the performance requirement refers to the ratio of the sum of throu#hput 3alues of all component carriers to the sum of the nominal ma!imum throu#hput 3alues of all component carriers" unless other%ise stated.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( 8.1.1./

,imultaneou unica t an# -.-, operation Dual-antenna receiver capability in i#le mo#e

8./ Demo#ulation of PD,C0 1Cell-,pecific &eference ,ymbol 2

8./.1 3DD 13i4e# &eference Channel2
The parameters specified in Ta.le ,.2.121 are 3alid for all *99 tests unless other%ise stated. Table 8.'.1-1: Common Test arameters &*DD(
arameter 5nter-TT5 Di tance (umber of 0$&6 proce e per component carrier -a4imum number of 0$&6 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion co#in8 equence (umber of ?3Dymbol for PDCC0 per component carrier Cyclic Prefi4 Cell_5D Cro carrier che#ulin8 Proce e +nit $alue 1 8 7 9:;1;/;<= for 6P,> an# 1+6$9:;:;1;/= for +76$7 for 1.7 -0@ ban#%i#th; < for < -0@ an# * -0@ ban#%i#th ; / for 1: -0@; 1* -0@ an# /: -0@ ban#%i#th (ormal : (ot confi8ure#

?3D- ymbol


,in8le-antenna port performance

The sin#le2antenna performance in a #i3en multi2path fadin# en3ironments is determined .y the S(+ for %hich a certain relati3e information .it throu#hput of the reference measurement channels in nne! .3.3 is achie3ed. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the sin#le2antenna performance %ith different channel models and 8'S. The :;S< and 64: 8 cases are also used to 3erify the performance for all .and%idths specified in Ta.le =.6.121.


-inimum &equirement

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.1.1-1: Test arameters

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

Test 1- : : 1(ote 12 : -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 6P,> 1

Test "- 8 : : 1(ote 12 : -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 1+6$1

Test ,- 1: : 1(ote 12 : -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 +76$1

Test 1"- 18 : : 1(ote 12 : -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 1+6$1

Test 1,-'# : : 1(ote 12 : -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 6P,> 1

N oc at antenna port
,ymbol for unu e# P&. -o#ulation PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7)

PB = > . The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#. 3or C$ te t ca e ; P!CC0 format 1b %ith channel election i u e# to fee#bacA $C>B($C>. 3or C$ te t ca e ; the ame PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e i applie# to each component carrier.
Table 8.'.1.1.1-': .inimum performance &*)C(
ropa3ation con0ition "E$* Correlation matri4 an0 antenna confi3. 14/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of ma4imum !2) throu3hput &0/( &7( F: -1.: -1.1 -:.7 :.: -/.7 :.: +.F +.F 1.7 1.7 C.7 C.7 1F.+ 1F.7 1F.* 1F.F 1+.F 1C.: 18.1 1C.1 1F.8 1F.F 1+.8 1F.+ 1F.< 1+.F 1.C 1.C 1.C -*.7 -1.< +6 cat e 3or y 1-8 <-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 /-8 1 /-8 1 /-8 1 1-8 /-8 1 /-8 1 /-8 1 /-8 1 /-8 1 <-8 / 1 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 *-8 CA capability 1(ote <2 CL_$-$ 1(ote /2 CL_C

Test num. 1 1$

/an0wi0th 1: -0@ /41: -0@

)eference channel &./ 3DD &./ 3DD

1C2G pattern ?P.1 3DD

?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: 1(ote 12 / 1: -0@ &./ 3DD ?P.1 3DD "T!F: 14/ Lo% F: < 1: -0@ &./ 3DD ?P.1 3DD "T!<:: 14/ Lo% F: 7 1: -0@ &./ 3DD ?P.1 3DD 0,T 14/ F: * 1.7 -0@ &.7 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: 1: -0@ &.< 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: + * -0@ &.<-1 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: 1: -0@ &.< 3DD ?P.1 3DD "T!F: 14/ Lo% <: F * -0@ &.<-1 3DD ?P.1 3DD "T!F: 14/ Lo% <: 1: -0@ &.< 3DD ?P.1 3DD "T!<:: 14/ 0i8h F: 8 * -0@ &.<-1 3DD ?P.1 3DD "T!<:: 14/ 0i8h F: C < -0@ &.* 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: * -0@ &.+ 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: 1: * -0@ &.+-1 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: 1: -0@ &.F 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: 11 1: -0@ &.F-1 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: 1: -0@ &.F 3DD ?P.1 3DD "T!F: 14/ Lo% F: 1/ 1: -0@ &.F-1 3DD ?P.1 3DD "T!F: 14/ Lo% F: 1: -0@ &.F 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ 0i8h F: 1< 1: -0@ &.F-1 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ 0i8h F: 1* -0@ &.8 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: 17 1* -0@ &.8-1 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: /: -0@ &.C 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: 1* /: -0@ &.C-/ 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: /: -0@ &.C-1 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: 1+ < -0@ &.: 3DD ?P.1 3DD "T!F: 14/ Lo% <: 1F 1: -0@ &.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD "T!F: 14/ Lo% <: 18 /: -0@ &.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD "T!F: 14/ Lo% <: 1C 1: -0@ &.71 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: ?P.1 3DD /: /4/: -0@ &.7/ 3DD "E$* 14/ Lo% F: 1(ote 12 (ote 1) 3or C$ te t ca e ; the ?C(G pattern applie for each CC. (ote /) <:u ec timin8 #ifference bet%een t%o CC i applie# in inter-ban# C$ ca e. (ote <) Te t 1 may not be e4ecute# for !"- for %hich Te t 1$ i applicable.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

8./.1.1./ 8./.1.1.< 8./.1.1.7

Eoi# Eoi# -inimum &equirement 1 P&. allocation in pre ence of -.,3(

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the sin#le2antenna performance %ith a sin#le ;+$ allocated at the lo%er .and ed#e in presence of 8$S*(.

Table 8.'.1.1.8-1: Test arameters for Testin3 1 )/ allocation

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

Test 1 : : 1(ote 12 : -C8 ?C(G 1(ote <2 1

N oc at antenna port
,ymbol for -.,3( portion of -.,3( ubframe 1(ote /2 PD,C0 tran mi (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) ion mo#e

PB = >
The -.,3( portion of an -.,3( ubframe compri e the %hole -.,3( ubframe e4cept the fir t t%o ymbol in the fir t lot. The -.,3( portion of the -.,3( ubframe hall contain 6P,> mo#ulate# #ata. Cell- pecific reference i8nal are not in erte# in the -.,3( portion of the -.,3( ubframe ; 6P,> mo#ulate# -.,3( #ata i u e# in tea#.

Table 8.'.1.1.8-': .inimum performance 1 )/ &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0t h )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uratio n 14/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( <: /.: +6 Cate3ory

1: -0@

&./C 3DD

?P.< 3DD




Tran mit #iver ity performance

-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of transmit di3ersity /S*$'0 %ith 2 transmitter antennas.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.'.1-1: Test arameters for Transmit 0i5ersity erformance &*)C(

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

Test 1-' -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 /

N oc at antenna port
PD,C0 tran mi (ote 1) ion mo#e

PB =1 .

Table 8.'.1.'.1-': .inimum performance Transmit Di5ersity &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration /4/ -e#ium /4/ -e#ium /4/ )eference 5alue *raction !2) of &0/( .a4imum Throu3hp ut &7( F: +.8 F: *.C F: -/.< +6 Cate3ory

1 /

1: -0@ * -0@ 1: -0@

&.11 3DD &.11-/ 3DD &.1: 3DD

?P.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD

"E$* "E$* 0,T

/-8 1 1-8


-inimum &equirement 7 T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# nne! '.3.2. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of transmit di3ersity /S*$'2*ST90 %ith 4 transmitter antennas. Table 8.'.1.'.'-1: Test arameters for Transmit 0i5ersity erformance &*)C(
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

Test 1-' -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 /

N oc at antenna port
PD,C0 tran mi (ote 1) ion mo#e

PB =1 .

Table 8.'.1.'.'-': .inimum performance Transmit Di5ersity &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration 74/ -e#ium 74/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: :.+ F: -:.C +6 Cate3ory

1 /

1.7 -0@ 1: -0@

&.1/ 3DD &.1< 3DD

?P.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD

"P$* "T!F:

1-8 1-8


-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $.,2

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and nne! '.3.3. The purpose is to 3erify the performance


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T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

of transmit di3ersity /S*$'0 %ith 2 transmit antennas if the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell ta&es place in su.frames that o3erlap %ith $S [-] of the a##ressor cell. 5n Ta.le ,." 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 is the a##ressor cell. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely. Table 8.'.1.'.3-1: Test arameters for Transmit 0i5ersity erformance &*)C(
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

Cell 1 -< -< 1(ote 12 : -1:/ 1(ote /2 -C8 1(ote <2 -C7.8 1(ote 72 &eference Ealue in Table 8./.1./.<-/ 1: (on--.,3(

Cell ' -< -< (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ + 1: (on--.,3(

N oc1

N oc at antenna port
E s N oc 2
.GChannel ,ubframe Confi8uration

N oc 2
N oc 3

Time ?ff et bet%een Cell Cell 5#

/.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 : 1 11:::1:: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: (B$

$., pattern 1(ote *2

(B$ 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 11:::1:: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: ::111:11 ::111111 ::111111 ::111111 ::111111 / / (ormal

&L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote +2

CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(oteF2 CC,5;1 (umber of control ?3D- ymbol PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Cyclic prefi4 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *) (ote +) (ote F) (ote 8) (ote C)



(B$ (ormal

PB =1 .
Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell1 an# Cell/ i the ame. ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ in thi te t.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.'.3-': .inimum erformance Transmit Di5ersity &*)C(

Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3urati on )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !2) &0/( &2ote '( <.7 +6 Cate3ory

1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

&.11-7 ?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$ * /4/ -e#ium 3DD 3DD 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1 an# Cell/ are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1 an# Cell /.



-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $., an# C&, a i tance information are confi8ure#2

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,. 22" %ith the addition of parameters in Ta.le ,. 21. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of transmit di3ersity /S*$'0 %ith 2 transmit antennas if the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell ta&es place in su.frames that o3erlap %ith $S [-] of the a##ressor cells %ith '+S assistance information. 5n Ta.le ,. 21" 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 are the a##ressor cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely. The '+S assistance information [@] includes 'ell 2 and 'ell 3.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.'.3A-1: Test arameters for Transmit 0i5ersity erformance &*)C(


)ealease 11 arameter +nit

13" Cell 1 -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 1(ote /2 -C8 1(ote <2 -C< 1(ote 72 &eference Ealue in Table8./.1./.<$/ 1: (on--.,3( 0@ (B$ (B$ :

3G Cell ' -<

T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Cell 3 -< -< 1(ote 12 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ 1: 1: (on--.,3( -1 -1:: 1 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: (B$

Do%nlinA po%er allocation

#. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-< 1(ote 12 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ 1/ 1: (on--.,3( < <:: 1/+ 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: (B$

N oc1

N oc at antenna port

N oc 2
N oc3

E s N oc 2
.GChannel ,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5#

$., pattern 1(ote *2

(B$ 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: ::111111 ::111111 ::111111 ::111111 ::111111 / / (ormal

&L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote +2

CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(oteF2 CC,5;1 (umber of control ?3Dymbol PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Cyclic prefi4





(ote 8 (ote C (ormal

(ote 8 (ote C (ormal


)ealease 11 (ote 1) (ote /)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

PB = 1 . Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:; H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote 7) Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote *) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. (ote +) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ (ote F) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. (ote 8) The number of control ?3D- ymbol i not available for $., an# i / for the ubframe in#icate# by K:L of $., pattern. (ote C) Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / an# Cell < in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern a #efine# in $nne4 $.*. (ote 1:) The number of the C&, port in Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < i the ame. (ote 11) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell / an# Cell < in thi te t.
Table 8.'.1.'.3A-': .inimum erformance Transmit Di5ersity &*)C(
Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote1( Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration &2ote '( )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !2) &0/( &2ote 3( I<.7J +6 Cate 3ory

1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P.1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$* "E$* /4/ -e#ium 3DD 3DD 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <. ,(& corre pon# to of cell 1.

&.11-7 3DD



"nhance# Performance &equirement Type $ - / T4 $ntenna Port %ith T-< interference mo#el

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of transmit di3ersity /S*$'0 %ith 2 transmit antennas %hen the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell is interfered .y ;9S'? of t%o dominant interferin# cells applyin# transmission mode 3 interference model defined in clause $.=.2. 5n Ta.le ,." 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2" 3 are interferin# cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 for each of 'ell 1" 'ell 2 and 'ell 3" respecti3ely.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.'.8-1: Test arameters for Transmit 0i5ersity erformance &*)C( with T.3 interference mo0el
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #.

Cell 1 -< -< 1(ote 12 : $ntenna port :;1

Cell ' -< -< : $ntenna port :;1 (B$ -/./< 1: (ormal 1 / (B$ $ pecifie# in clau e ..*./ 8: /: (B$ (B$

Cell 3 -< -< : $ntenna port :;1 (B$ -8.:+ 1: (ormal / / (B$ $ pecifie# in clau e ..*./ 8: /: (B$ (B$

Cell- pecific reference i8nal

N oc at antenna port
D5P 1(ote /2 .GChannel Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5# (umber of control ?3D- ymbol PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e 5nterference mo#el Probability of occurrence of tran mi ion ranA in interferin8 cell &eportin8 interval &eportin8 mo#e (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) &anA 1 &anA /

#.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-C8 (B$ 1: (ormal : / / (B$

M M m

(B$ (B$ * P!CC0 1-:

PB =1
The re pective receive# po%er pectral #en ity of each interferin8 cell relative to N oc 6 i #efine# by it a ociate# D5P value a pecifie# in clau e ..*.1. Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell /; < are the interferin8 cell . Cell / tran mi ion i #elaye# %ith re pect to Cell 1 by :.<< m an# Cell < tran mi ion i #elaye# %ith re pect to Cell 1 by :.+F m .

Table 8.'.1.'.8-': 6nhance0 erformance )equirement Type A9 Transmit Di5ersity &*)C( with T.3 interference mo0el
Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 1
&.7+ 3DD

Cell '

Cell 3

ropa3ation Con0itions Cell Cell Cell 1 ' 3

Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3urati on &2ote 3(

)eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !:2) &0/( &2ote '( -1.1

+6 Cate3 ory

(ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P. (B$ (B$ "E "E "E /4/ Lo% 1 $F: $F: $F: 3D D The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,5(& corre pon# to E s N oc 6 of Cell 1 a #efine# in clau e 8.1.1. Correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration parameter apply for each of Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <.



?pen-loop patial multiple4in8 performance

-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of lar#e delay '99 %ith 2 transmitter antennas.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.3.1-1: Test arameters for ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C(

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

Test 1-3 -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 <

N oc at antenna port
PD,C0 tran mi (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) ion mo#e

PB =1 .
3or C$ te t ca e ; P!CC0 format 1b %ith channel election i u e# to fee#bacA $C>B($C>. 3or C$ te t ca e ; the ame PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e i applie# to each component carrier.

Table 8.'.1.3.1-': .inimum performance ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C(

ropa3ation con0ition Correlation matri4 an0 antenna confi3. /4/ Lo% /4/ Lo% /4/ Lo% /4/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of ma4imum !2) Throu3hput &0/( &7( F: 1<.: F: F: F: 1<.F 1<./ I/:./J +6 cate 3ory /-8 <-8 *-8 /-8

Test num


)eferenc e channel

1C2G pattern

CA capability CL_$-$ CL_C -

1 1: -0@ &.11 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$F: 1$ ?P.1 3DD /41: -0@ &.11 3DD "E$F: 1(ote /2 1(ote 12 / ?P.1 3DD /4/: -0@ &.<: 3DD "E$F: 1(ote /2 1(ote 12 < 1: -0@ &.<* 3DD ?P.1 3DD "E$/:: (ote 1) 3or C$ te t ca e ; the ?C(G pattern applie for each CC. (ote /) 3or C$ !"; if C$ confi8uration un#er te t i CL_C; te t / i e4ecute# for !"- for %hich Te t 1$ or / i applicable.

applie#. ?ther%i e; te t 1$ i applie#. Te t 1 may not be


,oft buffer mana8ement te t

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,. 22" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. 21 and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose is to 3erify the UE performance %ith proper instantaneous .uffer implementation. The test points are applied to UE cate#ory and .and%idth com.ination %ith ma!imum a##re#ated .and%idth as specified inTa.le ,. 23. Table 8.'.1.3.1A-1: Test arameters for soft buffer mana3ement test &*)C(
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

Test 1-% -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 <

N oc at antenna port
PD,C0 tran mi (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) ion mo#e

PB =1 .
3or C$ te t ca e ; P!CC0 format 1b %ith channel election i u e# to fee#bacA $C>B($C>. 3or C$ te t ca e ; the ame PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e i applie# to each component carrier.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.3.1A-': .inimum performance soft buffer mana3ement test &*)C(

ropa3ation con0ition Correlation matri4 an0 antenna confi3. )eference 5alue *raction of ma4imum !2) Throu3hput &0/( &7( F: F: F: F: F: F: F: F: F: F: F: F: 1<./ I1*.1J CL_$-$ I1*.1J I1<.*J CL_$-$ I1<.*J I1<.*J CL_$-$ I1<.*J 1*.8 I1*.CJ CL_$-$ 1*.C I1*.CJ CL_$-$ 1*.C CL_$-$ CL_C

Test num 1

/an0wi 0th /4/: -0@

)eference channel &.<: 3DD

1C2G pattern

CA capability CL_$-$ CL_C

?P.1 3DD "E$F: /4/ Lo% 1(ote 12 &.<*-/ 3DD for ?P.1 3DD 1*-0@ CC 1(ote 12 1*-0@ N / "E$* /4/ Lo% 1:-0@ &.<*-< 3DD for ?P.1 3DD 1:-0@ CC 1(ote 12 &.<: 3DD for ?P.1 3DD /:-0@ CC 1(ote 12 /:-0@ N < "E$F: /4/ Lo% 1:-0@ ?P.1 3DD T.D 1(ote 12 &.<: 3DD for ?P.1 3DD /:-0@ CC 1(ote 12 /:-0@ N 7 "E$F: /4/ Lo% 1*-0@ &.<:-1 3DD for ?P.1 3DD 1*-0@ CC 1(ote 12 /4/: ?P.1 3DD * &.<*-1 3DD "E$* /4/ Lo% -0@ 1(ote 12 &.<*-1 3DD for ?P.1 3DD /:-0@ CC 1(ote 12 /:-0@ N + "E$F: /4/ Lo% 1:-0@ &.<*-< 3DD for ?P.1 3DD 1:-0@ CC 1(ote 12 &.<*-1 3DD for ?P.1 3DD /:-0@ CC 1(ote 12 /:-0@ N F "E$F: /4/ Lo% 1*-0@ &.<*-/ 3DD for ?P.1 3DD 1*-0@ CC 1(ote 12 (ote 1) 3or C$ te t ca e ; the ?C(G pattern applie for each CC. (ote /) 3or Te t /; <; 7; +; F the 3raction of ma4imum Throu8hput applie to each CC.

Table 8.'.1.3.1A-3: Test points for soft buffer mana3ement tests

+6 cate3ory < 7 (ote 1) /an0wi0th combination with ma4imum a33re3ate0 ban0wi0th &2ote 1( '4'#.<= 1-.<=>1#.<= '#.<=>1#.<= '#.<=>1-.<= 1 / < 7 * (B$ + F -a4imum over all upporte# C$ confi8uration an# ban#%i#th combination et accor#in8 to Table *.+$.11an# Table *.+$.1-/.


-inimum &equirement 7 T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of lar#e delay '99 %ith 4 transmitter antennas. Table 8.'.1.3.'-1: Test arameters for ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C(
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

Test 1 -+ -+ 1(ote 12 < -C8 <

N oc at antenna port
PD,C0 tran mi (ote 1) ion mo#e

PB =1


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.3.'-': .inimum performance ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration 74/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: 17.< +6 Cate3ory

1: -0@

&.17 3DD

?P.1 3DD



8./.1.<.< -inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $.,2
The requirements for non28$S*( $S are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and nne! '.3.3. The requirements for 8$S*( $S are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and nne! '.3.3. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of lar#e delay '99 %ith 2 transmitter antennas if the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell ta&es place in su.frames that o3erlap %ith $S [-] of the a##ressor cell. 5n Ta.les ,. and ,." 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 is the a##ressor cell. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.3.3-1: Test arameters for ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C( ? 2on-./!*2 A/!
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

Cell 1 -< -< 1(ote 12 : -1:/ 1(ote /2 -C8 1(ote <2 -C7.8 1(ote 72 &eference Ealue in Table 8./.1.<.<-/ 1: (on--.,3( :

Cell ' -< -< (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ + 1: (on--.,3( 1 11:::1::; 11::::::; 11::::::; 11::::::; 11:::::: (B$

N oc1

N oc at antenna port
E s N oc 2

N oc 2
N oc 3

,ubframe Confi8uration Cell 5# Time ?ff et bet%een Cell

/.* 1 ynchronou cell 2

$., pattern 1(ote *2

(B$ 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 11:::1:: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: ::111:11 ::111111 ::111111 ::111111 ::111111 / < (ormal

&L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern1(ote +2

CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote F2 CC,5;1 (umber of control ?3D- ymbol PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Cyclic prefi4 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *) (ote +) (ote F) (ote 8) (ote C)



(B$ (ormal

PB =1 . Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ. $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell1 an# Cell/ i the ame. ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ in thi te t.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.3.3-': .inimum erformance ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C( ? 2on-./!*2 A/!
Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !2) &0/( &2ote '( 1<.< +6 Cate3ory

1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P.1 ?P.1 "E$ * "E$ * /4/ Lo% 3DD 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1 an# Cell/ are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1 an# Cell /.

&.11 3DD



)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.3.3-3: Test arameters for ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C( ? ./!*2 A/!
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

Cell 1 -< -< 1(ote 12 : -1:/ 1(ote /2 -C8 1(ote <2 -C7.8 1(ote 72 &eference Ealue in Table 8./.1.<.<-7 1: (on--.,3( :

Cell ' -< -< (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ + 1: -.,3( 1/+ :::1:::::: :1::::::1: ::::::1::: :::::::::: (B$

N oc1

N oc at antenna port
E s N oc 2

N oc 2
N oc 3

,ubframe Confi8uration Cell 5# Time ?ff et bet%een Cell $., pattern 1(ote *2

/.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 (B$ :::1:::::: :1::::::1: ::::::1::: :::::::::: :::1:::::: :1::::::1: ::::::1::: :::::::::: 111:111111 1:111111:1 111111:111 1111111111 (B$

&L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote +2

CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote F2 CC,5;1


(B$ ::1::: 1::::1 :::1:: :::::: (B$ (ormal

-.,3( ,ubframe $llocation 1(ote 1:2 (umber of control ?3D- ymbol PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Cyclic prefi4 (ote 1) (ote /) / < (ormal

PB =1 . Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H7; H*; H+; HF; H8; HC; H1:; H11; H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H: of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote 7) Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$.,. (ote *) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. The 7th; 1/th; 1Cth an# /Fth ubframe in#icate# by $., pattern are -.,3( $., ubframe . PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. (ote +) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ. (ote F) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. (ote 8) Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell1 an# Cell/ i the ame. (ote C) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ in thi te t. (ote 1:) -.,3( ,ubframe $llocation a #efine# in IFJ; four frame %ith /7 bit i cho en for -.,3( ubframe allocation. (ote 11) The ma4imum number of uplinA 0$&6 tran mi ion i limite# to / o that each P05C0 channel tran mi ion i in a ubframe protecte# by -.,3( $., in thi te t.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.3.3-8: .inimum erformance ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C( ? ./!*2 A/!
Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote '( Cell 1 Cell ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !2) &0/( &2ote '( 1/.: +6 Cate3ory

1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P.1 ?P.1 "E$ * "E$ * /4/ Lo% 3DD 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1 an# Cell/ are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1 an# Cell /.

&.11 3DD



-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $., an# C&, a i tance information are confi8ure#2

The requirements for non28$S*( $S are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of parameters in Ta.le ,. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of lar#e delay '99 %ith 2 transmit antennas if the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell ta&es place in su.frames that o3erlap %ith $S [-] of the a##ressor cells %ith '+S assistance information. 5n Ta.le ,." 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 are the a##ressor cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely. The '+S assistance information [@] includes 'ell 2 ad 'ell3.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.3.8-1: Test arameters for ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C( ? 2on-./!*2 A/!


)ealease 11 arameter +nit

18% Cell 1 -< -< 1(ote 12 : I-C8J 1(ote /2 I-C8J 1(ote <2 I-C<J 1(ote 72 &eference Ealue in Table 8./.1.<.7-/ 1: (on--.,3( 0@ (B$ (B$ :


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Cell 3 -< -< 1(ote 12 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ &eference Ealue in Table 8./.1.<.7-/ 1: (on--.,3( I-1J I-1::J 1/+ I11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11::::::J (B$

Cell ' -< -< 1(ote 12 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ &eference Ealue in Table 8./.1.<.7-/ 1: (on--.,3( I<J I<::J 1 I11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11::::::J (B$

Do%nlinA po%er allocation

#. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

N oc1 N oc at antenna port

N oc 2

N oc 3
E s N oc 2
.GChannel ,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5#

$., pattern 1(ote *2

(B$ I1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1:::::::J I11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11::::::J I::111111 ::111111 ::111111 ::111111 ::111111J / < (ormal

&L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote +2

CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(oteF2 CC,5;1 (umber of control ?3Dymbol PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Cyclic prefi4





(ote 8 (ote C (ormal

(ote 8 (ote C (ormal


)ealease 11 (ote 1) (ote /)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

PB = 1 . Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote 7) Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote *) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. (ote +) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ (ote F) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. (ote 8) The number of control ?3D- ymbol i not available for $., an# i / for the ubframe in#icate# by K:L of $., pattern. (ote C) Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / an# Cell < in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern a #efine# in $nne4 $.*. (ote 1:) The number of the C&, port in Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < i the ame. (ote 11) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell / an# Cell < in thi te t.
Table 8.'.1.3.8-': .inimum erformance ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C( ? 2on-./!*2 A/! )efer 1C2G attern ropa3ation Correlatio )eference $alue E s N oc 2
ence Chan nel Cell / Cell < Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 Con0itions &2ote1( Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 n .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3urat ion &2ote '( *raction of .a4imu m Throu3h put &7( IF:J IF:J !2) &0/( &2ote 3( I1<.CJ I//.+J

Test 2umb er

+6 Cate 3ory

1 / (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

&.11 C F ?P.1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$* "E$* /4/ Lo% 3DD 3DD 3DD 3DD &.<* ICJ I1J ?P.1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$* "E$* /4/ Lo% 3DD 3DD 3DD 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1.

/-8 /-8


Clo e#-loop patial multiple4in8 performance

-inimum &equirement ,in8le-Layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 / T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the closed loop ran&2 one performance %ith %ide.and and frequency selecti3e precodin#.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.8.1-1: Test arameters for !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ P&. m m

Test 1 -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 + 8 1 P!,C0 1-/ ::1111 7

Test ' -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 *: 8 1 P!,C0 <-1 ::1111 7

N oc at antenna port
Preco#in8 8ranularity P-5 #elay 1(ote /2 &eportin8 interval &eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et&e tricti on bitmap PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e (ote 1) (ote /)

PB =1 . 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72.

Table 8.'.1.8.1-': .inimum performance !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration /4/ Lo% /4/ 0i8h )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: -/.* F: -/.< +6 Cate3ory

1 /

1: -0@ 1: -0@

&.1: 3DD &.1: 3DD

?P.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD

"E$* "P$*

1-8 1-8


-inimum &equirement ,in8le-Layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 7 T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,. 22" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. 21 and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the closed loop ran&2 one performance %ith %ide.and and frequency selecti3e precodin#.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.8.1A-1: Test arameters for !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ P&. m m

Test 1 -+ -+ 1(ote 12 < -C8 + 8 1 P!,C0 1-/ :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: 1111111111111111 7

N oc at antenna port
Preco#in8 8ranularity P-5 #elay 1(ote /2 &eportin8 interval &eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et&e tricti on bitmap PD,C0 tran mi mo#e (ote 1) (ote /) ion

PB =1 . 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72.

Table 8.'.1.8.1A-': .inimum performance !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration 74/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: -<./ +6 Cate3ory

1: -0@

&.1< 3DD

?P.1 3DD




"nhance# Performance &equirement Type $ - ,in8le-Layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 / T4 $ntenna Port %ith T-7 interference mo#el

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,.$22" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,.$21 and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the closed loop ran&2 one performance %ith %ide.and precodin# %ith t%o transmit antennas %hen the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell is interfered .y ;9S'? of t%o dominant interferin# cells applyin# transmission mode 4 interference model defined in clause $.=.3. 5n Ta.le ,.$21" 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2" 3 are interferin# cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 for each of 'ell 1" 'ell 2 and 'ell 3" respecti3ely.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.8.1/-1: Test arameters for !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C( with T.8 interference mo0el
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #.

Cell 1 -< -< 1(ote 12 : $ntenna port :;1

Cell ' -< -< : $ntenna port :;1 (B$ -1.F< 1: (ormal 1 / (B$ $ pecifie# in clau e ..*.< 8: /: + (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$

Cell 3 -< -< : $ntenna port :;1 (B$ -8.++ 1: (ormal / / (B$ $ pecifie# in clau e ..*.< 8: /: + (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$

Cell- pecific reference i8nal

N oc at antenna port
D5P 1(ote /2 .GChannel Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5# (umber of control ?3D- ymbol PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e 5nterference mo#el Probability of occurrence of &anA 1 tran mi ion ranA in &anA / interferin8 cell Preco#in8 8ranularity P-5 #elay 1(ote 72 &eportin8 interval &eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *)

#.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-C8 (B$ 1: (ormal : / + (B$

M M P&. m m

(B$ (B$ *: 8 * P!CC0 1-1 ::1111

PB =1
The re pective receive# po%er pectral #en ity of each interferin8 cell relative to N oc 6 i #efine# by it a ociate# D5P value a pecifie# in clau e ..*.1. Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell /; < are the interferin8 cell . 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. $ll cell are time- ynchronou .

Table 8.'.1.8.1/-': 6nhance0 erformance )equirement Type A9 !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C( with T.8 interference mo0el
Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 1
&.7F 3DD

Cell '

Cell 3

ropa3ation Con0itions Cell Cell Cell 1 ' 3

Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3urati on &2ote 3(

)eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !:2) &0/( &2ote '( :.8

+6 Cate3 ory

(ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P. (B$ (B$ "E "E "E /4/ Lo% 1 $* $* $* 3D D The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,5(& corre pon# to E s N oc 6 of Cell 1 a #efine# in clau e 8.1.1. Correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration parameter apply for each of Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <.



)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(


-inimum &equirement ,in8le-Layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $., an# C&, a i tance information are confi8ure#2

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,.'22" %ith the addition of parameters in Ta.le ,.'21. The purpose is to 3erify the closed loop ran&2one performance %ith %ide.and precodin# if the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell ta&es place in su.frames that o3erlap %ith $S [-] of the a##ressor cell %ith '+S assistance information. 5n Ta.le ,.'21" 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 are the a##ressor cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely. The '+S assistance information [@] includes 'ell 2 and 'ell 3.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.8.1C-1: Test arameters for !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C( ? 2on-./!*2 A/!


)ealease 11 arameter +nit

1-8 Cell 1 -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 1(ote /2 -C8 1(ote <2 -C< 1(ote 72 &eference Ealue in Table 8./.1.7.1C-/ 1: (on--.,3( 0@ (B$ (B$ :


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Cell 3 -< -< 1(ote 12 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ 1: 1: (on--.,3( -1 -1:: 1 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: (B$

Cell ' -< -< 1(ote 12 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ 1/ 1: (on--.,3( < <:: 1/+ 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: (B$

Do%nlinA po%er allocation

#. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

N oc1 N oc at antenna port

N oc 2

E s N oc 2

N oc 3

,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5#

$., pattern 1(ote *2

(B$ 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: 11:::::: ::111111 ::111111 ::111111 ::111111 ::111111 / P&. m m + *: 8 1 P!,C0 <-1 1111 (ormal

&L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote +2

CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(oteF2 CC,5;1 (umber of control ?3Dymbol PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Preco#in8 8ranularity P-5 #elay 1(ote 1:2 &eportin8 interval Peportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap Cyclic prefi4





(ote 8 (ote C (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (ormal

(ote 8 (ote C (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (ormal


)ealease 11 (ote 1) (ote /)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

PB = 1 . Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote 7) Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote *) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. (ote +) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ (ote F) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. (ote 8) The number of control ?3D- ymbol i not available for $., an# i / for the ubframe in#icate# by K:L of $., pattern. (ote C) Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / an# Cell < in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern a #efine# in $nne4 $.*. (ote 1:) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote 11) The number of the C&, port in Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < i the ame. (ote 1/) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell / an# Cell < in thi te t.
Table 8.'.1.8.1C-': .inimum erformance !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(? 2on-./!*2 A/!
Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote1( Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3urati on &2ote '( )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !2) &0/( &2ote 3( I+.1J +6 Cate3 ory

1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P.1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "P$* "P$* "P$* /4/ 0i8h 3DD 3DD 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1.

&.11 3DD



-inimum &equirement -ulti-Layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 / T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,."%ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the closed loop ran&2 t%o performance %ith %ide.and and frequency selecti3e precodin#.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.8.'-1: Test arameters for .ulti-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ P&. m m

Test 1-' -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 *: 8 1 P!,C0 <-1 11:::: 7

N oc at antenna port
Preco#in8 8ranularity P-5 #elay 1(ote /2 &eportin8 interval &eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e (ote 1) (ote /)

PB =1 .
5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72.

Table 8.'.1.8.'-': .inimum performance .ulti-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration /4/ Lo% /4/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: 18.C F: 17.< +6 Cate3ory

1 /

1: -0@ 1: -0@

&.<* 3DD &.11 3DD

?P.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD

"P$* "T!F:

/-8 /-8


-inimum &equirement -ulti-Layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 7 T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the closed loop ran&2 t%o performance %ith %ide.and and frequency selecti3e precodin#.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.8.3-1: Test arameters for .ulti-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ P&. m m

Test 1-' -+ -+ 1(ote 12 < -C8

Test 3 -+ -+ 1(ote 12 < -C8

N oc at antenna port
Preco#in8 8ranularity P-5 #elay 1(ote /2 &eportin8 interval &eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap

C,5 reque t fiel# 1(ote <2 PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *)

+ 8 8 8 1 1 P!,C0 1-/ P!,C0 1-/ ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::1111111 ::::::1111111 111111111:::: 111111111:::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: O1:P 7

PB =1 . 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. C,5 reque t fiel# applie for C$ #emo#ulation requirement only. -ultiple CCun#er te t are confi8ure# a the 1 t et of ervin8 cell by hi8her layer . 3or C$ te t ca e ; $C>B($C> bit are tran mitte# u in8 P!,C0 %ith P!CC0 format 1b %ith channel election confi8ure#. 3or C$ te t ca e ; the ame PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e i applie# to each component carrier.

Table 8.'.1.8.3-': .inimum performance .ulti-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(

ropa3ation con0ition Correlation matri4 an0 antenna confi3. )eference 5alue *raction of ma4imum !2) throu3hput &0/( &7( F: 17.F F: F: 1:.8 I1:.CJ +6 cate3ory /-8 <-8 *-8 CA capability CL_$$ CL_C

Test num. 1

/an0wi0th 1: -0@

)eference channel &.<+ 3DD

1C2G pattern

?P.1 3DD "P$* 74/ Lo% ?P.1 3DD / /41: -0@ &.17 3DD "E$* 74/ Lo% 1(ote 12 &.17-< ?P.1 3DD < /4/: -0@ "E$* 74/ Lo% 3DD 1(ote 12 (ote 1) 3or C$ te t ca e ; the ?C(G pattern applie for each CC.

8./.1.* 8./.1.+ 8./.1.F

-!--5-? IControl channel performance) D-.C0 an# PC0J Carrier a88re8ation %ith po%er imbalance

The requirements in this section 3erify the a.ility of an intra.and adAancent carrier a##re#ation UE to demodulate the si#nal transmitted .y the ;'ell in the presence of a stron#er S'ell si#nal on an adAacent frequency. Throu#hput is measured on the ;'ell only.


-inimum &equirement

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,[email protected]" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,[email protected] and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.1.%.1-1: Test arameters

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@

Test 1 : : 1(ote 12 : -8* -FC ?ff 1(ote /2 ?C(G 1(ote <;72 +7 6$1 9:= 1 <

4 E s B PCell 4 E s B SCell

at antenna port of PCell at antenna port of ,cell

N oc at antenna port
,ymbol for unu e# P&. -o#ulation -a4imum number of 0$&6 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion co#in8 equence PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e of PCell PD,C0 tram mi ion mo#e of ,Cell (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

(ote 7)

PB = > . (o e4ternal noi e ource are applie# The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate#. p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#. The ?C(G pattern i u e# to fill the ,Cell control channel an# PD,C0.

Table 8.'.1.%.1-': .inimum performance &*)C(

Test /an0- )eference 1C2G attern 2umber wi0th Channel Cell !Cell ropa3ation Con0itions Cell !Cell Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Cell !Cell )eference 5alue +6 CA *raction of Cate3ory capabi .a4imum lity Throu3hput &7(

/4/:- &.7C 3DD 0@

?P.1 3DD

?P.* $GG( Clau e 14/ 3DD ..1





8././ TDD 13i4e# &eference Channel2

The parameters specified in Ta.le ,.2.221 are 3alid for all T99 tests unless other%ise stated.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'-1: Common Test arameters &TDD(

arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration 1(ote 12 ,pecial ubframe confi8uration 1(ote /2 Cyclic prefi4 Cell 5D 5nter-TT5 Di tance (umber of 0$&6 proce e per component carrier -a4imum number of 0$&6 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion co#in8 equence (umber of ?3Dymbol for PDCC0 per component carrier Cro carrier che#ulin8 a a pecifie# in Table 7./-/ in T, <+./11 I7J. pecifie# in Table 7./-1 in T, <+./11 I7J. Proce e +nit $alue 1 7 (ormal : 1 F 7 9:;1;/;<= for 6P,> an# 1+6$9:;:;1;/= for +76$7 for 1.7 -0@ ban#%i#th; < for < -0@ an# * -0@ ban#%i#th ; / for 1: -0@; 1* -0@ an# /: -0@ ban#%i#th (ot confi8ure#

?3D- ymbol

(ote 1) (ote /)


,in8le-antenna port performance

The sin#le2antenna performance in a #i3en multi2path fadin# en3ironments is determined .y the S(+ for %hich a certain relati3e information .it throu#hput of the reference measurement channels in nne! .3.4 is achie3ed. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the sin#le2antenna performance %ith different channel models and 8'S. The :;S< and 64: 8 cases are also used to 3erify the performance for all .and%idths specified in Ta.le =.6.121.


-inimum &equirement

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2.

Table 8.'.'.1.1-1: Test arameters

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit Test 1- : : 1(ote 12 : -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 6P,> -ultiple4in 8 1 Test "- 8 : : 1(ote 12 : -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 1+6$-ultiple4in 8 1 Test ,- 1: : 1(ote 12 : -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 +76$-ultiple4in 8 1 Test 1"18 : : 1(ote 12 : -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 1+6$-ultiple4in 8 1 Test 1, : : 1(ote 12 : -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 6P,> -ultiple4in 8 1 Test '# : : 1(ote 12 : -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 6P,> 1(ote <2 1


#. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

N oc at antenna port
,ymbol for unu e# P&. -o#ulation $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7)

PB = >
The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#. P!CC0 format 1b %ith channel election i u e# to fee#bacA $C>B($C>. 3or C$ te t ca e ; the ame PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e i applie# to each component carrier.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.1.1-': .inimum performance &*)C(


)ealease 11 Test number /an0wi0t h )eference Channel 1C2G attern

1"1 ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uratio n 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ 0i8h 14/ 0i8h 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ 0i8h 14/ 0i8h 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo% 14/ Lo%


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( +6 Cate3ory CA capability

1 / < 7 * +

1: -0@ 1: -0@ 1: -0@ 1: -0@ 1.7 -0@ 1: -0@ * -0@

&./ TDD &./ TDD &./ TDD &./ TDD &.7 TDD &.< TDD &.<-1 TDD &.< TDD &.<-1 TDD &.< TDD &.<-1 TDD &.* TDD &.+ TDD &.+-1 TDD &.F TDD &.F-1 TDD &.F TDD &.F-1 TDD &.F TDD &.F-1 TDD &.8 TDD &.8-1 TDD &.C TDD &.C-/ TDD &.C-1 TDD &.: TDD &.1 TDD &.1 TDD &.71 TDD &.7/ TDD

1: -0@ * -0@

1: -0@ * -0@

C 1:

< -0@ * -0@ * -0@


1: -0@ 1: -0@


1: -0@ 1: -0@


1: -0@ 1: -0@


1* -0@ 1* -0@


/: -0@ /: -0@ /: -0@

1+ 1F 18 1C /:

< -0@ 1: -0@ /: -0@ 1: -0@ /4/:-0@

?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD 1(ote 12

"E$* "T!F: "T!<:: 0,T "E$* "E$* "E$* "T!F: "T!F: "T!<:: "T!<:: "E$* "E$* "E$* "E$* "E$* "T!F: "T!F: "E$* "E$* "E$* "E$* "E$* "E$* "E$* "T!F: "T!F: "T!F: "E$* "E$*

)eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: -1./ F: F: F: F: F: F: <: <: F: F: F: F: F: F: F: F: F: F: F: F: F: F: F: F: <: <: <: F: F: -:.+ -:./ -/.+ :.: +.F +.F 1.7 1.7 C.< C.< 1F.+ 1F.+ 1F.+ 1F.+ 1F.+ 1C.1 1C.1 1C.1 1C.1 1F.8 1F.8 1F.F 1F.F 1F.F /.1 /.: /.1 -*.< -1./

1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 /-8 1 /-8 1 /-8 1 1-8 /-8 1 /-8 1 /-8 1 /-8 1 /-8 1 <-8 / 1 1-8 1-8 1-8 1-8 *-8

CL_C; CL_$-$


)ealease 11 (ote 1)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

3or C$ te t ca e ; the ?C(G pattern applie for each CC.

8././.1./ 8././.1.< 8././.1.7

Eoi# Eoi# -inimum &equirement 1 P&. allocation in pre ence of -.,3(

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the sin#le2antenna performance %ith a sin#le ;+$ allocated at the lo%er .and ed#e in presence of 8$S*(.

Table 8.'.'.1.8-1: Test arameters for Testin3 1 )/ allocation

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit Test 1 : : 1(ote 12 : -C8 ?C(G 1(ote <2 -ultiple4in8 1


#. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

N oc at antenna port
,ymbol for -.,3( portion of -.,3( ubframe 1(ote /2 $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e PD,C0 tran mi (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) ion mo#e

PB = > .
The -.,3( portion of an -.,3( ubframe compri e the %hole -.,3( ubframe e4cept the fir t t%o ymbol in the fir t lot. The -.,3( portion of the -.,3( ubframe hall contain 6P,> mo#ulate# #ata. Cell- pecific reference i8nal are not in erte# in the -.,3( portion of the -.,3( ubframe ; 6P,> mo#ulate# -.,3( #ata i u e# in tea#.

Table 8.'.'.1.8-': .inimum performance 1 )/ &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0t h )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uratio n 14/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( <: /.: +6 Cate3ory

1: -0@

&./C TDD

?P.< TDD




Tran mit #iver ity performance

-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of transmit di3ersity /S*$'0 %ith 2 transmitter antennas.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.'.1-1: Test arameters for Transmit 0i5ersity erformance &*)C(

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

Test 1-' -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 -ultiple4in8 /

N oc at antenna port
$C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e PD,C0 tran mi (ote 1) ion mo#e

PB = 1

Table 8.'.'.'.1-': .inimum performance Transmit Di5ersity &*)C(

Test number /an0w i0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration /4/ -e#ium /4/ -e#ium /4/ )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: +.8 F: +.8 F: -/.< +6 Cate3ory

1 /

1: -0@ * -0@ 1: -0@

&.11 TDD &.11-/ TDD &.1: TDD

?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD

"E$* "E$* 0,T

/-8 1 1-8


-inimum &equirement 7 T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of transmit di3ersity /S*$'2*ST90 %ith 4 transmitter antennas. Table 8.'.'.'.1-1: Test arameters for Transmit 0i5ersity erformance &*)C(
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit Test 1-' -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 -ultiple4in8 /


#. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

N oc at antenna port
$C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e PD,C0 tran mi (ote 1) ion mo#e

PB = 1

Table 8.'.'.'.1-': .inimum performance Transmit Di5ersity &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration 74/ -e#ium 74/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: :./ F: -:.* +6 Cate3ory

1 /

1.7 -0@ 1: -0@

&.1/ TDD &.1< TDD

?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD

"P$* "T!F:

1-8 1-8


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(


-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $.,2

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and nne! '.3.3. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of transmit di3ersity /S*$'0 %ith 2 transmit antennas if the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell ta&es place in su.frames that o3erlap %ith $S [-] of the a##ressor cell. 5n Ta.le ,." 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 is the a##ressor cell. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.'.3-1: Test arameters for Transmit 0i5ersity erformance &*)C(

arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit Cell 1 1 7 -< -< 1(ote 12 : -1:/ 1(ote /2 -C8 1(ote <2 -C7.8 1(ote 72 &eference Ealue in Table 8./././.<-/ 1: (on--.,3( Cell ' 1 7 -< -< 1(ote 12 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ + 1: (on--.,3(


#. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

N oc1 N oc at antenna port

E s N oc 2
.GChannel ,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell Cell 5# $., pattern 1(ote *2 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote +2 C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote F2 CC,5;: CC,5;1

N oc 2 N oc 3

/.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 : (B$ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::1:::1 :::::::::1 11::1:1::: 11::111::: / -ultiple4in8 / (ormal 1 :::::1:::1 :::::::::1 (B$ (B$ (B$

(umber of control ?3D- ymbol $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Cyclic prefi4 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *)

(B$ (ormal

PB = 1 .
Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$.,. $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ. $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell1 an# Cell/ i the ame. ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ in thi te t.

(ote +) (ote F) (ote 8) (ote C)


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.'.3-': .inimum erformance Transmit Di5ersity &*)C(

Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !2) &0/( &2ote '( <.8 +6 Cate3ory

1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

&.11-7 ?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$* /4/ -e#ium TDD TDD TDD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1 an# Cell/ are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1 an# Cell /.



-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $., an# C&, a i tance information are confi8ure#2

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,. 22" %ith the addition of parameters in Ta.le ,. 21. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of transmit di3ersity /S*$'0 %ith 2 transmit antennas if the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell ta&es place in su.frames that o3erlap %ith $S [-] of the a##ressor cell %ith '+S assistance information. 5n Ta.le ,. 21" 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 are the a##ressor cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely. The '+S assistance information [@] includes 'ell 2 and 'ell 3.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.'.3A-1: Test arameters for Transmit 0i5ersity erformance &*)C(

arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration +nit Cell 1 1 7 -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 1(ote /2 -C8 1(ote <2 -C< 1(ote 72 &eference Ealue in Table 8./././.<$-/ 1: (on--.,3( 0@ (B$ (B$ : (B$ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 11::111::: 11::111::: Cell ' 1 7 -< -< 1(ote 12 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ 1/ 1: (on--.,3( < <:: 1/+ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 (B$ (B$ (B$ Cell 3 1 7 -< -< 1(ote 12 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ 1: 1: (on--.,3( -1 -1:: 1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 (B$ (B$ (B$

Do%nlinA po%er allocation

#. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

N oc at antenna port

N oc1
N oc 2
N oc3

E s N oc 2
.GChannel ,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5# $., pattern 1(ote *2 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote +2 C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(oteF2 CC,5;: CC,5;1

(umber of control ?3D/ (ote 8 (ote 8 ymbol $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (B$ (B$ PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e / (ote C (ote C Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ormal PB = 1 . (ote 1) (ote /) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:; H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote 7) Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote *) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. (ote +) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ (ote F) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. (ote 8) The number of control ?3D- ymbol i not available for $., an# i / for the ubframe in#icate# by K:L of $., pattern. (ote C) Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / an# Cell < in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern a #efine# in $nne4 $.*. (ote 1:) The number of the C&, port in Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < i the ame. (ote 11) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell / an# Cell < in thi te t.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.'.3A-': .inimum erformance Transmit Di5ersity &*)C(

Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration &2ote '( )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !2) &0/( &2ote 3( I<.*J +6 Cate 3ory

&.11-7 TDD (ote 1) (ote /)

?P.1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$* "E$* /4/ -e#ium TDD TDD TDD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <.. (ote <) ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1.



"nhance# Performance &equirement Type $ Q / T4 $ntenna Port %ith T-< interference mo#el

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of transmit di3ersity /S*$'0 %ith 2 transmit antennas %hen the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell is interfered .y ;9S'? of t%o dominant interferin# cells applyin# transmission mode 3 interference model defined in clause $.=.2. 5n Ta.le ,." 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2" 3 are interferin# cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 for each of 'ell 1" 'ell 2 and 'ell 3" respecti3ely. Table 8.'.'.'.8-1: Test arameters for Transmit 0i5ersity erformance &*)C( with T.3 interference mo0el
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #.

Cell 1 -< -< 1(ote 12 : $ntenna port :;1

Cell ' -< -< : $ntenna port :;1 (B$ -1.F< 1: (ormal 1 / (B$ $ pecifie# in clau e ..*./ 8: /: (B$ (B$ (B$

Cell 3 -< -< : $ntenna port :;1 (B$ -8.++ 1: (ormal / / (B$ $ pecifie# in clau e ..*./ 8: /: (B$ (B$ (B$

Cell- pecific reference i8nal

N oc at antenna port
D5P 1(ote /2 .GChannel Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5# (umber of control ?3D- ymbol PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e 5nterference mo#el Probability of occurrence of &anA 1 tran mi ion ranA in &anA / interferin8 cell &eportin8 interval &eportin8 mo#e $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7)

#.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-C8 (B$ 1: (ormal : / / (B$

M M m

(B$ (B$ * P!CC0 1-: -ultiple4in8

PB =1
The re pective receive# po%er pectral #en ity of each interferin8 cell relative to N oc 6 i #efine# by it a ociate# D5P value a pecifie# in clau e ..*.1. Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell /; < are the interferin8 cell . $ll cell are time- ynchronou .


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.'.8-': 6nhance0 erformance )equirement Type A9 Transmit Di5ersity &*)C( with T.3 interference mo0el
Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 1
&.7+ TDD

Cell '

Cell 3

ropa3ation Con0itions Cell Cell Cell 1 ' 3

Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3urati on &2ote 3(

)eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !:2) &0/( &2ote '( -1.7

+6 Cate3 ory

(ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P. (B$ (B$ "E "E "E /4/ Lo% 1 $F: $F: $F: TD D The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,5(& corre pon# to E s N oc 6 of Cell 1 a #efine# in clau e 8.1.1. Correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration parameter apply for each of Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <.



?pen-loop patial multiple4in8 performance

-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of lar#e delay '99 %ith 2 transmitter antennas. Table 8.'.'.3.1-1: Test arameters for ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C(
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

Test 19 3 -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 .un#lin8 <

Test ' -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 1(ote /2 <

N oc at antenna port
$C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e PD,C0 tran mi (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) ion mo#e

PB =1
P!CC0 format 1b %ith channel election i u e# to fee#bacA $C>B($C>. 3or C$ te t ca e ; the ame PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e i applie# to each component carrier.

Table 8.'.'.3.1-': .inimum performance ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C(

Test num ber 1 / < (ote 1) /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: 1<.1 F: F: 1<.F I/:.<J +6 Cate 3ory /-8 *-8 /-8 CA capabil ity CL_C -

?P.1 "E$F: /4/ Lo% TDD /4/: -0@ ?P.1 "E$F: /4/ Lo% TDD 1(ote 12 1: -0@ &.<* TDD ?P.1 "E$/:: /4/ Lo% TDD 3or C$ te t ca e ; the ?C(G pattern applie for each CC.

1: -0@

&.11-1 TDD &.<:-1 TDD


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(


,oft buffer mana8ement te t

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,. 22" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. 21 and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose is to 3erify UE performance %ith proper instantaneous .uffer implementation. Table 8.'.'.3.1A-1: Test arameters for ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C(
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

Test 1-' -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 1(ote /2 <

N oc at antenna port
$C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e PD,C0 tran mi (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) ion mo#e

PB =1
P!CC0 format 1b %ith channel election i u e# to fee#bacA $C>B($C>. 3or C$ te t ca e ; the ame PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e i applie# to each component carrier.

Table 8.'.'.3.1A-': .inimum performance ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C(

Test num ber 1 / (ote 1) /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: 1<./ F: 1*.F +6 Cate 3ory < 7 CA capabil ity CL_C CL_C

/4/: -0@

?P.1 "E$F: /4/ Lo% TDD 1(ote 12 /4/: -0@ &.<*-1 ?P.1 "E$* /4/ Lo% TDD TDD 1(ote 12 3or C$ te t ca e ; the ?C(G pattern applie for each CC.

&.<:-/ TDD


-inimum &equirement 7 T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of lar#e delay '99 %ith 4 transmitter antennas. Table 8.'.'.3.'-1: Test arameters for ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C(
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

Test 1 -+ -+ 1(ote 12 < -C8 .un#lin8 <

N oc at antenna port
$C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e (ote 1)

PB =1 .


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.3.'-': .inimum performance ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration 74/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: 17./ +6 Cate3ory

1: -0@

&.17 TDD

?P.1 TDD




-inimum &equirement /T4 antenna port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $.,2

The requirements for non28$S*( $S are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and nne! '.3.3. The requirements for 8$S*( $S are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and nne! '.3.3. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of lar#e delay '99 %ith 2 transmitter antennas if the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell ta&es place in su.frames that o3erlap %ith $S [-] of the a##ressor cell. 5n Ta.les ,. and ,." 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 is the a##ressor cell. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.3.3-1: Test arameters for ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C( ? 2on-./!*2 A/!
arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit Cell 1 1 7 -< -< 1(ote 12 : -1:/ 1(ote /2 -C8 1(ote <2 -C7.8 1(ote 72 &eference Ealue in Table 8././.<.<-/ 1: (on--.,3( : Cell ' 1 7 -< -< 1(ote 12 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ + 1: (on--.,3( 1 :::::1:::1; :::::::::1 (B$ (B$ (B$


#. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

N oc1

N oc at antenna port
E s N oc 2

N oc 2
N oc 3

,ubframe Confi8uration Cell 5# Time ?ff et bet%een Cell $., pattern 1(ote *2 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote +2 C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote F2 CC,5;: CC,5;1

/.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 (B$ :::::::::1; :::::::::1 :::::1:::1; :::::::::1 11::1:1::: 11::111::: / -ultiple4in8 < (ormal

(umber of control ?3D- ymbol $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Cyclic prefi4 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *)

(B$ (ormal

(ote +) (ote F) (ote 8) (ote C)

PB = 1 . Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non$.,. $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ. $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell1 an# Cell/ i the ame. ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ in thi te t.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.3.3-': .inimum erformance ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C( ? 2on-./!*2 A/!
Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !2) &0/( &2ot e '( 17.: +6 Cate3ory

1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P.1 ?P.1 "E$ * "E$ * /4/ Lo% TDD TDD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1 an# Cell/ are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1 an# Cell /.

&.11 TDD



)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.3.3-3: Test arameters for ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C( ? ./!*2 A/!
arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit Cell 1 1 7 -< -< 1(ote 12 : -1:/ 1(ote /2 -C8 1(ote <2 -C7.8 1(ote 72 &eference Ealue in Table 8././.<.<-7 1: (on--.,3( : Cell ' 1 7 -< -< 1(ote 12 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ + 1: -.,3( 1/+ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 (B$ (B$ (B$ ::::1:


#. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

N oc1

N oc at antenna port
E s N oc 2

N oc 2
N oc 3

,ubframe Confi8uration Cell 5# Time ?ff et bet%een Cell $., pattern 1(ote *2 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote +2 C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote F2 CC,5;: CC,5;1

/.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 (B$ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 11::111::: 11::111::: (B$ / -ultiple4in8 < (ormal

-.,3( ,ubframe $llocation 1(ote 1:2 (umber of control ?3D- ymbol $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Cyclic prefi4 (ote 1) (ote /)

(B$ (ormal

PB = 1 .

Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H7; H*; H+; HF; H8; HC; H1:;H11; H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H: of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote 7) Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non$.,. (ote *) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. The 1:th an# /:th ubframe in#icate# by $., pattern are -.,3( $., ubframe . PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. (ote +) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ (ote F) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. (ote 8) Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell1 an# Cell/ i the ame. (ote C) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ in thi te t. (ote 1:) -.,3( ,ubframe $llocation a #efine# in IFJ; one frame %ith + bit i cho en for -.,3( ubframe allocation.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.3.3-8: .inimum erformance ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C( ? ./!*2 A/!
Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !2) &0/( &2ot e '( 1/./ +6 Cate3ory

1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P.1 ?P.1 "E$ * "E$ * /4/ Lo% TDD TDD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1 an# Cell/ are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1 an# Cell /.

&.11 TDD



-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $., an# C&, a i tance information are confi8ure#2

The requirements for non28$S*( $S are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of parameters in Ta.le ,. The purpose is to 3erify the performance of lar#e delay '99 %ith 2 transmitter antennas if the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell ta&es place in su.frames that o3erlap %ith $S [-] of the a##ressor cell %ith '+S assistance information. 5n Ta.le ,." 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 and 'ell3 are the a##ressor cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely. The '+S assistance information [@] includes 'ell 2 and 'ell 3.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.3.8-1: Test arameters for ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C( ? 2on-./!*2 A/!
arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration +nit Cell 1 1 7 -< -< 1(ote 12 : I-C8J 1(ote /2 I-C8J 1(ote <2 I-C<J 1(ote 72 &eference Ealue in Table 8././.<.7-/ 1: (on--.,3( 0@ (B$ (B$ : (B$ I:::::::::1 :::::::::1J I:::::::::1 :::::::::1J I11::111::: 11::111:::J Cell ' 1 7 -< -< 1(ote 12 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ &eference Ealue in Table 8././.<.7-/ 1: (on--.,3( I<J I<::J 1 I:::::::::1 :::::::::1J (B$ (B$ (B$ Cell 3 1 7 -< -< 1(ote 12 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ &eference Ealue in Table 8././.<.7-/ 1: (on--.,3( I-1J I-1::J 1/+ I:::::::::1 :::::::::1J (B$ (B$ (B$

Do%nlinA po%er allocation

#. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

N oc1 N oc at antenna port

N oc 2

N oc 3
E s N oc 2
.GChannel ,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5# $., pattern 1(ote *2 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote +2 C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(oteF2 CC,5;: CC,5;1

(umber of control ?3D/ (ote 8 (ote 8 ymbol $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (B$ (B$ PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e < (ote C (ote C Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ormal PB = 1 . (ote 1) (ote /) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote 7) Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote *) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. (ote +) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ (ote F) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. (ote 8) The number of control ?3D- ymbol i not available for $., an# i / for the ubframe in#icate# by K:L of $., pattern. (ote C) Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / an# Cell < in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern a #efine# in $nne4 $.*. (ote 1:) The number of the C&, port in Cell1; Cell/ an# Cell < i the ame. (ote 11) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ an# Cell < in thi te t.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Test 2um ber

Table 8.'.'.3.8-': .inimum erformance ;ar3e Delay CDD &*)C( ? 2on-./!*2 A/! )efer 1C2G attern ropa3ation Correlation )eference $alue E s N oc 2
ence Chan nel Cell / Cell < Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 Con0itions &2ote1( Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3urati on &2ote '( *raction of .a4imum Throu3hp ut &7( IF:J IF:J !2) &0/( &2ote 3( I17./J I//.FJ

+6 Cate3 ory

&.11 C F ?P.1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$* "E$* /4/ Lo% TDD TDD TDD TDD / &.<* ICJ I1J ?P.1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$* "E$* /4/ Lo% TDD TDD TDD TDD (ote 1) The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. (ote /) The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <. (ote <) ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1.

/-8 /-8


Clo e#-loop patial multiple4in8 performance

-inimum &equirement ,in8le-Layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 / T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the closed loop ran&2 one performance %ith %ide.and and frequency selecti3e precodin#. Table 8.'.'.8.1-1: Test arameters for !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ P&. m m

Test 1 -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 + 1: or 11 1 or 7 1(ote <2 P!,C0 1-/ ::1111 -ultiple4in8 7

Test ' -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 *: 1: or 11 1 or 7 1(ote <2 P!,C0 <-1 ::1111 -ultiple4in8 7

N oc at antenna port
Preco#in8 8ranularity P-5 #elay 1(ote /2 &eportin8 interval &eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

PB =1 .
5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. 3or !plinA - #o%nlinA confi8uration 1 the reportin8 interval %ill alternate bet%een 1m an# 7m .

Table 8.'.'.8.1-': .inimum performance !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0t h )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uratio n /4/ Lo% /4/ 0i8h )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: -<.1 F: -/.8 +6 Cate3ory

1 /

1: -0@ 1: -0@

&.1: TDD &.1: TDD

?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD

"E$* "P$*

1-8 1-8


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(


-inimum &equirement ,in8le-Layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 7 T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,. 22" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. 21 and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the closed loop ran&2 one performance %ith %ide.and and frequency selecti3e precodin#. Table 8.'.'.8.1A-1: Test arameters for !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ P&. m m

Test 1 -+ -+ 1(ote 12 < -C8 + 1: or 11 1 or 7 1(ote <2 P!,C0 1-/ ::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::111 1111111111111 -ultiple4in8 7

N oc at antenna port
Preco#in8 8ranularity P-5 #elay 1(ote /2 &eportin8 interval &eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et&e tricti on bitmap $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e (ote 1) (ote /)

PB =1 .
5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. 3or !plinA - #o%nlinA confi8uration 1 the reportin8 interval %ill alternate bet%een 1m an# 7m .

(ote <)

Table 8.'.'.8.1A-': .inimum performance !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration 74/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: -<.* +6 Cate3ory

1: -0@

&.1< TDD

?P.1 TDD




"nhance# Performance &equirement Type $ Q ,in8le-Layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 / T4 $ntenna Port %ith T-7 interference mo#el

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,.$22" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,.$21 and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the closed loop ran&2 one performance %ith %ide.and precodin# %ith t%o transmit antennas %hen the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell is interfered .y ;9S'? of t%o dominant interferin# cells applyin# transmission mode 4 interference model defined in clause $.=.3. 5n Ta.le ,.$21" 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2" 3 are interferin# cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 for each of 'ell 1" 'ell 2 and 'ell 3" respecti3ely.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.8.1/-1: Test arameters for !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C( with T.8 interference mo0el
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #.

Cell 1 -< -< 1(ote 12 : $ntenna port :;1

Cell ' -< -< : $ntenna port :;1 (B$ -1.F< 1: (ormal 1 / (B$ $ pecifie# in clau e ..*.< 8: /: + (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$

Cell 3 -< -< : $ntenna port :;1 (B$ -8.++ 1: (ormal / / (B$ $ pecifie# in clau e ..*.< 8: /: + (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$

Cell- pecific reference i8nal

N oc at antenna port
D5P 1(ote /2 .GChannel Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5# (umber of control ?3D- ymbol PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e 5nterference mo#el Probability of occurrence of &anA 1 tran mi ion ranA in &anA / interferin8 cell Preco#in8 8ranularity P-5 #elay 1(ote 72 &eportin8 interval &eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *)

#.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-C8 (B$ 1: (ormal : / + (B$

M M P&. m m

(B$ (B$ *: 1: or 11 * P!CC0 1-1 ::1111 -ultiple4in8

PB =1
The re pective receive# po%er pectral #en ity of each interferin8 cell relative to N oc 6 i #efine# by it a ociate# D5P value a pecifie# in clau e ..*.1. Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell /; < are the interferin8 cell . 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. $ll cell are time- ynchronou .

Table 8.'.'.8.1/-': 6nhance0 erformance )equirement Type A9 !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C( with T.8 interference mo0el
Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 1
&.7F TDD

Cell '

Cell 3

ropa3ation Con0itions Cell Cell Cell 1 ' 3

Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3urati on &2ote 3(

)eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !:2) &0/( &2ote '( 1.1

+6 Cate3 ory

(ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P. (B$ (B$ "E "E "E /4/ Lo% 1 $* $* $* TD D The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,5(& corre pon# to E s N oc 6 of Cell 1 a #efine# in clau e 8.1.1. Correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration parameter apply for each of Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <.



)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(


-inimum &equirement ,in8le-Layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $., an# C&, a i tance information are confi8ure#2

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,.'22" %ith the addition of parameters in Ta.le ,.'21. The purpose is to 3erify the closed loop ran&2one performance %ith %ide.and precodin# if the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell ta&es place in su.frames that o3erlap %ith $S [-] of the a##ressor cell %ith '+S assistance information. 5n Ta.le ,.'21" 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 are the a##ressor cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely. The '+S assistance information [@] includes 'ell 2 and 'ell 3.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.8.1C-1: Test arameters for !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C( ? 2on-./!*2 A/!


)ealease 11 arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration +nit

18' Cell 1 1 7 -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 1(ote /2 -C8 1(ote <2 -C< 1(ote 72 &eference Ealue in Table 8././.7.1C-/ 1: (on--.,3( 0@ (B$ (B$ : (B$ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 11::111::: 11::111::: / -ultiple4in8 + *: 1: or 11 1 or 7 1(ote 112 P!,C0 <-1 1111 (ormal


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Cell 3 1 7 -< -< 1(ote 12 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ 1: 1: (on--.,3( -1 -1:: 1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 (B$ (B$ (B$ (ote 8 (B$ (ote C (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (ormal

Cell ' 1 7 -< -< 1(ote 12 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ 1/ 1: (on--.,3( < <:: 1/+ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 (B$ (B$ (B$ (ote 8 (B$ (ote C (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (ormal

Do%nlinA po%er allocation

#. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

N oc1 N oc at antenna port

N oc 2

E s N oc 2

N oc 3

,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5# $., pattern 1(ote *2 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote +2 C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(oteF2 CC,5;: CC,5;1

(umber of control ?3Dymbol $C>B($C> feebacA mo#e PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Preco#in8 8ranularity P-5 #elay 1(ote 1:2 &eportin8 interval Peportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap Cyclic prefi4

P&. m m


)ealease 11 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

(ote +) (ote F) (ote 8) (ote C) (ote 1:) (ote 11) (ote 1/) (ote 1<)

PB = 1 . Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. The number of control ?3D- ymbol i not available for $., an# i / for the ubframe in#icate# by K:L of $., pattern. Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / an# Cell < in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern a #efine# in $nne4 $.*. 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. 3or !plinA - #o%nlinA confi8uration 1 the reportin8 interval %ill alternate bet%een 1m an# 7m . The number of the C&, port in Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < i the ame. ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell / an# Cell < in thi te t.

Table 8.'.'.8.1C-': .inimum erformance !in3le-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(? 2on-./!*2 A/!
Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote1( Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration &2ote '( )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !2) &0/( &2ote 3( I+.7J +6 Cate 3ory

1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P.1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "P$* "P$* "P$* /4/ 0i8h TDD 3DD TDD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1.

&.11 TDD



-inimum &equirement -ulti-Layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 / T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the closed loop ran&2 t%o performance %ith %ide.and and frequency selecti3e precodin#.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.8.'-1: Test arameters for .ulti-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ P&. m m

Test 1-' -< -< 1(ote 12 : -C8 *: 1: or 11 1 or 7 1(ote <2 P!,C0 <-1 .un#lin8 11:::: 7

N oc at antenna port
Preco#in8 8ranularity P-5 #elay 1(ote /2 &eportin8 interval &eportin8 mo#e $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e (ote 1) (ote /)

PB =1 .
5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. 3or !plinA - #o%nlinA confi8uration 1 the reportin8 interval %ill alternate bet%een 1m an# 7m .

(ote <)

Table 8.'.'.8.'-': .inimum performance .ulti-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration /4/ Lo% /4/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: 1C.* F: 1<.C +6 Cate3ory

1 /

1: -0@ 1: -0@

&.<* TDD &.11-1 TDD

?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD

"P$* "T!F:

/-8 /-8


-inimum &equirement -ulti-Layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 7 T4 $ntenna Port

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,. and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the closed loop ran&2 t%o performance %ith %ide.and and frequency selecti3e precodin#.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.8.3-1: Test arameters for .ulti-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ P&. m m

Test 1 -+ -+ 1(ote 12 < -C8 + 1: or 11 1 or 7 1(ote <2 P!,C0 1-/ .un#lin8 ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::1111111 111111111:::: :::::::::::: O1:P 7

Test ' -+ -+ 1(ote 12 < -C8 8 1: or 11 1 or 7 1(ote <2 P!,C0 1-/ 1(ote *2 ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ::::::1111111 111111111:::: :::::::::::: O1:P 7

N oc at antenna port
Preco#in8 8ranularity P-5 #elay 1(ote /2 &eportin8 interval &eportin8 mo#e $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap

C,5 reque t fiel# 1(ote 72 PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *) (ote +)

PB =1 . 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 3or !plinA - #o%nlinA confi8uration 1 the reportin8 interval %ill alternate bet%een 1m an# 7m . C,5 reque t fiel# applie for C$ #emo#ulation requirement only. -ultiple CCun#er te t are confi8ure# a the 1 t et of ervin8 cell by hi8h layer . $C>B($C> bit are tran mitte# u in8 P!,C0 %ith P!CC0 format 1b %ith channel election confi8ure#. 3or C$ te t ca e ; the ame PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e i applie# to each component carrier.

Table 8.'.'.8.3-': .inimum performance .ulti-;ayer !patial .ultiple4in3 &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3atio n Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration 74/ Lo% 74/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: 1*.F F: 11.1 +6 Cate3ory

CA capabi

1 / (ote 1)

1: -0@ &.<+ TDD ?P.1 TDD "P$* /4/: &.7< TDD ?P.1 TDD "E$* -0@ 1(ote 12 3or C$ te t ca e ; the ?C(G pattern applie for each CC.

/-8 *-8


8././.* 8././.+ 8././.F

-!--5-? IControl channel performance) D-.C0 an# PC0J Carrier a88re8ation %ith po%er imbalance

The requirements in this section 3erify the a.ility of an intra.and adAancent carrier a##re#ation UE to demodulate the si#nal transmitted .y the ;'ell in the presence of a stron#er S'ell si#nal on an adAacent frequency. Throu#hput is measured on the ;'ell only.


-inimum &equirement

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,[email protected]" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,[email protected] and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.'.'.%.1-1: Test arameters

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@

Test 1 : : 1(ote 12 : -8* -FC ?ff 1(ote /2 ?C(G 1(ote <;72 +7 6$1 9:= 1 <

4 E s B PCell 4 E s B SCell

at antenna port of PCell at antenna port of ,cell

N oc at antenna port
,ymbol for unu e# P&. -o#ulation -a4imum number of 0$&6 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion co#in8 equence PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e of PCell PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e of ,Cell (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

PB = > .
(o e4ternal noi e ource are applie#. The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata. The ?C(G pattern i u e# to fill the ,Cell control channel an# PD,C0.

(ote 7)

Table 8.'.'.%.1-': .inimum performance &*)C(

Test /an0- )eference 1C2G attern ropa3ation 2umber wi0th Channel Con0itions 1 /4/:- &.7C TDD 0@ Cell ?P.1 TDD !Cell Cell !Cell ?P.* $GG Clau TDD ( e ..1 Correlation )eference 5alue +6 CA .atri4 an0 *raction of Cate3ory capabi Antenna .a4imum lity Cell !Cell Throu3hput &7( 14/ /4/ 8*M *-8 CL-C

8.< Demo#ulation of PD,C0 1! er-,pecific &eference ,ymbol 2

8.<.1 3DD
The parameters specified in Ta.le ,.3.121 are 3alid for *99 unless other%ise stated.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.3.1-1: Common Test arameters for +ser-specific )eference !ymbols

arameter Cyclic prefi4 Cell 5D 5nter-TT5 Di tance (umber of 0$&6 proce e -a4imum number of 0$&6 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion co#in8 equence (umber of ?3Dymbol for PDCC0 Preco#er up#ate 8ranularity (ote 1) (ote /) a a pecifie# in Table 7./-/ in T, <+./11 I7J. pecifie# in Table 7./-1 in T, <+./11 I7J. Proce e +nit $alue (ormal : 1 8 7 9:;1;/;<= for 6P,> an# 1+6$9:;:;1;/= for +76$?3D- ymbol / 3requency #omain) 1 P&G for Tran mi ion mo#e C Time #omain) 1 m


,in8le-layer ,patial -ultiple4in8

*or sin#le2layer transmission on antenna ports @ or , upon detection of a ;9''? %ith 9'5 format 2'" the requirements are specified in Ta.le ,.3.1.121 and ,.3.1.122" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,.3.1.123 and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify ran&21 performance on one of the antenna ports @ or , %ith and %ithout a simultaneous transmission on the other antenna port" and to 3erify rate matchin# %ith multiple 'S5 reference sym.ol confi#urations %ith non21ero and 1ero transmission po%er.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table Test arameters for Testin3 CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! &sin3le layer( with multiple C!:)! confi3urations
parameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #.

Test 1 : : 1(ote 12 -< $nne4 ..7.1

Test ' : : 1(ote 12 -< $nne4 ..7.1

.eamformin8 mo#el Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5 reference i8nal confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5-&, confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap ,ubframe

$ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port 1*; R;18 *B/ : ,ubframe B bitmap #.mB1*A0@ <B :::1::::::::::: : -C8 ?C(G 1(ote 72 P&. *: (o C $ntenna port 1*; R;18 *B/ < <B :::1:::::::::::: -C8 ?C(G 1(ote 72 *: 'e 1(ote <; *2 C

N oc at antenna port
,ymbol for unu e# P&. (umber of allocate# re ource blocA 1(ote /2 ,imultaneou tran mi ion PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7)

(ote *)

PB =1 . The mo#ulation ymbol of the i8nal un#er te t are mappe# onto antenna port F or 8. -o#ulation ymbol of an interference i8nal i mappe# onto the antenna port 1F or 82 not u e# for the input i8nal un#er te t. The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#. The t%o !" P cramblin8 i#entitie nS'59 are et to : for CD-multiple4e# D- &, %ith interferin8 imultaneou tran mi ion te t ca e .

Table': .inimum performance for CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! without simultaneous transmission &*)C( with multiple C!:-)! confi3urations
Test number /an0wi0t h an0 .C! )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration /4/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hpu t &7( F: -1 +6 Cate3ory

1: -0@ 6P,> 1B<

&.7< 3DD

?P.1 3DD




)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table .inimum performance for CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! with interferin3 simultaneous transmission &*)C( with multiple C!:-)! confi3urations
Test number /an0wi0th an0 .C! )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: /1.C +6 Cate3ory

/ (ote 1)

1: -0@ &.*: 3DD ?P.1 3DD "P$* /4/ Lo% +76$- 1B/ The reference channel applie to both the input i8nal un#er te t an# the interferin8 i8nal.



"nhance# Performance &equirement Type $ Q ,in8le-layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 %ith T-C interference mo#el

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,.3.1.1 22" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,.3.1.1 21 and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify closed loop ran& one performance on one of the antenna ports @ or , %ithout a simultaneous transmission on the other antenna port in the ser3in# cell %hen the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell is interfered .y ;9S'? of one dominant interferin# cell applyin# transmission mode - interference model defined in clause $.=.4. 5n ,.3.1.1 21" 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 is the interferin# cell. The do%nlin& physical channel setup is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 for each of 'ell 1 and 'ell 2" respecti3ely.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table Test arameters for Testin3 CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! &sin3le layer( with T., interference mo0el


)ealease 11 parameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit #. #. #.

1,1 Cell 1 : : 1(ote 12 -< $ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port 1*; R;18 ,ubframe *B/ : #.mB1*A0 @ #. -0@ -C8 (B$ 1: (ormal : / C $ pecifie# in clau e ..7.< 1(ote 7; *2 (B$ (B$ (B$ P&. *: 8 * P!CC0 1-1 :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: 1111111111111111 ?C(G 1(ote +2 (o imultaneou tran mi ion on the other antenna port in 1F or 82 not u e# for the input i8nal un#er te t


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Cell ' : : -<


Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5 reference i8nal confi8uration

$ntenna port :;1 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ -1.F< 1: (ormal 1/+ / (B$ (B$ $ pecifie# in clau e ..*.7 F: <: + (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$

N oc at antenna port
D5P 1(ote /2 .GChannel Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5# (umber of control ?3Dymbol PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e

.eamformin8 mo#el 5nterference mo#el Probability of occurrence of tran mi ion ranA in interferin8 cell &anA 1 &anA /

Preco#er up#ate 8ranularity P-5 #elay 1(ote *2 &eportin8 interval &eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap

,ymbol for unu e# P&.

,imultaneou tran mi




)ealease 11 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *) (ote +) (ote F)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

PB =1
The re pective receive# po%er pectral #en ity of each interferin8 cell relative to N oc 6 i #efine# by it a ociate# D5P value a pecifie# in clau e ..*.1. The mo#ulation ymbol of the i8nal un#er te t in Cell 1 are mappe# onto antenna port F or 8. The preco#er in clau e ..7.< follo% !" recommen#e# P-5. 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#. $ll cell are time- ynchronou .

Table': 6nhance0 erformance )equirement Type A9 CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! with T., interference mo0el
Test 2umber )eferenc e Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' ropa3ation Con0itions Cell 1 Cell ' Correlatio n .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3urat ion &2ote 3( 74/ Lo% )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( !:2) &0/( &2ote '( +6 Cate3or y

1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P.1 (B$ "E$* "E$* F: -1.1 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1 an# Cell / are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,5(& corre pon# to E s N oc 6 of Cell 1 a #efine# in clau e 8.1.1. Correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration parameter apply for each of Cell 1 an# Cell /.
&.78 3DD



Dual-Layer ,patial -ultiple4in8

*or dual2layer transmission on antenna ports @ and , upon detection of a ;9''? %ith 9'5 format 2'" the requirements are specified in Ta.le ,.3.1.222" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,.3.1.221 %here 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell and 'ell 2 is the interferin# cell. The do%nlin& physical channel setup is set accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the ran&22 performance for full +$ allocation" to 3erify rate matchin# %ith multiple 'S5 reference sym.ol confi#urations %ith non21ero and 1ero transmission po%er" and to 3erify that the UE correctly estimate S(+. Table 8.3.1.'-1: Test arameters for Testin3 CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! &0ual layer( with multiple C!:)! confi3urations
parameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit Test 1 Cell 1 7 7 1(ote 12 -< Cell ' : : -<


#. #. #.


)ealease 11 Cell- pecific reference i8nal Cell 5D C,5 reference i8nal .eamformin8 mo#el C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5 reference i8nal confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5-&, confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap ,ubframe

1,3 $ntenna port : an# 1 : $ntenna port 1*;1+ $nne4 ..7./ *B/ 8 ,ubframe B bitmap #.mB1*A0@ <B ::1::::::::::::: -C8 &eference Ealue in Table 8.<.1./-/ ?C(G 1(ote /2 P&. *: (o C


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

$ntenna port : an# 1 1/+ ($ ($ ($ ($


N oc at antenna port
E s N oc
,ymbol for unu e# P&. (umber of allocate# re ource blocA 1(ote /2 ,imultaneou tran mi ion PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e (ote 1) (ote /)

-C8 F./*#. ($ ($ ($ .lanAe#

PB =1
The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#.

Table 8.3.1.'-': .inimum performance for CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! &*)C( with multiple C!:-)! confi3urations
Test number /an0wi0th an0 .C! )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration /4/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: T.D +6 Cate3ory

1: -0@ 1+6$- 1B/

&.*1 3DD

?P.1 3DD




Performance requirement for DC5 format /D an# non 6ua i Co-locate# $ntenna Port
-inimum requirement %ith ,ame Cell 5D 1%ith in8le (SP C,5-&, re ource2

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,.3.1.323" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,.3.1.321 and Ta.le ,.3.1.322. The purpose of this test is to 3erify the UE capa.ility of supportin# non quasi2colocated antenna ports %hen the UE recei3es 9'5 format 29 in a scenario %here the t%o transmission point share the same 'ell 59. 5n particular the test 3erifies that the UE" confi#ured %ith quasi co2location type $" performs correct trac&in# and compensation of the timin# difference .et%een t%o transmission points" channel parameters estimation and rate matchin# .eha3iour accordin# to the C;9S'? +E 8appin# and :uasi2'o2Docation 5ndicatorE /;:50 si#nallin# defined in [6]" confi#ured accordin# to Ta.le ,.3.1.322. 5n ta.le ,.3.1.321 transmission point 1 /T;10 is the ser3in# cell and transmission point 2 /T;20 transmits ;9S'?. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for T;1 is accordin# to Ta.le '.3.421 and for T;2 accordin# to Ta.le '.3.422.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table Test arameters for quasi co-location type /: same Cell :D
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #.

T 1 : : -< $ntenna port :;1 ($

T ' : : -< 1(ote /2 Port 91*;1+= *B/ 8 *B/

Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5-&, : antenna port qcl-CSI-RS-ConfigNZPId-r11, C,5-&, : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, qcl-CSI-RS-ConfigNZPId-r11, C,5-&, : confi8uration csi-RS-ConfigZPId-r11, Seropo%er C,5-&, : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, csi-RS-ConfigZPId-r11, Seropo%er C,5-&, : confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPower CSI-RS bitmap ,ubframe

($ ($



($ #.mB1*A0 @ #. -0@ -C8 &eference point in Table 8.<.1.<-/ 1: (ormal : / .lanAe# P&. ($

/B :::::1:::::::::: -C8 &eference point in Table 8.<.1.<-/ 1: (ormal : / 1: *: Type .; O::P

N oc at antenna port
,(& .GChannel Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5# (umber of control ?3Dymbol PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e

(umber of allocate# P&. qcl-Operation, PD,C0 &" -appin8 an# 6ua i-CoLocation 5n#icatorP Time off et bet%een TP 3requency error bet%een TP .eamformin8 mo#el ,ymbol for unu e# P&. (ote 1) (oet /) (ote <)


($ ($ ($ ($

&eference point in Table 8.<.1.<-/ : $ pecifie# in clau e ..7.1 ?C(G 1(ote <2

PB =1
&" for antenna port : an 1 C&, have @ero tran mi ion po%er. The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#.

Table' Confi3urations of @: an0 D; transmission hypothesis for each @: set

P65 et in#e4 Parameter in each P65 et DL tran mi ion hypothe i for each P65 ,et TP 1 .lanAe# TP / PD,C0

(SP C,5-&, 5n#e4 13or qua i colocation2 P65 et : C,5-&, :

SP C,5-&, confi8uration SP C,5-&, :


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table .inimum performance for quasi co-location type /: same Cell :D
Test 2umber )eference Channel 1GC2 pattern T 1 T ' Time offset between T s & s( ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote1( T 1 T ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration &2ote '( )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: F: !2) &0/( &2ote 3( I1/.1J I1/.+J +6 Cate3ory

1 / (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P.1 / "P$ "P$ /4/ Lo% 3DD &.*/ 3DD ($ ?P.1 -:.* "P$ "P$ /4/ Lo% 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for TP1 an# TP/ are tati tically in#epen#ent. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for TP1 an# TP/. 4 F N of TP/. ,(& corre pon# to E s oc

&.*/ 3DD


/-8 /-8


-inimum requirement %ith ,ame Cell 5D 1%ith multiple (SP C,5-&, re ource 2

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the additional parameters in Ta.le ,. and ,. The purpose of this test is to 3erify the UE capa.ility of supportin# non quasi2colocated antenna ports %hen the UE recei3es 9'5 format 29 in a scenario %here the t%o transmission point share the same 'ell 59. 5n particular the test 3erifies that the UE" confi#ured %ith quasi co2location type $" performs correct trac&in# and compensation of the timin# difference .et%een t%o transmission points" channel parameters estimation and rate matchin# .eha3iour accordin# to the C;9S'? +E 8appin# and :uasi2'o2Docation 5ndicatorE /;:50 si#nallin# defined in [6]. 5n ,. and ,." transmission point 1 /T; 10 is the ser3in# cell transmittin# ;9''?" synchroni1ation si#nals and ;$'?" and transmission point 2 /T; 20 has same 'ell 59 as T; 1. 8ultiple (G; 'S52+S resources and G; 'S52+S resources are confi#ured. 5n each su.2frame" 9D ;9S'? transmission is dynamically s%itched .et%een 2 T;s %ith multiple ;9S'? +E 8appin# and :uasi2'o2Docation 5ndicator confi#uration /;:5 0. 'onfi#urations of ;9S'? +E 8appin# and :uasi2'o2Docation 5ndicator and do%nlin& transmission hypothesis are defined in Ta.le ,. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for T;1 is accordin# to Ta.le '.3.421 and for T;2 accordin# to Ta.le '.3.422.

Table'-1 Test arameters for timin3 offset compensation with D ! transmission
parameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #.

T 1 : : 1(ote 12 -<

T ' : : -<


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( $ pecifie# in clau e ..7.1 1(ote /2 (B$ (B$ (B$ $ntenna port 91*;1+= *B/ 8

.eamformin8 mo#el Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal : C,5-&, : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5 reference i8nal : confi8uration C,5 reference i8nal 1 C,5-&, 1 perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5 reference i8nal 1 confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5-&, : confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPower CSI-RS bitmap Sero-po%er C,5-&,1 confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPower CSI-RS bitmap, ,ubframe ,ubframe

(B$ $ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port 91*;1+= *B/ : (B$ (B$ (B$ ,ubframe Bbitmap ,ubframe Bbitmap #. #.mB1*A0 @ -0@ /B ::1::::::::::::: /B :::::1:::::::::: &eference Ealue in Table 8.<.1.<./-< -C8 1: (ormal : / (B$ 0@ P&. (B$ *: 1: M <: ?C(G 1(ote 72

/B ::1::::::::::::: /B :::::1:::::::::: &eference Ealue in Table 8.<.1.<./-< -C8 1: (ormal (B$ / &eference Ealue in Table 8.<.1.<./-< : *: 1: F: ?C(G 1(ote 72

E s N oc

N oc at antenna port
.GChannel Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5# (umber of control ?3Dymbol Timin8 off et bet%een TP 3requency off et bet%een TP (umber of allocate# re ource blocA PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Probability of occurrence of PD,C0 tran mi ion1(ote <2 ,ymbol for unu e# P&. (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7)

PB =1
&" for antenna port : an 1 C&, have @ero tran mi ion po%er. PD,C0 tran mi ion from TP hall be ran#omly #etermine# in#epen#ently for each ubframe. Probabilitie of occurrence of PD,C0 tran mi ion from TP are pecifie#. The probability of occurrence of P65 et in each TP i equal. The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table'-' Confi3urations of @: an0 D; transmission hypothesis for each @: set

@: set in0e4 arameters in each @: set D; transmission hypothesis for each @: !et T 1 T ' PD,C0 PD,C0 .lanAe# .lanAe# .lanAe# .lanAe# PD,C0 PD,C0

P65 P65 P65 P65

et : et 1 et / et <

2A C!:-)! :n0e4 &*or quasi coA C!:-)! confi3uration location( C,5-&, : SP C,5-&, : C,5-&, : SP C,5-&, 1 C,5-&, 1 SP C,5-&, : C,5-&, 1 SP C,5-&, 1

Table'-3 erformance )equirements for timin3 offset compensation with D ! transmission
Test 2umber Timin3 offset&us ( )eference Channel 1C2G attern T 1 T ' ropa3ation Con0itions T 1 T ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration &2ote '( )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( !2) &0/( &2ote 3( +6 Cate3ory

1 / (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P. ?P. "P$* "P$* /4/ Lo% F: 1 1 3DD 3DD -:.* &.*< ?P. ?P. "P$* "P$* /4/ Lo% F: 3DD 1 1 3DD 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for TP1an# TP/ are tati tically in#epen#ent. Correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration parameter apply for each of TP/ an# TP/. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc of both TP1 an# TP/ a #efine# in clau e 8.1.1.

&.*< 3DD

I1/./ J I1/.* J

/-8 /-8


-inimum requirement %ith Different Cell 5D an# Colli#in8 C&, 1%ith in8le (SP C,5&, re ource2

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the additional parameters in Ta.le ,. The purpose of this test is to 3erify the UE capa.ility of supportin# non quasi2colocated antenna ports %hen the UE recei3es 9'5 format 29 in a scenario %here the t%o transmission points ha3e different 'ell 59 and collidin# '+S. 5n particular the test 3erifies that the UE" confi#ured %ith quasi co2location type $" performs correct trac&in# and compensation of the frequency difference .et%een t%o transmission points" channel parameters estimation and rate matchin# .eha3iour accordin# to the C;9S'? +E 8appin# and :uasi2'o2Docation 5ndicatorE si#nallin# defined in [6]. 5n ,." transmission point 1 /T;10 is ser3in# cell transmittin# ;9''?" synchroni1ation si#nals and ;$'?" and transmission point 2 /T;20 transmits ;9S'? %ith different 'ell 59. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for T;1 is accordin# to Ta.le '.3.421 and for T;2 accordin# to Ta.le '.3.422. Table Test aremeters for quasi co-location type / with 0ifferent Cell :D an0 Colli0in3 C)!
parameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #.

T 1 : : 1(ote 12 -<

T ' : : -<


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( $ pecifie# in clau e ..7./

.eamformin8 mo#el Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal : C,5-&, : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5 reference i8nal : confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5-&, : confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPower CSI-RS bitmap ,ubframe

(B$ $ntenna port :;1 (B$ (B$ (B$ ,ubframe Bbitmap #. #.mB1*A0 @ -0@ (B$ &eference point in Table 8.<.1.<.<-/ N 7#. -C8 1: (ormal : 1 u 0@ (B$ (B$

$ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port 91*;1+= *B/ : /B ::1::::::::::::: &eference Ealue in Table 8.<.1.<.<-/ -C8 1: (ormal 1/+ / : /::

E s N oc

N oc at antenna port
.GChannel Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5# (umber of control ?3Dymbol Timin8 off et bet%een TP 3requency off et bet%een TP qcl-Operation, PD,C0 &" -appin8 an# 6ua i-CoLocation 5n#icatorP PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e

Type .; O::P .lanA (B$ (B$ 1: *: ?C(G1(ote/2

(umber of allocate# re ource blocA ,ymbol for unu e# P&. (ote 1) (ote /)

PB =1
The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#.

Table' erformance )equirements for quasi co-location type / with 0ifferent Cell :D an0 Colli0in3 C)!
Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern T 1 T ' ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote1( T 1 T ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration &2ote '( )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !2) &0/( &2ote 3( /-8 +6 Cate3ory

1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P.1 "P$* "T!* /4/ Lo% I17.7J 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for TP1 an# TP/ are tati tically in#epen#ent. Correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration parameter apply for each of TP1 an# TP/. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc of TP/ a #efine# in clau e 8.1.1.

&.*7 3DD


8.<./ TDD
The parameters specified in Ta.le ,.3.221 are 3alid for T99 unless other%ise stated.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.3.'-1: Common Test arameters for +ser-specific )eference !ymbols

arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration 1(ote 12 ,pecial ubframe confi8uration 1(ote /2 Cyclic prefi4 Cell 5D 5nter-TT5 Di tance (umber of 0$&6 proce e -a4imum number of 0$&6 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion co#in8 equence (umber of ?3Dymbol for PDCC0 Preco#er up#ate 8ranularity Proce e +nit $alue 1 7 (ormal : 1 F 7 9:;1;/;<= for 6P,> an# 1+6$9:;:;1;/= for +76$?3D- ymbol / 3requency #omain) 1 P&. for Tran mi ion mo#e 8; 1 P&G for Tran mi ion mo#e C Time #omain) 1 m -ultiple4in8

$C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e (ote 1) a pecifie# in Table 7./-/ in T, <+./11 I7J (ote /) a pecifie# in Table 7./-1 in T, <+./11 I7J


,in8le-layer ,patial -ultiple4in8

*or sin#le2layer transmission on antenna port =" the requirements are specified in Ta.le ,.3.2.122" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,.3.2.121 and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose is to 3erify the demodulation performance usin# user2specific reference si#nals %ith full +$ or sin#le +$ allocation. Table 8.3.'.1-1: Test arameters for Testin3 D)!
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #.

Test 1 : : 1(ote 12 :

Test ' : : 1(ote 12 :

Test 3 : : 1(ote 12 :

Test 8 : : 1(ote 12 :

Cell- pecific reference i8nal .eamformin8 mo#el

$ntenna port : $nne4 ..7.1 #.B1*A0@ -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 F -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 F -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 F -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 F

N oc at antenna port
,ymbol for unu e# P&. PD,C0 tran mi mo#e (ote 1) (ote /) ion

PB = > . The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.3.'.1-': .inimum performance D)! &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0th an0 .C! )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration /4/ Lo% /4/ Lo% /4/ Lo% /4/ Lo% /4/ Lo% /4/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: -:.8 F: F: F: F: <: F.: F.: 1F.: 1F.: 1.F +6 Cate3ory

1 /


1: -0@ 6P,> 1B< 1: -0@ 1+6$- 1B/ *-0@ 1+6$- 1B/ 1: -0@ +76$- <B7 1: -0@ +76$- <B7 1: -0@ 1+6$- 1B/

&./* TDD &./+ TDD &./+-1 TDD &./F TDD &./F-1 TDD &./8 TDD

?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD

"P$* "P$* "P$* "P$* "P$* "P$*

1-* /-* 1 /-* 1 1-*

*or sin#le2layer transmission on antenna ports @ or , upon detection of a ;9''? %ith 9'5 format 2$" the requirements are specified in Ta.le ,.3.2.124 and ,.3.2.12=" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,.3.2.123 and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify ran&21 performance on one of the antenna ports @ or , %ith and %ithout a simultaneous transmission on the other antenna port. Table 8.3.'.1-3: Test arameters for Testin3 CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! &sin3le layer(
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation Cell- pecific reference i8nal .eamformin8 mo#el


+nit #. #. #.

Test 1 : : 1(ote 12 -<

Test ' : : 1(ote 12 -<

Test 3 : : 1(ote 12 -<

Test 8 : : 1(ote 12 -<

Test : : 1(ote 12 -<

$ntenna port : an# antenna port 1 $nne4 ..7.1 #.mB1*A0@ -C8 ?C(G 1(ote 72 (o 8 -C8 ?C(G 1(ote 72 (o 8 -C8 ?C(G 1(ote 72 (o 8 -C8 ?C(G 1(ote 72 'e 1(ote <; *2 8 -C8 ?C(G 1(ote 72 'e 1(ote <; *2 8

N oc at antenna port
,ymbol for unu e# P&. ,imultaneou tran mi PD,C0 tran mi (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) ion

ion mo#e

(ote *)

PB =1 . The mo#ulation ymbol of the i8nal un#er te t i mappe# onto antenna port F or 8. -o#ulation ymbol of an interference i8nal i mappe# onto the antenna port 1F or 82 not u e# for the input i8nal un#er te t. The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#. The t%o !" P cramblin8 i#entitie nS'59 are et to : for CD--multiple4e# D- &, %ith interferin8 imultaneou tran mi ion te t ca e .


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.3.'.1-8: .inimum performance for CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! without simultaneous transmission &*)C(
Test number /an0wi0t h an0 .C! )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration /4/ Lo% /4/ -e#ium /4/ -e#ium /4/ Lo% /4/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hpu t &7( F: -1.: F: F: F: F: F.F F.F 1F.F 1F.F +6 Cate3ory

1 /


1: -0@ 6P,> 1B< 1: -0@ 1+6$- 1B/ *-0@ 1+6$- 1B/ 1: -0@ +76$- <B7 1: -0@ +76$- <B7

&.<1 TDD &.</ TDD &.</-1 TDD &.<< TDD &.<<-1 TDD

?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD

"E$* "P$* "P$* "P$* "P$*

1-* /-* 1 /-* 1

Table 8.3.'.1--: .inimum performance for CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! with interferin3 simultaneous transmission &*)C(
Test number /an0wi0th an0 .C! )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: /1.C //.: +6 Cate3ory

7 * (ote 1)

1: -0@ &.</ TDD ?P.1 TDD "P$* /4/ -e#ium 1+6$- 1B/ 1(ote 12 1: -0@ &.<7 TDD ?P.1 TDD "P$* /4/ Lo% F: +76$- 1B/ 1(ote 12 The reference channel applie to both the input i8nal un#er te t an# the interferin8 i8nal.

/-* /-*


,in8le-layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 1%ith multiple C,5-&, confi8uration 2

*or sin#le2layer transmission on antenna ports @ or , upon detection of a ;9''? %ith 9'5 format 2'" the requirements are specified in Ta.le ,.3.2.1 22 and ,.3.2.1 23" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,.3.2.1 21 and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify ran&21 performance on one of the antenna ports @ or , %ith and %ithout a simultaneous transmission on the other antenna port" and to 3erify rate matchin# %ith multiple 'S5 reference sym.ol confi#urations %ith non21ero and 1ero transmission po%er.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.3.'.1A-1: Test arameters for Testin3 CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! &sin3le layer( with multiple C!:-)! confi3urations
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #.

Test 1 : : 1(ote 12 -<

Test ' : : 1(ote 12 -<

Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal .eamformin8 mo#el C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5 reference i8nal confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5-&, confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap

$ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port 1*; R;// $nne4 ..7.1 ,ubframe *B7 1 ,ubframe B bitmap #.mB1*A0@ 7B ::1::::1::::::: : -C8 ?C(G 1(ote 72 P&. *: (o C $ntenna port 1*; R;18 $nne4 ..7.1 *B7 < 7B ::1::::::::::::: -C8 ?C(G 1(ote 72 *: 'e 1(ote <; *2 C

N oc at antenna port
,ymbol for unu e# P&. (umber of allocate# re ource blocA 1(ote /2 ,imultaneou tran mi ion PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7)

(ote *)

PB =1 . The mo#ulation ymbol of the i8nal un#er te t are mappe# onto antenna port F or 8. -o#ulation ymbol of an interference i8nal i mappe# onto the antenna port 1F or 82 not u e# for the input i8nal un#er te t. The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#. The t%o !" P cramblin8 i#entitie nS'59 are et to : for CD-multiple4e# D- &, %ith interferin8 imultaneou tran mi ion te t ca e .

Table 8.3.'.1A-': .inimum performance for CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! without simultaneous transmission &*)C( with multiple C!:-)! confi3urations
Test number /an0wi0t h an0 .C! )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration /4/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hpu t &7( F: -:.+ +6 Cate3ory

1: -0@ 6P,> 1B<

&.*: TDD

?P.1 TDD




)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.3.'.1A-3: .inimum performance for CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! with interferin3 simultaneous transmission &*)C( with multiple C!:-)! confi3urations
Test number /an0wi0th an0 .C! )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: //.1 +6 Cate3ory

/ (ote 1)

1: -0@ &.77 TDD ?P.1 TDD "P$* /4/ Lo% +76$- 1B/ The reference channel applie to both the input i8nal un#er te t an# the interferin8 i8nal.



"nhance# Performance &equirement Type $ Q ,in8le-layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 %ith T-C interference mo#el

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,.3.2.1$22" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,.3.2.1$21 and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify closed2loop ran& one performance on one of the antenna ports @ or , %ithout a simultaneous transmission on the other antenna port in the ser3in# cell %hen the ;9S'? transmission in the ser3in# cell is interfered .y ;9S'? of one dominant interferin# cell applyin# transmission mode - interference model defined in clause $.=.4. 5n ,.3.2.1$21" 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 is the interferin# cell. The do%nlin& physical channel setup is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 for each of 'ell 1and 'ell 2" respecti3ely.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.3.'.1/-1: Test arameters for Testin3 CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! &sin3le layer( with T., interference mo0el


)ealease 11 parameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit #. #. #.

'#Cell 1 : : 1(ote 12 -< $ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port 1*; R;18 ,ubframe *B7 : #.mB1*A0 @ #. -0@ -C8 (B$ 1: (ormal : / C $ pecifie# in clau e ..7.< 1(ote 7; *2 (B$ (B$ (B$ P&. m m *: 1: or 11 * P!CC0 1-1 :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: 1111111111111111 ?C(G 1(ote +2 (o imultaneou tran mi ion on the other antenna port in 1F or 82 not u e# for the input i8nal un#er te t


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Cell ' : : -<


Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5 reference i8nal confi8uration

$ntenna port :;1 (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ -1.F< 1: (ormal 1/+ / (B$ (B$ $ pecifie# in clau e ..*.7 F: <: + (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$

N oc at antenna port
D5P 1(ote /2 .GChannel Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5# (umber of control ?3Dymbol PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e

.eamformin8 mo#el 5nterference mo#el Probability of occurrence of tran mi ion ranA in interferin8 cell &anA 1 &anA /

Preco#er up#ate 8ranularity P-5 #elay 1(ote *2 &eportin8 interval &eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap

,ymbol for unu e# P&.

,imultaneou tran mi




)ealease 11 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *) (ote +) (ote F)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

PB =1
The re pective receive# po%er pectral #en ity of each interferin8 cell relative to N oc 6 i #efine# by it a ociate# D5P value a pecifie# in clau e ..*.1. The mo#ulation ymbol of the i8nal un#er te t in Cell 1 are mappe# onto antenna port F or 8. The preco#er in clau e ..7.< follo% !" recommen#e# P-5. 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#. $ll cell are time- ynchronou .

Table 8.3.'.1/-': 6nhance0 erformance )equirement Type A9 CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! with T., interference mo0el
Test 2umber )eferenc e Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' ropa3ation Con0itions Cell 1 Cell ' Correlatio n .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3urat ion &2ote 3( 74/ Lo% )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( !:2) &0/( &2ote '( +6 Cate3or y

1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P.1 (B$ "E$* "E$* F: -1.: TDD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1 an# Cell / are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,5(& corre pon# to E s N oc 6 of Cell 1 a #efine# in clau e 8.1.1. Correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration parameter apply for each of Cell 1 an# Cell /.
&.78 TDD



Dual-Layer ,patial -ultiple4in8

*or dual2layer transmission on antenna ports @ and , upon detection of a ;9''? %ith 9'5 format 2$" the requirements are specified in Ta.le ,.3.2.222" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,.3.2.221 and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the ran&22 performance for full +$ allocation.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.3.'.'-1: Test arameters for Testin3 CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! &0ual layer(

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #.

Test 1 : : 1(ote 12 -<

Test ' : : 1(ote 12 -<

Cell- pecific reference ymbol .eamformin8 mo#el

$ntenna port : an# antenna port 1 $nne4 ..7./ #.mB1*A0@ -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 P&. *: 8 -C8 ?C(G 1(ote /2 *: 8

N oc at
antenna port ,ymbol for unu e# P&. (umber of allocate# re ource blocA PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e (ote 1) (ote /)

PB =1 .
The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#.

Table 8.3.'.'-': .inimum performance for CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! &*)C(

Test number /an0wi0th an0 .C! )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration /4/ Lo% /4/ -e#ium )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: 7.* F: /1.F +6 Cate3ory

1 /

1: -0@ 6P,> 1B< 1: -0@ 1+6$- 1B/

&.<1 TDD &.</ TDD

?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD

"E$* "P$*

/-* /-*


Dual-Layer ,patial -ultiple4in8 1%ith multiple C,5-&, confi8uration 2

*or dual2layer transmission on antenna ports @ and , upon detection of a ;9''? %ith 9'5 format 2'" the requirements are specified in Ta.le ,.3.2.322" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,.3.2.321 %here 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell and 'ell 2 is the interferin# cell. The do%nlin& physical channel setup is set accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The purpose of these tests is to 3erify the ran&22 performance for full +$ allocation" to 3erify rate matchin# %ith multiple 'S5 reference sym.ol confi#urations %ith non21ero and 1ero transmission po%er" and to 3erify that the UE correctly estimate S(+. Table 8.3.'.3-1: Test arameters for Testin3 CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! &0ual layer( with multiple C!:)! confi3urations
parameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit Test 1 Cell 1 7 7 1(ote 12 -< Cell ' : : -<


#. #. #.


)ealease 11 Cell- pecific reference i8nal Cell 5D C,5 reference i8nal .eamformin8 mo#el C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5 reference i8nal confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5-&, confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap ,ubframe

'#8 $ntenna port : an# 1 : $ntenna port 1*;1+ $nne4 ..7./ *B7 8 ,ubframe B bitmap #.mB1*A0@ 7B ::1:::::::::::: : -C8 &eference Ealue in Table 8.<./.<-/ ?C(G 1(ote /2 P&. *: (o C


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

$ntenna port : an# 1 1/+ ($ ($ ($ ($


N oc at antenna port
E s N oc
,ymbol for unu e# P&. (umber of allocate# re ource blocA 1(ote /2 ,imultaneou tran mi ion PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e (ote 1) (ote /)

-C8 Te t pecific; F./*#. ($ ($ ($ .lanAe#

PB =1
The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#.

Table 8.3.'.3-': .inimum performance for CD.-multiple4e0 D. )! &*)C( with multiple C!:-)! confi3urations
Test number /an0wi0th an0 .C! )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration /4/ Lo% )eference 5alue *raction of !2) .a4imum &0/( Throu3hput &7( F: T.D +6 Cate3ory

1: -0@ 1+6$- 1B/

&.*1 TDD

?P.1 TDD




Performance requirement for DC5 format /D an# non 6ua i Co-locate# $ntenna Port
-inimum requirement %ith ,ame Cell 5D 1%ith in8le (SP C,5-&, re ource2

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,.3.2.423" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,.3.2.421 and Ta.le ,.3.2.422. The purpose of this test is to 3erify the UE capa.ility of supportin# non quasi2colocated antenna ports %hen the UE recei3es 9'5 format 29 in a scenario %here the t%o transmission point share the same 'ell 59. 5n particular the test 3erifies that the UE" confi#ured %ith quasi co2location type $" performs correct trac&in# and compensation of the timin# difference .et%een t%o transmission points" channel parameters estimation and rate matchin# .eha3iour accordin# to the C;9S'? +E 8appin# and :uasi2'o2Docation 5ndicatorE /;:50 si#nallin# defined in [6]" confi#ured accordin# to Ta.le ,.3.2.422. 5n ta.le ,.3.2.421 transmission point 1 /T;10 is the ser3in# cell and transmission point 2 /T;20 transmits ;9S'?. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for T;1 is accordin# to Ta.le '.3.421 and for T;2 accordin# to Ta.le '.3.422.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.3.'.8-1: Test arameters for quasi co-location type /: same Cell :D
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #.

T 1 : : -< $ntenna port :;1 ($

T ' : : -< 1(ote /2 Port 91*;1+= *B7 8 *B7

Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5-&, : antenna port qcl-CSI-RS-ConfigNZPId-r11, C,5-&, : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, qcl-CSI-RS-ConfigNZPId-r11, C,5-&, : confi8uration csi-RS-ConfigZPId-r11, Seropo%er C,5-&, : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, csi-RS-ConfigZPId-r11, Seropo%er C,5-&, : confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPower CSI-RS bitmap ,ubframe

($ ($



($ #.mB1*A0 @ #. -0@ -C8 &eference point in Table 8.<./.7-< 1: (ormal : / .lanAe# P&. ($

7B :::::1:::::::::: -C8 &eference point in Table 8.<./.7-< 1: (ormal : / 1: *: Type .; O::P

N oc at antenna port
,(& .GChannel Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5# (umber of control ?3Dymbol PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e

(umber of allocate# P&. qcl-Operation, PD,C0 &" -appin8 an# 6ua i-CoLocation 5n#icatorP Time off et bet%een TP 3requency error bet%een TP .eamformin8 mo#el ,ymbol for unu e# P&. (ote 1) (oet /) (ote <)


($ ($ ($ ($

&eference point in Table 8.<./.7-< : $ pecifie# in clau e ..7.1 ?C(G 1(ote <2

PB =1
&" for antenna port : an 1 C&, have @ero tran mi ion po%er. The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#.

Table 8.3.'.8-' Confi3urations of @: an0 D; transmission hypothesis for each @: set

P65 et in#e4 Parameter in each P65 et DL tran mi ion hypothe i for each P65 ,et TP 1 TP / .lanAe# PD,C0

P65 et :

(SP C,5-&, 5n#e4 13or qua i colocation2 C,5-&, :

SP C,5-&, confi8uration SP C,5-&, :


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.3.'.8-3: .inimum performance for quasi co-location type /: same Cell :D
Test 2umber )eference Channel 1GC2 pattern T 1 T ' Time offset between T s & s( ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote1( T 1 T ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration &2ote '( )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: F: !2) &0/( &2ote 3( I1/J I1/.7J +6 Cate3ory

1 / (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P.1 / "P$ "P$ /4/ Lo% TDD &.*/ TDD ($ ?P.1 -:.* "P$ "P$ /4/ Lo% TDD The propa8ation con#ition for TP1 an# TP/ are tati tically in#epen#ent. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for TP1 an# TP/. 4 F N of TP/. ,(& corre pon# to E s oc

&.*/ TDD


/-8 /-8


-inimum requirement %ith ,ame Cell 5D 1%ith multiple (SP C,5-&, re ource 2

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the additional parameters in Ta.le ,. and ,. The purpose of this test is to 3erify the UE capa.ility of supportin# non quasi2colocated antenna ports %hen the UE recei3es 9'5 format 29 in a scenario %here the t%o transmission point share the same 'ell 59. 5n particular the test 3erifies that the UE" confi#ured %ith quasi co2location type $" performs correct trac&in# and compensation of the timin# difference .et%een t%o transmission points" channel parameters estimation and rate matchin# .eha3iour accordin# to the C;9S'? +E 8appin# and :uasi2'o2Docation 5ndicatorE /;:50 si#nallin# defined in [6]. 5n,. and ,." transmission point 1 /T; 10 is the ser3in# cell transmittin# ;9''?" synchroni1ation si#nals and ;$'?" and transmission point 2 /T; 20 has same 'ell 59 as T; 1. 8ultiple (G; 'S52+S resources and G; 'S52+S resources are confi#ured. 5n each su.2frame" 9D ;9S'? transmission is dynamically s%itched .et%een 2 T;s %ith multiple ;9S'? +E 8appin# and :uasi2'o2Docation 5ndicator confi#uration /;:5 0. 'onfi#urations of ;9S'? +E 8appin# and :uasi2'o2Docation 5ndicator and do%nlin& transmission hypothesis are defined in Ta.le ,. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for T;1 is accordin# to Ta.le '.3.421 and for T;2 accordin# to Ta.le '.3.422.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.3.'.8.'-1 Test aremeters for timin3 offset compensation with D ! transmission
parameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation .eamformin8 mo#el Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal : C,5-&, : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5 reference i8nal : confi8uration C,5 reference i8nal 1 C,5-&, 1 perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5 reference i8nal 1 confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5-&, : confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPower CSI-RS bitmap Sero-po%er C,5-&,1 confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPower CSI-RS bitmap, ,ubframe ,ubframe


+nit #. #. #.

T 1 : : 1(ote 12 -< (B$ $ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port 91*;1+= *B7 : (B$ (B$ (B$

T ' : : -< $ pecifie# in clau e ..7.1 1(ote /2 (B$ (B$ (B$ $ntenna port 91*;1+= *B7 8 7B ::1::::::::::::: 7B :::::1:::::::::: &eference Ealue in Table 8.<./.7./-< -C8 1: (ormal (B$ / &eference Ealue in Table 8.<./.7./-< : *: 1: F: ?C(G 1(ote 72

,ubframe Bbitmap ,ubframe Bbitmap #. #.mB1*A0 @ -0@

7B ::1::::::::::::: 7B :::::1:::::::::: &eference Ealue in Table 8.<./.7./-< -C8 1: (ormal : / (B$

E s N oc

N oc at antenna port
.GChannel Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5# (umber of control ?3Dymbol Timin8 off et bet%een TP 3requency off et bet%een TP (umber of allocate# re ource blocA PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Probability of occurrence of PD,C0 tran mi ion1(ote <2 ,ymbol for unu e# P&. (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7)

0@ P&.

(B$ *: 1:

<: ?C(G 1(ote 72

PB =1
&" for antenna port : an# 1 C&, have @ero tran mi ion po%er. PD,C0 tran mi ion from TP hall be ran#omly #etermine# in#epen#ently for each ubframe. Probabilitie of occurrence of PD,C0 tran mi ion from TP are pecifie#. The probability of occurrence of P65 et in each TP i equal. The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.3.'.8.'-' Confi3urations of @: an0 D; transmission hypothesis for each @: set

@: set in0e4 arameters in each @: set D; transmission hypothesis for each @: !et T 1 T ' PD,C0 PD,C0 .lanAe# .lanAe# .lanAe# .lanAe# PD,C0 PD,C0

P65 P65 P65 P65

et : et 1 et / et <

2A C!:-)! :n0e4 &*or quasi coA C!:-)! confi3uration location( C,5-&, : SP C,5-&, : C,5-&, : SP C,5-&, 1 C,5-&, 1 SP C,5-&, : C,5-&, 1 SP C,5-&, 1

Table 8.3.'.8.'-3 erforamcne erformance )equirements for timin3 offset compensation with D ! transmission
Test 2umber Timin3 offset&us( )eference Channel 1C2G attern T 1 T ' ropa3ation Con0itions T 1 T ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration &2ote '( )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !2) &0/( &2ote 3( I1/.<J I1/.*J +6 Cate3ory

1 / (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P.1 ?P.1 "P$* "P$* /4/ Lo% TDD TDD -:.* &.*< TDD ?P.1 ?P.1 "P$* "P$* /4/ Lo% F: TDD TDD The propa8ation con#ition for TP1an# TP/ are tati tically in#epen#ent. Correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration parameter apply for each of TP/ an# TP/. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc of both TP1 an# TP/ a #efine# in clau e 8.1.1.

&.*< TDD

/-8 /-8


-inimum requirement %ith Different Cell 5D an# Colli#in8 C&, 1%ith in8le (SP C,5-&, re ource2

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,." %ith the additional parameters in Ta.le ,. The purpose of this test is to 3erify the UE capa.ility of supportin# non quasi2colocated antenna ports %hen the UE recei3es 9'5 format 29 in a scenario %here the t%o transmission points ha3e different 'ell 59 and collidin# '+S. 5n particular the test 3erifies that the UE" confi#ured %ith quasi co2location type $" performs correct trac&in# and compensation of the frequency difference .et%een t%o transmission points" channel parameters estimation and rate matchin# .eha3iour accordin# to the C;9S'? +E 8appin# and :uasi2'o2Docation 5ndicatorE si#nallin# defined in [6]. 5n ,." transmission point 1 /T;10 is ser3in# cell transmittin# ;9''?" synchroni1ation si#nals and ;$'?" and transmission point 2 /T;20 transmits ;9S'? %ith different 'ell 59. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for T;1 is accordin# to Ta.le '.3.421 and for T;2 accordin# to Ta.le '.3.422. Table 8.3.'.8.3-1 Test aremeters for quasi co-location type / with 0ifferent Cell :D an0 Colli0in3 C)!
parameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation


+nit #. #. #.

T 1 : : 1(ote 12 -<

T ' : : -<


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( $ pecifie# in clau e ..7./

.eamformin8 mo#el Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal : C,5-&, : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5 reference i8nal : confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5-&, : confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPower CSI-RS bitmap ,ubframe

(B$ $ntenna port :;1 (B$ (B$ (B$ ,ubframe Bbitmap #. #.mB1*A0 @ -0@ (B$ &eference point in Table 8.<./.7.< N 7#. -C8 1: (ormal : 1 u 0@ (B$ (B$

$ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port 91*;1+= *B7 : 7B ::1::::::::::::: &eference Ealue in Table 8.<./.7.<-/ -C8 1: (ormal 1/+ / : /::

E s N oc

N oc at antenna port
.GChannel Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5# (umber of control ?3Dymbol Timin8 off et bet%een TP 3requency off et bet%een TP qcl-Operation, PD,C0 &" -appin8 an# 6ua i-CoLocation 5n#icatorP PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e

Type .; O::P .lanA (B$ (B$ 1: *: ?C(G1(ote/2

(umber of allocate# re ource blocA ,ymbol for unu e# P&. (ote 1) (ote /)

PB =1
The e phy ical re ource blocA are a i8ne# to an arbitrary number of virtual !" %ith one PD,C0 per virtual !"D the #ata tran mitte# over the ?C(G PD,C0 hall be uncorrelate# p eu#o ran#om #ata; %hich i 6P,> mo#ulate#.

Table 8.3.'.8.3-' erformanceamcne )equirements for quasi co-location type / with 0ifferent Cell :D an0 Colli0in3 C)!
Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern T 1 T ' ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote1( T 1 T ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration &2ote '( )eference $alue *raction of .a4imum Throu3hput &7( F: !2) &0/( &2ote 3( /-8 +6 Cate3ory

1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

?P.1 "P$* "T!* /4/ Lo% I17.FJ TDD The propa8ation con#ition for TP1 an# TP/ are tati tically in#epen#ent. Correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration parameter apply for each of TP1 an# TP/. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc of TP/ a #efine# in clau e 8.1.1.

&.*7 TDD



)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

8.7 Demo#ulation of PDCC0BPC35C0

The recei3er characteristics of the ;9''?F;'*5'? are determined .y the pro.a.ility of miss2detection of the 9o%nlin& Schedulin# Hrant /;m2ds#0. ;9''? and ;'*5'? are tested Aointly" i.e. a miss detection of ;'*5'? implies a miss detection of ;9''?

8.7.1 3DD
The parameters specified in Ta.le ,.4.121 are 3alid for all *99 tests unless other%ise stated. Table 8.8.1-1: Test arameters for DCC<B C*:C<
arameter (umber of PDCC0 ymbol (umber of P05C0 8roup 1N82 P05C0 #uration !nu e# &"- an# P&.Cell 5D PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ Do%nlinA po%er PC35C0_&. allocation PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&. +nit ymbol !in3le antenna port / 1 (ormal ?C(G : : Transmit 0i5ersity / 1 (ormal ?C(G : -<


#. #.mB1*A0@

: -C8 (ormal

-< -C8 (ormal

N oc at antenna port
Cyclic prefi4

,in8le-antenna port performance

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.4.121 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.4.1.121. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table .inimum performance DCC<B C*:C<
Test number /an0wi0th A33re3ation le5el )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 14/ Lo% )eference 5alue m-0s3 &7( !2) &0/(

1: -0@

8 CC"

&.1* 3DD

?P.1 3DD




Tran mit #iver ity performance

-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.4.121 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.8.1.'.1-1: .inimum performance DCC<B C*:C<
Test number 1 /an0wi0th A33re3atio n le5el 7 CC" )eference Channel &.1+ 3DD 1C2G attern ?P.1 3DD ropa3ation Con0ition "E$F: Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 / 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-0s3 &7( !2) &0/( 1 -:.+

1: -0@


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(


-inimum &equirement 7 T4 $ntenna Port

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.4.121 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.8.1.'.'-1: .inimum performance DCC<B C*:C<
Test number 1 /an0wi0th A33re3atio n le5el / CC" )eference Channel &.1F 3DD 1C2G attern ?P.1 3DD ropa3ation Con0ition "P$* Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 7 4 / -e#ium )eference 5alue m-0s3 !2) &7( &0/( 1 +.<

* -0@

8.7.1./.< -inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $.,2
*or the parameters for non28$S*( $S specified in Ta.le ,.4.121 and Ta.le ,." the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2 and nne! '.3.3. 5n Ta.le ,." 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 is the a##ressor cell. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely. *or the parameters for 8$S*( $S specified in Ta.le ,.4.121 and Ta.le ,." the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.1.'.3-1: Test arameters for DCC<B C*:C< ? 2on-./!*2 A/!

arameter PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ PC35C0_&. PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&. +nit #. Cell 1 -< Cell ' -<

Do%nlinA po%er allocation

#. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-< -1::.* 1(ote 12 -C8 1(ote /2 -C*.< 1(ote <2 &eference Ealue in Table 8.7.1./.</ 1: (on--.,3(

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ 1.* 1: (on--.,3(

N oc1
N oc at antenna port
E s N oc 2
.GChannel ,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell Cell 5#

N oc 2

N oc 3

/.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 : 1 :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :1:::1:: :::::1:: (B$

$., pattern 1(ote 72


:::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: CC,5;: :::::1:: (B$ :1:::1:: :::::1:: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote +2 11111:11 11111:11 CC,5;1 11111:11 (B$ 1:111:11 11111:11 (umber of control ?3D- ymbol < (umber of P05C0 8roup 1N82 1 P05C0 #uration "4ten#e# !nu e# &"- an# P&.?C(G Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ote 1) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:; H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote /) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote 7) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PDCC0BPC35C0 other than that a ociate# %ith ,5.1BPa8in8 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell. (ote *) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJD (ote +) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJD (ote F) Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell1 an# Cell/ i the ame. (ote 8) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ in the te t. &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote *2


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.1.'.3-': .inimum performance DCC<B C*:C< ? 2on-./!*2 A/!

Test 2umb er A33re3ati on ;e5el )eferen ce Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration )eference $alue m0s3 &7( 1 !2) &0/( &2ote '( -<.C

1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

&1*-1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$* /4/ Lo% 3DD 3DD 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1 an# Cell / are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1 an# Cell /.

8 CC"


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.1.'.3-3: Test arameters for DCC<B C*:C< ? ./!*2 A/!


)ealease 11 arameter PC35C0_&$ PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ PC35C0_&. PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&.

'1, +nit #.

3G Cell 1 -<

T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Cell ' -<

Do%nlinA po%er allocation

#. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-< -1::.* 1(ote 12 -C8 1(ote /2 -C*.< 1(ote <2 &eference Ealue in Table 8.7.1./.<7 1: (on--.,3(

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ 1.* 1: -.,3(

N oc1

N oc at antenna port
E s N oc 2

N oc 2
N oc 3

,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell Cell 5# $., pattern 1(ote 72

/.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 : (B$ :::1:::::: :1::::::1: ::::::1::: :::::::::: :::1:::::: :1::::::1: ::::::1::: :::::::::: 111:111111 1:111111:1 111111:111 1111111111 (B$ 1/+ :::1:::::: :1::::::1: ::::::1::: :::::::::: (B$

&L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote *2

CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote +2 CC,5;1


(B$ ::1::: 1::::1 :::1:: ::::::

-.,3( ,ubframe $llocation 1(ote C2 (umber of control ?3D- ymbol (umber of P05C0 8roup 1N82 P05C0 #uration !nu e# &"- an# P&.Cyclic prefi4 < 1 e4ten#e# ?C(G (ormal



)ealease 11 (ote 1)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H7; H*; H+; HF; H8; HC; H1:; H11; H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote /) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H: of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote 7) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. The 7th; 1/th; 1Cth an# /Fth ubframe in#icate# by $., pattern are -.,3( $., ubframe . PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the -.,3( $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. (ote *) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ. (ote +) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. (ote F) Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell1 an# Cell/ i the ame. (ote 8) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ in thi te t. (ote C) -.,3( ,ubframe $llocation a #efine# in IFJ; four frame %ith /7 bit i cho en for -.,3( ubframe allocation. (ote 1:) The ma4imum number of uplinA 0$&6 tran mi ion i limite# to / o that each P05C0 channel tran mi ion i in a ubframe protecte# by -.,3( $., in thi te t.

Table 8.8.1.'.3-8: .inimum performance DCC<B C<:C< ? ./!*2 A/!

Test 2umb er A33re3ati on ;e5el )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) 8 CC" &1*-1 3DD Cell ' ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3urati on )eference $alue m0s3 &7( 1 !2) &0/( &2ote '( -7./

?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$* /4/ Lo% 3DD 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1 an# Cell/ are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1 an# Cell /.


-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $., an# C&, a i tance information are confi8ure#2

*or the parameters for non28$S*( $S specified in Ta.le ,.4.121 and Ta.le ,." the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. *or the parameters for 8$S*( $S specified in Ta.le ,.4.121 and Ta.le ,." the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. 5n Ta.les ,. and ,." 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 and 'ell3are the a##ressor cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely. The '+S assistance information [@] includin# 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is pro3ided.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.1.'.8-1: Test arameters for DCC<B C*:C< ? 2on-./!*2 A/!

arameter PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ Do%nlinA po%er PC35C0_&. allocation PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&. +nit #. Cell 1 -< Cell ' -< Cell 3 -<

#. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-< -C81(ote 12 -C8 1(ote /2 -C< 1(ote <2 &eference Ealue in Table 8.7.1./.7-/ 1: (on--.,3(

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ * 1: (on--.,3( < <:: 1/+ :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1::

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ < 1: (on--.,3( -1 -1:: 1 :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1::

N oc at antenna

N oc1
N oc 2

N oc 3
E s N oc 2

,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5# 0@

(B$ (B$ :

$., pattern 1(ote 72


:::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: (B$ (B$ :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: CC,5;: :::::1:: (B$ (B$ :::::1:: :::::1:: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote +2 11111:11 11111:11 CC,5;1 11111:11 (B$ (B$ 11111:11 11111:11 (umber of control ?3D- ymbol / (ote F (ote F (umber of P05C0 8roup 1N82 1 (B$ (B$ P05C0 #uration (ormal (B$ (B$ !nu e# &"- an# P&.?C(G ?C(G ?C(G Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ormal (ote 1) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote /) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote 7) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PDCC0BPC35C0 other than that a ociate# %ith ,5.1BPa8in8 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell. (ote *) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJD (ote +) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJD (ote F) The number of control ?3D- ymbol i not available for $., an# i / for the ubframe in#icate# by K:L of $., pattern. (ote 8) The number of the C&, port in Cell1; Cell/ an# Cell <i the ame. (ote C) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ an# Cell < in the te t. &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote *2


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.1.'.8-': .inimum performance DCC<B C*:C< ? 2on-./!*2 A/!

Test 2umber A33re3ati on ;e5el )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) 8 CC" Cell ' Cell 3 ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Cell3 Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration &2ote '( /4/ Lo% )eference $alue m0s3 &7( 1 !2) &0/( &2ote 3( I-/./J

&.1*-/ ?P.1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$* "E$* 3DD 3DD 3DD 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.1.'.8-3: Test arameters for DCC<B C*:C< ? ./!*2 A/!


)ealease 11 arameter PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ Do%nlinA po%er PC35C0_&. allocation PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&. +nit #.

''8 Cell 1 -<


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Cell 3 -<

Cell ' -<

#. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-< -C81(ote 12 -C8 1(ote /2 -C< 1(ote <2 &eference Ealue in Table 8.7.1./.7-7 1: (on--.,3(

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ * 1: -.,3( < <:: 1/+ :::1:::::: :1::::::1: ::::::1::: :::::::::: (B$

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ < 1: -.,3( -1 -1:: 1 :::1:::::: :1::::::1: ::::::1::: :::::::::: (B$

N oc at antenna

N oc1
N oc 2

N oc 3
E s N oc 2

,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5# $., pattern 1(ote 72 0@

(B$ (B$ : (B$ :::1:::::: :1::::::1: ::::::1::: :::::::::: :::1:::::: :1::::::1: ::::::1::: :::::::::: 111:111111 1:111111:1 111111:111 1111111111 (B$ / 1 (ormal ?C(G (ormal

&L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote *2

CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote +2 CC,5;1



(B$ ::1::: 1::::1 :::1:: :::::: (ote 8 (B$ (B$ ?C(G (ormal

(B$ ::1::: 1::::1 :::1:: :::::: (ote 8 (B$ (B$ ?C(G (ormal

-.,3( ,ubframe $llocation 1(ote F2 (umber of control ?3D- ymbol (umber of P05C0 8roup 1N82 P05C0 #uration !nu e# &"- an# P&.Cyclic prefi4


)ealease 11 (ote 1)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H7; H*; H+; HF; H8; HC; H1:; H11; H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote /) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H: of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote 7) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. The 7th; 1/th; 1Cth an# /Fth ubframe in#icate# by $., pattern are -.,3( $., ubframe . PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the -.,3( $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. (ote *) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ. (ote +) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. (ote F) -.,3( ,ubframe $llocation a #efine# in IFJ; four frame %ith /7 bit are cho en for -.,3( ubframe allocation. (ote 8) The number of control ?3D- ymbol i not available for $., an# i / for the ubframe in#icate# by K:L of $., pattern. (ote C) The ma4imum number of uplinA 0$&6 tran mi ion i limite# to / o that each P05C0 channel tran mi ion i in a ubframe protecte# by -.,3( $., in thi te t. (ote 1:) The number of the C&, port in Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < i the ame. (ote 11) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell / an# Cell < in thi te t.

Table 8.8.1.'.8-8: .inimum performance DCC<B C*:C< ? ./!*2 A/!

Test 2umber A33re3ati on ;e5el )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) 8 CC" Cell ' Cell 3 ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Cell3 Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration &2ote '( /4/ Lo% )eference $alue m0s3 &7( 1 !2) &0/( &2ote 3( I-/.:J

&.1*-/ ?P.1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$* "E$* 3DD 3DD 3DD 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1.

8.7./ TDD
The parameters specified in Ta.le ,.4.221 are 3alid for all T99 tests unless other%ise stated.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.'-1: Test arameters for DCC<B C*:C<

arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration 1(ote 12 ,pecial ubframe confi8uration 1(ote /2 (umber of PDCC0 ymbol (umber of P05C0 8roup 1N82 P05C0 #uration !nu e# &"- an# P&.Cell 5D PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ Do%nlinA po%er PC35C0_&. allocation PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&. +nit !in3le antenna port : 7 ymbol / 1 (ormal ?C(G : : Transmit 0i5ersity : 7 / 1 (ormal ?C(G : -<


#. #.mB1*A0@

: -C8 (ormal -ultiple4in8

-< -C8 (ormal -ultiple4in8

N oc at antenna port

Cyclic prefi4 $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e (ote 1) a pecifie# in Table 7./-/ in T, <+./11 I7J. (ote /) a pecifie# in Table 7./-1 in T, <+./11 I7J.


,in8le-antenna port performance

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.4.221 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.4.2.121. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.8.'.1-1: .inimum performance DCC<B C*:C<
Test number /an0wi0th A33re3ation le5el )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 14/ Lo% )eference 5alue m-0s3 &7( !2) &0/(

1: -0@

8 CC"

&.1* TDD

?P.1 TDD




Tran mit #iver ity performance

-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.4.221 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.8.'.'.1-1: .inimum performance DCC<B C*:C<
Test number /an0wi0th A33re3ation le5el )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 / 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-0s3 &7( !2) &0/(

1: -0@

7 CC"

&.1+ TDD

?P.1 TDD




-inimum &equirement 7 T4 $ntenna Port

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.4.221 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.'.'.'-1: .inimum performance DCC<B C*:C<

Test number 1 /an0wi0th A33re3atio n le5el / CC" )eference Channel &.1F TDD 1C2G attern ?P.1 TDD ropa3ation Con0ition "P$* Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 7 4 / -e#ium )eference 5alue m-0s3 !2) &7( &0/( 1 +.*

* -0@


-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $.,2

*or the parameters for non28$S*( $S specified in Ta.le ,.4.221 and Ta.le ,." the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2 and nne! '.3.3.. 5n Ta.le ,." 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 is the a##ressor cell. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely. *or the parameters for 8$S*( $S specified in Ta.le ,.4.221 and Ta.le ,." the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '3.2 and for 'ell 2 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.'.'.3-1: Test arameters for DCC<B C*:C< ? 2on-./!*2 A/!

arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ Do%nlinA po%er PC35C0_&. allocation PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&. +nit Cell 1 1 7 -< Cell ' 1 7 -<


#. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-< -1::.* 1(ote 12 -C8 1(ote /2 -C*.< 1(ote <2 &eference Ealue in Table 8.7././.<-/ 1: (on--.,3(

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ 1.* 1: (on--.,3(

N oc1
N oc at antenna port
E s N oc 2
.GChannel ,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell Cell 5# $., pattern 1(ote 72 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern1(ote *2

N oc 2

N oc 3

/.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 : (B$ 1 :::::1:::1 :::::::::1

:::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::1:::1 CC,5;: (B$ :::::::::1 C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote +2 11::1:1::: CC,5;1 (B$ 11::111::: (umber of control ?3D- ymbol < $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (umber of P05C0 8roup 1N82 1 P05C0 #uration e4ten#e# !nu e# &"- an# P&.?C(G Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ote 1) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote /) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote 7) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PDCC0BPC35C0 other than that a ociate# %ith ,5.1BPa8in8 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell. (ote *) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ. (ote +) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. (ote F) Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell1 an# Cell/ i the ame. (ote 8) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ in the te t.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.'.'.3-': .inimum performance DCC<B C*:C< ? 2on-./!*2 A/!

Test 2umbe r A33re3atio n ;e5el )eferenc e Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration )eference $alue m0s3 &7( 1 !2) &0/( &2ote '( -<.C

1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

&1*-1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$* /4/ Lo% TDD TDD TDD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1 an# Cell / are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1 an# Cell /.

8 CC"


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.'.'.3-3: Test arameters for DCC<B C*:C< ? ./!*2 A/!

arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration PC35C0_&$ PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ Do%nlinA po%er allocation PC35C0_&. PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&. +nit Cell 1 1 7 -< Cell ' 1 7 -<


#. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-< -1::.* 1(ote 12 -C8 1(ote /2 -C*.< 1(ote <2 &eference Ealue in Table 8.7././.<-7 1: (on--.,3(

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ 1.* 1: -.,3(

N oc1

N oc at antenna port
E s N oc 2

N oc 2
N oc 3

,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell Cell 5# $., pattern 1(ote 72 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern1(ote *2 I

/.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 : (B$ 1/+ :::::::::1 :::::::::1

:::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 CC,5;: (B$ :::::::::1 C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote +2 11::111::: CC,5;1 (B$ 11::111::: -.,3( ,ubframe $llocation 1(ote C2 (B$ ::::1: (umber of control ?3D- ymbol < $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (umber of P05C0 8roup 1N82 1 P05C0 #uration e4ten#e# !nu e# &"- an# P&.?C(G Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ote 1) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H7; H*; H+; HF; H8; HC; H1:; H11; H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote /) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H: of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote 7) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. The 1:th an# /:th ubframe in#icate# by $., pattern are -.,3( $., ubframe .PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the -.,3( $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. (ote *) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ. (ote +) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. (ote F) Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell1 an# Cell/ i the ame. (ote 8) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ in thi te t. (ote C) -.,3( ,ubframe $llocation a #efine# in IFJ; one frame %ith + bit i cho en for -.,3( ubframe allocation.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.'.'.3-8: .inimum performance DCC<B C*:C< ? ./!*2 A/!

Test 2umber A33re3ati on ;e5el )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) 8 CC" &1*-1 TDD Cell ' ropa3ation Con0itions&2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3urati on /4/ Lo% )eference $alue m-0s3 &7( 1 !2) &0/( &2ote '( -7.1

?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$* TDD TDD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1 an# Cell/ are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1 an# Cell /.


-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $., an# C&, a i tance information are confi8ure#2

*or the parameters for non28$S*( $S specified in Ta.le ,.4.221 and Ta.le ,." the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. *or the parameters for 8$S*( $S specified in Ta.le ,.4.221 and Ta.le ,." the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. 5n Ta.les ,. and ,." 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 and 'ell 3are the a##ressor cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely. The '+S assistance information [@] includin# 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is pro3ided.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.'.'.8-1: Test arameters for DCC<B C*:C< ? 2on-./!*2 A/!

arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ Do%nlinA po%er PC35C0_&. allocation PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&. +nit Cell 1 1 7 -< Cell ' 1 7 -< Cell 3 1 7 -<


#. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-< -C81(ote 12 -C8 1(ote /2 -C< 1(ote <2 &eference Ealue in Table 8.7././.7-/ 1: (on--.,3(

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ * 1: (on--.,3( < <:: 1/+ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 (B$ (B$ (B$

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ < 1: (on--.,3( -1 -1:: 1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 (B$ (B$ (B$

N oc at antenna

N oc1
N oc 2

N oc 3
E s N oc 2

,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5# $., pattern 1(ote 72 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote *2 C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote +2 CC,5;: CC,5;1 0@

(B$ (B$ : (B$ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 11::111::: 11::111:::

(umber of control ?3D/ (ote F (ote F ymbol $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (B$ (B$ (umber of P05C0 8roup 1N82 1 (B$ (B$ P05C0 #uration (ormal (B$ (B$ !nu e# &"- an# P&.?C(G ?C(G ?C(G Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ormal (ote 1) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:; H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote /) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote 7) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PDCC0BPC35C0 other than that a ociate# %ith ,5.1BPa8in8 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell. (ote *) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJD (ote +) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJD (ote F) The number of control ?3D- ymbol i not available for $., an# i / for the ubframe in#icate# by K:L of $., pattern. (ote 8) The number of the C&, port in Cell1; Cell/ an# Cell <i the ame. (ote C) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ an# Cell < in the te t.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.'.'.8-': .inimum performance DCC<B C*:C< ? 2on-./!*2 A/!

Test 2umber A33re3ati on ;e5el )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) 8 CC" Cell ' Cell 3 ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Cell3 Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration &2ote '( /4/ Lo% )eference $alue m0s3 &7( 1 !2) &0/( &2ote 3( I-/.:J

&.1*-/ ?P.1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$* "E$* TDD TDD TDD TDD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.'.'.8-3: Test arameters for DCC<B C*:C< ? ./!*2 A/!

arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ Do%nlinA po%er PC35C0_&. allocation PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&. +nit Cell 1 1 7 -< Cell ' 1 7 -< Cell 3 1 7 -<


#. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-< -C81(ote 12 -C8 1(ote /2 -C< 1(ote <2 &eference Ealue in Table 8.7././.7-7 1: (on--.,3(

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ * 1: -.,3( < <:: 1/+ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 (B$ (B$ (B$

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ < 1: -.,3( -1 -1:: 1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 (B$ (B$ (B$

N oc at antenna

N oc1
N oc 2

N oc 3
E s N oc 2

,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5# $., pattern 1(ote 72 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote *2 C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote +2 CC,5;: CC,5;1 0@

(B$ (B$ : (B$ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 11::111::: 11::111:::

-.,3( ,ubframe $llocation (B$ ::::1: ::::1: 1(ote F2 (umber of control ?3D- ymbol / (ote 8 (ote 8 $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (B$ (B$ (umber of P05C0 8roup 1N82 1 (B$ (B$ P05C0 #uration (ormal (B$ (B$ !nu e# &"- an# P&.?C(G ?C(G ?C(G Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ormal (ote 1) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H7; H*; H+; HF; H8; HC; H1:; H11; H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote /) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H: of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote 7) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. The 1:th an# /:th ubframe in#icate# by $., pattern are -.,3( $., ubframe . PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the -.,3( $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. (ote *) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ. (ote +) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. (ote F) -.,3( ,ubframe $llocation a #efine# in IFJ; one frame %ith + bit i cho en for -.,3( ubframe allocation. (ote 8) The number of control ?3D- ymbol i not available for $., an# i / for the ubframe in#icate# by K:L of $., pattern. (ote C) Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell1 an# Cell/ i the ame. (ote 1:) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ in thi te t.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.'.'.8-8: .inimum performance DCC<B C*:C< ? ./!*2 A/!

Test 2umber A33re3ati on ;e5el )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) 8 CC" Cell ' Cell 3 ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Cell3 Correlation .atri4 an0 Antenna Confi3uration &2ote '( /4/ Lo% )eference $alue m0s3 &7( 1 !2) &0/( &2ote 3( I-1.8J

&.1*-/ ?P.1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "E$* "E$* "E$* TDD TDD TDD TDD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1.

8.* Demo#ulation of P05C0

The recei3er characteristics of the ;?5'? are determined .y the pro.a.ility of miss2detectin# an '< for a ( '< /;m2an0. 5t is assumed that there is no .ias applied to the detection of '< and ( '< /1ero2threshold delection0.

8.*.1 3DD
The parameters specified in Ta.le ,.=.121 are 3alid for all *99 tests unless other%ise stated. Table 8.-.1-1: Test arameters for <:C<
arameter PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ +nit !in3le antenna port : Transmit 0i5ersity -<


PC35C0_&. PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&. P05C0 #uration (umber of P05C0 8roup 1(ote 12 PDCC0 Content !nu e# &"- an# P&.Cell 5D

Do%nlinA po%er allocation



(ormal (ormal (8 T 1 (8 T 1 !L Grant houl# be inclu#e# %ith the proper information ali8ne# %ith $.<.+. ?C(G ?C(G : : #.mB1*A0@ -C8 (ormal -C8 (ormal

N oc at antenna port
(ote 1)

Cyclic prefi4 accor#in8 to Clau e +.C in T, <+./11 I7J


,in8le-antenna port performance

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.=.121 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detectin# '< for ( '< /;m2an0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.=.1.121. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.-.1.1-1: .inimum performance <:C<
Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 1 4 / Lo% 1 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-an &7( !2) &0/(

1 /

1: -0@ 1: -0@

&.18 &./7

?P.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD

"T!F: "T!F:

:.1 :.1

*.* :.+


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(


Tran mit #iver ity performance

-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.=.121 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detectin# '< for ( '< /;m2an0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.=.1.221. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.-.1.'.1-1: .inimum performance <:C<
Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 / 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-an &7( !2) &0/(

1: -0@


?P.1 3DD





-inimum &equirement 7 T4 $ntenna Port

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.=.121 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detectin# '< for ( '< /;m2an0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.=.1.2.221. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.-.1.'.'-1: .inimum performance <:C<
Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 7 4 / -e#ium )eference 5alue m-an &7( !2) &0/(

* -0@


?P.1 3DD





-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $.,2

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.=.121 and Ta.le ,.=.1.2.321" the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detectin# '< for ( '< /;m2an0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.=.1.2.322. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2 and nne! '.3.3. 5n Ta.le ,.=.1.2.321" 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 is the a##ressor cell. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.-.1.'.3-1: Test arameters for <:C<

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ PC35C0_&. PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&. +nit #. Cell 1 -< Cell ' -<

#. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-< -1::.* 1(ote 12 -C8 1(ote /2 -C*.< 1(ote <2 &eference Ealue in Table 8.*.1./.</ 1: (on--.,3(

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ 1.* 1: (on--.,3(

N oc at antenna port

N oc1
N oc 2

N oc 3
E s N oc 2
.GChannel ,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell Cell 5#

/.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 : 1 :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :1:::1:: :::::1:: (B$

$., pattern 1(ote 72


:::::1:: :::::1:: &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe :::::1:: Pattern 1(ote *2 :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: C,5 ,ubframe ,et CC,5;: :::::1:: (B$ 1(ote +2 :1:::1:: :::::1:: 11111:11 11111:11 CC,5;1 11111:11 (B$ 1:111:11 11111:11 (umber of control ?3D- ymbol < (umber of P05C0 8roup 1N82 1 P05C0 #uration e4ten#e# !nu e# &"- an# P&.?C(G ?C(G Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ote 1) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $., (ote /) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $., (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote 7) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. P05C0 i tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell but not in the /+th ubframe in#icate# by the $., pattern. (ote *) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ (ote +) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ (ote F) Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell1 an# Cell/ i the ame. (ote 8) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ in the te t.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.-.1.'.3-': .inimum performance <:C<

Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) &.1C Cell ' ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Antenna Confi3uration an0 Correlation .atri4 /4/ Lo% )eference $alue m-an &7( :.1 !2) &0/( &2ote '( 7.+

?P.1 ?P.1 "P$* "P$* 3DD 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1 an# Cell / are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1 an# Cell /.


-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $., an# C&, a i tance information are confi8ure#2

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.=.121 and Ta.le ,.=.1.2.421" the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detectin# '< for ( '< /;m2an0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.=.1.2.422. 5n Ta.le ,.=.1.2.421" 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 are the a##ressor cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely. The '+S assistance information [@] includin# 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is pro3ided.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.-.1.'.8-1: Test arameters for <:C<


)ealease 11 arameter PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ Do%nlinA po%er PC35C0_&. allocation PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&. +nit #.

'8# Cell 1 -<


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Cell 3 -<

Cell ' -<

#. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-< -C8 1(ote 12 -C8 1(ote /2 -C< 1(ote <2 &eference Ealue in Table 8.*.1./.7/ 1: (on--.,3(

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ * 1: (on--.,3( < <:: 1/+

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ < 1: (on--.,3( -1 -1:: 1

N oc at antenna

N oc1
N oc 2

N oc 3
E s N oc 2

,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5# 0@

(B$ (B$ : !L Grant houl# be inclu#e# %ith the proper information ali8ne# %ith $.<.+. (B$ :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: 11111:11 11111:11 11111:11 11111:11 11111:11 / 1 (ormal ?C(G (ormal

PDCC0 Content



$., pattern 1(ote 72

:::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: (B$

:::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: (B$

&L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote *2

CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote +2 CC,5;1 (umber of control ?3D- ymbol (umber of P05C0 8roup 1N82 P05C0 #uration !nu e# &"- an# P&.Cyclic prefi4



(B$ (ote F (B$ (B$ ?C(G (ormal

(B$ (ote F (B$ (B$ ?C(G (ormal


)ealease 11 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *) (ote +) (ote F) (ote 8) (ote C)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $., Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $., Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. P05C0 i tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell but not in the /+th ubframe in#icate# by the $., pattern. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ The number of control ?3D- ymbol i not available for $., an# i / for the ubframe in#icate# by K:L of $., pattern. The number of the C&, port in Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < i the ame. ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell / an# Cell < in the te t.

Table 8.-.1.'.8-': .inimum performance <:C<

Test 2umber 1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) )eference Channel &.1C 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 Antenna Confi3uration an0 Correlation .atri4 &2ote '( /4/ Lo% )eference $alue m-an &7( :.1 !2) &0/( &2ote 3( I*.:J

?P.1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "P$* "E$* "E$* 3DD 3DD 3DD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of Cell 1.

8.*./ TDD
The parameters specified in Ta.le ,.=.221 are 3alid for all T99 tests unless other%ise stated.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.-.'-1: Test arameters for <:C<

arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration 1(ote 12 ,pecial ubframe confi8uration 1(ote /2 PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ Do%nlinA po%er allocation PC35C0_&. PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&. #. +nit !in3le antenna port 1 7 Transmit 0i5ersity 1 7




P05C0 #uration (umber of P05C0 8roup 1(ote <2 PDCC0 Content !nu e# &"- an# P&.Cell 5D

(ormal (ormal (8 T 1 (8 T 1 !L Grant houl# be inclu#e# %ith the proper information ali8ne# %ith $.<.+. ?C(G ?C(G : : #.mB1*A0@ -C8 (ormal -ultiple4in8 -C8 (ormal -ultiple4in8

N oc at antenna port

Cyclic prefi4 $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e (ote 1) a pecifie# in Table 7./-/ in T, <+./11 I7J (ote /) a pecifie# in Table 7./-1 in T, <+./11 I7J (ote <) accor#in8 to Clau e +.C in T, <+./11 I7J


,in8le-antenna port performance

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.=.221 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detectin# '< for ( '< /;m2an0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.=.2.121. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.-.'.1-1: .inimum performance <:C<
Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 1 4 / Lo% 1 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-an &7( !2) &0/(

1 /

1: -0@ 1: -0@

&.18 &./7

?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD

"T!F: "T!F:

:.1 :.1

*.8 1.<


Tran mit #iver ity performance

-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.=.221 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detectin# '< for ( '< /;m2an0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.=.2.2.121. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.-.'.'.1-1: .inimum performance <:C<
Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 / 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-an &7( !2) &0/(

1: -0@


?P.1 TDD





)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(


-inimum &equirement 7 T4 $ntenna Port

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.=.221 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detectin# '< for ( '< /;m2an0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.=.2.2.221. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.-.'.'.'-1: .inimum performance <:C<
Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 7 4 / -e#ium )eference 5alue m-an &7( !2) &0/(

* -0@


?P.1 TDD





-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $.,2

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.=.221 and Ta.le ,.=.2.2.321" the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detectin# '< for ( '< /;m2an0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.=.2.2.322. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2 and nne! '.3.3" 5n Ta.le ,.=.2.2.321" 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 is the a##ressor cell. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.-.'.'.3-1: Test arameters for <:C<

arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ Do%nlinA po%er PC35C0_&. allocation PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&. +nit Cell 1 1 7 -< Cell ' 1 7 -<


#. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-< -1::.* 1(ote 12 -C8 1(ote /2 -C*.< 1(ote <2 &eference Ealue in Table 8.*././.<-/ 1: (on--.,3(

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ 1.* 1: (on--.,3(

N oc1
N oc at antenna port
E s N oc 2
.GChannel ,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell Cell 5# $., pattern 1(ote 72 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote *2

N oc 2

N oc 3

/.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 : (B$ 1 :::::1:::1 :::::::::1 (B$

:::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::1:::1 CC,5;: (B$ :::::::::1 C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote +2 11::1:1::: CC,5;1 (B$ 11::111::: (umber of control ?3D- ymbol < $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (umber of P05C0 8roup 1N82 1 P05C0 #uration e4ten#e# !nu e# &"- an# P&.?C(G ?C(G Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ote 1) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $., (ote /) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $., (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote 7) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. P05C0 i tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell but not in ubframe * (ote *) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ (ote +) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ (ote F) Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell1 an# Cell/ i the ame. (ote 8) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ in the te t.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.-.'.'.3-': .inimum performance <:C<

Test 2umber )eference Channel 1C2G attern Cell 1 1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) &.1C Cell ' ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Antenna Confi3uration an0 Correlation .atri4 /4/ Lo% )eference $alue m-an &7( :.1 !2) &0/( &2ote '( 7.+

?P.1 ?P.1 "P$* "P$* TDD TDD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1 an# Cell / are tati tically in#epen#ent. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of cell 1. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1 an# Cell /.


-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port 1#emo#ulation ubframe overlap %ith a88re or cell $., an# C&, a i tance information are confi8ure#2

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.=.221 and Ta.le ,.=.2.2.421" the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detectin# '< for ( '< /;m2an0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.=.2.2.422. 5n Ta.le ,.=.2.2.421" 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 are the a##ressor cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely. The '+S assistance information [@] includin# 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is pro3ided.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.-.'.'.8-1: Test arameters for <:C<

arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration PDCC0_&$ P05C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ Do%nlinA po%er PC35C0_&. allocation PDCC0_&. P05C0_&. ?C(G_&. +nit Cell 1 1 7 -< Cell ' 1 7 -< Cell 3 1 7 -<


#. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #. -0@

-< -C8 1(ote 12 -C8 1(ote /2 -C< 1(ote <2 &eference Ealue in Table 8.*././.7-/ 1: (on--.,3(

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ * 1: (on--.,3( < <:: 1/+

-< (B$ (B$ (B$ < 1: (on--.,3( -1 -1:: 1

N oc at antenna

N oc1
N oc 2

N oc 3
E s N oc 2

,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5# 0@

(B$ (B$ : !L Grant houl# be inclu#e# %ith the proper information ali8ne# %ith $.<.+. (B$

PDCC0 Content



$., pattern 1(ote 72 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote *2

:::::::::1 :::::::::1

:::::::::1 ::::::::: 1

:::::::::1 (B$ (B$ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 CC,5;: (B$ (B$ :::::::::1 C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote +2 11::111::: CC,5;1 (B$ (B$ 11::111::: (umber of control ?3D- ymbol / (ote F (ote F $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (B$ (B$ (umber of P05C0 8roup 1N82 1 (B$ (B$ P05C0 #uration (ormal (B$ (B$ !nu e# &"- an# P&.?C(G ?C(G ?C(G Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ormal (ote 1) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $., (ote /) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $., (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote 7) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. P05C0 i tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell but not in ubframe * (ote *) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ (ote +) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ (ote F) The number of control ?3D- ymbol i not available for $., an# i / for the ubframe in#icate# by K:L of $., pattern. (ote 8) The number of the C&, port in Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < i the ame. (ote C) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell / an# Cell < in the te t.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.-.'.'.8-': .inimum performance <:C<

Test 2umber 1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) )eference Channel &.1C 1C2G attern Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 Antenna Confi3uration an0 Correlation .atri4 &2ote '( /4/ Lo% )eference $alue m-an &7( :.1 !2) &0/( &2ote 3( I*.FJ

?P.1 ?P.1 ?P.1 "P$* "E$* "E$* TDD TDD TDD The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <. ,(& corre pon# to E s N oc 2 of Cell 1.

8.+ Demo#ulation of P.C0

The recei3er characteristics of the ;$'? are determined .y the pro.a.ility of miss2detection of the ;$'? /;m2.ch0.

8.+.1 3DD
Table 8.".1-1: Test arameters for /C<
arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation P.C0_&$ P.C0_&. +nit #. #. #.mB1*A0@ !in3le antenna port : : -C8 (ormal : Transmit 0i5ersity -< -< -C8 (ormal :

N oc at antenna port
(ote 1) (ote /)

Cyclic prefi4 Cell 5D a pecifie# in Table 7./-/ in T, <+./11 I7J a pecifie# in Table 7./-1 in T, <+./11 I7J


,in8le-antenna port performance

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.6.121 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detectin# ;$'? /;m2.ch0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.6.1.121. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.".1.1-1: .inimum performance /C<
Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel ropa3ation Con0ition Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 1 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-bch &7( !2) &0/(

1.7 -0@





Tran mit #iver ity performance

-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.6.121 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detected ;$'? /;m2.ch0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.".1.'.1-1: .inimum performance /C<

Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel ropa3ation Con0ition Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 / 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-bch &7( !2) &0/(

1.7 -0@





-inimum &equirement 7 T4 $ntenna Port

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.6.121 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detected ;$'? /;m2.ch0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.".1.'.'-1: .inimum performance /C<
Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel ropa3ation Con0ition Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 7 4 / -e#ium )eference 5alue m-bch &7( !2) &0/(

1.7 -0@





-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port un#er Time Domain -ea urement &e ource &e triction %ith C&, $ i tance 5nformation

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,. and Ta.le ,." the a3era#ed pro.a.ility of a miss2detected ;$'? /;m2.ch0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 are the a##ressor cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" repecti3ely. The '+S assistance information [@] includin# 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is pro3ided.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.".1.'.3-1: Test arameters for /C<

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation P.C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ P.C0_&. ?C(G_&. +nit #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #. .GChannel Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5# -0@ 0@ Cell 1 -< -< -C8 &eference Ealue in Table 8.+.1./.<-/ 1.7 (B$ (B$ : Cell ' -< -< (B$ 7 1.7 < <:: 1/+ Cell 3 -< -< (B$ / 1.7 -1 -1:: 1

N oc at antenna port

:1:::::: :1:::::: :1:::::: :1:::::: $., Pattern 1(ote 72 (B$ :1:::::: :1:::::: :1:::::: :1:::::: :1:::::: :1:::::: !nu e# &"- an# P&.?C(G ?C(G ?C(G Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ormal (ote 1) The number of the C&, port in Cell1; Cell/ an# Cell < i the ame. (ote /) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ an# Cell < in the te t. (ote <) The P.C0 tran mi ion from Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < overlap. The ame P.C0 tran mi ion re#un#ancy ver ion i u e# for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <. (ote 7) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel.

Table 8.".1.'.3-': .inimum performance /C<

Test 2umber 1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) Antenna Confi3uration an0 Correlation .atri4 &2ote '( &.// "T!<: "T!<: "T!<: /4/ Lo% The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <. 4 N of cell 1. ,(& corre pon# to E s oc )eference Channel ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3 )eference $alue m-bch !2) &0/( &2ote &7( 3( 1 I-1.*J

8.+./ TDD
Table 8.".'-1: Test arameters for /C<
arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration 1(ote 12 ,pecial ubframe confi8uration 1(ote /2 Do%nlinA po%er allocation P.C0_&$ P.C0_&. #. #. #.mB1*A0@ +nit !in3le antenna port 1 7 : : -C8 (ormal : Transmit 0i5ersity 1 7 -< -< -C8 (ormal :

N oc at antenna port
(ote 1) (ote /)

Cyclic prefi4 Cell 5D a pecifie# in Table 7./-/ in T, <+./11 I7J. a pecifie# in Table 7./-1 in T, <+./11 I7J.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(


,in8le-antenna port performance

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.6.221 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detected ;$'? /;m2.ch0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.6.2.121. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.".'.1-1: .inimum performance /C<
Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel ropa3ation Con0ition Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 1 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-bch &7( !2) &0/(

1.7 -0@





Tran mit #iver ity performance

-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.6.221 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detected ;$'? /;m2.ch0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.".'.'.1-1: .inimum performance /C<
Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel ropa3ation Con0ition Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 / 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-bch &7( !2) &0/(

1.7 -0@





-inimum &equirement 7 T4 $ntenna Port

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.6.221 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a miss2detected ;$'? /;m2.ch0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.".'.'.'-1: .inimum performance /C<
Test number /an0wi0th )eference Channel ropa3ation Con0ition Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 7 4 / -e#ium )eference 5alue m-bch &7( !2) &0/(

1.7 -0@





-inimum &equirement / T4 $ntenna Port un#er Time Domain -ea urement &e ource &e triction %ith C&, $ i tance 5nformation

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,. and Ta.le ,." the a3era#ed pro.a.ility of a miss2detected ;$'? /;m2.ch0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,. 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 are the a##ressor cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is accordin# to nne! '3.3" respecti3ely. The '+S assistance information [@] includin# 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is pro3ided.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.".'.'.3-1: Test arameters for /C<

arameter Do%nlinA po%er allocation P.C0_&$ ?C(G_&$ P.C0_&. ?C(G_&. +nit #. #. #.mB1*A0@ #. .GChannel Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5# -0@ 0@ Cell 1 -< -< -C8 &eference Ealue in Table 8.+././.<-/ 1.7 (B$ (B$ : Cell ' -< -< (B$ 7 1.7 < <:: 1/+ Cell 3 -< -< (B$ / 1.7 -1 -1:: 1

N oc at antenna port

:::::::::1 :::::::::1 $., Pattern 1(ote 72 (B$ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 !nu e# &"- an# P&.?C(G ?C(G ?C(G Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ormal (ote 1) The number of the C&, port in Cell1; Cell/ an# Cell <i the ame. (ote /) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ an# Cell < in the te t. (ote <) The P.C0 tran mi ion from Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < overlap. The ame P.C0 tran mi ion re#un#ancy ver ion i u e# for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <. (ote 7) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel.

Table 8.".'.'.3-': .inimum performance /C<

Test 2umber 1 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) Antenna Confi3uration )eference $alue an0 Correlation .atri4 m-bch !2) &0/( &2ote 3( &2ote '( &7( &.// "T!<: "T!<: "T!<: /4/ Lo% 1 I-1.*J The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. The correlation matri4 an# antenna confi8uration apply for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell <. 4 N of cell 1. ,(& corre pon# to E s oc )eference Channel ropa3ation Con0itions &2ote 1( Cell 1 Cell ' Cell 3

8.F ,u taine# #o%nlinA #ata rate provi#e# by lo%er layer

The purpose of the test is to 3erify that the Dayer 1 and Dayer 2 correctly process in a sustained manner the recei3ed pac&ets correspondin# to the ma!imum num.er of 9D2S'? transport .loc& .its recei3ed %ithin a TT5 for the UE cate#ory indicated. The sustained do%nlin& data rate shall .e 3erified in terms of the success rate of deli3ered ;9'; S9U/s0 .y Dayer 2. The test case .elo% specifies the +* conditions and the required success rate of deli3ered T$ .y Dayer 1 to meet the sustained data rate requirement. The si1e of the T$ per TT5 corresponds to the lar#est possi.le 9D2 S'? transport .loc& for each UE cate#ory usin# the ma!imum num.er of layers for spatial multiple!in#. Transmission modes 1 and 3 are used %ith radio conditions resem.lin# a scenario %here sustained ma!imum data rates are a3aila.le. Test case is selected accordin# to ta.le ,.@21 dependin# on UE capapa.ility for ' and E;9''?. Table 8.%-1: !D) test applicability
!in3le carrier +6 not supportin3 6 DCC< 8.F.1 8.F./ CA +6 not supportin3 6 DCC< 8.F.1 8.F./ !in3le carrier +6 supportin3 6 DCC< 8.F.< 8.F.7 CA +6 supportin3 6 DCC< 8.F.1; 8.F.< 8.F./; 8.F.7



)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

8.F.1 3DD
The parameters specified in Ta.le ,[email protected] are 3alid for all *99 tests unless other%ise stated. Table 8.%.1-1: Common Test arameters &*DD(
arameter Cyclic prefi4 Cell 5D 5nter-TT5 Di tance (umber of 0$&6 proce e per component carrier -a4imum number of 0$&6 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion co#in8 equence (umber of ?3Dymbol for PDCC0 per component carrier Cro carrier che#ulin8 Proce e +nit $alue (ormal : 1 8 7 9:;:;1;/= for +76$?3D- ymbol 1 (ot confi8ure# ,tatic propa8ation con#ition (o e4ternal noi e ource are applie#

Propa8ation con#ition

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,[email protected]" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,[email protected] and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The test points are applied to UE cate#ory" ' capa.ility and .and%idth com.ination %ith ma!imum a##re#ated .and%idth as specified inTa.le ,[email protected]. The T$ success rate shall .e sustained durin# at least 3>> frames.

Table 8.%.1-': test parameters for sustaine0 0ownlinC 0ata rate &*DD(
/an0wi0t h &.<=( 1: 1: /: 1: /41: /4/: 1:N1* 1:N/: 1*N/: Transmission mo0e 1 < < < < < < < < Antenna confi3uratio n 14/ /4/ /4/ /4/ /4/ /4/ /4/ /4/ /4/ Co0ebooC subset restriction (B$ 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: DownlinC power allocation &0/(

Test 1 / <;7;+ <$ <.; 7$ +$ +. +C +D (ote 1)

4 at E s
antenna port &0/mB1-C<=( -8* -8* -8* -8* -8* -8* -8* -8* -8*

: -< -< -< -< -< -< -< -<

: -< -< -< -< -< -< -< -<

: : : : : : : : :

!ymbols for unuse0 )/s ?P.+ 3DD ?P.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD

3or C$ te t ca e ; P!CC0 format 1b %ith channel election i u e# to fee#bacA $C>B($C>.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.%.1-3: .inimum requirement &*DD(

Test 1 / < <$ <. 7 7$ + +$ +. +C +D (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) 2umber of bits of a D;-!C< transport blocC recei5e0 within a TT: 1:/C+ /*7*+ *1:/7 <++C+ 1(ote /2 /*7*+ F*<F+ 1(ote <2 <++C+ 1(ote /2 F*<F+ 1(ote <2 F*<F+ 1(ote <2 <++C+ 1(ote /2 for 1:-0@ CC **:*+ for 1*-0@ CC .easurement channel )eference 5alue T/ success rate D7E C* C* C* 8* IC*J 8* I8*J 8* 8* I8*J

&.<1-1 3DD &.<1-/ 3DD &.<1-< 3DD &.<1-<$ 3DD &.<1-/ 3DD &.<1-7 3DD &.<1-<$ 3DD &.<1-7 3DD &.<1-7 3DD &.<1-<$ 3DD for 1:-0@ carrier CC &.<1-* 3DD for 1*-0@ CC <++C+ 1(ote /2 for 1:-0@ CC &.<1-<$ 3DD for 1:-0@ CC I8*J F*<F+ 1(ote <2 for /:-0@ CC &.<1-7 3DD for /:-0@ CC **:*+ for 1*-0@ CC &.<1-* 3DD for 1*-0@ CC I8*J F*<F+ 1(ote <2 for /:-0@ CC &.<1-7 3DD for /:-0@ CC 3or / layer tran mi ion ; / tran port blocA are receive# %ithin a TT5. <*1+: bit for ub-frame *. F111/ bit for ub-frame *. The T. ucce rate i #efine# a T. ucce rate T 1::MU(DL_correct_r4B 1(DL_ne%t4 N (DL_ret42; %here (DL_ne%t4 i the number of ne%ly tran mitte# DL tran port blocA ; (DL_ret4 i the number of retran mitte# DL tran port blocA ; an# (DL_correct_r4 i the number of correctly receive# DL tran port blocA .

Table 8.%.1-8: Test points for sustaine0 0ata rate &*)C(

CA confi3 ,in8le carrier CL_$_ $ CL_C (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) /an0wi0thB /an0wi0th Cate3ory Cate3ory Cate3ory 3 Cate3ory 8 Cate3ory " Cate3ory % combination 1 ' &.<=( 1: 1 / <$ <$ /: < 7 + + 1:N1: <. 7$ 7$ 7$ 1:N1* <. 7$ +. +. 1:N/: <. 7$ +C +C 1*N/: <. 7$ +D +D /:N/: <. 7$ +$ +$ /:N/: < 1(ote 72 7 1(ote 72 +$ +$ 5f !" can be te te# for C$ confi8uration; in8le carrier te t i Aippe#. 3or non-C$ !"; te t i electe# for ma4imum upporte# ban#%i#th. 3or C$ !"; te t i electe# for ban#%i#th combination corre pon#in8 to ma4imum a88re8ate# ban#%i#th amon8 all C$ confi8uration upporte# by !". 5f CL_C i the only C$ confi8uration upporte# by cate8ory < or 7 !"; in8le carrier te t i electe#.

8.F./ TDD
The parameters specified in Ta.le ,[email protected] are 3alid for all T99 tests unless other%ise stated.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.%.'-1: Common Test arameters &TDD(

arameter ,pecial ubframe confi8uration 1(ote 12 Cyclic prefi4 Cell 5D 5nter-TT5 Di tance -a4imum number of 0$&6 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion co#in8 equence (umber of ?3Dymbol for PDCC0 per component carrier Cro carrier che#ulin8 +nit $alue 7 (ormal : 1 7 9:;:;1;/= for +76$?3D- ymbol 1 (ot confi8ure# ,tatic propa8ation con#ition (o e4ternal noi e ource are applie#

Propa8ation con#ition (ote 1) a

pecifie# in Table 7./-1 in T, <+./11 I7J.

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,[email protected]" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,[email protected] and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The test points are applied to UE cate#ory" ' capa.ility and .and%idth com.ination %ith ma!imum a##re#ated .and%idth as specified inTa.le ,[email protected]. The T$ success rate shall .e sustained durin# at least 3>> frames. Table 8.%.'-': test parameters for sustaine0 0ownlinC 0ata rate &TDD(
/an0wi0t h &.<=( 1: 1: /: 1* /4/: Transmission mo0e 1 < < < < Antenna confi3uratio n 14/ /4/ /4/ /4/ /4/ Co0ebooC subset restriction (B$ 1: 1: 1: 1: DownlinC power allocation &0/(

Test 1 / <;7;+ <$ +$ (ote 1)

4 at E s
antenna port &0/mB1-C<=( -8* -8* -8* -8* -8*

: -< -< -< -<

: -< -< -< -<

: : : : :

!ymbols for unuse0 )/s ?P.+ TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P./ TDD ?P.1 TDD

P!CC0 format 1b %ith channel election i u e# to fee#bacA $C>B($C>.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.%.'-3: .inimum requirement &TDD(

2umber of bits of a D;-!C< .easurement channel )eference 5alue transport blocC recei5e0 within T/ success rate D7E a TT: for normalBspecial subframe 1 1:/C+B: &<1-1 TDD C* / /*7*+B: &<1-/ TDD C* < *1:/7B: &<1-< TDD C* <$ *1:/7B: &<1-<$ TDD 8* 7 F*<F+B: 1(ote /2 &<1-7 TDD 8* + F*<F+B: 1(ote /2 &.<1-7 TDD 8* +$ F*<F+B: 1(ote /2 &.<1-7 TDD 8* (ote 1) 3or / layer tran mi ion ; / tran port blocA are receive# %ithin a TT5. (ote /) F111/ bit for ub-frame *. (ote <) The T. ucce rate i #efine# a T. ucce rate T 1::MU(DL_correct_r4B 1(DL_ne%t4 N (DL_ret42; %here (DL_ne%t4 i the number of ne%ly tran mitte# DL tran port blocA ; (DL_ret4 i the number of retran mitte# DL tran port blocA ; an# (DL_correct_r4 i the number of correctly receive# DL tran port blocA . Test

Table 8.%.'-8: Test points for sustaine0 0ata rate &*)C(

CA confi3 ,in8le carrier CL_C (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) /an0wi0thB /an0wi0th Cate3ory 1 Cate3ory ' Cate3ory 3 Cate3ory 8 Cate3ory " Cate3ory % combination &.<=( 1: 1 / 1* <$ <$ /: < 7 + + /:N/: -< 1(ote 72 7 1(ote 72 +$ +$ 5f !" can be te te# for C$ confi8uration; in8le carrier te t i Aippe#. 3or non-C$ !"; te t i electe# for ma4imum upporte# ban#%i#th. 3or C$ !"; te t i electe# for ban#%i#th combination corre pon#in8 to ma4imum a88re8ate# ban#%i#th amon8 all C$ confi8uration upporte# by !". 5f CL_C i the only C$ confi8uration upporte# by cate8ory < or 7 !"; in8le carrier te t i electe#

8.F.< 3DD 1"PDCC0 che#ulin82

The parameters specified in Ta.le ,[email protected] are 3alid for all *99 tests unless other%ise stated. Table 8.%.3-1: Common test parameters &*DD(


)ealease 11 arameter Cyclic prefi4 Cell 5D 5nter-TT5 Di tance (umber of 0$&6 proce e per component carrier -a4imum number of 0$&6 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion co#in8 equence (umber of ?3Dymbol for PDCC0 per component carrier Cro carrier che#ulin8 (umber of "PDCC0 et "PDCC0 tran mi ion type (umber of P&. per "PDCC0 et an# "PDCC0 P&. pair allocation "PDCC0 ,tartin8 ,ymbol "CC" $88re8ation Level (umber of "&"G per "CC" "PDCC0 che#ulin8 "PDCC0 preco#er "PDCC0 monitorin8 ,3 pattern Timin8 a#vance Propa8ation con#ition +nit


3G $alue (ormal : 1

T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(


8 7 9:;:;1;/= for +76$-

?3D- ymbol

1 (ot confi8ure# 1 Locali@e# / P&. pair 1:-0@ .G) &e ource blocA nP&. T 78; 7C /:-0@ .G) &e ource blocA nP&. T C8; CC Derive# from C35 1i.e. #efault behaviour2 / "CC" 7 "PDCC0 can#i#ate i ran#omly a i8ne# in each ubframe 3i4e# P-5 : 1111111111 :::::::::: 1111111111 :::::::::: 1:: ,tatic propa8ation con#ition (o e4ternal noi e ource are applie#

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,[email protected]" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,[email protected] and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The test points are applied to UE cate#ory" ' capa.ility and .and%idth com.ination %ith ma!imum a##re#ated .and%idth as specified inTa.le ,[email protected]. The T$ success rate shall .e sustained durin# at least 3>> frames. Table 8.%.3-': Test parameters for !D) test for D!C< sche0ule0 by 6 DCC< &*DD(
/an0wi0th &.<=( 1: 1: /: 1: Transmission mo0e 1 < < < Antenna confi3uration 14/ /4/ /4/ /4/ Co0ebooC subset restriction (B$ 1: 1: 1: DownlinC power allocation &0/(

Test 1 / <;7;+ <$

4 at E s
antenna port &0/mB1-C<=( -8* -8* -8* -8*

: -< -< -<

: -< -< -<

: : : :

!ymbols for unuse0 )/s ?P.+ 3DD ?P.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD ?P.1 3DD


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.%.3-3: .inimum requirement &*DD(

Test 1 / < <$ 7 + (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) 2umber of bits of a D;-!C< transport .easurement channel )eference 5alue blocC recei5e0 within a TT: T/ success rate D7E 1:/C+ &.<1"-1 3DD IC*J /*7*+ &.<1"-/ 3DD IC*J *1:/7 &.<1"-< 3DD IC*J <++C+ 1(ote /2 &.<1"-<$ 3DD I8*J F*<F+ 1(ote <2 &.<1"-7 3DD I8*J F*<F+ 1(ote <2 &.<1"-7 3DD I8*J 3or / layer tran mi ion ; / tran port blocA are receive# %ithin a TT5. <*1+: bit for ub-frame *. F111/ bit for ub-frame *. The T. ucce rate i #efine# a T. ucce rate T 1::MU(DL_correct_r4B 1(DL_ne%t4 N (DL_ret42; %here (DL_ne%t4 i the number of ne%ly tran mitte# DL tran port blocA ; (DL_ret4 i the number of retran mitte# DL tran port blocA ; an# (DL_correct_r4 i the number of correctly receive# DL tran port blocA .

Table 8.%.3-8: Test points for sustaine0 0ata rate &*)C(

CA confi3 ,in8le carrier (ote 1) /an0wi0th &.<=( Cate3ory Cate3ory Cate3ory 3 1 ' 1: 1 / <$ /: < The te t i electe# for ma4imum upporte# ban#%i#th. Cate3ory 8 <$ 7 Cate3ory " + Cate3ory % +

8.F.7 TDD 1"PDCC0 che#ulin82

The parameters specified in Ta.le ,[email protected] are 3alid for all T99 tests unless other%ise stated. Table 8.%.8-1: Common test parameters &TDD(


)ealease 11 arameter ,pecial ubframe confi8uration 1(ote 12 Cyclic prefi4 Cell 5D 5nter-TT5 Di tance -a4imum number of 0$&6 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion co#in8 equence (umber of ?3Dymbol for PDCC0 per component carrier Cro carrier che#ulin8 (umber of "PDCC0 et "PDCC0 tran mi ion type (umber of P&. per "PDCC0 et an# "PDCC0 P&. pair allocation "PDCC0 ,tartin8 ,ymbol "CC" $88re8ation Level (umber of "&"G per "CC" "PDCC0 che#ulin8 "PDCC0 preco#er "PDCC0 monitorin8 ,3 pattern Timin8 a#vance Propa8ation con#ition (ote 1) $ V +nit


3G $alue 7 (ormal : 1 7

T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

9:;:;1;/= for +76$?3D- ymbol 1 (ot confi8ure# 1 Locali@e# / P&. pair 1:-0@ .G) &e ource blocA nP&. T 78; 7C 1*-0@ .G) &e ource blocA nP&. T F:; F1 /:-0@ .G) &e ource blocA nP&. T C8; CC Derive# from C35 1i.e. #efault behaviour2 / "CC" 7 for normal ubframe an# 8 for pecial ubframe "PDCC0 can#i#ate i ran#omly a i8ne# in each ubframe 3i4e# P-5 : !L-DL confi8uration 1) 11:1111111 :::::::::: !L-DL confi8uration *) 11::111::1 :::::::::: 1:: ,tatic propa8ation con#ition (o e4ternal noi e ource are applie#

pecifie# in Table 7./-1 in T, <+./11 I7J.

The requirements are specified in Ta.le ,[email protected]" %ith the addition of the parameters in Ta.le ,[email protected] and the do%nlin& physical channel setup accordin# to nne! '.3.2. The test points are applied to UE cate#ory" ' capa.ility and .and%idth com.ination %ith ma!imum a##re#ated .and%idth as specified inTa.le ,[email protected]. The T$ success rate shall .e sustained durin# at least 3>> frames.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.%.8-': Test parameters for !D) test for D!C< sche0ule0 by 6 DCC< &TDD(
/an0wi0th &.<=( 1: 1: /: 1* Transmission mo0e 1 < < < Antenna confi3uration 14/ /4/ /4/ /4/ Co0ebooC subset restriction (B$ 1: 1: 1: DownlinC power allocation &0/(

Test 1 / <;7;+ <$ (ote 1)

4 at E s
antenna port &0/mB1-C<=( -8* -8* -8* -8*

: -< -< -<

: -< -< -<

: : : :

!ymbols for unuse0 )/s ?P.+ TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P.1 TDD ?P./ TDD

P!CC0 format 1b %ith channel election i u e# to fee#bacA $C>B($C>.

Table 8.%.8-3: .inimum requirement &TDD(

2umber of bits of a D;-!C< .easurement channel )eference 5alue transport blocC recei5e0 within T/ success rate D7E a TT: for normalBspecial subframe 1 1:/C+B: &.<1"-1 TDD IC*J / /*7*+B: &.<1"-/ TDD IC*J < *1:/7B: &.<1"-< TDD IC*J <$ *1:/7B: &.<1"-<$ TDD I8*J 7 F*<F+B: 1(ote /2 &.<1"-7 TDD I8*J + F*<F+B: 1(ote /2 &.<1"-7 TDD I8*J (ote 1) 3or / layer tran mi ion ; / tran port blocA are receive# %ithin a TT5. (ote /) F111/ bit for ub-frame *. (ote <) The T. ucce rate i #efine# a T. ucce rate T 1::MU(DL_correct_r4B 1(DL_ne%t4 N (DL_ret42; %here (DL_ne%t4 i the number of ne%ly tran mitte# DL tran port blocA ; (DL_ret4 i the number of retran mitte# DL tran port blocA ; an# (DL_correct_r4 i the number of correctly receive# DL tran port blocA . Test

Table 8.%.8-8: Test points for sustaine0 0ata rate &*)C(

CA confi3 ,in8le carrier (ote 1) /an0wi0thB /an0wi0th Cate3ory 1 Cate3ory ' Cate3ory 3 combination &.<=( 1: 1 / 1* <$ /: < The te t i electe# for ma4imum upporte# ban#%i#th.

Cate3ory 8 <$ 7

Cate3ory " +

Cate3ory % +

8.8 Demo#ulation of "PDCC0

The recei3er characteristics of the E;9''? are determined .y the pro.a.ility of miss2detection of the 9o%nlin& Schedulin# Hrant /;m2ds#0.

8.8.1 Di tribute# Tran mi ion 3DD

The parameters specified in Ta.le ,.,.1.121 are 3alid for all *99 tests unless other%ise stated.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table Test arameters for Distribute0 6 DCC<

arameter (umber of PDCC0 ymbol P05C0 #uration !nu e# &"- an# P&.Cell 5D "PDCC0_&$ Do%nlinA po%er allocation "PDCC0_&. +nit ymbol Distribute0 Transmission / 1(ote 12 (ormal ?C(G : : : -C8 (ormal (on--.,3( 1 1 $nne4 .. 7.7 Port : an# 1 / 1(ote /2 7 11 t ,et2 8 1/n# ,et2 !niform ($ T-< /$

#. #. #.mB1* A0@

N oc at antenna port
Cyclic prefi4 ,ubframe Confi8uration Preco#er !p#ate Granularity .eamformin8 Pre-Co#er Cell ,pecific &eference ,i8nal (umber of "PDCC0 ,et Confi8ure# (umber of P&. per "PDCC0 ,et P&. $llocation "PDCC0 ,ubframe -onitorin8 PD,C0 TDC5 3ormat (ote 1) (ote /)

P&. m

The tartin8 ymbol for "PDCC0 i #erive# from the PC35C0. &&C i8nallin8 epdcc -StartS!"#ol-r11 i not confi8ure#. The t%o et are non-overlappin8 %ith P&. T 9<; 1F; <1; 7*= for the fir t et an# P&. T 9:; F; 17; /1; /8; <*; 7/; 7C= for the econ# et. Te t 1 an# Te t / ePDCC0 i che#ule# in the 1 t an# /n# ,et; re pectively. .oth et are al%ay confi8ure#.

Di tribute# "PDCC0 performance

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.,.1.121 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.,.1.1.121. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table .inimum performance Distribute0 6 DCC<
Test number 1 / /an0wi0th A33re3atio n le5el 7 "CC" 1+ "CC" )eference Channel &.*/ 3DD &.*< 3DD 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition "E$* "E$F: Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 / 4 / Lo% / 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-0s3 !2) &7( &0/( 1 1 I1.C:J I-<.F*J

1: -0@ 1: -0S




The parameters specified in Ta.le ,.,.1.221 are 3alid for all T99 tests unless other%ise stated.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.1.'-1: Test arameters for Distribute0 6 DCC<

arameter (umber of PDCC0 ymbol P05C0 #uration !nu e# &"- an# P&.Cell 5D "PDCC0_&$ Do%nlinA po%er allocation "PDCC0_&. +nit ymbol Distribute0 Transmission / 1(ote 12 (ormal ?C(G : : : -C8 (ormal (on--.,3( 1 1 $nne4 .. 7.7 Port : an# 1 / 1(ote /2 7 11 t ,et2 8 1/n# ,et2 !niform ($ T-< /$ : 1 1(ote <2

#. #. #.mB1* A0@

N oc at antenna port
Cyclic prefi4 ,ubframe Confi8uration Preco#er !p#ate Granularity .eamformin8 Pre-Co#er Cell ,pecific &eference ,i8nal (umber of "PDCC0 ,et Confi8ure# (umber of P&. per "PDCC0 ,et P&. $llocation "PDCC0 ,ubframe -onitorin8 PD,C0 TDC5 3ormat TDD !LBDL Confi8uration TDD ,pecial ,ubframe (ote 1) (ote /)

P&. m

(ote <)

The tartin8 ymbol for "PDCC0 i #erive# from the PC35C0. &&C i8nallin8 startS!"#ol i not confi8ure#. The t%o et are non-overlappin8 %ith P&. T 9<; 1F; <1; 7*= for the fir t et an# P&. T 9:; F; 17; /1; /8; <*; 7/; 7C= for the econ# et. Te t 1 an# Te t / ePDCC0 i che#ule# in the 1 t an# /n# ,et; re pectively. .oth et are al%ay confi8ure#. Demo#ulation performance i avera8e# over normal an# pecial ubframe.


Di tribute# "PDCC0 performance

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.,.1.121 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.,.1.221. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.8.1.'.1-1: .inimum performance Distribute0 6 DCC<
Test number 1 / /an0wi0th A33re3ation le5el 7 "CC" 1+ "CC" )eference Channel &.*/ TDD &.*< TDD 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition "E$* "E$F: Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 / 4 / Lo% / 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-0s3 !2) &7( &0/( 1 1 IT.DJ IT.DJ

1: -0@ 1: -0S


8.8./ Locali@e# Tran mi ion

8.8./.1 3DD

The parameters specified in Ta.le ,.,.2.121 are 3alid for all *99 tests unless other%ise stated.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.'.1-1: Test arameters for ;ocali=e0 6 DCC<

arameter (umber of PDCC0 ymbol P05C0 #uration !nu e# &"- an# P&.Cell 5D "PDCC0_&$ T $ Do%nlinA po%er allocation "PDCC0_&. T . +nit ymbol ;ocali=e0 Transmission / 1(ote 12 (ormal ?C(G : : : -C8 (ormal (on--.,3( 1 1 $nne4 .. 7.7 Port : an# 1 / Port ) Port 1* an# 1+ 1 Port 1(ote /2 / / 11 t ,et2 8 1/n# ,et2 1(ote <2 "nable# 1(ote 72 T-C

#. #. #.mB1* A0@ P&. m C,5-&, SP-C,5&,

N oc at antenna port
Cyclic prefi4 ,ubframe Confi8uration Preco#er !p#ate Granularity .eamformin8 Pre-Co#er Cell ,pecific &eference ,i8nal C,5 &eference ,i8nal (umber of "PDCC0 ,et (umber of P&. per "PDCC0 ,et "PDCC0 ,ubframe -onitorin8 PD,C0 T-

(ote 1) (ote /) (ote <)

(ote 7)

The tartin8 ymbol for "PDCC0 i i8nalle# %ith epdcc -StartS!"#ol-r11. 0o%ever; C35 i et to 1. Perio#icity of C,5-&, an# SP-C,5-&, i * m . SP C,5-&, ubframe confi8uration of / an# (SP C,5-&, ubframe confi8uration of /. SP-C,5-&, bitmap T 9:::::1::::::::::=. The 1 t ,et i Di tribute# tran mi ion an# the /n# ,et i Locali@e# tran mi ion. The P&. are uniformly #i ctribute# acro the ban#%i#th. The t%o ,et are overlappin8 on P&. : an# P&. 7C. The te t re ult are ba e# on the locali@e# tran mi ion. ,ubframe -onitorin8 -etho#olo8y) "PDCC0 i che#ule# in every DL ubframe from the /n# ,et; but the !" i confi8ure# %ith the monitorin8 ubframe ; %here the !" monitor !"pecific earch pace on "PDCC0. Le8acy PDCC0 i not che#ule#. ,ubframe monitorin8 confi8uration) s$#fra"ePatternConfig-r11 T 9111111111: 11111111:1 1111111:11 111111:111=.


Locali@e# "PDCC0 performance

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.,.2.121 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.,.2.1.121. E;9''? su.frame monitorin# is confi#ured and the su.frame monitorin# requirement in E;9''? restricted su.frames is stat9TJ of [1>>K]. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. Table 8.8.'.1.1-1: .inimum performance ;ocali=e0 6 DCC< with T.,
Test number 1 / /an0wi0th A33re3ation le5el / "CC" 8 "CC" )eference Channel &.*7 3DD &.** 3DD 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition "E$* "E$* Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 / 4 / Lo% / 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-0s3 !2) &7( &0/( 1 1 I11.C1 J I/.:J

1: -0@ 1: -0S



)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(


Locali@e# tran mi ion %ith T-1: qua i co-location Type-.

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.,.2.1.221 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2 ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.,.2.1.222 and Ta.le ,.,.2.1.223. The do%nlin& physical setup is accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. 5n Test 1" one 'S5 process is confi#ured for UE. E;9''? and ;9S'? scheduled .y E;9''? are transmitted from 'ell 2 and are .lan&ed in 'ell 1. 5n Test 2" t%o 'S5 process are confi#ured for UE. E;9''? and ;9S'? scheduled .y E;9''? are alternately transmitted from 'ell 1 and 'ell 2 accordin# to the #i3en su.frame pattern.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.'.1.'-1: Test arameters for ;ocali=e0 Transmission


)ealease 11

'"Test 1 Cell 1 T.D 1: Cell ' &eference value in Table 8.8./.1./-/ 1: / 1(ote 12 : Locali@e# P&. 8 $nne4 ..7.* 1: .lanAe# in all the ubframe 1 Locali@e# 8 $nne4 ..7.* 1: Tran mit in all the ubframe


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Test '

E s N oc

+nit #. -0@

Cell 1 T.D 1:

.an#%i#th (umber of confi8ure# "PDCC0 ,et "PDCC0-P&.-,et 5D 1 etConfi85#2 Tran mi ion type of "PDCC0P&.- et (umber of P&. pair per "PDCC0-P&.- et "PDCC0 beamformin8 mo#el PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e PD,C0 tran mi ion che#ulin8 C,5 reference i8nal confi8uration C,5 reference i8nal ubframe confi8uration IC,5&,

Cell ' &eference value in Table 8.8./.1./-/ 1: / 1(ote12

: Locali@e# 8 $nne4 ..7.* 1: T.D

1 Locali@e# 8 $nne4 ..7.* 1: T.D

(on-@ero po%er C,5 reference i8nal 1(SP5#T12 (on-@ero po%er C,5 reference i8nal 1(SP5#T/2









C,5 reference i8nal confi8uration C,5 reference i8nal ubframe confi8uration IC,5&,









Sero po%er C,5 reference i8nal

C,5-&, Confi8uration li t 1SeroPo%erC,5&, bitmap2 C,5-&, ubframe confi8uration IC,5&,

.itma p


I:::::1:::::: ::::J

I:::::1:::::: ::::J

I:::::1::::::: :::J

(B$ (B$ (B$




5nterferenc e mea ureme nt C,5-515-5#T12 C,5 proce 1Proce 5# T12 C,5 proce 1Proce 5# T/2

Sero-po%er C,5 &, confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5 &, ubframe confi8uration IC,5&,

(on-Sero po%er C,5 &, 5#entity 1(SP5#2 C,5 5- 5#entity 15-5#2 (on-Sero po%er C,5 &, 5#entity 1(SP5#2 C,5 5- 5#entity 15-5#2

(B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ p# ch-,tartr11T/ 1(ote /2 (on--.,3( (B$ (B$ :

T.D T.D (B$ (B$ p# ch-,tartr11T/ 1(ote /2 (on--.,3( / /:: 1/+

(B$ (B$ I/J I1J p# ch-,tartr11T/ 1(ote /2 (on--.,3( (B$ (B$ :

T.D T.D (B$ (B$ p# ch-,tartr11T/ 1(ote /2 (on--.,3( / /:: 1/+

"PDCC0 tartin8 po ition ,ubframe confi8uration Time off et bet%een cell 3requency hift bet%een cell Cell 5D 0@


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

(ote 1) (ote /)

&e ource blocA nP&. T:; F; 17; /1; /8; <*; 7/; 7C are allocate# for both the fir t et an# the econ# et. The tartin8 ?3D- ymbol for "PDCC0 i #etermine# from the hi8her layer i8nallin8 p# ch-,tart-r11. $n# C35 i et to 1.

Table 8.8.'.1.'-': .inimum erformance for Cell 1

Test number 1 / A33re3atio n le5el T.D T.D )eference Channel T.D T.D 1C2G attern T.D T.D ropa3ation Con0ition "E$* "E$* Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 / 4 / Lo% / 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-0s3 &7( !2) &0/( 1 1 T.D T.D

Table 8.8.'.1.'-3: .inimum erformance for Cell '

Test number 1 / A33re3atio n le5el T.D T.D )eference Channel T.D T.D 1C2G attern T.D T.D ropa3ation Con0ition "E$* "E$* Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 / 4 / Lo% / 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-0s3 &7( !2) &0/( 1 1 T.D T.D



The parameters specified in Ta.le ,.,.2.221 are 3alid for all T99 tests unless other%ise stated.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.'.'-1: Test arameters for ;ocali=e0 6 DCC< with T.,

arameter (umber of PDCC0 ymbol P05C0 #uration !nu e# &"- an# P&.Cell 5D "PDCC0_&$ T $ Do%nlinA po%er allocation "PDCC0_&. T . +nit ymbol ;ocali=e0 Transmission / 1(ote 12 (ormal ?C(G : : : -C8 (ormal (on--.,3( 1 1 $nne4 .. 7.7 Port : an# 1 / Port 1Port 1* an# 1+2 1 Port 1(ote /2 / 1(ote <2 / 11 t ,et2 8 1/n# ,et2 "nable# 1(ote 72 T-C : 1 1(ote *2

#. #. #.mB1* A0@ P&. m

N oc at antenna port
Cyclic prefi4 ,ubframe Confi8uration Preco#er !p#ate Granularity .eamformin8 Pre-Co#er Cell ,pecific &eference ,i8nal

C,5-&, C,5 &eference ,i8nal (umber of "PDCC0 ,et (umber of P&. per "PDCC0 ,et "PDCC0 ,ubframe -onitorin8 PD,C0 TTDD !LBDL Confi8uration TDD ,pecial ,ubframe (ote 1) (ote /) SP-C,5&,

(ote <)

(ote 7)

(ote *)

The tartin8 ymbol for "PDCC0 i i8nalle# %ith epdcc StartS!"#ol-r11. 0o%ever; C35 i et to 1. Perio#icity of C,5-&, an# SP-C,5-&, i * m . SP C,5-&, ubframe confi8uration of : an# (SP C,5-&, ubframe confi8uration of :. SP-C,5-&, bitmap T 9:::::1::::::::::=. The 1 t ,et i Di tribute# tran mi ion an# the /n# ,et i Locali@e# tran mi ion. The P&. are uniformly #i ctribute# acro the ban#%i#th. The t%o ,et are overlappin8 at P&. : an# P&. 7C. ,ubframe -onitorin8 -etho#olo8y) "PDCC0 i che#ule# in every DL ubframe from the /n# ,et; but the !" i confi8ure# %ith the monitorin8 ubframe ; %here the !" monitor !"pecific earch pace on "PDCC0. Le8acy PDCC0 i not che#ule#. ,ubframe monitorin8 confi8uration) s$#fra"ePatternConfigr11 T 911:::11::: 11:::1:::: 11:::11::: 11::::1::: 11:::11::: 1::::11::: 11:::11:::=. Demo#ulation performance i avera8e# over normal an# pecial ubframe.


Locali@e# "PDCC0 performance

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.,.1.121 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.,.1.221. E;9''? su.frame monitorin# is confi#ured and the su.frame monitorin# requirement in E;9''? restricted su.frames is stat9TJ of [1>>K]. The do%nlin& physical setup is in accordance %ith nne! '.3.2.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.'.'.1-1: .inimum performance ;ocali=e0 6 DCC< with T.,

Test number 1 / /an0wi0th A33re3ation le5el / "CC" 8 "CC" )eference Channel &.*7 TDD &.** TDD 1C2G attern ropa3ation Con0ition "E$* "E$* Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 / 4 / Lo% / 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-0s3 !2) &7( &0/( 1 1 IT.DJ IT.DJ

1: -0@ 1: -0S



Locali@e# tran mi ion %ith T-1: qua i co-location Type-.

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le ,.,.2.2.221 the a3era#e pro.a.ility of a missed do%nlin& schedulin# #rant /;m2 ds#0 shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue in Ta.le ,.,.2.2.222 and Ta.le ,.,.2.2.223. The do%nlin& physical setup is accordance %ith nne! '.3.2. 5n Test 1" one 'S5 process is confi#ured for UE. E;9''? and ;9S'? scheduled .y E;9''? are transmitted from 'ell 2 and are .lan&ed in 'ell 1. 5n Test 2" t%o 'S5 process are confi#ured for UE. E;9''? and ;9S'? scheduled .y E;9''? are alternately transmitted from 'ell 1 and 'ell 2 accordin# to the #i3en su.frame pattern.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table 8.8.'.'.'-1: Test arameters for ;ocali=e0 Transmission


)ealease 11

'%# Test 1 Cell 1 T.D 1: : Locali@e# P&. 8 $nne4 ..7.* 1: .lanAe# in all the ubframe $ntenna port 1*;1+ (B$ Cell ' &eference value in Table 8.8./././-/ 1: / 1(ote 12 1 Locali@e# 8 $nne4 ..7.* 1: Tran mit in all the ubframe $ntenna port 1*;1+ I:J


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Test '

E s N oc

+nit #. -0@

Cell 1 T.D 1: : Locali@e# 8

.an#%i#th (umber of "PDCC0 ,et "PDCC0-P&.-,et 5D 1 etConfi85#2 Tran mi ion type of "PDCC0P&.- et (umber of P&. pair per "PDCC0-P&.- et "PDCC0 beamformin8 mo#el PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e PD,C0 tran mi ion che#ulin8 C,5 reference i8nal confi8uration C,5 reference i8nal (on-@ero confi8uration po%er C,5 reference C,5 reference i8nal i8nal ubframe 1(SP5#T12 confi8uration IC,5&,

Cell ' &eference value in Table 8.8./././-/ 1: / 1(ote12 1 Locali@e# 8 $nne4 ..7.* 1: T.D $ntenna port 1*;1+ I:J

$nne4 ..7.* 1: T.D $ntenna port 1*;1+ (B$





(on-@ero po%er C,5 reference i8nal 1(SP5#T/2

C,5 reference i8nal confi8uration C,5 reference i8nal ubframe confi8uration IC,5&,









Sero po%er C,5 reference i8nal

C,5-&, Confi8uration li t 1SeroPo%erC,5&, bitmap2 C,5-&, ubframe confi8uration IC,5&,

.itma p


I:::::1:::::: ::::J

I:::::1:::::: ::::J

I:::::1::::::: :::J

(B$ (B$ (B$




5nterferenc e mea ureme nt C,5-515-5#T12 C,5 proce 1Proce 5# T12 C,5 proce 1Proce 5# T/2

Sero-po%er C,5 &, confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5 &, ubframe confi8uration IC,5&,

(on-Sero po%er C,5 &, 5#entity 1(SP5#2 C,5 5- 5#entity 15-5#2 (on-Sero po%er C,5 &, 5#entity 1(SP5#2 C,5 5- 5#entity 15-5#2

(B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ p# ch-,tartr11T/ 1(ote /2 (on--.,3( (B$ (B$ :

I1J I1J (B$ (B$ p# ch-,tartr11T/ 1(ote /2 (on--.,3( / /:: 1/+

(B$ (B$ I/J I1J p# ch-,tartr11T/ 1(ote /2 (on--.,3( (B$ (B$ :

I1J I1J (B$ (B$ p# ch-,tartr11T/ 1(ote /2 (on--.,3( / /:: 1/+

"PDCC0 tartin8 po ition ,ubframe confi8uration Time off et bet%een cell 3requency hift bet%een cell Cell 5D 0@


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

(ote 1) (ote /)

&e ource blocA nP&. T :; F; 17; /1; /8; <*; 7/; 7C are allocate# for both the fir t et an# the econ# et. The tartin8 ?3D- ymbol for "PDCC0 i #etermine# from the hi8her layer i8nallin8 p# ch-,tart-r11. $n# C35 i et to 1.

Table 8.8.'.'.'-': .inimum erformance 6 DCC< for Cell 1

Test number 1 / A33re3atio n le5el T.D T.D )eference Channel T.D T.D 1C2G attern T.D T.D ropa3ation Con0ition "E$* "E$* Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 / 4 / Lo% / 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-0s3 &7( !2) &0/( 1 1 T.D T.D

Table 8.8.'.'.'-3: .inimum erformance 6 DCC< for Cell '

Test number 1 / A33re3atio n le5el T.D T.D )eference Channel T.D T.D 1C2G attern T.D T.D ropa3ation Con0ition "E$* "E$* Antenna confi3uration an0 correlation .atri4 / 4 / Lo% / 4 / Lo% )eference 5alue m-0s3 &7( !2) &0/( 1 1 T.D T.D


&eportin8 of Channel ,tate 5nformation


This section includes requirements for the reportin# of channel state information /'S50. *or all test cases in this section" the definition of S(+ is in accordance %ith the one #i3en in clause ,.1.1" %here SNR =

I4 N

/ j0 or / j0 oc


C65 reportin8 #efinition un#er $GG( con#ition

The reportin# accuracy of the channel quality indicator /':50 under frequency non2selecti3e conditions is determined .y the reportin# 3ariance and the $DE+ performance usin# the transport format indicated .y the reported ':5 median. The purpose is to 3erify that the reported ':5 3alues are in accordance %ith the ':5 definition #i3en in TS 36.213 [6]. To account for sensiti3ity of the input S(+ the reportin# definition is considered to .e 3erified if the reportin# accuracy is met for at least one of t%o S(+ le3els separated .y an offset of 1 d$.

C./.1 -inimum requirement P!CC0 1-: 1Cell-,pecific &eference ,ymbol 2

C./.1.1 3DD

The follo%in# requirements apply to UE 'ate#ory 12,. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.2.1.121" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in ta.les '.3.221 and '.3.222" the reported ':5 3alue accordin# to Ta.le .421 shall .e in the ran#e of L1 of the reported median more than ->K of the time. 5f the ;9S'? $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y median ':5 is less than or equal to >.1" the $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y the /median ':5 M 10 shall .e #reater than >.1. 5f the ;9S'? $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y the median ':5 is #reater than >.1" the $DE+ usin# transport format indicated .y /median ':5 N 10 shall .e less than or equal to >.1.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.'.1.1-1: +CC< 1-# static test &*DD(

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. Test 1 1: 1 : : : $GG( 11 4 /2 #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J : -C8 -C8 1 -CF + -C/ -C8 F -C1 Test '


Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration ,(& 1(ote /2

4/ j 0 I or

/ j0 oc

-a4 number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion Phy ical channel for C65 P!CC0 3ormat / reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type 7 &eportin8 perio#icity m Np# T * cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% + (ote 1) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-1 %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1. (ote /) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level.



The follo%in# requirements apply to UE 'ate#ory 12,. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.2.1.221" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in ta.les '.3.221 and '.3.222" the reported ':5 3alue accordin# to Ta.le .422 shall .e in the ran#e of L1 of the reported median more than ->K of the time. 5f the ;9S'? $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y median ':5 is less than or equal to >.1" the $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y the /median ':5 M 10 shall .e #reater than >.1. 5f the ;9S'? $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y the median ':5 is #reater than >.1" the $DE+ usin# transport format indicated .y /median ':5 N 10 shall .e less than or equal to >.1.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.'.1.'-1: +CC< 1-# static test &TDD(

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ Test 1 1: 1 / 7 #. #. #. : : : $GG( 11 4 /2 #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J : -C8 -C8 1 -CF + -C/ -C8 F -C1 Test '


Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration ,(& 1(ote /2

4/ j 0 I or
/ j0 N oc

-a4 number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion Phy ical channel for C65 P!,C0 1(ote <2 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type 7 &eportin8 perio#icity m Np# T * cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% < $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (ote 1) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-/ %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1. (ote /) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote <) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H< an# H8 to allo% perio#ic C65 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3HF an# H/.


3DD 1C,5 mea urement in ca e t%o C,5 ubframe et are confi8ure#2

The follo%in# requirements apply to UE 'ate#ory 12,. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.2.1.321" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in ta.les '.3.221 for 'ell 1" '.3.321 for 'ell 2 and '.3.222" the reported ':5 3alue accordin# to Ta.le .421 in su.frames o3erlappin# %ith a##ressor cell $S and non2 $S su.frames shall .e in the ran#e of L1 of the reported median more than ->K of the time. 5f the ;9S'? $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y median ':5 o.tained .y reports in 'S5 su.frame sets ' 'S5"1 is less than or equal to >.1" the $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y the /median ':5 M 10 shall .e #reater than >.1. 5f the ;9S'? $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y the median ':5 is #reater than >.1" the $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# transport format indicated .y /median ':5 N 10 shall .e less than or equal to >.1. The 3alue of the median ':5 o.tained .y reports in 'S5 su.frame sets ''S5"> minus the median ':5 o.tained .y reports in 'S5 su.frame sets ''S5"1 shall .e lar#er than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to = in Test 1 and shall .e lar#er than or equal to > and less than or equal to 1 in Test 2.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.'.1.3-1: +CC< 1-# static test &*DD(


)ealease 11

'%Test 1 Cell 1 1: / #. #. #. -< -< : Clau e ..1 1/4/2 #. ( j) #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.ImGB1*A0@J 7 * + (B$ (B$ (B$ -C/ (ote 1: Cell '


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Test ' Cell 1 1: / -< -< : Clau e ..1 1/4/2 7 * -1/ (B$ (B$ (B$ -11: -C81(ote F2 -C81(ote 82 -C81(ote C2 -C7 -C< (ote 1: Cell '

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation

+nit -0@


Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration

E s N oc 2 1(ote 12
at antenna port

N oc

( j)

N oc1
( j) N oc 2 ( j) N oc 3

-1:/ 1(ote F2 -C8 1(ote 82 -C7.8 1(ote C2 -C7 -C<

4/ j 0 I or
,ubframe Confi8uration Cell 5# Time ?ff et bet%een Cell $., pattern 1(ote /2

&L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote 72

CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote <2 CC,5;1 (umber of control ?3Dymbol -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion Phy ical channel for CC,5;: C65 reportin8 Phy ical channel for CC,5;1 C65 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type &eportin8 perio#icity cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% CC,5;: 1(ote 1<2 cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde%& CC,5;1 1(ote 172

(on--.,3( (on--.,3( : 1 /.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 (B$ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: (B$ :::::1:: :::::1:: :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 (B$ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: (B$ 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: < 1 P!CC0 3ormat / P!,C0 1(ote 1/2

(on--.,3( (on--.,3( : 1 /.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 (B$ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: (B$ :::::1:: :::::1:: :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 (B$ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: (B$ 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: < 1 P!CC0 3ormat / P!,C0 1(ote 1/2 7 Np# T *

+ *

7 Np# T * (B$ (B$ + *

(B$ (B$


)ealease 11 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *) (ote +) (ote F) (ote 8) (ote C) (ote 1:) (ote 11) (ote 1/) (ote 1<) (ote 17)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell1 an# Cell/ i the ame. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$.,. Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern a #efine# in $nne4 $.*.1.* &eference mea urement channel in Cell 1 accor#in8 to Table $.7-1 for !" Cateo8ry /-8 %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1; an# Table $.7-F for Cate8ory 1 %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P. 1B/ 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1 an# $.*.1./. To avoi# colli ion bet%een 0$&6-$C> an# %i#eban# C65 it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H7 an# HC to allo% perio#ic C65 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H8 an# H<. cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% i applie# for CC,5;:. cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde%& i applie# for CC,5;1.


TDD 1C,5 mea urement in ca e t%o C,5 ubframe et are confi8ure#2

The follo%in# requirements apply to UE 'ate#ory 12,. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.2.1.421" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in ta.les '.3.221 for 'ell 1" '3.321 for 'ell 2 and '.3.222" the reported ':5 3alue accordin# to Ta.le .422 in su.frames o3erlappin# %ith a##ressor cell $S and non2 $S su.frames shall .e in the ran#e of L1 of the reported median more than ->K of the time. 5f the ;9S'? $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y median ':5 o.tained .y reports in 'S5 su.frame sets ' 'S5"1 is less than or equal to >.1" the $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y the /median ':5 M 10 shall .e #reater than >.1. 5f the ;9S'? $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y the median ':5 is #reater than >.1" the $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# transport format indicated .y /median ':5 N 10 shall .e less than or equal to >.1. The 3alue of the median ':5 o.tained .y reports in 'S5 su.frame sets ''S5"> minus the median ':5 o.tained .y reports in 'S5 su.frame sets ''S5"1 shall .e lar#er than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to = in Test 1 and shall .e lar#er than or equal to > and less than or equal to 1 in Test 2.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.'.1.8-1: +CC< 1-# static test &TDD(


)ealease 11

'%8 Test 1 Cell 1 1: / 1 7 #. #. #. -< -< : Clau e ..1 1/4/2 #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.ImGB1*A0@J 7 * + (B$ (B$ (B$ -C/ (ote 1: Cell '


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Test ' Cell 1 1: / 1 7 -< -< : Clau e ..1 1/4/2 7 * -1/ (B$ (B$ (B$ -11: -C8 1(ote F2 -C8 1(ote 82 -C8 1(ote C2 -C7 -C< (ote 1: Cell '

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation

+nit -0@


Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration

E s N oc 2 1(ote 12
at antenna port

N oc

( j)

( j) N oc 1 ( j) N oc 2 ( j) N oc 3

-1:/ 1(ote F2 -C8 1(ote 82 -C7.8 1(ote C2 -C7 -C<

4/ j 0 I or
,ubframe Confi8uration Cell 5# Time ?ff et bet%een Cell $., pattern 1(ote /2 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote 72 C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote <2 CC,5;: CC,5;1

(on--.,3( (on--.,3( : 1 /.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 :1:::1:::1 (B$ :1:::1:::1 :::::::::1 (B$ :::::::::1 :1:::1:::1 (B$ :1:::1:::1 1:::1:1::: (B$ 1:::1:1::: < 1 P!CC0 3ormat / P!,C0 1(ote 1/2

(on--.,3( (on--.,3( : 1 /.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 :1:::1:::1 (B$ :1:::1:::1 :::::::::1 (B$ :::::::::1 :1:::1:::1 (.$ :1:::1:::1 1:::1:1::: (B$ 1:::1:1::: < 1 P!CC0 3ormat / P!,C0 7 Np# T *

(umber of control ?3Dymbol -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion Phy ical channel for CC,5;: C65 reportin8 Phy ical channel for CC,5;1 C65 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type &eportin8 perio#icity cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% CC,5;: 1(ote 1<2 cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde%/ CC,5;1 1(ote 172 $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e

m < 7

7 Np# T * (B$ (B$ -ultiple4in8 < 7

(B$ (B$ -ultiple4in8


)ealease 11 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *) (ote +) (ote F) (ote 8) (ote C) (ote 1:) (ote 11) (ote 1/) (ote 1<) (ote 17)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell1 an# Cell/ i the ame. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $., Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$.,. Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern a #efine# in $nne4 $.*./.* &eference mea urement channel in Cell 1 accor#in8 to Table $.7-/ for !" Cate8ory /-8 %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1; an# Table $.7-8 for Cate8ory 1 %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynami ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1 an# $nne4 $.*././. To avoi# colli ion bet%een 0$&6-$C> an# %i#eban# C65 it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H7 an# HC to allo% perio#ic C65 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H8 an# H<. cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% i applie# for CC,5;:. cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde%& i applie# for CC,5;1.


3DD 1C,5 mea urement in ca e t%o C,5 ubframe et are confi8ure# an# %ith C&, a i tance information2

The follo%in# requirements apply to UE 'ate#ory 22,. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.2.1.=21" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in ta.les '.3.221 for 'ell 1" '.3.322 for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3" and '.3.222" the reported ':5 3alue accordin# to Ta.le .421 in su.frames o3erlappin# %ith a##ressor cell $S and non2 $S su.frames shall .e in the ran#e of L1 of the reported median more than ->K of the time. *or test 1 and test 2" if the ;9S'? $DE+ in $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y median ':5 o.tained .y reports in 'S5 su.frame sets ''S5"> is less than or equal to >.1" the $DE+ in $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y the /median ':5 M 10 shall .e #reater than >.1. 5f the ;9S'? $DE+ in $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y the median ':5 is #reater than >.1" the $DE+ in $S su.frames usin# transport format indicated .y /median ':5 N 10 shall .e less than or equal to >.1. *or test 2" if the ;9S'? $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y median ':5 o.tained .y reports in 'S5 su.frame sets ''S5"1 is less than or equal to >.1" the $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y the /median ':5 M 20 shall .e #reater than >.1. 5f the ;9S'? $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y the median ':5 is #reater than >.1" the $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# transport format indicated .y /median ':5 N 10 shall .e less than or equal to >.1.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.'.1.--1: +CC< 1-# static test &*DD(


)ealease 11


3G Test 1 Cell ' an0 3 1: (ote 1: -< -< :

T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Test ' Cell ' an0 3 1: (ote 1: -< -< : Clau e ..1 1/4/2 I1<J I17J Cell /) 1/ Cell <) 1: (B$ (B$ (B$

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation

+nit -0@

Cell 1 /

Cell 1 /


#. #. #.

Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration

Clau e ..1 1/4/2 #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ I7J I*J Cell /) 1/ Cell <) 1: (B$ (B$ (B$

E s N oc 2 1(ote 12
at antenna port

N oc

( j)

( j) N oc 1 ( j) N oc 2 ( j) N oc 3 Cell 5#

-C8 1(ote F2 -C8 1(ote 82 -C< 1(ote C2 (on--.,3(

-C8 1(ote F2 -C8 1(ote 82 -C< 1(ote C2 (on--.,3( :

,ubframe Confi8uration

Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency ,hift bet%een Cell


$., pattern 1(ote /2

&L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote 72

CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote <2 CC,5;1 (umber of control ?3Dymbol -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion Phy ical channel for CC,5;: C65 reportin8 Phy ical channel for CC,5;1 C65 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type &eportin8 perio#icity cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% CC,5;: 1(ote 1<2 cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde%& CC,5;1 1(ote 172

(on--.,3( Cell /) + : Cell <) 1 Cell /) < u ec Cell <) -1u ec Cell /) <::0@ Cell <) -1::0@ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 (B$ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: (B$ :::::1:: :::::1:: :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 (B$ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: (B$ 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: < 1 P!CC0 3ormat / P!,C0 1(ote 1/2

(on--.,3( Cell /) + Cell <) 1 Cell /) < u ec Cell <) -1u ec Cell /) <::0@ Cell <) -1::0@ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 (B$ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: (B$ :::::1:: :::::1:: :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 (B$ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: (B$ 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: < 1 P!CC0 3ormat / P!,C0 1(ote 1/2 7 Np# T *

+ *

7 Np# T * (B$ (B$ + *

(B$ (B$


)ealease 11 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *) (ote +) (ote F) (ote 8) (ote C) (ote 1:) (ote 11) (ote 1/) (ote 1<) (ote 17)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / an# Cell < are the a88re or cell . The number of the C&, port in Cell1; Cell/; an# Cell< are the ame. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$.,. Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / an# Cell < in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern a #efine# in $nne4 $.*.1.* &eference mea urement channel in Cell 1 accor#in8 to Table $.7-1 %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1. To avoi# colli ion bet%een 0$&6-$C> an# %i#eban# C65 it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H7 an# HC to allo% perio#ic C65 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H8 an# H<. cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% i applie# for CC,5;:. cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde%& i applie# for CC,5;1.


TDD 1C,5 mea urement in ca e t%o C,5 ubframe et are confi8ure# an# %ith C&, a i tance information2

The follo%in# requirements apply to UE 'ate#ory 12,. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.2.1.621" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in ta.les '.3.221 for 'ell 1" '3.322 for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3" and '.3.222" the reported ':5 3alue accordin# to Ta.le .422 in su.frames o3erlappin# %ith a##ressor cell $S and non2 $S su.frames shall .e in the ran#e of L1 of the reported median more than ->K of the time. *or test 1 and test 2" if the ;9S'? $DE+ in $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y median ':5 o.tained .y reports in 'S5 su.frame sets ''S5"> is less than or equal to >.1" the $DE+ in $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y the /median ':5 M 10 shall .e #reater than >.1. 5f the ;9S'? $DE+ in $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y the median ':5 is #reater than >.1" the $DE+ in $S su.frames usin# transport format indicated .y /median ':5 N 10 shall .e less than or equal to >.1. *or test 2" if the ;9S'? $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y median ':5 o.tained .y reports in 'S5 su.frame sets ''S5"1 is less than or equal to >.1" the $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y the /median ':5 M 20 shall .e #reater than >.1. 5f the ;9S'? $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# the transport format indicated .y the median ':5 is #reater than >.1" the $DE+ in non2 $S su.frames usin# transport format indicated .y /median ':5 N 10 shall .e less than or equal to >.1.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.'.1."-1: +CC< 1-# static test &TDD(


)ealease 11

'88 Test 1 Cell ' an0 3 1: (ote 1: 1 7 #. #. #. -< -< : Clau e ..1 1/4/2 #. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ I7J I*J Cell /) 1/ Cell <) 1: (B$ (B$ (B$


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Test ' Cell ' an0 3 1: (ote 1: 1 7 -< -< : Clau e ..1 1/4/2 I1<J I17J Cell /) 1/ Cell <) 1: (B$ (B$ (B$

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation

+nit -0@

Cell 1 /

Cell 1 /


Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration

E s N oc 2 1(ote 12
at antenna port

N oc

( j)

( j) N oc 1 ( j) N oc 2 ( j) N oc 3 Cell 5#

-C8 1(ote F2 -C8 1(ote 82 -C< 1(ote C2 (on--.,3(

-C8 1(ote F2 -C8 1(ote 82 -C< 1(ote C2 (on--.,3(

,ubframe Confi8uration

Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell $., pattern 1(ote /2 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote 72 C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote <2 CC,5;: CC,5;1


(on--.,3( Cell /) + : Cell <) 1 Cell /) < u ec Cell <) -1u ec Cell /) <::0@ Cell <) -1::0@ :1:::1:::1 :1:::1:::1 (B$ (B$ (B$ < 1 P!CC0 3ormat / P!,C0 1(ote 1/2

(on--.,3( Cell /) + : Cell <) 1 Cell /) < u ec Cell <) -1u ec Cell /) <::0@ Cell <) -1::0@ :1:::1:::1 :1:::1:::1 (B$ (.$ (B$ < 1 P!CC0 3ormat / P!,C0 1(ote 1/2 7 Np# T *

(B$ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :1:::1:::1 :1:::1:::1 1:::1:1::: 1:::1:1:::

(B$ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :1:::1:::1 :1:::1:::1 1:::1:1::: 1:::1:1:::

(umber of control ?3Dymbol -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion Phy ical channel for CC,5;: C65 reportin8 Phy ical channel for CC,5;1 C65 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type &eportin8 perio#icity cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% CC,5;: 1(ote 1<2 cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde%/ CC,5;1 1(ote 172 $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e

m < 7

7 Np# T * (B$ (B$ -ultiple4in8 < 7

(B$ (B$ -ultiple4in8


)ealease 11 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *) (ote +) (ote F) (ote 8) (ote C) (ote 1:) (ote 11) (ote 1/) (ote 1<) (ote 17)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / an# Cell < are the a88re or cell . The number of the C&, port in Cell1; Cell/; an# Cell< i the ame. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $., Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$.,. Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / an# Cell < in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern a #efine# in $nne4 $.*./.* &eference mea urement channel in Cell 1 accor#in8 to Table $.7-/ %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1. To avoi# colli ion bet%een 0$&6-$C> an# %i#eban# C65 it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H7 an# HC to allo% perio#ic C65 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H8 an# H<. cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% i applie# for CC,5;:. cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde%& i applie# for CC,5;1.

C././ -inimum requirement P!CC0 1-1 1Cell-,pecific &eference ,ymbol 2

The minimum requirements for dual code%ord transmission are defined in terms of a reportin# spread of the %ide.and ':5 3alue for code%ord O1" and their $DE+ performance usin# the transport format indicated .y the reported ':5 median of code%ord O> and code%ord O1. The precodin# used at the transmitter is a fi!ed precodin# matri! specified .y the .itmap parameter codebookSubsetRestriction. The propa#ation condition assumed for the minimum performance requirement is defined in su.clause $.1.



The follo%in# requirements apply to UE 'ate#ory 22,. *or the parameters specified in ta.le -.2.2.121" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in ta.les '.3.221 and '.3.222" the reported offset le3el of the %ide.and spatial differential ':5 for code%ord O1 /Ta.le @.222 in TS 36.213 [6]0 shall .e used to determine the %ide.and ':5 inde! for code%ord O1 as %ide.and ':51 P %ide.and ':5> N 'ode%ord 1 offset le3el The %ide.and ':51 shall .e %ithin the set Qmedian ':51 21" median ':51 M1R for more than ->K of the time" %here the resultin# %ide.and 3alues ':51 shall .e used to determine the median ':5 3alues for code%ord O1. *or .oth code%ords O> and O1" the ;9S'? $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y the respecti3e median ':5> N 1 and median ':51 N 1 shall .e less than or equal to >.1. *urthermore" for .oth code%ords O> and O1" the ;9S'? $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y the respecti3e median ':5> M 1 and median ':51 M 1 shall .e #reater than or equal to >.1.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.'.'.1-1: +CC< 1-1 static test &*DD(

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. Test 1 1: 7 -< -< : Clau e ..1 1/ 4 /2 :1:::: #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J 1: -88 -C8 11 -8F 1+ -8/ -C8 1F -81 Test '


Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap ,(& 1(ote /2

4/ j 0 I or
/ j0 N oc

-a4 number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion Phy ical channel for C65BP-5 P!CC0 3ormat / reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for / C65BP-5 P!CC0 &eport Type for &5 < &eportin8 perio#icity m Np# T * cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% + ri-ConfigInde% 1 1(ote <2 (ote 1) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-1 %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1. (ote /) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote <) 5t i inten#e# to have !L colli ion bet%een &5 report an# 0$&6-$C>; ince the &5 report hall not be u e# by the e(. in thi te t.



The follo%in# requirements apply to UE 'ate#ory 22,. *or the parameters specified in ta.le -.2.2.221" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in ta.les '.3.221 and '.3.222" the reported offset le3el of the %ide.and spatial differential ':5 for code%ord O1 /Ta.le @.222 in TS 36.213 [6]0 shall .e used to determine the %ide.and ':5 inde! for code%ord O1 as %ide.and ':51 P %ide.and ':5> N 'ode%ord 1 offset le3el The %ide.and ':51 shall .e %ithin the set Qmedian ':51 21" median ':51 M1R for more than ->K of the time" %here the resultin# %ide.and 3alues ':51 shall .e used to determine the median ':5 3alues for code%ord O1. *or .oth code%ords O> and O1" the ;9S'? $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y the respecti3e median ':5> N 1 and median ':51 N 1 shall .e less than or equal to >.1. *urthermore" for .oth code%ords O> and O1" the ;9S'? $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y the respecti3e median ':5> M 1 and median ':51 M 1 shall .e #reater than or equal to >.1.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.'.'.'-1: +CC< 1-1 static test &TDD(

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ Test 1 1: 7 / 7 #. #. #. -< -< : Clau e ..1 1/ 4 /2 :1:::: #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J 1: -88 -C8 11 -8F 1+ -8/ -C8 1F -81 Test '


Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap ,(& 1(ote /2

4/ j 0 I or
/ j0 N oc

-a4 number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion Phy ical channel for C65BP-5 P!,C0 1(ote <2 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type / &eportin8 perio#icity m Np# T * cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% < ri-ConfigInde% 8:* 1(ote 72 $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (ote 1) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-/ %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1. (ote /) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote <) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65BP-5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H< an# H8 to allo% perio#ic C65BP-5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3HF an# H/. (ote 7) &5 reportin8 interval i et to the ma4imum allo%able len8th of 1+:m to minimi e colli ion bet%een &5; C65BP-5 an# 0$&6-$C> report . 5n the ca e %hen all three report colli#e; it i e4pecte# that C65BP-5 report %ill be #roppe#; %hile &5 an# 0$&6-$C> %ill be multiple4e#. $t e(.; C65 report collection hall be Aippe# every 1+:m #urin8 performance verification.

C./.< -inimum requirement P!CC0 1-1 1C,5 &eference ,ymbol 2

The minimum requirements for dual code%ord transmission are defined in terms of a reportin# spread of the %ide.and ':5 3alue for code%ord O1" and their $DE+ performance usin# the transport format indicated .y the reported ':5 median of code%ord O> and code%ord O1. The precodin# used at the transmitter is a fi!ed precodin# matri! specified .y the .itmap parameter codebookSubsetRestriction. The propa#ation condition assumed for the minimum performance requirement is defined in su.clause $.1.



The follo%in# requirements apply to UE 'ate#ory 22,. *or the parameters specified in ta.le -.2.3.121" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in ta.les '.3.221 and '.3.222" the reported offset le3el of the %ide.and spatial differential ':5 for code%ord O1 /Ta.le @.222 in TS 36.213 [6]0 shall .e used to determine the %ide.and ':5 inde! for code%ord O1 as %ide.and ':51 P %ide.and ':5> N 'ode%ord 1 offset le3el The %ide.and ':51 shall .e %ithin the set Qmedian ':51 21" median ':51 M1R for more than ->K of the time" %here the resultin# %ide.and 3alues ':51 shall .e used to determine the median ':5 3alues for code%ord O1. *or .oth code%ords O> and O1" the ;9S'? $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y the respecti3e median ':5> N 1 and median ':51 N 1 shall .e less than or equal to >.1. *urthermore" for .oth code%ords O> and O1" the ;9S'? $DE+ usin#


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

the transport format indicated .y the respecti3e median ':5> M 1 and median ':51 M 1 shall .e #reater than or equal to >.1. Table ,.'.3.1-1: +CC< 1-1 static test &*DD(
arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. #. Test 1 1: C : : -< -< $ntenna port :; 1 $ntenna port 1*;R;18 *B1 : Clau e ..1 17 4 /2 $ #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J F -C1 -C8 pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< :4:::: :::: :1:: :::: 8 1< -C: -8* -C8 Test '


Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5 reference i8nal confi8uration Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration .eamformin8 -o#el Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap ,(& 1(ote /2

17 -87

4/ j 0 I or
/ j0 N oc

-a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion 1 Phy ical channel for C65BP-5 P!,C0 1(ote<2 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for C65BP-5 / Phy ical channel for &5 reportin8 P!CC0 3ormat / P!CC0 &eport Type for &5 < &eportin8 perio#icity m Np# T * C65 #elay m 8 cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% / ri-ConfigInde% 1 (ote 1) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-1a %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1. (ote /) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote <) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65BP-5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1 an# H+ to allo% perio#ic C65BP-5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ,3H: an# H*.



The follo%in# requirements apply to UE 'ate#ory 22,. *or the parameters specified in ta.le -.2.3.221" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in ta.les '.3.221 and '.3.222" the reported offset le3el of the %ide.and spatial differential ':5 for code%ord O1 /Ta.le @.222 in TS 36.213 [6]0 shall .e used to determine the %ide.and ':5 inde! for code%ord O1 as %ide.and ':51 P %ide.and ':5> N 'ode%ord 1 offset le3el The %ide.and ':51 shall .e %ithin the set Qmedian ':51 21" median ':51 M1R for more than ->K of the time" %here the resultin# %ide.and 3alues ':51 shall .e used to determine the median ':5 3alues for code%ord O1. *or .oth code%ords O> and O1" the ;9S'? $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y the respecti3e median ':5> N 1 and median ':51 N 1 shall .e less than or equal to >.1. *urthermore" for .oth code%ords O> and O1" the ;9S'? $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y the respecti3e median ':5> M 1 and median ':51 M 1 shall .e #reater than or equal to >.1.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.'.3.'-1: +CC< 1-1 submo0e 1 static test &TDD(

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ Test 1 1: C / 7 : : -+ -< $ntenna port :; 1 $ntenna port 1*;R;// *B < : Clau e ..1 18 4 /2 $ pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< :4:::: :::: ::/: :::: :::: :::1 :::: 7 * 1: 11 -C7 -C8 -C< -88 -C8 -8F Test '


#. #. #. #.

C&, reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5 reference i8nal confi8uration Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration .eamformin8 -o#el Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap ,(& 1(ote /2

#. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J

4/ j 0 I or

/ j0 oc

-a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion 1 Phy ical channel for C65BP-5 P!,C0 1(ote <2 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for C65B econ# /b P-5 Phy ical channel for &5 reportin8 P!,C0 P!CC0 &eport Type for &5B fir t P-5 * &eportin8 perio#icity m Np# T * C65 #elay m 1: or 11 cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% < ri-ConfigInde% 8:* 1(ote 72 $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (ote 1) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-/a %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1. (ote /) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote <) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65BP-5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H< an# H8 to allo% perio#ic C65BP-5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ,3HF an# H/. (ote 7) &5 reportin8 interval i et to the ma4imum allo%able len8th of 1+:m to minimi e colli ion bet%een &5; C65BP-5 an# 0$&6-$C> report . 5n the ca e %hen all three report colli#e; it i e4pecte# that C65BP-5 report %ill be #roppe#; %hile &5 an# 0$&6-$C> %ill be multiple4e#. $t e(.; C65 report collection hall be Aippe# every 1+:m #urin8 performance verification.

C./.7 -inimum requirement P!CC0 1-1 1Gith ,in8le C,5 Proce

The minimum requirements for dual code%ord transmission are defined in terms of a reportin# spread of the %ide.and ':5 3alue for code%ord O1" and their $DE+ performance usin# the transport format indicated .y the reported ':5 median of code%ord O> and code%ord O1. The precodin# used at the transmitter is a fi!ed precodin# matri! specified .y the .itmap parameter codebookSubsetRestriction. The propa#ation condition assumed for the minimum performance requirement is defined in su.clause $.1.



The follo%in# requirements apply to UE 'ate#ory 22,. *or the parameters specified in ta.le -.2.4.121" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in ta.les '.3.221 and '.3.222" the reported offset le3el of the %ide.and spatial


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

differential ':5 for code%ord O1 /Ta.le @.222 in TS 36.213 [6]0 shall .e used to determine the %ide.and ':5 inde! for code%ord O1 as %ide.and ':51 P %ide.and ':5> N 'ode%ord 1 offset le3el The %ide.and ':51 shall .e %ithin the set Qmedian ':51 21" median ':51 M1R for more than ->K of the time" %here the resultin# %ide.and 3alues ':51 shall .e used to determine the median ':5 3alues for code%ord O1. *or .oth code%ords O> and O1" the ;9S'? $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y the respecti3e median ':5> N 1 and median ':51 N 1 shall .e less than or equal to >.1. *urthermore" for .oth code%ords O> and O1" the ;9S'? $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y the respecti3e median ':5> M 1 and median ':51 M 1 shall .e #reater than or equal to >.1.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.'.8.1-1: +CC< 1-1 static test &*DD(

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation 1(ote 12 Cell 5D Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, confi8uration Sero-Po%er C,5-&, confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap C,5-5- confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap C,5 proce confi8uration ,i8nalB5nterferenceB&eportin8 mo#e Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap ,(& 1(ote <2 $ntenna port :; 1 $ntenna port 1*;R;18 *B1 : (B$ 1B ::1::::::::: :::: +nit -0@ #. #. #. #. I:J I:J I-<J I-<J : 1(ote /2 (B$ (B$ (B$ 1B 1:::::::::: ::::: (B$ $ntenna port :; 1 $ntenna port 1*;R;18 *B1 : (B$ 1B ::1::::::::: :::: I:J I:J I-<J (B$ Test 1 T 1 T ' 1: 1: I:J I:J I-<J I-<J : 1(ote /2 (B$ (B$ (B$ 1B 1::::::::::: :::: (B$ I:J I:J I-<J (B$ T 1 Test ' T '


C,5-&,BC,5-5-BP!CC0 1-1 Clau e ..1 17 4 /2 :4:::: :::: :1:: :::: /: -F8 -C8 Clau e ..1 1/ 4 /2 1::::: + -C/ F -C1

C,5-&,BC,5-5-BP!CC0 1-1 Clau e ..1 17 4 /2 :4:::: :::: :1:: :::: /: -F8 -C8 Clau e ..1 1/ 4 /2 1::::: 17 -87 1* -8<

#. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J

4/ j 0 I or

/ j0 oc

-o#ulation B 5nformation bit 1(ote72 6P,> B 7<C/ 1(ote72 6P,> B 7<C/ payloa# -a4 number of 0$&6 1 (B$ 1 (B$ tran mi ion Phy ical channel for C65BP-5 P!,C0 P!,C0 (B$ (B$ reportin8 1(ote*2 1(ote*2 P!CC0 &eport Type for / (B$ / (B$ C65BP-5 P!CC0 &eport Type for &5 < (B$ < (B$ &eportin8 perio#icity m Np# T * (B$ Np# T * (B$ C65 Delay m 8 (B$ 8 (B$ cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% / (B$ / (B$ ri-ConfigInde% 1 (B$ 1 (B$ PD,C0 che#ule# ub-frame I1;/;<;7;+;F;8;CJ I1;/;<;7;+;F;8;CJ Timin8 off et bet%een TP u : : 3requency off et bet%een TP 0@ : : (ote1) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-1# %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1. (ote /) &" for antenna port : an# 1 C&, have @ero tran mi ion po%er. (ote <) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote 7) Table $.7-<b i u e# for non C,5-&, ubframe . Table $.7-<i i u e# for C,5-&, ubframe . (ote *) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65BP-5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1 an# H+ to allo% perio#ic C65BP-5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ,3H: an# H*.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(



The follo%in# requirements apply to UE 'ate#ory 22,. *or the parameters specified in ta.le -.2.4.221" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in ta.les '.3.221 and '.3.222" the reported offset le3el of the %ide.and spatial differential ':5 for code%ord O1 /Ta.le @.222 in TS 36.213 [6]0 shall .e used to determine the %ide.and ':5 inde! for code%ord O1 as %ide.and ':51 P %ide.and ':5> N 'ode%ord 1 offset le3el The %ide.and ':51 shall .e %ithin the set Qmedian ':51 21" median ':51 M1R for more than ->K of the time" %here the resultin# %ide.and 3alues ':51 shall .e used to determine the median ':5 3alues for code%ord O1. *or .oth code%ords O> and O1" the ;9S'? $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y the respecti3e median ':5> N 1 and median ':51 N 1 shall .e less than or equal to >.1. *urthermore" for .oth code%ords O> and O1" the ;9S'? $DE+ usin# the transport format indicated .y the respecti3e median ':5> M 1 and median ':51 M 1 shall .e #reater than or equal to >.1.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.'.8.'-1: +CC< 1-1 static test &TDD(


)ealease 11

',8 Test 1 T 1 T '


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Test ' T 1 T '

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation 1(ote 12 Cell 5D Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, confi8uration Sero-Po%er C,5-&, confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap C,5-5- confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap C,5 proce confi8uration ,i8nalB5nterferenceB&eportin8 mo#e Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap ,(& 1(ote <2

+nit -0@


1: 1: / 7 I:J I:J I-+J I-<J : $ntenna port :; 1 $ntenna port 1*;R;// *B< : (B$ <B ::1::::::::: :::: 1(ote /2 (B$ (B$ (B$ <B 1::::1::::: ::::: (B$ $ntenna port :; 1 $ntenna port 1*;R;// *B< : (B$ <B ::1::::::::: :::: I:J I:J I-+J (B$ I:J I:J I-+J I-<J : 1(ote /2 (B$ (B$ (B$ <B 1::::1:::::: :::: (B$ I:J I:J I-+J (B$

#. #. #. #.

C,5-&,BC,5-5-BP!CC0 1-1 Clau e ..1 18 4 /2 :4:::: :::: ::/: :::: :::: :::1 :::: 1F -81 -C8 1(ote72 1 P!,C0 1(ote*2 /b P!,C0 * m m Np# T * 1: or 11 < 8:* 1(ote +2 -ultiple4in8 I<;7;8;CJ : : 6P,> B 7<C/ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ Clau e ..1 1/ 4 /2 1::::: I+J I-C/J IFJ I-C1J

C,5-&,BC,5-5-BP!CC0 1-1 Clau e ..1 18 4 /2 :4:::: :::: ::/: :::: :::: :::1 :::: 1F -81 -C8 1(ote72 1 P!,C0 1(ote*2 /b P!,C0 * Np# T * 1: or 11 < 8:* 1(ote +2 -ultiple4in8 I<;7;8;CJ : : 6P,> B 7<C/ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ Clau e ..1 1/ 4 /2 1::::: I17J I-87J I1*J I-8<J

#. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J

4 I

/ j0 or

/ j0 N oc

-o#ulation B 5nformation bit payloa# -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion Phy ical channel for C65BP-5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for C65B econ# P-5 Phy ical channel for &5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for &5B fir t P-5 &eportin8 perio#icity C65 Delay cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% ri-ConfigInde% 'C()N'C( feed#ac* "ode PD,C0 che#ule# ub-frame Timin8 off et bet%een TP 3requency off et bet%een TP

u 0@


)ealease 11 (ote1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *) (ote +)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

&eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-/# %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1. &" for antenna port : an# 1 C&, have @ero tran mi ion po%er. 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. Table $.7-<b i u e# for non C,5-&, ubframe . Table $.7-<W i u e# for C,5-&, ubframe . To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65BP-5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H< an# H8 to allo% perio#ic C65BP-5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ,3HF an# H/. &5 reportin8 interval i et to the ma4imum allo%able len8th of 1+:m to minimi e colli ion bet%een &5; C65BP-5 an# 0$&6-$C> report . 5n the ca e %hen all three report colli#e; it i e4pecte# that C65BP-5 report %ill be #roppe#; %hile &5 an# 0$&6-$C> %ill be multiple4e#. $t e(.; C65 report collection hall be Aippe# every 1+:m #urin8 performance verification.


C65 reportin8 un#er fa#in8 con#ition

C.<.1 3requency- elective che#ulin8 mo#e

The accuracy of su.2.and channel quality indicator /':50 reportin# under frequency selecti3e fadin# conditions is determined .y a dou.le2sided percentile of the reported differential ':5 offset le3el > per su.2.and" and the relati3e increase of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest reported differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# transport format compared to the case for %hich a fi!ed format is transmitted on any su.2.and in set S of TS 36.213 [6]. The purpose is to 3erify that preferred su.2.ands can .e used for frequently2selecti3e schedulin#. To account for sensiti3ity of the input S(+ the su.2.and ':5 reportin# under frequency selecti3e fadin# conditions is considered to .e 3erified if the reportin# accuracy is met for at least one of t%o S(+ le3els separated .y an offset of 1 d$.


-inimum requirement P!,C0 <-: 1Cell-,pecific &eference ,ymbol 2


*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 a su.2.and differential ':5 offset le3el of > shall .e reported at least K of the time .ut less than K for each su.2 .andS .0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the T$S indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 median on a randomly selected su.2.and in set S shall .e T S c0 %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S" the a3era#e $DE+ for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater or equal to >.>=. The requirements only apply for su.2.ands of full si1e and the random schedulin# across the su.2.ands is done .y selectin# a ne% su.2.and in each TT5 for *99" each a3aila.le do%nlin& transmission instance for T99. The transport .loc& si1es T$S for %ide.and ':5 median and su..and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .426.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,. !ub-ban0 test for sin3le antenna transmission &*DD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J C -8C -C8 Clau e ../.7 %ith 1: -88 Test 1 1: -0@ 1 1port :2 : : : 17 -87 -C8 1* -8< Test '


,(& 1(ote <2

4/ j 0 I or

/ j0 oc

Propa8ation channel

; a T 1;

d = >.4= f D = = 0@

$ntenna confi8uration 14/ &eportin8 interval m * C65 #elay m 8 &eportin8 mo#e P!,C0 <-: ,ub-ban# i@e &. + 1full i@e2 -a4 number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# ubban# or %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-7 %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1B/. (ote <) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level.

Table ,.' .inimum requirement &*DD(

IMJ IMJ !" Cate8ory
Test 1 / ** 1.1 1-8 Test ' / ** 1.1 1-8



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 a su.2.and differential ':5 offset le3el of > shall .e reported at least K of the time .ut less than K for each su.2 .andS .0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the T$S indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 median on a randomly selected su.2.and in set S shall .e T S c0 %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S" the a3era#e $DE+ for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater or equal to >.>=. The requirements only apply for su.2.ands of full si1e and the random schedulin# across the su.2.ands is done .y selectin# a ne% su.2.and in each TT5 for *99" each a3aila.le do%nlin& transmission instance for T99. The transport .loc& si1es T$S for %ide.and ':5 median and su..and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .426.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.1.1.'-1 !ub-ban0 test for sin3le antenna transmission &TDD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. Test 1 1: -0@ 1 1port :2 : : : / 7 #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J C -8C -C8 1: -88 17 -87 -C8 1* -8< Test '


!plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration ,(& 1(ote <2

4/ j 0 I or
/ j0 N oc

Propa8ation channel

d = >.4= ; a T 1; f D = = 0@

Clau e ../.7 %ith

$ntenna confi8uration 14/ &eportin8 interval m * C65 #elay m 1: or 11 &eportin8 mo#e P!,C0 <-: ,ub-ban# i@e &. + 1full i@e2 -a4 number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# ubban# or %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-* %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1B/. (ote <) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level.

Table ,.3.1.1.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

IMJ IMJ !" Cate8ory
Test 1 / ** 1.1 1-8 Test ' / ** 1.1 1-8



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 a su.2.and differential ':5 offset le3el of > shall .e reported at least K of the time .ut less than K for each su.2.andS .0 the ratio of the throu#hput in $S su.frames o.tained %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the T$S indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 median on a randomly selected su.2.and in set S shall .e T S


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

c0 %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S" the a3era#e $DE+ in $S su.frames for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater than or equal to +. The requirements only apply for su.2.ands of full si1e and the random schedulin# across the su.2.ands is done .y selectin# a ne% su.2.and in each TT5 for *99" each a3aila.le do%nlin& transmission instance for T99. The transport .loc& si1es T$S for %ide.and ':5 median and su..and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .426.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,. !ub-ban0 test for sin3le antenna transmission &*DD(


)ealease 11


3G Test 1 Cell ' an0 3 1: (ote 1: I:J I:J

T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Test ' Cell ' an0 3 1: (ote 1: I:J I:J : Clau e ../.7 "E$* %ith T# T Lo% antenna :.7* u ; a T correlation 1; f# T * 0@ I14/J Cell /) 1/ I17J I1*J Cell <) 1: (B$ -C8 1(ote F2 -C8 1(ote 82 -C< 1(ote C2 (on--.,3( : (B$ (B$

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation

+nit -0@

Cell 1 I1J

Cell 1 I1J


#. #. #.

Propa8ation con#ition $ntenna confi8uration

E s N oc 2 1(ote 12
at antenna port

#. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@

N oc

( j)

( j) N oc 1 ( j) N oc 2 ( j) N oc 3 Cell 5#

: Clau e ../.7 "E$* %ith T# T :.7* Lo% antenna u ; a T 1; f# T correlation * 0@ I14/J Cell /) 1/ 7 * Cell <) 1: (B$ -C8 1(ote F2 -C8 1(ote 82 -C< 1(ote C2 (on--.,3( (B$ (B$

,ubframe Confi8uration

Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency ,hift bet%een Cell


$., pattern 1(ote /2

&L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote 72

CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote <2 CC,5;1 (umber of control ?3Dymbol -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion C65 #elay &eportin8 interval 1(ote 1<2 &eportin8 mo#e ,ub-ban# i@e

(on--.,3( Cell /) + : Cell <) 1 Cell /) < u ec Cell <) -1u ec Cell /) <::0@ Cell <) -1::0@ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 (B$ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: (B$ :::::1:: :::::1:: :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 (B$ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: (B$ 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: < 1

(on--.,3( Cell /) + Cell <) 1 Cell /) < u ec Cell <) -1u ec Cell /) <::0@ Cell <) -1::0@ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 (B$ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :::::1:: :::::1:: :::::1:: (B$ :::::1:: :::::1:: :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 (B$ :1:1:1:1 :1:1:1:1 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: (B$ 1:1:1:1: 1:1:1:1: < 1

m m &.

8 1: P!,C0 <-: + 1full i@e2


)ealease 11 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *) (ote +) (ote F) (ote 8) (ote C) (ote 1:) (ote 11) (ote 1/) (ote 1<)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / an# Cell < are the a88re or cell . The number of the C&, port in Cell1; Cell/; an# Cell< are the ame. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$.,. Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / an# Cell < in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern a #efine# in $nne4 $.*.1.* &eference mea urement channel in Cell 1 accor#in8 to Table $.7-7 %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1B/. 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# ubban# or %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. The C,5 reportin8 i uch that reference ubframe belon8 to Cc i;:.

Table ,.' .inimum requirement &*DD(

IMJ IMJ + !" Cate8ory
Test 1 / ** 1.1 :.:1 1-8 Test ' / ** 1.1 :.:1 1-8



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 a su.2.and differential ':5 offset le3el of > shall .e reported at least K of the time .ut less than K for each su.2.andS .0 the ratio of the throu#hput in $S su.frames o.tained %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the T$S indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 median on a randomly selected su.2.and in set S shall .e T S c0 %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S" the a3era#e $DE+ in $S su.frames for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater than or equal to +. The requirements only apply for su.2.ands of full si1e and the random schedulin# across the su.2.ands is done .y selectin# a ne% su.2.and in each TT5 for *99" each a3aila.le do%nlin& transmission instance for T99. The transport .loc& si1es T$S for %ide.and ':5 median and su..and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .426.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,. !ub-ban0 test for sin3le antenna transmission &TDD(


)ealease 11

3#3 Test 1 Cell ' an0 3 1: (ote 1: T.D T.D #. #. #. I:J I:J : Clau e ../.7 "E$* %ith T# T :.7* Lo% antenna u ; a T 1; f# T correlation * 0@ I14/J Cell /) 1/ 7 * Cell <) 1: (B$ -C8 1(ote F2 -C8 1(ote 82 -C< 1(ote C2 (on--.,3( (B$ (B$


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Test ' Cell ' an0 3 1: (ote 1: T.D T.D I:J I:J : Clau e ../.7 "E$* %ith T# T :.7* Lo% antenna u ; a T 1; f# T correlation * 0@ I14/J Cell /) 1/ I17J I1*J Cell <) 1: (B$ -C8 1(ote F2 -C8 1(ote 82 -C< 1(ote C2 (on--.,3( (B$ (B$

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation

+nit -0@

Cell 1 I1J

Cell 1 I1J


Propa8ation con#ition $ntenna confi8uration

E s N oc 2 1(ote 12
at antenna port

#. #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@ #.mB1*A0@

N oc

( j)

( j) N oc 1 ( j) N oc 2 ( j) N oc 3 Cell 5#

,ubframe Confi8uration

Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell $., pattern 1(ote /2 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote 72 CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote <2 CC,5;1 (umber of control ?3Dymbol -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion C65 #elay &eportin8 interval 1(ote 1<2 &eportin8 mo#e ,ub-ban# i@e $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e


(on--.,3( Cell /) + : Cell <) 1 Cell /) < u ec Cell <) -1u ec Cell /) <::0@ Cell <) -1::0@ :1:::1:::1 :1:::1:::1 (B$ (B$ (B$ < 1

(on--.,3( Cell /) + : Cell <) 1 Cell /) < u ec Cell <) -1u ec Cell /) <::0@ Cell <) -1::0@ :1:::1:::1 :1:::1:::1 (B$ (.$ (B$ < 1

(B$ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :1:::1:::1 :1:::1:::1 1:::1:1::: 1:::1:1:::

(B$ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :1:::1:::1 :1:::1:::1 1:::1:1::: 1:::1:1:::

m m &. -ultiple4in8

T.D 1: P!,C0 <-: + 1full i@e2 -ultiple4in8


)ealease 11 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *) (ote +) (ote F) (ote 8) (ote C) (ote 1:) (ote 11) (ote 1/) (ote 1<)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / an# Cell < are the a88re or cell . The number of the C&, port in Cell1; Cell/; an# Cell< i the ame. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $., Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$.,. Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / an# Cell < in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern a #efine# in $nne4 $.*./.* &eference mea urement channel in Cell 1 accor#in8 to Table $.7-* %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1B/. 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# ubban# or %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. The C,5 reportin8 i uch that reference ubframe belon8 to Cc i;:.

Table ,.' .inimum requirement &TDD(

IMJ IMJ + !" Cate8ory
Test 1 I/J I**J I1.1J I:.:1J 1-8 Test ' I/J I**J I1.1J I:.:1J 1-8


-inimum requirement P!,C0 <-1 1C,5 &eference ,ymbol2


*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 a su.2.and differential ':5 offset le3el of > shall .e reported at least K of the time .ut less than K for each su.2.andS .0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the T$S indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 median on a randomly selected su.2.and in set S shall .e T S c0 %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S" the a3era#e $DE+ for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater or equal to >.>=. The requirements only apply for su.2.ands of full si1e and the random schedulin# across the su.2.ands is done .y selectin# a ne% su.2.and in each TT5 for *99" each a3aila.le do%nlin& transmission instance for T99. Su.2.ands of a si1e smaller than full si1e are e!cluded from the test. The transport .loc& si1es T$S for %ide.and ':5 median and su..and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .426a or Ta.le .426..


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.1.'.1-1 !ub-ban0 test for *DD

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation ,(& 1(ote <2 +nit -0@ #. #. #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J 7 -C7 -C8 Clau e ../.7 %ith * -C< Test 1 1: -0@ C : : : : 11 -8F -C8 1/ 8+ Test '


4/ j 0 I or

/ j0 oc

Propa8ation channel

; a T 1;

d = >.4= f D = = 0@

$ntenna confi8uration /4/ .eamformin8 -o#el $ pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< C&, reference i8nal $ntenna port : C,5 reference i8nal $ntenna port 1*; 1+ C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et *B 1 TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, reference i8nal confi8uration 7 Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap :::::1 &eportin8 interval 1(ote 72 m * C65 #elay m 8 &eportin8 mo#e P!,C0 <-1 ,ub-ban# i@e &. + 1full i@e2 -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion 1 (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# ubban# or %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-7a %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1B/. (ote <) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote 7) PDCC0 DC5 format : %ith a tri88er for aperio#ic C65 hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1 an# H+ to allo% aperio#ic C65BP-5B&5 to be tran mitte# in uplinA ,3H: an# H*.

Table ,.3.1.'.1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

IMJ IMJ !" Cate8ory
Test 1 / 7: 1.1 1-8 Test ' / 7: 1.1 1-8



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 a su.2.and differential ':5 offset le3el of > shall .e reported at least K of the time .ut less than K for each su.2.andS .0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the T$S indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 median on a randomly selected su.2.and in set S shall .e T S


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

c0 %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S" the a3era#e $DE+ for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater or equal to >.>=. The requirements only apply for su.2.ands of full si1e and the random schedulin# across the su.2.ands is done .y selectin# a ne% su.2.and in each TT5 for *99" each a3aila.le do%nlin& transmission instance for T99. Su.2.ands of a si1e smaller than full si1e are e!cluded from the test. The transport .loc& si1es T$S for %ide.and ':5 median and su..and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .426a or Ta.le .426.. Table ,.3.1.'.'-1 !ub-ban0 test for TDD
arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation ,(& 1(ote <2 +nit -0@ Test 1 1: -0@ C / 7 : : : : 7 -C7 -C8 Clau e ../.7 %ith * -C< 11 -8F -C8 1/ -8+ Test '


#. #. #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J

4/ j 0 I or

/ j0 oc

Propa8ation channel

; a T 1;

d = >.4= f D = = 0@

$ntenna confi8uration /4/ .eamformin8 -o#el $ pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< C&, reference i8nal $ntenna port : C,5 reference i8nal $ntenna port 1*;1+ C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et *B < TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, reference i8nal confi8uration 7 Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap :::::1 &eportin8 interval 1(ote 72 m * C65 #elay m 1: &eportin8 mo#e P!,C0 <-1 ,ub-ban# i@e &. + 1full i@e2 -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion 1 $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# ubban# or %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-*a %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1B/. (ote <) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote 7) PDCC0 DC5 format : %ith a tri88er for aperio#ic C65 hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H< an# H8 to allo% aperio#ic C65BP-5B&5 to be tran mitte# on uplinA ,3H/ an# HF.

Table ,.3.1.'.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

IMJ IMJ !" Cate8ory
Test 1 / 7: 1.1 1-8 Test ' / 7: 1.1 1-8


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

C.<./ 3requency non- elective che#ulin8 mo#e

The reportin# accuracy of the channel quality indicator /':50 under frequency non2selecti3e fadin# conditions is determined .y the reportin# 3ariance" and the relati3e increase of the throu#hput o.tained %hen the transport format transmitted is that indicated .y the reported ':5 compared to the case for %hich a fi!ed transport format confi#ured accordin# to the reported median ':5 is transmitted. 5n addition" the reportin# accuracy is determined .y a minimum $DE+ usin# the transport formats indicated .y the reported ':5. The purpose is to 3erify that the UE is trac&in# the channel 3ariations and selectin# the lar#est transport format possi.le accordin# to the pre3ailin# channel state for frequently non2selecti3e schedulin#. To account for sensiti3ity of the input S(+ the ':5 reportin# under frequency non2selecti3e fadin# conditions is considered to .e 3erified if the reportin# accuracy is met for at least one of t%o S(+ le3els separated .y an offset of 1 d$.


-inimum requirement P!CC0 1-: 1Cell-,pecific &eference ,ymbol2


*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 a ':5 inde! not in the set Qmedian ':5 21" median ':5 M1R shall .e reported at least K of the timeS .0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! and that o.tained %hen transmittin# a fi!ed transport format confi#ured accordin# to the %ide.and ':5 median shall .e T S c0 %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde!" the a3era#e $DE+ for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater or equal to >.>2 The transport .loc& si1es T$S for %ide.and ':5 median and reported %ide.and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .423 /for 'ate#ory 22,0 or Ta.le .42- /for 'ate#ory 10.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.'.1.1-1 *a0in3 test for sin3le antenna &*DD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J + -C/ -C8 F -C1 Test 1 1: -0@ 1 1port :2 : : : 1/ -8+ -C8 1< -8* Test '


,(& 1(ote <2

4/ j 0 I or

/ j0 oc

Propa8ation channel "P$* Correlation an# 0i8h 11 4 /2 antenna confi8uration &eportin8 mo#e P!CC0 1-: &eportin8 perio#icity m Np# T / C65 #elay m 8 Phy ical channel for P!,C0 1(ote 72 C65 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type 7 cqi-p"i1 Config$rationInde% -a4 number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-1 for Cate8ory /-8 %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1 an# Table $.7-F for Cate8ory 1 %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1B/. (ote <) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote 7) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1; H<; HF an# HC to allo% perio#ic C65 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H*; HF; H1 an# H<.

Table ,.3.'.1.1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

IMJ !" Cate8ory
Test 1 /: 1.:* 1-8 Test ' /: 1.:* 1-8



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 a ':5 inde! not in the set Qmedian ':5 21" median ':5 M1R shall .e reported at least K of the timeS .0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! and that o.tained %hen transmittin# a fi!ed transport format confi#ured accordin# to the %ide.and ':5 median shall .e T S


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

c0 %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde!" the a3era#e $DE+ for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater or equal to >.>2. The transport .loc& si1es T$S for %ide.and ':5 median and reported %ide.and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .423 /for 'ate#ory 22,0 or Ta.le .42- /for 'ate#ory 10. Table ,.3.'.1.'-1 *a0in3 test for sin3le antenna &TDD(
arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. Test 1 1: -0@ 1 1port :2 : : : / 7 #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J + -C/ -C8 F -C1 1/ -8+ -C8 1< -8* Test '


!plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration ,(& 1(ote <2

4/ j 0 I or
/ j0 N oc

Propa8ation channel "P$* Correlation an# 0i8h 11 4 /2 antenna confi8uration &eportin8 mo#e P!CC0 1-: &eportin8 perio#icity m Np# T * C65 #elay m 1: or 11 Phy ical channel for P!,C0 1(ote 72 C65 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type 7 cqi-p"i< Config$rationInde% -a4 number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion $C>B($C> fee#bacA -ultiple4in8 mo#e (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-/ for Cate8ory /-8 %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1 an# Table $.7-8 for Cate8ory 1 %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1B/. (ote <) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote 7) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H< an# H8 to allo% perio#ic C65 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3HF an# H/.

Table ,.3.'.1.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

IMJ !" Cate8ory
Test 1 /: 1.:* 1-8 Test ' /: 1.:* 1-8


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(


-inimum requirement P!CC0 1-1 1C,5 &eference ,ymbol2


*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 a ':5 inde! not in the set Qmedian ':5 21" median ':5 M1R shall .e reported at least K of the timeS

.0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! and that o.tained %hen transmittin# a fi!ed transport format confi#ured accordin# to the %ide.and ':5 median shall .e T S c0 %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde!" the a3era#e $DE+ for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater or equal to >.>2. The transport .loc& si1es T$S for %ide.and ':5 median and reported %ide.and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .423. or Ta.le .423c. Table ,.3.'.'.1-1 *a0in3 test for *DD
arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation ,(& 1(ote <2 +nit -0@ #. #. #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J / -C+ -C8 < -C* Test 1 1: -0@ C : : -< -< F -C1 -C8 8 -C: Test '


4/ j 0 I or
/ j0 N oc

Propa8ation channel "P$* Correlation an# antenna confi8uration !L$ 0i8h 17 4 /2 .eamformin8 -o#el $ pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< Cell- pecific reference i8nal $ntenna port :;1 C,5 reference i8nal $ntenna port 1*;R;18 C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et *B1 TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, reference i8nal confi8uration / Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap :4:::: :::: :::: :::1 &eportin8 mo#e P!CC0 1-1 &eportin8 perio#icity m Np# T * C65 #elay m 8 Phy ical channel for C65B P-5 P!,C0 1(ote 72 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for C65BP-5 / P!CC0 channel for &5 reportin8 P!CC0 3ormat / P!CC0 report type for &5 < cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% / ri-ConfigInde% 1 -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion 1 (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-1a %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1. (ote <) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote 7) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65B P-5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1 an# H+ to allo% perio#ic C65B P-5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H: an# H*.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.'.'.1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

IMJ !" Cate8ory
Test 1 /: 1.:* 1-8 Test ' /: 1.:* 1-8



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 a ':5 inde! not in the set Qmedian ':5 21" median ':5 M1R shall .e reported at least K of the timeS

.0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! and that o.tained %hen transmittin# a fi!ed transport format confi#ured accordin# to the %ide.and ':5 median shall .e T S c0 %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde!" the a3era#e $DE+ for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater or equal to >.>2. The transport .loc& si1es T$S for %ide.and ':5 median and reported %ide.and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .423. or Ta.le .423d.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.'.'.'-1 *a0in3 test for TDD

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation ,(& 1(ote <2 +nit -0@ Test 1 1: -0@ C / 7 : : -+ -< 1 -CF -C8 / -C+ F -C1 -C8 8 -C: Test '


#. #. #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J

4/ j 0 I or
/ j0 N oc

Propa8ation channel Correlation an# antenna confi8uration .eamformin8 -o#el C&, reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, reference i8nal confi8uration Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap

"P$* XP 0i8h 18 4 /2 $ pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< $ntenna port :; 1 $ntenna port 1*;R;// *B < / :4:::: :::: :::: ::/: :::: :::: :::1 P!CC0 1-1 1,ub-mo#e) /2 Np# T * 1:

&eportin8 mo#e &eportin8 perio#icity m C65 #elay m Phy ical channel for C65B P-5 P!,C0 1(ote 72 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for C65B P-5 /c Phy ical channel for &5 reportin8 P!CC0 3ormat / P!CC0 report type for &5 < cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% < ri-ConfigInde% 8:* 1(ote *2 -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion 1 $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-/a %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1. (ote <) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote 7) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65B P-5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H< an# H8 to allo% perio#ic C65B P-5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H/ an# HF. (ote *) &5 reportin8 interval i et to the ma4imum allo%able len8th of 1+:m to minimi e colli ion bet%een &5; C65BP-5 an# 0$&6-$C> report . 5n the ca e %hen all three report colli#e; it i e4pecte# that C65BP-5 report %ill be #roppe#; %hile &5 an# 0$&6-$C> %ill be multiple4e#. $t e(.; C65 report collection hall be Aippe# every 1+:m #urin8 performance verification an# the reporte# C65 in ubframe ,3HF of the previou frame i applie# in #o%nlinA ubframe until a ne% C65 1after C65BP-5 #roppin82 i available.

Table ,.3.'.'.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

IMJ !" Cate8ory
Test 1 /: 1.:* 1-8 Test ' /: 1.:* 1-8


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

C.<.< 3requency- elective interference

The accuracy of su.2.and channel quality indicator /':50 reportin# under frequency selecti3e interference conditions is determined .y a percentile of the reported differential ':5 offset le3el M2 for a preferred su.2.and" and the relati3e increase of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest reported differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# transport format compared to the case for %hich a fi!ed format is transmitted on any su.2.and in set S of TS 36.213 [6]. The purpose is to 3erify that preferred su.2.ands are used for frequently2selecti3e schedulin# under frequency2selecti3e interference conditions.


-inimum requirement P!,C0 <-: 1Cell-,pecific &eference ,ymbol2


*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 a su.2.and differential ':5 offset le3el of M2 shall .e reported at least K for at least one of the su.2.ands of full si1e at the channel ed#esS .0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the T$S indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 median on a randomly selected su.2.and in set S shall .e T S The requirements only apply for su.2.ands of full si1e and the random schedulin# across the su.2.ands is done .y selectin# a ne% su.2.and in each TT5 for *99" each a3aila.le do%nlin& transmission instance for T99. Su.2.ands of a si1e smaller than full si1e are e!cluded from the test. The transport .loc& si1es T$S for %ide.and ':5 median and su..and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .426. Table ,. !ub-ban0 test for sin3le antenna transmission &*DD(
arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J Test 1 1: -0@ 1 1port :2 : : : -1:/ -C< -C< -C7 1 Clau e ../.7 %ith Test ' 1: -0@ 1 1port :2 : : : -C< -C< -1:/ -C7



/ j0 ot

for &. :R*

/ j0 for &. +R71 I ot / j0 ot

for &. 7/R7C

4 I

/ j0 or

-a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion Propa8ation channel

; a T 1;

d = >.4= f D = = 0@

&eportin8 interval m * $ntenna confi8uration 14/ C65 #elay m 8 &eportin8 mo#e P!,C0 <-: ,ub-ban# i@e &. + 1full i@e2 (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# ubban# or %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-7 %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1B/.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.' .inimum requirement &*DD(

IMJ !" Cate8ory
Test 1 +: 1.+ 1-8 Test ' +: 1.+ 1-8



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 a su.2.and differential ':5 offset le3el of M2 shall .e reported at least K for at least one of the su.2.ands of full si1e at the channel ed#esS .0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the T$S indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 median on a randomly selected su.2.and in set S shall .e T S The requirements only apply for su.2.ands of full si1e and the random schedulin# across the su.2.ands is done .y selectin# a ne% su.2.and in each TT5 for *99" each a3aila.le do%nlin& transmission instance for T99. Su.2.ands of a si1e smaller than full si1e are e!cluded from the test. The transport .loc& si1es T$S for %ide.and ':5 median and su..and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .426. Table ,.3.3.1.'-1 !ub-ban0 test for sin3le antenna transmission &TDD(
arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. Test 1 1: -0@ 1 1port :2 : : : / 7 #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J -1:/ -C< -C< -C7 1 Clau e ../.7 %ith -C< -C< -1:/ -C7 Test ' 1: -0@ 1 1port :2 : : :


!plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration

/ j0 ot

for &. :R*

/ j0 ot

for &. +R71

/ j0 for &. 7/R7C I ot 4/ j 0 I or

-a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion Propa8ation channel

; a T 1;

d = >.4= f D = = 0@

$ntenna confi8uration 14/ &eportin8 interval m * C65 #elay m 1: or 11 &eportin8 mo#e P!,C0 <-: ,ub-ban# i@e &. + 1full i@e2 $C>B($C> fee#bacA -ultiple4in8 mo#e (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# ubban# or %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to table $.7-* %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1B/.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.3.1.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

IMJ !" Cate8ory
Test 1 +: 1.+ 1-8 Test ' +: 1.+ 1-8

C.<.<./.1 C.<.<././

Eoi# Eoi#

C.<.7 !"- electe# ubban# C65

The accuracy of UE2selected su..and channel quality indicator /':50 reportin# under frequency2selecti3e fadin# conditions is determined .y the relati3e increase of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# on the UE2selected su..ands %ith the correspondin# transport format compared to the case for %hich a fi!ed format is transmitted on any su..and in set S of TS 36.213 [6]. The purpose is to 3erify that correct su..ands are accurately reported for frequency2 selecti3e schedulin#. To account for sensiti3ity of the input S(+ the su..and ':5 reportin# under frequency2selecti3e fadin# conditions is considered to .e 3erified if the reportin# accuracy is met for at least one of t%o S(+ le3els separated .y an offset of 1 d$.


-inimum requirement P!,C0 /-: 1Cell-,pecific &eference ,ymbol 2


*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su..and amon# the .est 8 su..ands reported .y the UE the correspondin# T$S and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the T$S indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 median on a randomly selected su..and in set S shall .e T S The requirements only apply for su..ands of full si1e and the random schedulin# across the su..ands is done .y selectin# a ne% su..and in each TT5 for *99. The transport .loc& si1e T$S /%ide.and ':5 median0 is that resultin# from the code rate %hich is closest to that indicated .y the %ide.and ':5 median and the N ;+$ entry in Ta.le @[email protected] of TS 36.213 [6] that corresponds to the su..and si1e.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,. !ubban0 test for sin3le antenna transmission &*DD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J C -8C -C8 Clau e ../.7 %ith 1: -88 Test 1 1: -0@ 1 1port :2 : : : 17 -87 -C8 1* -8< Test '


,(& 1(ote <2

4/ j 0 I or

/ j0 oc

Propa8ation channel

; a T 1;

d = >.4= f D = = 0@

&eportin8 interval m * C65 #elay m 8 &eportin8 mo#e P!,C0 /-: -a4 number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion ,ubban# i@e 1*2 &. < 1full i@e2 (umber of preferre# * ubban# 1,2 (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# ubban# or %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-1: %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1B/. (ote <) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level.

Table ,.' .inimum requirement &*DD(

!" Cate8ory
Test 1 1./ 1-8 Test ' 1./ 1-8



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su..and amon# the .est 8 su..ands reported .y the UE the correspondin# T$S and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the T$S indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 median on a randomly selected su..and in set S shall .e T S The requirements only apply for su..ands of full si1e and the random schedulin# across the su..ands is done .y selectin# a ne% su..and in each a3aila.le do%nlin& transmission instance for T99. The transport .loc& si1e T$S /%ide.and ':5 median0 is that resultin# from the code rate %hich is closest to that indicated .y the %ide.and ':5 median and the N ;+$ entry in Ta.le @[email protected] of TS 36.213 [6] that corresponds to the su..and si1e.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.8.1.'-1 !ub-ban0 test for sin3le antenna transmission &TDD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. Test 1 1: -0@ 1 1port :2 : : : / 7 #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J C -8C -C8 Clau e ../.7 %ith 1: -88 17 -87 -C8 1* -8< Test '


!plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration ,(& 1(ote <2

4/ j 0 I or
/ j0 N oc

Propa8ation channel

; a T 1;

d = >.4= f D = = 0@

&eportin8 interval m * C65 #elay m 1: or 11 &eportin8 mo#e P!,C0 /-: -a4 number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion ,ubban# i@e 1*2 &. < 1full i@e2 (umber of preferre# * ubban# 1,2 $C>B($C> fee#bacA -ultiple4in8 mo#e (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# ubban# or %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-11 %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1B/. (ote <) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level.

Table ,.3.8.1.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

!" Cate8ory
Test 1 1./ 1-8 Test ' 1./ 1-8


-inimum requirement P!CC0 /-: 1Cell-,pecific &eference ,ymbol 2


*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# on su..ands reported .y the UE the correspondin# T$S and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the T$S indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 median on a randomly selected su..and in set S shall .e T S The requirements only apply for su..ands of full si1e and the random schedulin# across the su..ands is done .y selectin# a ne% su..and in each TT5 for *99. The transport .loc& si1e T$S /%ide.and ':5 median0 is that resultin#


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

from the code rate %hich is closest to that indicated .y the %ide.and ':5 median and the N ;+$ entry in Ta.le @[email protected] of TS 36.213 [6] that corresponds to the su..and si1e. Table ,.3.8.'.1-1 !ubban0 test for sin3le antenna transmission &*DD(
arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J 8 -C: -C8 Clau e ../.7 %ith C -8C Test 1 1: -0@ 1 1port :2 : : : 1< -8* -C8 17 -87 Test '


,(& 1(ote <2

4/ j 0 I or

/ j0 oc

Propa8ation channel

; a T 1;

d = >.4= f D = = 0@

&eportin8 perio#icity m NP T / C65 #elay m 8 Phy ical channel for P!,C0 1(ote 72 C65 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type 7 for %i#eban# C65 P!CC0 &eport Type 1 for ubban# C65 -a4 number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion ,ubban# i@e 1*2 &. + 1full i@e2 (umber of ban#%i#th < part 1-2 > 1 cqi-p"i-ConfigInde% 1 (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# ubban# or %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-7 %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1B/. (ote <) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote 7) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1; H<; HF an# HC to allo% perio#ic C65 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H*; HF; H1 an# H<. (ote *) C65 report for the hort ubban# 1havin8 /&. in the la t ban#%i#th part2 are to be #i re8ar#e# an# #ata che#ulin8 accor#in8 to the mo t recent ubban# C65 report for ban#%i#th part %ith WT1. (ote +) 5n the ca e %here %i#eban# C65 i reporte#; #ata i to be che#ule# accor#in8 to the mo t recently u e# ubban# C65 report.

Table ,.3.8.'.1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

!" Cate8ory
Test 1 1.1* 1-8 Test ' 1.1* 1-8


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. and .y the follo%in# a0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# on su..ands reported .y the UE the correspondin# T$S and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the T$S indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 median on a randomly selected su..and in set S shall .e T S The requirements only apply for su..ands of full si1e and the random schedulin# across the su..ands is done .y selectin# a ne% su..and in each a3aila.le do%nlin& transmission instance for T99. The transport .loc& si1e T$S /%ide.and ':5 median0 is that resultin# from the code rate %hich is closest to that indicated .y the %ide.and ':5 median and the N ;+$ entry in Ta.le @[email protected] of TS 36.213 [6] that corresponds to the su..and si1e.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.8.'.'-1 !ub-ban0 test for sin3le antenna transmission &TDD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. Test 1 1: -0@ 1 1port :2 : : : / 7 #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J 8 -C: -C8 Clau e ../.7 %ith C -8C 1< -8* -C8 17 -87 Test '


!plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration ,(& 1(ote <2

4/ j 0 I or
/ j0 N oc

Propa8ation channel

&eportin8 perio#icity m C65 #elay m Phy ical channel for P!,C0 1(ote 72 C65 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type 7 for %i#eban# C65 P!CC0 &eport Type 1 for ubban# C65 -a4 number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion ,ubban# i@e 1*2 &. + 1full i@e2 (umber of ban#%i#th < part 1-2 > 1 cqi-p"i-ConfigInde% < $C>B($C> fee#bacA -ultiple4in8 mo#e (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# ubban# or %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-* %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1B/. (ote <) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote 7) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H< an# H8 to allo% perio#ic C65 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3HF an# H/. (ote *) C65 report for the hort ubban# 1havin8 /&. in the la t ban#%i#th part2 are to be #i re8ar#e# an# #ata che#ulin8 accor#in8 to the mo t recent ubban# C65 report for ban#%i#th part %ith WT1. (ote +) 5n the ca e %here %i#eban# C65 i reporte#; #ata i to be che#ule# accor#in8 to the mo t recently u e# ubban# C65 report.

; a T 1; NP T * 1: or 11

d = >.4= f D = = 0@

Table ,.3.8.'.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

!" Cate8ory
Test 1 1.1* 1-8 Test ' 1.1* 1-8


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

C.<.* $##itional requirement for enhance# receiver Type $

The purpose of the test is to 3erify that the reportin# of the channel quality is .ased on the recei3er of the enhanced Type . ;erformance requirements are specified in terms of the relati3e increase of the throu#hput o.tained %hen the transport format is that indicated .y the reported ':5 su.Aect to an interference model compared to the case %ith a %hite Haussian noise model" and a requirement on the minimum $DE+ of the transmitted transport formats indicated .y the reported ':5 su.Aect to an interference model.


-inimum requirement P!CC0 1-: 1Cell-,pecific &eference ,ymbol2


*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.3.=.1.121" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.3.=.1.122 and .y the follo%in# a0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! su.Aect to an interference source %ith specified 95; and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! su.Aect to a %hite Haussian noise source shall .e T S .0 %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! su.Aect to an interference source %ith specified 95;" the a3era#e $DE+ for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater than or equal to 2K. The transport .loc& si1es indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .423 /for 'ate#ory 22,0 or Ta.le .42- /for 'ate#ory 10.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.-.1.1-1 *a0in3 test for sin3le antenna &*DD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5D ,5(& 1(ote 82 +nit -0@ Cell 1 1: -0@ 1 1port :2 (ormal : -/ -C8 (ormal 1 (B$ (B$ Cell '

#. #.ImGB1*A0@J

/ j0 oc

Propa8ation channel "P$* ,tatic 1(ote F2 Correlation an# Lo% 11 4 /2 11 4 /2 antenna confi8uration D5P 1(ote 72 #. (B$ -:.71 &eference (ote / &./ 3DD mea urement channel &eportin8 mo#e P!CC0 1-: (B$ &eportin8 perio#icity m Np# T / (B$ C65 #elay m 8 (B$ Phy ical channel for P!,C0 1(ote (B$ C65 reportin8 <2 P!CC0 &eport Type 7 (B$ cqi-p"i1 (B$ Config$rationInde% -a4 number of 0$&6 1 (B$ tran mi ion (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-1 for Cate8ory /-8 %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1 an# Table $.7-F for Cate8ory 1 %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1B/. (ote <) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1; H<; HF an# HC to allo% perio#ic C65 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H*; HF; H1 an# H<. (ote 7) The re pective receive# po%er pectral #en ity of each interferin8 cell relative to N oc 6 i #efine# by it a ociate# D5P value a pecifie# in clau e ..*.1. (ote *) T%o cell are con i#ere# in %hich Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell an# Cell / i the interferin8 cell. The number of the C&, port in both cell i the ame. 5nteferin8 cell i fully loa#e#. (ote +) .oth cell are time- ynchronou . (ote F) ,tatic channel i u e# for the interference mo#el. 5n ca e for %hite Gau ian noi e mo#el Cell / i not pre ent. (ote 8) ,5(& corre pon# to E s N oc 6 of Cell 1 a #efine# in clau e 8.1.1.

Table ,.3.-.1.1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

!" Cate8ory
1.8 1-8



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.3.=.1.221" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '" the minimum requirements are specified in -.3.=.1.222 and .y the follo%in# a0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! su.Aect to an interference source %ith specified 95; and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! su.Aect to a %hite Haussian noise source shall .e T S


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

.0 %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! su.Aect to an interference source %ith specified 95;" the a3era#e $DE+ for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater than or equal to 2K. The transport .loc& si1es indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .423 /for 'ate#ory 22,0 or Ta.le .42- /for 'ate#ory 10. Table ,.3.-.1.'-1 *a0in3 test for sin3le antenna &TDD(
arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5D ,5(& 1(ote 82 +nit -0@ Cell 1 1: -0@ 1 1port :2 / 7 (ormal : -/ -C8 (ormal 1 (B$ -C8 Cell '

#. #.ImGB1*A0@J

/ j0 oc

Propa8ation channel "P$* ,tatic 1(ote F2 Correlation an# Lo% 11 4 /2 11 4 /2 antenna confi8uration D5P 1(ote 72 #. (B$ -:.71 &eference (ote / &./ TDD mea urement channel &eportin8 mo#e P!CC0 1-: (B$ &eportin8 perio#icity m Np# T * (B$ C65 #elay m 1: or 11 (B$ Phy ical channel for P!,C0 1(ote (B$ C65 reportin8 <2 P!CC0 &eport Type 7 (B$ cqi-p"i< (B$ Config$rationInde% -a4 number of 0$&6 1 (B$ tran mi ion $C>B($C> fee#bacA -ultiple4in8 (B$ mo#e (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-/ for Cate8ory /-8 %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1 an# Table $.7-8 for Cate8ory 1 %ith oneBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1B/. (ote <) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H< an# H8 to allo% perio#ic C65 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3HF an# H/. (ote 7) The re pective receive# po%er pectral #en ity of each interferin8 cell relative to N oc 6 i #efine# by it a ociate# D5P value a pecifie# in clau e ..*.1. (ote *) T%o cell are con i#ere# in %hich Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell an# Cell / i the interferin8 cell. The number of the C&, port in both cell i the ame. 5nteferin8 cell i fully loa#e#. (ote +) .oth cell are time- ynchronou . (ote F) ,tatic channel i u e# for the interference mo#el. 5n ca e for %hite Gau ian noi e mo#el Cell / i not pre ent. (ote 8) ,5(& corre pon# to E s N oc 6 of Cell 1 a #efine# in clau e 8.1.1.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.-.1.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

!" Cate8ory
1.8 1-8


-inimum requirement P!CC0 1-1 1C,5 &eference ,ymbol2


*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.3.=.2.121" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.3.=.2.122 and .y the follo%in# a0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! su.Aect to an interference source %ith specified 95; and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! su.Aect to a %hite Haussian noise source shall .e T S .0 %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! su.Aect to an interference source %ith specified 95;" the a3era#e $DE+ for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater than or equal to 2K. The transport .loc& si1es indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .423. or Ta.le .42 3h.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.-.'.1-1 *a0in3 test for sin3le antenna &*DD(


)ealease 11 arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5D ,5(& 1(ote 82 +nit -0@

3'" Cell 1


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Cell '

1: -0@ C (ormal : -/ -C8 "P$* Lo% 1/ 4 /2 (ormal 1 (B$ (B$ ,tatic 1(ote F2 11 4 /2 -:.71 $ntenna port : (B$ (B$ (B$ 1B ::1:::::::::: ::: (B$ &./ 3DD (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$

#. #.ImGB1*A0@J

/ j0 oc

Propa8ation channel Correlation an# antenna confi8uration D5P 1(ote 72 Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et C,5-&, reference i8nal confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5-&, confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap Co#e.ooA,ub et&e tr iction bitmap &eference mea urement channel &eportin8 mo#e &eportin8 perio#icity C65 #elay Phy ical channel for C65BP-5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for C65BP-5 P!CC0 channel for &5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for &5 cqi-p"iConfig$rationInde% ri-ConfigInde% -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion


(B$ $ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port 1*;1+ *B1 /

,ubframe B bitmap


::1111 (ote / m m P!CC0 1-1 Np# T * 8 P!,C0 1(ote <2 / P!CC0 3ormat / < / 1 1


)ealease 11 (ote 1)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

(ote /) (ote <)

(ote 7)

(ote *) (ote +) (ote F) (ote 8)

5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-1c %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1. To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65B P-5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1 an# H+ to allo% perio#ic C65B P-5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H: an# H*. The re pective receive# po%er pectral #en ity of each interferin8 cell relative to N oc 6 i #efine# by it a ociate# D5P value a pecifie# in clau e ..*.1. T%o cell are con i#ere# in %hich Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell an# Cell / i the interferin8 cell. 5nteferin8 cell i fully loa#e#. .oth cell are time- ynchronou . ,tatic channel i u e# for the interference mo#el. 5n ca e for %hite Gau ian noi e mo#el Cell / i not pre ent. ,5(& corre pon# to E s N oc 6 of Cell 1 a #efine# in clau e 8.1.1.

Table ,.3.-.'.1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

!" Cate8ory
1.8 1-8



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.3.=.2.221" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '" the minimum requirements are specified in -.3.=.2.222 and .y the follo%in# a0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! su.Aect to an interference source %ith specified 95; and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! su.Aect to a %hite Haussian noise source shall .e T S .0 %hen transmittin# the transport format indicated .y each reported %ide.and ':5 inde! su.Aect to an interference source %ith specified 95;" the a3era#e $DE+ for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater than or equal to 2K. The transport .loc& si1es indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .423. or Ta.le .42 3h.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.-.'.'-1 *a0in3 test for sin3le antenna &TDD(


)ealease 11 arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Cyclic Prefi4 Cell 5D ,5(& 1(ote 82 +nit -0@

3', Cell 1


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Cell '

1: -0@ C / 7 (ormal : -/ -C8 "P$* Lo% 1/ 4 /2 (ormal 1 (B$ -C8 ,tatic 1(ote F2 11 4 /2 -:.71 $ntenna port : (B$ (B$ (B$ <B ::1::::::::: :::: (B$ &./ TDD (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$

#. #.ImGB1*A0@J

/ j0 oc

Propa8ation channel Correlation an# antenna confi8uration D5P 1(ote 72 Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et C,5-&, reference i8nal confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5-&, confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap Co#e.ooA,ub et&e tr iction bitmap &eference mea urement channel &eportin8 mo#e &eportin8 perio#icity C65 #elay Phy ical channel for C65BP-5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for C65BP-5 Phy ical channel for &5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for &5 cqi-p"iConfig$rationInde% ri-ConfigInde% -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e


(B$ $ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port 1*;1+ *B< /

,ubframe B bitmap


::1111 (ote / P!CC0 1-1 1,ub-mo#e) /2 Np# T * 1: P!,C0 1(ote <2 /c P!CC0 3ormat / < < 8:* 1(ote C2 1 -ultiple4in8

m m


)ealease 11 (ote 1)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

(ote /) (ote <)

(ote 7)

(ote *) (ote +) (ote F) (ote 8) (ote C)

5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-/c %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1. To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65B P-5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H< an# H8 to allo% perio#ic C65B P-5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H/ an# HF. The re pective receive# po%er pectral #en ity of each interferin8 cell relative to N oc 6 i #efine# by it a ociate# D5P value a pecifie# in clau e ..*.1. T%o cell are con i#ere# in %hich Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell an# Cell / i the interferin8 cell. 5nteferin8 cell i fully loa#e#. .oth cell are time- ynchronou . ,tatic channel i u e# for the interference mo#el. 5n ca e for %hite Gau ian noi e mo#el Cell / i not pre ent. ,5(& corre pon# to E s N oc 6 of Cell 1 a #efine# in clau e 8.1.1. &5 reportin8 interval i et to the ma4imum allo%able len8th of 1+:m to minimi e colli ion bet%een &5; C65BP-5 an# 0$&6-$C> report . 5n the ca e %hen all three report colli#e; it i e4pecte# that C65BP-5 report %ill be #roppe#; %hile &5 an# 0$&6-$C> %ill be multiple4e#. $t e(.; C65 report collection hall be Aippe# every 1+:m #urin8 performance verification an# the reporte# C65 in ubframe ,3HF of the previou frame i applie# in #o%nlinA ubframe until a ne% C65 1after C65BP-5 #roppin82 i available.

Table ,.3.-.'.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

!" Cate8ory
1.8 1-8

C.<.+ -inimum requirement 1Gith multiple C,5 proce

e 2

The purpose of the test is to 3erify the reportin# accuracy of the ':5 and the UE processin# capa.ility for multiple 'S5 processes. Each 'S5 process is associated %ith a 'S52+S resource and a 'S5258 resource as sho%n in Ta.le -.3.621. *or UE supports one 'S5 process" 'S5 process 2 is confi#ured and the correspondin# requirements shall .e fulfilled. *or UE supports three 'S5 processes" 'S5 processes >" 1 and 2 are confi#ured and the correspondin# requirements shall .e fulfilled. *or UE supports four 'S5 processes" 'S5 processes >" 1" 2 and 3 are confi#ured and the correspondin# requirements shall .e fulfilled. Table ,.3."-1 Confiu3ration of C!: processes
C,5-&, re ource C,5-5- re ource C!: process # C,5-&, i8nal : C,5-5- re ource : C!: process 1 C,5-&, i8nal 1 C,5-5- re ource : C!: process ' C,5-&, i8nal : C,5-5- re ource 1 C!: process 3 C,5-&, i8nal 1 C,5-5- re ource /



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.3.6.121" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.3.6.122 and .y the follo%in# a0 a su.2.and differential ':5 offset le3el of > shall .e reported at least K of the time .ut less than K for each su.2.and for 'S5 process 1" 2" or 3S


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

.0 a ':5 inde! not in the set Qmedian ':5 21" median ':5 M1R shall .e reported at least K of the time for 'S5 process >S c0 the difference of the median ':5s of the reported %ide.and ':5 for confi#urated 'S5 processes shall .e #reater or equal to the 3alues as in Ta.le -.3.6.123S d0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the T$S indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 median on a randomly selected su.2.and in set S shall .e T S e0 %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S" the a3era#e $DE+ for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater or equal to [>.>2]. The requirements only apply for su.2.ands of full si1e and the random schedulin# across the su.2.ands is done .y selectin# a ne% su.2.and in each TT5 for *99" each a3aila.le do%nlin& transmission instance for T99. Su.2.ands of a si1e smaller than full si1e are e!cluded from the test. The transport .loc& si1es T$S for %ide.and ':5 median and su..and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .426c.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.".1-1 *a0in3 test for *DD


)ealease 11

333 Test 1 T 1 1: -0@ 1: #. #. #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J 1: -88 -< -< 11 -8F -C8 F -C1 : : :


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Test '

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation ,(& 1(ote F2

+nit -0@

T ' 1:

T 1 1: -0@ 1: : : -< -< 8 -C: 17 -87 1* -8* -C8 C -8C

T ' 1:


: 1: -88

4/ j 0 I or
/ j0 N oc

Propa8ation channel

"P$ * Lo%

Clau e ../.7.1 %ith d = >.4= ; a T 1; f D = = 0@

"P$ * Lo%

Clau e ../.7.1 %ith d = >.4= ; a T 1; f D = = 0@

$ntenna confi8uration .eamformin8 -o#el Timin8 off et bet%een TP 3requency off et bet%een TP Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5-&, i8nal : C,5-&, : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, : confi8uration C,5-&, i8nal 1 C,5-&, 1 perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, 1 confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5-&, : confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap Sero-po%er C,5-&, 1 confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap C,5-5- : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-5- : confi8uration C,5-5- 1 perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-5- 1 confi8uration C,5-5- / perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-5- / confi8uration C,5 proce : C,5-&, C,5-5&eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et& e triction bitmap &eportin8 perio#icity C65 #elay Phy ical channel for C65B P-5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for C65BP-5 P!CC0 channel for &5 reportin8

u 0@

74/ /4/ pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< : : $ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port (B$ 1*;R;18 $ *B1 : (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ 1B :::::1::::: ::::: *B1 / *B1 + (B$ (B$ C,5-&, : C,5-5- : P!CC0 1-1 :4:::: :::: :::: :::1 (B$ (B$ $ntenna port 1*;1+ *B1 * 1B 1:::::::::: ::::: (B$ *B1 / (B$ (B$ *B1 1

74/ /4/ pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< : : $ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port (B$ 1*;R;18 $ *B1 : (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ 1B :::::1::::: ::::: *B1 / *B1 + (B$ (B$ C,5-&, : C,5-5- : P!CC0 1-1 :4:::: :::: :::: :::1 Np# T * I1:J P!,C0 1(ote +2 I/J P!CC0 3ormat / (B$ (B$ $ntenna port 1*;1+ *B1 * 1B 1:::::::::: ::::: (B$ *B1 / (B$ (B$ *B1 1

m m

Np# T * I1:J P!,C0 1(ote +2 / P!CC0 3ormat /


)ealease 11 P!CC0 report type for &5 cqi-p"iConfig$rationInde% ri-ConfigInde% C,5-&, C,5-5&eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et& C,5 proce 1 e triction bitmap &eportin8 interval 1(ote C2 C65 #elay ,ub-ban# i@e C,5-&, C,5-5&eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et& C,5 proce / e triction bitmap &eportin8 interval 1(ote C2 C65 #elay ,ub-ban# i@e C,5-&, C,5-5&eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et& C,5 proce < e triction bitmap &eportin8 interval 1(ote C2 C65 #elay ,ub-ban# i@e C,5 proce for PD,C0 che#ulin8 Cell 5D 6ua i-co-locate# C,5-&,



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

< I/J I1J C,5-&, 1 C,5-5- : P!,C0 <-1 :::::1 m m &. * I1:J + 1full i@e2 C,5-&, : C,5-5- 1 P!,C0 <-1 :4:::: :::: :::: :::1 m m &. * I1:J + 1full i@e2 1(ote 82 C,5-&, 1 C,5-5- / P!,C0 <-1 :::::1 m m &. * I1:J + 1full i@e2 C,5 proce /

< I/J I1J C,5-&, 1 C,5-5- : P!,C0 <-1 :::::1 * I1:J + 1full i@e2 C,5-&, : C,5-5- 1 P!,C0 <-1 :4:::: :::: :::: :::1 * I1:J + 1full i@e2 1(ote 82 C,5-&, 1 C,5-5- / P!,C0 <-1 :::::1 * I1:J + 1full i@e2 C,5 proce /

: + : + C,5-&, : C,5-&, 1 C,5-&, : C,5-&, 1 ,ame Cell 5D ,ame Cell 5D ,ame Cell 5D ,ame Cell 5D 6ua i-co-locate# C&, a Cell 1 a Cell / a Cell 1 a Cell / :4:::: :::: :4:::: :::: P-5 for ubframe /; <; 7; F; 8 an# C 1::::: 1::::: :::: :::1 :::: :::1 :4:::: :::: :4:::: :::: P-5 for ubframe 1 an# + 1::::: 1::::: :::1 :::: :::1 :::: -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion 1 (B$ 1 (B$ (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote /) < ymbol allocate# to PDCC0. (ote <) PD,C0 tran mi ion i che#ule# on ubframe /; <; 7; F; 8 an# C from TP1. (ote 7) T-1: ?C(G i tran mitte# on ubframe 1 an# + from TP1. (ote *) T-1: ?C(G i tran mitte# on ubframe 1; /; <; 7; +; F; 8 an# C from TP/ (ote +) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65BP-5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1 an# H+ to allo% perio#ic C65BP-5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ,3H: an# H*. (ote F) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote 8) PDCC0 DC5 format : %ith a tri88er for aperio#ic C65 hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1 an# H+ to allo% aperio#ic C65BP-5B&5 to be tran mitte# in uplinA ,3H: an# H*. (ote C) 3or the e ub-ban# %hich are not electe# for PD,C0 tran mi ion; T-1: ?C(G houl# be tran mitte#.

Table ,.3.".1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

IMJ IMJ IMJ !" Cate8ory
C!: process # (B$ (B$ I1:J (B$ C!: process 1 I/J I7:J (B$ (B$ C!: process ' I/J I7:J (B$ I1.:/J 1-8 C!: process 3 I/J I7:J (B$ (B$


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.".1-3 .inimum me0ian C@: 0ifference between confi3ure0 C!: processes &*DD(
C!: process # !" Cate8ory C!: process 1 (B$ C!: process ' I1J 1-8 C!: process 3 I<J



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.3.6.221" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.3.6.222 and .y the follo%in# a0 a su.2.and differential ':5 offset le3el of > shall .e reported at least K of the time .ut less than K for each su.2.and for 'S5 process 1" 2" or 3S .0 a ':5 inde! not in the set Qmedian ':5 21" median ':5 M1R shall .e reported at least K of the time for 'S5 process >S c0 the difference of the median ':5s of the reported %ide.and ':5 for confi#urated 'S5 processes shall .e #reater or equal to the 3alues as in Ta.le -.3.6.223S d0 the ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S and that o.tained %hen transmittin# the T$S indicated .y the reported %ide.and ':5 median on a randomly selected su.2.and in set S shall .e T S e0 %hen transmittin# on a randomly selected su.2.and amon# the su.2.ands %ith the hi#hest differential ':5 offset le3el the correspondin# T$S" the a3era#e $DE+ for the indicated transport formats shall .e #reater or equal to T$9. The requirements only apply for su.2.ands of full si1e and the random schedulin# across the su.2.ands is done .y selectin# a ne% su.2.and in each TT5 for *99" each a3aila.le do%nlin& transmission instance for T99. Su.2.ands of a si1e smaller than full si1e are e!cluded from the test. The transport .loc& si1es T$S for %ide.and ':5 median and su..and ':5 are selected accordin# to Ta.le .426c" Ta.le .426d21" Ta.le .426d22" or Ta.le .426d23" dependin# on the num.er of confi#ured 'S5 process.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.".'-1 *a0in3 test for TDD


)ealease 11

33% Test 1 T 1 1: -0@ 1: / 7 #. #. #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J I1:J I-88J -< -< I11J I-8FJ -C8 IFJ I-C1J : : :


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Test '

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation ,(& 1(ote F2

+nit -0@

T ' 1: / 7

T 1 1: -0@ 1: / 7 : : -< -< I8J I-C:J I17 I-87J I1*J I-8*J -C8 ICJ I-8CJ

T ' 1: / 7


: I1:J I-88J

4/ j 0 I or

/ j0 oc

Propa8ation channel

I"P$ * Lo%J

Clau e ../.7.1 %ith d = >.4= ; a T 1; f D = = 0@

I"P$ * Lo%J

Clau e ../.7.1 %ith d = >.4= ; a T 1; f D = = 0@

$ntenna confi8uration .eamformin8 -o#el Timin8 off et bet%een TP 3requency off et bet%een TP Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5-&, i8nal : C,5-&, : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, : confi8uration C,5-&, i8nal 1 C,5-&, 1 perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, 1 confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5-&, : confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap Sero-po%er C,5-&, 1 confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap C,5-5- : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-5- : confi8uration C,5-5- 1 perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-5- 1 confi8uration C,5-5- / perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-5- / confi8uration C,5 proce : C,5-&, C,5-5&eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et& e triction bitmap &eportin8 perio#icity C65 #elay Phy ical channel for C65B P-5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for C65BP-5

u 0@

74/ /4/ pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< : : $ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port (B$ 1*;R; 18 $ *B< : (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ <B :::::1::::: ::::: *B< / *B< + (B$ (B$ C,5-&, : C,5-5- : P!CC0 1-1 :4:::: :::: :::: :::1 (B$ (B$ $ntenna port 1*; 1+ *B< * <B 1:::::::::: ::::: (B$ *B< / (B$ (B$ *B< 1

74/ /4/ pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< : : $ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port (B$ 1*;R; 18 $ *B< : (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ <B :::::1::::: ::::: *B< / *B< + (B$ (B$ C,5-&, : C,5-5- : P!CC0 1-1 :4:::: :::: :::: :::1 Np# T * I1/J P!,C0 1(ote +2 / (B$ (B$ $ntenna port 1*; 1+ *B< * <B 1:::::::::: ::::: (B$ *B< / (B$ (B$ *B< 1

m m

Np# T * I1/J P!,C0 1(ote +2 /


)ealease 11 P!CC0 channel for &5 reportin8 P!CC0 report type for &5 cqi-p"iConfig$rationInde% ri-ConfigInde% C,5-&, C,5-5&eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et& C,5 proce 1 e triction bitmap &eportin8 interval 1(ote C2 C65 #elay ,ub-ban# i@e C,5-&, C,5-5&eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et& C,5 proce / e triction bitmap &eportin8 interval 1(ote C2 C65 #elay ,ub-ban# i@e C,5-&, C,5-5&eportin8 mo#e Co#e.ooA,ub et& C,5 proce < e triction bitmap &eportin8 interval 1(ote C2 C65 #elay ,ub-ban# i@e C,5 proce for PD,C0 che#ulin8 Cell 5D 6ua i-co-locate# C,5-&,



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

P!CC0 3ormat / < < 8:* 1(ote 1:2 C,5-&, 1 C,5-5- : P!,C0 <-1 :::::1 m m &. * I1/J + 1full i@e2 C,5-&, : C,5-5- 1 P!,C0 <-1 :4:::: :::: :::: :::1 m m &. * I1/J + 1full i@e2 1(ote 82 C,5-&, 1 C,5-5- / P!,C0 <-1 :::::1 m m &. * I1/J + 1full i@e2 C,5 proce /

P!CC0 3ormat / < < 8:* 1(ote 1:2 C,5-&, 1 C,5-5- : P!,C0 <-1 :::::1 * I1/J + 1full i@e2 C,5-&, : C,5-5- 1 P!,C0 <-1 :4:::: :::: :::: :::1 * I1/J + 1full i@e2 1(ote 82 C,5-&, 1 C,5-5- / P!,C0 <-1 :::::1 * I1/J + 1full i@e2 C,5 proce /

: + : + C,5-&, : C,5-&, 1 C,5-&, : C,5-&, 1 ,ame Cell 5D ,ame Cell 5D ,ame Cell 5D ,ame Cell 5D 6ua i-co-locate# C&, a Cell 1 a Cell / a Cell 1 a Cell / :4:::: :::: :4:::: :::: P-5 for ubframe <; 7; 8 an# C 1::::: 1::::: :::: :::1 :::: :::1 :4:::: :::: :4:::: :::: P-5 for ubframe 1 an# + 1::::: 1::::: :::1 :::: :::1 :::: -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion 1 (B$ 1 (B$ $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (B$ -ultiple4in8 (B$ (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote /) < ymbol allocate# to PDCC0. (ote <) PD,C0 tran mi ion i che#ule# on ubframe <; 7; 8 an# C from TP1. (ote 7) T-1: ?C(G i tran mitte# on ubframe 1 an# + from TP1. (ote *) T-1: ?C(G i tran mitte# on ubframe 1; <; 7; +; 8 an# C from TP/. (ote +) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65BP-5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1 an# H+ to allo% perio#ic C65BP-5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ,3H: an# H*. (ote F) 3or each te t; the minimum requirement hall be fulfille# for at lea t one of the t%o ,(&1 2 an# the re pective %ante# i8nal input level. (ote 8) PDCC0 DC5 format : %ith a tri88er for aperio#ic C65 hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1 an# H+ to allo% aperio#ic C65BP-5B&5 to be tran mitte# in uplinA ,3H: an# H*. (ote C) 3or the e ub-ban# %hich are not electe# for PD,C0 tran mi ion; T-1: ?C(G houl# be tran mitte#. (ote 1:) &5 reportin8 interval i et to the ma4imum allo%able len8th of 1+:m to minimi e colli ion bet%een &5; C65BP-5 an# 0$&6-$C> report . 5n the ca e %hen all three report colli#e; it i e4pecte# that C65BP-5 report %ill be #roppe#; %hile &5 an# 0$&6-$C> %ill be multiple4e#. $t e(.; C65 report collection hall be Aippe# every 1+:m #urin8 performance verification an# the reporte# C65 in ubframe ,3HF of the previou frame i applie# in #o%nlinA ubframe until a ne% C65 1after C65BP-5 #roppin82 i available.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.3.".'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

IMJ IMJ IMJ !" Cate8ory
C!: process # (B$ (B$ T.D (B$ C!: process 1 T.D T.D (B$ (B$ C!: process ' T.D T.D (B$ T.D 1-8 C!: process 3 T.D T.D (B$ (B$

Table ,.3.".'-3 .inimum me0ian C@: 0ifference between confi3ure0 C!: processes &TDD(
C!: process # !" Cate8ory C!: process 1 T.D(B$ C!: process ' T.D 1-8 C!: process 3 T.D


&eportin8 of Preco#in8 -atri4 5n#icator 1P-52

The minimum performance requirements of ;85 reportin# are defined .ased on the precodin# #ain" e!pressed as the relati3e increase in throu#hput %hen the transmitter is confi#ured accordin# to the UE reports compared to the case %hen the transmitter is usin# random precodin#" respecti3ely. Uhen the transmitter uses random precodin#" for each ;9S'? allocation a precoder is randomly #enerated and applied to the ;9S'?. fi!ed transport format /*+'0 is confi#ured for all requirements. The requirements for transmission mode 6 %ith 1 TJ and transmission mode - %ith 4 TJ are specified in terms of the ratio

tue . t rnd

5n the definition of " for ;US'? 321 sin#le ;85 and ;US'? 122 multiple ;85 requirements" t rnd is 6>K of the ma!imum throu#hput o.tained at SNRrnd usin# random precodin#" and tue the throu#hput measured at SNRrnd %ith precoders confi#ured accordin# to the UE reportsS *or the ;U''? 221 sin#le ;85 requirement" t rnd is 6>K of the ma!imum throu#hput o.tained at SNRrnd usin# random precodin# on a randomly selected full2si1e su..and in set S su..ands" and tue the throu#hput measured at

SNRrnd %ith .oth the precoder and the preferred full2si1e su..and applied accordin# to the UE reportsS
*or ;US'? 222 multiple ;85 requirements" t rnd is 6>K of the ma!imum throu#hput o.tained at SNRrnd usin# random precodin# on a randomly selected full2si1e su..and in set S su..ands" and tue the throu#hput measured at

SNRrnd %ith .oth the su..and precoder and a randomly selected full2si1e su..and /%ithin the preferred su..ands0
applied accordin# to the UE reports. The requirements for transmission mode - %ith , TJ are specified in terms of the ratio

tue " follow1" follow 2 trnd 1" rnd 2

5n the definition of " for ;US'? 321 sin#le ;85 and ;US'? 122 multiple ;85 requirements" t follow1" follow 2 is @>K of the ma!imum throu#hput o.tained at SNR follow1" follow 2 usin# the precoders confi#ured accordin# to the UE reports" and

trnd 1" rnd 2 is the throu#hput measured at SNR follow1" follow 2 %ith random precodin# .


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

C.7.1 ,in8le P-5


-inimum requirement P!,C0 <-1 1Cell-,pecific &eference ,ymbol 2


*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.

Table ,. .: test for sin3le-layer &*DD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Propa8ation channel Preco#in8 8ranularity Correlation an# antenna confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ Test 1 1: + "E$* *: Lo% / 4 / #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J -< -< : -C8



/ j0 oc

&eportin8 mo#e P!,C0 <-1 &eportin8 interval m 1 P-5 #elay 1(ote /2 m 8 -ea urement channel &. 1: 3DD ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD -a4 number of 0$&6 7 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion 9:;1;/;<= co#in8 equence (ote 1) 3or ran#om preco#er election; the preco#er hall be up#ate# in each TT5 11 m 8ranularity2. (ote /) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72.

Table ,.' .inimum requirement &*DD(

arameter !" Cate8ory Test 1 1.1 1-8



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in -.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.8.1.1.'-1 .: test for sin3le-layer &TDD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Propa8ation channel Preco#in8 8ranularity Correlation an# antenna confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ Test 1 1: + 1 7 P&. "E$* *: Lo% / 4 / #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J -< -< : -C8


/ j0 oc

&eportin8 mo#e P!,C0 <-1 &eportin8 interval m 1 P-5 #elay 1(ote /2 m 1: or 11 -ea urement channel &.1: TDD ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD -a4 number of 0$&6 7 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion 9:;1;/;<= co#in8 equence $C>B($C> fee#bacA -ultiple4in8 mo#e (ote 1) 3or ran#om preco#er election; the preco#er hall be up#ate# in each available #o%nlinA tran mi ion in tance. (ote /) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72.

Table ,.8.1.1.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

arameter !" Cate8ory Test 1 1.1 1-8


-inimum requirement P!CC0 /-1 1Cell-,pecific &eference ,ymbol 2


*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.8.1.'.1-1 .: test for sin3le-layer &*DD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Propa8ation channel Correlation an# antenna confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ Test 1 1: + "E$* Lo% 7 4 / #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J -+ -+ < -C8


/ j0 oc

P-5 #elay m 8 or C &eportin8 mo#e P!CC0 /-1 1(ote +2 &eportin8 perio#icity m Np# T / Phy ical channel for P!,C0 1(ote <2 C65 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type / for %i#eban# C65BP-5 P!CC0 &eport Type 1 for ubban# C65 -ea urement channel &.17-1 3DD ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ 3DD Preco#in8 8ranularity P&. + 1full i@e2 (umber of ban#%i#th < part 1-2 > 1 cqi-p"i-ConfigInde% 1 -a4 number of 0$&6 7 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion 9:;1;/;<= co#in8 equence (ote 1) 3or ran#om preco#er election; the preco#er hall be up#ate# every t%o TT5 1/ m 8ranularity2. (ote /) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote <) To avoi# colli ion bet%een 0$&6-$C> an# %i#eban# C65BP-5 or ubban# C65; it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1; H<; HF an# HC to allo% perio#ic C65 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H*; HF; H1 an# H<. (ote 7) &eport for the hort ubban# 1havin8 /&. in the la t ban#%i#th part2 are to be #i re8ar#e# an# in tea# #ata i to be tran mitte# on the mo t recently u e# ubban# for ban#%i#th part %ith WT1. (ote *) 5n the ca e %here %i#eban# P-5 i reporte#; #ata i to be tran mitte# on the mo t recently u e# ubban#. (ote +) The bit fiel# for P-5 confirmation in DC5 format 1. hall be mappe# to K:L an# TP-5 information hall in#icate the co#ebooA in#e4 u e# in Table +.<.7./.<-/ of T,<+./11 I7J accor#in8 to the late t P-5 report on P!CC0.

Table ,.8.1.'.1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

!" Cate8ory
Test 1 1./ 1-8


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. Table ,.8.1.'.'-1 .: test for sin3le-layer &TDD(
arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Propa8ation channel Correlation an# antenna confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ Test 1 1: + 1 7 "E$* Lo% 7 4 / #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J -+ -+ < -C8


/ j0 oc

P-5 #elay m 1: &eportin8 mo#e P!CC0 /-1 1(ote +2 &eportin8 perio#icity m NP T * Phy ical channel for P!,C0 1(ote <2 C65 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type / for %i#eban# C65BP-5 P!CC0 &eport Type 1 for ubban# C65 -ea urement channel &.17-1 TDD ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ TDD Preco#in8 8ranularity P&. + 1full i@e2 (umber of ban#%i#th < part 1-2 > 1 cqi-p"i-ConfigInde% 7 -a4 number of 0$&6 7 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion 9:;1;/;<= co#in8 equence $C>B($C> fe#bacA -ultiple4in8 mo#e (ote 1) 3or ran#om preco#er election; the preco#er hall be up#ate# in each available #o%nlinA tran mi ion in tance. (ote /) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote <) To avoi# colli ion bet%een 0$&6-$C> an# %i#eban# C65BP-5 or ubban# C65 it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H7 an# HC to allo% perio#ic C65 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H8 an# H<. (ote 7) &eport for the hort ubban# 1havin8 /&. in the la t ban#%i#th part2 are to be #i re8ar#e# an# in tea# #ata i to be tran mitte# on the mo t recently u e# ubban# for ban#%i#th part %ith WT1. (ote *) 5n the ca e %here %i#eban# P-5 i reporte#; #ata i to be tran mitte# on the mo t recently u e# ubban#. (ote +) The bit fiel# for P-5 confirmation in DC5 format 1. hall be mappe# to K:L an# TP-5 information hall in#icate the co#ebooA in#e4 u e# in Table +.<.7./.<-/ of T,<+./11 I7J accor#in8 to the late t P-5 report on P!CC0.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.8.1.'.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

!" Cate8ory
Test 1 1./ 1-8


-inimum requirement P!,C0 <-1 1C,5 &eference ,ymbol2


*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -. Table ,. .: test for sin3le-layer &*DD(
arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Propa8ation channel Preco#in8 8ranularity Correlation an# antenna confi8uration Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal .eamformin8 mo#el C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, reference i8nal confi8uration Co#e.ooA,ub et&e tr iction bitmap Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ P&. Test 1 1: C "P$* *: Lo% !L$ 7 4 / $ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port 1*;R;18 $nne4 ..7.< *B 1 + :4:::: :::: :::: 3333 #. #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J : : -< -< -C8


/ j0 oc

&eportin8 mo#e P!,C0 <-1 &eportin8 interval m * P-5 #elay 1(ote /2 m 8 -ea urement channel &.77 3DD ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD -a4 number of 0$&6 7 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion 9:;1;/;<= co#in8 equence (ote 1) 3or ran#om preco#er election; the preco#er hall be up#ate# in each TT5 11 m 8ranularity2. (ote /) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote <) PD,C0 _&$T : #.; PD,C0_&.T : #. in or#er to have the ame PD,C0 an# ?C(G po%er per ubcarrier at the receiver.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.' .inimum requirement &*DD(

arameter !" Cate8ory Test 1 1./ 1-8



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.8.1.3.'-1 .: test for sin3le-layer &TDD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Propa8ation channel Preco#in8 8ranularity $ntenna confi8uration Correlation mo#elin8 Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal .eamformin8 mo#el C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, reference i8nal confi8uration Co#e.ooA,ub et&e tr iction bitmap +nit -0@ Test 1 1: C 1 7 P&. "E$* *: 84/ 0i8h; Cro polari@e# $ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port 1*;R;// $nne4 ..7.< *B 7 : :4:::: :::: ::13 33": :::: :::: 3333 #. #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J m m : : -+ -< -C8 P!,C0 <-1 * 1: &.7*-1 TDD for !" Cate8ory 1; &.7* TDD for !" Cate8ory /-8 ?P.1 TDD

Do%nlinA po%er allocation

/ j0 oc

&eportin8 mo#e &eportin8 interval P-5 #elay 1(ote /2

-ea urement channel

?C(G Pattern -a4 number of 0$&6 7 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion 9:;1;/;<= co#in8 equence $C>B($C> fee#bacA -ultiple4in8 mo#e (ote 1) 3or ran#om preco#er election; the preco#er hall be up#ate# in each TT5 11 m 8ranularity2. (ote /) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote <) PDCC0 DC5 format : %ith a tri88er for aperio#ic C65 hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H7 an# HC to allo% aperio#ic C65BP-5B&5 to be tran mitte# on uplinA ,3H< an# H8. (ote 7) &an#omi@ation of the principle beam #irection hall be u e# a pecifie# in ../.<$.7


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.8.1.3.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

arameter !" Cate8ory Test 1 < 1-8

C.7.1a Eoi#


C.7.1a.1./ Eoi# C.7./ -ultiple P-5


-inimum requirement P!,C0 1-/ 1Cell-,pecific &eference ,ymbol 2


*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in -.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.8.'.1.1-1 .: test for sin3le-layer &*DD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Propa8ation channel Preco#in8 8ranularity 1only for reportin8 an# follo%in8 P-52 Correlation an# antenna confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ Test 1 1: + "P$* + Lo% / 4 / #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J m m -< -< : -C8 P!,C0 1-/ 1 8 &.11-< 3DD for !" Cate8ory 1; &.11 3DD for !" Cate8ory /-8 ?P.1B/ 3DD



/ j0 oc

&eportin8 mo#e &eportin8 interval P-5 #elay

-ea urement channel

?C(G Pattern -a4 number of 0$&6 7 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion 9:;1;/;<= co#in8 equence (ote 1) 3or ran#om preco#er election; the preco#er hall be up#ate# in each TT5 11 m 8ranularity2. (ote /) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote <) ?neBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1B/ hall be u e#.

Table ,.8.'.1.1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

arameter !" Cate8ory Test 1 1./ 1-8



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in -.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.8.'.1.'-1 .: test for sin3le-layer &TDD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Propa8ation channel Preco#in8 8ranularity 1only for reportin8 an# follo%in8 P-52 Correlation an# antenna confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ Test 1 1: + 1 7 "P$* P&. + Lo% / 4 / #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J m m -< -< : -C8 P!,C0 1-/ 1 1: or 11 &.11-< TDD for !" Cate8ory 1 &.11 TDD for !" Cate8ory /-8 ?P.1B/ TDD


/ j0 oc

&eportin8 mo#e &eportin8 interval P-5 #elay

-ea urement channel

?C(G Pattern -a4 number of 0$&6 7 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion 9:;1;/;<= co#in8 equence $C>B($C> fee#bacA -ultiple4in8 mo#e (ote 1) 3or ran#om preco#er election; the preco#er hall be up#ate# in each available #o%nlinA tran mi ion in tance. (ote /) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote <) ?neBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1B/ hall be u e#.

Table ,.8.'.1.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

arameter !" Cate8ory Test 1 1./ 1-8


-inimum requirement P!,C0 /-/ 1Cell-,pecific &eference ,ymbol 2


*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.8.'.'.1-1 .: test for sin3le-layer &*DD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Propa8ation channel Correlation an# antenna confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ Test 1 1: + "E$* Lo% 7 4 / #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J -+ -+ < -C8


/ j0 oc

P-5 #elay m 8 &eportin8 mo#e P!,C0 /-/ &eportin8 interval m 1 -ea urement channel &.17-/ 3DD ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ 3DD ,ubban# i@e 1*2 &. < 1full i@e2 (umber of preferre# * ubban# 1,2 -a4 number of 0$&6 7 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion 9:;1;/;<= co#in8 equence (ote 1) 3or ran#om preco#er election; the preco#er hall be up#ate# in each TT5 11 m 8ranularity2 (ote /) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72

Table ,.8.'.'.1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

!" Cate8ory
Test 1 1./ 1-8



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.8.'.'.'-1 .: test for sin3le-layer &TDD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Propa8ation channel Correlation an# antenna confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ Test 1 1: + 1 7 "E$* Lo% 7 4 / #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J -+ -+ < -C8


/ j0 oc

P-5 #elay m 1: &eportin8 mo#e P!,C0 /-/ &eportin8 interval m 1 -ea urement channel &.17-/ TDD ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ 3DD ,ubban# i@e 1*2 &. < 1full i@e2 (umber of preferre# * ubban# 1,2 -a4 number of 0$&6 7 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion 9:;1;/;<= co#in8 equence $C>B($C> fee#bacA -ultiple4in8 mo#e (ote 1) 3or ran#om preco#er election; the preco#er hall be up#ate# in each available #o%nlinA tran mi ion in tance. (ote /) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72.

Table ,.8.'.'.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

!" Cate8ory
Test 1 1.1* 1-8


-inimum requirement P!,C0 1-/ 1C,5 &eference ,ymbol2


*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in -.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.8.'.3.1-1 .: test for sin3le-layer &*DD(

arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Propa8ation channel Preco#in8 8ranularity 1only for reportin8 an# follo%in8 P-52 Correlation an# antenna confi8uration Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal .eamformin8 mo#el C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, reference i8nal confi8uration Co#e.ooA,ub et&e tr iction bitmap Do%nlinA po%er allocation
/ j0 N oc

+nit -0@

Test 1 1: C "E$* + Lo% !L$ 7 4 / $ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port 1*;R;18 $nne4 ..7.< *B 1 8 :4:::: :::: :::: 3333



#. #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J m m

: : -< -< -C8 P!,C0 1-/ * 8 &.7*-1 3DD for !" Cate8ory 1; &.7* 3DD for !" Cate8ory /-8 ?P.1 3DD

&eportin8 mo#e &eportin8 interval P-5 #elay

-ea urement channel

?C(G Pattern -a4 number of 0$&6 7 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion 9:;1;/;<= co#in8 equence (ote 1) 3or ran#om preco#er election; the preco#er hall be up#ate# in each TT5 11 m 8ranularity2. (ote /) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote <) ?neBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1B/ hall be u e#. (ote 7) PD,C0 _&$T : #.; PD,C0_&.T : #. in or#er to have the ame PD,C0 an# ?C(G po%er per ubcarrier at the receiver.

Table ,.8.'.3.1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

arameter !" Cate8ory Test 1 1.< 1-8


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -." and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in -.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.8.'.3.'-1 .: test for sin3le-layer &TDD(


)ealease 11 arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Propa8ation channel Preco#in8 8ranularity 1only for reportin8 an# follo%in8 P-52 $ntenna confi8uration Correlation mo#elin8 Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal .eamformin8 mo#el C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, reference i8nal confi8uration Co#e.ooA,ub et&e tr iction bitmap

3-+nit -0@

3G Test 1 1: C 1 7 "E$*

T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(


+ 84/ 0i8h; Cro polari@e# $ntenna port :;1 $ntenna port 1*;R;// $nne4 ..7.< *B 7 7 :4:::: :::: ::13 33": :::: :::: 3333

Do%nlinA po%er allocation

/ j0 oc

#. #. #b #. #.ImGB1*A0@J m m

: : -+ -< -C8 P!,C0 1-/ * 1(ote 72 8 &.7*-1 TDD for !" Cate8ory 1; &.7* TDD for !" Cate8ory /-8 ?P.1 3DD 7 9:;1;/;<= -ultiple4in8

&eportin8 mo#e &eportin8 interval P-5 #elay

-ea urement channel

?C(G Pattern -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion &e#un#ancy ver ion co#in8 equence $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e


)ealease 11 (ote 1) (ote /)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

(ote <) (ote 7)

(ote *)

3or ran#om preco#er election; the preco#er hall be up#ate# in each TT5 11 m 8ranularity2. 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubrame ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n72; thi reporte# P-5 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. ?neBt%o i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1B/ TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1B/ hall be u e#. PDCC0 DC5 format : %ith a tri88er for aperio#ic C65 hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H7 an# HC to allo% aperio#ic C65BP-5B&5 to be tran mitte# on uplinA ,3H< an# H8. &an#omi@ation of the principle beam #irection hall be u e# a pecifie# in ../.<$.7.

Table ,.8.'.3.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

arameter !" Cate8ory Test 1 <.* 1-8

C.7.< Eoi#
C.7.<.1.1 C.7.<.1./

Eoi# Eoi#


&eportin8 of &anA 5n#icator 1&52

The purpose of this test is to 3erify that the reported ran& indicator accurately represents the channel ran&. The accuracy of +5 /':50 reportin# is determined .y the relati3e increase of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on the reported ran& compared to the case for %hich a fi!ed ran& is used for transmission. Transmission mode 4 is used %ith the specified 'ode.oo&Su.Set+estriction in section -.=.1" transmission mode - is used %ith the specified 'ode.oo&Su.Set+estriction in section -.=.2 and transmission mode 3 is used %ith the specified 'ode.oo&Su.Set+estriction in section -.=.3" and transmission mode 1> is used %ith the specified 'ode.oo&Su.Set+estriction in section -.=.=. *or fi!ed ran& 1 transmission in sections -.=.1" -.=.2 and -.=.=" the +5 and ;85 reportin# is restricted to t%o sin#le2 layer precoders" *or fi!ed ran& 2 transmission in sections -.=.1" -.=.2 and -.=.=" the +5 and ;85 reportin# is restricted to one t%o2layer precoder" *or follo% +5 transmission in sections -.=.1" -.=.2" the +5 and ;85 reportin# is restricted to select the union of these precoders. 'hannels %ith lo% and hi#h correlation are used to ensure that +5 reportin# reflects the channel condition. *or fi!ed ran& 1 transmission in section -.=.3" the +5 reportin# is restricted to sin#le2layer" for fi!ed ran& 2 transmission in section -.=.3" the +5 reportin# is restricted to t%o2layers. *or follo% +5 transmission in section -.=.3" the +5 reportin# is either one or t%o layers.

C.*.1 -inimum requirement 1Cell-,pecific &eference ,ymbol 2

C.*.1.1 3DD

The minimum performance requirement in Ta.le -.=.1.122 is defined as


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

a0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 1 shall .e T 1S .0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 2 shall .e T 2S

T$S selection is .ased on the UE %ide.and ':5 feed.ac&. The transport .loc& si1e T$S for %ide.and ':5 is selected accordin# to Ta.le .423a. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.=.1.121" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.=.1.122. Table ,.-.1.1-1 ): Test &*DD(
arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. Test 1 Test ' 1: 7 -< -< : / 4 / "P$* ::::11 for fi4e# &5 T 1 :1:::: for fi4e# &5 T / :1::11 for !" reporte# &5 Lo% Lo% 0i8h 3i4e# &5T/ an# 3i4e# &5T1 3i4e# &5T1 follo% &5 an# follo% &5 an# follo% &5 : /: /: -C8 -C8 -C8 -F8 -C8 -F8 Test 3


Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap $ntenna correlation &5 confi8uration ,(&

#. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J

4 I

/ j0 oc

/ j0 or

-a4imum number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion &eportin8 mo#e P!CC0 1-1 1(ote 72 Phy ical channel for C65BP-5 P!CC0 3ormat / reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for / C65BP-5 Phy ical channel for &5 P!,C0 1(ote <2 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for &5 < &eportin8 perio#icity m Np#T * P-5 an# C65 #elay m 8 cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% + ri-Config$rationInd 1 1(ote *2 (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 an# C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 an# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-1 %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1. (ote <) To avoi# colli ion bet%een &5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H7 an# HC to allo% perio#ic &5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H8 an# H<. (ote 7) The bit fiel# for preco#in8 information in DC5 format / hall be mappe# a ) X 3or reporte# &5 T 1 an# P-5 T : YY preco#in8 information bit fiel# in#e4 T 1 X 3or reporte# &5 T 1 an# P-5 T 1 YY preco#in8 information bit fiel# in#e4 T / X 3or reporte# &5 T / an# P-5 T : YY preco#in8 information bit fiel# in#e4 T : (ote *) To avoi# the ambi8uity of T" behaviour %hen applyin8 C65 an# P-5 #urin8 ranA %itchin8; &5 report are to be applie# at the T" %ith one ubframe #elay in a##ition to (ote 1 to ali8n %ith C65 an# P-5 report .


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.-.1.1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

1 / !" Cate8ory
Test 1 (B$ 1 /-8 Test ' 1.:* (B$ /-8 Test 3 :.C (B$ /-8



The minimum performance requirement in Ta.le -.=.1.222 is defined as The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 1 shall .e T 1S .0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 2 shall .e T 2S T$S selection is .ased on the UE %ide.and ':5 feed.ac&. The transport .loc& si1e T$S for %ide.and ':5 is selected accordin# to Ta.le .423a. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.=.1.221" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.=.1.222. Table ,.-.1.'-1 ): Test &TDD(
arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. Test 1 Test ' 1: 7 -< -< : / 7 / 4 / "P$* ::::11 for fi4e# &5 T 1 :1:::: for fi4e# &5 T / :1::11 for !" reporte# &5 Lo% Lo% 0i8h 3i4e# &5T/ an# 3i4e# &5T1 3i4e# &5T1 follo% &5 an# follo% &5 an# follo% &5 : /: /: -C8 -C8 -C8 -F8 -C8 -F8 Test 3


!plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap $ntenna correlation &5 confi8uration ,(&
/ j0 N oc

#. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J

4/ j 0 I or

-a4imum number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion &eportin8 mo#e P!,C0 <-1 1(ote <2 &eportin8 interval m * P-5 an# C65 #elay m 1: or 11 $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e .un#lin8 (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 an# C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 an# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-/ %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1. (ote <) &eporte# %i#eban# C65 an# P-5 are u e# an# ub-ban# C65 i #i car#e#.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.-.1.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

1 / !" Cate8ory
Test 1 (B$ 1 /-8 Test ' 1.:* (B$ /-8 Test 3 :.C (B$ /-8

C.*./ -inimum requirement 1C,5 &eference ,ymbol 2

C.*./.1 3DD

The minimum performance requirement in Ta.le -.=.2.122 is defined as a0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 1 shall .e T 1S .0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 2 shall .e T 2S T$S selection is .ased on the UE %ide.and ':5 feed.ac&. The transport .loc& si1e T$S for %ide.and ':5 is selected accordin# to Ta.le .423e or Ta.le .423f. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.=.2.121" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.=.2.122.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.-.'.1-1 ): Test &*DD(

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. #. Test 1 Test ' 1: C : : : : / 4 / "P$* $ $ntenna port : pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< $ntenna port 1*; 1+ *B1 + ::::11 for fi4e# &5 T 1 :1:::: for fi4e# &5 T / :1::11 for !" reporte# &5 Lo% Lo% 0i8h 3i4e# &5T/ an# 3i4e# &5T1 3i4e# &5T1 follo% &5 an# follo% &5 an# follo% &5 : /: /: -C8 -C8 -C8 -F8 -C8 -F8 Test 3


Pc Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration Cell- pecific reference i8nal .eamformin8 -o#el C,5 reference i8nal C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5 reference i8nal confi8uration Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap $ntenna correlation &5 confi8uration ,(&

#. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J

/ j0 oc

4/ j 0 I or

-a4imum number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion &eportin8 mo#e P!CC0 1-1 Phy ical channel for C65BP-5 P!,C0 1(ote <2 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for / C65BP-5 Phy ical channel for &5 P!CC0 3ormat / reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for &5 < &eportin8 perio#icity m Np# T * P-5 an# C65 #elay m 8 cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% + ri-Config$rationInd 1 1(ote 72 (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 an# C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 an# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-1b %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1. (ote <) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65B P-5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1 an# H+ to allo% perio#ic C65B P-5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ,3H: an# H*. (ote 7) To avoi# the ambi8uity of T" behaviour %hen applyin8 C65 an# P-5 #urin8 ranA %itchin8; &5 report are to be applie# at the T" %ith one ubframe #elay in a##ition to (ote 1 to ali8n %ith C65 an# P-5 report .

Table ,.-.'.1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

1 / !" Cate8ory
Test 1 (B$ 1 /-8 Test ' 1.:* (B$ /-8 Test 3 :.C (B$ /-8


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(



The minimum performance requirement in Ta.le -.=.2.222 is defined as a0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 1 shall .e T 1S .0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 2 shall .e T 2S

T$S selection is .ased on the UE %ide.and ':5 feed.ac&. The transport .loc& si1e T$S for %ide.and ':5 is selected accordin# to Ta.le .423e or Ta.le .423f. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.=.2.221" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.=.2.222.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.-.'.'-1 ): Test &TDD(

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ #. #. #. #. Test 1 Test ' 1: C : : : : 1 7 / 4 / "P$* $ntenna port : $ntenna port 1*; 1+ pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< 7 *B7 ::::11 for fi4e# &5 T 1 :1:::: for fi4e# &5 T / :1::11 for !" reporte# &5 Lo% Lo% 0i8h 3i4e# &5T/ an# 3i4e# &5T1 3i4e# &5T1 follo% &5 an# follo% &5 an# follo% &5 : /: /: -C8 -C8 -C8 -F8 -C8 -F8 Test 3


Pc !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5 reference i8nal .eamformin8 -o#el C,5 reference i8nal confi8uration C,5-&, perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap $ntenna correlation &5 confi8uration ,(&

#. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J

N 4/ j 0 I or

/ j0 oc

-a4imum number of 0$&6 1 tran mi ion &eportin8 mo#e P!CC0 1-1 Phy ical channel for C65B P-5 P!,C0 1(ote <2 reportin8 P!CC0 report type for C65B / P-5 Phy ical channel for &5 P!CC0 3ormat / reportin8 &eportin8 perio#icity m Np# T * P-5 an# C65 #elay m 1: $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e .un#lin8 cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% 7 ri-Config$rationInd 1 (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on P-5 an# C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# P-5 an# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote /) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-/b %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1. (ote <) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65BP-5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H7 an# HC to allo% perio#ic C65BP-5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ,3H< an# H8.

Table ,.-.'.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

1 / !" Cate8ory
Test 1 (B$ 1 /-8 Test ' 1.:* (B$ /-8 Test 3 :.C (B$ /-8


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

C.*.< -inimum requirement 1C,5 mea urement in ca e t%o C,5 ubframe et are confi8ure#2
C.*.<.1 3DD

The minimum performance requirement in Ta.le -.=.3.122 is defined as a0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 1 shall .e 1 T$S selection is .ased on the UE %ide.and ':5 feed.ac&. The transport .loc& si1e T$S for %ide.and is selected accordin# to Ta.le .423a. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.=.3.121" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.=.3.122.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.-.3.1-1 ): Test &*DD(


)ealease 11

3"Test 1 Cell 1 1: < #. #. #. -< -< : / 4 / "P$* :1 for fi4e# &5 T 1 1: for fi4e# &5 T / 11 for !" reporte# &5 Lo% 3i4e# &5T1 an# follo% &5 #.
1 .2 N oc 1


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Test '

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation

+nit -0@

Cell ' (ote 1:

Cell 1 1: < -< -< : / 4 / "P$* :1 for fi4e# &5 T1 1: for fi4e# &5 T/ 11 for !" reporte# &5 Lo%

Cell ' (ote 1:


Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration

Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap



$ntenna correlation &5 confi8uration

(B$ -1/ (B$ (B$ (B$ -11:

E s N oc 2
1 .2 N oc 2 1 .2 N oc 3

3i4e# &5T1 an# follo% &5 /: -1:/ 1(ote <2 -C8 1(ote 72 -C7.8 1(ote *2 -F8 (on--.,3(

(B$ + (B$ (B$ (B$ -C/ (on--.,3(

: -C8 1(ote <2 -C8 1(ote 72 -C8 1(ote *2 -C8

/ j0 N oc

#.mGB1*A0 @ #.ImGB1*A 0@J

4/ j 0 I or
,ubframe Confi8uration Cell 5# Time ?ff et bet%een Cell $., Pattern 1(ote +2

&L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote F2

CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote 82 CC,5;1 (umber of control ?3D,ymbol -a4imum number of 0$&6 tran mi ion &eportin8 mo#e Phy ical channel for C65 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for C65 Phy ical channel for &5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for &5

(on(on--.,3( -.,3( : 1 /.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 1::::::: 1::::::: (B$ 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: (B$ 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: (B$ :1111111 :1111111 :1111111 :1111111 :1111111 < 1 P!CC0 1-: P!CC0 3ormat / 7 P!CC0 3ormat / < <

: 1 /.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 1::::::: 1::::::: (B$ 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: (B$ 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: (B$ :1111111 :1111111 :1111111 :1111111 :1111111 < 1 P!CC0 1-: P!CC0 3ormat / 7 P!CC0 3ormat / < <


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

&eportin8 perio#icity m NpdT 1: Np#T 1: cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% 11 11 ri-Config$rationInd * * cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde%& 1: 1: ri-Config$rationInd& / / Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ormal (ormal (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote /) &eference mea urement channel in Cell 1 accor#in8 to Table $.7-1 %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote 7) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote *) Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote +) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. (ote F) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ. (ote 8) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. (ote C) Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell 1 an# Cell / i the ame. (ote 1:) Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern a #efine# in $nne4 $.*.1.*.

Table ,.-.3.1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

1 !" Cate8ory
Test 1 :.C /-8 Test ' 1.:* /-8



The minimum performance requirement in Ta.le -.=.3.222 is defined as a0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 1 shall .e 1.

T$S selection is .ased on the UE %ide.and ':5 feed.ac&. The transport .loc& si1e T$S for %ide.and is selected accordin# to Ta.le .423a. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.=.3.221" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.=.3.222.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.-.3.'-1 ): Test &TDD(


)ealease 11

3"8 Test1 Cell 1 1: < I7J #. #. #. I-<J I-<J : I/ 4 / "P$*J :1 for fi4e# &5 T 1 1: for fi4e# &5 T / 11 for !" reporte# &5 Lo% 3i4e# &5T1 an# follo% &5 #.
1 .2 N oc 1
/ j0 N oc


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Test'

arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation

+nit -0@

Cell ' (ote 11

Cell 1 1: < 1 7 -< -< : / 4 / "P$* :1 for fi4e# &5 T1 1: for fi4e# &5 T/ 11 for !" reporte# &5 Lo%

Cell ' (ote 11


Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration

Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap



$ntenna correlation &5 confi8uration

(B$ -1/ (B$ (B$ (B$ -11:

E s N oc 2

3i4e# &5T1 an# follo% &5 /: -1:/ 1(ote 72 -C8 1(ote *2 -C7.8 1(ote +2 -F8 (on--.,3( :

(B$ + (B$ (B$ (B$ -C/ (on--.,3( 1

: -C8 1(ote 72 -C8 1(ote *2 -C8 1(ote +2 -C8

1 .2 N oc 2 1 .2 N oc 3

#.ImGB1*A 0@J #.ImGB1*A 0@J

4/ j 0 I or
,ubframe Confi8uration Cell 5# Time ?ff et bet%een Cell $., Pattern 1(ote F2

&L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote 82

CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote C2 CC,5;1 (umber of control ?3D,ymbol -a4imum number of 0$&6 tran mi ion &eportin8 mo#e Phy ical channel for CC,5;: C65 an# &5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for C65 Phy ical channel for CC,5;1 C65 an# &5 reportin8

(on(on-.,3( -.,3( : 1 /.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 ::::::: ::1 (B$ ::::::: ::1 :::::::: :1 (B$ :::::::: :1 :::::::: :1 (B$ :::::::: :1 11::111: :: 11::111: :: < 1 P!CC0 1-: P!CC0 3ormat / 7 P!,C0 1(ote <2 <

/.* 1 ynchronou cell 2 (B$ :::::::::1 :::::::::1

:::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1


(B$ 11::111::: 11::111::: < 1 P!CC0 1-: P!CC0 3ormat / 7 P!,C0 1(ote <2 <


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

P!CC0 &eport Type for &5 < < &eportin8 perio#icity m Np#T 1: Np#T 1: $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 -ultiple4in8 cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% 8 8 ri-Config$rationInd * * cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde%& C C ri-Config$rationInd& : : Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ormal (ormal (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote /) &eference mea urement channel in Cell 1 accor#in8 to Table $.7-/ %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1. (ote <) To avoi# colli ion bet%een &5BC65 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report them on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H7 an# HC to allo% perio#ic &5BC65 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H8 an# H<. (ote 7) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $., (ote *) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote +) Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote F) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. (ote 8) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ. (ote C) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. (ote 1:) Cell 1 i the ervin8 cell. Cell / i the a88re or cell. The number of the C&, port in Cell 1 an# Cell / i the ame. (ote 11) Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern a #efine# in $nne4 $.*./.*.

Table ,.-.3.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

1 !" Cate8ory
Test 1 :.C /-8 Test ' 1.:* /-8

C.*.7 -inimum requirement 1C,5 mea urement in ca e t%o C,5 ubframe et are confi8ure# an# C&, a i tance information are confi8ure#2
C.*.7.1 3DD

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.=.4.121" the minimum performance requirement in Ta.le -.=.4.122 is defined as a0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 1 shall .e 1S .0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 2 shall .e T 2S T$S selection is .ased on the UE %ide.and ':5 feed.ac&. The transport .loc& si1e T$S for %ide.and is selected accordin# to Ta.le .423a. 5n Ta.le -.=.4.121" 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 are the a##resso cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely. The '+S assistance information [@] includin# 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is pro3ided.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.-.8.1-1: ): Test &*DD(


)ealease 11 arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e +nit -0@

3%1 Cell 1 1: < -< -< : /Z/ "P$* 1(ote /2 :1 for fi4e# &5 T 1 1: for fi4e# &5 T / 11 for !" reporte# &5 #.ImGB1*A 0@J #.ImGB1*A 0@J #.ImGB1*A 0@J #. #.ImGB1*A 0@J -C8 1(ote <2 -C8 1(ote 72 -C< 1(ote *2 &eference Ealue in Table C.*.7.1-/ for each te t &eference Ealue in Table C.*.7.1-/ for each te t (on--.,3( 0@ (B$ (B$ :


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Cell 3 1: $ #efine# in (ote 1 -< -< (B$ /Z/ "P$* 1(ote /2 $ #efine# in (ote 1 (B$ (B$ (B$ 1: -88 (on--.,3( -1 -1:: 1 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: (B$

Cell ' 1: $ #efine# in (ote 1 -< -< (B$ /Z/ "P$* 1(ote /2 $ #efine# in (ote 1 (B$ (B$ (B$ 1/ -8+ (on--.,3( < <:: 1/+ 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: (B$

Do%nlinA po%er allocation

#. #. #.

Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap

N oc1 N oc at antenna port N oc 2

N oc 3
E s N oc 2
4/ j 0 I or
,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5#

$., pattern 1(ote +2

(B$ 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: 1::::::: :1111111 :1111111 :1111111 :1111111 :1111111 < 1 P!CC0 1-: P!CC0 format / 7 P!CC0 3ormat / < NpdT 1: 11 *

&L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote F2

CC,5;: C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote 82 CC,5;1 (umber of control ?3Dymbol -a4imum number of 0$&6 tran mi ion &eportin8 mo#e Phy ical channel for C65 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for C65 Phy ical channel for &5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for &5 &eportin8 perio#icity cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% ri-Config$rationInd





(ote C (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$

(ote C (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde%& 1: (B$ (B$ ri-Config$rationInd& / (B$ (B$ Cyclic prefi4 (ormal (ormal (ormal (ote 1) Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern ?P.* 3DD a #efine# in $nne4 $.*.1.*. (ote /) The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. (ote <) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote 7) Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. (ote *) Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., (ote +) $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. (ote F) Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ (ote 8) $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. (ote C) The number of control ?3D- ymbol i not available for $., an# i < for the ubframe in#icate# by K:L of $., pattern. (ote 1:) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. (ote 11) &eference mea urement channel in Cell 1 accor#in8 to Table $.7-1 %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1. (ote 1/) The number of the C&, port in Cell1; Cell/ an# Cell < i the ame. (ote 1<) ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ an# Cell < in thi te t.

Table ,.-.8.1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

E s N oc 2 for Cell 1 1#.2

Test 1 7 -C7 Lo% for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < (B$ 1 /-8

Test ' /: -F8 Lo% for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < 1.:* (B$ /-8

Test 3 /: -F8 0i8h for Cell 1; lo% for Cell / an# Cell < :.C (B$ /-8

4 / j 0 for Cell 1 1#.ImGB1*A0@J2 I or

$ntenna correlation

1 / !" Cate8ory



*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.=.4.221" the minimum performance requirement in Ta.le -.=.4.222 is defined as a0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 1 shall .e 1S .0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 2 shall .e T 2S T$S selection is .ased on the UE %ide.and ':5 feed.ac&. The transport .loc& si1e T$S for %ide.and is selected accordin# to Ta.le .423a. 5n Ta.le -.=.4.221" 'ell 1 is the ser3in# cell" and 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 are the a##resso cells. The do%nlin& physical channel setup for 'ell 1 is accordin# to nne! '.3.2 and for 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is accordin# to nne! '.3.3" respecti3ely. The '+S assistance information [@] includin# 'ell 2 and 'ell 3 is pro3ided.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.-.8.'-1: ): Test &TDD(


)ealease 11 arameter .an#%i#th PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration +nit -0@

3%8 Cell 1 1: < 1 7 #. #. #. -< -< : /Z/ "P$* 1(ote /2 :1 for fi4e# &5 T 1 1: for fi4e# &5 T / 11 for !" reporte# &5 #.ImGB1*A 0@J #.ImGB1*A 0@J #.ImGB1*A 0@J #. #.ImGB1*A 0@J -C8 1(ote <2 -C8 1(ote 72 -C< 1(ote *2 &eference Ealue in Table C.*.7./-/ for each te t &eference Ealue in Table C.*.7./-/ for each te t (on--.,3( 0@ (B$ (B$ : (B$ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 11::111::: 11::111::: < 1 P!CC0 1-: P!CC0 format / P!,C0 1(ote 172 7 < NpdT 1: -ultiple4in8 8 * C : (ormal


T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( Cell 3 1: $ #efine# in (ote 1 1 7 -< -< (B$ /Z/ "P$* 1(ote /2 $ #efine# in (ote 1 (B$ (B$ (B$ 1: -88 (on--.,3( -1 -1:: 1 :::::::::1 :::::::::1 (B$ (B$ (B$ (ote C (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (ormal

Cell ' 1: $ #efine# in (ote 1 1 7 -< -< (B$ /Z/ "P$* 1(ote /2 $ #efine# in (ote 1 (B$ (B$ (B$ 1/ -8+ (on--.,3( < <:: 1/+ :::::::::1 :::::::::1 (B$ (B$ (B$ (ote C (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (ormal

Do%nlinA po%er allocation

Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration Co#e.ooA,ub et&e triction bitmap

N oc1 N oc at antenna port N oc 2

N oc 3
E s N oc 2
4/ j 0 I or
,ubframe Confi8uration Time ?ff et bet%een Cell 3requency hift bet%een Cell Cell 5# $., pattern 1(ote +2 &L-B&&- -ea urement ,ubframe Pattern 1(ote F2 C,5 ,ubframe ,et 1(ote 82 CC,5;: CC,5;1

(umber of control ?3Dymbol -a4imum number of 0$&6 tran mi ion &eportin8 mo#e Phy ical channel for CC,5;: C65 an# &5 reportin8 Phy ical channel for CC,5;1 C65 an# &5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for C65 P!CC0 &eport Type for &5 &eportin8 perio#icity $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% ri-Config$rationInd cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde%& ri-Config$rationInd& Cyclic prefi4


)ealease 11 (ote 1) (ote /) (ote <) (ote 7) (ote *) (ote +)



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

(ote F) (ote 8) (ote C) (ote 1:) (ote 11) (ote 1/) (ote 1<) (ote 17)

Do%nlinA phy ical channel etup in Cell / in accor#ance %ith $nne4 C.<.< applyin8 ?C(G pattern ?P.* TDD a #efine# in $nne4 $.*./.*. The propa8ation con#ition for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < are tati tically in#epen#ent. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H1; H/; H<; H*; H+; H8; HC; H1:;H1/; H1< of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in ?3D- ymbol H:; H7; HF; H11 of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith the a88re or $.,. Thi noi e i applie# in all ?3D- ymbol of a ubframe overlappin8 %ith a88re or non-$., $., pattern a #efine# in ICJ. PD,C0 other than ,5.1Bpa8in8 an# it a ociate# PDCC0BPC35C0 are tran mitte# in the ervin8 cell ubframe %hen the ubframe i overlappe# %ith the $., ubframe of a88re or cell an# the ubframe i available in the #efinition of the reference channel. Time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for PCell mea urement a #efine# in IFJ $ confi8ure# accor#in8 to the time-#omain mea urement re ource re triction pattern for C,5 mea urement #efine# in IFJ. The number of control ?3D- ymbol i not available for $., an# i < for the ubframe in#icate# by K:L of $., pattern. 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ubframe not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72. &eference mea urement channel in Cell 1 accor#in8 to Table $.7-/ %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1. The number of the C&, port in Cell1; Cell/ an# Cell < i the ame. ,5.-1 %ill not be tran mitte# in Cell/ an# Cell < in thi te t. To avoi# colli ion bet%een &5BC65 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report them on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H7 an# HC to allo% perio#ic &5BC65 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6-$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ubframe ,3H8 an# H<.

Table ,.-.8.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD( E s N oc 2 for Cell 1 1#.2

Test 1 7 -C7 Lo% for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < (B$ 1 /-8 Test ' /: -F8 Lo% for Cell 1; Cell / an# Cell < 1.:* (B$ /-8 Test 3 /: -F8 0i8h for Cell 1; lo% for Cell / an# Cell < :.C (B$ /-8

4/ j 0 for Cell 1 1#.ImGB1*A0@J2 I or

$ntenna correlation

1 / !" Cate8ory

C.*.* -inimum requirement 1%ith C,5 proce

Each 'S5 process is associated %ith a 'S52+S resource and a 'S5258 resource as sho%n in Ta.le -. =.=21. *or UE supports one 'S5 process" 'S5 process > is confi#ured and the correspondin# requirements shall .e fulfilled. *or UE supports multiple 'S5 processes" 'S5 processes > and 1 are confi#ured for Test 2 and the correspondin# requirements shall .e fulfilled. Table ,.-.--1 Confiu3ration of C!: processes
C,5-&, re ource C,5-5- re ource C!: process # C,5-&, i8nal : C,5-5- re ource : C!: process 1 C,5-&, i8nal 1 C,5-5- re ource 1



The minimum performance requirement in Ta.le -.=.=.122 is defined as a0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 1 shall .e T 1S


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

.0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 2 shall .e T 2S [c0 *or Test 2" the +5 reported for 'S5 process 1 shall .e the same as the most recent +5 reported for 'S5 process > if UE is confi#ured %ith multiple 'S5 processes.] T$S selection is .ased on the UE %ide.and ':5 feed.ac&. The transport .loc& si1e T$S for %ide.and ':5 is selected accordin# to T$9. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.=.=.121" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.=.=.122. Table ,.-.-.1-1 ): Test &*DD(
arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation ,(& +nit -0@ 1: #. #. #. #. #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J : : : -C8 -C8 "P$ * Lo% "P$ * Lo% /4/ /4/ $ pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< : : $ntenna port : $ntenna port (B$ 1*;1+ *B1 : (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ 1B :::1::::::: ::::: *B1 / (B$ (B$ 3i4e# &5T/ an# follo% &5 P!,C0 1(ote +2 / P!CC0 3ormat / < (B$ (B$ $ntenna port 1*;1+ *B1 < 1B 1:::::::::: ::::: (B$ (B$ (B$ *B1 + (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ : -C8 /: -F8 -C8 "P$ * Lo% "P$ * 0i8h /4/ /4/ $ pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< : : $ntenna port : $ntenna port (B$ 1*;1+ *B1 : (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ 1B :::1::::::: ::::: *B1 / (B$ (B$ 3i4e# &5T1 an# follo% &5 P!,C0 1(ote +2 / P!CC0 3ormat / < (B$ (B$ $ntenna port 1*;1+ *B1 < 1B 1:::::::::: ::::: (B$ (B$ (B$ *B1 + (B$ P!,C0 1(ote +2 / P!CC0 3ormat / < : : : : : /: -F8 Test 1 T 1 1: -0@ 1: 1: : : : T ' T 1 1: -0@ 1: Test ' T '


4/ j 0 I or

/ j0 oc

Propa8ation channel $ntenna confi8uration .eamformin8 -o#el Timin8 off et bet%een TP 3requency off et bet%een TP Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5-&, i8nal : C,5-&, : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, : confi8uration C,5-&, i8nal 1 C,5-&, 1 perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, 1 confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5-&, : confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap Sero-po%er C,5-&, 1 confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap C,5-5- : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-5- : confi8uration C,5-5- 1 perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-5- 1 confi8uration &5 confi8uration Phy ical channel for C65BP-5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for C65BP-5 Phy ical channel for &5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for &5

u 0@


)ealease 11 C,5-&, C,5-5&eportin8 mo#e &eportin8 C,5 proce : perio#icity 1(ote F2 C65 #elay cqi-p"iConfig$rationInde% ri-ConfigInde% C,5-&, C,5-5&eportin8 mo#e &eportin8 C,5 proce 1 perio#icity 1(ote F2 C65 #elay cqi-p"iConfig$rationInde% ri-ConfigInde% C,5 proce for PD,C0 che#ulin8 Cell 5D 6ua i-co-locate# C,5-&,

3%% C,5-&, : C,5-5- : P!CC0 1-1 m m Np# T * I8J I+J I1J (B$ (B$ (B$ m m (B$ (B$ (B$

3G (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$

T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( C,5-&, : C,5-5- : P!CC0 1-1 Np# T * I1:J I+J I1J (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ C,5-&, 1 C,5-5- 1 P!CC0 1-1 Np# T * I1:J I7J

(B$ (B$ (B$ I1J C,5 proce : C,5 proce : : + : + C,5-&, : C,5-&, 1 C,5-&, : C,5-&, 1 ,ame Cell 5D ,ame Cell 5D ,ame Cell 5D ,ame Cell 5D 6ua i-co-locate# C&, a Cell 1 a Cell / a Cell 1 a Cell / :1:::: for ::::11 for fi4e# &5 T / fi4e# &5 T 1 P-5 for ubframe /; <; 7; F; 8 an# C 1::::: (B$ :1::11 for !" :1::11 for !" reporte# &5 reporte# &5 P-5 for ubframe 1 an# + 1::::: 1::::: 1::::: (B$ -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion 1 (B$ 1 (B$ (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 (ote /) < ymbol allocate# to PDCC0 (ote <) PD,C0 tran mi ion i che#ule# on ubframe /; <; 7; F; 8 an# C from TP1. (ote 7) T-1: ?C(G i tran mitte# on ubframe 1 an# + from TP1. (ote *) T-1: ?C(G i tran mitte# on ubframe 1; /; <; 7; +; F; 8 an# C from TP/ for Te t 1D TP/ i blanAe# for Te t /. (ote +) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65BP-5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1 an# H+ to allo% perio#ic C65BP-5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ,3H: an# H*. (ote F) 5f !" upport multiple C,5 proce e ; C,5 proce : i confi8ure# a O&5-reference C,5 proce P for C,5 proce 1. (ote 8) PDCC0 DC5 format : %ith a tri88er for aperio#ic C65 hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1 an# H+ to allo% aperio#ic C65BP-5B&5 to be tran mitte# in uplinA ,3H: an# H*.

Table ,.-.-.1-' .inimum requirement &*DD(

1 / !" Cate8ory
Test 1 (B$ I1.:J /-8 Test ' I1.:J (B$ /-8



The minimum performance requirement in Ta.le -.=.=.222 is defined as a0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 1 shall .e T 1S .0 The ratio of the throu#hput o.tained %hen transmittin# .ased on UE reported +5 and that o.tained %hen transmittin# %ith fi!ed ran& 2 shall .e T 2S [c0 *or Test 2" the +5 reported for 'S5 process 1 shall .e the same as the most recent +5 reported for 'S5 process > if UE is confi#ured %ith multiple 'S5 processes.] T$S selection is .ased on the UE %ide.and ':5 feed.ac&. The transport .loc& si1e T$S for %ide.and ':5 is selected accordin# to Ta.le .423e" Ta.le .423i21" or Ta.le .423i22" dependin# on the num.er of confi#ured 'S5 processT$9.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

*or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.=.=.221" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in nne! '.3.2" the minimum requirements are specified in Ta.le -.=.=.222. Table ,.-.-.'-1 ): Test &TDD(
arameter .an#%i#th Tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit -0@ 1: #. #. #. #. / 7 : -C8 -C8 "P$ * Lo% "P$ * Lo% /4/ /4/ $ pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< : : $ntenna port : $ntenna port (B$ 1*;1+ *B< : (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ <B :::1::::::: ::::: *B< / (B$ (B$ 3i4e# &5T/ an# follo% &5 P!,C0 1(ote +2 / P!CC0 3ormat / < (B$ (B$ $ntenna port 1*;1+ *B< < <B 1:::::::::: ::::: (B$ (B$ (B$ *B< + (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ : : / 7 : -C8 / 7 /: -F8 -C8 "P$ * Lo% "P$ * 0i8h /4/ /4/ $ pecifie# in ,ection ..7.< : : $ntenna port : $ntenna port (B$ 1*;1+ *B< : (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ <B :::1::::::: ::::: *B< / (B$ (B$ 3i4e# &5T1 an# follo% &5 P!,C0 1(ote +2 / P!CC0 3ormat / < (B$ (B$ $ntenna port 1*;1+ *B< < <B 1:::::::::: ::::: (B$ (B$ (B$ *B< + (B$ P!,C0 1(ote +2 / P!CC0 3ormat / < : : : : : / 7 /: -F8 Test 1 T 1 1: -0@ 1: 1: : : : T ' T 1 1: -0@ 1: Test ' T '


!plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration ,(&

#. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J

4/ j 0 I or

/ j0 oc

Propa8ation channel $ntenna confi8uration .eamformin8 -o#el Timin8 off et bet%een TP 3requency off et bet%een TP Cell- pecific reference i8nal C,5-&, i8nal : C,5-&, : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, : confi8uration C,5-&, i8nal 1 C,5-&, 1 perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-&, 1 confi8uration Sero-po%er C,5-&, : confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap Sero-po%er C,5-&, 1 confi8uration IC,5-&, B ZeroPowerCSI-RS bitmap C,5-5- : perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-5- : confi8uration C,5-5- 1 perio#icity an# ubframe off et TC,5-&, B C,5-&, C,5-5- 1 confi8uration &5 confi8uration Phy ical channel for C65BP-5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for C65BP-5 Phy ical channel for &5 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type for &5

u 0@


)ealease 11 C,5-&, C,5-5&eportin8 mo#e &eportin8 C,5 proce : perio#icity 1(ote F2 C65 #elay cqi-p"iConfig$rationInde% ri-ConfigInde% C,5-&, C,5-5&eportin8 mo#e &eportin8 C,5 proce 1 perio#icity 1(ote F2 C65 #elay cqi-p"iConfig$rationInde% ri-ConfigInde% C,5 proce for PD,C0 che#ulin8 Cell 5D 6ua i-co-locate# C,5-&,

3%, C,5-&, : C,5-5- : P!CC0 1-1 m m INp# T 1:J I1:J I1:J I1J (B$ (B$ (B$ m m (B$ (B$ (B$

3G (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$

T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'( C,5-&, : C,5-5- : P!CC0 1-1 INp# T 1:J I1:J I1:J I1J (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ (B$ C,5-&, 1 C,5-5- 1 P!CC0 1-1 INp# T 1:J I1:J I1*J

(B$ (B$ (B$ I1J C,5 proce : C,5 proce : : + : + C,5-&, : C,5-&, 1 C,5-&, : C,5-&, 1 ,ame Cell 5D ,ame Cell 5D ,ame Cell 5D ,ame Cell 5D 6ua i-co-locate# C&, a Cell 1 a Cell / a Cell 1 a Cell / :1:::: for ::::11 for fi4e# &5 T / fi4e# &5 T 1 P-5 for ubframe <; 7; 8 an# C 1::::: (B$ :1::11 for !" :1::11 for !" reporte# &5 reporte# &5 P-5 for ubframe 1 an# + 1::::: 1::::: 1::::: (B$ -a4 number of 0$&6 tran mi ion 1 (B$ 1 (B$ $C>B($C> fee#bacA mo#e -ultiple4in8 (B$ -ultiple4in8 (B$ (ote 1) 5f the !" report in an available uplinA reportin8 in tance at ubframe ,3Hn ba e# on C65 e timation at a #o%nlinA ,3 not later than ,3H1n-72; thi reporte# %i#eban# C65 cannot be applie# at the e(. #o%nlinA before ,3H1nN72 (ote /) < ymbol allocate# to PDCC0 (ote <) PD,C0 tran mi ion i che#ule# on ubframe <; 7; 8 an# C from TP1. (ote 7) T-1: ?C(G i tran mitte# on ubframe 1 an# + from TP1. (ote *) T-1: ?C(G i tran mitte# on ubframe 1; <; 7; +; 8 an# C from TP/ for Te t 1D TP/ i blanAe# for Te t /. (ote +) To avoi# colli ion bet%een C65BP-5 report an# 0$&6-$C> it i nece ary to report both on P!,C0 in tea# of P!CC0. PDCC0 DC5 format : hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1 an# H+ to allo% perio#ic C65BP-5 to multiple4 %ith the 0$&6$C> on P!,C0 in uplinA ,3H: an# H*. (ote F) 5f !" upport multiple C,5 proce e ; C,5 proce : i confi8ure# a O&5-reference C,5 proce P for C,5 proce 1. (ote 8) PDCC0 DC5 format : %ith a tri88er for aperio#ic C65 hall be tran mitte# in #o%nlinA ,3H1 an# H+ to allo% aperio#ic C65BP-5B&5 to be tran mitte# in uplinA ,3H: an# H*.

Table ,.-.-.'-' .inimum requirement &TDD(

1 / !" Cate8ory
Test 1 (B$ T.D /-8 Test ' T.D (B$ /-8


$##itional requirement for carrier a88re8ation

This clause includes requirements for the reportin# of channel state information /'S50 %ith the UE confi#ured for carrier a##re#ation. The purpose is to 3erify that the channel state for each cell is correctly reported %ith multiple cells confi#ured for periodic reportin#.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

C.+.1 Perio#ic reportin8 on multiple cell 1Cell-,pecific &eference ,ymbol 2

C.+.1.1 3DD

The follo%in# requirements apply to UE 'ate#ory 32,. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.6.1.121 and Ta.le -.6.1.122" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in ta.les '.3.221 and '.3.222 on each cell" the difference .et%een the %ide.and ':5 indices of ;cell and Scell reported accordin# to Ta.le .423 shall .e such that %ide.and ':5;cell N %ide.and ':5Scell T 2 for more than ->K of the time. Table ,.".1.1-1: arameters for +CC< 1-# static test on multiple cells &*DD(
arameter PD,C0 tran mi ion mo#e Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit #. #. cell 1 : : $GG( 11 4 /2 #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J 1: -88 -C8 P!CC0 m 7 -C7 -C8 !cell


Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration ,(&

4 I

/ j0 or

/ j0 N oc

P!CC0 3ormat / Np# T 1: 1+ I hift of * m relative cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% 11 to PcellJ (ote 1) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-1 %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 3DD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*.1.1.

Phy ical channel for C65 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type &eportin8 perio#icity

Table ,.".1.1-': +CC< 1-# static test &*DD(

Test number 1 / /an0wi0th combination 1:-0@ for both cell /:-0@ for both cell CA capability CL_$-$ CL_C



The follo%in# requirements apply to UE 'ate#ory 32,. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le -.6.1.221 and Ta.le -.6.1.222" and usin# the do%nlin& physical channels specified in ta.les '.3.221 and '.3.222 on each cell" the difference .et%een the %ide.and ':5 indices of ;cell and Scell reported accordin# to Ta.le .423 shall .e such that %ide.and ':5;cell N %ide.and ':5Scell T 2 for more than ->K of the time.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

Table ,.".1.'-1: +CC< 1-# static test on multiple cells &TDD(

arameter !plinA #o%nlinA confi8uration ,pecial ubframe confi8uration Do%nlinA po%er allocation +nit cell / 7 #. #. : : $GG( 11 4 /2 #. #.ImGB1*A0@J #.ImGB1*A0@J 1: -88 -C8 P!CC0 m 7 -C7 -C8 !cell


Propa8ation con#ition an# antenna confi8uration ,(&

4/ j 0 I or
/ j0 N oc

7 Np# T 1: 1< I hift of * m relative cqi-p"i-Config$rationInde% 8 to PcellJ (ote 1) &eference mea urement channel accor#in8 to Table $.7-/ %ith one i#e# #ynamic ?C(G Pattern ?P.1 TDD a #e cribe# in $nne4 $.*./.1.

Phy ical channel for C65 reportin8 P!CC0 &eport Type &eportin8 perio#icity

Table ,.".1.'-': +CC< 1-# static test &TDD(

Test number 1 /an0wi0th combination /:-0@ for both cell CA capability CL_C; CL_$-$


Performance requirement 1-.-,2

1:.1 3DD 13i4e# &eference Channel2

The parameters specified in Ta.le 1>.121 are 3alid for all *99 tests unless other%ise stated. *or the requirements defined in this section" the difference .et%een '+S E;+E and the 8$S*( +S E;+E should .e set to > d$ as the UE demodulation performance mi#ht .e different %hen this condition is not met /e.#. in scenarios %here po%er offsets are present" such as scenarios %hen reser3ed cells are present0. Table 1#.1-1: Common Test arameters &*DD(
arameter (umber of 0$&6 proce e ,ubcarrier pacin8 $llocate# ubframe per &a#io 3rame 1(ote 12 (umber of ?3Dymbol for PDCC0 Cyclic Prefi4 (ote1) +nit Proce A0@ e $alue (one 1* A0@ + ubframe / "4ten#e#

3or 3DD mo#e; up to + ubframe 1H1B/B<B+BFB82 are available for -.-,; in line %ith T, <+.<<1.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

1:.1.1 -inimum requirement

The recei3e characteristic of 8$8S is determined .y the $DE+. The requirement is 3alid for all ++' states for %hich the UE has capa.ilities for 8$8S. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le 1>.121 and Ta.le 1>.1.121 and nne! .3.,.1" the a3era#e do%nlin& S(+ shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue for the $DE+ sho%n in Ta.le 1>.1.122.

Table 1#.1.1-1: Test arameters for Testin3

arameter +nit Test 1-8 : : 1(ote 12 : -C8

Do%nlinA po%er allocation


#. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

N oc at antenna port
(ote 1)

PB = > .
Table 1#.1.1-': .inimum performance

Test number 1 / <

/an0wi0th 1: -0@ 1: -0@ 1: -0@ *.:-0@

)eference Channel &.<F 3DD &.<8 3DD &.<C 3DD &.<C-1 3DD &.7: 3DD

1C2G attern ?P.7 3DD ?P.7 3DD ?P.7 3DD ?P.7 3DD ?P.7 3DD

ropa3ation con0ition

Correlation .atri4 an0 antenna

)eference 5alue /;6) !2)&0/( &7( 7.1 11.:

./.! +6 Cate3ory 1-8 1-8 /-8 1 1-8

-.,3( channel mo#el 1Table ../.+12

14/ lo%

/:.1 /:.* +.+

1.7 -0@

1:./ TDD 13i4e# &eference Channel2

The parameters specified in Ta.le 1>.221 are 3alid for all T99 tests unless other%ise stated. *or the requirements defined in this section" the difference .et%een '+S E;+E and the 8$S*( +S E;+E should .e set to > d$ as the UE demodulation performance mi#ht .e different %hen this condition is not met /e.#. in scenarios %here po%er offsets are present" such as scenarios %hen reser3ed cells are present0. Table 1#./-1: Common Test arameters &TDD(
arameter (umber of 0$&6 proce e ,ubcarrier pacin8 $llocate# ubframe per &a#io 3rame 1(ote 12 (umber of ?3Dymbol for PDCC0 Cyclic Prefi4 (ote1) +nit Proce A0@ e $alue (one 1* A0@ * ubframe / "4ten#e#

3or TDD mo#e; in line %ith T, <+.<<1; !plinA-Do%nlinA Confi8uration * i propo e#; up to * ubframe 1H<B7BFB8BC2 are available for -.-,.


)ealease 11



T! 3".1#1 $11.%.# &'#13-1'(

1:./.1 -inimum requirement

The recei3e characteristic of 8$8S is determined .y the $DE+. The requirement is 3alid for all ++' states for %hich the UE has capa.ilities for 8$8S. *or the parameters specified in Ta.le 1>.221 and Ta.le 1>.2.121 and nne! .3.,.2" the a3era#e do%nlin& S(+ shall .e .elo% the specified 3alue for the $DE+ sho%n in Ta.le 1>.2.122. Table 1#.'.1-1: Test arameters for Testin3
arameter +nit Test 1-8 : : 1(ote 12 : -C8

Do%nlinA po%er allocation


#. #. #. #.mB1*A0@

N oc at antenna port
(ote 1)

PB = > .
Table 1#.'.1-': .inimum performance

Test number 1 / <a <b 7

/an0wi0th 1: -0@ 1: -0@ 1: -0@ *-0@ 1.7 -0@

)eference Channel &.<F TDD &.<8 TDD &.<C TDD &.<C-1 TDD &.7: TDD

1C2G attern ?P.7 TDD ?P.7 TDD ?P.7 TDD ?P.7 TDD ?P.7 TDD

ropa3ation con0ition

Correlation .atri4 an0 antenna

)eference 5alue /;6) !2)&0/( &7( <.7 11.1

./.! +6 Cate3ory 1-8 1-8 /-8 1 1-8

-.,3( channel mo#el 1Table ../.+12

14/ lo%

/:.1 /:.* *.8


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