GSM Kpi Guide: This Document Is Nexius Wireless Inc. Property and Cannot Be Reproduced Without Permission
GSM Kpi Guide: This Document Is Nexius Wireless Inc. Property and Cannot Be Reproduced Without Permission
GSM Kpi Guide: This Document Is Nexius Wireless Inc. Property and Cannot Be Reproduced Without Permission
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1. Introduction 2. GSM PARAMETERS/KPI 3. GSM Indicators D scri!tion 3.1 R#$%E&$D% 3.2 R#$()A% 3.3 S(I 3." C/I 3., PAT- %OSS " .1 E&ENTS ANNE# 1: O!ti.i/ations Para. t rs 0A1cat 1 I.!1 . ntation 2or +33/1*33M-/ 4ands5 ANNE# 2. GSM OPTIM6ATION PARAMETERS ANNE# 3: Ericsson TEMS In2or.ation Para. t rs %ist I.!1 . ntation ANNE# ": MS Po7 r C1ass s 4i81io9ra!:;
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1. Introduction
In GS! tec)nolo3y w)ic) is in t)is moment a *ully 3rown tec)nolo3y wit) a )i3) comple.ity o* t)e standard> t)e provisional assessment o* a networ@ reAuires tools t)at could provide a *ull array o* in*ormation 0ot) in start4up p)ase or optimiBation/ Comparative networ@ 0enc)mar@ tool )as to 0e a0le to provide an accurate list o* 1ey "er*ormance Indicators '1"I+ t)at could 0e use *or competitor networ@s usin3 0ot) GS! and ot)er tec)nolo3ies/ T)e results could 0e used t)en in plannin3> installation or optimiBation process/
Radio Networ@ $ptimiBation 0ased on measurement analysis is a part o* t)e 3lo0al process t)at allows a )ealt)y networ@ operation/ T)e measurement sessions *orms t)e Cactive partC o* t)e Do0 on t)e radio part o* a runnin3 networ@> w)ile Quality o* Service !onitorin3 is t)e Cdetection E *ilterin3 partC/ QoS !onitorin3 activates Fine Tunin3 w)en wea@nesses or trou0les are detected on t)e networ@ 0e)avior> and more 3enerally to improve t)e Quality o* Service statistics/ T)e optimiBation process )as to )andle and solve t)e omissions *rom eac) o* t)e previous steps o* t)e networ@ start4up )istory/ T)en in GS!> accordin3 to )i3) comple.ity o* t)e standard> t)e provisional assessment o* a networ@ is more di**icult> )ence t)e pro0a0ility to encounter omissions is )i3)er/ T)e optimiBations process is 0ased on t)e analysis o* t)e in*ormation *rom t)e system statistic reports> and also on a cross c)ec@ wit) t)e networ@ description made durin3 t)e previous sta3es/ T)e 3oal is to optimiBe t)e networ@ 0e)aviour and to solve local pro0lems/ T)e main activities are:
Radio Covera3e pro0lem investi3ation> dealin3 wit) Air inter*ace> on !S and In*rastructure side> Telecom parameters optimiBation> dealin3 wit) t)e networ@ 0e)aviour in Idle and %edicated mode> Tra**ic load distri0ution and con3estion reduction/ T)is reAuires speci*ic e.ternal Do0s: !S monitorin3> usin3 Air and A0is inter*aces !onitorin3 'Test p)ones> A0is inter*aces and adeAuate S(/
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Quality o* Service !onitorin3 'analyBe o* Networ@ Statistics+> w)ic) is a 0asic source/tar3et o* Fine Tunin3 and t)us a stron3 )elp to locate trou0les/
T)e radio pro0lems are identi*ied t)rou3) di**erent processes: 0y t)e GS! operator> analyBin3 end user complaint a0out *aults/di**iculties/Auality on t)e calls/ T)e complaint is dealt 0y t)e CCustomer Care CentreC w)o sort t)e complaints> t)en correlate t)e pro0lem wit) already @nown ori3in/area or detect new pro0lems/ 0y a C!o0ile Station !onitorin3C '%rive4test> wal@4test> Scan+ durin3 a measurements campai3n/ 0y a data analysis *ollowin3 an A0is inter*ace monitorin3/ 0y t)e CQuality o* Service !onitorin3C compilin3 statistics *rom t)e $!C4R indicators and A inter*ace monitorin3/ $nce t)e solution )as 0een *ound> it is put in a list o* proposed modi*ications to t)e networ@/ T)is list includes t)e proposed parameter modi*ications issued *rom t)e System "arameter C)ec@ process/ T)e modi*ications description and t)e way t)ey are per*ormed are decided a*ter a common discussion 0etween Networ@ "lannin3> Radio $ptimiBation and $E! personnel/ T)en a wor@ order is sent to t)e or3aniBation/team in c)ar3e o* t)e modi*ication as stated *or t)e solution: aerial adDustin3 or positionin3> radio parameter settin3s///
T)e main met)odolo3y action items used in optimiBation process are: to identi*y measurement routes 't)ese routes will still 0e used a*ter t)e networ@ start4up> as lon3 as t)e covera3e remain t)e same+> to run systematic measurements on Air Inter*ace> usin3 test tools to produce di**erent types o* plot maps 'covera3e> Auality> ///+> to identi*y radio pro0lems and wor@ out corrections> to issue a complete networ@ status document compliant wit) GS! operatorFs e.pectations/ $0s: T)ere it is also a particular process also called CCell 2eri*ication and AcceptanceC t)at occurs only at t)e end o* site installation/ T)e 3oal is to validate t)e #TS sites location and con*i3uration> as implemented on t)e 0asis o* RN" speci*ications/ T)is c)ec@ is done usin3 real Air inter*ace measurements/ T)e *inal 3oal o* t)is process is to put t)e local networ@ in accordance wit) t)e CQuality and Radio Covera3e ContractC de*ined wit) t)e GS! operator/
Mo8i1 Station/T st Too1 Monitorin9
T)is activity reAuires t)e same competencies as *orC Cell 2eri*icationC/ T)e 3oal is to c)ec@ t)e networ@ per*ormance on t)e Air inter*ace se3ment/ #ut since it is run on an operatin3 networ@> it can 0e per*ormed eit)er on a re3ular 0asis 0y an operatorFs team or punctually 0y an auditorFs team/ !S !onitorin3 deals wit) all t)e drive tests/ T)e main activities are: to conduct air inter*ace measurements on pre4de*ined routes adapted to t)e networ@ evolution> to produce typical plot maps 's)owin3 radio covera3e> Auality> etc/+> to locate radio pro0lems/ 'T)e test tool results can also 0e used in order to ma@e corrections o* t)e propa3ation model prediction tool so*tware+
A GS! test tool s)ould 0e a0le to per*orm as *ollowin3: to scan/record/process t)e a0solute 'analo3+ GS! 0ands 'Spectrum analysis in G:6> 766> 5G66> 5766!-B+ to scan/record every operator usin3 a SI! *or eac) one to read t)e CGI and all t)e ot)er GS! &ayer 5> 8 and ? parameters to measure/record/process t)e per*ormance parameters 0ot) in Idle or %edicated !ode to *orce a speci*ic ARFCN> cell 0arrin3> etc/ to provide accurate measurements/ 'Re4cali0ration *easi0le+ to record t)e measurements 3eo3rap)ically 0ased in suc) a way t)at t)e in*ormation could 0e e.ported and post4
processed 0y ot)er tools 'e. !apIn*o> .cel> etc+
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For an e**icient GS! Networ@ assessment usin3 drive tests eAuipment it is important to 0e a0le to select t)e most si3ni*icant downlin@ parameters and to use t)e an array o* Auanti*ied t)res)olds/ It is well @nown t)at eac) wireless service provider )as its own Auality standards 'covera3e t)res)olds> GoS> etc+ conducin3 to more or less su0Dective results/ T)ere it is even a 0i33er c)allen3e to create a universal tool t)at is a0le to ma@e competitive tests *or di**erent tec)nolo3ies wit) di**erent approac)es *or su0scri0erHs QoS assessment/ In to t)e list s)own 0elow are presented t)e most relevant parameters used in GS!: (ua1it; Indicators: R#$%E& < R c i= d Si9na1 % = 1 0ot) in IIdleJ and I%edicatedJ mode '%&+ ;d#m< Si3nal Stren3t) on #CC- Carrier> indicatin3 t)e si3nal stren3t) on t)e current #CC-/ T)is element is especially use*ul *or o0tainin3 a correct measure o* t)e cell siBe w)en *reAuency )oppin3 is used and power control is applied to t)e TC-Hs and *or 3eneral covera3e assessments/ R#$()A% < R c i= d Si9na1 (ua1it;> a measure o* speec) Auality measured 0ased on # R analysis> 0ot) in IIdleJ and I%edicatedJ mode S(I < S! c: (ua1it; Indicator 'an additional parameter introduced 0y ricsson on t)eir tool T !S in order to o0tain a more accurate ima3e o* t)e voice Auality t)an t)e one o**ered 0y RKLQUA&+ T#$P?R M Trans.ission Po7 r % = 1 '%& M *rom #TS> U& *rom !S+/ In order to reduce inter*erence> t)e power is continuously tuned 0ot) in t)e #TS radios and in !S/ It may vary in case o* !S wit) a step o* 8 d# up or down/ C/I M Carrier to Inter*erence ratio 4 indicatin3 t)e carrier4to4inter*erence ratio *or eac) c)annel in t)e )oppin3 list 'and *or eac) timeslot wit) multi4slot allocation+/ OBS: CFullC and CSu0C 2alues: 4 In*ormation elements wit) CFullC in t)eir names are calculated on all 0loc@s/ 4 In*ormation elements wit) CSu0C in t)eir names are calculated only on t)e 0loc@s @nown to 0e sent also w)en downlin@ %TK is active 'in eac) 5694multi*rame> one TC- 0loc@ wit) SI% in*ormation and one SACC- 0loc@+/ TA @ Ti.in9 Ad=anc > a calculated parameter 0ased on t)e 3roup delay measurements t)at appear due to distance used in order to @eep t)e U& and %& TS sync)ronisation/ Statistic Indicators: N Call Attempt Rate N Call Success Rate N #loc@ed Call Rate N Good InitialiBation Rate N %rop Calls Rate N No Service Rate N Good/Failed -$ Rate N -$ Type 'Intra/Inter Cell> Intra/Inter #SC+ N -$ cause Rate N &ocation Area Update Success Rate E= ns:
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#loc@ed Call Call Attempt Call nd Call sta0lis)ed Call Setup Cell Reselection %edicated !ode %ropped Call -andover -andover 'Intra4cell+ -andover Failure -andover Intra4cell Failure Idle !ode &imited Service !ode &ocation Area Update &ocation Area Update Failure No Service !ode Rin3in3 2e)icle Speed
N t7orA/C 11 Id nti2i rs: MCC '!o0ile Country Code+> MNC '!o0ile Networ@ Code+ %AC '&ocation Area Code+ CI Cell I/%/ CGI 'Cell Glo0al Identity+ B MCCCMNCC%ACCCI 4SIC P NCC 'Networ@ Colour Code+ Q 4CC '#S Colour Code+ ARDCN P A0solute RF C)annel
3. GSM Indicators D scri!tion: 3.1 R#$%E&$D% It is a RF indicator w)o s)ows t)e avera3e si3nal level at t)e input o* t)e !SHs receiver/ In Idle mode it indicates t)e received si3nal stren3t) *rom t)e #CC- p)ysical c)annel> and in tra**ic it indicates t)e si3nal stren3t) measured on t)e current ARFCN c)annel used *or TC-/S%CC- transport/ T)is element is especially use*ul *or o0tainin3 a correct measure o* t)e cell siBe w)en *reAuency )oppin3 is used and power control is applied to t)e TC-Hs and *or 3eneral covera3e assessments/ Si3nal Stren3t) on -oppin3 &ist> indicatin3 t)e si3nal stren3t) o* eac) c)annel in t)e )oppin3 list/ T)is element 3ives more in*ormation t)an R.&ev> w)ic) is an avera3e over all c)annels in t)e )oppin3 list/ T)e *ollowin3 para3rap) is an 0rie* description o* t)ose *eatures used in GS! desi3n usin3 as an input data> in*ormationHs related to RKL& 2: RxLev-based Thresholds: T)e handover margin represents t)e necessary overlap 0etween two cells in ensurin3 t)e )andover wit) t)e 3ood Auality o* t)e communication/ T)is mar3in depends on t)e environment as *ollows:
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5/6 -
In indoor environment t)e )andover is not necessary> so t)e )andover mar3in is 6 d#/ In outdoor environment t)e )andover mar3in is typically 8 d#/ In -i3) Speed Train 'e./ TG2+ environment t)e )andover mar3in is typically 8 d#/ Anot)er restriction o* t)is particular case is t)e overlap len3t) 3reater t)an O66 m 0etween two nei3)0or cells/
T)e design margin is corrects two main errors t)at can appear durin3 t)e desi3n and prediction process: - "rediction Tool S/( prediction error and - "enetration loss evaluation error M in t)e case o* an indoor service - A cumulative value *or t)e desi3n mar3in wit) a 76N pro0a0ility is O d#/ T)e desi3n> t)e prediction and t)e measure o* t)e service area o* a cell will 0e done wit) an eAuili0rated power 0ud3et or wit) a not eAuili0rated power 0ud3et wit) t)e downlin@ 0etter t)an t)e uplin@ '%&4U&S6+/ I* in t)e power 0ud3et t)e downlin@ is worst t)an t)e up4lin@ '%&4U&T6+ t)en t)e desi3n t)res)olds will 0e adDusted wit) t)e ma. '6> %&4U& ;d#m<+ value/ UNote t)at t)e considerations presented 0e*ore ta@e into account t)e met)od used 0y t)e prediction tool w)ic) calculates only t)e stren3t) o* t)e downlin@ si3nal/ T)e design threshold is t)e t)res)old used to desi3n t)e cells and is de*ined as t)e stren3t) o* t)e predicted si3nal at t)e limit o* t)e cell w)ic) assures t)e service inside t)e cell and t)e )andover wit) t)e nei3)0or)ood cells/ Design threshold = + + + + + + Mobile handset sensitivity Fading / Sensitivity margin BTS output power margin enetration losses !andover margin Design margin at "#$ ma% &#' D()*(+
T)e predi,tion threshold is t)e t)res)old used to predict t)e covera3e o* a cell and is de*ined as t)e stren3t) o* t)e predicted si3nal at t)e limit o* t)e cell w)ic) assures t)e service inside t)e cell/ redi,tion threshold = Mobile handset sensitivity + Fading / Sensitivity margin + BTS output power margin + enetration losses + Design margin at "#$ + ma% &#' D()*(+ Design threshold ) !andover margin
redi,tion threshold
T)e measure threshold is t)e t)res)old used to measure t)e received si3nal in outdoor environment/ For outdoor services: Measure threshold = ) ) Design threshold Design margin at "#$ !andover margin
For indoor services: Measure threshold = ) ) + Design threshold Design margin at "#$ !andover margin -ndoor penetration margin at "#$
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T)e *ollowin3 ta0le summariBes t)e desi3n> prediction and measure t)res)olds *ore several representative services/ SER&ICE Indoor D ! DESIGN T-RES-O%D AT +3E @ F3 d4. C.aG03> D%@)%5 4 R5 d#m Qma.'6> %&4U&+ 4 R5 d#m Qma.'6> %&4U&+ 4 RR d#m Qma.'6> %&4U&+ @ '+ d4. C.aG03> D%@)%5 @ *, d4. C.aG03> D%@)%5 4 GG d#m Qma.'6> %&4U&+ 4 7? d#m Qma.'6> %&4U&+ PREDICTION T-RES-O%D AT +3E @ F3 d4. C.aG03> D%@)%5 4 R5 d#m Qma.'6> %&4U&+ 4 R? d#m Qma.'6> %&4U&+ 4 RR d#m Qma.'6> %&4U&+ @ *1 d4. C.aG03> D%@)%5 @ *' d4. C.aG03> D%@)%5 4 76 d#m Qma.'6> %&4U&+ 4 7: d#m Qma.'6> %&4U&+ O)TDOOR MEAS)RE T-RES-O%D @ FF d4. C.aG03> D%@)%5 4 R9 d#m Qma.'6> %&4U&+ 4 G6 d#m Qma.'6> %&4U&+ @ *F d4. C.aG03> D%@)%5 @ +2 d4. C.aG03> D%@)%5 4 7: d#m Qma.'6> %&4U&+ 4 566 d#m Qma.'6> %&4U&+
Indoor %i9:t Indoor in -i9: S! Trains Indoor ?indo7 Outdoor In@car Outdoor Outdoor Car@Ait Outdoor *? Notes: d
T)e services mar@ed in 0old ' Indoor D !> Indoor %i9:t> Outdoor In@car and Outdoor+ are used 0y RF desi3ners For indoor co= ra9 t)e t)res)olds to use will 0e Indoor D ! *or cities )avin3 dense )i3) 0uildin3s or Indoor %i9:t *or small towns/ For co= ra9 on roads t)e t)res)olds to use will 8 Outdoor In@car/
Types of Service Analysis based on RX_LEV measuremen s and resholds: In order to ensure a 3eneric desi3n standard permittin3 good .uality ,ommuni,ation inside t)e cells> dependin3 on t)e environment several types o* service can 0e de*ined/ T)e description o* several types o* service is presentin3 in *ollowin3 ta0le: SER&ICE Indoor D ! Indoor %i9:t Indoor in -i9: S! d Trains 0EG: TG&5 Indoor ?indo7 Outdoor In@car Outdoor Outdoor Car@Ait Outdoor *? DESCRIPTION OD T-E SER&ICE In 76N o* t)e sur*ace o* t)e 3round *loor o* t)e 0uildin3 it is possi0le to )ave 3ood Auality communication usin3 a 8( )andset/ In 76N o* t)e sur*ace o* t)e 3round *loor o* t)e 0uildin3 ')avin3 visi0ility wit) t)e windows+ it is possi0le to )ave 3ood Auality communication usin3 a 8( )andset/ In t)e seats o* t)e train it is possi0le to )ave a 3ood Auality communication usin3 a 8( )andset/ In 76N o* t)e sur*ace o* t)e 3round *loor o* t)e 0uildin3 'near t)e windows+ it is possi0le to )ave 3ood Auality communication usin3 a 8( )andset/ In 76N o* t)e outdoor sur*ace it is possi0le to )ave 3ood Auality communication usin3 a 8( )andset inside a car/ In 76N o* t)e outdoor sur*ace it is possi0le to )ave 3ood Auality communication usin3 a 8( )andset/ In 76N o* t)e outdoor sur*ace it is possi0le to )ave 3ood Auality communication usin3 a 8( )andset inside a car eAuipped wit) car4@it/ In 76N o* t)e outdoor sur*ace it is possi0le to )ave 3ood Auality communication usin3 an G( )andset/
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For eac) environment t)e penetration loss> t)e desi3n mar3in and t)e )andover mar3in can 0e estimated statistically as *ollows: SER&ICE Indoor D ! P n tration 1oss s 8? d# 4 Indoor concrete penetration losses O d# M -ead e**ect 5: d# M Indoor intermediary penetration losses O d# M -ead e**ect 59 d# M .: TG2 penetration losses O d# M -ead e**ect O d# M Indoor li3)t penetration losses O d# M -ead e**ect O d# M Car penetration losses O d# M -ead e**ect 6 d# M "enetration losses O d# M -ead e**ect 6 d# M "enetration losses ? d# M Car4@it eAuipment losses 6 d# M -ead e**ect 'not present+ 6 d# M "enetration losses D si9n .ar9in at +3E ! d" ! d" $ d" ! d" $ d" $ d" $ d" $ d" -ando= r .ar9in # d" # d" % d" # d" % d" % d" % d" % d"
Indoor %i9:t Indoor in -i9: S! Trains Indoor ?indo7 Outdoor In@car Outdoor Outdoor Car@Ait Outdoor *? d
3.2 R#$()A% It is a measure o* speec) Auality measured 0ased on # R analysis/ R.Qual is o0tained 0y trans*ormin3 t)e 0it error rate '# R+ into a scale *rom 6 to R 'see GS! 6:/6G+/ In ot)er words> R.Qual is a very 0asic measure: it simply re*lects t)e avera3e # R over a certain period o* time '6/: s *or T !S tools+/ In a low distur0ed area 'e/3/ a rural cell+ a very low received *ield could 0e encountered wit)out a 0i3 de3radation o* t)e speec) Auality/ $n t)e ot)er end> in an ur0an area> a 3ood received *ield doesnHt )owever allow a 3ood communication 0ecause o* a )i3) inter*erence level/ T)at is w)y a Auality assessment is done on t)e 0asis o* t)e 0it error rate in t)e messa3es 'RKLQUA&+> on U& and %&/ Ran3e: 6VR Tinte3erS
Good Hua1it; co..unication is de*ined as a communication c)aracteriBed 0y a value o* RKQUA& parameter 0etter t)an " *or a cell wit)out *reAuency )oppin3 and 0etter t)an , *or a cell wit) *reAuency )oppin3/ Note: ()en F- is activated> RKLQUA& is impacted: t)e measured 0it error rate 0ecomes worse 'usually 0y a0out 5 unit+ 0ecause o* two reasons: 5 M in t)e # R computation M at t)e moment o* )oppin3> t)e reception radio synt)esiBer looses systematically a *ew sync)roniBation 0its> w)ic) impacts t)e low # R values/ 84 0ecause o* t)e avera3in3 e**ect o* t)e inter*erence levels
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3.3 S(I SQI 4 ISpeec) Quality Inde.J is an indicator t)at )as 0een desi3ned 0y ricsson *or t)eir T !S investi3ation tool to ta@e into consideration all t)e p)enomena omitted 0y RKLQUA& indicator '#it error distri0ution> Speec) Frame erasures> -$ e**ects> Speec) codec type+/ T)is ensures t)at it will produce an un0iased prediction o* t)e speec) Auality> independently o* c)annel conditions and ot)er circumstances/ Somew)at rou3)ly> t)e computation o* SQI involves: 4 t)e 0it error rate '# R+ 4 t)e *rame erasure rate 'F R+ 4 data on )andover events 4 statistics on t)e distri0utions o* eac) o* t)ese parameters/ Furt)ermore> *or eac) speec) codec> SQI is computed 0y a separate al3orit)m w)ic) is tuned to t)e c)aracteristics o* t)at codec/ &i@e R.Qual> SQI is updated at 6/: s intervals 'in T !S tools+/ To 3ive some e.amples o* w)at t)e relation may loo@ li@e> t)e 3rap) 0elow is included/ It s)ows SQI as a *unction o* R.Qual *or t)e FR codec and a num0er o* c)annel conditions/ 'It must 0e @ept in mind t)at t)e curves represent time4avera3ed R.Qual4to4SQI relationsW individual se3ments o* speec) may o* course deviate *rom t)ese/+ Note t)e considera0le di**erences 0etween t)e various c)annel conditions/
.: *or t)e same Speec) Quality 'SQI+ o* 5: t)e R.Qual may vary *rom ? *or an ur0an/No F- area to XO in one area wit) F-/
3." C/I
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T)e carrier4over4inter*erence ratio is t)e ratio 0etween t)e si3nal stren3t) o* t)e current servin3 cell and t)e si3nal stren3t) o* undesired 'inter*erin3+ si3nal components/ T)e C/I measurement *unction ena0les t)e identi*ication o* *reAuencies t)at are e.posed to particularly )i3) levels o* inter*erence> somet)in3 w)ic) comes in use*ul in t)e veri*ication and optimiBation o* *reAuency plans/ Usually C/I measurement is made in dedicated mode/ It is )owever also possi0le to measure C/I in idle mode/ T)is is )andy w)en interactin3 wit) a test transmitter w)ic) simulates a 0ase station 0ut is not capa0le o* settin3 up calls/ It s)ould 0e pointed out t)at t)e samplin3 rate and )ence t)e Auality o* idle mode C/I values is critically dependent on t)e settin3s 3overnin3 Auality measurement in idle mode %ownlin@ Auality in a radio networ@ can 0e monitored usin3 Speec) Quality Inde.> SQI/ In t)is way> areas wit) inadeAuate speec) Auality can 0e identi*ied/ -owever> i* *reAuency )oppin3 is used in t)e networ@> it is di**icult to pinpoint t)e *reAuencies t)at are a**ected 0y t)e de3radation/ To )elp resolve suc) am0i3uities> C/I indicator o**ers t)e possi0ility o* measurin3 avera3e C/I *or eac) o* t)e *reAuencies used in a call/ To o0tain a correct C/I estimate> one must ta@e into account t)e possi0le use o* power control and/or discontinuous transmission '%TK+/ In t)e past> rou3) C/I measurements )ave sometimes 0een carried out 0y comparin3 t)e #CC- si3nal power o* t)e servin3 cell wit) t)at o* nei3)0ourin3 cells usin3 t)e same tra**ic c)annels '0ut di**erent #CC-s+/ Since suc) a sc)eme *ails to allow *or power control and %TK on t)e TC-s> it may produce misleadin3 results/ T)ere s)ould 0e considered t)ese networ@ *unctions to 0e a0le to indicate t)e actual C/I e.perienced 0y t)e mo0ile station/ In dedicated mode> avera3e C/I is presented twice a second> w)ic) is eAual to t)e ordinary measurement interval/ I* *reAuency )oppin3 is employed> t)e avera3e C/I *or eac) *reAuency is presented/ T)e measurement ran3e e.tends *rom 4: d# to Q8: d#/ A C/I 0elow 4: d# can 0e re3arded as )i3)ly unli@elyW in addition> i* t)e num0er o* )oppin3 *reAuencies is low> C/I values 0elow t)is limit would normally result in a dropped call/ #eyond t)e upper limit> t)e speec) Auality is not *urt)er improved/ -ence> t)e limitation o* t)e measurement ran3e is not a restriction/ I* downlin@ %TK is used> t)e num0er o* 0ursts transmitted *rom t)e 0ase station to t)e mo0ile station may 0e lower t)an t)e ma.imum> dependin3 on t)e speec) activity level on t)e transmittin3 side/ T)en t)e measurements s)ould 0e made only on t)e 0ursts actually sent *rom t)e 0ase station and disre3ards 0urst not transmitted/ T)e num0er o* )oppin3 *reAuencies determines t)e num0er o* 0ursts used *or t)e C/I measurement on eac) *reAuency/ For e.ample> i* *our *reAuencies are used> 8: 0ursts 'on avera3e+ per *reAuency are received in eac) 6/: s interval/ (it) more *reAuencies> t)ere are *ewer 0ursts *or eac) *reAuency/ T)is implies t)at t)e accuracy o* t)e measurements is 0etter *or small sets o* )oppin3 *reAuencies/ I* true C/I is wit)in t)e ran3e 6 to 5: d# and *our *reAuencies are used *or transmission> and t)ere are no %TK interruptions> t)e measurement error is typically smaller t)an 5 d#/ To illustrate t)e use o* C/I> data *rom a test drive is depicted in t)e *i3ure 0elow/ T)e test drive lasts 96 seconds/ FR speec) codin3 and cyclic *reAuency )oppin3 wit) *our *reAuencies is employed t)rou3)out/ T)e upper part o* t)e 3rap) s)ows SQI and R.&ev> w)ile t)e lower part s)ows C/I *or eac) o* t)e *our *reAuencies:
T)is document is Ne.ius (ireless Inc/ property and cannot 0e reproduced wit)out permission
As appears *rom t)e upper 3rap)> SQI dips s)arply towards t)e end o* t)e test drive 'a*ter ?: s+> and indicatin3 poor speec) Auality/ $n t)e ot)er )and> R.&ev stays a0out :6 d# a0ove 4556 d#m t)e w)ole time/ T)is means t)at t)e dip in Auality is not due to low si3nal power level> t)at is> t)e Auality pro0lem is to do wit) inter*erence rat)er t)an covera3e/ In *act> and interestin3ly> R.&ev increases durin3 t)e SQI dip> pro0a0ly 0ecause t)e power o* t)e inter*erer increases/ Now> loo@in3 at t)e C/I 3rap)> one sees t)at two o* t)e *our *reAuencies 't)e t)ic@ lines+ )ave a C/I worse t)an 56 d# durin3 t)e SQI dip/ T)is e.plains t)e poor speec) Auality> identi*yin3 precisely w)ic) c)annels are distur0ed/ Suc) in*ormation can t)en 0e utiliBed in t)e process o* optimiBin3 t)e *reAuency plan *or t)e area/ T)e inter*erence scan consists in mo0ile loc@in3 on t)e #CC- ARFCN o* t)e distur0ed cell and scannin3 t)e ARFCN o* t)e tra**ic c)annel t)at is e.posed to inter*erence/ Note t)at t)ese two may 0e t)e same/ T)e main tas@ per*ormed 0y t)e identi*ication al3orit)m is to determine t)e #ase Station Colour Code '#CC+ o* t)e inter*erin3 si3nal> i/e/ t)e second di3it o* t)e #SIC 'PNCCQ#CC+/ $0s: I* #CC is @nown t)is *act reduces t)e num0er o* possi0le inter*erers 0y a *actor o* G/ T)is is 0ecause #CC can ta@e inte3er values *rom 6 to R 'it written and transmitted on a ?40it len3t) seAuence+ as is a part o* #SIC '#ase Station Identity Code P NCC Q #CC P ? 0itQ ? 0it> w)ere NCC P National Color Code or C"&!N color codeC+/ So i* we @now #SIC/#CC> we can restrict t)e searc) *or inter*erers/ #SIC is transmitted in t)e SC- 'and not in #CC-+ as a Icolor codeJ 'li@e t)e colorin3 o* maps> uniAue *or every cell in one area+> so t)at #TS wit) same 0eacon *reAuency '#CC- ARFCN c)/+ use di**erent #SIC/ !S 3ets *rom t)e #TS a list o* 0eacon *reAuencies to 0e monitored t)rou3) #CC- lo3ical c)annel/ In measurement report> !S reports #SIC o* t)e monitored cells/ C/I inde. is measured *or eac) o* t)e ARFCN RF p)ysical cannel t)at are involved in )oppin3 list o* t)e server cell/ T)e !S is doin3 t)e C/I measurements durin3 t)e ot)er Time Slots 'TS+ t)at are not allocated to )im/ T)ese *reAuencies s)ould 0e di**erent t)an t)ose t)at appear in t)e nei3)0or list'Y+/ In idle mode t)e !S reads t)e #SIC too> in order ma@e sure t)at it is still monitorin3 t)e same cell/ T)ere*ore> @nowin3 t)e #CC reduces t)e num0er o* possi0le inter*erers 0y a *actor o* G/ T)is is a 3reat step *orwardW 0ut even so> t)e networ@ will normally contain several cells wit) t)is #CC> all o* w)ic) ma@e use o* t)e distur0ed ARFCN as #CC- or TC-/ $t)er means must t)ere*ore 0e used to s)orten t)e list o* candidates *urt)er/ Fortunately> suc) means are readily availa0le: !any sites proposed as candidates can usually 0e ruled out simply 0ecause t)ey are too *ar away> or 0ecause t)ey )ave t)eir antennas pointin3 away *rom t)e distur0ed cell/ %urin3 t)e scan t)e timin3 o**set 0etween t)e servin3 cell and t)e inter*erer is determined/ T)is o**set can also 0e measured 0y ot)er means> and t)e scan o**set can t)en 0e compared wit) measured o**sets to near0y cells/ In practice> usin3 one or 0ot) o* t)ese approac)es> it is almost invaria0ly possi0le to point out t)e e.act source o* t)e inter*erence/ T)ere are many possi0le causes o* poor C/I values/ Two common ones are co4c)annel and adDacent c)annel inter*erence/ In certain circumstances> )owever> t)e main pro0lem is not inter*erence *rom ot)er callers> 0ut t)e *act t)at t)e si3nal is overw)elmed 0y assorted random distur0ances 44 i/e/ w)at is usually called CnoiseC/ T)is means t)ermal noise 3enerated wit)in t)e circuits o* t)e mo0ile station> as well as e.ternal 0ac@3round noise *rom a plet)ora o* sources> includin3 ot)er man4made si3nals so *aint t)at t)ey merely add up to a Auasi4random distur0ance/ .ample o* typical C/I de3radation due to noise: I0C/I5 7orstJ13d4K AND IRG% =$Su8J++d4.K T)e *ollowin3 event 3ives a rou3) indication t)at t)e poor C/I is pro0a0ly due to a noise pro0lem: t)e poor C/I coincides wit) a very low si3nal stren3t)/ T)e *ollowin3 ta0le summariBes t)e C/IU accepta0le values: C-ANNE% #CC-/S%CCTC- wit)out *reAuency )oppin3 MINIM)M C/IL 59 d# 59 d#
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3., PAT- %OSS T)e rou3) %e*inition o* "at) &oss M %& and U&: P%$D% B 4S$T#P?R < R#$%E&$D% C %D% #SLTKL"(R P #TS Transmission "ower RKL& 2L%& P RF si3nal level received 0y !S &%& P Sum o* 3ains/losses and RKL!SLSensitivity P%$)% B MS$T#$P?R < R#$%E&$)% C %$)% !SLTKL"(R P !S Transmission "ower RKL& 2LU& P RF si3nal level received 0y #TS &LU& P Sum o* 3ains/losses and RKLTRKLSensitivity T)e *ollowin3 ta0les present t)e values t)at must 0e considered in power 0ud3et calculation *or downlin@ and respectively uplin@: Pro!a9ation do7n1inA 1oss s B P 4 4 4 4 4 EIRP Q 4 4 Q 4 %OSS / GAIN #TS emitter power #TS emitter power tolerance losses Feeder losses &NA losses "ower splitter losses #TS antenna 3ain "enetration losses Fadin3 / Sensitivity mar3in -andset sensitivity %esi3n mar3in at 76N %OSS / GAIN &A%)E #TS output power 5 d# typical value Speci*ied 0y t)e supplier !ust 0e calculated *unction o* t)e type and t)e len3t) o* t)e *eeder Speci*ied 0y t)e &NA supplier Speci*ied 0y t)e power splitter supplier Speci*ied 0y antenna supplier %epends on t)e type o* service ? d# typical value 4568 d#m *or 8( )andsets 4569 d#m *or G ( )andsets %epends on t)e type o* service
Pro!a9ation u!1inA
1oss s
B P 4 4 4 Q Q
%OSS / GAIN !o0ile )andset emitter power !o0ile )andset emitter power tolerance "enetration losses Fadin3 / Sensitivity mar3in #TS antenna 3ain %iversity 3ain
%OSS / GAIN &A%)E 8 ( *or 8( )andsets and G ( *or G( )andsets/ 5 d# typical value %epends on t)e type o* service ? d# typical value Speci*ied 0y antenna supplier ? d# typical *or space diversity rural environment ? d# typical value *or polarisation diversity in ur0an environment
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5/6 4 4 Q Q 4 Feeder losses losses &NA 3ain #TS sensitivity %esi3n mar3in at 76N
!ust 0e calculated *unction o* t)e type and t)e len3t) o* t)e *eeder Speci*ied 0y t)e supplier Speci*ied 0y t)e &NA supplier Speci*ied 0y t)e #TS supplier %epends on t)e type o* service
Po7 r 8ud9 t Huation T)e "ower 0ud3et criterion "#GT is used to estimate t)e di**erence o* pat) loss 0etween two nei3)0orin3 cells/ "#GT'n+ P A2LRK& 2LNC &&'n+ 4 A2LRK& 2L"#GTL-$ 4 '#SLTK"(RL!AK 4 #SLTK"(R+ 4 '!SLTK"(RL!AK'n+ 4 !SLTK"(RL!AK+ 4 "INGL"$NGL!ARGIN'n>callLre*+ wit) : 4 A2LRK& 2LNC &&'n+ : avera3e o* RK& 2LNC &&'n+ over AL"#GTL-$ or AL"#GTL%R measurements 'nei3)0or cell'n++/ 4 A2LRK& 2L"#GTL-$ : avera3e o* t)e received levels RK& 2L%&LFU&& or RK& 2L%&LSU# over AL"#GTL-$ or AL"#GTL%R measurements 'servin3 cell+/ 4 #SLTK"(RL!AK : ma. power o* t)e #TS in t)e servin3 cell '*i.ed value *or eac) #TS+/ 4 #SLTK"(R : last #SL"$( R value reported 0y t)e #TS in t)e messa3e ! ASUR ! NT R SU&T 'mode #+ or last #SLTK"(R value reported 0y t)e #TS in t)e messa3e "R "R$C SS % ! ASUR ! NT R SU&T 'mode A+/ 4 !SLTK"(RL!AK'n+ : ma. power level t)e !S is allowed to use in its nei3)0or cell'n+/ 4 !SLTK"(RL!AK : ma./ power t)e !S is allowed to use in t)e servin3 cell/ 4 "INGL"$NGL!ARGIN'n>callLre*+ is a penalty put on t)e cell n i* : it is t)e immediately precedent cell on w)ic) t)e call )as 0een> t)is cell 0elon3s to t)e same #SC as t)e servin3 cell> t)e call )as not per*ormed a *orced directed retry towards t)e servin3 cell> less t)an TL-C" seconds )ave elapsed since t)e last )andover/ In t)is case "INGL"$NGL!ARGIN'n>callLre*+ P "INGL"$NGL-C"/> I* t)e call was not precedent on cell n> or i* t)e precedin3 cell was e.ternal> or i* t)e call )as Dust per*ormed a *orced directed retry> or i* t)e timer TL-C" )as e.pired> t)en "INGL"$NGL!ARGIN'n>callLre*+ P 6 (it) a0straction o* t)e "INGL"$NGL!ARGIN> w)ic) is purely a )andicap 3iven to t)e precedin3 cell *or a certain time> t)e "#GT can 0e descri0ed in two steps : #CC- P A2LRK& 2LNC &&'n+ 4 'A2LRK& 2L"#GTL-$ Q C+ wit) C P #SLTK"(RL!AK 4 #SLTK"(R/ #CC- corresponds to t)e di**erence o* received #CC- si3nal levels/ A correction *actor C is ta@en into account *or t)e servin3 cell> 0ecause t)e received si3nal level 'i/e/ A2LRK& 2L"#GTL-$+ may not 0e measured on #CC-> T)en> anot)er correction *actor must 0e ta@en into account 0ecause t)e ma.imum #S powers o* t)e servin3 and nei3)0orin3 cells may 0e di**erent : MMMMMMTK"(R P !SLTK"(RL!AK'n+ 4 !SLTK"(RL!AK/ As t)e *irst step o* calculation is 0ased on t)e downlin@ parameters> t)is correction *actor s)ould 0e 0ased on t)e ma.imum #S powers used in t)e servin3 and nei3)0orin3 cells/ Two reasons 'w)ic) are not completely de4correlated+ *or not usin3 t)e #S powers can 0e envisa3ed: 4 *or a 3iven cell> t)e GS! does not speci*y *ormally t)e ma.imum #S power o* t)e nei3)0orin3 cells/ $nly #SLTK"(RL!AK is de*ined 'it is sent on t)e air inter*ace+> 4 it is not easy *or t)e evaluatin3 #SC to @now t)e ma.imum #S powers o* t)e nei3)0orin3 cells/ T)e use o* t)e ma.imum !S powers reAuires t)at t)e di**erence o* !S powers is eAual to t)e
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5/6 di**erence o* #S powers/ T)is condition is met in most cases/ I* it is not t)e case> t)e di**erence can 0e corrected 0y t)e operator wit) t)e -$L!ARGIN'6>n+ parameter '-$ )ysteresis+/ "#GT S6 : t)e nei3)0our cell is more advanta3eous as t)e pat) loss is less t)an in t)e current cell/ "#GT T6 : t)e servin3 cell is more advanta3eous as t)e current cell/ T)e "#GT eAuation 'wit)out temporary )andicap+ can 0e interpreted in anot)er way/ "#GT P MMM#CC- 4 MMMTK"(R T)e "#GT is a 0alance or a trade4o** 0etween two opposite indicators/ As a matter o* *act : MMM MMM#CC- S 6 : t)e nei3)0orin3 cell n is more advanta3eous t)an t)e servin3 cell as t)e reception o* #CC- is 0etter/ MMM MMM#CC- T 6 : t)e nei3)0orin3 cell n is more disadvanta3eous t)an t)e servin3 cell/ MMM MMMTK"(R S 6 : t)e nei3)0orin3 cell n is more disadvanta3eous t)an t)e servin3 cell as t)e ma.imum permissi0le power o* t)e !S is )i3)er/ MMM MMMTK"(R T 6 : t)e nei3)0orin3 cell n is more advanta3eous t)an t)e servin3 cell/ T)e "#GT can 0e seen as a 0alance> at !S side> 0etween a pro0a0ility to )ave a 0etter reception and t)e pro0a0ility o* reAuests o* transmission at )i3)er levels in t)e nei3)0orin3 cells/
" .1 E&ENTS < Pr d 2in d and us r@d 2in d = nts: T)e events detected 0y a GS! terminal can 0e identi*ied 0ased on identi*ication o* Itri33erJ values or ran3es o* t)e GS! indicators: C)oose in*ormation element 'See Anne. ?+/ &nforma ion elemen Ar'umen Value: (han'ed Value: Threshold I* t)e in*ormation element )as an ar3ument> speci*y it )ere/ C)oose t)is to tri33er t)e event w)enever t)e value o* t)e selected in*ormation element c)an3es/ C)oose t)is to tri33er t)e event w)en t)e selected in*ormation element assumes> e.ceeds or drops 0elow a certain value/ C)oose a t)res)old operator 'CPC> CSC> or CTC+> and set t)e t)res)old value/
#loc@ed Call
Call Attempt Call nd Call sta0lis)ed Call Setup Cell Reselection %edicated !ode %ropped Call
It was not possi0le to esta0lis) a call> *or e.ample 0ecause all tra**ic c)annels are 0usy/ A tra**ic c)annel )as 0een reAuested 't)rou3) t)e &ayer ? messa3e CC)annel ReAuestC+/ 'Note t)at t)e reAuest may also 0e *or a si3nalin3 c)annel> in w)ic) case no call is actually attemptedW t)e two types o* reAuest cannot 0e distin3uis)ed/+ T)e call )as 0een terminated 'tri33ered 0y t)e &ayer ? messa3e C%isconnectC+/ A call )as 0een esta0lis)ed 'tri33ered 0y t)e &ayer ? messa3e CConnect Ac@nowled3eC+/ A call )as 0een set up 0y t)e mo0ile 'tri33ered 0y t)e &ayer ? messa3e CAlertin3C+/ Reselection to a new control c)annel )as ta@en place/ T)e mo0ile )as entered dedicated mode/ T)e esta0lis)ed call )as 0een terminated a0normally/
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-andover -andover 'Intracell+ -andover Failure -andover Intracell Failure Idle !ode &imited Service !ode &ocation Area Update &ocation Area Update Failure No Service !ode Rin3in3 2e)icle Speed
Success*ul inter4cell )andover/ Success*ul intra4cell )andover/ An attempted inter4cell )andover *ailed/ An attempted intra4cell )andover *ailed/ T)e mo0ile )as entered idle mode/ T)e mo0ile )as entered limited service mode 'emer3ency calls only+/ T)e mo0ile )as c)an3ed location areas/ T)e mo0ile *ailed in c)an3in3 its location area/ T)e mo0ile )as entered No Service mode> since it cannot *ind a control c)annel/ T)e mo0ile is emittin3 a rin3in3 si3nal/ T)e ve)icle speed e.ceeds t)e limit imposed 0y t)e scannerFs sample rate adaptation al3orit)m '0ased on wavelen3t)+
-and O= r Ana1;sis: D 2initions 4 int rna1 -O : t)e )andover e.ecution is controlled 0y t)e #SC 'only intracell and intercell4intra4#SC -$+/ 4 Gt rna1 -O : t)e )andover e.ecution is controlled 0y t)e !SC 'necessary *or all intercell4inter4#SC -$> possi0le *or intercell4intra4#SC -$+/ 4 intrac 11 -O : )andover 0etween two c)annels o* t)e same cell/ 4 int rc 11 -O : )andover 0etween two c)annels o* adDacent cells/ T)e old c)annel 0elon3s to t)e servin3 cell> t)e new c)annel to t)e tar3et cell/ 4 intra@4SC -O : t)e servin3 cell and t)e tar3et cell 0elon3 to t)e same #SC/ @ int r/on -O : intracell )andover 0etween t)e inner Bone and t)e outer Bone o* a concentric cell con*i3uration/ @ intra/on -O : intracell )andover wit)in a Bone 'inner or outer+ o* a concentric cell con*i3uration/ @ dir ct d r tr; : )andover *rom S%CC- to TC- w)en t)e servin3 cell is con3ested at t)e startin3 time o* t)e assi3nment procedure/ -O T;! s: -andover Cause Intracell )andover Intercell )andover Situation o* mer3ency E. r9 nc; Intrac 11 -ando= r E. r9 nc; Int rc 11 -ando= r #etter conditions 4 tt r 6on -ando= r -ando= r 4 tt r C 11 -ando= r
Cas o2 int rc 11 :ando= rs @ E. r9 nc; int rc 11 :ando= r T)ese )andovers are tri33ered w)en t)e call conditions deteriorate si3ni*icantly in order to rescue t)e call/ T)e causes are: @ NHua1it; too 1o7N @ N1 = 1 too 1o7N @ Ndistanc too 1on9 2ro. s r=in9 c 11N @ Ncons cuti= 8ad SACC- 2ra. sN @ N1 = 1 crossin9 :i9: t:r s:o1dN T)e IHua1it;O and I1 = 1 too 1o7O causes are only tri33ered w)en t)e !S or #S power )as reac)ed t)e
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ma.imum allowed value/ -andover on Ctoo low levelC is used to avoid situations w)ere t)e inter*erence level is low> w)ile t)e attenuation is Auite )i3)/ T)ese conditions may appear *or e.ample in 0i3 city streets w)ic) ena0le a line o* si3)t propa3ation *rom t)e #TS antenna/ T)ere is in t)is case a ris@ o* a0rupt Auality de3radation> i* t)e !S moves away *rom t)e line o* si3)t street/ CDistanc too 1on9C is provided to prevent macrocells *rom e.tendin3 too *ar out t)e planned 0orders> t)us creatin3 a ris@ *or a0rupt call de3radation and also uplin@ inter*erences/ T)is is typical near t)e river 0an@s o* 0i3 cities 'canyon e**ect+/ C4ad SACC- 2ra. sC and C1 = 1 dro!!in9 und r :i9: t:r s:o1dC are provided to support t)e rapidly varyin3 radio conditions o* microcellular environment 'e/3/ street corner e**ect+/ In order to )ave a su**icient reaction time t)ese causes are independent o* t)e power used 0y t)e !S or #TS/ For all t)ese causes> t)e )andover al3orit)m must privile3e t)e call continuation over t)e resource optimiBation/ Cas o2 int rc 11 :ando= rs @ 4 tt r c 11 :ando= r T)ese )andovers are tri33ered to improve t)e overall system tra**ic capacity/ T)is spans: inter*erence reduction> si3nalin3 load reduction> tra**ic un0alance smoot)in3/ T)e 0asic assumption *or t)ese )andovers is t)at t)ey s)ould respect t)e cell plannin3 decided 0y t)e operator/ In a well con*i3ured networ@> t)e maDority o* t)e )andover s)ould 0e o* t)e 0etter cell type/ For conventional cell environment> t)ey correspond to t)e cause C !o7 r 8ud9 tC/ For concentric cell environment> t)e cause C!o7 r 8ud9 tC is applied in t)e inner Bone as well as in t)e outer Bone/ For )ierarc)ical cell environment: 4 0etween cells o* t)e same layer : C!o7 r 8ud9 tC 4 *rom )i3)er to lower layer : C9ood r c i= d 1 = 1 in on o= r1aid c 11C> 4 *rom lower to )i3)er layer : no special cause> 0ut t)e detection t)at a MS is 2ast enou3)> 0ased on t)e r sid nc ti. in an o= r1aid c 11/ For multi40and networ@> t)e cause C!r 2 rr d 8andC is tri33ered 0etween two cells w)ic) use di**erent *reAuency 0ands/ T)e main draw0ac@ o* t)is )andover cate3ory is t)e ris@ o* Cpin34pon3C e**ect> w)ic) is an oscillatin3 0ac@ and *ort) )andover 0etween two 'or t)ree+ cells/ As t)e C0etter cellC )andover are meant to *ind t)e C0est cellC> t)e variation o* t)e radio conditions will tri33er a 0i3 amount o* 0etter cell )andovers> i* t)e al3orit)ms )ave a too sensitive reaction/ -ence> some mec)anisms are *orecast> in order to prevent t)ese oscillations *rom occurrin3 repeatedly at 3iven places/
Cas o2 intrac 11 :ando= rs @ E. r9 nc; intrac 11 :ando= r mer3ency )andover is tri33ered *or intracell application w)en t)e radio lin@ is deemed to su**er a :i9: 1 = 1 o2 int r2 r nc / In t)is case> t)e c)annel assi3ned to t)e call is c)an3ed *or anot)er c)annel in t)e same cell> on w)ic) t)e measured inter*erence level is t)e smallest possi0le/ In t)e case o* concentric cell environment> emer3ency intracell )andovers concern )andovers *rom t)e inner to t)e outer Bone o* t)e same cell 't)ey are called interBone )andovers+ as well as )andovers per*ormed wit)in one Bone 't)ey are called intraBone )andovers+/ Cas o2 intrac 11 :ando= rs @ 4 tt r /on :ando= r For concentric cells> t)e Couter Bone uplin@ and downlin@ level too )i3)C cause *orces an intracell )andover *rom an outer Bone TC- to an inner Bone TC-/ T)is )andover is considered as interBone )andover/
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T)e )andover preparation is in c)ar3e o* detectin3 a need *or )andover and proposin3 a list o* tar3et Cells/ T)ere*ore it can 0e divided into two processes : @:ando= r d t ction 4 process analyses t)e radio measurements reported 0y t)e #TS and tri33ers t)e candidate cell evaluation process eac) time a )andover cause 'emer3ency or 0etter cell type+ is *ul*illed/ @:ando= r candidat c 11 =a1uation 4 wor@s out a list o* possi0le candidate cells *or t)e )andover/ T)is list is sorted accordin3 to t)e evaluation o* eac) cell as well as t)e layer t)ey 0elon3 to 'in a )ierarc)ical networ@+ and t)e *reAuency 0and t)ey use 'in a multi0and networ@+/ $nce t)e )andover preparation is completed> t)e )andover decision and e.ecution is per*ormed under t)e !SC or #SC control/ Also> t)e directed retry preparation is per*ormed 0y t)e )andover preparation *unction/ $nce t)e directed retry preparation is completed> t)e directed retry is per*ormed under t)e #SC control/ T)e )andover preparation reAuires indirectly input parameters provided 0y t)e *unction in c)ar3e o* t)e radio lin@ measurements/ !ost o* t)e input data reAuired 0y t)e )andover *unctions are provided 0y a *unction I Acti= c:ann 1 !r @!roc ssin9O/ It processes raw data 3iven 0y t)e radio lin@ measurements 'Auality> level and distance+/ O8s: T)e operator )as t)e possi0ility to in)i0it selectively t)e di**erent )andover causes via $E! commands on a cell 0asis/
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5/6 -ando= r caus s Too low Auality on t)e uplin@ Too low level on t)e uplin@ Too low Auality on t)e downlin@ Too low level on t)e downlin@ Too lon3 !S4#S distance Several consecutive 0ad SACC- *rames received 'rescue microcell )andover+ Too low level on t)e uplin@> inner Bone 'inner to outer Bone )andover> concentric cell+ Too low level on t)e downlin@> inner Bone 'inner to outer Bone )andover> concentric cell+ "ower 0ud3et Too )i3) level on t)e uplin@ and t)e downlin@> outer Bone 'out/ to in/ Bone )and/> concentric cell+ -i3) level in nei3)0our lower layer cell *or slow mo0ile Too )i3) inter*erence level on t)e uplin@ Too )i3) inter*erence level on t)e downlin@ Too low level on t)e uplin@ in a microcell compared to a )i3) t)res)old Too low level on t)e downlin@ in a microcell compared to a )i3) t)res)old Forced %irected Retry -i3) level in nei3)0our cell in t)e pre*erred 0and M 8 ? 9 : O R 56 55 58 5? 59 5: 5O 5R 5G 86 85
57 T;! menr3ency Cause menr3ency Cause menr3ency Cause menr3ency Cause menr3ency Cause menr3ency Cause menr3ency Cause menr3ency Cause #etter Condition #etter Condition #etter Condition menr3ency Cause menr3ency Cause menr3ency Cause menr3ency Cause #etter Condition #etter Condition
Dir ct d r tr; !r !aration 1 S;st . as! cts T)e directed retry consists in an S%CC- to TC- intercell )andover durin3 t)e call set4up process/ T)e directed retry is tri33ered w)en 3iven radio conditions are met and t)e servin3 cell is con3ested/ T)e )andover to TC- in anot)er cell reduces t)e call set4up time 'Aueuin3 p)ase+ and allows t)e s)arin3 o* resources *rom one cell wit) anot)er> t)us overcomin3 tra**ic load un0alance/ T)e directed retry may 0e per*ormed : 4 eit)er on )andover alarms : I* a )andover alarm is detected durin3 Aueuin3> and t)e candidate cell evaluation process indicates at least an internal or e.ternal cell> t)en t)e #SS will per*orm a directed retry / 4 or on alarm o* *orced directed retry : I* durin3 Aueuin3> an internal nei3)0our cell is reported wit) a su**icient level and )as *ree TC-> t)en t)e #SS will per*orm a directed retry / T)e e.pression CForced directed retryC re*ers to t)is case> 0ecause t)e radio conditions in t)e servin3 cell do not represent a need *or )andover/ T)e cause w)ic) leads to *orced directed retry is assimilated to a C0etter condition causeC in t)e )andover preparation/ T)is di**erence on alarms )as an impact on t)e inter*erence level in t)e networ@ : 4 directed retry on )andover alarms : A*ter t)is @ind o* directed retry> t)e !S is very li@ely in t)e 0est cell/ T)e 0est cell is t)e one w)ere 0ot) reAuired #S and !S transmitted powers are minimiBed and consecutively t)e induced inter*erence in t)e networ@/
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5/6 4 *orced directed retry : Considerin3 t)at : 4 In 3eneral> t)e cell t)e !S is campin3 on 'i/e/ as t)e result o* t)e cell selection process+ is t)e C0est cellC> 4 t)e directed retry tra**ic is located at t)e ed3e o* t)e )andover area o* t)e tar3et cell T)e tra**ic due to *orced directed retry )as a )i3) pro0a0ility to 0e located inside t)e emer3ency Bone o* t)e previously servin3 cell/ T)ere*ore it may cause an increase to t)e planned level o* inter*erence/ T)is is t)e draw0ac@ *or t)e overall networ@ capacity improvement/
For t)e sa@e o* simpli*ication : 4 two cells are considered 'i/e/ t)ere is only one tar3et cell+/ #S5 is t)e servin3 cell and #S8 is t)e tar3et cell> 4 0ot) cells )ave t)e same ma.imum transmit powers *or !S and #S> 4 0ot) cells )ave t)e same minimum level *or Cell selection access 'RK& 2LACC SSL!IN+ and t)e same minimum level *or )andover access/ 4 t)e only cause *or )andover is "ower #ud3et> wit) no )andover mar3in/ T)e directed retry preparation is supported: 4 0y t)e same processes as t)e )andover preparation *or directed retry on )andover alarms> 4 0y a speci*ic condition in t)e alarm detection process 'new cause pertainin3 to *orced directed retry+ and a speci*ic candidate cell list evaluation process *or *orced directed retry/ T)e detection process *or directed retry consists in t)e c)ec@in3 o* t)e )andover alarms and o* t)e *orced directed retry alarm/ I* an alarm *or *orced directed retry is raised> t)en t)e tar3et cell evaluation is per*ormed 0y t)e candidate cell evaluation process *or *orced directed retry/ For all ot)er alarms> t)e tar3et cell evaluation is per*ormed 0y t)e candidate cell evaluation process *or )andover '$R% R or GRA% +/ Note : T)e intracell )andover alarms 'inter4Bone or due to inter*erence+ are i3nored 0y t)e cell evaluation process/ Dir ct d r tr; on :ando= r a1ar.s T)e preparation o* directed retry on )andover alarms is per*ormed 0y t)e )andover preparation *unction/ All t)e processes o* t)is *unction operate in t)e same way as *or preparation o* S%CC- or TC- )andover at t)e e.ception o* t)e candidate cell evaluation process/ T)e candidate cell evaluation process '$R% R or GRA% + loo@s *or tar3et cells so as to do an S%CC- to TC- )andover/ TC- load in nei3)0or cells may 0e used *or tar3et cell evaluation and ran@in3 't)e TC- load is not @nown in case o* e.ternal cells+/ Not : in case o* )andover preparation> t)e candidate cell evaluation process loo@s *or tar3et cells so as to do a S%CC- )andover/ T)e S%CC- load is not ta@en into account/ Dorc d dir ct d r tr; T)e preparation o* *orced directed retry is composed o* two processes: 4 *orced directed retry detection> 4 candidate cell evaluation/ T)e *orced directed retry detection reAuires speci*ic preprocessed measurements> see section ?/5/ T)e detection is per*ormed every SACC- measurement reportin3 period w)en preprocessed measurements are availa0le/ T)e avera3ed received levels o* all nei3)0or cells are compared to a t)res)old/ I* one or several cells are *ound wit) a received level )i3)er t)an t)e t)res)old> an alarm o* *orced directed retry is raised : )i3) level in a nei3)0or cell *or *orced directed retry/ T)is cause is included in t)e C0etter condition causesC o* t)e )andover preparation/ ()en detected> t)is alarm is sent > wit) t)e list o* internal and e.ternal cells *ul*illin3 t)e condition> to t)e candidate cell evaluation process *or *orced directed retry i* t)ere is no )andover alarm raised at t)e same time/ A )andover alarm raised at t)e same time is prior and is sent to t)e candidate cell
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5/6 evaluation process $R% R or GRA% / T)en> t)e candidate cell evaluation process loo@s *or cells : a/ w)ere t)e !S can communicate> 0/ w)ere t)e received level at !S is )i3)er t)an a 3iven t)res)old> c/ and w)ic) )ave a minimum num0er o* TC- c)annels *ree 'in case o* internal cell+/ T)e condition 0/ allows t)e control o* t)e inter*erence level in t)e networ@/ T)e condition c/ is a means to *or0id Cretry tra**icC *rom a con3ested cell to a nei3)0or cell i* t)e nei3)0or cell )as less t)an a minimum num0er o* c)annels *ree/ T)is condition controls t)e amount o* Cretry tra**icC and t)ere*ore t)e additional inter*erence 3enerated 0y t)is type o* tra**ic/
ANNE# 1: O!ti.i/ations Para. t rs 0A1cat 1 I.!1 . ntation 2or +33/1*33M-/ 4ands5 RG1 = acc ss .in 0Id1 Mod 5 : T)is parameter concerns only t)e !S/ Rule : T)e parameter o* selection C5 s)ould 0e null w)ile t)e measured level 0y t)e !S is eAual to its sensitivity/ In Ur0an> t)e utilised !S are mostly o* type Z 8( [ and o* sensitivity lower or eAual to 4568d#m/ For 766> in Ur0an case> R.lev access min P 4568d#m For 766> in Rural> we assume a use o* mo0iles o* type Z G( [ and we admit a R.lev access min P 456G d#m/ Concernin3 t)e 5G66 macro cells> since t)e &LRK& 2L%&L- causes -$ at si3nal stren3t) 0ellow 477 d#m and 47: d#m 'accordin3 i* t)e cell is )oppin3 or not+> t)e R.lev access min is set to 47: d#m/ T)ere*ore> it minimiBes t)e situations w)ere t)e !S do call set4up at a low level and leaves immediately in downlin@ level alarm/ -ando= r t:r s:o1d on 1o7 do7n1inA and u!1inA 1 = 1: To ma@e uni*orm t)is parameter settin3> we admit a sensitivity o* 4568 d#m *or all t)e !S wit)out distinction 8(/G(/ !oreover> t)e actual per*ormances in reception o* t)e G? #TS permit us to admit a sensitivity o* 4555 d#m *or t)e G? today versus 4569 d#m *or t)e G5 #TS and 456G d#m *or t)e G8 'environment o* TU:6 and R.Aual O+/ In relation to t)ese t)res)olds o* sensitivity> a r.Aual mar3in ; R.Aual O 4S R.Aual 9 P ?d# < and a *adin3 mar3in ; TU:6 4S TU? P 6d# wit) SF- and ?d# w/o SF-< is ta@en to determine t)e t)res)old *or %& and U& level alarms in 766 !-B/ : Q ? d# in case o* use o* *reAuency )oppin3 Q O d# wit)out *reAuency )oppin3
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5/6 For t)e uplin@> t)e use o* t)e diversity on t)e site introduces 4? d# in t)e 0ene*it o* t)e sensitivity> and a penalty o* 56d# in case o* 766 &NA use/ 4?d# wit) diversity Q56 d# wit) &NA
In last point> a correction *actor o* 5 d# is used to ta@e into account t)e *act t)at t)e Alcatel al3orit)ms tri33er -$ w)en t)e NT' avera3e measure+ is strictly in*erior to t)e t)res)old/ For e.ample> i* t)e t)res)old is 477d#m> t)e -$ is tri33ered to 4566d#m or lower w)en we want a -$ at 477d#m/ T)ere*ore> 5 d# is added to tri33er -$ at 477d#m or lower/ Q5d# correction *actor For t)e 5G66 cells> t)e same rule is applied/ Finally: & R.lev %& -P 4568 Q ?Q 5 P 47G d#m wit) *reAuency )oppin3 & R.lev %& - P 4568 Q O Q 5P 47: d#m wit)out *reAuency )oppin3 & R.lev U& -766'G?766+ P 4555 Q? 4?Q5P 4556 d#m 4S 4556 d#m wit) SF- and diversity/ 4566 avec &NA/ In *act> in t)is particular case> no uplin@ level alarm can 0e tri33ered/ & R.lev U& -766'G?766+ P 4555 Q ?Q5 P 456R d#m wit) *reAuency )oppin3 and wit)out diversity/ 47R avec &NA & R.lev U& - 766'G?766+ P 4555 Q O 4? Q5P 456R d#m wit)out *reAuency )oppin3 and wit) diversity/ 47R avec &NA & R.lev U& - 766'G? 766+ P 4555 Q O Q5 P 4569 d#m wit)out *reAuency )oppin3 and wit)out diversity/ 479 avec &NA & R.lev U& -766'G8 766+ P 456G Q?4?Q5 P 456R d#m wit) *reAuency )oppin3 and diversity/ 47R avec &NA & R.lev U& -766'G8 766+ P 456G Q ?Q5 P 4569 d#m wit) *reAuency )oppin3 and wit)out diversity/ 479 avec &NA & R.lev U& -766'G8 766+ P 456G Q O 4?Q5 P 4569 d#m wit)out *reAuency )oppin3 and wit) diversity/ 479 avec &NA & R.lev U& -766'G8 766+ P 456G Q O Q5 P 4565 #m wit)out *reAuency )oppin3 and wit)out diversity/ 475 avec &NA & R.lev U& -766'G5 766+ P 4569 Q ? 4? Q 5P 456? d#m wit) *reAuency )oppin3 and diversity/ 47? avec &NA & R.lev U& -766'G5 766+ P 4569 Q ? Q 5P 4566 d#m wit) *reAuency )oppin3 and wit)out diversity/ 476 avec &NA & R.lev U& -766'G5 766+ P 4569 Q O 4? Q5P 4566 d#m wit)out *reAuency )oppin3 and wit) diversity/ 476 avec &NA & R.lev U& -766'G5 766+ P 4569 Q O Q 5P 47R d#m wit)out *reAuency )oppin3 and wit)out diversity/ 4GR avec &NA & R.lev U& -766 '!5! and !5C 766+ P 47R Q O Q5 P 476 d#m wit)out *reAuency )oppin3 and wit)out diversity & R.lev U& -766 '!9!+ P 456R Q O Q 5P 4566 #m wit)out *reAuency )oppin3 and wit)out diversity & R.lev U& -5G66 'G? 5G66+ P 4555 Q ? 4? Q5 P 4556 d#m wit) *reAuency )oppin3 and diversity/ & R.lev U& -5G66 'G? 5G66+ P 4555 Q ? Q5P 456R d#m wit) *reAuency )oppin3 and wit)out diversity/ & R.lev U& -5G66 'G? 5G66+ P 4555 Q O4 ?Q5 P 456R d#m wit)out *reAuency )oppin3 and diversity/ & R.lev U& -5G66 'G? 5G66+ P 4555 Q O Q5P 4569 d#m wit)out *reAuency )oppin3 and wit)out diversity/ PC t:r s:o1ds on t: )%1 = 1 : Since t)e t)res)olds o* -$ on t)e U& level )ave c)an3ed> t)e U& t)res)olds o* "C s)ould c)an3e also to 0e in a3reement wit) t)ose o* -$/ T)e rule applied is 0ased on -$ level QG d# *or )avin3 t)e &LRK& 2LU&L" and Q5Od# *or t)e ULRK& 2LU&L"/ (ua1it; -O t:r s:o1d :
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T)ese t)res)olds s)ould 0e tuned to tri33er t)e -$ w)en t)e avera3e R.Aual reac)es 9 wit)out *reAuency )oppin3 and : wit) *reAuency )oppin3 't)e R.Aual o* : wit) *reAuency )oppin3 activated is eAuivalent in audio Auality to 9 wit)out *reAuency )oppin3+/ For t)e Alcatel #SS> t)e al3orit)ms use t)e entire part o* t)e R.Aual avera3e and strict ineAualities/ e.ample i* we desire to tri33er wit) a R.Aual 9 : Assumption: Avera3e R.Aual measured P 9/O 4S entire part P 9 I* t)e t)res)old is set to 9> t)e al3orit)m do not tri33er -$ since t)e value is not strictly superior to 9/ T)ere*ore> t)e t)res)old s)ould 0e set to ?/ (e propose to set t)ese t)res)olds to ? in all cases '766 or 5G66+/ In case o* cell not )oppin3> t)is t)res)old is adapted/ In case o* )oppin3 cell 'SF- ##- or synt)etised+> an o**set ODDSET$-OPPING$-O availa0le in #:/5 is added to t)e Auality alarms t)res)olds &LRKQUA&LU&L- P &LRKQUA&L%&L- P ? accordin3 to t)at t)e TS is )oppin3 or not ' ODDSET$-OPPING$-O5. (e set ODDSET$-OPPING$-O positioned to Q5 w)ic) results in Auality alarms t)res)olds o* 9 *or t)e TS w)ic) are )oppin3 and wit)out impact i* t)e TS are not )oppin3/ (it) ##-> all t)e timeslots o* t)e cell use t)e Z ?Q5 [ t)res)old/ (it) synt)esised F-> t)e timeslots on t)e #CC- TRK use Z ? [ and t)e timeslots on t)e ot)er TRK use Z ?Q5 [/ Finally: &LRKQUA&LU&L- P &LRKQUA&L%&L- P ? $FFS TL-$""INGL-$ P Q5 PC t:r s:o1ds on t: )% Hua1it; : ULRKQUA&LU&L" is c)an3ed to 5 on t)e 766 macros cells to allows reduction o* t)e !S power in case w)ere t)e R.Aual measured is 6 and t)e level is over &LRK& 2LU&L"Q8d#/ T)is modi*ication is introduced in order to )ave a )omo3eneous parameter settin3 0etween t)e manu*acturers/ &LRKQUA&LU&L" s)ould 0e adDusted to t)e &LRKQUA&LU&L- 4 5 T)is value is set to 8 '? 4 5+ / (it) SF-> t)e Z ODDSET$-OPPING$PC [ is used *or t)e TS w)ic) are )oppin3/ It is set to Q5> and t)en "C uses ? wit) SF-/ A= ra9 7indo7s in 1 = 1> P4GT and DR : T)e concern is to uni*orm t)e parameter settin3 0etween all classes o* 766 macro cells/ AL& 2L-$ and AL"#GTL-$ are c)osen to 0e identical and set to O *or all t)e classes o* 766 and 5G66 macros/ AL"#GTL%R is set to 9 to allows a Auic@ F%R in case o* activation o* t)is *eature/ EGt nsion o2 t: .aGi.u. nu.8 r o2 n i9:8ours : T)e N#RLA%\ is c)an3ed to O9 / T)e GS! norm aut)orise a ma.imum num0er o* ?8 c)annels on t)e 0ot) 0and '766 Q 5G66 !)B+ 0roadcasted 0y t)e #SS and measured 0y t)e !S/ In case t)at in t)e same 0and '766!)B or 5G66!)B+> more t)an ?8 nei3)0ours are necessary > )avin3 a nei3)0our list o* O9 o**ers t)e possi0ility to )ave more t)an ?8 nei3)0ours wit) t)e condition o* a ma.imum o* ?8 c)annels '8 nei3)0ours can )ave t)e same c)annel 0ut identi*ied 0y a di**erent #SIC+/ Normally> t)e Alcatel $!C or/and #SC s)ould re*use more t)an ?8 c)annels 0roadcasted on t)e networ@ ' control o* co)erence made+ / For e.ample> t)e case o* 8: c)annels in 766!)B and 5: c)annels in 5G66 !)B is *or0idden 0y t)e #SS/ Du11 8a1anc d !o7 r o2 t: Pc 11s :
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It is c)osen > today> to use *ull 0alanced power o* ] cells in order to increase t)e covera3e and increase t)e tra**ic/ 1nowin3 t)at t)e !5! and !5C )ave a ma.imum output power o* 8R d#m> t)is value will not c)an3e *or t)is case/ -owever> *or t)e !8! and !9!> we propose to use an )i3)er power/ N i:8ourin9 C 11 =a1uation: RG1 =.in0n5 (e propose to set R.levmin'n+ eAual to &LR.levL%&L-> t)e low t)res)old *or t)e downlin@ level -$/ $n t)is -$ cause> it seems 0etter to 3o to cell )avin3 at least t)e same level/ To 3o to a cell wit) a lower level could Auic@ly produces a new alarm -$/ In *act> as t)e comparison is strict> t)e level o* t)e tar3et cell will )ave more t)an 5 d# t)an &LR.levL%&L- o* t)e ori3inatin3 cell/
n cou!1 s o2 c 11s :
T)e #: release introduces a *ilterin3 process i* t)e *la3 NL"#GTLFI&T RING is ena0le 0e*ore t)e process o* evaluation o* t)e candidates nei3)0ours $R% R and GRA% 'used *or all t)e causes e.cepted *or cause 86+ : / "#GT'n+S -$L!ARGINLKK'6>n+ Q CauseL!ar3inL"LK 4 wit) -$L!ARGINLKK'6>n+ P -$L!ARGINLQUA&'6>n+ i* causeP8>9 or R 4 wit) -$L!ARGINLKK'6>n+ P -$L!ARGINL& 2'6>n+ i* causeP?>:>O>5R or 5G 4 wit) -$L!ARGINLKK'6>n+ P -$L!ARGIN'6>n+ i* cause 58 In order to come nearer to t)e parameter settin3 o* t)e ot)ers suppliers> t)e #: parameter settin3 c)an3es 0y introducin3 t)e -$L!ARGINLQUA&'6>n+ and -$L!ARGINL& 2'6>n+ 0y couple o* cells instead o* usin3 t)e -$L!ARGIN'6>n+ Q causeL!ar3inL"LK 'cell parameter w)ic) is used *or all t)e nei3)0our as in t)e #9 0e)aviour+/ #y t)is way> we )ave a )i3)er *le.i0ility o* optimisation and control o* t)e c)osen nei3)0ours/ Since we propose to use t)e -$L!ARGINLQUA&'6>n+ and -$L!ARGINL& 2'6>n+ *or t)e causes 8>9>?>: and O> it is no more necessary to )ave CauseL!ar3inL"LK and are voluntary c)an3ed to 6/ In #9> t)e process o* GRA% was includin3 t)e criteria : "#GT'n+ S -$L!ARGIN Q CauseL!ar3inL"LK In #:> t)e process o* GRA% doesnHt contain t)is criteria and is replaced 0y t)e *ilterin3 conditions presented a0ove w)en t)e NL"#GTLFI&T RING is ena0le/ In #9 as in #: > t)e process o* $R% R applied on t)e ]cells was not containin3 any *ilterin3 conditions/ In #:> we propose to )ave on all t)e cells t)e NL"#GTLFI&T RING ena0led 'concern o* an )omo3eneous parameter settin3+ and to use very ne3ative values o* -$L!ARGINLQUA& and -$L!ARGINL& 2 i* we want to avoid *ilterin3/ T)ere*ore> new ta0les o* t)e crossed parameters are introduced 0etween t)e layers and adapted *or an e.pected 0e)aviour ; -$L!ARGIN'6>n+W -$L!ARGINL& 2'6>n+W -$L!ARGINLQUA&'6>n+W &IN1LFactor'6>n+W "RI$RIT,'6>n+ </ (e )ave to ta@e care o* t)e di**erence 0etween t)e &LR.levL%&L- o* t)e ori3inatin3 cell and t)e R.levmin'n+ o* t)e tar3et cell/ T)e idea is to )ave -$Lmar3inLlev'6>n+ co)erent wit) t)is di**erence/ T)ere*ore> we propose to set t)e -$L!ARGINL& 2'6>n+ li@e *ollows -$L!ARGINL& 2'6>n+ P !a. '48> R.levmin'n+ 4 &LR.levL%&'6+Q5+ #y puttin3 t)e values set in t)e ta0les> t)e *ollowin3 0e)aviour is e.pected :
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4 $n t)e !766 cells : 4 For com*ort -$> capture -$ occurs on t)e 766 ] cells or on t)e !5G66 cells and "#GT )appens 0etween !766 cells/ 4 In case o* ur3ency -$> t)e !S is redirected pre*era0ly on t)e 0est !766 cell over R.levmin'n+ and satis*yin3 t)e criterion o* -oLmar3inLlev'6>n+ P !a. '48> R.levmin'n+ 4 &LR.levL%&'6+Q5+ or -oLmar3inLAual'6>n+ P 48d#/ $t)erwise> in a second priority t)e ]766 over R.levmin'n+ and satis*yin3 t)e criterion o* -oLmar3inLlev'6>n+P !a. '48> R.levmin'n+ 4 &LR.levL%&'6+Q5+ and -oLmar3inLAual'6>n+P458R and in last c)oice t)e ! 5G66 over R.levmin'n+ and under t)e criterion o* -oLmar3inLlevP458R and -oLmar3inLAualP458R 4 $n t)e ]766 cells : 4 For com*ort -$> capture -$ occurs on t)e !5G66 cells and "#GT )appens 0etween ]766 cells/ 4 In case o* ur3ency -$> t)e !S is redirected pre*era0ly on t)e 0est !766 cell over R.levmin'n+ and satis*yin3 t)e criterion o* -oLmar3inLlev'6>n+ P458Rd# or -oLmar3inLAual'6>n+ P 458Rd#/ $t)erwise> in a second priority t)e ]766 over R.levmin'n+ and satis*yin3 t)e criterion o* -oLmar3inLlev'6>n+P !a. '48> R.levmin'n+ 4 &LR.levL%&'6+Q5+ and -oLmar3inLAual'6>n+P48 and in last c)oice t)e ! 5G66 over R.levmin'n+ and under t)e criterion o* -oLmar3inLlevP458R and -oLmar3inLAualP458R Su!!r ssion o2 t .!1at s : T)e su0ur0 766 macro template is no more Dusti*ied 0y a real need o* a speci*ic parameter settin3/ (e proposes to suppress it and to replace it eit)er 0y an ur0an template> eit)er 0y t)e rural one accordin3 to its environment/ T)e Um0rella macros 766 templates only di**ers *rom t)e normal macros 766 only 0y t)e *act t)at t)e cause 59 is in)i0ited or not/ In t)e case t)ere is no micros cells under a macro cell wit) cause 59 activated> since t)ere is no cells o* layer type Z lower [ as nei3)0our> t)e 0e)aviour o* t)e networ@ is t)e same t)at wit) t)e cause 59 in)i0ited/ T)ere*ore> we propose to replace t)e Simple %ense Ur0an parameter settin3 0y t)e templates Um0rella %ense Ur0an/ T)e %ense Ur0an templates di**ers *rom t)e Ur0an templates> 0y t)e *act t)at t)e load *actor are used in t)e %ense Ur0an templates w)en t)ere are not used in t)e Ur0an templates/ (e proposes to mer3e t)ese templates in one wit) t)e load *actors used 0y de*ault/ Finally> on t)e macro cells> t)ere is no more t)an 8 classes 'Ur0an and Rural+ wit) t)res)olds o* levels alarms and levels "C di**erent accordin3 to t)e #TS used> t)e diversity and &NA use/ Introduction o2 t: s;nc:ronis d -O in t: 9rid : (IT-LS,NC-R$NIS %L-$: ena0les sync)ronised -$> set to 5 C:an9 o2 na. o2 so. !ara. t rs : In #:> C &&L&A, RLT," replaces C &&LC$2 RAG LT," and can ta@e ? states> Z lower > Z upper [ or Z sin3le [/ T)en> t)e 766 micros cells ta@es t)e values o* Z lower [ and replace 8 *or Z recovered [ and t)e 766 macros cells are set as Z upper [ and replace 5 *or Z um0rella [/ &LRK& 2LC"TL-$'n+ replaces &LRK& 2L$C-$'n+ and is used as capture t)res)old *or t)e cause 59 '] cell nei3)0our+ and is also utilised *or t)e cause 85 '5G66 nei3)0our+/ Introduction o2 n 7 !ara. t rs 0 Gc !t d dua1 8and !ara. t rs5 : NLI!LASSLR \: ena0les t)e use o* t)e immediate assi3nement reDect> set to 5 NLS N%L$&%LC-ANL!$% : ena0les t)e transmission o* t)e used speec) version to t)e tar3et #SS> set to 5
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%TKLIN%ICAT$RLSACC-: de*ines t)e uses o* t)e dt. in TC-/-R or/and TC-/FR/ FR QU NC, RANG : indicates w)ic) ran3e is used in t)e cell: "4GS!> %CS5G66> 4GS!> %CS5766/ Can only 0e readen since t)e value is set 0y t)e eAuipment a**ected to t)e cell '"4GS!> GS! 5G66 #TS> ///+/ %o not appear in t)e 3rid $FFS TL-$""INGL"C and $FFS TL-$""INGL-$: an o**set can 0e used/ ItHs added to t)e low r.Aual t)res)old *or t)e tr. usin3 SF-/ C:an9 o2 so. ti. rs : TG 'P?56?+: t)ose timers are used in t)e process w)o allows t)e mo0ile to come 0ac@ on t)e old c)annel a*ter a )andover *ail/ T)eir new value is 5: s 'old value P 58 s+ T'conn4est+: it a SCC" timer/ ()en t)e messa3e Z connection reAuest [ is sent> a messa3e li@e Z Conne.ion Con*irm [ or Z Connection re*used [ is e.pected/ I* it doesnHt occur> w)en t)is timer is out> t)e conne.ion process is cancelled/ Its new value is :s 'old value P 58 s+ T'rel+: it a SCC" timer/ It normaly used 0y t)e !SC in t)e release o* a SCC" connection/ T)e messa3e Z Released [ is sent to t)e #SC and t)e !SC waits t)e messa3e Z Release complete [/ I* t)is ac@nowled3e isnHt received> Z Released [ is sent a3ain/ #ut in anormal case> t)e #SC can use t)is timer to release itsel* t)is connection/ Its new value is : s 'old value P 5: s+ N 7 ti. rs : T)ese 9 timers set any delays 0etween t)e Z Assi3nement reDect [ and a new sendin3 o* Z C)annel reAuest [ (ILCR: cause Z call reesta0lis)ment [ (IL C: cause Z emer3ency call [ (IL$C: cause Z ori3inatin3 call [ (IL$": cause Z ot)er procedures [ T)ese parameters are set 0y de*ault to :s 0e*ore optimisation/ Introduction o2 t: dua1 8and 2 atur : I.!act o2 t: dua1 8and acti=ation on t: Gistin9 c1ass s in +33M:/ :
(e recommend> 0y de*ault> t)e dual 0and *eature activation> on all t)e 766 cells and all t)e Alcatel #SC o* France *or t)e *ollowin3 reasons : / T)is *eature s)ould 0e activated > every w)ere> even on #Sc wit)out 5G66 nei3)0ours to allows later -$ on t)e 5G66 layer durin3 t)e call w)en t)e !S )as initiated a call on a #Sc *ar away *rom t)e dual 0and Bone/ / In case o* special needs o* capacity o* tra**ic to cover a temporary event or a permanent )ot spot> no parameter settin3 adDustments are necessary to open a dual 0and Bone/ A simple inte3ration o* 5G66 cells is su**icient/ $* course> in no way> t)e activation o* t)e dual 0and *eature )as impact in t)e 0e)aviour o* t)e 766 !S/ !oreover> t)e dual 0and !S )as t)e same 0e)aviour t)an a 766 !S in case t)ere is no 5G66 cells/ To reac) t)is 3oal> t)e *ollowin3 parameters are necessary on all t)e A1cat 1 4SCs *or an unloc@in3 o* t)e dual 0and *eature : / EN$INTER4AND$NEIG- : #SC loc@ o* t)e 0roadcast o* all t)e opposite 0and nei3)0ours 'set to 5 to ena0le+ / PREDERRED$4AND : #SC parameter t)at speci*ies w)ic) 0and is pre*erred *or inter40and )andovers 'set to 8 *or GS! 5G66+/ / %OAD$E&$PERIOD : %&S parameter ')ardly coded+ t)at speci*ies t)e num0er o* time necessary *or t)e calculation o* t)e loadLavera3e o* t)e cell 'set to O6s+/
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/ Activation o* t)e arly Classmar@ sendin3 on t)e Alcatel #SC : 4 ECSC 0D%S 8asis5 : set to 5 *or ena0lin3 t)e early classmar@ sendin3 o* t)e dual 0and !S @ EN$SEND$CM3 : set to 5 in order to allows t)e sendin3 o* t)e C!? to t)e NSS / @ STRIP$O,$CM2 : set to 6 *or )avin3 no c)an3e o* t)e octet : o* C!8 I 0ein3 passed to t)e !SC/ T)e modi*ications on all t)e A1cat 1 c 11s *or an unloc@in3 o* t)e dual 0and *eature are t)e *ollowin3 : / EN$PREDERRED$4AND$-O : T)is new parameter is a cell loc@ o* t)e pre*erred 0and -$ 766 4S 5G66 cause 85 'set to 5 on all t)e 766 cells to ena0le dual 0and -$+/ Set to 6 on t)e 5G66 cells since it is unnecessary/ / M)%TI$4AND$%OAD$%E&E% : T)res)old o* load in t)e 766 servin3 cell w)ic) ena0les a dual 0and -$ 'set to 6N+/ / %$R#%E&$CPT$-O0n5 : Used *or t)e cause 59 and 85/ $n t)e 5G66 cells> it corresponds to t)e si3nal stren3t) t)res)old w)ic) allows a dual 0and -$ '4G: d#m+/ $n t)e ]766> it is t)e capture t)res)old *rom !766 to ]766/ / M)%TI$4AND$REPORTING : 'Specs GS! 69/6GW 0roadcasted on t)e SysLIn*o:ter layer ? messa3e+ set to 5 on t)e 766 cells to allows t)at t)e dual 0and !S reports to t)e #SS> measurements on t)e 0est nei3)0our in 5G66/ In case> t)ere is no 5G66 cell as nei3)0our> t)e !S still report t)e O 0est nei3)0ours in 766 !)B/ T)e mana3ement o* t)e dual 0and -$ 0y Alcatel is done 0y t)e introduction o* t)e cause 85 on t)e 766 cells '-$ toward t)e pre*erred 0and 0y capture+/ T)e cause is tri33ered under t)e *ollowin3 conditions : / A2L&$A%'6+S!UTI#AN%L&$A%L& 2 & 'avera3e N o* 0usy TC-+ / A2LRK& 2LNC &&'n+S&LRK& 2LC"TL-$'n+ Q ma.'6> !STK"(RL!AK'n+ 4"+ A2LRK& 2LNC &&'n+ is calculated wit) a avera3in3 window o* AL"#GTL-$ siBe/ T)e AL"#GTL-$ is usin3 t)e availa0le samples and *illin3 t)e restin3 wit) 6 '4556d#m+/ T)e inter0and -$ could 0e possi0le also 0y t)e use o* t)e cause 59/ -owever> t)e timer o* tri33erin3 are also applied to t)e !5G66> delayin3 t)e capture process/ "ossi0ility recommended *or t)e ]5G66/ In #:> t)e evaluation process o* t)e candidates nei3)0ours )as c)an3ed *or t)e mana3ement o* a multi4layer dual 0and networ@ and is conducted as *ollowed :
^ 5+ &ist and *irst ran@in3 o* t)e nei3)0ours : ^ *or C0etter cellC -$ : ^ pre*Llayer P none W all t)e nei3)0ours t)at satis*y t)e -$ cause 'cause58> cause 59>
cause86 and cause 85+ ^ pre*Llayer P upperW w)ile t)e cell is cellLlayerLtypeP lower> t)e -$ cause is 58 and t)e !SLS" %P*ast ^ *or CrescueC -$ > all t)e nei3)0ours wit) t)e pre*erences : ^ pre*Llayer P upper i* cellLlayerLtypePlower and enLrecueLumPena0le ^ pre*LlayerPlower i* cellLlayerLtypePlower and enLrescueLumPdisa0le ^ none i* cellLlayerLtypePlower and enLrescueLumPinde*inite ^ upperQsin3le i* cellLlayerLtypePupper 8+ Ran@in3 o* t)e nei3)0ours 0y priority order ')i3)est to lowest+: ^ pre*erred layer 'value o* pre*Llayer+ ^ priority'6>n+ ^ same *reAuency 0and t)an t)e servin3 cell ^ process o* evaluation $R% R'n+ or GRA% 'n+'e.cepted *or cause 86+ ^ cellLevP6 '$R% R+ ^ i* enLloadLorderPena0le> order'n+P"#GT'n+Q&IN1*actor'6>n+QFR *actor'n+4 FR *actor'6+4-$L!ARGINLKK'6>n+ ^ i* enLloadLorderPdisa0le or e.ternal -$> order'n+P"#GT'n+Q&IN1*actor'6>n+4 -$L!ARGINLKK'6>n+
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^ i* enLloadLorderPdisa0le> 3rade'n+P"#GT'n+Q&IN1*actor'6>n+ ^ AvLr.levLncell'n+SR.levmin'n+Qma.'6WmsLt.pwrLma.'n+4"+ ^ GRA% 'n+S%ISTmar3inQCauseL!ar3inLGLK ^ ?+ A *ilterin3 process can ta@e place ' NL"#GTLFI&T RINGPena0le+ 0e*ore t)e process o*
GRA% or $R% R 'e.cepted *or cause 86+: ^ "#GT'n+S -$L!ARGINLKK'6>n+ Q CauseL!ar3inL"LK ^ wit) -$L!ARGINLKK'6>n+ P -$L!ARGINLQUA&'6>n+ i* causeP 8> 9 or R ^ wit) -$L!ARGINLKK'6>n+ P -$L!ARGINL& 2'6>n+ i* causeP?>:>O>5Ror 5G ^ wit) -$Lmar3inLKK'6>n+ P -$L!ARGIN'6>n+ i* cause 58 causeLmar3inL"L59P458Rd#W causeLmar3inL"L85P458Rd# 'to avoid *ilterin3 in "#GT and simulate a capture process+ For )avin3 dual 0and -$ *rom ]766 or !766 to t)e 5G66 nei3)0ours> n 7 cross d n i9:8our r 1ations ar introduc d to M1*33 2ro. co11ocat d> surroundin9 M+33 and P+33 7:ic: ar o= r1a!! d 8; t: M1*33 c 11s/ T)e parameters speci*ics to t)e nei3)0our relation are : / -$L!ARGIN'6>n+P -$L!ARGINLQUA&'6>n+P-$L!ARGINL& 2'6>n+P 458R d# / &IN1FACT$R'6>n+ P 6d# / "RI$RIT,'6>n+ P 6 w)en t)e 5G66 cell parameters used in t)e nei3)0our relation are : RK& 2L!IN'n+P&LRK& 2L%&L-P47Gd#m 'SF-+ or 47:d#m 'w/o )oppin3+W &LRK& 2LC"TL-$'n+P 4G:d#mW &$A%*actor54:'n+P6d#W FR *actor54:'n+P6d#W &LRK& 2LNC &&L%R'n+P49Rd#mW FR & 2 &L%R'n+P58R Accordin3 to t)e process o* ran@in3 and *ilterin3 developed a0ove and t)e parameters used in t)e nei3)0our relation to t)e !5G66 cells> t)e e.pected 0e)aviour *or dual 0and !S on ]766 and !766 is t)e *ollowin3 : .pected 0e)aviour on t)e ] 766: 4 $n call set4up> S%CC-766 4STC- 766 'no F%R activated+ 4 In case o* ur3ency -$> t)e !S is redirected pre*era0ly on t)e 0est !766 cell over R.levmin'n+ and satis*yin3 t)e criterion o* -oLmar3in'lev et Aual P 458R+/ $t)erwise> in second priority t)e ]766 over R.levmin'n+ and t)e criterion o* -oLmar3in'lev > Aual P4 8d#+ since !5G66 and ]766 )ave t)e same priority and in last c)oice t)e !5G66 over R.levmin'n+ and t)e criterion o* -oLmar3in'lev and Aual P 458R+/ 4 In "#GT> a capture on t)e 5G66 ! cell occurs 'cause 85+ on t)e 0est 5G66! cell a0ove 4 G:d#m .pected 0e)aviour on t)e ! 766: 4 $n call set4up> S%CC-766 4STC- 766 'no F%R activated+ 4 In case o* ur3ency -$> t)e !S is redirected pre*era0ly on t)e 0est !766 cell ' consideration o* load ta@in3 into account 0y t)e &$A%FACT$R e**ect in t)e process o* Grade+ over R.levmin'n+ and satis*yin3 t)e criterion o* -oLmar3in'lev W AualP48d#+/ $t)erwise> in second priority t)e ]766 over R.levmin'n+ and satis*yin3 t)e criterion o* -oLmar3in'lev W AualP458R+ since !5G66 and ]766 )ave t)e same priority and in last c)oice t)e !5G66 over R.levmin'n+ and under t)e criterion o* -oLmar3in'levP458R and AualP458R+/
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4 In "#GT> a capture on t)e 5G66 ! cell occurs 'cause 85+ on t)e 0est 5G66! cell a0ove 4 G:d#m/ $t)erwise> a capture cause 59 -$ occurs on a ]766/ Introduction o2 a n 7 c1ass o2 c 11 0.acro 1*33 c 11s5 : T)e parameter settin3 o* t)e !5G66 cells are common to t)ose o* !766 cells o* dense ur0an class e.cepted *or t)e *ollowin3 speci*ic parameters :
/ CE%%$%AQER$TQPE : T)e 5G66 cell is declared as Z lower [ wit) EN$RESC)E$)MBENA4%E / T)us> in case o* rescue -$> pre*LlayerPupper and t)e 0est ran@ed cells are t)e !766 'same 0e)aviour t)an t)e ]766+/ a3ressiveness to encoura3e -$ on pre*erred 0and '5G66+/ . CE%%$E&B ORDER and EN$%OAD$ORDERBDISA4%E As *or t)e ]cells> we c)ose order in t)e evaluation process and no consideration o* load ' FR LFACT$R +in t)e c)oice o* t)e nei3)0ours *or out3oin3 -$s *rom t)e 5G66 cells/ No consideration o* load 0etween t)e 5G66 cells in t)e Grade process *rom !766 cells '%OAD$DACTOR 1@,B3d4+/ / M)%TI$4AND$REPORTING 'Specs GS! 69/6GW 0roadcasted on t)e SysLIn*o:ter layer ? messa3e+ set to ? on t)e 5G66 cells to allows t)at t)e dual 0and !S reports to t)e #SS> measurements on t)e ? 0est nei3)0our in 766 and ? nei3)0ours in 5G66/+/ T)is c)oice is made in order to *avour t)e -$ on t)e 5G66 nei3)0ours wit)out to compromise a rescue -$ on t)e 766 layer/ / 4S$T#P?R$MA#> 4S$T#P?R$MA#$INNER o* t)e 5G66 cell is proposed to 0e identical to t)at t)e collocated 766 cell *or t)e case w)ere t)ere is 766 indoor cell t)at we canHt declare as nei3)0our o* t)e Um0rella 5G66 cell 'due to t)e limitation o* ?8 nei3)0ours in t)e 766 nei3)0our list t)at could 0e reac)ed+ / T)ere*ore> t)e pass *rom t)e !5G66 to Indoor 766 could 0e done in 8 steps t)rou3) t)e !766 cells/ / MS$T#P?R$MA#> MS$T#P?R$MA#$INNER> MS$T#P?R$MA#$CC- o* t)e 5G66 cells is set to ?6d#m t)at is t)e ma.imum power t)at can 0e used on t)e 5G66 0and/ / )$TIME$AD& is t)e alarm t)res)old on timin3 advance on 5G66 and is set to 8/8 @m/ For an avera3e timin3 advance over 9 ':P8/R@m+> an alarm in distance is tri33ered/ T)is is t)e only way> wit) Alcatel to control t)e service ran3e o* t)e !5G66 cells / T)e C8 parameters is applied only on t)e 5G66 cells in order to *avour t)e reselection on t)e 5G66 cells even and w)ile t)e si3nal stren3t) is 0ellow t)e 766 cells/ 4 CE%%$RESE%ECT$PARAM$IND : loc@ per cell t)at ena0le t)e 0roadcast o* C8 cell reselection parameters on t)e #CC- o* t)e cell 'set to 5+/ 4 CE%%$RESE%ECT$ODDSET : set to 5O d#/ !5G66 cells are *avoured o* 5O d# 0ut t)e e**ective *avour wei3)t is 0ellow and around 7d# since t)e R.levaccesmin o* t)e !5G66 is upper t)e !766/ 4 PENA%TQ$TIME : set to 6 P 86s 'identical to t)at in 766+ 4 TEMPORARQ$ODDSET : set to 6d# 'identical to t)at in 766+/ No penalty is applied on t)e !5G66 cells 4 R#%E&$ACCESS$MIN : set to 47: d#m / T)e !S can camp on t)e !5G66 cell only i* t)e C5S6 'R.levS47:d#m+/ / Since t)e dual 0and !S are Z *orced [ to camp on t)e !5G66 cells> it is recommended to activate> 0y de*ault> t)e Forced %irected Retry on t)e !5G66 cells in case o* saturation o* t)e !5G66 cells : 4 EN$DORCED$DR 'per cell 0asis+ : set to 5 and allows t)e Forced %irected Retry on t)e nei3)0ours 4 EN$DR 'per cell 0asis+ : set to 5/ For unloc@ t)e %R and F%R *rom t)e !5G66 cells on t)e nei3)0ours In case o* con3estion o* t)e !5G66 cells> t)e process o* t)e nei3)0our c)oice is as *ollowed : &ist o* t)e nei3)0ours : A2LRK& 2LNC &&L%R'n+S %$R#%E&$NCE%%$DR0n5 Filterin3 and Ran@in3 o* t)e nei3)0ours : A2LRK& 2LNC &&L%R'n+SRK& 2min'n+Qma.'6>!STK"(RL!AK'n+4"+
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t'n+SDREE1 = 1$DR0n5 T)e orderin3 o* t)e cells is *irst t)e priority> *ollowed 0y *reAuency 0and and *inis)in3 0y t)e "#GT eAuation : "#GTL%R'n+PA2LRK& 2LNC &&L%R'n+4A2LRK& 2L"#GTL%R4'#SLTK"(RL!AK4 #SLTK"(R+4'!SLTK"(RL!AK'n+4!SLTK"(RL!AK+
%$R#%E&$NCE%%$DR0n5 )as 0een set to t)e capture t)res)old &LRK& 2LC"TL-$'n+ on t)e 766 ]cells and to t)e RKL& 2L!IN'n+P&4RK& 2L%&L- *or t)e !766/ $n t)e !5G66 is set to 49Rd#m to avoid F%R 0etween !5G66/ DREE%E&E%$DR0n5 is t)e num0er o* *ree TS on t)e nei3)0our cell/ It is set to 6 on t)e 766 cells 'no condition o* load o* t)e 766 cells+ / $n t)e !5G66> it is put to 58R to avoid F%R 0etween !5G66/ .pected 0e)aviour in case o* con3estion on t)e !5G66 : / T)e !S is redirected pre*era0ly on t)e 0est !5G66 cell over R.levmin'n+> &Lr.levLncellL%R'n+P 49Rd#m and )avin3 *reeLlevelL%R'n+ P 58R resources/ In *act> t)e t)res)old in)i0its t)e F%R/ / $t)erwise> in last priority t)e 0est 766 cell 'same priority+ over R.levmin'n+> r.levLncellL%R'n+ and )avin3 *reeLlevelL%R'n+/ Caution : T)e values o* &LRK& 2LNC &&L%R'n+ and FR & 2 &L%R'n+ are adapted on t)e 766 cells *or t)e F%R *rom t)e !5G66 0ut wit) t)e F%R in)i0ited on t)e 766 cells/ In case o* activation > *or optimisation> o* t)e F%R on a speci*ic !766> t)ese t)res)old s)ould 0e tuned *or t)e e.pected 0e)aviour *rom t)is !766 to its nei3)0ours/ / TC proposes to apply 0y de*ault t)e *ractional reuse pattern o* 5U? on t)e 5G66 layer / T)ere*ore> ODDSET$-OPPING$-O and ODDEST$-OPPING$PC is positioned to 5 to distin3uis) t)e Auality alarms and power control t)res)olds 0etween t)e non )oppin3 and )oppin3 TC/ EN$PREDERRED$4AND$-O is set to 6 'in)i0ited+ on t)e !5G66 since its doesnHt ma@e sense on t)e !5G66 to put 5/ To allow out3oin3 -$ *rom !5G66 to t)e nei3)0ours> n 7 cross d n i9:8our r 1ations ar introduc d 2ro. M1*33 to t: co11ocat d and surroundin9 M+33 and +33 indoor c 11s > t: c1os st M1*33 n i9:8ours 2or :a=in9 a continu 1*33 co= ra9 i2 !ossi81 and t: +33P c 11s.
!ain nei3)0ourin3 parameters *rom !5G66 to 5G66 : R.levLmin'n+ P 47G or 47: d#mW !sLt.pwrma.P?6W -oLmar3in'6>n+P :W -oLmar3inLlev'6>n+P ma.'48>R.levmin'n+ 4&LR.levL%&L-'6+Q5+W -oLmar3inLAual'6>n+P6 d#W "riority'6>n+P6W &Lr.levLncellLdr'n+P49Rd#m>FreeLlevelL%R'n+P58RW &LRK& 2LC"TL-$'n+P4 G:d#m>&in@*actor'6>n+P6> FreeL*actor'n+P6W &oadL*actor'n+P6 !ain nei3)0ourin3 parameters *rom !5G66 to !766 : R.levLmin'n+ P 47G or 47: d#mW !sLt.pwrma.P ?? or ?7 d#mW -oLmar3in'6>n+P 458RW -oLmar3inLlev'6>n+P 458RW-oLmar3inLAual'6>n+P458RW"riority'6>n+P6W &Lr.levLncellLdr'n+P47G or 47: d#m>*reeLlevelL%R'n+P6W &Lr.levLcptL)o'n+P49Rd#m>&in@*actor'6>n+P6> FreeL*actor'n+P6W &oadL*actor54:'n+P. !ain nei3)0ourin3 parameters *rom !5G66 to ]766 : R.levLmin'n+ P 4R6 to 47: d#mW !sLt.pwrma.P?? d#m W -oLmar3in'6>n+P 458RW -oLmar3inLlev'6>n+P 458RW-oLmar3inLAual'6>n+P458RW"riority'6>n+P 6W&Lr.levLncellLdr'n+P4O8 to 475d#m>*reeLlevelL%R'n+P6W &in@*actor'6>n+P6> FreeL*actor'n+P6W &oadL*actor'n+P6 .pected 0e)aviour on t)e !5G66:
/ $n call set4up> S%CC-5G66 4STC- 5G66/ "articular case o* F%R> see a0ove/ / In case o* ur3ency -$> t)e !S is redirected pre*era0ly on t)e 0est !766 cell over R.levmin'n+ and under criterion o* -oLmar3in'lev or Aual P 458R+/ $t)erwise> in second priority t)e !5G66 over R.levmin'n+ and -omar3inlevP . d# or AualP6d# since !5G66 and ]766 )ave t)e same priority and in last c)oice t)e ]766 over R.levmin'n+ and under criterion o* -oLmar3in'lev or Aual P 458R+/
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/ A "#GT on t)e 5G66 ! cell occurs 'cause 58+ on t)e 0est 5G66! cell a0ove 47G or 47: d#m and "#GT S: d# T)e *rom t)e !5G66 cell on t)e 0order o* its covera3e to t)e !766 and )appens mostly in alarm o* distance '8/R @m+ in order to control t)e ran3e o* t)e cell> ot)erwise in alarm o* si3nal stren3t) or in Auality/
R co.. nd d d 2au1t =a1u /ran9 UR#L% NS P 456G d#m T)e ot)ers P 456: d#m 9 d# ?? d#m
Co.. nts %epend on t)e 3eo3rap)ical conditions in t)e overlappin3 area o* 8 &ACs/
?? d#m
Recommendation to 3eneraliBe t)e 8( covera3e 6 d# represent t)e ma.imum power T)e ma.imum power depends on t)e R con*i3/
6 d#
5V?5 SACC-
9V56 SACC-
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5V?5 SACC-
9V86 SACC-
5V?5 SACC-
9V56 SACC-
!ICR$ P 9 T)e ot)ers P G UR#L% NS P G !ICR$ P O T)e ot)ers P 58 UR#L% NS P 9 !ICR$ P 9 T)e ot)ers P G RURL&NA%: 4G7 d#m RURLU: 477 d#m !ICR$ P 47G d#m T)e ot)er R"T: 477 d#m RURLU: 477 d#m !ICR$ P 47O d#m T)e ot)er R"T: 47R d#m ?: 1m : d# !ICR$ P 6 d# T)e ot)er P 4R d# !ICR$ P 6 d# T)e ot)er P 4: d# !ICR$ P 6 d# T)e ot)er P 4: d#
4556V49R d#m
RURL&NA%: 478V4GO d#m RURLU: 4568V47O d#m !ICR$ P 4565V47: d#m T)e ot)er R"T: 4568V47O d#m RURLU: 4568V47O d#m !ICR$ P 477V47? d#m T)e ot)er R"T: 4566V479 d#m 8V?: 1m 456V56 d# 456V56 d# 456V56 d# 456V56 d#
4556V49R d#m
ANNE# ": MS Po7 r C1ass s: 766!-B #and C&ASS 9: TKL"(RL!S: 8(/??d#m 766!-B #and C&ASS :: TKL"(RL!S: 6/G(/87d#m 5G66!-B #and C&ASS 5: TKL"(RL!S: 5(/?6d#m 5G66!-B #and C&ASS 8: TKL"(RL!S: 8(/89d#m
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5/6 5766!-B #and C&ASS 5: TKL"(RL!S: 5(/?6d#m 5766!-B #and C&ASS 8: TKL"(RL!S: 8(/89d#m
Ann G ,: A88r =iations A!R A"! ARFCN #CC #CC# R #& " #& R #SIC #SN C/A C/I C#CC%!A CI C! C"ICCRC CS CS% C( %G"S %& %R %SC %TK FR IR" FACCF R FR G!! G"RS G"S GRR GS! -$ -SCS% I I! I Ac@nowled3ed !ode Advanced "ower !ana3ement A0solute Radio FreAuency C)annel Num0er #ase Station Colour Code #roadcast Control C)annel #it rror Rate #loc@ rror "ro0a0ility #loc@ rror Rate #ase Station Identity Code #loc@ SeAuence Num0er Carrier4to4AdDacent 'Ratio+ Carrier4to4Inter*erence 'Ratio+ Cell #roadcast C)annel Code %ivision !ultiple Access Cell Identity Connection !ana3ement Common "ilot C)annel Cyclic Redundancy C)ec@ Codin3 Sc)eme Circuit4Switc)ed %ata Continuous (ave %i**erential G"S %ownlin@ %ead Rec@onin3 %ownlin@ Si3nallin3 Counter %iscontinuous Transmission n)anced Full Rate **ective Isotropic Radiated "ower Fast Associated Control C)annel Frame rasure Rate Full Rate G"RS !o0ility !ana3ement General "ac@et Radio Service Glo0al "ositionin3 System G"RS Radio Resource Glo0al System *or !o0ile Communication -andover -i3)4Speed Circuit4Switc)ed %ata In*ormation lement International !o0ile Auipment Identity
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5/6 1"I &AC &&C !CC !! !NC !S NCC N!$ "#CC"CCC"C"CU "% "%C"%" "I RAC RAS R&C R&" RNC RR SACCSA"I S%CCSI% S!T" S"S SQI SS TA TCT%!A T&&I TS TSC 1ey "er*ormance Indicator &ocation Area Code &o3ical &in@ Control !o0ile Country Code !o0ility !ana3ement !o0ile Networ@ Code !o0ile Station Networ@ Colour Code Networ@ !ode o* $peration "ac@et #roadcast Control C)annel "ac@et Common Control C)annel "a3in3 C)annel "ac@et Control Unit "rotocol %iscriminator "ac@et %ata C)annel "ac@et %ata "rotocol "er*ormance Indicator Routin3 Area Code Remote Access Service Radio &in@ Control Radio &in@ "rotocol Radio Networ@ Controller Radio Resource '!ana3ement+ Slow Associated Control C)annel Service Access "oint Identi*ier Standalone %edicated Control C)annel Silence %escriptor Simple !ail Trans*er "rotocol Standard "ositionin3 Service Speec) Quality Inde. Si3nal Stren3t) Timin3 Advance Tra**ic C)annel Time %ivision !ultiple Access Temporary &o3ical Identi*ier Timeslot Trainin3 SeAuence Code
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4ursts Structur :
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S 1 cti= 4i81io9ra!:;: TSI GS! TS ?66 Standards 577G48666 ricsson T !S 9 Investi3ation %ocumentation M T !S A# RICSS$N 866? Alcatel G? volium #TS $ptimiBation %ocumentation 5777 ricsson Trainin3 M GS! System Survey
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