0349-600-Example Protocol Stacks For Interconnecting CBC and BSC
0349-600-Example Protocol Stacks For Interconnecting CBC and BSC
0349-600-Example Protocol Stacks For Interconnecting CBC and BSC
and V6.0.0 Base tation Controller (B C)(1998-03) Technical Specification (! " #$%&' (ersion )%#%#)
GSM 03.49
RTS/SMG-040349Q6 (38c03003.PDF)
Office address
620 R!ute .e$ 3uci!le$ - S!*+ia ,#ti*!li$ Val'!##e - FR,0-1 Tel.4 533 4 9) 94 4) 00 Fa/4 533 4 93 62 46 16
Si et 07 348 6)3 26) 00016 - 0,F 64) ,$$!ciati!# 8 'ut #!# luc ati( e# egi$t 9e 8 la S!u$-P 9(ectu e .e G a$$e (06) 07 6803/88
$ec eta iat:et$i.( +tt*4//;;;.et$i.( +tt*4//;;;.et$i.! g
Copyright Notification No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
!uropean Telecommunications "tandards Institute #$$%. &ll rights reser'ed.
(ontents....................................................................................................................................................) Intellectual Property Rights.......................................................................................................................* +oreword...................................................................................................................................................* Introduction...............................................................................................................................................* # "cope......................................................................................................................................................,
#.# References.............................................................................................................................................................., #.- &bbre'iations..........................................................................................................................................................
- & protocol stac/ which utilises an application0networ/ layer con'ergence function for interconnecting (1( and 1"(..................................................................................................................................
-.# (1"! 2efinition....................................................................................................................................................3 -.- &"N# "pecification...............................................................................................................................................$ -.) &pplication Rules for &'oidance of (ollision of (1"! Operations..................................................................#. -.* Non "upport of #-% bytes of N"0user0data in Networ/ (onnection and Networ/ (onnection Release phases #.
* &n ""3 Protocol "tac/ +or Interconnecting (1( &nd 1"(.................................................................)* 4istory....................................................................................................................................................),
F! e;! .
This 1TS< Technical "pecification 9T"; has been produced by the "pecial <obile =roup 9"<=; of the !uropean Telecommunications "tandards Institute 9!T"I;. This T" specifies three alternati'e approaches to the specification of protocol stac/s of communication protocols for the purpose of fulfilling the ser'ice re>uirements of the primiti'es specified for the (1( 0 1"( interface in ="< ?).*# within the digital cellular telecommunications system 9Phase -:Phase -@;. The contents of this T" are subAect to continuing wor/ within "<= and may change following formal "<= appro'al. "hould "<= modify the contents of this T" it will then be republished by !T"I with an identifying change of release date and an increase in 'ersion number as follows6 Bersion ..x.y where6 . indicates ="< Release #$$3 of Phase -@ y the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes ha'e been incorporated in the specificationC x the second digit is incremented for all other types of changes5 i.e. technical enhancements5 corrections5 updates5 etc.
<#t !.ucti!#
The present document includes references to features which were introduced into the ="< Technical specifications after Release $. of ="< Phase -@. The text that is rele'ant5 if the feature is supported5 is mar/ed with designators. ="< #?.?# defines the correspondence between these features and ="< yearly releases. The following table lists all features that were introduced after Release $. and ha'e impacted this specification6
/eature <# P+a$e )5 $%$te"$ t+e Re$ta t-<#.& Failu e-<#. a#. SetDR=-Re$* PD>$ $u**l% c!#$i$te#t cell-li$t (! "at$ ( !" t+e ?S-. Designator @(P+a$e)P?$c-ell3i$t$)@
No mandatory protocol between the (ell 1roadcast (entre 9(1(; and the 1ase "tation (ontroller 91"(; is specified by ="<C this is a matter of agreement between (1( and P7<N operators. This Technical "pecification 9T"; specifies three alternati'e approaches to the specification of protocol stac/s of communication protocols for the purpose of fulfilling the ser'ice re>uirements of the primiti'es specified for the (1( 0 1"( interface in ="< ?).*#. One approach is based upon the use of the complete O"I reference model 9see D.-??;5 another approach is based upon the use of only the lower ) O"I layers5 and another approach is based upon the use of ((ITT "ignalling "ystem No. 3 9see E.3??;. "pecifications are based upon indi'idual contributions. &ny Audgement concerning functionality5 completeness and ad'antages:disad'antages of implementation is intentionally omitted.
((ITT Recommendation D.-#)6 FInformation technology 0 Networ/ ser'ice definition for Open "ystems InterconnectionF. ((ITT Recommendation D.-#,6 F"ession ser'ice definition for open systems interconnection for ((ITT applicationsF. ((ITT Recommendation D.-#36 F&ssociation control ser'ice definition for open systems interconnection for ((ITT applicationsF. ((ITT Recommendation D.-#$6 F Remote operations6 model5 notation and ser'ice definitionF. ((ITT Recommendation D.--,6 F"ession protocol specification for Open "ystems Interconnection for ((ITT &pplicationsF. ((ITT Recommendation D.--36 FInformation technology 0 Open "ystems Interconnection 0 protocol specification for the associationF. ((ITT Recommendation D.--$6 FRemote operations Protocol specificationF. ="< #?.?#6 F2igital cellular telecommunication system 9Phase -@;C ="< features and releasesF
, * !t!c!l $tacB ;+ic+ utili$e$ a# a**licati!##et;! B la%e c!#Ae ge#ce (u#cti!# (! i#te c!##ecti#g -?- a#. ?S-
& con'ergence function 9see 2raft ((ITT Recommendation E.$*# Report R -- <ay #$$?; which maps an application entity protocol directly to the Networ/ 7ayer ser'ice defined by D.-#) can pro'ide a practical alternati'e to &("!5 RO"! and O"I layers .5 , and *.
Application Layer - CBS Application
Con)er*ence +(nction ,aps application entity protocol (CBS- directly to network layer
/igure , 2raft ((ITT Recommendation E.$*# proposes to map application layer protocols &("! and RO"! 'ia a con'ergence function to networ/ layers defined by ((ITT Recommendations E.$)# and E.$)-. The complexity of dealing with the many different networ/ layer protocols is a'oided by mapping the application protocols to the Networ/ 7ayer "er'ice defined by D.-#). &("! and RO"! are specifically defined in terms of the full
O"I stac/. The use of &("! and RO"! is a'oided by incorporating the functionality pro'ided by &("! and RO"! into the (1" protocol. The con'ergence function is embedded in the (1" protocol.
(1"!0B1IN2 This operation must be in'o/ed by the party which is responsible for establishing the application associationC only after the application association has been established may the remaining (1"! ser'ices be used. This operation reports either success 9'ia (1"!01ind0(onfirm; or failure 9'ia (1"!01ind0+ailure;. (1"!0B1IN2 will be mapped to:from N0(ONN!(T re>uest:indication with (1"!0B1IN2 parameters carried in N"0user0data 9if the networ/ layer does not support N"0user0data of #-% octets then (1"!0B1IN2 parameters may be carried by the first N02&T& re>uest:indication following establishment of the networ/ layer connection 0 see section -.*;. This operation is used in Phase -@ systems. (1"!01IN20(ON+IR< This operation must be in'o/ed by a party to accept an application association. (1"!01IN20(ON+IR< will be mapped to:from N0(ONN!(T confirm:response with (1"!01IN20 (ON+IR< parameters carried in N"0user0data 9if the networ/ layer does not support N"0user0data of #-% octets then (1"!01IN20(ON+IR< may be carried as the second N02&T& re>uest:indication following establishment of the networ/ layer connection 0 see "ection -.*;. On receipt of a (1"!01IN2 P2I5 the recipient must assume that the sender is supporting the Phase - 'ersion of the interface and must reply with an untagged (1"!01IN20(ON+IR<. If a (1"!0B1IN2 P2I is recei'ed5 the recipient must reply with a tagged (1"!01IN20(ON+IR< as a substructure of (1"!apdus. (1"!01IN20+&I7IR! This operation must be in'o/ed by a party to reAect an attempted application association. (1"!01IN20+&I7IR! will be mapped to:from N02I"(ONN!(T re>uest:indication with (1"!01IN20 +&I7IR! parameters carried in N"0user0data 9if the networ/ layer does not support N"0user0data of #-% octets then (1"!01IN20+&I7IR! parameters shall be carried by the N02&T& re>uest:indication preceding N0 2I"(ONN!(T. ="< phase- compliance6 If the networ/ layer does not support N"0user0data of #-% octets then (1"!01IN20+&I7IR! parameters will not be carried by the networ/ layer 0 i.e. N"0user0data will be discarded;.
(1"!0IN1IN2 This operation must be in'o/ed by a party to release the application association. (1"!0IN1IN2 will be mapped to:from N02I"(ONN!(T re>uest:indication with (1"!0IN1IN2 parameters be carried in N"0user0data 9if the networ/ layer does not support N"0user0data of #-% octets then (1"!0 IN1IN2 parameters shall be carried by the N02&T& re>uest:indication preceding N02I"(ONN!(T 0 see "ection -.* ;. ="< phase - compliance6 If the networ/ layer does not support N"0user0data of #-% octets then reception of N02I"(ONN!(T shall be interpreted as a (1"!0IN1IN2 e'en if the N02I"(ONN!(T is not preceded by a N02&T& pac/et carrying the (1"!0IN1IN2 parameters. JstartJ9Phase-P1sc(ell7ists;J (1"!08RIT!0R!P7&(!5 (1"!0KI775 (1"!0R!PORT5 (1"!0"T&TI"0(1(40EI!RK5 (1"!0"T&TI"0(1(40EI!RK0R!"P5 (1"!0"T&TI"0<!""0EI!RK5 (1"!0 "T&TI"0<!""0EI!RK0R!"P5 (1"!0R!L!(T5 (1"!0R!"T&RT0IN25 (1"!0R!"T&RT0IN20P4&"!-P5 (1"!0 R!"!T5 ("!0+&I7IR!0IN25 ("!0+&I7IR!0IN20P4&"!-P5 (1"!0"!T02RD5 (1"!0"!T02RD0R!"P &pplication data units (1"!08RIT!0R!P7&(!5 (1"!0KI775 (1"!0R!PORT5 (1"!0"T&TI"0(1(40 EI!RK5 (1"!0"T&TI"0(1(40EI!RK0R!"P5 (1"!0"T&TI"0<!""&=!0EI!RK5 (1"!0"T&TI"0 <!""0EI!RK0R!"P.5 (1"!0 R!L!(T5 (1"! 0R!"T&RT0IN25 (1"! 0R!"T&RT0IN20P4&"!-P5 (1"!0 R!"!T5 (1"!0+&I7IR!0IN25 (1"!0+&I7IR!0IN20P4&"!-P5 (1"!0"!T02RD5 (1"!0"!T02RD0R!"P pro'ide the ser'ices specified 'ia primiti'es 8rite0Replace5 Kill5 Report5 "tatus0(1(45 "tatus0(1(40 Response5 "tatus0<essage5 "tatus0<essage0Response5 ReAect5 Restart0Indication5 Restart0Indication0Phase-P5 Reset5 +ailure0Indication5 +ailure0Indication0Phase-P5 "et02RD and "et02RD0Response respecti'ely in ="< ?).*#. JendJ9Phase-P1sc(ell7ists;J These application data units will be mapped to:from N02&T& re>uest:indication.
mobile-domain $D --
gsm-messaging $D -categories
gsm-sms3 $D "%D
--. { gsm-messaging 1
CBS"-B$%D-)arameters --. S"8U"%C" { initiator$D 90: %ame; 1ass2ord 91: )ass2ord ! -------
+bo<e and in CBS"-B$%D-C'%#$0( initiator$D4res1$D- identif7 t5e initiating4res1onding telecommunication subs7stem 1ass2ord- ma7 assist in aut5entication CBS"-=B$%D-)arameters 2ill onl7 be used as an element of CBS"a1dus in t5e User Data field of t5e %-C'%%"C& re3uest4indication message6 %ote t5at t5is structure s5ould be used b7 )5ase > and 5ig5er s7stems onl76
CBS"-=B$%D-)arameters --. S"8U"%C" { initiator$D 90: %ame; 1ass2ord 91: )ass2ord <ersion 9 : =ersion
+bo<e initiator$D4res1$D- identif7 t5e initiating4res1onding telecommunication subs7stem 1ass2ord- ma7 assist in aut5entication <ersion- identif7 t5e interface <ersion su11orted; defined belo2
90: '1erator ')&$'%+*; 91: Bilateral+greem ')&$'%+*; 9 : @l l+ddress ')&$'%+*; CBS-+ddress ')&$'%+*
-- o1erator is a teAt string containing t5e name of t5e CBC4)*(% o1erator6 bilateralagreem is a teAt -- string identif7ing t5e bilateral agreement bet2een t5e CBC and t5e )*(% o1erators 25ic5 allo2s -- for t5is association to be establis5ed6 -- data%et2or?+ddress is t5e )S)D% @61 1 address of t5e CBC4BSC issuing t5e B$%D or -- C'%#$0(; occurring onl7 if a )S)D% is used6 -- iSD%+ddress is t5e )*(% address of t5e CBC (same datum in bot5 B$%D and C'%#$0()6 -- +n7 1air of subsets of t5ese 1arameters ma7 be used to identif7 t5e CBC and t5e BSC to one -- anot5er6 -u11er bound settings
'1erator --. )rintableString (S$B" (066 0)) Bilateral+greem --. )rintableString (S$B" (0 66 0))
CBS-+ddress --. 9+))*$C+&$'% 0: S"8U"%C" { address-t71e $%&","0 { un?no2n-t71e(0); international-number(1); national-number( ); net2or?-s1ecific-number(3); s5ort-number(4) !; numbering-1lan $%&","0 { un?no2n-numbering(0); iSD%-numbering(1); data-net2or?-numbering(3); teleA-numbering(4); national-numbering(D); 1ri<ate-numbering(E) !; address-<alue CF'$C" { octet-format Semi'ctetString -- ot5er formats are for furt5er stud7 ! ! -eac5 octet contains t2o binar7 coded decimal digits 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B"(16610)) (S$B"(066 0))
=ersion 1ro<ides one of t5e indications gi<en in t5e follo2ing table6 +n7 future substanti<e interface definition c5anges must be added to t5is table6
2a3le ,
+ersion indication elea$e-96 e$e Ae.-1 e$e Ae.-) e$e Ae.-3 e$e Ae.-4 e$e Ae.-2 e$e Ae.-6
=ersion --. $%&","0 { release-EG (0); reser<ed-1 (1); reser<ed- ( );
CBS"-B$%D-C'%#$0( 2ill carried as %-C'%%"C& res1onse4confirm CBS"-B$%D-C'%#$0( 1arameters 2ill be carried in User Data of t5e %-C'%%"C& res1onse4confirm message
CBS"-B$%D-C'%#$0(-)arameters --. S"8U"%C" { res1$d 90: %ame; 1ass2ord 91: )ass2ord ')&$'%+* ! -&5e follo2ing defines t5e c5oices and tags for t5e %-D$SC'%%"C&6re3uest4indication User Data6
+11lic-1rotocol-discs --. CF'$C" { bindfail 91: CBS"-B$%D-#+$*U0"; unbindre3 9 : CBS"-U%B$%D ! CBS"-B$%D-#+$*U0" ---. Connect-failure-reason
connect-failure-reason 1ro<ides one of t5e error indications gi<en in t5e follo2ing table6
Reason The responder is not entitled to accept a re>uest for an association between itself and the initiator. The responder is not capable of establishing an association due to temporary o'erload. The responder is not capable of establishing an association due to a temporary failure. The responder will not accept the re>uest to establish an association between itself and the initiator due to incorrect identity or password. The 'ersion specified is not supported by the recipient.
Connect-failure-reason --. $%&","0 { not-entitled (0); tem1orar7-o<erload (1); tem1orar7-failure ( ); incorrect-$D-or-1ass2ord (3); <ersion-unsu11orted (4) ! --. %U**
CBS"-U%B$%D --
&5e follo2ing defines t5e c5oices and tags for t5e %-D+&+6re3uest4indication User Data 91: Irite-0e1lace; 9 : Jill; 93: 0e1ort; 94: Status-CBCF; 9C: Status-CBCF-0es1; 9H: Status-(essage; 9G: Status-(ess-0es1; 9D: 0eLect; 9E: 0estart-$nd; 910: 0eset; 911: #ailure-$nd; 91 : Set-D0@; 913: Set-D0@-0es1; 914: CBS"-=B$%D-)arameters; 91C: CBS"-B$%D-C'%#$0(-)arameters; 91H: CBS"-B$%D-#+$*U0"; 91G: CBS"-U%B$%D; 91D: 0estart-$nd-)5ase ); -M()5ase )BscCell*ists)M
CBS(S"a1dus --. CF'$C" { cbse-I0$&"-0")*+C" cbse-J$** cbse-0")'0& cbse-S&+&US-CBCF-8U"0K cbse-S&+&US-CBCF-8U"0K-0"S) cbse-S&+&US-("SS+,"-8U"0K cbse-S&+&US-("SS-8U"0K-0"S) cbse-0"/"C& cbse-0"S&+0&-$%D cbse-0"S"& cbse-#+$*U0"-$%D cbse-S"&-D0@ cbse-S"&-D0@-0"S) cbse-=B$%D cbse-B$%D-C'%#$0( cbse-B$%D-#+$*U0" cbse-U%B$%D cbse-0"S&+0&-$%D-)F+S" )
cbse-#+$*U0"-$%D-)F+S" ) !
91E: #ailure-$nd-)5ase )
M()5ase )BscCell*ists)M
-- )DU 1arameter definitions from 03641 (essage-$dentifier --. $%&","0 (0 66 HCC3C) Serial-%umber --. $%&","0 (0 66 HCC3C) %o-of-)ages --. $%&","0 (1 66 1C) Cell-*ist --. S"8U"%C" { lengt5 $%&","0; -- number of cells in t5e list disc Cell-$d-Disc; list S"8U"%C" '# Cell-$d ! C5annel --. $%&","0 { basic-c5annel (0); eAtended-c5annel (1) ! Categor7 --. $%&","0 { 5ig5-1riorit7 (0); normal-1riorit7 (1); bac?ground ( ) ! 0e1etition-)eriod --. $%&","0 (1 66 10 4) %o-of-Broadcast-0e3 --. $%&","0 (0 66HCC3C) %o-of-Broadcasts-Com1l-*ist --. S"8U"%C" '# S"8U"%C" { cell-id Cell; no-of-broadcasts-com1l $%&","0; no-of-broadcasts-com1l-info %o-of-Broadcasts-Com1l-$nfo-&71e ')&$'%+* ! Cell-$d --. 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B"(4)) -%ote-$f Cell-$d-Disc e3uals ci'nl7 t5en onl7 t5e last octets of -Cell-$D are to be considered -$f Cell-$d-Disc e3uals lac'nl7 t5en onl7 t5e first octets of -Cell-$D are to be considered6 &5e unused octets are filler octets 00 $f Cell-$d-Disc e3uals allCells; Cell-$D onl7 contains filler octets Sc5edule-)eriod --. $%&","0 (0 66 40) 0eser<ed-Slots --. $%&","0 (0 66 40) #ailure-*ist --. S"8U"%C" '# S"8U"%C" { cell-id Cell; cause #ailure-0eason; diagnostic Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* ! Cbc5-*oading-*ist --. S"8U"%C" '# S"8U"%C"{ cell-id Cell; cbc5-loading Cbc5-*oading -indicates t5e 1redicted s5ort term load; eA1ressed as a 1ercentage -(min-0; maA- 100) ! Cbc5-*oading --. $%&","0(066100) #ailure-0eason --. $%&","0 { 1arameter-not-recognised (0); unused-failure-reason-1 (1); -- not used 1arameter-<alue-in<alid ( ); <alid-CBS-message-not-identified (3); cell-identit7-not-<alid (4); unrecognised-1rimiti<e (C); missing-mandator7-element (H); bss-ca1acit7-eAceeded (G); cell-memor7-eAceeded (D); bss-memor7-eAceeded (E); uns1ecifed-error (10); incom1atible-D0@-1arameter (11); unused-failure-reason-1 (1 ); -- not used cell-broadcast-not-su11orted (13); cell-broadcast-not-o1erational (14); eAtended-c5annel-not-su11orted (1C); message-reference-alread7-used (1H) ! Diagnostic-$nfo --. 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B" (166 0)) Data-Coding-Sc5eme --. $%&","0 (0 66 CC) )age-$nf --. S"8U"%C" { message-info-useful-octets (essage-$nfo-Useful-'ctets; message-info-1age (essage-$nfo-)age ! (essage-$nfo-Useful-'ctets --. $%&","0 (066D ) 0eco<er7-$ndication --. B''*"+% -&0U" indicates data is a<ailable
-- Definitions used b7 t5e )DU 1arameters (essage-$nfo-)age --. 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B"(D )) Cell-$d-Disc --. 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B"(1)) <alues from t5e follo2ing table --. N1NF -'ctet lac; follo2ed b7 'ctet Cell $d --. N NF -- Cell $d onl7 --. NCNF -'ctet lac onl7; all cells in t5is *+C (%'& US"D BK BSC) --. NHNF -- all cells in t5is BSS (%'& US"D BK BSC)
-lac+ndCi 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B"(1)) ci'nl7 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B"(1)) lac'nl7 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B"(1)) allCells 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B"(1)) Cell
--. S"8U"%C" { disc Cell-$d-Disc; id Cell-$d ! %o-of-Broadcasts-Com1l-$nfo-&71e--. $%&","0 { un?no2n (0); o<erflo2 (1) ! -Definitions of )DUs
Irite-0e1lace --. S"8U"%C" { message-$dentifier (essage-$dentifier; ne2-Serial-%umber Serial-%umber; no-of-)ages %o-of-)ages; data-coding-sc5eme Data-Coding-Sc5eme; cell-list Cell-*ist; re1etition-)eriod 0e1etition-)eriod; no-of-broadcast-re3 %o-of-Broadcast-0e3; cbs-)age-$nf S"8U"%C" '# 91C: )age-$nf; old-Serial-%umber 93: Serial-%umber ')&$'%+*; categor7 9 : Categor7 ')&$'%+*; c5annel-indicator 94: C5annel ')&$'%+* ! Jill --. S"8U"%C" { message-$dentifier old-Serial-%umber cell-*ist c5annel-indicator !
(essage-$dentifier; Serial-%umber; 90: %o-of-Broadcasts-Com1l-*ist ')&$'%+*; 91: #ailure-*ist ')&$'%+*; 94: C5annel ')&$'%+*
Status-CBCF-0es1 --. S"8U"%C"{ cbc5-loading-*ist 90: Cbc5-*oading-*ist ')&$'%+*; failure-*ist 91: #ailure-*ist ')&$'%+*; c5annel-indicator 94: C5annel ')&$'%+* ! Status-(essage --. S"8U"%C" { message-$dentifier (essage-$dentifier; old-Serial-%o Serial-%umber; cell-*ist Cell-*ist; c5annel-indicator 94: C5annel ')&$'%+* ! Status-(ess-0es1 --. S"8U"%C" { message-$dentifier old-serial-number no-of-Broadcasts-Com1l-*ist failure-*ist c5annel-indicator (essage-$dentifier; Serial-%umber; 90: %o-of-Broadcasts-Com1l-*ist ')&$'%+*; 91: #ailure-*ist ')&$'%+*; 94: C5annel ')&$'%+*
! 0eLect--. S"8U"%C" { cause #ailure-0eason; diagnostic Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+*; message-$dentifier 9G: (essage-$dentifier ')&$'%+*; serial-%umber 93: Serial-%umber ')&$'%+* ! -- MstartM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M -- &5e 0estart-$nd )DU is retained for bac?2ard com1atibilit7 2it5 )5ase s7stems; -- and ma7 be used in )5ase > s7stems 0estart-$nd --. S"8U"%C" { cell-list Cell-*ist; reco<er7-$ndication 0eco<er7-$ndication ')&$'%+* ! -- coding of t5e reco<er7-$ndication states is Data-a<ailable &0U"; Data-lost #+*S" -- &5e 0estart-$nd-)5ase ) )DU is used in )5ase > s7stems 0estart-$nd-)5ase ) --. CF'$C" { restart-list1 90: S"8U"%C" { cell-list Cell-*ist; reco<er7-$ndication 0eco<er7-$ndication ')&$'%+* !; restart-list 91: S"8U"%C" { cell-list S"8U"%C" '# Cell; reco<er7-$ndication 0eco<er7-$ndication ')&$'%+* ! ! -- MendM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M
0eset cell-list !
-- MstartM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M Set-D0@-0es1 --. S"8U"%C" { cell-list 90: S"8U"%C" '# Cell ')&$'%+*; failure-*ist 91: #ailure-*ist ')&$'%+*; c5annel-indicator 94: C5annel ')&$'%+* ! -- MendM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M -- MstartM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M -- &5e #ailure-$nd )DU is retained for bac?2ard com1atibilit7 2it5 )5ase -- and ma7 be used in )5ase > s7stems #ailure-$nd --. S"8U"%C"{ cell-list Cell-*ist ! -- MstartM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M -- &5e #ailure-$nd-)5ase ) )DU is used in )5ase > s7stems #ailure-$nd-)5ase ) --. CF'$C" { failure-list1 90: S"8U"%C" { cell-list Cell-*ist !; failure-list 91: S"8U"%C" '# Cell ! -- MendM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M "%D
).4 0!# Su**! t !( 1)8 '%te$ !( 0S-u$e -.ata i# 0et;! B -!##ecti!# a#. 0et;! B -!##ecti!# Relea$e *+a$e$
It is generally intended to ma/e the support of #-% bytes of N" user0data mandatory 9see "ections #-.-.% and #).-.) of D.-#);. ((ITT Recommendation D.- regards pro'ision of +ast "elect as essential5 thereby ensuring support of #-% bytes of N"0user0data in networ/ connection and networ/ connection release phases. +or an interim period support of #-% bytes of N"0user0data in networ/ connection and networ/ connection release phases will remain a pro'ider option. The following figures are therefore pro'ided in order to indicate how (1"!01IN25 (1"!01IN20(ON+IR<5 (1"!01IN20+&I7IR! and (1"!0IN1IN2 should be mapped to:from an O"I Networ/ "er'ice definition which does not support #-% bytes of N"0user0data in networ/ connection and networ/ connection release phases.
0--C001-T eDue$t/i#.icati!#
0-D<S-C001-T eDue$t/i#.icati!#
0-D<S-C001-T eDue$t/i#.icati!#
NOT! #6 (1"<"!01IN2 parameters are carried as N"0user0data. NOT! -6 (1"<"!01IN20(ON+IR< is carried as N"0user0data. NOT! )6 (1"<"!01IN20+&I7IR! is carried as N"0user0data
This section specifies a stac/ of communication protocols in terms of the O"I Reference <odel 9see D.-??; and therefore ma/es use of all se'en layers for the purpose of fulfilling the ser'ice re>uirements of the primiti'es specified for the (1( 0 1"( interface in ="< ?).*#. The (1" application layer 9layer 3; is mapped to the Presentation 7ayer 'ia &("! 9see D.-#3 and D.--3; and RO"! 9see D.-#$ and D.--$;. Only the Kernel functional unit of the Presentation 7ayer is used. Only the Kernel and 2uplex functional units are used in the "ession 7ayer 9see D.-#, and D.--,;.
(1R08RIT!0R!P7&(!5 (1R0KI775 (1R0"T&TI"0(1(40EI!RK5 (1R0"T&TI"0<!""&=!0EI!RK5 (1R0 R!"!T5 (1R0"!T02RD These operations may be in'o/ed by the application entity in the (1(C They are used to relay commands from the (1( to a gi'en 1"(. The operations report either success or failure.
MstartM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M
(1R0R!"T&RT0IN25 (1R0R!"T&RT0IN20P4&"!-P5 (1R0+&I7IR!0IN25 (1R0+&I7IR!0IN20P4&"!-P This operation may be in'o/ed by the application entity in the 1"(. The operation reports success or failure.
MendM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M
(1R0IN1IN2 This operation must be in'o/ed by the (1( as the last (1R"! operation before releasing the application association. This operation reports success only. Of the ser'ices defined abo'e5 (1R08RIT!0R!P7&(! semantically means the relay of cell broadcast messages across the (1(01"(0connection in order to add them to the message list in the 1"(5 whereas (1R0KI77 is used to delete messages from the message list. The (1R0"T&TI"0(1(40EI!RK command in>uires after the current loading of a specific cell broadcast channel5 while the (1R0"T&TI"0<!""&=!0EI!RK command re>uests status information concerning a specific message. The (1R0"!T02RD command sets the 2RD related parameters. These fi'e ser'ices combine the primiti'es defined in ="< ?).*#5 which can be in'o/ed by the (1(. The (1R01IN2 ser'ice is used to exchange identifications5 passwords5 etc.5 and in order to negotiate the usage of the other ser'ices. The (1R0IN1IN2 ser'ice prepares for the release of the application association.
--. 'B/"C& $D"%&$#$"0 --. { ccitt identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobile-domain (0)!
mobile-domain $D --
root for all sms allocations gsm-messaging gsm-sms4 $D $D --. { mobile-domain gsm-messaging (4) ! --. {gsm-messaging (13)!
categories id-cb-mod id-cb-ot id-cb-1t id-cb-ac id-cb-ase id-cb-as $D --. $D $D $D $D $D { gsm-messaging 1 ! --. { gsm-messaging --. { gsm-messaging --. { gsm-messaging --. { gsm-messaging --. { gsm-messaging -- modules ! -- obLect t71e 3 ! -- 1ort t71es 4 ! -- a11l6 conteAts C ! -- +S"s H ! -- abstract s7ntaAes
modules usefulDefinitions $D --. { gsm-sms4 0 ! rela7)rotocol $D --. { gsm-sms4 1 ! rela7+bstractSer<ice $D --. { gsm-sms4 !
abstract s7ntaAes
id-cb-as-CB0S" "%D
$D --. { id-cb-as 0 !
--. 1C --. 0
)ort cB0-1ort )'0& C'%SU("0 $%='J"S {CB0-0estart-$nd MstartM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M CB0-0estart-$nd-)5ase ) CB0-#ailure-$nd CB0-#ailure-$nd-)5ase ) MendM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M ! SU))*$"0 $%='J"S { CB0-Irite-0e1lace CB0-Jill CB0-Status-CBCF-8uer7 CB0-Status-(essage-8uer7 CB0-0eset CB0-Set-D0@ ! --. id-cb-1ort &5e CB0-Bind o1eration
Bot5; B$%D and U%B$%D o1erations; are eAclusi<el7 2it5in t5e res1onsibilit7 of t5e CBC6 &5e B$%D o1eration is t5erefore al2a7s re3uested b7 t5e CBC %ote t5at t5is structure s5ould be used b7 )5ase CB0-Bind --. +BS&0+C&-B$%D &' { cB0-1ort ! B$%D +0,U("%& CB0-Bind-)arameters 0"SU*& CB0-Bind-confirm B$%D-"00'0 CB0-Bind-failure s7stems onl76
&5e CB0-Unbind o1eration &5e U%B$%D is a 5ars5 release U%B$%D is al2a7s re3uested b7 CB0-B$%D) t5e use of ser<ices o1eration t71es for t5e association) in of t5e association and all outstanding o1erations are aborted6 t5e CBC6 &5e CBC and t5e BSC s5ould negotiate (during on t5e association (t5e o1erations 1arameter - list of suc5 a 2a7 t5at no 5armful losses of o1erations occur6
CB0-Unbind --. +BS&0+C&-U%B$%D #0'( { cB0-1ort ! U%B$%D +0,U("%& &ime-25en-connected 0"SU*& &ime-25en-disconnected +ssociation control 1arameters
CB0-Bind-)arameters --. S"8U"%C" { initiator$D 90: %ame; 1ass2ord 91: )ass2ord ')&$'%+*; 1s2%eeded 9 : B''*"+%; ini&71e 93: &elecom-S7stem-&71e; o1erations 94: *ist-of-'1erations; transient 9C: B''*"+% ! ----------%ame +bo<e and in S(0-Bind-confirm initiator$D4res1$D- identif7 t5e initiating4res1onding telecommunication subs7stem 1ass2ord- ma7 assist in aut5entication 1s2%eeded (B$%D onl7)-re3uests 1ass2ord into S(0-Bind; S(0-Bind-Confirm ini&71e4res1&71e- identif7 t5e s7stem entit7 o1erations- lists t5e S( rela7 o1erations re3uested and su11orted on t5e associationo1erations listed in bot5 t5e B$%D and t5e C'%#$0( ma7 be used (i6e6 t5is is a negotiation bet2een CBC and BSC) transient-forces t5e association (and t5e underl7ing connections); transient- it must be U%Bou%D as soon as t5ere are no o1erations to be 1erformed --. S"8U"%C" { o1erator 90: bilateral+greem 91: data%et2or?+ddress iSD%+ddress 93: ! '1erator ')&$'%+*; Bilateral+greem ')&$'%+*; 9 : @1 1+ddress ')&$'%+*; CBS-+ddress ')&$'%+*
o1erator is a teAt string containing t5e name of t5e CBC4)*(% o1erator6 bilateral+greem is a teAt string identif7ing t5e bilateral agreement bet2een t5e CBC and t5e )*(% o1erators 25ic5 allo2s for t5is association to be establis5ed6 data%et2or?+ddress is t5e )S)D% @61 1 address of t5e CBC4BSC issuing t5e B$%D or C'%#$0(; occurring onl7 if a )S)D% is used6 iSD%+ddress is t5e )*(% address of t5e CBC as seen b7 t5e (Ss (same datum in bot5 B$%D and C'%#$0()6 +n7 1air of subsets of t5ese 1arameters ma7 be used to identif7 t5e CBC and t5e BSC to one anot5er6 )rintableString (S$B"(066ub-o1erator-name-lengt5)) )rintableString (S$B"(066ub-agreem-name-lengt5))
'1erator --.
Bilateral+greem --.
(S$B"(066ub-@1 1+ddress-lengt5))
=ersion 1ro<ides one of t5e indications gi<en in t5e follo2ing table6 +n7 future substanti<e interface definition c5anges must be added to &able 16
=ersion --. $%&","0 { release-EG (0); reser<ed-1 (1); reser<ed- ( ); reser<ed-3 (3); reser<ed-4 (4); reser<ed-C (C); reser<ed-H (H) ! &elecom-S7stem-&71e --. $%&","0 { cell-Broadcast-Ser<ice-Centre (0); 1ublic-*and-(obile-%et2or? (1) -- "Atensions are 1ossible- additional telecommunication subs7stems mig5t ado1t t5is ser<ice element for t5eir interconnection6 ! *ist-of-'1erations --. B$& S&0$%, { cB0-#rom-CBC-Irite-0e1lace (0); cB0-#rom-CBC-Jill (1); cB0-#rom-CBC-Status-CBCF-8uer7 ( ); cB0-#rom-CBC-Status-(essage-8uer7 (3); cB0-#rom-BSC-0estart-$nd (4); cB0-#rom-CBC-0eset (C); cB0-#rom-BSC-#ailure-$nd (H); cB0-#rom- CBC-Set-D0@ (G); cB0-#rom-BSC-=Bind-0e3uest (D); cB0-#rom-BSC-Bind-Confirm (E); cB0-#rom-BSC-Bind-#ailure (10); cB0-#rom-BSC-UnBind (11); MstartM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M cB0-#rom-BSC-0estart-$nd-)5ase ) (1 ); cB0-#rom-BSC-#ailure-$nd-)5ase ) (13) MendM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M -----"Atensions are 1ossible- additional o1erations ma7 be defined 2it5in t5is ser<ice element6 "Aisting s7stems s5ould tolerate un?no2n <alues; but negotiate not to 1erform un?no2n o1erations6! > and be7ond6
%ote t5at t5is element re1laces t5e CB0-Bind structure for )5ase
CB0-=Bind-0e3uest --. +BS&0+C&-=B$%D &' { cB0-1ort ! B$%D +0,U("%& CB0-=Bind-)arameters 0"SU*& CB0-Bind-confirm B$%D-"00'0 CB0-Bind-failure CB0-Bind-confirm --. S"8U"%C" { res1$d 90: %ame; 1ass2ord 91: )ass2ord ')&$'%+*; res1&71e 93: &elecom-S7stem-&71e; o1erations 94: *ist-of-'1erations; transient 9C: B''*"+%; connect&ime 9H: &ime-25en-connected ! --. S"8U"%C" { connect-failure-reason 90: Connect-failure !
connect-failure-reason contains one of t5e error indications gi<en in t5e follo2ing table6
2a3le $ Error nd ca! ons not0entitled temporary0o'erload temporary0failure incorrect0I20or0password not0supported Reason The responder is not entitled to accept a re>uest for an association between itself and the initiator. The responder is not capable of establishing an association due to temporary o'erload. The responder is not capable of establishing an association due to a temporary failure 9ha'ing impact on an entity at "<0R7 or at layers abo'e;. The responder will not accept the re>uest to establish an association between itself and the initiator due to incorrect identity or password. The responder does not recognize the telecommunication subsystem type of the initiator5 or cannot support any of the operations suggested on the association. The 'ersion specified is not supported by the recipient.
--. $%&","0 { not-entitled (0); tem1orar7-o<erload (1); tem1orar7-failure ( ); incorrect-$D-or-1ass2ord (3); not-su11orted (4); <ersion-unsu11orted (C) ! --. U&C&ime --. U&C&ime
&ime-25en-disconnected &ime-25en-connected --
CB0-Irite-0e1lace --. +BS&0+C&-')"0+&$'% +0,U("%& Irite-0e1lace 0"SU*& 0e1ort "00'0S {)arameter-not-recognized; )arameter-<alue-in<alid; =alid-CBS-message-not-identified; Cell-identit7-not-<alid; Unrecognized-1rimiti<e; (issing-mandator7-element; BSS-ca1acit7-eAceeded; Cell-memor7-eAceeded; BSS-memor7-eAceeded; Cell-broadcast-not-su11orted; Cell-broadcast-not-o1erational; "Atended-c5annel-not-su11orted; (essage-reference-alread7-used; ! -&5e CB0-Jill o1eration +BS&0+C&-')"0+&$'% +0,U("%& Jill 0"SU*& 0e1ort "00'0S {)arameter-not-recognized; )arameter-<alue-in<alid; Cell-identit7-not-<alid; =alid-CBS-message-not-identified; Unrecognized-1rimiti<e; (issing-mandator7-element; Cell-broadcast-not-su11orted; Cell-broadcast-not-o1erational; "Atended-c5annel-not-su11orted;
CB0-Jill --.
CB0-Status-CBCF-8uer7 --. +BS&0+C&-')"0+&$'% +0,U("%& Status-CBCF 0"SU*& Status-CBCF-0es1 "00'0S {)arameter-not-recognized; )arameter-<alue-in<alid; Cell-identit7-not-<alid; Unrecognized-1rimiti<e; (issing-mandator7-element; Cell-broadcast-not-su11orted; Cell-broadcast-not-o1erational; "Atended-c5annel-not-su11orted; Uns1ecified-error ! -&5e CB0-Status-(essage-8uer7 o1eration
CB0-Status-(essage-8uer7 --. +BS&0+C&-')"0+&$'% +0,U("%& Status-(essage 0"SU*& Status-(ess-0es1 "00'0S {)arameter-not-recognized; )arameter-<alue-in<alid; Cell-identit7-not-<alid; =alid-CBS-message-not-identified; Unrecognized-1rimiti<e; (issing-mandator7-element; Cell-broadcast-not-su11orted; Cell-broadcast-not-o1erational; "Atended-c5annel-not-su11orted; Uns1ecified-error ! -- &5e CB0-0estart-$nd o1eration CB0-0estart-$nd --. +BS&0+C&-')"0+&$'% +0,U("%& 0estart-$nd 0"SU*& "00'0S {)arameter-not-recognised; )arameter-<alue-in<alid; Cell-identit7-not-<alid; Unrecognized-1rimiti<e; (issing-mandator7-element; Uns1ecified-error ! -- MstartM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M -- &5e CB0-0estart-$nd-)5ase ) o1eration CB0-0estart-$nd-)5ase ) --. +BS&0+C&-')"0+&$'% +0,U("%& 0estart-$nd-)5ase ) 0"SU*& "00'0S {)arameter-not-recognised; )arameter-<alue-in<alid; Cell-identit7-not-<alid; Unrecognized-1rimiti<e; (issing-mandator7-element; Uns1ecified-error ! -- MendM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M -&5e CB0-0eset o1eration
CB0-0eset --. +BS&0+C&-')"0+&$'% +0,U("%& 0eset 0"SU*& "00'0S {)arameter-not-recognized; )arameter-<alue-in<alid; Cell-identit7-not-<alid; Unrecognized-1rimiti<e; (issing-mandator7-element; Cell-broadcast-not-su11orted; Uns1ecified-error !
CB0-#ailure-$nd --. +BS&0+C&-')"0+&$'% +0,U("%& #ailure-$nd 0"SU*& "00'0S {)arameter-not-recognized; )arameter-<alue-in<alid; Cell-identit7-not-<alid; Unrecognized-1rimiti<e; (issing-mandator7-element; Uns1ecified-error ! --MstartM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M &5e CB0-#ailure-$nd-)5ase ) o1eration
CB0-#ailure-$nd-)5ase ) --. +BS&0+C&-')"0+&$'% +0,U("%& #ailure-$nd-)5ase ) 0"SU*& "00'0S {)arameter-not-recognized; )arameter-<alue-in<alid; Cell-identit7-not-<alid; Unrecognized-1rimiti<e; (issing-mandator7-element; Uns1ecified-error ! -- MendM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M -&5e CB0-Set-D0@ o1eration
CB0-Set-D0@ --. +BS&0+C&-')"0+&$'% +0,U("%& Set-D0@ 0"SU*& Set-D0@-0es1 "00'0S {)arameter-not-recognized; )arameter-<alue-in<alid; =alid-CBS-message-not-identified; Cell-identit7-not-<alid; Unrecognized-1rimiti<e; (issing-mandator7-element; BSS-ca1acit7-eAceeded; Uns1ecified-error; Cell-broadcast-not-su11orted; Cell-broadcast-not-o1erational; "Atended-c5annel-not-su11orted; $ncom1atible-D0@-1arameter ! -CB0 o1eration +0,U("%& lists
-- )DU 1arameter definitions from 03641 (essage-$dentifier --. $%&","0 (0 66 HCC3C) Serial-%umber --. $%&","0 (0 66 HCC3C) %o-of-)ages --. $%&","0 (1 66 1C) Cell-*ist --. S"8U"%C" { lengt5 $%&","0; -- number of cells in t5e list disc Cell-$d-Disc; list S"8U"%C" '# Cell-$d ! C5annel --. $%&","0 { basic-c5annel (0); eAtended-c5annel (1) ! Categor7 --. $%&","0 { 5ig5-1riorit7 (0); normal-1riorit7 (1); bac?ground ( ) ! 0e1etition-)eriod --. $%&","0 (1 66 10 4) %o-of-Broadcast-0e3 --. $%&","0 (0 66HCC3C) %o-of-Broadcasts-Com1l-*ist --. S"8U"%C" '# S"8U"%C" { cell-id Cell; no-of-broadcasts-com1l $%&","0; no-of-broadcasts-com1l-info %o-of-Broadcasts-Com1l-$nfo-&71e ')&$'%+* !
--. 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B"(4)) %ote$f Cell-$d-Disc e3uals ci'nl7 t5en onl7 t5e last octets of Cell-$D are to be considered $f Cell-$d-Disc e3uals lac'nl7 t5en onl7 t5e first octets of Cell-$D are to be considered6 &5e unused octets are filler octets $f Cell-$d-Disc e3uals allCells; Cell-$D onl7 contains filler octets --. $%&","0 (0 66 40) --. $%&","0 (0 66 40) --. S"8U"%C" '# S"8U"%C" { cell-id Cell; cause #ailure-0eason; diagnostic Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* ! --. S"8U"%C" '# S"8U"%C"{ cell-id Cell; cbc5-loading Cbc5-*oading indicates t5e 1redicted s5ort term load; eA1ressed as a 1ercentage (min-0; maA- 100) ! --. $%&","0(066100) --. $%&","0 { 1arameter-not-recognised (0); unused-failure-reason-1 (1); -- not used 1arameter-<alue-in<alid ( ); <alid-CBS-message-not-identified (3); cell-identit7-not-<alid (4); unrecognised-1rimiti<e (C); missing-mandator7-element (H); bss-ca1acit7-eAceeded (G); cell-memor7-eAceeded (D); bss-memor7-eAceeded (E); uns1ecifed-error (10); incom1atible-D0@-1arameter (11); unused-failure-reason-1 (1 ); -- not used cell-broadcast-not-su11orted (13); cell-broadcast-not-o1erational (14); eAtended-c5annel-not-su11orted (1C); message-reference-alread7-used (1H) ! --. 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B" (166 0)) --. $%&","0 (0 66 CC) --. S"8U"%C" { message-info-useful-octets (essage-$nfo-Useful-'ctets; message-info-1age (essage-$nfo-)age ! --. $%&","0 (066D ) --. B''*"+% &0U" indicates data is a<ailable #alse indicates data is lost
-- Definitions used b7 t5e )DU 1arameters (essage-$nfo-)age --. 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B"(D )) Cell-$d-Disc --. -lac+ndCi 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B"(1)) ci'nl7 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B"(1)) lac'nl7 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B"(1)) allCells 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B"(1)) Cell --. 'C&"&-S&0$%, (S$B"(1)) <alues from t5e follo2ing table --. N1NF -'ctet lac; follo2ed b7 'ctet Cell $d --. N NF -- Cell $d onl7 --. NCNF -'ctet lac onl7; all cells in t5is *+C (%'& US"D BK BSC) --. NHNF -- all cells in t5is BSS (%'& US"D BK BSC) S"8U"%C" { disc Cell-$d-Disc; id Cell-$d ! %o-of-Broadcasts-Com1l-$nfo-&71e--. $%&","0 { un?no2n (0); o<erflo2 (1) ! Irite-0e1lace --. S"8U"%C" { message-$dentifier (essage-$dentifier; ne2-Serial-%umber Serial-%umber; no-of-)ages %o-of-)ages; data-coding-sc5eme Data-Coding-Sc5eme; cell-list Cell-*ist; re1etition-)eriod 0e1etition-)eriod; no-of-broadcast-re3 %o-of-Broadcast-0e3; cbs-)age-$nf S"8U"%C" '# 91C: )age-$nf;
old-Serial-%umber categor7 c5annel-indicator ! Jill --. S"8U"%C" { message-$dentifier old-Serial-%umber cell-*ist c5annel-indicator !
Status-(essage --. S"8U"%C" { message-$dentifier (essage-$dentifier; old-Serial-%o Serial-%umber; cell-*ist Cell-*ist; c5annel-indicator 94: C5annel ')&$'%+* ! -- MstartM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M -- &5e 0estart-$nd )DU is retained for bac?2ard com1atibilit7 2it5 )5ase s7stems; -- and ma7 be used in )5ase > s7stems 0estart-$nd --. S"8U"%C" { cell-list Cell-*ist; reco<er7-$ndication 0eco<er7-$ndication ')&$'%+* ! -- coding of t5e reco<er7-$ndication states is Data-a<ailable &0U"; Data-lost #+*S" -- &5e 0estart-$nd-)5ase ) )DU is used in )5ase > s7stems 0estart-$nd-)5ase ) --. CF'$C" { restart-list1 90: S"8U"%C" { cell-list Cell-*ist; reco<er7-$ndication 0eco<er7 ')&$'%+* !; restart-list 91: S"8U"%C" { cell-list S"8U"%C" '# Cell; reco<er7-$ndication 0eco<er7 ')&$'%+* ! ! -- &5e #ailure-$nd )DU is retained for bac?2ard com1atibilit7 2it5 )5ase -- and ma7 be used in )5ase > s7stems #ailure-$nd --. S"8U"%C"{ cell-list Cell-*ist ! -- &5e #ailure-$nd-)5ase ) )DU is used in )5ase > s7stems #ailure-$nd-)5ase ) --. CF'$C" { failure-list1 90: S"8U"%C" { cell-list Cell-*ist !; failure-list 91: S"8U"%C" '# Cell ! -- MendM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M 0eset --. S"8U"%C"{ cell-list Cell-*ist ! Set-D0@ --. S"8U"%C" { cell-list sc5edule-)eriod reser<ed-Slots c5annel-indicator ! Cell-*ist; 9H: Sc5edule-)eriod ')&$'%+*; 9 : 0eser<ed-Slots ')&$'%+*; 94: C5annel ')&$'%+* s7stems;
0e1ort --. S"8U"%C" { message-$dentifier serial-%umber no-of-Broadcasts-Com1l-*ist failure-*ist c5annel-indicator ! Status-CBCF-0es1 --. S"8U"%C"{
(essage-$dentifier; Serial-%umber; 90: %o-of-Broadcasts-Com1l-*ist ')&$'%+*; 91: #ailure-*ist ')&$'%+*; 94: C5annel ')&$'%+*
90: Cbc5-*oading-*ist ')&$'%+*; 91: #ailure-*ist ')&$'%+*; 94: C5annel ')&$'%+* (essage-$dentifier; Serial-%umber; 90: %o-of-Broadcasts-Com1l-*ist ')&$'%+*; 91: #ailure-*ist ')&$'%+*; 94: C5annel ')&$'%+*
-- MstartM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M Set-D0@-0es1 --. S"8U"%C" { cell-list 90: S"8U"%C" '# Cell ')&$'%+*; failure-*ist 91: #ailure-*ist ')&$'%+*; c5annel-indicator 94: C5annel ')&$'%+* ! -- MendM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M -CB0 o1eration errors listed belo2
)arameter-not-recognized --. +BS&0+C&-"00'0 )+0+("&"0 Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* )arameter-<alue-in<alid --. +BS&0+C&-"00'0 )+0+("&"0 Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* =alid-CBS-message-not-identified --. +BS&0+C&-"00'0 )+0+("&"0 Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* Cell-$dentit7-not-<alid --. +BS&0+C&-"00'0 )+0+("&"0 Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* Unrecognized-1rimiti<e --. +BS&0+C&-"00'0 )+0+("&"0 Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* (issing-mandator7-element --. +BS&0+C&-"00'0 )+0+("&"0 Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* BSS-ca1acit7-eAceeded --. +BS&0+C&-"00'0 )+0+("&"0 Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* Cell-memor7-eAceeded --. +BS&0+C&-"00'0 )+0+("&"0 Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* BSS-memor7-eAceeded --. +BS&0+C&-"00'0 )+0+("&"0 Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* Uns1ecified-error --. +BS&0+C&-"00'0 )+0+("&"0 Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* $ncom1atible-D0@-1arameter --. +BS&0+C&-"00'0 )+0+("&"0 Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* Cell-broadcast-not-su11orted --. +BS&0+C&-"00'0 )+0+("&"0 Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* Cell-broadcast-not-o1erational --. +BS&0+C&-"00'0 )+0+("&"0 Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* "Atended-c5annel-not-su11orted --. +BS&0+C&-"00'0 )+0+("&"0 Diagnostic-$nfo ')&$'%+* (essage-reference-alread7-used --. +BS&0+C&-"00'0
CBS-+ddress --. 9+))*$C+&$'% 0: S"8U"%C" { address-t71e $%&","0 { un?no2n-t71e (0); international-number (1); national-number ( ); net2or?-s1ecific-number (3); s5ort-number (4) !; numbering-1lan $%&","0 { un?no2n-numbering (0); iSD%-numbering (1); data-net2or?-numbering (3); teleA-numbering (4); national-numbering (D); 1ri<ate-numbering (E)! address-<alue CF'$C" { octet-format Semi'ctetString --ot5er formats are for furt5er stud7! ! Semi'ctetString --. 'C&"& S&0$%, (S$B"(16610)) -- eac5 octet contains t2o binar7 coded decimal digits "%D
0ela7)rotocol { ccitt identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobile-domain(0) gsm-messaging (4) gsm-sms4 (13) rela7)rotocol(1) ! D"#$%$&$'%S $()*$C$& &+,S --. B",$% $()'0&S -- a11lication ser<ice elements and a11lication conteAts aCS"; +))*$C+&$'%-S"0=$C"-"*"("%&; +))*$C+&$'%-C'%&"@& #0'( 0emote-'1erations-%otation-eAtension { Loint-iso-ccitt remote-o1erations(4) notation-eAtension( ) ! r'S" #0'( 0emote-'1erations-+)DUs { Loint-iso-ccitt remote-o1erations(4) a1dus(1) ! -obLect identifiers
id-cb-ac-so; id-cb-CB0S"; id-cb-as-CB0S"; #0'( CBS-UsefulDefinitions{ ccitt identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobile-domain(0) gsm-messaging(4) gsm-sms4 (13) usefulDefinitions(0) ! O aS-+CS" 'B/"C& $D"%&$#$"0 --. { Loint-iso-ccitt association-control ( ) abstractS7ntaA(1) a1dus(0) <ersion(1) ! -abstract ser<ice 1arameters
CB0-Bind; CB0-Unbind; CB0-Irite-0e1lace; CB0-Jill; CB0-Status-CBCF-8uer7; -- MstartM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M CB0-Status-(essage-8uer7; CB0-0eset; CB0-0estart-$nd; CB0-0estart-$nd-)5ase ); CB0-#ailure-$nd; CB0-#ailure-$nd-)5ase ); CB0-Set-D0@; -- MendM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M )arameter-not-recognized; )arameter-<alue-in<alid; =alid-CBS-message-not-identified; Cell-identit7-not-<alid; Unrecognized-1rimiti<e; (issing-mandator7-element; BSS-ca1acit7-eAceeded; Cell-memor7-eAceeded; BSS-memor7-eAceeded; Uns1ecified-error; $ncom1atible-D0@-1arameter; Cell-broadcast-not-su11orted; Cell-broadcast-not-o1erational; "Atended-c5annel-not-su11orted #0'( 0ela7+bstractSer<ice{
ccitt identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobile-domain(0) gsm-messaging(4) gsm-sms4(13) rela7+bstractSer<ice( ) ! O ---+11lication conteAts 'nl7 one a11lication conteAts is s1ecified- t5e CBC is eAclusi<el7 res1onsible for t5e B$%D and U%B$%D o1erations6
cBC-B$%Ds-and-U%B$%Ds +))*$C+&$'%-C'%&"@& +))*$C+&$'%-S"0=$C"-"*"("%&S { aCS" ! B$%D CB0-Bind U%B$%D CB0-Unbind 0"('&" ')"0+&$'%S { r'S" ! $%$&$+&'0 C'%SU("0 '# { cB0S" ! +BS&0+C& SK%&+@"S { id-cb-as-CB0S" ; aS-+CS" ! --. id-cb-ac-so -+11lication ser<ice elements cB0S" -+))*$C+&$'%-S"0=$C"-"*"("%& C'%SU("0 $%='J"S { CB0-0estart-$nd MstartM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M CB0-0estart-$nd-)5ase ) CB0-#ailure-$nd CB0-#ailure-$nd-)5ase ) MendM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M CB0-#rom-BSC-=Bind-0e3uest CB0-#rom-BSC-Bind-Confirm CB0-#rom-BSC-Bind-#ailure CB0-#rom-BSC-UnBind ! SU))*$"0 $%='J"S { CB0-Irite-0e1lace CB0-Jill CB0-Status-CBCF-8uer7 CB0-Status-(essage-8uer7 CB0-0eset CB0-Set-D0@ CB0-#rom-BSC-=Bind-0e3uest CB0-#rom-BSC-Bind-Confirm CB0-#rom-BSC-Bind-#ailure CB0-#rom-BSC-UnBind ! --. id-cb-S(0S" 0emote o1erations CB0-Irite-0e1lace --. 1 -- %otelocal=alue - 2ords are omitted; since t5e7 are -- t71icall7 not used; and li?el7 to be remo<ed from -- t5e ')"0+&$'% and "00'0 macros in 0'S"6 --. --. 3 CB0-Jill CB0-Status-CBCF-8uer7 CB0-Status-(essage-8uer7 CB0-0estart-$nd CB0-0eset CB0-#ailure-$nd CB0-Set-D0@
cbr-?ill cbr-status-CBCF-3uer7
cbr-status-message-3uer7 --. 4 cbr-restart-ind cbr-reset cbr-failure-ind cbr-set-D0@ --. C --. H --. G --. D
MendM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M 0emote errors; t5e local=alues are 1ro<isional )arameter-not-recognized )arameter-<alue-in<alid =alid-CBS-message-not-identified
Cell-memor7-eAceeded --. D bss-memor7-eAceeded BSS-memor7-eAceeded --. E uns1ecified-error Uns1ecified-error --. 10 incom1atible-D0@-1arameter $ncom1atible-D0@-)arameter --. 11 cell-broadcast-not-su11orted Cell-broadcast-not-su11orted --. 13 cell-broadcast-not-o1erational Cell-broadcast-not-o1erational --. 14 eAtended-c5annel-not-su11orted "Atended-c5annel-not-su11orted --. 1C message-reference-alread7-used (essage-reference-alread7-used --. 1H "%D
{cB0-#rom-CBC-Irite-0e1lace; cB0-#rom-CBC-Jill; cB0-#rom-CBC-Status-CBCF-8uer7; cB0-#rom-CBC-Status-(essage-8uer7; cB0-#rom-BSC-0estart-$nd; cB0-#rom-BSC-0eset; cB0-#rom-BSC-#ailure-$nd; cB0-#rom-CBC-Set-D0@; cB0-#rom-BSC-=Bind-0e3uest; cB0-#rom-BSC-Bind-Confirm; cB0-#rom-BSC-Bind-#ailure; cB0-#rom-BSC-UnBind; MstartM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M cB0-#rom-BSC-0estart-$nd-)5ase ); cB0-#rom-BSC-#ailure-$nd-)5ase ) MendM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M
! transient #+*S"
MstartM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M
The (1( in'o/es c1R0+rom0(1(08rite0Replace5 c1R0+rom0(1(0Kill5 c1R0+rom0(1(0"tatus0(1(40Euery5 c1R0 +rom0(1(0"tatus0<essage0Euery5 c1R0+rom0(1(0Reset5 c1R0+rom0(1(0"et02RD operations as needed. The 1"( in'o/es c1R0+rom01"(0Restart0Ind5 c1R0+rom01"(0Restart0Ind0Phase-P5 c1R0+rom01"(0+ailure0Ind and c1R0 +rom01"(0+ailure0Ind0Phase-P.
MendM()5ase )BscCell*ists)M
The association for c1R0+rom0(1(0Kill5 c1R0+rom0(1(0"tatus0(1(40Euery or c1R0+rom0(1(0"tatus0<essage0 Euery5 c1R0+rom0(1(0Reset5 c1R0+rom0(1(0"et02RD are negotiated according to the same principle5 the (1( always being the initiator of the (1R01IN2. The association may be used for in'o/ing operations of the negotiated type9s; as long as there are such operations to be in'o/ed 9in other words5 until all commands ha'e been relayed;.
(oncepts described in E.#*?? 9see ((ITT "tudy =roup DI 0 Report R-#$; are used. These concepts enable5 with minor modifications5 the protocol specified in "ection ) of ="< ?).*$ to be supported 'ia an ""3 protocol stac/. E.#*?? specifies the use of O"I concepts 'ia ""3 for the de'elopment of signalling and operations and management protocols. The protocol specified in "ection ) of this report can be carried 'ia an ""3 protocol stac/ consisting of T(&P5 "((P and <TP 9see E.3?? series; with minor adaptations6 0 0 RO"! operation classes - and , are replaced by T(&P operation classes # and * respecti'ely. T(&P pro'ides a connectionless ser'ice. The ser'ices pro'ided by (1R"!01IN25 (1R0IN1IN25 (1R01ind0 confirm and (1R01ind0failure are therefore not re>uired and "ections ).) is not applicable.
P7<N networ/s may pro'ide interwor/ing between either of the protocols specified by "ections - or ) and the ""3 protocol stac/ for the purpose of fulfilling the ser'ice re>uirements of the primiti'es specified for the (1( 0 1"( interface in ="< ?).*#.
Ei$t! %
"oc#men! h s!or$
October #$$, Lanuary #$$. <ay #$$, Luly #$$, No'ember #$$. &pril #$$3 &ugust #$$3 October #$$3 Lanuary #$$% <arch #$$% (reation of Bersion ,.?.? 9Bersion *...? @ &R??#; Publication of Bersion ,.?.? Publication of Bersion ,.#.? Publication of Bersion ,.-.? Publication of Bersion ,.).? Publication of Bersion ,.*.? Publication of Bersion ,.,.? (reation of Bersion ,...? 9not Published; (reation of Bersion ,.3.? 9not Published; (reation of Bersion ..?.? 9not Published;