Applied Hydraulic Engineering
Applied Hydraulic Engineering
Applied Hydraulic Engineering
2.Define pump :
It is defined as the hydraulic machine which convert mechanical energy in to
hydraulic energy
6. What are the possible types of flow in open channel with respect to space and time?
A,steady and unsteady flow
B,uniform and nonuniform flow
15.Define affux
The maximum increase in water level due to obstruction in the path of flow is
known as affux.
18.Define cavitations
cavitations is defined as phenomenon of formation of vapour bubbles in a region
of a flowing liquid where the pressure in the liquid is falls below than vapour pressure
and sudden collapsing of these vapour bubbles in a region of higher pressure.
52.Write down the conditions of most economical circular channel with maximum
V1 = velocity of jet
Cv = coefficient of velocity
H = head of the turbine.
75.What the two cases where distance of the normal depth of flow does not exit?
(a) When the channel bed is horizontal
(b) When the channel bed has a adverse slope.
76.What are the methods used for finding gradually varying flow profile?
1.Direct integration method
2.Numerical method
3.Graphical representation method.
77.What are the classification of hydraulic turbine according to the type of energy at
inlet ?
(a) Impulse turbine and
(b) Reaction turbine
78.What are the types of turbine according to direction of flow through runner?
(a) Tangential flow turbine
(b) Radial flow turbine
(c) Axial flow turbine
(d) Mixed flow turbine
79.What are the types of turbine according to the head at the inlet of the turbine?
(a) high head turbine
(b) medium head turbine
(c) low head turbine
80.What are the types of turbine according to the specific speed of the turbine?
(a) Low specific speed turbine
(b) Medium specific speed turbine
(c) High specific speed turbine.
81.Write down the expression for energy loss due to hydraulic jump?
HL = (d2-d1)3 / (4d1d2)
HL – energy loss due to hydraulic jump
D2 - depth of flow after the jump
D1 -- depth of flow before the jump
Laminar flow:
The flow in open channel is said to be laminar if the Reynolds number( Re) is less
than 500
Turbulent flow:
If the Reynolds number is greater than 2000 it is called turbulent flow.
Nu = N/√H
Nu –unit speed
N –number of rotations
H- head of the turbine
105. What is the work saved by fitting a air vessel in a single acting ,double acting pump?
Work saved by fitting air vessels in a single acting pump is 84.87%,
In a double acting pump the work saved is 39.2%.
106.What is Discharge through a Reciprocating Pump in Per sec ?
For Single acting
Discharge (Q)=ALN/60
A=Area of the Cylinder in m2
L=Length of Stroke in m.
N=Speed of Crank in RPM
For Double acting
107. What is the Workdone by Reciprocating Pump Per sec.?
Workdone = ρgALN(hs+hd)/60 (for single acting)
ρ=Density of Water in kg/m3
A=Area of the Cylinder in m2
L=Length of Stroke in m
N=Speed in rpm
hs,hd=Suction and Delivery head in m
108. What is the Pressure head due to acceleration in the Suction & Delivery Pipe ?
hf=4fl(A/a*ωr sinθ)2/2gd
f=Co-efficient of friction. A = Area of piston in m2. a = Area of pipe in m2.
ω = Angular speed r = Radius of crank
109. What is the relation between Work done of a Pump and Area of Indicator Diagram ?
Work done by the pump is Proportional to the area of the Indicator diagram.
110.. What is the Work done by the Pump per sec due to acceleration and friction in the
suction and delivery Pipes ?
For single acting
W= ρgALN(hs+hd+0.67hfs+0.67hfd)/60
For Double acting
hfs, hfd =loss of head due to acceleration in the suction and delivery Pipe.