TUM Mechanical Engineering

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Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Technische Universitt Mnchen is one of the leading technical universities in Europe and was awarded Elite University in the German Excellence Initative amongst the first three candidates in 2006. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is the largest faculty of TUM and one of the largest and most prestigous of its kind in Germany. The faculty is proud of its strong local and international networks, both to industry and academia. Since 2005, third party funded research at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering almost doubled from 24 million to 45 million , far more than the development of Germanys GDP and the DAX. Research topics involving several institutes are addressed in coordinated research clusters, including:  The Munich School of Engineering (MSE), providing a unique platform for interfaculty research and teaching. Current major elements in MSE are the TUM Science Center E-Mobility, the Center for Power Generation (focusing on efficiency of existing and future power plants) and the Network for Renewable Energy.  Munich Aerospace, levering the high potential on aeronautic research and development industry and research institutions headquartered in the city, such as DLR, the University of the Armed Forces and TUM.  Contributions to several DFG-funded Sonderforschungsbereiche and Clusters of Excellence.
Key figures: 40 professors 786 scientific staff 326 technical and administrative staff 4300 students enrolled 45 Mio third-party funds (2011)

One highly visible outcome of these clusters, amongst others, is the MUTE project, which combines technological aspects of an e-car with manufacturing capabilities to achieve cost effective solutions and which was presented at IAA 2011, integrating efforts of nearly 30 institutes university-wide.


Engineers enable our society to maintain its high standard of living for present and upcoming generations. Future challenges arise from three global mega-trends:  Climate Change and Shortage of Resources At the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering already now, we work on new mobility concepts, production processes, which are highly energy and material efficient, development and usage scenarios for novel, ultra light and strong materials as well as both, development of highly efficient combustion plants and renewable energies.  Demographic Change At the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, we study usage habits and develop robots and assistance systems e.g. for car and production environments as well as medical devices and support systems for elderly.  Urbanization At the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, approx. one quarter of the scientific staff works on projects related to ground mobility, now to a large extent working on the development of small vehicles with very low fuel consumption or new types of propulsion units, and possibly new types of ownership (car sharing etc.). The research strengths of the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering derives from a high degree of both, vertical and horizontal integration of research competencies. Typically, the institutes address the whole value chain from scientific foundations up to application scenarios. The large size of the institutes allows them to build up interdisciplinary teams. The main building of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is located in the center of the Garching campus, one of the largest and most modern research campi in Europe. With more than 20.000 sqm of office space and well over 30.000 sqm of lab and workshop space and modern equipment, mainly funded out ot third party funds, it provides an excellent research infrastructre.

Major research areas at the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering include: Aeronautics and Astronautics Automotive Mechatronics Power Engineering Production Engineering Process Engineering Medical Technology

Aeronautics and Astronautics

Aeronautics and Astronautics is one of the strongest research-driven disciplines in classical mechanical engineering, as technical solutions are sought for devices that operate at extreme mechanical and thermal loads under severe constraints with respect to safety, reliability and environmental compatibility. With 17% of the overall turnaround invested into research, Aeronautics and Astronautics has the strongest research orientation of any industry in Germany. At the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, research in Aeronautics and Astronautics profits from several global industrial players being based in or near Munich, among them EADS, Eurocopter, Cassidian, Astrium, MTU Aero Engines, IABG, Liebherr Aerospace, Kayser-Threde and an excellent research environment jointly created by TUM, the University of the Armed Forces, Institutes of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V.* . Since 2010, they closely cooperate within the Faculty Munich Aerospace. During the last 5 years, Aeronautics and Astronautics research has expanded considerably. In 2010, the Institute of Helicopter Technology was endowed by Eurocopter Germany; TUM now hosts the only German institute that covers the entire span of helicopter research and teaching. Also in 2010, a new director has been appointed for the Institute of Aircraft Design. Since he simultaneously serves as director of research and technology of Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V., scientific links to local aircraft industry have been strengthened. In 2008, the new director of the Institute of Flight System Dynamics was newly appointed. Since then, this institute is especially devoted to a strong link to small and medium enterprises, for which FSD often provides enabling research.
* a joint initiative of EADS, Liebherr-Aerospace, MTU Aero Engines and IABG, as well as the Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs

The research mission of Aeronautics and Astronautics at TUM is to enable sustainable air and space transport. Its education mission is to secure the availability of highly qualified personnel for industry and research institutes.

Aeronautics and Astronautics

Research in Aeronautics and Astronautics at TUM concentrates on the following engineering tasks: Materials and Structures Research on materials and structures focuses on composites and hybrid materials which offer high strength-to-weight ratios. The use of structures built from such materials requires new structural and multidisciplinary design optimization techniques, new production techniques, and new methods for damage and failure assessment. Adaptation, smart actuation, and sensing of materials in large membrane structures is possible by special types of fibre composite materials, and can be exploited for new morphing-structure solutions for spacecraft and aircraft. Propulsion Environmental compatibility requires the reduction of losses, increase of energy-conversion efficiency, and the improvement of cooling and fuel injections with propulsion systems for aircraft and spacecraft. New materials offer increasing efficiency, and new fuels reduce the environmental impact but also lead to new designs and operational risks. One of the main challenges is to incorporate innovative solutions while, as a minimum maintain reliability and safety. Highly nonlinear effects, such as flashback in turbo-engine combustors and combustion instability in rocket engines have to be predicted, and countermeasures must be devised.
SFB-TR40: Technological Foundations for the Design of Thermally and Mechanically Highly Loaded Components of Future Space Transportation Systems http://www.sfbtr40.de/ Next-generation space transportation systems will be based on rocket propulsion systems which deliver the best compromise between development and production cost and performance. The SFBTR40 focuses on liquid rocket propulsion systems and their integration into the space transportation system. Specific problems of rocket propulsion systems are the main focus of the SFB-TR40. Critical, thermally and mechanically highly loaded components of such space transportation systems are the combustion chamber, the nozzle, the aft body and structure cooling. These components offer the highest potential for the efficiency increase of the entire system. However, all components are in close and direct interaction with each other. Optimization or even the fundamental new design of a single component directly affects all other components. Therefore, the investigation of individual components separate from the others leads to suboptimal results. The scientific focus of all five research areas within the SFB-TR 40 is the analysis and the modeling of coupled systems. Based on reference experiments detailed numerical models are developed which serve as basis for efficient and reliable predictive simulation tools for design.

Aeronautics and Astronautics

Space utilization and exploration Work on space utilization focuses on human exploration technologies, reaching from lifesupport modelling and optimization to lunar resource utilization. Research facilities and a space-flight prototype for extraction of solar-wind implanted particles can be extracted from regolith by thermal processing, something that is being developed. The most interesting components are H2 and N2, as they can be synthesized to make storable fuel. On the other hand, the availability of non-human space transportation is used to advance fundamental science. With relation to fuel-combustion modelling and simulation, the evaporation of droplets is investigated under micro-gravity conditions to rule out buoyancy effects. Systems and mission Design and exploitation of aircraft and spacecraft require systems technology, mission planning and communication. Therefore, systems engineering is jointly driven forward by the Institutes of Flight Systems Dynamics, Aircraft Design and Helicopter Technology. Systems technology is based on high-fidelity simulation of entire systems including subsystem dynamics, human behaviour, environment etc. Reliable navigation solutions with high quality standard, reliability and safety, but nevertheless based on low-cost sensors are developed. For such research, the Institute of Flight Systems Dynamics can provide to its research partners the entire range of related requirements, from safety to certification processes. The development of on-orbit servicing infrastructure systems and elements for robotic and human missions includes reliable and efficient communication systems, novel S-band and Ka-band antenna systems and highly reliable computer systems. Robotic control and support systems including optimized tele-presence systems are one of the key elements of the proposed future German Astronautics Strategy. Additionally, the Institute of Astronautics can provide highly specialized research infrastructure such as high impact (micrometeorite) simulation and lunar in-situ research utilization.
Research Training Group GRK 1095: Aero-Thermodynamic Design of a Scramjet Propulsion System for Future Space Transportation Systems (2005-2014) For future, reusable space transportation systems, as well as for hypersonic flight vehicles, the main design problem is to reliably sustain operation in supersonic combustion mode. This requirement also affects overall vehicle layout. A scramjet propulsion system is very likely to offer an economic alternative to classical, expendable and hence expensive rocket driven systems and is one of the key technologies for hypersonic flight. As a result, the main scientific objective of all the projects networked within the Research Training Group GRK 1095 is the design and the development of a scramjet demonstrator. This highly interdisciplinary field requires extensive use of experimental, analytical and numerical methods and tools. The demonstrator engine will be completely integrated and will include all required engine components such as forebody, inlet, isolator, combustion chamber and nozzle.

Aeronautics and Astronautics

Vehicles Design for civil and military operations as well as the derivation of future requirements, trends, and technologies is guided by the use of scenario techniques. The analysis and evaluation of aircraft designs and the respective technologies employs analytical and experimental analysis in the areas of flight/mission performance, noise and emissions, airport capacity, and economic evaluation, as well. Ground test setups and flying demonstrators are employed for the demonstration of system capabilities and technologies. With respect to rotorcraft, research is performed with the objective to improve the efficiency, usability and environmental acceptance of helicopters.
MTU Center of Competence (CoC) Design and Production of Modern Aero Engines A multitude of research projects of TUM in close cooperation with industrial partner MTU Aero Engine led to the formation of a strategic alliance between the partners, the Center of Competence (CoC) Design and Production of Modern Aero Engines. In 2006 four Institutes of TUM (Flight Propulsion, Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology, Materials Science and Mechanics of Materials, Product Development) and MTU Aero Engine signed a framework agreement, which contains general terms and conditions for present and prospective research cooperation and joint activities. Main topics of cooperation are research tasks, such as compressor and turbine design improvements, investigations in new manufacturing processes like Precision Electrochemical Machining (PECM), Friction Welding and Additive manufacturing (AM). As a result of regular exchanges and meetings (steering committee) of the partners, closer and more efficient collaborations, improved inter-institutional coordination and synergies could be achieved. Now, after some 5 years of intensive collaborative research work, the CoC was expanded to include the institute of Institute for Automatic Control, especially for modeling, optimization and control of manufacturing processes.


The mission of Automotive research and teaching at TUM is to maintain its leading role within automotive technology, especially with respect to developing new mobility concepts.

Mobility is the most important economic factor in Germany. The private car is consumer good No.1 and todays economy would not be able to manage the logistical challenges without having sufficient transport possibilities. The scarcity of fossil fuels will change the mobility behaviour in the future and thus many economic aspects and processes. These changes can only be managed without major economic losses if people meet this challenge early in science and research in order to develop new mobility concepts and to refine them continuously. The overall goals in automotive development are to guarantee individual mobility by offering suitable vehicle concepts, to reduce costs, to increase energy efficiency and reduce the number of accidents, injuries and accidental deaths (Vision Zero). Although there is only one institute at the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering specifically dedicated to Automotive research, this area is the strongest one at the faculty, certainly due to the strong industrial background in the Munich area.

More than 80% of all institutes at the faculty are active in Automotive research under the following categories: Mobility and Vehicle Concepts Especially since the foundation of the Institute of Automotive Technology in 2001, TUM has gained the competence on whole vehicle concepts. Now, the faculty focuses on the design of electric vehicles and the development of concepts in order to make lightweight constructions visible. Electric Mobility Research emphasis lies on modelling and construction of components of the electric and hybrid drivetrain, such as energy storage system, drivetrain topologies, power cabling, conductors and contacts. Part of this field of research is the investigation of influences of the new and altered components on the vehicle concept, range, usability and dynamics. Furthermore, TUM focuses on the management and optimization of the energy flow, the development of numerical methods for the aerodynamic and thermodynamic design of electric and hybrid vehicles, the development of composite crash concepts for electric vehicles and the processing of battery components. Internal Combustion Engines This area of research focuses on minimizing fuel consumption and hazardous exhaust gas of combustions engines, minimizing in-engine friction, developing injection systems to operate with a rail pressure above 3000 bar, investigating processes for gas engines fuelled with different gas qualities and analysing residual stresses in cast components. Power Train The emphasis of this research lies on the determination and optimization of load-carrying capacity, losses and vibration excitation of drivetrain components, passive and active vibration attenuation and torsional vibration reduction.
MUTE http://www.mute-automobile.de/ The MUTE project concentrates the activities of TUM in the field of electric mobility in a multidisciplinary project developimg a new holistic mobility concept. Within less than 2 years, it was possible to present a production-ready vehicle concept which makes affordable individual mobility possible for a large class of population. The consequent lightweight construction, together with a reduction of all losses and driving drags and optimized electric and electronic components and control systems makes possible a small battery pack which enables the vehicle to drive over 100km per charge (customer cycle) and which is much lighter and thus much cheaper than todays energy storage concepts in similar electric vehicles. This allows reduced charge times of 4 hours on a normal socketoutlet, high energy efficiency, and reduced costs in a way that has not been realised so far. The vehicle is comparable to the overall security level of todays series vehicles despite its tare weight of only 500kg (+ 100kg of energy storage components). The MUTE project is a joint effort of 21 institutes from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and of other TUM faculties. More than 60 doctoral candidates and over 200 students with term papers and master theses were involved in this project working on several interdisciplinarym sub-projects and research topics. With the MUTE project the Technische Universitt Mnchen has started a project which can be considered as unique, concerning its interdisciplinary and size on a national and international level.

Suspension The research focuses on active and semi-active suspension control and high pressure tube hydroforming for axle components. Vehicle Control and Driving Dynamics In this part of research, TUM works on topics like vehicle dynamics controllers, tyre-vibrations and tyre-acoustics analysis and unsteady vehicle aerodynamics. One of many purposes of the examinations is the prediction of subjective judgements from objective data. Driver Assistance Systems and Safety The researchers are adressing active safety, accident research and human-machine-interaction. This excellence influences the development and investigation of innovative driver information systems, driver assistance systems, alternative driving elements and accordingly future HMI-concepts. Bodywork This research group is working on simulation, application and optimization of the metal-, carbon composite- and hybrid material-production process for car body parts and its behaviour in crash situations. Important objectives are for instance the development and investigation of concepts for large scale serial production of high complex components with the aim of cheaper and resource-saving production or the development of design optimization techniques for space frame structures including crash and manufacturing aspects.
CREATE Singapore The TUM CREATE Center for Electromobility is a long-term research program recently launched in Singapore by Technische Universitt Mnchen (TUM). The program, financed by the National Research Foundation of Singapore (NRF), is tightly connected to the electromobility research activities at TUM in Munich. Since October 2010, TUM-CREATE focuses on specific aspects of electromobility related to tropical megacities in close cooperation with Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (NTU). The entire program will include 40 faculty members from TUM and NTU and more than 100 researchers from disciplines such as battery technology, power electronics, computation, automotive technology, traffic management, and urban development. The physical proximity of the interdisciplinary collaboration partners provides a productive breeding ground for novel ideas and technical approaches. TUM CREATE greatly benefits from TUMs outstanding expertise in the field of electric mobility. The project will follow up the question on how the demands for electric vehicles identified for Europe will meet the requirements and conditions in a tropical megacity. How does a reasonable infrastructure for electric mobility have to look like in a megacity of several million inhabitants? How can energy storages systems (batteries) stand the challenges coming along with a hot and humid climate? Which kind of vehicle concepts will suit the mentality of Asian customers? The programme aims to demonstrate how electromobility solutions can be ideally suited for tropical megacities such as Singapore by the year 2013.

Materials The research focuses on austempered ductile iron, new composite materials and auxiliary materials for composites for automotive components, lubricants in gears to enhance the performance and hot isostatic pressing of aluminium-silicium alloys. Additionally plastic materials for low velocity crash behaviour and reinforced metal matrices for strength, stiffness and crash properties are characterized. Production The main research done by this group is the development and optimization of logistic processes, production processes of metal forming and blanking tools and mass production-suited injection processes and mandrel concepts. Integration/Vehicle Aspects The development of user expectation and use cases for mechatronic sub-systems, the digital human modelling for improving ergonomic anthropometric workplace layouts in respect to comfort, visibility and reachability are some examples for the research work of this group. Other very interesting research is done in the development and validation of numerical methods for flow simulation around and through vehicles with particular consideration of the wheel-/wheelhouse flow.

TUM Science Center for E-Mobility (WZE)
http://www. electrotraction.fahrzeugtechnik-muenchen.de/

TUM meets the challenges in electric mobility with a strategy for the future of research and education. One aim is to use existing competences in the field of automotive technology and conventional mechanical engineering as well as in mechatronics, electrical engineering and information technology efficiently. New fields of research are developed accordingly. Moreover, industry demands specialized engineers that have to be educated comprehensively, this is, in all relevant areas by the universities. To achieve these goals, TUM has founded the Wissenschaftszentrum Elektromobilitt (TUM Science Center for E-Mobility, WZE). The task of the WZE is to concentrate TUMs activities inwards and outwards. Meanwhile, more than 30 Institutes from 8 departments are involved. Since July 2010, an interdepartmental colloquium for electric mobility is held every three months to encourage the exchange of ideas and the communication of projects. Researchers from all participating partners are invited to report about their projects and to get informed about the state of electric mobility at TUM. Alongside the colloquium an industrial advisory committee meeting takes place. All Bavarian OEMs (passenger and commercial vehicles), other leading OEMs, major suppliers, mobility-providers and utility services participate in this meeting in order to discuss the development and orientation of the WZE. The WZE communicates TUMs interests through intensive lobbying in politics and industry. It is responsible for the initiative, application and ramp up of major projects in electric mobility - among others MUTE and TUM CREATE Singapore Electromobility in Mega-cities mentioned below. As one of the four pillars of the Munich School of Engineering the WZE links electric mobility to the topics energy-efficient and sustainable planning and building, renewable energy and efficiency in energy-conversion. Additionally, the WZE has identified the opportunities in the field of electric energy storage and has thus co-initiated the founding of the chairs for technical electrochemistry and electric energy storage technology.


The mission in Mechatronics is to systematically improve mechanical systems through the integration of electrical, electronics and computer science with the challenge of mastering large and complex mechatronic systems consisting of dynamic reconfigurable components.

Mechatronics integrates the various engineering and science topics of mechanics, electrical engineering, electronics, physics, mathematics, and computer science. This interdisciplinary view about technical issues enables the improved design of sophisticated systems meeting the increasing demands on performance, size and weight. Even though the institutes comprising this field have different research areas, there is one collective interest: The systematic improvement of mechanical systems through the integration of electrics, electronics and computer science. Almost any research topic in this exciting field comprises new developments or optimization in general using state-of-the-art techniques. As part of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics covers research and education topics that are strongly linked to the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Computer Science. All of the professors engaged in Mechatronics are involved in lectures that contain engineering knowledge of these neighbouring areas. Therefore, Mechatronics does not represent a joint engineering application area such as aerospace, automotive, production or medical engineering. Rather, it focuses on methods for the design of mechatronic systems in a wide range of engineering applications from automotive and aerospace to robotics, production and healthcare. Development in mechatronics strongly depends on the generation and validation of models. The institutes involved in Mechatronic research have ample experience in developing models for the behaviour of humans, robots and materials under varying conditions, as well as for reconfigurable systems and mechanical properties of multibody systems.

Product Development The creation of innovative products requires creativity and systematic procedures. With help of our research we support successful and efficient innovation processes, the handling of complexity, and the management of total and life cycle costs by developing methods and tools and providing best practice procedures. To develop robust product architectures of adaptable product-service systems which include mechanical, electrical or other hardware, electronics, software, and services, the use and further development of systems engineering philosophies, procedures and methods is required. Goal-oriented creativity processes necessitates a profound understanding of the nature of creativity and the driving elements like abstraction and analogies. Bio-inspired designs are of special interest in this context. All activities try to generate impact within the scientific community, in teaching and in industry. Applied Mechanics Dynamics, control and optimization of mechanical systems, especially multi-body systems are research topics. The fundamental research has been combined most closely with applications in car industries, spacecraft and aircraft industries, robotics, power train engineering or with applications in common mechanical engineering. Interdisciplinary way of thinking, experiments and simulation as well as concentrated efforts of computers are the methods. Automatic Control Feedback control is present wherever desired and actual time behaviour are compared to each other and a correcting control action is taken. One task in this reseach field is Model Order Reduction. In order to be able to handle large systems for the purpose of simulation, controller design, optimization and prediction, it is advisable to find a reduced order model that approximates the behavior of the original system while preserving some of its original properties like passivity, stability, and structure.
Cotesys Cluster of Excellence http://www.cotesys.org/ The Cluster of Excellence coordinated by Technische Universitt Mnchen is a close collaboration between scientists from various disciplines connecting neurocognitive and neuro-biological foundations to engineering sciences at leading research institutions in Munich: besides Technische Universitt Mnchen, scientists from Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversitt Mnchen, Universitt der Bundeswehr, Max-Planck Institute of Neurobiology and German Aerospace Agency DLR are involved. CoTeSys investigates cognition for technical systems such as vehicles, robots, and factories. Cognitive technical systems are equipped with artificial sensors and actuators, integrated and embedded into physical systems, and act in a physical world. SFB 768: Managing the Cyclic Interdependencies of Innovation Processes http://www.sfb768.de/ The aim of the Collaborative Research Center is the understanding and design of innovation processes concerning the specific characteristics and interdependencies of cycles in innovation processes. This Collaborative Research Center addresses Mechatronics and Production Engineering aspects. It is described in more detail under Production Engineering. SFB 453: High Fidelity Tele-Presence and Tele-Action http://www6.in.tum.de/Main/ResearchSfb453 It is the aim of the SFB 453 to overcome barriers between the operator and teleoperator in a distant or non-accessible environment. A barrier might

Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology In mechatronic development processes, mechanism design should not be understood as an isolated process in terms of classical kinematics synthesis. An integrated process has been developed for this purpose. It implies new methods for spatial trajectory input, a synthesis process which comprehends drives and their control. Furthermore, it uses RPTechnologies for the output of first prototypes. The use of Navigation and Robotics in the field of surgery is a topic pursued by many research projects. These projects vary from the integrated power control of instruments and minimally invasive instruments to the computer integrated operating room (CIO). Clinical applications are: (ENT) ear, nose, and throat surgery, neuro surgery, visceral surgery and dental surgery. Registration methods in the liver surgery represent a particular challenge. Automation and Information Systems To improve automation and software engineering, including operation and maintenance of manufacturing systems on the one hand and products on the other hand, models of different disciplines, e.g. mechanical, electrical and software engineering need to be coupled or integrated considering their correlations and dependencies, e.g. adapting model notations like SyML, UML, meta-modeling and coupling of models. Especially distributed embedded automation systems using cognitive mechanism to adapt on unforeseen environmental changes or changed product and production requirements are used. The research field quality management works on simulation, testing, automatic verification and mathematical models to verify the correctness of distributed real-time embedded systems. For all engineering aspects usability is a key issue using methods from ergonomics.
be caused by distance, but also due to scales, e.g. in minimal invasive surgery or in microassembly. In addition to visual and acoustic feedback, especially haptic feedback is needed: this requires tactile (pressure, temperature, roughness, vibrations) as well as kinesthetic (proprioceptors, inertial effects, gravity) feedback channels in order to improve close to reality impressions. Real-time Image Navigation in Operative Liver Surgery Liver resection denotes the removal of one or more vascular segments of the liver according to the Couinaud segments of the liver. Typical indications for this method of treatment are liver diseases such as liver cancer, malignant liver tumors, or living-liver donations. The most challenging task for the surgeon is the re-movement of tumors with a safety margin of at least ten millimeters to obviate the recrudescence of tumors on the one hand and to prevent tumor cells from getting into blood circulation on the other hand. The surgeons planning of the surgical intervention is effected by corresponding CT datasets, which the surgeon receives from radiologists. Since the liver is a soft tissue organ, the operative and preoperative form can differ. The use of a suitable navigation system improves safety and effectiveness in liver surgery for intraoperative localization of key structures such as tumors. This system consists of a navigation camera for tracking position and orientation of ultrasonic probe and dissector relative to the patients liver. The main idea of this navigation concept is to localize and to mark target structures, which are focused on with the dissector, by means of crosslines.

Model-based and integrated engineering This research topic examines the modeling of hybrid, networked automation systems in engineering of products and production plants (process and factory). The focus lies on the interdisciplinary character of the design of automation systems as well as on increasing transparency throughout the operation phase. Also the integration of energy aspects in the modeling of plant operation or vehicle systems is explored. A strong focus is to increase efficiency and quality in automation software engineering, e.g. through automatic PLC-code generation from a model in the domain of machine and plant manufacturing. Therefore different notations, e.g. UML, SysML, are investigated and, where appropriate, notational elements or diagrams are added or adapted and domain specific editors are developed, also for integration into ERP or MES systems (SpeziMES). Another focus is the model-based development of the hybrid production processes themselves, especially in thermo-mechanical processes and in generative manufacturing technology. Necessary information for code generation is extracted from different models (controller model, CAD model) to ensure the time behavior in the target environment. Furthermore the research topic aims at the development of a tool-supported method for integrated design of distributed agent systems under the special requirements of automation technology. In addition to the established CAD systems more and more software tools are used in engineering of plants and products. This leads to increasing data traffic. A data backbone is needed, that transparently allows to connect the different data from different systems in accordance to their semantic and syntax (Project IMIP).

Design, Construction, and Verification of Drop-on-Demand Systems Dispensing minute amounts of fluid by the dropon-demand (DOD) technique is now routinely used in many industries. There are numerous applications for droplet generation which can be divided into the segments printing and coating, life science, electronic manufacturing, optics, and other special applications. Furthermore, droplet generators are important in the area of 3D rapid prototyping. Due to the above mentioned large variety of possible applications of the DOD technique, a huge number of fluids, like polymers, epoxy resins, silicones, or water-based fluids, are used. The size of the nozzle, the geometry of the pressure wave generator, and the thickness of the used piezo-actuator have to be adaptable to the above mentioned fluids to achieve drops of the size, with the speed and uniformity that are needed. The used materials have to be resistant to strong acids, bases, solvents, and other chemical agents. Therefore only high resistance materials should come into contact with the medium. Generally, adapting a printhead to other fluids often means extensive development work or even a completely redesign. So a new approach is developed to manufacture piezoelectrically driven printheads by using rapid prototyping techniques such as lasermicromachining, anodic bonding, or working with a dicing saw. The result is a drop on demand printhead dosing liquid wax manufactured in less than a day instead of now up to 6 weeks. Model-based Engine Calibration The research field Model-based Engine Calibration deals with the development and improvement of methods for engine calibration. A modern combustion engine is controlled by an Engine Control Unit (ECU). The engine maps which are stored on the

ECU have to be defined in a calibration process, which in previous times was performed manually from an engineer at the test bed. Since the legislative restrictions, like exhaust-gas thresholds, and the requirements of customers, like low fuel consumption, are permanently increasing, more and more new systems had to be introduced for a better controlling of the combustion process. This caused the number of actuators in modern combustion engines to increase in the last years. Since all dependencies of all actuators have to be considered, the task of calibration results in a high-dimensional problem, which makes it difficult to find the optimal settings for the combustion engine. Due to the increased complexity todays calibration engineers need to be supported by modern methods. The research area of model-based engine calibration engineers need to be supported by modern methods. Active and Semi-Active Suspension Control The research field deals with the configuration and control of active suspension systems in vehicles. The isolation of the passengers from the road induced vibrations is an important topic in the automotive industry. The suspension system is, beside the power train, mainly responsable for the dynamic behaviour of vehicles and with its contribution to ride comfort and road holding it is an important distinguishing feature in vehicle construction. The main tasks are a minimization of vibrations acting on passengers and the reduction of upcoming dynamic wheel load deviations while complying the technical boundary conditions. The possibilities of standard passive suspension systems are limited. Introducing active and/ or semi-active suspension components, makes it possible, by an appropriate control strategy, to better respond to road disturbances and ride comfort and road holding abilities are significantly improved.

Power Engineering

The sustainable supply of energy is the key challenge for our future. On the one hand worldwide energy demand will continue to grow and is expected to double in 2050. On the other hand emissions of greenhouse gases from energy conversion are the main reasons of global warming and increasing CO2 emissions from fossil fuel utilization will threaten our planet. Moreover, fossil fuels resources, such as oil, coal, and natural gas, in the end, are limited. However, the interdependencies are complex and the tradeoff between economics, energy efficiency and sustainability has to be found. It is a requirement in power generation to develop new technologies to expand the production of renewable energy, to improve energy efficiency and to reduce emissions.

The research mission in Power Engineering is to reduce pollutant and carbon dioxide emissions and to improve quality of life through improvement and substitution of energy conversion technologies and efficient use of energy.The teaching mission is to educate engineers with comprehensive knowledge regarding efficient, sustainable and safe conversion and use of energy.

Power Engineering
A large number of industrial companies offering products and technologies related to the sector of power engineering are situated in Bavaria, e.g. Siemens, Linde, GE, MTU, KAM, Martin and EON in Munich, as well as MAN Diesel in Augsburg - to name only a few. Besides these global players, who are world leading companies in their fields, a multitude of small and medium-sized companies such as plant operators, start-ups and other small companies make up an important part of the renewable energy sector. In the last decade the field of power engineering has been growing at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and it is expected to play an even more important role in the near future and in the long run. Efficient and Flexible Power Generation with Minimal Emissions The research focus are advanced power station technologies, decentralized power generation and new techniques for energy storage. The increasing share of fluctuating power sources, such as most renewable energy sources, requires flexible power plants and energy storage concepts to compensate load peaks. In the field of storage technologies Power Engineering at TUM considers the diversity of storage strategies, such as chemical energy storage, pumped-storage hydropower plants and compressed air reservoirs for large scale applications. The research needs for gas turbines range from combustion and emission control to thermo acoustics. For solid fuels it is important to cover operational problems such as slagging and fouling due to changing fuel properties and the reduction of nitrogen oxides, fly ash particles and fine dust from the flue gas. Moreover Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is of concern for the reduction of CO2 emissions. Decentralized power generation is focused on small to medium scale components, such as ORC, Diesel and Stirling engines and micro-gas-turbines. Renewable and Green Energy The share of renewable energy in power generation is growing worldwide and especially in Germany. A variety of renewable energy technologies are addressed in Power Engieering,
KW 21 http://www.kw21.de/ The research initiative KW21 is funded by the states of Bayern and Baden-Wrttemberg. Its aim is to make power plants more efficient, cost effective and sustainable. Among the five different research areas the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is involved in Combustion chambers for gas turbines, Steam turbines and Power plant systems and boilers. Several parts of the research in this initiative are carried out by institutes from the Technische Universitt Mnchen. HotVegas 2 IGCC (Integrated gasification combined cycle), the combination of gasification, gas turbine and heat recovery steam generator is considered to be one of the most appropriate techniques to compensate the fluctuating energy production of renewable energy sources by the usage of coal. Chemical technologies for energy storage are capable to cover the expected increase in wind energy in the near future. The research project HotVegas covers experimental investigation on the conversion of coal and biomasses in gasification processes. Project partners from industry involved in this research project are GTT, RWE, Siemens, EON, EnBW and Vattenfall.

Power Engineering
such as solar, hydro, biomass and geothermal energy. Solarthermal power generation is the vision of the future. The focus of research in Power Engineering is on the development of cost-efficient concepts and components, process dynamics, heat transfer and heat storage. Besides power generation, solar thermal energy is of interest for solar cooling, solar water treatment, and solar drying in developing countries. Biomass is an excellent substitute for conventional fossil fuels. Besides the efficient and low-emission conversion to power and heat the production of energy carriers such as Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) and power and heat production is a core research topic. The energy production from waste (EfW) is also considered partly as a renewable energy source but due to its impurities creates challenging research topics for combustion and operation. Wind energy is a topic at several different institutes, each addressing different aspects, such as aerodynamic and conversion, mechanical power transmission, use of novel materials and manufacturing issues. Other energy sources such as waste heat from industrial processes or geothermal are also a key issue for a sustainable power production and of are of concern in Power Engineering at TUM. Simulation Simulation in general helps to deepen the understanding of processes and helps to reduce experimental efforts. Thus, development and the design of energy conversion systems are more efficient and cost effective. Since the calculation capabilities are still limited for complex reaction systems and sub-models, it is important to balance the level of detail and the calculation speed. The research efforts in Power Engineering are focused on the CFD simulation of combustion, fluid-flow and heat transfer. The research topics in this field cover a wide variety, ranging from gaseous and solid fuel combustion, ash chemistry, heat transfer mechanism. Furthermore aerodynamic and fluid mechanic aspects are considered when it comes to the simulation of hydro and wind turbines.
Center for Power Generation http://www.powergen.mse.tum.de/ The Center for Power Generation is an association of several Institutes, chairs and organizations at the Technische Universitt Mnchen, whose research topic is related to power engineering. It is the aim to bundle their competence for advanced research. It covers chemistry, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and physics. Its research topics cover transport, storage and load control for electricity, energy and infrastructure as well as energy conversion and the reduction of emissions. WindForS www.windfors.de Wind energy research faces new great challenges for example for the cost effective realization of extremely large machines in the 10-20MW range in the off-shore area or for new overall concepts for exploiting wind energy in so far unexplored areas close to consumers. Since wind energy plays a key role in the current energy mix and will even more so in the future, TUM is currently setting up the research network WindForS together with academic partners from KIT, Stuttgart and Tbingen Universities, with research institutes and industry in one of the technologically and economically strongest regions in Europe. Key contributions from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering are aerodynamics, novel materials and materials damage detection, gears and manufacturing processes.

Power Engineering
Efficiency and Optimization Cycle calculations are a helpful design tool for increasing efficiencies in any kind of process. Those tools are used for concept studies, technology development and optimization. Besides advanced power generation technologies based on gas turbines, steam turbines and fuel cells, new concepts for the production of fuels and electricity (polygeneration, SNG) and concepts with electricity storage capability are of concern. With regard to the increasing share of renewables dynamic process modeling is a helpful tool.

Production Engineering

Production engineering research has a long tradition since 1875 at the Technische Universitt Mnchen (TUM). After significant growth during the last 25 years, it constitutes one of Germanys major research centers in this area including subsidiaries in Augsburg and more than 150 investigators and some 10,000 sqm of space for offices and labs. Since production of goods and machines in Germany is stronger than in any other country, a strong research basis is essential for Germanys economy. Approximate 8 million workplaces are located in production facilities and plants. Some additional 8 million workplaces exist in Germanys environment of production in order to support this field with logistical, computing and other services. Design, manufacturing, and product development is the complete set of activities needed to bring new devices, technologies, and services to the marketplace. Production is a major part of the entire product life-cycle, for which reason all research activities of the production engineering research focus are versatile and demanding. The Institutes of the Research Area Production Engineering research conduct both, fundamental research and application-oriented research with the objective of enhancing innovative technologies and passing expertise on to industry:

The mission in Production Engineering is to provide producing industry with high fidelity research results. We aim to take a leading position in production engineering research and develop visions for production technology in order to foster our society and prosperity. We put innovations to practice by interdisciplinary reasoning and activity and we educate the engineers of the future, who distinguish themselves through competence in leadership and professionalism.

Production Engineering
Fundamental Research System Dynamics Production machines, especially machine tools, are precision machines and therefore very sensitive to vibrations and dynamically induced shifts. Thus, the researchers work on measures to reduce vibrations in terms of calculating or simulating the behavior of the machine to take preventive measures or to intervene into the running machine by using new approaches of adaptive control or other damping measures. Heat Transfer Heat induced by the production processes or transferred from outside leads to thermal strain and deformation of the machines. To avoid such negative impact by preventive and/ or therapeutic measures is the background of this research area. Novel Manufacturing and Treatment Processes for New Materials These research activities focus on production technologies, manufacturing processes like molding, injection molding, extrusion, blow-molding, forming, cutting and all biology oriented processes as well as bonding resp. coating processes for materials, material-mix or parts including light metals, plastics, fiber reinforced materials or natural fiber containing parts. In terms of recycling selective separation technologies will become very relevant. Model-Based System Engineering The improvement of the whole life cycle for engineering of production systems and production lines using and adapting methods from computers science are goal of this area. Recent research activities are focusing on managed software evolution, modular system design as well as suitable sequencing of mechanical engineering, automation and software engineering using simulation and digital modeling.
SFB 768: Managing the Cyclic Interdependencies of Innovation Processes

Focus of the research is the implementation and use of elements of complex solutions, nowadays typically consisting of a combination of product- and service-components, so-called product-service-systems. The components are subject to development-, manufacturing-, and life-cycles of varying length which are provided by different functional divisions. Availability and maturity of technologies, changes of competences, financial cycles at capital markets or of investments and write-offs as well as changes of customer demands represent external influences on the company. In contrast, the associated business processes underlie different cycles in research and development, manufacturing, logistics, finance, service, and recycling, which are mutually affecting each other as well. The aim of the Collaborative Research Center is the understanding and design of innovation processes concerning the specific characteristics and interdependencies of cycles in innovation processes. With the understanding of cycles, innovation processes are to be designed with regards to the content of cycles, in terms of costs and quality, and above all concerning their temporal interaction. To reach these goals, scientists from the faculties of computer sciences, engineering, and economics and sociology are collaborating closely. The perspective of cycles is thereby the novel point of view on innovation processes to align and synchronize company-external and -internal changes. This Collaborative Research Center also addresses Mechatronics aspects.

Production Engineering
Cognition for Fabrication and Production Systems Cognitive capabilities are fundamental information processing algorithms such as perception, attention, memory, action, learning, and planning. These are abilities similar to those of humans, in order to learn from observations and realize their environment. Therefore the aim of this area is to get production systems that know what they are doing The researchers investigate cognition for technical systems such as machines, robots, and factories. Cognitive technical systems are equipped with artificial sensors and actuators. Application-Oriented Research Production Management and Logistics Along with aspects of technical logistics, the control and optimization of material flow processes by innovative identification technologies (RFID), the development of logistics planning by means of digital tools as well as the role of human beings in production and in logistics (work place design) represent essential research topics. Machines, Automation and Robotics New intelligent machines, consuming low energy, producing precise parts in a very efficient way and having a high reliability is the focus of this research area. The investigators work on new approaches of automation, new manufacturing processes, novel sensors and drives and therefore foster the power of machines up to double or triple of state of the art. Mechatronics and Integrated Engineering Modular design, simultaneous engineering, cognitive control, diagnosis and service are the challenges for future production plants. In consequence, the investigators work on diagnosis, test procedures and model-based integrated engineering for highly qualified and energy optimized production. Anthropometric Workplace Layout in Days of Demographic Change The number of workers with special individual and inter-individual requirements to
SFB TR10: Integration of Forming, Cutting and Joining for the Flexible Production of leightweight Frame Structures http://www.leichtbau.de/tr10/ The goal of SFB TR 10 is to economically integrate production processes of lightweight supporting structures in their three main groups forming, cutting, and joining. The project is structured in three funding phases (i) technology development (2003 2006), (ii) integration into the process chain (2007 2010) and (iii) flexibilization and optimization (2011 2014). Especially in phase III, the focus will be on variable lot sizes with a high variant diversity. Appropriate measures in production and process planning as well as quality assurance will enable short term production of supporting structures. EU-FP7 Factories of the Future: Custom Packer (2010 2013) http://www.custompacker.eu/ The project entitled CustomPacker aims at developing and integrating a scalable and flexible packaging assistant that aids human workers while packaging mid to upper sized and mostly heavy goods. The main goal is to design and assemble a packaging workstation mostly using standard hardware resulting in a universal handling system for different pro-ducts (size, weight and form). The highly experienced international industry-driven project consortium contains representatives from all involved disciplines and will therefore be able to start with a baseline cell layout for a packaging station including industrial robots. This cell will be equipped with novel and reconfigurable hardware components and will further be enhanced by advanced interaction paradigms through novel system controller techniques during the project run.

Production Engineering
work rises. This is accompanied by an intensive demographic change and holds especially true for workplace design in assembly and in logistics; because economic automation is difficult furthermore most assembly processes are performed manually. The researchers of this area investigate the influence of ageing workforces on assembly and logistic systems and develop technical solutions, design methods and guidelines for future manufacturing pro-cesses or workplaces. nvestigation of Multimodal Interaction Concepts for Human Machine Interaction I The research question in this area is: how can robots and machines interact with persons and objects and adapt themselves to unknown situations? How must technical systems be equipped to have abilities, similar to those of humans, in order to learn from observations and realize their environment? This is a question of multisensory systems, powerful computers and safe interaction between man and machine.
Fit4Age http://www.fit4age.org/ Demographic change will be a great challenge to our society in the 21st century. Fit4Age is a consortium of higly motivated and competent partners from industry and research institutions. They are eager to find technical solutions for elderly people to provide them with affordable solutions to enable them to cope with tasks at home and at work . The project is supported by the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung. EU-FP7 Clean Skies: DEfcodoor Thermoplastic Fibre Placement (TFP) with a thermoforming step in between could abandon the time-consuming and energy-consuming autoclave process currently used e.g. in the manufacturing process for helicopter doors. TUM coordinates the EU-FP7 project DEfcodoor with the goal to reduce expensive scrap by 15%, increasing the quality of the product and reducing production cost.


Carbon Fibers and Carbon Composites have material properties which enable us to build ultrastrong and lightweight products. Since many of the leading players in research and industry in this field are located in the triangle between Munich, Augsburg and Ingolstadt, TUM, together with partners such as SGL Group, Audi, BMW, Premium Aerospace and many others, has initiated the network MAICarbon. This network was successful in the Leading-Edge Cluster Competition of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in early 2012 and will be funded with up to 40 million within until 2017. MAICarbon will pave the way to serial production of carbon composite products and promote the region as the center of competence for Carbon Composite technology in Europe. Since Carbon Composite Materials have a very high potential especially in automotive and aerospace applications and are still very demanding in production process, several institutes at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering will be active in this cluster.

Process Engineering

Process Engineering is a key technology for producing industry. Due to the diversity of applications and underlying scientific foundations, it is addressed by several TUM faculties; next to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering mainly by the Center of Life and Food Sciences in Weihenstephan and by the Faculty of Chemistry. At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Institute of Plant and Process Technology and the Institute of Biochemical Engineering focus on Process and Equipment Design, Design Methods including Modeling and Simulation as well as Bioreactors and Biocatalysis, Fermentation and Bioprocess Integration.

Process Engineering
Amongst others, this is applied to the generation of synthetic fuels and energy carriers from coal and biomass (XtL: the conversion of various fossil and regenerative raw materials to liquid fuels) as well as the conversion of solid feedstock to natural gas (SNG). In this process chain, all kinds of synthesis gases play a significant role so different purification and gas treatment processes are currently investigated. Furthermore, flue gases from the firing of fossil fuels are researched with respect to purification and carbon dioxide removal. Laboratories, workshops and technical facilities with the complete infrastructure for the cultivation of microorganisms and cells on a 1 mL - 200 L scale enable the Institute of Biochemical Engineering to analyze microbial reactions and biotechnological production processes on a laboratory as well as on a semi-technical scale. In the next years, research will be further focused on the bioprocess engineering aspects of Industrial Biotechnology. For example, the research activities in fermentation science will be extended to study the microbial production of chemicals and liquid biofuels from gaseous substrates (synthesis gases). Apart from experimental investigations, modeling and simulation play an important role. Modeling activities cover fundamental thermodynamic property methods, detailed modeling of process equipment, modeling of complete plant configurations and economical evaluations.
Industrial Biotechnology The Institute of Biochemical Engineering together with the two speciality devisions for (1) Selective Separation Technology and for (2) Systems Biotechnology form the engineering science core of the interdisciplinary TUM Research Center for Industrial Biotechnology (Forschungszentrum fr Weie Biotechnologie). The new 4.2 billion Euro Pilot Plant for Industrial Biotechnology on TUM-campus Garching, which came into operation in mid 2011, supports the interdisciplinary scientific collaborations of the members of the TUM Research Center for Industrial Biotechnology beyond traditional faculty borders. InnovA2 The Bundesministerium fr Bildung und Forschung is supporting a consortium of 17 partners ( 12 companies and 5 universities) to analyze Innovative concepts for processes and plants in order to increase the efficiency of production processes. Five different new plant concepts for heat integration are examined in this joint research project experimentally as well as theoretically. The goal of the particular project investigated at the TUM is, to analyze the condensation on microstructured tubes for heat exchangers to improve their energy efficiency. The effect of microstructures for condensation shall be extended on mixtures and mixtures with gaseous inert components. An additional task is to develop correlations for designing heat exchangers, used for the condensation of mixtures.

Medical Technology

Stent Technologies The killer No. 1 worldwide is heart attack through occlusion of feeding coronary arteries, usually caused by atheromatosis or calcification of the respective blood vessel wall. Using stents by intravascular positioning within stenoses with subsequent opening through a balloon catheter has become a convenient treatment to overcome insufficient blood supply to the heart. However long term result are inferior to bypass operations requiring opening of the chest, heart-lung machines and hour-long anesthesia. Stents are applied within a very short time by full consciousness of the patient while maintaining a normal heart contraction. To considerably improve stent technology and to provide patients with long term patency of their treated arteries we developed new drug eluting stent structures avoiding intravascular rotation, thus disrupture of the endothelial layer of the coronary and secondary clotting following media hyperplasia. All machines and equipment necessary, i.e. a new balloon forming machine, the balloon itself, the various stents and modification of surfaces to make them hemocompatible are parts of a large research programme in cardiovascular implant development and have been developed, designed, manufactured and tested at the institute.

Medical technology industry is one of the strongest worldwide. Despite this, within Germany, there are only three large Centers for medical technology as an engineering discipline at the university level: RWTH Aachen, FAU Erlangen and TUM. Nevertheless, in contrast to automotive, aerospace, or energy, the field of Medical Technology is defined almost completely by companies with less than 50 employees with the important exception of imaging technologies and only the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering offers programs for bachelor and master studies in Medical Technology.

Medical Technology
The research activities are centred around: Biocompatible instruments and implants and their Processing & Tooling Innovative concepts, instruments and implants are under development that can be used in or implanted into the human body. Materials, material processing and tools for material processing are researched for their potential use in medicine, independently of a specific medical product. Micro fluidic effects in medical applications are addressed intensively. Tissue Engineering Generation of (partially) living biological substitutes for damaged tissues addressing regenerative medicine is addressed here. Basic cell biological research (e.g. stem cell technology), material science to develop biocompatible scaffolds, and the development of sophisticated bioreactors are integrated to create functional tissue substitutes. Biomechanical and Biofunctional Models, Computer Aided Interventions Biomechanical models of the functions of muscles and the skeleton are developed; several projects deal with the conversion of known models to humanoid robots, other projects study the definition of such models. In addition, mathematical models are used to model and to visualize human tissue, e.g. FEM for complex vessel structures (lung, liver) to model the function or the deformation of the tissue as well as the segmentation and visualization of the tissue as part of intervention planning or navigation.
Micro-injection molded implants for the middle ear Otosclerosis usually results in loss of hearing with a considerable social impact on the patient. In order to treat this disease we developed an entirely new middle ear implant prepared for injection molding technology with a mass of the implant of less than 1 mg. These extremely small, however accurate, implants require thermoplast processing and handling tools of utmost precision and surface properties with adapted microstructuring for bone on one side (inner ear side) and for connective tissue on the other side (tympanic membrane side). Both structures preparing locotypical tissue ingrowth can be realized using micro injection molding, including damping elements within the implant to prevent the patient from complete loss

of hearing following implantation with subsequent heavy acoustic trauma, i.e. in machining environments or while consuming exceedingly loud music. Forming process, tools, surfaces and its modifications by open air plasma treatment and by titania coatings have been developed at the institute, including the worldwide smallest injection molding machine. All related biological testing using cell and tissue constructs is available at the institute providing innovative interfaces and interphases between living tissues and polymer structures.

Scientific Networks

Science and research are not possible without the exchange of ideas. For engineering sciences, this is especially true for interlinks with industry, in order to keep its focus on current problems and to validate research results in real life. Here, the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering profits from its location in one of the most innovative industrial environments world wide, with large companies having their headquarters or research centers in and around Munich, but even more so with numerous highly innovative small and medium-sized enterprises throughout southern Bavaria. As it is good practice in the academic world, the scientific principles underlying industrial applications are regularly published in international journals and on scientific conferences, in order to make the results open to academia and strengthen the scientific reputation of our faculty. In this framework, the institutes at the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering are highly interested in cooperations with the potential of generating results, which can be published in academic journals at least in their core elements on the one hand and to provide innovative and commercializable solutions to their partner on the other hand. Such projects can be performed on the basis of publicly funded programmes as well as on bilateral agreement. Increasingly, the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering acts as a venue for scientific exchange, also with our industrial partners. Numerous seminars are open to the public and are regularly visited by our partners, e.g. the Automotive Colloquium. (IWB-Kolloquien). A list of past and upcoming events is available on our website. An excellent forum for exchange with local industry are the Bavarian Research Cooperations (Bayerische Forschungsverbnde), which are strongly supported by our institutes and often even chaired by faculty members.

http://www.tum.de/wirtschaft http://www.mw.tum.de/events http://www.tum.de/forschung/kooperationen/bayern

Study Programs

Bachelor and Master courses at the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Energy and Process Engineering Product Development and Design Automotive and Combustion Engine Technology Aerospace Engineering Mechanical Engineering and Management Mechanical Engineering Mechatronics and Information Technology Medical Technology and Engineering Nuclear Technology Production and Logistics

The TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is one of Germanys largest training facilities for engineers. Interdisciplinary programs with partners like the University of Salzburg and membership in the TIME double degree program (with the cole Centrale Paris, Escuela Tcnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales de Madrid, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and many others) confirm our international reputation. The linkage of teaching and research is the basis for our academic training. All professors at the faculty are proven experts in their fields, and they head trend-setting research projects in the national and international arena. This way, the latest research results are reflected in teaching, and our students are given many different opportunities to participate in projects, especially through semester and thesis projects. Together with the joint Bachelors program in Engineering Sciences and a Masters program in Materials Sciences with Paris-Lodron University Salzburg, it currently hosts 5000 students. The Bachelors programs have a common curriculum and schedule up to the 4th semester. In the 5th and 6th semester, students specialize in one of the ten subject areas with specialized classes and a Bachelors thesis. Each of the 10 Masters programs is based on an individually defined course catalogue designed to establish a deeper academic understanding of the corresponding subject. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is extensively networked with all other TUM faculties. In particular, the facultys dedication is reflected in its teacher training (led by the TUM School of Education), in the Bachelors and Masters programs in Chemical Engineering (led by the Faculty for Chemistry), in the Masters program in Power Engineering (led by the Faculty for Electrical and Information Technology), in the Masters program in Robotics,

Study Programs

Cognition, Intelligence (led by the Faculty for Computer Science) and in the Bachelors program in General Engineering Sciences as well as the Masters program in Industrial Biotechnology (in collaboration with the Munich School of Engineering). On the international level, the Faculty for Mechanical Engineering is integrated with four other leading aerospace universities (Pisa, Madrid, Toulouse and Cranfield) in the European Masters Course in Aeronautics and Space Technology (EuMAS). In addition, it participates in the joint Masters program in Aerospace Engineering, a collaboration between Technische Universitt Mnchen (TUM) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore at the German Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) in Singapore. Besides technical qualifications and the ability to act goal-oriented, engineers have to possess a basis of interpersonal and leadership skills. Therefore the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering offers courses to gain additional qualifications. Very committed first and second year students can learn and train team work, moderation and presentation skills and project work in small groups in a special program. Students with excellent course achievements who will graduate very soon have the possibility to participate in the LEAD Programme where they can train their leadership skills. All students are offered to take part in soft skill training courses as part of their standard curriculum.

Doctorate Training

A doctorate is usually obtained working on a publicly or privately funded research project and in most cases at the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the candidate is employed as a full time researcher. In this case, the candidate will also have teaching and other duties, so that it usually takes about 4 to 5 years to finish the doctoral thesis. Despite the general trend towards other forms of doctorate programs, the faculty regards this traditional concept as best suited for most cases in engineering sciences. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering was the first one to implement a Faculty Graduate Center within the TUM Graduate School in order to provide a platform for training and networking activities. Acatech, the German Academy of Science and Engineering, awarded the special price for comprehensive doctorate training to TUM and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in 2011 for these efforts. In addition, the TUM Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has initiated several framework programmes together with some strategic cooperation partners in industry.


Faculty Members
Dean Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Kau Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikolaus Adams Institute of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics www.aer.mw.tum.de Aircraft, spacecraft and automotive aerodynamics Gasdynamic phenomena in propulsion Environmental aerodynamics

Vice Dean Prof. Dr. phil. Klaus Bengler

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Baier Institute of Lightweight Structures www.llb.mw.tum.de Smart and adaptive structures Large membrane and deployable space structures Fibre composite and hybrid materials structures Structural and multidisciplinary design optimization techniques

Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. mont. habil. Dr. rer. nat. h. c. Ewald Werner

Prof. Dr. phil. Klaus Bengler Institute of Ergonomics www.lfe.mw.tum.de Micro Ergonomics Human-Machine-Interaction Digital Human Modelling

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sonja Berensmeier Specialty Division for Selective Separation Technology www.biovt.mw.tum.de Selective Separation of Biomolecules Downstream Processing Magnetic Separation

Faculty Members
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Drechsler Institute of Carbon Composites www.lcc.mw.tum.de Composite Materials and Process Technology Textile Technology Lightweigth Design Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oskar J. Haidn Space Propulsion Group www.lfa.mw.tum.de Thrust Chamber Technologies High Pressure Combustion In-space Propulsion Green Propellants Combustion Dynamics Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manfred Hajek Institute of Helicopter Technology www.ht.mw.tum.de Efficiency improvement Reduced environmental impact Extension of the flight envelope

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael W. Gee High Performance Computing in Mechanics Group www.lnm.mw.tum.de/mhpc High Performance Parallel Computing Fluid-Structure Interaction Cardiovascular Biomechanics

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dipl.-Geophys. Christian Groe Institute of Non-destructive Testing http://www.zfp.tum.de/ Quality control during construction  Inspection of structures and components in civil and mechanical engineering Structural Health Monitoring Joint Appointment with the Faculty of Civil Engineering Prof. Dr.-Ing. Willibald A. Gnthner Institute of Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics www.fml.mw.tum.de RFID-based Control and Optimization of Material Flow Processes Digital Tools for Logistics Planning Role of Humans in Logistics

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Florian Holzapfel Institute of Flight System Dynamics www.fsd.mw.tum.de Modeling, simulation and parameter estimation Flight guidance and flight control Sensors, data fusion and navigation Trajectory optimization

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mirko Hornung Institute of Aircraft Design www.lls.mw.tum.de Scenario analysis, future trends and technologies Aircraft design (civil and military) Analysis and evaluation of aircraft concepts

Faculty Members
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jakob Kaltenbach Flow control and aeroacoustics group www.aer.mw.tum.de active and passive flow control prediction and mitigation of flow noise aircraft, automotive and railway aerodynamics Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Oliver Lieleg Biomechanics Group www.imetum.tum.de/forschung/biologische-gydrogele/ Mechanics of Biomaterials Biological Hydrogels Biomedical/Biophysical Engineering

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Kau Institute of Flight Propulsion www.lfa.mw.tum.de Flight propulsion Space propulsion Turbomachinery Gas Turbines

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Lienkamp Institute for Automotive Technology www.ftm.mw.tum.de Vehicle Concepts Electric Mobility Vehicle Control and Dynamics Driver Assistance Systems

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Klein Institute of Plant and Process Technology www.apt.mw.tum.de Thermodynamic Properties Absorption Processes Gas-Liquid-Contacting and Heat Transfer Equipment

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann Institute of Product Development www.pe.mw.tum.de Systems Eingineering and Systems Behavior Innovation Processes and Creativity Enhancing Methods Individualized Products

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Kremling Specialty Division for Systems Biotechnology www.biovt.mw.tum.de Mathematical Modelling of Cellular Systems Model Analysis and Parameter Identification Model-based Experimental Design

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Boris Lohmann Institute of Automatic Control www.rt.mw.tum.de Modelling and Model Reduction of Dynamical Systems Methods and Application of Nonlinear Control Feedback Control in Manufactoring Processes

Faculty Members
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tim C. Lth Institute of Micro Technology and Medical Device Technology www.mimed.mw.tum.de Medical Navigation, Robotics, and Control Architectures Rapid Prototyping Technology for an Aging Society Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Sattelmayer Institute of Thermodynamics www.td.mw.tum.de Combustion and Reactive Flows, Noise and Instabilities Transport Phenomena in Single- and Two-Phase Flows Energy Systems and Technologies

Prof. Rafael Macian-Juan, Ph. D. Institute of Nuclear Technology www.ntec.mw.tum.de Nuclear Reactor Safety Thermal-Hydraulic and Neutronic Analysis of Nuclear Systems Radiation Transport

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rudolf Schilling Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Fluid Machinery www.flm.mw.tum.de

Prof. Wolfgang Polifke, Ph. D. Institute of Thermodynamics www.td.mw.tum.de Aero- and Thermoacoustics Mixing and Reaction in Turbulent Flows Two-Phase Flows

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Veit Senner Specialty Division Sport Equipment and Materials www.lfe.mw.tum.de New Materials (esp. Carbon Composites) in Sports Improved Interaction between Athletes and Sports Equipment Equipment for Reduced Injury Risk in Sports

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Reinhart Institute of Industrial Management and Assembly Technologies www.iwb.mw.tum.de Production Management and Logistics Automation and Robotics Assembly Technology

Prof. Kristina Shea, Ph. D. Virtual Product Development Group www.pe.mw.tum.de Model-Based Engineering and Design Libraries Computational Design Synthesis and Design Optimization Cognitive Fabrication and Products

Faculty Members
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Spliethoff Institute for Energy Systems www.es.mw.tum.de Systems Studies Combustion and Gasification of Solid Fuels Steam Cycles Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Volk Institute of Metal Forming and Casting www.utg.mw.tum.de Manufacturing, Tooling, and Measurement Technology Development, Heat Treatment and Processing of New Materials Virtual Manufacturing Processes

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Stahl Institute of Machine Elements www.fzg.mw.tum.de Gear Development Load Capacity of Spur and Helical Gears NVH analysis and improvements

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Wachtmeister Institute of Internal Combustion Engines www.lvk.mw.tum.de Gas and Diesel Engines Injection Processes Exhaust Gas Aftertreatment

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Heinz Ulbrich Institute of Applied Mechanics www.amm.mw.tum.de Theory of Multibody Systems Nonlinear Machine Dynamics Robotics and Locomotion, Mechatronics

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang A. Wall Institute of Computational Mechanics www.lnm.mw.tum.de Multifield Problems Multiscale Problems Computational Biomechanics and Biophysics

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Vogel-Heuser Institute of Automation and Information Systems www.ais.mw.tum.de Model-Based and Integrated Engineering Distributed Control Systems Quality Management and Human Factors

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Walter Institute of Astronautics www.lrt.mw.tum.de Spacecraft and satellite technologies Systems engineering Human exploration technologies Hypervelocity Laboratory

Faculty Members
Prof. Dr. mont. habil. Dr. rer. nat. h. c. Ewald Werner Institute of Materials Science and Mechanics of Materials www.wkm.mw.tum.de Materials Science of Metals and Mechanics of Materials Phase Transformations Aloy and Process Development

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Weuster-Botz Institute of Biochemical Engineering www.biovt.mw.tum.de Microbial Bioprocess Engineering and Industrial Biotechnology Biocatalysis and Fermentation Bioprocess Integration

Prof. Dr. med. Dr.-Ing. habil. Erich Wintermantel Institute of Medical and Polymer Engineering www.medtech.mw.tum.de Hemocompatible and active Surfaces and Systems Functionalized Polymeric Implants Improved Polymers, Process Tooling and Analysis Tools

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Zh Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology www.iwb.mw.tum.de Machine Tools Manufacturing Processes Joining and Cutting Technologies

Faculty Administration
Faculty Strategy Dr. Till von Feilitzsch, Head of Unit [email protected] | + Assistant Rella Recsetar [email protected] | + Strategic Faculty Projects Faculty Graduate Center Resources Deans Office Dieter Grimm, Head of Unit [email protected] | + Assistant Angelika Frikell [email protected] | + Faculty Boards Personell, Appointments Dissertations, Habilitations Study Office Dr. Thomas Wagner, Head of Unit [email protected] | +  Planning and Statistics related to Teaching Boards related to Teaching Saskia Ammon [email protected] | + International Relations Dr. Ingrid Mayershofer [email protected] Martha Diglio-Hupfer [email protected] | + Student Advisory Service Internal Teaching Assessment Dean Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Kau Vice Dean Prof. Dr. phil. Klaus Bengler Dean of Studies Prof. Dr. mont. habil. Dr. rer. nat. h. c. Ewald Werner Susanne Iben [email protected] | + TUMonline Planning Lecture Theatres Duygu Brandstetter [email protected] | + Franziska Glasl [email protected], + Center for Soft-Skills and Management Trainings Cornelia Hrtling [email protected] | + Controlling Study Fees Internal Teaching Assessment Examination Office Dr. Edda Wenzig, Head of Unit [email protected] | + Admission of Students Planning of Exams Anett Geckert [email protected] | + Assistants Lisa Fellinger [email protected] | + Daniela Kensy [email protected] | + Examinations Board for Masters Degree Arno Buchner [email protected] | + Assistants Silvia Newin [email protected] | + Daniela Bsl [email protected] Nina Grfler [email protected] | + Diana Ivanova-Vassileva [email protected]| + Examinations Board for Bachelors Degree Anna Beraha [email protected] | + Sigrid Harnauer [email protected] | + Accreditation of Internships Admission of Students

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Campus and Building

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The main building of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is located in the center of the Garching campus, one of the largest and most modern research campi in Europe. It was built in 1998 and is still providing excellent research and teaching facilities with more than 20.000 sqm of office space and well over 30.000 sqm of lab and workshop space. The institutes and lecture theatres are arranged along a central mall (Magistrale), creating an open atmosphere inviting both students and academics to meet and A9 Garching discuss. Nord This main building hosts all institutes except UTG, which has a separate building across Boltzmannstrae. In addition, several institutes hold separate labs, namely the engine test facilities of the Institute of Combustion Engines in downtown Munich and the IWB Ludwig -Prand EleApplication Center Augsburg and additional laboratories of the Institute of Machine tl-Stra e ments in Augsburg. Since activities and staff of the Faculty have remarkably increased since the move to the Garching campus, additional office space has been rented in 2011 in the Garching Business Campus, now hosting the TUM Science Center Electromobility and other activities. The Garching research campus can easily be reached by public transport from Munich city center (subway U6 to Garching Forschungszentrum, ca. 30 min.), by car (Highway A9 exit number 70 Garching Nord) and from Munich Airport (by taxi ca. 20 min, 30 ).




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The Garching research campus near Munich. Orange: Faculty of Mechnical Engineering, Blue: Other TUM faculties and facilities

TUM | Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
01/2012 Publisher: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Kau, Dean Editor: Dr. rer. nat. Till von Feilitzsch

Picture Credits Page 1 Uli Benz / TU Muenchen Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 8 Page 13 Page 17 Page 21 Page 25 Andreas Heddergott / TU Mnchen; Thomas Bergmann; Thorsten Naeser; Rendering: Wotan Wilden / TU Mnchen; Lehrstuhl fr Industrial Design; Sebastian Ulewicz; Gundi Schillinger;  Kurt Fuchs, Am Weichselgarten 23, 91058 Erlangen , Tel. 09131-777740 | www.fuchs-foto.de  Astrid Eckert / TU Mnchen;  Astrid Eckert & Andreas Heddergott / TU Mnchen  Astrid Eckert / TU Muenchen; Andreas Heddergott / TU Mnchen; Uli Benz / TU Mnchen;

Technische Universitt Mnchen Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Boltzmannstrae 15 D-85748 Garching, Germany Switchboard: + For further information, please contact the institutes or faculty administration staff directly

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