Influence of Job Satisfaction On Employee Retention - A Cross Dimensional Analysis With Reference To SBI Bank, BAJAJ ALLIANZ, HILL METALS, UTKAL AUTOMOBIL
Influence of Job Satisfaction On Employee Retention - A Cross Dimensional Analysis With Reference To SBI Bank, BAJAJ ALLIANZ, HILL METALS, UTKAL AUTOMOBIL
Influence of Job Satisfaction On Employee Retention - A Cross Dimensional Analysis With Reference To SBI Bank, BAJAJ ALLIANZ, HILL METALS, UTKAL AUTOMOBIL
1.1. ON
Submitted By
4.3 Research Design 4.4 Types of Research 4.5 Population and Sample 4.7 Choice of Target Population 4.8 Sampling
4.9 QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN 4.10 Validity and Reliability 4.11 data analysis 8
THE RESEARCH CONTEXT FIVE 1.1definations 1.2 Introduction of the research 1.2 An Overview Of Industry 1.3 Research Objective Of The Study SIX 1.4 Objectives of the research 1.5 Statement of the problem 1.6 Context of the problem 1.7 Scope of the research 1.8 Process of research 1.9 Description of the problem 1.10 Structure of thesis report
12 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS OF FIND 14 6.1 Introduction 14 6.2 Tangible 17 6.2 Reliability 18 6.3 Responsiveness 18 6.4 Assurance 19 6.5 Empathy 19
Two Three
EIGHT THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Service Marketing 3.3 Development of the framework 3.4 Service quality conception 3.5 main survey 3.5 Conclusions
28 8.2 A Summary of the Studys Contribut 29 8.3 Theoretical implementation of the re 29 8.4 practical implementations of the rese 30 8.5 limitations of the study 42 8.6 recommendations for future research 45
REFERENCE THE RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 46 4.1 Justification for the methodology 46 BIBILOGRAPHY 4.2 Research Method 47
99 102
I express my gratitude and sincere thanks to Snigdha Mohapatra, my faculty guide for their guidance, suggestions and advice rendered during each step of this thesis report. At the same time I am grateful to the staffs, people of different banks who supported me during the training and getting important information. And at last but not the least I thank my batch mates and colleagues for their invaluable support and encouragement during the executive training.
Thanking You.
salary, the negative financial impact of turnover to the bottom line can be substantial.
Now a days the main topic of discussion is employee retention . There are many factor that influence employee retention. Among those factors I considered job satisfaction and tried to find out the
Replacement costs for a departing employee are estimated at one-third of his or her salary. This also leads to future turnover of employees who are lured to other organizations by their friends who have departed.
Estimates have determined that lost knowledge that leaves with the departing employee can be as high as 50% of the exiting employees salary for one year of service; and, this figure grows by 10% for each year of employment.
On average, 30% of a financial advisors clients will move with their advisor if he or she changes firms.
The total cost of turnover is estimated to be somewhere between 30 percent of the annual salary of hourly employees (Cornell University) and 150 percent as estimated by the Saratoga Institute (Price Waterhouse Coopers). Taking a fairly conservative estimate that the financial loss from one employee is equal to his or her annual
1.1 Definitions:
Job satisfaction does not seem to reduce absence, turnover and perhaps accident rates.
Job satisfaction is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job. If you like your job intensely, you will experience high job satisfaction. dislike your job intensely, If you will
experience job dissatisfaction. By Andrew J DuBrins, Robert L. Kahn Job satisfaction is a general attitude towards ones job: the difference between the amount of reward workers receive and the amount they believe they should receive. Different authors give various definitions of job satisfaction. Some of them are taken from the book of D.M. Pestonjee Motivation and Job Satisfaction which are given below: Job satisfaction is The practice of supervision
defined as a pleasurable, emotional, state resulting from appraisal of ones job. An effective reaction to ones job.
-P. Robbins Job satisfaction defines as The amount of over all positive affect (or feeling) that individuals have toward their jobs. Hugh J. Arnold and Daniel C.Feldman Weiss Job satisfaction is defined, as it is result of various attitudes the person hold
towards the job, towards the related factors and towards the life in general.
contribution, psychological, physical, and environmental circumstances that cause a person truthfully say, I am satisfied with my job. And Job satisfaction is defined, as employees judgment of how well his job on a whole is satisfying his various needs
Mr. Smith
Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. It is a relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a particular person were often predetermined by the occupation of that persons parent. There are a variety of factors that can influence a persons level of job satisfaction. Some of these factors include the level of pay and benefits, the perceived fairness o the promotion system within a company, the quality of the working conditions,
employee and
involvement, autonomous
workgroups. Job satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by organizations. The most common way of measurement is the use of rating scales where employees report their reactions to their jobs. Questions relate to relate of pay, of work tasks,
leadership and social relationships, the job itself (the variety of tasks involved, the interest and challenge the job
from the appraisal of ones job; an affective reaction to ones job; and an attitude towards ones job. Weiss (2007) has argued that job satisfaction is an attitude but points out that researchers should clearly distinguish the objects of cognitive evaluation which are affect
generates, and the clarity of the job description/requirements). The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance rotation, job methods include and job job on
(emotion), beliefs and behaviors. This definition suggests that we from attitudes towards our jobs by taking into account our feelings, our beliefs, and our
enlargement Other
Edwin A. Lockes Range of Affect Theory (1976) is arguably the most famous job satisfaction model. The main premises of this theory is that satisfaction is
theory is the Dispositional Theory. It is a very general theory that suggests that people have innate dispositions that
determined by a discrepancy between what one wants in a job and what one has in a job. Further, the theory states that how much one values a given facet of work (e.e. the degree of autonomy in a position) moderates how
cause them to have tendencies toward a certain level of satisfaction, regardless of ones job. This approach became a
notable explanation of job satisfaction in light evidence that job satisfaction tends to be stable over time and across careers and jobs. Research also indicates that identical twins have similar levels of job satisfaction. A significant model that narrowed the scope of the Dispositional Theory was the core Selfevaluations Model, proposed by Timorthy A. Judge in 1998. Judge argued that there are four Core Self-evaluations that determine ones disposition towards job satisfaction: self-esteem, of model general and that
satisfied/dissatisfied one becomes when expectations are/are not met. When a person values a particular facet of a job, his satisfaction is more greatly impacted both positively (when expectations are met) and negatively (when expectations are not met), compared to one who does not value that facet. To illustrate, if Employee A values autonomy in the workplace and Employee B is indifferent about autonomy, then Employee A would be more satisfied in a position that offers a high degree of autonomy compared to Employee B. this theory also states that too much of a particular facet will of a
self-efficacy, neuroticism.
locus This
control, states
higher levels of self-esteem (the value one places on his self) and general selfefficacy (the belief lead to in ones higher own work
stronger the
feelings more
satisfaction. Having an internal locus of control (believing one has control over her/his own life, as opposed to outside forces having control) leads to higher job satisfaction. neuroticism satisfaction. Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting Finally, lead lower to levels of job
are a variety of factors that can influence a persons level of job satisfaction. Some of these factors include the level of pay and benefits, the perceived fairness o the promotion system within a company, the quality of the working conditions,
leadership and social relationships, the job itself (the variety of tasks involved, the interest and challenge the job and of the job
from the appraisal of ones job; an affective reaction to ones job; and an attitude towards ones job. Weiss (2007) has argued that job satisfaction is an attitude but points out that researchers should clearly distinguish the objects of cognitive evaluation which are affect
description/requirements). The happier people are within their job, the more satisfied they are said to be. Job satisfaction is not the same as motivation, although it is clearly linked. Job design aims to enhance job satisfaction and performance rotation, job methods include and job job on
(emotion), beliefs and behaviors. This definition suggests that we from attitudes towards our jobs by taking into account our feelings, our beliefs, and our
enlargement Other
behaviors. Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. It is a relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a particular person were often predetermined by the occupation of that persons parent. There
satisfaction include the management style and culture, employee and involvement, autonomous
workgroups. Job satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by organizations. The most common way of measurement is the use
of rating scales where employees report their reactions to their jobs. Questions relate to relate of pay, of work tasks,
different stages of recycling that our two shredder plants are able to produce for our customers, one of the finest qualities of shredded scrap available in the market. Given our geo-strategic location and experience in logistics, we are able to offer especially to our overseas customers scrap at competitive rates both in break bulk and containerized shipments. .We at Hill Metals has always believed in sustainable growth. Protection of our environment goes to the heart of our business philosophy. We are always willing to go an extra mile even though the technologies we use are proven to be the most environments friendly. Utkal Automobile Utkal is an in experienced since the stalwart in
promotional opportunities the work itself and co-workers 1.3 An Overview of The Industries HILL METALS Hill Metals is a market leader in scrap metals in the Middle East. Be it collection, management, transportation, processing, shipping - we do it all. We manage hundreds of thousands of tons of metal scrap generated by consumers, industry and demolition sites all across Orissa and some part of India. We have an extensive network for the collection of scrap throughout the region. Our highly professional team, equipped with state-of-the art equipment, is adequately skilled in scrap management at all different stages right up to the final delivery to the end customer. Our transportation department has the ability to minimize haulage costs, whichever the kind of scrap and wherever be the delivery point. vehicle (ELV) Our off-site end-of-liferecycling operations at
dealership operations where it has been involved 1956. Business operations started in the eastern state of Orissa where company has now completed 50 years. During this long journey many products and services have been added. What started as an operation selling commercial vehicles now spans an entire product range from commercial vehicles to utility vehicles, cars and two wheelers. Sales for the year ended 2007 included 2500 units of cars and utility vehicles and 1000 two wheelers making Utkal an Rs 150 core company in sales turnover. With a widespread network spanning 4 cities in Orissa, Utkal has successfully established and nurtured many brands and products in Orissa and has earned tremendous goodwill in the state. This has resulted in Utkal becoming the top
various special purpose sites have the capacity to manage hundreds of vehicles every single day. Our Light scrap collection operations enable us to grade at the very initial stage and de-pollute or process all the potentially hazardous materials. It is due to such control during
dealer for Mahindra, Hyundai and Yamaha in the state of Orissa and a market leader for each of the manufacturer it represents.
Bajaj Allianz Bajaj Allianz life insurance co. Ltd. Is a joint venture between allianz se, one of the world's largest insurance companies, and bajaj finserv. Allianz se is a leading insurance corporation globally and one of the largest asset managers in the world, that manage assets worth over a trillion. With over 115 years of financial experience, allianz se is present in over 70 countries around the world. Bajaj allianz is into both life insurance and general insurance. Today, bajaj allianz is one of Indias leading and fastest growing insurance companies. Currently, it has presence in more than 550 locations with over 60,000 insurance consultants. In June 2008, Bajaj Allianz entered into partnership with Thomas cook India to provide travel finance. Bajaj Allianz life insurance ensures excellent insurance and investment solutions by offering customized products, supported by the best technology. SBI The roots of the State Bank of India rest in the first decade of 19th century, when the Bank of Calcutta, later renamed the Bank of Bengal, was established on 2 June 1806. The Bank of Bengal and two other Presidency banks, namely, the Bank of Bombay (incorporated on 15 April 1840) and the Bank of Madras (incorporated on 1 July 1843). All three Presidency banks were incorporated as joint stock companies, and were the result of the royal charters. These three banks received the exclusive right to issue paper currency in 1861 with the Paper Currency
formation of the Reserve Bank of India. The Presidency banks amalgamated on 27 January 1921, and the reorganized banking entity took as its name Imperial Bank of India. The Imperial Bank of India continued company. Pursuant to the provisions of the State Bank of India Act (1955), the Reserve Bank of India, which is India's central bank, acquired a controlling interest in the Imperial Bank of India. On 30 April 1955 the Imperial Bank of India became the State Bank of India. The Govt. of India recently acquired the Reserve Bank of India's stake in SBI so as to remove any conflict of interest because the RBI is the country's banking regulatory authority. Offices of the Bank of BengalIn 1959 the Government passed the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act, enabling the State Bank of India to take over eight former State-associated banks as its subsidiaries. On Sept 13, 2008, State Bank of Saurashtra, one of its Associate Banks, merged with State Bank of India. SBI has acquired local banks in rescues. For instance, in 1985, it acquired Bank of Cochin in Kerala, which had 120 branches. SBI was the acquirer as its affiliate, State Bank of Travancore, already had an extensive network in Kerala. to remain a joint stock
satisfaction upon that job. This study is helpful to that organization for conducting further research. It is helpful to identify the employers level of satisfaction towards welfare measure. This study is helpful to the organization
employees at SBI bank, Bajaj Allianz, hill Metals, Utkal Automobile. To identify the factors which influence the job satisfaction of employees. To identify the the factors which level will of
for identifying the area of dissatisfaction of job of the employees. This study helps to make a managerial decision to the company.
towards the facilities. To offer valuable suggestions to improve the satisfaction level of employees. To find out the gaps between satisfaction level and dissatisfaction level and its influence in employee turnover. 1.5 Scope Of The Research This study examines the prospects of employees at SBI bank, Bajaj Allianz, Hill Metals, Utkal automobile, particularly the
The following steps were followed during the research work in the given sequence. Identifying and defining the actual problem in hand. Defining the objectives clearly. Planning the research design. Selecting a research technique. Selecting a sampling procedure. Collecting the data. Analyzing and evaluating the Data. Finding the inferences. Putting forward the suggestions and conclusion 1.7 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY
relationship between the level of job satisfaction and work commitment among the employees assigned at SBI bank, Bajaj Allianz, hill metals, and Utkal automobile in Bhubaneswar city.
Data collected is based on questionnaire. The research exercise was conducted within a limited duration. So a detailed study could not be made.
The numbers of employees are more, so sample size is limited by 100. The information collected by the observation method is very limited. The result would be varying according to the individuals as well as time. Some respondents hesitated to give the actual situation; they feared that management would take any action against them
The findings and conclusions are based on knowledge and experience of the respondents sometime may subject to bias
S . N o
p h a s e
Duratio n
1 1 . s
Selecting the Management thesis-1 title by discussing with the faculty supervisor Gathering of information from the customer data base through different models Preparation of the questionnaire
2 2 . n
3 3 . r
Januar y 09 14, 2010 Januar y 14 22, 2010 Januar y 25 29, 2010 Febru ary 15 March 5
4 4 . t
5 5 . t
6 6
t h & 7 t h
7 8
t h
March 8 11 March
Final Evaluation
End of MT-II
8 9
report overview are also provided to guide the direction of the whole thesis report.
chapters organized to present the study utilizing a methodology that allows it to flow from a basic introduction 1.1 to empirical findings. Table below
Chapter Two Chapter two provides a framework to help describe theoretical concepts of service quality dimensions and related
displays the organization of the study. This research introduces the study and sets the focus and direction to be taken to for an empirical researched upon giving study or the exploring nominally focuses unrehearsed reader an
terminology. It also forms the delimitation and the basis of analysis and conclusion it attempts to provide a holistic view by integrating isolated concepts within the field of service quality in an embedded structure. Consequently it forms the
initial theoretical foundation for analysis, Chapter I Chapter II Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 interpretation The research contextand reflection. Literature review Chapter Three Chapter three provides the Theoretical framework literature review that throws some light Research design and methodology on the history of the researches done on Discussion of data analysis the service quality and related areas. Results and analysis of findings Chapter Chapter four highlights the Suggestion and four recommendations methodology Conclusion followed during the
research work. This section brings how Chapter One This chapter includes the introduction of the research, some general background of the research, research objectives and limitations. The research process and a the enquiry was carried out, interviews were carried out and the design of questionnaire. A survey using the
SERVQUAL questionnaire method with a sample size of around 100 will be utilized in the survey. The SERVQUAL method
typically measures the service quality of any service organization with respect to five dimensions i.e. Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Empathy. Chapter five: Chapter five contains the analysis of data collected during the data collection stage. Chapter six: Chapter six lists the
inferences and findings from the data analysis. Chapter seven: This chapter puts forward the suggestions and recommendations obtained from the study. Chapter Eight: This chapter concludes the research process with the conclusions from the research. It also briefly describes the implications of the findings of the research work.
Conceptual development
Chapter-VII: conclusion
feelings that an individual has about his EVIEW OF LITERATURE Job satisfaction of represents the job. This total body of feelings involves, in effect, weighting up the sum total of influences of the job, the nature of job itself, the pay, the promotion. the nature The of
towards or about the job. In general, job satisfaction is the attitude towards the job as a whole. Job satisfaction is a function of satisfaction with different aspects of job, i.e. supervision, pay, works itself, coworkers, promotion, etc., and of the particular weighting or importance one attaches to these respective components. The study of job satisfaction is a relatively recent phenomenon. It can perhaps be said to have begun in earnest with the famous Hawthorne studies conducted by Elton Mayo at the western Electronic Company in 1920s during the course of investigations. However they become
supervision and so on. Where the sum total of influences gives rise to feelings of satisfactions satisfied. Where in total they give rise to feelings of job dissatisfaction the individual is job dissatisfied. Improving any one of these influences will lead in the direction of job satisfaction, making less satisfactory any one of the influences will lead in the direction of the job dissatisfaction. the individual is job
However, what makes a job satisfying does not depends only on the nature of the job, but on the job expectations that individuals have of what their job should provide. Expectancy theory points to the importance of the individuals
convinced that factors of a social nature were affecting satisfaction with the job and productivity. Since the Hawthorne studies there has been an enormous output of work on the nature, causes and correlates of job satisfaction. The
expectations of his job in determining job satisfaction. For individuals who have expectations that their job should give them opportunities for pay, challenge, a
failure of the job to meet this expectation will lead to dissatisfaction compared to a situation where no such expectation is involved. What expect expectation of individuals will have of a job may vary. For a large number of reasons, some deriving form social others from
Philip apple while has listed five major components of job satisfaction as, 1. Attitude towards work group. 2. General workings conditions. 3. Attitude towards company. 4. Monetary benefits and 5. Attitude towards supervision Other components that should be added to these five are the individuals state of mind about the work itself and about life in general. The individuals health, age, level of aspiration, social status and political and social activities can all
individual causes. These proposing an expectancy theory usually regarded over all job satisfaction as a function of satisfaction with various elements of the job. Another theory that has dominated the study of the nature of job satisfaction is Herzbergs famous Two factory
Theorys of job satisfaction. In this he claims that the factors which cause job satisfaction are separate and distinct from the factors which job dissatisfaction. The factors causing job satisfaction, which level factors such as there relating to satisfaction with the job itself. The factors which cause job dissatisfaction called hygiene factors are more concerned with conditions of work such as pay and supervision. At no time does Herzberg argue a job satisfactory, except may be for a short run.
contribute to job satisfaction. A person attitude toward the job may be positive or negative. Job satisfaction is not synonymous with organizational
morale, which is the possession of felling of being accepted by and belonging to a group of employees through adherence to common goals and confidence in
How ever the two concepts are interrelated in that job satisfaction can contribute to morale and morale can contribute to job satisfaction. For many years managers generally have believed that a satisfied worker is necessarily a good worker. In other works if management could keep all the employees HAPPY, good
satisfaction that performance does and that rewards based on current effort causes subsequent Performance. Research also indicates that a high level of job satisfaction does have a positive impact is reducing turnover, absenteeism, tardiness accidents, grievances and strikes. In addition, recruitment efforts by current employees generally are more successful if these employees are well satisfied. Satisfied employees are preferred simply because they affect the work environment positively. Thus even through a well satisfied employee is not necessarily an outstanding performer; there are
performance would automatically follow. Charles Greene has suggested that many managers subscribe to this be life
because it represent the path of least residence. Greenes thesis is that if a performance problem exists, increasing an employees happiness is for more pleasant than discussing with the worker his or her failure to meet standards. Although happiness eventually results
numerous reasons for taking steps to encourage employee satisfaction. A high level of satisfaction leads to
from satisfaction, this feeling goes much deeper and is far less tenuous than happiness. Recent research evidence
generally rejects the more popular view that satisfaction causes performance. The evidence does, however, provide
behaviors detrimental to the organization. It must be remembered that satisfaction and motivation are not synonymous.
Motivation is a drive to perform, whereas satisfaction reflects situation. The factors that determine whether an individual is adequately satisfied with the job differ
moderate support for the view that job effort causes satisfaction. The evidence also strongly a indicates more that rewards cause of
form those that determine whether he or she is motivated. The level of satisfaction is largely determined by the comforts offered by the environment and situation. Motivation on the other hand, is largely determined by the value of rewards and their contingency on performance.
kind of supervision, organization policies & administration, salary & quality of life etc. Employers have a need to keep employee from leaving and going to work for other organizations. The best way of retaining employees is to provide the job
Motivation results is added effort that is turn leads to increased performance if the individual has the ability and result of high satisfaction is increased commitment to the organized which may or may not result is better performance. normally The will
satisfaction and opportunities to build up their careers.The good hope is hard to find, is even truer these days than ever before because the job market in
becoming increasingly tight. (Eskildesen, Hammer) Theresa gave the study to examine the job satisfaction and intent to turnover using the sample co relational design. He takes the (n = 107) consist of direct
absenteeism, tardiness and turnover. The industrial and business sectors of various countries specially developing
support professional who worked for non profit organization that located in South with
countries including Pakistan (where per capita income is very low) are facing the problem of job dissatisfaction among the employees and high rate of turnover. JOB SATISFACTION is regard to ones feeling or state of mind regarding the nature of their work. Job satisfaction can be
disabilities development. Two instruments were utilized that measure the overall (Specter job satisfaction) and facet job satisfaction (Michigan and intent to turnover
Data analysis includes descriptive and inferential statistics. The result from the study suggests that there is a significant and negative correlation between job satisfaction and intent to turnover. It was demonstrated that tenure is related to job satisfaction and having positive & low relation. There was little evidence that suggest that age was significantly related to either job satisfaction or intent to turnover. Theresa take sample from
and were asked to give the answer at their best knowledge with reference to working conditions in their organization.
answer the question regarding name of organization, life of organization, number of and employees, job employee participation, employee
commitment. While the immediate bosses was to answer the question from the portion of employee productivity. The questionnaire among consists job on
organizations are some extent running by the charity & donation and the
relationship employee
questionnaire. They take sample from communication sector, banking sector and oil & gas sector of Pakistan. 34 organizations were selected for study. They measured job satisfaction by using the variables, employee productivity, employee
Bhatti & Qureshi collect the information regarding the Name of organization, Life of organization in years, Number of employee, Employee participation, Job satisfaction, Employee commitment &
Employee Productivity from the first line managers and their immediate bosses. The Managers were given a questionnaire
commitment and
participation research
of the with
should among
rewards and are willing to work harder for it. He used the global approach to
conditions in order to attain high level of employee turnover.2 The sample size was not enough to reflect image of the organizations functioning in Pakistan. Data collection method for commitment and reduce
measure job satisfaction. The study found that 88% of the surveyed were classified as being satisfied, and there was a direct linear relationship between occupational level and job satisfaction3 This section examines the literature
research is very common. Other methods could have been used for this research study like group discussion / discussion forum. The late 1920s one of the first studies of job satisfaction undertaken by Mayo & Hawthorne. This study referred to & focused on employee attitude and its impact on production levels. The study highlighted that employees & workers develop their own perceptions of the work situation and the social environment, which affects their attitudes towards their work. The findings of the study provided consistent results with the observations
regarding theories and models used to explain the determinants There are two of job broad
categories to classify job satisfaction theories, that is, process and content theories. Content theories with are the predominantly identification of
specific needs or motives most conducive to job satisfaction. The Maslows Need Hierarchy and Herzbergs Two-Factor
people. They focus on the individuals dynamic thought processes and how they produce certain types of
themselves do not provide satisfaction. He describes that factors leads to job satisfaction are Achievement,
behavior/attitudes. Equity Theory, Need-Fulfillment Theory, Social Comparison Model, Theory, Job Facet-
Recognition, Work itself, Responsibility, Advancement and Growth and the factors which leads to dissatisfaction are
Satisfaction Model.
Relationship with co workers To better understand employee attitudes and motivation, Frederick Herzberg Herzberg argued that management not only must provide hygiene factors to avoid employee dissatisfaction, but also must provide factors intrinsic to the work itself in order for employees to be satisfied with their jobs.
environment dissatisfaction.
caused The
interviews in which employees where asked what pleased and displeased them about their work. Herzberg found that the factors different causing from job satisfaction causing developed theory to were job the
The two-factor result is observed because it is natural for people to take credit for satisfaction and to blame dissatisfaction on external factors. Furthermore, job satisfaction does not necessarily create a high level of motivation or productivity. Herzberg's theory has been broadly read and despite its weaknesses. True
that He
these results. He called the satisfiers motivators and the dissatisfies hygiene factors, using the term "hygiene" in the sense that they are considered
and not from KITA factors (Kicks in the Pants). Maslow suggested that there exists a hierarchy of human needs, commencing with physiological needs then safety, social, esteem and at last self
appreciated and valued. Offer job titles that convey the importance of the
position. employees
Self-Actualization a challenge
opportunity to reach their full career potential 2.1 Definitions of job satisfaction I have There are a plethora of definitions of job satisfaction, some of which are contradictory in nature. Spector (1997) refers to job satisfaction in terms of how people feel about their jobs and different aspects of their jobs. Ellickson this view and by
actualization need. He says that these needs must be satisfied in the order listed. Maslow's theory says, there are some important implications for
management. There are opportunities to motivate employees and provide them job satisfaction through management style, job design, company events, and
compensation packages.5 Physiological needs provide lunch breaks, rest breaks, and wages that are sufficient to purchase the essentials of life. Safety needs provide a safe working
defining job satisfaction as the extent to which employees like their work. Schermerhorn (1993) defines job
satisfaction as an affective or emotional response towards various aspects of an employees work. The author emphasizes that likely causes of job satisfaction include status, supervision, co-worker relationships, job content, remuneration and extrinsic rewards, promotion and physical conditions of the work
environment, retirement benefits, and job security. Social needs create a sense of community via team-based projects and social events. Esteem needs recognize achievements to make employees feel
Maslow 1943
environment, as well as organizational structure. Similarly, Mc Namara (n.d.) points out that job satisfaction refers to an individuals feeling or state of mind giving heed to the nature of the individuals work. The author further can explains be that by job a
Sempane, Rieger & Roodt, 2002), the work itself could have an effect on the total quality of life of the employee. Schneider and Snyder (1975 cited in Sempane et al., 2002) conclude job
satisfaction is an individuals personal assessment of conditions prevalent in the job, thus evaluation occurs on the basis of factors, which they regard as important to them. 2.2 Evaluation of Literature Review. I have read almost 14 articles & theories about my topic and discussed some of them which were easy to
diversity of job dimensions, inter alia, the quality of the employees relationship with their supervisor, the status of the physical environment in which the
individual works, degree of fulfillment in work. In direct contrast, Rue and Byars (1992) refer to job satisfaction as an individuals mental state about the job. Robbins et al. (2003) add that an individual with high job satisfaction will display a positive attitude towards their job, and the
understand for me. The Source which I used for study was internet. The literature review given above is easy to understand and covered findings of home (Orissa and India) and abroad researcher also. At the end of every researchers finding the criticism on their research is also given in such a comprehensive manner that it shows the clear picture of all findings and lacking area of research. I used the way which attract the readers and tried to carry them till end. The variables used by
individual who is dissatisfied will have a negative attitude about the job. This definition is expanded by Greenberg and Baron (1995) who define job satisfaction as an individuals cognitive, affective and evaluative reactions toward their jobs.
the researchers are discussed in detail and their dependency & impact on
workers in chemical unit (M/S. Shri Veeco Chems Corporation, CBE) Done by Mr. C.M. RAVIKUMAR (MBA project) in the year 1985. The techniques used by the Researcher for analyzing the data were personal interview. The Researcher interviewed
problem. Some researcher used single variable to check the job satisfaction and some use two or more. I discussed both. The review given tells that there are many factors which influence the job satisfaction in an organization but in India are remunerations and monetary rewards as the research work done by Komal Khalid Bhatti & Tahir Masood Qureshi. The literature shows the clarity and accuracy. It provides the base for further working and having complete knowledge about the topic that what has been done in the field so far. I tried to avoid the reputation of statements and convey the whole story in short wordings. The bad factor of my literature review is that I have only discussed three
monthly income, marital status and family income. The tools adopted by the of
tabulation to find job satisfaction. A study on job satisfaction among bank officers in State Bank of India, Jabalpur none by Mr. S. NAREND in his MBA project, in the year 1990. The techniques used by the Researcher for analyzing the data were through questionnaire method. The Researcher interviewed forty respondents on the basis of sex, age, educational monthly
researches & Theories but that was only because of shortage of time and
restrictions. I have chosen these three because I felt that these three are relevant to my topic.
income, marital status and family income. The tools adopted by the Researcher were
The chapter introduced the concept of job satisfaction and highlighted the
different motivational theories relating to job satisfaction. Furthermore, it sought to provide an overview of the literature pertaining to job satisfaction antecedents, whereby personal determinants and
Plantation Workers with special reference to Sheikalmudi Estate, Valparai Taluk, done by Mr.K.Madhu, In the year 1986 (M.Com project). The techniques used by the Researcher for analyzing the data were through questionnaire and personal interview
organizational factors impacting on job satisfaction were discussed. In terms of the job satisfaction antecedents and job satisfaction consequences, various areas where research has been conducted have been referred to. From the literature review it is evident that job satisfaction is a phenomenon that has been extensively researched and is of significant
method. The Researcher interviewed sixty respondents on the basis of sex, age, educational qualification, experience,
monthly income, marital status and family income. The tools adopted by the
researcher were average scoring and twoway table method. The hypothesis was tested through chi-squire test and
importance to employees and managers alike. In this with on regard, the the literature of job and
concludes satisfaction
correlation to find out job satisfaction. The researcher had made previous study on job satisfaction in various areas. Additional to these theory I had collected data from the below definitions and research 2.1 Summary of Literature Review.
psychological health of employees and the effect it has on productivity, turnover and absenteeism. The industrial and business sectors of various countries especially developing countries including India (where per
problem of job dissatisfaction among the employees which is causing the less productivity, less job commitment, and increasing turnover. Employers have a need to keep
employee from leaving and going to work for other organizations. The best way of retaining employees is to provide the job satisfaction and opportunities to build up their careers.
scientific investigation serves the purpose to solve the human problems in the industry.
Human life has become very complex and completed in now-a-days. In modern society the needs and requirements of the people are ever increasing and ever changing. When the people are ever increasing and ever changing, when the peoples needs are not fulfilled they
a) Pay. b) The work itself. c) Promotion d) The work group. e) Working condition. f) Supervision. PAY Wages do play a significant role in determining of satisfaction. Pay is
become dissatisfied. Dissatisfied people are likely to contribute very little for any purpose. Job satisfaction of industrial workers us very important for the industry to function successfully. Apart from managerial and technical
instrumental in fulfilling so many needs. Money facilities the obtaining of food, shelter, and clothing and provides the means to enjoy valued leisure interest outside of work. More over, pay can serve as symbol of achievement and a source of recognition. Employees often see pay as a reflection of organization. Fringe benefits have not been found to have strong influence on job satisfaction as direct wages. THE WORK ITSELF Along with pay, the content of the work itself plays a very major role in
aspects, employers can be considered as backbone of any industrial development. To utilize their contribution they should be provided with good working conditions to boost their job satisfaction. Any
business cab achieve success and peace only when the problem of satisfaction and dissatisfaction understood of workers solved, are felt of
efficiency absenteeism labour turnover require a social skill of understanding human problems and dealing with them
determining how satisfied employees are with their jobs. By and large, workers want jobs that are challenging; they do want to be doing mindless jobs day after day. The two most important aspect of the work itself that influence job 1. Employee centered or consideration supervisors who establish a supportive personal relationship with subordinates and take a personal interest in them. 2. The other dimension of supervisory style influence participation in decision making, employee who participates in decision that affect their job, display a much higher level of satisfaction with supervisor an the overall work situation. WORK GROUP Having friendly and co-operative coworkers is a modest source of job
satisfaction are variety and control over work methods and work place. In general, job with a moderate amount of variety produce the most job satisfaction. Jobs with too little variety cause workers to feel bored and fatigue. Jobs with too much variety and stimulation cause
workers to
support system of employees. People often used their co-workers as sounding board for their problem of as a source of comfort. WORK CONDITION The employees desire good working
organization typically involves positive changes I supervision, job content and pay. Jobs that are at the higher level of an organization usually provide workers with more freedom, more challenging work assignments and high salary. SUPERVISION Two dimensions of supervisor style:
condition because they lead to greater physical comfort. The working conditions are important to employees because they can influence life outside of work. If
people are require to work long hours and / or overtime, they will have very little felt for their families, friends and recreation outside
One of the biggest preludes to the study of job satisfaction was the Hawthorne study. These studies (1924-1933),
primarily credited to Elton Mayo of the Harvard Business School, sought to find the effects of various conditions (most
3.2 HISTORY OF JOB SATISFACTION The term job satisfaction was brought to lime light by hoppock (1935). He revived 35 studies on job satisfaction conducted prior to 1933 and observes that Job satisfaction psychological, is combination physiological of and
productivity. These studies ultimately showed that novel changes in work conditions
temporarily increase productivity (called the Hawthorne Effect). It was later found that this increase resulted, not from the new conditions, but from the knowledge of being observed. This finding provided strong evidence that people work for purposes other than pay, which paved the way for researchers to investigate other factors in job
environmental circumstances. That causes a person to say. I m satisfied with my job. Such a description indicate the variety of variables that influence the satisfaction of the individual but tell us nothing about the nature of Job
satisfaction. Job satisfaction has been most aptly defined by pestonjee (1973) as a job, management, social personal adjustment Morse &
satisfaction. Scientific management (aka Taylorism) also had a significant impact on the study of job satisfaction. Frederick Winslow Taylors 1911 book, Principles of
considers Job satisfaction as dependent upon job content, identification with the co., financial & job status & priding group cohesiveness
Scientific Management, argued that there was a single best way to perform any given work task. This book contributed to
philosophies, causing a shift from skilled Job satisfaction is an important indicator labor and piecework towards the more modern approach of assembly lines and hourly wages. The initial use of scientific management by industries greatly increased of how employees feel about their job and a predictor of work behavior such as organizational, citizenship, Absenteeism, Turnover. Job satisfaction can partially mediate the relationship of personality variables and deviant work behavior. satisfaction is correlated with life style. This correlation is reciprocal meaning the people who are satisfied with the life tends to be satisfied with their jobs and the people who are satisfied their jobs tends to satisfied with their life. This is vital piece of information that is job satisfaction and job performance is directly related to one another. Thus it can be said that, A happy worker is a productive worker. employees skip work more often and more like to resign and satisfied worker likely to work longer with the organization.
productivity because workers were forced Common research finding is that job to work at a faster pace. However, workers became exhausted and
dissatisfied, thus leaving researchers with new questions to answer regarding job satisfaction. It should also be noted that the work of W.L. Bryan, Walter Dill Scott, and Hugo Munsterberg set the tone for Taylors work.
Some argue that Maslows hierarchy of It gives clear evidence that dissatisfied needs theory, a motivation theory, laid the foundation for job satisfaction theory. This theory explains that people seek to satisfy five specific needs in life 3.4 IMPORTANCE TO WORKER AND
physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, and self-
actualization. This model served as a good basis from which early researchers could develop job satisfaction theories.
Job satisfaction and occupational success are major factors in personal satisfaction, self-respect, development. satisfaction self-esteem, To brings the a and worker, selfjob
motivated by fear of loss of job, will not give 100 percent of their effort for very long. Though fear is a powerful motivator, it is also a temporary one, and also as soon as the threat is lifted performance will decline. Job organization satisfaction includes benefits reduction the in
emotional state that can often leads to a positive work attitude. A satisfied worker is more likely to be creative, flexible, innovative, and loyal. For the organization, job satisfaction of its workers means a work force that is motivated and committed to high quality performance. Increased productivity- the quantity and quality of output per hour worked- seems to be a byproduct of improved quality of working life. It is important to note that the literature on the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity is neither conclusive nor consistent. However, studies dating back to Herzbergs (1957) have shown at least low correlation between high morale and high productivity and it does seem logical that more satisfied workers will tend to add more value to an organization.
complaints and grievances, absenteeism, turnover, and termination; as well as improved punctuality and worker morale. Job satisfaction is also linked with a healthier work force and has been found to be a good indicator of longevity. Although only little correlation has been found between job satisfaction and productivity, Brown (1996) notes that some employers have found that
satisfying or delighting employees is a prerequisite to satisfying or delighting customers, thus protecting the bottom line.
Accept the diversity in people. Accept people with their differences and their imperfections and learn how to give and receive criticism constructively. See the value in your work. Appreciating the significance of what one does can lead to satisfaction with the work itself. This help to give meaning to ones existence, thus playing a vital role in job satisfaction. Learn to de-stress. Plan to avoid burn out by developing healthy stress management techniques.
contribute to his or her own satisfaction and well being on the job. The following suggestions personal can job help a worker find Seek
opportunities to demonstrate skills and talents. This often work leads and to more greater
responsibilities, with attendant increases in pay and other recognition. Develop excellent communication skills.
Employers value and rewards excellent reading, listening, writing and speaking skills. Know more. Acquire new job related knowledge that helps you to perform tasks more efficiently and effectively. This will relive boredom and often gets one noticed. Demonstrate creativity and
initiative. Qualities like these are valued by most organizations and often results in recognition as well as in increased responsibilities and rewards. Develop
teamwork and people skills. A large part of job success is the ability to work well with others to get the job done.
field, in 1935 suggested that there are six 3. Working conditions major components of job satisfaction. These are as under: This includes those physical aspects of environment which are not necessary a part of the work. Hours are included this The way the individual reacts to unpleasant situations, The facility with which he adjusted himself with other person The relative status in the social and economic group with which he identifies himself The nature of work in relation to abilities, interest and preparation of worker Security Loyalty Herberg, mausaer, Peterson and capwell in 1957 reviewed more than 150 studies 5. Opportunities for advancement and listed various job factors of job satisfaction. These are briefly defined one by one as follows: 1. Intrinsic aspect of job It includes all of the many aspects of the It includes all aspect of job which factor because it is primarily a function of organization, affecting the individuals
comfort and convenience in much the same way as other physical working conditions. 4. Wage and salaries This factor includes all aspect of job involving present monitory remuneration for work done.
individual sees as potential sources of betterment organizational experience. of economic status or position, professional
work, which would tend to be constant for 6. Security the work regardless of where the work was performed. 2. Supervision This aspect of job satisfaction pertains to relationship of worker with his immediate It is defined to include that feature of job situation, which leads to assurance for continued employment, either within the same company or within same type of work profession.
7. Company & management It includes the aspect of workers 3.7 REASONS OF LOW JOB SATISFACTION Reasons why employees may not be completely satisfied with their jobs: 1. Conflict between co-workers.
employee with all company superiors 2. Conflict between supervisors. above level of immediate supervision. 8. Social aspect of job It includes relationship of worker with the 3. Not being opportunity paid for what they do. 4. Have little or no say in decision making that affect employees.
employees specially those employees at 5. Fear of loosing their job. same or nearly same level within the organization. 9. Communication It includes job situation, which involves spreading the information in any direction within the organization. Terms such as information information of on employees new status, If there will be low job satisfaction among the employees the rate of 3.8
1. HIGH ABSENTEEISM Absenteeism pattern of means absence it is from a habitual duty or
literature to represent this factor. 10. It Benefits includes those special which for phases attempts of to
worker age,
As th job satisfaction is high the rate of influences can be summarized along with the both turn over and absenteeism is low dimensions identified above. and vise a versa. 2.HIGH TURNOVER In human resource refers to The work itself The concept of work itself is a major source of satisfaction. For example,
characteristics of a given company or industry relative to the rate at which an employer gains and losses the staff. If the employer is said to be have a high turnover of employees of that
research related to the job characteristics approach to job design, shows that
feedback from job itself and autonomy are two of the major job related
company have shorter tenure than those of other companies. 3.TRAINING COST INCREASES As employees leaves organization due to lack of job satisfaction. Then Human resource manager has to recruit new employees. So that the training
motivational factors. Some of the most important ingredients of a satisfying job uncovered by survey include interesting and challenging work, work that is not boring, and the job that provides status. Pay Wages and salaries are recognized to be a significant, multidimensional but factor complex, in job
satisfaction. Money not only helps people attain their basic needs but even need satisfaction. Employees often see pay as a
There are no. of factors that influence job satisfaction. For example, one recent study even found that if college students majors coincided with their job , this relationship will predicted subsequent job satisfaction. However, the main
reflection of how management view their contribution to the organization. Fringe benefits are also important.
flexibility in choosing the type of benefits they prefer within a total package, called a flexible benefit plan, there is significant increase in both a
considered to be functions of rewards. Various research studies indicate that to a certain extent job satisfaction affects employee turn over, and consequently organization can gain from lower turn over in terms of lower hiring and training costs. Also research has shown an inverse relation between job satisfaction and absenteeism. When job satisfaction is high there would be low absenteeism, but
satisfaction and overall job satisfaction. Promotions Promotional opportunities are seem to be have a varying effect on job satisfaction. This is because of promotion take
when job satisfaction is low, it is more likely to lead a high absenteeism. What job satisfaction people need? Each employee wants:
SATISFACTION? Many managers subscribe to the belief that a satisfied worker is necessarily good
worker. In other words, if management 1. Recognition as an individual 2. Meaningful task could keep the entire workers happy, 3. An opportunity to do good performance would automatically propositions 4. 5. concerning the satisfaction performance 6. relation ship. The first proposition, which 7. fallow. There are two worthwhile.
Job security for himself and his family Good wages Adequate benefits Opportunity to advance affecting him
is based on traditional view, is that 8. No arbitrary action- a voice a matters satisfaction is the effect rather than the 9. Satisfactory working conditions Competence leadership- bosses whom he can admire and respect as persons and as bosses.
cause of performance. This proposition 10. says that efforts in a job leads to rewards, which results in a certain level of
directly controlled by the organization. a high level of job satisfaction lead to organizational commitment, while a low level, or dissatisfaction, result in a
interrelated in that job satisfaction can contribute to morale and morale can contribute to job satisfaction. It must be remembered that satisfaction and motivation are not synonyms.
behavior detrimental to the organization. For example, employee who like their jobs, supervisors, and the factors related to the job will probably be loyal and devoted. People will work harder and derive satisfaction if they are given the freedom to make their own decisions. Theories A number of theories exist on motivation, which relate to job satisfaction. The following chart describes the category, theory and theme of that theory to provide the relevant information in a brief manner.
attitude towards the situation. The factors that determine whether individual is
adequately satisfied with the job differs from those that determine whether he or she is motivated. the level of job
satisfaction is largely determined by the comfits offered by the environment and the situation . Motivation, on the other hand is largely determine by value of reward and their dependence on
performance. The result of high job satisfaction is increased commitment to the organization, which may or may not result in better performance. A wide range of factors affects an
individuals level of satisfaction. While organizational rewards can and do have an impact, job satisfaction is primarily determine by factors that are usually not
List of all the theories and methods measuring job satisfaction level is given below: A MODEL OF FACET SATISFACTION Affect theory(Edwin A. Locke 1976) Dispositional Theory( Timothy A. Judge 1988) Two-Factor Theory (Motivator-Hygiene Theory) (Frederick Herzbergs) Job Characteristics Model (Hackman & Oldham) Rating scale Personal interviews action tendencies Job enlargement Job rotation Change of pace Scheduled rest periods 1 MODEL OF FACET OF JOB SATISFACTION
applicable to understand what determines a persons satisfaction with any facet of job. According to this model actual outcome level plays a key role in a persons perception of what rewards he recieves. His perception influenced by his
perception of what his referent others recieves. The higher outcome level of his referent other the lower his outcome level will appear. This model also focus on his perception on reward level. 2 AFFECT THEORY Edwin A. Lockes Range of Affect Theory (1976) is arguably the most famous job satisfaction model. The main premise of this theory is that satisfaction is
determined by a discrepancy between what one wants in a job and what one has in a job. Further, the theory states that
how much one values a given facet of work (e.g. the degree of autonomy in a position) moderates how
person values a particular facet of a job, his satisfaction is more greatly impacted both positively (when expectations are met) and negatively (when expectations are not met), compared to one who doesnt value that facet. To illustrate, if Employee A values autonomy in the workplace and Employee B is indifferent about autonomy, then Employee A would be more satisfied in a position that offers a high degree of autonomy and less satisfied in a position with little or no autonomy compared to Employee B. This theory also states that too much of a particular facet will produce stronger feelings of dissatisfaction the more a worker values that facet.
notable explanation of job satisfaction in light of evidence that job satisfaction tends to be stable over time and across careers and jobs. Research also indicates that identical twins have similar levels of job satisfaction. A significant model that narrowed the scope of the Dispositional Theory was the Core Self-evaluations Model, proposed by Timothy A. Judge in 1998. Judge argued that there are four Core Self-evaluations that determine ones disposition towards job satisfaction: self-esteem, of model general and that
self-efficacy, neuroticism.
locus This
control, states
higher levels of self-esteem (the value one places on his self) and general selfefficacy (the belief lead to in ones higher own work
satisfaction. Having an internal locus of Another well-known job satisfaction control (believing one has control over her\his own life, as opposed to outside forces having control) leads to higher job satisfaction. Finally, lower levels of
theory is the Dispositional Theory it is a very general theory that suggests that people have innate dispositions that
individual all
differences, employees
predicting an
Frederick Hertzbergs Two-factor theory (also known as Motivator Hygiene Theory) attempts to explain satisfaction and
manner to changes in motivating/hygiene factors.. Finally, the model has been criticised in that it does not specify how motivating/hygiene measured] 5 JOB CHARACTERISTICS MODEL factors are to be
motivation in the workplace. This theory states that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are driven by and different hygiene factors
factors, Hackman & Oldham proposed the Job Characteristics Model, which is widely used as a framework to study how particular job characteristics impact on job outcomes, including job satisfaction. The model states that there are five core job characteristics (skill variety, task
respectively. Motivating factors are those aspects of the job that make people want to perform, and provide people with satisfaction. These motivating factors are considered to be intrinsic to the job, or the work carried out.Motivating factors include aspects such of as the pay, working company
identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback) which impact states three critical
policies, supervisory practices, and other working conditions. While Hertzberg's model has stimulated much research, researchers have been unable to reliably empirically prove the model, with Hackman & Oldham original
(experienced experienced
knowledge of the actual results), in turn influencing satisfaction, motivation, etc.). work outcomes (job work
1. I feel I can trust what my supervisor tells me 2. My supervisor treats me fairly and with
method the
respect 3. My supervisor handles my work-related issues satisfactorily 4. I get frequent appreciation of work done from supervisors 5. I get enough support from the
satisfaction various
between and
SATISFACTION WITH HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION: 1. Management has a clear path for employees advancement 2. Decisions are made keeping in mind the good of the employees 3. Management is extremely fair in POLICIES OF THE
companys compensation package 2. I am satisfied with the medical benefits 3. I am satisfied with the conveyance
allowance 4. I am satisfied with the retirement benefits 5. I am satisfied with the reimbursement of the expenses as per the eligibility
(vacation) eligibilities
Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaires: It SATISFACTION WITH TASK CLARITY 1. Management decisions are Ad Hoc and lack professionalism (reverse scaled) 2. Rules and procedures are followed uncompromisingly 3. My job responsibilities are well defined and clear helps to obtain a clear picture of pertinent satisfactions employees. Job Description Index: it measures Job satisfaction on the dimension identified by Smith, Kendall, Hullin. Porter Need Identification Questionnaires: It is used only for management personnel and revolves around the problems and SATISFACTION DEVELOPMENT 1. I have adequate opportunities to learn and grow 2. I get opportunities to handle greater responsibilities 3. My skills and abilities are adequately used at work From all above we can conclude level of job satisfaction of our employees. 8 CRITICAL INCIDENTS Fredrick Hertz berg and his Associates popularized this method of measuring Job satisfaction. It involves asking employees to described incidents on job when they were particularly satisfied or dissatisfied. Then the incidents are analyzed in terms of their contents and identifying those related 7 RATING SCALE It is one of the most common methods of measuring job satisfaction. The popular rating scale used to measure Job This method facilitates an in-depth aspects responsible for the WITH CAREER challenges faced by managers. and dissatisfactions of
satisfaction is to include:
attitudes. The main advantage in this method is that additional information or clarifications can be obtained promptly.
functional area. To detect the functional area and locate the exact problem is most important part of any research as the
whole research is based on the problem. According to Clifford Woody research comprises problems, suggested defining formulating solutions: and redefining or
methodology is presented. In it, the research method is discussed, followed by the research type. The target population and sample are defined and explained. Thereafter the technique of data
organizing and evaluating data: making deductions and reaching conclusions: and at last carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the
formulating hypothesis. Research refers to a search for Research can of be defined as the or
knowledge. It is a systematic method of collecting and recording the facts in the form of numerical data relevant to the formulated problem and arriving at
symbols for the purpose of generalizing to extend, correct or verify knowledge, whether that knowledge aids in
certain conclusions over the problem based on collected data. Thus formulation of the problem is the first and foremost step in the research process followed by the collection,
construction of theory or in the practice of an art In short, the search for knowledge
recording, tabulation and analysis and drawing the conclusions. The problem formulation starts with defining the
The broader purpose of the present study is to explore the relationship among employee job satisfaction and employee Turn over. Data will be collected from the accounts employees of various
concrete evidence and then test the ideas against the evidence. This is known as the inductive approach. On the other hand researchers begin with specific
observations of empirical evidence and on the basis of the evidence generalize and build towards increasingly abstract ideas. This is considered a deductive approach. According to Neuman, initially the researcher has a topic and a few vague concepts, and as the researcher conduct observation they refine the concept and develop empirical generalization, as well as identify preliminary relationships. Based on these guidelines, a deductive approach is adopted for this study. The deductive approach is evident in several types of qualitative when data analyses, on theory
organizations. A questioner technique will be used in order to obtain data and employees will be asked to give the answers of questions in accordance to their best knowledge. Questionnaire will be divided in to two parts dissatisfaction factors and satisfaction factors Research methodology is the systematic way to solve the research problem. It gives an idea about various steps adopted by the researcher in a systematic manner with an objective to determine various manners. According to literature, typical
research methods will take either an inductive or deductive approach. Neuman W. L, (1997) claims that theory can be classified by the direction of reasoning and that researcher can test the theory from two directions. Either by abstract thinking, where a researcher logically connects the idea in the theory to
(Strauss & Corbin, 1990). The research will be connecting logically the idea from the theory into concrete evidence. This strategy allows the collection of large amount of data from a population in a highly economical way. The method also gives room whereby for the acquisition of
not amenable to statistical analysis and quantification. In quantitative research, techniques and sample sizes lead to the collection of data which can be
standardizing the data. 4.2 Research Design A research design is considered as the framework or plan for a study that guides as well as helps the data collection and analysis of data. The research design may be exploratory, experimental for the
statistically analyzed and whose results can be expressed numerically. This data tend to come from survey, sales data or market forces. Due to the size and the statistical analyses expressed numerically in this study, the quantitative design is found most suitable. This study will be using some aspect of quantitative research
present study.. Research designs are the procedural framework, within which the research is conducted. There is no best approach, but the most effective approach for the resolution of a given problem depend on a large number of variables, among these variables the nature of the research problem itself. The research design and methodology is a compromise between options that are determined by the
design to help decode the information obtained from questionnaire. However we also have used aspects of qualitative judgments from personal observation. Therefore quantitative this study has used both
interchangeably. According to Neuman W.L, (1997) researchers data when can involve
quantitative data and vice versa, but it is the research problem that decides if the research will be qualitative or
research deals with information that is too difficult or expensive to quantify; subject to opinions and value judgments
determined by the nature of the research question that determines whether the study should be categorized as:
decision-making by themselves, but they can provide significant insight into a given situation. Although the results of qualitative research can give some
Exploratory, Descriptive or Explanatory / Causal. The research question can be related to:
indication as to the "why", "how" and "when" something occurs, it cannot tell us "how often" or "how many". In other words, the results can neither be
where the researchers are looking for improvement of a specific area, or, Theoretical conceptual development. problems clarity for that better need theory
generalized; they are not representative of the whole population being studied. 4.3.2 Descriptive This process embraces a large
proportion of business research and is in 4.3.1 Exploratory This type of research is used to answer what type of questions and it is undertaken when one is seeking an use when the questions such as who,
insight into the general nature of a problem. knowledge Here, on there which is to little build, prior and
environment, in this case hypothesis will exist but it may be tentative in nature and the relationship studied will not be causal in nature. In this study, the research method is descriptive in nature since it provides an accurate picture of an aspect of business environment. Also it is
research hypotheses are either vague or do not exist at all (Yin can K, be 1994). quite
descriptive because we are investigating and thereafter clarify about what is the ideal marketing communication strategy to create brand and product awareness of high technology product of I-Ball, before investigating the ideal strategy, we have to give a description of the current brand reputation situation in Bhubaneswar
The choice of the data collection method is crucial to the research process, according to Brannick T and Rock W the nature of the research question; the methodology, strategy and the theoretical approach all influence the research choice of data collection. of a Sources of could data be
market and from there propose some ideal tips and interconnectivity model for a suitable brand awareness program and process for the company under study. 4.3.3 Causal These studies aim at identifying the cause and effect relationship between different variables. The basic premise of the causal relationship is that when a particular thing is done (cause), it gives rise to another thing (effect).This process tries to determine how one variable
categorized as primary and secondary data. The distinction between these two sources of data is necessary. 4.4.1 Primary Data Primary data collection methods are devised and controlled by the researcher, individual responses and focus groups whose views are required either in a structured or unstructured manner. This is the best way to collect evidence that cannot be observed. This data can be collected through Also questionnaires the or
influences another. In this process it is essential for the researcher to have an indepth knowledge of the subject area of the research. 4.4 Population and Sample
could be in varying formats such as, open-ended format, Multiple - Choice response format and Dichotomous
Data that is already collected and not devised or controlled company by the
questionnaires. To obtain the data used in this study, a questionnaire is used for standardizing the data and allowing an easy comparison.
such as
government statistics or previous studies are examples of secondary data. This type of data is developed for the purpose other than helping to solve the research
The survey can be conducted in the following ways: Personal Interviews Telephonic Interviews Self administered Interviews Mail surveys
question at hand (Yin, 1999). This data must be evaluated on the basis of relevance to the research question.
Secondary data can be gathered from data banks, already existing written materials, documents and reports and even on home pages. 4.5 Instrument and technique of data collection To answer our research question we have used both primary and secondary data. Secondary data was collected from already existing literature such as; books, articles, Journals and internet sources. The sample of respondents is drawn from the target population at Bhubaneswar. In this deductive study, a survey technique is employed. A survey is actually a research technique that is used to gather information from a sample of respondents selected from a big Here the survey was conducted through personal interviews. During the process of data collection responses were obtained face-to- Face responses. This is deemed relevant because in this type of situations because people are more likely to answer questions and the interviewer can explain the questions if necessary. Although this method seemed to be the most
appropriate in this research, there are some disadvantages of the method, in terms that it is time consuming and researcher is not able to cover all the geographical regions of the relevant
market. The second problem is the nonresponse. The third problem is the
problem, the questionnaire in this study was self-administered in the presence of the interviewer. Interviewers involvement was limited to the explanation of the purpose of the research and the
sampling procedure. In the research the population include all the current
EMPLOYEES OF SBI banks, BAJAJ Allianz, Hill metal and Utkal automobile. 4.7.2 Sample frame: The sampling frame for the research is the collection of sample elements where the minimum age of the sampling elements is 18 years. The population includes the current
instruction regarding the questionnaire. 4.6 Choice of Target Population The definition and choice of the target population is an important aspect in this study. The collection of element or
employees of SBI banks, BAJAJ Allianz, Hill metal and Utkal automobile.. All these segments were given equal importance while doing the survey. 4.7.3 Sampling method: All the samples are collected in a stratified random
objects that posses information needed by the researcher and about which
influence are to be made, this population must be precisely determined and should include those individuals, groups, or firm which are suppose to be represented in the study. 4.7 Sampling Sampling is the most important part of research work, because the success of a research depends on a good
sampling method. This is a probability sampling, where each member of the population has a non-zero probability of being included in the sample.
Stratification is a process of grouping elements subgroups applied into and within relatively random each homogeneous sampling is
representative sample of the population. The sampling procedure followed in the research is described below:
4.7.1 Population: Defining the sample population is the first step in the
were obtained i.e. 100 responses were obtained from 100 respondents. 4.8 Analysis of Data Data will be analyzed according to job experience with respect of salary and secondary data will be used to make calculations and analysis. The data are collected through survey and books, reports, newspapers and internet etc., the survey conducted among the employees SBI bank, Bajaj Allianz, Hill Metals, and Utkal Automobile. The data collected by the researcher are tabulated and analyzed in such a way to make interpretations. Various steps, which are required to fulfill the purpose, i.e., editing, coding, and tabulating. Editing refers to separate, correct and modify the collected data. Coding refers to assigning number or other symbols to each answer for placing them in categories to prepare data for tabulation refers to bring together the similar data in rows and columns and totaling them in an accurate and
statistical tools and techniques. 4.9 Conceptual Framework Based on the contention by Stordeur et al. (2001) which states that job satisfaction is immediate antecedent of work
commitment, and that work commitment is the immediate antecedent of intention to leave the workplace and turnover, the researcher examined the relationship
between the level of job satisfaction and work commitment among the employees of SBI bank, Bajaj Allianz, Hill Metals, Utkal Automobile. The pursuit for understanding was done through the following process: data collection through and the use of data
conclusions, and recommendations. The output of this pursuit was to find out the impact of job satisfaction on employee retention.
Impact of job
extent of the consumer satisfaction can be measured with the variables such as job secured, promotional with opportunity, and
researcher turns to the task of analyzing them. The analysis of data requires a number of closely related operations such as establishment of categories, the application of these categories to raw data through Tabulation is tabulation and drawing the part of technical statically inferences. procedure where in the classified data are put in the form of tables. After analyzing the data, the researcher should have to explain the findings on the basis of some theory. It is known as interpretation. The data has been collected from 100 employees of SBI bank, Bajaj Allianz, Hill Metals, Utkal Automobile in Bhubaneswar through questionnaire. The data thus collected was in the form of master table. That made possible counting of classified data easy. From the master table various summery tables were prepared. manner. They have been presented along with their interpretation in this
satisfaction factors of the respondents. The following are the tools used to carry out the analysis, are: PERCENTAGE ANALYSIS: It refers to special are kind in of ratio; making
comparison between two or more series of data, and used to describe the relation. Since to percentage reduced everything to a common based and thereby allows meaningful comparison to be made. TWO-WAY ANALYSIS: The score secured by the respondents who falls between the score as up to 50 indicates less satisfaction of the
respondents, from 51 70 are got This chapter is allocated for analysis and interpretation of data. Preparing average satisfaction and 71 90
respondents are highly satisfied. The Respondents were asked to state their level of Satisfaction relating to twenty factors. Based on their responses the Satisfaction score obtained by each respondent was found out. Points or
percentage analysis and two-way table test does the analysis of job satisfaction, which are directly extracted from the
scores levels
were of
based were
response. For each of the factor three satisfaction assigned namely high, medium and low. For high satisfaction three points were given, for Medium two and for low satisfaction one point was given. The total scores secured by each respondent were thus arrived at. All the hundred based respondents on their were of classified level
satisfaction. Those who have obtained up to 30 points were classified under low satisfaction category, Respondents with 30 45 points were classified under medium satisfaction category and those with more than 45 points were classified under high satisfaction category.
Employee responded
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile.
Employee respo
115 employees but I have chosen only 100 because others are unbiased. I have
5.1.2 In this survey I had taken 100 sample size in all total.
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz,
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
31 TO 45
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 SBI bank Bajaj Allianz, Hill Metals Utkal Automobile MALE FEMALE ABOVE 45
Interpretation: The above table indicates that 39% of the respondents belongs to the age group of less than 30 years. 43% of the respondents belongs to the age group of 31- 45 years. 18% of the respondents belongs to the age group of above 45 years 5.1.4 STATUS TABLE SHOWING TOWARDS OPINION OF
The above table indicates that 70% respondents are married, and 30% of the respondents is unmarried.
Martial Status
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz,
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 SBI bank Bajaj Allianz, Hill Metals Utkal Automobile MALE FEMALE
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz,
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
35 30 25 20 MALE 15 10 5 0 SBI bank Bajaj Allianz, Hill Metals Utkal Automobile FEMALE
The above table indicates that 82% respondents are male, and 18% of the respondents are female.
5.2 NORMAL SURVEY 5.2.1. Responses regarding whether the respondents are satisfied with the
Interpretation: This graph shows that the employees of SBI bank and Bajaj Allianz are more with the workplace of hill
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
2. GRAPH 5.2.1
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Strongly satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied
metals are
Table 5.2.2
Strongly dissatisfied
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
Graph 5.2.2
16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Strongly satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied
SBI bank Bajaj Allianz Hill Metals 5.2.3. Responses regarding whether the
Utkal Automobile
Interpretation: This graph show that the employees of all the origination satisfied with their
3. TABLE 5.2.3
Utkal Automobile are satisfied with the canteen facility provided by organization. Strongly satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied Strongly dissatisfied No. Of
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
disappointment , around 70% of the employees are dissatisfied with the canteen facility provided by organization.
Interpretation: This graph show an interesting fig. the employees of Bajaj Allianz, Hill Metals,
5.2.4.Responses regarding whether the respondents are satisfied of with the and implementation responsibilities. Table 5.2.4 rules
We can figure out the fact that the employees of Bajaj alliance are satisfied with the implementation of rules and responsibilities communication gap because between No. the the Of
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
Graph 5.2.4
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Strongly satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied
employee and top management is less. The other organization has a mixed opinion about implementation of rules and responsibilities. 5.2.5. Responses regarding whether the
Bajaj Allianz SBI bank
Utkal Automobile
Strongly dissatisfied
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
Graph 5.2.5
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Strongly satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied
Automobile employees are satisfied with the freedom given at work place .
Strongly dissatisfied
Interpretation: The above fig shows that the employees of Hill metals have freedom at their work place in comparisons to other
5.2.6. Responses regarding whether the respondents are satisfied with the team spirit in organization Table 5.2.6
Interpretation: The employees of almost all the organizations under consideration look satisfied with the team spirit in the teams inside the organization. At the same time
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
some minor cases of dissatisfaction can be traced in SBI in this regard. Graph 5.2.6
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Strongly satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied Strongly dissatisfied
5.2.7 Responses regarding whether the respondents are satisfied with convenient working hours
SBI bank Bajaj Allianz
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
The figure shows that the employees of SBI are very happy with pre scheduled Graph5.2.7
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Strongly satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied
limited working hours. But incase of Bajaj Allianz the employees are a little
respondents security
Utkal Automobile
Strongly dissatisfied
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
Government holdings. But incase of Bajaj Allianz the employees are dissatisfied regarding the security of job, as the company focuses on performance based
Bajaj Allianz SBI bank
organizations, the employees are satisfied to a certain extent regarding job security.
5.2.9 Responses regarding whether the respondents are satisfied with the targets achievable
Strongly dissatisfied
Table 5.2.9
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
Graph 6.9
16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Strongly satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied
in terms of targets set to them and they consider the same achievable. But incase of Bajaj Allianz the employees are highly dissatisfied with targets set to them. The employees of Utkal Automobiles and Hill SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz Metals are also satisfied with the targets Hill Metals
set to them.
Utkal Automobile
5.2.11. Responses regarding whether the respondents are satisfied with the
Strongly dissatisfied
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
Graph 5.2.11
16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Strongly satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied
promotion where as some them are dissatisfied promotions. 5.2.12. Responses regarding whether the
Bajaj Allianz SBI bank
Utkal Automobile
Strongly dissatisfied
Interpretation: The employees of SBI and bajaj allianze have given a mixed opinion about the opportunities of promotions. Some of
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
payment of salary on time. The only exception is the employees of Utkal automobiles, they showed some kind of dissatisfaction over the payment issue. 5.2.13. Responses regarding whether the
Bajaj Allianz Hill Metals respondents are satisfied with the quality SBI bank
Utkal Automobile
complain about the salary issue, the employees of SBI, Bajaj Allianz and Hill
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
5.2.14. Responses regarding whether the respondents are satisfied with the quality of in-house training
SBI bank
Interpretation: The employees of all the organizations under consideration are happy with their in formal training provided to them. The
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
Interpretation: The employees of all the organizations under consideration are happy with their in house training provided to them. The
5.2.15. Responses regarding whether the respondents are satisfied with the period of training Table 5.2.15
Interpretation: The figure shows that employees of almost all the organizations are happy with their current training activities. The
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
5.2.16 Responses regarding whether the respondents are satisfied with the proper and proactive HR division Table 5.2.16
SBI bank Bajaj Allianz Hill Metals Utkal Automobile
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
Graph 5.2.16
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Strongly satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied Strongly dissatisfied SBI bank Bajaj Allianz Hill Metals Utkal Automobile
Interpretation: The figure depicts that employees of almost all the organizations are happy with their current HR division apart from some minor cases in SBI and Bajaj Allianz.
5.2.17 Responses regarding whether the respondents are satisfied with the performance appraisal system Table 5.2.17
Interpretation: Performance appraisal is an important factor in job satisfaction. This is also a factor in employee retention. The above fig shows that the employees of bajaj
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
performance appraisal system. This is one of the main reason of high employee attrition rate in bajaj alliance. The employees of hill metal are more satisfied with the performance appraisal system. 5.2.19 Responses regarding whether the respondents are satisfied
SBI bank Bajaj Allianz
Table 5.2.19
Strongly dissatisfied
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
Graph 5.2.19
30 25 20 15 10 5 0
employee relation in Utkal automobile, they dont celebrate any one Birthday in the organization. What I feel is celebrating this occasion varies form origination to origination. 5.2.20 SBI bankResponses regarding whether the respondents are satisfied with forum for
Hill Metals Utkal Automobile face-to-face communication Bajaj Allianz
Table 6.20
Interpretation: The above fig show that the employees of bajaj alliance are best in celebrating occasions and they very satisfied about the celebration of employees birthday. But one exception I find out is that the
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
communication. 5.2.21 Responses regarding whether the respondents are satisfied with
Interpretation: The highest level of satisfaction can be noticed among the employees of Bajaj Allianz in this regard where as SBI, Hill metals and Utkal Automobiles show a bit
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
Graph 5.2.21
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Strongly satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied
the suggestion form front line staff .The other organization are also given positive remarks about the encouragement to employees suggestions.
SBI bank
Utkal Automobile
Interpretation: The above fig indicate that the employees of utkal Automobile are more satisfied with encouragement to employees suggestions, the reason I found is that as utkal Automobile is a service industry it is very important for management to take
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
Utkal positive
employees organization
suggestions maintains
organizational structure. But incase of SBI the case is the reverse. 5.2.23 Responses regarding whether the respondents are
SBI bank
Satisfaction level
Strongly satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
SBI bank
Bajaj Allianz
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
Graph 5.2.23
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Strongly satisfied Satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied SBI bank Bajaj Allianz Hill Metals Utkal Automobile
Interpretation: This fig shows that the employees of SBI and Hill metal are more satisfied with management about keeping promises.
mobile the employee retaintion is low as they are not satisfied with the job
respondents have any plan to change the organization with in 6 month. Graph 5.2.24
enviourment. In case Hill metals the retaintion is quite high as the employees
No. respondents
SBI bank
Hill Metals
Utkal Automobile
Graph 5.2.24
15 Yes 10 no
INTERPRETATION: As the eoployees of SBI are more satisfied with their job the level of retaintion is very high. In bajaj Allianz and Ulkal auto
FINDINGS The research conducted in this study illustrates the importance of clear and effective communication that needs to occur in the organizational setting. Since the majority of people work for over half of their life, trying to improve their satisfaction is important to consider. Working should not be perceived as being a negative environment. If communication is satisfying, it has been determined in this study to lead to the higher job satisfaction of the employees. Working towards educating organizations on the importance of job satisfaction and what specific variables that can assist in the leading employees to a better job and organizational environment. This research examines the factors associated with job satisfaction among staf in SBI bank, Bajaj Allianz, Hill Metals, Utkal Automobile. Overall, I find that staff members in SBI bank and bajaj alliance are satisfied with the work itself, their relationship with coworkers and supervisors, and their job in general. Yet, they are not very satisfied with their pay or their opportunities for promotion. This suggests that the workers in this study may not have alternative employment opportunities, so they are satisfied with their jobs despite heavy workload and lack of benefits. Another reason may be due to a selection who effect. to That work is, in individuals choose
indicates a need for efforts to improve their pay and benefits. Age, race, and perceived workload affect satisfaction with the work itself. An interesting finding is that having children is found to be significantly associated with supervision satisfaction, together with race, urban/rural residence, and perceived workload. It may be that staff members with children are less satisfied than those without children because they may attribute undesirable work schedules or low pay to their supervisors, making it difficult to raise their children. The findings show that perceived autonomy is significantly and positively related to promotion satisfaction, together with age, urban/rural residence, and perceived workload. This indicates that workers who feel they have greater control over their job are more satisfied with their promotion opportunities. One possible explanation is that staff members who feel that they have a high level of autonomy are those who may have been previously promoted and perhaps are more likely to anticipate being promoted in the future. Education significantly satisfaction. and Persons training with with is
coworker higher
education are less satisfied with their relationships with their coworkers than those with lower education. However, no evidence has been found to support the relationship between education and
assisted living facilities or other longterm care settings generally value helping others, and thus, are satisfied with their jobs. However, a lower level of pay
overall job satisfaction and its other dimensions such as pay satisfaction. The evidence is limited due to two reasons. First, since there is a lack of variance in educational attainment among care workers, it is difficult to find variations in educational effects on job satisfaction. Second, in a caregiving setting that lacks promotion opportunities, education may not increase care workers chances of getting more benefits I havent mention in analysis part but one interesting results show that staff members on night and combined shifts are slightly less satisfied with the work itself than those on morning shifts, though not significantly. One reason may be that workers on morning shifts are more likely to interact with management and get promotion opportunities than those on night and combined shifts, resulting in a higher level of job satisfaction. On the other hand, workers on night shifts Attitudinal characteristics are strong predictors of job satisfaction. Perceived workload is negatively associated with overall job satisfaction and each of its dimensions. Staff members with greater perceived workload are less likely to be satisfied than those with less perceived workload, which supports hypothesis 9. This finding has an important policy implication: reducing workload could be one of the solutions to improved job satisfaction among staff in assisted living facilities. Therefore, administrators, supervisors, and policy-makers should consider the need for new strategies such as recruiting new workers and designing new work schedules in order to reduce
workload while maintaining high quality of service. This study makes several significant contributions to our understanding of job satisfaction of direct care workers in assisted living. First, to my knowledge, this study is the first to examine the predictors of overall job satisfaction and its various dimensions separately. The results overall, different. show work, and that the predictors of are supervision, pay coworker,
administrators, and supervisors should employ different strategies to improve staff members job satisfaction. For example, since hourly rate only predicts pay satisfaction, it may be more important to initiate to more increase interaction their levels and of communication among workers (e.g., staff lunches) coworker satisfaction rather than simply to increase their pay. By examining the predictors of
overall job satisfaction in SBI,bajaj, hill metal,utkal auto mobiles and its various dimensions, this study has deepened our understanding in assisted of the most we salient could predictors of job satisfaction among staff living. Ideally, employ policies and improve interactions between management and care workers to increase retention and decrease turnover. Third, examining the difference of the impact of race on job satisfaction and that of nativity contributes to the literature of racism in the workforce and strengthens our awareness of racial stratification in society.
From the study It is found that employee retaintion is influenced by the level of job satisfaction . As the eoployees of SBI are more
satisfied with their job the level of retaintion is very high. In bajaj Allianz and Ulkal auto mobile the employee retaintion is low as they are not satisfied with the job enviourment. In case Hill metals the retaintion is quite high as the employees are satisfied to a certain extent.
All managers to create Win-Win and synergies through ideation sessions. Workshop on people management as
To reduce employee retention and to bring in high level of association among the crew, it is recommended. Educate the crew about the rich history, culture, and products of the company. Conduct welfare activities/training for the spouse too aimed at enriching their family life by personal development. This enhances emotional attachment. Always support the employees during difficult times, both financially and emotionally. Build emotional connect by involving
holding critical conversations as well as coaching. This is to enhance the performance management by clear goal setting ongoing coaching and mentoring. Promote and map out career pathways and development opportunities. Make this a part of an attraction and retention strategy. KPI for the managers-development of his Direct Reports. The opportunities and support employees have from their managers to develop their jobs is key to a positive perception of managers among the individuals.
families through functions like family day, Create a transformational leadership culture, where individuals become well picnic with families and say granting scholarships to wards of employees. Managers to know their man!!! and overall mission through Open Forums. Remain competitive with salary. Do
Create a culture of transformational leadership impart leadership training as 7 habits to all managers. Percolate KBLM down to line managers.
industry benchmarking and compensation survey. Job rotation and multi skilling to avoid boredom.
Team leader to encourage involvement of Show concern with employees health and well-being. Make them feel valued. his team in decision-making. The employees feel able to voice their ideas and managers listen to these views and value employees contributions, make a significant contribution towards how employee perceive their managers. Implement suggestion scheme, SGA along with the reward framework.
global survey of employees is
"What,s perhaps more troubling, 38% are partly to fully disengage. The result is an engagement people actually gap' want between to invest, the and discretionary effort companies need and companies effectiveness in channeling this effort to enhance performance. The study also found that companies with the highest levels of employee engagement achieve better financial results and are more successful in retaining their most valued employees than companies with lower levels of engagement." Startling results like this beg the question: what can organizations do to improve employee engagement and discretionary effort? It is critical that companies pursue full engagement as anything less than full engagement represents enormous waste. If your greatest business expense is benefits, salaries, and wages, wouldn't you want to maximize your investment and be sure you were receiving maximum effort? It is always startling that the efficiency, Six Sigma, and LEAN experts seem to miss this one. The greatest waste in your company occurs anytime a staff member gives anything less than maximum effort. So what can be done? Many things, but the most successful efforts tend to focus on the following: 1. Create a hiring model that ensures the selection of those who will produce maximum effort.
engagement. "Just 21% of the close to 90,000 respondents worldwide engaged in their work, meaning they are willing to go the extra mile to help their companies succeed." The rest are at various levels of disengagement. This study It is found that employee retention is influenced by the level of job satisfaction .
As the employees of SBI are more satisfied with their job the level of retention is very high. In bajaj Allianz and Ulkal auto mobile the employee retention is low as they are not satisfied with the job enviourment. In case Hill metals the retention is quite high as the employees are satisfied to a certain extent
.This research
examines the factors associated with job satisfaction among staff in SBI bank, Bajaj Allianz, Hill Metals, Utkal Automobile. Overall, I find that staff members in SBI bank and bajaj alliance are satisfied with the work itself, their relationship with coworkers and supervisors, and their job in general. Yet, they are not very satisfied with their pay or their opportunities for promotion. This suggests that the workers in this study may not have alternative employment opportunities, so they are satisfied with their jobs despite heavy workload and lack of benefits. Another reason may be due to a selection effect. That is, individuals who choose to work in assisted living facilities or other longterm care settings generally value helping others, and thus, are satisfied with their jobs. However, a lower level of pay satisfaction than the national norm indicates a need for efforts to improve their pay and benefits.
2. Build a cohesive, clear, and effective senior leadership team that will set the tone in the organization. The Towers Perrin study shows we have a long way to go in this area. 3. Recognize the positive, even simple, ordinary are greatness that is in your and these company. Everyday there are heroes who solving customer you well problems -find representing
psychology has a long, rich, and, at times, controversial history related to the study and understanding of employee attitudes and job satisfaction. Some of this research is very specific and aimed primarily at other researchers, provide employee while practical attitudes other publications on & guidance (e.g., Edwards
understanding, measuring, and improving Fisher, 2004; Kraut, 1996). One likely future direction of employee attitude research will be to better understand the interplay between the person and the situation and the various internal influence and external factors attitudes. that In employee
heroes and thank them. 4. Hold leaders accountable to hiring, spotting, developing, and retaining those who bring their passion with them to work every day. Until people see that this matters to the boss, change is unlikely to come. Research is part of all the other six functions management. of With human the resource number of
particular, a better understanding of the role of emotion, as well as broader environmental impacts, is needed and has been largely overlooked in past research. In addition, ongoing research will provide more in-depth understanding of the effects of employee attitudes and job satisfaction on organizational measures, such the as customer satisfaction and financial measures. Greater insights on relationship between employee attitudes and business performance will assist HR professionals as they strive to enhance the essential people side of the business in a highly competitive, global arena.
organizations participating in some form of international business, the need for HRM research will only continue to grow. Therefore, it is important for human resource professionals to be up to date on the latest trends in staffing, performance appraisals, compensation
and benefits, training and development, employee and labor relations, and safety and health issues, disciplinary issues, determination of employee engagement and act as facilitator in the corporate of the global market global market. Future Directions & Future research
Performing a longitudinal study would be beneficial because it would examine how long lasting the relationship is between job satisfaction and employee retention. With the longitudinal study, a researcher
can reach many interesting conclusions; this would be the next step in identifying how important job satisfaction and employee retention are to employees and to the origination.
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Dear respondent, I am subhasis Das of INC Bhubaneswar doing my management on the service quality dimensions analysis of banks in India. I require your support for this cause. The information will be valuable input for the research and we assure you that the information will be kept confidential. We hope that you will co-ordinate with us and give quite a few minutes from your precious time and give the genuine answer. Personal Details
Name of the Employee Age: Gender: Educational Qualification: Marital Status: Family Size: Nature of Job: Monthly Salary: :
2Responses respondents regarding are whether with the the satisfied
infrastructure of organization Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied Strongly dissatisfied Satisfied
workplace of organization. Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied Strongly dissatisfied Satisfied
3. Responses regarding whether the respondents are satisfied with the canteen facility provided by organization. Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied 4. Responses respondents Strongly dissatisfied regarding are whether with the the and Satisfied
Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied 8. Responses respondents security Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied
satisfied of
5. Responses regarding whether the respondents are satisfied with the freedom given at work. Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied 6. Responses Strongly dissatisfied regarding whether Satisfied
respondents are satisfied with the targets achievable Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied Strongly dissatisfied Satisfied
the 10.
respondents are satisfied with the team spirit in organization. Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied Strongly dissatisfied Satisfied
respondents are satisfied with the opportunities of promotions Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied Strongly dissatisfied Satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
respondents are satisfied with the quality of formal training and induction program Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied 13. Strongly dissatisfied Satisfied
respondents are satisfied with the performance appraisal system Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied 17. Strongly dissatisfied Satisfied
respondents are satisfied with the quality of in-house training Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied 14. Strongly dissatisfied Satisfied
respondents are satisfied with the celebration of employees birthday Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied 18. Strongly dissatisfied Satisfied
respondents are satisfied with the period of training Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied 15. Strongly dissatisfied Satisfied
respondents are satisfied with forum for face-to-face communication Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied 19. Strongly dissatisfied Satisfied
Strongly dissatisfied
respondents are satisfied with positive acceptance of employees suggestions Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied 21. Strongly dissatisfied Satisfied
respondents are satisfied with management keeps promises Strongly satisfied Slightly satisfied Dissatisfied 22. Strongly dissatisfied Satisfied
respondents have any plan to change the organization with in 6 month. Yes no
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