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C. Sue Carter
Department of Zoology
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742
Human behavior is influenced by many factors; among these are hormones or other
chemicals produced by various tissues or glands throughout the body. This paper reviews
the current status of research relating hormones to human behavior. To provide back-
ground for this discussion, a brief history of this field and a primer in behavioral endocri-
nology are provided.
Although, reproductive hormones, including androgens and estrogens, have been
studied in some detail, remarkably few strong conclusions are possible. However, new
studies implicating neuropeptides, such as oxytocin and vasopressin, in human behavior
suggest physiological substrates that may offer insights into hormonal influences on hu-
man behavior.
Among the endocrine organs, the testes are unique because they are suspended in a
tissue pouch outside of the body cavity. The testes can be felt and these organs are vulner-
able to physical insults, either deliberate or accidental. The effects of castration were de-
scribed by Aristotle over three hundred years B.C. Removal of the testes or castration as a
form of punishment or tribute dates to antiquity. Domestic animals and some cases hu-
mans were castrated to make them more docile. Castrata were valued as harem keepers. In
addition, seasonal changes in behavior and the dramatic anatomical and behavioral events
associated with puberty were components of the natural world (Bronson and Heideman,
1994). Thus, an awareness of a relationship between the testes and human behavior pre-
dates written history.
New Aspects ofHurnan Ethology, edited by Schmitt et a1
Plenum Press, New York, 1997
C. S. Carter
In 1849 Arnold Berthold conducted the first systematic experiment in this field -
now recognized as the beginning of experimental endocrinology. Berthold removed the
testes of chickens, noting that following castration males no longer strutted, crowed or at-
tempted to mate. Berthold also discovered that he could restore these behaviors by trans-
planting tissue from an intact male. The realization that a particular substance from the
testes might influence behavior had to await the invention of the hypodermic needle.
Claude Brown-Sequard (1889), a renowned physiologist, used himself as a subject in the
first published experiment on the effects of testicular extracts. Brown-Sequard, motivated
by his own experiences with aging, reasoned that the testes were involved in producing
traits associated with youthful vigor. To test this hypothesis he injected himself with aque-
ous extracts froin the testes of guinea pigs and dogs, keeping meticulous notes on the
changes he observed in his body and behavior. The remarkable rejuvenation heralded by
Brown-Sequard was probably both short-lasting and primarily due to placebo effects, be-
cause the major hormones of the testes are not water soluble. However, this experimental
flaw was not recognized for several decades and word spread quickly of Brown-Sequard's
apparent success in reversing the aging process. A new science and industry of organ
therapies emerged, and modern interest in the capacity of "glandular" secretions to influ-
ence various behaviors can be traced to these early experiments.
3.1. General Issues
The twentieth century brought awareness that specific chemicals, now known as
hormones, were produced in the testes or other organs and could travel via the blood
stream to target tissues and specific receptors throughout the body. In addition, the impor-
tance of local or "paracrine" chemical communication among neighboring cells was ar-
ticulated. Neurotransmitters were defined as chemicals that were synthesized in nerve
cells, crossing the space between two neurons (a synapse) to act on receptors on the post-
synaptic cells. In addition, chemicals also can act as neuromodulators, altering receptor
sensitivity, or neurotransmitter availability or action. Behavioral effects for particular hor-
mones and neurotransmitters generally are assumed to reflect tissue specific receptors. For
example, steroid hormones may act on a variety of protein-based "steroid" receptors
which are distributed throughout the nervous system. Steroid hormones diffuse into cells,
bind to intracellular receptors, and are transported to the cell nucleus. In the nucleus the
hormone-receptor complex is capable of activating genetic transcription, and the sub-
sequent production of other compounds, including enzymes and receptors for other mole-
cules. Steroid hormones also are capable of acting directly on cell membranes and in some
cases may have rapid non-genomic behavioral effects. Amino-acid based hormones and
neurotransmitters generally act on cell membrane receptors, allowing rapid and reversible
effects, which are compatible with comparatively quick and transient behavioral changes.
Many hormones, especially steroids and peptides, circulate in conjunction with binding
proteins. Hormone actions generally depend on the availability of free, i.e. not protein
bound, hormone.
Various experimental criteria are used to formally differentiate among hormones,
neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. However, for behavior it often is difficult to dis-
criminate among these categories of function, since a given chemical compound may act
at several locations and have more than one mode of action (Brown, 1994). For the pur-
Hormonal Influences on Human Behavior
poses of this review a particular compound will be described as acting either at a distance
from its site of origin (as a hormone which may require hours or even days to effect its ac-
tion) or in a paracrine fashion (acting locally and usually more quickly as a neurotransmit-
ter or neuromodulator).
The first half of this century saw the beginning of a new era of medicine dominated
by biochemistry. Various hormones and neurotransmitters were identified, synthesized
and became available for research or medical applications. Several generations of behav-
ioral endocrinologists have taken advantage of these breakthroughs to begin the tedious
task of identifying the behavioral effects of hormones in humans and other animals (re-
viewed Becker, et al., 1992; Brown, 1994; Nelson, 1995).
Practical and ethical issues have impeded the analysis of biochemical influences on
human behavior, and at present questions are more common than answers. However, in
conjunction with more readily controlled animal studies, patterns of relationships between
hormones and behavior have begun to emerge.
In order to review these putative relationships it is first useful to define a subset of
well-characterized hormones and neurotransmitters that have been implicated in behavior.
The chemicals selected for discussion here are among those for which a robust relation-
ship with behavior has been proposed, including steroids (estrogens, progestins, androgens
and glucocorticoids), proteins (prolactin) and the neuropeptides (oxytocin and vaso-
pressin). All of these chemicals may act as hormones, neurotransmitters andlor neuro-
modulators. In addition, to understand the action of these hormones, it is helpful to be
familiar with some of the more common neurotransmitters (described below). Space does
not permit a discussion of the behavioral effects of many additional compounds with en-
docrine or paracrine properties.
This present paper will emphasize the activational effects of hormones in adults.
However, many hormones, and especially steroid hormones, also have developmental ef-
fects which have long-term consequences for the organization of both brain structure and
function. Information regarding the role of hormones in human brain development is rare,
and at present difficult to interpret. However, the animal literature on the organizational
effects of hormones suggests that both steroid and peptide hormones have major effects on
neural development. The developmental consequences of hormonal manipulations differ
among species, and probably are an important source of individual differences in adult be-
havioral responses to either endogenous or exogenous hormones.
3.2. Types of Hormones
3.2.1. Gonadal Steroids. Gonadal steroids, including those produced by the testes
and ovaries, were among the first to be identified and implicated in behavior. In addition,
the adrenal cortex also produces steroid hormones. Steroids are derived from fatty acids
and are composed of carbon chains, configured in a unique series of four interlocking
rings. Cholesterol, which has 27 carbons, is the precursor molecule for steroid biosynthe-
sis and biologically active steroids are metabolic derivatives of cholesterol. The produc-
tion of specific steroids is regulated by tissue-specific enzymes. The major gonadal
steroids are progestins, androgens, and estrogens.
Progestins are very abundant during pregnancy, and were first identified as hor-
mones that could "promote gestation." The ovary and placenta secrete high levels of a
specific progestin, known as progesterone, which is necessary for pregnancy. Progestins
of adrenal origin also are common in both sexes. Progestins have 21 carbons and serve as
precursors for the smaller sex steroids, including androgens and estrogens. Androgens,
C. S. Carter
Table 1. Steroid hormones and tissues of origin
- -
Steroid hormone # of carbons Major tissue source
27 steroid precursor (fatty acid derivative)
2 1 Adrenal cortex
21 Corpus luteum of ovary
Placenta (in pregnancy)
Testosterone 19 Testes (male)
Ovary (female)
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) 19 Adrenal cortex
Estradiol 18 Follicle of ovary
Placenta (in pregnancy)
Aromatization of testosterone
and especially testosterone, are made in abundance in males by the testes and to a less ex-
tent in females by the ovaries. Additional androgens, often with somewhat lower andro-
genic potency, are made by the adrenal cortex in both sexes. Dehydroepiandrosterone
(DHEA) is the most abundant steroid in the human body, acting as a precursor for other
hormones. DHEA also is found in neural tissue and is considered a "weak" androgen. An-
drogens have been described as "masculine" hormones, because of their capacity to pro-
duce male-like secondary sex traits, including the growth of the penis or semen-producing
secretory glands, such as the prostate or seminal vesicles. Androgens are defined by the
fact that they have 19 carbons and also by their capacity to induce growth in tissues of the
male reproductive tract.
Estrogen is a general category of steroid hormone which occurs in humans in one of
three forms; estradiol, estrone and estriol. Ovarian tissues, and especially the follicle of
the ovary, synthesize comparatively high levels of estrogens. Estrogens are derived bio-
chemically from androgenic compounds through a process known as aromatization which
involves the removal of a carbon atom and the formation of an aromatic ring. Aromatiza-
tion occurs in the presence of a specific enzyme known as aromatase. Aromatization can
occur in many tissues including the testes and brain.
Estradiol is the most potent and best understood of the sex steroids. Estrone and
estriol are weaker estrogens. Estrone, in a sulfated form known as "preinarin" is derived
from the urine of pregnant mares or stallions, and is commonly used as a hormone re-
placement therapy (HRT) in postmenopausal women. The estrogens have 18 carbon atoms
and were originally defined by their capacity to induce growth in immature uterine tissue.
Plants also produce estrogenic compounds (phytoestrogens); these plant hormones, as well
as various synthetic compounds, such as diethylstilbestrol (DES) can stimulate estrogen
receptors and thus have estrogenic effects.
3.2.2. Adrenal Steroids. Hormones synthesized by the adrenal cortex are typically
characterized as either glucocorticoids (regulating glucose metabolism) or mineralocorti-
coids (regulating mineral balance). Adrenal corticoid hormones share many properties
with the progestins and also are composed of 2 1 carbons. Among the glucocorticoids, cor-
tisol is most abundant in humans, while many rodents rely primarily on a similar com-
pound known as corticosterone. The major mineralocorticoid hormone is aldosterone.
Adrenal corticoids are studied most frequently in the context of their metabolic effects,
Hormonal Influences on Human Behavior
but also can have behavioral consequences. Weak androgens, including DHEA, also are
produced by the adrenal.
3.3. Peptide Hormones and Neurotransmitters
A vast number of hormones and neurotransmitters are synthesized from simple
structural units including chains of amino acids. Among the amino acid based hormones
are comparatively large "protein" molecules such as prolactin, growth hormone and insu-
lin, and shorter chains of amino acids which may form "peptide" hormones, such as oxy-
tocin and vasopressin. Protein based hormones are essential for metabolism, growth and
some components of reproduction. However, evidence for specific influences of these
compounds on human behavior is limited.
The present review will focus on the behavioral consequences of two peptidergic
compounds, oxytocin and vasopressin. A variety of other peptides, such as corticotropin
releasing hormone (CRH), gonadotropin-hormone releasing hormone (GNRH), and the
endogenous opiates, such as beta-endorphin (to name only a few) also influence behavior.
Because they have been extensively implicated in human behavior, it is helpful to de-
scribe a subset of the better known neurotransmitters. The catecholamines, including
dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine are modified amino acids, manufactured in vari-
ous parts of the central and peripheral nervous system. Epinephrine (also known as ad-
renaline) is produced primarily by the adrenal medulla. Dopamine and norepinephrine have
functions throughout the central nervous system (CNS including the brain and spinal cord)
and autonomic nervous systems (ANS or peripheral nervous system). In general catecholami-
nes have been associated with behavioral activation and stress and various functions of the
sympathetic branch of the ANS. Acetylcholine is released throughout the body, is involved
with inhibitory and "vegetative" states, and is important for neuromuscular transmission, cor-
tical function and the many activities of the parasympathetic (PNS) branch of the ANS. Sero-
tonin and, its pineal gland derivative, melatonin are described structurally as indolamines.
Both have been associated with sleep and rhythms. Serotonin is produced in the brain stem,
but acts throughout the brain, including at sites in the hypothalamus and cortex. Serotonin
plays a critical role in the inhibition of emotional reactivity.
Many psychoactive drugs act to alter neurotransmitter functions either through ef-
fects on their synthesis, metabolism or reuptake or by directly affecting the receptors for
naturally occurring compounds. For example, drugs such as "prozac" increase serotoniner-
gic activity by selective serotonin reuptake inhibition (SSRI).
3.4. Types of Behaviors That Can Be Influenced by Hormones
Behavioral endocrinologists have focused their attention on sexual, parental and ag-
gressive behaviors, describing various relationships between the gonadal steroids and
these behaviors. Most research in this area has been done in laboratory rodents, and espe-
cially in domestic rats.
The selection of rodents as the primary model for behavioral endocrinology has in-
fluenced our expectations regarding the nature of hormonal influences on human behavior.
For example, domestic strains of rats were derived from Rattus norvegicus. Wild rats are
highly versatile ecological generalists, and share the human habitat throughout the world.
Domestic rats were selected for various traits including docility and the capacity to repro-
duce under laboratory conditions. Different breeders have selected for different physical
and behavioral traits, with varying underlying physiological substrates. The rodents which
146 C. S. Carter
are now used as models for endocrine research are the products of both natural and artifi-
cial selection. The degree to which these models are appropriate to advance our under-
standing of human behavior remains uncertain.
In rodents the most commonly studied female sexual behavior is the lordosis pos-
ture, in which the female remains immobile and concavely arches her back. Lordosis, usu-
ally in response to mounting, has been used as an index of female sexual receptivity. In
addition, a variety of other measures such as elective proximity to a male have been used
to index sexual proceptivity. Studies of these and related behaviors have shown that in rats
ovarian secretions are essential for the expression of lordosis and can increase the expres-
sion of a variety of sociosexual behaviors (Pfaff, et al., 1994). Surgical removal of the
ovary (ovariectomy) eliminates female sexual behavior in most rodents, and treatments
with estrogen and progesterone can produce levels of sexual receptivity that closely re-
semble those seen in a gonadally-intact estrous female.
4.1. Ovarian Cycles
Studies of female sexual behavior in both humans and nonhuman primates have
tended to examine changes in behavior as a function of the menstrual cycle or as a func-
tion of treatments with estrogen and/or progesterone. In most primates, including humans,
ovarian hormones are not essential for the expression of female sexual behavior. Experi-
mental studies of sexual behavior have most typically involved testing with a single male
in a small test area. Tested under these conditions, female rhesus monkeys will mate
throughout the entire menstrual cycle (Michael and Zumpe, 1993). In addition unlike the
situation in rodents, ovariectomy does not abolish sexual behavior in most female pri-
mates. However, hormonal influences on female sexual behavior in primates are detected,
especially when animals are tested under more naturalistic conditions that permit the es-
tablishment of social systems (Wallen, 1990). Under conditions in which female rhesus
monkeys are at liberty to express their social and sexual preferences or "desires," mating
occurs primarily around midcycle, near the time of ovulation (Wallen and Tannenbaum,
1996). Midcycle increases in sexual interest, and in some cases in sexual activity, also
have been reported in human females. Thus, as expressed by Wallen (1990), in rodents
both the "ability" and "desire" to mate are hormone dependent, while in primates, females
have the ability to engage in sexual behavior in the absence of hormones, although sexual
"motivation" or "desire" tends to vary as a function of the menstrual cycle.
4.2. Estrogen
Estrogen, either of ovarian origin or given as an exogenous treatment apparently en-
hances female sexual motivation, at least in monkeys (Wallen, 1990). The follicular stage
of the menstrual cycle is typically associated with comparatively high levels of sexual be-
havior. Estrogen production declines during the menopause, and some, but not all, women
experience postmenopausal declines in sexual activity (McCoy, 1992). Estrogen replace-
ment therapy is associated with enhanced sexual activity and sexual interest. Estrogen also
increases vaginal lubrication, inhibits hot flashes, normalizes sleep patterns and may indi-
rectly influence sexual behavior (Sherwin, 1996).
Hormonal Influences on Human Behavior
Table 2. Possible hormonal effects on sexual function
-~ -
Androgen Estrogen Progesterone Oxytocin Vasopressin
Sexual interest INC INC female DE C~
INC (rats ') INC '?'
'? male
Vasocongestion or erection INC INC female INC ?b
(but not ? male
Ejaculation (male) INC INC ?'
Orgasm INC '
Gamete formation Es s e n t i a l As s e n t i a l a INC ?'
INC = increase; DEC =decrease
v e r y high levels estrogen or androgen may interfere with spenn production, and possibly other normal functions of these ster-
h~asopressin plays a major role in the control of blood pressure, which is probably essential for vasocongestion or erection.
COxytocin gene expression occurs in ovary and testes, but the exact functions remain unknown.
d~rogest i ns, such as "cyproterone acetate," are used clinically as anti-androgens (Kravitz, et al., 1995).
"Vasopressin release is associated with sexual arousal and oxytocin release with orgasm. Oxytocin i l sc may play a role in sexual
satiety. (Murphy, et al., 1987; reviewed Carter, 1992.)
4.3 Progesterone
During the menstrual cycle progesterone is secreted at the time of ovulation and
continues to be elevated throughout most of the luteal (postovulatory) phase of the men-
strual cycle. Under some conditions a short-term exposure to progesterone may facilitate
sexual activity in rhesus (Michael and Zumpe, 1993). However, longer exposures to pro-
gesterone are primarily inhibitory, and there are reports of inhibited sexual activity and
desire during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. The use of oral contraceptives,
which are primarily synthetic progestins, inay be associated with a facilitation of sexual
activity in some women, probably because of a freedom from unwanted pregnancy. How-
ever, other women have reported inhibited sexual desire while taking oral contraceptives,
which may be due to the inhibitory effects of the progestins.
4.4. Androgens
Removal of the adrenal gland, and thus adrenal androgens, has been associated with
an inhibition of sexual behavior in both humans and primates. In addition, in primates ex-
ogenous androgens, but not estrogens, reportedly reversed the effects of adrenalectomy.
Exogenous androgen treatments reportedly can facilitate sexual responses in women
(Sherwin, 1996).
4.5. Oxytocin
Oxytocin is released during orgasm in both females and males of several species (re-
viewed Carter, 1992; Walburton, et al., 1994). Oxytocin can facilitate sexual receptivjty in
rats, but in prairie voles, which are monogamous rodents, the effects on female sexual be-
havior are inhibitory. Levels of oxytocin have been correlated with the orgasmic intensity
in women. There is at present no direct evidence for a role for oxytocin in female sexual
behavior in humans or other primates, although it has been proposed that oxytocin may
have a role in both the phenomenology of orgasm and in sexual satiety (Carter, 1992).
C. S. Carter
5.1. The Role of the Testes
In most mammals intact gonads are a prerequisite to the onset of male sexual behav-
ior. The expression of male sexual behavior is rare prior to puberty. However, once a male
has become sexually active, removal of the testes does not produce an immediate cessa-
tion of mounting or intromission. However, even in laboratory rodents, male sexual be-
havior is not tightly linked to gonadal function. Following castration or inhibition of
testicular function, ejaculatory reflexes, intromission frequency and later mounting usu-
ally declines over a period of weeks (Burris. et al., 1992; Bagatell, et al, 1994), although
some individuals continue to express male sexual behavior long after castration (Kinsey,
et al., 1948). The effect of androgen on male sexual behavior is most easily documented in
normal adults who have experienced a decline in androgens and subsequent testosterone
replacement therapy (Bagatell, et al., 1994). Although, androgens are important for male
sexual behavior, measurements of serum hormones alone often are not adequate to predict
sexual behavior.
In humans, erectile "potency" is sometimes considered a measure of sexuality. In
adult men with low levels of gonadal hormones (hypogonadism), nocturnal erections are
generally infrequent and it was originally assumed that such individuals were "impotent."
However, even infants and young children with low levels of androgens are capable of
erections, indicating that erections can occur in the absence of high levels of testicular ac-
tivity. There are case reports of sexual activity in men who have been castrated for years
or even decades (Kinsey, et al., 1948). In addition, laboratory studies have shown that
even profoundly hypogonadal men are capable of responding with erections to highly
erotic stimuli, such as pornography. Erectile responses under these conditions were re-
markably similar in normal and hypogonadal men, and in some cases hypogonadal men
may even maintain erections for a longer period than gonadally normal men (Kwan, et al.,
1982). Such findings with children and hypogonadal men indicate that androgen levels
alone do not explain erectile potency.
In support of a role for androgens in sexual behavior is the finding that sexual inter-
est or motivation is low in prepubertal boys and in men with various forms of hypogo-
nadism (Burris, et al., 1992). Androgen treatments are typically associated with increased
interest in sexual activities, as measured by self-report, as well as increases in nocturnal
erections. However, increases in sexual behavior as a result of androgen treatments are
less reliable, probably in part because men with a history of sexual inactivity may lack so-
cial skills or opportunities for sexual behavior. Social and historical variables, possibly
also experienced as changes in other hormones, are critical determinants of masculine
6.1 The Role of the Testes
Sex differences in the expression of aggression are well documented and aggression
may increase around the time of puberty. In addition, castration long has been used to ma-
nipulate tameness or docility in domestic animals (Bronson and Desjardins, 1971; Archer,
Hormonal Influences on Human Behavior 149
1991). These observations have lead to the hypothesis that testicular secretions play a
causal role in aggression.
In general, in animals castration is associated with reductions in aggression and an-
drogen replacement with increased aggression. However, social and sexual experience can
have important effects on the expression of aggression. For example, a history of winning
or social dominance, may be more important than hormonal status in determining the out-
come of aggressive encounters. The effects of social rank are particularly apparent in pri-
mates (Bouissou, 1983).
Most of the research dealing with androgens and aggression in humans is correla-
tional and retrospective, and of course complicated by issues associated with studying hu-
man aggression (Albert, et al., 1993). In general, the strongest relationships between
endogenous hormones and aggressive behaviors have been reported in studies of adoles-
cents (Susman, et al., 1987; Inoff-Germain, et al., 1988; Paikoff and Brooks-Gunn, 1990).
Only a small number of studies have shown correlations between androgen levels in adult-
hood and measures of aggression (Archer, 199 1 ; Alberts, et al., 1993). In one study pris-
oners with a history of adolescent violence tended to have comparatively high levels of
testosterone when studied compared to nonviolent offenders (Kreuz and Rose, 1972). In
the latter work, as well as several other studies on aggression, correlations were not ob-
served between adult testosterone levels and various measures of aggressivity. However,
in more recent studies, free testosterone levels taken from saliva have been related to a va-
riety of aggressive traits in normal men (Dabbs, et al., 1996). Free testosterone in cerebro-
spinal fluid also has been correlated with aggression in violent criminals (Virkkunen, et al.
It also has been suggested that "the hormones of individuals may shape the culture
of groups" and that the effects of testosterone may be more apparent when studied in
groups, rather than in individuals (Dabbs, et al., 1996). For example, salivary testosterone
levels in fraternity men have been correlated with "rambunctious" or unruly behavior
characteristic of the fraternity. Groups with lower average levels of salivary testosterone
(12.3 ngID1) tended to be more academically successful, more likely be characterized as
friendly and more likely to smile when compared to groups with higher testosterone (14.3
ngID1). Although these group differences were statistically significant, it is not known
whether individuals respond differently to small differences in hormone levels (Alberts, et
al., 1993).
6.2. Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids
The comparatively recent. but widespread illegal use of synthetic anabolic-andro-
genic steroids (AAS) has generated interest in the behavioral effects of androgens. Anec-
dotal reports are common of increased aggression during AAS use, sometimes called "roid
rage." Some, but not all, steroid users report episodes of violence and aggression (Pope
and Katz, 1994). However, prospective and controlled studies of the behavioral effects of
AAS are rare.
Studies attempting to demonstrate effects of androgens on mood have been some-
what more successful. Although, positive effects of androgens on mood have not been uni-
versally reported, most studies do report mood improvements when hypogonadal men are
treated with androgens (Bahrke, et al., 1990). For example, in a double-blind study in hy-
pogonadal men (who are incapable of producing androgens) low levels of androgen were
associated with feelings of anger and depression; both anger and depression were reduced
150 C. S. Carter
during androgen replacement therapy. A weaker androgen (DHEA) also has been associ-
ated with mood-enhancement in both men and women.
6.3. Hormones and Female Aggression
Hormonal influences on aggression in women have been studied only infrequently.
In adolescents studied within the context of their family, higher levels of estradiol and a
weak androgen (androstenedione) have been correlated with the incidence of aggressive
behaviors, such as angry responses toward parental authority (Inoff-Germain, et al., 1988).
The effects of estrogen treatments in hypogonadal girls also supports the hypothesis that
exposure to estrogen (at least in adolescence) may increase some forms of aggressive be-
havior. In contrast DHEA is negatively associated with reports of aggressive behavior in
girls (Susman, et al., 1987; Paikoff and Brooks-Gunn, 1990).
7.1. Hormones of Pregnancy and Parturition
In mammals, maternal behavior is typically observed at approximately the time of
birth, and may be demonstrated prior to parturition. The hormonal events of pregnancy,
including exposure to high levels of estrogen and progesterone, and a subsequent dramatic
prepartum decline in progesterone and increases in oxytocin and prolactin are associated
with both maternal responses and lactation (Pedersen and Prange, 1979; Pedersen, 1996;
Bridges, 1990; Rosenblatt, 1995). However, hypotheses regarding hormonal causes of pa-
rental behavior are confounded by the fact that apparently normal parental behavior is ob-
served in virgin females, even after removal of the ovary and uterus, as well as in males of
many species. Thus, the experience of pregnancy and birth are not essential for parental
7.2. Hormonal Treatments and Parental Behavior
Various hormonal "cocktails" that approximately mimic the hormonal events of
pregnancy and birth can facilitate the onset of maternal behavior in virgin female rats. Es-
trogen treatment generally hastens the onset of maternal behavior. Progesterone treatment
followed by a cessation of progesterone also contributes to a the onset of pup-directed be-
haviors. Treatments with prolactin (Bridges, 1990) are associated with maternal behavior
in rats, as well as with paternal behavior in California mice (Gubernick, et al., 1994). In
addition, oxytocin, which is normally released during parturition or by vaginal-cervical
stimulation, has been implicated in the onset of maternal behavior in sheep (Keverne, et
al., 1983) and rats (Pedersen and Prange, 1979). In addition, in rats recent evidence sug-
gests that oxytocin is involved in the maintenance of maternal behavior (Pedersen, 1996).
7.3. Nonhuman Primate Parental Behavior
In nonhuman primates, including humans, research which directly examines the hor-
monal regulation of parental care is virtually nonexistent (Rosenblatt, 1995; Corter and
Fleming, 1995). However, behavioral observations of pregnant rhesus monkeys have indi-
cated that priiniparous (first-time) mothers may not show reliable increases in parental
Hormonal Influences on Human Behavior
care (Gibber, 1986). In contrast, in squirrel monkeys, responsiveness to infants does in-
crease during pregnancy (Rosenblum, 1972). Variation in the degree to which maternal
behavior is hormonally regulated probably reflects the social conditions under which pa-
rental behavior would be shown in nature. For example, it has been suggested that in no-
madic primates, such as baboons, dramatic behavioral changes associated with parenting
would be disadvantageous. Animals living under these conditions must exhibit appropriate
infant care behaviors, while continuing to maintain continuous contact with a troop (Alt-
mann, 1987).
A few studies in New World primates have examined hormonal correlates of parent-
ing responsiveness. In red-bellied tamarins a positive correlation was detected between
"good mothering" and urinary estradiol measured prior to delivery (Pryce, et al., 1988). In
addition, in common marmosets operant responses (bar-pressing) in response to crying in-
fants correlated with the presence of estrogen and progesterone in late pregnancy, and in-
creased in females that were treated with a combination of estrogen and progesterone that
was similar to that experienced during pregnancy and parturition (Pryce, et al., 1993).
Male parental care in marmosets also has been associated with increases in prolactin (Dix-
son and George, 1982).
7.4. Human Parental Behavior
In humans, studies of hormone and behavior interactions affecting maternal behav-
ior have been limited to correlations between endogenous hormones and a variety of be-
havioral events normally associated with childbirth. Individual differences, of largely
unknown origins, have a major impact on human parental behavior. In addition, child rear-
ing experience is a powerful positive determinant of maternal responsivity, and the social
environment, including the presence of supportive companions, can affect subsequent
mother-infant interactions (Sosa, et al., 1980).
Women in their first pregnancy report that they experience increased maternal feel-
ings and responsivity around the twentieth week of gestation, at approximately the time
fetal movements are first detectable (Corter and Fleming, 1995). The adrenal hormone,
cortisol, has been associated with maternal behavior (Fleming, et al., 1987; Corter and
Fleming, 1995). High levels of cortisol on days 2 or 3 postpartum were correlated with
positive maternal behaviors and attitudes. Cortisol levels also were positively correlated
with positive responses to odors from infants, suggesting a role for cortisol in sensory
processes. Although attempts to correlate levels of other steroid hormones, including es-
trogen and progesterone, and maternal responsivity have been unsuccessful, the paucity of
data precludes conclusions regarding the role of sex steroids in human maternal behavior.
7.5 Oxytocin and Mother-Infant Interactions
Because oxytocin is a uniquely mammalian hormone with a critical role in both birth
and lactation, it was an obvious candidate for involvement in maternal behavior. In fact
oxytocin has been termed the hormone of "mother love" (Klopfer, 197 1; Newton, 1973).
As mentioned above, animal research offers support for this hypothesis (Pedersen, 1996).
However, evidence implicating oxytocin in human behavior only recently has begun to ac-
cumulate, and direct evidence for a behavioral effect of oxytocin in humans remains to be
Various autonomic, physiological and behavioral effects of oxytocin could contrib-
ute to the development and expression of maternal behavior (Uvnas-Moberg, 1996). Para-
152 C. S. Carter
sympathetic (vagal) activity, is closely associated with both lactation and maternal behav-
ior, while the more activated states associated with sympathetic-adrenal activity are an-
tithecal to many components of maternal function. Oxytocin plays an important role in
vagal activity and is associated with energy conservation, which is necessary for milk pro-
duction. Concurrently oxytocin pulses play an essential role in the delivery of milk. Lac-
tating women are less physiologically and autonomically reactive to stress than
nonlactating women, including those who have given birth and elect to bottle feed their in-
fants (Altemus, et al., 1995). Oxytocin injections and/or lactation have many effects (re-
viewed Carter and Altemus, 1996) and can inhibit the activity of the sympathoadrenal
axis, reducing cortisol production and blood pressure.
Oxytocin production during breast-feeding is correlated with personality traits and
behaviors generally associated with parental behavior. For example, basal levels of oxyto-
cin are related to "calmness," while pulsatile patterns of oxytocin production are associ-
ated with a desire to "please, give and interact socially" (Uvnas-Moberg, et al., 1990). In
one study of Swedish women, those who had acute caesarean sections had fewer oxytocin
pulses during the postpartum period and also were less likely than vaginally-delivered
women to describe themselves as exhibiting a calm personality and high levels of sociality
(Nissen, et al., 1996).
In addition to the above behaviors, sex steroids also have been implicated in many
other components of mammalian life including learning and memory, and especially ver-
bal fluency and spatial learning. In animals, spatial orientation generally is more critical
for males, who presumably need these skills to locate mates. Significant gender differ-
ences in spatial abilities have been reported in humans (Hampson, 1995), and there are re-
cent reports from the study of people electing hormone therapies prior to sex-change
operations that androgen treatments can improve testable spatial abilities in women. In
contrast, verbal communication may be especially important to females, and verbal skills
actually declined during testosterone treatment. Conversely, when men are given estro-
gens cognitive testing indicates a loss in spatial skills and a concurrent improvement in
verbal abilities (Van Goozen, et al., 1995).
Alzheimer disease, which involves memory loss and other forms of cognitive dys-
function, is two to three times more common in women than in men after the age of 65
(Sherwin, 1996). In addition, women who have used estrogen during the postmenopausal
women are less likely to develop Alzheimer disease. The amount and duration of estrogen
Table 3. Hormones and cognitive function
Estrogen ~ n d r o ~ e n s ' Oxytocin Vasopressin
Verbal memory INC or DEC '
nc 2.3
Spatial memory or abilities DEC ' INC
Attention demanding tasks INC INC DEC INC
'~estosterone or DHEA
'nc = no change; INC = increase; DEC = decrease
herw win, 1996. Obstet. Gynecol. 87:20S; Roca, et al., 1996. Infertil. Reprod. Med. Clin. N. Amer.
7:341; Hampson, E. 1995. J. Psychiat. Neurosci. 20: 397; Van Goozen, et al., 1995, Psychoneuroen-
docrinology 20:343.
Hormonal Influences on Human Behavior
Table 4. Steroid hormones and cns dysfunction
Estrogen Progesterone ~ n d r o ~ e n s ~
Depression DEC ' INC ' DEC ?
Schizophrenia DEC INC '
Alzheimer's DEC '
Isherwin, 1996; Roca, et al., 1996: Rubinow and Schmidt, 1996.
'seeman, 1996.
'pubertal onset in males; Hafner, et al., 1993.
4~estosterone or DHEA
treatment also has been associated with a lower risk of this disorder. In addition, in uncon-
trolled studies elderly women who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer disease showed
improvements in both memory and mood following estrogen treatments. A number of ani-
mal studies have indicated that estrogen can have dramatic effects on neural growth and
regeneration (Luine and Harding, 1994), lending support to the hypothesis that estrogen is
protective against age-related cognitive dysfunction.
A variety of kinds of evidence have linked emotional behavior to hormones. Two
conditions, the menstrual cycle and menopause, have been the focus of a great deal of re-
search on human behavior. In addition, gender differences in the prevalence of mental ill-
nesses have been used as indirect evidence for possible hormonal effects on emotional
disorders. For example, depression is more common in women than in men. In contrast, a
pubertal onset of schizophrenia is more common in males than females (Hafner, et al.,
1993), although the lifetime occurrence of schizophrenia is approximately equal in men
and women (Seeman, 1996). Effects of hormones on emotional lability in men are de-
scribed above in the context of aggression.
9.1. The Menstrual Cycle
Women often report fluctuations in mood states associated with the menstrual cycle,
leading to the description of a complex of emotional and physical symptoms described
collectively as the "premenstrual syndrome" or "PMS." Cyclic mood fluctuations, includ-
ing anxiety and depression, are commonly considered components of PMS. Because cy-
clic changes in gonadal hormones characterize the menstrual cycle, it has been assumed
that steroid hormones were involved in PMS. In spite of many attempts, a clear relation-
ship between PMS and gonadal hormones has not been established. After an exhaustive
review of the literature, Block and associates (1996) have concluded that there is "no con-
sistent or convincing evidence that PMS is related to a simple deficiency or excess of go-
nadal steroids or gonadotropins or to an abnormal secretory pattern of these hormones."
However, there are anecdotal reports and one recent study which indicate that progester-
one, administered as vaginal suppositories, has therapeutic effects for PMS (Baker, et al.,
1995). In addition, a clinical treatment that blocks ovarian function and menstrual cyclic-
ity ("Lupron") is effective in about 70% of PMS cases. There also are recent reports of
improvements in PMS in about 60% of women receiving low doses of a selective sero-
tonin reuptake inhibitor ("prozac"), which probably increases serotoninergic activity. Ex-
154 C. S. Carter
ercise and dietary manipulations also may be effective in some women (Johnson, et al.,
1995). Thus, effective therapies for PMS do exist. However, the nature of the physiologi-
cal causes of mood changes associated with the menstrual cycle are not related in any sim-
ple way to gonadal hormones, and remain to be described.
9.2. Menopause
The midlife cessation of ovarian function, known as the menopause or peri-
menopause, has long been associated with emotional changes in some, but not all, women.
However, life experiences have a major impact on the expression of depression and
women vary considerably in their behavioral responses during the perimenopausal period.
It is estimated that less than 10% of women experience serious emotional symptoms
(Schmidt, et al., in press). Follicles, which are the major source of estrogen, are no longer
present in the postmenopausal ovary. However, postmenopausal women vary widely in
their production of endogenous hormones, and estrogens continue to be synthesized post-
menopausally in both ovarian and adrenal tissues. Adipose tissue is a site of estrogen bio-
synthesis, so "fatness" can have a significant effect in maintaining endogenous estrogen
levels following menopause.
In spite of these issues, clinical consensus has begun to emerge regarding the role of
hormones in behaviors associated with the menopause and aging (Sherwin, 1996; Roca, et
al., 1996; Rubinow and Schmidt, in press; Schmidt, et al., in press). In at least some
women who have low levels of endogenous estrogen, treatment with this hormone may
ameliorate depressive-like symptoms. Other hormones, including androgens (testosterone
and DHEA), have been suggested to prevent depressive-life symptoms during the meno-
pause, and are gaining clinical acceptance. However, both of these hormones may have
masculinizing side-effects and can be converted to estrogens; at present research is insuf-
ficient to allow strong conclusions regarding their effectiveness.
The onset of schizophrenic symptoms also may be associated with the menopause,
and it has been suggest that estrogen protects women from schizophrenia (Hafner, et al.,
1993; Seeman, 1996). Schizophrenia may be exacerbated by the menopause and during
other periods when estrogens are low, such as the postpartum period.
Table 5. Androgens and human behavior
Correlations in adulthood:
Positive (but not essential)
+ Sexual behavior, esp. interest
+ Irritability & anti-sociality
+ Aggression, esp. impulsive
+ Spatial ability
+ Psychoses
+ Cardiovascular disease
+ Muscle size & strength
- Recovery from CNS damage ?
- Verbal fluency
reviewed Archer, 1991; Alberts, et al., 1993; Van Goozen, et
al., 1995; Dabbs, et al., 1996; Rubinow and Schmidt, 1996.
Hormonal Influences on Human Behavior
10.1. Androgens and Human Behavior
As described above, steroid hormones can affect many aspects of human behavior.
However, correlations between specific steroid hormones and a given behavior often are
weak. Many factors, including genetics, developmental experiences, cognitive states, and
context variables determine human behavior, and may of course contribute to behavioral
Among these factors, social organizations, including inter- and intrasexual relation-
ships, provide a matrix within which other behaviors occur. The behavioral effects of ster-
oid hormones, especially in humans, have for the most part not been considered in these
For example, animal studies have revealed that the effects of steroid hormones may
vary among polygynous versus ~nonogamous mammals (Carter, et al., 1995; Wingfield, et
al., 1996). Androgens are responsible for the greater muscle mass and larger body size
seen in polygynous males. [A relative lack of physical sexual dimorphism is a defining
trait of monogamy (Kleiman, 1977)l. Polygynous males may need to compete repeatedly
for females and also tend to produce large quantities of sperm (which may be necessary
for successful sperm competition) (Dixson, 1996). Male animals, particularly in poly-
gynous species, are usually more territorially aggressive and better able to defend them-
selves from physical aggression than are females. However, as summarized by Wingfield
and associates (1996), significant costs are associated with exposure to prolonged high
levels of testosterone. Among these are energetic costs, related to the anabolic effects of
androgens, and indirect energetic costs associated with high levels of activity. Aggressive
males also are vulnerable to predation and wounding.
Positive social behaviors, including gregariousness and the formation of social
bonds, are less frequently studied than reproductive and agonistic behaviors, but are criti-
cal for primate reproduction. Agonistic behavioral traits associated with androgen expo-
sure may be in conflict with social behaviors needed for courtship, the formation of social
bonds and subsequent parental behavior. Higher levels of male sociality are probably nec-
Table 6. Estrogen and human behavior
+ Sexual behavior
+ Maternal behavior
+ Positive social behaviors
+ Verbal fluency
+ Good health (CNS, cardiovascular)
- Spatial learning
- Schizophrenic symptoms
- Aggression ?
- Uterine cancer
- Breast cancer ?
(reviewed Hafner, et al., 1993: Sherwin, 1996; Roca, ct al.,
1996; Hampaon, 1995; Van Goozen, et al., 1995.
156 C. S. Carter
essary for monogamy and cooperative breeding. The traits of monogamous mammals, in-
cluding male-female pair bonding, male parental care, incest avoidance, and easily sup-
pressed male sexual behavior (Kleiman, 1977), may represent the effects of comparatively
low level of androgenic activity during both sexual development and adulthood. Evidence
supporting this hypothesis comes from research with rodents including monogamous prai-
rie voles (reviewed Carter, et al., 1995; Carter and Roberts, 1996).
The apparent absence in humans of strong correlations between androgens and be-
haviors could in part be a function of the high sociality of humans. Behavioral effects of
androgens which prevent successful social interactions, including androgen-stimulated ag-
gression, might interfere with traits necessary for reproduction, including successful pair
bonding and parental care. Humans engage to varying degrees in the latter behaviors, and
may be an example of a species in which the behavioral costs and benefits of androgens
are in conflict.
10.2. Estrogen and Human Behavior
Estrogen is an exceptionally potent hormone, with effects in both males and fe-
males. At least some of the behavioral effects of testosterone probably require conversion
of this hormone to an estrogen (Meisel and Sachs, 1994). Estrogens are necessary for the
normal growth and development of the CNS in both sexes (Luine and Harding, 1994).
Women generally live longer than men. In part this is because estrogen is cardioprotec-
tive. In addition, estrogen is apparently protective against schizophrenia and depression.
Estrogen also may reduce the risk for other cognitive dysfunctions including loss of verbal
fluency and memory disorders including Alzheimer disease.
Estrogen is critical for mammalian reproduction, with regulatory roles in sexual and
maternal behavior. In general, estrogen is associated with increased sociality. Estrogen
can regulate a variety of neural functions associated with social interactions. In addition,
estrogens, or androgens converted to estrogens, can influence the actions of other hor-
mones, such as oxytocin and vasopressin, which may in turn affect behavioral states and
reactions to social stimuli.
The effects of both oxytocin and vasopressin are particularly responsive to reproduc-
tive steroids (Tables 7 and 8). Oxytocin and vasopressin are best known as neurohypo-
physeal peptides, released by the posterior pituitary. However, both peptides also are
released within the nervous system. Receptors for oxytocin and vasopressin are distributed
in areas of the CNS that have been implicated in reproduction, emotion and autonomic
Because neuropeptides are active in very small amounts within the CNS they are
more difficult to manipulate and study than steroid hormones. In addition, at present there
is no simple method for administering neuropeptides within the CNS. (In animals, it is
necessary to inject chemicals or their antagonists directly into the CNS, which is not feasi-
ble in humans.) Thus, most research on the behavioral effects of either oxytocin or vaso-
pressin in humans is correlational, and subsequently difficult to interpret. However,
animal studies also support the hypotheses described here (Carter, 1992; Uvnas-Moberg,
Hormonal Influences on Human Behavior
Table 7. Oxytocin and human behavior
+ Sexual behavior (released during orgasm in both sexes)
+ Birth (released by vaginal cervical stimulation)
+ Lactation (released by breast stimulation & prolactin)
+ Exposure to an infant (increased number of pulses)
+ Maternal behavior
+ Massage
+ Energy conservation, digestive efficiency, weight gain
+ Calm personality, high sociality
+ HIGHER IN WOMEN (or women more sensitive to effects)
- Stress reactivity (decreased by OT treatment)
- Memory (amnesic)
- Autism (OT low in some types)
(reviewed Carter, 1992; Uvnas-Moberg, 1996; Carter and Altemus. 1996)
In female mammals, many aspects of oxytocin's effects are influenced by estrogen,
which is capable of regulating the expression of oxytocin7s receptors, Very little is known re-
garding oxytocin receptors in primates, but in other species oxytocin receptors tend to show
species-specific patterns of expression within the CNS (Insel and Shapiro, 1992; Insel, et al.,
1996). Although oxytocin is a hormone that traditionally is associated with female reproduc-
tive functions, both sexes produce and can respond to oxytocin (Carter, 1992). Uvnas-Moberg
(1996) has proposed that oxytocin regulates both the energetic and behavioral needs of female
reproduction (Table 7). Oxytocin enhances parasympathetic activity, regulates the digestive
system, reduces sympathoadrenal activity and is analgesic. Women who are lactating and thus
producing comparatively large amounts of oxytocin, are more digestively efficient and are
calmer and less emotionally reactive to stress (Uvnas-Moberg, 1996; Altemus, et al., 1995;
Carter and Altemus, 1996). Vasopressin, particularly within the areas of brain that have been
implicated in reproduction, is sexually-dimorphic and androgen-dependent (Barnshad, et al.,
1993). In animals, vasopressin also been implicated in territoriality (Ferris and Delville,
Table 8. Vasopressin and human behavior
+ Blood pressure increase
+ Stress reactivity and release of adrenal hormones
+ Sexual behavior (released during arousal in males)
+ Attention and certain kinds of learning (in males)
+ Obsessiveness or "jealousy"
+ HIGHER LEVELS IN MEN (Androgen dependent)
(reviewed van Wimersma Greidanus and van Ree, 1990; Dantzer and
Bluthe, 1992; Altemus, et al., 1992; Bruins, et al., 1995.)
158 C. S. Carter
1994), mate guarding and a variety of other defensive behaviors, which may protect either the
individual or the family (Carter, et al., 1995). Vasopressin also has been implicated in obses-
siveness in humans (Altemus, et al., 1992).
Oxytocin and vasopressin are released centrally and peripherally under a variety of
social conditions (reviewed Carter, 1992; Uvnas-Moberg, 1996). Oxytocin and vaso-
pressin differ in only two amino acids and are so structurally similar that these molecules
can occupy each other's receptors, acting (perhaps dose-dependently) as antagonists
andlor agonists. In addition, the release andlor actions of both hormones are steroid-de-
pendent. It is possible that oxytocin and vasopressin, in conjunction with other neurotrans-
mitters and hormones, mediate some of the behavioral effects, especially in social
contexts, that have been attributed to estrogen and testosterone respectively. Interactions
among oxytocin and vasopressin may provide a part of the physiological substrate that al-
lows animals, including humans, to make transitions from one behavioral state to another.
Positive social behaviors, such as those needed to live within a family and reproduce may
be influenced by oxytocin, while more defensive behaviors, including territoriality and
some forms of aggression, might be facilitated by vasopressin. Evidence for this hypothe-
sis is currently being collected in our work with prairie voles; in this monogamous and
communal mammal, the effects of adult gonadal hormones on social behaviors appear
comparatively unimportant, while both oxytocin and vasopressin have been implicated in
several reproductive and social behaviors (Carter, et al., 1995). We are currently using the
vole model in which peptides are particularly obvious, to examine the hypothesis that oxy-
tocin may act as an endogenous "anti-vasopressin," permitting the high levels of sociality
that are necessary for mammalian reproduction. In turn, the effects of vasopressin may
permit the responses needed for self-defense in the face of environmental challenges.
Oxytocin and vasopressin possess unique properties including the ability to influence
neural systems that regulate selected behavioral and autonomic functions and the capacity to
interact with each other's receptors. The effects of oxytocin and vasopressin may be both
rapid, and long-lasting. Their hnctions are regulated by steroids. For example, the concurrent
presence of steroid and peptide receptors in a particular neural system offers one mechanism
through which steroid hormones might specify these functions. Other neurochemicals such as
the endogenous opiates, the catecholamines and serotonin regulate the release and actions of
oxytocin and vasopressin. Catecholamines, including dopamine and norepinephrine, may be
necessary to activate or reward various behavioral processes such as male sexual behavior
and aggression (Meisel and Sachs, 1994). Serotoninergic drugs, such as "prozac," have ef-
fects on emotional states and may inhibit sexual responses. It is likely that peptides, including
oxytocin and vasopressin are involved in these behaviors through interactions with the serton-
inergic, opioid and catecholaminergic systems.
The effects of peptides on the autonomic nervous system may be especially important
to our understanding of hormonal influences on human behavior. Many specific components
of human behavior, such the motor patterns involved in sexual behavior, aggression or parent-
ing are regulated at least in part by cognitive processes. However, the decision to engage in a
given behavior and mood states are strongly determined by visceral processes or states, which
may in turn "motivate" the occurrence of specific behaviors.
Oxytocin is important in parasympathetic function (Uvnas-Moberg, 1996), and particu-
larly the control of subdiaphragmatic vagal activity (Porges, 1996). Specific brainstem nuclei
Hormonal Influences on Human Behavior 159
that provide the cells of origin for the different vagal pathways are differentially influenced by
oxytocin and vasopressin. Oxytocin and vasopressin may interact to influence organs regu-
lated by vagal efferent pathways originating in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
(DMNX) located in the brainstem (Uvnas-Moberg, 1996). Sensory feedback to the CNS from
the visceral organs travels through vagal afferents to the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), pro-
viding a mechanism through which oxytocin may influence visceral experiences and bodily
states. Thus, the influence of oxytocin and/or vasopressin on visceral states "feeds back" to
the brain via vagal afferents and, given the perceived change in visceral state, may influence
the probability that a particular behavior will occur. In addition, vagal efferent pathways,
which originate (ventral to the DMNX) in the nucleus ambiguus, provide the primary inner-
vation of supradiaphragmatic organs (e.g., heart, lungs). This component of the vagus, termed
the "smart" vagus, coordinates sucking, swallowing, vocalizations with breathing. Moreover,
this vagal component is neuroanatomically linked with the brainstem nuclei that regulate and
monitor facial muscles and the muscles of mastication to form a ventral vagal complex (Por-
ges, 1996). The ventral vagal complex has vasopressin, but not oxytocin, receptors. Hor-
mones may act directly or indirectly through this system to integrate attention, emotional
states and social communication with metabolic demands.
In laboratory rats reproductive hormones, especially androgens and estrogens, have
marked effects on behaviors associated with reproduction (Pfaff, et al., 1994; Meisel and
Sachs, 1994). The effects of androgens are particularly strong in polygynous animals, and less
obvious in monogamous or communal species (Carter, et al., 1995; Wingfield, et al., 1996).
However, the physiological and behavioral costs associated with exposure to either androgens
or estrogens may have minimized the effectiveness of these hormones in social mammals.
It has proven difficult to identify specific effects of the sex steroids on human be-
havior. However, recent studies have implicated neuropeptides, including oxytocin and
vasopressin, in the social control of behavior (Carter, et al., 1995; Uvnas-Moberg, 1996).
Humans are highly social and rely heavily on social stimuli for the regulation of reproduc-
tive processes. These peptides, working against a steroid background, may provide sub-
strates for the rapid behavioral changes and emotional states that are necessary to the
complexity of human behaviors.
I am grateful to Dr. Peter Schmidt for his help in obtaining references relevant to hu-
man behavioral endocrinology, and to Dr. Stephen Porges for suggestions regarding
mechanisms through which the autonomic nervous system can influence behavior. Re-
search from my laboratory described here was sponsored by NIH, NIMH and NSF.
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