This document provides information on the GST 200-2 single or two loop fire detection control panel. It can support up to 242 devices per loop and provides features usually associated with larger systems. The panel utilizes advanced protocols to be compatible with GST detectors, sounders, call points and interfaces. It has a graphical LCD display, 30 programmable zones, and can be networked with up to 240 GST panels supporting over 48,000 devices total. The panel is EN54 parts 2 and 4 certified and programmable via PC software for advanced configuration and control.
This document provides information on the GST 200-2 single or two loop fire detection control panel. It can support up to 242 devices per loop and provides features usually associated with larger systems. The panel utilizes advanced protocols to be compatible with GST detectors, sounders, call points and interfaces. It has a graphical LCD display, 30 programmable zones, and can be networked with up to 240 GST panels supporting over 48,000 devices total. The panel is EN54 parts 2 and 4 certified and programmable via PC software for advanced configuration and control.
This document provides information on the GST 200-2 single or two loop fire detection control panel. It can support up to 242 devices per loop and provides features usually associated with larger systems. The panel utilizes advanced protocols to be compatible with GST detectors, sounders, call points and interfaces. It has a graphical LCD display, 30 programmable zones, and can be networked with up to 240 GST panels supporting over 48,000 devices total. The panel is EN54 parts 2 and 4 certified and programmable via PC software for advanced configuration and control.
This document provides information on the GST 200-2 single or two loop fire detection control panel. It can support up to 242 devices per loop and provides features usually associated with larger systems. The panel utilizes advanced protocols to be compatible with GST detectors, sounders, call points and interfaces. It has a graphical LCD display, 30 programmable zones, and can be networked with up to 240 GST panels supporting over 48,000 devices total. The panel is EN54 parts 2 and 4 certified and programmable via PC software for advanced configuration and control. Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Description The GST 200-2 single loop and two loop addressable fire detection control panel with upto 242 devices per loop, the system is packed with features that are not usually associated with smaller and medium systems. The GST 200-2 provides a high quality solution at exceptional value. By utilizing advanced GST Protocol, the system is compatible with the complete range of GST intelligent Detectors, Sounders, Call Points, Interfaces, including gas extinguishing controls. Networkable with all GST intelligent fire control panels the system can be expanded up to a maxi mum of 240 GST panels (over 48,000 devices) The GST 200-2 is manufactured and certified to EN54 parts 2 and 4 and to BS5839 Part 4. By utilizing the GSTDef2.1 programming facilities enables advanced and complex cause and effects to be programmed wi th ease, including phased and cascade evacuation scenarios. The GST zonal indication and control facility allows the operator to manually intervene, wi th evacuation and control of each zone, including control of all plant equipment under an alarm condition. Maintenance report of dirty detector, pre-alarm signal and are built in as standard, making the system ideal for many applications such as banks, shops, telecommunication centers and GSM exchanges, industrial and commercial facilities. Intelligent Single & 2 Loop Fire Alarm Control Panel GST200-2 Features and Benefits Listed to LPCB standard 2 Loop capacity-477 Addressable Point 8x18 Graphical LCD Display 30 Zone indication including manual intervention and control 3 programmable alarm output Positi ve Alarm Signal (PAS) Pre-alarm Maintenance report of dirty detector Networkable wi th all GST Intelligent Fire Alarm panels Programmable form PC by GSTDef2.1 History log 999-events capacity in non-volati le memory Test Facility-Silent Mode Device Start/Stop Mode Device Enable/Disable RS485 Repeater Output (Max. 10) Advanced user friendly programming software including Fuzzy Logic Optional RS 232 Colour Graphics Software, Printer and Pager Interface Optional RS485 Network Card Optional Panel Printer 0832-CPD-1213 548p(cl-5) Global SystemTechnology PLC D AT A S HE E T Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice. D 2 D 1 Z - Z + B A B A G N D 2 4 V D E T B U S N ETW OR K RE PE ATE R R S 4 8 5 A B A B RE PEA TER N ETW OR K + _ LO O P O U T + _LO OP IN + _ LO O P O U T + _ LO O P O U T + _ LO O P O UT R S 4 8 5 L O O P B U S O U T P U T A L A R M F IR E O U T P U T F .E .P . O U T P U T C IR C U IT S O U N D E R N C FAU LT O U TPU T C LASS C HAN G E C O M N O F1 X5 X6 X1 H L2 F2 X7 X2 H L3 F3 X3 H L4 H L5 X4 X8 EAR TH X T 7 X T 6 X T 5 X T 4 X T 1 1 X T 2 X T 1 2 X T 13 X T 1 X T 9 X T 1 0 X T 8 X T 3 Z O +X T 1 Z O - Z I+ Z I- L O O P 2 X T 3 GND +24 V XT2 +H L3 +HL 1 +HL 2 XS2 F7.820.1125 F7.820.828V1 So und er with bu ilt-in diode So und er with fitted diode 4. 7Kohm s EOL + + F PEwith fitted diod e 4. 7Kohm s EOL + Soun der with b uilt-in diod e Outp ut De vice with fitted diod e 4. 7Kohm s EOL + + FPE FPE + O/P S ta n d b y V o la tg e :-9 to -1 1 V D C M o n ito re d L oop Out ( Ou t to Fir st Device) B A Outp ut to Repeater or Mim ic Panel No c onne ction Refe rs t o Op tional Netwo rk Boa rd L OOP 2 L OOP 1 OR N o n M o n ito re d Outp ut Setti ng r efers to Tabl e Li st on th e Manual N o n M o n ito re d Mo nito red M o n ito re d XS3 XS2 D1 XS1 F7.820.913 D1 F7.820.1007 + + H L2 H L3 + HL1 + HL 1 + HL 2 XS1 D4 D5 B1 X T 1 A1 B2 A2 1.2Km Between Two Panel s Serial port USB port D1 F7.820.1007 + + H L2 H L3 + H L1 XS1 D4 D5 A B A X T 1 B Network CARD P-9940 1.2Km TOTAL NETWORK B2 A2 B1 A1 Network Board P-9940A Communication Board P-9930 Optional Board M o n ito re d Loop In (In Fro m Last Devi ce) Lo op Out ( Out to Fi r st Device) Loop In ( In From Last Devi ce) Terminal/Output Board Loop 2 Board LC200 Fascia and Dimentions Board Diargam Global SystemTechnology PLC D AT A S HE E T Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice. Technical Specifications Standard Approvals Main Input Voltage Input Current Rating Operating Temperature Protection Application Programming Zone Capacity Loop Parameter Loop Capacity Loop Topology Loop Voltage Loop Current Loop Length/Cable Output Circuits Fuses Standby Batteries RS485 Port CANBUS RS232 Port (Serial/USB) Panel Printer Dimension (HLW) EN54 Part 2/4 ; BS5839 Part 4 LPCB, CPD 220/230 10% VAC 50/60 Hz 0.500A, Fuse: 2A delay 0C- 40C /95% relati ve humidi ty IP 30 Indoor installation Laptop using GST Defining Software/P-9930 30 Zones programmable 1 loop expandable to 2 wi th LC200 card 477; Loop 1:235; loop 2:242(Address) Class A or B 24 VDC Nominal (21-27 VDC) 0-300mA 1.00mm-800m-Full Load 1.5mm-1000 m-Full Load Fire AlarmOutput: Moni tored (4.7Kohm) Voltage: Standby: -9to-11VDC; Alarm: 21 to 27Vdc Current: 500mA Relay Contact: NO/NC Jumper Setting; rating: 24V/1A F.P.E. Output: Monitored (4.7Kohm) Voltage: Standby: -9to-11VDC; Alarm: 21 to 27VdcCurrent: 500mA Relay Contact: NO/NC Jumper Setting; rating: 24V/1A Sounder Circuit Output: Monitored (4.7Kohm) Voltage: Standby: -9to-11VDC; Alarm: 21 to 27Vdc Current: 500mA Relay Contact: NO/NC Jumper Setting; rating: 24V/1A (Output circuit cable length: 1.00mm- 1000m) Fault Output: Non-monitored Relay Contact: NO/COM/NC; rating: 24V/1A Mains 2A (20mm A/S ceramic) Sounders (2): 1A (20mm A/S) Fire alarm Output 0.5A (20mm A/S) Battery: 2A (20mm A/S HRC ceramic) Twin 12 VDC Bat; 21AH as per load calculated Maxi mum Charge Current: 1.2 Maxi mum Charge Voltage: 27.6 Type: Sealed lead acid batteries Recommended model: Power-Sonic PG12V21 Maxi mum Internal Resistance: 1 Quiescent Current under Full-loaded Condition: 0.75A Maxi mum Battery Operating Current: 2.82A Repeater Output: Up to 10 Repeater or Mi mic panel Cable length: 1.5mm- 1000m Optional Network card (P-9940A): Normal 32 panels (GST200/2); 64 with IFP8 Cable Length: 1.5mm- 1200m between panels Topology: Class A Optional CANBUS Communication card (P-9960) Network Capacity 240 panels (CANBUS HUB Required) Cable Length: 3Km Topology: STAR Connection Optional Communication card (P-9930) Cable Length: 15m (cable/flat ribbon Supplied) Optional Printer (P-9901A) Type: Thermal/ASCII Code/96 Characters (Flat ribbon cable supplied) Voltage: 5Vdc Outer: 580 x 420 x 30 mm Inner: 550 x 393 x 173 mm Global SystemTechnology PLC D AT A S HE E T Note: Specifications are subject to change without notice. Selection of GST200-2 compatible Panels & Devices GST-IFP8 8Loops Intelligent Fire Alarm Controller GST5000 Series Intelligent Fire Alarm Controller GST200 Fire Alarm Panel GSTGMC Graphic Monitor Software GST-NRP01 Network Repeater Panel GST852RP LCD Passive Repeater Panel GST8903 Mimic Panel DI-910N Digital Intelligent Detector Series I-910N Intelligent Analogue Detector Series DI-9204 Addressable Manual Call Point Series I-930Xddressable Series interfaces (Complete range for all requirements) I-940X Addressable Series Sounders and strobes I-950X Line Isolator Series I-960X Intelligent Series Combustible gas detectors Ordering Information Part Number: GST200-2/1 Description: Intelligent Single Loop Fire Alarm Panel Pack Qty. per Box: 1 Part Number: GST200-2/2 Description: Intelligent Two Loop Fire AlarmPanel Pack Qty. per Box: 1 Accessories Part Number: P-9901A Description: Panel Printer Pack Qty. per Box: 1 Part Number: P-9930 Description: Compatible with USB and Serial Port. RS232 Communication Board for system Commissioning and GMC Connection Pack Qty. per Box: 1 Part Number: P-9930-TCP / IP Description: TCP/IP RS232 Communication Board for Communication to NPORT Pack Qty. per Box: 1 Part Number: P-9930-MB Description: MODBUS Protocol RS232 Communication Board Pack Qty. per Box: 1 Part Number: P-9940 Description: RS 485 Network Board, Serial Connection (Class B) 1.2Kmrange Pack Qty. per Box: 1 Part Number: P-9940A Description: RS 485 Network Board, Serial Connection (Class A) 1.2Kmbetween panels Pack Qty. per Box: 1 MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH