Final Exam Study Guide 7th Grade Life Science 2014

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Final Exam Study Guide 7

Grade Life Science 2014
1. What are the 8 steps of scientific inquiry?
2. When you observe a problem and make an educated guess at the answer or
solution to the problem, which step of scientific inquiry are you using?
3. When you give a statement of what you think will happen next in a series of
events, which step of scientific inquiry are you using?
4. What is qualitative data?
5. What is quantitative data?
6. What is a scientific law? Give an example.
7. What is a scientific theory? Give an example.
8. Which variable does the investigatory change during an experiment?
9. Which variable does not receive change or remains constant during an
10. What are the 3 main types of microscopes? Describe each.
11. Describe the 3 main parts of cell theory.
12. What cell structure is found only in plant cells and provides the plant with a
thick, rigid layer of protection?
13. What cell organelle is responsible for processing energy into usable ATP?
14. What plant cell organelle is responsible for processing energy through the
process of photosynthesis?
15. Which cell organelle is the control center and holds DNA and RNA?
16. What is homeostasis? Give an example.
17. The passive transport or diffusion of water is known as what?
18. The passive transport of substances from high to low concentration is known
as what?
19. What cell process is represented by this equation
20. What cell process is represented by this equation
21. What are the 6 characteristics that all living things share?
22. What are the 6 kingdoms of animal classification?
23. What are the 5 major phyla of the animal kingdom?
24. What unique phyla of organisms use nematocysts to stun and capture their
25. What are the 3 main types of protists?
26. What are the 4 main nucleotides of DNA and what is their function?
27. What is the difference between dominant and recessive traits?
28. What is the difference between genotypes and phenotypes?
29. What are the 3 main genotypes? What combination of alleles does each
30. What famous scientists and Austrian monk studied pea plants for years
discovering dominant and recessive traits?
31. What are the 3 types of mutations that can occur?
32. If you were to make a Punnet square for 2 heterozygous brown haired
parents (Bb), what percentages of genotypes and phenotypes would be
present in the offspring?
33. Name 4 bones of the human skeletal system.
34. What strong flexible tissue covers and protects the ends of bones?
35. Name 1 way that the skeletal system maintains homeostasis.
36. Name 1 way that the muscular system maintains homeostasis.
37. What is the difference between mechanical and chemical digestion?
38. Name 1 way the digestive system maintains homeostasis.
39. What organ filters waste from blood?
40. What major muscle contracts and relaxes to allow you to breath?
41. Name 1 way the respiratory system maintains homeostasis.
42. Describe the path of blood through the circulatory system. I nclude the
body, lungs and 4 chambers. There are roughly 6 steps.
43. Describe the path of oxygen through your respiratory system by naming
the 7 organs oxygen passes through from beginning to end.
44. Name and describe 3 types of blood vessels.
45. Name 1 way that the circulatory systems maintains homeostasis.
46. What are the 4 main parts of blood?
47. What is the difference between your central nervous system and your
peripheral nervous system?
48. What is the difference between artificial selection and natural selection?
49. How many different species are humans genetically related to? Which
specific species do humans share the closest genetic relationship with?
50. How many mass extinctions have occurred in Earths history? Which
specific organism survived all of them?
51. What field of science provides evidence of evolution by looking at
similarities and differences in the structures and functions of organisms?
52. What is the difference between homologous structures and analogous
53. What is a vestigial structure? Give 1 example.
54. Who is Charles Darwin? Explain what major theory he came up with.
55. What is the difference between biotic and abiotic factors?
56. What are the 6 major abiotic factors that affect all biotic factors?
57. Name and describe the 3 main phases of the water cycle.
58. What is nitrogen fixation?
59. Explain how oxygen and carbon dioxide cycle between animals, plants and
the atmosphere.
60. Name and describe the 2 main types of producers.
61. Name and describe the 5 main types of consumers.
62. What are food chains and food webs used to represent? What is the
difference between them?
63. What are limiting factors? Give 1 example.
64. What is the difference between endangered and threatened species? Why
should we care about endangered and threatened species?
65. What are predator prey relationships? What 2 major benefits does the prey
population get from this relationship?
66. What is a cooperative relationship? Give 1 example.
67. Name and describe the 3 major types of symbiosis.
68. Name 1 major land biome. Describe its climate, biodiversity and human
impacts on the biome.
69. Name 1 major aquatic biome. Describe its climate, biodiversity and
human impacts on the biome.
70. Name and describe all 3 types of ecological succession.

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