Army Aviation Digest - Nov 1976

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fORl RUCKER, AL 36362-0577
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MG James C. Smith
A major activity of the
U. S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
COL Keith J. Rynott
A major activity of the
Inspector General and Auditor General
of the U. S. Army
Richard K, Tierney
The DIGEST thanks Mr. John
Kuzyk of the administrative
Support Division, Eustis Direc-
torate, Ft. Eustis, VA, for the
cover art. See "Army Aircraft
Survivability" on page 6.
Increased Responsibility For Army Aviators,
BG Charles E. Canedy
A Commander Speaks To His Aviators On
Aviation Safety, MG Eivind H. Johansen
Spotlight On Maintenance, Ted Kontos
Army Aircraft Survivability, MAJ N. I. Patla
Stress And Fatigue: One Point Of View,
LTC John J. Treanor, M. D .
OPMS Corner: Aviation Engineering And Flight Testing
Program-A Challenge, MAJ Thomas M. Walker
New Transmission Removal Stand ................ .
New Horizons Revisited, MAJ Clifford Thomas
Views From Readers ............................ .
Optical Exposure: A Look At The Horizon,
Steve Kimmel 2
Alcohol In Aviation: A Problem Of Attitudes,
CDR J. A. Pursch. 31
Three-Bladed H uey, MAJ Ralph E. Riddle Jr. 3:
Briefs That Teach ................................ 41
AH-1S Avionics, Peter Boxman 4:
I FR, CW2 Alvyn Chapman 4!
Pearl ............................................ 41
ATC Action Line ................................ ~
The mission of the U.S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST is to provide information of an operational or function
nature concerning safety and aircraft accident prevention, training, maintenance, operations, research a ~
development, aviation medicine and other related data,
The DIGEST is an official Department of the Army periodical published monthly under the supervision of It
Commanding General, U.S. Army Aviation Center. Views expressed herein are not necessarily those of It
Department of the Army nor the U.S. Army Aviation Center. Photos are U.S. Army unless otherwise specifi8j
Material may be reprinte provided credit is given to the DIGEST and to the author, unless otherwise indicated
Articles, photos, and items of interest on Army aviation are invited. Direct communication Is authorized I I
Editor, U.S. Army Aviation Digest, Fort Rucker, AL 36362.
This publication has been approved by The Adjutant General, Headquarters, Department of the Army,
December 1975, in accordance with AR 310-1.
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The sophisticated future family of helicopters, AAH (contenders shown
above, Bell at left and Hughes), the UTTAS and ASH, in conjunction with
the stresses of flight in the NOE environment will task flight crews and
ground support personnel to the limit
Brigadier General Charles E. Canedy
Deputy Direct or of Operati ons and Army Avi ation Off icer
Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operat ions and Plans
Washi ngton, DC
ODAY ARMY aviation, like other components
of the combined arms team, is faced with con-
straints which pose considerable challenges for
today's Army Aviator. The ever increasing cost
for hardware and training compared with con-
stant or reduced budgets, as well as reduced man-
power ceilings during a period when we see
greater demands for 24- hour operation on a high
threat battlefield, make responsibi lity weigh heavy
on the shoulders of the Army Aviator.
Our current doctrine is oriented toward a high
threat batt lefield. As the threat changes or is rede-
fined, tactics and hardware must be developed to
provide a high assurance that successful operations
can be conducted. Both quality and quantity of enemy
air defense weapons have forced Army aviation from
altit udes out of the range of small arms fire down to
the nap-of-the-earth (NOE) environment.
Aircraft operation in the NOE environment is the
most demanding and fat iguing scenario our Aviators
have been placed in to date. Every step in aircraft
operation from planning, prefl ight, mission execution
and post flight demands a 100 percent professional
performance of the ent ire cr w as well as ground sup-
port personnel. Anything less is unacceptable and lays
the groundwork for an incident, accident and/or un-
successful mission. Flying NOE is a serious business
and we would not be flying at this altitude if it were
not dictated by the threat.
The potential for disaster is sharply increased with
the reduction of identification and reaction time. A
chaffed hydrauli c line that is not discovered on
preflight and subsequently fai ls inflight creates much
less of a problem at 500 feet than it does at 3 feet. Your
responsibi lity for a t horough knowledge of emergency
procedures is paramount. (With approximately 5
seconds from indication to touchdown-you better be
right!) An incomplete crew briefing by the pilot may
not be as critical when performi ng a service mission at
Continued on page 9
Key extracts from an address by Major General Eivind H.
Johansen, Commanding General, USAAVSCOM,
to aviators in his command
after dinner or luncheon speech.
It will not start or end with a joke-
because my subject's too serious for
that. It's about "you" and aviation
safety. I wanted to talk to you
personall y-as individual aviators-
for the simple reason that flying
safety begins and ends with the
individual aviator.
First, let me say that I know that
your job is inherently dangerous . It
may be viewed as exotic by some,
but I know that it's one of the most
professionall y demanding jobs in
the Army. I'm aware of additional
personal burdens, such as extra
insurance you carry, and I appre-
ciate the fears and stresses that
your family may have from time to
time. All of these thi ngs, most
urgent ly, argue for the utmost care
and caution in the aviation busi -
ness. It demands the most positive
Major General Eivind H. Johansen, Commanding General of the U. S.
Army Aviation Systems Command, has been vitally concerned with the
safety of personnel and equipment of the military services for many
years. Previous assignments have included duty as Director of Supply
at DARCOM Headquarters, and duty with the Office of the Deputy Chief
of Staff for Logistics-where he became the Army's expert on the
redeployment of U.S. troops from Vietnam and the Army's Vietnamiza-
tion logistics program. He attended graduate schools at Harvard and
George Washington Universities, receiving his Master of Science
degree in International Relations from the latter in 1968.
attitude toward flying safety. It demands discipline. It
demands that we follow correct procedures.
It 's "attitude " that I particularly want to stress.
I 've carefully evaluated the facts surrounding recent
aircraft accidents-looking at each accident in-
dependently-and they all add up to the same conclu-
sion. Pilot error has been a major or contributing
cause in every accident in our organization. As you
know, I 've initiated a series of actions, designed
to-very frankly-get the attention of all aviators; and
to firmly establish procedures and standards to bring
us up to a state of disciplined professionalism. About
this time some of you are thinking" He's not talking to
me-he's talking to the guy next to me! " Wrong! I'm
talking to you, you, and YOU! Let me emphasize the
context in which I'm using the word "discipline." It
means self-discipline. It means never deviating from
the fundamentals of goo.d judgment, precise control
and prudent safeguards. It means following
procedures a nd avoiding risky shortcuts.
Now let's get back to "attitude. " I recently es-
tablished a board of senior aviators in the command to
check out our testing and safety programs . They, too,
agree that we must police ourselves and that we must
begin with "attitude." By attitude, I mean the
aviator's view of himself, your view, if you will, in rela-
tion to the flying environment. It boils down to this:
If you can't objectively analyze your percep-
tions-you're a problem!
If you feel that your status as pilots, or flight
engineers, places you above the standard
rules-you're a problem!
If your ego prevents you from strict compliance
with safe procedures-you're a problem!
And if you don't think we have a problem-you're
really a problem!
Again, some are probably thinking, "He's not talk-
ing about me! I'm not a problem! "Wrong again! I am
talking about you-about us-and our accident ex-
perience, which needs improvement. I well recognize
that there s more involved than the points I've just
made. Other related issues are involved-engineering
analysis , safety of flight releases, preflight inspections,
command supervision, control of remote operations,
pilot proficiency and standardization. These issues
have all been brought out by accident investigation
boards, collateral investigations, my own board of of-
ficers and, most recently, a team which is in-
vestigating the safety situation at contractor activities.
Through this mass of fact and detail the same story
can be gleaned over and over agai n. We've become
complacent. We have a problem and that problem
must be corrected without delay. I expect action. Ac-
tion to get ourselves right with the world. Action to
ensure safety. Action to stop accidents. If any aviator
can't discipline himself-if it 's too hot in the
kitchen- then it 's time for that aviator to turn in his
badge. That 's basically the situation-plain and un-
Now let me add-you're not alone. The accident
profiles throughout the Army are not good. The whole
Army has slipped. This tells me something.
Something important. We, the Army, have a job to
do, to bring our flying safety standards back up to an
acceptable, professional level-to improve attitude) to
improve discipline) to improve and follow procedures .
This, then, is my direction to you:
a. I do not want you overworked. It's tough enough
for you to do your job without being fatigued. Crew
rest is important.
b. I do not want you to take unnecessary risks. Your
work is hazardous enough, without cutting the odds
by imprudent , unwise or downright foolish actions.
c. I do not want you to feel , in a ny way, that you've
passed beyond the need to practice fundamental
d. I do want you to plan your operations carefully-
Use backup safeguards.
Be fit to fly.
Be sens ibl e.
Be safe.
e. I do want you to be proficient -
Know emergency procedures.
Fly only in proper weather, within the capabi li-
ty of your aircraft and your ability.
f. I do want you to know what you're doing in any
test flight situation. Thoroughly understand the test
before you start. If you don't, don't fly.
You have my support. I want you to know that I un-
derstand and appreciate the extra hazards of your
business . I want you to understand my concern. And
knowing that , you' ll understand my sincere deter-
mination to spare no effort in making your job a safe
one. Your dedication-of which I am assured-is the
final , overall , most important element necessary to
succe s.
Now, t ake a moment and think about what I 've
said. I 've given you-restated-in my own words ,
nothing more than the cardinal rules for safe flying.
You learned those rules as student pilots. In short,
gent lemen, you've only to practice the most fun-
damental precautions-and you ' ll be safe and
successful - rather than sorry.
< t 1 ~ } ~ Ted Kontos
~ Publications and Graphics DIvIsion
USAAAVS U. S. Army Agency for Aviation Safety
Fly-it-and watch-it attitude resulted in fractured
link of silent chain, loss of antltorque control and
,- WHILE TAKING HIS evening stroll,
\ a man came upon a young boy who
was on his hands and knees apparently
searching for somet hing in the grass.
"What are you looking for, son?" the
man asked.
The youth stopped what he was doing,
turned his head toward the stranger, and
replied, "I lost a quarter and I'm trying
to find it,
"Well, drawled the man, "where did
you lose it?"
"Over yonder, " the boy retorted, point-
ing with his finger,
Chuckling, the man made one further
inquiry, " If you lost it over there, then
why are you looking for it over here?"
" Because the light is a lot better over
here," came the reply,
Although this tale comes from out of the
past, it does have something of value to
Continued on page 34
Within the past decade, U.S.
Army aircraft have been re-
quired to perform combat roles
where they have been exposed
to extremely diverse air defense
threats. In general, these threats
in various combat operations
have been comprised of auto-
matic weapons (7.62 to 14.5 mm),
antiaircraft artillery (23 to 57 mm),
surface-to-surface antitank weap-
ons, surface-to-surface missiles
and airborne interceptors. It
should become increasingly ap-
parent, then, that Army aircraft
survivability, and the means to
achieve it, can and must be pur-
sued if the Army's combat and
combat support aircraft are to
continue to operate on the modern
battlefield, which may include
undefined future threats. Addi-
tionally, aircraft survivability
means that an active and com-
prehensive research and devel -
opment effort must be maintained
to ensure that the Army can deal
with all of the current as well as
anticipated enemy threats.
This article is not intended to
reflect t hose concepts or
describe those features which
will serve as a remedy for non-
survivability. Rather, it is intend-
ed to express the philosophy,
approach, problems, issues and
current status of this highly
challenging field. The above
aspects, as well as those follow-
ing, reflect the author's personal
research, experience, knowl-
edge and appreciation gained
while serving as a research
and development coor-
dinator/aerospace engineer for
the past 3 years with the Safety
and Survivability Technical
Area of the Eustis Directorate,
U.S. Army Air Mobility Research
and Development Laboratory
(USAAMRDL), Ft. Eustis, VA.
ROTE Program Descriptions
Aircraft Survivability Concepts: This project is directed toward advanced development of
passive aircraft survivability equipment for Army aircraft when operating in a hostile air
defense environment composed of radar, infrared (IR) and optically directed weapons.
Air craft Survivability Equipment: Objectives of this task are engineering development, test
and type classification for production required aircraft survivability systems composed of
selected aircraft survivability equipment which have demonstrated feasibility in advanced
Aircraft Electronic Warfare Self-Protection Equipment: Objective of this project is to estab-
lish the technical feasibility and military potential of electronic countermeasures equipment
and electronic warfare support measures equipment for protection of Army aircraft In a
hostile air defense environment composed of radar, infrared (IR) and optically directed
weapon systems.
Aircraft Electronic Warfare Self-Protection Systems: The objectives of this project is the
engineering development of airborne aircraft self protection electronic warfare equipment to
deny or degrade the enemy the use of his electromagnetic anti-aircraft weapon directing
Joint Survivability Investigation: This project supports the Army posit ion of interservice
efforts of the Joint Technical Coordinat ing Group on Aircraft Survivability (JTCG/AS) to
reduce vulnerability of aeronautical systems in a non-nuclear threat environment. The
JTCGI AS effort is intended to complement ongoing separate service work, to provi de a
vehicle for cross service aircraft survivability exchange a'nd to develop design and specifica-
tion criteria and standards for further aeronautical systems survivability equipment
I SSILE, MISSILE, missile,"
crackled across the radio
from a staccato-voiced fireteam
member, but the warning was too
The cracking thud, together with
a concussion, knifed through the
operational orientation of the
gunship aircraft commander. The
armed gunship, with the tailboom
severed, entered a brief period of
combined roll and pitch oscillations
as the pilot instinctively entered
autorotation, Miraculously, the
crew survived to tell this story of an
encounter between a 1960-
technology helicopter and an infan-
try, handheld, infrared (IR) seek-
ing Grai l missile in a near mid-
intensity (high threat) Vietnam en-
vironment (see "Missile, Missile,
Missile," April 1975 DIGEST)
U.S, military analysts took note,
In October 1973, war broke out
again between Israel and its
traditional enemies of Syria and
Egypt. This latest (mid/high inten-
sity, highl y armored) air-oriented
war further highlighted the weapon
system capabi li ties of the Warsaw
Pact nations. New weapon systems
appeared on the battlefield as well
as systems that were known but not
battlefield tested. These systems,
Continued on page 12
Major N. I. Patla
Aerospace Engineer
Eustis Directorate
U. S. Army Airmobility
R&D Laboratory
Ft. Eustis, VA

LTC John J. Treanor, M.D.
Chief. Education and Training
U. S. Army Aeromedical Activity
Ft. Rucker. AL
TRESSES CA USE fatigue and
fatigue causes aircraft acci-
dents . There is some excellent
guidance in AR 95-1 telling you
how to avoid fatigue accidents.
It is general guidance and there
is a good reason for it not being
more specific; attempts to be more
specifi c would be misleading rather
than hel pful.
Some commanders have been
asking for more specific guidelines .
What they need are more flight sur-
geons to help them observe their
Aviators. Unfortunately the Army
wi ll never have enough flight sur-
geons, especially in the near future.
Commanders never enjoy it
when fatigue is named as a con-
tributing cause of a fatal accident.
I t is particularly unpleasant when
it is obviously due to the com-
mander having overcommitted t he
unit in search for promotion ahead
of the zone. Some of them shout for
more specif i c flying hour
limit at ions so that they can be sure
fati gue can be avoided. Aviation
medi cine is tasked with producing
these" magic numbers " to ensure
Be assured t hat these magic
numbers do not exist!
Fatigue tends to defy q uan-
titative description.
Recognition of fatigue is an art
form, not a science. Happily it does
not have to be a difficult art. It has
usuall y been well mastered by peo-
ple like your parents who can tell if
you are tired by just looking at you.
To convince you that it is a waste
of time and effort to try to publish
more specific guidelines, see the
box (page 17) for the number of
variables involved in producing
fat igue.
All of these var iables have been
proven to influence how eas il y a
given case might have fatigued
while fl ying. In addition to these
there remains the fact that people
are not all the same. Some just
tucker out easier than others. How
in the world can you come up with
Continued on page 17
UTT AS contender by Sikorsky Aircraft.
O[J1) @[i@@@@@
Continued from page 1
altitude as opposed to flying NOE. (Don't read
between the lines-I am not saying thorough crew
briefings are required only if you are conducting
operations.) Successful NOE operation simply cannot
be conducted without study; physical and mental con-
ditioning; individual , crew and unit training.
We continue to pay a high price for NOE training
and qualification. Our blade strike incidents are
relatively high and blades that can attack a tree and
come out the winner will not be in the field for many
months. The philosophy expressed by a few that ac-
cidents are unavoidable in combat is just as unaccep-
table in planning and conducting an NOE operation
as it was 'in the Republic of Vietnam. As the operator
in this environment your responsibility is indeed
great. You must know your individual ability and
capability as w.ell as that of your 'crew, for teamwork
more than ever before is the key to success. Your
greatest responsibility is to continually work to
enhance your ability.
We no speak of aircraft cost in terms of
thousands of dollars, but rather in terms of millions of
dollars. Looking to our, future family of
helicopters-with the advanced attack helicopter
(AAH), tactical transport aircraft system
(UTTAS) and advanced scout helicopter (ASH)-the
research and development and procurement costs
alone run into the hundreds of millions of dollars.
Combine this with the yearly operating cost for fuel
and repair parts and the cost for personnel, and you
see that Army aviation is truly an' expensive proposi-
I t is essential that you realize that the machinery
you operate represents a significant portion of the Ar-
my's total budget. If you own a 10-year-old
Volkswagon, the degree of tender loving care (TLC)
you exhibit is much less than if you own a new Jaguar.
The TLC devoted to the Jaguar is what w'e need
transferred to our aircraft and maintenance equip-
ment. As you know our future family of helicopters is
engineered and designed to provide greater sur-
vivability not only against the threat of enemy
weapons, but also many problems faced when flying
NOE. Greater standoff range for aerial weapons
systems also is designed to enhance survivability. The
projected tank threat on the high threat
requires enhancement of the attack helicopter fleet ,
and this is being accomplished by modifying existing
systems to the Cobra-TOW (tube-launched,
optically-trackeq., wire-guided) configuration. The
price for increased survivability and improved aircraft
systems is not cheap.
I have addressed responsibility for system
operation but would like to reinforce the point. The
increase in responsibility becomes apparent when you
think about firing a $10,000 missile as opposed to a
$100 rocket. While planning for the future is necessary
we must be capable of operating successfully on
high threat battlefield with what we have in the inven-
tory right now.
During Army aviation operations in Vietnam,
Army Aviators continuously demonstrated that they
were the best in the world. Today's challenges are
different , tactics are different, fiscal constraints are
different. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind
that Army Aviators will to demonstrate that
we are the best in the world.
.and the competitor from Boeing- Vertol
RE YOU interested in the de-
velopment and acquisition of
new aircraft? Do you like the re-
search and development field? Do
the technical aspects of aviation
excite you?
If the answer to anyone of the
above questions is "yes, " oppor-
tunity is knocking right now for
qualified Army Aviators to par-
ticipate in the Army's Engineering
and Flight Testing Program. The
growth and development of Army
aviation has opened many doors to
the career Army Aviator-com-
mand opportunity, advanced
schooling, and research and
development-to mention only a
few. The door that leads to a career
as an Army test pilot is open wider
than ever and tenders challenging
assignments and unique oppor-
tunities to Army Aviators who
qualify for admission into the
Test Pilot Program Prereq-
uisites: Army Aviators in the
grade of major and below can apply
for the program. While grade
criteria may be waived, the follow-
ing prerequisites are less flexible:
Must be a rated Army Aviator
on active duty and on flight status.
Must be fixed and rotary wing
rated with a minimum of 1,500
hours military flying time. The in-
dividual must have at least 500
hours rotary wing and 130 hours
Officer Personnel Management System
Aviation Engineering
And Flight Testing Program
-A Challenge
Major Thomas M. Walker
Aviation Management Branch
Professional Development Division
Officer Personnel Management Directorate
fixed wing aircraft time.
Must be twin-engine fixed
wing and turbine-powered rotary
wing qualified. The aircraft
q ualifica tion requirements in-
clude - but are not limited
to- UH-l Huey, OH-58 Kiowa,
CH-47 Chinook and OV-l
Mohawk aircraft. Aircraft re-
quirements ~ y be waived;
however, the applicant (if selected)
will receive qualification training
enroute to test pilot school training.
Must possess current instru-
ment rating.
Must have completed college
algebra, physics and calculus with
above average grades. A college
degree in engineering is desirable
but not required.
Selection and Training: Selec-
tion of Army Aviators for participa-
tion in the program is made by an
Officer Personnel Management
Directorate (OPMD) board.
Representatives of the OPMD
Aviation Management Branch,
OPMD Grade Divisions, Naval
Test Pilot School (NTPS) , and also
the Army Engineering Flight Ac-
tivit y are included as board
Only those applications of of-
ficers who are recommended by
their respective grade division are
considered. Once selected and
prior to attending NTPS, officers
are sent TDY to the Army Test
Pilot Orientation Course at the
U.S. Army Aviation Engineering
Flight Activity (USAAEFA),
Edwards Air Force Base, CA. The
orientation course length is about
60 days and is designed to provide
academic and flight refresher train-
ing. Academic subjects include
college math through calculus,
physics, aerodynamics, engineering
slide rule and technical report
writing. Flight orientation includes
high altitude environmental train-
ing, flight test techniques and
familiarization in a number of air-
craft used at NTPS.
The NTPS course consists of
about 11 months of rigorous flight
and academic training. Classes are
held twice a year beginning in
January and July. The Army's
training quota for NTPS is nine per
year (five in January and four in
July); however, the number of of-
ficers trained is a function of re-
quirements. Upon successful com-
pletion of the NTPS course,
graduates are assigned to
USAAEFA for duty as engineering
test pilots or in staff positions in-
volving decisions affecting the type,
design and configuration of Army
aircraft .
Officer Professional Develop-
ment: Heretofore commissioned
officer Aviators have been reluctant
to participate in the test pilot
program for fear that specialization
U.S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST ~ ~ - --- ------- -
would limit their ultimate
professional development. In reali-
ty nothing could be further from
the truth. Under the Officer Per-
sonnel Management System
(OPMS), test pilots are eligible to
fill a wide range of research and
development (R&D) requirements.
Following initial assignment at
USAAEF A, test pilots are geared to
the R&D field and are not limited to
filling only test pilot positions .
Their experience and skills repre-
sent a high dollar cost investment
and require a Closely monitored
program of utilization and
professional development. R&D
test pilots are qualified for and will
be assigned to both R&D and avia-
tion (Specialty 15) positions. Like
all OPMD managed officers, their
careers will be managed under the
dual specialty concept with school
assignments, cpmmand opportuni-
ty and promotion potential being a
function of how well they perform
in each specialty.
Opportunities In Space Shut-
tle Program: The Space Shuttle
Program will usher in a new era of
space transportation in the 1980s
opening the way to routine
operations and expanded ex-
perimental investigations in space.
This program is designed to
provide the United States with an
economical capability for delivering
payloads of men, equipment,
supplies and other spacecraft to
and from space by reducing
operating costs and order of
magnitude below those of present
The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA)
recently announced that
applications for space shuttle
astronaut pilots and mission
specialists are now being accepted.
A review of the selection criteria
clearly indicates that test pilot per-
sonnel are excellent candidates for
the program. The Army's position
in terms of program support and
selection procedures for Army per-
sonnel is under study at Depart-
ment of the Army (DA) and should
be announced to the field in the im-
mediate future.
Army test pilots-whether work-
ing on a staff or performing
engineering test flights-have both
a challenging and rewarding
military career. Army aviation is
markedly influenced by their ac-
complishments in the aircraft
research and development field.
When a prototype finally becomes
part of the Army's aircraft inven-
tory, test pilots know their hard
work helped put it there.
To become part of this elite
group of Army Aviators, qualified
officers should contact their respec-
tive OPMD grade division regard-
ing application for the program.
Additional information concerning
the Aviation Engineering and
Flight Testing Program can be ob-
tained through contacting the Avia-
tion Management Branch, OPMD,
AUTOVON 221-0727/0794; com-
mercial (202) 325-0727/0794.
New Transmission Removal Stand
ELICOPTER maintenance
men will be happy to learn of
an improved transmission and
main rotor removal stand which
was suggested and adopted a few
months ago.
Designed and built initially by
James I. Balough of the Army
Aviation Mainterance Support Ac-
tivity (AA.MSA-28) at Los
Alamitos, CA, use of the new stand
has reduced by more than 80 per-
cent the manhours required to
remove a UH-l helicopter trans-
mission from the aircraft.
The Sweeney stand formerly
used involved a total of 23
manhours for removal of the hub
and blade assembly whereas with
the new (Balough) stand the
process takes only 3 hours. The
time difference results in large part
because all main rotor components
can be placed in the new stand
without removal beforehand. This
includes the following assemblies:
hub and blade; stabilizer bar;
scissors and sleeve; swashplate and
the support assembly.
According to the designer and in-
formation available, material cost
for fabricating the Sweeney stand
was in the vicinity of $1,700, while
for the new stand the material cost
just about 6 percent- or a total of
The new stand has been used
successfully for the past 2 Y2 years
by the AAMSA-28 maintenance
personnel. Material costs for
fabrication may be higher now than
indicated, however, the estimated
savings computed at the same time
for removal of 20 transmissions per
year-$2, 115 also will have in-
Another advantage that cannot
be measured, said the designer, is
the adaptability of the new stand
for use with other types and sizes of
helicopters by making only minor
modifications. ~
Continued from page 7
engaging both air and armored
targets, demonstrated various levels
of success as well as limitations.
U.S. military analysts again took
The future challenges facing
Army aviation were amplified in
the later stages of the war in the
Republic of Vietnam (RVN) and
were brought into better focus on
Middle East battlefields. The sur-
vivability of the U.S. Army
helicopters must be enhanced.
Future Army air systems must be
capable of living, fighting and sur-
viving on the new battlefield!
Will Army aircraft survive on the
next battlefield? This article ad-
dresses that subject by first looking
at the existing threat; then by dis-
cussing ways to overcome the
threat; and finally, by analyzing
the unclassified- r survivability
features of the newest helicopters
that will provide combat support
into the 1990s . .
Aircraft survivability describes
measures, active and passive, which
will allow the aircraft to avoid be-
ing hit, but if hit will allow the air-
craft to continue its mission. This
includes those design and perfor-
mance features that enable an air-
craft, by avoidance or
techniques, to degrade a hostile
force's ability to use its weapons
effectively. With this description in
mind, it is important to understand
just what is taking place within the
U.S. Army to enhance the sur-
vivability of helicopters in future
The Army, recognizing the place
of the helicopter on the future
highly mobile battlefields, has un-
dertaken the development of a total
helicopter support system. This
system includes a small advanced
scout helicopter (ASH) in concept
formulation; the utility tactical
transport aircraft system
(UTTAS) in prototype develop-
ment; the advanced attack
helicopter (AAH), also in
prototype development; and last,
the improved CH-47 Chinook
medium lift helicopter (MLH)
entering modernization.
The present generation of
Aviators might ask themselves,
"What good are all these new
helicopters and aircraft if they are
all going to be shot out of the sky?"
A skeptic might ask, "How long
will Army aviation last as a viable
support element in a mid/high in-
tensity war?" Some have theorized
that existing Army aircraft in
Europe would suffer 50 percent
losses in the first 24 hours of full-
will planners alter the mission to fit
equipment designed for other pur-
poses. Today the systems approach
dictates an examination of all in-
terrelated aspects of performance,
reliability, maintainability and sur-
vivability. It calls for a balancing of
the applications of these concepts
within the constraints of what
technology can produce, what the
Government can afford, what the
military needs (mission) and what
the probable threat is.
What, then, is the probable
threat? The 1973 Mideast War
provided an arena within which
Figure 1
scale hostilities.
To answer these quest"ions and
refute speculation, COL Jack L.
Keaton, Project Manager for Air-
craft Survivability Equipment
(PM-ASE), in support of a concept
of fielding survivable aircraft, has
initiated RDTE (research, develop-
ment, test and evaluation) pro-
grams of survivability design and
development to be incorporated
into all new aircraft systems (see
box on page 7). Further, the
tics and- methods of control that
will maximize Army aviation com-
bat effectiveness are being
developed and tested today for
application to present aircraft as
well as to future systems. No longer
many of the latest Russian antiair-
craft systems appeared. For pur-
poses here, it can be assumed that
the normal variety of weapons
through 12.7 mm can and will be
expected in a mid-intensity en-
vironment and may very well in-
clude systems from 23 mm through
the 57 mm S-60 towed or track-
mounted antiaircraft gun. Given
the constraints of technology, cost
effectiveness and mission, the 23
mm weapon generally is considered
as the upper limit threat for design
The ZSU-23-4 is a system that
accounted for numerous Israeli air-
craft losses. This system consists of
four 23 mm guns mounted on a
tracked, armored vehicle and fired
together under the guidance of a
radar, whose very narrow beam
provides excellent tracking while
being difficult to detect and evade.
At nominal altitudes the modern
battlefield also will present missile
threats to helicopters, including the
SA-2 Guideline, the SA-3 Goa, the
SA-6 Gainful and the SA-7 Grail.
In addition, the SA-8 Gecko and
the SA-9 Gaskin (fully mobile, self-
Reduce Visual
Reduce Aural
IR Signature
EM Signature
Radar Cross Section
Harden Components
Shield Components
New Concepts
contained air defense systems) still
under development can be expected
to be fielded eventually. Because
the SA-2 and SA-3 are relatively
difficult to move on the modern
battlefield and since the SA-8 and
SA-9 have not yet been fully in-
tegrated into the Russian inven-
tory, only the SA-6-the most for-
midable threat-will be discussed.
The Soviet Union, like the
United States, is concerned with
the future battlefield and the re-
quirement for mobility. This con-
cern has resulted in the develop-
ment of a tracked-vehicle-mounted
SA-6. The Gainful is a low-to-
medium altitude missile that is
radar guided and incorporates a
unique propulsion system. It is
mounted on a tracked vehicle with
three missiles to a launcher
assembly and an acquisition track-
ing radar in an accompanying
tracked vehicle.
System Structure Pilot
protection, countermeasures and
tactics combine in a sound
triangular form to increase sur-
vivability. However, it should be
understood that as the threat level
increases, technology can only do
so much. Ultimately the field com-
manders and pilots must rely more
heavily on doctrine and tactics (i.e.,
terrain flying, night operations,
etc.) if they are to survive.
It is important now that we ex-
~ l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l l l i l l l l l l i ~ l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l l l l l l l l l l ~ ~ l l l l l l l l l l l i l i l l l l l l l l i l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l i l , :
x X
Figure 2
The systems previously discussed
are typical of the level of threat that
1980 Army aircraft can be expected
to face on the battlefield in the low
altitude environment. However,
there are a variety of ways to cope
with a given threat.
The probability of an aircraft's
survivability when exposed to a
hostile threat is primarily depend-
ent on the likelihood of detection,
being hit if detected and knocked
down if hit. Figure 1 depicts how
x x
amine the areas within the sur-
vivability triangle to determine the
general makeup of each.
Figure 2 is a matrix showing
areas (X) where work is being done
or has been done in the area of
protection. To bring the myriad of
programs that have been conducted
into focus, some of the work
currently being accomplished will
be reviewed to see where it fits into
the' overall picture.'
Visual and aural cues which
might key an enemy to the presence
of a helicopter are considered
together because the typically noisy
helicopter stimulates an enemy to
orient in the direction of the sound
and then initiate a search.
Problems of sun reflection or glint
have been attacked as well as the
noise problem. Under Government
coritract, studies and flight tests of
an experimental model helicopter
successfully demonstrated a reduc-
tion of rotor-induced sound
pressure levels for a medium lift
helicopter. Similarly, a more exten-
sive treatment of a total system
was subdued. The overall result is
a substantial reduction in the time
allotted for an enemy to detect,
locate and engage an aircraft.
With respect to the IR signature
of engines, the SA-7 threat in Viet-
nam stimulated several rush
programs to counter this threat.
Systems were fielded which provid-
ed most of the aircraft sufficient
protection for continued
operations. Ideally, however, the
IR signature reduction system
should be built-in rather than at-
tached, as is now the case. Work in
this area is ongoing and includes
the development of techniques to
reduce the signature of secondarily
important helicopter components
such as intermediate and tail rotor
gearboxes as well as oil coolers.
Similarly, current efforts are under
way to reduce the electromagnetic
signature of helicopters and to
develop navigation and weapons
systems that, to the greatest extent
possible, minimize detectable
radiation signatures.
Since most Doppler-based radar
sensors are velocity gated at higher
than helicopter speeds, even in a
hover flight mode, they do sense
moving rotor blades. The emphasis
today, then, is on reducing the
signature of aircraft through
geometric shaping, using scatter
plates and energy absorbing
coatings, and applying transparent
metallic films to windscreens and
canopies. In addition active
countermeasures such as electronic
radar jamming may be necessary to
deal with the remaining radar cross
In the area of vulnerability
reduction one can add protection to
aircraft by burying vulnerable com-
and rotor blades. Furthermore, the
traditionally vulnerable flight con-
trol system now can be made
mechanically redundant and
ballistically tolerant. Additionally,
the tactical aircraft guidance
system (TAGS) demonstrated a
Figure 3
ponents behind invulnerable ones,
by concentrating vulnerable com-
ponents in a small area, or by
providing for redundancy or com-
ponent hardening. Typical of the
earliest approaches was to provide
shielding in the form of armored
vests and seats for crews, and
parasitic armor for certain flight-
essential components in the propul-
sion and other critical systems. To-
day, armor is still being used for
those areas that cannot be harden-
ed to withstand projectile impacts.
Present day technology, however,
has developed to the point where
techniques exist to make ballistical-
ly tolerant structures, drive shafts
fly-by-wire flight control system
(FCS) for application to larger
helicopters which provided triple
redundancy and demonstrated the
technical feasibility of eliminating
long, large and heavy mechanical
linkages in big helicopters, as has
been proven by the recent heavy lift
helicopter concept.
Another innovative concept was
a study designed around total en-
capsulation of crew and critical
components within protective ar-
mor. The armored aerial recon-
naissance system (AARS) , as it
came to be known, utilized a com-
pletely armored fuselage which
acted as a primary structure and a
maSSIve counterrotating rotor
system, inherently ballistically
tolerant, which contained the con-
trol tubes concealed within its rotor
mast. With respect to protective
technology a vast research and
development effort has expanded
the technological base from which
new systems can draw survivability
concepts for application in
helicopter design.
To this point the emphasis has
been principally passive protection.
Now let us turn to active means for
defeating enemy threats or active
electronic countermeasures and
tactics, the second and third
elements of the s urvi vabili ty
triangle in figure 1. The primary
consideration here is upon weapons
and the tactics used to maximize
the- effectiveness of weapons
employed against a heavily
mechanized enemy threat.
Figure 3 depicts five desirable
characteristics that weapons
systems should have with respect to
operations, with all five receiving
emphasis within a variety of
programs. Reliability will not be
addressed specifically, as each pro-
ject provides for the individual
assessment of this characteristic.
Tests of the extended range TOW
(tube-launched, optically-tracked,
wire-guided) missile conducted in
June 1973 are indicative of the con-
stant effort in striving to reach the
enemy at the longer ranges in ex-
cess of 3,500 meters. The disadvan-
tages of the TOW missile which
require aircraft system exposure
during the flight of the missile are
being bvercome with the develop-
ment of terminal homing weapons
or fire-and-forget systems such as
the Helicopter Fire-and-Forget
(HELLFIRE) missile. Also under
test for application to turret-
mounted helicopters is the 30 mm
gun system, to be coupled with
ranging and sighting devices to en-
sure first-round hit capability.
In 1971, AH-1G HueyCobras
were tested in Germany to deter-
mine the adequacy of low light level
TV as part of a Cobra night fire
control system (CONFICS).
Because of the inherent advantages
of this unique capability, work is
now under way to dramatically im-
prove night vision systems in the far
infrared part of the spectrum in the
hopes of achieving a range in excess
of 2,000 meters in 1976, with longer
ranges obtainable in the 1980s.
Further, new and improved optical
sighting mechanisms employed
with various weapon systems have
been ,upgraded substantially with
the addition of laser rangefinders
which can be fitted with passive IR
for night employment. This
technique is a short step from
providing a laser seeker mode that
could be coupled to a standard op-
tical tracker which would enable a
ground-based laser target
designator to guide air launched
missiles to targets. These advances
in weapons, target acquisition and
a future battlefield. The U.S. Army
Combat Developments Experimen-
tation Command (CDEC), Fort
Ord, CA, has tested a variety of
helicopter night operational
techniques aimed at enhancing the
effectiveness of the helicopter on the
battlefield. The Modern Army
Selected Systems Test, Evaluation
and Review (MASSTER) activity
at Fort Hood, TX, has established
itself as a leading integrator of
state-of-the-art survivability con-
cepts with current fleet helicopters
and is a prime requirements
generating agency. In field testing
of products which incorporate
prototypes of candidate systems,
these organizations frequently have
identified concepts that merit
further study and development ef-
fort as well as those that should be
The following programs are
typical of the types of testing ac-
Figure 4
weapons delivery systems un-
doubtedly will have substantial
payoffs in future combat sur-
Many agencies are involved in
the testing of new products, tactics
and weapons systems in an attempt
to assure that the three elements
contained within the tactics
triangle in figure 4 are achieved on
complished. CDEC has conducted
experiments that have demonstrated
that qualified pilots can function at
night in limited night low level
operations. The Combat Air Vehi-
cle Navigation and Vision Study
(CAVNA V) evaluated the use of
night vision devices in the terrain
flying environment for Army heli-
copters. The MASSTER test of a
surveillance, target acquisition and
reconnaissance (STAR) platoon
incorporated a variety of
candidate night-oriented systems is
typical of the unit level testing that
can and has been accomplished.
This test unit contained a variety of
night systems,. including an active
radar countermeasures system, and
tested both tactics/employment as
well as the systems themselves. The
testil1g of more advanced systems/
tactics will undoubtedly continue if
the Army is to meet and counter
both existing and future enemy
threats while enhancing its combat
The AH-56 helicopfer,
an original prototype of an ad-
vanced attack helicopter, received
criticism from many quarters; one
reason advanced for its eventual
demise was a lack of survivability
features. As a result survivability
has become a key consideration in
all current Army helicopter
As a typical example the AAH
will combine structural redundan-
cy,' noise twin-engine
propulsion, accurate long-range
guns; and missiles matched with
' suitable "visionics)) devices that,
together with high maneuver
capabi1ity, should enhance sur-
vivability on the battlefield. The
major design criterion of the AAH
was to permit maximum sur-
vivability against the anticipated
air defense threat. In keeping with
this criterion one competitive
prototype AAH will incorporate a
rotor concept featuring a strap
retention system with blades of
laminated stainless steel straps
providing redundant load paths.
A second competitive prototype
concept will employ blades with a
multispar construction where one
spar can be severed without a
catastrophic failure. Further, one
p10del will have a tail rotqr gearbox
capable of withstanding a 12,7 mm
direct projectile hit and a dual rotor
drive shaft for redundancy. Both
models will meet stringent
maneuverability and, one-engine-
out performance requirements.
The ultimate AAH is likely to in-
corporate active and passive in-
frared countermeasures (IRCM) to
counter the heat-seeking missile as
well as passive electronic
countermeasures (ECM) against
radar directed antiaircraft
weapons. Furthermore, canopy
reflection from s un glint and
possibly radar are to be minimized
by the use of flat plate surfaces,
while nonreflective and
paints will be used on the fuselage.
Armor and self-sealing tanks will
protect critical
and fuel, respectively. As is evident
from these highlights, extensive
research to date been applied to
the within cost con-
straints, to ensure the survivability
of the AAH.
The UTT AS is also a twin-
engine vehicle. Engine vulnerability
was a major consideration in
engine selection, though not
overriding, and the final engine
selected was an improvement in
survivability design over many of its
competitors (including ballistic and
environmental tolerance), Both
competitive UTT AS prototypes in-
corporate significant survivability
design considerations, including
passive IRCM, ballistically
tolerant/redundant flight controls,
and highly survivable tail rotors
and transmissions that can accept
ballistic impacts and penetrations
up to and including 12.7 mm pro-
jectiles. Additionally the structures
of both aircraft will provide for
redundant load paths and will in-
clude low silhouettes for minimum
radar cross section. It is the intent
that since both competing
prototype systems are compatible
with the AAH, the ultimate
UTI AS will provide the desired
mutual support in all future air-
mobile operations.
The CH-47 Chinook moderniza-
tion program is an effort presently
limited to product improvements
that will incorporate limited ad-
vancements in survivability. The
primary improvements involve bal-
listically tolerant fuel tanks, fuel
lines and self-sealing hydraulic
lines. To supplement these limited
improvements a spec'ial aircraft
survivability equipment (ASE) pro-
gram is underway to significantly
reduce the vulnerability of the CH-
47 as well as the entire fleet of
current Army aircraft. This pro-
gram will involve extensive surviva-
bility design features in many ar-
eas, including radar reflectivity
reduction, threat warning, IR,opti-
cal and vulnerability and
the concepts generated will be ca.-
pable of being retrofitted on the
existing aircraft fleet or incorpq-
rated into new aircraft development
programs. ASE essentially then will
increase the Army's combat effec-
tiveness by reducing or eliminating
the enemy's ability to detect, hit,
damage or destroy Army aircraft on
the modern battlefield; will increase
the useful combat life of the current
fleet aircraft; and will provide an
advanced level of combat surviva-
bility for the fleet.
It is impossible in one article to
cover every aspect of such an ex-
panding field as survivability. The
important factor to remember is
that survivability features are
available and effective. Considering
the present as well as anticipated
threat, Army unit COIl1-
manders, pilots, safety officers and
maintenance personnel must con-
tinue to be oriented toward sur-
vivability and must maintain the
tradition of providing the required
vertical lift support for future
military operations. In keeping
with this tradition it is vital that
aviation personnel in the field ap-
preciate and understand where, in
the overall plan, various research
and development efforts lie within
the matrix of programs designed to
ensure mission accomplishment
with a balance of risk and sur-
vivability design features.
Continued from page 8
the number of an Aviator can
fly without being fatigued? AR 95-1
would be t he size of the New York
City telephone directory and require
two statisticians per operations sec-
tion to interRret it.
Simplify the problem by select-
ing only six of the variables to
scientifically analyze. Which six?
How many different combinations
could you come up with? Thirty-six
things considered six at a time
calculates to 1,947,792. Almost two
million combinations! Not so sim-
ple after all!
By now even the most "scien-
tifically" inclined commander
might be discouraged. The light
should start that we are
Variables Contributing to Fatigue
Altitude inducing varying amounts of hypoxia, cold, hyperventila-
. tion and dysbarism
Velocity and proximity of terrain
Ambie"t temperature
Protective equipment, from Nomex to vests
Accelerations of maneuver, from grey-out to nausea
Vibrations trom teeth rattling to visuai interfetence
Instrument ease of reading, ,from red light to tripie dials
Equipment location reliabiiity ,
Visibility, invol,ving reflection and field of view
Seating, from plush to hard board ejection
Lighiing, both daytime and night, inside and out
'Noise ievels
Aircraft type, from T -42 Cochise to AH-1 Cobra
Weather '
Meals and accommodations
Resppnsibility, from Peter 1'ilot to instructor pilot to
Experience, from exhausted, novice to. relaxed Master Army
Aviator; total, recent,
Organi,zation of ground support; from good to awfui
Leadership, from inspirational to nonexistent
from reiiable tq scary
Psychological iniiuence of a known h!gh accident rate .
FrUstration due tQ reduction in force or 'promotion probiems
of confidence, varying from nervqus to stiff
Family problems, from i.,-Iaws to borrowing cousins
Administration, from pay errors to duty roster
from needing new glasses to getting an ulcer
Diet, ftom too much to too little
from volleyball to "extra-hot" dates
Booze, from under the influence io hung over
PT programs,from ,no,ne at all to airborne ranger ,
Smoking; from none to 15 percent carboxyhei'hciglobin
Drugs, from aspirin ,and Gelusil to marijuana
Moonlighting, from none to an exira 60 hours per week
Commuter distance, from living on post to an 8-hour drive
(interstate fatigue syndrome)
Social obligations, from none to the "cocktail circuit"
on the wrong track. The right way
to make this diagnosis is for . the
commander and staff, especially
the operations officer and safety of-
ficer to suspect it in the first place
and then use good common sense
and, if lucky enough to have one,
use the flight surgeon to keep an
eye on the Aviators.
Periodicall y the argument is
resurrected that our sister services
have defined crewrest periods and
crewwork periods for each day.
Other services have different mis-
Its urprises me that anyone
would want a regulation to further
hamstring commanders and not let
them use their judgment instead of
another confining set of rules. After
reading this article take the time to
read those few paragraphs in AR
95-1 again. They are beautiful.
Have the good sense to follow that
guidance. If you are determined to
have a new regulation why not
write one that prohibits accidents?
If would ' make about as much
. ,
place in training literature with the
establishment of a "camera-ready"
capability at the U.S. Army Avia-
tion Center, Ft. Rucker, AL. This
capability at installation level
allows subject matter experts,
writers, artists and visual informa-
tion specialists to work side by side
during the development of a publi-
cation. Through the use of equip-
ment similar to that used in the
publication of newspapers and
magazines, the book is developed
completely at the Aviation Center.
It then is forwarded through appro-
priate channels for mass printing
and distribution.
This new capability gives the
Aviation Center two major advan-
It reduces time required to get
the book to the field for use. The
target time for dispatch of a
prepared publication in camera-
ready format to field units is
about 90 days.
There is a vast improvement in
design. The use of color and
meaningful illustrations is a ma-
jor factor in increasing the
usability of publications.
Several new publications under
development deserve a short discus-
The first group of publications
you will receive is the
"preparation" series. These books
are required because of the need to
train at night, both with the aided
and unaided eye. Each of these
publications is hardware oriented
and designed to complement the
cornerstone of night flying-TC 1-
28, "Rotary Wing Night
Flight" -and to aid units in con-
ducting realistic training in accor-
dance with both FM 90-1,
FAt 1-1
Terrain FlYing
"Employment of Army Aviation
Units in a High Threat En-
vironment" and FM 1-1, "Terrain
Flying." Two of the series, TC 1-
29, "Preparation of the UH-l for
Night Flight" and TC 1-30,
"Preparation of the AH-1 for Night
Flight," are available for field use.
TCs 1-31 (OH-58), 1-32 (CH-47)
and 1-33 (OH-6) will be available
for distribution to the field by the
spring of 1977.
A second group of publications is
the "sense" series. This group is
basically a resurrection of the
"sense" pamphlets of the sixties.
You "old, bold" Aviators have ,read
these many times while you were in
ready rooms or sitting on a tire
waiting for your passenger to
return. The subjects contained will
be expanded and current doctrine
and philosophy applied. The
publications will be relatively short,
highly illustrated and have impor-
tant messages and "flying tales" to
tell. They will be TC 1 1 0 ~ "Moun-
tain Flying Sense"; TC . 1-11,
"N ight Flying Sense"; TC 1-12,
"Cold Weather Flying Sense"; and
TC 1-13, "Hot Weather Flying
Sense." The first of the series, TC
1-10, will be available in the spring
of 1977.
The third group under develop-
ment is the "standardization"
series. This group is a direct out-
growth of the need for worldwide
standardization of aircraft opera-
tion and procedures. The "father"
of this series is TC 1-34,
"Qualification in Army Aircraft."
Although now on the streets, it will
be republished-incorporating the
latest changes required by the ARs
and addressing the newer model
aircraft joining the inventory. The
next 12 books, TC 1-35 through TC
1-46, will relate to standardization
in the active inventory aircraft. The
first of the series, TC 1-35,
"Qualification Training and Stan-
dardization (UH-1)," is available.
TC 1-36, "Qualification Training
and Standardization (OH-58)"
TC 1-11
Night FlYing
and TC 1-39, "Qualification Train-
ing and Standardization (CH-4 7)"
will be on the streets by about 1
April 1977. The remaining
publications are to be fielded in the
near future.
Now that the "groups" are
covered, let's discuss some "in-
dividual" affairs. TC 1-88, "Avia-
tion Recognition Manual," is a
book born of necessity. It grew by
hard work and loving care. TC 1-88
will be a ready reference which can
be used by the Aviator, aerial
observer and others to assist in the
recognition and identification of
equipment that may be found on
and in the vicinity of the forward
edge of the battle area. This will in-
clude friendly, ,Allied and potential
enemies. The peculiarity of this
book is that it addresses all types of
equipment that can be seen and
identified from the air and that
possesses a threat to the over-flying
aircraft. This publication also will
be available in the spring of 1977.
Another new publication due
next spring is FM i-iS, "Aviation
Reference Data.)) This is a com-
posite book of FM 1-15, "Aviation
TC 1-34
Qualification .
Arm In
Y AViation
Company, Battalion and Brigade"
and ST 1-100-1, "Aviation
Reference Data.)) The best of both
publications were coupled together
and the data completely updated to
show the current organization, mis-
sion and functions of each unit. The
book will be in two volumes. The
first will contain data that will re-
main relatively constant while the
second volume will contain more
volatile data. This publication will
prove invaluable to the aviation
FM 90- 1, "Employment of Army
Aviation Units in a High Threat
Environment," the capstone
manual in the U.S. Arrny Training
and Doctrine Command's" How to
Fight" series for Army aviation
units, became available last month.
It is designed to provide a broad
doctrinal foundation for future pub-
lications which will be specifically
oriented toward employment of
TC 1-88
type aviation units. Through the
means of short tactical vignettes
and various battlefield scen-flrios,
FM 90-1 provides the commander
specific examples of how to employ
type aviation units . Combined
arms employment is stressed
throughout. Total integration of
the ground and aerial capabilities is
FM 1-15
A Viation Reference
provided to show commanders the
wide variety of tactical alternatives.
Some new publications coming
down the pike are FM 1-2, "Air-
craft Battlefield Countermeasures
and Survivability" ; TC 1-3, "Army
Aviation Unit Operations in a
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical
Warfare Environment"; and TC 1-7,
"Helicopter Defensive Aerial Tac-
tics ." These publications are com-
pletely new, dealing with difficult
and to a limited degree, untested
subjects. Anticipate these at your
loc;:t l pinpoint distribution center in
late fiscal year 77 or early fiscal
year 78.
Well , ' we have revisited New
Horizons. The items here are just
as dynamic and progressive with
doctrinal thoughts and training
requirements as the books discuss-
ed last time. The authors of these
publications want to support you in
the field. Drop us a line or give us a
call- let us know your problems
and needs. Certainly we will res-
Ii. TC 1-7
el,cOPter Deli .
Aerial T ~ n s v e
pond to our utmost . Our address:
U.S. Army Aviation Center
Ft . Rucker, AL 36362
AUTOVON 558-7120/ 2482
The ball ~ s rolling- gathering
speed every day. A new technique,
a new piece of equipment, a better
way to train-these items must be
addressed and we are doing this by
using the proven method of the
written (and illustrated) word.
With the emergence of
sophisticated equipment in con-
junction with a well equipped _ and
trained potential enemy, the train-
ing mission becomes more difficult.
With a professional attitude by
professionals, we can train and win
the big battle. S ,
U.S. ARMY AVIATION DIGEST ------- ------ ---------- ----- - --- _ .
The DICEST's July 1975 cover (see
photo) served to generate the following
comments. For those to whom this
applies - pass the word that power tools
are not to be used in repair of com pressor
blades. Editor
Sir :
The cover photograph on the AVIATION
DIGEST, July 1975, was a striking picture
indeed. One month before, June 1975, this
unit had a slight disagreement with our sup-
port on just how compressor blades were to
be repaired.
A OA Form 2028 was submitted by this
unit requesting a special note pertaining to
the non-use of power tools to prevent any
misinterpretation or not reading far enough
into paragraphs. This was done as backup
after a telephonic inquiry and reply at the
t ime of the incident ....
Approximately 2 months after this inci-
dent we received the July issue of
AVIATION DIGEST. When I glance thru
back issues of the DIGEST this picture keeps
coming out larger than it is and I decided to
write this letter. I think that pictures, cover
or otherwise, unless titled should not be us-
ed. The incident with our support is a good
example. If one of our crewchiefs had not
been with the aircraft no one would have
been aware of the mistake and this photo
could have reinforced the belief that power
tools can be used throughout the engine.
I would like our unit designation left out
of any further use of this letter. A day's smile
between using units and support is worth
more than a minute's grumble or growning.
The followi ng information was
provided by the Director of
Maintenance, AVSCOM.
It is recommended that the July 1975
A VIA nON DICEST picture not be used
in the future to depict maintenance on
the T-53 engine. TM55-2840-229-24,
chapter 7, forbids the use of power tools
when removing defects in compressor
blades; the subject photo has led to some
misunderstanding in this area.
The sergeant first class should be in-
formed that the answer to the DA Form
2028 dated 12June 1975 is still valid. The
TM and chapter cited above have ex-
plicit instructions saying that power tools
are not to be used in the repair of com-
pressor blades. These instruction remain
in effect.
The oldest Skycrane company in the U. S.
Army recently celebrated its organization
day with a picnic and honor ceremony.
Guest of honor was MSG (Ret) Jim Isom,
the unit ' s initial first sergeant when it was
organized as the 478th Flying Crane Com-
pany 13 years ago.
The 478th Aviation Company (Heavy
Helicopter), 34th Medical Battalion, Ft.
Benning, GA, began its life as a Quarter-
master Truck Company in 1944 and was
changed to a Transportation Corps Truck
Company in 1946. In 1963 the Army
procured a CH-54 Skycrane helicopter and
the 478th was redesignated as the 478th Fly-
ing Crane Company to provide the test unit.
August 1965 to October 1972 when it stood
down and returned its aircraft to CONUS.
The unit colors were returned to Ft. Ben-
ning where the unit' was reactivated in
November 1972. Among its awards and
decorations, the unit received the Viet-
namese Cross of Gallantry with Palm and
the Vietnamese Civil Action Honor Medal,
1st Class.
The concept was thoroughly tested and
proven as part of the 11 th Air Assault Divi-
sion, including a world record lift of 86
combat-equipped troops and 4 crewmen at
Ft. Bragg, NC, in October 1964. The 478th
then became a part of the 1st Air Cavalry
Division and its name was changed to the
present designation.
Public Affairs Officer
478th Aviation Company (HH)
Ft . Benning, GA It served in the Republic of Vietnam from
The 295th's CH-54 Skycranes In Europe
IN THE SPRING of 1967, at Henry Post Field, Ft . Sill, OK, the
295th Aviation Company (Heavy Helicopter) began a most im-
pressive era in the history of Army aviation. It was to be an era of
the CH-54 Skycrane and the people associated with them.
Activated in April of that year, the company started its building
in personnel, equipment and the new CH-54. Its first mission was to
organize and train CH-54 elements deploying to the Republic of
Vietnam. Interestingly, the first award won by this fine aviation
unit was the Award for Outstanding Marching Unit of the Artillery
Aviation Command. Its first permanent commander was Major
Vernon L. Sawvell.
Support and training for CH-54 platoons deploying to Vietnam
continued into 1968, with Major Ronald A. Jones commanding.
This fledgling company also was now providing support to the Ar-
tillery and Missile School and conducting its own CH-54 aircraft
transition course. The unit also was called upon to perform other
missions within the United States, challenging them still further.
Towards the end of the year the unit was notified it, too, was to be
deployed. To top the year off, two CH-54s and their crews were sent
to Europe for participation in Reforger I.
Vigorous unit training for deployment became the mandate in
January 1969, with emphasis on quality maintenance training.
While still providing helicopters and crews throughout the United
States, the 295th Aviation Company achieved outstanding ratings
on FTX and the A TT. Deployment came in May to Finthen Army
Airfield, Germany, under the command of Major James E. Rogers.
The 295th had joined the 15th Aviation Group (now the 11 th
Aviation Group). With much of Finthen AAF facilities still under
construction, field maintenance had to be set up to support the
helicopters. The first assigned mission came quickly, calling for
flight demonstrations for the services, VIPs, and the German press
in order to acquaint them with USAREUR's newest capability.
Local area orientation for all Aviators was completed by 15 June
and the company was mission ready.
Throughout Europe missions began to develop calling for aircraft
recoveries, precision placement of bridge sections, movement of
heavy equipment, troop hauls and airshows. Letter after letter was
received at the company attesting to its outstanding service,
professionalism and international goodwill. General James H. Polk,
commanding general of USAREUR, visited the 295th and praised
them for their progress since their arrival in Germany. After only
4 Yz months in Germany, the company had successfully passed its
AGI, while still maintaining a high aircraft availability. The 295th
~ v i t i o n Company had set a new pace for USAREUR aviation
. ,The pace has continued through the years. The 295th routinely
fulfilled the mission of providing airlift for troops and heavy equip-
ment. The diverse and professionally demanding missions became
the order ofthe day. With their faithful Skycrane, they built dikes in
the Netherlands, set large air-conditioning units on top of tall
buildings, sling-loaded fighter aircraft in Spain, recovered crash-
damaged aircraft of many types throughout Europe, moved Sno-
Cat plows to mountaintops, set towers in place to build ski lifts,
mounted large TV antennas to provide television service to U.S,
Forces in Germany, and also were used as an airborne fire fighting
vehicle dumping thousands of gallons of water to extinguish forest
fires .
The unit also contributed immeasurably to better relations with
their German neighbors. A unique idea was nurtured and
developed wherein each of the Skycranes was formally christened
and named after selected cities throughout Germany. Recognition
of these events still continues with the exchange of greetings with
the Lord Mayors during the Christmas season.
These accomplishments have resulted in the selection of the
295th Aviation Company and/or its supporting 326th Transporta-
tion Detachment for the coveted honor of USAREUR Aviation Unit
of the Year in 1969, 1971, 1972 and again in 1974. They are
justifiably proud of these achievements.
Recently, the thrust has been directed toward survivability in a
mid-intensity environment. To this end, the unit has been develop-
ing their skills in terrain flying techniques, low level both day and
night . As a result, aircrews are prepared to meet the challenge of
Flying safety is always of foremost concern in any aviation unit
and the 295th has a very enviable flying safety record. Since its ac-
tivation in August 1967, it has only experienced one aircraft acci-
dent and that was inJuly 1970. The company has since flown near-
ly 12,000 accident-free hours and in July 1976 the company
qualified for the new "Department of the Army Aviation Accident
Prevention Award of Excellence" for achieving 72 months of
accident-free flying.
What have been the major contributing factors to the success of
the 295th? One has been a love affair developed in the beginning
between the people and the Skycranes. Maintainability and
reliability have helped this unit to consistently provide outstanding
service to support units. Second, the unique characteristics of the
CH-54 have provided many unusual and professionally demanding
missions that would otherwise have to be accomplished by other
means. Finally, and most important, has been the attitude of the
personnel. They live for the challenge of tomorrow. They are con-
vinced that any mission can and will be accomplished. "Can-do" is
their byword. Moreover, they will do it professionally, safely and
CH-54 "Skycranes" silhouetted against
the Oklahoma sky. At the time, the
helicopters were assigned to Fort
THE 6TH C/\ VALRY Brigade (Ai r Com-
bat) has dedicated its new modular gym-
' nasium in honor of the late Brigadi er
General Joseph B. Starker. The dedication
honored the former 1st Cavalry Division
ass istant division commander, one of the
great pioneers of modern day aviation, with
the unveiling of a memorializat ion pl aque
and portrait of the late general.
More t ha n 300 6th Cavalry Aviat ors, Ft.
Hood comma nd ers and special guests
,attended the dedicati on for General Starker,
,who was killed in an a utomobil e accident in
I have been tell ing everyone I can about
my recent tr ip to visit Army aviation units in
the Orient. That is why I'm writing this
letter to you through the Views From
Read ers column of the AVI ATI ON
Have you ever heard the slogan, " Red
Carpet Service for Honshu "? T hat 's the
motto of the U. S. Army, Japan (USARJ )
Aviation Detachment at Rankin Army Air-
field, Camp Zama, Japan. The motto is ap-
propriate for this detachment which,
although not large, performs two most im-
portant, time critical missions.
If you have never been to the Tokyo/Can-
to Plains area, It-'s hard to reali ze how in-
Starker Memorial
San Antonio, TX, in july 1975.
Lieutenant Ge n era l Rob e rt M .
Shoemaker, III Corps and Ft. Hood com-
mander, described General Starker as a
professional Solider " in every sense" who
laid the foundation for the air cavalry com-
bat brigade concepts which became a reality
through the activat ion of the 6t h Cavalry.
"He was a mover," Ge neral Shoemaker
said, "a doer. J oe got involved and he was
intensely loyal. .. this is why this gym-
valuable the helicopter is there in its
transportation role. For example, it takes
more than a n hour to drive a car 8 to 10
kil o meters. You ca n bet that th e
d et ac hment 's eight UH-l Hueys are
providing " red carpet service" to both
USARJ 's- and IX Corps ' requirements to
coordinate U.S. Army activities in Japan.
The detachment contributes immeasurably
to maintai ning strong U.S.-j apanese ties. A
good examp l e is that two o f the
detachment's ai rcraft are dedicated to the
medical evacuation role. This transl ates into
an overseas military assistance to safety a nd
traffic (MAST) mission in many regards .
It was about 15 years ago that I was in the
Tokyo/Canto area. I thought it was heavil y
~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~
nas ium is so fitting. I know joe would be
happy to know this building with his name
was being used for the purpose of developing
physically fit Soldi ers who are carryi ng on
th i s very important work th at he
pioneered. "
The Starker gymnasium is located in
building 87010 in the 6th Cavalry Bri gade
modular complex. Included in the 21 ,956-
square foot building are a gymnasi um floor
large enough for basketball and volleyball to
be played simult aneousl y, badminton courts
and one squash court.
industrialized a nd popul ated then. But now
the area is engulfed with visibility restri c-
tions associated with huge industrial com-
plexes and the population is so concentrated
that a ny autorotation would have to be to
someone's roof. Has anyone been trained for
such an autorotation?
LTC j essie J ames is doing an outstanding
job commanding the USARj fli ght det ach-
ment. My compliments to all in the detach-
ment for an excellent job supporting LTG
john R. Gut hrie and his most demanding
job as commander of the U.S. Army in
j apan. And, how about the detachment 's
proud accompli shment of no acci dents in 5
In Korea things are booming. Would you
believe driving at 70 mil es per hour on a
beautiful interstate highway from Seoul to
Pusan? Or how about fl yi ng Korea Ai r
Lines in ei ther a Boeing 747, DC-I0 or
A300B Air Bus with some of the finest ser-
vice in the world. Such ext raordinary ac-
complishments in Korea spri ng from the
rapid growt h of Korea 's gross national
I did not have time to visit all of t he units
in Korea. But I did spend time with the 17th
Aviation Group and the 2nd Infa ntry Divi-
sion, which has the 2nd Aviation Battalion
and D Troop, 4t h Squadron, 7th Cavalry.
At Camp Stanley I had a most enjoyable
visi t with MAJ William D. Collar and the
members of his 11 7t h Assault Helicopter
Compa ny. They have set up, and conduct a
fine training program. They recognize that
in t he event of hostiliti es limited U.S. Forces
in Korea dictate that most Army Aviator
mi ssions would be in supportof the Army of
the Republic of Korea. All of the com-
manders I talked to have stepped up train-
ing for this mission.
There is interest ing news to report from
the 2nd Division which is converting its ar-
mored cavalry squadron to an air caval ry
squadron. When this is done - and it 's
scheduled for completion in the fourth
Continued on page 28
passed since the first laser
successfully was demonstrated as a
new dimension for Army tacti-
cians. With its inherently high
countermeasure (CM) resistance
and extremely high range and azi-
muth resolution, optical sensing
was seen as a solution to many
Army requirements. .
o Look 01
The U. S. Army's Harry Dia-
mond Laboratories (HDL) at
Adelphi, MD, has applied this laser
technology to a host of sensors,
techniques and systems for even-
tual use by today's modern Army.
Coordinated with elements of the
U. S. Army Materiel Development
and Readiness Command, these
research and development (R&D)
projects have resulted in a portable
laser signalling beacon; an inter-
visibility beacon for determining
when ah optical line of sight (LOS)
exists between two moving vehicles;
an engagement simulator; a slant
range fuze; and most recently a
tunable infrared (IR) laser. To ac-
complish such a wide range of laser
developments, HDL conducts a
physics research program that to-
day is investigating integrated op-
tics, atmospheric effects on optical
beams and subminiature optical
sensors .
In recent years, HDL's laser-
related program has exceeded $1
million per year with a fiscal year
77 estimate of $1.5 million. As a
result of these end item oriented
projects, the modern Soldier soon
may be afforded an improved op-
tical capability on many major
weapons systems. .
Historically, HDL's expertise
began in the mid-60s with a diverse

Known as a visible laser beacon. this portable. battery powered
helium-neon laser was conceived as a laser signalling device
for emergency and, military uses
Public It
Harry Dia
research program aimed at a better
understanding of solid-state and
gas lasers, short ra.nge . laser
.rangefinders and atmospheric
effects. By the early 70s a small,
portable, battery-powered Helium-
Neon laser, known as a visible laser
beacon, was conceived as a laser
signalling device for emergency ahd
military uses. Complete with
batteries, the device weighed about
2 pounds and was shaped much
like a commercial flashlight. In
good weather conditions the com-
pact beacon could be seen over a .
1,OOO-square mile area by a search
aircraft flying at 30,000
By 1973 HDL had aesigned a
prototype intervisibllity. beacon
system. The system was developed
to provide the U. S. Army's Com-
bat Developmerit,s
Command (CDEC) with a means
of obtaining dqta on the time dur-
ing which an LOS exists between
two opposing tactical units in a
battlefield simulatiori. The collec-
tion of such data was necessary to
refinement in l(l
impact army 1

bystander personnel. LATHES
components are eye-safe at zero
The basic concept of the
LATHES system is to provide eye-
safe equipment capable of
realistically simulating the tactical
characteristics of a laser terminal
homing engagement. As such the
LATHES system allows test or
training of tactical proficiency
(command and control, tactical fire
control , selection and utilization of
tactical position, etc.) as opposed to
technical proficiency (operator
tracking capability, operation of
the G LLD controls for ranging,
etc. ).
tion Officer
i, MD
evaluate factors which influence
weapon system performance during
target acquisition and to assess the
riumber and frequency of engage-
ment opportunities which may ex-
ist on the battlefield. In the past
CDEC has relied on separate side
experiments to obtain information
on the distribution of LOS and the
degree of exposl:lre between two op-
posing forces. This _had been time
consuming, costly and often
resulted in incomplete information
to fully evaluate experimental
The HDL concept automatically
indicated in realtime whether an
optical LOS existed between two
players in field experiments. The
eye-safe system was designed to be
installed on air and ground mobile
Currently, HDL is developing a
laser terminal homing engagement
simulator (LATHES) for the U. S.
Army Operational Test and Evalu-
ation Agency. It is designed for test
and training exercises involving laser
r technology will
iation with ad-
ated weaponry
terminal homing systems such as
the copperhead, formerly the can-
non-launched guided projectile
(CLGP); helicopter launched fire
and forget (HELLFIRE) missile
system; lightweight laser desig-
nator (LWLD); ground laser loca-
tor designator (GLLD); airborne
target acquisition and fire control
system (AT AFCS); and airborne
laser tracker (AL T).
The most important feature of
LATHES is that it allows field
simulation of a tactical laser ter-
ininal homing engagement without
using any components that pose a
hazard to the eyes of user or
The LATHES system consists of
three major subsystems-the
designator simulator, the target
pallet and the receiver. Together
the LATHES hardware is designed
to allow the simulation of the
elements of the engagement that in-
volve active interactions between
the designator, target and seeker
(from initiation of designation to
The Laser Terminal Homing Engagement Simulator
(LATHES) target pallet mounted on an Army jeep. It
includes an eye-safe laser target simulator
... .

An eye-safe LATHES in use at Ft. Hood, TX, during Phase II of the Joint Services
Test of Laser Guided Weapons in close air support, April 1975
the end of the engagement). The
LATHES desig'nator simulator
provides a visible light beam to cue
to the target when designation is in-
itiated and to confirm the existence
of a clear optical LOS from the
designator to the target. The
LATHES target simulator, turned
on upon the cue provided by the
designator simulator, generates a
coded laser target signature fully
compatible with tactical seekers
and search/track systems. In addi-
tion the LATHES receiver provides
a low-cost simulation of a seeker or
search/track system with full DOD
standard decoding capability.
Simultaneously, HDL is in-
vestigating a broad range of
techniques for hardening laser ter-
minal homing systems against
This is in support of the Preci-
siOh Laser Designator Product Of-
fice and the HELLFIRE Missile
System and Cannon Artillery
Weapons Systems (CAWS) Project
Office. These investigations range
from studies of potential CM and
cou nter-countermeaS\lres (CCM)
all the way to the design and
fabrication of CCM hardware and
its use in operational field tests.
Specific CCM activities include
digital signal processing of coded
laser signais; passive optical CCM
techniques to protect the laser
target-designator; active optical
CCM devices; and participation in
the planning and execution of
CM/CCM field tests.
In another area HDL is adapting
laser optics to the fuzing of
weapons. As the battlefield of
tomorrow becomes more
sophisticated, Army Aviators may
need to activate flechette munitions
at precise ranges from the enemy.
A little more than a year ago, the
U. S. Army Aviation Test Board
[now designated the U. S. Army
Aircraft Development Test Ac-
tivityJ, Ft. Rucker, AL, conducted
its first functional test of a slant
range optical fuze.
The HDL design was developed
to be compatible with the Army's
selected effects armaments sub-
system on the 2.75 inch rocket and
uses a 30-watt gallium arsenide
(GaAs) injection laser. The fuze is
basically a narrow beam optical
radar whose semiconductor laser
radiates a pulsed narrow beam
which is reflected from the target.
The receiver, as well as the laser, is
located in the fuze; thus when the
fuze determines that it is at the
desired distance away from the the laser transmission properties of an oriented submunition round.
target, the warhead is initiated. the atmosphere The goal of this project is to reduce
Also announced within the past for secure short-range com- the sensor 's cost to less than $2 and
year was the success of one of munication links occupy a space less than 1 cubic
HDL's in-house sponsored physics for isotope separation inch. If achieved, the sensor will
research projects that resulted in This new tunable laser develop- permit a new family of oriented
the first spin-flip Raman laser us- ment will provide the basis for even submunitions with an improved
ing mercury cadmium telluride further improvements in military lethiality over c urrent s ub-
material. For their efforts, three laser systems. munitions, especially over rough
physicists received the U. S. Army Currently, HDL is attempting to terrain or vegetation.
Research and Development reexamine the use of low-powered The significance of these R&D
Achievement Award for 1975. laser transmitters and IR receivers projects are but a sampling of the
Potential applications for this as a substitute, and also as an ad- horizon for Army optical systems.
wavelength tunable laser are: junct, for shooting li ve ammunition As the experience and knowledge of
as a local oscillator for IR for both rifle and tank training laser technology becomes refined, it
heterodyne receivers courses. is the modern Army that will
as a high-brightness, high- Other efforts include a sub- benefit with improved sophisticated
resolution source for determining miniature optical sensor for use on weaponry and tactics. l
....................................... The optical slant range fuze functioning was first tested .................................... ...
by the U. S. Army Aircraft Development Test Activity, Ft. Rucker, AL,
. more than a year ago
Continued from page 23
quarter 77 - the 2nd Division and 1st U.S.
Republic of Korea Group will be a ble to
provide air cavalry support to virtually all of
the Korean peninsula. Incidently, this con-
version is being accomplished mostly from
assets within Korea. I regret that time ran
out on me before I was able to visit with
those of you in the 2nd Aviation Battalion or
the 4/7 Cavalry. But I am sure that we will
be hearing great things from you. You can't
miss with MG Morris J . Brady as the head
Aviator in your division.
At Pyongtaek it didn't take long to learn
that LTC Frank Estes and his 19th Aviation
Battalion are not wasting any time. The
19th has two CH-47 Chinook companies, an
~ s s u l t helicopter company, an OV-1
Mohawk platoon and is picking up the
145th Army Security Agency (ASA) Com-
pany. While at the 19th I flew one of its CH-
47s at low level with a sling load through a
most realistic and challenging training
It's not often that units are commanded
by lieutenant colonels. But that's the case
with the 284th Aviation Unit (Air Traffic
Control) . LTC Billie Dooley's 284th has a
unique and demanding mission. In Korea,
there is no host nation air traffic control or
regulation for tactical aircraft. Tower sup-
port, flight following and regulation are the
responsibility of the 284th and it is doing a
firstcl ass job even though it has severe per-
sonnel and equipment shortages. The 284th
is officially designated as a battalion level
command and rightfully so! Hopefully it
soon will be designated a battalion.
"Tropic Lighting" is its nickname;
Hawaii is its station; and Army aviation is
one of its most important assets. Of course,
I'm referring to the 25th Infantry Division
which has one of the largest aviation
organizations of any regular U. S. division.
The 25th's 3rd Squadron, 4th Calvary, com-
manded by LTC Mike Harvey, is the only
active air cavalry squadron rounded out
with a National Guard air cavalry troop -
E Troop, 19th Cavalry. There also is the
25th Aviation Battalion, commanded by
LTC Jerry Childers. The battalion has all of
its organic assets plus both the 118th
Assault Helicopter Company and the 147th
Assault Helicopter Company. While the
25th Infantry has one of the finest duty
stations in the world, its training areas are
not ideal. But, the division makes maximum
use of ranges and training areas on Oahu
and Hawaii. Army aviation assets for the
25th are at Wheeler Air Force Base (which
should be Wheeler Army Airfield) and
Barbers Point .
This report would not be complete
without pointing out that COL Paul
Smithey and LTC Tony Miklinski have very
important Army aviation jobs in Hawaii .
COL Smithey is the U. S. Army Support
Keep It Coming To You
To keep getting the DIGEST
you must su bm it the new DA
Form 12-5 dated February 1976.
The Adjutant General Publica-
tions Center has stipulated that
all pinpoint accounts must be re-
newed now, or else the subscrip-
tion will be cut off.
Check with your unit adminis-
trative staff for the DA Form
12-5. The mailing address and
basis of distribution for publi-
cations are shown on the form.
Command Hawaii Staff Aviation Officer.
That means he is the "big daddy" for all
Army aviation coordination on the island.
LTC Miklinski coordinates the activities for
the U. S. Army CINCPAC (Commander-in-
Chief, Pacific) Support Group, which is the
Department of the Army interface for plan-
ning with the CINCPAC.
This trip, and others I've made, have sur-
faced many matters which are discussed un-
der the " bullets " below. But, before I get
into them, I want to touch on the matter of
the "threat. " I am convinced that the overall
recognition and appreciation of the threat,
and the tactics required to counter it, have
vastly improved among our units. They are
talking and thinking more and more in
terms of training to counter the threat and
win that all important first battle of the next
I found a lack of senior grade (CW3 and
4) warrant officers in the really hard avia-
tion jobs. These experienced people are
migrat ing to higher headquarters' flight
detachments. I have nothing against these
jobs, but we cannot ignore the fact that the
attack/air cavalry troops and assault/sup-
port helicopter companies require this ex-
perience level to be fully combat effective.
The Department of the Army is working on
this problem now. I think the answer may be
to designate and require CW3 and 4 Aviator
positions in these designations.
When Aviators arrive in a theater they
are not nap-of-the-earth or instrument
qualified. In some cases they are not series
or model rated. This is true both overseas
and in the Continental United States.
Regul ations are clear on this matter. Losing
units are responsible for ensuring that Aviators
arrive at new units fully qualified. This is an un-
derstandable policy but it is not workable.
The policy should be supplemented by re-
quiring t he transferring Aviators to go
through the U. S. Army Aviation Center at
Ft. Rucker, AL, before reporting to their
new units . This program is being pursued
with the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine
Command (TRADOC).
People are concerned about instrument
qualifications (and renewals) just about
every place I've been, worldwide. It seems
this is especially true in units that have little
need to apply their instrument qualifications
(such as scouts and attack helicopters). I
have found no one questioning the require-
ment to gain full qualification on in-
struments during flight school. But a ques-
tion frequently asked is " why waste 20 hours
of blade time (for those stations not
equipped with the 2B24 [UHIFS]) main-
taining instrument proficiency when that is
not part of a unit 's mission?" We can solve
this problem when we get the proper
simulators. I believe we also should be
authorizing instrument checkrides in the
simulators. The commercial airlines do this,
why can't we?
I have been concerned about the manage-
Recent significant events in the 71st Aviation Company and
the 295th Aviation Company are related below [and on page
22]. Hope they are of interest to your readers.
CPT Stephen D. Sanford
11th Aviation Group (Combat)
Assistant, S-l
USAREUR Aviation Conference
DURING THE recent United States Army, Europe (USAREUR)
Quarterly Aviation Conference hosted by the 11 th Aviation Group
in Schwaebisch Hall, Germany, the 71st Aviation Company
(Assault Helicopter) sponsored a "State of Training" demonstra-
tion for Colonel Crawford Buchanan, USAREUR Aviation Officer,
and other attendees. The demonstration took place at the Kulsheim
Training Area and consisted of a fire fighting demonstration by a
CH-S4 Crane; a nap-of-the-earth (NOE) demonstration utilizing a
UH-IH Huey inserting a tube-launched, optically-tracked, wire-
guided (TOW) squad; a static display; and an AH-IQ Cobra per-
forming night NOE and sim4lated TOW firing.
The demonstration commenced on a wet note as a CH-S4 moved
into view of the audience and dumped some 1,200 gallons of water
to the immediate front of the bleachers. Captain Craig, from the
29Sth Heavy Helicopter Company, explained that the system was
developed to fight range fires in impact areas at military training
areas in Germany. The system consists of a CONEX container
suspended from the two forward attaching points and the hoist on
the Crane. Captain Craig further explained that to empty the
bucket the pilot either hovers or flies over the fire and extends the
hoist. As the hoist extends the bucket tilts to the rear and allows the
water to spill on the fire. A bit of humor was added to the
demonstration as the 29Sth had installed sirens and flashing blue
lights, thus converting the CH-S4 into a flying fire truck.
The second demonstration consisted of a UH-IH delivering a
ground mounted TOW squad. Using NOE tactics CW3 Cormack
and 1 L T Lowery inserted the TOW squad in front of the bleachers
without the spectators being able to observe the flight route. The
TOW squad dismounted and moved to a firing position while the
ment of the flying hour program for a long
time. In Korea I gained some meaningful in-
formation. Take a look at a quarterly
breakout of the flying hours (below) which I
obtained from a crack airmobile company:
Total Quarterly Flying Hours .... 2,279
Training Missions. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 39%
Service Missions ... . .. . ......... 61 %
The training missions represent readiness.
But I have a difficult time supporting the
1,400 hours that went to service missions
which might perhaps be better described as
"ash and trash." Sure, some service missions
contribute to unit readiness but it takes a
skillful and imaginative commander to gain
this benefit.
We must police our flying hours soon or
you can be sure someone else will step in
and do .it for us. When missions don't
contribute to training individuals and the
units- don't fly the mission.
Deputy Director of Operations &
Army Aviation Officer
Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for
Operations & Plans
Washington, DC
Huey moved into a defilade position to await pickup of the squad.
The TOW squad demonstrated its capability by engaging and
destroying two tanks . The firing was simulated but success was evi-
dent as red smoke was seen billowing up around the "destroyed"
As the TOW squad was moving back to the pickup point ,
another CH-S4 came into view carrying a palletized FARE
(forward area refueling equipment) system consisting of a 100-
gallon-per-minute pump, a filter separator, two SOO-gallon fuel
"blivets " and associated hoses. The guests were invited to inspect
the packaged system and another operational FARE system as it
was used to hot refuel an AH-IQand ,the UH-l which participated
in the NOE demonstration. I .
An equipment static display was provided consisting of an AH-Q,
TOW Cobra, a ground mounted TOW, the FARE, and a UH-l
with its navigation and cockpit lights taped for night flight. By far
the AH-l Q received the most attention as the guests were allowed
to sit in the gunner's seat and use the TOW sighting unit to track a
vehicle located downrange.
The highlight of the demonstration was the night NOE and
simulated firing of a TOW missile by CW2 Billows and CW2
Farmer in an AH-IQ. The guests were able to listen to the conver-
sation between the scout ship and the AH-l Q as the scout directed
the Cobra into a firing position. Using the night vision goggles and
flying blacked out, the AH-IQ was able to engage the target
(guests) without being detected. Following the simulated missile
launch the OH-S8 and AH-l Q conducted a demonstration of night
NOE using the night vision goggles. The demonstration was most
impressive as visual contact was not made with the aircraft until
they were within 30 feet of the bleachers.
The guests were returned to Schwaebisch Hall via the 11 th Avia-
tion Group's night low level training course. The course was flown
at varying altitudes but remained at least 200 feet above the
obstacles along the various legs.
The AH-1 a Cobra Tow. During the
USAREUR conference night NOE
and simulated missile firing by this
model helicopter highlighted the
initiations; and free wine at "beef and burgundy
night." At birthday balls we drink our door prize if we
had the lucky ticket .
Part of the . reason Jor the high incidence of
alcoholism must be our drinking customs as a society.
In terms of its chemical effect we tend to use alcohol as
a stimulant , antidepressant, sedative, analgesic,
tranquilizer, aphrodisiac, and soporific (drug or agent
which sleep).
The National Council on Alcoholism, Inc., con-
siders alcoholism to be the fourth most serious public
health problem after heart disease, cancer and mental
illness. If alcoholism remaIns unchecked, the affected
persori gradually experiences severe in
the abilIty to work and in physical and mental
Although it would seem that nothing .is really
known about alcoholism, I think that there are
perhaps three factual statements that we would all
agree on:
Not everyone who drinks alcohol becomes an
There has never been an alcoholic who did not
drink too much alcohol when his disease was at its
No ethnic, racial, religious, occupational or sexual
group is immune to the disease of alcoholism.
The two prerequisites for acquiring the disease are:
(1) that you are human and (2) that you have
somehow, sometime, begun drinking alcohol.
The Bureau of Naval Personnel estimates conser-
vatively that there are more than 30,000 alcoholics <?n
active duty in the U. S. Navy. Since pilots are humans
who are in almost daily contact with alcohol, itseems
plausible that some of them cquld acquire the disease.
To get a preliminary look at this possibility, I
recently began a stu,dy bf tq.e alcohol histories of 70
pilots who were hospitalized for a on
Neuropsychiatric Service 'of Bethesda Naval
Hospital during the period 1960-1970. A review of
their hospital records revealed the following
preliminary findings:
22 percent were diagnosed as having chronic
35 percent were drunk or toxic from some other
drug (Linprescribed) during the admission physical
54 percent were heavy drinkers by history.
Most of the patients in this group were under-
diagnosed. Had more stringent diagnostic criteria
been used, the incidence of alcoholism would have
been around 40 percent. Although the phenomenon of
underdiagnosing could be the SUbject of a separate
study, I will offer three speculative observations:
Physicians have since time immemorial looked
upon compassion and "doing no harm" to the patient
as orie of the noblest traditions in the art of medicine.
And since alcoholism is a stigmatizi ng disease, we
tend to underdiagnose.
Most physicians don't really know much about
alcoholisni. (The National Council on Alcoholism,
Inc., estimates that Qnly about 1,000 physicians in the
country are really knowledgeable about alcoholism.)
.If the physician himself, or a significant person in
his own private life, is an alcoholic in some form, then
the physician probably has an unconscious bias which
hampers his diagnostic ability of the disease.
To show how the ideas I have advariced here apply
to real life situations in aviation, I will cite the
highlights of three case
Cas. 1. This 40-year-old commander, an aviatdr,
was hospitalized because he was unable to get into his
airplane for a scheduled flight. He carrie from teetotal-
ing parents and had always considered himself only a
social drinker. Because of his wife's drinking problem,
he began drinking heavily to control his. anger, depres,;.
sion -and inability to sleep. This led to deterioration in
his work, frequent absences from home and an un-
satisfactory fitness report. He joined Alcoholics
Anonymous (AA) and became almost totally absti-
nent , but relapsed a short time later to uncontrolled
drinking. When he was finally unable to get into his
airplane because of depression, nausea and dry
heaves, ,he was sent to the hospital with the diagnosis
of Adult Situational Reaction (psychologically in-
capacitated due to life stresses without significant un-
derlyjng psychiatric disease).
While iIi the hospital , he and his wife began atten-
ding AA again; After two months of hospitalization,
he was discharged, not as an alcoholic but with the
diagnosis of Adult Situational Reaction.
For the first four days after discharge, he drank no
alcohol. On the fifth day he took a few drinks, then
realized that his drinking had become uncontrollable.
He could no longer drink like other people and he
could not stop even though he wanted to. He was un-
able . to care for himself and was brought to the
hospital by a friend. During his second hospitalization
he was more honest with himself and with his
therapist. Eventually he came to the conclusion that
he was an alcoholic. He attended Alcoholics
Arionymous regularly and was eventually referred to a
Physical Evaluation Board with the diagnosis of
Chronic Alcoholism.
Among the telltale signs which might have raised
the SU!:ip'lcion of alcoholism were teetotaling parents,
symptomatic drinking (drinking to control depres-
sion, rage and insomnia), deteriorating work perfor-
mance, crumbling marriage, going on the wagon fre-
quently, alcoholic gastritis and, finally, uncontrolled
drinktng. As it was, the patient haq to get much sicker
and be hospitalized a second time before the proper
diagnosis was finally made.
Case 2. This 48-year-old Air Force pilot, a lieuten-
ant ' colonel, was hospitalized because of head trauma
and convulsions. He described himself as a moderate
drinkei until several weeks before admission wh'en he
noted an increase in his drinking and an increase in
his alcohol tolerance. On the day of admission, he fell
out of his chair at work, struck his head and was
thought to be having a convulsion. While being ex-
amineq by a physician at the station hospital he had a
documented grand mal seizure. He developed
hallucinations, became delusional, disoriented, com-
bative, and atteI'T1pted to from the intensive
care unit. He slowly recovered and was discharged, fit
for full duty three weeks later with the diagnosis of
Situational Reaction.
Although this patient was given the diagnosis of
Situational Reaction, there is strong evidence here
that a drinking problem of addiction proportions ex-
Case 3. This 42-year-old commander, a Naval
aviator, began drinking 'heavily when his first
marriage ended. He continued drinking and his work,
repu tation and second marriage deteriorated.
Although his wife and his superiors were aware of his
excessive drinking, they said nothing to him about it.
On his next tour of duty he flew in combat from a
large aircraft carrier, although his drinking had
become so excessive that he was repeatedly cautioned
about it. Nevertheless, he received a brop.ze star and
promoted to commander. On his next duty sta-
tion he began drinking every morning before going to'
work. He ' continued drinking heavily, got an un-
satisfactory fitness report, and was hospitalized with
the diagnosis of Comp41sive Personality.
On admission he was tremulous, had hypertension
and abnormal liver function tests. He denied alcohol
excess and felt that a change of duty station would
solve his problems.
In the hospital he l'11ade a superficial adjustment,
then went AWOL and telephoned several of his
previous commanding officers to learn whether they
had considered his drinking excessive. They con-
firmed his fear that they considered him to be an
alcoholic. After two of heC!-vy drinking, he
returned to the hospital. For the first time he seriously
considered himself to be alcoholic, began to
with his therapist , worked with Alcoholics
Anonymous and willingly took the drug Antabuse.
After three months he was discharged to duty with the
diagnosis of Chronic Alcoholism.
This patient ' s alcoholism was obvious by a long
history of drinking, deterioration of his work,
dissolution of two marriages , morning drinking,
repeated hospitalizations for alcohol-related
problems, aqnormal liver function tests, and breaking
through of antisocial behavior in an effort to maintain
his heavy denial.
My experience as a flight surgeon and psychiatrist
suggests to me that the incidence of alcoholism in the
Armed Forces and among pilots is probably higher
than our current statistics indicate. About one in eight
current VA hospital patients suffers from alcohol-
related disabilities; ' and alcohol-related disorders
treated in VA hospitals doubled between 1965 and
1969. Yet the disease continues to flourish because of
our own ignorance about alcoholism; because we
sometimes naively rationalize that to help a patient
deny his treatable illness is the same as being com-
passionate; because we mistakenly concern ourselves
with the stated amount of his drinking rather than
with the destructive effects which the qrinking has on
health and his professional and social functioning;
and because we ourselves may be developing the same
illness-and the denial enables both us and our
patients to keep the disease going.
Alcoholics are sick people and the higher the
patient's rank or prestige, the better chances' are that
the patient will not get proper treatment, or even a cor-
req diagnosis. In this way we lose some of our best
people at the height of their productive years. We have
a responsibility to patients with drinking problems.
We must learn new information about alcoholism just
as we update our about other diseases
which might have been dealt with scantily when we
went through medical school , and we must learn the
2\.rt of tactfully and firmly confronting the patient with
his illness.
If we do this, we will discover that there i!:i real
prokssional satisfaction in treating this disease
because, numerically speaking, alcoholism is the most
untreat ed treatable disease. Most alcoholics, if treateq
successfully, become very productive, happy, grateful
people, even more so than other patients who have
recovered from other qiseases .
Continued from page 5
offer to the present, particularly when it is applied to
the area of maintenance.
How often have we been guilty of examining the
broad area of maintenance, more or less, in the dark
by either looking at individual problems for correction
or by overlooking any implications maintenance may
have had in causing some mishap? How often have we
focused the bulk of our attention on pilot or other fac-
tors associated with some particular mishap, and
given only cursory attention to any maintenance-
related ones that, perhaps, were indirectly involved?
Yet, had these maintenance deficiencies not been pre-
sent, the mishap may possibly have been averted. For
example, the aircrew of a UH-l departed an LZ
without receiving a weather briefing, and consequent-
ly did not know the density altitude or the exact wind
conditions. With passengers aboard, the gross weight
of the aircraft was more than 9,000 pounds. Density
altitude was 9,400 feet.
Although the pilot could have repositioned the air-
craft 300 additional feet away from the tree line, he
did not and takeoff was begun from a point ap-
proximately 295 feet from the trees. When about 100
feet away from the tree line, the pilot entered a left
turn. Rpm decayed and the aircraft struck some trees.
Flight was continued but altitude could not be main-
tained and the aircraft descended, struck additional
trees, then crashed. The aircraft was destroyed and
several occupants were killed.
Besides the obvious factors involved in this acci-
dent, another one showed up during the accident in-
vestigation: Needed engine power was not available at
a critical time because of severe compressor
erosion-erosion that was not noted when
maintenance was performed on the turbine blades a
few flight hours before the accident. In addition, acci-
dent investigators suspect that required information
not recorded from the TEAC may have contained in-
dications of engine problems associated with the ero-
sion found.
The fact remains that while maintenance factors
are not predominant in the majority of mishaps, they
are often decisive ones in many of them. How often
and how decisive? For these answers we need to pull
Inadequate lubrication caused tail rotor hanger bearing failure
Maintenance checks revealed no cause for engine malfunction symptoms and aircraft was continued in operation-until engine
maintenance out of the background and put it in the
limelight where we can take a good, hard look at it.
During the past fiscal year (1 July 75-30 June 76)
203 mishaps resulted from maintenance-related cause
factors. Of these, 13 were major accidents; 3, minor
ones; 14, incidents; 14, forced landings; and 159,
precautionary landings.
Collectively, they resulted in 12 fatalities, 11 major
injuries, 6 minor injuries and the destruction of 8 air-
craft. The dollar cost for damaged and destroyed
equipment totaled nearly $3 114 million. Although in
many of these instances proper action by
crewmembers could have prevented the mishaps, the
fact remains that had maintenance discrepancies not
been present, the mishaps would not have occurred.
Consider the single, maintenance-related ground
accident that occurred during this period. When per-
forming a maintenance operational check, the pilot of
an OH-58 failed to ensure the throttle was closed, and
started the engine with it in the open position. When
the engine started, the pilot realized the throttle was
open but could not abort the start because Nl was
binding in the open position. The engine accelerated
rapidly, rotating the aircraft 45 degrees on its pad.
The pilot finally shut the engine down by means of the
fuel shutoff valve-but not before the aircraft had
sustained damages of approximately $26,500.
The importance of turning the "spotlight" on this
particular mishap lies in that it points out the absolute
necessity of keeping the established system of checks
and balances intact. In this instance, the mechanic
had replaced the N1 bolt. However, he had over-
torqued it, causing binding of the controls. The tech
inspector checked the bolt for correct installation and
safety but failed to check for freedom of movement.
Finally, as related, the pilot not only failed to ensure
freedom of movement but also neglected to note that
the throttle was open before he started the engine. But
often-times, the pilot plays no active role in the
maintenance-related events that lead to a mishap. In
such instances he unwittingly becomes an unsuspect-
ing victim.
This type of thing recently happened to one pilot.
While a UH-1 was in a normal climbing turn follow-
ing a missed approach, the short shaft failed. The
result was one major injury, one minor one, and a
destroyed aircraft at a cost of more than $293,000.
The cause? Lack of lubrication. Investigation showed
no evidence of lubricant.
Then of course, there are those mishaps caused
primarily by the mechanic. Fortunately, most of these
are precautionary landings. In one instance, the
mechanic left the battery filler caps loose and the
cockpit became filled with an odor similar to that
emitted by an overheated electrical component. In
another instance, the ram air door of a U-BF was im-
properly adjusted and induction inlet icing occurred.
Other problems included overheated batteries caused
by improper servicing or -by voltage regulators being
set too high, and compressor stalls resulting from im-
properly adjusted variable inlet guide vanes and bleed
One minor accident resulted after both alternators
failed on a T-42. This placed a heavy drain on the
battery, and caused total electrical failure,
necessitating that the gear be extended manually.
Failure of the pilot to ensure the gear was fully extend-
ed resulted in the accident. Inspection revealed a
broken field wire on the left alternator. The bearings
and bushings on the right alternator were worn and
the belt was loose. This particular mishap points out a
maintenance problem area that often does not receive
the attention it deserves. It concerns the potential
hazards that are permitted to exist-not by errors
made during the performance of maintenance
work-but by the failure of maintenance to take suf-
ficient action to identify existing discrepancies for cor-
rection. This situation . is sometimes compounded by
failure of other personnel, such as aircrews, to perform
their duties as required. Consequently, an aircraft
with serious shortcomings may be operated for
lengthy periods of time by crewmen unaware of any
existing deficiendes-until some emergency arises.
A case in point concerns a UH-1 that had to be
autorotated over "unsuitable" terrain after the engine
failed abruptly. Although crewmen escaped injury,
damages to the aircraft totaled nearly $BO,OOO.
Inspection revealed the metal spray material installed
during depot overhaul separated from the centrifugal
compressor housing and jammed the centrifugal com-
This caused the breaking away of sections of the in-
ner walls and housing and heavy wear of the com-
pressor vanes, resulting in major heat damage to the
hot section and seizure of the compressor rotor.
Separation of the spray coating was caused by corro-
Engine failed after mechanical malfunctions had been evalu-
ated by "questionable and unsound procedures ... "
sion between the material and the housing and most
probably resulted from improper surface preparation
prior to the spray process.
However, maintenance had several "trys" at this
engine before it failed, as symptoms that all was not
well had been noted by pilots and written up in the
DA Form 240B-13 on numerous occasions. Unfor-
tunately, when routine checks did not reveal the
problem, maintenance personnel did not pursue it
further. Consequently, inadequate troubleshooting
procedures allowed the cause to go undetected until
the engine failed.
What makes this accident even more significant is
that the supporting unit had an outstanding reputa-
tion in the area of maintenance. As a matter of fact, an
inspection conducted shortly after this accident
revealed no maintenance discrepancies. However, it
did reveal related ones. These included non-
compliance with test flight requirements, non-
compliance with DER/HIT checks and 7 -day runups,
and in the case of the aircraft involved in the accident,
noncompliance with 7-day runups and engine preser-
vation requirements for a period of 4 months at
another facility where the aircraft had undergone
A similar accident involving an aircraft from
another unit had more tragic results. The crash that
followed engine failure resulted in multiple fatalities
and destruction of the aircraft. Once again, engine
problems had been written up but maintenance had
not taken proper and timely action to determine the
A third major accident occurred after the tail rotor
hanger bearing assembly of a UH-1 failed. This acci-
dent resulted in fatalities and the destruction of the
aircraft. The failure was of a progressive nature and
was caused by lack of lubrication.
A minor accident involving a fixed wing aircraft oc-
curred when the landing gear failed. Maintenance
------ -----
personnel had not made a thorough inspection of the
landing gear following a previous ground mishap and
did not note cracked components.
Sometimes a special problem is posed when some
assembly or component is functioning properly but
has a history of failures and replacement. Such was
the case of an aircraft that was destroyed after a frac-
ture developed in one link of the tail rotor silent chain,
jamming the antitorque control. The aircraft had a
history of chain failures and the policy adopted was
"fly it and watch it." This crash resulted in major in-
juries to all occupants.
Then we find those instances that can properly be
attributed to negligence. In this particular one, the
master caution light of an AH-1 G flashed inter-
mittently. Following the precautionary landing, in-
spection revealed the chip detector had not been in-
stalled after an oil sample had been taken. In addi-
tion, the 90-degree gearbox chip detector was found
. disconnected, and both retaining ears were found
broken on the 42-degree gearbox chip detector.
One thing that becomes clear is that we must ex-
amine the role that maintenance plays in safety in
conjunction with the entire safety program and not
apart from it. It is not so much that "poor"
maintenance causes mishaps as it is that effective
maintenance can prevent mishaps. As harsh as this
may sound, it isn't enough to say: "This
maintenance-related mishap is the first one our unit
has had in more than 4 years. Look at all the hours
we've flown." That is somewhat like the man who
started an auto trip from the west coast to the east,
and as he neared his destination, his car skidded into
a telephone pole. What if he then said, "Well, look at
all the poles I missed" ? If he could have missed that
one too, then his reasoning was not exactly overflow-
ing with logic.
Granted, some special situations sometimes arise
that negate our best efforts to prevent mishaps. A re-
cent precautionary landing was made after the master
caution light of a UH-1 flickered and the pilot noted a
decrease in transmission oil pressure. Inspection
revealed that a loose clamp at butt line 14, station 166,
water line 21, allowed the DC trunk wire bundle to
chafe against the oil tube assembly, causing loss of
transmission oil. This area is not subject to routine
maintenance and is virtually impossible to see. But
with few exceptions, we can prevent mishaps from
maintenanc;:e-reJated causes.
Where does the answer lie? A computer readout
cannot furnish recommendations nor can it even
provide such data as physical and mental condition of
maintenance and related personnel and their habits.
It cannot show whether they are working in a field of
their choice or in one they may simply have been
assigned to, perhaps against their wishes . We can go
on and on about what a computer readout cannot do.
The important thing is that it can show us the
problem areas as they relate to the entire safety
program. Beyond that, the solution lies with us. And
it is about as old as Army aviation itself. It begins with
the old cliche of maintenance by the book- not just
during any particular maintenance job but in all
areas . For example, consider the stipulation for 7 -day
engine runups and engine preservation requirements.
These requirements have not been arbitrarily es-
tablished. Yet, we sometimes overlook them. Would
we go into a grocery store, buy a package of frozen
fish, and then contrary to the instructions printed on
the label-to store in the freezer until ready to
cook- would we place the fish in the pantry with our
canned goods? After all, we plan to cook them in a day
or two. Yet, when it comes to thousands of dollars
worth of engines-and our own safety-we somehow
feel it will be all right to let the matter ride for just a
few days.
Well, that's where it aTloegins-with technical
manuals and related publications. But we have many
more factors to consider. What about the training and
experience level of the mechanics? Are they experi-
enced on the type aircraft and equipment they are
maintaining? How are they kept current of changes in
procedures or equipment? Is any type of OJT
program in progress? If so, is it efficiently ad-
ministered? Is ample supervision provided in every
area of maintenance? Does this supervision also con-
cern itself with human factors as well as with
maintenance policies and procedures? Is necess ary
supporting and test equipment available ? Is it proper-
ly maintained? The same general type of questions
can be asked about quality control personnel. And
what about the pilots? Do they support maintenance
by always performing thorough preflight inspections
and cockpit and operational checks ? Finally, does
command supervision ensure there is no breakdown
among the functions of maintenance, quality control
and aircrews so that the system of checks and
balances remains intact ?
These are just a few of the questions we can ask
ourselves. The answers we get can effectively point out
problem areas for correction. And now is the time to
turn the spotlight on maintenance, identify deficien-
cies, determine needs and take positive corrective ac-
tion-before additional mishaps can occur. ,
T H ~ r t
Major Ralph E. Riddle Jr. DbASES
HHC 12th Aviation Gro.u ....
.... .. . .. p.: .. .... ::. . ....... : ..
Fort Bragg, NC . .:
,....., HE TITLE "Three-Bladed Huey" implies
".I.. increased aerodynamic efficiency. However, in
this tale, the three-bladed UH-l significantly reduced
aerodynamic efficienc::y to the point of near disaster.
One December morning in the Republic of Viet-
nam, a lieutenant inspected a UH-ID in
for a milk run to a nearby outpost. The mission was to
deliver five salvageable main rotor to be used in
construction work.
After preflight, the lieutenant walked over and in-
spected the unusual sling load-fiye blades fastened
together by iron construction rods drjven through the
blades and the rods crimped together. of
aerodynamic forces acting upon the blades when pass-
ing through effective translational lift flashed through
the lieutenant's mind. However, this thought was par-
tially after inspecting the iron rods to see that
they were securely holcling the blades.
The lieutenant told the crew chief to constCj.ntly
monitor the load after Since it was a short
flight within the local area, was used anda
maintenance supervisor flew left seat. During runup
checks, the lieutenant determined that the electrical
sling release was inoperative, so a number of
mechanical release checks were made to ensure
proper sling release.
The helicopter to a hover and a hover
check was completed. After the load was hookeq up,
the helicopterslowly: rose to bring the main rotor '
blades from the. horizontal position on the ground to a
vertical with the blade tips still on the ground
absorbing blade weight. Power was brought in and
takeoff was initiated with a slight margin of reserve-
power remaining. '
. Before translational lift was reached, the crew chief
reported "load stable." Passing through translational
lift, the aircraft began rocking and the lieutenant
heard a garbled cry over the intercom that sounded
like, "blades separating!"
At that mOf!1ent, with airspeed about 50 knots, a
loud crack was heard from the right side and the air-
crafrbecame mpmentarily uncontrollable. The cyclic
tried to sweep the cockpit and the aircraft roc:ked
violently as it yawed sharply to the right.
The lieutenant, who ass\lmed that the load haci
up and contact with both the main rotor
system and tail rotor system (waking the tail rotor
system inoperative), had two priority (lctions in
(to say it mildly)-to jettison the load which was done
manually, and to get inore forward
of suspected tail rotor failure.
The aircraft became fairly stable
but vibration became more severe with increased air-
speed. The lieutenant accepted 50 kn'ots and checked
tail rotor pecials, surprisingly finding the
could be cQntrolled. Because of severe vibration
througho!lt the aircraft and 'knowing he had tail rotor
control, the lieutenant elected to make a forced land-
ing straight ahead into a rice paddy. On the
vibration lessened as airspeed decrcCj.sed and landing
was made without incident,but with a great sigh of
After shutdown it was qiscovered that one of the
main rotor blades ha<i been hit and was badly damag-
ed two-thirds of the way out from the main rotor hub.
According to people who watched from the ground,
after passing through translational lift, the
aerodynamic force of the blades was' great enough to
straighten out the crimped , steel rods that were
holding them together. .
When the rods straightened out, the five main rotor
blades opened up like a fan under the aircraft
and began flying. One of them flew up on the
side and tried to enter the rotor system, but
luckily it deflected downward after _ contact .
A three-bladed Huey is not very efficient. I tell this
tale (yes, that lieutenant was me) only of the
old ad<ige: "Experience is the best teacher and to
learn and gain experience from others is golden."
Take heed and beware of unusual sling loads. '
briefs that teach
weather to go or not
A UH-1 H with three crewmen and eight pa ssengers
was to fly to locations, then return to camp. The
local weather was briefed by the operations officer.
This weather briefing was ground operations oriented, and
was not intended to rep I ace a DO Form 175-1 weather
briefing. Though a weather made a local check
earl i er that morni ng, a fl i ght weather bri efi ng, wh ich
would have given the foreca'st weather in the local area,
was not obtai ned for that day's fl i ght. The weather at the
time of takeoff from the camp was reported to be VFR
ceilings at 1,500-1,600 feet agl with good visibility.
However, indications were that it was deteriorating.
The flight to the first location wellt well and two
passengers were dropped off. The two passengers
noticed that the weather in the mountains to the north,
the second dropoff point, was bad. They' said the peaks
wer.e covered with clouds and it was raining.
The crew delayed takeoff for several minutes while
they di scussed weC!ther, then decided to go. They
crashed whi I e cI imbing along the contours of the
mountains en route to the second LZ.
Crew error was the single most significant cause of
this accident. The pilot did not get a valid weather
forecast for the local area nor file a local DO Fonn 175.
He flew into observed marginal weather conditions, and
continued to operate under these conditions as the weather
deteriorated further, rather than abort th-e mi ssion.
look you Jeap
df his the pilot
made a mental note that a UH-'1 was
directly him. Dur!ng runup, he was
to transmit qr on FM
radio, so he used the VHF radio with "loud
bl,;t di storted results." ,
The pilot was tol,d to depart at own
di sc reti on and was rem'i n ded that a UH-l
WqS behind hiryl., P,ickihg ,the aircraft
up to a hover, he began movi ng to rear.
The 'di stance from the OH-58 to the UH-"
was 100 feet from mast to m'ast. Sixty!'two
feet from where the OH-58 I'eft the
its rotor blades hit the forward main rotor
blade of the UH-1. The rotpr and transmis-
sion were damaged, but the OH-58 came to
rest upright.
. The pilot's reaction to rop
off the throttle and jam the collective down
probablY prevented far worse qarT!age to the
aircraft and possible injurY or death to
the passengers.
Severa I th i ngs contri buted to th is
. -No ground guide was used even though
persons were available to perfonn
this service.
I The pilot reacted instinctively to an
i shed pattern of backi ng out of
barking spaces.
l Parking spaces, which were on an
runway, were arranged so that a -
hover was the easiest way to exit
the parking area.
i The pi lot arrived at the ai rfiel d 25
before takeoff, probably causing
im to hurry through his takeoff duties. The
nit SOP called for arrival at the airfield
hour before takeoff
A lack of suitable ground handling
qUi pment resulted in th.e two ai rcraft being
arked in a relatively hazardous position.

The copilot filed a flight plan while the pilot
prefl ighted the U-8. The ai rcraft took off, made one stop
to pi ck up two passengers, then fl ew for 5 hours before
next stoppi ng for fuel.
During the approach to the airport for fuel, the pilot
had some difficulty with the nose gear. The gear was
recycled. The mechanical nose wheel indicator showed
down in both up and down gear positions. A request was
approved for a flyby for visual inspection of the gear by
the tower. The pi lot made a low approach and the tower
told him that the nose gear appeared to be down. The
aircraft was cleared to land. Power was advanced to
takeoff and a go-around was made to return for landing.
At approximately 750 feet, a right crosswind turn was
in i ti ated. At th i s ti me the No. 1 engi ne sputtered,
smoothed out, surged and quit. The pilot banked right to
line up with the long axis of an open field and the No.2
engine quit. The aircraft crash-landed with gear extended
and propel I ers unfeathered.
Fuel exhaustion was due to improper preflight planning.
Fuel consumption was computed for cruise flight at the
appropriate altitude and temperature as prescribed in
the dash 10. However, ground operations, takeoff, and
cl imbs were not included in the planning. Fuel exhaustion
occurred nearly three-fourths of an hour before the pilot's
esti mated ti me. ,
CRT Jr: ,',
advanced attack helicopter
automatic direction finder
attitude director indicator
COntinental United States
Acathode ray tube
frequency modu,lated
glide slope
horizontal situation indicator
intercom control station
instrument flight rules
instrument landing system
instantaneous vertical sri'
radio frequency'"
radio magnetic compass indicator
tube-launched, optically-tracked,

Itra high frequency
"Utytacticaltransport aircraft
ery haghfrequency
VH F omnidirectional range
destination in kilometers, angular deviation from
the course and relative bearing to the destination,
all displayed on the HSI via the HSI control panel.
Bec,\use, '9 liJ:Uited copilot/gunner panel space the
the VHF radio when used.
All Co bras have provisions for a low
altitude altimeter which will be installed as
soon as altimeters become available. The radar
altimeter located directly to the right of the pilot's
TOW steering indicator will present altitude from
o to 1,500 feet with a meter movement and a
digital readout with adjustable high and low
As with the radar altimeter theAH-1S will have
a radar warning receiver as soon as it is available.
The radar warning receiver has a3,-i!!ch CRT dis-
play and will be located directly totlieright of the
IVSI. This device will alert the pilot tfia! is not
only being illuminated by hostile radar but it also
will provide the relative strength and the direc-
AH-1S Pilot's Instrument Panel and Console
tion of the source. Even with this new avioriics/instrum
The avionics that are retained from' AH-
IG/Q Cobras essentially are the transpoddferand
compass system, but e'ven that
for long since the transponder will be
replaced with a di,versity type transponder
(AN/APX-I00) 66 AH-1Ss. Diversi-
configuration, future are being
, to add equipment such as fire controlms;
raQ-Jrng airborne laser tracker, low range om-
niaitpctional airsE"eed indicator, proximity
warning device,JR suppressor and IR jammer.
Eventually all s will be brought up to the
ty means that the treansponder has t\V,o RF inputs
from two antennas, one on top ani! ,J#' on the bot-
tpmof the aircraft to prevent airfra masking of
, he transponder signals. '
configuration of t roauction Until the
UTTAS and AAH are AH-1S
" " i@y@%
qpbra will carry the .Army's most advanct;d
CW2 Alvyn Chapman
Department of
Undergraduate Flight Training
Ft. Rucker, AL
IGH TOWER, Army copter
12345, one five southwest for
landing, over."
"Army copter 12345, this is High
Tower ; be advised the control zone
is IFR, weather 800 broken,
visibility one mile, ground fog and
haze, GCAs are available; request
your intentions." .
"High Tower, Army copter
12345, please stand by, over."
How many times have you been
in thi s situation and turned to your
copilot and said, " Let 's request a
special VFR; we don' t have the
time. " ?
Why do Aviators request a
special VFR (visual flight rules)
clearance in a situation such as
this ? They probably didn't stop to
think when was the last time they
made an instrument approach, or
for that matter even a GCA
(ground controll ed approach). In
fact , may be these Aviators turned
down the GCA because there was
some doubt in their minds about'
their profi ciency and their ability to
complet e it. Can you remember the
last time you were trying to make it
'onics and instrumentation.
home flying VFR in marginal
weather conditions and found the
weather progressively getting lower
and lower? The ground was coming
up fast and the ceiling was coming
down faster. You found yourself
200 feet AGL (above ground level) ,
then 150 feet AGL, 100 feet -
visibility decreasing rapidly.
We all have found ourselves in
this situation at one time or
another. The point is what are we
doing down there when we could be
at a much higher and safer altitude.
An Aviator naturally feels safer
when he has visual contact with the
ground, and the thought of going
IFR (instrument flight rules)
creat es great a nxiety when he is un-
Wh ate ver happened to the
possibility of a precautionary lan-
ding when flying VFR in marginal
weather, with or without minimum
fuel? Could it be some Aviators
think it would be embarassing -
what would their peers think?
When all the requirements are
met, what is so difficult about filing
IFR? Could it be we are trying to
avoid a little more flight planning
a nd waiting a few extra minutes for
an, IFR clearance? Possibly you
could be required to enter one of
those dreaded holding patterns
somewhere, which is highly unlike-
AR 95-1 at this writing states:
" All aircraft assigned to active Army
units which are instrumented for
IFR fli ght a nd have an instrument-
rated Aviator in command will
operate on IFR Flight Plans .... "
There a re exceptions to this re-
quirement , but how many of us take
advantage of these " loopholes " and
use them for excuses for not filing
IFR? Once Aviators become more
a nd more familiar with IFR proce-
dures they will find the advantages
of fl ying on an I FR clearance will
definitely out balance the few mi-
nutes delay. Some of the safety
advantages gained by an IFR clear-
ance are aircraft separation a nd
radar coverage.
All Aviators are required to log a
minimum number of hours of hood
or weather time , and the plain
truth is that most of them put that
H on the das h 12 just to fill t he re-
quirements whether t hey had a
hood on or not. Much benefit can
be obt a ined from that hood time if
us ed properly and on an IFR
cl earance.
The objective of the Army avia-
tion instrument training program
as outlined in AR 95-63 is " . . . to
have each Aviator obt ain and main-
tain a n instrument qualification. "
Just because you have a current in-
strument ticket doesn't mean you
are proficient at flying instruments.
The point is that the only effective
way to maint ai n total instrument
proficiency is to fil e and foLLow IFR
flight plans whenever practical. If you
do this, when the time comes when
it is necessary for you to enter in-
strument conditions, you wiLL be
ready .
If you have a question about persona
or rescue/survival gear, write Pearl, USAAA VS, Ft. Rucker, AL 36362
Personal Equipment & Rescue/ Survival Lowdown
New Style Coming
Army aviators can expect a new style Nomex flight
jacket and trousers in the future. However, this new
style will not become standard until existing stocks of
the present Nomex are depleted.
The velcro hook on the present jacket has presented
a problem as the sleeve cuffs rub on the velcro hooks
when the hands are inserted into the pockets. Pocket
flaps are being added to the new jacket and the hooks
are bei ng relocated to prevent fraying of the cuffs.
The standard velcro fasteners on the pant cuffs are
being replaced by drawstrings . This change, however ,
does not affect the recommended method of wear.
Pant legs should extend over the boot down to the
ankle area and the drawstrings pulled tight and tied.
To ensure proper length, pants should be long enough
not to ride up above the boot top when the wearer is in
a "full squat " position. Nomex is designed for a loose
fit to provide the best fire protection. Therefore, the
drawstrings should not be removed in an attempt to
sew on velcro, as the cut of the pant legs is such that
sufficient material is not availabl e for any unautho-
ri zed alterations.
Butane Lighter Fire Starter
The Lifesaver survwal fire starter has instructions on how to
refiLL it. Could you supply me with the NSN j or the nozzle with
adapter and the butane can.
The lighter is a throwaway item when empty. No
refill components were purchased. If your lighter is
empty, reorder the ent ire system, using the following
information: Fire Starter, Butane Lighter, NSN 9920-
00-999-6753. Unit cost at this time is $4.15.
Fireman's Boots
Boots, Fireman's, rubber, black, 13 Yz inches high,
in sizes 4,5,6, 7,9, 11 , 12, 13, 14 and 15, are not li sted
as an adopted Army item in chapter 8 of SB 700-20.
However, sizes 8 and 10 are listed under line C-07571.
Action is being taken to adopt all sizes for Army use.
Availability and requisitioning instructions will be
listed in the Supply Information Letter when pub-
lished by Defense Personnel Support Center.
HA T SAYS that the wind
direction transmitted by
the tower to a pilot shall be mag-
netic while wind information
from teletype reports is refer-
enced to true north?
T he sources a r e t he Federal
Aviat ion Admi ni strat ion (FAA)
Ha ndbook 7110.65, ch apt er 1,
p arag r a ph lk ; t h e Fede r a l
Meteo r ologica l H a n dboo k- l,
chapter A- l0, paragraph 3.5; and
t he FAA Maintenance of T raffic
Control Equi pment MTC,
par agraph 4.3. 3. 1.
Magneti c direct ion has more
meaning to a pil ot landi ng or
dep arti n g since h ea ding and
runway dir ecti ons are in magnet ic
degrees. Telet ype weather repor ts
normall y ar e used in fli ght plan-
ning and t r ansmitted via long lines
to ma ny locations. It is extremely
diffi cul t to convert the tr ue direc-
ti on to magneti c when t aking into
account t he many variations t hat
must be consider ed.
Since the General Planning
(GP) document only comes out
twice a year, how is it updated?
T he G P is designed to cont ain
the most stabl e informat ion and,
therefore, is publi shed semiannual-
ly wit h no chedul ed Pl anning
Ch a nge Not ices (PCN). Minor
changes to the GP normall y will be
carri ed on t he inside front cover of
appropri ate Area Planni ng (AP)
Publications (AP 1, 2 or 3). Special
not ices in e ith e r Enr o u te
Suppl ements , NOT AMs or Fli ght
Informati on Bull et ins (FIBs) also
may ca ll attention to such changes .
This is not t o say that a signifi cant
number of changes could not
generat e a PCN or even a complete
interim publi cati on if changes to
t he syst em warrant it .
The FAA LOC BC Rwy 10 Ap-
proach Procedure, Gainesville,
Muni, Gainesville, FL (Vol 9,
TLUS) (see figure) depicts a
holding pattern in lieu of a
procedure turn at Hague
Is Hague Int ersecti on con-
sidered an initi al approach f i x
Why is a normal procedure
turn not prov ided?
Hague Int er secti on is an IAF.
FAA in the past felt t hat instru-
ment pilot s would know t his and
did not provide t he IAF identifica-
ti on on chart s. Recent act ion by t he
U. S. Army Air Tr affi c Cont rol Ac-
t ivity has res ul ted in a n FAA deci -
sion to full y ident ify each of these
type procedural I AFs. IAFs will
appear on such charts when revised
for some ot her p ur pose. T his
sched ul e will reduce t he cost of
change a nd manhours involved.
I / T
" (1M)
CROS,S I ./'/
I 20001
(23 .5)
\ I

The holding pattern is used t o con-
serve airspace. T he standard 1-
minute pattern holding area is
protect ed by air traffic control
(ATC) for your holding operati on.
Pr oced ur e t u r n ma n e uver ing
should be prescribed for holding
pattern oper ati ons so as t o re main
in t he small er area. When a holding
patter n is used t he mi nimum
holding alt itude must be within 300
feet of the fi nal approach fix
alti t ude. This is to ass ure you have
an abilit y to arr ive at minimum
descent alt itude in a posit ion fo r
landing wit hout exceedi ng stan-
dard descent rat es. When the 300
feet crit eria cannot be met due to
obstruct ions in t he holding area, a
tandar d procedure tur n is provid-
ed. ATe will t hen provide separa-
tion for the greater area invol ved
even though restrictions t o ot her
t raffi c might result.
-- ----
One Minute
Holding Patt .... n
Climb to 2000 direct to
Windsor NOB I LOM
ELEY 152
" I and hold. 101 4. 8NM
_ _- _"" _ii _________ -_J..f-troJm In! * 225
1700 T ---- ....... " .....
A Thanksgiving Prayer
GOD, make us worthy of the trust You have placed in us.
You have planted freedom in our hearts, and have put in
our minds and hands the tools with which to achieve it. You have
entrusted this good land to us, and blessed us as no other nation
has been blessed.
Help us to count our blessings, to name them and to express
our gratitude in the responsible way we exercise our freedom.
Grant us the courage to live what we believe, and wisdom to be
good stewards of Your blessings. Amen
CH (LTC) Harvey J. Mills
Office of Center Chaplain
U. S. Army Aviation Center
Ft. Rucker, AL

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