What's The Difference?

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What’s the Difference?

Scholarly journals, trade publications, & general interest magazines

Scholarly journals, trade publications, and general interest magazines are important sources of
information. As a student, the thesis or focus statement of your research determines the suitability of
which type of source you should use.

The quality of these publications varies considerably and determining the quality of information in them
is easier when you can clarify the level of scholarship and the general purpose. This chart will help you
evaluate the different types of publications. Some publications may overlap across these categories.

Trade / Professional General Interest

Scholarly Journals
Publications Magazines
Purpose To inform, report, or make These publications give practical They provide information to
available original research or information to people in an industry as a general, educated audience
experimentation to the rest of the well as showcase leaders in the field. on a range of topics.
scholarly world.
Why use Often your professor will require These publications can be useful when Good for identifying
you to use these sources. Using doing an analysis of a particular potential topics for a
them? this type of information lends industry. Additionally, they can help research project as well as
credibility to your own ideas and you when applying for a job or identifying current or hot
hypotheses. preparing for an interview. issues.
Authors Written by and for scholars or Specialists or practitioners in a Magazine's staff, an expert
researchers in a specific subject particular field or industry. or scholar, or a free-lance
area or discipline. writer.
Sources Always cited as footnotes, Sources are often mentioned within an Occasionally cite sources,
endnotes or reference lists article but rarely are cited at the end of but this is the exception.
(bibliographies) at the end of an an article.
Language Uses terminology, jargon and Uses jargon specific to a particular Uses language appropriate
language of the discipline. Reader field or industry but writing is for for an educated readership
is assumed to have a similar educated professionals. but doesn’t emphasize any
scholarly background. discipline’s specific jargon.
Review Articles must go through a strict Minimal review by editorial staff and Minimal review by editorial
review process by peers within the rarely by peers. staff.
process discipline.
Graphics Contains graphs, charts, and Illustrations are usually charts, graphs, Photographs, illustrations
photographs specific to the and photographs relevant to the article; and graphics are used to
research but seldom graphic art. some graphic art. enhance the overall
Publishers Most often published by a Often published by professional Generally published by
professional organization or organizations relevant to a particular commercial enterprises for
specialty publishing company. field or industry. profit.
Advertising Often not present or small amounts Advertising is relevant to the Includes advertising which
of selective advertising. profession or industry. appeals to a broad
Examples American Ethnologist Nation’s Restaurant News Forbes
Journal of Communication Publisher’s Weekly Psychology Today
Science Magazine Advertising Age Scientific American
Aviation Week and Space Technology Time

© Purdue University Libraries - John W. Hicks Undergraduate Library revised: 9/06

What’s the Difference?
Scholarly journals, trade publications, & general interest magazines

Can you tell the difference?

A Harder, B. (2004, March). Worst of Two Worlds. Science News, 165(10), 149-150.
Abstract (Document Summary): Mosquitoes that spread West Nile virus in North
America are a blend of two strains that remain essentially distinct in the Old
World, researchers report. Interbreeding may explain why the insects often bite publication
both birds and people in North America but generally only one or the other in
Europe. To understand how Culex pipiens populations are related, Dina M. General
Fonseca and her colleagues studied genetic variation in multiple populations from interest
the United States and Europe and one population from each of Australia, Japan, magazine
and Jordan.

B Cunha, B. A. (2006). West Nile Virus Encephalitis: Clinical Diagnostic and

Prognostic Indicators in Compromised Hosts. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 43(1),
Abstract (Document Summary): Most patients with WNV encephalitis have Trade
diffusely abnormal electroencephalogram findings, but some patients with WNV publication
encephalitis have prominent slowing in the anterior regions, which is not
commonly seen in other types of viral encephalitis [5]. In conclusion, in patients General
with WNV encephalitis or meningoencephalitis, an initial low relative lymphocyte interest
count and/or a highly elevated serum ferritin level (≥ng/mL) may be helpful in magazine
suggesting the diagnosis of WNV encephalitis before serological test results are

C Arias, D. C. (2006, June). Fight the Bite teaches mosquito control, West Nile Scholarly
awareness. The Nation's Health, 36(5), 12. journal
Abstract (Document Summary): Colorado's Fight the Bite campaign to educate the Trade
public about West Nile virus prevention is proving an effective weapon there and publication
in many other states. Fight the Bite centers on a two-part solution to West Nile
virus: reducing mosquito breeding areas and encouraging personal protection from
mosquito bites.

When evaluating an information Popular magazines
source, keep in mind these general Articles in popular magazines are kept short, with little depth and typically
criteria and questions: written in simple language to entertain or persuade a general audience by staff
or free-lance writers. The heavy graphical format is focused on selling
reliability: Are the facts accurate? products or services.
Glamour; People Weekly; Reader's Digest; Sports Illustrated
credibility: Is the author an
authority on the topic? Sensational magazines
Carrying little authority, articles in these publications are written in an
perspective: Is the work biased or inflammatory, sensational style with very simple language. To arouse
opinionated? curiosity among a somewhat gullible audience, outrageous, startling headlines
purpose: Does this material inform, and photographs as well as melodramatic advertising are used.
Globe; National Enquirer; Star; Sun
explain, persuade?

© Purdue University Libraries - John W. Hicks Undergraduate Library revised: 9/06

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