Candida Diet

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DIET: This is a good diet for many reasons, not just for combating candida yeast

overgrowth. Without strict adherence to the following diet, no anti-candida drug or

treatment will succeed:
(1) Avoid added sugars (including fructose, fruit juices, honey, molasses,, etc.) and
all sugar-sweetened foods and snacs, including caes, cooies, candies, desserts,
sodas, fruit-juice and ice-cream, unless they are made with sugar-substitutes lie
stevia e!tract, which is a natural sweetener, available at healthfood stores" or
saccharin or asesulfame (these substances may cause #roblems for some #eo#le who
are allergic or sensitive to them but, by and large, they are not as harmful as
sugars). $f you can cut out sugars for % days, their &s#ell& will #ossibly be broen and
you may be able to resist them 'uite easily, es#. once any thyroid, chromium and( or
manganese deficiencies, or a high free-insulin level (&)yndrome *&), which can cause
hy#oglycemia and sugar cravings, are corrected. +-, servings of whole-fruits #er day
(e!ce#t the very sweetest inds, lie gra#es, watermelon and mango) are -..
(2) Avoid white-starch foods, lie white bread, caes, cooies, white #asta, white
rice, #otatoes w(o their sins, and all refined flours, etc.. Whole-grain flour, in
moderation, is acce#table" also #otatoes with their #eels, whole-grain brown or wild
rice, whole-grain #asta (usually available in the deli section of su#ermarets), etc.. $
see no reason to avoid other yeasts - they could com#ete with, hel# to contain,
candida yeast. /or to avoid dairy #roducts, unless you are allergic to them. $ believe
some of the #rohibitions bandied around are old wives& tales with no scientific
evidence to su##ort them. Avoiding them #uts an unnecessary burden on the
#atient, discouraging adherence to any form of anti-candida diet and derailing the
whole treatment-effort.
(3) $ncrease your intae of saturated fats0 and essential oils, es#ecially omega-%
oils, which are very lacing in the Western World&s diet. These include meat, fish and
dairy fat, including: 1ish oils, and oily fish, lie salmon, macerel, tuna-in-oil,
sardines-in-oil, etc." 1la!-seed and borage oils. -ne tables#oon of fla! seeds or its
oil, or one +222mg ca#sule of each of these, twice daily, should fit the bill. )ome of
these oils can be used as salad-dressing, or on whole-grain breads or baed #otato,
instead of olive or canola oil. Avocadoes, nuts, olives and olive-oil, canola and other
vegetable oils are mostly omega-3 oils, which are also good but not as lacing in our
diets. Avoid trans-fats strictly.
01or all the reasons why $ now strongly recommend lots of saturated fats, see the
Weston A 4rice 1oundation website and the wor of )ally 1allon, 5ary 6nig, etc.
(4) Avoid antibiotics and synthetic cortisone-( steroid-ty#e #rescri#tions if at all
#ossible. /atural hydrocortisone, as long as it is #rescribed only for a documented
free-cortisol deficiency, and its serum level is e#t within its normal range for the
time of day at which the blood (or saliva s#ecimen) was drawn, is fine (and often
essential in cases of chronic fatigue syndrome, es#. if with a chronically low blood
(1) Acido#hilus (or 7ifidus, or other 4ro7iotic), usually +-, ca#sules, or at least +
million organisms, after brfst and after su##er daily, indefinitely. This and the above
diet are usually enough to #revent - or #revent the return of a #revious - overgrowth
of candida yeast in the blood and intestines. 8omeo#athic remedies, and some
herbs, are also said to be effective. $f stronger treatment is re'uired, i.e. when you
have elevated candida antibody titers in your blood, $ recommend:
(2) 9a#rylic Acid (:22-+222 mg ca#s.) or ;ndecanoic Acid <2mg ca#sules (e.g.,
1ormula )1-:,, by Thorne =esearch), % after brfst and % after su##er daily (3(day).
(3) 9olloidal )ilver (>2.2+-micron #article-si?e, <22 ##m), +-, teas#oonsful after
brfst and su##er daily (or +-, dro##ersful of a ,222##m solution, diluted if desired),
until the antibody titers are normal. $ have not seen any evidence of &argyria&, a
#ermanent unsightly silver-grey discoloration of the sin that can follow #rolonged
intae of large-#article-si?e colloidal silver (as in most home-made versions). This
substance was used as an antimicrobial agent before we had antibiotics, and was

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