Mechanical Properties of Polyester Mortar

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Volume: 03 Special Issue: 06 | May-2014 | RRDCE - 2014, Available @ 1

Soumya Kumari.S
, K.Natarajan
, M.P.Manjunath
, Yashavantha. B.M

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India
Professor& Head, Department of Chemistry, R V College of Engineering, Karnataka, India
U G Student, Department of Civil Engineering, R V College of Engineering, Karnataka, India
U G Student, Department of Civil Engineering, R V College of Engineering, Karnataka, India

Polymer mortars have become more popular as repair materials compared to conventional mortars. This paper reports the
investigation on different mechanical properties of polyester mortar cured at ambient temperature and 80
C. Unsaturated polyester
resin, which is known for its cost performance efficiency is used to bind the aggregates. A comparative study was made on properties
of polymers. It was found that thermal cured specimens exhibited improved compressive, flexural and split tensile strength compared
to ambient cured specimens. However ambient cured samples exhibited a greater modulus than thermal cured samples. Since the
polymer mortar exhibits high modulus of elasticity and ductility, it can be recommended as building materials for construction of
earthquake retaining structure, repair works etc...

Keywords: Polymer mortar, polyester resin, compressive strength, modulus, flexural, split tensile.
The use of polymers is considered to be a sign of progress and
modern attitude in construction industry. Polymers are used as
adhesives, modifiers, and matrix materials in concrete, hence
can be used to replace the traditional binding agents [1-6].
Polymer composite materials are some of the youngest
building materials. They are continually appearing with new
and optimized properties as new combinations and
formulations are developed.

Polymer mortar is a homogeneous mixture of fine aggregate
and a polymer resin. The fine aggregates are bounded together
by the polymer matrix. Polymer mortar is similar to
conventional cement mortar as it contains fine aggregates, but
Portland cement is completely replaced by polymer resin [7-
8].When compared to the conventional mortar, polymer
mortar exhibits additional advantages such as rapid hardening,
improved resistance to chemical attacks and durability along
with high mechanical properties [9-14]. Performance of
polymer mortar depends on various factors such as resin
content, types and mixed proportions and method of curing
[15-18].The purpose of present research is to investigate the
effect of different methods of curing on mechanical properties
of polymer mortar.

A resin and an accelerator are used as binder in the

2.1 Unsaturated Polyester Resin
The unsaturated polyester resin used in this investigation was
Aropol 5334 which has medium viscosity and medium
reactive. It is considered to have good mechanical properties
and possess chemical resistance. The resin consists of 39% of
styrene monomer as a viscosity modifier which also serves as
a cross linking agent.

2.2 Curing Agents
Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide (MEKP) is used as initiator to
initiate the cross linking of unsaturated polyester resin. The
radical formation would be accelerated by the addition of a
suitable promoter. Cobalt napthenate (CN) was used as an
accelerator in the study.

2.3 Fine Aggregate
Natural river sand was used as fine aggregate in the
preparation of polymer mortar. The specific gravity and
fineness modulus of the sand used was 2.67 and 2.51
respectively. The grain size distribution curve of the fine
aggregate is given in chart-1. It is evident from the figure that
it is well graded sand.

IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Volume: 03 Special Issue: 06 | May-2014 | RRDCE - 2014, Available @ 2

Chart -1: Particle size distribution curve

2.4 Preparation of the Sample
The polymer mortar has been prepared as per the procedure
specified in IS 516:1959 [19]. The manufacturing process of
the mortar consists of proportioning, mixing, compacting and

Pre calculated fine aggregate was taken in mixing tray for
which the resin was mixed with accelerator and initiator
manually. Uniformly mixed mortar was used to cast cubes of
size 50mm. Cylinders of diameter 150 mm and height 300mm
and beams of size 500x100 100 mm were casted as indicated
in IS 516:1959 [19]. The specimens were cured at laboratory
temperature and thermally cured at 800C for the duration of 2
hours before testing. The specimens were named as ambient
cured thermally cured and respectively. The cured samples of
mortar cube, cylinder and beam are shown in Fig 1. The cubes
were tested for compression, cylinders for spilt tensile strength
and beams for flexural strength.

For the polymer content below 6 %, it was found that the fresh
polymer mortar was very harsh and could not bind the
aggregates. But for 8 % resin and above, there was
considerable bond between the aggregates. The scope of the
study was to restrict the percentage of polymer to 30, as there
were enough studies for resin 30 % and above. Therefore, the
percentage of polymer resin was varied between 8-30.

Fig-1: Polymer mortar cubes, cylinders and beam specimens

3.1 Dry Density Test
The variation of the density of resin mortar with the
percentage of resin is shown in the chart-2 at the age of 7
days. It was noticed that when the percentage of binder was
less than 8, there was no binding of the aggregates and mortar
could not be made. Also the variation of density of mortar was
not considered beyond 30 % of resin due to economy. The
density of polyester mortar varies from 1700 to 2194 kg/m3
for various percentage of resin. It can be seen that the
variation in the density is about 400 kg/m3. The density is
maximum when the percentage of resin was 25.

Chart -2: Variation of density with percentage of resin

3.2 Water Absorption Test
Polymer mortar specimens were tested for water absorption.
The variation of water absorption of mortar with the
percentage of resin is shown in chart -3 at the age of 7 days.
The water absorption varies from 9.25 to 0 %. As the
percentage of resin increases, water absorption decreases. It
can be noted that the water absorption is nil above 25% resin.
This property of mortar would be very much useful in marine
and under water applications.

IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Volume: 03 Special Issue: 06 | May-2014 | RRDCE - 2014, Available @ 3

Chart -3: Water absorption with percentage of resin

3.3 Compressive Strength
The variation of compressive strength with different curing
condition of polyester mortar specimens with percentage of
resin is shown in chart-4 at the age of 7 days. Both type of
mortars exhibited increase in strength with the percentage of
resin. Thermal cured mortar developed higher strength
compared to ambient cured samples by 80 %. The
compressive strength of the mortar varies from 2.5 to 70 MPa
for various percentages of resin. For practical applications, the
percentage of resin can be varied to get the required
compressive strength from the chart-4.

Chart -4: Variation of compressive strength with resin

3.4 Compressive Strength with Age
It is very much necessary to study the strength development of
a material with the age, when it is used in construction
industry. The strength development was studied at the age of
1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 56 days. The variation of compressive
strength with different curing condition of polyester mortar
specimens with age is shown in chart-5 and 6 for 8 and 10 %
resin respectively.
It can be observed that the strength development of mortar is
almost linear till the age of 7 days. The development of
strength is not appreciable and almost saturated at this age.
Hence for such polymer mortars, 7 days strength can be taken
as reference for any specifications.

Chart -5: Variation of Strength with age for 8% resin

Chart -6: Variation of Strength with age for 10% resin

3.5 Split Tensile Strength
It is important to know the split tensile strength of polyester
mortar, if it is used as a repair material. The split tensile
strength was found out for different curing conditions at the
age of 7 days for 10% of resin. It is observed that split tensile
strength is of thermal cured mortar was 40 % higher than
ambient cured mortar as indicated in chart -7. However the
split tensile strength is about 12.5 and 18% of compressive
strength for thermal and ambient cured mortar respectively.

IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Volume: 03 Special Issue: 06 | May-2014 | RRDCE - 2014, Available @ 4

Chart -7: Variation of split tensile strength with method of

3.6 Flexural Strength
The Flexural strength is an important property of any mortar if
it used in the construction of bridge decks, pavements etc.
This test was conducted at the age of 7 days for the mortar
with 10 % resin. Flexural strength of thermal and ambient
cured polymer mortar was found to be 2.52 and 1MPa
respectively as shown in chart-8. The flexural strength is about
25 and 20% of compressive strength for thermal and ambient
cured mortar respectively.

Chart -8: Variation of flexural strength with method of curing

3.7 Modulus of Elasticity
Modulus of Elasticity of polymer mortar was determined at
the age of 7 days for the percentage of resin 8 and 10 %. The
variation of stress and strain is indicated in chart 9 and 10. It
can be observed from these figures that the polymer mortar is
more ductile compared to Portland cement mortar. This
property of polymer mortar would be helpful in using it as a
material in the construction of earthquake resistant structures.
It can be noted that the ambient cure polymer mortar exhibited
higher ductility and modulus of elasticity compared to thermal
cured sample in both the cases considered for the study. The
secant modulus of elasticity of mortars is indicated in chart -

Chart -9: Stress-strain curve for 8% resin

Chart -10: Stress-strain curve for 10% resin

Chart -11: Modulus of Elasticity of polyester polymer mortar
for different % of resin

IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Volume: 03 Special Issue: 06 | May-2014 | RRDCE - 2014, Available @ 5
Based on the limited study on polymer mortar, the following
conclusions may be drawn.
It is possible to prepare polymer mortar using 8- 30
% polyester resin to get desirable properties.
The thermal cured polymer mortar exhibited higher
mechanical strength compared to ambient cured
However the ambient cured polymer mortar
possesses higher modulus of elasticity and ductility
compared to thermal cured mortar.
Polymer mortar with polyester resin can be
recommended for repair work and materials for
earthquake resistant structure, bridges, pavements etc.

We express our sincere regards and gratitude to Dr.
Radhakrishna, Associate Professor, Department of Civil
Engineering of R.V College for his encouragement and
guidance. We also extend our gratitude to the principal and
management of Don Bosco institute of technology and R.V
College of Engineering for their support to carry out research

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Soumya Kumari S, working as an assistant
Professor in the Department of chemistry, Don
Bosco Institute of Technology and a Ph.D
scholar from R.V. College of Engineering.
Currently working in the field of synthesis and
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Volume: 03 Special Issue: 06 | May-2014 | RRDCE - 2014, Available @ 6
characterization of interpenetrated network of polymer resin
systems for polymer concrete applications

Dr. K. Natarajan is the inventor of TGPPD
epoxy resin and NCCS cable seal. Two patent
holder, he is the recipient of the prestigious
National award for his invention of NCCS cable
seal. He is currently the HoD of Chemistry
Dept. & Director, Advanced Polymer Material
Lab (APML), R.V College of Engineering.

M.P Manjunath is pursuing his final year B.E at
R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore. He is
doing research on polymer mortars. His areas of
interests are Concrete Technology and
Alternative building Materials.

Yashavantha.B.M. is pursuing his final year
B.E at R.V.College of Engineering. He is
doing research on polymer mortars. His areas
of interests are Construction Technology and
Concrete Technology.

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