Worksheet 24

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24 Worksheet (A2)

Data needed to answer questions can be found in the Data, formulae and relationships sheet.
1 A 30 F capacitor is connected to a 9.0 V battery.
a alculate the char!e on the capacitor. "#$
b %ow many e&cess electrons are there on the ne!ati'e plate of the capacitor( "#$
2 )he p.d. across a capacitor is 3.0 V and the char!e on the capacitor is *+0 n.
a Determine the char!e on the capacitor when the p.d. is,
i -.0 V "#$
ii 9.0 V. "#$
b alculate the capacitance of the capacitor. "#$
3 A *000 F capacitor is char!ed to a potential difference of 9.0 V.
a alculate the ener!y stored by the capacitor. "#$
b Determine the ener!y stored by the capacitor when the p.d. across it is doubled. "#$
4 For each circuit below, determine the total capacitance of the circuit. "*3$
5 )he dia!ram shows an electrical circuit.
a alculate the total capacitance of the two capacitors in parallel. "#$
b .hat is the potential difference across each capacitor( "*$
c alculate the total char!e stored by the circuit. "#$
d alculate the total ener!y stored by the capacitors. "#$
A/ and A 0e'el 1hysics 2ri!inal material 3 ambrid!e 4ni'ersity 1ress #0*0 1
24 Worksheet (A2)
6 A *0 000 F capacitor is char!ed to its ma&imum operatin! 'olta!e of 3# V.
)he char!ed capacitor is dischar!ed throu!h a filament lamp. )he flash of li!ht from
the lamp lasts for 300 ms.
a alculate the ener!y stored by the capacitor. "#$
b Determine the a'era!e power dissipated in the filament lamp. "#$
7 )he dia!ram shows a *000 F capacitor char!ed to a p.d. of *# V.
a alculate the char!e on the *000 F capacitor. "#$
b )he *000 F capacitor is connected across an unchar!ed +00 F capacitor by closin!
the switch S. )he char!e initially stored by the *000 F capacitor is now shared with
the +00 F capacitor.
i alculate the total capacitance of the capacitors in parallel. "#$
ii /how that the p.d. across each capacitor is 5.0 V. "#$
8 )he dia!ram shows a circuit used to measure the capacitance of a capacitor.
)he reed switch 'ibrates between the two contacts with a frequency of +0 %6. 2n each oscillation
the capacitor is fully char!ed and totally dischar!ed. )he current throu!h the milliammeter is
##+ mA.
a alculate the char!e that flows off the capacitor each time it is dischar!ed. "*$
b alculate the capacitance of the capacitor. "#$
c alculate the current throu!h the milliammeter when a second identical capacitor
is connected,
i in parallel with the ori!inal capacitor "*$
ii in series with the ori!inal capacitor. "*$
A/ and A 0e'el 1hysics 2ri!inal material 3 ambrid!e 4ni'ersity 1ress #0*0 2
reed switch
9.0 V
24 Worksheet (A2)
9 A capacitor of capacitance #00 F is connected across a #00 V supply.
a alculate the char!e stored on the plates. "*$
b alculate the ener!y stored on the capacitor. "*$
)he capacitor is now disconnected from the power supply and is connected across a *00 F
c alculate the potential difference across the capacitors. "3$
d alculate the total ener!y stored on the capacitors. "#$
e /u!!est where the ener!y has been lost. "*$
10 )he dia!ram below shows a char!ed capacitor of capacitance C. .hen the switch S is closed,
this capacitor is connected across the unchar!ed capacitor of capacitance #C.
alculate the percenta!e of ener!y lost as heat in the resistor and e&plain why the actual
resistance of the resistor is irrele'ant. "7$
/core, 9
A/ and A 0e'el 1hysics 2ri!inal material 3 ambrid!e 4ni'ersity 1ress #0*0 3

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