MPA-Local Governance
MPA-Local Governance
MPA-Local Governance
1. What must a local government have so that it can be called as such?
Local government if a political subdivision of a nation or state
constituted by law, which has substantial control over land afairs
including the power to impose taxes, the governing body of which is
elected and appointed. It is a set of rulema!ing and rule
enforcement activities binding upon a set of collectivity. It also has a
de"nite area, pollution, continuing organi#ation, and the authority to
underta!e and the power to carry out public activities in a particular
area. It is referred as $municipal corporation%.
&. What are the re'uisites of local government? (hey are the following)
a. Legal creation or incorporation*
b. +orporate name*
c. Inhabitants*
d. (erritory*
e. +harter* and
f. Legislative power.
,. (he two -&. ma/or concepts of the local government are)
a. Local government as apolitical subdivision of the national
government, excluding the "eld o0ces of line agencies
geographically located within the /urisdiction of the local
government units* and
b. Local government refers to the geographic area where all
government units, including the "eld o0cers of line agencies of
the national government, are considered as part of the local
1. What is the diference between a component city to that of highly
urbani#ed city?
(he only diference is the former is under the supervision of
the province wherein it situated whereas the latter is independent
from the province where it situated and it is under the supervision of
the national government.
2. 3re 4egional 5evelopment +ouncils considered local governments?
7. Why or Why not?
1 3nswers on 5L 83 &21 9 Local :overnance
4egional 5evelopment +ouncils are not considered as local
governments or municipal corporations because they do not have
separate corporate responsibilities* neither do they exercise
legislative functions
1. ;ow the barangay became the local government unit?
5uring the <panish 8eriod, the =ilipino ancestors established an
indigenous political institution !nown as the barangay. It composed of
some ,>1>> households, based largely on !inship. ?very barangay was
headed by a ruler !nown as the datu who was also referred to as ra/ah,
gat, or la!an, 5atuship, or leadership, was attained through inheritance,
physical prowess, wealth, wisdom or virtue, or through a combination of
any two or more of these 'ualities.
&. ;ow was the barangay of the <panish era diferent from the martial
5uring the <panish period, the barangays were transformed into barrios
and the datus relegated to the role of tax collectors !nown as cabe#as de
barangay, while during the martial regimes, renamed some of the local
government units and used indigenous terms such as the barangay for
,. 5iferentiate the local government of the diferent periods in term of)
a. 8ower and authority
b. =unctions
c. ;ead of units@levels
d. ?xtent of participation
e. Ani'ue characteristic@feature
1. What is the signi"cance of the following)
a. Batas 8ambansa Blg. &&&
b. ?xecutive Crder DDD
c. Batas 8ambansa ,,D
d. Local :overnment +oe
& 3nswers on 5L 83 &21 9 Local :overnance