SA2006-000147 en Application of Numerical Relays For HV Shunt Reactor Protection
SA2006-000147 en Application of Numerical Relays For HV Shunt Reactor Protection
SA2006-000147 en Application of Numerical Relays For HV Shunt Reactor Protection
For normal operating voltages there is a linear
relationship between applied voltage and reactor current
(i.e. a small increase in voltage will result in a
proportional increase in current). The deviation from a
true sinusoidal shape in line voltage is in general
IaN IbN IcN negligible for normal operating voltages.
As the magnetic flux to a great extent has its path in
magnetic core steel the core steel will get saturated for
flux densities above a certain level, the saturation point.
Once above the saturation point big excitation current is
needed to further increase the flux density.
Harmonic content
FIGURE 1: Shunt Reactor I & U Signal Definitions Steady state harmonics in reactor current arise from
partial saturation in the magnetic circuit. These effects
INTRODUCTION are in fact very small, and without practical importance
HV, oil immersed, shunt reactors are the most compact for relaying. Of all harmonics the third harmonic will be
and cost-efficient means to compensate reactive power the most dominant. In the reactor neutral the third
generation of long-distance, high-voltage power harmonics in the three phases add together and act like a
transmission lines, or extended cable systems during zero sequence current.
light load conditions. Two main application of the Asymmetry between phases
reactor can be identified as: The tolerances on asymmetry between phases of a three-
• Shunt reactors that are continuously in service, phase reactor or between single-phase units forming a
generally used for EHV and long HV three-phase bank can be judged by the amount of
lines/cables residual harmonics. The result is a zero sequence
• Switched shunt reactors are applied in the current in the neutral connection. Standards are realistic,
underlying system and near load centers but better tolerances are possible to achieve. A usual
figure is 0.5 %.
HV SHUNT REACTOR SWITCHING For a three-phase reactor the different phases will
experience different degrees of dc offset. The
The switching in of a shunt reactor gives rise to inrush combination of the individual phase current offsets will
current – a transient phenomenon related to saturation in give a neutral current rich in harmonics and also with
the shunt reactor magnetic circuit. In principle, it is the possibly dc offset from the zero line as shown in Fig. 3
same story as inrush current of a transformer, but there In recent years, so-called point-on-wave closing relays
are differences. A reactor core keeps no remanence, are available from switchgear manufacturers. By using
because of the air gaps, which makes the whole thing these relays switching of different power system
easier. However, the damping of the asymmetric devices, including shunt reactors can be performed
condition –“the dc component” – is slow, due to the without a disturbance to the rest of the power system
inherent low losses in a shunt reactor. It is therefore (see Figures 4 & 5).
necessary to keep this phenomenon in mind when
designing the relay protection system for HV shunt NUMERICAL PROTECTION RELAY RESPONSE
The instantaneous current values during shunt reactor
switching in can be visualized from Figures 2 & 3. Input All numerical relays utilize so-called sampling
data for all figures in this chapter are obtained from technique of the input current and voltage signals.
actual disturbance recordings in the field. Depending on Typically 12 to 32 samples per fundamental power
the switching instant the currents might have a long system cycle are used depending on the particular relay
lasting dc component. The worst condition is when the design. From these samples numerical relays calculates
reactor phase is closed in at zero voltage. The flux will root-mean-square values of the input quantities by using
increase with the voltage-time-area during the first different type of digital filters. These RMS values are
voltage half-cycle to a value twice the maximum flux in then typically processed by different protective
normal operation. The current is proportional to the flux functions (i.e. phase and ground overcurrent).
density, until reactor core saturation occurs. Above the In order to apply correct relay settings for shunt reactor
point of saturation the current will increase faster than protection application, it is of outmost importance to
the flux. Without saturation, the first peak of the current understand the relay digital filter response to typical
with full dc offset would be 2,82 times rated current. input current waveforms, which can be encountered.
The actual current peaks might rise to a value in Response of two different types of digital filters will be
between 3 and 5,5 times depending on the particular investigated.
shunt reactor design details. Such time intervals, when • TRMS (i.e. True RMS filter), which extracts
reactor core goes into saturation, are clearly visible in equivalent RMS value from the input signal.
current IB in Figure 2. The time to more or less fully Therefore this filter includes the dc component and
balanced operation around zero flux in the core may be higher harmonic components from the input quantity
fairly long often in order of seconds, but such condition into its output result
is of no harm for the shunt reactor itself.
FIGURE 7: Reactor neutral current saturation FIGURE 9: Reactor neutral current 2nd harmonic
Modern numerical relays typically offer restricted Modern numerical relays typically offer differential
ground fault protection of a low impedance type. This protection of a low impedance type. This gives the
gives the following benefits to the end user: following benefits to the end user:
• This relay can be applied with different type of CTs • This relay can be applied with different type of CTs
at the reactor bushing and at reactor neutral point at the reactor bushing and at reactor star point (i.e.
(i.e. CTs doesn’t need to be identical) CTs doesn’t need to be identical)
• Main CTs can be shared with other relays • Main CTs can be shared with other relays
• No galvanic connection is necessary between CTs • No galvanic connection is necessary between CTs
at the reactor bushing and at reactor neutral point at the reactor bushing and at reactor star point
• In case of an internal fault no high voltages will • In case of an internal fault no high voltages will
appear in the CT secondary wiring appear in the CT secondary wiring
Typically these restricted ground fault relays of a low Here the situation is little bit easier because the relay
impedance type calculate the differential current as a measures essentially the same current on both ends of
difference between zero-sequence currents at the reactor the protected winding. However again the long lasting
bushings and the reactor neutral point. As additional dc component can cause uneven saturation of the two
operating criteria they often use directional principle CTs and cause the relay maloperations. Let’s have a
(i.e. product type relays). However for shunt reactor look into the disturbance-recording file captured by
protection these sometimes might not be enough to numerical relay, which is shown in Figure 11.
prevent maloperations. Let’s have a look into the As it can be seen in Figure 11 due to uneven CT
disturbance-recording file captured by numerical relay, saturation on the two winding ends differential
which is shown in Figures 6 & 7. protection had unwanted operation and it has
The problem is that when one or more phase CTs disconnected the shunt reactor from the power system.
saturate false 3Io current appears at the reactor Thus if sensitive setting is required for the differential
bushings. protection (i.e. 10-15% of the reactor rated current) it
Unfortunately this very often manifests as the current of might be necessary to have some additional means to
opposite polarity in comparison with the neutral point restrain low impedance differential protection relay
current, which then causes the directional restricted from maloperations during shunt reactor switching in.
ground fault relay (i.e. product type relay) to maloperate One effective method is to enable second harmonic
during reactor switching in. blocking feature commonly readily available in
Calculated phase angle difference between neutral point numerical transformer differential relay. Second
current and zero-sequence current at the reactor bushing possibility is to delay the restraint differential protection
for the above event is shown in Figure 10. operation only during reactor switching.
Obviously it is necessary to have some additional means
to restrain low impedance, restricted ground fault relay In the same time in order to have secure operation for
from maloperations during shunt reactor switching in. heavier internal fault, the unrestrained differential level
can be typically set down to 200% of shunt reactor rated
One very effective method is to check the amount of current and without any time delay.
second harmonic component in the shunt reactor neutral
point current and adaptively prevent relay operation if
the preset limit is exceeded (see Figure 9).
TABLE 1: List of functions for complete HV shunt reactor protection and control scheme
Function Comment Typical setting shown in percents
of the shunt reactor rating
87=low impedance Check suitability for shunt reactor Set restraint differential level to 10-15% with 2nd
diff. protection application with relay manufacturer. harmonic restrain set at 10%. Set unrestraint
differential level 200%.
87N=low Check suitability for shunt reactor Set differential level to 10%. Set operate angle for
impedance REF application with relay manufacturer. directional criteria to ±65 deg. Relay shall include
protection adaptive 2nd harmonic restrain feature.
#1-50/51=HV Backup protection, sensitive for internal Set low set to 130% with time delay in between
overcurrent faults close to the reactor bushings. 0.6s and 1s. Set high set to 250% with time delay
protection of 0.1s.
#2-50/51=HV Backup protection, sensitive for internal Set low set to 130% with time delay in between
overcurrent fault close to the reactor star point. 0.6s and 1s. Set high set to 200% with time delay
protection of 0.1s.
#3-50/51=HV Used as circuit breaker failure protection Set low set to 30% with appropriate time delay as
overcurrent and indication that reactor is energized CBF protection. Set high set to 50% in order to
protection for the cooling control logic. indicate that shunt reactor is energized.
49=thermal Shall be used with great care. Shunt Specific manufacturing data are required in order
overload protection reactor overload can only be caused by to properly set this function. Possible to use
overvoltage in a power system winding/oil contact thermometer instead.
50G/51G=ground Backup protection, sensitive for internal Specific system data are required in order to
fault protection in fault close to the reactor star point. Used properly set this function.
reactor neutral point for turn-to-turn fault detection logic.
50N/51N=ground Backup protection, sensitive for internal Set low set to 20% with time delay in between
fault overcurrent faults close to the reactor bushings. 0.6s and 1s or even longer. Use 2nd harmonic
protection in reactor blocking. Set high set to 175% with time delay of
HV side 0.1s.
59N=unbalance Used for turn-to-turn fault detection Specific system data are required in order to
overvoltage logic. properly set this function.
67N=directional Used for turn-to-turn fault detection Specific system data are required in order to
ground fault logic. properly set this function.
27&59=under/over Used for automatic shunt reactor control. Specific system data are required in order to
voltage Often more than one stage required. properly set these functions.