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The document discusses the various technologies that have been used for communications-based train control (CBTC) systems, including inductive loop, radio frequency, and different types of radios.

Inductive loop CBTC systems are proven but can be vandalized. They are inexpensive and easy to install and repair but some operators prefer radio frequency to avoid wires.

In the early 1990s, companies like General Railway Signal, SF BART, and Bombardier experimented with using specialized radios from companies like Watkins Johnson, Hughes Aircraft, and Andrew for CBTC.

CBTC Radios What to Do? Which Way to Go?

Industry Standard? Commercial off the Shelf? Or Custom designs? About

the only thing the transit industry is able to agree upon is that it cannot.
By Tom Sullivan
Continuous bi-directional
communications forms the heart of
CBTC technology. By using two-way
communications instead of traditional
fixed block track circuits some transit
operators have been able to realize
significant performance improvements
while at the same time increasing safety
and lowering operating costs.
Consider San Franciscos Muni Metro.
With CBTC technology it has been able
to double the number of trains/hr in its
Market Street Subway. But Munis
Alcatel Seltrac CBTC, like LZB its
1970s German predecessor , is based
upon a near-field inductive loop
operating on a 56 kHz carrier. Today,
most new RF CBTC systems are
operating in the GHz range, or about a
million times faster.

Photo1. Inductive Loop CBTC such as this one

at SF Municipal Railway have thirty years of
service proven history.

Loop Benefits & Liabilities

There are a lot of advantages to
inductive loop CBTC. The technology
has been service-proven for three
decades, its easy to install, and uses
inexpensive unshielded stranded wire
that is easy to repair in the field.
Today, transmit and receive interface
circuitry for inductive loop systems is
easy to design, build, and maintain.
Technology obsolescence is of little
concern because there are so many ways
to design replacement subsystems using
readily available Commercial Off The
Shelf (COTS) components.
So why are so many new CBTC systems
using RF technology? Answers are many
and varied but primarily it seems most
transit operators, i.e., those who have no
prior experience with CBTC, simply
dont like the idea of a wire loop that can
be easily vandalized or perhaps even
resold for scrap.
But while RF-CBTC systems largely
eliminate these two concerns, they have
their own problems. And while these
problems are significant they were not
widely understood when the transit
industry, and especially MTA New York
City Transit, first began to take a hard
look at RF-CBTC systems in the early

Draft Version of Article published in Railway Age's 2005 C&S Buyer's Guide

The RF Bandwagon Begins

General Railway Signal (now Alstom)
was perhaps the first signal company to
work with a specialty radio manufacturer
(in this case Watkins Johnson) to design
and build a custom transit radio for RFCBTC.

energy to leak out or radiate in. Its been

used for decades in subways for voice
radio but Bombardiers leaky feeder
CBTC design is unique.
Today, Andrews Model 2400 direct
sequence spread spectrum radio is in
successful revenue service at the San
Francisco Airport, soon SEPTA, and

Photo2. Stillborn: Watkins Johnson's CBTC

radio developed for GRS circa 1994 never saw
revenue service.

Independently, but at about the same

time, SF BART saw value in an
advanced radio ranging from Hughes
Aircraft Company developed for the US
Army and Marines. Known as EPLRS,
BART hoped to leverage the
approximately $500,000,000 in sunk
engineering costs the U.S. government
paid to develop EPLRS and believed it
could easily adapt this radio for its
CBTC train system that BART called
Advanced Automatic Train Control
AEG Westinghouse (now Bombardier)
also got into the act by teaming with
Andrew Corporation another specialty
radio manufacturer. Unlike other signal
and radio suppliers, however,
Bombardier and Andrew believed that a
lossy line was the only way to ensure
reliable communications in the subways.
A lossy line, sometimes called a leaky
feeder is a coaxial cable with periodic
openings in the outer shield to permit RF

Photo 3. Andrew's Model 2400 radios is used in

a number of initial Bombardier CBTC
installations in the 1990's.

Trouble in RF-CBTC City

But theres a problem with the Andrew
Model 2400 radio: After only a few
years, it was discontinued due to poor

Draft Version of Article published in Railway Age's 2005 C&S Buyer's Guide

sales. One of the alleged reasons for its

poor sales is that it was designed to work
closely with Bombardiers Flexiblok
(now CityFlo* 650) CBTC. Thus, while
other firms might be interested, its close
connection with Bombardier makes it
harder to interface with other systems.

For example, CBTC radios are relatively

small and light weight. So are the
antennae. But BART and NYCT have
been surprised to discover that there is
significantly additional costs to ensure
that these system can be maintained

Meanwhile, back on the West Coast

HMK (a joint venture of Hughes and
MK) after spending all of the available
federal research funds decided it wanted
out. Hughes then sold its EPLRS
technology to Raytheon and ultimately
GE (which bought Harmon) which
began to build a lower cost version of
the original Hughes EPLRS radio.

Consider the significant CBTC and

antennae structures installed by BART in
its elevated sections. An OSHA
approved ladder and appropriate
protections were provided to ensure
worker safety.

Installation of AATC at BART continues

and radios are installed on virtually all of
its cab cars and approximately 1/3 of the

Photo 5. BART train nearing a wayside CBTC antenna

cantilevered off an elevated track section.

Photo 4. GE's CBTC radio network installed at SF

BART is based upon advanced technology originally
developed for the US Military

One of the challenges with any new

technology is not the overall concept and
design. Actually, thats where all the fun
is for engineers. The challenge is in the
details which is usually where many of
the hidden costs begin to appear.

Radio Technology Marches Along

In April of 2003, Bombardier won yet a
another CBTC job, this time in Taiwan.
But because Bombardier was no longer
able to purchase custom Andrew CBTC
radios it needed to find a new radio.
Perhaps based upon its unfortunate
experience with Andrew this time
Bombardier elected to go with an
inexpensive commercial off the shelf
(COTS) radio made by Safetran.
At less than 1/10 the cost of Andrews
custom radio ($1600 Vs $22,000),

Draft Version of Article published in Railway Age's 2005 C&S Buyer's Guide

Safetrans COTS Ethernet Spread

Spectrum Radio also occupies only 6%
of the volume.

computer and palm pilot is now safety

and reliably controlling trains in Las

Andrews discontinued Model 2400 has

a EIA RS-530 interface. The Safetran
Ethernet Radio has a standard, and
infinitely more popular, 10/100 BaseT
Ethernet port.

While Alcatel says it will continue to

support and provide inductive loop
Seltrac systems when requested, Alcatel
also says that it has decided to
standardize on IEEE Standard data radio
technology for its RF-Seltrac systems.
A look under the hood of a typical
Alcatel wayside radio location helps
explain why. At Pennys Bay, Hong
Kong, most of the space in the cabinet is
empty. In the top left hand corner you
can make out the IEEE 802.11.
While many had doubts that 802.11
could be used reliably for train control
systems (and some still do) Las Vegas is
proving them wrong. Clearly, the
advantages to using IEEE industry
standard data radios are many and

Photo 6. Commercial off the Shelf. Bombardier now

uses a compact and inexpensive Ethernet Spread
Spectrum radio by Safetran Systems

On July 15, 2004 the Las Vegas

monorail went into full revenue service.
Controlled by a Seltrac RF CBTC
system, the data radio technology
Alcatel selected was not a custom data
radio, nor was it a COTS data radio.
Rather Alcatel elected to use IEEE Std.
802.11 data radios.
Yes, thats right. The same very popular
industry standard data radio protocol,
also called WiFi, that you probably
now have operating in your notebook

To begin with, the cost of 802.11 radios

is approximately 1/10 that of a COTS
radio and less than 1/100 the cost of a
custom CBTC radio.
Interoperability among multiple radio
suppliers is ensured by an industry trade
group know as the WiFi Alliance.
IEEE 802.11 technology and
interoperability continues to evolve at a
dizzying rate. Recently Atheros
Communications announced that is now
sampling a single integrated circuit that
supports 802.11a/b/g as well as the new
standard for security 802.11i and the
quality of service extensions associated
with 80211e.

Draft Version of Article published in Railway Age's 2005 C&S Buyer's Guide

Photo 7. Alcatel's Radio CBTC systems for Hong Kong,

Las Vegas and Paris Metro use multi-sourced IEEE
Std. 802.11 radios (top left corner)

Thus, it appears the only thing we can

really be sure about IEEE standard data
radios is that they will continue to evolve
and improve and continue to be
supported for a long time.
But What About NYC Transit?
Back on the East Coast NYCTs CBTC
technology leader Siemens (formerly
MATRA Transport) is moving ahead
with the installation of its custom
Siemens CBTC radio on NYCTs
Canarsie Pilot CBTC Line.

Photo 8. Siemens proprietary 2.4 Ghz CBTC Radio

will be used only on NYCTs Canarsie Line

The original plan for New York you may

have heard was to develop a standard
CBTC design by selecting one
technology leader and two followers
who would provide CBTC equipment
compatible with the leaders.
Unfortunately, things have not yet
worked out as planned. Alstom, one of
the followers has dropped out and
Alcatel the other follower is still
working to build a CBTC System
compatible with Siemens.
But what about the radio? And what
about compatibility and interoperability
and competition on future NYCT lines?
Things remain murky. As of November
2004 the specific procurement strategy
for the second CBTC line, Flushing, is
not resolved. Partly this is because there
is only one firm who can provide the

Draft Version of Article published in Railway Age's 2005 C&S Buyer's Guide

radio. But this is not the radio that is

going to be used on Flushing.
Senior MTA and NYCT management
desire a total of four suppliers of
compatible, interoperable CBTC
equipment. But currently, NYCT is
having trouble getting two compatible
systems let alone three or four. No small
part of the problem is custom proprietary
So where are we going?
Clearly, there are a lot changes in data
radio technology today. Next generation
software radios will allow their
personalities to change by downloading
new code. And beyond that cognitive


radios that have the ability to adapt to a

wireless spectrum or network
environment automatically to
accomplish some task are coming.
To help put these radio types in
perspective and better understand these
issues and recent radio history, Table 1
lists some key attributes associated with
Custom, COTS, and IEEE industry
standard radios.
For additional information and to
participate in a discussion forum on
CBTC radios please go to

Off The Shelf

Watkins Johnson

(Radio & CBTC)

+GRS Atlas

IEEE Std. 802.11


+Alcatel Seltrac

+Bombardier CityFlo

+Adtranz Flexiblok

+Matra Meteor

Relative Cost
Product Life
Upgrade Path
and Potential
Radio vendor
Radio + CBTC
Radio + CBTC
in Service

(802.11 b,a,g,e,i)











(via WiFi Alliance)

(Alcatel Las Vegas)

IP over Ethernet

(Bombardier SFO)

Industry Standard
(ATCS, Ethernet

custom or external to radio

Table 1 CBTC Radio Types Compared

Draft Version of Article published in Railway Age's 2005 C&S Buyer's Guide

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