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Dan Tomlin

Ch 16 Guide
1. Organophosphates, carbamates, chlorinated hdrocarbons,
pyrethroids, and traizines
2. Raw toxic heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, and mercury
3. Synthetic organics were invented like DDT and toxaphene.
4. Chemical treatment uses synthetic organics to kill the pests,
while ecological control introduces natural predators to kill the
5. Integrated pest management is beneficial to the economy and to
the individual growing the crops because less of the crops will
die, but they also disrupt the natural ecosystem and can
decrease the biodiversity in an ecosystem.
6. DDT was used in the 50s and 60s as a pesticide, but then was
leaked into the water, into the fish, and into predatory birds
through bioaccumulation.
7. The pesticide treadmill is the human population not completely
eradicating the pests, but increasing their resistance to the
pesticides used, requiring more to be used in the future and so
on. A possible fix could be to use ecological control to use more
natural means to rid of the pests.
8. Pest Resurgence is when, just before the pest population is
eradicated, the pests adapt to the pesticide and end up growing
to larger populations than before.
9. Cultural control is a nonchemical alteration of the environment so
that the pest can not live there. Natural Enemies are new
predatory organisms that eat the pests. Genetic control is
altering the genetics of the plant so that the pest is not able to
eat it. Natural chemical control is using hormones to distrupt the
pests life cycle.
FIFRA has jurisdiction over the use and manufacturing of
pesticides. The FFDCA prevented pesticides that cause cancer to
be used on food.
1. PestAny organism that is noxious destructive, or
2. Agricultural pestsOrganisms that feed on ornamental plants
or agricultural crops or animals.
3. Weedsforage grasses for light and nutrients
4. Herbicideschemicals that kill plants
5. Pesticideschemicals that kill animals and insects considered
to be pests
6. Chemical treatmentseeks a magic bullet that will eradicate
or greatly lessen the numbers of the pest

7. Ecological controlGive long lasting protection by developing

control agents on the basis of knowledge of the pests life cycle
and of ecological relationships.
8. Integrated pest management (IPM)An approach to
controlling pest populations by using all suitable methods
chemical and ecologicalin a way that brings about long term
management of pest populations and also has minimal
environmental impact
9. First generation pesticideHeavy metals
10.Second generation pesticideSynthetic organics
11.Broad spectrumEffective against a multitude of insects
12.PersistentDoes not bread down readily in the environment
and lasts
13.ResurgenceAfter the population has been virtually
eliminated with a pesticide, the pest population not only
recovers, but explodes to higher and more severe levels.
14.Secondary-pest outbreakAfter a resurgence
15.Pesticide treadmillUsing more and more amounts of
pesticides to try to eradicate pests.
16.BioaccumulationSmall, seemingly harmless amounts of the
pesticide may reach toxic levels.
17.BiomagnificationMultiplying effect of bioaccumulation that
occurs through a food chain.
18.Silent Spring and Rachel Carson1950s she wrote a book
describing the uncontrolled use of insecticides and their impact
on bird populations.
20.Cultural control-- nonchemical alteration of the environment
so that the pest can not live there.
21.Genetic control-- Genetic control is altering the genetics of the
plant so that the pest is not able to eat it.
22.Hormones/pheromonesChemicals produced in organisms
which provide signals that control developmental processes
and metabolic functions.
23.Economic thresholdWhen the economic losses due to the
damage considerably outweigh the cost of applying a pesticide.
24.Organic foodsFood produced without the use of pesticides
and fertilizers.

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