Handout 10A11

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Student’s name: ...................................................

Class:.................................................................... Unit11: NATIONAL PARKS (Reading)

UNIT 11 – Reading Skill

1. Orphan (n) a child whose parents are both dead →.....................................................

Orphan (v) to make a child become an orphan →.........................................................

Orphanage (n) a home for orphan children →....................................................................


2. Wilderness (n) a large area of land that has never been developed or farmed → ..............

Note: ...............................................................................................................................................

3. Contaminate (v) to make a substance or place no longer pure by adding chemicals or

poisons →...................................................................................................

Contamination (n).....................................................................................................................


Task1 Find the word in the passages that best suits each of the following definitions.

1. ______________ to start an organization that is intended to continue for a long time

2. ______________to have something inside

3. ______________ a state of continuing to live or exist

4. ______________to leave somebody, especially somebody you are responsible for

5. ______________near a tropical area

6. ______________ (of a type of weather/ a part of the world) never very hot or very cold

7. ______________a state of being polluted

Task2 Look at the following statements. Indicate:

YES if the statement agrees with information in the passages
NO if the statement contradicts information in the passages
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passages.

February, 2009. Page 1

Student’s name: ...................................................
Class:.................................................................... Unit11: NATIONAL PARKS (Reading)

Write your answer in the blanks at the end of each statement.

1. Besides Cuc Phuong, there are nine other national parks in Vietnam.

2. Cuc Phuong National Park is the oldest and largest one in Vietnam.

3. Nairobi National Park is the smallest park in the world.

4. Children can go to Nairobi National Park to study different species of

animals and their habits.

5. Everglades National Park is located in a tropical area.

6. Increasingly crowded neighborhood and local farming activities have

polluted the water in Everglades National Park.

Summary Chart

Directions: Select the appropriate sentences from the answer choices, and match them to the
national parks which they describe. THREE of the answer choices will not be used.
Cuc Phuong National •
Park, Vietnam •
Nairobi National Park, •
Kenya •

Everglades National •
Park, USA •
Answer choices:
(A) Animals here have a bad habit of abandoning their offspring.
(B) The rainy season here starts from May.
(C) This park has a special place for animals whose parents have been killed.
(D) Pollution is a threat to the existence of this park.
(E) There used to be a 1000-year-old tree in this park.
(F) Despite the limited size, this national park has amazingly rich biodiversity.
(G) It was the earliest established national park in the country.
(H) The increasing number of visitors is threatening the park and many of the animals in it.
(I) A tour in this park can help visitors realize how different species cooperate to survive.

February, 2009. Page 2

Student’s name: ...................................................
Class:.................................................................... Unit11: NATIONAL PARKS (Reading)
(J) Living creatures from both tropical and temperate zones can be found in this park.

February, 2009. Page 3

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