Career Analysis - Three Years: Name Date of Birth Time of Birth Place of Birth
Career Analysis - Three Years: Name Date of Birth Time of Birth Place of Birth
Career Analysis - Three Years: Name Date of Birth Time of Birth Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Time of Birth
Place of Birth
Name of city, country
Matters related to career and profession is judged with respect to the following parameters
associated with the 10th house of the Vedic horoscope.
Strong Planets: The planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter are well placed as well as
strong in strength in your birth chart.
Weak Planets: The planets Venus and Saturn are comparatively weak in your birth chart.
1. Kalsarpa Yoga (if exist): Not Applicable.
2. Dhana Yoga (if exist): The placement of the lord of the ninth house i.e. Mercury in
the seventh house is a favourable disposition from the monetary viewpoint. It also
indicates that you may gain wealth from your intelligence through foreign land/sources.
3. Raj Yoga (if exist): The placement of the lord of the seventh house i.e. Moon in
the fifth house is a Raj Yoga in your birth chart and is favourable for enjoying
peace, prosperity and attaining success in life.
4.0 SADE SATI/SHANI DHAIYA (if exist):
Presently you are not passing through the Sade-sati (7-1/2 years cycle of Saturn).
Significance of the 10th house:
The 10th House is the house of Karma, which means action. It is the main house for
showing the effects of our Karma upon the world generally. Hence 10th house is often
related to our career or vocation, or in other words, success and failure in our career.
The 10th house by itself does not determine what will be our chosen career. For this first
house and other factors in chart are important. What it does show is the success in career
and the effect of our actions upon the world, the status we are able to achieve in life.
It is the house of skill, achievement, honor, recognition, and prestige.
It shows the position we are able to attain in life and the power that goes with it.
It shows whether we bring good or bad Karma to it.
As per Vedic astrology, in any career analysis of the chart, we will have to analyze the 10th
house both from ascendant as well as from the Moon Sign.
10th house from Ascendant in your chart:
The Tenth House is the house of social status. It describes our Professional Career,
Ambition, Social Prestige and Achievements. In addition to this it represents our relation
with the government and ruling elite also.
Your ascendant is Capricorn and the planet Venus represents the house of profession in
your birth chart. Venus is weak in strength in your birth chart due to its placement in the
house of obstructions. Its natal weakness often results in ups and downs in professional
career. In other words, you might feel sometimes that your professional achievements are
not commensurate to the amount of knowledge you possess and efforts you put in. Thus
you should remain careful from the professional viewpoint and stick to a suitable job or
field as long as possible.
The status of the 10th Divisional chart:
The lords of the house representing profession i.e. Venus in your natal chart is favourably
placed in the tenth house in the Dasamsa chart. Its good placement in Dasamsa chart is
conducive from the professional viewpoint.
10th house from Moon Sign:
Moon signifies the persons mind. The 10th house from Moon will often give the clue to
what kind of career or function in which the person will be successful. The Moon sign in
your chart is Taurus. The 10th house from Moon sign is Aquarius and is ruled by the planet
Saturn. It is weak in your Moon chart due to its bad placement. Hence you need to pay
necessary attention towards your professional career.
Career Lord: The planet Venus represents the house of profession in your birth chart.
Malefic Aspect on 10th house: The malefic planet Ketu is casting influence on the tenth
house in your birth chart.
Benefic Aspect on 10th house: There is no benefic aspect on the tenth house in your birth
Strength: The planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Jupiter are well placed as well as in
strong strength in your birth chart.
Shad Bal: 1.54 Excellent
Vimsopak Bal: 19 Excellent
Ashtakvarga Natal: 4 Moderate
Shad Bal: 1.30 Very Good
Vimsopak Bal: 13 Moderate
Ashtakvarga Natal: 5 Good
Shad Bal: 1.47 Excellent
Vimsopak Bal: 15 Very Good
Ashtakvarga Natal: 4 Moderate
Shad Bal: 1.01 Moderate
Vimsopak Bal: 13 Moderate
Ashtakvarga Natal: 4 Moderate
Shad Bal: 1.17 Good
Vimsopak Bal: 16 Very Good
Ashtakvarga Natal: 4 Moderate
Communication Skills: The significator of speech i.e. Mercury is favourably placed as well
as strong in strength in your chart. Its good placement and strength indicate that you have
been blessed with excellent communication skills.
Decision Making: The significators of intellect and the mind i.e. Mercury and Moon are
favourably placed as well as ample in strength in your birth chart. The good placement and
strength of these planets indicate that you are an intelligent person and make use of your
intellect in creative ventures. You always welcome new ideas and thoughts but being
analytical-minded, you tend to weigh the pros and cons before trying them out. Once
convinced about their feasibility, you put all your energy and stamina into giving them shape.
Judgment/Discrimination: The good placement and strength of Mercury in your chart
indicates that you have been blessed with capacity to understand other peoples thoughts and
emotions and act accordingly.
Stress Handling: The analysis of your birth chart indicates that you possess sound mind and
capable enough to apply your mind effectively in order to handle stressful conditions.
Relationships At Work:
With superiors: In the planetary cabinet, the planet Sun is considered to be the king. Its
natural significations include social standing, influential people, authority / persons in
authority and government / state. Its favourable position and strength in your chart indicates
that you would have a harmonious relationship with higher ups / persons in authority.
With Peers: The favourable planetary configuration of your chart indicates that you would
have a harmonious relationship with your colleagues most of the time. But this does not mean
that you become complacent. You have to increase your patience and not get provoked easily.
Do not work according to the unofficial grapevine nor react instantly. Instead study all facts
and figures before you give your opinion.
With Juniors: The planet that Saturn signifies labour class and junior staff is weak in your
birth chart and this may result in problems from your juniors and subordinates. When the need
arises, they may not fully cooperate with you. It is even possible that they may supply you
with wrong facts and figures that may land you in a soup. A cautious attitude would be the
key during such an eventuality.
Opposite Sex: The planet Venus represents the opposite sex i.e. females in your chart. It is
although well placed, but is weak in potency. Its natal weakness might result in difficulties in
enjoying smooth relationship or favours from females in your case. Therefore you should be
cautious and avoid cropping up differences with females at your work place.
Partnerships: The planet Moon represents the house of partnerships in your birth chart. It is
well placed as well as strong in strength in your birth chart. Its good placement and strength is
favourable for deriving benefit from long lasting partnerships. In short, professional and
business partnerships for you will be very successful.
Overall Management Skills: The planet Sun represents inheritance, undue favours,
unexpected gains etc. in your birth chart. It also signifies superiors, management and
administrative skills etc. It is well placed as well as strong in strength due to its placement in
its own sign. This indicates that power and authority rest easily on your shoulders. You will
be able to handle both effectively. Your management style will be benevolently autocratic.
You will expect people to obey you because of your competence and not because of your
position. You are naturally suited for high profile jobs that require managing large number of
people effectively and efficiently.
Lord of 2nd house: The second house Status: Second house stands for social status,
governs wealth, social standing and wealth, family etc. in a birth chart. The planet
family and is represented by the planet Saturn is lord of the second house in your birth
chart. It is weak in your birth chart and its natal
Saturn in your birth chart.
weakness results in difficulties in accumulating
Lord of 11 house: The 11 house Status: The lord of the 11th house i.e. Mars is
stands for income, gains and desires and favourably placed as well as in ample strength in
the planet Mars is lord of the 11th house the fifth house in your birth chart. Its good
in your birth chart.
placement and strength are favourable for
supervising people are your natural traits. You are practical and prefer action over thought.
You may not be a master in strategy formulation, but you would certainly excel in its
implementation and execution. Your co-ordination and managing skills are praiseworthy.
The good placement and strength of Mars in your chart indicates that you are pursuing the
appropriate professional activity.
The lord of the house governing efforts i.e. Jupiter is placed in its own sign in your birth
chart. Its good placement and strength indicate that your efforts are of a high order. Such
planetary configurations are favourable for enjoying suitable rewards of your sincere
You might encounter difficulties in compromising situations. You are advised to follow a
patient, flexible and accommodative approach in routine life. As far as possible you should
maintain a cool head.
In the immediate future, the following time frames are favourable for receiving
promotions/elevating your professional career further:
Year 1June & November 2008
Year 2April- May 2009 & December 2009
Year 3June 2010 & September 2010
The following time frames are favourable for changing job:
Year 1June & November 2008
Year 2 February, April to August 2009 and December 2009-January 2010
Year 3 May & September 2010
15.0 THE GOOD TIME (next three years ):
You might find the following time frames to be conducive from the professional viewpoint
compared to the rest of the period. Keeping in view the above, you should put in your best
foot forward in order to realize your aims.
Notwithstanding the above, the sub periods of benefic planets would act as balancing
factors to a great extent.
The brief answers of your questions have been given below in the sequence you have
framed them:
1. Presently you are passing through the sub period of Venus in the main period of
Saturn. Its sub period has been in operation from 12th August 2007 and would last
till 10t h October 2010. Venus is an extraordinary benefic planet for you. It
represents profession in your birth chart. This indicates that the present sub period
is favourable for elevation in your professional career. However, Venus is weak in
your birth chart. Therefore at times you would find the results to be somewhat
below your expectations. In order to overcome its natal weakness, you should work
a bit hard on the professional front. There are strong possibilities that you would
move to overseas.
2. There are strong possibilities that you would be moving to foreign land for pursing
your professional career further.
3. The planetary configuration of your birth chart is favourable for pursuing a suitable
job with fixed salary. Therefore you should prefer to remain in job only and strictly
avoid entering in any kind of part/full time business.
4. Your financial health/savings would remain moderate during the next three years.
Therefore, you should rein in expenses and avoid borrowing/lending substantial
sums of money.
5. You would be enjoying a peaceful, prosperous and contented life after your
You should strengthen the planet Venus by wearing a White Sapphire weighing 3 to 5
carats in potency. It must be mounted on a gold or white gold ring and worn on the middle
finger of your right hand. The gem must be put on first on a Friday morning.
In order to know more about the remedies given above, please click on the links below:
White Sapphire:
On behalf of
Pradeep Kumar
Sr. Astrologer
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