Career Astrology

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Career astrology

Which career is best for me according to my birth chart and

d10 chart?

D-10 chart can be read in isolation to understand various areas of one’s career like relationship with
colleagues , understanding with the boss, nature of work that a person is doing and likely ups and downs
that a person is going to face in his/her career. We will try and look at all of this in the write-up and we
will also look at the meaning of various houses in D-10 chart and what are the important things that must
be taken into consideration while reading the D-10 chart.

But I would like to point out that it is only when both the D-1 and D-10 chart are read simultaneously that
one can get the true picture about an Individual’s career. So we will briefly look at how to Judge the career
from the D-1 chart and then move on to the D-10 chart in the process-

1. Planets placed in the 10th house of the D-1 chart is where we should begin from. Whatever
houses these planets are ruling would become the focal point of the career. So, in case the
planets sitting in the 10th house rule the 6th house then we can begin with the assumption that
the person is doing some form of service, or he/she is a lawyer ,doing some work related to
animals or he or she could even be a doctor depending upon the planet in consideration.
2. If the planet sitting in the 10th house is under the influence of some other planet then just as
above we need to take both of them into consideration. For example- If Mars is in the 10th
house, being the ruler of 6th while in conjunction with Rahu/Aspected- then one can be a
surgeon or someone dealing with criminals or someone who is himself a criminal. Similarly for
other planets and depending upon their significations one can identify the career of the person.
3. If there are no planets sitting in the 10th house then the house in which the ruler is sitting
becomes the focal point. For example if mercury is the ruler of the 10th and sitting in the third
house then we can say that the native is dealing with something to do with communication
which influences a large number of people. It could be marketing or it could be writing as well.
The influence of other planets can help us decide the product/service the native is involved
4. Keep in mind the education of the native as well- which can be seen from the 5th house and
also the natural abilities of the person which can be understood from the planets influencing
the trines in D-9 chart. This should also give indications about the likely career a native will
pursue. For, instance someone having Mars and Saturn in 5th house can be a mechanical
engineer. Hence the position of Saturn will be important in the D-10 chart to analyse his/her
5. If somehow you feel that the native’s career isn’t being decided by the 10th house or the 10th
lord then look at the chart again and try to see which house/planet is the strongest in the chart.
By strongest I mean if there are two planets in Mutual exchange of signs or an exalted planet
sitting in a house and getting aspect from various other planets. Then this house/planet will
help you identify the career.
Now let us move on to the D-10 chart-

1. Here, the first thing to look for is the placement of the Lord of the 10th house , if this is strong
then one can definitely say that the career is related to that planet. Again in this case, by strong
I mean a planet in exaltation , having directional strength or a planet in its Mool trikona sign.
2. The Lagna in any divisional chart is you. So , even in D-10 it will tell you about how you
approach your work/career. Hence it is extremely important.
3. The Lord of the first house wherever it goes , the significations of that house is what you are
most comfortable with. So, if it goes in the 6th house of service then you like doing service.
Service here implies working for others. Please do not jump to the conclusion that Ascendant
Lord in 6th means that the person cannot have his/her own business. For that we need to
check few other factors like - Strength of the 7th house and 7th lord and also compare the
Strength or Mercury and Saturn in the chart.
4. The 2nd house represents the kind of people you are working with, it also indicates the
resources you have to finish your work.
5. Third house shows your efforts and initiatives and it may also show temporary hurdles in work.
6. Fourth house shows the environment in which you are working. This is something that can
easily be used to do birth time rectification. For example someone working near a
temple/Church/Mosque/Gurudwara may have Sun here or the influence of Sun on the 4th
house. Similarly one can draw conclusions for other houses.
7. 5th house shows your sub-ordinates. A very easy way to remember these significations of
houses is the compare them with the significations of houses in D-1 chart.
8. 6th house represents the service you are doing or people who help you carry out the services. In
general what has been observed is - 2nd , 6th and 10th house shows the nature of work one is
doing in their career. For career in Films and Modelling this is slightly different as the 3rd ,7th
and 11th house become more important in that case.
9. 7th house shows interaction with people you are working with. A benefic here can make life
very easy. I have also observed that in case you run the dasha of the planet in 7th house of D-10
then you will work with people who are signified by that planet. For example, someone having
venus/moon here may work with a lot of females. Even if the dasha of that planet isn’t running
this is something that can be observed.
10. 8th house shows difficulties/debts. It also shows long breaks in career. On the positive
someone having influence of 8th house/ 8th lord in their career might be involved in research.
11. 9th house shows relationship with the boss. 9th Lord represents the boss itself. Someone
having Lagna lord in the 9th might be someone who is his own boss or has worked his way up
in life independently. This can be someone who works as an independent consultant or if the
7th house is strong then someone having his or her own business.
12. 10th house will show the karma or nature of work. It is the most important house in the D-10
13. 11th house shows people who are more like friends and support you with what you are doing.
14. 12th house shows travelling for career/foreign clients/marketing etc.

One must also look at the nature of planets involved in the career of a person in the D-10 chart- for
instance, Jupiter may give career in Law/ Teaching or as a consultant. Venus can make one get into
Quality testing or management. Mercury will give a career related to finance or communication. Moon can
take one into government services etc.

which are the main planet involved in providing a government job.

Sun : It is the most important planet to secure high post. As we know sun is the king, it has the ability to
make one king like. A prominent and positive sun provides early achievements, good reputation, fame and

Moon : Moon is more important for local governance. It also provides government job related to water
supplies, irrigation, in navy etc.

Mars : Mars relates to more actionable job where quick action are to be taken or force is required. Like
army and police.

Jupiter : It provides jobs like teaching, related to advisory, consultation and administration. This planet
is prominent in charts of IAS officers and also people heading various important committees.

Mercury : It helps in providing government jobs related to accounts and audits, taxation etc. This planet
is very prominent in horoscope of Income Tax officers and IES officers.

Saturn : Saturn determines the work force behind a person. It also provides government job in legal field
with the help of Jupiter and sometimes with a prominent Sun.
Most Important houses

 6th house represents services.

 10th house represents profession, post and recognition.
 11th house provides gains and regular income.
 7th house is for jobs that require alot of face to face interaction.
Know let us know about a few yogas formed by these planets which provide a government job:

 Lord of the 8th house sitying in the same house helps the person to work harder towards his or
her goal and clear all the competition. With that a strong lagna lord is also required.
 Lord of the lagna placed in 2nd, 5th, 9th or 11th house with the 10th house lord being his
 Placement of exalted mars in the 7th or 10th house, can one a person IPS officer.
 Benefics in 6th, 8th and 12th house makes one intelligent, hardworking and respectable. ( aadi
 Strong Jupiter in the kendra houses and malefic planets like Rahu, Mars etc in the 3rd house
which provide determination and will power with 10th lord in good dignity, provides high
adminstrative job.
 Mahapurusha yogas and vipreet raj yogas can be seen in horscopes of native who attain
political posts .
One should also check the D-10 chart for career and recognition. Also, dignity and strength of the
planets must also be checked. As, to attain any high government posts one needs to have exceptional good

Profession is determined from the tenth house in one's horoscope,also

known as karmasthan.
It is judged by locating the key planet which is either; lord of the tenth house,planet in the tenth
house,aspect of planets on tenth house.
Tenth house should be seen from lagna,moon and sun,which ever is the strongest.
Lord of Navamsha of the tenth lord,whichever is strongest ,from lagna moon and sun should also be seen .
Second and eleventh houses show nature and quantum of income.planets placed here indicate nature of
wealth earned.
Fifth house.reveals the pattern of education and the intelligence of the person concerned.
Fouth house indicates the pleasure derived from the profession.
Planets involved in making yogas with sun and moon such as sunapha,Anapha,vesi,vasi.They will tell us
the source of income.
Important yogas will give clue to the nature of profession.A strong eleventh house and presence of
Lakshmi yoga will make one involved in business.
Saraswathi yoga ,makes a person inclined to fine arts.
In addition to rasi and navamsha chart ,Dasamsa chart should be analysed for the nature of profession
From karakamsa(it is the rashi in which the Atma karak is located in navamsa)one can predict the nature
of profession.
Sun in karakamsa gives public works,political activity
Moon and venus- money earned through education,musician,poets
Mars-metallurgy,arms,fire,chemist,engine driver,cooks etc.
Mercury-merchant,weaver,social worker
Jupiter-philosopher,religious head,pandit
Saturn-person becomes a famous business man if it joins atma karak.
Venus - big politicians if joins with atmakarak.
Rahu- doctor,chemical related jobs etc.

With just 9 planets governing every single profession in the world, it is impossible to find the correct mix
and strength of impacts and arrive at one single profession. A single planet rules numerous professions
and each differs based on the other weaker influences.

Even if someone goes about collecting data and finding out professions, it would take more than one
lifetime to actually find out which combination yields which profession!

What astrologers actually do for a profession is that they make an educated guess. Broadly, the pointers to
keep in mind are:

1. Check the Artha trine (2–6–10). Its strength gives an indication of the career in general.
2. Check the 6th and 10th in comparison. If 6th is stronger, the career will be primarily a job. If
10th dominates, it would be an independent career or own business.
3. Check the strengths of 10th, lagna, Sun, Saturn and Moon. If they’re strong, power and position
would grow a lot. If not, it would be average to bad depending on the afflictions.
4. Once this is highlighted, find out the planets which relate to the 10th, 6th and Saturn. The
primary significator as found out (not the KP significator) would rule the profession in a broad
term. The career would be related to that planet.
Now, based on the future prospects, the planet affecting the career and the overall career and growth
promised to a person an astrologer is able to pick a career from among the most common career choices
as per the sociological trends.

I have accurately predicted the time of getting a job for a number of people using
Bhrigu Nadi Astrology and this methodology is super accurate.

Since I can do only a limited number of readings, I wrote the methodology on my site to help others
predict for themselves.[1]

First, you need to see which planets are positive for career in your birth chart.

A planet is positive for when it signifies the 2nd, 6th, 10th and/or 11th house.

11th house is the strongest and most positive house for career and making money.

Irrespective of the ascendant zodiac sign and the natural signification of the planet, a planet signifying
these houses will definitely show you positive results regarding the career.
A planet is negative for career when it signifies the combination of 6th, 8th and 12th

If it only signifies one of these houses, then the planet is not negative and the native would be able to get
good results from the planet if it signifies 10th or 11th house also.

Now we have three steps:

1. Analyze all the 9 planets in the birth chart and mark the planets which are positive for career.
2. Check when the time period of the positive planet will be in operation.
3. During that time check when any 3 of the positive planets influence each other through
conjunction or aspect.
This will give you a range of dates when the native will get the job.

The article mentioned also covers if a person is meant to do business or job and the type of profession.

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