Training Policy and Procedures (1504)

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CISV International Info File

Training Policy and Procedures (1504)

Replaces M-01 (8601 and 8808)


Training is a fundamental aspect of quality assurance for CISV; it helps prepare and equip
volunteers and participants for their important roles and responsibilities. Well trained people
are of the highest importance to CISV in order to build a healthy organization and to provide a
safe environment and a high level of educational experience for programme participants.

CISV International training:
Any training delivered by or on behalf of CISV International. Currently (2015) these trainings
are designed to be delivered in person, but virtual trainings will be developed over time. CISV
International trainings may be delivered 1) at Regional Training Forums, 2) by or on behalf of
CISV International for and upon request from National Associations (i.e. outside of RTFs), and
3) virtually, in future.
Regional Training Forum (RTF):
Event held in CISVs regions which offers common and specific trainings for CISVers on a
variety of topics.
Training curriculum:
For each CISV International training, a training curriculum defines the goals and indicators
which the training aims to achieve and the main headings of the subject matter content
which the training must cover.
Training material:
Approved training sessions and handouts that are written down, or documented in another
way, e.g. video, audio recording. Approved training material provides the trainer with detailed
instructions for how to train the content (what to train) outlined in a training curriculum.
TTT (Train-the-Trainer):
A Train-the-Trainer course which focuses on training methodology applicable across CISV.
Certified trainer:
CISV International considers a certified trainer a person who
1) Holds a valid TTT certification
2) Is approved by the relevant Regional Coordinator to be qualified in their respective
substantive area (e.g. one or several educational programmes, chapter development,
risk management, etc.)
3) Is a member of the appropriate Regional Delivery Team
See Procedure 1 for details of the certification process.
TTT trainer:
TTT trainers are certified trainers who have been selected for their specialist knowledge and
experience on training methodology and are qualified to deliver TTTs.

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CISV International is committed to developing and delivering consistent and high quality
training in order to equip CISVers with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to fulfil
their roles in CISV. To this end, CISV International has established quality standards (see
below) which its training must follow and reflect.
Scope of the training policy:
The standards apply to CISV International trainings as defined above. Additional, and to
some extent different, quality standards will apply for virtual training. Whatever form CISV
International training takes, it must be in line with the principles set out in this training policy.
Note that trainings are often delivered by National Associations as part of their operations.
National Associations are encouraged to put in place similar quality standards, but CISV
International does not prescribe exact training practice for its National Associations, which
are responsible for developing and delivering these trainings.
Minimum Quality Standards for CISV International Trainings:
All CISV International trainings must comply with the following training quality standards,
which are developed and monitored by the Training and Quality Assurance Committee.
1) Content: Mandatory training content as defined in the relevant training curricula, must
be followed.
2) Trainers: In each training at least one trainer must be certified (TTT and substantive
content area). A second non-certified trainer is permitted if s/he is knowledgeable in
the content area, and if s/he is delivering training as part of the process of becoming a
certified trainer.
3) Training materials: Where approved training material is available, trainers must use it.
Official training material is available at For further details, see Procedure 3.
4) Methodology: Training must use methodology consistent with the training methodology
in the TTT curriculum and materials.
5) Trainee numbers per training: To guarantee high quality training, the minimum group
size is 8 trainees, maximum is 24.
a. Groups of 8-11 trainees shall have 1 trainer
b. Groups of 12-24 trainees shall have 2 trainers.
6) Duration: The length of training has to be appropriate to the amount of content to be
covered in it. All trainings delivered at Regional Training Forums run for at least 25
7) Forums: CISV International prioritises the delivery of training through our Regional
Training Forums. To assist National Associations, CISV International may, upon request,
agree to deliver training outside of RTFs if the human resources are available and the
training has minimal impact on the success of RTFs. See Procedure 5 for details.
8) Evaluation: All CISV International trainings must be evaluated in accordance with the
approved CISV International evaluation procedures, which will always be available on

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1. TTT Certification and Recertification
The certification (and recertification) of CISV International trainers is an important mechanism
to ensure consistent and high quality across all CISV International trainings. As stated in the
Training Policy, all trainings delivered on behalf of CISV International must have at least one
TTT certified trainer. TTT certification and recertification follows the procedures outlined
TTT certification:
Trainees who complete the full TTT training receive TTT certification. This certification is valid
for up to three years and will expire on 31 December of the third year.
Example: If you were TTT certified in April 2013, your certification will expire on
December 31st of 2016.
When an individuals TTT certification comes close to expiry, they can then participate in an
online recertification process. Training and Quality Assurance Regional Coordinators
(Training) conduct the recertification in the last quarter of every year; they contact CISVers
whose TTT certification will expire in that year. If a person does not take the opportunity to
recertify they will be given one more time to recertify in the following year. After that,
recertification is no longer possible and the person can only attain certification through
attendance at a TTT.
When completed, recertification is valid for a period of up to two years; an individual may
participate in the recertification process on two consecutive occasions. After that, they have
to again attend a TTT workshop in person if they wish to maintain their ability to train
internationally for CISV.
Example: If you recertify in late 2016, then your certification is valid until 31
December 2018. You could then recertify one more time in 2018 which would give
you valid certification until 31 December 2020. On 1 January 2021, in this example,
your TTT certificate finally expires.
TTT trainers do not require recertification as long as they remain active as TTT trainers in a
Regional Delivery Team. When they step down as TTT trainers, and if they wish to continue
training for CISV International, they need to recertify in the year of their stepping down plus
two years.
Example: If you step down as a TTT trainer in 2017, then your TTT certificate expires
in 2019 and you will need to recertify in that year. You will then be certified for
another two years and you can recertify one more time in 2021.
In every Regional Delivery Team, Regional Coordinators are responsible for making sure that
all trainers have valid TTT certification. CISV International maintains a database of individuals
who have TTT certification, including dates of completion and expiration. This information is
available to CISV International Committee and Regional Delivery Team members, National
Associations and Promotional Associations on the intranet following this link.

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2. Appointing CISV International Trainers

CISV International trainers are certified trainers (see definitions above in the training policy)
appointed by the Regional Coordinators.
Example: A Step Up trainer in the Asia Pacific Region is appointed by the Asia Pacific
Educational Programmes Regional Coordinator.
To be a CISV International trainer, an individual must be:
1) Holding a valid TTT certification. (See Procedure 1 for details).
2) Approved by the relevant Regional Coordinator to be qualified in their respective
substantive area. The specific rules to establish whether an individual has the required
expertise to be a trainer are set out by the Committee in the respective area.
Example: The Educational Programmes Committee, in consultation with the Training
and Quality Assurance Committee, determines the criteria according to which expertise
in the Step Up Programme can be established.
3) A member of the appropriate Regional Delivery Team. Recruitment into the Regional
Delivery Team follows the principles set out in the Terms of Reference for Regional
Delivery Teams.
In specific cases and under unforeseen circumstances that make it impossible for a trainer to
be found who meets all the above requirements, exceptions to the rules can be made by the
Chair of the Training and Quality Assurance Committee together with the International
Coordinator Conferences and Events. The Training and Quality Assurance Manager can stand
in for either of the above if they are unable to respond within the time required. Any
exceptions made do not make a person a certified trainer but are only made to address a
particular circumstance in necessity.

3. Approving Training Materials

CISV International collects, quality checks, and publishes written training sessions and
handouts at CISV International trainers
are required to use these materials when covering topics for which materials are available.
All CISV International trainers who have new high quality training materials to share with
CISVers worldwide are strongly encouraged to submit their training sessions and/or
handouts. In order for new training material to be published, the following steps must be
1) Submit the session using the Training Session Template and email link available at;
handouts or other proposed training materials do not need to be submitted in
standardised form.
2) Members of the Training and Quality Assurance Committee will ensure that submitted
training sessions are quality checked using the quality criteria available at They will also seek expert
advice on the specific content or the submitted training session from the relevant
Committee. Other training materials are quality checked based on the same principles.
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3) If needed, the person submitting the training material is asked to adjust the training
session or other material. Before approving it, the reviewer can recommend changes
until they are satisfied that the proposed material is of high quality.
4) Once the training material is approved, it will be published online by the CISV
International Office.
Note: Currently (2015) the approved training materials reflect only a small fraction of the
great number of sessions that are used by CISV trainers, and only some topic areas are
covered. It is up to the community of CISV trainers to improve on this by getting their
innovative ideas approved and published, thereby making their mark in CISV training and
helping CISVers worldwide to deliver consistently high quality training.

4. Approving a New CISV International Training

CISV International offers a menu of trainings in order to meet the needs of our volunteers and
those of the organization as a whole. As needs change, trainings are updated and sometimes
trainings are discontinued and others added to the menu. To propose a new training to CISV
International, the following steps must be followed.
1) Regional Coordinators and Committees of the Board are entitled to suggest new
trainings to the Training and Quality Assurance Committee.
Note: Any CISVer can initiate this process; you only need to convince a Regional
Coordinator or Committee to support your idea and they will put it forward.
2) Proposals for suggested new trainings must be sent in writing and cover the points
listed below under Suggestion for a new CISV International Training.
3) Following an initial assessment, the Training and Quality Assurance Committee will
make comments on the proposal and arrange a virtual meeting with the point person
submitting the proposal to discuss it further.
4) If it is agreed to fully develop the new training (with its own training curriculum and
materials), the person submitting it will be asked to incorporate requested changes.
Before approving it, the Training and Quality Assurance Committee can recommend
changes until they are satisfied that the proposed training is of high quality.
5) The final version of the curriculum and training materials for the new CISV International
training are submitted for approval to the Training and Quality Assurance Committee.
6) If approved, the training curriculum and materials are published by the International
Office at
Suggestion for a new CISV International Training:
If you want to suggest a new CISV International Training, please send the following
information to the Training and Quality Assurance Committee using the email address
[email protected].
Name of the point person submitting the proposal:

Regional Coordinator or Committee supporting the new training proposal:

Name of training (or working title):

Target audience:

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Rationale for this training (Why do we need this training? How does it improve the
existing menu of trainings?):

Draft training Curriculum (what are the main topics/elements covered by the

5. Procedure for National Associations Requesting a CISV International Training

(outside an RTF)
CISV National Associations are entitled to request training to be delivered by CISV
International outside of a Regional Training Forum (RTF) if they can demonstrate that their
needs are not met by the RTFs offered. Requests for training outside an RTF must be
submitted according to the following procedures.
The request must be submitted:
1) by a member or an official of a CISV National Association or Chapter and must be
supported by a National Secretary or President
2) using the headings below under Request for a CISV International Training
3) to the International Coordinator Conferences and Events at least 16 weeks before the
training is expected to take place
The decision on whether the requested CISV International training can be delivered is made
by the International Coordinator Conferences and Events, in consultation with the Regional
Coordinator responsible for delivering the training that is requested and the Training and
Quality Assurance Manager. The requested training can be approved if:
1) any anticipated negative impact of the training on RTFs offered in the region will be
reasonably minor; and
2) the respective Regional Delivery Team has sufficient capacity to deliver the requested
training in addition to the trainings scheduled as part of RTFs.
If the request is granted, the following conditions apply:
1) The CISV National Association requesting the training covers all expenses associated
with the training, including the travel and accommodation of the trainer (which the NA
shall organize directly with the trainer)
2) The CISV National Association requesting the training coordinates and is responsible
for all necessary logistics and that CISV Risk Management Guidelines are followed
3) All minimum quality standards for CISV International trainings set out in the Training
Policy must be followed
4) Sufficient number of trainees has been identified before the request for the training is
Request for a CISV International Training
If you want to request a CISV International Training (outside an RTF), please send the
following information to the International Coordinator Conferences and Events using the
email address [email protected].
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Name of the person requesting the training:

Your email address:

Your National Association:

Your Role in your National Association:

Name of supporting official from your CISV National Association: Secretary or

President (delete as appropriate).

Name of the Training Requested:

Suggested dates for the training:

Suggested city/town for the training:

Rationale (explain why this training is needed and why the need cannot be met
through Regional Training Forums):

Description of the training site (provide sufficient detail so that CISV International can
assess the suitability of the site for the training):

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