Should Creationism Be Taught in American Public Schools? (Final Citations)

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[1] Book

Fraser, James W. Between Church and State: Religion & Public Education in a
Multicultural America. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1999.

[2] Book

Anderson, Ronald D. Religion & Spirituality in the Public School Curriculum. New
York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 2004.

[3] General Periodical

Wilgoren, Jodi. “Politicized Scholars Put Evolution on the Defensive.” The New York
Times. Aug. 21, 2005. Available from
slogin&oref=slogin. Internet: Accessed Sep. 14, 2008

[4] General Periodical

Slevin, Peter. “Battle on Teaching Evolution Sharpens.” The Washington Post. March
14, 2005. Available from
dyn/articles/A32444-2005Mar13.html. Internet: Accessed Sep. 14, 2008.

[5] General Periodical

Davis, Patty. “Evolution-creation debate grows louder with Kansas controversy.”

Cable News Network. March 8, 2000. Available from

[6] General Periodical

Fulton, Ben. “Religion can be discussed with respect in school.” The Salt Lake
Tribune. Aug. 9, 2008. Available from
eMax=true&treeWidth=0&csi=169235&docNo=1. Internet: Accessed Sep.
14, 2008.
[7] Scholarly Journal

Williams, Robert Charles. Arizona State University. “Scientific Creationism: An

Exegesis for a Religious Doctrine.” 1983. Available from
3Don&item=1&ttl=834&returnArticleService=showArticle. Internet: Accessed
Sept. 28, 2008.

[8] Scholarly Journal

Antolin, Michael F. Society for the Study of Evolution. “Perspective: Evolution's

Struggle for Existence in America's Public Schools.” 2001. Available from
Don&item=2&ttl=834&returnArticleService=showArticle. Internet: Accessed Sept.
28, 2008.

[9] Government Document

88th Congress, 2nd Session. Proposed Amendments to the Constitution Relating to School
Prayers, Bible Readings, Etc.: A Staff Study for the Committee on the Judiciary
House of Representatives.Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office,

[10] Government Document

Spellings, Margaret. “Guidance on Constitutionally Protected prayer in Public

Elementary and secondary schools”. Available from

[11] Government Document

United States Department of Education. “How Faith Communities Support Children’s

Learning in Public Schools.” Report. December 1999. Available from Internet: Accessed Sep.
29 2008.

[12] Government Document

First Amendment Center. “A Teacher’s Guide to Religion in the Public Schools.” Report.
Nov. 2001. Available from Internet: accessed Sep.
26, 2008.

[13] Institutional Source

Isaak, Mark. The TalkOrigins Archive. “What is Creationism?” 2000. Available from Internet: Accessed Oct. 5, 2008.

[14] Institutional Source

Johnston, Patrick. “’Intelligent Design’ needs an Intelligent

Designer”. 2007. Available from Internet:
Accessed Oct. 12, 2008.

[15] Institutional Source

Matthews, Michael. Answers in Genesis. “Creationism Battle Heats Up In Local

Schools.” Feb. 8, 2002. Available from
docs2002/0208news.asp. Internet: Accessed Oct.. 25, 2008.

[16] Institutional Source

Staver, Mathew D. Liberty Counsel. “Legally Teaching Creationism Science In Public

Schools.” 2000. Available from
teaching_creation_science_in_public_schools.html. Internet: Accessed Oct.
24, 2008.

[17] Institutional Source

Zindler, Frank R. American Atheists. “’Creation Science’ and the Fact of Evolution.”
1987. Available from
Internet: Accessed Nov. 5, 2008.

[18] Institutional Source

National Center for Science Education. “Opposition to Anti-Evolution Bills in Florida.”

March 20, 2008. Available from
2008/FL/527_opposition_to_the_antievolutio_3_20_2008.asp. Internet: Accessed
October 25, 2008.

[19] Expert Interview

Alves, Abel. History Professor. Ball State University. Interview by author. Nov. 13,
2008. Muncie, Ind. Notes. (765) 285-8729.
[22] DVD

“A War on Science: Intelligent Design in the Classroom.” Producer James van der Pool.
Writer James van der Pool. 2006. DVD. BBS Active, 2006.

[23] Radio Broadcast

“Ohio Board of Ed Delivers Blow to Intelligent Design Movement.” Greg Allen.

National Public Radio. 2006. Internet: Accessed November 5, 2008.

[24] Radio Broadcast

“Intelligent Design in American Classrooms.” Steve Inskeep. National Public Radio.

2005. Internet: Accessed November 5, 2008.

[25] Radio Broadcast

“In Favor of Barring Intelligent Design from the Classroom.” Lawrence Krauss.
National Public Radio. 2005. Internet: Accessed November 5, 2008.

[26] Book

Detwiler, Fritz. Standing on the Premises of God: The Christian Right’s Fight to
Redefine America’s Public Schools. New York: New York University Press,

[27] Book

Diamond, Mariam Rosalyn. Encountering Faith in the Classroom: Turning Difficult

Discussions into Constructive Engagement. Sterling, Virginia: Stylish
Publishing, LLC, 2008.

[28] Book

Sears, James T. Curriculum, Religion, and Public Education: Conversations for an

Enlarging Public Square. New York: Teachers College Press, 1998.

[29] Institutional Source

Ucci, Nick. Timeline: “How Creationism has Evolved.” 2006. Available from:
nism. Internet: Accessed October 13, 2008.
[30] General Periodical

Glazet, Sarah. “Intelligent Design: Should Alternatives to Evolution Theory be Taught?”

The CQ Researcher. July 29, 2005. Available from
ype=hitlist&num=0. Internet: Accessed October 12, 2008.

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