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Tampitres Judior College

2008 JC 1 Promotional Examination

H2 Mathematics 9?40

Answer l/, questions (100 marks).

l. Sketch the graph of y = /(r) for the given graph below- t3l

2. Usiog intcgration by partr, fiM the exact value of

I. t5l

3. (D Find rh. exnansion

' of 3
Jt+ z'
in ascerdirg powers of.I, up to and including the term in rz- t3l
(it State the set ofvalues ofx for which the expansion is valid- trl
(iii) Deduce the equation ofthe tangent to the curye
I +r'
'Jt +2,
at the point wherer = 0. t2)
4. A metailic cuboid has a squa'e base of width 2t m and height l' m A cylindrical hole of
diameter ir m and height ), m is bore through the cuboid as shown in the diagram. The

vollrme ofthe remaining solid, V, is kept coastant at I4 m3.


Show that the total exposcd surface area of the .emaining solid (includinS the curyed
surface area created by the hoilow). is given by
, "l /8,,\L
'=l'-il' l.," 'J.
Hcnce.how rhar ,
'. "lln'.u.
*h* I i) t7l

5. n#-r.
Ci\enlhat t-c srr\.provetlrar .o. , . ana nence trnd
fl t3l

Obrain Maclaurin's series for . sln r up lo and includrng rhe lerm in \' t3l
By using the Maclauin's series for e" sifl n and the staodard series expansion forcos -r,

show that .:'sin2.r- 2-t+ 2x? -i 3 . I2l

6. The diagram shows the srapl$ of y= f(r)

Sketch, on sepamle clearly lab€lled diagrams. the graphs of

t it -ly =1rtt -., r t2l

t';l v = -1
(iii) yr = f(r) t3l


A sketch ofthe curvc

al + bx +16
where d, D and c are constanti, is shown, not to scale, h thc diagram. 'Itre cqualions ol
the as)4rptotes are -r = 3 ard y =r + I l.
i) Write down the vatue ofc. tr l
ii) Find the valu€ of.r and show that b = 8. pl
iii) find the mrmerical value of the 1wo slalionary points, giving your aoswers comect to
one decimal place. t2l
iv) Copy th€ above sketch and, by drawing a sketch ofaoother curve ol the form
t - L\ . I Z . in lhe same diatmm. show thar thc equ.rrron
-r' 4,l. 8n 16=0
has exactly one aeal root. tll
8a) The region R is bounded by the curves ,y= -f and the y-aris from r - 0


Show that the exact value ofthe area ofregion R is 1 tr h2, where f is a constant to


b) diagram below shows the graph of}, = sin r and y = 1,6, i6.6a-rao.


,y = slil )l:

'[ he two curves meet at A-

(i) Using g.aphic calculator, find dle coordinates of point A, giving your answer
coFect to one decimal place. tll
(iD Show tbat xdr = 11 1"inZrnC. 121
(iii) 'fhp regron enclosed bv theFaphsof
l_srn)rand v Ir rs rourrc.l rllough
2z radians about tl1e r-axis to form a solid ofrevolution o"f rrclume I/. Find the
numerical value of the volume ta giving your answer correct to two signilicant
figures. t2I

9a) Determine the de.ivative of each ofthe foLlowing with respcct to x:
(i) t3t

(ii) t3I

b) Find the gradient of the curve given by the equation sin(t)+3.},? =I4 at the point
(t t\
. ans$er Ln exacr rom
{ i ; J. rv;ne vow t4l

l0a) A circular disc of radius ," is cut into 15 sectors. The areas of the sectors form an
arithmetic progression. The area of the largest sector is ttree times the area of the
smallesl sector. Find, in tcfms of[, the angle ofthe smallest sector. t5]

b) A geometric progression has non-zero first term and common ration r, where r > 0 and
rr l. The sum of the first 20 terms is three times the sumolth€ fi.st l0 te.ms. Show
that a2 3u+ 2 - 0. whcre u - rro.
Hence find the value ofr. Docs the sum to ifla rity exist? Give your reason. t6l

ll- a) Use the substitution lt = 2r- I io find the e).act laLue ot a['::-l- .lr. t5]
(1, t).

b) i)' cL\en rhar ,qt' 6t ) can be wnrren rn ,n" a,* ,*1*{. *l.." a
(r.\ - l)(j! -l)
and -B a-re integers, f1nd the \.?lues of,.1 and B t3l

ii.) Hrnce, lmd

I#ffi". I3t
12- A sequeflce 4,r.,,!lr,... issuchthat r,=f
'2 and

(i) Usc the method ofmathemalical Induction to prove that ,"= n(u +1,- L4l

(ii) -I
tsy considerins -
u, -!,., inpart(t,Iind i- -: ^
3 n(n +I)rn +2) t3l

(iii) Give a reason why the senes in part (ii) is convergent and state the sum to
infinity. t2I

(iv) [Ience find the value of

I r r r
r...1. r 'l
l2r4 145 4.s6 I

End of Paper ^.-*

t- t

solurion! rp. H2Math.mrtics Pmmorionrl Eyrhinaridn 200&

)- - r- I +;r +
Jr+ rJ-

w'."*=0. n9=-r,
Eqla(ion or uns.nr : '},-1=-(;-0)

- ,2,,..-"1:1,-l

Thercfoft loral $rficc deq

I ,l
/=.(rar.:l(rr'-' l:/]:l -:"li
\lr )

I rl
ffi=r,*"x,*,.r -ls-:1,,,fja LL
=tL+.1)I-i+;,'+ I \ l/ | - r./, 16

2 d |16-rr.
..1" - q=o
For A tu be mLmum or nmmun

Exb son R \ahd )rl< I

=U.1 (,6 ,),-f!:4J-L=o
( b-'l,r-13,2) -"^
d. t o-rl.
T =+ {r,-x)
. --: Ir:- :-.o-

Th.Gror. A iinininum wrrn r,= 3+'

(-r,- i)


--+ = ]. r-5r .r+ )e 6c I


y=0.*=' ,*i=,.{4=,
. , ="-,-,lrl.'lrl-
t2) t6.r

-.rl.,,..,- -. ti,-r- I
=l 1"2,
rr+&+16 *= f
' r-3
'-f l6- (r+
i: +rrr
- )tr-r)+,J Cdordindes olA = (1,9,0.9)
CDmparin! co.fi ciens orr, (iil
JJl 2l
UsihgCC, inlm!fr Coi -(t00.2R0)
Maintrm poitrr - (-4 0, 0) 2L-
- rr-3r1=r:+3J+ 6 (i i) Volumc gdn.rded aboul J-qh
- ri{r-3) =tr +3r+ t6
= {
1, sm,r d. -40.e,|.,r
"ll'-l*,,1 laoei ,,
1,,",, ,
="1' ,,
r il

or $ing cc, answ.r i t.7

o. I
" r" ".,, -ll.l
l1 )

rhe grsphs or '},=Jr -d '=!A+ i",.^-'

.qusiion rr 4i2-3r-16=0 hs .xxdly o.e mt roor.

/sr .
iI l-.1- --l*
Arsords,on R=
tr+i l+'/
'= T-:Lrncr-7i ,,-l

=l* ,-i^,"t,]" dy rl B I
=,.,-, lrcr
,(L-):o) jd0-y'0)

.os(.r/) r-+l r l-r! -3(L-r ")

i /)"-lr"+2=0
= r'-lr+2 =0 sh.rc!=r
cor r)
-lr(cr?)+6j l=

d, -rcGGr.)
- (,-2)(!-D =0
At de poinr
- ,"2 or r-1

S. docs oor.xisr sinc. r =2 e > 1.


{:= ?
-;"' 1/l
TJ=rI - a+lad=I = {"7d
= '"r, -.1- l

=lfr'"- 'u.

rer 9rr -6rr5 , 1+ ,1 +

(3r-r)G-r) 3r.r r' 1

since sredors.crd.= 1"p 9r: 6l+5 =3(rJ-1Xr-r)+,4(j-l)+,3(rr-l)

Whenr = l, 3=2,
wheir:0, 5 = I =r=4 37 =-6
-,4 -,1
f r.' -o.. * s
" J t,, - 11 **"
rj -2rn 3r- r1+ 4rn J-11+c
(t Ld P, b. ih" $doNd " ,, -7+ " r.r , € z' sinte | J 6, d.
= -o as N serie s co !e.sen.

LHs = !, =1 (By rhc d.rbnior oiibe sqrmc)

r(L+rl r lL I
L:.r4 r.r5 456

Asumclh!!Pr is ru. ro.lomc [.2 .

. r(tr+
L+ r
-t* i
) ,o'-r)1".r,-rx
Ll r
'' ' *(*r LJ(k+ 2J
'aa-i-i I

=_L- I
r(*+, *(r+D(l+2)

- (*.1X* -r)

. . Pr ru!
= Phr hd
By Mrih.aatical hduclion, P. is !fte.

i ntn+htn+2t -''

'' : (A +trll +tl


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