Indus Seals and Glyptic Studies, An Overview (Asko Parpola, 2017)

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Asko Parpola
University of Helsinki


This chapter introduces Indus seals, and provides a chronological overview of

seals in the various phases of Indus civilization. It then addresses various aspects
of Indus seals, including inscriptions, the photographic Corpus of Indus Seals and
Inscriptions, seals as badges of authority and amulets, seals as administrative tools,
and seal manufacture. As such, the chapter provides a brief but thorough
introduction to the more detailed studies that comprise the rest of the volume.


A In the Beginning Were Seals

An unusual “stone seal” was among the few antiquities in Alexander
Cunningham’s 1875 account of Harappa, the largest ruin mound of the
Punjab. Two further seals were acquired at Harappa in 1884 and 1886. After
all three had been presented to the British Museum, their photographs were
published by J. F. Fleet (Fleet 1912). Inscribed with the same unknown script,
they caught the interest of Sir John Marshall, who as director-general of
the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) got excavations started at
Harappa in 1921. More seals were immediately discovered, and they came
from beneath Mauryan levels, at that time the oldest known in India. In

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1922–23 R. D. Banerji examined the ruins of Mohenjo-daro in Sind and

found similar seals there, some 650 kilometers from Harappa. In 1924 Marshall
announced that a new civilization had been discovered, and started large-scale
excavations at both sites.

B Excavations in the Greater Indus Valley

The numerous seals with their beautiful images and enigmatic script were the
most exciting objects in Marshall’s 1924 article in The Illustrated London News.
The true identity of some Indus seals found in Western Asia was now realized,
which established the Bronze Age affinity of the Indus Civilization and its
contacts with Mesopotamia and the Gulf. In 1925, after Ernest Mackay had
reported a typically Harappan square stamp seal unearthed in his excavations at
Kish, Marshall invited him to direct excavations at Mohenjo-daro between
1925 and 1931. Mackay described in detail the seal finds in the successive
excavation reports of the site (Mackay 2004 [1931], 1938), while Marshall (2004
[1931]: 52–73) also commented on some important glyptic motifs, calling one
“Proto-Śiva” (Pl. IX) and suggesting continuity from Harappan religion to
later Hinduism. Both found iconographic parallels in Western Asia, an avenue
explored further by Heinz Mode (Mode 1944). In 1935–36 Mackay directed
American excavations at Chanhu-daro; the seals found there included the
previously unknown Jhukar-type seals of the post-urban period (Mackay
1976 [1943]). M. S. Vats, in charge of the Harappa excavations after D. R.
Sahni, published the numerous seals found there in his report (Vats
1997 [1940]).
Large-scale excavations at Mohenjo-daro and Harappa stopped in 1931 and
1934, but the site custodians continued digging. Their short annual reports
were virtually forgotten in 1971, when Iravatham Mahadevan and I studied
inscribed Indus materials in the museums of Pakistan and India, and to our
surprise discovered more than four hundred seals and inscriptions that had
never been published (cf. CISI 1 [Joshi and Parpola 1987]: xx). The study of
these sites was revived by Sir Mortimer Wheeler, who in his excavations
trained a new generation of Indian and Pakistani archaeologists in modern
excavation methods. At Harappa in 1946 he exposed the “citadel” walls and
cemetery R37, and at Mohenjo-daro in 1950 the “Great Granary.” Wheeler’s
Indian students B. B. Lal and B. K. Thapar excavated the major Early and
Mature Harappan site of Kalibangan between 1960 and 1969 (Lal et al. 2003,
2015), while S. R. Rao in 1954–63 unearthed significant finds discussed below
at the Harappan harbor town of Lothal in Gujarat.
Of the later Indian excavations I single out those by R. S. Bisht at Dholavira
and Banawali, which besides other interesting features have produced a fair
number of Indus seals and inscriptions. In addition to the ASI, State
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Departments of Archaeology, universities (particularly in Pune and Vadodara)

and some foreign collaborative projects, notably those of Gregory Possehl in
Gujarat and Rajasthan and Toshiki Osada’s Japanese Indus Project (see Osada
2010–12) have much furthered Harappan studies in India. By now more than a
thousand Indus sites have been located in the Greater Indus Valley (cf. Possehl
2002a, 2002b). Even small habitation sites, such as Kanmer, measuring just
115  105 meters, have yielded Indus seals and seal impressions (cf. Kharakwal
et al. 2012: 484–90).
In Pakistan, in 1955–58 F. A. Khan excavated Kot Diji, a small site with key
importance for the “Early Harappan” phase recognized by M. Rafique
Mughal (Mughal 1970); the presence of several urban characteristics justified
changing the name of some “Pre-Harappan” cultures. A number of prehistoric
cultures had been traced in surveys of the Indo-Iranian borderlands since the
1920s. They could be ordered chronologically only after French excavations
directed by J.-F. Jarrige at the sites Mehrgarh, Sibri, Nausharo, and Pirak on
the border of Baluchistan and Sind had yielded an unbroken cultural sequence
around 7000–800 BCE (Jarrige et al. 1995; Jarrige 1991; Jarrige et al. 1979).
Mundigak, Amri, and Nindowari, important sites in Afghanistan and Pakistan,
had been excavated already by Jean-Marie Casal (Casal 1961, 1964; Jarrige et al.
2011), while Roland Besenval has continued French archaeological research on
the Makran coast (Besenval 2011).
The American archaeologists Walter Fairservis and George Dales both
carried out surveys in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Fairservis also excavated the
small Harappan site Allah-dino near Karachi, publishing its seals and inscrip-
tions in 1976. Dales (1962) discovered the westernmost Harappan sites on the
Makran coast, conducted a small excavation at Mohenjo-daro in 1964, and
then dug at the coastal site of Balakot. In 1986 he established a research station
at Harappa and started important excavations which after his death have been
co-directed by Richard Meadow and Mark Kenoyer (Kenoyer and Meadow
2010). The German–Italian Mohenjo-daro documentation project started by
Michael Jansen in the 1970s has also significantly furthered the study of Indus
seals (Jansen and Urban 1984, 1985, 1987).

C Seals and Harappan Contacts with Western and Central Asia

After Mackay (1925) had reported a square Indus seal from Kish and Scheil
(1925) a clay tag with the impression of a square Indus seal from Umma, C. J.
Gadd (1932) in a major paper published several round seals that had Indus script
and the typically Indus-type grooved knob on the back, cylinder seals, and
several uninscribed round seals of a somewhat different kind. The affinity of
the round seals with the Gulf started being understood only after Danish
excavations on Bahrain and Failaka Islands began to produce more seals of
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both kinds (cf. Bibby 1958, 1969; Kjaerum 1983). When Dales (1962) more-
over reported the Harappan outposts on the Makran coast and Rao (1963)
published the “Dilmun” seal from Lothal, attention focused on cuneiform
documents on maritime trade with the foreign countries Dilmun, Magan, and
Meluhha (Oppenheim 1954). It is now generally agreed that Dilmun
principally refers to Failaka and Bahrain, Magan to the Oman peninsula and
Iranian Makran, and Meluhha to the Greater Indus Valley (cf. Maekawa
and Mori 2011).
Steffen Terp Laursen (2010b) has examined 121 “Gulf Type” seals
(27 bearing Indus script) and their relationship to the later “Dilmun” seals;
this is his topic also in this volume. The Joint Hadd Project directed by Serge
Cleuziou and Maurizio Tosi has documented Harappan presence in Oman,
and Frenez and Tosi (2005) have identified further seals at Lothal associated
with the Gulf trade: the square copper seal (L-44) has a parallel in the
square Indus seal found at Ra’s al-Hadd in the copper-rich Oman, and the
rectangular stone seal decorated with concentric circles at the back like
“Dilmun” seals (L-100).
Besides stained cornelian beads, Indus-related seals discovered in Western
Asia have provided most important chronological and geographical evidence
of the intercultural relations between these regions (cf. Collon 1996; Possehl
2002c: 221–29; Reade 2008). Harappan presence in Central Asia is attested
by two square seals (with swastika and two signs of Indus script respectively)
and other objects of Harappan affinity from Altyn Depe in Turkmenistan
(cf. Masson 1981; Possehl 2002c: 229–30). In 2004 a square Indus seal with
an elephant and a line of Indus script with native Harappan sequences was
excavated at Gonur in Turkmenistan. It probably belonged to a high-ranking
Harappan “diplomat,” like a cylinder seal from Gonur possessed (according to
its cuneiform inscription) by the cup-bearer of an Akkadian king (cf. Parpola
2006). In Afghanistan, the Harappan colony of Shortughai near the lapis lazuli
mines also produced a classical Indus seal (Francfort 1989).


A Pre-Harappan Phase ca. 3500–3000 BCE

For the Pre-Harappan and the first part of the Early Harappan phase this sketch
is based on Akinori Uesugi’s recent paper (2011). During the latter half of the
fourth millennium BCE the regional cultures of the Greater Indus Valley
reached a high level of development, and interregional interaction began.
Round, square, and rectangular button seals with geometric motifs and two
holes in the middle for threading are attested from Mehrgarh IV and V in
Baluchistan. They have close parallels on the Iranian Plateau, especially at
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Shahr-i Sokhta II in Seistan and at Mundigak III in southern Afghanistan. One

(broken) bone seal of this type (H-1521) comes from Harappa I. An ivory seal
from Rahman Dheri IB has two holes in the middle but figurative motifs
(including a pair of scorpions). The early seals at Mehrgarh were found in
compounds dedicated to craft activities and possible storage (Frenez 2004); this
is compatible with the evidence of the earliest seals from Harappa (Kenoyer
and Meadow 2010).

B Early Harappan Phase ca. 3000–2500 BCE

During the first half of the third millennium BCE button seals with geometric
motifs and two holes in the middle continue in Mehrgarh VI and VII; in
period VII there are also stylized human and animal figures. The later layer also
has seals with geometric motifs and a perforated knob on the reverse. Both
types spread over the northern part of the Greater Indus Valley as far east as
Kunal in Haryana.
Uesugi underlines the diagnostic importance of a new type of seal. Square
and quatrefoil seals have in each corner the previously unattested motif of
concentric circles; the center may have a four-pointed star and/or a fifth
dot-in-circles. From Mehrgarh VI (3000–2900 BCE) this seal type has spread
through Rahman Dheri and Tarakai Qila in the North West Frontier Pro-
vince, Harappa II and Manorama in the Punjab, Tarkhanewala Dhera and
Baror I in Rajasthan to Kunal in Haryana (Fig. 8.1). The motif continues in the
Mature Harappan period, on seals with two holes in the middle at Nausharo II
(ca. 2500–2300 BCE) in Baluchistan and at Nagwada in Gujarat, and on seals
with a knob on the back at Harappa (period 3B) in the Punjab, in Baror II in
Rajasthan and Bagasra in Gujarat.
The new excavations at Harappa have much clarified the evolution of Indus
seals. Besides seals with geometric motifs (including one with concentric
circles), the Kot Diji levels (2800–2600 BCE) have the earliest example of a
seal with an animal (elephant) as the main motif, clumsily cut into this
unfinished and unfired steatite seal (H-1533, Fig. 8.2) (cf. Kenoyer and
Meadow 2010: li).
The origin of animal motifs on Harappan seals and pottery can be traced to
the Indo-Iranian borderlands. From Nausharo IB (ca. 2900–2800 BCE) in
Baluchistan comes a compartmented copper seal representing a humped bull
and loop on the back (Ns-1). Such seals with geometrical and animal motifs
come from female burials of the “Shahi Tump cemetery culture” of the
Kech-Makran coast, period IIIa (3100–2800 BCE) (cf. Besenval 2011: 48–51
and 119–24 with pls. 97–103a). Comparable animal motifs, including humped
bulls and felines, appear on painted pottery of the following “Dasht culture 1,”
Kech-Makran period IIIb (2800–2600 BCE) and they have parallels widely in
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8.1. Seals in Pre-, Early, and Mature Harappan phases. After Uesugi 2011: 365, fig. 3. Courtesy
© Akinori Uesugi.

the Indo-Iranian borderlands: Shahr-i Sokhta

II, Mundigak IV, Nal polychrome/Sohr Damb
II–III, Mehrgarh VIIB–C, Nausharo IA–C (cf.
Besenval 2011: 51–52 and 141–42 with pl.
136–37; Didier 2013).
To these sites can be added Nindowari I
(2800–2600 BCE) in southern Baluchistan; the
following Nindowari II period (ca. 2600–2300
8.2. The earliest Indus seal (H-1533A) with
BCE) represents the early “Style A” phase of
an animal motif (elephant) from the Early the Kulli culture, with bulls tethered to trees or
Harappan Kot Diji phase at Harappa. 350%. the ground, a motif adapted at Nausharo ID
Photo Richard Meadow. Courtesy Harappa and Amri ID (ca. 2600–2500 BCE) in a style
Archaelogical Research Project.
heralding that of the Indus Civilization (cf.
Jarrige et al. 2011: 82–88, 182–86).

C Early Mature Harappan Phase ca. 2500–2300 BCE

Only two fragmentary seals can be ascribed to the Early Mature Harappan
phase 3A at Harappa. Both have an animal motif: H-1688 probably represents
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the water buffalo. H-1689 with a finely carved elephant already has the shape
of the dominant type of the following peak phase of the Indus Civilization.
Kenoyer and Meadow (2010: xlv) date period 3A to around 2600–2450 BCE.
It seems to correspond to the “transition period” of Nausharo ID (2600–2500
BCE) plus “Indus 1” of Nausharo II (2500–2300 BCE) in the chronology of
Jarrige et al. (2011: 208). I follow the latter chronology here, although the
scarcity of 3A seals at Harappa suggests a shorter duration of this Early
Mature phase.

D Middle Mature Harappan Phase ca. 2300–2100 BCE

Jarrige et al. (2011: 208) date “Indus 2” corresponding to Nausharo III, Amri
IIIB, and the first half of Nindowari III with “Kulli style B” to around
2300–2100 BCE, while Kenoyer and Meadow (2010: xlv) date the 3B phase
at Harappa to around 2450–2200 BCE. With Harappan cornelian beads in the
Royal Tombs of Ur and of classical Indus seals in Akkadian contexts, the latter
dates agree better with the traditional Mesopotamian chrononology and the
former better with the recently suggested lower chronology (cf. Reade 2008:
15, fig. 2).
Predominantly the most typical Indus seals, stamp seals with square faces,
belong to this phase. The reverse side normally has a bisected, oval, perforated
knob; rarely, the reverse side is flat and also engraved or not, while the seal
body may be transversely pierced or without a hole. The side of the largest
seal (M-1203) measures 68 millimeters and that of the smallest 12 millimeters,
but for most seals the side length is between 20 and 30 millimeters; the
thickness varies between 18 (with the knob 30) and 2 (6) millimeters.
Normally the face has one line of Indus script at the top (a second line –
often just one sign – is not uncommon, but three lines are very rare, and then
occupy the whole face). Beneath the text, or without it, is usually a pictorial
motif. Rarely, there is engraving on one or more edges in addition to the
face(s). The knob on the reverse in some seals has a short inscription, a partial
repetition of that on the face (cf. Parpola 1994a: 92). Three seals (M-319 and
M-1204 from Mohenjo-daro and a seal from Bagasra in Gujarat) have a
hollow case with a lid.
The naturalistic animals of Indus seals rank very high among the artistic
achievements of the Harappans. Seal glyptics also constitute one of the princi-
pal sources for understanding Harappan religion (on this topic see Parpola
2012b). Depicted in more than half of the seals is a “unicorn” bull, usually
facing right (in the impression) toward a “cult object” (two different superim-
posed containers on a stand) (Fig. 8.3). Among the other motifs, most common
are other male animals: the zebu, elephant, and (usually with a trough) bison,
water buffalo, rhinoceros, and tiger; rarer animals include goats of various kind,
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8.3. A typical square Indus seal (M-147 from Mohenjo-daro) made of steatite, with an
inscription in the Indus script and the motif of a “unicorn” bull plus a “cult stand” on the
face (photo Erja Lahdenperä), and a bisected and pierced knob on the reverse (photo
Archaeological Survey of India [ASI]). Courtesy ASI.

chinkara (Indian gazelle), long-spouted crocodile (gavial), wild ass, and two
kinds of “mythical” beasts, either with one body and three different heads, or
one animal with a human face and other body parts coming from different
animals. Rarely depicted are (one or more) anthropomorphic deities, heroes or
priests, with or without animals and/or trees; one more often repeated scene
shows a man with a chignon squatting in a tree while a tiger beneath looks
backwards at him. I would like to add a few comments on these glyptic motifs
while referring to Marta Ameri’s chapter in this book, in which she examines
Indus iconography from a new angle.
The “unicorn” is a new motif in the iconography of Greater Indus Valley,
including painted pottery, and probably comes from Mesopotamia, where
aurochs bulls have been represented in this fashion since Uruk times. That the
single horn is intentional is proved by three-dimensional figurines, and related
Eurasian “unicorn” legends and later South Asian parallels confirm its phallic
symbolism. Humpless cattle did not exist in South Asia, where this foreign
animal was identified with the native cow-like nilgai antelope, in Vedic religion
a prominent symbol for the creator god Prajāpati (cf. Parpola 2011b).
The “cult stand” is likewise a new motif. On some molded tablets it is
carried by worshipers, once (M-490) in a procession behind the “unicorn”
image, also carried on a shaft. The “cult stand” resembles the tree-like post to
which humped bulls are tethered on “Kulli style B” painted pots, whereas the
earlier “Kulli style A” bulls are tethered to a tree (often a fig) or to the ground
(cf. Jarrige et al. 2011: 73–74, 89, 195). In the “transition period” pots of
Nausharo ID, humped bulls are tethered to a fig tree, and caprids to a fruit
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tree (cf. Jarrige et al. 2011: 88). Perhaps the stand and the tree correspond to the
sacrificial stake to which animal victims were tied in Vedic and Hindu religion.
One clearly Mesopotamian motif adopted by the Harappans is the
“contest”: a human hero holds back two felines with bare hands. Such details
as the hairstyle of the hero (either six locks of hair or the chignon), or the
“victory pose” (in the buffalo-killing scene) date the adoption to Late Early
Dynastic or Early Akkadian period (cf. Parpola 1984, 2011c, 2012a).
Harappan anthropomorphic deities often squat in “yoga posture”, which
may ultimately come from the “sitting bulls” of proto-Elamite art (cf. Parpola
1984). Contact with proto-Elamite culture is attested by bevel-rimmed vessels
at Miri Qalat (ca. 2800 BCE) in Pakistani Makran (cf. Besenval 2011: 49 and
133 with figs. 121–22).

E Late Mature Harappan Phase ca. 2100–1900 BCE

Jarrige et al. (2011: 208) date “Indus 3” of Nausharo IV, Mehrgarh VIII, Amri
III C–D, and the latter part of Nindowari III to 2100–1900 BCE, while
Kenoyer and Meadow (2010: xlv) date phase 3C at Harappa to
2200–1900 BCE.
The second major type of Mature Harappan seals (about 10 percent of the
material) is the “bar seal”. Its rectangular face is engraved with text only. The
back is usually convex and perforated in the middle (Fig. 8.4). Among several
variants is a flat back with a perforated knob. “Bar seals” come at Harappa from
phase 3C only. Also practically all seal stamps impressed on pottery vessels
before firing come from phase 3C; most of them have text only and occur
chiefly on the mass-produced “pointed base goblets” characteristic of this late
layer (cf. Kenoyer and Meadow 2010: l).
Square stamp seals with just a geometrical motif (swastika, cross of various
kinds, concentric circles) resurface in this late phase. They continue Early
Harappan tradition somehow kept alive in the meanwhile. Simultaneously,
seals typical of the Bactria and Margiana
Archaeological Complex (BMAC) or Oxus
Civilization of southern Central Asia (on these
cf. Baghestani 1997 and Sarianidi 1998) are
found at Indus sites. One is H-166 at Harappa,
a bifacial steatite seal with the shape of stepped
cross and the motif of eagle and snake. From
Mohenjo-daro come two BMAC-type com-
partmented metal seals (Franke 2010) and some 8.4. A typical rectangular Indus “bar seal”
(M-357) with just a line of Indus script on
terracotta “passports,” one side stamped with a the face (photo Jyrki Lyytikkä) and a pierced
compartmented metal seal, the other side with convex back (photo ASI). Courtesy National
an Indus seal (Parpola 2005). A perforated Museum of India.
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cylinder seal from Kalibangan (K-65) is of the type prevalent in Mesopotamia,

the homeland of cylinder seals (cf. Collon 1987), and its rare motif has a
Mesopotamian feature in the chignon of the warriors depicted, but the seal
is carved in Harappan style and bears an Indus inscription with native
Harappan sign sequence. Some other cylinders, such as those from Sibri (CISI
2 [Shah and Parpola 1991]: 412–13]), are unperforated and have stamp seal at
one or two ends, conforming thus and in motifs to the BMAC-type cylinders.
Bifaced, rectangular, transversely perforated BMAC seals come from Sibri on
the border of Baluchistan and Sind (CISI 2 [Shah and Parpola 1991]: 411), and
from Prabhas Patan (Somnath) in Gujarat, the latter depicting horses (CISI 1
[Joshi and Parpola 1987]: 359).
The round “Gulf”-type Indus seal (2100–2000 BCE) is rare in the Greater
Indus Valley; four come from Mohenjo-daro. Lothal in Gujarat is rather
exceptional among the excavated Indus sites in having many very poorly
made Indus seals, predominantly of terracotta, and mostly containing just
script or geometrical motifs. That they represent the very latest Mature
Harappan phase is suggested by the “Dilmun” seal from Lothal, datable to
2000–1900 BCE.

F Late or Post-Harappan Phase 1900–1300 BCE

The Late Harappan or Cemetery H phase at Harappa has not yielded any seals.
From the southernmost Indus site of Daimabad in Maharashtra comes an
unperforated cylinder seal and two round seals, dating perhaps to 1800 BCE.
One of the round seals bears a single sign, identical in shape to one of the most
diagnostic signs of the Indus script and one that occurs most frequently in Indus
inscriptions, yet in earlier texts never alone as here.
At the Ahar-Banas culture site of Gilund in southern Rajasthan, a “ware-
house” was exposed in 2001–03. It contained a bin with over a hundred clay
tags with single and multiple seal impressions. The seals are both round and
rectilinear and contain geometrical motifs similar to BMAC seals and to
the Jhukar-type seals of Late Harappan (post-urban) Chanhu-daro in Sind
(cf. Shinde et al. 2005).
The terracotta seals of Pirak I–III (1700–800 BCE) continue, in a rough
fashion, Early Harappan geometric motifs (including “eyes” in four corners),
and have high perforated knobs on the reverse (CISI 2 [Shah and Parpola
1991]: 379–86).
While the spread of the BMAC culture and its seals to the Greater Indus
Valley after 2000 BCE reflects the coming of an early wave of Indo-Aryan
speakers to South Asia, the terracotta models of horse riders in Pirak I–II
should be connected with the post-BMAC Yaz I culture of southern Central
Asia and the coming of the first wave of mounted Old Iranian (proto-Saka)
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speakers to these parts, reflected also in the references to inimical people called
Dāsa and Dasyu in the Rigveda (cf. Parpola 2012a).


A Seal Inscriptions and the Indus Script

One of the most important and fascinating aspects of the Indus seals consists of
their inscriptions. Roughly 60 percent of Indus texts are seal inscriptions
(including ancient seal impressions). Apart from some odd inscribed objects,
other text categories are small ivory or bone sticks; copper or bronze weapons;
stoneware bangles; pre- and post-firing graffiti on pottery; and small tablets,
the two last-mentioned groups being the largest after seals. Many seals share
identical inscriptions with other kinds of text, and molds for making tablets
include seals.
The tablets apparently have both religious and economic significance.
Incised copper tablets characterize late layers of Mohenjo-daro, other kinds
come chiefly from Harappa (not early layers as previously maintained but from
the middle of 3B onwards): two-sided tablets of various shapes, or three- or
four-sided rectangular bars; they are either incised into steatite, or molded of
terracotta or faience. Sometimes many identical copies come from one find-
spot. The incised steatite tablets were earlier (cf. Vats 1997 [1940]; Wheeler
1968: 106) wrongly considered to be “tiny seals” (cf. Kenoyer and Meadow
2010: xlix–l.)
The Indus inscriptions on round “Gulf” seals and cylinder seals from
Mesopotamia often have sign sequences that differ from those of South Asian
Indus texts, while the typically Harappan-type square “unicorn” seals from
Western Asia in particular have typically Harappan sign sequences. This
suggests that many Indus people living in the west not only knew local
languages but also adopted local names, just as they adopted local seal types
(cf. Parpola et al. 1977; Parpola 1994b).
The Indus script and inscriptions hold crucial keys to Harappan language
and religion. So far there are no bilingual texts, which have usually opened up
forgotten ancient scripts, though tablets may turn up mentioning in cuneiform
Harappan names stamped on them with Indus seals (cf. Buchanan 1967;
Parpola 1994: 273–74). Yet valid decipherments have been achieved even
without bilinguals, as in the case of the Mycenaean Linear B script; this
encouraged me and my colleagues to embark upon the study of the Indus
script in 1964. There is no space here to go deeper into the problems and
results connected with this study, and just a few words must suffice. A full
decipherment is impossible with present materials, but one can penetrate into
the Indus script to some extent, find out its type of writing (a logo-syllabic
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script) and the underlying language (proto-Dravidian), and obtain some read-
ings, which agree with later South Asian (Vedic, Hindu, and Old Tamil)
traditions (see Parpola 1994a, 2009, 2011a, 2011b, 2011c, 2012a, 2012b, 2015).

B Photographic Corpus of Indus Seals and Inscriptions

To decipher any forgotten ancient script, a fundamental task is to collect all
existing material in as reliable a form as possible. Dissatisfaction with the
quality of documentation in the excavation reports of Mohenjo-daro and
Harappa, and the hundreds of unpublished seals and inscriptions discovered
in museums, made me start the project of a comprehensive photographic
Corpus of Indus Seals and Inscriptions (CISI) in international collaboration. All
sides of all objects, including seals without inscriptions, and modern impres-
sions of the seals, were to be (re)photographed and selectively published, if
feasible, in twice the natural size. Pictures of hundreds of seals that had
disappeared after the excavations were to be collected from the photographic
archives of the ASI and identified. To enable studies of many kinds, “Indus”
was defined broadly to include also all prehistoric seals and inscriptions before
and after the Indus Civilization proper in the Greater Indus Valley, thus
including also BMAC and “Dilmun” seals found there. The material is
arranged according to the owner countries, sites of discovery, chronological
periods (if possible), and then according to object typology, iconography,
and size. Introductions contain corresponding classifications, descriptions of
sites, and other topics. The provisional documentation of the objects gives
their excavation and museum numbers. So far three volumes have appeared,
comprising collections in India (1 [Joshi and Parpola 1987]), collections in
Pakistan (2 [Shah and Parpola 1991]), and a supplement to materials from
Mohenjo-daro and Harappa (3.1 [Parpola et al. 2010]); a global supplement
(3.2, in preparation) will complete the photographic documentation.
Updated computerized concordances to the inscriptions (to replace the
outdated ones of Koskenniemi et al. 1973 and Mahadevan 1977) and other
supplements are also planned. Some Indus seals are cited in this chapter with
CISI references.

C Seals and Inscriptions of Mohenjo-daro

Mohenjo-daro covers at least 100 hectares, and its excavated area of 10 hectares
is the largest among all Indus sites. It has also yielded the greatest number of
Indus seals, just over 1,500 in all. Unfortunately the real stratigraphy of the
site was not properly recorded in the early mass excavations, but in his
Mohenjo-daro project initiated in the 1970s Michael Jansen has tried to
reconstruct it. The original field registers that he has located record the
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8.5. Michael Jansen’s analysis of house I in the HR-A area of Mohenjo-daro. After Jansen
1986: 200–01, fig. 125: (a) isometry; (b) distribution of the seal finds, Courtesy © Michael Jansen.

8.6. Michael Jansen’s analysis of house I in the HR-A area of Mohenjo-daro. After Jansen
1986: 200–01, fig. 125. Reconstruction of the original structure (left); reconstruction of the final
structure (right), Courtesy © Michael Jansen.

three-dimensional coordinates of the excavated finds. They enable the placing

of seals in their findspots on streets and within buildings, whose other contents
may throw light on the seal owner’s profession or rank (cf. Fig. 8.5a, b, and 8.6,
and Parpola 1994a: 117–18).
Using the field registers, Ute Franke-Vogt wrote her dissertation on the
temporal and local distribution of the seals and other inscribed material from
Mohenjo-daro (Franke-Vogt 1991). Her principal aim was to find out whether
any meaningful patterns would emerge, particularly regarding variation in the
typology and iconography of the objects. Die Glyptik aus Mohenjo-daro in two
large volumes will remain a major reference work in the study of Indus seals
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and inscriptions. Franke-Vogt refines earlier classifications of object types and

iconographic motifs (such as in CISI 1–2 [Joshi and Parpola 1987; Shah and
Parpola 1991] and Mahadevan 1977). She illustrates each object type and motif
with excellent line drawings, and discusses them thoroughly with reference to
material found outside Mohenjo-daro (in the Greater Indus Valley and
Western Asia), reviewing the views of many scholars. She has compiled
manifold statistics displayed in tables, diagrams, and crosswise correlations.
Data related to each object are listed and the findspots are plotted with symbols
of different shapes and colors on the maps of the excavated areas. In studying
these maps, however, one must bear in mind that the excavated layers at
Mohenjo-Daro belong almost exclusively to Middle and Late Mature
Harappan phases. Critical analyses of the stratigraphy at the site has revealed
the presence of secondary deposits, resulting in mixed seals and other materials
from different stratigraphic layers, in some cases for depths of several meters.
Consequently, primary floors with direct and undisturbed chronological asso-
ciations are nearly absent in the urban compound.
Among Franke-Vogt’s main conclusions is that the absolute predominance
of the “unicorn” bull motif in the seals and their random distribution does not
support interpretations that see in the iconographic motifs guild marks, totems
of kin groups, or caste emblems. The absence of clear local distributions rather
suggests rank and status distinctions and a hierarchical division of the society.
The extreme poverty of finds in the “citadel” (excepting the L area and the
Great Bath) likewise makes it unlikely that it served as the residence of the elite
or as the administrative center.

D Seals as Badges of Authority and Amulets

The great concentration of seals and inscribed objects in the southern part of
DKG area of Mohenjo-daro (cf. Franke-Vogt 1991: I, 145, 152–54, II, tables
LIII–LIV) agrees with the previously suggested identification of a “palace” in
this area. Two seals with most impressive iconography of anthropomorphic
deities come from this very location (cf. Possehl 2002c: 209 with fig. 11.21).
Both seals have inscriptions that end in the “man” sign, recalling Mesopota-
mian priestly titles (“Man of god NN”). Indeed, their “Proto-Śiva” and
“Fig-deity” motifs may convey pictorially the message expressed in writing
in their inscriptions (cf. Parpola 1994a: 261, 2012b: 16). In Western Asia, kings
ruled on behalf of gods as their high priests, and the Harappans adopted the
“contest” motif which in ancient Western Asia had an explicitly royal associ-
ation (cf. Parpola 2011c, 2012a). Moreover, the “Proto-Śiva” and “Fig-deity”
seals are carefully carved and relatively large, which suggest high-ranking
owners. Such seals contrast with the small and more roughly made seals with
much-repeated inscriptions or motifs (cf. Parpola 1986b).
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The Indus seals had holes for cords so that they could be carried on the
person. The ownership of a seal was a mark of prestige, and seals undoubtedly
functioned as badges of rank and authority. It is possible that the different
animal motifs were linked with different social positions or occupations. The
association of the gaur bison with the “Gulf Type” seals (Vidale 2004) may be
seen as evidence of this. Being worn in this fashion probably means that they
also had an amuletic function, protecting their owners as well as their
property. The case seals probably contained some talisman, and the seal’s
iconographic motif undoubtedly also had a religious significance (compare the
association of the bull with Śiva in later Indian seals). The inscriptions have
been sawn off some of the larger seals; perhaps the text indicated the seal
owner’s high position – later lost, for instance through death – and his family
were able to keep the rest of the seal as a status symbol. In any case, it is
remarkable that the Indus seals have been found scattered all over habitation
sites, while elsewhere seals were often buried with their owners. (Cf. Parpola
1997: 49–50.)

E The Indus Seals as Administrative Tools

Originally seals came into existence as administrative tools, to secure property
(cf. Collon 1997). That this was also their primary function in the Indus
Civilization can be deduced from preserved ancient sealings and seal impres-
sions. A terracotta tag impressed with a seal containing script (H-1538) comes
from as early as the Kot Diji layers at Harappa. From the same period there is
evidence of writing (different from simple potter’s marks), and standardized
cuboid stone weights were used to control economic activities (cf. Kenoyer
and Meadow 2010: xlviii). In ancient Mesopotamia, textual sources give
detailed information for the use of seals to protect packed merchandise against
pilfering. On the arrival of the goods at their destination, the seals were broken
open and the contents weighed and checked, in the presence of witnesses.
“Gulf” seals and stone weights of Harappan type were found in remarkable
numbers in the customs house right next to the city gate in Bahrain (cf. Bibby
1972: 368; Parpola 1994a: 113–15).
Round clay lumps with seal impressions and smoothed backs were probably
“passports.” Some such passes from Mohenjo-daro bear on opposite sides
impressions of an Indus seal and a BMAC seal (cf. Parpola 2005). Three
“passes” from Kanmer have the impression of the same Indus seal on one side,
and different incised inscriptions on the other (cf. Kharakwal et al. 2012: 487).
Kautilya’s Arthasāstra, an ancient Indian handbook of statecraft, details the
procedures at the customs houses near the city gates; these include checking
whether stamped sealings are intact, and “road-passes” are also mentioned
(cf. Parpola 1994a: 114–15).
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A clay tag with the impression of a square Indus seal and marks of coarse
cloth on the reverse comes from Umma in Mesopotamia (Scheil 1925). The
excavations at Lothal (Rao 1979–85) uncovered a large (210m x 35m x 4.5m)
water tank lined with baked bricks and connected through a channel with the
Sabarmati River flowing to the sea. Next to this dockyard was a 50 x 40 meter
mud-brick platform with the remains of a burnt-down “warehouse” with
ventilation arrangements under an assumed wooden floor. Collected in one
place, probably as an archive from the past season, were seventy fire-baked clay
tags, with twenty-six additional tags coming from elsewhere in Lothal (CISI
1 [Joshi and Parpola 1987]: 268–89). These ninety-six tags provide evidence of
how Indus seals were used and of Harappan bureaucratic and administrative
practices, in which several persons took part as participants or witnesses of
transactions. One tag bears five seal impressions (all broken off or indistinct),
two tags (L-189, L-193) bear four seal impressions made with four different
seals, three tags bear three seal impressions, twenty-six tags bear two seal
impressions, and sixty-three tags bear a single seal impression; among the
readable seal inscriptions, twelve occur more than twice in the Lothal tags.
Overlapping of seal impressions show that it was the text portion of the seal
that mattered (cf. L-211). Two of the actual seal stamps used in making these
impressions have been identified among the seals excavated at Lothal (Parpola
1986a, 1994a: 114, 2007).
Sealings are much rarer in the Indus Valley than they appear to be in West
Asia, Egypt, and across the Iranian Plateau. While some argue that this hints at
a different way of using seals and sealings, others rather believe that it is an
accident of preservation. It is possible that unfired clay sealings, in the moist
layers of the Indus Basin, are much more difficult to see and to recover than
their western counterparts. The known Indus sealings were all strongly fired,
either purposefully, or accidentally, as in the burnt warehouse of Lothal.
In addition to the seal impressions, these lumps of clay have impressions of
the objects on which they were attached. Dennys Frenez and Maurizio Tosi
(2005) have studied them with the help of comparative material from Meso-
potamia and Shahr-i Sokhta in Seistan. Their results suggest that the tags sealed
doors bound with strings to pegs fixed to holes in wooden walls; joints
between movable parts or doors or furniture or crates (without any strings);
cane wrappings of packages with strings; pottery closed with textile covers tied
with strings under the rim; and finely polished wooden surfaces, perhaps
boxes. The last-mentioned twelve items (L-161 to L-172) all bear impressions
of a single seal, unique with its elephant motif. The lumps impressed with this
elephant seal also have fingernail tallies, apparently to record how many objects
were kept inside the sealed box closed with knotted strings.
Indus seals were also used to control craft processes producing valuable
goods. Thus, at Mohenjo-daro, a sealed clay tag closed a container in which
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stoneware bangles were manufactured by a difficult process involving heating

them at very high temperature (Halim and Vidale 1984). The production of
seals must also have been tightly controlled. It has already been mentioned that
the earliest seals at Mehrgarh and Harappa were found in compounds dedi-
cated to craft activities.

F Seal Manufacture
A seal-making workshop has been discovered at Chanhu-daro (Mackay 1976
[1943]). Unfinished seals at different stages of completion enable conclusions
about the process of manufacture. The typical material for making Indus seals
was the soft stone steatite. It is easy to carve, but has the drawback of becoming
easily worn. This could to some extent be remedied by baking the completed
seal. Rarer materials of manufacture include agate, lapis lazuli, copper, and
silver. Analyzing and sourcing the materials of which the Harappans made their
seals and other artifacts has provided important information on Harappan
activity spheres and trade routes (Law 2011).
Blanks for seals were first sawn from larger blocks by means of copper saws.
Smooth flat surfaces were then made with grinding stones of different grades,
from coarse to fine. The iconographic motif was carved first, using incising
tools of stone and metal, then the inscription. In C-14 (CISI 1 [Joshi and
Parpola 1987]: 331) the inscription was sketched before carving. The ready seal
was heated to harden the steatite, and glazed by adding a silica coating. The
hole, whether through the body of the seal or through the knob on the reverse
(in this case in an angle from two sides), was made with drills of stone or metal.
Microscopes and silicone impressions taken of the seals have been used in order
to catch the finest tool traces.
Paul Rissman (1989), assuming chronological and local significance in the
variations of the most popular iconographic motif, tried to use them as a means
to penetrate into the history and organization of Harappan seal carving.
Franke-Vogt (1991: I, 111–24) elaborated the analysis of this motif of
“unicorn” plus “cult stand.” Mark Kenoyer’s research in this field (cf. Kenoyer
and Meadow 2010: li–lvi) has paid particular attention to carving techniques
and chronological aspects of boss types. In this volume, Gregg Jamison hunts
for idiosyncracies of individual artisans and workshops, and Adam Green
studies sequencing and styles in inscription carving.
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plate ix. The famous “Proto-Shiva” seal M-304A from Mohenjo-daro. Photo Erja
Lahdenperä, courtesy National Museum of India.
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