Exercises On Bifurcations: Exercise

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Exercises on Bifurcations

1. Purpose: To study saddle node bifurcations in a model. From [Str94], Example 8.1.1.
Exercise: The following system has been discussed by [Gri71] as a model for a genetic control system.
The activity of a certain gene is assumed to be directly induced by two copies of the protein for
which it codes. In other words, the gene is stimulated by its own product, potentially leading to an
autocatalytic feedback process. In dimensionless form, the equations are

= ax + y
1 + x2

where x and y are proportional to the concentrations of the protein and the messenger RNA from
which it is translated, respectively, and a, b > 0 are parameters that govern the rate of degradation
of x and y. Show that the system has three fixed points when a < ac , where ac is to be determined.
Show that two of these fixed points coalesce in a saddle-node bifurcation when a = ac . Then sketch
the phase portrait for a < ac , and give a biological interpretation.
2. Purpose: To study homoclinic bifurcations. From [Str94], pp 262-263
Notes: This is similar to a heteroclinic bifurcation, in that it involves the stable manifold of a saddle
Exercise: Consider the system
x =

y + x x2 + xy

(a) Show that the origin is a saddle point for all values of .
(b) Find any other equilibria and determine their stability.
(c) Numerically plot phase portraits for values of between 1 and 0.5. What happens to the
unstable manifold through the origin as is varied?
(d) Numerically find the critical -value at which the stable and unstable manifolds through the
origin intersect. (This is called a homoclinic connection or homoclinic orbit.)
(e) Plot a few phase portraits for -values above and below this critical value and describe what
happens to the unstable manifold through the origin.
This type of bifurcation is called a homoclinic bifurcation.
3. Purpose: To determine the type of bifurcation. From [Str94], Problem 8.1.6.
Exercise: Consider the system x = y 2x, y = + x2 y.
(a) Sketch the nullclines.
(b) Find and classify the bifurcations that occur as varies.
(c) Sketch the phase portrait as a function of .
4. Literature Search: Find a research article describing a mathematical model of tumor growth (with
or without the immune system, perhaps with some models of treatment). With a partner, write a
telegraphic report on the article. You can email me the report or turn it in. This report consists
of several paragraphs that answer the following questions:
(a) What is the question being asked?
(b) What modeling approach is being used (discrete, continuous, probabilistic (stochastic), deterministic, combination)?
(c) What assumptions are made?

(d) How is the model formulated (how did they go from the question to the mathematics)?
(e) How is the problem solved (analysis, computation, verification)?
(f) What is the answer to the original question?
(g) Your own overall evaluation:

Is the article well written (clear, understandable, includes enough detail)?

Were the assumptions justified and reasonable?
Was the chosen model a good one (capturing salient features, numerically stable)?
How could the problem be extended in an interesting way?

[Gri71] J.S. Griffith. Mathematical Neurobiology. Academic Press, 1971.
[Str94] Steven H. Strogatz. Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos. Addison-Wesley, 1994.

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