Volume 7, Issue 8, March 28,2010

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Volume 7, Issue 8 March 28, 2010


ASSEMBLY TIMES One writer has said: “We expend enor- Sam Hawkins is a licensed funeral
mous energy teaching everything director and pre-need Counselor. He
Sunday Morning:
about life and yet we know so little and his wife, Paulette reside in Gravel-
10:00am Bible Class about death”. It is impossible to es- bourg.
11:00am Worship cape grief and loss. Potentials abound
for the loss of something important in PATHWAYS THROUGH GRIEF
Thursday Evening:
every corner of life. Such loss experi-
ences can range over a wide variety of April 17 & 18
experiences such as loss of a job, 3 Session on Saturday & 2 on Sunday
___ money, youth, friendship, separation, Open to the Public.
CONTACT INFO suicide, aging, illness or the death of a
People have found these sessions in-
loved one. The effects of loss are per-
teresting and informative. Time is al-
sonal, unique and far reaching. As a
A deeper look into God’s 1 Christina Street
past co-owner of a funeral home I have
ways given for questions.
Village of Kenosee Lake
been deeply involved with the griev-
Kingdom. ing process for over twenty five years.
Box 184
In my early years I realized very quickly
Every Sunday in March S0C 2S0
that I knew so very little. How scary
(306)577-2477 that was. Through the years I’ve taken
onthe- many courses, gathered a library of
[email protected] reading material and given many griev-
___ ing seminars. Having the privilege
These puzzles through my work of sharing in many
consist of 26 rows LEADERSHIP
of letters with one
grief journeys has taught me much.
empty space in Grief and loss will always walk by our
each row. Elders: sides. Through listening and observ-
There is one place
Cameron Husband ing, I am convinced that education can
for each letter of
the alphabet in the Harold Floyd be an empowering key to help each
26 empty squares.
Fill in each letter so
Dale King person prepare for understanding our
that a word of at Jim Sedor grief and loss.
least 5 letters is
formed reading
across only.
Not all the letters in
Minister: Sam Hawkins
each row are used; Rolland Bouchard
it's up to you to (306)577-8418 See announcement on page 2
discover which ones
are needed

Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see http://biblewordgames.com and www.reverendfun.com
Volume 7, Issue 8 March 28, 2010


We are requesting that 356 - I Believe in Jesus
all of the children in The Triumphal Entry
THRIFT STORE DAYS there. They are also going to be sending and neighbours. Also, watch for our our congregation have
167 - Hosanna
We will be working the thrift store relief workers and building supplies advertisement in the Carlyle Observer their picture taken and
The Crucifixion Friday
April 20 & 22 (construction materials, food, clothing, and the Kipling Citizen. a bio written that we
962 - Were you There vs.
FOR INFOMRATION ON HOW YOU CAN can send down to the
May 18 & 20 water, etc.) to begin the rebuilding proc-  334 - Tis Midnight and On Olives Brow vs.
Sunday school class in
More dates coming very soon. ess. They will be going down in April to BACKPACKS FOR MEXICO SPONSOR A CHILD THROUGH COMPAS-
Lazaro Cardenas, Mexico
315 - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross vs.
337 - Man of Sorrows
 help out. If you are interested in helping SION OR FOR A WAY TO SUPPORT THE where Bernard and Alicia
We have 15 backpacks for RELIEF EFFORTS IN HAITI VISIT are serving as mission-
376 - He Paid a Debt
out financially or any other way please 922 - Jesus Paid It All
Here is a list of upcoming Homemakers send cheques or inquiries to: Mexico and some sup- aries.
www.compassion.ca 371 - And Can It Be
Circle events. For more information talk Attention Haiti Mission plies to fill them. If you Please submit these pic- Lesson
to Judith. are able to contribute tures to Ronda as soon Communion
Strathmore Boulevard Church of Christ SMALL GATHERINGS
April - Public Speaker/ to be an- as possible. Sharing for prayer
nounced. 346 Strathmore Blvd by providing some basic school STARTING NEXT THURSDAY Announcements
For more information
May - Greenhouse. Toronto, Ontario M4C 1N3 supplies please bring them by next Offering
Are small gatherings the steps of talk to Ronda
June - Tea house. Sunday. We would love to fill each Benediction
The specific details will be announced as faith in the right direction?
 backpack so your contributions are
each activity comes up. PATHWAYS THROUGH GRIEF
Because we are called to live for
 welcome. If you have any questions God in this world, it is imperative that we consider how we ought to best accomplish this calling.
Sam Hawkins will be here on April 17th
CHURCH SCRAP BOOK! speak to Owen. The leadership team has had a lengthy discussion about what we see as our calling as a congrega-
and 18th to offer the community a semi-
If you have any photos that you would tion. It is abundantly clear from the scriptures that our role as a people of God is to bring the
nar on coping with loss and grief. All are 
like to be put into a church scrapbook presence and knowledge of Christ to each other and to the world. This is done, not by teaching
welcome to come to the full five sessions GOOD FRIDAY
please talk to Ronda.
on the weekend. There will be three Next Friday is Good Friday, We have alone, but also by relationship building and authentically representing Christ in our respective set-
sessions on Saturday, and two on Sun- been invited to Join with the Carlyle Pen- tings. Small gatherings in our own communities have the potential to accomplish this calling.
day (Bible class and Sermon). A de- tecostal Assembly for a 3:00pm service
The Strathmore Boulevard church of
tailed schedule will be released soon. with a luncheon to follow. For more in- Starting on April 1st we will begin meeting in our communities for just such gatherings. It is our
Christ will be continuing support efforts in
These sessions will be open to the pub- formation talk to Rolland wish that these midweek gatherings become something far bigger and far more important than a
Haiti by sending funds to the church
lic. Please feel free to invite your friends program. What is required of us is that we step out in faith, trusting that God is going bless our
efforts. It is the ambition of the elders that each gathering becomes precisely ‘what-the-doctor-
THE FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER... ordered’ for each place. If the people gathered need a study, then that is what they can do. Like-
wise, if the small gathering in another community wishes to simply fellowship, or serve, or sing,
 Marie McMillan—Continued for Her well being  Melissa Lynch—biopsy for or...whatever is necessary to meet the needs of those attending, then that is precisely what they
Heal concerns  Joe Fox—Surgery for His knee growths. We rejoice with will do. However, it is intended that each small gathering work to accomplish the same end; to
 Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard - and subsequent unemploy- Melissa today, as the results of bring the presence and knowledge of Christ to our respective communities.
Missionaries in Mexico ment. the tests were good. We can break it down in this way;
  The Lawrence Family—as they Relational Evangelism through Authentic Living.
 Brent Peterson—continued Our Shepherds—leadership
and care mourn the loss of Bernice. We want to invite you to pray about this undertaking as well as our direction as a congregation.
We believe that this is a direction we are being lead, and welcome your insight.
 Chris Cornforth—continued  Our small gatherings.
Your Leadership.
 Pamela King—General prayers health concerns.

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